The Boyfriend

by Lunasservant1985

First published

Sonata Dusk's boyfriend seemed like the perfect; sweet guy. What she didn't know is he has a secret, one she may or may not like.

Sonata Dusk met someone; he's a little shy, kinda on the dorky side, but he's very sweet. She likes the way he's accepted her for who she is and even trained her to sing without her siren gemstone. His name's Travis...and there's something about him that he doesn't want Sonata to find out about. If she did, she might never see Travis the same way ever again.

His Special Talent.

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The Autumn chill sent soft shivers up my spine, it was enough to make me shudder softly and zip up my jacket tighter as I snuggled beside my new friend..okay maybe more than a friend but I don't wanna rush things. I guess I should start with who I am, I'm Sonata Dusk, perhaps you're familiar with my little...mishap my sisters and I did a while back at school. The whole...trying to take over with the prize of a singing competition. Now I guess you could say the girls and I ever since have tried to change, at the very least get along with everyone at school as opposed to the raging bullies and tyrants we wanted to be. Well okay I convinced the other two Dazzlings to go back and try again.

So it was some time after that we mostly stayed quiet and out of everyone's hair, it was like how Sunset Shimmer must have felt after everyone made her into the school pariah, but there was one...he was this guy in my class...seemed to really understand what it was like. He mostly kept to himself at the back of the room, was about as quiet as I was really. started when Ms. Cheerilee stepped out, maybe it was to use the can, maybe it was to grab some coffee in the teacher's lounge, or maybe it was just to drop off some papers to the office. I kept my head down, mostly trying to focus on the text in my book then getting a better view of what was behind me. I noticed only two faces looking up from their work, some boys who started talking to each other before scooting their desks closer to me. I shook my head and tried to hide under that all too familiar hood I wore back in the "bad old days". I wasn't so lucky.

As they got closer to me, I heard a faint chuckle. "What do you think you're doing? Showing your face around after what you and those sisters of yours did to us?" I think it was one of the jocks, he certainly had the voice of one. I ignored the brashness, of his cold, deep voice. He cleared his throat and said again his threat. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Hey!" said the one on the side beside him from behind me; another voice, this time higher and more annoying so maybe it was
Bright or Whiz. Someone grabbed my hoodie and yanked it off me. I squeaked softly and yelped, and they yanked my head back to look at them face to face. "Bell (as in dumbbell emphasis on dumb) was asking you a question bitch!" Goddess his words hurt and I wanted to just break down and cry but I stayed strong. 'Don't let them see you cry, don't let them see you cry.' I though to myself as
I looked away from them, almost crying but staying strong and trying not too.

"Leave me alone." I said in a weak and almost broken croaking voice.

"Bitch, total bitch who had to be a drama queen and attention whore that to have everything her you made us your personal playthings didn't you?" He asked as he began to pull my blue ponytail...hard. "Fuck off you bitch, can't you see don't want you and your sisters stinking up the air around here any more than you already have? We're sick and tired of you!" he said as loud as he could without alerting any authority, the others didn't even look up or say anything, so much for Canterlot High unity huh?

"B-But-I just." I said as I tried to scoot away from them but they only followed me.

"But nothing you bitch!" He said to me again. "You know, ever since the Battle of the Bands, which you insinuated and ended up ruining our musical showcase. You and your sisters were laughing stocks! Why do you still bother showing your faces around here anyway?"

"But that was a long time ago!" I protested, and I was really starting to cry now. "W-We're different now! We've changed we really have! Like Sunset Shimmer!" I tried to use her as an example to try and reason with them, it wasn't enough.

"Uhuh." Dumbbell said. "Who cares? What, you murder someone or make a bomb threat, serve your time, and come back like 'I'm the nicest person now'? Like we just forgot how you almost made us your puppets?" He said as he began flick his finger painfully at my ear.

"But I didn't kill anyone...and come on...I tried to talk them put of it but they didn't listen to me!" I shook hard, my lip now quivering, soft sobs leaking from my mouth. "Why do you keep doing this to me?" They chuckled and closed in for the kill, they knew they won...knew they had me.

