The Heist of the Century

by L00PMAN

First published

We all see the movies about these planned bank robberies, but... what happens when the event really occurs? What happens if you are part of the crew that helps with the robbery? Well.... lets just hope you can..... get away.

The Ponyville bank, one of the most secure banks in Equestria. Houses enough bits to make even the richest of people bow down to you. That is, if you are able to rob it, you see it has never been hit, but this is due to good reason as this bank generally scares off most petty criminals. This is not your own run of the mill bank. And you get to be part of the crew. Choose your role and stick to it as when you start, there will be no going back

Planning Option 1

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"Alright team, the way I see this we have exactly two options in going about this each of which have an only slight possibility of success, and that is only if everything goes perfectly and everyone keeps their mouth shut." The leader of the group of five spoke with great force as to get his message across to everyone in the room. "Option number one, we go in very hard, busting down the the four walls of the bank where the vault is and airlifting down the vault itself, the entire room coming down off of the building and being lifted to a remote destination in The Everfree Forest where the royal guard will have the least likely chance to find us." He continued "Only tools we will need is a spell from the Canterlot Library to bust down the magically sealed titanium wall that line each side of the bank, along with that spell we will also need a spell to decrease the weight of the vault as there is only a bit over 5.6 tons of bits inside of the vault." He paced around the room making sure everyone was in check.

"The third tool we will need is a royal chariot to carry the vault across the sky, now you may ask why we cant just hire a few griffons to fly the vault down to the drop zone with the decreased weight, as the vault will be light as a feather for a average period of time." He went to the middle of the front of the room. "Well that is a simple question with a simple answer, the royal guard would be all over their asses within seconds of us leaving with the vault, and well, if the vault ends up falling to the ground then this entire score will be burned, as well as if one of them lives and is captured we are all going to be in Tartartus for it." The team leader had a stern look on his face as he looked about the room.

"Now, back to what we need, the reason we need the chariot is because it offers us a chance to shield ourselves from any sort of blast that the royal guard throw at us. They use these chariots to protect high valued officials that need to go from place to place in Equestria, they fly on their own due to some magic that renders them controllable from the front end, so what we are going to do is we are going to steal one from one of those high valued officials, The Duke of the Griffon Kingdom to be exact is who we are going to be stealing it from, as he is expected to be arriving in Canterlot for an official meeting with the princess to speak about an alliance between them and Equestria. For this we will need to be fast and quick, no screw ups here and whatever you do make sure the Duke does not get harmed for this. Bring the royal chariot to the drop point in the Everfree Forest and we will be all set for the job if mass majority favors this plan over the other one."

He looked at the first man to his right who was magic pony on the job. "You, you are going to be going in with the ground team all the way down to the vault, where you will be the one to cast the spell that will bust out the walls sealing the vault as well the ground that the vault is buried under, it is luckily not that hard of a vault to into, its just very, very hard to get out of alive without proper authorization." " Now you are also going to be opening the ceiling which is able to be opened from the security room in the room opposite the side the vault is on, and are going to head to the vault where you will blast the ground above where we will air lift it out using the armored chariot that will be parked outside just near where the vault is located above ground. He continued. "You will also be the one to use the spell to decrease the weight of the vault, and will be riding out inside of the vault where you will be flown to the drop zone along with ground team and the pilot." He looked over at the man to the right of the magic pony as well as the man to the left of him. "You two are ground team, your magic skills are the best of anyone here when it comes to combat, and you will use that as such to get us into the vault without problem as well as well as shooting down incoming royal guard coming at you guys from the air, your job is very self explanatory. He looked at the last man. "You are going to be piloting the chariot away from the bank and all the way to the Everfree forest where you will slowly drop the vault down at the drop zone, again your job is self explanatory." He faced the center of the room "You all will be given light armor to protect you from any blasts that may come towards you, it will not protect you for more than a couple blasts so use it wisely, and do not screw this up, as if one of you is captured we are all burned as they will torture you until you cough up the location and name of everyone here, so don't get caught, get killed. He looked at the board. "Die for us and we will die for you, we are merely motivated by greed so if you end up failing then your motivation goes with it and we do not try this again, either way. We make history with this.

