I'm Daddy's Good Girl

by Gaylord The Decider

First published

Shining Armour is just a young teenage colt that lives with his father and ventures through events that may change his life forever.

Shining Armour is a teenage colt that lives with his father. Just like every other pony he faces daily struggles, but the struggles he faces are nothing like the struggles of others. How many other ponies can say that they are Daddy's good girl?

Contains: verbal and minor physical abuse, swearing, incestuous sex, and feminization

Cover art is done by ROBCakeran53

Mom and Dad... Why?

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The sun was just barely setting, the darkness of night eating away at the light as it retreated back. The sky looking as if someone took all the leaves in the autumn season and positioned them just right, showing off the orange, yellow, and red with light purple clouds in between the tri-colored sky. Shining Armour is sitting by his window, his arms holding his chin as he looks outside watching the sunset from his Canterlot house with a frown on his face. His eyes see the beautiful sight as he wishes he could fly into the sunset and just be free from his parents. He has a sore and bruised body from his dad hitting him as "punishment" for no reason. He looked out in the sky and imagined himself walking away and into the sunset. The feeling of not having a care in the world and just roaming around as the crisp air flows through his fur. It was a beautiful day dream that he was having as he stared at the sunset until he was brought back to his horrible reality by hearing his dad yell at him for dinner.

"Shining Armour it is time for dinner!"

The teenager heard his dad shout from the dinner table up to his room and slowly turned his head to his bedroom door letting his father know that he would be down in a minute. "Alright Shining, but don't make me come up there like last yesterday." Shining Armour got a chill up his spine as he remembered what happened last time his father came up to his room.

"It's time for dinner son!"

Nightlight sat at the table while his wife, Twilight Velvet, cooked dinner. Everything was normal, the dad sitting at the table reading the newspaper, the mom in the kitchen cooking supper, and the son playing with his toys in his room. Everything was fine until fifteen minutes passed Nightlight yells for his son to come down stairs for dinner. Shining Armour yells back that he is on his way down. Lost in his imagination while he sits at his desk drawing characters for a new idea he had. Soon the teenage colt loses track of time. Soon an hour has passed and Shining still has not come down for dinner. Nightlight yells again threatening to come up there and spank him if he doesn't get down there. Shining yells back that he will be down for dinner in a little bit. Soon Nightlight is fed up with waiting for his son to come down to dinner. He has been waiting for two hours for the stupid brat to get his ass down stairs to eat. Nightlight is walking firmly up the stairs to his son's room carrying a belt. Hearing the stairs squeak (as they always did) Shining broke free from his imagination and quickly started to get up and run toward his bedroom door to try and head down stairs for dinner before his dad entered his bedroom. On his way to the door his father walked around the corner and entered the bedroom glaring angrily at him. His father had called Shining down for dinner two hours ago, but the damned brat didn't listen. He had to learn his lesson one way or another and Shining would learn never to disobey his parents again. Once at the door, Nightlight pushed it open to see what looked like his son playing with his toys. A cute and innocent sight, but Shining had to learn his lesson. He quietly snuck up on him and got close to him before slapping the back of his head.

"I thought I told you to come down to dinner?"

He gave a look that showed his frustration and anger of what he saw as disobedience. Shaking like a leaf in the wind Shining Armour sat there scared of what his father might do to him.

Shining Armour was shaking and slightly sweating as he remembered the incident with precise detail. His mind racing with thoughts of what might happen if his dad were to come up to his room again, but he did not want to find out and he would do whatever he could to not make it happen again. His hands were holding his head and he could not help, but stay in that one spot, on his knees praying that his dad would not do that again.

"Y-yeah y-you did dad. I-I'm just about to head down there right now."

Shining Armour was slowly trying to move away from his father, but before he could scoot away his dad grabbed his arm and yanked the young stallion towards himself. Shining Armour yelped as his arm was grabbed and yanked roughly. He had never seen his father like this and he wanted to know why today he was acting meaner than usual.

"Dinner was ready two hours ago you stupid brat! Now your dinner along with mine and your mothers are fucking cold!"

Nightlight stood there holding onto his sons arm, his grip so tight he was actually leaving bruises from his fingers and angrily glaring into his son's eyes.

"Now I'm going to punish you and see if you even deserve to get to eat dinner and if I hear so much as a little peep out of you during your spanking you will not get any dinner. Am I clear?"

Shining Armour looked at his cutie mark, a shield with a star on it. He was trying to think of how he could shield himself from his father. He was sniffling from the pain of having his little arm yanked so hard, but he knew that if he didn't reply to his dad that he would only be in more trouble. The young colt was scared stiff as he was held by his fathers hand. He forced himself to hold in the tears as his fathers grip tightened around his arm. He knew that if he were to keep quiet that his father would only become angrier and who knows what he would do if he was not thinking rationally.

"Y-yes sir, I understand."

It almost pained him to say what he said, but he knew that if he didn't say anything then his father would punish more severely and Shining didn't know what his dad had in store for him with the original punishment, so a more severe punishment was out of the question. He hung his head and had his eyes closed, hoping that this was just a bad dream and that he would wake up soon.

"Good boy, now go bend over you bed and pull your pants down along with your underpants."

Nightlight proceeds to let go of his son's arm and Shining Armour stands there to look at the bruises and make sure that it still is able to move before he goes over to his bed and pulls down his pants and underpants before bending over. Nightlight walks over to his son and snaps the belt, which scares the colt and swats his son's butt.

"This is what a stupid little brat like you deserves. A dumb kid like you does NOT disobey their parents."

