A Fitting End

by anonpencil

First published

When Rarity asks you to give her some human clothing for inspiration, you're far too happy to oblige. However, the seed of inspiration this clothing sews is probably not what either of you had in mind.

Sometimes being a fashionista trying to be on the cusp of creating new trends is a real pain. Such is the plight of your friend Rarity. So, when she asks you to give her some human clothing for inspiration, you're far too happy to oblige. For...personal reasons as well. However, the seed of inspiration this clothing sews is probably not what either of you had in mind.

...Silly, weird fashion horse.

Warning: Contains the ever-hated name 'Anon,' mild gore, and whitehorse supremacy.

No ifs, ands, or...

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You hear Rarity continuing to struggle behind the door of her bedroom, and can't help but be amused. It was amusing anyway to have her ask you about what human fashions were like back home, for inspiration, she claimed. It was even more amusing that she'd asked if you had anything feminine in human clothes for her to try on. As it turned out, you certainly did have clothes for her, and were all too happy to offer some to her, assuming you could watch her model it for you.

Now, waiting patiently, you can hear her trying to figure out which parts of her should go into which holes. Funny, that's usually what you're thinking, except about her holes. But that's besides the point.

You hear her grunt, shift around, and occasionally exclaim things like "Why honestly!" and "What a design flaw." and "This...doesn't even make sense." It's difficult not to laugh. Who knew that humans and ponies has such different anatomies? She'd asked if you could find Spike, so he could be her assistant, but you just pretended you couldn't find him rather than actually go ask. Fuck that guy, this is your own private pony modeling time. Though, watching him completely wreck himself for a girl he'll never have could have been amusing...

Somehow, you don't see yourself in that description at all. Nope. You totally have a chance...right?

At last, things go quiet from the bedroom. You hear a weighty sigh, and then Rarity's surprisingly uncertain voice.

"Oh Anon...darling?" she calls.


"Might you...come in here and help me with a few things?"

Sure, ponies are always naked, so seeing one partially dressed, helping her get...situated shouldn't be any sort of turn on. But it is. Not now boner, there's work to do.

You open the door to her room, and once again stifle laughter. This time, it's the spectacle you see before you that almost makes you burst with giggles.

Rarity stands on all fours, a short black, pleated skirt fastened tightly around her middle. It doesn't even cover her ass or tail, which are exposed, and facing you. Below them, around the tops of her legs and below her buttermilk cheeks, are a pair of pink, lace-lined panties. It looks like she's given up trying to pull them over her generous flanks. It doesn't look like it would ever really fit, and that's fine with you. The top is more of a swimsuit, and it fits awkwardly around her neck and chest, considering there's nothing there to cup. The bows to hold it in place are surprisingly sloppy, especially for Rarity, and you realize she's probably been struggling with the skirt and panties for quite some time.

She looks a mess. Totally ridiculous. Half dressed, like a child who got into mommy's closet. Again, Boner, now is not the time.

She also hasn't asked you why you have female clothing, especially all the panties. It seems like the obvious question, but she hasn't even mused on it once. You're quite fine with not telling her that those panties are, in fact, used. In...several ways. Probably better that she not know, especially now that they're pressed against her soft, sensitive marebits.

For the fuck of god. Not. Now.

Rarity glares at your expression of restrained amusement, hopefully not noticing the bulge in your pants you're mentally trying to suppress.

"I can't seem to make these bottom parts work," she says. "I looked for a tailhole, but there isn't any built in, and if I leave it below the tail, they just slip down onto my legs. See?"

She wiggles her back end and they slip a little lower across her rear.


"I see," you force out, somehow maintaining a straight face.

"So...how is it your human mares do it then?"

Heh, human mares. Now that's a fetish you'll have to explore later. You shrug.

"They don't have that problem," you say. "They don't have tails."

She blinks at you.

"I beg your pardon?"

"Nope. No tails."

"But..." she sputters, obviously flabbergasted. "Darling, just about everything has tails, surely they must have at least a small one, a little nub?"

"Nope. I mean, you know me, and I don't have one."

"Well yes, I can indeed see that," she says with an appreciative nod. "But I assumed you were an unusual one for your kind, some form of mutated abnormality, if you will."

Gee, thanks bitch.

"Well I'm not," you can't help but growl.

You're both silent for a moment as she contemplates this concept and you contemplate the knowledge that Rarity has been thinking of you as a weird mutant this whole time. And not even the fun kind with superpowers or giant dicks. Well...maybe she's thought about your dick. You can't tell, but you can hope.

....No, you don't sound like Spike, I don't know what you're talking about.

"Ah, I see," she says slowly. "So human fashion doesn't allow for tails. Then, if I may ask, what is the appeal of such clothing?"

What's the appeal? Where have you heard that question before.

"Well," you say, fumbling for words. "It's...well..."

How do you explain this? Think fashion, Anon. Make it fashion related. Think of every term you ever learned from watching Project Runway, which you definitely only did that one time and only because your girlfriend told you to which you definitely didn't enjoy and no one knows about.

"See, ponies here like to use clothing to accentuate their mane, tail, cutie mark, hooves...things like that. Right?"


"Well, where I come from, girls like to accentuate their...flanks."


"Well, we call it ass where I come from."

She wrinkles her nose at the word.

"You compare the rear of a lady to one of those disgusting, lowly, common-breed donkeys? How rude."

Well, who knew Rarity was racist? Er...speciesist? You probably should have expected it, she is the whitest and most pretentious thing around here.

