The Epic of Twilight

by AlicornPriest

First published

You know what we need more of? Ponies in epic verse! Enjoy a ponyfic in the style of the Odyssey!

This is, essentially, a retelling of the first episode of FiM. I've written it in epic blank verse, that is, unrhyming iambic pentameter. I've also taken some... liberties in order to make it sound it a bit more epic-sounding. Hope you enjoy!
EDIT: I now officially have a non-canon section! Harmony Lost (and any future segments with an asterisk after it, like so*) will not be retreads of episodes, but instead my own work. Not enough to get me on EqD, but worth letting you know nonetheless!

The Torment of Night-Part 1

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Create, O Muse, the story I must tell,
of heroines and ponies of that world
which they, three tribes, did name Equestria.
O Epic Verse, the Muse of Poetry,
fill me complete with all that must be told.
And thus, though I have neither ink nor quill,
shall I, with modern typing, write this tale
of friendship, magic, and the journey long
of Twilight Sparkle and her merry band
of friends. So shall I write, and may the ones
who wrote this story once before find joy
in this, my undertaking. Grant me strength,
and let the world be told of it. Let all
who hear it take to heart its message true.

One thousand years ago, when all was still
and Discord roamed the face of this fair world,
two alicorns, with horns of holy light
and wings of softest cloud, did seize control
of that fair country, taking back the throne
from that mad god, and so they freed the ones
who suffered greatly under his regime.
The elder of the two, Celestia,
was Princess over Light and Sun and Day.
While Luna, her dear sister, kept the Night
and watched over the ponies as they slept.
However, as the many years had passed,
kind Luna felt the blow of Saturn rain
upon her toil. She saw the ponies live
and dance amid the rays of that fair sun
which did her sister rule, yet when arose
her silv’ry moon, not one remained to see
her constant work, her star-bedazzled sky.
And so did she grow jealous of the one
who held all of the love her subjects gave.
Her envy grew, until, as it is told,
she took on that dread Power, which none Name,
for it is drawn from Tartarus’ pit.
She took it and became the Night Mare Moon,
the monster queen of darkness and unrest.
She fought against her sister. For one day,
the moon eclipsed the sun, and all was lost.
Celestia could not, with conscience giv’n,
defeat the one that Luna had become.
She used the mystic weapons of our time,
the Elements which we call Harmony.
She took up Kindness, Magic, Loyalty.
She wielded Laughter, Generosity,
and Honesty, and with these precious Six,
she banished Night Mare Moon to her domain,
that beauteous orb, and there she ever rests
and waits to be released, to once again
bring hate upon the sister who, to her,
betrayed her, broke her trust, and stole the hearts
of them, Equestria’s fair citizens.
Celestia, though grieving and bereft,
took on the powers Luna had supplied
and kept both Sun and Moon within their spheres.

So read the student of Celestia,
sage Twilight Sparkle, master of the art
of magic, keeper of the library
of Canterlot. She wondered at the way
that Luna had so fallen from her grace
and turned into that monster of the past.
So too she marveled at those mystic tools,
the Elements of Harmony, and she
desired to find the meaning of their ways.
With that, she raced to her dominion, where
she hoped the answers would be close at hoof.
As Twilight galloped, met she Twinkleshine,
a fellow student of her magic school,
who wished to add sage Twilight to her fold,
invite her to Moondancer’s birthday bash,
and give release to her unending toil.
Yet Twilight, ever faithful, could not stay,
for she considered this most high of need.
With added haste she left sweet Twinkleshine
and hurried on to greater tasks at hand.
The library of Canterlot, the house
of all known information, was her aim.
She called for her assistant, who, as may
be mentioned in the legends, was a beast,
a dragon, though a child yet. And thus
was named he Spike, the ever-constant one.
He aided her, wise Twilight, in her work.
And now, as she commanded, he began
to search for any tomes which might give her
some insight to the creature, Night Mare Moon.
The first, as she expected, was that book
which housed the many prophecies of her,
the clever Clover, wizard to the King
and friend to Princess Platinum. So was found
but little in that tome on those six Jewels.
However, as she turned to Night Mare Moon,
she found more pressing news that stilled her heart
and led her soon to fear the safety of
the many ponies of Equestria.
The entry stated in no terms unsure
that Night Mare Moon would find her true release
upon the thousandth year, when all the stars
would aid in her escape. And then would she,
with powers fully gained, take back the night
and bring about a night eternal. This
did Twilight fear, for by her perfect count
was this the very year. So she prepared
a missive of her dread, and spoke it out
to Spike, the ever-vigilant, who put
his quill to scroll and wrote it down for her.
And with the magic of his fiery breath,
he cast the letter to the dancing winds,
where it would go at once to she, the one
who ruled Equestria with grace
and honor, kind Princess Celestia.
Sage Twilight had no qualms that she,
the Princess, could not dare to take this news
without the need to be prepared for this
invasion. Yet, a note returned. And Spike
did read it, and it said, “My student dear,
though I do trust you with any affair,
know this: you must refrain from being so aloof!
Set down your books for but a day, and join
the citizens of Ponyville. They are
preparing for my visit, for I shall
be celebrating with them this, the day
known as the Summer Solstice. What say you
to aiding in their work? You shall be known
as supervisor to them. I also must
bestow upon you yet another task.
Make you some friends! This is most paramount.”

Sage Twilight was alarmed. Could she not know
that this concerned the fate of all the world?
And what could be the meaning of that part,
the final task, which she proclaimed most high?
In those days, Twilight had no need for friends.
She had not one companion of her own,
save her own brother, dearest to her heart,
and Spike the dragon, always at her side.
She made her way to Ponyville, where she
went with anticipation to her place
of residence in Ponyville, the tree
there hollowed out into a library.
However, as she went, she came upon
the maiden Pinkie Pie, the jubilant,
who suddenly, though Twilight sought to join
in conversation, vanished in a blur.
This would be but the first of those who she
would meet as friends. So Twilight made
her way to the first place upon her list
which made enumeration of her tasks
to do e’er she could study for the threat
which loomed upon her mind. This place was called
Sweet Apple Acres, home of the second friend
of Twilight’s, Applejack, most strong and brave,
who welcomed her at once to her abode.
It chanced to be upon that day when all
of Applejack’s relations came to be
at home, Sweet Apple Acres. So it was
that Twilight faithful met all of the kin
of Applejack, who asked her but to stay.
She wished to leave, but Apple Bloom, the child
most young of Apple blood, did weep at once
to see her go. So Twilight did remain
among the Apples, so that she could taste
the wondrous food which they would soon supply
upon the celebration. And it was good,
so good that it near made her sick to eat
it all. Yet further tasks remained, so she
continued on her way. And as she left,
brave Applejack considered Twilight kin.

The next requirement upon her list
was weather; for, as all the ponies know,
the pegasi of that fair land must work
to shape the clouds and bend them to their will.
And Rainbow Dash, the swiftest one of all,
was made in charge of keeping careful eye
on all the clouds of Ponyville. But there
fair Twilight laughed, for there were many clouds
yet hanging in the sky that she did see.
She could not find this worker, Rainbow Dash,
who seemed, to her, most lenient in her job.
At once appeared swift Rainbow Dash, who then,
with watchless eye, did soon collide with our
protagonist. And Twilight thus was thrown
into the mud. Dash laughed at this mistake
and set at once to clean the mud from her.
This worked, though it did ruin Twilight’s mane,
its stripes and patterns thrown to disarray.
This did good Twilight more or less ignore,
for she had far more weighty tasks to see.
She asked swift Rainbow Dash, “Wherefore these clouds
still sit within our sky? Are you unsure
of this, your task? The sky must be unblocked
with ugly clouds which mar the rising sun.”
And Rainbow Dash, the queen of flying, said
without a fear, “I need not do it yet.
I must away to practice even more.
The Wonderbolts are coming here, and I
must show my talent to them if I wish
to join them someday.” Then did Twilight grin,
for she was sly, and knew just how to bring
true motivation to this Rainbow’s mind.
“How could they choose a pegasus like you,
who toils not, nor keeps the sky with vim
and vigor?” This so angered Rainbow Dash,
she flew at once, and in the fastest space
of half-score seconds, cleared the sky at once.
So Twilight was impressed. And Rainbow saw
that Twilight, sage of sages, was a fine
and worthy friend. And off she flew once more,
to further practice tricks. And Twilight left.

