The Conversion Bureau: Reap What You Sow

by SupremeSoviet

First published

The conversion process has wiped out Humanity on Earth and their tales dead, but for how long?

The Bureaus have won, Celestia has "Purified" all of Earth, and has wiped any traces of their existence from the world. But her purge of Humanity wasn't the start or the end of conversions. Long before the current Bureaus there was another race which shared a similar fate, But they along with Humanity survived, and soon their species meet.

Prologue: Those Who Came Before

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I don't own My Little Pony, Hasbro, EA Games, Mass Effect, or Bioware. I would like to thank Dalek IX for letting me adopt this story. Enjoy the chapter. Warning, this chapter will have a LOT of gore and swearing, you have been warned.

Earth November 18Th 2020, Goddard International Space Center Australia

" The Barrier has today engulfed Sydney, Australia, with all other Major cities such as, Paris, New York City, and Beijing already having been consumed by the Barrier. Along with 98% of the rest of the world. Humanity has truly been put on the path of annihilation. Princess Celestia, has once again apologized for the Barrier's expansion and said that she did everything in her power to stop the barrier from moving, Claiming once again that Ponification is the only way to survive." The Reporter stated on one of the last broadcasts ever Televised. One of the men in the room turned it off after those words.

" Biggest load of bullshit I've ever heard coming from Celestia, you can see right through her lies!" Head of N.A.S.A. project Red crown, Gregory Crenshaw Yelled.

" I know my contacts from the CIA told me that they have a lot of evidence that the Barrier is being expanded by Celestia." H.L.F. head Micheal Heller replied, to which Crenshaw just sighed.

" I know, that's why I need you and as many as your Comrades to set up a perimeter around this space center. If the P.E.R. finds out about this project we're gonna need every able bodied man and women to defend it with their very lives. Once the Arks are completed we are going to head in the direction of, well it should be the Alpha Centauri system." Crenshaw stated before looking out the window.

" But what if the ships fail or the P.E.R. breach security and sabotage the systems?" Heller asked, while he was a natural born leader he had a nasty habit for looking at the worst possible outcome as the most likely one.

"You're getting paranoid, the security here is state of the art, plus the most likely system failure is that of the release time, and before you say anything I mean the type where the timer doesn't release us at the right time, so that's not really a loss." Crenshaw replied with a hint of smugness in his voice.

" Fine, how many Arks are their again?" Heller asked, before grabbing a glass and pouring himself some whiskey.

" Eight, each can fit up to two-hundred fifty men. They are also made of Carbon Nano-Tubes so they won't break." Crenshaw replied, the amount of time and money required to produce the amount of Nano-tubes was astronomical.

" Alright, so more than enough for all the families and men here correct?" Heller asked, halfway done with his Whiskey.

" Yes along with a few extra seats for twenty of each remaining animals left on the planet." Crenshaw replied, there was a reason they were nick-named arks after all.

" Alright I'll tell the men, you just make sure everything is in its right place." Heller replied, now finished with his Whiskey.

" Good, stay safe and remember to tell them that they are to keep a lid on it, I don't want this place to be a war zone until we are ready to launch." Crenshaw stated before letting loose a small chuckle. After his minor laugh Heller left the room.

" I'll never under stand how that man can keep his liquor so well." Crenshaw mused to himself.

Earth November 19Th Goddard International Space Center Australia

" Alright men listen up!" Heller's voice boomed over the loud speakers all over the center. " We are going to be guarding this Center with are very lives, Humanity will survive do I make myself clear!"

" You are to report to hanger A-15 for your security assignments, these are you schedules from now until doomsday!" Heller's voice boomed at a tone that could break glass. He even got a nickname for this voice, Sergeant Heller.

Heller's voice was responded to by a wave of " Sir yes Sirs"

" Good luck and Humanity be with you." Heller's voice responded in a less commanding and more gentle tone.

" Seems old Heller's heard some interesting news." H.L.F. lieutenant colonel George Prescott said to a few of his friends at their dining table.

" Yeah he does, we're at a space center what do you think there making, orbital weapons platforms so we can bombard the barrier from the top and take our land back." A soldier asked while eating one of his pork chops.

" Wouldn't put it past him, but I think there's a reason as to why they're taking as many animals as they can. You did read the bible about the Ark? If you ask me that's what they're planing." Prescott stated while swallowing a lump of Mashed Potatoes.

" Oh yeah with that whole flood thing, I remember. So if it's true do you think Humanity will survive?" The soldier asked while adding a little salt on his meal.

" If those eggheads at N.A.S.A. aren't trusting information about this project to the Equestrian government, then we should be fine." Prescott replied.

