
by ForgottenDreams

First published

Fluttershy follows the sound of a beautiful violin beng played only to find her boyfriend Bulk Biceps sex happens

Fluttershy follows the sound of music being played and finds her boyfriend Bulk Biceps and they have sex with six peeping Janes watching from a window.

To the Sound of Music

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Fluttershy removes her latex gloves and work coat as she clocks out from the vet a contempt sigh escapes her tired mouth. She has just finished a long day of treating animals and was exhausted. Even though she loves treating animals she is still human and gets tired of doing the same thing day in and day out. Most would not know it about her because of her timid nature, but she craves excitement from time to time. She makes herself a cup of coffee before she leaves the hospital and heads out the door. In all the things in the world she wanted at that moment was to take a hot shower. However there was one last thing that needed to be done before she makes her way home. She gets in her prius and heads to the local Y.

The local Y was a social hub for a lot of Fluttershy's friends, but she was not here to see her friends. She was here to see one of the personal trainers, but not just any personal trainer but her personal trainer slash secret boyfriend Bulk Biceps. It is not that she was ashamed of dating Bulk Biceps that they kept their thing a secret, but rather she has no desire to get wrapped up in all the drama with her friends.

If Rainbow Dash or Pinkie Pie knew that she was dating they would tease her, and if Rarity or Applejack knew they would insist that they double date. As for Twilight she is so wrapped up in her studies that she might try to hook them up to wires to study their behavior or something; which would be uncomfortable. So they keep their love to themselves.

When Fluttershy reaches the counter she flashes her card and the receptionist opens the door letting her in. Fluttershy not wanting to seem out of place goes to the locker room and changes into her workout gear. A pair of light green short shorts accentuate her perky butt. While a matching sports bra hugs tightly to her melon sized breasts. She puts on her tennis shoes go heads towards the gym area.

There were several people in the gym most of them were the local gym rats as they are called; pumping massive amounts of weights; although they were big none of them could match Bulk's size. In the corner there was Rainbow Dash on the treadmill out running all the guys who were trying to get her attention; by trying to run faster than her. Applejack was also there working her legs as she loves to do; guys staring at her as she squats an impressive 315.

If these two were here than that means that the rest of her friends were here as well. Rarity will most likely be in the pool or the steam room, and Pinkie Pie will be in the self defense class since she is the assistant coach. Twilight would probably be some where in the lobby waiting for the rest of the girls to finish up.

Fluttershy quickly scans the gym for Bulk Biceps but doesn't see him so she starts to wonder the halls hoping to find him before one of her friends find her. As she wonders the halls close to the back of the building the sound of a violin starts to be heard. Knowing that Bulk Biceps played the violin during the battle of the bands she follows the sound. The music is resonating from an unused basketball court; Bulk Biceps is standing in the center of the court playing a dainty violin. Fluttershy sneaks in behind him as not to disturb him.

Once he finishes the song he puts the violin back into it's case and turns around. At first he his startled by seeing his girlfriend standing right behind him, but soon he smiles and lifts her up over his head and spins; making her laugh. She plants a kiss on his lips as he puts her down.

"That was so beautiful Bulk. Why don't you play more often?"

Bulk rubs the back of his head as he blushes sheepishly. To which Fluttershy gently rubs his cheek and gives a sultry smile. Biting her lip she motions towards a smaller room nearby. Grabbing him by the hand she guides him into the small room. The room was a small office room only having a table, and a chair. Once the door closes behind Bulk Biceps Fluttershy starts to kiss him passionately to which he reciprocates.

Fluttershy removes her shorts and bra and bends over the table showing off her delicate flower already soaking wet. Bulk Biceps rips off his shorts revealing his massive cock throbbing with it's pulsating veins. Standing behind her he lines himself up and rams her eliciting moans from her. With every powerful thrust of his cock into Fluttershy two things happen; she moans and the table that was supporting her would rock.

The sound of slapping flesh soon follows her moans. Bulk Biceps grabs a handful of Fluttershy's hair and pulls her head up as he pounds her even harder. Before he could cum inside of her however Fluttershy tells him to stop. It takes all of his will but he pulls out of her. Fluttershy then turns around and jumps him! The sudden force of her jumping on him makes him fall back into the wall.

She takes the opportunity to slide his throbbing cock back inside. With Fluttershy now in control of the rhythm Bulk Biceps decides to kiss her neck while grabbing that ass of hers in his firm but gentle hands. The pace quickly rises and soon enough their screams of pleasure fills the room. Bulk Biceps screams his signature "YEAH!" as he cums inside of Fluttershy.

With his energy depleted he slumps down to the ground Fluttershy clinging to his chiseled chest heaving greatly at her own exhaustion. Unbeknownst to the two lovers six cell phones were in the window of the door recording their little workout.

"Man that was hot!" says a sweaty Rainbow Dash as she fingers herself .

"You're not kidding I thought he was going to rip her in half with that dick! I'm surprised she was able to fit it all in!" Says Pinkie Pie as she replays that part on her phone.

"You think she would share?" asks Rarity still in her soaking wet swimsuit.

"Don't be so lewd Rarity. Besides it looks like we are about to see another show." answers Applejack as she peeps into the window. The six girls pull their phones back up into the window.

" No one say a thing to Fluttershy about this. She would die of embarrassment if she found out that we watched her have sex." says Sunset Shimmer with a very bright blush in her cheeks.

"Agreed. Now hush I want to listen to this." Says Twilight as she presses her ear to the door as do the rest of the girls. All getting wet from the sounds of the moans coming from the other side of the door.

A loud " YEAH!" vibrates the door as Fluttershy rides Bulk Biceps. She lifts a tuft of her pink hair and peers over to the door. At first she starts to blush as she sees the phones through the corner of her eye. Then she smiles as she recognizes the phones and starts moaning lauder as she pounds herself on her boyfriend. She was going to use this to her advantage later.