The pony next gave Twilight some relief,
for she was of the tribe of unicorns,
like she herself. This unicorn had name
of Rarity, the pure and beautiful.
On seeing her, Spike fell at once into
that state which lovely Venus calls to mind.
He preened his scales and praised her pulchritude.
As she, this avatar of beauty, worked along,
most studious Twilight measured all she did.
This Rarity performed a simple goal,
though perfect for herself. The tapestries
and decorations of the hallowed hall
were placed by her, and surely it was right.
For Rarity, the marvellous and poised,
was absolute in measuring details.
As Twilight neared, she said, “I see that you
are far more focused here than Rainbow Dash
outside. Why, you have nigh completed this,
the decorations of this spacious hall!”
And Rarity replied in dulcet tones,
“I thank thee, Twilight Sparkle, for your praise.
But what is this? It seems you have a need.
What happened to your mane? At any rate,
come quick with me, and I will mend it straight.”
And so they went to Carousel Boutique,
the home and workplace of sweet Rarity.
In seconds she had done her artist’s work
and soon restored the humble Twilight’s mane.
Amid the store were clothes, which Rarity,
without a hesitation, insisted that
sage Twilight try on each and every one.
The best she chose, and made to size it right,
it being that famed saddle in the Vault
named this, “The Bearer’s First True Gift.” And so,
as Twilight wore it, she told to Rarity
her purpose and her former place of home.
At this, the lovely Rarity was shocked,
for she had great desire to live there
among the greatest people of that time
in Canterlot, the City of the Gods.
So this she saw, and knew that Twilight kept
the same high standards. Thus did she decide
to be a friend to Twilight. And though she went
to change the First True Gift, the studious mare
did leave at once to seek the final task.

And so she went to find dear Fluttershy,
the sweet and loving keeper of the land,
who watched o’er all the animals at home.
She trained the birds to sing, the wolves to hunt.
She fed them, tended them, and kept them safe.
And Twilight came to find her, as she worked
with chorus full of birds to sing the song,
the anthem of the nation, which would call
the noble Princess out to greet the dawn.
But Twilight, ever confident and strong,
mistook the pegasus for one more brave
and spoke with strident tone and energy.
So cowered Fluttershy, afraid to speak,
til she perchanced to see the dragon Spike
and quelled her fear. She talked with him
and learned about the dragon’s history.
Poor Twilight, much annoyed, arrived at home.
She asked of Fluttershy if they could but
recuperate a bit alone inside.
And Fluttershy, now truly unafraid,
considered Twilight Sparkle her new friend.

Thus Twilight met the friends who would, in time,
bring harmony to all Equestria.
She thought that now, within her new abode,
she’d have the peace to study Night Mare Moon.
Alas, ‘twas not to be. Droll Pinkie Pie
had organized a party in the tree
that now surprised her. She was forced once more
to meet more ponies. How could she study now
with such a noisy party in her midst?
So Pinkie Pie, the joyful, said to her,

I saw you enter, feeling blue.

I knew that meant you must be new!

‘Cause I know everyone ‘round here,

so that was why I screamed in fear!

If you are new, then this, I bet,

you haven’t any friends quite yet.

So that made me so very sad,

but then a new thought made me glad!

I’ll throw a party, huge and loud,

invite the town, there’ll be a crowd!

You’ll meet them all, and in the end,

you’ll make lots and lots of friends!
But Twilight, feeling angry and annoyed,
took leave of the festivities, and moped.
She could not study with such pounding noise.
The time was gone. What progress had she made?
She’d met a host of ponies, but they all
to her seemed mad, all searching for new friends.
But Night Mare Moon was still a mystery.
So far, no answer seemed to be prepared.
Anon, she looked out to the starry sky
and saw four stars that went a patterned trail.
The stars were spinning, curling towards the moon.
They followed ever nearer. Twilight knew
that this, the sign, must be the Night Mare’s sign.
What little time had been was fading fast.
The sun was set to rise, and all was lost.

Dear Twilight, ever thoughtful, went at once
to that large hall which Rarity had set.
The ponies gathered, eager and naïve
of all the danger that would soon arrive.
The Mayor of the town began her speech,
to state the introductions for the one
who raised the sun and kept the ponies safe,
Celestia, the Princess of them all.
Yet Twilight saw, amid the cheering crowd,
the stars align, the Mare’s dark symbol fade,
and knew at once that all had come to pass.
The anthem played, the curtain pulled, but not
a sign of her, the Princess, could be found.
The crowd began to fear. What had become
of her, Celestia, that she would not
be present? Soon, the answer showed its face.
A cloud of smoke, as purple and as dark
as blackest night, expanded on the stage.
It coalesced. The Night Mare had arrived!
She spoke, her tone as bitter as her heart,
her voice as black as night, “Welcome to all.
It has been far too long since I have seen
your faces. Don’t you know who I am now?
I am your queen, the Mistress of the Night!
Your precious sun is gone. This world is mine.
Or do you not think I am fit to rule?
Who knows my name? Who keeps my soul alive?”
And Twilight spoke, “I do. I know your name.
Your name is Night Mare Moon.” At this, she fell
to silence. “So,” said she, “it seems not all
have left me to the past. Do you know, too,
why I am here?” But Twilight would not say,
such fear she felt. So Night Mare Moon began,
“Remember this, the day you thought would be
a day of joy. I make it one of fear.
Enjoy what little happiness you have,
for there shall be no more under my rule.
There shall not be a light, nor sun, nor day.
This day to celebrate the sun is dead.
From now until the end of all of time,
the night is mine! It shall be evermore!”

And thus completes the first of these recounts.
Fare well, for, if the Muses treat me right,
I shall return to tell the end anew.
Fear not, for all shall be repaired in Chapter Two.
The Elements shall take their rightful place,
the Bearers shall express them, one by one,
the Night Mare Moon be vanquished, and the night
be brought forth into glorious day once more.

The Torment of Night-Part 2

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And so, the second chapter starts anew.
When last we left the heroes of the town,
the monster Night Mare Moon had struck once more
and banishéd the Princess of the Sun.
Upon her final statement, moved the guards
to capture her and force her to reveal
where she, Celestia, was now removed.
But she, the Queen of Night, threw them away
with lightning bolts that tore ethereal lines
through thund’rous air. With this complete, she changed
to state of mist, and vanished thro’ the crowd.
The Summer Solstice ruined, Twilight leapt
at once to find a source of truth that would
reveal the pow’r that they could use tonight
to beat the beast. Such power only lay
within the gems known as the Elements
of Harmony, those mystic spheres of truth,
of whimsy, duty, love, and charity,
and magic, though this last was little known.
The five true friends did gather in her tree
and asked her of the challenge they would face.
She spoke with hesitation. There was not
a thing she truly knew about this foe
that she could use against her, save the Gems
of Harmony. Within a book found by
the cheery Pinkie, Twilight searched once more.
The answers lay amid the ruins old
of the First Castle of the Sisters. There,
it said, the Elements did lay. Yet here
a snag was found: this ancient place had long
been snatched up by the reaches of the dim
and fright’ning place known as the Everfree.
This forest reached beyond the furthest path
known to the ponies. Monsters roamed its trails,
and creatures, beings, ghosts, they knew not what,
were hidden in there. Twilight, sage and wise,
rebuffed the aid the five had granted her,
for she could not, in faith, allow them now
to follow her into such dreadful risk.
And yet they stayed. They stood to be her guides.
Brave Applejack decreed that she could not
leave Twilight to face danger all alone.
The others followed suit. And so it was
that these six ponies found the first blockade
that Night Mare Moon created. A fell wind
that tore through rock and stone began to play
its deadly game upon the very ground
where stood our faithful heroines. At once,
as these six stood, the cliff top fell apart,
and four of them began their desperate fall.
The pegasi, with wings of lightning, flew
and caught sweet Rarity and Pinkie Pie.
Yet Twilight found no succor, save a cliff
which threatened every moment to release
her, down to where no hope remained.
Strong Applejack leapt from her safer place
and went to aid sage Twilight from her fall.
“What should I do?” cried Twilight. “Even you
cannot keep me forever in this spot!
We both shall fall!” But Applejack began
to see their chance of safety. Rainbow Dash
and Fluttershy had moved behind them both
to catch them. Only she could see this plan,
not Twilight. Thus did Applejack assure
the panicked unicorn, “You must release
the safety of my hooves, for I can say
with total Honesty, you shall not die.
You cannot see it, yet so shall it be.”
“How can I trust you?” spoke the frightened one.
“I have no proof that what you say is true!”
“You must,” she said, “for it may be the one
and only way for you to rescued be.”
So Twilight did as Applejack had said.
The pegasi, with nimble hooves, did catch
her falling, bringing her straight down
to safety. Applejack found her own way
upon the cliffs, and so did those brave six,
with Honesty to guide their hooves to ground,
defeat the first offense of Night Mare Moon.

