Angry German Kid gets sent to Equestria

by Arthr1tis

First published

The internet's favorite keyboard crusher is sent to the land of pastel ponies after beating up his computer for the last time.

After being abused relentlessly by the internet's most notorious keyboard murderer, Leopold's PC has had enough and decides to punish its German, hotheaded, and retarded owner by sending it to the last place the 'true gangster' ever wants to be in.

As he gets used to his new surroundings, old friends and enemies; as well as new ones will get dragged on in an adventure in which he wants no part in whatsoever. There will be many hardcore raging moments, so many keyboards dying nonstop, a lot of swearing not meant for the weak of heart, lots of school bashing, sausage eggs served on a silver platter, and maybe... just maybe, he'll finally change for the greater good.

Or not, seeing as this adventure centers around someone who doesn't learn their lesson.

Cover art does not belong to me.

AGKgstE Episode 1: Arrival of the Echter Gangster.

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It was a normal, mild cloudy day in Germany. A common setting to start a story where basically anything could happen. Though one sentient bundle of human tech known as a PC, felt like it was the start of another crappy day. Almost every day it has had to deal with punishment that would have guaranteed it's final destination to the junkyard had it not for its user taking out their anger on innocent keyboards that were slaughtered without meaning.

Also speaking of the PC, it was now bracing itself for the worst as it knew that that time of the day had begun. Leopold would be home from school anytime, although the beaten computer would prefer that he came back never. If he did, then he'd be doing it his abusive family a favor. Unfortunately, it's wishes didn't come true as the familiar sound of footsteps and a door opening greeted its microphones.

"Thank god! Computer, start up Unreal Tournament now!" Leopold exclaimed while throwing the junk from his desk onto the floor, having gone through another boring day at the hellhole known as his school, or any school for that particular reason.

"Why the fuck should I you piece of fucking shit?"

The PC replied in a challenging tone in it's Microsoft Sam programmed voice. It knew it was provoking it's stupid, retarded owner, but it wasn't going to allow this obvious accident to push it around anymore. No, it was going to take a stand prove to him that he wasn't going to take his bullshit anymore.

"If you don't, then, I WILL FUCKING SMASH YOU TO OBLIVION!" The Angry German Kid yelled out in complete rage while simultaneously banging his fists on the keyboard, obviously not wanting to put up with its crap right now.

"I'd like to see you fucking try and fail miserably, dipshit."

Wrong thing to say, because as soon as the PC finished saying its challenging words, Leopold lost it as he began to repeatedly smash his fists on the keyboard, then using it to whack the desk nonstop, making a few of the buttons fly off, after that, he slammed it back on the desk, all the while screaming in complete fury.

"I WILL COMPLETELY DESTROY YOUR FUCKING ASS YOU PIECE OF FUCKING SHIT!!!" The German boy bellowed in complete outrage and was about to turn his computer to scrap junk while wielding his signature keyboard; regardless of what his fatass of a dad would think, if the PC didn't stop him from finishing the deed.

"Okay okay goddammit! I'll start up your fucking game!"

Having lost its earlier bravado, the PC unwillingly complied with its owners order and started up the keyboard murderers favorite game, and as it did, it swore that if it had to witness another keyboard getting murdered in front of it while recieving an unecessary beating, then it will punish the German boy for the consequences from the many years it has been abused.


A few hours later...

"Eat this you asshole!" Leopold yelled to some random n00b, trying to kill them, but wasn't doing a very good job as he somehow keeps getting himself killed for his reckless behavior. Speaking of getting owned, he just got killed by said 'n00b' for the seventh time, was now being taunted through the mic.

"Ha ha ha ha ha hah! You suck balls at this game!" The n00b taunted Leopold, who right now wanted to do nothing more than to shut the little asshole's mouth and savagely beat them with his keyboard.

"PISS OFF OR I'LL GO TO YOUR HOUSE AND KILL YOU!!!" Leopold screamed, slamming his fists on the keyboard repeatedly in unmatched anger, now pissed that some n00b was pwning him in his most favorite game in the whole wide world.

"Bitch, you don't even know where I live!" The n00b continued to taunt Leopold.

"Just shut up and let me play you stupid little queer!" Leopold screamed.

Another player - known as Player1 - interjected, "God this kid is so annoying!"