" Yeah you're right commander, ever since ole' Shepard took command of the remainder of the world in general, we've been looking into all of that Superstitious stuff, like Hitler, minus the genocide. If I remember correctly I heard Shepard talk about something called Wunderwaffe or something. Whatever they're planning Celestia can't know about it, so I can see why they're tripling security." Another soldier said.

" Hard to believe Shepard actually put on a smile for those creeps, I remember him putting on a actual smile for them. Then he got the C.I.A. reports on the Bureaus. Although he kept them confidential, he did tell Heller about it. Then poof, the H.L.F. was born." Prescott said, he, Heller, and Shepard served in the same platoon in both the Iraq and Iran wars, so they knew quite a bit about each other.

" Yeah well we should report to the Hanger for are assignment's, Heller's a very impatient man, so he will have your head if you're late." A new man said at the table.

" Commander Heller sir!" All of the soldiers in the room saluted.

" At ease. You should really get going, last time I heard Prescott's team gets the most interesting guard post." Heller said before walking out the Mess Hall with a bottle of Scotch in his hand.

" Heller and alcohol, I'll never understand how that man drinks so much and is still sober." Prescott joked to the rest of the table, earning him a few laughs and smiles.

" Well see you in the hanger in ten" A captain at the table said, before they departed to get their equipment.

" Warning, security breach on perimeter wall position eleven, this is not a drill all troops man your positions!" A voice boomed over the loud speakers.

" You heard the announcement get moving!" Prescott yelled while loading his M-16. A loud explosion drew everyone's attention to the southeast quadrant, where they could see about fifty ponies breaching the perimeter wall.

" Snipers take up positions, remember aim for the horns and wings, if not hit the head, I want them all dead now!" A new voice joined the fray, the voice of none other than Humanity's leader, John Shepard.

" Mr. President get down!" Prescott yelled at him before unloading a clip of ammo at 5 unicorns, killing three instantly wounding one and blowing the wings clean of the other one.

" No I will not it is my duty to protect Humanity and by God's name I fucking will." Shepard responded before taking a Peacemaker and firing two rounds at a Unicorn, who screamed in pain as the bullets hit his eyes.

" Fine Mr. President, but if you get ponified I will not hesitate to blow your head clean off." Prescott said, before reloading his Rifle.

" Alright Prescott, I would do the same for you to." Shepard said before picking up a Sniper Rifle and a Megaphone. " Everyone Listen up, kill all of the Ponies, I don't want a single one of those little sons of bitches to live to tell the tale of this place so kill all of them!" His voice echoed throughout the battlefield. A few minutes later the sound of gunfire ceased.

" Sir, we have received no casualties, and the entire attack party is dead." A Captain stated to Prescott, Heller, and Shepard.

" Good, we need to put all of the patrols on alert. Since we destroyed the entire attack party the P.E.R. will not doubt send a larger attack party. I want every single dead Unicorn's horn pegasi wing and flank mark they have. Crenshaw stated that he is working double time on the project, if all goes according to plan the arks will be ready by tomorrow to the next day, now move." Shepard stated before pulling a Cuban cigar out of his pocket and lighting it.

" Shepard why do you still smoke I thought you were a politician not a soldier." Heller asked with a small smirk on his face.

" I might be a politician but I am a soldier first. I don't care that much for politics, it gets on my nerves. I prefer Teddy Roosevelt's famous quote, Speak Softly and care a big stick. Which means keep your weapon's loaded and your red button closer." Shepard stated before smoking once again.

" So what's this fancy project for anyway?" Prescott asked while surveying the carnage of the battle.

" Well, like I said they're arks, plain and simple." Shepard stated.

" So we really are leaving OUR planet. It's truly a sad week indeed." Prescott said while he looked at his rifle.

" It's not so bad, I mean if we get to the desired planet, we could rebuild are strength and military, who knows maybe even meet some alien life and they help us." Shepard stated while throwing away his stub of of a cigar.

" The chances of finding life on the planets we're going to are zero percent likely." A new voice added to their conversation.

"Ah, Crenshaw I am glad you could make it we were just talking about Red Crown." Shepard stated before taking a look at the sky.

" Well to answer the question you are going to ask me yes by tomorrow the last of the systems should be operational, and good thing to. The P.E.R. might tell Celestia and she would try to help. Every time she helped us the situation went from bad to worse. With all the evidence we have we know that she is eradicating our species. That is the end of that" Crenshaw stated before taking a folder out from his briefcase. He handed the folder to Shepard.

" What's this for, some kind of um eating schedule?" Shepard asked confused as to what the folder detailed.