But Night Mare Moon was furious, and she
transformed herself into a vicious thorn,
which pierced itself into a manticore.
The party stopped, for there the monster stood,
its howls of pain mistaken for a cry
for battle. So they went and fought the beast.
Miss Rarity the lovely stood her ground
and tangled with the beast. It weakened her,
and Applejack took it upon the ears
and steered it fearlessly as though a bull.
She slowed it down, exhausted it, but still
was not enough to vanquish it. But soon
swift Rainbow Dash stepped in. Her flashing moves
confused the beast and brought it to its knees.
With sharpened tail, the beast struck Rainbow Dash
and nearly felled her. By the Sun’s goodwill,
no poison seeped into her. Twilight stood
in anger at the pain dealt to her friend.
She gathered all save Fluttershy and led
the desperate charge to beat the wounded foe.
But Fluttershy, though shy and meek, flew there
before them, standing in their way. She turned
and spoke, not angrily, but Kindly to
the manticore, who, seeing her resolve,
showed her the paw pierced by the Night Mare’s thorn.
And she, in Kindness, pulled it from his wound.
It took her in its paws and held her tight.
No malice left within its heart, it turned
and beckoned them along the dusty trail.

Thus Night Mare Moon was foiled once again.
But evil knows no bounds, and so she moved
on farther down, preparing one more trap
to stun the ponies from their holy quest.
As Twilight’s party walked, they came upon
a darkened grove, where light shone not, and trees
stood threatening above their only path.
They wandered, lost and worried, for the path
was difficult to follow in the dark.
At once the trap was sprung! The gnarled trees
began to metamorphose, till they seemed
to those six ponies monsters eldritch, grim,
and utterly unshakeable. It seemed
that these, the tree-beasts, circled them
and blocked their path. And all were terrified
save Pinkie Pie, the joyful, who, through song,
began to soothe the ponies of their fear.
She sang the song now known in modern time
as “Aria of Turning Fears Away:”

When I was young--I feared the time

when all was lost--to night.

I feared--the shadows, hiding deep

beneath my pillow--white.

I thought--I saw, amid the shadows,

monsters--drawing near.

But my grandmother--taught me well

that I--was not to fear.

She taught me--how to stand up tall--

to turn the fears away.

To face the fears, for fears--cannot

make us--to be their prey.

Our Laughter--breaks them--throws them off

and makes them disappear.

“So Laugh--granddaughter, laugh,” she said,

“to cast away--your fear.”

So join me, friends, as I bring--forth

the Laughter--I was taught!

We’ll Laugh to show--the ghostly things

their swaying is--for naught!

We’ll Laugh--to chase the grossly shapes

away from this--the trail.

We’ll Laugh to make the creepy--forms

inevitably fail.

We’ll Laugh the weepy things--away.

We care--not for their sighs.

We’ll Laugh away--the kooky ghosts

to hide their--spooky eyes.

And to the faces--in the trees

that try--to make us--scream,

we’ll say--in no uncertain terms

they are not--what they seem.

They do not--scare. They are but trees!

Just leave us well--alone!

Their vain attempts--but make me Laugh.

I Laugh--away their moan.
And so it was, that, as she led their glee,
the trees began to lose the power held
within them. So their bark began to lose
their deathly hue, their faces fading out
until none yet remained. The Laughter borne
from Pinkie Pie had saved them from the third
device of Night Mare Moon. And thus, the path
revealed itself once more, and off they went.

The next the monster set to follow suit
was simple in its art: she came upon
a gentle river where, in peaceful rest,
a serpent lay. She flew nearby and dealt
a grievous injury to that fair beast.
His face was scarred, his purity destroyed.
The serpent, now most troubled, fought and turned
‘til all the water swirled and roiled high.
The ponies were alarmed, for, in his grief,
the serpent had destroyed what path had been.
How could they pass, so long as he still mourned?
They asked, and he related them his wounds.
So long as he was blemished, he could not
control his anger. Rarity most fair
could not help but be swayed by his lament.
And so, with gracious sacrifice, she cut
her own, her perfect tail, and gave it him,
that he might use it to restore his form.
The serpent thanked her for this precious gift.
Her Generosity was all it took
to soothe his ills, to change his angry mood.
And so, he made for them a brand new path,
his body formed like stepping stones for them
to cross. And so, another trick was stopped.

But Night Mare Moon would not dissuaded be.
She had yet one more test for them to see,
and it, perhaps, most difficult of all.
The destination’s bridge had long been down,
so none save the two pegasi could cross.
Deft Rainbow Dash was faster, so she flew
across the gorge, intent to fix it. But,
as she was tying up the ropes, a form
appeared within the mist, with two beside.
This was the beast’s last trick: a noble team
of fliers, called the Shadowbolts, who claimed
that they were better skilled than those who she
made idols of, the Wonderbolts, and then
they acted as though she should lead them all.
They praised her skill, her flight, her leadership,
and flattered her in every way. And yet,
she focused not on them, but on her task.
The Shadowbolts, the Night Mare’s weapon, stood
against her, forcing her to make a choice:
abandon them, her friends, and be their lord,
or help her friends and further their pursuit.
It seemed to her at first the better deal
to be the leader of that strange brigade.
However, she was dedicated not
to them, but to her friends. She knew full well
exactly where her Loyalty must lie.
So she rejected this, her heart’s desire,
to aid her friends and save Equestria.