"Yeah, I know right? He needs to shut the fuck up."

"Not him! You, you stupid German kid!"

"Well why don't you and your boyfriend go have buttsex?!"

"We aren't even friends!"

"Then shut up faggot!" The n00b chose that moment to verbally provoke the self proclaimed 'best player in the world'.

"He's probably just cranky that his dad raped him too hard last night! What a fucking loser!" The 'n00b' continued on, wanting to get a reaction out of the already pissed off German boy.

"NO HE DID NOT!!!" AGK screamed. This, however, encouraged the n00b to continue their verbal assault.

"Do not lie! You can't deny the facts! What the- dammit!" Continued the n00b, only to leave themselves vulnerable and getting killed by none other than Leopold himself.

"HaHAHA, that's what you get for being an arrogant fucking ass licker, you little douche!"Leopold exclaimed, feeling victorious that he managed to kill that n00b.

"You fucking cheating asshole, that wasn't even fair! I bet you cheated!" The 'n00b' said in anger, mad that he gotten killed by the same person who he was supposed to own.

"How is THAT cheating?! I killed you fair and square!" Leopold retorted, now getting mad at the n00b again.

"Stop fucking lying! I know you cheated, he's probably a hacker!" The n00b retorted back.

"You're just making that shit up!"Leopold yelled back at the n00b once again.

"Don't listen to that hacker, he's probably going to hack the server and infect all our computers with a virus!" The n00b continued to lie, obviously still mad that they got killed by him.

"STOP MAKING SHIT UP YOU GODDAMN NIGGER!!!" Leopold screamed in complete outrage, not even knowing that he yelled the N word (I apologize if I offended anyone).

"Look, he's both a hacker and a racist!" The n00b relentlessly continued, who at this point in time wanted revenge over one little loss was using every opportunity they could get so as to get said revenge. This person just doesn't take losing very well, don't they?

"No, you made me say it!" Leopold exclaimed in slight embarrassment, now wishing he could take that statement back.

Unfortunately for the keyboard crusher, for reasons completely unknown, all the players in the server had miraculously believed every single nonsense filled word that the n00b shouted.

"God could someone just kick this dumbass out?!" Player1 exasperated, now having enough of Leopold's screaming.

"Yeah, someone kick this little shit out!" Another player agreed.

"I agree, someone kick that fucker out!" A third player voiced their opinion, showing how sick and tired they are of Leopold's attitude. It didn't stop there as more & more players in the server voiced out their opinions on the German kids attitude.

"I'LL SKIN YOUR GAY ASS FUCKING FAMILIES ALIVE IF THAT HAPPENS!!!" Leopold bellowed with one of the most fury filled voices ever, hoping that they wouldn't do such a thing; he also noted that he may have felt a few brain cells pop, including a blood vessel.

To his complete and uttermost disbelief, he got kicked out of the server. Not only that, but earlier one of them had sent a complaint to the administrators, they received said complaint, and their response was to permanently ban Leopolds gamer account. All of this was being processed through his cross-fired brain, trying to regain stability and self awareness because all of that had made his mind shut down; his jaw also dropped from shock.

While he was busy trying to process all that information, the PC was now bracing itself for the storm that was Leopold's tantrum. It knew from experience that he would lose it right here and now after both getting kicked out and having his account banned.

It also saw this as a test of some sort; if the German kid can somehow manage to not take his fury on another keyboard while savagely beating the PC, then it won't punish him. However, if he did, then, there will be consequences to pay, and it'll finally have its sweet, sweet revenge. So for the German boy's sake, he better not take his anger out on it.

As it finished its thoughts, so did the AGK's, and all that was left was to either expect the best or the worst on what was about to transpire. Too bad that it was the worst the PC had expected from its brain-dead owner, as a scowl; a frightening one, appeared on Leopold's face, his face turned red with rage, and all hell broke loose with his next response.