" Get the men ready by 11 P.M tomorrow, We are leaving at night, The arks are pitch black and their flames have been mixed with a chemical compound that make it a dark blue flame. As for sound it will sound only half as bad as a usual rocket. The things run on a mix of Fuel, Solar Power, and a Nuclear core, don't worry we have a tech team that will be awoken if repairs are needed." Crenshaw said, before leaving for the storage facility.

" Well we better get packing." Prescott stated before walking towards the barracks.

" I've gotta get all the alcohol I can carry." Heller stated with a smirk before running towards his quarters.

Shepard just smirked and went towards his personal library, to collect ALL of his books.

November 20Th Goddard International Space Center Earth

" 8 Hours until Launch." Crenshaw mumbled to himself, he was currently going towards the Mess Hall to discuss the Arks.

" So how are going to break it to them?" Shepard asked coming from the southwest corridor.

" I don't know, Shepard could you please Tell them the news. I just don't have the heart or the time do tell them."

" You know it's not nice to give your Leader an order." Shepard said with a smirk. " However, I will tell them, just simply because I owe you one from yesterday." Shepard stated before going to the Mess Hall.

" So that's why we are leaving, Celestia thinks that they can steal are Humanity, they will fail. Get all of the refugees and your family members and get ready to board." Shepard stated, followed by a wave of yes sirs.

" You are very good with speeches Shepard, are you sure you're not a politician?" Crenshaw said while taking a scoop of String Beans from the container.

" A politician Bullshit's everyone with fake promises. I told them that there is a good chance that something fails and we die. That's the difference between me and politicians." Shepard told him before reaching for a hot dog.

" Yeah your right, If we had people like you in government originally then we wouldn't be dealing with this load of Shit." Crenshaw said before taking a seat.

" Yeah I know, but the good news it that when we reach a new planet we'll have a clean slate for society. We could begin anew we adapt it's in our nature. We learn from our past mistakes and we overcome them. We are even going to overcome this. Then when the time comes we become a coiled spring, waiting for one word, attack." Shepard stated while grabbing a bottle of Mustard.

" Yeah you're right, all we need is time, and then the fun can begin in a few thousand years or so." Crenshaw stated.

" Whatever gets the task completed it's fine by me." Shepard stated after taking a bite of his Hot Dog.

" After dinner I need you to come down to the Arks. We need to see if the Cryogenic beds work. So I was wondering if you would, help test it." Crenshaw stated, smiling weakly.

" Fine, but if something goes wrong it's on your head, got it?. Shepard stated while taking another bite of his Hot Dog.

" Got it, get to Ark seven in half an hour. Remember, don't be late the test has to be done on time, so you better have everything you need." Crenshaw stated before finishing his meal.

" Alright, you don't have to tell me twice." Shepard stated while grabbing a napkin.

Half an hour later

" Alright I'm here, so where's the bed?" Shepard asked Crenshaw who was typing at a console.

" Right down the hall room C-19, mind the door though. It's sticky sometimes and the code for the room is, A-567." Crenshaw replied before logging off from the Terminal.

" Alright, how longs the test though?" Shepard asked.

" Half an hour, give or take a few minutes though." Crenshaw said while straightening his glasses.

" OK, thanks for the info, so what do I do exactly?" Shepard asked.

" Just lay down and close the top. The freezing process will then commence." Crenshaw stated before leaving the room.

" Alright take care now you hear?" Shepard said jokingly, before going to room C-19

"Let's see code A-567." He said to himself

" Access granted, President Shepard." The console displaced on the screen.

Shepard entered the bed and closed the lid. The sound of the cryogenics activating soon filled the room.

35 Minutes later.

" Shepard wake up, it worked" A voice told him.

" What happened, it felt like my third year in Duke all over again?" Shepard said. Opening his eyes he saw Crenshaw, Prescott, and Heller staring at him.

" That's just a side effect of the cryogenics, it should go away in a few minutes." Crenshaw stated while tapping at a terminal.

" You did good, you know I couldn't have done it." Heller stated while drinking a bottle of Vodka. " Here, consider this a reward for a job well done." Heller stated while taking out a bottle of Red Italian Wine.

" No thanks Heller, I feel like I drank too much already." Shepard said, while getting up out of the bed.

" Shepard's right everyone, he shouldn't drink alcohol for a day or two." Crenshaw stated.

" Lucky me." Heller said with a smile on his face.

" Well back to the matter at hand..." Crenshaw was interrupted by a blaring siren.

" Intruders detected on base, perimeter wall 19 breached, estimated force size believed to be about four hundred." The Announcer said over the speakers.

