Endowed and Egregious

by Borealium

First published

Adventures of over-sized futa Gilda

Gilda is voluptuous, well-endowed, usually pent-up and has no inhibitions. Which makes things quite... interesting for those around her.

Shameless clop, don't read if you're looking for intellectually stimulating plot lines!

Contains: Hyper, futa, multicock, excessive cum, big boobs/butts, big libidos

Cover art by smudgeproof.


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Gilda's stomach grumbled quietly as she eyed the menu on the wall in front of her. She hadn't noticed this quaint little cafe before, but it seemed as good a time as any to pay a visit, especially now when she was more hungry than horny - quite unusual for her. Although, she quietly admitted to herself, the attention her two half-hard dicks were demanding from her was more than a little distracting,

Ugh. I really need to get home and beat off but I'm soo damn hungry.

For most, 48 hours without masturbating wasn't really a big deal. But Gilda wasn't exactly 'normal'. Two unusually eventful days, aside from her daily intense workout sessions with Rainbow Dash, had left her with no time to tend to matters below the belt, so to speak, and her pair of arm-sized, jet-black members slowly formed a puddle of pre beneath her as she stood gazing at the menu hungrily.

Being a hyper, most of the world around her was somewhat undersize. Case in point; the placement of this menu. Roughly at chest level for the average passerby, it barely came up to the top of her meaty thigh when she was standing upright. So, in order to read it, she had to take a step or two back and bend down. This solved the problem, but filled practically the entire width of the sidewalk with big, feathery booty. Passersby had to step onto the road to get around her, a few stealing glances of her delectable griffon rump.

She heard a whistle behind her and smirked, giving a little wiggle of her hips; more than enough to cause her glorious ass cheeks to jiggle and bounce off one another. The whistle became something between a sigh and a gasp, followed by a thwump. Gilda turned, nearly knocking a mare off her feet with an unintentional right hook to the face with her giant butt, and saw a stallion sprawled out beneath her, apparently unconscious. She stood up, put her hands on her wide hips, and spoke to the small crowd that had gathered around him.

“Not the first time this has happened. I'm sure he'll be okay. Now, if you don't mind, this bird has places to be.”

The expanse of her soft, curving hips gently pushed the crowd apart as she strode towards the cafe. As the wolf-whistler in the street stood, patted himself down, gathered up as much of his dignity as he could and walked off, assuring those around him he was completely fine while sneaking one more glance at the huge griffon, attention turned back to the spectacle of Gilda, who was now opening the cafe door. A little bell above tingled, letting the staff know they had a customer.

I hope the portions are big here...

It hadn't come to Gilda's attention, who was bending down to fit through the entrance and going over the menu for the tenth time in her head, but those stood behind her could see that the doorway was far too narrow for her huge hips.

She pushed her mammoth tits together and bent forward, twin cocks kissing the floor of the cafe and smudging pre against the tiles, getting her upper body through the doorway without too much difficulty. Her hips put up a bit of a fight, though. Those behind had a wonderful view of her godly ass cheeks being squeezed together as her hips forced their way through the door. Surprised by the resistance, Gilda raised an eyebrow and pushed harder. Thankfully for the owners of the cafe, her pliant ass-flesh flowed through without damaging the doorway.

As she slowly squeezed through to the other side, her hips bounced back out to their full, wide expanse. She breathed a sigh of relief and patted herself down, making sure she hadn't hurt herself, although it was the door that would almost certainly come off worse in a battle with the griffon's immense bulk. She looked up, and noted she'd have to be careful as her head just scraped the ceiling when she stood up straight, meaning she'd crash straight into the light fixtures if she didn't avoid them.

She turned, studying a nearby table. It was adorned with a cute floral tablecloth, a little vase of daffodils, and neatly arranged cutlery.

“Hm, quite charming. I should come here more often.”

A pony at the other end of the cafe sneered.

“I wouldn't bother, dear. After your little display coming in, I wouldn't say this quaint little place was designed with someone as grotesquely over-sized as you in mind.”

Gilda rolled her eyes and looked over, but the speaker was obscured behind a newspaper. She chose not to respond, judging the pony wasn't worth her time. Besides, she was too hungry and far too horny to waste time bickering with an old bag.

She chose a table by the windows nearest the entrance, but before she could sit down she noticed how pitifully small the chairs were for a bird of her size. She resorted to taking all three of the chairs arranged around the table and lining them up. Satisfied, she sidled in between her ad-hoc seating arrangement and the table.