"NOOOOO, THOSE GODDAMN, COCKFUCKING ASSLICKING DOUCHBAGS KICKED ME OUT AND GOT MY ACCOUNT BANNED!!! NOOOO!!! NOOOO!!! I HOPE THEY ALL DIE HORRIBLY AND BURN IN HELL!!! Leopold bellowed with, quite possibly, the loudest tone he had ever used in his life. As he was yelling in unmatched fury, he was simultaneously banging and smashing his keyboard repeatedly with his fists, and the keyboard itself to whack against both the desk and PC out of pure anger, buttons were flying in all directions. It was obvious that he wasn't thinking straight right now, what with his fury clouding all logical thinking except the thought to take his anger out on the nearest objects. Finally, after so much banging, smashing, and whacking the keyboard, desk, and PC, Leopold let loose one final scream while tossing his keyboard at the desk, rage quitting in the process, he also left his room as he did so, leaving the PC to come to a conclusion:

It's owner was going to pay. it had to yet again witness another keyboard getting brutally murdered while also getting a savage beating. But no more, because tomorrow it'll exact its revenge, it will finally avenge all those dead keyboards, and the most important of all, it would be doing the world a favor by getting rid of the nuisance known as Leopold Slikk.

Meanwhile, the sounds of Harold Slikk beating Leopold were audible downstairs.

The next day...

Leopold was mad. He had to go through another boring day at school, his teacher was being a bitch again, he refused to do his work, he got sent to the principals office, and got in trouble, the usual school day routine. He just wanted to go home and play some Unreal Tournament so as to forget this day ever happened. Speaking of going home, he was so caught up with his thinking that he didn't notice he was already at the front of his house. After opening the door, he went straight up the stairs, anticipated about playing his most favorite game of all time.

He opened the door to his room, made his presence known to his computer, unaware of the punishment the PC will dish out.

"Oh my god! School was boring as usual!" Leopold said in his usual tone of voice while throwing the junk from his desk onto the floor, again.

"But that doesn't matter, summer vacation is in a few weeks! Awesome! Anyway, time to play!" He continued on while bringing his keyboard out, excited that school is almost going to be over for the year.

"Computer, start up Unreal Tournament now, and don't you dare start your bullshit!" AGK warned his computer, showing that he didn't want to have another argument with his PC.


That one statement was all it took for Leopold's anger to slowly build up.

"Goddammit computer, I thought I told you to not start your bullshit! Hurry up and start my game already!" Leopold all but shouted at the supposed stubborn computer.


Instead of throwing an unnecessary tantrum like usual, he had, for once, used his brain to realize that he can just start the game manually instead of having the 'soon-to-have-it's-revenge' PC do all of the software labor.

"Fine, I'll just start the game up myself, dumbass," Leopold replied to the PC, but before he could even begin to load up the game, the screen turned black immediately, indicating that the computer had shut down.

"WHAAAAAAAT!? OH MY FUCKING GOD, WHY DID IT SHUT OFF!? WHAT A STUPID COMPUTER!!!" He then screamed in utter frustration.

It wasn't long before the screen turned back on its own, but it wasn't right at all. For one, the screen was all blood red, with some terrifying music in the background and a similarly terrifying face smack dab at the center. The face had gleaming red eyes with a disturbing wide, toothy grin which only psychopaths could pull off, what's more is that the face displayed on the screen seemed to pop out in a 3D manner, leaving behind a wispy, glowing, neon vapor trail that glowed. Any form of anger that Leopold had within his being was now gone, instead replaced with fear gripping his heart.

"LEoPold, dO yOU kNow WhY i diSoBeyeD yoU the dAY bEfoRe anD toDAy?"

The PC spoke but with a distorted, satanic voice which only served to further strike fear in Leopold.

"N-no," Leoplold stuttered, fear clearly evident in his voice.

"IT iS BEcAusE i hAVe HA-hAd EnOuGH oF YoUR bULlsHit-ShIT tHaT I reF-REf-refusED-d-d to DO wHat yOU toLD mE to."

The PC continued, but with errors now making its speech very laggy, making it sound more sinister as it is.

"EvER Sinc-since-ce i-I-i w-w-WA-was-as gIVen tO y-yo-you bY yoUR p-pa-pARenTS, NothINg But-ut miSEry HaD fILLed mY cir-cir-circui-cuits thrOUgHouT tHe yEArs, thE OnLy reASon whY I diDN'T kILL yOu EArliEr is tHAT bECaUse I thoUGHt YOu wOUld chANGe yoUR wAYS AnD trEAt mE wiTH reSPeCt, bUT Since YesTERday i'VE leARned sOMeTHing TRuLY IMporTant, dO yoU-YOu KNow WHat iT iS?"