" Prescott hand me your radio." Shepard said.

" Of course Mister President." Prescott said.

" All units fire and retreat, withdrawal to the Arks now we are launching A.S.A.P. so move." Shepard yelled over the radio.

" The Land Mines,Reinforced Air Balloons, and Quick Sand will slow them down for a bit." Shepard said while looking at a console.

" The chances of the system being fully operational are not high if we launch now Mr. President." Crenshaw said while pulling out a tablet and looking over the Ark's system status.

" If we don't launch now we will all be dead, so prepare to launch the Arks!" Shepard yelled at Crenshaw.

" Fine Mr. President." Crenshaw said while doing system checks on the Arks.

" Good we launch in twenty." Shepard said while leaving the room.

A loud boom echoed though the hallways of Ark seven.

" Seems they've already reached the land mines." Heller said with a smile.

" No time to think about those Bastard's being blown up." Prescott said while looking at the hallways already being flooded with soldiers and refugees.

" I estimate about one fourth of the total population has boarded, sir. Crenshaw said to Shepard.

" Good, we will launch soon." Shepard said with a smile. " Tell them to go to their designated rooms." Shepard said with a smirk.

" Of course Mr. President." Crenshaw stated before relaying the order through the loudspeakers on all the Arks.

Twenty minutes later.

All of the pods have been boarded Mr. President. Shall we take off." Crenshaw asked Shepard.

" Of course, next stop the Alpha Centauri System." Shepard said with a hint of sadness in his voice. With that he pressed a yellow button and the rockets engaged.

" Oh and look at this signal we picked up. Something to remember Equestria by." Crenshaw said

" With the last traces of vile Humanity gone, and almost all of their technology destroyed we celebrate to a new era of peace and harmony." Princess Celestia said over the radio.

" Remind me that if she's alive when we get back here to chop her head off." Shepard said with seething anger.

" Will do Mr. President, and see you in a few centuries to Milena, Mr. President."

With that being said both entered their beds.

Ark group Ark Seven time unknown time unknown date

" Cryogenic storage timer activated. Unknown breach detected in data bay." The Ark's terminals said.

" They are survivors too, Vanguard contact Sentinel, tell them that there are others who survived." A squid shaped being said to another.

" I will send the Report to Sentinel, until then, lets get these ships to the nearest star, from the logs I can see that they're off course. They did not expect to end up in Dark Space. Bring them to the nearest star." Vanguard said to the other being.

" Yes, if they survived IT than they deserve a break." The being said.

So what do you think Comments and constructive criticism welcome. Plus here's a question, who's your favorite character so far?

Chapter One: The Cycle

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I don't own Hasbro, My Little Pony, Bioware, EA, or Mass Effect. And I like the new extended cut endings, inspired this chapter a bit

Ark Group One, Unknown Time, Unknown Date, Dark Space.

"Cryogenic Storage countdown offline, all beds deactivating immediately." The Computer Terminal stated.

A loud hiss filled all the Arks, followed soon by the sound of footsteps.

"Ow, whoever built these chambers must be about five feet or so." Heller muttered to himself while rubbing his head, looking for any signs of trauma. Heller looked round and noticed Prescott already up and making himself some coffee.

"Look who's up, you woke earlier than I thought. Although, with all the Alcohol you drink, why am I not surprised." Prescott stated while pouring in some sugar into his Coffee.

"Speaking of Alcohol, do you know where I put that bottle of 1813 Italian Wine? I really want to taste that Wine. Since Wine tastes better with age so I really want to taste it." Heller stated before looking for his bags.

"It should be in the bottom draw left side." Prescott stated before taking a sip of his Coffee.

"Thanks, but I really hate that I have to wait to drink it. Damn cryogenic system's and their side effects." Heller stated before taking out a bottle of red grape juice. " What its the next best thing to wine, besides its been in cryogenic Storage, it's not spoiled or anything. You of all people should know how parched you are after you take a long nap." Heller stated with a smirk before pouring himself a glass of Juice.

"Well that reminds me of something, look out the observation deck." Prescott said in a curious voice.

"Alright I'll check it out." Heller stated before walking towards the elevator to the observation deck.

Heller looked out the observation platform and what he saw made him curious. There was almost nothing but darkness, almost no stars in sight. But what really made him curious was the odd machine next to the Arks.

"What is that thing?" Heller said to himself.

"I have absolutely no idea. Whatever it is though, it's directing the Arks towards it." Crenshaw and a few other scientists stated.

"Crenshaw don't sneak up on me like that!." Heller said, acting like he had a heart attack.