"We don't want you here." he said in a serious tone. "We don't need anyone like you here. You're pathetic, and your sisters should all be better off selling yourselves for money...hell I bet those bodies you got might at least let you get into porn...maybe then you'd be good for something. Some guy whacking you in the face with his dick before nutting all over it! I'd pay money to see that!" He grabbed my collar which used to have my siren gem, I kept the fragments in a little silver locket now. "Maybe you'd be good for that, what do you say me and the other jocks take you into the locker room and try it out...I got a new camera and everything."

"Go away from me pig!" I shouted hoping to Goddess he didn't mean even half of the disgusting things he was saying. My face was showing the florescent light; puffy eyes, stained cheeks from the tears, which were still making their way out, and the sheer look of fear and utter disgust. "Please... *sniff* just...go...away."

"Nobody loves you Sonata." He chuckled as did the other one "Not even your "friends" the Rainbooms...they just feel sorry for you!" I started sobbing now, I tried to keep it low and not make a huge scene, but it was very hard to do. I just wished it could all just stop...

All it meant was for me the insults came first...I think it was Sandal Wood or Bright Idea who said it first..the names still hurt to think about them now...I don't wanna talk about them too much. Then came the balled up paper, oh that wasn't too bad at first, then they began to use worse stuff. Erasers; pencils, soda cans, all aimed at the back of my head. Aria and Adagio said they got it just as bad not counting this one time Adagio had a wad of gum in her crazy bouffant hair, and in my case it wasn't all that bad. Then they stopped, just stopped for no reason. I looked around to see what made them stop, cause it couldn't have been Ms. Cheerilee she wasn't back yet.

"That's enough....leave her alone." I looked up to him, I didn't know his name at the time but it didn't matter. He glared at them both with piercing green eyes and his fist raised behind his head in a right hook gesture. I didn't know what it was at the time but they backed off...almost as if they were afraid of him. Genuinely terrified as if he really was a threat to be fearful of, they backed away and he moved his seat close to me just as Ms. Cheerilee came back.

When I saw him again after that, he had found Dumbbell and was then I learned Travis's secret. I was walking home though the park, a pretty big one maybe a third the size of Central Park, but definitely big enough that you could get lost for a few hours inside it. I made my way down the path near the park's north gate between the trees, their Autumn colors were coming in nicely. A lovely shade of yellow; orange, brown, and red. Little did I know at the time, that I'd be seeing more red soon.

"MHHHHPHH!" A muffled voice cried as loud as it could, I looked around but could see none in any trouble. Then I heard it again followed by the sounds of branches shaking a torrent of leaves rained down on me prompting me to look up. I saw Bright from earlier; he was bound and cocooned in a bright almost blood red sticky goo. It was wrapped around his body and attached to the tree branches, leaves and twigs stuck in it with him. He wasn't so stuck he couldn't make the tree shake as he muffled cries for help from the patch of goo, or web whatever it was that had been pasted over his mouth. Another glob of the stuff was holding his glasses on his face over his eyes so he couldn't see.

"What the hell?! Who...Who did this?" I said softly looking around when I heard some sounds of a struggle in the bushes not far away.

"That's what you get for thinking you can do and say things like to girls and get away with it you bastard!" It was Travis, he sounded a lot more growling in his voice and vicious too. Almost like it wasn't him anymore. "Your pal is lucky I only stuck him in a bird's nest...but you are starting to look....tassssty!" They way he said that last part made me scared. What was he about to do to make him say That? I looked into the little grotto where he'd taken Dumbbell and was mostly horrified by what I saw.

Travis had what I thought was a red skull face mask, then I saw as it moved. The bone like face of his skull began to move as he spoke again, the hideous yellow eyes looking into Dumbbell's as they glowed with a ghostly orange hue. The teeth all gnarled and snaggled as they snapped together. His hands and arms where red too and it looked as if his veins where popping through the skin on them, and they ended in wickedly sharp claw like talons, not fingers. Worst of all, There where these long rubbery and slimy looking tentacles sticking out of his back from under his shirt at least six of them and two more with flat ones sticking out near his shoulders, like squid tentacles. The tentacles all dripping more of that insidious sticky red ooze.