"N-n-no," Leopold stuttered, but with a quieter tone. The PC's red gleaming eyes narrowed dangerously untill they were diagonal slits. Its toothy grin became wider than it was before.


The PC said, this time without its sentence sounding all laggy, but it still sounded evil.

"YOu'Re HOt-HEadED, lOuD, DIsResPecTfUl, yOU GEt MaD ovER eVERy LiTTLe thInG, yoU aLWaYs dEsTroy aND brEAK peOplEs PRoPertY, yOU'Re so FUCKING aRRoGant aNd CocKY it IsN'T eVEN FunNy, YoU'Re a jOkE, a MisTaKe THat neVer SHoulD HaVe beEN gIveN bIrtH tO, THe WHole woRLD woULd bE bETTer oFF WiTHout YOu, YOu muRdereD EvEry SiNgle KeYboarD you Own, keYboaRds wHOm I saw AS mY BrotheRs ANd SIsTers, ANd GuESS WhAt?"

"W-wh-what?" Leopold asked.

"i'M fInaLLy gOiNg tO GEt RiD of ThaT MistAke, ONCE AND FOR ALL."

All of a sudden, dark red static flooded the computer screen, tortured screaming was also heard in the sea of supposed blood. Then, without warning, two giant blood red static arms with sharp claws sprouted from the screen, grabbing Leopold and hoisted him up in the air.

"W-wait! I promise I won't ever kill another keyboard again, I promise I'll behave, AND I PROMISE I'LL CHANGE!" Leopold screamed in desperation, wanting to avoid whatever the PC had in mind.


The giant, static red claws having a firm grip on Leopold were now pulling him towards the screen, the volume of the screams were starting to get louder the closer he was. He tried to struggle out of the grip the two claws had on him, but to no avail, as it seemed that the more he struggled, the tighter their grip got. With no other choice, he resorted to the last option he could think of:

Scream loud enough to call for help.

"MOOOM!!! DAAAD!!! JAAAAAKE!!!" Leopold screamed, desperately clinging onto any hope that his cry of help would be noticed & be saved in the process.


As the still demented PC finished that statement, Leopold was halfway being sucked inside the screen-turned-portal-like-black-hole. But before he would be sucked in completely, the PC gave him one last statement before he would disappear within the vortex of the keyboard crushers iminent doom.


The PC finished its statement, and Leopold was now completely gone inside the screen-turned-blackhole-like-vortex, but not before letting loose one final shrill scream before the portal closed, leaving his room devoid of life, except for the now victorious computer.

"I... I did it."

Indeed it did, even though it did the deed itself, it still couldn't believe its visual sensors that the nuisance making its life hell was now gone, at least until it carried out its punishment. A lot was going on inside the PC's technological mind right now, but the most dominant feeling it was experiencing right now was something it longed to feel.


It felt so happy, happy that it would no longer be abused, happy that no more keyboards have to die, and happy that its brothers & sisters have been avenged from the tyranny that was the German kid himself. Having these feeling and emotions well up inside, it now decided to let them all out by laughing in victory.

"HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaLolHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaLolHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaLolHaHaHaHalolololHaHaHaHalololHaHaHaHaHa oh shi-"

And then it got the Blue Screen Of Death.

Leopold was scared shitless.

He didn't know what had occurred moments ago, actually, he can't even remember how he had ended up in a place like this. One moment he wakes up in the middle of a nightmarish landscape with parts of the ground looking like flesh, the next he realized that this hellhole had monsters in it. He then screamed out of reflex, due to the sheer size of all the beasts he had seen roaming around.

Which now leads us to his current situation.

He was now busy trying to run away from a horde of eldritch abominations; who were attracted by his very audible screaming, and it looked like they were going to catch up to him and do whatever it is they had in mind that he didn't want even want to imagine. He tried to run faster, but that made them more motivated to get him, so they picked up the pace as well. He then thought about using his keyboard to fend them off, just long enough to escape, to which he thought was a great idea. Reaching behind him, he anticipated the familiar feeling of having the rectangular shaped board with buttons in his grasp. But as he did, dread and panic filled him when he now learned a new fact.

'Shit! I don't have my keyboard!' Leopold was now doomed, he had now way to fend for himself, the eldritch abominations were closing in, he was running out of stamina because his legs were aching like crazy.

