The First Equestria Girls Day Care

by Michael Hudson

First published

Nowadays, pokemon day cares are known world wide. However, few people know how they, or pokemon in general, came to be. This is that story.

Nowadays, Pokemon Day Cares are known across the world as places for your pokemon to be cared for and nurtured by the very best of the best in breeders. The food combinations for every pokemon have come down to a science, training with them yields... results, and of course, there is breeding.

However, not many know how the first day care came to be, or how it was that the one who made the first one even found pokemon to care for. They also don't know the secret that only breeders do, and that is how the eggs come to be.

This is the story of how Fluttershy came to find all of this, and start the first day care.

Commissioned by FickleAura Unfortunately, as life struck them down while I worked on this, they are currently unable to finish the three chapter commission. Thus, the story is on hiatus until either the commissioner is re-stabilized, or another takes up the cost for finishing it.

Contains: Chapter 1: Interspecies sex, impregnation

The First Breeding

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Fluttershy hummed to herself as she rifled through some papers in her locker. They were notes, taken yesterday when she had checked on a few things at the new shelter she was taking care of, and the supplies she might need. A bit of dog food, a new brush for the cats, and soap, because today, was bath day.

While she was checking these things, a noisy slam came against the locker beside her, causing her to jump slightly. For a moment, she wondered if someone was possibly taking Sunset’s place as school bully, before she saw a touch of purple, and a lot of blue, extending past her locker door. “Rainbow Dash, you know you startle me every time you do that, right?”

The athletic girl rolled her eyes, just like always to such complaints, before reaching forward and grabbing Fluttershy’s shoulder. Looking into her violet eyes, they were filled with a fire, a passion that demanded to be fulfilled, and Rainbow’s lack of a smile matched the tone. Whatever she had to say, it had to be important.

“So, what team are you on Pokemon Go?”

Fluttershy blinked a few times, before tilting her head, and shifting her weight. The name sounded familiar, especially the first half, but the second… “What’s Pokemon Go?”

Rainbow’s eyes became almost the size of dinner plates as she screamed, “You don’t know what Pokemon Go is? Are you insane? I know you don’t do much with tech, but you had to have heard of it!”

A terse frown came across Fluttershy’s lips as she wrapped an arm around her front, compressing her large mounds as she did so, and causing a blush to come across her face as she realized that those would get in the way today. Then again, if she bathed with the creatures, they wouldn’t pose such an i-

“Fluttershy, don’t space out on me now!”

She jumped at the shout, before wilting a little bit, and biting into her cheek. If she had known what in the world Rainbow was talking about, it would help, but usually, when the blue girl got this way, it could become an issue getting her to let up, even if you had things you needed to take care of. “Look, I just haven’t been keeping up with the news lately. I got a new job at the sha-elter, and it’s been running me ragged. Okay?”

Rainbow Dash took her hand off of Fluttershy’s shoulder as her eyes narrowed. It wasn’t like the shy girl to keep secrets, and she knew that a little more pressure, and she could get her to fold in two, which would be good if she knew where any rare pokemon were, and just didn’t want to share.

And then Rainbow’s phone buzzed.

It was out of her pocket in under a second, and on in the next. Her eyes widened, and before she could help herself, she shouted out, “Omanite!”

Fluttershy, realizing that her friend’s attention, and everyone around her for that matter, were completely away from her, quickly stashed the pages back into her bag, and slipped away with a sigh of relief.


Fluttershy frowned to herself as she looked back to the skyline, and could see the sun fading in the distance, its rays lighting up the sky in a brilliant orange. While the sight was beautiful, it also told her that she would need to stay the night here, something she had done before, but it meant more lying, and a dead sprint to school tomorrow. It wouldn’t have even been so hard if it weren’t for the fact that the new arrival meant figuring out the right blend of food, and two different stores were completely out of the base she usually used for it.

It was worth it though, at least to her, as she turned to face forward. Now she stared at an abandoned shack, on the edge of town, that had been left in it’s current state for years. It’s wooden planks had holes in it, the ceiling was damaged, but if someone took a closer look, they could see that it had once been a rather large building, like a meeting hall, or lecture hall, before it got left behind with the business.

And now, it was Fluttershy’s personal center of care for creatures who seemed to only trust her.

She walked across the open yard, and was met with two, large, brown ears that peaked over the top of a window that faced towards the front. With her next step, the creature showed itself, and Fluttershy couldn’t help but smile. She had talked to some of the people in the stores about the app that Rainbow had been talking about, and she was forced to ask one question to herself.

