Monster's Curse: Another Choice

by Fuzzyfurvert

First published

CYOA 'add-on' to Jumbled Thought's Monster's Curse. Tame makes a another choice and finds a new mare at the end of his path.

Tame, monster hunter extraordinaire, is still trapped in the mysterious castle full of monsters. Monsters that are actually cursed ponies. Cursed ponies that are all mares. All mares that only want one thing: freedom from the curse.

Or failing that, the D.

Originally written for Jumbled Thought's Monster's Curse, but things went sideways and I missed getting it in in time. Story is in Choose Your Own Adventure style, and links back to the original, if you want to try and navigate the entire castle. This path starts assuming you/Tame choose the Bottom Left Stairway.

Contains: Hetro shipping(I'm sorry), character a lot, monster mare on male OC action if you make it to the end.

Good luck storming the castle!

Chapter 1

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Bottom Left Staircase

Tame followed the stairs down as they spiraled in a tight circle to a lower level. The ambient light from the moon outside faded quickly and he stopped at the second turn to let his eyes adjust to the gloom. It was quiet as a tomb, his breath and heartbeat extra loud to his ears. Tame reached out and touched the wall to his right before he started down again, cautiously. A fall here in the dark could be just as deadly as any monster, and he really didn’t enjoy the idea of having to field splint a broken leg or arm while in a dank stairwell.

Dank? Tame tested the air again, the scent of the old ruin cloying his snout with who-knew-how-many years of dust, but he could definitely pick out a faint hint of wetness, like old stagnant water. Or almost dried mud. Unless there is some magical bullshit going on here with the stairs, there is no way I’ve gone far enough down to be at the bottom of that gorge outside.

Tame continued to ease his way down the stairs until the floor suddenly leveled out into a murky hallway. The carpet under his hooves crunched oddly and in the distance, at the far end of the hall, he could see a wee bit of flickering light. Along the hallway, he could make out several darker, doorway shaped shadows that probably lead off to rooms or more hallways. The hall itself seemed empty except for a few overturned bits of wooden furniture and what were likely paintings that had been knocked from the walls.

He kneeled, running his fingers over the suspiciously crunchy carpet. It felt rough, the fibers stiff and pointing in every direction, and they were covered in a layer of grit that hadn’t been on the floor upstairs. Tame pinched some between his fingers and held it up to his nose. It smelled like mud. Flooding maybe? Did the castle have a moat once and it drained? This stuff makes me think of rivers and ponds, so was it natural, or magical means that coated the floor with it? He frowned and tossed the grit aside, standing up again as he decided what to do.

Chapter 2

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Check Out the nearest Doorway

Tame brushed his hands on his pants, squinting at the nearest of the shadowy recesses that he could make out in the deep gloom of the hallway. If he was going to get anything out of this adventure, he was going to need to do some looking around. The metallic, living cable that was coiled about his arm and chest flexed slightly, causing him to frown.

Going to need to do something about that soon. Tame sighed, stepping forward quietly across the wrecked carpeting. Note to self: don’t go kicking any other golden orbs. He eased up against the wall, leaning into it so he could reach the edge of the doorway without presenting himself to anything that might be lurking inside.

Tame paused at the door frame, straining his ears for any sound other than the ones he was making. Nothing happened for a few seconds, so he leaned forward, still against the wall, to peek inside. The room was fairly large, from what he could see. Windows near the ceiling let in a little more moon light, making the area brighter than the hallway. The extra illumination clearly outlined a couple of long tables with simple benches lining them on both sides. The tables were covered with what looked like plates and bowls, as if some group meal were about to be served. Tame could make out the shine of cutlery laid out amidst the plates, but nothing moved.

“So far, so good.” He kept his voice low and inched himself closer to the door, taking stock of the room until he was certain it was as empty as it seemed. Only then did he allow himself to step into the light and enter the room proper. Tame put his fists on his hips, scanning everything with his eyes. “Yeah...a dining room. Things are looking up.”

He rolled his eyes and took a moment to ease his tension, rubbing the spot on his chest where the had item had stabbed him. “Might as well take a look around. Might find something useful for a change.”

A quick search of the dining room didn’t turn up anything useable, just a bunch of dust covered dishes and slightly corroded flatware. There wasn’t even so much as a sharp knife, and Tame didn’t think a rusty fork would do him any good if a monster attacked. When he turned around, he noticed that the doorway from the hall did have a door, it was just smashed against the wall, the wood barely hanging onto the hinges. The wood had deep gouges from top to bottom, as if something large and with powerful claws had gone to town on it. Upon closer inspection, the grit he had noticed in the hallway only extended a few feet into the room as well. Despite the door, the rest of the room seemed untouched.