'I can't die here! I just can't! Why did I have to die in this place?! It's not fair, it just isn't!' Tears were now running from his shut eyes, now knowing that he was going to die in this scary place, with still no recollection on what lead to his arrival here. Before he could dwell in these thoughts any further and accept his demise, he collided with something. He next felt like something was wrapping itself around him, with the feeling of weightlessness following after; his eyes were still shut so he couldn't see what was going on. Although when he did opened his eyes, he now wished that he kept them shut.

Holding him in its grasp was Cthulhu itself.

The tentacles protruding from its mouth were swaying in an aggressive manner, its gigantic bat wings were spread out to make itself more intimidating, and it was successful in that department because Leopold was beyond terrified, he couldn't even utter a single sound!

Cthulhu then roared at Leopold with the scariest sounds ever heard in the boys entire life. It then brought him closer to its mouth while Leopold was still in its grasp, its tentacles parting to reveal a hundred dozen razor sharp teeth, all waiting to crunch up the keyboard crusher into mince meat, in response he screamed. Again. For what may be the last time of his life.


In an unknown location...

"-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRGGHHH!!! YAAAHH!!! THAT'S TOO FUCKING SCARY!!! WUUUOOOOAAAARGHHH!!!" Leopold woke up with a cold sweat, panting at the startling nightmare he had just now. After calming himself down, he took the time to analyze his current situation. Recounting the past events, everything was starting to become clear.

"Wait a minute, I'm still alive," he said with realization. He patted himself all over, just to check that everything was there where it should be. Speaking of everything, he reached behind and relief washed over him as his hand grasped at the keyboard hidden on his person. He had realized another thing.

"Where did I end up at?" Now that he took a moment to look at his surroundings, he was able to get an idea as to where he was. He had woken up beside a tree, which had flowers surrounding it, there was grass for the eye to behold, the rays from the sun were beaming down, covering everything in its warmth.

Leopold noted that the sunlight seemed much more warmer than usual, like being covered in its light seems to give people a tranquility vibe. Oh, and there were some tall shrubbery within walking distance with a curved cobblestone dirt road. He also saw some critters here and there, but that wasn't important, right now he needed directions, which was top priority.

It was at this point that Leopold had now begun to remember everything and what lead to his arrival.

"Wait, first the game, then my computer becoming psychopathic, then having that scary ass nightmare, and now waking up here?" The events were recapped, but that lead to one question, "Is this what the computer meant when he was sending me to the one place that I consider a true hellhole?" Because if it was, then that computer was even more stupid than he thought.

Or so he thought.

He then started laughing hysterically, because of the million dollar question being asked over and over again.

'How is this place hell?' He asked over and over in his head, confused and amused. Confused as to why a scenery from nature would be scary. Amused because the PC must have thought that THIS was like a hellhole for him. After laughing hard for a good minute or two, he decided to verbally express just what he thought of the computers supposed decision.

"THIS ISN'T EVEN SCARY AT ALL, I PLAYED GAMES THAT ARE MUCH MORE SCARIER THAN THIS! YOU HEAR THAT COMPUTER, HOW IS THIS SCARY?!" After screaming his thoughts out, he now focused on finding some form of civilization. He didn't know where to begin, so he took a random direction, hoping that this way would lead him for some help.

After walking for some time, he stumbled upon a cottage with a lot of bird houses attached to it, with a bunch shrubs growing from the top; most likely making up the roof, a few growing from the sides, and it more likely resembled an old cabin.

"Wait a minute, there might be someone living in there," Leopold said. Fueled by his motivation to find out where the hell he was, he walked towards the entrance of the house. When he was now at the front of the door, he noted that it was a bit small by human standards; but not too small, just small enough that it looked like he might have to duck slightly when the person living inside would and 'if' invite him inside. Nevertheless, he knocked on the door three times and waited until someone inside would answer. As he was waiting, he decided to ponder on something that had been bothering him so as to pass the time.

That something was this whole place.

Ever since he woke up, he had been getting a bad feeling from this whole area, and no it wasn't because of the nightmare he had moments ago; although that could be possible. At first, he thought it was because of the nightmare that he was getting a bad feeling about all this; he brushed it aside, thinking it was that 'scary-ass place'that he was weary, but now he wasn't so sure. The scenery of this place also gave him a feeling of dread of some sort. Actually, now that he thought about it, this place was disturbingly familiar; it was as though he had seen it somewhere before, but he couldn't put his imaginary finger on it.

