
by Jackelope

First published

Octavia and Vinyl Scratch get into one of the most premier and truly hedonistic clubs in all of Canterlot. Nothing unexpected could possible happen. Nope, nada, zitch... ok, maybe something happens. Involving salt, salt, and ending with sweet release

During one of their weekend nights on the town Octavia and Vinyl Scratch get entry into one of the most decadent and hedonistic clubs in all of Equestria. All of that salt, alcohol, and drugs can't possibly lead them to doing something that they'll both regret in the morning can it?

Chapter 1: Vanilla lesbian sex, you get the deal. Tribbing, Cunnilingus, Drunkenness/UTI

Leave criticism please. I want to know what I'm doing wrong, what improvements I can make to my writing and all that.

Slightly influenced by because if I didn't see their first story was a clopfic, I would not have attempted the same.

A night out on the town

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The taste of super refined salt laced with benzoylmethylecgonine was something very few except the very connected could ever experience in their lives, an additional prerequisite to getting their hooves on such a substance was being in one of the most exclusive and prestigious clubs in all of Canterlot: Sleaze. The name itself was guile most of the passersby. While on the outside it appeared to be some nightclub with extremely uncompromising entrance requirements, some of which was made up on the spot by the well-paid bouncer, when in reality it was home to most variate collections of hard to obtain substances and more… outlandish forms of mature entertainment. In some ways it did live up to its false name, but to the regular goers and those that worked in the establishment, it was called: Sovereign. The origin of the name was unknown, although rumor spread amongst the clientele was that the inception of the building was from Princess Luna herself, however such an accusation was self silenced among Canterlot’s elite.

In the long queue that gathered up the sidewalk that lead into the Sovereign a pair of mismatched ponies were amongst them, the only trait they shared with one another is their exceedingly excellent musical talents, albeit each in different fields and genres of music, they found a fondness and familiarity with one another through their respective love of the medium, and have been inseparable ever since. One of them was famed cellist Octavia Melody, an Earth pony mare with a grey coat and even darker grey mane that in the night of Canterlot appeared raven black, and her eyes were a strikingly beautiful violet that even the most monotone of ponies couldn’t help but turn their head at their allure. Alongside her creating the interesting contrast that the two were known for was Vinyl Scratch, and sharing only gender Vinyl couldn’t have appeared more out of place next to her friend if she tried. A striking ivory coat that was the perfect canvas for glow in the dark body paint, a cyan and sapphire blue mane that seemed to unaturally glow, although the probability of it being a trick of the light was significantly higher. From their position in the line they had heard the bouncer pull out every reason for denial of access in the book, everything from ‘no horseshoes’ to ‘sharp horns’ was enough to bar the entry of most ponies. It was for this reason Vinyl grew more and more skeptical by the second.

“Uh, Tavi.” She began with her friend’s nickname, looking skeptical and casting an eye in her friend’s direction. “I don’t think we’re gonna get in.” She stated matter-of-factly, under toned with just a hint of condescension.

Octavia rolled her eyes at her friend's remark. ‘What was this, the seventh time?’ she thought, her growing vexation near boiling point. Without even looking at her friend Octavia began, “Listen. How many times do I have to tell you: We are going to get in.” Even with her words of assurance Octavia knew this wouldn’t silence Vinyl’s worrying, so she could only hope that the line progressed faster enough to get this vexing ordeal out of the way.

“This isn’t the first time I’ve tried to get into this place. This place is exclusive with a capital ‘E’. The only ponies I’ve seen come and go are Hoity Toity and those ‘hoity toity’ aris-to-crats,” Vinyl momentarily paused mid sentence to pronounce the words. “I’ve even walked straight up the bouncer and offered by services for free. Free! Just to get a glimpse inside the place, and they refused! As if they play my music anyway. They've all probably got massive sticks up their plot-holes. Why didn’t we just go the ‘foalin’ around’ or the ‘pasture and bale’ instead?” Vinyl complained and moaned, prompting an infuriated Octavia to begin grinding her teeth.