“At least something with claws came through here recently.” Tame smirked in anticipation. “Better than just some flooding in somepony’s lower levels.” Tame tapped a finger on his nose, looking around the room again and spotting what looked like another door in one of the darker corners. If he was going to make any progress tonight, he needed to get moving.

Chapter 3

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Check out the Door in the Corner

Tame stepped up to the door and gripped the handle tightly. He braced himself for anything, ready to spring away if something came through as soon as he opened the door.

He yanked it open. “Aha! It’s...a closet.” Tame blinked at the shelves that were neatly packed with even more dusty dishes, tablecloths, an old broom, some faded party streamers and colorful paper hats. “This is the most boring adventure I’ve had yet. What’s next, Tame discovers a bathroom?”

With a forlorn sigh, Tame closed the door to the closet.

Chapter 4

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Head back to the Hallway

Back in the hall, Tame reviewed his options again. He could head back upstairs and check a different section of the castle. Or he could keep going down the hall. There’s another recessed doorway a little further along. That’s got to be more interesting than an empty dining room. Those fallen paintings might shed some light on the previous residents. Tame squinted down the length of the hall at the light coming from around the corner. And there’s that too.

Chapter 5

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Check out the far Shadowy Doorway

Tame approached the door at the far end of the hall. Now that he was closer, the light coming from around the corner at the end of the hallway appeared to have an orange colored tint to it, not unlike fire light. He didn’t smell smoke though, only the muddy, ‘rivery’ smell of the grit that coated the floor. The carpet was even stiffer here and crunched audibly underhoof.

Tame came to a stop just outside the door, listening for any sounds. Nothing made a peep, so he walked up to the door and examined it, running his fingers lightly over the surface. It had dozens of shallow gouges across it from the floor to about the height of his waist. He pushed on the door and it swung open easily. Inside was a narrow space, hardly large enough to be called a proper room, with tightly spiraled staircase that lead to some upper level and a dumbwaiter built into one wall. The dumbwaiter had a simple wooden cover that was latched shut.

Chapter 6

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Check the Dumbwaiter

Tame stepped over to the dumbwaiter and tapped on the wooden cover with his knuckles. It rattled slightly in its frame. It was perhaps as wide as his shoulders and sounded hollow. He turned the latch holding it closed and pushed the little door open. Inside, the platform was lowered and he could see used and dirty dishes with food of some kind still stuck to the edges of the plates. All of it was covered with a fairly thick layer of dust and from what he could see there seemed to be some spider webbing in the gears and pulley system that operated the dumbwaiter.

Tame leaned into it and looked up, the shaft leading up into complete darkness. Hmmm...not climbing up that anytime soon. I wonder where it connects upstairs? He looked back at the collected webs and the dust on the dishes. And just how long has this place been around? Wish I understood more about curses.

Tame pulled his head out when he noticed a tiny sliver of color against the pale platform of the dumbwaiter. Tame reached out and plucked the hair between his thumb and forefinger. It was pink, curly, and long. “Now who do you belong to, hmm?”

Tame turned around, closing the tiny elevator’s door behind him.

Chapter 7

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Back to the Hallway

Tame stepped back out in the hallway. Everything was just as he’d left it.

Chapter 8

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Check out the fallen Paintings

Tame creeped down the hallway, his eyes bouncing from the loose pile of broken furniture and picture frames to the light coming from around the corner at the end of the hall. The grit that was coating the carpet runner in the hall was thicker here, practically silt deep enough to cover the carpet completely in places. He knelt when he reached the nearest one, turning it over to get a look at the front of it. The frame was broken in two places, so he had to lift it with both hands and the water that had come through the area had not been kind to the oils.

The front of the painting was a jumble of colors with almost no detail remaining, but it looked like it might have been a painting of the castle itself. The colors were still bright however, and it seemed to be a daytime scene from some long ago, happier time. Tame shrugged and set the painting aside, moving to the next one that was propped somewhat against the broken pieces of some sort of end table.

“Hmmm...this looks smashed. Whatever happened here, it looks like something big and wet came barreling down this hall, judging from the pile of kindling these...what were these?” Tame picked up what he assumed was a leg and turned it over in his hand. Despite being snapped into several pieces, the quality of craftsmanship was still obvious. “Tables? Vanities? Hell if I know. It’s junk now.” He dropped the piece back into the silt and grabbed the second painting.

This one had managed to partially escape the water damaging the previous painting had taken. Several figures stood together in what looked vaguely like the main foyer he had entered when he had first come into the castle. Arrayed on the stairs, the figures were all obviously female and dressed in what looked like it had once been high end dresses, but much of the finer details were lost. “Well, damn...this place used to be populated with pretty girls? Just my luck that now all it has is monsters and shitty magical items.”

