Her Biggest Fan, Her Greatest Protection

by Shizuo35

First published

A failed assassination attempt causes AK Yearling to reveal her identity to a guard.

A failed assassination attempt causes AK Yearling to reveal her identity to a guard. She thinks it was the wrong guard but he thinks she made the right choice. Turns out it was an assassination attempt by Ahuizotl and he proposes she needs a bodyguard to protect her on a quest to find a sword but are caught with a few snags along the way

Note: Yes this is a story I've already done but I thought I needed to be redone smoother, shorter and maybe done a different way than the first one going towards the same goal.

WARNING: This fic will contain some content that you may not like such as urination, weird sex and many other things

The Wrong Kind of Attention

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Author of the most loved series in Equestria, A.K. Yearling. A very loved author for her Daring Do book series. Most read the book series and would think the books are just stories about a fictional character doing adventures in a land off somewhere far away. But very few know the actual story of those Daring Do stories. Even A.K. Yearling herself. To her the name A.K. Yearling is a pen name, a secret identity if you will. Who she really is her own character in her books. Daring Do the thirty five year old adventurer. Yep. Each of her stories are about her and her arch rival Ahuizotl. Ahuizotl has tried to kill her in many ways. A giant rock falling down a cliff, cuffed to a stone tablet and a lowering pendulum blade closing in, a trap of a rope to pull her over a pit of snakes and even an ambush of carnivorous big cats and one mean kitten that she apparently had angered by taking a dead rat from it and tossing it away into a trash can. That kitten would never forgive her. Today Daring Do is A.K. Yearling at a bookstore in Canterlot doing a meet and greet with many of her adoring fans. She wore a faded red dress, a carefully weaved sunhat and a pair of 'A.K. Yearling's signature glasses'. Her fans were as young as children in elementary school and adults old enough to be her designated driver on her twenty first birthday. She gave a loving smile to a little colt as she handed back a book of hers after she signed it. "Keep on reading my young adventurer!" She said.

The little colt gave her a smile and laughed a bit. "I will Miss Yearling! Thank you!" He said just before running off. She gave a sigh watching as the little colt joined his mother as he showed her the signature. She looked back just as a full grown Pegasus stallion walked up. He had a black mane. His eyes were a light blue color and the look on his face just gave away his nervousness. He wore a black button up shirt open with a white tee shirt underneath. He also wore a pair of blue jeans along with a pair of red canvas sneakers. He just stood there for a second unable to speak.

"Sir? Sir are you alright?"

Daring waved her hand in front of the stallions face and he flinched a bit snapping back to reality from what ever fantasy he was in. He placed his copy of the first Daring Do book on the table. "S-sorry Miss Yearling!" He said. "I-I'm just so excited meeting you for the first time!" He said. "I'd lie and say this book was for someone else but I just... well..." The mare gave a smile and opened the front cover signing the inside.

"Don't worry. I've seen many other stallions your age come through here just perky or embarrassed about this but its fine. Nothing to worry about." She grabbed a silver marker and signed the inside of the cover 'A.K. Yearling' in brilliant cursive writing. After she capped the marker again she gave a quick blow on the ink drying it faster before closing the cover and giving it back to him. "Here you go sir. Just for that little sister of yours!" She gave a wink.

The stallion gave a smile and a nod before walking off quickly towards the adventure section of a store. Daring sighed and continued her meet and greet with maybe ten or twelve ponies. Most of them children. She gave a quick glance only to see a stallion dressed in a black trench coat, a suit and tie and a trilby hiding his face come up past the line. He stopped maybe six feet away and reached into his trench coat. "TRY ESCAPING FROM THIS BITCH!" He yelled before pulling a pistol. Everything went in slow motion as everyone in the line ran in the opposite direction. He aimed the gun having everyone rush around him. He got distracted for just enough time for Daring to duck underneath the table. One moment her life is flashing before her eyes and the next she has her eyes clenched shut and her hands covering her ears as a gunshot rings out. She expected to get killed right then and there. Yet there was no hot flash, no cooling down to frozen. Not even flames or a cloudy utopia made of gold. She looks up shaken only to see the stallion in the trench coat on the ground with the nervous stallion on top of him and the gun right out of their reach smoking at the barrel.

The nervous stallion was slapping handcuffs on the assassin. He got off of the assassin and picked up the smoking gun and popped the clip out shoving it into his pocket and emptying the chamber. He sighed pinning the assassin under his boot. "...The one fucking day off I have..." He said pulling a phone from his pocket. He dialed a number on it quickly and looked to the mare underneath the table and pointed towards the adventure section past the wake of destruction of the now empty bookstore. "Yeah. Got a bit of a problem here at the A.K. Yearling book signing. Shooting. No injuries to report but everyone's just very shaken up." Just as Daring got up from the table the assassin called out something that just made her freeze in place.

"AHUIZOTL ISNT DONE WITH YOU!" He then started to search the inside of his mouth with his tongue before showing a pill in his teeth. The stallion that pinned him looked down and gasped seeing the pill. He dropped his phone and dropped down grabbing the assassins jaw just as he closed his lips. Before the stallion could even struggle to get the assassins mouth open he bit down onto the pill and almost instantly started frothing at the mouth and convulsing on the floor. The stallion grunted and picked up his phone again before walking over to Daring.

"Dammit! One KIA via cyanide pill. Must've had it hidden away! Bring medics and clear out the bookstore. I've got Yearling!" He hung up the phone and shoved it back into his pocket before resting a hand on the frightened mare's shoulder and walking her towards the adventure section. "Miss Yearling are you alright? No injuries?"

Daring shook her head. "...N-no... just... startled is all...." She said. "...Who are you? Are you a guard?" The stallion gave a nod.

"Royal Guard. Name's Ryder. Today was supposed to be my day off from duty but crime just doesn't rest unless the criminals are six feet under in a wooden box." Ryder. Thirty two year old stallion with family problems. Weirdo dad, loving little sister and annoying cousin.

"...Ryder thank you for.... s-saving my life..." They walked over to a small table with a few tipped over chairs. Ryder placed them both upright and sat the mare down in one as he sat in the other.

"...What was that about? About that villain in your book? Ahuizotl?" Daring thought to herself. Was she about to reveal her secret identity to a guard and risk everything? Or was she going to hide it and face death? She looked to Ryder.