Why would she search for pokemon, when she had already found them, and could care for them?

She bent down as the small, brown fox-like creature leapt out of the windowsill, and started running towards her. Once eevee was in range, it leapt at her, just like every other time, and crashed into the soft pillows of her chest. For a moment, Fluttershy blushed, remembering the last time she had stayed here, and the cute little guy had used them as a pet bed. Still, he had helped her stay warm that night, and was soft to the touch, so she happily let it nuzzle against the large mounds while running her hand through the soft, white fluff around its neck.

Eevee lifted up it’s head, looking her in the eyes, before she could see a small glow around it’s body, and she shut her eyes. She remembered this trick from the first time. It’s already fluffy fur would become even large, it;s eyes would widen to that of a chibi, and shine like one as well, all in an attempt to make her stay and pet him for the next hour. However, she had things to do, and so, while her eyes were still closed, flicked the little cutie on the nose.

“Weeve!” He jumped back at the small attack, and fell onto his back in the grass and dirt. Fluttershy smiled as it’s little paws waved in the air, and she was happy she made sure to get an extra duty brush, as she knew the little fella always found the dirtiest parts of the shack, and this wouldn’t help him be clean.

With a tap on the top of his head, the little fluffball popped his eyes opened and stared at her as she smiled down at him. “Come on Zackary, we have things to do, and you’re not supposed to be out like this. Besides, we have a B-A-T-H to do tonight with you.” She had learned a long time ago that, like any pet, the pokemon seemed to be able to understand some human speech, and that some words were absolutely taboo.

Now with greetings over, and his Cute Charm failed, the eevee seemed happy to bounce back to his feet, and pattered along beside Fluttershy. She, meanwhile, was already looking into her bag, and humming to herself as she popped the seal on a few of the bags. The effect was almost immediate, as she could hear skittering above her in response. In the next few moments, two rattata and a pidgey came down the stairs to the side of the large common area, just as excited as the bouncing ball of fuzz beside her that was able to get all the way to her hips with its hops.

With careful measurements, made for each type to what it seemed to like and respond to the best, she began doling out the food for each breed. Luckily, since she had only so many bowls, she had found that the ones that ate the same sort of food, like the eevee and the rattata, could eat out of the same bowl. The fact that they never fought for it amazed her, but she chalked it up to the seemingly good nature of pokemon in general.

Satisfied with their food, she turned to the new mix. Her base had the necessary nutrients for anything, some protein, some vitamins, things like that, but figuring out which ones had to be focused on, or what additive taste would get them to eat it, that was the tricky part. And for that, she needed their new friend. “Aron, can you bring Felicia down?”

’Of course I can, Fluttershy.’

The cool, calm voice running through her mind still gave her shivers. It belonged to the possibly strangest, though she would say most interesting, of all the pokemon in the shack. He had also been the first, badly hurt in a thunderstorm as he re-located to a new safe location. It had been while she was out in that very storm that she saw Aron fall from the sky, and found him here. Ever since he had recovered though, he helped her communicate with the new arrivals, and to make sure those he did not deem safe did not come to the shack.

And now, with a small, red fox on his back, the dragonair slithered down the stairs, and came to a stop before Fluttershy. She stepped forward, wrapping her arms around his ‘neck’, and felt him nuzzle into her long, pink hair. It was a new part of their relationship, to meet like this, but she enjoyed it, and Aron said that it helped him establish a deeper bond with her, so she was more happy to do this, even if his lithe body slid perfectly between her bosom.

’So, what is the plan for today?’

Fluttershy slipped her arms off of him, and began to walk around to check the vulpix as she said, “Well, first we need to take care of this little cutie, don’t we?” She bent down, slowly extending a hand to the red fox, whose gleaming eyes were trained on her. She knew that, with it being injured, though the bandage on it’s side hid the damage, it could distrust her, and that it had some level of fire starting capabilities. Fortunately, today, it stayed still, and even gently rubbed it’s head against her hand as she stroked its back.

Carefully, she lifted it, cradling it in both hands. It let out a squeak of pain as she squeezed it, but a few, gentle strokes of her hand through its coat got it to calm, before she placed it upon the table she had been using for the food. “Did you ever switch her bandage today?”

’Of course. Even twice.’