The third and fourth paintings didn’t do anything to clear up what was going on either. Both had significant water damage and one was almost shredded entirely by what could only have been a massive, clawed foot of some sort. Both paintings showed more figures from what he assumed were happier, times in the past, but their faces were ruined beyond recognition. All Tame could piece together was that there seemed to be two figures that were more prominent than the others, a dark colored mare and a pale, almost white colored mare. Either they had some very funky manes, or the splotches of gold meant that they had worn crowns.

Tame pondered all this for a few more moments and then set the paintings aside and stood once more, brushing the silt off his hands.

Chapter 9

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Check out the flickering Light

Tame moved closer to the turn of the hall where the flickering fire-like light was coming from. He didn’t hear anything except for the crunching of the carpet under his hooves. As he neared the corner, he noticed the carpet was not only stiffer and coated with even thicker grit and silt, with large jagged rips and tears. It looked like whatever had caused it, needed a lot of extra traction at this point for some reason.

Something with big claws came through here. Tame scratched his head and squatted down to inspect the mess closer. With the aid of the extra light, he quickly spotted a partial print in the built up dirt and sand. Definitely reptilian. Tame held his hand over the print and spread his fingers as wide as they would go and didn’t quite reach the edges. Fuck.

He sighed and stood up again. The bend was perhaps another ten feet from him and right where the hall turned, the carpet was in the worst shape, completely destroyed and thrown about. He eased forward, cautious again, and pressed his back to the wall before peeking around the corner. The light he was seeing came from a doorway that was about a dozen or so feet away and partially open. Here at the corner, a new scent invaded his nose, fighting with the wet muddy smell of the dirt that covered the floor and the walls almost up to his knees. that food? Is someone baking down here? Tame raised an eyebrow, leaning a bit more around the corner.

Chapter 10

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Examine the Wrecked Floor

Tame dropped down to his knees, frowning at the fresh noseful of the stagnant silt. Something was bothering him about the way the carpet sat and the dirt was spread in the area right at the corner. He bit his lip, thinking on it. What is it? Something’s not right here.

Tame grabbed the carpet where it folded over on itself and pulled it up. The coating of foul smelling grit fell away, with the wooden plank flooring below it still damp and starting to wrap and split. He tugged the carpet aside and the thick cloth backing gave way, the whole side coming away with a loud ripping sound. Underneath he could see more of the water-stained wood floorboards and even more evidence of something heavy with large clawed feet passing through at some point. In fact, the wood here, under the carpet where it was most ruined, was similarly scarred and pitted with claw marks and gouges. As if whatever had made them had suddenly lost traction and had dug in and dragged itself over the floor.

“But why would it do that?” He pulled the carpet away some more and paused when he noticed a perfectly straight groove in the floor that cut across the boards from one wall to the other. The gouges, which traveled more or less in the same direction as the floorboards, were particularly deep there. “What the hell happened here?”

Tame traced one of the longer claw marks with his hand, reaching forward to the other end of the gouge, when the floor under him gave way. He hit the floor with a painful thud that knocked the wind out of him, his arms and head hanging out over the hole that wasn’t there a moment ago. “Uhhgg...fuck. The hell?” Around him, silt and sandy mud dropped into the pit, taking ruined pieces of carpeting with it.

Tame pushed himself back from the edge, getting onto his hands and knees. The odd seam he’d noticed turned out to be a hinged section of flooring. Below it, there was a deep pit that looked like it was carved into the bedrock under the castle. At the bottom of the pit, Tame could see murky water with a tiny sliver of a ledge just above the water line. On the ledge he could make out dozens of bones, including a pony skull, resting in a loose pile. The falling debris from the edge of the open slashed into the water, sending small waves to lap at the single bit of shore.

“At least now I know where all this smelly mud came from. But how the fuck did it get up here? This pit has got to be twenty feet deep!” Tame sat back on his hooves, scratching his head when the water heaved and washed across the ledge below. Out of the brackish murk, a huge alligator many times his size emerged and turned dinner-plate sized purple eyes up towards him.

Tame inched a little further from the edge and climbed to his hooves. “Not sure how I’d bring you back without some other equipment, big guy. Don’t go anywhere, okay?”

Chapter 11

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Check out the door at the End of the Hall

Tame turned the corner, but he only made it a single step when the floor under him gave way. He yelled, arms flailing for a split second of freefall before he hit murky, black water, silt and ruined carpeting raining down around him. In a moment of panic, he thrashed about until his hoof connected with the solid wall of the pit. The spark of pain triggered his survival training, his arms starting to pump him toward the surface.

He broke the water’s edge a moment later and gasped for breath. Above him, he could see where a hinged section of the floor had released and dumped him into what looked like a hole dug directly into the bedrock under the castle. There was a small ledge near the surface and Tame made a beeline for it. He pulled himself up, hands slipping in the thick, gritty mud, but he made it out of the water.