"Check everything... Either that or take me somewhere more private... I still feel like a sitting duck with a target the size of manehattan on my head..." Ryder gave a hesitant nod and got up from his seat. He went towards the book shelves leading out into the open area. All he saw was the debris created amongst the panic and the one dead guy in the middle of the room. He looked back at her.

"Come on. It's all clear. Just in case you need to keep your head down and behind me! I don't want any more dead on my hands." Daring gave a nod and got up rushing to his side. Just as they stepped out in the open area Daring hid her head with the use of Ryder's torso hiding it away from the big glass front of the book store. "Alright... We're gonna go into the back storage area. There's a very low chance of someone being there other than the ponies who work here. You can trust anyone who works here right?" She shook her head.

"...No... I-I just want to talk with you one on one... to m-many tattletales that would love to spread some of my secrets...." She whispered. "...Just... I don't know take me into the restroom... privacy I-is guaranteed there... that and... I... I feel like I'm gonna...." She suddenly pushed Ryder away and lurched over vomiting. She coughed and spat a bit as Ryder got his arms around her. "...Yeah... that..."

"Alright come on... try to hold everything else down until we get to the restroom okay....?" Daring gave a nod to the guard helping her stay upright. They walked around the pool of puke and through a doorway marked 'Employees only' Ryder looked around as they made their way towards the employee restroom. "Hello? Royal Guard! If there's anyone in here you need to get yourself out right now! Everything is okay but we have guards coming in to clean this place up and take witness statements and we don't want any surprises!" No answer from anywhere.

"...All the workers were on the floor getting my books sold... they ran out amongst the chaos...." Daring wiped her mouth on her sleeve. "...bathroom should be around here somewhere.... god I need something to fucking drink... get the taste of digested jalapenos and cola out of my fucking mouth..." Ryder stopped at a bathroom door and huffed as he gave the knob a quick hit with his hand before pushing it open with his wings.

"I know how that feels... Ate a pile of peppers and one nutshot drove me to the worst tasting shit I have ever thrown up..." He went into the bathroom with the mare and sat her near the toilet. "Alright... I'm gonna leave you here for just a minute. I'll lock the door and make sure everyone got out safe alright? I'll knock three times for you to let me back in alright?" Daring gave a nod and just rested her hand on her churning stomach. Ryder turned a little knob on the door handle and closed it behind him as he left. After he left her stomach had settled a little. She got up to her feet and stood in front of the sink just looking into the mirror.

"...What the hell...? Ahuizotl.... is trying to kill me...? This must be some bad dream... I cant have a hit out on me.... There's no way he could know my secret identity..." She turned the knobs to the sink turing it on. She removed her glasses and splashed some cold water on her face hoping she would wake up. She looked into the mirror and shuttered. "...Okay... Not a dream Daring... Just....Hide away or something... You've got a bunker stocked with food, water and..." She grunted and punched the wall before yelping a bit holding her hand. "...No NO! You aren't giving up that easily... you've been in situations worse than at gunpoint... Almost being locked in an ancient jail cell and smashed by boulders is worse than a gunshot.... But what of the guard...? He's questioning what the assassin said before offing himself... I'm surprised Ahui didn't go with a suicide bombing... Probably didn't want terrorism taking the spotlight..." She took some paper towels from the dispenser and wiped her face. "...I was lucky a guard was here... A second longer and my body would've been out there... He seems loyal... he looks like he kept secrets about his job... If he can keep secrets about that he can certainly keep my true self a secret... I hope...." She took a deep breath and gave a shuttery sigh. "Just... Make it seem like it slipped out by accident like.... a nip slip from a tight top or a bowling ball greased up a bit too much... Yeah like that." She got a little handful of water from the faucet and sipped from her cupped hand. She did that for about a minute before going to her seat near the toilet. A moment later three solid knocks came to the door.

"Miss Yearling? It's Ryder! Come one open up. Guards are here to take a report from you. Is everything okay in there?" Daring looked up to the door.

"Yeah... But... I want you and only you to take the report... I'm afraid to be close to anyone else... You I can actually trust... Just give me a second to get up." Carefully she brought herself to her feet and went over to the door giving the little knob a quick turn. "Alright... Careful when you open it i'm right here." Slowly the door opened and in came Ryder. Once the door was shut behind him Daring hugged him. "...I... I don't know how I can thank you for saving my life..." Ryder looked at her and blushed smiling.

"...Uh... Well that's my job ma'am... Don't need to thank me Miss Yearling. Now uh... maybe stop hugging me? Please? I don't want to make things awkward right now...." Daring broke the hug and backed away.

"What ever for? Have you ever hugged a woman before?" Ryder gave a hesitant nod as he leaned against the wall.

"Yeah... Sorry it's a few reasons... just getting over a bad break up and uh... Call me crazy but... You sorta look like your own character... Take away the glasses and the hat and maybe get some wings on you and you're just the perfect mare to play the movie role of Daring." Daring stayed silent and averted her gaze having her heart drop.

"...Um.... well... I gotta say you have quite the eye for things... May I just... Show you something?" He gave a hesitant nod. "Alright... You may wanna sit down but know... I wont go any further than my underwear and I don't want you to say ANYTHING! Now close your eyes! I don't want you to see anything until I'm ready okay?" Ryder gave a nod blushing harder before walking over and sitting on the toilet just covering his face. Daring shuttered as she thought to herself starting to remove her hat and glasses first setting them on the sink. '...am I really trading my identity for protection...? Sure he saved my life but... he could work for Ahuizotl... he could've lead the assassin here... But... why would he take down his own man...?'

"Uh... Miss Yearling...? Can I look yet?" Daring looked to him as she tried to reach the zipper on the back of her dress her dress. Just a few inches out of reach.

"I cant seem to reach the zipper on my back... Do you think you could get it and help me slip the bloody thing off? I'm actually burning up in this thing now..." She went in front of Ryder and turned around just as he took his hand away from his eyes. Hesitantly he grabbed the zipper and slowly pulled it down the mare's back. Instantly he saw medical bandages.

"...Oh my god did you hurt yourself or something?" Daring shook her head as she dropped the dress just before her hips.