Five minutes passed before a sulking Vinyl and disheveled Octavia reached the front of the line, coming to the front just after a couple got refused for being two different heights from one another. The bouncer was a well stocked and tall Earth stallion with a dark grey coat and crimson mane as well as a pair of unspectacular brown eyes. Vinyl was prepared for denial, and wondered how she was going to playfully mock her friend and wondered if they should go to the pasture and bale, or perhaps the trains were running late and if they should go home and enjoy a movie, but to her surprise the bouncer gave a single nod and moved out of the way, granting them entry. Octavia walked ahead first, smirking, much to the chagrin of her cyan haired companion. They both entered the building without struggle, and Vinyl was surprised at the sudden and immediate turn downward into a staircase rather than deeper into the building. It appeared the wall behind the bouncer was there for show, the shoddy and unplastered wall was so that those who saw over the haunches of the bouncer it would look nothing more than a rundown joint, rather than the upper-class establishment that it really was.

“Ok, ok. Now I need to know. How’d you do it.” Started Vinyl, now following the grey colored mare into what appeared to be a bottomless pit. “Bribe? Threat of death? Blackmail? Did ya… sleep with him?” She finished with a wiggle of her eyebrows. Each suggestion was met with a shake of the head from her friend, the last one being met with a fierce and piercing glare that made Vinyl gulp audibly, taking a one step berth away from her friend.

“Well if you need to know…” Started Octavia, rolling her head in a drastic fashion, landing her eyes on the ivory colored mare. “I did some... favors for Fancy Pants.” She finished proudly, her familiarity with staircase meant she could continue walking down with her head held high and eyes closed, her pride unfiltered.

“But he’s a married stallion!” Vinyl exclaimed.

“What are you insinuating...” Octavia began, trailing off. “Not like that!” She blurted out, coming to stop at the bottom of the staircase, Vinyl releasing a chortle all the while, the image of a blushing Octavia filled Vinyl with a duo of feelings, only one of which she could recognize as humor, the second unknowable.

“Ok, in all seriousness.” Vinyl began, stopping adjacent to the other mare at the bottom of the stairs. “How’d you get in so easily? What ‘favors’ did you do for good ole’ Pants?” She asked, arching a brow, Octavia grimacing at the butchering of her friend’s name.

Octavia glanced from the metal door they stood beside and her friend, shrugging inwardly. They were in no rush after all. “Fancy had need of a talented musician to play privately at his and Fleur’s anniversary. When I offered to do it for nary a bit, he felt obligated to reward me. So due to my civility and high class I was made his ensign for the most exclusive club in all of Canterlot. So exclusive it’s one of the cities best kept secrets. I’ve heard even Prince Blueblood himself had some connections to the establishment to ensure its secrecy.” She said the desire to impress but earning only a face of disgust from the DJ mare.

“Eugh, Blueblood. More like… I dunno. Pooblood? Not my best work but the stallion is so lame that not even name can be skewed to something funny.” Vinyl said in a drawl, earning a deadpan stare from her cello counterpart, causing her to release a nervous laugh in reaction. “Uh… Continue?”

“Right…” Octavia accentuated the word, looking at her friend with a slight squint, silently scolding, before resuming. “After several months of being the attendant of Fancy I had enough guarantors to be rewarded with a membership of my own.” She finished with very genuine pride, the type of pride that not even Vinyl would want to poke fun at...

“So that’s why you brought me here, just to gloat?” Vinyl said with obvious facetiousness, causing Octavia to release an exasperated sigh.

“No.” She stated simply, her features relaxing. “I’m… simply offering something special for a friend. Would you like to be my attendee, Vinyl?” Asked Octavia, the genuine pleasantry of her tone surprising the cyan haired mare. What Vinyl didn’t know was that Octavia was merely mirroring the proposal of Fancy Pants, replacing only the name as well as removing all the unnecessary complicated language that she knew her friend wasn’t quite... familiar with. Even if Vinyl refused the long term position, they could still go in and have a nice night, and she was sure that she’d get quite the laugh out of Vinyl’s reaction to this ‘hoity toity’ and ‘exclusive’ club.