"Please...don't hurt me, I'm sorry for what I said to that siren more of you freaks hurting me." He said as Travis' tentacles began spitting more of that red goo all over him sticking him to the tree.

"You a former changeling breed, I can use this stuff either as a super slippery lube or a tight adhesive like I am now, and it seems to be holding nice and're food for my...other half." He said as he smiled his toothy grin as he bound him to the tree and muffled him with more as he began to run a talon along his scalp. He only managed to make a small cut before I couldn't stand to look at it anymore, it was too much even for me.

"TRAVIS! NO!" I screamed jumping toward them unable to take anymore just standing by. He turned to look at me as his face went from sad.

"So...Sonata?" He said as I got close to him, slowly. I looked into this hideous yellow yellows as the glow lightened and his skull like mouth contorted into a sad grimace. "I...I didn't want see me like..." He couldn't finish, I only reached forward and gently planted a few of my fingers on that hollow sunken cheek bone. For the first time I'd ever known since I could recall, my touch was...human.

"What happened to you?" I said as he made the "face" melt away giving back the cute boyish face under it come back. He still looked sad and forlorn as he began leading me away from the bound dumbbell, as if he knew what I was gonna ask he added,

"He'll be fine, the cocoon will dissolve on its own soon." We walked through the park until he looked around to make sure no one could see he made those...tentacles of his spring out again and he took me in his arms and began "walking" on the tentacles, occasionally grabbing onto things like sign posts and light poles to swing around while hanging off them with his tentacles. He took me back to a dingy block of apartments...hopping the gate with those tentacles of his. I couldn't complain, my sisters and I had a history of sleeping wherever we could be it a motel six or an abandoned flophouse.

"This is where you live?" I asked as he climbed the walls until he reached the windows of the top floor. He nudged a board on the window aside and lead me in. The room was lit by a few bent and damaged lamps; the furniture was all old, and looked battered. The TV was a clunky old box type and the only thing hooked up to it was an old and battered PlayStation.

"Yeah.." He said sitting on the mattress and looking at me with his tentacles drooping low across the floor, slithering softly. "So you're probably wondering a few...okay a lot of things right now. Well I guess I should start by saying, I'm not from around here."

"You're from...Equestria like me?" I asked as he lay back on the with a huff.

"Yeah, I am...are you familiar by any chance with, the changelings?" He asked as I felt a tentacle gently tap at my ankle. " boy, she's not..." His tentacle backed off and slunk away under the bed.

"Those bug ponies that can look like anyone they want?" I said trying my best to recall them, he didn't look anything like a changeling I recalled ever seeing.

"Yeah, you Queen Chrysalis, raised a brood of red changelings, that had...these." He said waving his tentacles around some over him. We where red changelings; shape shifters designed for brute force as opposed to subtly. You see my...special talent in shape shifitng ins't about looking like somepony else. It's meant to shape shift into...well see for yourself." He said making his tentacle become a giant sword blade and a large ax head bigger than any I'd ever seen either in this life or back in Equestria.

"So you're like a battle changeling?" I asked as he shaped his tentacles again, into maces on chains.

"Yeah and the last one too...the others all...I don't wanna say, but I was the only one to survive only to be sent here by your old friend Starswirl."

"He was no friend of mine, he's the reason the other Dazzlings and I got in this mess." I said as I sat beside him and lay down next to him. He turned his head to look at me and sigh solemnly I planted my hand on his face softly and gently stroked his cheek.

"I'm a freak...a monster Sonata...but I couldn't stand to see what those guys did to you." He said as he scooted close to me. I cooed softly as I placed my arm over him and held him tenderly.

"That's what a lot of people said about me, especially after they found out what I really was." I guess we're of a kind you and I." I said as I gently stroked his soft tufts of jet black hair as I heard more of those...things he had slip back into place inside him, I cringed some what at that but shook it off.

"So you're not afraid, or think I'm a monster?' He asked as he placed his own hand in my blue hair.