Fluttershy smiled at the response. Aron had been a useful source of information, but had explained that fighting was where his real knowledge was, not healing, so things like dressing wounds, gently caring for the injured, and such like that, were beyond him. Fortunately, he seemed to go to extreme lengths to show that he indeed could learn, and took pride in anytime he could.

While Fluttershy began to measure out different amounts of the food, trying to focus on protein heavy brands to fuel the vulpix's fire, she watched closely for the pokemon’s reactions to each. One got it to turn its head, another got a spurt of flame out of the side of its mouth, so mixed she assumed, and the third got the vulpix to dart towards the cup, just before she pulled away. With that in mind, she began to mix the second and third. Otherwise, she would beg for more food, and may overeat.

’You’ve gotten quite good at this you know.’

A small touch of pink came to Fluttershy’s cheeks at the praise, as well as a light smile as the fire type before she began to eat greedily. “I’m just happy that I seem to have a good touch at all of this. Though, it doesn’t help me much when I need to clean you all, does it?”

For a moment, nothing happened, and Fluttershy was left to just watching the vulpix, before she felt something slide into her skirt. Her breath caught from the surprise, and a shiver ran down her spine as the slender, smooth tail slid underneath her panties as well. Next, her words were choked off by a small squeak, and her body trembled.

She could feel Aron’s tail pressed against her bare flesh. Every muscles as it flexed, the tip of the tail as it slowly ran along her lower lips. Nothing had ever touched her down there, and her body screamed for her to run from the foreign touch. Just as she tried to process the thought though, the end of the dragonair’s tail slid in, just an inch, and an involuntary moan escaped her lips.

Her hand then came hard against her mouth as she realized what she had just done. Moans meant she liked it, that it felt good, and… She shivered again as the tip retracted, it’s smooth scales passing by her trembling nethers, and the muscles within it pressing and flexing against the sensitive skin. It became more confusing as the tail pressed itself on a point just above her folds, and a shock of ecstasy ran through her body. Am I actually enjoying this?

It didn’t last though, and the tail continued to move, its scales and muscles still flexing against her as it passed, inch by cruel inch. As this almost sexual torture was seeming to end, to Fluttershy’s confused dismay, Aron’s calm voice entered her mind again, cutting through her own internal screaming. ’Is it alright if I help you undress then? Or do you not plan to bathe us tonight?’

Fluttershy swallowed hard, realizing what the previous action had been for, and let out a long, shuddering breath. Now with the new bit of news, she realize what had just happened. Aron was simply taking the initiative, and not realizing what he had been doing. That was good… right? She pursed her lips, confused at the thought. “N-No, I planned to bathe you.”

'Well, if were to do what we normally do, than we should rid you of these garments, as otherwise you’ll end up sleeping in damp, or soaked cloths for the whole night.’ As he said the words, his tail lowered and with it, the fabric that covered her, and gave her something to blame the shivers on.

Fluttershy nodded. “Y-yeah, I was planning on doing Zackary first. Is that alright?”

Another pause came from Aron, before the words, a bit sharper than usual, ‘I’ll go get him,’ passed through her mind. Once she was certain he was gone, and not about to try to help her again, Fluttershy began to strip away her shirt. Beneath was a tight, white wrap, as she could no longer find a bra shop willing to make her a bra. Luckily, with how tightly she wore it, it did help her back not snap in two under the weight of the mountains on her chest.

It did, however, leave them sore, and she put her hands over the reddened nipples. She once again blamed the cold for them being rock hard, but her mind thought otherwise. Her mind wondered, just for a moment, how those strong, tender coils would feel against her bosom, or even the dragonair’s mouth as it tried to suckle on her hard teats. The thoughts stoked the fire already between her thighs, and she wondered for a moment if a side effect of ‘ponying up’ was getting estrus as well.

She didn’t have long to dwell on it though, as Aron, with his normal efficiency, was soon back with Zackary, who fought with him in his coils. Fluttershy realized she still wasn’t ready, and ran to the back of the shack where a small hand pump was setup. After so many years, there was of course no warm water, but with a metal tub, and a fire provided by Aron, she could get enough water to bath any of them.