And so, the six companions finally
arrived at the great dais where they lay,
the Elements of Harmony. But one
was missing. Twilight could not understand.
The earthen spheres seemed right, though in the books,
the pictures often showed five radiant gems.
So Twilight set her magic to the task,
for, in one text she’d seen, a footnote read,
“A spark will cause the sixth to show its light.”
So Twilight brought a spark out from her horn.
The others took their leave, for magic can
be dangerous to those around it. This
was surely a mistake, for Night Mare Moon
had one last play within her book. She stole
into the chamber and removed the stones
from that old chamber. Twilight, though, made haste
and jumped within the portal, vanishing
along with Night Mare Moon. When she awoke,
she found herself within the tower where,
when Luna lived yet, she had laid. And there,
upon the plinth, was Night Mare Moon, who stood
with Elements about her. She was sure
of victory, despite this mare’s attempts.
Sage Twilight made to charge the Queen of Night,
and she, too confident, returned the move.
But this was not the plan. For Twilight sly
had formed a spell, not power, but of thought,
to teleport herself across the room
and try once more to spark the Elements.
Fell Night Mare Moon did fly once more to her
to interfere with Twilight’s careful ploy.
It worked too well; the magic fired back
and threw poor Twilight far away once more.
And with a sneer, dark Night Mare Moon threw down
her shado’y hooves, and smashed the stones to bits.
The crystal shards rained down, and to all eyes,
the Elements were lost, the war was through.
As Night Mare gloated, Twilight heard behind
her fateful hoofsteps. Hope was not yet lost!
She turned about, and said, “Is this the end?
I think not! For the Elements are not
so easily destroyed. They rest yet now
within the hearts of us, the six, who fought
your petty games, emerged reborn
as heroes, Bearers of that mystic force.
Trustworthy Applejack, most Honest mare!
Sweet Fluttershy, the Kindest one of all!
Maid Pinkie Pie, the joyful Laughter Queen!
Just Rarity, most Generous and good!
And Rainbow Dash, the swift and Loyal friend!”
But Night Mare Moon, though fear shone in her eyes,
remarked, “You have but five! No Magic, and no spark!”
“You’re wrong!” said Twilight once again. “I have!
The magic spark was not of unicorn,
but rather ‘tween us all, we happy six.
I found it there amid our joyous trip.
Companionship I’d left for naught had grown
while we stood up against your silly ploys.
It’s Friendship, Night Mare Moon, that Magic is!”
This was the truth. The sixth appeared at once
and lifted Twilight, Magic Bearer, up.
The six, in holy power, joined as one,
to form the mystic Rainbow. Night Mare Moon
could not but struggle in its holy fire.
When everything had settled, there remained
but one small alicorn none recognized.
The Bearers had been healed of injuries,
the Elements returned to their true light,
and soon the sun began to rise once more.
And with it came the princess of the sun,
Celestia, who saw the filly there
and comforted the sister she had lost.
Yes, here was Luna, freed of Night Mare’s pow’r,
the taint of darkness thrown off of her mind.

Together, with the Bearers, they returned
to Ponyville, to celebrate the end
of nighttime, and so too the end of that
millenium of exile Luna bore.
But Twilight, sage of sages, was morose,
for she would have to leave her newfound friends
and go at once to Canterlot again.
So she, Celestia, decreed at once
that Twilight stay and learn of Friendship’s joys.

And so, the story ends. Fear not, my friends,
for this is but the first of Twilight’s tales.
Do ye remember him, the maddened god,
chaotic Discord, Lord of Madness? He
will soon return. Wait here, O ye who read
this epic tale, for all shall come in time.

The Shaman of Everfree

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This story starts with sunlight. Twilight sought
to find her friends and share with them the day,
but found none of them. All of Ponyville
was empty; not a pony moved or stirred
beyond their solid gates. This Twilight saw
but understood not, having only moved
to Ponyville but recently. As she
walked by the bakery where Pinkie toiled,
the baker pounced upon her, drew her in,
and hid her in the shadows off the streets,
away from the enchantress just outside.
The ghostly zebra passed among the streets,
her eyes like lightning, burning with revenge
'gainst those who sought to cross her. Those who did
were never seen again. Zecora she
was called, a name born from her tongue
for her own kind. And all were locked in fear
whenever she came to the town. Not one
gave solace to her, nor did they give leave
to buy from them. And so she walked alone
among the roads deserted, leaving hence
she knew no store would take her. Twilight, though
most studious of students, knew that those
who wore the stripes of zebradom were not
all evil. She considered talking to
Zecora, but none would allow her to.
Brave Applebloom, the sister to AJ
pursued Zecora. Was her courage found
in good intentions, or did she still think
that Zecora was an evil shaman, thus
instead confronting her as some strange rite?
It matters not. The little filly went
and followed, telling not her closest kin
and neighbors. They, afraid that she had been
abducted by the wicked zebra mare,
swift followed chase, until they came upon
a field of blueish flowers, where she stood,
Zecora, and gave mention to their plight:

– Beware the leaves of blue –
– The flowers where you tread –
– For what shall come to you –
– Be it on your own head –

The six did not comply with what she said,
but boldly trod through all the sapphire leaves.
They “rescued” Applebloom and took her home.
But as they slept that night, most hid'ous dreams
came to them: dreams of darkness and of fear,
with mad Zecora laughing as they ran,
and all the warnings 'bout her they'd forgot.
When they awoke, the terror they beheld!
Sage Twilight's horn was floppy and uncouth,
and Rarity had turned her precious hair
into a mess. Blithe Pinkie lost her speech:
her tongue was swollen far beyond the pale.
Now Applejack was shrunk to meager size,
and Rainbow Dash's wings were upside down.
But Fluttershy, the kind and silent mare,
was worst of of them all. Her charming voice
was deepened, as if Hades spoke instead.
The six of them decided with much haste
to march upon Zecora's hideaway
located deep within the Everfree.
The path was tough: fair Applejack was lost
one time, and Rarity found sticks and stones
embedded in her mane. Poor Rainbow Dash
could not help crashing into every tree
she flew by. But, in time, they found the hut
where they assumed Zecora lay in wait.
Before this, Twilight had maintained her doubts
about how bad Zecora might have been.
But at the hut, they heard Zecora chant
and make a brew intended to consume
poor Applebloom. She asked the other five:
“Could this be true? Zecora eats up foals?”
Miss Rarity reminded her of back
in Sugar Cube, when Pinkie's tongue was whole
she'd sung a song which named Zecora's ills.
But she knew not the words. They turned to Fluttershy,
who, with a stolid sigh, began to sing:
She's evil, she's nasty, she's not very good
She doesn't act how like a good pony should
She dances, she prances, her eyes hypnotize,
She finds pony flesh a most delicate prize.
She'll gobble you up just like how she eats hay
(granted, we eat hay too, but it's all in the way).
So if you see her you should run for your soul
You had better watch out, or she'll eat you up whole!
At last Twilight believed. She led the charge
against Zecora, smashing up her goods
until she shook with anger, claiming thus:

– How dare you come this way –
– To break my precious work –
– I try to save the day –
– But now I can't, you jerks! –

Here Twilight asked, “What could you mean by that?
'To save the day?' Are you not currently
attempting to consume our little friend,
our Applebloom?” At this, Zecora laughed,
for Applebloom was helping with her work
to help the ponies who had been accursed
by Poison Joke, the leaves of sapphire blue.
So Twilight and her friends were taught to see
the truth behind the covers, yet unseen.
Zecora quick recovered with the help
of Twilight's friends, who bargained with the stores
to gain the herbs Zecora could not find
but here, among the bigots and afraid.
All six were cured without a second thought.
And so the story ends. Not always are
the heroes so heroic, though they try.
Perhaps another time they will be right.

The Rule of Chaos-Part 1

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Forbid me, loving Gods, from this new tale
which speaks of that great evil from the past
that fought sage Twilight and her closest friends.
The Monster God, draconequus, the King
of Chaos, Discord, beast of Eris’ vein.
His many Names betray his utter power.
For though the Bearers fought most valiantly,
they failed. Discord beat them for a time.
It pains me to so be inspired, but
this story I must tell. Fair Epic Verse,
give me the strength to tell it. Lead my words
and let the story lay as you have willed.

Upon Celestia’s birth, the King did rule
Equestria, and burdened all who lived
with madness that could come from none but him.
But she, the Princess, took upon herself
the power of the Elements, and turned
the King to Stone. He slept for many years
within that statue gray, but once the Six
took mastery o’er that Harmonic power,
the Seal lost its strength, and soon he worked
to mold the ponies who beside it walked.
Chaotic hearts but fueled his escape.
In time, the Statue vanished, to return
King Discord to his true form, and he laid
his evil plan to action. First was this:
he formed a storm of clouds made not of rain
but food and drink, and sent them into town.
The pegasi could not control the clouds,
as sticky as they were, nor end their rain.
Wherever touched the rain of Discord, grew
yet more confusion there. The trees began
to twist in shape. Their fruit began to grow,
till they were forced to buckle to the weight.
And still the madness grew. The animals,
full hungry, ate the fruit, and so transformed
into fell mockeries of their old forms,
with legs as long as pillars, and with snouts
like trumpets. So they walked, and where they trod
more chaos grew, and none could stop its course.
So one by one, the Bearers thought to try
and end the scourge of chaos, but they failed.
And even Twilight, mage of wonders, with
her failsafe spell, could not bequell the dark.
But then, as one, they worked. Swift Rainbow Dash
and Applejack collected all the clouds
of chaos, bringing them towards the ground.
Next, Fluttershy requested of her friends,
the animals, to eat the food-like clouds
and so remove the source of all the change.
And Pinkie Pie assisted them, for she
enjoyed the sweetness of those rosy clouds
that brought the chaos. Twilight led the team,
so proving that, through friendship, nothing can
defeat the Elements of Harmony.