Tame took a deep shuddering breath and sat back on his hooves. At his knees, sharing space on the ledge, was a dingy white pony skull and a loose pile of other bones. No shred of coat, mane or flesh remained with them, and each was cracked and fissured with the telltale signs of teeth marks.

“Well, shit.”

That was all he managed to get out when the water suddenly surged upward, washing over the ledge and his legs. Tame turned around in time to catch a glimpse of dinner-plate sized eyes and impossibly wide jaws lined with teeth before everything went black.

Chapter 12

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Leap Across the Pit to the Open Door

Tame took a step back, gathering himself before springing forward and leaping the corner of the open pit and leaning safely on the other side. The huge alligator rumbled and when he looked back, Tame caught a flick of its tail as it slipped back into the dark water. “I wonder what that thing eats down here?”

He shrugged and filed the question away for a later time before turning back to the partially open door. The smell of cooking was stronger now. It smelled like the bakery he picked up doughnuts at sometimes while in town. The flickering orange light cast long shadows from the door, but nothing seemed to be moving that he could see. Tame creeped up to the door, his ears swiveling to focus. Unlike the rest of the hallway so far, he could hear the faint snapping and crackling noise of a large wood fire and some other rapid clicking sound. Whatever was making it didn’t sound close, so he peeked around the edge of the door.

Tame narrowed his eyes against the brighter light. A fire, contained in an enormous fireplace, was burning steadily across from him. An equally enormous cauldron sat in the flames, supported on blackened metal rods, steam wafting up from its contents. From where he was, Tame could see that the room was a giant kitchen that could be capable of supporting an army of cooks and servers. Counter tops, and even much of the floorspace, seemed to be covered in every assortment of dish, pot, pan, tray, bowl, plate, and things he couldn’t name, all of them piled up dangerously. Most of them looked like they were in serious need of a date with the kitchen sink.

He didn’t see anything moving around, but the rapid clicking sound continued just outside of where he could see without poking his head directly in the room.

Chapter 13

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Try to Sneak in Quietly

Tame squated and turned to the side, blowing out all his breath so he could slip between the door and the frame without opening it any wider than it was. He just barely fit through the narrow space and he had to watch his hooves to avoid accidentally knocking over a stack of pans, but eventually, he was fully in the kitchen.

Now that he was inside, Tame took cover against the side of one of the long island counters. He gripping the edge of it and raised himself up slightly to peer at the rest of the giant room. Several more separate island counters ran down the length of the kitchen and along the wall where the cauldron sat in the fire, there were a few large ovens and an older style rangetop covered in pots that were bubbling and steaming.

Further down the row of counters, the source of the clicking noise revealed itself to be a wide mixing bowl. Its contents were being stirred furiously by the pinkest, curviest mare he had ever laid eyes on. She had a mass of pink curls spilling out from under a tall chef’s hat, sparkling blue eyes, and the kind of body songs were sung about. As far as he could see from where he was hiding, she seemed to be wearing a kitchen apron—to match her hat—but nothing else, her overly generous chest spilling out from the sides.

“Jeezus…” Tame whispered to himself, watching the mare’s chest sway with her vigorous stirring. The sturdy apron did nothing to maintain her modesty, and it only just held her back from spilling into the other bowls and pans in front of her. Unsurprisingly, it was covered in lots of splotches and stains of multiple colors.

The rest of the mare’s proportions were just as generous as her chest, though she somehow managed to achieve an hourglass figure with a high narrow waist that spread to amazingly wide hips. He could only imagine what her thighs must look like to support her frame, since her bottom half was effective hidden by the counter.

The mare stopped stirring after a moment and pulled out a the mixing spoon, tapping the excess cream back into the bowl. She looked up and Tame ducked quickly to avoid being seen.

Chapter 14

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Stay Hidden, you’re here for Monsters not Girls

Tame ducked lower, keeping his head down and turned to head deeper into the kitchen, away from the pink colored mare. He took a step when he felt something warm and wet wrap around his wrist. Instincts kicking in, Tame tried to leap forward and away from whatever had him. Whatever it was had him in an iron grip, however, and yanked him backward hard enough that his arm wrenched itself out of socket.

“Arrgh! What the fuck?” Tame landed on his back, squinting his eyes through the pain at his now limp arm. A long tentacle of slick, wet muscle had him about the wrist and was wrapping itself firmly around his forearm like a vise. “Damnit...I hate when the tentacles show up.”

Right on queue, another tentacle shot over the kitchen island and swooped down to wrap itself around his chest. The two then hauled him into the air and turned him around to face his captor. The thick bodied mare had her hands on her wide hips, smiling up at him from where the two tentacles erupted from her split lower jaw. “Silly billy! No one sneaks sweets before dinner when I’m on duty!”