“Uh…” Vinyl began, bringing a hoof up to scratch the back of her head, the clear and cut proposal leaving her feeling awkward. “Yeah, I guess. What’s the harm, right?” She finished with a shrug, a less than impressive reaction than Octavia expected, although with less than a second of thought dedicated to it, she wasn’t surprised. Octavia flashed a smile at Vinyl before raising her hoof to have it slam on the large metal door, it prompted an incredulous look from the blue haired mare but as the door opened her ears piqued in surprise at the absolute volume that erupted from behind the door: A multitude of voices and loud bombastic music.

“Vinyl may I have the pleasure of welcoming you to the Sovereign!” She said with an exaggerated pantomime, the door’s attendant pulling back the door from within, the interior of the club coming into full view for both of the mares. Strobing lights, merriment and the unmistakable pungent aroma of spirits, sweat, and recognizable scents that caused even Vinyl’s cheeks to turn to a pink hue. The place was huge, definitely bigger than what the entrance foretold, with at least a hundred assorted stallions and mares in a writhing mass of drinking, sniffing and eating.

“Woah…” Was the best Vinyl could muster, both to Octavia’s disappointment and newfound smugness. On one hoof Vinyl lacked the gushing and the hyperventilation she underwent herself, however Octavia found that she’d settle for an amazed wordlessness, silence is after all is more powerful, or so they say.

“Come, come, Vinyl! You can be awestruck later, for the time being we can drink and eat all we like into the morn. Let’s live out this club’s namesake and gorge ourselves on all hedonistic pleasures until we become the epitome of decadence!” Octavia vigor and excitement rang clearly in her words, an eager expression plastered across her face and she raised her hood triumphantly, although she was a slight embarrassed at her own over-enthusiasm.

“There’s nothing about that sentence that I don’t love… except for the three or four words I didn’t understand.” Vinyl trailed off with a shrug, but nevertheless maintained a wide grin on her face foretelling of her keenness for what was potentially to unfold: A legendary night.

The duo of mares rushed their ways down the opulent stairs befitting of a mansion’s entrance hall rather than a secret underground club for the upper classes, and without a word shared between the two of them they galloped to the bar, its placement in the center definitely a self-aware design choice of the architect, whom must have been aware of the amount of ponies that would require the complete attention of the few stallions and mares who work the bar. Despite the deafening volume of the music the bartenders were able to coherently deliver the orders of all who requested them, even the grey colored mare and her familiar ivory friend, whose order of a bag full of bits worth of salt and fermented fruit ciders came to no surprise for the experienced bartenders, the order on the small side of what they usually get from the various millionaires, lords, and sometimes even princes…

Octavia and Vinyl’s night ended there in memory, although continued for many, many, many hours. The two of them conversed, sang, and danced in the ineligible mass of dancers on the dance floor. Octavia had licked so much salt (some of which was not done on a counter.) that her lips had cracked, and her throat and tongue were as dry as sand, her steps were as straight as a serpent in a spring. Vinyl on the other hood had remained remarkably constraint, perhaps either out of the commonality of such self-indulgence during her weeks, or her awareness of Octavia’s tendency to become ‘unhinged’ on such nights. That isn’t to say she hadn’t drunk a kegs worth of fermented cider, but at least she saw only four hooves on a pony instead of eight.

“Come on,” Octavia’s voice came out as a rasp, “one more shaker of salt.” she whined, her forehooves wrapped around her friend’s departing neck.

“You’re arid, Tavi,” Vinyl replied with a slurred vernacular, a hoof wrapped around Octavia as they climbed the stairs, “‘sides, it’s Luna’s bedtime.” She said, prompting a dry giggle from the grey mare’s parched throat.