"No." It was from that point on I knew, Travis and I had something of a deep and meaningful connection.

"No Sonata, it's like this." Travis says as he recites the DO RE ME FA SO LA DEE DOO beginner bit for singing lessons. My voice was certainly getting better since how tone deaf I sounded when I first lost my voice at the battle of the bands, but it was still not as magically charming as it had been. Travis and I where out on the back patio of our house, the one we thankfully had kept even after our loss. My sisters were out doing their day jobs to pay for all this, but it was my day off. The autumn leaves shivered softly in the gentle breeze as I harmonized my voice and could almost feel the shards of my gem forge back together, but it would still be a long time before I could get my voice that strong again.

"How was that?" I asked as I say beside Travis in the swinging patio chair as he held me lovingly. His hands tenderly around my waist drawing me in. I cooed softly into his ear as I felt him press his lips on my cheek softly. It was then I felt something wet and slimy on ankle. "YAH! What the?..." I said I saw one of his red tentacles darting away in surprise.

"OH damn it Sonata! I...I'm so sorry. These...these things are...well it's not just anger that sets them off, you see as a changeling...even a rare red breed of one, my tentacles react and are triggered by...pretty females. Human, or pony...or sea pony siren." I blushed and giggled at the thought of that, he found me pretty? "They..they really seem to like you." He added as another one slithered up to me and held itself out to me like a hand. I took it softly and planted a gentle kiss on it. Though it was covered in slick slimy lube a wet oily feeling aside, it didn't taste bad. It didn't taste of anything really.

Okay call me weird all you want, but I was starting to get a very naughty idea from kissing Travis little "friends." An idea I'd been having ever since I first got used to these things to, "so Travis? You ever thought about having fun with these things?" I asked as my word made him turn beet red and stammer as he asked.

"What do you" I giggled and took him by the red tentacle to show him just what I meant.

"Okay." I said to him as I walked around into my room with Travis and his now retracted appendages well hidden under his red jacket. "Door is locked, curtains closed, and I'm not expecting my sister's back from work soon...then again...we always did like to...share." Those words made him squeak softly and chuckle nervously, who was the multi tentacled monster again? Perfect." I said as I giggled and placed a hand on his cheek softly, "we can go slow and you can let your little...friends out when their ready." I said as I softly kissed him on the lips. It was a very loving and tender kiss, nice and slow before the real fun began.

I had only known Travis for about a week at the time, but in that small amount of time I just couldn't wait for what I had planned on doing with his..."special talent." I had always found tentacle sex hot, and back in Equestria mares could summon magical tendrils to pleasure them all they wanted. I never thought I'd ever get the chance to play with real tentacles given the lack of magic in this world, but it really seemed like my wish was about to come true. I began to give him a harder kiss, with my tongue slowly slipping into his mouth with a soft giggle escaping my lips. He gasped softly as that seemed to be just the little push his special gift needed to come out and play.

"My naughtiest little fantasy..." I began as I looked at him at eye level and locked my gaze into his glowing green eyes. "Has always have some real big hentai tentacles to play with." I said as I gently placed my lips onto the smooth surface of locket, to my surprise it began to glow the way the jewel fragments inside used to.

"My...tentacles, they seem to be attracted to the tiny bit of magic the gem fragments still have." He said as the tip softly tapped the silver. When the tentacle moved away, the gem of my siren jewel was embedded into the silver and it was pieced back together and glowing!" A few seconds passed before I stopped my kiss to look at the jewel.I began to see the faint glow in it grow as strong as my old necklace, then I let out a harmonious tone. My voice was back, as each second passed, the glow began to brighten and my voice and my power got stronger. As did Travis's, his tentacles became longer and thicker and they began to flail around wildly before a few smaller ones began to spring out in little writhing bundles out near his wrists. Before long, the jewel fired a beam of crimson colored magic at us. The beam struck us both directly on the heads before we both soon became entirely encompassed in a crimson aura, slightly beginning to hover just a few inches above her carpet.