“Uh...fuck…” Tame opened his mouth to say more when a third tentacle shot out of the mare’s mouth and plunged into his with the force of a knockout punch. He gagged, struggling against her superior grip. He could feel the tentacle around his chest squeezing harder, but with nowhere for the air to go, it felt like his was going to explode.

“Lucky for you, I still got room in the pot! Nothing goes to waste in my kitchen!”

The last thing Tame heard was giggling over the sound of his jaw and ribs snapping.

Chapter 15

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Stop being a Creep and Say Something

Tame mentally kicked himself for creeping around and stood up, holding his hands up to show he was unarmed. To his surprise, the pink colored mare was already facing him, her arms up in the classic ‘boo!’ pose and mouth partially open. They stared at each other, frozen in place, until Tame broke the tension and coughed into his fist.

“Uh...hello.” He grinned and held out his other hand to shake. “Sorry to startle you. I thought this place was abandoned.”

The mare held her pose, her eyes focusing on his hand for an uncomfortable amount of time, when she suddenly animated again. She smiled broadly, standing up straight and took Tame’s hand in both of her own. She shook his hand with a good deal more strength than he would have thought possible.

“Hey! I’m Pink! And not just the color either—it’s my name! But you can call me Pinkie, or Pinkie Pie, or Miss Pie, but that last one sounds like my mom, so you might not want to call me that—unless you’re into that sorta thing!” The mare laughed and hauled him across the island counter, pulling Tame into a bear hug. “It’s been so long since I’ve seen somepony else! I’ve been in here cooking and baking and mixing forever! Normally I just eat it all myself, but now that you’re here, I can share it!”

Tame yelped at the sudden movement, his eyes widening when he suddenly found himself buried face first in Pinkie’s pillowy soft cleavage. Her hug squeezed all the air out of him and for a brief second he wasn’t able to do much but struggle in her grip. There are worst ways to die...not sure I’d feel so bad about it if I kicked the bucket this way. No sooner than he’d finished the thought when Pinkie released him. Tame collapsed to the floor with all the grace of a sack of potatoes, gulping down air until he coughed and started to choke.

Apparently unconcerned, Pinkie turned away from the fallen monster tamer and skipped over to a nearby oven. “You’re in luck! I was just about to pull out a fresh batch of cookies, and they. Are. The. Best. When fresh from my oven!” She giggled again and wrapped her apron around her hand, yanking open the oven and reached in to pull out a long metallic pan.

Tame continued to hack and cough on the floor for a moment more until his breathing returned to normal. He picked himself back onto his hooves, opening his mouth to say something more when he noticed two things that caught the words in his throat. For one thing, Pinkie Pie was indeed wearing an apron and hat and nothing else. For a second thing, the mare didn’t have a tail like other ponies, but instead had a thick, pink, reptile-like tail with small black barbs that ran down it’s length. The scales blended seamlessly with her fur and there was a tuff of bouncy curls at the very end of the tail that matched her mane.

“Um...” Tame backed up a step, glancing around himself for a potential weapon. A few feet from him, a large cast iron pot with food crusted around the edge, sat on top of a pile of unwashed dishes. In the other direction, just out of reach was a hefty looking wooden rolling pin.

Chapter 16

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Knock First to see if Anyone is there

Tame reached out, rapping on the door with his knuckles. It swung open a little more, but no one answered it, or said anything. “Uh...hello?” He pushed the door open, holding up his hands to show his was unarmed. “Sorry to startle you. I thought this place was abandoned?”

Inside the room, Tame took could see several separate island counters ran down the length of the kitchen and along the wall where the cauldron sat in the fire, there were a few large ovens and an older style rangetop covered in pots that were bubbling and steaming. Further down the row of counters, the source of the clicking noise revealed itself to be a wide mixing bowl. Its contents were being stirred furiously by the pinkest, curviest mare he had ever laid eyes on. She had a mass of pink curls spilling out from under a tall chef’s hat, sparkling blue eyes, and the kind of body songs were sung about. As far as he could see from the door, she seemed to be wearing a kitchen apron—to match her hat—but nothing else, her overly generous chest spilling out from the sides.

“Jeezus…” Tame whispered to himself, watching the mare’s chest sway with her vigorous stirring. The sturdy apron did nothing to maintain her modesty, and it only just held her back from spilling into the other bowls and pans in front of her. Unsurprisingly, it was covered in lots of splotches and stains of multiple colors.

The rest of the mare’s proportions were just as generous as her chest, though she somehow managed to achieve an hourglass figure with a high narrow waist that spread to amazingly wide hips. He could only imagine what her thighs must look like to support her frame, since her bottom half was effective hidden by the counter.

The mare looked up, her furious stirring coming to a complete stop. She stood there, frozen for an uncomfortably long moment when she suddenly animated again. She smiled broadly, bouncing over to the door happily, and took Tame’s hand in both of her own. She shook his hand with a good deal more strength than he would have thought possible.