"The bandages aren't hiding an injury but... they are hiding something... What I want you to do is get the end of it back there and just start to unwrap it. You wont see any bloody patches, not any embarrassing tattoos and certainly not any scarring." Ryder shuttered as he found the end of the bandages. Daring could feel his hand shaking vigorously. "Come now... Deep breaths and calm down." The stallion closed his eyes and let the bandages go as he took a few deep breaths. Daring took hold of the bandages and stripped them off her revealing her wings and a beautiful black laced bra. She dropped the bandages and dress around her ankles revealing a matching pair of laced panties with her cutie mark half revealed on her flank. "You all good now?" She turned around and backed away from the toilet as Ryder gave a nod. He didn't shake anymore but was still blushing. "Alright... Now don't scream, don't say anything to anyone and if I see anything in the media about this someone's losing their job to a bullet! Now open your eyes!" She turned to her side and revealed her compass rose cutie mark. Ryder's eyes opened and his jaw dropped as her wings extended.

"...Y-you're... you're..." He shook his head and punched a wall before yelping in pain. "...Okay... Not a fucking dream...." He looked to Daring and just hid his face. "...You're REAL! Holy shit... this is gonna change those books forever..." She gave a sigh.

"Well don't stop reading. Now do you see a little correlation between what the assassin said and me?" Ryder gave a nod. "Now look... This is of vital importance... I'm staying at a hotel here in town and I'm afraid it's been booby trapped... Do you think you can maybe get a swat team and a bomb squad to my hotel to gather my things...? I'd go back to my home but leading him there would cost me my life, my treasures and all my loyal fans to wonder where the hell A.K. Yearling has gone!"

"Now uh... Miss Yea- Dar-... Fuck just..." Ryder huffed. "Okay I'll get someone out there! Just... Get dressed, give one of the guards outside your hotel name and your room number and they'll gather all of your things disarming any traps and searching for any bombs. Might cause a bit of panic but... I don't want anyone to get hurt." He got up from the toilet and picked up the mare's disguise giving it to her. "Here... I'll just cover the assassination up by a crazy fan just wanting the value of a signed book to go up... That make sense to you?"

"Quite the cover up... Have you done something like that before?" Ryder gave a nod as he grabbed the hat and glasses off the sink. He unfolded the glasses and put them on the mare.

"I've been doing undercover work. I did a lot of theatre classes when I was younger but didn't think it would help me in my line of work much. Had to make up a back story to get into a gang. Took it down first day inside. Dumbass gang leader needed protection and why take the new guy? Shot the other guy in the leg twice before arresting the leader. Entire gang split into jails all over Equestria." He blushed and averted his gaze. "...Maybe... You'd want to come back to the castle with me? Just to get you more protection?" Daring gave a smile as she started to put her dress on.

"That sounds nice actually... Are you sure the princesses would allow me to be inside the castle even with a guard?" Ryder sighed.

"Pretty sure they will.... They kinda owe me at the moment... Working on a day off. Now... I should go before things get REALLY awkward...." Daring gave a nod blushing as he covered his crotch.

Not long later Daring was being escorted out of the bookstore with Ryder covering her head with his button up shirt. Guards around them were keeping fans and other spectators away as they stepped into a waiting guard truck. As they sat down Ryder took his shirt back. Another guard got in the front seat and looked back as he started the truck. "Alright Miss Yearling a swat team is in route to your hotel to retrieve your things." He said. "The hotel is being evacuated just in case of any traps someone could've set for you. The General has made sure you would be comfortable inside the castle for the rest of your stay in Canterlot."

Daring gave the guard a confused look. "The General?" She asked. "Who's he? Am I going to meet him when we get to the castle?"

Ryder snickered throwing an arm over the mare. "Nah I'd say you already did!" He said. She gave him an even more confused look. "The guy who saved your flank, saved your books and now your things?"

"You? You're the General of the Royal Guard?" Ryder gave a nod. "What the hell are you doing on a day off? Shouldn't you be running a regiment or something?"

"Nope. Things have actually been working out for me since a Princess back in my hometown talked with Celestia after i was kicked out of my house... I was lucky to even get a room with all my things... If not I probably wouldn't even have my own home... my checks are always low because the asshole 'partner' I have always having me buy him things... Celestia forces me to stay at his side when I'm on duty..." He leaned forward and huffed. "Speaking of which what do you think the odds are that he's going to be waiting for me at the front fucking gates?"

The guard glanced back. "I'm gonna say seventy five percent." He said. "Last i checked he was out on a robbery call."

"Don't tell the princess or Shining this but I hope he gets shot!" Ryder sat back in his seat and huffed.

Daring put an arm around him seeing his lip quiver a bit. "This guy must torment you if you hope that!" She said. "What has he done if you don't mind me asking?" Ryder huffed and pushed a button putting up a deeply tinted barrier between the backseat and the front part of the truck. It covered up the windows too.

"Bullet proof shielding... This might help us... Both in keeping you safe and what I have to say from tattling ears..." He huffed and just leaned his seat back into the storage area. "...A long time ago my partner now used to be a big bully of mine and was friends with who is now my exmarefriends brother... I used to call him my friend but that was until his sister broke up with me and forced him to throw me out... That bully partner of mine knows things that I wont dare ever speak of.... Back when my mother was alive she thought my bully and I would be friends but no... I tell him a secret and he blabs to the whole school about it... I basically got into a fight giving him a bloody nose and I got suspended for a week because of it... For the week after I was looked on as a bomb with a short fuse... I never intended to do that but he forced my hand... After that he had my ex's brother be my 'friend' to see what cool stuff I had that he could take... he took a few games I said I liked but didn't really want from a console I had, he took a dart gun or two and a few collectible cars only to gain my forgiveness which didn't stop... Age fourteen I found an old dagger in my backyard and he ups and grabs it and threatens to stab me with it. I thought I was free of him when I was sixteen when I got my car and my ex's brother smacked the hell out of him for trying to grab my keys and... believe it or not that was a car my mother was supposed to give me when I was eighteen but... she died because my dumb-fuck of a father wasn't at home to stop her from choking... Choked on a tofu cube which is why I wont eat it any more... but... this was just about my damn bully and not... her..." He whimpered and curled up in his seat facing away from Daring. She sighed.

"...You poor thing... those items must've been special to you like treasure is to me... It's hard to see something you've held onto for so long just get taken away from you..." Ryder sniffled. She could see his wings tremble.