Unfortunately, even three of the little chairs weren't nearly enough. The second she sat down and rested her weight atop them, the legs cracked and splintered, and all six hundred pounds of the massive griffon came down with a crash, shaking the cafe with earthquake-rivalling force.

The newspaper in the corner came down to the table with a thwack, revealing a middle-aged, brown businesspony seething with anger.

“I told you so! Now look what you've done! Not only content with stomping around like you own the place, you smash up the seats with your fat ass! You hypers are all the same. Well, you're not going to be breaking anything else in here, or disturbing my evening.”

Gilda glanced over nonchalantly, this sort of thing happened all the time to her, and saw the pony for the first time. She was a mare, roughly in her late thirties, in a pinstripe suit. Probably on her lunch break out of the office. She was leaning against the counter, talking to a young female pony that Gilda assumed was the owner. The mare turned and pointed at Gilda, her face flushed with frustration. The pony looked over and raised her eyebrows when she saw the huge griffon sat on the floor. Gilda couldn't quite make out what the mare was saying as she was speaking in a harsh, almost hysterical whisper, but she was obviously quite unhappy.

The owner turned back to the businessmare and nodded, her response apparently sufficient to convince the mare to settle down and return to her seat, but she still glared at Gilda as she returned to her seat, took a sip from her coffee and raised the newspaper back up over her face.

Gilda stood up and began to pick up the splinters of wood around her, and heard the click of a latch as the owner opened the door into the serving area.

Well, I blew it. A shame, I liked the look of this place.

After piling the pieces of broken chair onto the table, she looked up at the owner, who was standing in front of her across the table. To Gilda's surprise, she was smiling sheepishly. Not only that, she was gorgeous. Gilda felt her twin cocks thicken and harden, their heads now firmly against the floor and beginning to creep forward. She had forgotten how high her libido was running after two days without relief, but faced with this stunning vixen those urges came right back. The owner spoke.

“I'm sorry about her, I think you just caught her in a bad mood. Don't worry about the chairs, I know it's not easy being a hyper at time. My parents are always getting themselves into tight spots. Me too... sometimes.”

She grinned awkwardly and gestured down at her voluptuous figure. It was not unlike Gilda's in its hourglass shape, but on a smaller scale. Gilda couldn't help but savour every inch of her. Her long, flawless legs leading up into thick, strong thighs beneath her wide, flowing hips, tapered and toned midriff and very sizeable breasts that filled her shirt to capacity, and then some. Not only was she fantastically curvy, she was beautiful. Her sky-blue eyes caught the light above them as she looked up at Gilda, who was a little mesmerized by the voluptuous beauty, but composed herself and spoke.

“Heh, thanks for understanding. I wouldn't blame you for throwing me out, I was a little careless. I'll pay for the damage, if you'd like.”

“Oh no, that won't be necessary! They really aren't expensive. Anyway, let's put that behind us. I think this is your first time in here? I'm Sugar Song, by the way.”

“Yep, and I'm sure glad I did come in, this place is charming. Nice to meet you Sugar, I'm-”


“Yeah, how did you know?”

“Well, between you and me, one of my friends has a real thing for you, never stops talking about you. After seeing you up close I can, uh, see why.”

Gilda shifted her weight, the tiniest smirk rising in the corner of her beak.


Sugar timidly clasped her hands together behind her back and giggled.

“Sorry, I don't mean to be rude. You're... pretty hot.”

Gilda laughed. Sugar, afraid that she had made a fool of herself, stopped smiling and tried to hide her embarrassment.

“Well, that means quite a lot coming from someone as alluring as yourself. Thanks.”

Sugar immediately perked back up and looked Gilda in the eyes.

“Gosh, you really think so? I always thought I was kinda fat...”

Gilda chuckled heartily.

“You're fat in the right places, honey. I'm not exactly skinny either. But it's all about where that fat is.”

She made her point by turning to the side, showing off the stunning curve of her immense bubble butt. She gave it a little smack, which was more than enough to make its vast expanse jiggle like jello.

All Sugar could do was bite her lip and smile sheepishly.

“Yeah, I guess you're right. I've got quite a lot going on back there too. Nothing compared to yours though.”