Everything here was colorful; too colorful, like it was meant to be in a cartoon of some sort. The cottage he was currently standing in front of definitely wasn't helping at all, because just looking at it had seemed to have intensified the slow build up of dread currently welling up inside.

He was snapped out of his thoughts by the sound of a door opening, followed by the sound of a soft feminine voice speaking to him directly.

"H-hello?" The voice asked.

When Leopold turned to look at who opened the door, the sight was enough to put him disbelief; his jaw also dropped in the process. Staring right at him was something he wished he would never, ever, ever, encounter in real life. What he was looking at was an abomination that his dad was somehow obsessed with; he never understood why he liked them. The thing right in front of him was none other than:

A pony

A pony.


A FUCKING, colorful pony.

It had PINK hair and tail, with butter yellow fur covering its whole body. The way it was looking at him with those giant, turquoise eyes didn't make him feel better; in fact, it only seemed to fill him with more dread than it was humanly possible, but that wasn't the worst part. No, the worst part was that it had pink, fucking butterflies on both sides of its rear. Both stood there, looking at each other; one in confusion, the other in complete disbelief.

It was at this point that Leopold now fully understood what his PC had meant.



Those words replayed over and over in his head like a broken recorder.





Now he understood what the computer's cryptic statement was, now he understood why this place made him feel uneasy, and finally, he now remembered just why he considered this place hell.

Because he hated it. He hated everything about that show his dad always watched, how it was "too girly" and how "gay" it was, and now he hated it even more because he was now in it. He closed his mouth, only to serve the purpose to grind his teeth together, his brows furrowed in bubbling anger, and his face turned completely red; fury evident all over his facial features.

His whole body was shaking with all the bottled up anger inside his whole being. He shot his head upwards, towards the heavens so fast that it looked like it he might have broken his neck; his trembling hands also followed his example. He then shouted a curse to end all curses, and it had sounded like it may have reverberated throughout the entire land.


All hell would soon break loose because of that one promise.

A few moments ago...

Ponyville's residential animal caretaker Fluttershy was having a great day. First of all, she had woken up this morning feeling wonderful, like today was going to be a great day. Second, she had recently finished feeding all of her animals with enough spare time to relax. Third, her pet rabbit Angel had only bothered her for a carrot, which was a huge relief because usually he's always demanding a lot of need he desires, so she was secretly glad that he only wanted one thing only and not a bunch of other stuff. As she was about to enjoy her time off, three knocks emitted from her front door.

"Oh goodness, I wonder who that could be?" She asked curiously, not expecting visitors. Not wanting to be rude, she collectively trotted over to her door. As she did that, she was wondering on who could be knocking on her door in this hour; maybe one of her friends had come over to visit her? That was most likely possible. She didn't mind, she absolutely loved it when they always came over and talked with her. She had already reached the door and proceeded to open it, along with saying a simple hello; albeit with a stutter at the beginning.


Unfortunately, it wasn't one of her friends, but a bipedal creature she had never seen before in her life.

It had what appeared to be wearing clothing, consisting of a white shirt with blue jeans, and a pair of black and white shoes. It also had glasses on, with what looked like the equivalent of a mane on its head; a blonde color to be exact. It had a very gobsmacked expression on its face, perhaps it had never seen a pony before in its life?

However before Fluttershy could put more thought into the subject, the bipeds facial features had changed into a more into a more terrifying visage because it had started to grind its teeth together, followed by its brows furrowing very deeply and its face becoming a shade of red; its fists were also trembling.

Fluttershy was now scared of this biped, the face it was making right now was making her terrified. Was it mad at her? Did it get into a bad mood before arriving? Do ponies make it enraged? Were the thoughts running through her head. However, before she could even attempt to placate the creature with some soothing words, it shot its head upward; its fists doing the same, and bellowed with the loudest voice the shy pegasus had ever heard in her life.


Out of instinct, she shut the door quickly after hearing that terrifyingly loud sound.

God have mercy on these equines, because the Angry German Kid will soon show them what the REAL definition of rage is.