“Hey! I’m Pink! And not just the color either—it’s my name! But you can call me Pinkie, or Pinkie Pie, or Miss Pie, but that last one sounds like my mom, so you might not want to call me that—unless you’re into that sorta thing!” The mare laughed, pulling Tame into a bear hug. “It’s been so long since I’ve seen somepony else! I’ve been in here cooking and baking and mixing forever! Normally I just eat it all myself, but now that you’re here, I can share it!”

Tame yelped at the sudden movement, his eyes widening when he suddenly found himself buried face first in Pinkie’s pillowy soft cleavage. Her hug squeezed all the air out of him and for a brief second he wasn’t able to do much but struggle in her grip. There are worst ways to die...not sure I’d feel so bad about it if I kicked the bucket this way. No sooner than he’d finished the thought when Pinkie released him. Tame collapsed to the floor with all the grace of a sack of potatoes, gulping down air until he coughed and started to choke.

Apparently unconcerned, Pinkie turned away from the fallen monster tamer and skipped over to a nearby oven. “You’re in luck! I was just about to pull out a fresh batch of cookies, and they. Are. The. Best. When fresh from my oven!” She giggled again and wrapped her apron around her hand, yanking open the oven and reached in to pull out a long metallic pan.

Tame continued to hack and cough on the floor for a moment more until his breathing returned to normal. He picked himself back onto his hooves, opening his mouth to say something more when he noticed two things that caught the words in his throat. For one thing, Pinkie Pie was indeed wearing an apron and hat and nothing else. For a second thing, the mare didn’t have a tail like other ponies, but instead had a thick, pink, reptile-like tail with small black barbs that ran down it’s length. The scales blended seamlessly with her fur and there was a tuff of bouncy curls at the very end of the tail that matched her mane.

“Um...” Tame backed up a step, glancing around himself for a potential weapon. A few feet from him, a large cast iron pot with food crusted around the edge, sat on top of a pile of unwashed dishes. In the other direction, just out of reach was a hefty looking wooden rolling pin.

Chapter 17

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Go for the Iron Pot

Tame made up his mind. He needed to be fast—while her back was still turned—to grab the pot and knock the mare cold. If he was going to go back to town with his reputation as a monster tamer intact, he needed to bag one, and why not bring home something nice to look at while he was at. He dived to the side and grabbed the wooden handle of the large pot. It was heavier than he expected, and made a loud metallic screech noise when he yanked it out of the pile of dirty dishes.

Filthy porcelain dishes and small pans went flying as Tame rounded back on the creature. She jerked up at the sound, leaning back and away from the oven, the baking pan in her hand spilled steaming fresh cookies all over the floor. He raised the iron pot in both hands over his head, lunging forward to strike, when Pinkie’s mouth opened.

Her mouth opened wide in a silent scream, and Tame noticed her tongue was black and lined with segmented ridges like a worm. The odd looking tongue shot out of Pinkie’s mouth in the blink of an eye, reaching impossible length and wrapping itself around his wrists. Her tongue tentacle pulled hard at him, throwing off his balance and forcing him to drop the heavy pot. It bounced off the floor, the tiles under it spider webbing with cracks.

“Somepony is a naughty boy!” Pinkie giggled and lifted Tame off the floor, his hooves kicking fruitlessly. With her freakish tongue extended, Pinkie’s lower jaw split down the middle and opened like flower, the insides of which were lined with sharp looking barbs. Two more wet segmented tongues spilled from her throat and wrapped themselves around his waist and legs.

Pinkie’s weird vertical lips kept moving with surprising dexterity, her voice sounding almost normal. “Nopony gets the drop on Pinkie Pie! I was going to share them with you, sheesh! All I wanted was a smile and you go and attack me. Now I’m going to need to make a whole new batch, you big dumb dumb.” She shook her head, and put her fist on her ample hips. “Oh well, never let a warm oven go to waste, that’s what Granny Pie always used to say.”

The next thing Tame knew, the tentacles holding him aloft flexed, tossing him into the open, blazing hot oven the cookies had just been pulled from. The red hot stone seared his coat, his clothes starting to smolder almost immediately. The door slammed shut on his screams. The last thing he saw, through the tiny window in the door, was Pinkie Pie lifting one of the fallen treats to her mouth and taking a bite.

Chapter 18

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Go for the Rolling Pin

Tame made up his mind. He needed to be fast—while her back was still turned—to grab the rolling pin and knock the mare cold. If he was going to go back to town with his reputation as a monster tamer intact, he needed to bag one, and why not bring home something nice to look at while he was at. He dived to the side and grabbed the wooden handle of the long, tapered rolling pin. It was heavier than he expected, slightly sticky, and made a dull clacking noise when he yanked it off the countertop. Tame rounded back on the creature, raising the rolling pin in both hands over his head, to strike.