When the aura dissipated, we dropped back down to the floor. "My''s stronger than ever!" I said as I demonstrated this by lifting the bed up with one hand effortlessly. I jumped up into the air and grabbed onto the ceiling clinging to it before dropping back down. Travis was no slouch either, his hair had grown longer and his tentacles now began to flail around thick as arms. Not that their size or girth was gonna scare a siren like me. "Tentacles." I said as I stared at them, "I can't believe I'm about to ravaged by tentacles!" I said as I got on the bed and let him work his magic.

He stood at one end of the bed smirking at me as he made them slither across the bed, staining my sheets with their slime as they snapped and flopped at me before I felt them wrapping around my wrists and ankles hard. "Naughty girl." He said in a voice only slightly less growly and deep than the one he used on Dumbbell. He made his tentacles tighten around my limbs before they flipped me over and forced me onto my hands and knees as they lifted my skirt up and exposed my purple frilly panties. I felt more tentacles start to teasingly rub along the fabric of my kinky sheen underwear as they slapped their wet slimy tendrils against the fabric and my bare ass cheeks.

As a response, a tentacle touched me slowly on the cheek before it stopped just a few inches in front of my face and began to open and "bloom," like a weird alien plant. "Someone want a little kiss?" Travis said as he inched the mouth like opening closer to me. I nodded as I popped my mouth open and felt dripping slime over her face, until the snakelike mini wiggling tendrils licked out, and began to prod at my mouth. The mouth like opening wrapped around my mouth as the tentacles slid over my face and squeezed softly. It was a little constricting, but brief as he slowly backed them off my face, leaving trails of slime all over it like cum covering my face.

All of his tentacles seemed to literally exude slime now. As they slithered over my face, my legs, and under my shirt as they popped the buttons of my jacket open exposing my tee under it. I found my throat raw from kissing that...thing, but I still managed to find enough breath for another soft shriek as the monstrous tentacles began to nuzzle up between my thighs, to press hard against my pussy over my panties teasingly. They seemingly began lifting me up, pressing me against the wall. As they seemed to start to vibrate, and in spite of myself, I moaned like total raging slut as I began to enjoy it.

Travis bent his head down as he stood beside me, his tentacles not missing a single beat as he kissed me with his real face and mouth now. As his long and now very snakelike tongue flicked out to slither my neck as his tentacles reached under the cups of my bra to tease my breasts, as his tentacles continued to coat me in more slime, and yet somehow, that slick, smooth feeling excited my nipples, making them stiff, making them hard; as he pushed my body against the wall, the feeling of those soft rubbery surfaces as they rubbed against my slimed up body and wet clothes seemed almost enrapturing.

My body jerked repeatedly, arms and legs flailing as he held me up in the air before dropping me and releasing me from all his tentacles, their force alone was like having a sweet treat taken away before you can finish eating it. I felt almost empty as he slithered his tentacles way, leaving my wet soaking, slimy body alone and free from his grip. My passions were definitely rising, my own juices adding to the slime seemingly dripping from every part of my body. I felt no shame or guilt in the fact that I was actually starting to enjoy this, to savor the thrusting phallic shapes around me, enjoying the way I was pinned so forcefully, so helplessly to the wall as this nightmare creature ravished me! I moaned in pleasure but also longing for more.

" it everything you ever imagined it be?" He asked me as I panted hard, I mewled mindlessly and cooed as I began to spread they slick goo all over my self like thick coatings of body wash. The situation rapidly overpowering my senses. I shuddered and howled, fighting to get free, but also fighting to get more, until finally the combined sensations were too much for my confused senses and I began to convulse, thrashing without purpose, screaming out my pleasure as a massive climax tore through my body, and he hadn't even penetrated me yet! My vaginal muscles spasmed hard around the fabric of my panties as my sentience seemed to have fled and I wailed, wanting ever more of what he was giving me.