When this had been completed, stalwart Spike
received a letter from the Princess, which
requested them to come to Canterlot
with greatest haste. And so they ran at once
to that great city, resting on the mount
that pierces sky and heavens. There they went
to see the Princess in her hallowed hall.
She told them of the beast that had escaped
and how the storms of chaos were his work.
She asked of them, “You must equip at once
the Elements of Harmony, and face
the monster! Only you can stop his rule!”
She opened up the sacred Vault, and took
the Chest which held the Elements. But soft!
The Chest was empty! How could this thing be?
No pony could step within the Vault save she
or Luna. Then a voice was heard, a laugh,
a howl, a threat, an echoing of hate.
It spoke to them, and every word it said
seemed poised to shake their sanity of mind.
“Hello, dear ponies. It’s so good to be back.
Don’t worry, princess, for those Elements you lack.”
“What have you done?” the princess cried. “Where have
you taken them?” At once, a window changed.
The image of the Mad King seemed to move
and writhe as though in life. And Discord spoke:
“Fear not, little princess, they’re safe and sound.
They’re waiting, yes, waiting, to be finally found.”
“We do not fear your lies!” said Rainbow Dash.
And swiftly did she fly to face the beast.
The window changed. No beast was there for her
to contact. Discord spoke once more with glee:
“Nice try, Loyal Rainbow Dash, but you’ve not enough strength,
You claim you’re resilient. I’ll disprove that, at length.”
“If you won’t tell us where the jewels lie,
there is no point in talking with you, beast,”
said Rarity. But Discord knew her, too,
and so continued his mind-breaking speech.
Rarity, so Generous, no less.
You’ll bend, along with Fluttershy’s Kindness.
Twilight, Magic Bearer, will be quite tough.
I can break you with my powers, soon enough.
Applejack, both Honest and brave, will fall,
and Pinkie, though she’s my favorite of all,
will lose her Laughter and weep, sorry and blue.
This all I predict will happen to all of you.”
“I’ll play no games!” the princess said, “If you
will tell us where the Elements remain,
then do so!” Thus he ceased his movement, and
began his final message. So he said:
“To retrieve your missing Elements,
just make sense of this change of events.
Twists and turns are my master plan,
then find the Elements back where you began.”
And so he vanished. All the moving shapes
returned to normal, leaving them alone.
Then Twilight, ever thinking, sought to find
the answer to the phrasing he had used.
The “twists and turns” were all she could divine;
confident that this was but the maze
that rested in the Gardens, she began
the first mistake of many that would sharp
unravel their close friendship. So they went.

The Labyrinth had but one entrance. They,
the six, had gathered there to start their quest.
Sharp Rainbow Dash, most clever, thought to fly
o’er all the maze to see where Discord lay.
But as she flew, her wings dissolved away.
They vanished in a puff of light. So too
did Fluttershy’s, along with horns.
And lo, appeared the King in flesh and blood
to taunt them, ere they entered in his maze.
“My game, should you play, will be simple as sin.
You play, you lose, you fall and I win!
You get no magic, no flight and no cheer.
And everyone plays, or I end it here.”
He vanished once again. The six stood forth
before the maze’s entrance to begin.
At once the six were split, their paths removed
from one another. Undeterred, they fought
and soldiered on. The Elements were near,
and they could not have fear. They must be strong.

The first to find a test was Applejack,
who saw upon the ground three apples which
seemed much like her cutie mark. She sought
them as they led her to a grove of trees,
of apple trees, and soon the fruit could talk,
and so it said to her, in maskéd voice:
We are the keepers of the Grove of Truth,
Wise are we, and sweet to tooth.
You may ask us one question, of past, future, or present.
But be warned that the truth is not always so pleasant.”
So Applejack requested of them thus,
“Will we see victory upon our quest?
How shall it end?” And so they pointed toward
the scrying pool, where answers were revealed.
She saw a vision in that tiny pond:
the six were gray as ash, and spoke with hate.
“I hate you!” “You should die!” “Let me away!”
They walked away, and never spoke again.
“How can this be?” cried Applejack. “It can’t!
We love each other far too much to hate!”
The keepers smiled their awful grin, and said,
“You asked for truth; do you now regret
the honesty you value so much yet?
When all the truth does is make your heart ache,
Thus Applejack succumbed to sick Deceit,
and valued lies more than the healing truth.
She spoke in only lies, and shunned the truth
which had been proven to her only hurt.

The next to fall was Pinkie Pie, who waltzed
amid a party filled with pink and blue
balloons, though they did wear a face
of evil. Grins macabre did they display,
though Pinkie did not notice it. She sang
and whistled happy thoughts amid the sight.
But Discord grabbed a tail of a balloon
and tripped her, pushing her into the mud.
Among her, the balloons did naught but laugh
at her misfortune. Saddened, she cried out:

Why is laughter in your voice?

Do you mock me, here in pain?

I am hurt, I have no choice.

If I stand, I’ll fall again.

None of you will help me rise?

All you do is laugh at me!

I can see hate in your eyes.

That hurts me more than you see.
Then Discord asked her with both charm and hate,
I thought you liked it if your friends would laugh,
do you think they would stand on your behalf?”
He added to the throng of hateful jeers
the voices of her friends, the other five.
They mocked her, laughed at her, and made her feel
like nothing even mattered. So she said,

Take your hateful laughter far away!

Let me rot in sadness, I implore.

Laughter is a curse. So I will say

Never will I hear it anymore!
The monster Discord knew he’d won, and said,
“If Laughter isn’t your cup of tea,
So Pinkie fell to Discord’s hateful ploy.
Her heart, bereft of laughter, turned against
all those who mocked her, show’ring them with Rage.
She fell to sadness, but she hated all
who aided her or loved her. Thus the queen
of happiness and laughter lost her joy.

Amid another section of the maze,
the lovely Rarity was hard at work
determining a path to meet her friends.
She came to a dead end, but in the wall
appeared three diamonds, like her cutie mark.
She saw them there, and envied their bright shine.
Then Discord, in the image, showed himself,
and spoke to her a tantalizing hook.
“Oh Rarity, with eyes of blue,
a gift I give to the beauteous you.
This gem is yours, and for you alone,
a gem for a queen, for a noble throne.
All you must do is abandon your quest,
for but a moment, then you’ll join the rest!”
She knew she must forego the gem, at first,
but soon its siren song called her to work.
She mined it slowly, picking with her hooves.
But as she worked, the words of Discord seeped
into her consciousness and turned her thoughts.
“This gem is yours alone,” the beast had said.
“Of course!” she thought, “I am the one who worked
so hard for this! Why would I think to share?
What are the others doing? Lost, no doubt!
They’ve never understood the work I do!
I slave away at dresses, like this gem,
so beautiful and pure! What do they do
to thank me? Steal my work, and leave me with
a fraction of what I deserve!” And so,
the king of falsehood, Discord, spoke once more:
“You claim to be Generous, but that’s only a lie,
She knew it to be true. Deep down inside,
she oft embraced her Greed, and now she felt
a deeper need to hold it, live it full.
She let it take her, fill her, teach her to
resent all those who took advantage of
her charity. She took the gem (which turned
out to be but one) and carried it,
resenting all assistance, seeing it
as an attempt to take it as their own.