She turned, and looked over her shoulder. Gilda's eyes widened as she was treated to the sight of the mare's big, fat butt cheeks squeezed into a pair of jeans that seemed a size too small. Being a hyper, and a very pent-up one at that, she couldn't just shrug off her urges with a bite of her lip. She tried to control herself, but her body was taking over. A third fat cock sprouted from her crotch and slapped against the tiled floor, growing out and catching up to the other two that had begun to snake underneath the table.

Sugar looked down, feeling something bump into her foot, and gasped. She was greeted by three midnight-black dicks, each as wide as her arm, one each side of her and a third resting against her sneaker. Gilda made a noise somewhere between a sigh and a grunt as her balls began to fill and multiply between her thighs.

“Ungh... sorry, you know how we hyper herms get sometimes. I haven't been able to 'relieve' myself for a couple of days and, nff, I'm getting to the end of my tether if you know what I mean.”

The owner felt a little intimidated, and more than a little turned on at the giant griffon spreading her metaphorical wings before her.

“Wow. I'm, uh, sorry you're feeling a little tense. Could we take this outside? I've heard rumors about how big you can get and, hah, as much as I'd love to see it in person it may get a little cramped in here.”

Gilda, her mental faculties a tad dampened from the haze of lust beginning to fill her mind, realised Sugar was right. She'd love to give in and just grow and grow and grow – soon, she likely wouldn't be able to stop herself even if she tried - but in this little eaterie? That wouldn't end well.

“Mmm, fair point. I'd hate to cause you even more trouble.”

Hypers weren't exactly uncommon, and there was a clause somewhere in Sugar's insurance on the cafe that covered any event of unintentional damage or destruction caused by growth. But it would still be much less hassle to get the big bird outside than have her cooped up in here. Although, eyeing the doorway and judging Gilda to be almost a third as big again as when she first came in, Sugar worried that it was already too late.

Her fears were confirmed when Gilda reached the door, now bent forward almost at forty degrees to avoid the lights in the ceiling, and found the top of it was just above her belly button. She had to get down on her knees to try and crawl through.

“Well, this is getting kind of awkard. Let's see if I can just... hngh...”

She bowed down to get under the top of the doorway, but her tits filled up all the space from her chin to the floor, and spread out almost twice the width of the opening. There was no way she was getting through, even with her hands pressing them together hard, almost disappearing in the soft globes of gamboge, feathery boob.

Ponies approaching the cafe could just see a pair of gigantic griffon jugs capped by almost spherical black nipples jutting out of an open door, a comparatively small face atop them looking a little bemused. All three of her fat cocks had happily squeezed through the door though, and lay throbbing against the sidewalk, much to the surprise of anyone walking past.

Meanwhile, behind the mass of compressed birdage, Sugar had a front-row view of the griffon from behind. Two monumentally large, wide butt cheeks almost filled her field of view, she could tell without even touching them that they were incredibly soft and doughy. Beneath the ass to end all asses, between her thick, meaty thighs nestled a juicy, perfectly formed pussy, the same jet-black as her nipples and dicks. Even now, juices were dripping from its folds and rolling down, out of sight. Gilda really wasn't kidding about being at the end of her tether.

“Oh, for heaven's sake.”

She pulled her head and chest back out of the doorway, then rolled over, a rumbling thud shaking the cafe as her monstrous ass landed on the floor, crushing tables and chairs beneath it and cracking tiles. Her only option now was to try and hold her orgasm back by sheer force of will. Gilda was quite a headstrong bird, but she doubted she'd overcome her almost limitless urges. She tried to change her state of mind, to clear her mind of the urge to grow and cum and grow and cum some more.

Think... think... uh, taxes? Those are pretty dull. Hm. Dicks. Dicks aren't dull. Tits. Huge tits. And dicks. Dammit, this isn't working.

Gilda knew she could will herself to grow, so it stood to reason that she could try and will herself to shrink. She held that thought in her mind and focussed on it, trying to will herself smaller. Perhaps that would have worked 15 minutes ago, but now, her body was taking over, and wasn't in the mood for shrinking. Not until it had the release it so desired.

“Damn. Nothing's working. I think it's best if you find a way out, Sugar. I'm really sorry, but I can't stop. Not until I cum, anyway.”

Sugar, feeling a mixture of fear, awe and sexual tension, nodded slowly and took a step back as a fourth cock thrust out of Gilda's crotch and snaked across the room, smacking into the far wall before growing up it.

“Okay, don't worry, I'm covered for this sort of thing happening. I'll, uh... go out the back I guess. Are you coming, ma'am?”