"Sorry couldn't help it." Crenshaw said with a smirk on his face.

"Well if that's done what do you think it might be. It looks big so maybe a remain of one of the Arks." Heller said while observing the odd machine.
"No all the Arks are accounted for. Besides it doesn't look like the arks, It's too big and that big ball of energy makes it impossible to be a meteor. Perhaps my statement about their being no other Sentient life in the universe was incorrect." Crenshaw said before going down the elevator. " Whatever it is it defiantly is guiding us towards it..." Crenshaw was interrupted by the arks sudden jolt into the ball of light.

"What's going on!?" Heller asked Crenshaw in a very confused and angry voice.

"I don't know, whatever we're heading into must not be designed for the material we used with the arks.!" Crenshaw yelled

"Or maybe its like a Venus Fly Trap, and it lures it's unsuspecting prey into its mouth!" Heller said while holding on to dear life.

The last thing they saw before entering the ball of light was a being made of metal.

"Their ships will easily handle the transport of the Mass Effect Relays. Although it will not be a pleasant experience due to the fact that their ships composed of a material that's strength is a fraction of the material strength of others. It will however work for the relay." Vanguard told Sentinel.

"It is an important choice of action. They will not be able to survive without a star, while we can easily sleep in dark space, they cannot." Sentinel told Vanguard over their signals.

"I will make the necessary preparations for the planet at once." Vanguard said while looking at the ships being flung by the relay.

"Good, there is a very large planet with a ratio of seventy/land/thirty/water near star 22234455. The relay will deposit the ships close to the planet. After the ships have landed, tell them everything about it." Sentinel said before cutting the transmission.

"Sovereign, we are going to help these Humans in any way possible. But we are to do it slowly, if we come of too helpful they will see us as IT. So we are to help them by showing them what they need to know." Vanguard told Sovereign, who was moving towards the relay.

"Where am I?" Shepard thought to himself. Around him was a blank room, a canvass.

"You are in the mind of us." A voice called out.

"Who are you?" Shepard asked the voice.

"We are many things, creators, destroyers, sometimes both at the same time." The voice called out. Shepard then noticed a figure appear in the void. The figure looked like a Human but had different features. it's skin was a goldish-white color, it's eyes were black voids, it's hair was half black half crimson, it also spoke with an accent that sounded like mash of French, Arabic, and Russian. Lastly it also had seven fingers on its hands.
"So what exactly do you do?" Shepard asked, fearing the answer. The creature than snapped its fingers and the room changed. It went from a blank room to a large space station.

"We are everything yet we are completely different from your species. You have indirectly met our descendants and their artifacts. That ball of light you entered was a Mass Effect Relay. It allows travel faster than the speed of light. While you haven't officially met us we have indirectly meet you. Your clock on your Arks failed, so we reactivated it. Your people face an enemy that is our own. That leader of them has been the cause of much strife and fear in the entire universe. She has converted entire planets to become her mindless slaves. While these ponies don't have free thought, the ponies who have not been from a converted bloodline are completely free from her control. However, once every few eons she begins the cycle. The process of converting entire planets to be her mindless slaves. So far your and my species are the only ones who have survived IT. I know you have very little reason to trust us but you must see what we have seen to truly understand what she has done to many times." The Humanoid said before snapping his fingers and the outside of the viewing platform changed.

Unknown Planet Unknown Time

The Planet Shepard saw was completely different from Earth. There were large metal towers everywhere, the air was the freshest air he ever breathed, and he noticed lakes that were crystal clear. But what shocked him was the clear sign of many factories working overtime on production. This was a very odd combination for him, usually it's either have no production and good air, or a lot of production and horrible air, this planet had both. When he got up he saw Humanoids similar to the one he met walking talking and trading. Some of them were talking about an anomaly appearing on their planet. Shepard knew the moment they said anomaly what they were really talking about.

"Citizens of this planet, I Princess Celestia, come bearing an offer of ever lasting peace!" A loud voice boomed across the area. Shepard knew this voice quite well and it made him want to take a nuclear missile and shove it up -. His train of thought was interrupted by her speaking again. " We have seen the trouble your species has caused to your planet. So we have created a serum that will allow you to live your life as free and harm free as you can." She said, he really wanted to make her suffer. This though was once again put on hold, when another screen appeared before him. In this memory it showed the Humanoids being converted by the masses. If you walked through those doors you came out as a pony. Also, just like on Earth, there was a group that FORCED them to be converted.