Pinkie looked up at the sound, leaning back and away from the oven, the baking pan in her hand covered with steaming fresh cookies. Her eyes widened in surprise for a split second before she glanced up at the pin in his hands and broke into a wide grin. “Oooh! I thought you were hungry! Guess it was the other ‘H’ word, huh?”

She giggled, setting the cookie pan on the counter next to her. “You shoulda said so, big guy!” Pinkie tugged her apron up and over her head, knocking her chef’s hat off in the process and tossed it to the side. Her curves fully on display, she leered suggestively at Tame and crooked a finger at him. “C’mere and feed mama.”

Tame froze in place, a half-step forward in his attack, surprised by the mare’s reaction. When she tossed her apron aside, his eyes couldn’t help but track the way her insanely ample breasts bounced and swayed. Each one had to be bigger than his head—and despite their size—sat high on Pinkie’s chest with only a little bit of sag. The areolas were a darker purple than the rest of her coat, puffy and as wide as his palms, topped with little button shaped nipples. Below her breasts, Pinkie’s belly stuck out a little and flowed seamlessly into the widest hips Tame could recall ogling.

“Uh...what?” Tame rocked back on his hooves. “I’m...I’m honestly lost here. I was going to…” He lowered his arms and the rolling pin. When he looked at it again, its odd smooth tapered shape and sticky feeling suddenly made a different sort of sense. “Oh…ooooh!” Tame gingerly set the wooden implement on the counter and wiped his palms against his pants.

“Yeah, let’s leave that out for now, I’m hungry for the real thing anyway.” Pinkie swiped one of the steaming fresh cookies from the pan and took a bite of it. “Well...hungry for chocolate chips and dick!”

Pinkie crunched the remaining half of her cookie between her teeth, stepping up to Tame. She smiled and grabbed his stiffening cock through his pants. She leaned in close to him, her voice getting quieter. “You ready to party?”

Tame felt himself jump under Pinkie’s hand. The little massage she was giving him felt wonderful, but the increasing tightness of his coarse clothing bothered him. “Pinkie, I was born ready to party. Let me just get out of these clothes and I’ll show you mine, since you’ve already shown me yours.”

“You haven’t seen anything yet, handsome stranger!” The mare laughed again, grabbing Tame’s hands and pulled his shirt from his trousers herself. Her deft hands popped the button at his waist, unzipping him just enough to pull his cock out. She took him in her hand, giving it a squeeze and pump before she engulfed it. With a single bob of her head, she took him to the root, her hand moving to fondle his balls.

Tame grunted, his head falling back and he relaxed against the counter under Pinkie’s expert attention. “Oh Faust, that’s the spot…” He closed his eyes in bliss when his erection reached the back of Pinkie’s throat. Her tongue was all over the place, licking and gliding over the glands and along the underside of him. His eyes fluttered open a moment later when he felt her tongue wrap around his base and then tickle around his tip at the same time.

“W-wait, what?” Tame’s eyes snapped open. She has two tongues? He leaned forward, looking down at the mare on her knees in front of him. Her wide hips flowed seamlessly into that odd reptilian tail, the tip flicking back and forth happily. “Oh girrrrRRRaaaahhh!”

His hips shook under the mind-numbing sensation of one of the tongues stroking the length of his cock, while a second one teased at the head, and a third tongue snaked out of Pinkie’s mouth to run over his balls. On top of that, she was somehow maintaining a steady level of suction. It was like getting a handjob and getting blown at the same time. Tame gripped the edge of the counter tighter, his knuckles popping under the pressure, when all of a sudden Pinkie pulled back off of him.

Pinkie grabbed Tame’s sides, sliding her body up his until she’d enveloped his dick in her cleavage. She gave the tip a quick lick before it fully disappeared between her breasts, and smiled up at him. “Mmmm...that’s just what the hungry Pinkie called for! What’d’ya say to doing that everyday? I don’t know why you’re here, but it can’t be as fun as a Pinkie Pie Party for Two, huh?” She giggled, pressing her massive tits together to tug at his member.

“Oh god…ugh!” It was the last straw for Tame and he exploded, spilling his seed and matting Pinkie’s coat. He bit his lip as shot after thick ropey shot of semen pumped out onto her chest. “D-do this ev-everyday?”

Pinkie nodded, pressing and rubbing her huge breasts together to spread the semen around. The look on her face stuck somewhere between ‘seductive’ and ‘amused at the sight of her own cream covered mounds.’ “Yep! After a while, I’ll have your stamina up with my yummy cakes and cookies and buns, that we can start doing it two—no, three time—a day!”

She grinned, giggling again before an impossibly long and segmented tongue slipped out of her muzzle to scoop up some of the mess on her tits and return it to her mouth. “Mmmm...oh taste good! I want seconds now!”