The quiet Fluttershy was lost and scared.
Without her friends, she balked at every turn.
But so she walked along, until she spied
a tiny swarm of butterflies. She jumped
at once to see a safer creature here.
She followed it into an open spot
and saw them lying hurt within the field.
A group of lizards, bearing Discord’s face,
surrounded the poor creatures, and they seemed
about to eat the butterflies. She jumped
at once to save them. Then the lizards spoke,
Why do you save them? They soon shall die.
Let us but eat them, and off we’ll fly!”
But Fluttershy replied, “But they are hurt!
And if I help them, they might yet be healed.”
But then the lizards voiced their own concerns,
“But we’re hungry, my dear. Please, let us eat!
If we don’t, we’ll die, as though you did the deed!
Can you be Kind to both us and them?
One side you’ll save. The other, condemn.”
Fluttershy began to softly cry,
for she was greatly torn between the two.
At length, she had decided. She could not
allow the wounded butterflies to die.
She shooed the lizards off, and went to see
if they, the butterflies, could be restored.
But quick as light, she felt a sudden pain!
They were not butterflies, but rather bees
that stung her quickly with their painful tail.
She cried yet more, and Discord told her thus:
“You’ve done no Kindness, only ill.
Your Kindness led you to another kill!
And how were you paid, for service and time?
They stung you! Had you committed a crime?
And yet you claim you can be Kind to all.
And in those words, poor Fluttershy heard truth.
Her heart had torn, and now she could not feel.
And somewhere deep inside, she knew that she
could not love everyone with equal force.
Her Kindness was repaid with ill intent,
so why should she be Kind to anyone?
And so, she brought her Cruelty to life.
If she could not love everyone, then she
would love no one. She would only be mean.
She laughed at misery, and mocked the kind,
for she now saw the error of their ways.

As Twilight found them one by one, she thought
it odd that they were now so strange and grey.
They acted quite unlike their normal selves;
instead they hurt their friends, or stood alone.
Brave Applejack spoke Lies, and Pinkie screamed
her Anger at her friends. And Rarity
was even stranger. All she bore
was a large boulder, claiming it a gem.
But worst of all was Fluttershy, the Brute,
who lashed her hurtful words at anyone
who looked at her at all. Poor Twilight watched
and wondered why her friends had broken so.
She hoped to soon find Rainbow Dash, and then
the six could work together as a team.

Swift Rainbow Dash was chasing thunderclouds
which brought forth lightning bolts of every hue.
They lead her to a clearing, where he lay,
Draconequus, King Discord, on a cloud.
Before she could attack him, he began
a simple speech, a prophecy, for her:
“A weighty choice is yours to make,
the right selection or a big mistake.
If the wrong choice you choose to pursue,
the foundations of home will crumble without you.”
A spinning cloud provided Dash her clue.
She watched her home, Cloudsdale, fall apart,
and all its dwellers run about in fear.
How could she let them suffer? How could she
in conscience giv’n, let Cloudsdale fall and die?
Then Discord held aloft her stolen wings,
and carefully, with words duplicitous,
he gave her but one choice to make anon:
Take your wings and escape from my maze,
or fruitlessly run around, lost in a daze.”
Poor Rainbow Dash could not believe her eyes.
Would Cloudsdale fall if she did not abscond
at once to its defense? Afraid and torn,
she did not see the meaning laced beneath
his subtle words. The city would be wrecked,
but only if she left, not if she stayed.
She nodded to the King, and took her wings.
As she flew off, he cackled out to her,
“You may save your city, but your friends are through,
But Rainbow Dash thought not of her old friends.
She knew full well what she had done to them.
She was a Traitor. She’d promis'd to give aid
to Twilight and the Princess, and she’d failed.
But she cared not. Was Twilight not a sage?
She’d figure it all out, with or without
the brazen mare. As she flew off to home,
the rest saw her, and knew that hope was lost.

At once, the labyrinth began to fall.
He, Discord, showed himself, to all of them,
and told them, under no uncertain terms,
One of you has left the game.
She used her wings! Oh, for shame!
She’s broken both my little rules!
Discord is champion! Celestia drools!
My gift is soon coming, to every of you.
Be ready, chaos’s about to ensue!”

So all but Twilight listened to the dark
that waited in their hearts and let it win.
They turned to Anger, Cruelty, and Lies,
Greed and Betrayal vested in their souls.
And Twilight? She will soon be lost as well.
The Magic of her Friendship will be lost
to Loneliness. And then, all hope will fade.
Or will it? I will tell when next I write.

The Rule of Chaos-Part 2

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The King of Madness, Discord, had prevailed.
The Bearers each had chosen, one by one,
the blissful madness of Disharmony.
They fell away from Honesty and cheer,
instead fulfilling Anger and Deceit.
Their Greed o’erwhelmed them, and the easy road
of Cruelty became their holy way.
They threw away their hope, and so became
most Traitorous and friendless. And he laughed
the laugh of victors, for, as they grew weak,
he grew yet stronger from their weakened hearts.
He snapped his claw, and magic grew about.
The laws of nature broke upon his will.
The paths of gritty dirt turned slick and weak,
the houses toppled over, grass turned pink,
and ponies felt their hearts begin to turn
to darkness as they breathed chaotic air.
The cheerful lost their cheer, the sweet turned sour,
the friendly turned against each other, and
all who walked in order and in law
were thrown to madness. Such was Discord’s rule.
But Twilight, ever sage, asked of the King:
“Where are the Elements? How can we find
the instruments if you have wrecked the garden maze?”
And Discord laughed and spoke his edgéd words:
Did you not hear? Oh, Twilight, you fool!
This maze wasn’t hope! It was my tool!
Did I not say that it was my plan?
The Elements aren’t here, but where you began!”
Now Twilight saw the error of her ways.
She’d let her friends be poisoned for no gain.
But what could she now do? Her only hope
was to continue searching for them yet,
and hopefully, if they could be convinced,
the five gray ponies would equip the gems
and so defeat King Discord once again.
She set her bleary eyes to Ponyville
and walked most slowly down the ruined trail.
The other four, save Rainbow Dash, walked on
along with her. They bickered and they fought
with every step, ‘til Twilight seemed to want
to burst in Anger. Yet she kept it in.
When she saw Ponyville, her hope collapsed
once more. It spun and whirled about in space,
chaotically confusing all who looked at it.
As she beheld it, Discord showed up by her side,
and told her of his plans for his regime:
This is my base, my domain, my dear.
All other ponies will quake in fear.
Do you see it, Twilight? Do you see what’s in store?
My chaos will reign forevermore!”
But Twilight said, “I see no kingdom here.”
But half a Lie, perhaps, for she believed
that she could end the curse before he made
much progress. On she walked amid the wyld
that lay before her and the library.
And Spike, the ever-vigilant, was there.
He saw with great surprise the four of grey
and asked, “How came they to this wretched state?”
But Twilight said, “It matters not. Come here
and help me find the thrice-cursed book I need!”
She caught herself, for what she’d said was Cruel.
She spoke again with measured words. “Please, Spike,
I need the book about the Elements,
Do you think you can find it?” Yes, he could.
He climbed a ladder swiftly and picked up
the very book. But as he sought to bring
it to her, Fluttershy swept down
and took it from him, passing it along
from pony grey to pony, never once
allowing Twilight succor or release.
Soon her impatience grew, and she began
to Greedily desire it, the book.
Her patience broke, and she rained heavy blows
like Mars in war upon her evil friends.
At last, the book was won, and she so cried:
“This is my book, none other’s! I will read
and find the answers that I so desire!”
But as she opened up the book, she found
that Discord’s trick was simpl’r than she thought.
The Elements were there within the book!
It seemed too easy. Were these truly they?
She would not know until they were employed
against the foe. Quickly, without thought
of kindness towards her friends, she threw them on
about their throats and made to find the King.
But Spike spoke up and asked, “Where be the sixth?
The Loyal Rainbow Dash? Did she not come
with you?” And Twilight turned on him. She thought
a thought most Traitorous: “We need not her.
If I find but another who is Loyal,
they could replace her.” So she gave the last
of the six necklaces to Spike. She turned
and forced them out as swiftly as she could.
There Discord stood, uncaring at the six.
“I don’t fear you, Twilight, student and friend,
the Element’s pow’r is at an end.
Try to attack me. Can you begin
to quell this eternal storm that you’re in?”
And Twilight caught her breath. Was this the truth?
Had he allowed them to regain the gems
because he knew that they now held no pow’r?
She cast away that thought. They must prevail.
They must prevail. They must succeed. They... must?
She turned her head and called the five at once
into the group. She called upon the crown
she wore, the Element of Magic, and
she felt its power coursing through her yet.
But no! She could not feel the others near!
The power was supposed to fill all six
as one, and yet she felt no other force.
The five were dead, or carried no degree
of light within them. Thus the weapon failed.
And Discord only laughed, for it was plain
that they could never hope to take him down.
He flew away, no threat to him remained.
The four of darkness threw away their gems
and gave her scowling looks as they went off
to spread more chaos anywhere they went.
So Twilight watched them, cursing their contempt.
Their hurtful words, despite her mad façade,
were breaking her. She longed for her old friends
that loved her, filled her heart with life’s true joys.
She felt a broken feeling she had thought
was gone forever, now that she had friends.
But now that they’d abandoned her, she felt
once more the awful pain of Loneliness.
And as she filled with Loneliness, she felt
detachedly her coat turn sickly gray.