Planning Option 2

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"Alright team, now that we go option one out of the way, its time for option two" He gave a forceful glare at everyone in the group. "Option two consists of Intercepting the convoy that heads to the bank with the money every day, but there is no way that we can do it above ground, no, we have to do it smart and in a way that they will not know what hit them until we are long gone into the Everfree forest ." The more he looked around the room the more tense the team got. "We will have to send a decoy along the trail that the convoy goes on, and to do this we are going to need a royal ground only chariot which will provide as the optimal model of transport that the convoy has, painting it will not in fact be the difficult part and that brings me into the second thing that we will need if we are going to go through with this." He point towards the board at a piece of armor. "This beauty is the Interstellar XV2 Armor Plating, standard issue for this convoy and this convoy only, now to get this I am afraid you are going to have to go deep into hostile territory in order to get it, in fact there is a high probability that you will not get out at all due to the amount of guards that are covering the location, that is why you will be going in as Canterlot Transport and taking the truck with the armor kept on it to the designated place where it wont be discovered, and where I will get some people who dont question things and are being paid many bits from this heist to keep quiet about the whole ordeal."

He pointed down to a high-tech building that looked heavily fortified. "This is where you will be going, the truck and the armor will be held in the shipyard opposite the aircraft hanger, get there, get the truck, and get out. But if your cover is blown at any point there will not be any mercy from the Canterlot Military. "He pointed down at a picture of a square with the label Y-92 Odamo on the front of it. "This is Y-92 Odamo charge, the thing that is going to get rid of that transport and is going to give you the money, if you are able to at least time it correctly, anyway, there are tunnels that the convoy goes into, as well as old tunnels under the tunnels, you will be placing a few of these charges under where the convoy will go and the spotter will be the one to tell you when to blow the ground." he looked around the room. "Now this next part may sound a bit crazy, but crazy is normally what gets you out of bad situations." He chuckled.

"You are going to be hiding the convoy that you are going to set up in the tunnels bellow the tunnel the real convoy will be on, and the magic pony here will be removing the trucks from where they land and putting out convoy onto the ground that had was just blown up, and again another job for the magic pony, he will be using a reverse destruction spell to lift reverse what happened to the object in the past which in turn is going to lift our convoy up onto the road and repair it in the process where it will be taken to the Everfree forest after the geolocator device is taken to its destination on foot so that the ground team has time to take the truck to the destination." He looked at all of the ponies in the room. "The final thing that we are going to need is a set of uniforms that are standard issue for transport at the bank, you will be taking these from the bank itself, now before you get up and leave due to the nature of this part of the job, I will explain how you will get the uniforms out of and as far away from the bank as possible, this will be sort of simple as it only takes two people, you will be posing as building inspector of the bank who needs to go through the entire building to find any problems what so ever, all you need to know is the guard uniforms are in the armory on the left side second floor of the building and how you get there is up to you but I will need to remind you not to let anyone see you or if they do see you alert anyone to your presence. This is an easier more safe way but the pay will be according to my calculations about twenty percent worse than option one is, but look on the bright of this, unless you are very stupid and don't follow the plan you wont get captured." He looked at all of them like a dad would to his kid "I will be paying for all of this to happen and will be directing you through all of it, so there is no need to worry about forgetting instructions as I will technically be right there with you, I wish you all the best stallions, in a few days, we make history." He put a massive smile on his face.

"Now which one do you favor?"