The mare didn't turn to her, she was fuming; her anger had reached boiling point.

“You just had to make a spectacle, didn't you? Had to be the centre of attention. Well, I've had enough, you big, fat lump.

She stormed towards Gilda, hands balled into fists. By now, she was barely up to Gilda's nipples - while Gilda was sat down. She was stood between Gilda's thighs, spread open and almost touching either wall, half a dozen cocks sprouting out of her crotch and slowly making their way around the cafe in various directions.

Sugar could only watch as the mare gesticulated wildly, squawking at Gilda about how reckless and disgusting she was. She was about to call out again when she noticed an enormous cock head, nearly as tall as she was, heading straight for the door to the kitchen. She stepped back and closed it as the head mashed up against it, pre spurting against the small window.

Well, that pony's not getting out this way.

“Are you done yet?”

“Huh! I don't know why I bother. You're a lost cause, just like the rest. You all just grow and grow until you make a huge, disgusting mess, then go on about your way like nothing happened. Fine. See if I care.”

She turned to leave the way Sugar had, but her path was blocked by a wall of black flesh. Dicks, to be precise. One enormous head, six feet across, was laying atop the length of another dick, drooling a steady stream of pre onto the floor in front of her.

“I hope you can swim, lady.”

She frowned angrily.


Gilda laid both hands on her enormous balls pulsating beneath her dicks and smirked.

“All this has got to go somewhere.”

The mare's eyebrows raised, then almost instantly she was in a rage again.

“You stupid birdbrain! You're going to ruin my best suit, let me out!”

She pulled a leg back, making to kick Gilda in her gargantuan ballsack.

“I wouldn't do that if I were you.”

“Fuck you.”

She kicked as hard as she could, striking Gilda's nut sack with her high heel. Her entire foot almost disappeared inside the soft, malleable flesh.

Above her, Gilda's head titled back, and she moaned noisily.

All around the mare, there was a shaking, a vibrating. The thick mega-cocks around her seemed to grow even thicker, the black flesh closing in on all sides.

In the blink of an eye, everything went white. The room quickly filled with hundreds of gallons of thick, creamy spooge as Gilda happily jizzed away, giving in to the sensations of pure unbridled pleasure as her fat balls bulged and her cocks convulsed, pumping out one long, endless load.

In 15 seconds, the mare was being tossed to and fro like a fishing boat in a storm. Just as the jizz reached the ceiling and her head disappeared into the murky white lake, one of Gilda's immense cocks punctured a window at the front of the cafe. Untold gallons of jizz poured through the space where the window used to be as her thick cock flopped against the sidewalk and kept on growing out into the road.

Somewhere in the torrent, the mare was carried away and deposited outside, Gilda's load washing over her.

After another full minute of cumming, Gilda finally managed to make herself stop. She could carry on all day if she wanted to, but she knew better.

Slowly, as she reigned her body back in, the cafe re-emerged from beneath the sea of white. Only vague outlines remained; everything was liberally coated with the griffon's hot, steamy seed. Sugar gingerly opened the kitchen door and peered in, the smell almost knocking her off her feet. It was so potent.

Gilda, a smile plastered across her face, opened her eyes and looked over at her.

“I think next time I'll jerk off before I go out.”

Self-control (or lack thereof)

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"In other news, a small cafe in downtown Ponyville was flooded yesterday by the... emissions of what witnesses described as 'a very large griffon'. It has been ascertained that no one was hurt, but the mess is still being cleaned up."

Rainbow Dash, splayed out on her sofa and eating her morning bowl of cereal, raised her eyebrows at the news.

"Daaaaamn, Gilda."

Rainbow Dash had noticed Gilda acting a little strangely around her. They hadn't known each other for particularly long but hit it off very quickly. The relationship wasn't exactly sexual, but they both had repressed feelings for one another. This was a bigger deal for Gilda than it was for Dash - repressing feelings when you have two arm-sized dicks and balls comparable to watermelons at their smallest size meant things tended to get a little... backed up for Gilda. And fast.

But, being the headstrong griffon she was, she told herself that she shouldn't jerk off to the thought of a close friend like Rainbow Dash, she believed (not too convincingly, even to herself) that the relationship was purely platonic. She didn't want Rainbow Dash to be grossed out by two enormous, rock-hard cocks every time they met, but regardless, Gilda got hard, or at least semi-hard, if she thought long and hard enough about Rainbow Dash, let alone meeting her in person as they did fairly often. Her tightest underwear went some way toward obscuring the thickening and lengthening of her shafts when she came into contact with Rainbow, but she couldn't be fooled that easily, despite Gilda's hopes.