"....Book three.... chapter six.... First line...." Daring smiled a bit.

"...You really do know my books... do you... want a hug perhaps? It... could make you feel better..." He just stayed the way he was. She leaned her seat back and just worked her arms around him. "...You're shaking... Can you please calm down?" Ryder curled up even more and clutched Daring's hands. "Here we are... you definitely wouldn't want that partner of yours seeing you like this and start making fun of you would you?" He shook his head. "Then please don't cry! You wouldn't want me to slap you to snap you out of it would you?" He shook his head again. "Then I suggest you calm down. Just take a bit of a nap... I'll ask the driver if he could take a long route to the castle." He glanced back at Daring.

"...Cant do that... I cant put you in danger by driving around anymore... When I called backup I even said for whoever is driving us to just come here and drive straight to the castle... I've seen heists go where two gangs try for the cash and one truck rams the other killing both parties... double roll overs aren't good... By the way you might want to move your hands... don't wanna crush your wrists if i need to flip over..." Daring gave him a smile and took her arms back just resting her hand on his shoulder.

They lied together in the back seat just keeping each other company for about ten minutes. They could feel each bump in the road, when the truck went faster or slowed to a stop. Suddenly they felt the car jerk to a stop. Just then they could hear the guard in front bang on the bullet proof shielding. Ryder sat both the seats up and lowered the bulletproof shielding slowly being cautious of what ever could be around them. They both sighed once they saw they were inside the front gates to the castle of Canterlot castle. The guard up front looked back at them giving a smile. "Good thinking on putting up that BP shielding sir!" He said. "The citizens thought it was a princess and with all the attention no one would think of attacking. Too many witnesses to ID the guy." Ryder chuckled a bit and gave his eye a little rub.

"Yeah... That's what I wanted to do..." He looked around out the windows. "You see him anywhere?" The guard in front looked around.

"Nope. Not one sign of him... Let's hope your words didn't do anything otherwise the princess could think you did it."

"HEY! She finds out there goes a chunk of your paycheck!"

"Okay okay sorry sir! I know you're a bit on edge, worrying about Miss Yearling there but please calm down... May I suggest taking a little trip to a spa? I heard the one in Ponyville is running a special on their deluxe spa treatment."

"Nope! No! Nu-uh! Not doing that! Not with that bitch of an ex around there! Now you get your ass out there and get the ladies door open! If I wanted to relax in a hot place I'd ask Celestia to set my ass on fire!"

The guard shook his head and sighed before stepping out of the truck. Daring looked to Ryder as the guard walked around the back of the truck. "You seem really stressed out!" She said. "Are you sure you don't want to just relax and take a nap or something?" Ryder sighed and hung his head.

"So sorry about that... just kinda pissed about my ex and my partner... Remembering the hell I went through is just...." He grunted and punched the back of his seat. Daring shook her head and grabbed the angered stallions hand and dragged him out of the truck as the guard opened the door. She looked to the guard.

"You don't need to worry about him sir. I'll see to it the general calms down by reminding him about his job!" She looked at him and growled a bit. He just blushed embarrassed as the mare walked with him like he was a child not getting a toy as they walked towards the castle doors. She huffed trying not to flex her wings. "What is wrong with cleansing your mind of a few things you're hiding? I showed you who I really was and you said something you've been keeping to yourself. Do you really think keeping in all this is helping what so ever?" Ryder shook his head as they started up the front steps. "Well first off we are going to the princess with your partner problem before he shows up and after you're going to show me where your room is! You really look and sound like you're in need of a nap."

Ryder sighed and walked up the steps with the false writer. She opened up the large doors and closed it behind them as they entered. The large front foyer in front of them had stairs leading half way to the second floor before splitting off. The white linoleum shown brilliantly with the dark midnight blue rugs lining the large floor giving it a bit of well needed traction. Just as they came to the middle of the room a guard dressed in uniform was coming downstairs. He was a unicorn guard. Neon green stripes in his silver mane and tail. He also had a deep grey coat. "Well well if it isn't my so called partner on his day off!" He said. "I really think you still owe me this months check! Got a party that needs DJ Pon3 to get into to get it jumping!"

Ryder huffed and groaned taking his hand back just as the stallion came down the steps. "Fuck off Laser I already paid your ass!" He snapped. "No fucking DJ is coming to any shitty party you threw. You'd end up trying to fuck the nearest thing that moves! Why don't you go take a hot frying pan and shove it in your ass large end first?" The stallion he called Laser gave him a dirty look.

"Come on you little incest foal pay up or Princess Celestia is gonna hear about some bad things you did when you were younger... Could even fall down the stairs and file a lawsuit against you saying you pushed me."

Daring stepped up and pulled Ryder away. "Well you must be the ruffian giving this noble stallion a load of manure." She said. She never used profanity as her persona of A.K. Yearling. "Why don't you go and run along and get some money from some homeless veteran on the corner after you arrest him for panhandling?" Laser looked over Daring's shoulder at Ryder.

"Where'd you pick up this nerd? Local computer store or something?"

Ryder moved the mare between them out of the way gently. "This 'nerd' is none other than A.K. Yearling!" He snapped. "She is the author of the Daring Do book series and I happened to be there when someone attacked her! I saved her life!" Laser gave a huff of disbelief.

"Really now? How do I know you didn't spend the money you owe me on some whore and get her to dress like that terrible author?"

Ryder growled and clenched his hand into a fist. Just as he wound up Daring grabbed his wrist. "Come on.... This guy isn't even worth our time!" She said giving him a dirty look. "You sir should be ashamed for making your superior want to strike you down! If you want to talk like that I suggest you look in a mirror before mouthing off like that!" Laser gave a laugh.

"And I'm supposed to be afraid of some slut? How much did he pay you? Sixty bucks for dress up? I can give you eighty to run off right now leave this little pussy where he stands. Bet you you'd be disappointed at what you saw." Daring pulled Ryder behind her and got in the stallions face.

"I am no two bit prostitute! You sir should hold your tongue! I am the real A.K. Yearling! I was attacked at a book signing your superior was at!" Laser gave a grin looking past her at the General.

"Well then.... I guess you check out since I heard it over the radios... Bet you wont believe what this poor fuck of a guard did while reading your books!"

Ryder gasped. "Don't you fucking DARE!" He said.