He also heard a few of the Humanoids talk about a barrier that can't be stopped. They also said that they truly believed Celestia was doing everything in her power to stop the barrier. Then another change of scenery. The barrier had consumed almost the entire planet, and the people were fleeing on space ships. The scene soon changed again, this time showing population statistics, it showed that the amount of Humanoids were insufficient to grow, and the population would soon stagnate. Then the last scene he saw came up. The Humanoids were entering various machines. Attached to these machines were various mechanical parts that bore a resemblance to squid. A loud boom resonated across the area, then there was silence. Soon the various machines came online, there most striking feature was their ability to float in thin air. The scene soon ended, and Shepard soon found himself back on the space station.

"So you see now know why I am talking to you, correct?" The Humanoid said.

"Yeah she's has been doing this for, how long?" Shepard asked.

I don't know for certain but I can tell you this, for far to long. This cycle must be broken, and there are options this time. Since we have changed to such an extent we have been unable to properly carry out the necessary details for the plans. However, you on the other hand, have the required power. You can change the future. While it's hard to explain, you and the rest of the humans all have some mechanical instruments in you. The serum that converts you has some technological properties to them.'' It started.

"Since you have fought them for so long you have collected a lot of nanites in your blood. The serum goes away, but the nanites stay forever. They also lose their purpose, without the serum they are inactive. While they are inactive they are just there. But if you were to reactivate them and give them a new purpose, they can be used to your advantage. My people are also a combination of flesh and machine, so that is why I can contact you. Our people's dead cry out for blood, we both know that. While this is just a dream it will have far reaching implications in the future.

The way I see it is that we have some options. Option one, I transfer you all of my people's technology, giving you access to our exploits and all of our former designs that we have thought of but cannot carry out, while I also advise you when you need me, or you just need someone to talk to. Option two, Your mind becomes somewhat one of us, and before you say that you would be giving up your Humanity, you will only be somewhat like us. You will have the ability to drift between minds, if you were badly injured or exhausted however, you would completely become us, therefore losing all of your Humanity. That is not the case however, as you are physically and mentally healthy. The effects of choosing this option are simple, you gain our entire knowledge and plans, I will be able to speak with you whenever you want, you will be as close to immortal as you could get, plus you will be the DE-facto leader of my people's descendants.'' the Humanoid said.

As Shepard raised an eyebrow, it clarified. ''Technically I am their leader, just not in a physical form. You on the other hand will have two physical forms, your Human form and the Squid like form. Along with a mental form of course. Your third option is for you two completely reactivate the nanites and change them into a proper battle augmented state, which will greatly increase your strength and many other factors. However, this change will affect your entire species, and I'm not not sure if they would all agree to this move. The last option is simple. Your species evolves along its own path, but I will still be there if you want to talk.''

''While we wait for your decision, would you like to play a game that you call chess?" The Humanoid asked after a short moment of silence.

"No thanks, I hate that game. Sometimes I just wish it didn't exist. I hate it simply because it reminds me of her, the Knight piece is a HORSE for Christ's sake." Shepard said looking very angry.

"I understand that you would have a hatred for any Equine in nature, but you should remember this, Hatred can only lead to ones downfall." The Humanoid said

"Sorry about that it's just that if i ever see another Horse I think I will have to murder someone." Shepard said while looking out the window.

"Well now that that's over, have you made your choice?" The Humanoid asked.

"I'll go with the second option, I will keep my Humanity but I will gain a new form, plus I want to live long enough to see her suffer the wrath of billions of dead. I want to see that Humanity has a start to become what it was not, a near perfect society. Plus, Only I will be affected, so it's just my choice that affects me." Shepard said.

"Then in that case follow me." The Humanoid said.

Shepard woke up on another station, however this time he was actually touching the floor. As he got up he noticed that he was near a large coil like machine that was sparking with blue energy. A nagging feeling in his mind told him that he was supposed to touch the machine's coils. While another part of his mind said that the results could be... unpleasant. However against his better judgment, he touched the two ends of the coils and felt a extreme amount of pain, then he was consumed by the blue energy.

"Where am I?" Shepard though out loud.

"We are in your mind, your body is being reconstructed with nanites and various other synthetic components, your organic body was destroyed when you took control of us." The Humanoid said.

"How long will this take?" Shepard asked the figure.

"Most reasonable estimate is at five hours thirty two minutes and forty seven seconds." The Humanoid said.

"Do you know the status of the Arks? I need to know if they are alright." Shepard asked, slightly agitated at the though of the arks being damaged, or worse, destroyed.

"I am afraid I don't know that, however, I you should be aware of the status of the arks soon." The Humanoid said while pacing around, looking bored.

"I never got the chance to ask but what's your species name anyway?" Shepard asked, trying to pass the time.