"No, it's not like that. It's just a word, not a comparison."

"Alright," she says hesitantly, but still looks unconvinced. "And the way they do that is by wearing panties?"

"Really, anything that shows off their ass. Tight jeans, short skirts, yoga pants, leggings...shit like that. It's all about accentuating the curves."

She nods thoughtfully.

"No one in Equestria does anything like that," she says slowly. "It's completely unheard of. It's shocking even."

"Different things for different sorts I guess."

But she seems to be ignoring you. That's fine, that gives you more time to stare at the skirt crinkled up above her tail, the panties bunched and slouching below her rump. You take a mental picture, for later festivities.

"I see." she says again.

Then, all at once, her head snaps up and she smiles almost smugly at you.

"Well that's all for today, Anon!" she says abruptly.

Still wearing your used clothing inventory, however poorly and hilariously, she shoos you towards the door.

"But, what about my..." you have time to say before you reach the entrance to her home.

She just nods, still ignoring you and still very much in her own thoughts.

"Yes yes, of course dear, you'll get those back tomorrow, come see me then, alright? Ciao darling!"

The door slams, and you're left, bewildered, on her doorstep. Well, you suppose you'll have to make do with masturbating using Twilight's crown again...and that's always so pointy.


The next day, you come around her shop again at the same time, without fail. You knock soundly in a happy little rhythm, then stand away from the door to greet Rarity. But nothing happens. You wait a little longer, but still nothing. At last you knock again. This time, faintly, you hear her call out.

"I-in the back, Anon. You'll have to come around back."

Well, if she insists, gyeh heh heh.

You come to the back door and push it open. At first, there's no sign of her. Then, you see the looping, violet waves of her tail poised upwards from behind a dressing curtain. She doesn't seem to have noticed you, and with a knowing smile, you creep over. You give her tail a gentle tug, a serious faux pas but a surefire way to get her to make that little squealing noise, to alert her of your presence.

"Hey, Ra...."

You stop short, unable to utter another syllable.

As you tug, you feel a sickening cut of nausea and pain somewhere deep in your abdomen. You want to vomit. You want to shriek. It should stop when you tug, but it keeps moving, as if it is holding onto completely nothing. The tail falls effortlessly towards you, no Rarity attached to the other end. Instead, a small, white, patch of flesh and bone with blood-stained gauze carefully sutured onto the end bobs upwards, the only sign that this was ever attached to her body. You suddenly notice a trail of small ruby drips across the floor, leading outside...to god knows what.

You suppress a scream and cram a hand over your mouth to hold back the flood of terror-vomit that swells up your throat. Good thing too, screaming vomit sounds messy. Hm. Scromit. Even the word sounds disgusting.

You drop the severed tail in horror an stumble bacl. She's been killed, you think. Murdered. Maybe Pinkie finally lost her shit and started baking with horsemeat. Probably wouldn't be the first time. Poor Rarity, she...

"Oh there you are," you hear her say calmly behind you.

You whirl to face the source of the light, happy, female voice. You can feel that the color is gone from your face as you find her just standing there, smiling, rear towards you. She shakes it for emphasis.

"Doesn't my 'ass' look simply divine in these?" she asks brightly.

You stare at your beautiful pink panties as they hug the curves of her now very exposed flank. Near the waistline, you can see a small, sad looking nub poking against the fabric. Through the near sheerness of the fabric, you can see a bloody stump, neatly bandaged but still reddened, where Rarity's tail once sprouted. You stammer at her, at a loss for logic.

"What did you..." you wheeze out.

"Oh this?" she says, nodding with glee to her rump. "You gave me a brilliant idea, one that will really put me on the map in the way of fashion. Tail-less clothing, dear, it'll be all the rage! Ponies everywhere will be dying to get a dock themselves this season once they see my new line, modeled by yours truly of course."

Still, there are no real words. It seems so abrupt, so drastic. So...kinky? That might not be the right word, but it's one that certainly comes to mind for some reason.

"Oh I know it's a change," she says with a sigh, seeming to sense your shock. "But it's a statement, and I can always use my old tail, perfection as it is, as something I can preserve, wear when the moment strikes me, or take off in favor of tailless couture. Or maybe I'll make it into a hat!"

Ok...that's not creepy at all.

"D-did you..."

"Yes," she says. "Did it myself with a bit of magic and a hacksaw. Not a problem really, not much different than when I pierced my ears as a filly except for all the blood and that terrible crunching noise."

Rarity with pierced ears...another thought for another day. There's just too much happening now for you to think about how it would look to see dangly gems swinging from her ears rhythmically as you...ok, maybe you can manage to think about it a little bit.

You shake your head in disbelief, but this is really happening. This is serious, this is the real life. Rarity has docked her tail. For a fashion statement. And...ok, yeah her ass does look great in your panties. Really great. You want to just spank her right then, right on the tail nub. You're unsure why, and you feel a blush spread over you. Damn you boner, this is a new low for you.

"O-ok," you stutter. "But...but I thought having a big long tail was a pony's pride. Wasn't it?"

She pauses, gives her rear an appreciative glance, then nods decidedly, smugly again. She wiggles it one more time, the skirt swaying to and fro about her hips. Then she looks up at you, confident, defiant...almost seductive. She smiles. She winks knowingly at you.

"Oh didn't you know, darling?" she says teasingly. "It's fine, really, short tails are in this season."