"Oh I dare bitch! You're not paying me so this is your punishment!" Laser looked to Daring who had a bit of curious look on her face. "You need to know that I found this guy in one of the bathrooms jacking off to that character you write about! Dude wants some adventure yet cant get his hand to stop adventuring into his crotch!" He busted up laughing hard just buckling down. Daring blushed and looked to Ryder who had tears in his eyes blushing hard. He sobbed and started to back away. Daring tried approaching him but he flew up to the banister and disappearing upstairs.

The mare looked back at Laser and growled. "You are the SORRIEST excuse for a guard I have ever seen!" She snapped. "You are a disgrace! Embarrassing your superior like that! You're the first I've said this to! Go burn in hell!" She pushed Laser onto his side and rushed upstairs to where she saw Ryder disappear. Just as she got to the top of the steps she huffed breaking out into a run. "Ryder? Ryder where did you go?" She looked in to each door as she passed them. She saw guards standing at their posts, a large theatre room but no Ryder or Princess. "Come on Ryder there's no reason to feel embarrassed just come here and we can talk something out!" She started to slow down feeling her dress getting caught up between her legs. Just as she came to a stop she saw a few guards come out of a large door shutting it behind them. She looked at one guard as she approached. "Sir? Excuse me sir can you help me out?"

The guard looked to her and hummed. "A.K. Yearling I presume?" He said. Daring gave a nod. "The general said you'd be here because of the attack and threats."

"Yes yes I am now where is the general? He ran off and now I cant find him what so ever! Do you think you can help me find him! Please?" The guard looked to the few others standing at the door with him.

"Stand guard! No one else can enter!" The other guards saluted and he turned back to Daring. "Right this way Miss Yearling. The Princess is dealing with the general right now. You might have to promise to not say anything about what you're going to see... Understood?"

"Yes sir. Promise!" The guard gave a little bit of a smile and turned to the door. He opened the door up and walked inside with Daring following closely acting intimidated by the other guards. Once inside she found out she was in Princess Celestia's throne room. Celestia herself was standing right at her throne consoling Ryder like she was his mother. The room had a large glass window looking out over fields towards the northern part of Equestria with a glimpse of the Crystal Empire towards the west.

"Princess!" The guard said alerting them. He knelt down just as the Princess looked up. "I apologize for the intrusion Princess but A.K. Yearling is checking on the general! She was left alone as he ran off!"

Princess Celestia leaned down a bit and whispered something into Ryder's ear. He looked up and nodded before going to sit near the throne. The large princess approached with her wings extended. She wore a white dress with a gold trim bringing out the glorious colors in her mane. Her horn looked as if it were polished with the light of the sun itself. Daring immediately bowed in respect to her. "Ah so what Ryder said is true!" She said. She looked to the guard as he got back to his feet. "Leave us now. I must speak with Miss Yearling and The General." The guard saluted.

"Yes princess!" Just as Celestia looked to Daring the guard rushed out. Celestia looked Daring over inspecting her. She hummed.

"...A.K. Yearling... Coming out of a shooting without a scratch on you.... You don't seem as scared as any normal pony would be in that situation..."

Daring swallowed a bit nervous. "Well... Why should I be scared now that I'm surrounded by countless guards?" She said. "Being here is keeping my life out of danger!" Celestia gave a little laugh.

"That isn't what I meant... Daring!" Daring gave a silent eep as Celestia laughed. She fell to her knees just looking at Ryder tearing up.


Ryder scrambled back to his feet. "I DIDNT SAY SHIT!" He snapped having tears stream down his cheeks. "I promised to keep my mouth shut! I have no fucking clue how she knows!" Daring threw her hat off and folded her glasses shoving them into her cleavage.

"BULLSHIT! SHE COULDNT HAVE KNOWN WHO I WAS THAT FUCKING QUICKLY!" She tried charging Ryder but was held back by a mysterious force. She looked back at Celestia who had a smile on her face with her horn glowing a brilliant yellow.

The princess walked over to Daring and crouched down giving a slight laugh. "I'm sorry Miss Do it wasn't much of a surprise to me." She said. "I wasn't born yesterday yet everyone acts like they were including my own guards..." She looked over at Ryder who looked a bit frightened. "Ryder come over here! I want you to apologize for running off on her!"

Ryder gave a nod and walked over to Daring hesitantly. He sniffled and hugged her just resting his head on her shoulder. "...S-sorry for running a-away..." He said. "....I just... I didn't want you to hear that... I didn't want anyone to hear that..." He just sobbed over the adventurers shoulder.

"Alright Miss Do... Now I want you to apologize to Ryder for blaming him on my little surprise for you."

Daring nodded and was released from the magical hold she had on her. Immediately she hugged the sobbing stallion just stroking his wings. "....Ryder... I apologize for that... I wasn't expecting her to just say something like that..." She said. "...And... about what Laser said... who cares if you're someone who imagines that stuff? I can tell you I've done it thinking about trying something with a guard or something yet who I was deterred me from it...." She blushed hard and looked at him feeling something twitch between them. "....Maybe you and I could fulfill each others fantasies in your room? You saved my life and... Well showing you my true self doesn't seem enough to thank you for that...." Ryder looked to her blushing hard. He tried to get some words out but his eyes rolled back into his head as he went limp. Daring leaned down just holding him close keeping him from nailing his head on the ground. "Shit SHIT!" She looked to Princess Celestia who was already getting to the door opening it right up.

"I need a medic and a stretcher here on the double! The General fainted! AND WILL SOMEONE FIND THAT LASER LIGHT!?" Celestia huffed looking pissed as she came back from the door. "Daring I want you to follow him to his room! When he wakes up you tell him Laser is as good as fired! He'll even get another paycheck with half of the money he had lost to that... Disgrace..." She sighed having her feathers ruffle on her wings. "...I have a feeling your things will be here as soon as you get there. If anything happens to him there will be a guard stationed just a few doors down from his so just tell him the problem and either me or more guards will come to aid him. And for my mothers sake please... use your hat to cover that tent on his pants...." Daring looked back down and saw Ryder's pants still bulging. Slowly she lied him down as Celestia nudged the hat towards them. Daring picked it up and just covered Ryder's crotch with it.