So Discord won, and chaos reigned supreme.
And thus...
Among the town...
were fruity planes.
Salio walked in the messily bran,
new steaks and freedom, endlessly wavering,
the coffee was mimsy, the nu-sesta devily.
The scent of blue was all around,
and trips, new solid, constantly interfering,
and news! Oh news! The heart aches to hear it.
Coventry and whisper-wills were far along.
Pies! They call me engendered fleas,
And last,
any try,
comma, semicolon...
The moonbeams dropped in the songbird’s waves
and anyone lived in a pretty how town.
The buffalo danced in the cool cover sting.
Navra, umbrella, hanta mistake...
The purple worm and its raw blink.
The pony who flew with a wobbly button,
the cocoma gunta with soft debonair.
Textile and dishes in the light of the moon.
Despair and unity in the darkness of song.
Fizzle and wizzle and bridges and tea,
Diggle and Daggle, the students of myrrh,
Cordoba, Calliope, Canterlot, Car.
Freeze lister quanta, the ranch and the file.
Silly samhedi, contortional blessing.
The grey unicorn in the sapphire staff
with the coltra kinesis and the lost miranda
walked in the stat and the light and the dark.
And letters flew by in a cuprous melange,
the starry nucleus wanting no froid.
And they laughed, and they sighed, and they wanted to be free.
And Twilight heard, with a new apprehension,
the joys of the past and the wants of before.
And Twilight, through the memories of love
and friendship, gained her sanity once more.
She read the letters she had sent away
to Canterlot that bore the love she felt
for all her friends. The Loneliness began
to crumble. She regained her purple hue.
She realized that she could save her friends
with those same memories. She went at once
to Applejack the Liar and began
a spell of love, of memory, to break
the bonds of gray that Discord had devised.
Though Applejack resisted her, she soon
began to feel the joys of friendship past.
Her color soon returned, and she began
with halting words to say, “I’ve done you wrong.
I lied to ease my heart, to hide the truth.
But I remember now that Honesty
will always be more useful in the end.
Can you forgive me?” she lamented. “Yes,”
said Twilight. “I already have. Come on!”
They saw the next one, Fluttershy, and she
was mean and surly, but they bound her tight
so that she would not hurt them. Then once more,
sage Twilight cast her spell upon the Brute.
Sweet Fluttershy began to tell her tale:
“I let him trick me. Oh, how wrong I was
to ever think that hate was better than
the pain we get from love unrequited.
But kindness is not easy. Even when
our kindness is repaid with ill, we must
press onward, loving constantly.” She wept
for all the wrong she’d done to all her friends.
But they embraced her, loving her at fault.
With Fluttershy and Applejack regained,
they came to the Boutique, where Rarity
kept closely to herself all of her things
in Greedy clasp. But Twilight soothed her heart
and brought her back to happiness once more.
And Rarity, with gentle heart, said thus,
“Oh, dear, I let him trick me, didn’t I?
He told me I deserved it for my own,
that lustrous gem, that serpent’s apple. But
I know now what I thought was incorrect.
To give to friends is wondrous. Value lost
through charity is won through handsome smiles
that warm the heart. I now renounce the gem
that stole my heart. Away you, demon’s gift!”
And so, she hurled the boulder far away.
The last they found was Pinkie Pie, amid
a bush of thorns. Here Twilight used again
the spell she’d made, and Pinkie gained her pink.
She Laughed her joyous Laugh and sang her song:

O joyful! I feel it now,

the Laughter I’d lost in my heart.

It’s funny, I don’t recall how.

Ah yes! I’d forgotten the art

for others were laughing with hate

as my soul was tearing apart.

But oh! Now isn’t it great?

I’ve learned of how Laughter is best

when sharing with friends or with mates.

But wow! Did I fail his test?

No matter! My Laughter and song

Will help us be glad and at rest.

I know now my sadness was wrong.

But now I feel vibrant and strong!

I’m happy! Let’s all get along!

But where was Rainbow Dash? No sign they found
at any of her haunts, until at last
they found her on a cloud amid a field.
Anon, they asked her, “Wherefore do you stay
among that cloud? Wilt thou come help our team?”
And she replied, “I must protect my home!”
For Rainbow Dash believed that this small cloud
was Cloudsdale. “I need friends not, nor do I
care for your quest. I help only myself.”
They made to hold her, but she flew away.
They fought her left and right, but swift was she,
and they could not contain her. Twilight thought,
and soon they realized a better plan.
They worked together. First, as Pinkie Pie
and Rarity passed Applejack the ropes,
they chased behind with Fluttershy at wing.
Twilight steered them, and, with careful aim,
they held down Rainbow Dash and cast the spell.
Her color now returning, she began,
“I let you fail the game that Discord made
because I was afraid of what he showed
among the clouds. I let my fear
betray me, and it led me to regret
the very path I’d chosen. Now, I swear,
I’ll never walk away from duty giv’n.
We must be off at once, for Discord waits!”

Indeed he did. He sat upon a throne
and watched with glee the chaos he had made.
The madness of the ponies was his song,
their fear and sorrow, all he lived and breathed.
He felt his power rising. Soon, he’d strike
and ruin all the land with chaos’ might.
But Twilight and her friend stood ‘fore his throne.
They stood with strength and unity. But he
saw not their newfound color, nor their hope.
He wielded power still beyond their own
and spoke his words to them to drive them off:
“The Elements? Bah. You’ve tried them before.
I’ve broken you once. Shall I break you once more?”
He picked them up with magic, and they felt
the chaos all around amid the air
destroying their resolve. But Twilight jumped
at once and held them in a barrier
born not of magic, but of friendship’s bliss.
And as it touched the ground, it broke the spell
of chaos, bringing peace to it once more.
This Discord saw but understood it not.
Still arrogant as ever, he believed
that he had bested them. He watched them grow
in power, ‘til at once it was too late.
Fair Twilight glowed with power and released
the Magic of the Elements once more.
It struck the King and turned him straight to stone.
The magic pulsed and opened over all
of Ponyville. The chaos wiped away
to be replaced with order once again.

The stained glass windows in the Vault now tell
of their adventures. They will be known now
and for all time as they who stopped the King.
He may have been the strongest enemy
that they had ever faced, but one was strong as well,
but in a different fashion. She was Queen
of hidden motives, plans, and power schemes.
And during her attack, she bested all
who stood against her mutinous decree.
The Princess tried in vain to stop her spell
and failed. This was something to behold.
O Muses, bring anew that ancient tale
when love was lost, regained, and shined like light.
The Wedding of the child of Venus’ star
and he, the val’ant soldier, Twilight’s kin.
Await the tale, my friends. It shall be grand.