It was almost as if his tentacles were waiting for that, as if they fed off the waves of pleasure emanating from my nervous system, as I did dismay and anger. Moments later he raised his tentacles back to only they where much slower this time, more gentle. I held a hand out again and allowed the tentacle to touch me. I proceeded to softly grab it, enjoying the feeling of it against my slicked up skin before I felt another one brush against my thigh. They weren't as forceful or direct this time, almost as if...I turned my head up see Travis chugging down a little bottle of Jack Daniels like it was water. "Travis? What are you?" I asked confused as he 'ahhed' and tossed the bottle on the night table hard.

"It...calms them down, they were getting too rough with you, almost like they couldn't tell I wasn't trying to fight you. I felt them start to take control again, the park." I nodded understanding, I may have a fetish for tentacle hentai but I didn't want this to turn into La Blue Girl...yet. This did make me chuckle a bit at how it was almost...comical they he had to get them to calm themselves with some liquor.

"Eager for some fun, huh fellas?" I playfully asked the writhing masses. The tentacles darted into my field of vision and gently went up and down, as if trying to nod "yes," as if they had minds of their own now. "Woah!" I said. "Travis...they...they can understand me?" The tentacles repeated their action before their master could answer, making us both chuckle again in response.

"They like to play, but sometimes they can't even wait for me to tell them what to do." He said before removing his jacket and kicking out of his boots, his socks; tee shirt and underwear soon followed until he stood before completely naked with his tentacles coiling from his body. They seemed attached to him, not sticking out of his skin in any way.

"Before we get started, I need to know something first." I said as one tentacle began to move close to me with a "drunken" sway, seemingly drawn to my beauty as it removed my jacket and placed it in the dirty clothes hamper, for obvious reasons.

"Of course Sonata anything." He said as another tentacle began to tug at my pink colored bra that was equally soaked with slime as the beasts within. "I'm not gonna get pregnant from this. Am I?" I said with a giggle, I was hoping to have some fun, but not THAT much fun. The tentacles moved shaking as if saying "no," their master replied with his own words,

"not from them, but I can still get you pregnant if I cum inside your pussy." He said somewhat disappointed, if not understanding. I giggled and gave my hips a soft sway as I teasingly said.

"Good, but I don't want you to feel left out of all the fun Travis, so I guess you're dick will just have to take the tightest of my...holes." I replied, my words seemed to lift his eager spirits as he began to inch his tentacles closer to me. "Now that's taken care of, I think we can get the real fun started for all of us...boys." I said to both him and his "friends." I felt him them grab slowly at my skirt as he pulled it down. I teased him and his tentacles more by swaying my hips from side to side. Until my skirt reached the floor, Two more tentacles took it and tossed it into the dirty clothes hamper, as four wrapped around my wrists and ankles again and began spreading my arms and legs out, I let myself become surrounded by the tentacles. One by one, the tentacles wrapped themselves around my arms and legs, binding me nice and tight as they kept spreading my now butt naked body out all helpless and exposed. One of them began to shiver as it took on an end that resembled a penis shaft and head ad it slapped at my face softly, tapping against my cheeks before hovered close me and repeating it's tapping and slapping.

"That's more like it, let the real fun begin boys." I said to him and the tentacles alike as he tilted my head upward to give me another kiss before sauntering behind me, leaving only the tentacle, which I gave a soft kiss. I slowly parted my lips and gently moved my tongue across it before sucking on the tip moaning softly like it was a cock for me to service, making it shake a bit.

Soon, I tilted my head back to make my throat have enough room as I began to suck the head and a few inches of the shaft softly as I wrapped my mouth around the tentacle. Inviting them all especially the tentacle around my lips to come in deeper by wiggling my tongue. Tentacle didn't take long to make the next move. It slowly positioned itself over my mouth before it began to slowly enter. I thought it would shove itself down my throat like in so many hentai movies, but I remembered it'd had been calmed by the master's booze. In an effort to show that I could handle it getting rough with me, I began to wrap my tongue around it as I sucked it moaning louder around it.

"Heh sorry Sonata, but they can't really do anything too hard after that much whiskey." As if they wanted to show him how wrong he was, the tentacle in my mouth quivered and shivered again before starting to go further, and faster. I closed my lips around the appendage before sucking on it with wet slurping noises, giving his tentacle a soft moan of pleasure as my tongue lapped at the rubbery thick tip. Soon the tentacle began to face fuck me hard, its resolve returning with gusto.