Not long later they were both inside Ryder's room. Ryder was tucked away into his bed. His bed had two pillows on each half of the bed with wonderbolts themed sheets and pillow cases. Over his head he had a signed poster of Gems N Tulips. Daring sat at a desk wearing a Metallicolt shirt with the sleeves cut off and a pair of jeans held do her waist with an old car seat belt buckle. The desk she sat at had two monitors, one gaming console, a gaming key board and mouse on it. There was a guitar hung up on the wall just to the right of a door leading to a bathroom. She gave a sigh and got up just looking over the still sleeping stallion just holding her dress as if she were still in it or if it were a childs blanket. She really couldn't tell. She sat down on the foot of the bed just thinking of what she was doing and why Ahuizotl was after her... and how he found out her cover. She sat there for a few minutes until a knock came to the door. "Miss Yearling?" She heard a guard call out. "I'm with the swat division! Do you think you can come outside the room for a moment?"

Daring huffed. "If you have my things leave them at the door!" She called out. "I don't trust anyone but the general and the princesses at the moment! I'll give you five seconds to drop my things at the door and get out of here before I have Celestia remove you for me!" She waited a moment and heard the sound of a bag being dropped on the floor and the sound of boots rushing away. She got up from the bed and walked to the door opening it only a foot before reaching out and dragging in a duffel bag. She brought it back over to the bed and unzipped it finding a tape recorder with a sticky note on it that read 'Play Me'. She pulled it out and looked onto it curiously. "...This isn't mine... Did that guard mistake it for mine? Could've been in one of the drawers...." She looked back at Ryder. "...Do I dare wake him...?" She gave it a moment of thought before grunting and crawling on top of him. She gave him a few quick shakes and his eyes snapped right open. Ryder yelped and sat up throwing Daring back. She quickly sat back up and hugged him and shushing him.

The stallion looked around his room and then at Daring holding her close. "What... What the hell happened...?" He asked. "...All I remember is saving your flank and the drive here... Did I hit my head or something?" Daring brought her head from his shoulder and looked him in the eye.

"No you didn't I made sure of it! It must be a short term memory loss after hyperventilation or the mass of blood moving to other areas of your body leaving your brain to go into a low state of consciousness.... You feeling fine now? All rested?" Ryder gave a hesitant nod. Daring smiled climbing off of him and sitting at the side of the bed. "Good... Now uh... what ever you do please try not to freak out again... I got a little tape recorder here... It was in my things and I have no clue who put it in there or who it actually belongs to..." Ryder threw the covers off and moved himself to the edge of the bed carefully.

"...Let me guess... You wanted me to listen to it and protect you just in case it's rigged to blow?" Daring looked at him in a bit of disbelief.

"What? No! But..." She looked to the device in her hands. "...Shit now that you mention it..."

Quickly she shoved it into Ryder's chest accidentally hitting the 'play' button. A sound of static sounded off. "...Daring... You little two faced bitch!" Someone said. Daring and Ryder's hearts dropped. "You think your little hideaway is working now? Disappearing amongst Equestrian cities as a book writer telling everyone about your adventures? You were lucky to have escaped alive today but you might not be so lucky once I get my hands on The Sword of The Golahan... You get a bounty on your head in the entire Steuropean empire... If you value your own life I'd suggest you stay away from Bullvania! AND the sword! By the way... check your bags thoroughly.... Make sure those guards didn't miss anything." The recording cut off leaving Ryder and Daring shocked. Ryder set it on the ground and kicked it away gently as Daring scrambled for her bag dumping it out onto the bed. She started to rifle through her things.

"Shirt, pants, medpacks.... What the fuck did he take....?!" Just as she tossed a pair of her panties aside she froze staring down at something that scared the living hell right out of her. Ryder looked down and jumped up from his bed yelling as he suspended himself in the air with his wings. There on the bed was a big hairy tarantula. Daring screamed having her wings extend pushing up against the back of the shirt before diving off the bed towards the computer desk.

Suddenly a guard rushed in with a pistol drawn and at the ready. "General?! MIss Yearling? Is everyone alright?!" He asked panicked.

Ryder landed behind the guard and pointed to the bed. "....Sp-spider.... Fucking huge....." He said sounding as if he were on the verge of crying. "...G-get it out! NOW!" The guard gave a nod and nudged Ryder to his side as he holstered is weapon and pushed a button on an earpiece.

"I need someone to wake Princess Luna up immediately! A spider has somehow made its way to the generals room and it needs to be extracted immediately!" Ryder rushed over to Daring and pulled her into the bathroom closing the door behind him. Daring broke down crying holding him close as he sat down near the tub with her.

"...I-I got you... that thing's gonna be gone fast... don't worry, don't cry... I need to keep you safe...."

Daring looked to Ryder tearing up a bit. "....He's serious... he really wants me dead...." She said. "...The gunman Ahuizotl sent.... was a messenger.... sent only to scare me and have everyone mob me to make his get away and make it seem like I cant get anywhere without revealing myself...." She whimpered and let out a little sob. Ryder started to shush and console her.

"....Hey hey... don't worry... Ahuizotl wont get you... I'll make sure you stay safe even if I have to shoot him myself..." Daring looked to him.

"...Please.... Disable him... don't kill him... Please.... I want... I want my books to go on...." The stallion sighed.

"...I'll try but... Please... don't count on me to do that... I'm trained to shoot and kill if its needed... if he's got a gun to you I have to protect by doing what I must... I'm gonna just... I'm gonna let you think on it... I don't want to do anything that you wont like and..." He averted his gaze as he started to tear up. "...Just think on it okay....? I don't like it, you don't like it... Once the spider is gone we're gonna go back out there and I'm gonna take a walk around... My door will be locked, it's unbreakable so... you can just be alone... I don't want you to feel pressured... I'll leave my cell number so just call me up and I'll come back.... Take a nap do what ever, my room is your room too..." He sniffled and just nuzzled Daring. She felt safe in his arms. Safe enough to just fall asleep as she cried.