Harmony Lost*

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In th' ancient times, when life was newly born
and time and space were fragile in their shapes,
one being kept all things in ordered path.
This thing was called the Tree of Harmony,
which held within its roots the many realms
and in its boughs were held a set of gems,
six total, now so called the Elements.
Now in those days the creatures o'er the earth
were simple, thoughtless, without word or deed
worth mentioning. Yet one day thought the Tree,
“I will uplift a species as my own.
They shall be filled with all the gifts of mind:
the light of reason, purity, and good;
the wind of speech, of wisdom, grace, and truth;
the flame of strength, of honor and defense;
the water bearing service to one's kin;
the earth of mercy, love, and selflessness;
th' ethereal joy that rises from within.
These will I give to those of mine who do
my precious work. They shall maintain
this perfect world where I myself cannot,
for I must always keep this world alive
with all the sacred nutrients I give
back to this world. Who, then, among the beasts
and creatures of this world shall I decide
to carry out this service?” Out it looked
and saw the varied creatures great and small.
The smallest it discarded, for the task
required weighty tasks across the world.
The largest, too, were not selected, for
the great too easily forgot the small
and only thought of their own lives at stake.
Those who remained it thought of carefully,
and, finally, it chose the equine race,
saying, “You are strong and brave. Your light
is purest in my eyes. My world is yours
to rule o'er as you wish.” With one last thought,
it split the race in three and spoke once more:
“These first shall be my anchors. Strong and true,
their strength shall govern all that lives and breathes
upon the earth. The subtle energies
of flora and of fauna shall be thine.
These second all the endless skies shall rule
and keep the weather moving evenly,
granting dryness to the earth, or living rain.
The birds and bees will flock to your control.
The third I give the heavens and the earth.
To do this, you shall have an added strength
of mind. All matter shall be yours to bend,
to work and change and shape as is your will.”
And so the tribes were formed, and it was good.
They worked the earth with hoof and horn and wing
and balanced everything in Harmony.
But soon they grew uncertain. They cried out:
“Oh, we are lost! We do not know our aim.
What is our purpose in this universe?
Must we but strive for our small-portioned lives
and die thereafter, having done no good
but will be lost once we have left this world?”
The Tree considered this. “It is not good
that they are lost and yearning for a sign.
I must send them a messenger of light.”
The Tree shone once, and on its bark appeared
a purple star. A figure formed beside:
a pony, brown as earth, with wings and horn.
The Tree of Harmony decreed to this new thing,
“You shall be Destiny. Go out and give
my chosen ones a sign, that they may live.”
Young Destiny went out among the fold
and spoke with all the ponies. One by one,
he touched them with his horn and wing and hoof,
and there an image formed upon their flanks.
He said, “This mark is mine. It shall reveal
to you your gifts at such at time as they
appear to you. When you are young, you shall
not bear it. Only when you know yourself
so perfectly so as to know your place,
shall cutie marks appear. This do I make.”
And thus was it performed. They grew in strength,
and wandered to fulfill their chosen ends.
However, this was not the Tree's intent.
The ponies all were meant to work as one!
Reluctantly, the Tree began again
and formed another messenger. Upon its bark
the lum'nous sun appeared. Another form
appeared: snow white and pink, like clouds at dawn.
Spoke thus the Tree of Harmony once more:
“You shall be Order. Like the sun at dawn,
you shall bring light to all who serve my cause.
With Destiny, you shall unite the tribes
into one mighty kingdom of this land.
Your tenets shall be Harmony and love,
and all will come together by your name.”
So Order did as Harmony decreed.
But Order was a humble, quiet mare.
She saw herself unfit to rule the land
and chose instead a unicorn to lead,
a stallion named Golden Crown the First.
At first it seemed a reas'nable exchange,
but as his lineage commanded all,
they grew in arrogance. It was quite clear
(to them at least) that Order had made them
the rulers of the pony kingdom as
a sign that they were better. After them,
the pegasi, now skilled and trained in war,
considered themselves likewise high above
the other two. And even under strife,
the earthen ponies called themselves the best
as well, and hatred filled them up inside.
This threw off balance, causing massive storms
by creatures known as Windigos. Before
the Destiny or Order spirits could
return and save them all, they fled their homes
and settled in a place long miles away.
The Tree was most unhappy, so it sent
a third creation out to guide them all,
a lunar creature, marked with crescent form,
and said, “You shall be Balance, and my last.
Go out and keep the other two in check.
Reflect the light of Order. Walk the path
of dreams and thought. Mark Destiny's domain.”
And so she did. She gathered her two kin
and set them up to rule Equestria,
the new abode which ponies had secured.
And so they ruled, but still it was not good.
The ponies, though they served the laws of life,
were not advancing technologic'ly.
The Tree could not determine what was wrong
until it realized the flaw it'd made.
And so it called to Destiny, who came
upon the Tree and wondered at its aim.
Thus spake the Tree: “I need another force,
yet lack the pow'r to make one. I believe
that Destiny has weakened ponykind.
They do their duty given, but no more.
So therefore, I demand that you remove
the cutie mark and all your other works
and come back here to give my power back.
I shall make Vision with this energy,
a mare of violet hue and noble aim.
Her eyes will point towards heaven, and one day,
perhaps, she'll reach it.” As he left the Tree,
he burned with anger. “Ponies need my mark!”
he cried. “Can I not do what Vision would?
I will create and form, and they will see.
I will not be forgotten, left to die.”
He went to all the ponies and performed
his miracles. “See, ponies, what you'll gain!
See glass, see concrete, see aluminum;
see nuclear, electric, hydrogen,
entropic, sub-atomic energy;
see airplanes, trains, and steamers; see the world
that you could have should you reclaim your prize!
This is your destiny! Reach out and see!”
But rather than be happy, they were scared.
They fled in panic from his strange display.
That made him only angrier. He swore,
“I will be Vision, Harmony or no!
My works shall be remembered for all time!
But where was love, may cruelty remain;
but where was laughter, anger shall remain;
but where was honesty, let lies be king;
but where was selflessness, let greed be king;
but where was loyalty, make all betray;
but where was friendship, lonely shall they stay!
All shall be backwards! Darkness shall be light,
freedom shall be slavery, and true
shall falsehood be. O Grief, be my new joy!
Discord, be my Harmony!” So named,
he forged himself a body of eight parts
and conquered poor Equestria with ease.
His powers multiplied, his anger died
'til nothing but enjoyment yet remained.
This rule was fun! No matter how they hurt,
the ponies would continue. Here he stood,
the king of earth. The Tree had lost this war.
When Order came with Balance to attempt
to sway King Discord from his evil reign,
he laughed and struck them down. But though it seemed
completely lost, yet hope remained. The two
could not die, though they had lost their forms.
They sought out two new forms much like themselves,
two sisters, born yet nearly close to death.
They filled them, granting them new life and limb.
Thus Order, newly named Celestia,
and Balance, now named Luna, rose again.
However, something rather odd had changed
within them. They had lost their memory.
They only knew, but vaguely, of the pow'r
which rested in the Tree of Harmony.
The tree, upon their coming, saw their forms
and realized the weight of their demise.
It gave them six smooth gems of pow'r, which spoke
the virtues of its type. With these six giv'n,
the sisters traveled to the mighty king,
and turned him swiftly into solid stone.
Yet he had one last trick within his sleeve:
a bag of seeds that dove beneath the earth
to tear the Tree he loathed from root to branch.
The Tree contained the smallest bit of force
within itself; though it had lost the gems,
it stayed defended for a bit of time.
But when the power faded, Discord's seeds
grew stronger and entangled the poor tree.
With this the real story can begin
of Twilight, newly crowned, and her dear friends.
This also is the story that must come
before the other, “Harmony Regained.”
Be patient, for the story must will come.