The duo left the sovereign, Vinyl bidding a drunken and slurred goodbye to the visibly fatigued bouncer, purple underlining his eyes. The two of them were among the many other mares and stallions heading to their homes after a similar bout of drinking and licking salt, the slow plodding and sway steps, and the sounds of haggard and dry heaves echoed throughout Canterlot. Although their home was in Ponyville, as well as some of the fellow night wanders, Octavia had sensibly rented a motel room in advance for just such an occasion. Although Octavia couldn’t plan without it being mired by Vinyl, who chose for the sake of frugality chose a single double as opposed to separate beds, an act that only saved a few bits.

Vinyl and Octavia haphazardly entered their room side by side just before the beginning of dawn, Octavia immediately went to fall face first on the left side of the bed, her hind hooves still planted firmly onto the floor. Vinyl simply climbed into bed, quite literally, dragging herself from the motel’s suspiciously clean carpet into the sheets, her head coming to find itself resting on Octavia’s outstretched hoof. Somehow in the next ten minutes the two managed to position themselves so that Octavia hung perilously on the edge of the bed, while Vinyl acted as her anchor, the ivory mare’s hoof wrapped firmly around the grey(ish) mare.

“I’m thirsty.” Octavia blurted, smacking her lips, running her moistureless tongue over them.

“Want me to get you a glass of water?” Vinyl replied, the lack of enthusiasm in her voice coupled with her dawlish delivery shown she wasn’t really up to the task.

“No, I want you to stay here.” Octavia stubbornly retorted like a spoilt child, tightening her grip around the blue-haired mare.

“Then what?” Vinyl responded with a frown, her glasses had fallen off sometime during the transition to getting on the bed to actually being on it, her magenta eyes opening to look down at the mare who like a vice wrapped around her.

Octavia looked up, opening her own eyes, and fell her sights onto the face of Vinyl. The lighting wasn’t pleasant, the darkness shrouded most of her face. She could make out the eyes, but her lids were heavy, and very unsightly. Her hair was frayed, a mess, not exactly out of normalcy but there was organization of sorts to the mess that even this heap of hair was disastrous. Her cheeks were flushed a warm red, indicating the intoxication, and her mouth hung slightly ajar. That was where Octavia found something her dehydrated mind could find something desirable in. They weren’t full, thing like a pencil, but they looked moist.

“Your lips are wet.”

“That’s really dumb.” Vinyl chortled.

“When has that ever averted you.” Octavia said breathily, climbing up her friend’s body until their faces were a hair’s width away from one another. Whether it was Vinyl’s alcohol ridden mind, Octavia’s lack of inhibition due to her moistureless head, or both, it lead to Vinyl’s next reply.

“Ok then.”

With a tight blink, Octavia outstretched her tongue, simply pressing it against the lips of her friend. Vinyl lay motionless, unblinking and unsure of what to do exactly, the situation surreal. Octavia found her tongue being dragged across her friend’s lips, before applying light pressure, pushing through and and hitting a barrier of clenched teeth, which quickly opened and allowing her to fall forward, pressing her lips against Vinyl’s own. The two were like that for a while, their brains acting too slowly to comprehend what was occurring, or a moment of sobriety overcame them and simply couldn’t believe what they were doing, but regardless they carried on doing it. Vinyl acted first, pressing against Octavia’s mouth with slight force and tightening her already firm grip on the mare. The two swapped saliva, albeit it being a one-sided affair with Octavia’s dry mouth, although the aftertaste of apples and various other fruits caused her to increase kissing with vigor, her tongue searching every crevice and corner of Vinyl’s mouth, her hoof with futility trying to bring Vinyl’s head closer to her own.

The two battled tongues for a few minutes, until Octavia dragged a hoof down the chest of Vinyl, trailing from her collarbone and coming to rest on her haunches, just covering the cutie-mark, tenderly rubbing in circles in a bad attempt at tracing from memory. Vinyl moaned into the kiss, responding to Octavia’s advances wordlessly, bringing their bodies to a press. Vinyl’s hoof traveled down the back of Octavia, and acting in the same harshness she was known for, delivered a swift smack on Tavi’s plot. Octavia thrusted toward Vinyl, groaning with ecstasy, her cunt soaking wet with feminine juices. Reluctantly tearing her lips away from Octavia’s own, Vinyl slowly crawled down Octavia, her tongue a bridge between herself and Tavi.