As she slept she started to dream. She dreamt she was walking around an abandoned temple. Vines came from holes in the high stone ceiling. She was in her adventurers outfit- pith helmet, survivalist vest, khaki cargo pants and her combat boots- as she carried a lit torch. She came to a crumbling stone door still holding a bit of debris on it and kicked it a bit having it tip back throwing up a bit of dust which she blew away with her wings. Behind the door was a long corridor. She cautiously stepped in with the flame of the torch low to burn any trip wires and reveal any hidden trap tiles in the stone floors. She quickly came up on a room full of gold that shined brilliantly from the large goblets near a golden idol. She grinned and tossed the torch aside before climbing steps towards the idol. Just as she was reaching for the idol a gunshot went off and the sound of the ricocheting bullet echoed. "Don't move a muscle Daring!" Someone said. She froze and turned back only to see Ahuizotl. He wore golden arm bands and a golden neckpiece that reached his chest. He wore a tropical button up shirt that wasn't even buttoned and black combat pants. He had his arms crossed with his tail- having a hand at the end- holding a magnum revolver smoking at the barrel. "...You thought getting away from all of my men would stop me from killing you myself?"

Daring growled as she put her hands up. "Go fuck yourself Ahui you know what I'm capable of!" She snapped. "You try to even put that gun against my head it's as good as mine and you're as good as swiss cheese!" Ahuizotl climbed the steps to Daring and pulled another gun from the back of his pants and aimed it at Daring.

"One gun may be a downfall to me but to you... Two is enough... One bullet in the leg to incapacitate you." He fired the revolver in his tail hand at Daring's leg making her scream out as she dropped to her knees. "And one to just finish you off...." Daring clenched her eyes shut as Ahuizotl laughed and aimed the other gun right at her face. She was expecting a gunshot but felt the pain in her leg fade away.

A sigh from a mare was heard. She sounded relieved. "....That was close... I don't want you waking up before we talk Miss Do." They said. "Come on now... Open your eyes you're okay." Daring opened her eyes hesitantly and found herself at the feet of Princess Luna herself. She wore a dark blue dress with lunar symbols around the brim of the dress and on her flank. Her wings were extended widely just having a hand out to help the frightened mare up. Daring grasped her hand and stood up quickly hugging her. "There.... You aren't hurt but that dream tells a lot about your situation.... You're a target. There is a big bullseye on your forehead."

Daring whimpered. "....Ahui... he wants to kill me...." She said. "...He sent a gunman to my book signing.... he found out who I am when not treasure hunting.... R-Ryder.... he... he saved me.... D-did you get the spider out of Ryder's room?" Luna nodded releasing the frightened mare.

"Any arachnid found in his room or my sisters I have to extract. Ryder had me hear the recording Ahuizotl left you and he wants to protect you from him but at a possible price... He adores you and your books too much to have them end because of a stupid decision he made on his own... I do understand he is giving you time to think but your mind is saying you should listen to him... You both think you should just keep rushing for treasure and the sword. He wants to join you on your journey and see the making of what could be the last Daring Do book but... that's all up to you... either give him a chance or crush his dreams... As we speak he's actually researching that 'Sword of The Golahan' Ahuizotl mentioned. Have you researched that sword?" Daring gave a hesitant nod.

"...The Sword of The Golahan is a legendary blade crafted by a blacksmith in the days of old and enchanted by Starswirl himself.... They say who wields it is a powerful warrior. But that's only if they pull it from the stone it is set in. The only one who can pull the sword is a blood relative of the prince who wielded it way back when before he escaped the clutches of a rapidly approaching army to create what is now Bullvania... No one knows why he had it enchanted but many think it was to prevent anyone else from getting it from the stone..." She backed away from Luna and sat down giving a sigh. "...I want to do this but... Ahuizotl... If I'm alone I'm dead and if I'm with someone who can protect me my death can be prevented or prolonged even more..." Luna knelt down next to Daring.

"Don't talk like that now. You will live. Ryder is one of our toughest and best guards despite losing his mother... He's tough wanting to get any sick perverts, violent assholes and any kidnappers bent on selling little fillies to the sex trade just to protect his little sister... Now... I should wake you up to get dinner ready. I'll meet you to lead you towards the dining hall so you don't get lost. So think of what you wish to eat and it will be made specifically for you. We'll even have a canine sniff for any poisons in the food just in case. Ryder told me about your trust issues and I'm willing to go to great lengths as well." Princess Luna's ear flickered a bit. "Oh speaking of which.... you might want to move."

"Move? Why would I move? Nothing's going to happen!" Just then from out of no where water came and drenched Daring leaving Luna cringing a bit.

"Oh... That's why.... Just wake up, let me get Ryder and stay where you are! I'll take the blame for this but if Ryder asks tell him the dream but tell him about something breaking and letting water in. See you in a minute!" Before Daring could answer the princesses horn glowed and everything faded in an instant. She opened her eyes and found herself tucked away in Ryder's bed with a warm wet sensation under her.

The door opened and in came Ryder looking worried with Princess Luna on his tail. Ryder slid to his knees and stripped the covers off revealing a huge wet stain on Daring's pants and on the sheets below her. She sat up and froze blushing hard looking onto the large wet stain she had made. She started to tear up as Ryder hugged her. "....Hey come on don't cry!" He said. "....Happens to the best of us...." He looked up at Luna as the mare in his arms started to sob silently. "Did you see what happened in her dream?" Luna gave a sigh.

"I only came when it was already too late." She replied. "She claims to have been attacked in a temple by Ahuizotl in her dream. Not only that but that spider must've crawled it's way into her psyche and collapsed the entire temple plunging her into watery depths making her bladder lose control. You should probably get her into the tub and make sure she calms down. I'll handle the laundry and tell Celestia you two will be late for dinner!" Ryder gave a nod and took the wet mare in his arms almost as if she sat in a chair. He stood up as Luna stepped aside and hurried to the bathroom.

As they went inside Daring tried pushing away from Ryder who had a firm grip on her. He closed the door and set her on the side of the tub where she just swept Ryder's leg out from under him and pushed him back. "D-Don't touch me!" She snapped. "....I shouldn't be doing this! ...I'm a full grown fucking mare.... not some five year old baby...."

Ryder huffed as he sat up. "...Look everyone has an accident at one time or another!" He said standing up with the help of the toilet. "I've done it, some other guards did and I can even say some of the other stallions in that line earlier have probably pissed themselves even if today was their first after the attack! Just calm down! It's okay...!" He bent over a bit blushing as he leaned against the sink. He averted his gaze. "...Just... Slip out of your clothes and I'll get something fresh for you to wear." Daring blushed noticing a little twitch in a little bulge on his pants. She stood up hesitantly and grabbed Ryder's crotch having it feel stiff. He gave a muffled yelp not even moving his arms.

