An Interesting Gala

by RandomHumanBeging4112

First published

Twilight Sparkle has been asked to run the Grand Galloping Gala while Celestia and Luna were in Yak-Yakistan. She then neets a mysterious stallion who has a lot in in common with her. Who could this mysterious stallion be?

Twilight Sparkle had been asked to lead the Grand Galloping Gala this year while the two pony sisters are in Yak-Yakistan. She meets a stallion who sounds and looks like a certain boy that Sunset Shimmer mentioned in her story of Camp Everfree, and Flash butts in after Twilight dumped him the night before. This should be an interesting gala....

Hitting it off

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As Twilight Sparkle was getting ready for the Grand Galloping Gala, she noticed that her book from Sunset was vibrating. She picked it up and read what Sunset wrote. After she finished reading, she was shocked at what she saw. She was very intrigued about this place called Camp Everfree, especially by this guy named: Timber Spruce who her human counterpart had a crush on. She put the book down and slipped into her gala dress. It was a simple, navy blue and purple dress with blue-gray puffed sleeves. Her mane was done up in a high bun while keeping her trade mark bangs. She took a deep breath and left her guestroom. She walked down the stairs to go greet some of the guests, no matter how much she didn't want to. When she got down to thhe top of the stairs where she would greet the guests, she saw Princess Cadence holding her daughter, Flurry Heart, and already greeting the guests.

"Oh, Hello Twilight! You can go enjoy the festivities of the gala if you want to." Princess Cadence said.

"Oh no, that's quite alright. I'll stay here and greet the guests." Twilight said while taking her place on the stairs.

"Twilight, is something wrong? You know you can tell me anything."

"No, nothing is wrong."

"Are you sure? Is it about your break-up with Flash last night?" Cadence asked.

"H-how did you know?" Twilight asked.

"Flash was ranting all about it when he was guarding our room last night." Cadence said.


"It'll get better, maybe you two will get back together, maybe you'll find somepony else." Cadence said.

Twilight sighed. "Maybe."

"Hello?" A mysterious voice asked. "Are you Twilight Sparkle?"

"Um, yes? Do you need to schedule an appointment with me?" She asked.

"Well, not exactly. My name is Timber Spruce and, well, this may seem weird but I've watched you from afar, and I'd like to get to know you." The mysterious stallion explained.

Twilight did a double take upon hearing his name. She then got a good look at him. He looked exactly like how Sunset had described him. Orange coat, green, shaggy mane, he even had on a gray hat.

"Wait, did you say that your was Timber Spruce?" Twilight asked.

"The one and only!" He said while bowing.

"Well then, I'd like to get to know you too." Twilight said.

"Twilight," Cadence paused. "he said that he had been watching you from afar. Don't you think that that's a little sketchy? Do you want me to call one of my guards?" Cadence asked.

"No, anything but one of your crystal guards, and I know what I'm doing. And if you still have questions, go read my latest letter from Sunset." Twilight said while walking off.

"Well, okay then. The guests can find their way into the gala themselves. What do ya say we go and read something from Twilight's book, Flurry?" Cadence asked as if her daughter had a choice.

A series of giggles and gurgles came from Flurry Heart as they walked up to Twilight's guest room.

Twilight and Timber decided to ditch the crowded ballroom and talk in the gardens.

"So, Timber, why do you want to get to know me?" Twilight asked.

"Well, I attended your corination, and I figured that you were a decent pony and wanted to get the pony that you were!"

"But that was two years ago, why are you just talking to me now?" Twilight asked.

"Well, I was kinda shy and well, it's kinda hard to talk to a brand-new princess, hehe."

"Heh, good point." Twilight said with a slight smile on her face.

Meanwhile, Cadence and Flurry Heart were in Twilight's guest room reading her message book from Sunset Shimmer.

"Ohhh, now that makes sense, and I think I might know about the crystals, hmmm, I better go tell Twilight." Cadence said.

She grabbed Flurry Heart and walked out of the room, only to to run into the stallion who had hurt her sister in-law.

"Princess Cadence! I'm sorry, I didn't see you there. I was just going to apologize to Twilight, speaking of which, why are in her chambers?" Flash Sentry asked.

"Well, Twilight wants nothing to do with you right now, and why I was in her chambers is none of your business." Cadence said, trying to walk off, only to have Flash block her path.

"I am her body guard, it is my duty to know why anypony is in her chambers! Now tell me why, or I will have to take action!"