Shining Armour was grunting and forcing himself to keep his mouth shut so that his father wouldn't prolong the spanking. He was also trying to keep himself from crying so that his dad wouldn't call him a little sissy bitch. He wished for his dad not go any farther in his punishment. Shining Armour's white butt cheeks began to turn pink from the spanking. Noticing how "brave" his son was he decided to force the dumb brat to cry so he started swatting his son's legs, back, and head. After a couple of swats to his legs Shining Armour yelled as his dad swatted his legs after they started to turn black and blue, forming huge bruises. His father grinned as he continued the beating enjoying the sounds of his son begging for mercy.

"I thought I said if I hear a peep from you that you would not eat dinner? Are you seriously disobeying your father again?"

Shining Armour was crying softly as his tears were dried into his fur from the torture at the hands of his dad. He wanted his dad to stop what he was doing as he felt that his lesson was learned, but in Nightlight's eyes the lesson was far from over. He kept using the belt to hit his son's legs, back, and arms swinging harder with every swat. Shining Armour started crying from the pain again and secretly was staring to enjoy this "punishment". He wanted to have this feeling with his dad all of the time no matter if he was in trouble or not. Soon after a couple of more minutes his father continued swatting him allover his body. Bruises and red marks from the belt filled his body and Shining Armour loved it, but he did not know why. His father loved using his leather belt as his weapon for punishment. Hearing his son cry from a normal punishment like a spanking pushed him over the edge as he turned his son over on his back and proceeded to punch him in his face over and over.

Shining Armour was glad that nobody saw this. He wouldn't feel like a man if his little sister Twilight were to see him so helpless. He was glad that Princess Celestia took her on as her pupil and away from her abusive dad. If she saw him like this and he wasn't protecting himself, how would he protect his younger sister?

"Why won't you just shut up? Take your punishment like a good kid and listen to your parents like a good boy. If you did those things this wouldn't be happening right now. Why did I have to be cursed with a stupid bitch like you for a son?"

Shining Armour just laid there as his own father repeatedly punched him in his face, bloodying his nose and lip. He started to cry more as the tears just fell from his eyes. Shining Armour wanted to be in the royal guard for self defense. He wanted a way to defend himself against his abusive father instead of just letting his father get his way. Now panting from the whole ordeal, Nightlight stands up and slowly walks to the bedroom door and rests there with his arm propped up for a couple of seconds before telling Shining to hurry up and get downstairs for dinner. He made sure that he could still stand up straight before he lempt over to the bedroom door to go downstairs and be ready for dinner. As he walked downstairs his parents knew he was coming because they heard the stairs squeak as he slowly walked down and over to his mother to give her a hug. Seeing her son look all bruised and bloodied, Twilight Velvet just ignored Shining Armour and put her hand out to dismiss the hug and told him to sit down so that dinner could be started. Shining just wanted a hug and stole a quick one from his mom and as he was walking away his mother came up behind him and slapped him hard leaving a hand print on his cheek.

"Why do you always have to disobey your parents? I told you to just go and that I did not want a hug. I told you to go and sit down so that we could all eat dinner. You deserved every bit of what you got from your father. Now eat before I puke by looking at you."

Staring at his mother his eyes watery and shaking from what just happened, he quietly stood up and walked over to his chair getting himself situated before his plate was passed to him. He ate his dinner quietly with his head hung down. He finished and took his plate to the sink and rinsed it then washed it before going back to the stairs. He turns to face the dinning room, his body shaking.

"M-may I go b-back up to my r-room?"

He stood there shaking and waiting for his answer.

"Just go the fuck upstairs and go to bed."

Shining Armour obeyed his parents and ran up the stairs into his room and shut the door before jumping into his bed and closing his eyes.

Shining Armour snapped back to reality and turned around ready to start heading downstairs to dinner when he ran into his dad.

"H-hey dad. W-what are you doing up here?"

His dad stood there staring at his son.

"I came up here to drag your dumb ass down to dinner again. I thought I told you to not make me come up here again?"

"I-I'm sorry dad. I was just about to come downstairs for dinner I swear."

He stood there, his body shaking in fear of what his dad might do. He surely did not want yesterday to happen again.

"Sorry doesn't cut it. I told you not to make me come up here and get you for dinner and you just had to make me come up here again didn't you? Well now you're getting punished and this time it will be severe."

Nightlight grabs Shining Armour and starts punching him, not caring where they landed. Shining Armour curls up in the feetle position screaming for his dad to stop hitting him and that he is sorry for whatever it is that he has done, but his father keeps on hitting him. Shining's horn starts to glow as he encompasses his father in some magic to make him stop, but it doesn't last long enough as the field dissipates, small fragments fading away in the air as Nightlight continues to hit Shining Armour.

"I thought I told you that sorry doesn't cut it? If you would fucking listen then you would know that you deserve this for disobeying me!"

"P-please dad stop it. I-It won't happen anymore! I'll stop disobeying you! J-just please stop hitting me!"

Nightlight still continued to hit Shining, but he slowed down a bit. After a couple of minutes have passed Nightlight stands up and walks over to the bedroom door before turning his head around. Seeing his son lay on the floor with a bloodied head and barely moving he scoffs and turns his head back around.

"Get the fuck up and get down to dinner, or you will get an even worse punishment."

He walks back down stairs the sound of his steps getting fainter and fainter as Shining Armour starts to get up and gather himself. Once he got up, he started to head for the hallway so he could go downstairs. Once he was limping downstairs he slowly entered a realm where more struggles and worse events awaited him.