So, after two days of refusing to give in to her libido, she couldn't stop it from forcing its way to the surface anyhow. Had she have known how Gilda *really* felt, Rainbow Dash would have at worst laughed it off, but more than likely would just be flattered and reciprocate the feelings of desire and sexual attraction Gilda felt toward her. As it was, Gilda was a sore loser and wasn't going to be beaten out by the demands of her big, gurgling balls that had furiously demanded to blow their oversized load.

"Hm. She did seem kinda... bottled up yesterday. And the day before. Wonder if it's anything to do with me. Heh."

Rainbow Dash put two and two together. It all made sense.

"Gonna have some fun with her today."

She set out a little earlier that morning than usual for her daily meet-up at the gym with Gilda. To test if her suspicions were true, and have a little fun at the same time.

She kept her eyes peeled for Gilda when she arrived at the gym - she wanted to surprise her, so instead of heading in waited across the street. As expected, Gilda wasn't there early. She was here, like every other day, at 10am sharp - she liked to be punctual.

Fuck, she looked good. Little black spandex shorts, an enormous bulge stretching obscenely out from her crotch, and a little black spandex crop top. Still far too big for Dash to wear if she tried them on, though. She ducked to fit through the gym's seven foot-high entrance and stomped inside, Rainbow not far behind.

As usual, a few of the stallions working out perked up at Gilda's entrance and a few pairs of eyes helped her along the way to the stairs.

"Heeey Gilda! lookin' good."

"Hey chump, lookin' weedy."

The brown-coated stallion wasn't weedy by any stretch of the imagination - not to a pony at least. Just one of Gilda's claws could wrap around his toned thigh with little difficulty. Still, he shrunk at the remark, and went back dejectedly to his reps. Gilda carried on up the steps, the metal creaking as her big feet plodded up them to the first floor. Just a few seconds behind her, Rainbow dash quietly crept up the stairs and hovered at the top, peeking over the wall beside the staircase at the oversized griffon.

Gilda looked around, not too surprised that Rainbow Dash wasn't there before her. She headed over to the exercise mats for her warm-up as usual, starting off with shoulder rolls and spine twists. Dash took the opportunity while Gilda was stretching up as far as she could, head raised and looking at her outstretched arms, admiring the way her biceps rippled with each little flex she gave them.


Rainbow gave Gilda's big bubbly backside a good, hard smack, the sound reverberating through the gym. Gilda gasped and Rainbow was sure she heard a little moan. Gilda turned, scowling and ready to give an earful to whoever dared to - oh, it was Rainbow Dash. She raised her eyebrows, then lowered them right back down again, giving Dash a half-hearted frown, trying to feign anger when she secretly wanted her to do it again. She couldn't hide the sudden swelling at her crotch, though.

"Good morning to you too, Rainbow."

"Hey hey Ms. 'I flood cafes in my spare time', how you holdin' up?"

Gilda's beak clicked with frustration as the memories came flooding back. Of course Rainbow knew already. Fucking fuck.

"Yeah yeah, you're just jealous."

Rainbow moved in close and grabbed Gilda's big fat bulge (not the only big and fat thing on her frame), making the griffon whine through her beak, her legs turning to jelly as her engorged cock head deposited a gob of pre and made a wet patch on her shorts.

"Damn right I am. But you know what? I think this thing--"

She squeezed even harder, Gilda moaning noisily as the huge semi-hard beast in Rainbow's grip compressed slightly but pushed back against her hold as it began to awaken.

"--is the boss a' you, not the other way round. Never thought I'd find someone that could get the better of Gilda the griffon, but your little buddy here seems to have you in the palm of his hand. Well, I guess it would be 'buddies'. Never sure how many you're packing. Guess they decide that though, huh?"

Dash watched with delight as Gilda leaned back against the wall, brow furrowed and squirming from the crotch massage she was trying to ignore, desperately attempting to not blow an enormous load in her shorts as her cocks bucked and her balls gurgled.

"Nf, bull - ughnn - shit!"

Rainbow grinned.

"Oh really?"

By now Gilda's 'twins' had forced the waistband of her shorts out, exposing the bottom of her dicks. Dash just reached in and started to aggressively squeeze, rub and pump the bases of Gilda's two giant cocks with each hand.