Octavia breathed shallow and shaky breaths, her senses were alert as if her veins were pumping with adrenaline, this experience terrifying and brilliant all the same. Vinyl’s silhouette trailed down her, the dewy spit laying down way-markers to her pussy, the crisp room air serving to make the untidy line strike Octavia’s senses like a hammer on anvil. Octavia next felt Vinyl’s warm breaths upon her twat, her lungs exhaling and inhaling as fast as they could, and she resisted the urge to hold her breath. The next sensation she felt caused her to suffer a sensory overload, as the sudden assault of bliss that overcame her caused all her senses to blare like an explosion. The aftertaste of fruit, the cold air, and Vinyl’s wide tongue on her plump pussy all combined to create a concoction of rapturous euphoria unlike anything she had felt before.

Vinyl’s hazed mind meant that her delivery of long licks to Octavia’s slit were sloppy, and very messy, her muzzle becoming damp with the fluids that leaked from Octavia’s love canal like a moistening mouth. Even though she was still very much intoxicated, Vinyl recognized several flavors gorging herself on Octavia’s cunt, figs and blackberries… and eggplant? Although she chalked that last one up to a mistake, she was drunk after-all. Vinyl’s hooves pulled her friend’s pussy apart, opening her mouth as wide as she could, her mouth acting like a suction cup and she connected to Octavia’s muff, her tongue attacking her friend’s pink with reckless abandon. Octavia’s moans filled the room, her hooves reaching down and writhing through Vinyl’s messy hair, lightly thrusting into her friend’s maw. Vinyl’s own tight, clean snatch leaked her juices down the sides of her thigh, droplets leaking onto the sheets as she worked. Vinyl ended abruptly, causing Octavia to release a moan of longing, swallowing with pursed lips a breath and moan. Vinyl climbed back up, this time without tongue and with an almost desperate haste.

“Why’d yo-” Octavia was interrupted by Vinyl’s mouth closing over hers, and Octavia could taste herself all over her friend’s lips. Vinyl aligned her hips with Octavia’s own, Octavia momentarily felt a brief but sudden droplet land just on her vulva, similar to a tear or rain drop. Suddenly Vinyl’s cunt mashed against Octavia’s twat, the aim just off center; but nonetheless caused both to explode into a symphony of moans, Octavia closing her eyes while the groan escaped through her teeth.

Vinyl’s hips smashed like a battering ram into Octavia’s, their juices splattering into a messy cocktail, and their folds overlapping. Every so often Vinyl would cease this, just simply pressing their clits against one another and grinding, Their kissing had gone on for so long that the aftertastes of tonight's outing had gone, consumed or swallowed by the other, so that all that remained were simply the pure essence and taste of one another. They felt exhausted, driven by only their lust and desire to cum, and share a moment of bliss before falling to sleep. They had each regained a modicum of sobriety, but even this memory, as perfect as it was, would become blurred after their awakening.

As Vinyl came closer to release, she pursed her lips denying entry of Octavia’s tongue. Her hips like a woodpecker mashed and plowed into Octavia, the fluids splattering and splashing all over one another, very likely matting their fur and leaving them with a musky scent that would undoubtedly remain long after they had cleaned up. Octavia’s hooves wrapped around Vinyl’s back and attempted with failure to thrust upward into the oncoming pussy of her Ivory colored friend, releasing a siren like song upon contact. They quivered and shook the closer they came, Vinyl finally reaffirming the kiss as she delivered the last few smacks of flesh before they both locked in movement as if a shock passed through both of them as they silently screamed into each others mouths. With that Vinyl fell limp, falling immediately to sleep with a goofy drunken smile plastered onto her expression, her head planted firmly onto Octavia’s chest. Octavia remained awake for a while, her hood stroking the chaotic heap of hair that belonged to Vinyl, before her eyes fluttered close with the first rays of Celestia’s sun creeping through the cracks in the curtains. Octavia dreamt of the sky.