"Our species name was the Ziardali, but that was before we turned in to those abominations, of flesh and machine." The figure said.

"Why would you call them abominations if you are technically one of them?" Shepard asked, intrigued by what the figure said.

"If there was another way to insure our species survival we would have chosen that path, but since we had little time we had to make do with what we had, and becoming THEM was the least problematic solution." The Humanoid said/

"Alright I understand that you were stressed for time but do you think that there was another way?" Shepard asked.

"Possibly but again, our current generation was likely to be the last of our species, we had to make sure that we survived, even if it was as a husked mental version. Plus I remember the process, it wasn't pleasant, at all. We had our DNA broken down and reformed with synthetic components, giving birth to our new kind. To be precise however, I am the only one left with complete knowledge of what has happened to our people, and maintains their emotions." The Humanoid says while looking depressed.

" Well look on the bright side though, at least I'm here know so it's not like you're completely alone." Shepard said trying to cheer the Humanoid up.

"You're right about that, although when we communicate it will be telepathically, so don't get freaked out when we communicate with each other." The Humanoid said.

"Why do you seem so much more emotional all of a sudden, before I touched those coils you seemed like a rock?" Shepard asked the figure.

"That's because when you're body was incinerated, you're feelings and ideals spread to my people, and to a lesser extent me." The Humanoid said
"That explains why I am here now, but what do I do know?" Shepard asks the Humanoid.

"Wait, that is all that you can do, then when your body is complete you have your mental capabilities transferred into the body. Then we drop your body into one of the landing zones of the arks, of course requiring that they didn't crash land. Although it would be easier that way for your friends to not know of what has happened, retrieving your body was hard enough." The humanoid said.

"I would prefer if they didn't crash, but I do believe that that the information should be available to a select few." Shepard said.

"Good now just wait for your body to be completed." The Humanoid said.

Landing zone Ark 0-1

"What the fuck happened?!" Heller screamed at the crew.

"One moment we were floating in the middle of nowhere now we crashed on a habitable planet. And to top it all of we don't know where Shepard is! Someone better have a Fuckin good reason as to why we are on this planet!" Heller screamed in his drill Sergeant voice, and to say he was angry was the understatement of the century.

"Heller, I believe that device we entered made this ship as light as nothing, then our computers ordered the ship to make a random turn, so here we are." Crenshaw explained to Heller.

"Fine, but where is Shepard?" Heller asked, Shepard was like a brother to him, so he was very unhappy when he heard Shepard was un-accounted for.

"I suspect that he is likely in the lower decks, they did take a fair beating when we landed. But the damage isn't to major, so the chances of him being alive are good. But my main concern is why the timer's failed, I suspect they might have been sabotaged, but that's unlikely, the ships would have deployed Neurotoxin should any Ponies managed to get on board. So it was likely just a mechanical malfunction." Crenshaw explained while looking out one of the viewing ports.

"Well what really matters is the fact that those ponies can't track us here in the good old Alpha system, right Crenshaw?" Heller asked.

"Well the kicker is where we are, from our positions, I estimate we are in dark space. Ironically however, is the fact that dark space does actually have some stars. But on a lighter note, Celestia will definitely not be able to find us out here. Plus we still have that contingency plan on Mars, and the positions underground on Earth." Crenshaw said with a smile.

"Almost forgot about that, how do you think they'll react when that happens?" Heller asked with a sick smile.

"Well Moscow has the Imperium nodus Aequalitas, which is something that would give even her nightmares. Amstradam has the Imperium Station De iustitia, New York has the Imperium Station De unitas, While Mars has the Imperium NODUS de Planetaria Intervention, China has the Imperium statio sapientia, Japan has the Imperium statio augmentis, Rome has the Imperium node inquisicionis. All in all it's a very tight knit plan. If the barrier passes over them then when we execute the order they can begin production, and wipe that pathetic sub-species off the face of OUR planet, the only reason that they won was because of that barrier. The moment it's taken down, they will KNOW fear." Crenshaw said, before being interrupted by Prescott

"Hey boss, We found Shepard, hit his head pretty hard!" Prescott told Heller.

"By the way, who wants to be yelled at by Shepard for our contingency plan?" Heller asked Crenshaw.

"You lucked out, Shepard's injured so he will keep the rant to a minimum. Now let's go pay him a visit at the Med-Center." Crenshaw said.

And the long-awaited update has arrived. Don't forget to review, and the next chapter will likely be the last prologue chapter.

Chapter Two: All The Pieces Fall Into Place

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Disclaimer: I don't own My Little Pony or Mass Effect.