The poor eevee, still trying it’s best to get away from what was to come, was dumped in once the water was about halfway up, and Fluttershy knelt on the ground beside the tub with her regular bag of supplies in one hand. The dirt and stones that often pressed into her legs during this was another reason she preferred to wash Aron second, as she got in the tub with him. As for Zackary…

Her hands shot forward, grabbing him by the scruff of his neck, before pulling him back towards the edge of the tub. “Come one, little one, you know that you always feel better after I wash you, so just co-opera-”

The eevee, not willing to put up with the logic, whipped around, and slashed at one of her breasts. While it didn’t penetrate the skin, or even leave a mark due to how weak Zackary was, it still made Fluttershy recoil and cry out in pain from the abuse to her sensitive mounds. Aron was there in a flash, his body coiling around her midsection, his tail hanging between her legs, and his head right in front of her. ’Are you okay?’

Fluttershy felt her breath catch as she felt those scales lay against her nethers again, and now also against the insides of her bosom. So soft, and so warm. “H-he just hurt my b-breast, th-that’s all.”

’He did? Why would one ever wish to harm these?' The voice sounded a lot more distant than it normally did, as if Aron were distracted, and in the next moment, Fluttershy realized he was. This was because his tongue, rough and slimy, and rather large compared to that of a person’s, came against where she had been scratched.

It didn’t stop there though. No, the dragonair’s tongue kept licking at her bosom, as if to clean it, but what it really did was drive Fluttershy crazy. She wanted to tell him to stop, but her moans and the haze of lust stopped her words. She tried to keep them under control of course, but things like a gentle nip on her erect nipple, followed by a long lip were things that she had never experienced, or thought of happening to her before. So, for the moment, she just enjoyed the ride. Enjoyed every flexing muscle against her, the gentle prodding of his tail as it came against her nethers, and the nips and licks against her heaving bosom.

And then, he pushed something that was not his tail into her pussy. She took a shuddering gasp at the insertion. What was now inside of her was large, thick, and pulsed within her tight folds. It hadn’t gone very far in, but because of the shifting, twisting muscles of the dragonair body, it moved constantly, grinding at her sensitive folds as she quickly realized just what it was.

It was Aron’s cock, and he was breeding with her.

“A-Aron, stop!”

The reaction was delayed, with one more lick coming against her quivering breast, before Aron slid his head forward. The scales sliding against her flesh still felt good, even now, and there was a part of her that didn’t want to object. Didn’t want to ask him to get out of her, not when they were so close, and not when this felt so good. But she had never done this either, and to lose it to a creature, even one as beautiful as a dragonair… could she?

She looked into his shining blue eyes, and heard him ask, ’Am I doing something wrong?’

Fluttershy swallowed hard, still able to feel that ever moving cock grind within her. It was big, bigger than she had thought a creature like him might have, but not the point that it scared her. Only excited her. Why is this so confusing? “I… I haven’t ever done something like this, and… and you’re a-”

Aron slid forward, and pressed his lips against hers. It was odd, especially with the curved mouth, but just like every other part of his body, Aron had perfect control over his tongue, and she felt shivers run along her spine as it twisted around her own. While together, he spoke, sweet and softly. ’Fluttershy, do not think that I only follow some simple, base instinct. I am a dragon, and those that I choose to share my brood with I do because I trust them. Because I think they’re the best of their kind. But with you, one thing over rides it all.'

He slowly retracted his lips, and Fluttershy could see tears on his cheek, something she hadn’t even known was possible. It hurt her to see him like this, and she just wanted to invite him in, comfort him, instead of ever hurt him. And the next words sealed the feeling in her.

'I… I love you. You could be weak, seemingly incapable of being with me, and I would still wish for only you to carry my eggs. So please, Fluttershy, give me this honor.'

Fluttershy looked deep into his eyes before laying back, and letting out a deep breath as a tear came down her face. She was already considered so weird with her love for nature, but at that moment, she didn’t care. She just wanted to be with him. “I-I love you too, Aron.”

Aron let out a noise that was akin to a purr, just before she felt a ripple run down his body. At first, it confused her why he may be doing that, or what he may be getting ready for, before her eyes widened. She didn’t want to think he was actually going to do what was about to happen, but felt shivers run down her spine in anticipation, but also a small seed of fear.

And then, every inch of his long, throbbing cock slammed into her, and she let out a small cry of pain as her whole body spasmed. Her earlier thought that it wasn’t too big wasn’t absolutely true now as her folds had been forced to spread, but at the same time, to feel his girth, his force, and his intensity sent waves of ecstasy down her spine.