As I felt the one in my mouth face fucking me, I felt two more of them start to tug at my panties hard. The fabric barrier didn't stand a chance as it wasn't long before the tentacles keeping my legs spread lifted them up and the ones on my panties ripped them from me with a snap of the waist band exposing my pussy and tight, puckering anus to the waiting tendrils and their master's hard cock who wanted so badly to occupy them. It wouldn't be long before I felt one of them teasingly circle around my clit, as two more around my nipples did the same. Teasingly rubbing the hard nubs and making me moan with delight while I continued to pay attention to the one in my mouth.

The tentacle in my mouth soon began to slip deep into my throat, it seemed to bypass my gag reflex as it went deeper than any dildo I'd ever used to practice blow jobs on. I smiled around it as I felt it going deeper and deeper into my gullet. I was so sure this tendril was squirming in the pit of my stomach as it swirled and slithered coldly and warmly inside me. As this was going on, I felt one tentacle teasing at my pussy while Travis began to hot dog his hard long cock in between the cheeks of my ass. 'I thought I said fuck me.' I thought before I realized what they were doing. In an effort to make it as pleasant as possible, especially in Travis' case given the only hold he could fuck without any chance of getting me knocked up. His tentacles where squirting more lube all over me. Sure I was soaking in the stuff but he wasn't taking any chances of hurting me, especially since this was my first time. I moaned softly as I felt them lubing my holes up; asshole and pussy, for the inevitable penetration.

'How thoughtful, I have such a loving boyfriend.' I thought before I felt a tentacle teasing my clit as it moved down and I felt it slowly pushing through into my tight, virgin pussy with a thrust. I gasped around the one inside my gullet at the feeling of losing my virginity to a tentacle, but they kept going. Trying to keep up with his friends, Travis decided to begin entering my tight hole. I heard him grunting loudly with effort as his cock head pushed back at the squeezing; clamping of my anal ring, as another pleasurable groan emanated from me in tune with his groans of pleasure. Despite the tightness of my back door, he slipped inside my ass with ease, no doubt thanks to the slimy lube I was marinated in.

The tentacle in my stomach began to push even deeper as it worked my insides like a drain snake. It started to push further into my digestive tract as it began to coil around in my intestines while his cock was soon joined by another tentacle! The feeling was a mix of pain and pleasure as i felt the double anal. I almost wanted another to squeeze alongside the one in my pussy. As if reading my wind, yet another tentacle squeezed in with the one fucking me vaginally! I took three tentacles and one cock in my both my holes. While another was probing around inside me and two more where getting stroked and pumped like a pair of dicks getting hand jobs.

I tilted my head back in sheer bliss; I felt slutty, I felt used, I felt like a total whore to be taking all these phallic appendages inside me so deep in so many ways, and I loved every second of it! I began giving the tentacles in my hands harder strokes as I jerked them off and fell Travis thrust his hips ramming his cock into my ass had as it pressed against a tentacle. My body felt a comfortable warmness that made me sigh with pleasure as i felt them stuff me more than most women can only dream of getting stuffed. Soon, the tendrils and the cock in my holes had started to get a good rhythm going as one going in while the other went out. I was lifted in the air again and moaning like a total raging slut as I was bounced on Travis and his tentacles over the bed. I bounced and was rocked as they held me up and fucked me harder and faster.

My eyes softly and slowly closed in pleasure as I was held up like a mounted trophy as I was enjoying the feeling, the sensation, the bliss of getting tentacle fucked. I let my whole body go limp as I gave in to them, signalling to the tentacles and Travis that my body was theirs to enjoy; to use, to ravage and mercilessly fuck like a dirty filthy hentai whore. They quickly picked up on the idea and soon began to go even deeper within me. Travis shut his own eyes and was still going, fucking my ass hard stretching me wide open with his dick and the red snakelike tentacle stopped as it just shot up and kept going deeper inside, slithering and worming around inside me as it worked its way through my rectum and until it hooked onto the one that had worked its way into me through my mouth.