Tame blinked groggily when Pinkie pushed him up and onto the countertop, toppling piles of pots and pans. “Uh...I don’t know if I can do...seconds. Yet.” He grunted as the mare clammered up and straddled him. Despite his recent massive orgasm, Tame felt his cock twitch and start to re-harden against Pinkie’s wet sex.

“You can get hard again, right?” Pinkie giggled manically, the action doing magical things to the planet-sized boobs hanging in Tame’s face. “I need you to feed me all your cream…”

He swallowed, his eyes glazing over, and adjusted his hips to line up his swelling member with Pinkie’s entrance. “Y-yes...Mistress…”

Pinkie smiled when she was seated fully on him. Her smile widened from ear to ear and kept going when her lower jaw split down the middle, folding open like a flower, and three long tentacle-like tongues flowed out. The wet and warm tendrils of flesh slithered across his body, removing the last vestiges of his clothing. A small and getting smaller part of his mind told him that he should be concerned about that. He’d worry about it later. Right now his Mistress was hungry and she needed feeding.

Chapter 19

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Take a Cookie

Tame hesitated. So what if she’s a monster? She’s still a mare. There’s no need to jump to defending myself unless she attacks me or something. He sized Pinkie up again, forcing himself to relax. Odd tail and scales aside, she had been nothing but welcoming since he’d intruded into her kitchen. It’d be rude not to accept her offered hospitality. Let no pony say his momma hadn’t raised him right.

Of course, his momma hadn’t raised him to stare at a monster mare’s naked ass and gorgeous thighs either. When Pinkie straightened and turned with the pan of fresh cookies, Tame yanked his eyes to the side, finding something interesting to stare at in the nearest stack of used dishes.

“So...uh, what kind of cookies did” He cleared his throat awkwardly, glancing back at Pinkie as quickly as he could. She was still holding the hot pan with her apron, the fabric no longer even covering her front. Ceiling. Stare. At. The. Ceiling.

“I made chocolate on chocolate chunk with nuts! I hope you’re not allergic or anything, ‘cuz these look really good!” Pinkie chuckled, placing the pan on a cooling rack and fanning the cookies excitedly. “Give ‘em a minute to cool and then they’ll melt in your mouth like nothing you’ve ever tasted before!”

She laughed again, but it sounded strained. Forced. Tame carefully lowered his eyes from the ceiling to look at the mare. She stood by the cookies, fanning by flapping her hands at them. Her apron hung in place again, and she still had a smile on her face, but there was a weariness in her eyes he hadn’t noticed before.

“You will share them with me, right?” Pinkie Pie’s voice was soft, faint even, compared to her earlier boisterousness. “It’s been a looooooonngg time since I’ve had somepony to share with. My friends never come down here anymore. So I just cook for myself.” She perked up for a moment and flashed a genuine grin. “Or for Gummy! But…” The grin faltered. “I don’t get to share much anymore. I never get to see anypony smile.”

“Are you lonely down here?” Tame took a step closer to the pink pony. He could smell the cookies now. The scent was amazing, and the cookies looked just as good as they smelled. Why anypony would stop coming down to share such yummy treats with a cute mare like this, he couldn’t fathom. “Why don’t your friends visit you?”

“I guess they’re all busy.” Pinkie shrugged tiredly. “They all have lives...I’m just the cook. I handle the birthday parties. We aren’t foals anymore, so who needs to hang out with the cook or celebrate birthdays?”

“Well, I don’t think you deserve to be left alone.” Tame closed the last of the distance to the cooling rack, waving his hands to help with fanning the cookies. “Your friends must not have been so great if they just left you like that cuz you all grew up.”

“No!” Pinkie grabbed Tame’s arm, leaning into him. “You don’t understand! My friends were—are—the best! They just...have important stuff to do. I miss them a lot, but that’s no excuse to start thinking they aren’t good friends.”

Tame rocked back when Pinkie pushed him, blushing at the press of her chest against his side. He smiled and patted Pinkie’s hand where she was holding his arm. “Miss Pie, you are a special pony to keep your friends’ in mind like that after so long. I would be happy to share a cookie or two with you.”

Pinkie brightened at that, she own smile wide. “Oh we’re gonna share all of them!”


“Whoo!” She whooped and bounced in place, some parts of her anatomy bouncing more than others. Pinkie let go of Tame and scooped up two of the barely cool enough treats. She took a bite from one of them, smearing chocolate on her lips and holding the other out for Tame.

He took the cookie and smiled again before taking a bite. It was somehow even more tasty than he expected. As he chewed, Pinkie watched him closely, smiling to the point of glowing. Until she did actually start to glow with a soft light that coalesced into a single bright point on her chest, just over her heart. The essence drifted off Pinkie the moment he swallowed his bite of cookie, and started floating toward him.