She said no words, but from her shaking, and the pained squeak, Aron stopped, and leaned down. His body never stopped moving, which actually helped Fluttershy as the long, throbbing log in her right now continued to move and massage her tight, sensitive folds, and coax them to relax. She smiled at him, and he licked at her face, brushing away a tear she hadn’t even realized she had until then.Fluttershy, in turn, reached for him, and pulled him close for another soft kiss.

As their lips met, Aron took it as permission to continue, and slowly sent more ripples down his body. Each one brought with it another thrust, following the ripple as his body moved up and down. A small one, and all it did was tease and grind, but when he did the ones the lifted himself well off of her, Fluttershy’s whole body tensed, waiting for the next slam, and the crash of pleasure, mixed with just the slightest bit of pain.

But if you asked her if she liked it, if the process of being taken by what could be considered a wild beast excited her, she would have to say yes. The dragonair’s smooth scales against her skin, his lips and tongue against her most sensitive places, and the primal plunges clouded her mind with enough lust to make any pain of the experience melt away to sheer ecstasy.

As she caught her breath after one particularly hard thrust, her body shaking, on the brink of coming, Aron’s head lifted all the way up, his whole body, minus where they were connected, following the curve as he said, ’Here they come.’

Fluttershy didn’t know what he could mean, but just waited, her body trembling. She was so close, so very close, and she wanted to be made to finish by her beloved dragonair. In fact, she almost couldn’t think of anything more that she could want, and found herself relaxing as Aron dived down, and the wave ran down his body.

The next thrust was hard. No, hard wasn’t the right word. It felt like a comet slamming into the center of a planet to crack it, and causing hot, juicy magma to explode from the depth of the planet as it almost broke under the force of the impact. Or, for Fluttershy, the pleasure.

Her body went into overdrive as she tried to handle what she felt. First, their was the extra swollen cock, stretching her further than before and filling every inch of her sopping wet nethers. Next, was simply the force, and girth, letting her know that she was being taken and breeded with, and that the two were completely joined as one.

And last, the hot, sticky substance she could feel filling her womb, even as she herself met her climax. The seed that promised to give her her beloved dragonair’s brood, and make her the first human to ever mother a pokemon. A title that made her want to cry with tears of joy.

As the ripples of pleasure left her, she relaxed, staring at the now black sky, and smiling. She hadn’t expected this to be how the night had gone, but, somehow, she would never have wanted it to go another way.

Aron slid around so that he was beside her, his now soft member still within her as heat radiated off the two lover’s bodies. His nose brushed against her cheek, before she heard in her mind, ‘Thank you, my beloved. It means a lot to me for you to take this.’

She looked over, the smile on her face growing as she ran a hand along his face. She had always thought her dragonair was beautiful, but under the moonlight, where his scales could truly shine, he truly looked like something out of legend. “I… I’m just happy to be given the chance to bear them, because… because I love you too.”

Aron finally came out of her, so as to be able to coil around her, and keep her warm, even under the chilly, night sky. His head laid next to hers, he said, in almost a hushed voice, ’There is… there is one other thing I want to bring up, before you sleep.’

The worry in his tone confused her, worried her, and she reached over to stroke his scales. “What is it?”

’Well, you’ve been taking care of me and my kind for a few months now, and the bond you grow with us is unlike any I have ever seen between pokemon and human. Taking that along with our declining safe zones where we can try to stay away from humans, I… I was wondering if you would be willing to do more things like this? Continue to care for us, allow us to start bonding with humans properly, and… breed.’

Fluttershy paused at that. She had enjoyed tonight, but to be a brood mother? To allow creatures like Zackary to clamber over her, dominate her from behind as she gets ready to have a kit of eevees? To allow whatever form his cock to take to enter her, and fill her with his precious seed?

She blinked, realizing that her heat was coming back as she thought about it, but unlike with her fear of Aron, it didn’t scare her. It didn’t make her want to run away. It reminded her, somewhat, of the feeling she got in the shelter, taking care of lost animals and strays.

But the joy of it, the joy of thinking of the pokemon she could raise, and give a home to, was unlike that entirely. It made her want to cry, but also cheer, to hide, but leap for it as well. It would be the ultimate task of taking care of animals, but if she could, she could bring more joy than she had ever thought possible to another species life.

With the thoughts of the smiling pokemon in her mind, and a swollen belly, she patted Aron’s cheek, and laid to rest, with her dreams filled with the joy she hoped to find in the future.