"No, it is no longer your duty to protect the princess, Shinning Armor had you fired last night. Now, I know that you would like to apologize to Twilight, but she is not currently in her chambers. Now, I would like to take my daughter and enjoy the Grand Galloping Gala." Cadence said while teleporting away from Flash, instead of walking.

"Only a changeling would say something like that, I probably wasn't fired or else I would know! Oh no! That's not Princess Cadence, that's a channeling! I have to go warn Twilight!" He said while running off.

"Soo, Twilight, what's it like being a princess and living in a castle?" Timber asked.

"Heh, it's tiring. Very tiring." Twilight chuckled.

"Yeah, I can tell by the bags under your eyes." Timber chuckled.

"What?! I thought I got enough sleep last night!" Twilight said.

"Just kidding!"

"Uh-huh. Okay, my turn to ask a question. Hmmmm. What do you do for a living?" Twilight asked.

"I teach nature classes and run a summer camp with my older sister."

"Cool, before I became a princess I was still a student at Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, then when I game to Ponyville, I stayed unemployed because may parents gave me money to pay for food and other things, while Celestia payed my rent." Twilight explained.

"Interesting, how old are you?" Timber asked.

"25, you?"


"Okay, so, how did you get into the gala?" Twilight asked.

"Well, I'm here with my sister to promote our summer camp that's coming up next month."

"Oh, okay, just making sure you did sneak in, does your camp need counselors?" Twilight asked.

"Huh, I've never thought of that, I'll have to go talk to my sister about that." Timber said.

"Okay, 'cause I'd like to volunteer. What's the name of your camp?" Twilight asked.

"Camp Everfree, interestingly." he said.

"Huh, I have never heard of it." Twilight said.

"OH, well-"


"Okay, I did have you fired last night, but Shinning Armor fell asleep before he could tell you and he didn't get a chance to today because of the whole frenzy with Flurry Heart, and this is Timber Spruce, he wanted to talk to me for a little bit."

"How did he get into the gala?" Flash asked while giving Timber the death stare.

"He's here with his older sister to help promote their summer camp." Twilight replied.

"What's it called?" Flash asked.

"Camp Everfree."

"Never heard of it. I'm sorry, but I am forced to take action on you for harassing my girlfriend!" Flash said while charging at the earth pony.

"Whelp, it was nice knowin' ya!" Timber said as he made a run for it.

"Wait!" Twilight said as she took off into the air.

Timber ran into the labyrinth to try to lose Flash. When Twilight entered, she decided just to run after them because she was scared that she would run into trouble with Discord again. Of course, the three got lost and were completely different sides of the maze. Twilight had the unfortunate fate of running into Discord and Fluttershy having a, moment.

"No, I love you more!"

"I love you most! Ha! I win! Take that Fluttershy!"

"Heh, okay fine, you win. I have something special for you. Close your eyes!" Fluttershy said as she pulled something out of her dress.

"Can I open them now?" Discord asked.


Discord opened his eyes to find Fluttershy holding a small box with a ring in it.

"Will you um, marry me, Discord?" she asked.


"Yes, I will be the one to marry you two, Discord, I need your help finding Flash." Twilight finally said.

"H-how long have you been standing there?" a very pale Fluttershy asked.

"I saw the whole thing, congratulations!" Twilight answered.

"Yes, yes, I'll help you find Flash, I heard about your breakup, are you gonna try to get back together?" Discord asked.

"No. I do not want to get back together with him, he's trying arrest someone for "harassing me" we were just talking, willingly! And, he thinks Cadence is a changeling because he wasn't told that he was fired from my personal guar last night."

"Wow. Alright, let me get my annoying ex detector." Discord said.

"There you are Twilight! Have you seen Timber at all?" Flash asked.

"No, and we are no longer dating, and you are no longer my personal guard! And I was willingly talking to Timber! So, just give it up already!" Twilight yelled.

"Fine. We will go our separate ways and you can spend the rest of your days with Timber if that makes you happy!" Flash said as he flew off.

"Flash! Wait! I never said that I didn't want to be friends!" Twilight yelled, but he was out of earshot.

"Oh, hey Twilight, are you okay?" Timber asked as he ran up to her.

"I'm fine, it's just that I basically told Flash to get over me and he flew off, I thought that we could at least still be friends." Twilight said.

"You'll be fine, you wanna go get lunch sometime? I'm free Saturday." Timber asked.

"Sure, I'd like that. Saturday sounds good. Is it a date- I mean not a date-date, but just like a hangout session, you know what I mean?" Twilight rambled.

"Sure. Saturday it is!"

"How about we enjoy the gala while it lasts." Twilight said.


Twilight was really looking forward to Saturday.