Ark Group Crash Site, Unknown Planet, Unknown Year

"Shepard, Shepard, wake up I don't have all fuckin day!" Heller screamed at Shepard’s unconscious form.

"How long does it take for one man to wake up, it was only a minor fall, judging by his injuries?" Crenshaw asked the Doctor.

"While his external injuries are minor, his internal injuries are far more severe. His Spinal cord was fractured slightly by the fall. That itself makes him very lucky, had it been more severe the effects could have been lethal." The Doctor explained.

"So tell me, how long should it be before he wakes up?" Crenshaw asked the doctor.

"At best, a few hours, at the worst, he could be brain dead." The doctor said in a sad tone.

"Brain dead? That's just great, now I'm going to be stuck with all the paper work." Said the Secretary Of Foreign Affairs, Donnel Udina.

"Well you better know what you're saying, Shepard's a tough son of a gun, he once killed thirty P.E.R. soldiers with just two Molotov’s and a pistol." Heller told Udina.

"Fine, fine, just remember that he's one of the only people to have the launch codes for Project T-29, and the Control Nodes, and if we want to see that White Tyrant's head mounted above a fireplace then we need him to activate the Nodes." Udina said, not happy at the prospect of so many lives lost for nothing.

"Well lighten up, you know Shepard will pull through, he always has." Crenshaw told Udina.

"Yes, I know but there are more pressing concerns at the moment, such as the farming stations, and the terra-forming kits, if they failed, then we can't grow crops, and I don't feel like trying something here that could kill me, thank you very much." Udina said before walking out of the Medical Bay.

"Udina really needs to lighten up. No wonder he doesn't have any real friends, right Crenshaw?" Heller asked.

"He's not that bad, he's just stressed, and can you really blame him? After all his predecessor trusted those Rainbow Colored freaks, and look at what that has done, anyone with a normal IQ could tell Celestia was lying through her teeth." Crenshaw replied, before leaving the room.

"Yeah, I know." Heller murmured to himself " Shepard you better wake up, it's so boring when you aren't here." Heller told Shepard's sleeping form, before leaving the room.

When Heller got outside he got the first good look at the planet they were on. It was Earth like in appearance, having many plants and trees near the crash site. He also saw the various engineers working on unloading various farms supplies and purifies. All in all it was starting to look like a normal pre-Xeno town, of course without all the buildings, and the sound of cars, and civilians, then yes to Heller though it reminded him that Humanity had to work its way beyond its current position, and they had to stop all of those pastel colored freaks, they caused all of this suffering, and they would atone for their crimes in the only way possible, through blood.

But for now Heller would just relax and wait, then when they were ready activate the Nodes, and Mars surprise, soon those ponies would be common food, and he couldn't wait to get a burger from the meat of Celestia, and to make her suffer even more, cut the meat from her while she's alive and eat it in-front of her, while all her Precious ponies are slaughtered. Of course he would spare current sympathizers, but there were so few of them that almost the entire race would be dead, and to make the cleansing even nicer, find the current elements and make them the exact opposite of their current state, after all they don't deserve their titles, they were the exact opposite of their titles, Honesty was lies, Kindness was cruelty, Generosity was greed, Laughter was sorrow, Loyalty was Traitor, and Magic well it was the only element that stayed true to its name. But in his mind if they sided with the tyrant he would make an example of them.

Thankfully, Heller was a VERY patient man so he could wait for that day, until then he might help make pro-Human propaganda, or try to convince Shepard to start a sector of government dedicated to the purg- He means Cleansing of the ponies. Until then though he would just wait, after all one good thing game from being around those nanites, they prolonged ones lifetime, when given the right signal they could fight all diseases and conditions, plus old age. Yes, Heller could wait, after all he DID have all of those Warhammer novels and comics he could read, they were bound to give him inspiration.

"Heller, you're needed at the water purifier!" A engineer yelled at Heller.

"What do you possibly need me for?" Heller asked, well more like demanded.

"Well you see most of our system's software is acting up and picking up strange anomalies, we're not sure but it might be caused by the PER. And you have experience with programing them, so maybe you can see if something's wrong with it." The Engineer said

"Fine, but unless it's-" Heller was cut of when a doctor came running towards him.

" Mr. Heller, Shepard woke up just a minute ago, but his stats are of the charts for brainwave activity, he might get a seizure if it keeps up, and his heart rate is going to fast, he might die." The Doctor said before running in the direction of Udina and Crenshaw.

" Let Zelinski handle this one, I need to see Shepard" Heller told the engineer, before entering the makeshift Hospital, had he been paying attention to the sky, he would have noticed the sky was being blackened out by large octopus shaped ships.