Option 1 Setup: Canterlot Library

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The night was crisp. A slight amount of dew was forming on the top of the grass blades that covered the Canterlot Royal Garden. And there they stood, ready for whatever which came their way. "Alright, this is going to be a very covert mission got it?" Team Leader's voice came over the teams earpieces. "You are going to be infiltrating the Royal Library through the main window near the north end of the Canterlot Royal Garden, the library is in the south wing of the castle and you will be stealing two books, a book labeled Arcane Arts which contains our weightlessness spell, and a book labeled Combat Trainers Manual for Destruction Spells." The team put their hooves to the button on the ear piece that changed to a microphone. "Ground Team Copy.", "Magic Pony Copy.", "Pilot Copy" They all said in a sequenced manner. "Good, now you have all been supplied with silenced pistols, gate cutters, guard uniforms as there is an event in the main hall and that is where you need to go to get to the south wing. and a grapple rope so no one can argue on if there is a favored party member or not, now get going, you need to have this done before sunup!" The team all nodded to each other as they all went into the garden. The magic pony was the first to break the silence. "Guards in the front entrance to the garden ill take right." The magic pony said aiming his gun at the guard on the right side of the entrance. "Ill take left." The pilot said in his gruff voice. They both aimed their guns at the the royal guard's heads and took the shot. Two down. The team advanced through the garden taking careful looks around every corner for guards. They came up to a brick wall scaling about 30 feet to a window overlooking the garden. The team took out their ropes and threw them up to the window and scaled the wall. About 20 feet up a guard they must have missed during their recon came under them, possibly on patrol, possibly attempting to find the members of the royal guard that have probably not been responding for the last 10 minutes. He looked around as the team drew out their pistols and they all took a shot as the guard dropped without a sound.

Inside the window they found themselves in a bedroom of a filly, toys scattered all over the floor and posters lined the walls. This did not look like the run of the mill castle room but they decided to ignore that aesthetic design and move on to the to the west wing of the castle. Navigating the castle they made careful steps across the hard stone floor so as not to attract any attention. They found themselves in the main hall of the castle after a bit of time and slowly navigating checking every hallway for guards that may interfere with their mission. The hall was lined with guards for the ceremony of a dead royal guard member who died protecting the castle from an explosion but ended up getting shot doing so. The team put on the uniforms supplied by Team Leader and moved through the crowd of ponies to the south wing. Just before entering the south wing they caught the attention of a guard to their left.

"Halt!" The guards booming voice echoed across the entire room. "Where are you four troops going, the south entrance is for scholars only!" The team stopped in their tracks and turned around. The pilot spoke. "We are merely checking a disturbance in one of the labs that someone asked us to come and check out." The guard looked at them for a few moments before speaking. "Every guard is being ordered by the colonel to stay here for the ceremony show some respect to your fellow pony kind soldier." The pilot walked up to the guard and got in his face. "We were ordered by General Night Silencer himself to respond to any calls for disturbance in the area that may disrupt the ceremony, now if I am not mistaken General Night Silencer outranks the colonel am I wrong sergeant?" The guard at him sternly. "Carry on soldier." The team entered the south wing which held the library, protected by a metal gate so that no one could enter. "Ill cut the gate, you three keep watch." Ground Team One said in a whispering voice. He pulled out the gate cutters from his pack and went to work cutting every tong in the gate until the gate was separated from the doorway, he looked at the ends of the gate he cut. Wires. . INTRUDER ALERT, GATE TO LIBRARY DESTROYED, ALL UNITS TO THE ROYAL LIBRARY
And alarm sounded out in the castle. "We need to act fast, go loud, go loud!" Ground Team Two said as loud as possible as if to attract attention of someone. "The books should be on this shelf here!" Magic Pony took the two books that they need and the team ran to the door. "Guards down that corridor, take em out!" Yelled Ground Team One "We'll take the nearest window out of here into the forest to the right of the castle and drop the book off at HQ in Ponyville" The team ran to the nearest window to the garden and jumped out of it, landing in some brush. "This way!" yelled The Pilot as the left into the forest.

Back in Ponyville

"Alright team, this is what we have come to expect, the worst, and only the worst." The team leader circled the group of ponies tentatively without the grace he normally does, possibly due to the minor screw up the team had just had. "That was sloppy but I can blame no one but myself for not warning you about the security system that goes with the gate, and thanks to that I have more confidence in you that you got the job done." He grinned.

"Now who is up for more?"