Gilda cried out, the cry shifting into something between a roar and a growl. Rainbow Dash stumbled back as the griffon hunched over and tore her shorts open, the back of her shirt tearing open as her torso began to widen.

"Fuck! Fughnngghh... FUCK IT, I need to CUM."

The remains of her gym outfit exploded into tatters as her body surged, her hands reaching up to push against the ceiling as her head raced up toward it. Her legs, an incredible combination of muscle and fat, bulged as she fell forward. The gym shook as her knees slammed against the floor, leaving indentations beneath them. Her boobs ballooned out, pushing aside the scraps of material that hung loosely to her upper body. They engulfed her torso, billowing outward and squishing against her legs as they jiggled and wobbled uncontrollably through their rapid expansion. Rainbow, sitting on the floor, could only gawk as two nipples as big as her head ululated before her, Gilda's contorted face high above them. She was willing herself bigger, bigger, bigger. She wanted to be huge, to be fucking enormous. And she wanted to cum. To empty her overstuffed ballsack that sloshed and burbled as it spilled out from between her legs and began to creep across the floor.

"Ugh. S-shit, here we go."

A third fat cock erupted from her crotch, then a few seconds later, a fourth. Then a fifth.

"Uh, Gilda, ya might wanna calm down - unless you want to add gyms to your flooding repertoire."

Gilda bent forward, her huge tits spilling over her bouquet of cocks as she lovingly rubbed two of them, both throbbing appreciatively under her fingers.

"Haaaah... too late for that, Dashie. 'Less you want a cum bath you might wanna - ffgh - get out."

Rainbow Dash gulped. She made one step back, looking over her shoulder at all the ponies piling down the stairs. Her head snapped back as Gilda groaned, her ballsack surging again and beginning to angle her dicks upward as it propped them up. Her giant ass was pushing hard against the back wall, cracks dancing across the plaster as her butt cheeks piled on mass.

"O.. kay. I'll see you... later, I... guess?"

One of the eight-foot cocks in front of her bucked, splattering Rainbow with pre.


She wiped her face off as she jogged for the stairs, looking over once more as she disappeared down them. Gilda was alone now.

Fuck, finally. Wouldn't stop fuckin' talking.

The griffon now had nobody to distract her. She sighed contentedly as her cocks went through another growth spurt. They exploded in size, making her cry out in bliss as a couple of the big, broad heads slammed against the far wall and punched holes through it. Her balls were so full that she was going to cum whether she pleasured herself or not, but the sensation of her dicks stretching out and rubbing across the floor was pretty fucking good anyhow.

Her pony-drawn wagon-dwarfing testes rumbled ominously.

"Ff... fuuuck!"

With a final burble and blorp, her balls contracted - hard. Hundreds of gallons of griffon jizz were pumped post-haste to her impatient steel-hard dicks. All five detonated at once, thick columns of cum erupting from the quivering monoliths, one long, solid stream. The two that had pierced the wall pumped their gigantic payloads directly onto the street below, drenching several ponies in a wave of hot, sticky spunk. Gilda could only wail as the enormous orgasm rocked her to her core, her swollen nuts depositing fresh blasts of jizz through her shafts over and over again. The room began to fill as her cocks spurted and splattered sperm every which way, the giant bird screaming in pleasure all the while.

"Oh fuck oh fuuu-nnnnhh--"

She howled as her incredibly over-developed sex organs grew again, her cocks fattening and widening, allowing even greater volumes of jizz to flow through them. Outside, ponies could only stare in awe as several more feet of staggeringly large cock meat pushed through the wall, the flow of cum redoubling and adding to the growing white pool filling the street. Despite their newfound size, they still couldn't dump the load quickly enough, the cum kept coming at an almost unbearably high pressure for Gilda.

Rainbow Dash was probably right. Right now, Gilda had lost control But she fucking loved it.

Slowly but surely, the cum cannon fusillade began to ebb. Gilda slumped forward as the last dregs of jizz dribbled out. There was a good foot of jizz sloshing around upstairs, but a great deal of it was gushing down the staircase and flooding the fround floor too. Her two wall-penetrating cock heads hung lazily, then slowly began to withdraw from sight back through the holes they had made.

A rainbow-coloured mane with white splotches peeped up from the stair case.

"Is this gonna become a habit?"

Gilda gestured to the pile of half-hard dicks between her legs.

"Maybe you should ask them."