This made my eyes quickly shoot open as nothing had ever gone so deep before, but they just kept going. This action shot waves of new pleasurable feelings throughout my body. It definitely gave new meaning to the term "spit roasting." I was held up like a luau pig on the spit as Travis spun me around like one with his hands and the tentacles in my hands. I felt myself spinning around on the spit of the tentacles before I was suspended over the bed as they resumed fucking me hard.

'Holy fucking A!" I thought as the tentacles held each other as they slow parted and slithered slowly along my insides, not out of me, but just back into their "normal" reach they'd have if they'd been real dicks. "Ohhhhh fuck me!" I thought before my eyes rolled up at the feeling of being penetrated and probed this deep. There wasn't a hint of discomfort at all from this and I found myself to be enjoying this more than any toy or hell, no other guy in this strange world probably ever could make me feel this good! As they shifted back into reasonable depths in my rectum and throat, the tendril and cock that was occupying my pussy had been slowly going in and out, biding their time while the one that was roaming around in my ass and intestines had their fun.

"Fuck me hard!" I said briefly when one popped from my mouth for a second as the one ones that had spun me moved back into place in my hands as two tentacles had started snaking their way around my breasts. They squeezed my tits hard as if they tried to "milk" them." I felt like I was gonna pass out if they didn't stop sensory overloading me. The tentacles began to squeeze them, earning more muffled moans from me as I was enjoying the wonderful experience. Harder and faster, tugging at my tits with soft suction noises and wet pops as they squirted more thick slimy goo all over my chest and nipples. While the ones in my hands began spraying me with thick white semen like ooze. My face got splashed with their slime as my eyes where glued shut from so much cum like gunk. (metaphorically speaking of course)

All of these actions had been pushing me even closer and closer to the edge of a total orgasmic bliss, but all I needed was one final shove before I could enjoy It more than any I'd ever felt before. As if he could Sense this, Travis made a smaller more rapidly wiggling tentacle sprout just above the one that was pounding away at my pussy and started rapidly rubbing and squirming itself against my clit as the cocks and the dick pounded away at me as hard they could. Travis grunted giving it his all not to cum before I did, I could tell he couldn't last much longer "Ohhhhh fucking fucking hell yes!" I said with my mouth briefly free as my wet pussy juices began coating the tentacles within me. "Right there Travis! Oh yes! Oh Baby! Oh Fuck! Yes! Ohhhh fuck me! Fuck me! Travis! Cum inside me already! Please cum Travis! Please cum! " I said. "I fuck I need to be filled up!"

It wasn't long before my demand was fulfilled. I could soon feel each tentacle beginning to twitch as the minutes passed me by. My eyes then started to see white flashes and spots as tentacle and his massive meaty member twitched and he let out loud guttural moans before all his tentacles and his cock gave one final inward thrust into all my holes. I felt bulges in my insides as I felt my stomach getting filled with a thick, warm salty ooze and then I started feeling the same thing in my asshole and pussy. Tentacles and cock where shooting slime and cum deep within my entire body until I felt my very womb and my stomach being filled to the maximum capacity.

I let one final groan of pleasure out, feeling myself being full of Travis' cum before each one of his tentacles slowly pulled themselves out of me.The larger ones that he had used to keep me held up in the air gently lowered onto the bed. The whole room was flooded with slime, and the mattress was ruined. I didn't even care, I breathed heavily, exhausted from the experience but satisfied. I watched as he smiled at me as he made his tentacles retract inside him as if they where never there. With a snap of his fingers he even made all the slime vanish! The mattress became as good as new, my clothes were not so lucky thought, I still bet he that on purpose.

" was I?" He asked as he cuddled beside me, We held each other close as warm tiredness mead it almost too much to talk even. I only cooed softly and cuddled up to him as I threw the blanket over us and felt the warm embrace of both him, and sleep taking me.

"Fucking great Travis...Fucking great." I said as I cuddled into my pillow and finally felt a deep; peaceful, sleep.