Night: HiE

by Zactrooper

First published

When Night finds himself in Equestria after death, he meets friends, dragons, gods, and even a certain draconequus...

When Night finds himself in Equestria after death, he meets friends, dragons, gods, and even a certain draconequus... Human in Equestria with elements of OC/Spike pairing

A New Beginning

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As I lay dying, I thought to myself, “Why? Why did I do this?” I was lying on my bedroom floor, dying from an overdose of heroin, the needles cast around the room.

“Why did I ever start down that road?”

I hear faintly, “Because you never knew how great you truly would have been.”

A faintly glowing figure, animalistic in form, faded into view. It looked almost regal, with a tiara on its dark blue head. It almost looked like a horse, but it had wings like a pegasus, and a horn like a unicorn.

“Hello, my Faithful One. We have been watching you for many a year, and we have been disappointed in what we see.”

I stare at the intruder in my home and realize that it was a She

“Ma’am, I am… sorry, but I…”

I blacked out…

The Hall of Judgment

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I awoke in a bright room, with more of those animals, but they only had wings, no horn.

One of them spoke. “Your audience is requested by the Princesses at once”

I stand up and ask, “Where am I?”

“You are in the Hall of Judgment,” he replies, “You will be given a second chance, proven they like you, of course.”

I am lead to a giant room, with two thrones, one that looks like it was bleached by the sun, completely white, but faded a little, while the other, black as the night, with what look like stars painted onto the back of it.

The horse motions for me to stand in the center of the room.

“Hello Zac,” says a voice not unlike that of that horse in my living room.
The guard, at some unseeable gesture, salutes the throne and marches off.

A dark figure steps out from behind the throne with stars on it.

“We have been expecting you.”

It was the animal from my living room.

“H…How?” I asked, “How the hell did I get here? And who the hell are you?”

She smiled and said “Please don’t say those horrible words, We do not like hearing them. As for who I am…” She laughed. “My name is Luna, Princess of the Night. I have been watching the Human world, looking for the One who will help me release my sister, Celestia, from her earthbound prison

“I’m not that kind of person…I have no special powers, I can’t help you Princess Luna. I'm sorry.”

Her smile faded, and she said, “I have seen you at your best, and also at your worst. You have the most power within you that I’ve ever seen. Enough to rival my sister’s protégée, Twilight Sparkle. You are able to…well…that’s for a later date, but you are needed here, away from your past life. You may start over again, but if you want a second chance, you cannot keep this form. Death calls this form to Him as we speak”

“Then what form would I take?” I ask.

“You would become a Pony” Luna replies.

“Uh….what? Did you say…a pony?”

“Yes, a pony” Luna confirmed.

“Then sign me up!”

Luna smiled, and said “This will hurt.”

“Wait, wha—“ I stopped when I felt an excruciating pain, felt like my skin was ripped off, cut to ribbons, and then sewn back together with a cactus.

I blacked out…again…


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I awoke to a large purple face staring at me from a foot away. “WHAAA!!!” I screamed, falling out of the bed.
The figure blushed, and said “I'm sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you, I’ve just never seen that color fur before, (except for Her, but…) anyway, welcome! I'm Twilight Sparkle, but you can call me Twilight.”

I smile, and begin to say my name when I remember what Luna said, {You may start over again…}

“I’m Night, and I don’t remember coming here, or anything” I confessed.

“That’s ok, you hit your head pretty hard” she replied. She stood up, and I got a good look at this new pony. She had a lavenderish coat, with a pink, six pointed star on her flank. She was about 4 feet tall at the tip of her horn, and had a purple and pink mane/tail.

She walked over to the door, and held it open.

“Coming?” She asked with a warm smile

“Yeah.” I get up, and follow her towards her kitchen.

It was an average sized kitchen with a breakfast bar to the right, and a nice stove with 6 burners, and a huge fridge. The room beside it looked like a living room, with floor to ceiling bookshelves, (Full of books, old and new,) 3 really comfy looking chairs, with a side table on the right of each of them.

I sit down at the bar and ask her what I can do to help out.

“Well”, she replies, reaching into the fridge, “You can go wake up Spike, he’s down the hall, second door on the left.” I nod and go down the hall she indicated.

I open the door and see the most beautiful room I’ve ever seen. There were crystals everywhere, rubies lying on the floor, huge emeralds growing from the ceiling, sapphires growing on the walls, and a bed of sorts made from topaz, diamonds, opals, and countless other types of crystals. The most striking feature, by far, is the dragon, curled up on the bed, asleep. It was giant, ten feet at least, with shimmering blue and purple scales all over his body, and green fins on the top of his head.


The beast raises his head and looks at me, blinking the sleep out of its eyes. It yawns, and says in a deep, muscular voice, “Is it morning already?”

Rocky Balboa

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I slowly back out of the room and walk into the kitchen, where Twilight was cracking an egg into a bowl.

“Um…Twilight?” I slowly say.

She looks up at me “Yes? What’s wrong?” she asks, seeing my expression.

“I don’t mean to alarm you, but… there’s a dragon in Spike’s room.”

She laughs and says, “Don’t worry, that ‘dragon’ is Spike.”

I sigh with relief. “You should have warned me!”

“Should have warned you what?” asked Spike, as he lumbered into the kitchen.

“I'm sorta new here, and didn’t realize that Twilight had a dragon living in her home”

Spike chuckled, “Ah, ok then.” He walked over to the cabinet, reached in, and pulled out a large gemstone I recognized as turquoise. He sat down at the table.

I asked, “What do you do with all those crystals? They’re everywhere!”

He looks at me, and replies, “I eat them.”

I grin, “Seriously? Lemmie guess, Fruity Pebbles? Cinnabar Toast Crunch?”

He chuckles, “At least I get enough vitamins and minerals.”

I laugh, “What’s your favorite music, rock and roll?”

He deadpans. “No, the Rolling Stones”

We try to hold it in, but fail miserably. We bust out laughing, as Twilight says, “Alright boys, that was terrible.”

I reply, “Have we hit rock bottom yet?”

Twilight threw her hooves up in defeat.


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Twilight decided to take me on a tour of the town after breakfast. We finished up, and headed out. I looked back and noticed with surprise that the house was literally a giant tree, with the house dug out of the trunk.

Twilight happily proclaims, “This is my house, the towns Library”
I nod, impressed. The interior certainly didn’t show that it was a tree. The builders did a good job. We
walk into town square, where there were stalls with of ponies selling anything you could imagine!

“This is the Marketplace, where my friend Applejack sells her apples.” Twilight said.

I notice an orange mare, strongly built, with three apples on her flank (Her…Cutie mark? Yeah that’s what it’s called), but her most striking feature was a Stetson hat on her head. “Howdy!” she says in a southern drawl, “What brings ya’ll here today?”

Twilight smiles and responds, “Hey Applejack, I'm just showing my friend around town, any ideas about where to go?”

Applejack rubbed her chin. “Well, ah don’t wanna sound like ah'm advertising, but come ta Sweet Apple Acres, best apples ‘round Ponyville. It’s mah home, and mah business too!”

I chuckle and reply with a shake of my head “I might just have to stop by.”

“Well, ya’ll have fun on your tour, and ah heard Fluttershy was looking for some help down by her cottage. I’d try down there next.”

Twilight nodded and said, “We might try that, thanks AJ.”

As we left the marketplace, there was a sound like a very large bird coming towards us.