"....You're definitely getting some sick kick off of my embarrassment! A stiffy like this doesn't happen unless the stallion it's attached to sees something he likes! Do you like seeing me like this? Do you want to see me mess myself as well?!" Ryder quickly slapped Daring's hand away from his crotch before pulling her close and kissing her. She froze shocked before falling into bliss. He quickly pushed her away and collapsed.

"SORRY SORRY I'M SO SORRY! PLEASE DONT HAVE ME FIRED!" Ryder curled up and hid his blushing face just as Daring steadied herself using the wall to keep herself upright. She knelt down next to Ryder as he broke down crying and sat with him slinging an arm around him.

"...Ryder come on now be honest. Did you really want to do that?" He gave a hesitant nod. "...And.... Did you really want to see me naked?" He nodded more sure of himself this time. "...Well... I take it you remember what I had said to you earlier?" He shook his head. "Really? I think you'd remember a little thing I wanted to do that involved sleeping with a guard. I do remember you wanting to sleep with me you know...." She blushed grinning as she brought his face back into view. He had a bit of a smile on his face with tears running down his cheeks. "Yes that's right... I remember you wanting to fuck me silly... What's say you take me and maybe during dinner we could talk about being in a book... Luna told me you were doing your homework on the sword and i'd like it if you could explain some of your findings but... that can wait for later.... Just get naked, get in that tub and rut me!" Ryder smiled more brightly and got up fast pulling Daring to her feet as well. She kissed him as he started to undo the pants she was wearing. She helped him out of his shirt before shoving her hand down his pants just feeling his rock hard member. It throbbed in her hand just begging to be freed from its tight prison. Within moments they were both naked and in the strong stream of the shower head just holding each other close as they kissed deeply. They broke the kiss and looked into each other's eyes.

"Front door or back door? Fine with either but... pretty sure you wanna be running fine just in case Ahuizotl is watching us." Daring blushed and turned about sticking her flank out as she leaned against the wall.

"Pick any door you like and... don't worry about the filling. All safe here." Ryder grinned and started teasing Daring's pussy making her shudder. She gasped as it slipped in and pushed towards her womb. He slowly started thrusting and squeezed her breasts just glistening with the water. She let out a moan as he started to thrust faster. "Oh god.... You're so big... please... Harder...."

"Sorry if this isn't your thing but...." Ryder grabbed onto her mane and started to ram her. Daring cried out as each thrust sent a shockwave of pleasure through her. She blushed as her face showed the pure ecstasy she was enjoying from the pussy pounding. Her wings extended with a loud POMF splashing Ryder in the face with water. Ryder's wings extended quickly as he neared his climax. He released her mane and slapped her flank a few times getting a few good screams of pleasure out just before he rammed her one last time cumming hard. He grunted as his essence filled her to the brim. Daring twitched feeling as if she were just melting as she came at the same time. The stallion backed away letting his cock slump out letting a glob of his white goo land with a 'plop' on the floor of the tub. Daring turned about and kissed Ryder and nuzzled him.

"...You were amazing... You know... You're the first one to actually do that to me.... judging by... that... it isn't your first time..." Ryder gave a laugh amongst his panting.

"...First almost dream like fucking.... My first was actually a princess but... you were better..." He kissed her again and started to scrub her down.

"You know.... I feel like I already know you.... Like... before you saved me...." Ryder sighed.

"...I've probably walked past your book signings in Ponyville when I was with my cousin to get a few of her books signed.... She can be such an idiot at times... Pushed me out of line and made me bring the car around... I ended up crashing that car into a fucking light pole totaling it... GT with a V8 engine... Cherry red finish with a black racing stripe up the middle and a gift from a friend around where we actually need to go... He's an engineer just like me but he builds things up while I fix things that can be fixed... car is unfixable...."

"Wait that was you? I thought that was a random drunk driver. Did some guy cut you off or something?" Ryder gave a nod.

"Pulled right out of the lot, dude saw me coming and thought he had the fucking right of way even though he was still parked on the side of the damn road... Now you think you could clean up your under carriage? I kinda don't trust myself after our fun here...." Daring grabbed the scrubber and proceeded to clean herself between her legs. A scare like that, and a new friend to protect her. Daring lucked out on that. Can she be even more lucky? To Be Continued....

Ex Out Danger

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It was about fifteen minutes after their shower together. Ryder and Daring were walking down the hall holding each others hands. Ryder wore a red long sleeve shirt with a black illustration of a dragon wrapping around his arm with its head in the middle of his chest, black jeans and a pair of red canvas sneakers. Daring wore a tee of a fan club and a pair of jungle camouflage shorts. The shirt read 'Ponyville Daring Do Fan Club' across the chest. Her wings had to be taped down again just because it takes a bit of time for Pegasus wings to dry after contact with water from bathing, swimming or flying through a cloud. They stay just a little wet. As they walked Ryder let out a sigh giving his wings a flap. Daring looked to him a bit curious. "Is something wrong?" She asked. "If you feel tired why don't you get a meal delivered to your room and we could just maybe have a little talk. The princesses would be fine with that wouldn't they?"

Ryder sighed. "I'm actually not allowed to do that...." He said. "Did that once with a bottle of whiskey Princess Luna was taking shots from during a little drinking game one night and I was wasted to hell. I was naked, in the tub just crying about my ex... I had to go out, with a hangover listening to loud rock music and buy another bottle of the whiskey with what money I had and a bottle of wine with what Celestia had given me... it was hell and anything I eat in my room has to be bought myself including alcohol..." Daring hummed.

"Really hung up on that ex of yours.... Do you know where she lives at all?" He gave a nod. "Do you think you'd have the balls to go back and confront your ex? I can help you on your own adventure before you help with mine you know." He sighed.

"...Nah... I even tried setting foot at the gates their dog would chew my balls right off. All she has to do is say 'Protect the apples' and anyone the dog doesn't see often is scared right off! Or bitten. Saw it first hand too. I was there one day after the dog caught someone armed with a knife. Says he was just going to help them out because he does that every Tuesday and at that time I was there every Tuesday to haul buckets to my ex's brother's truck and I just up and still arrested him. No sob story, charged with attempted murder, trespassing, and possession of a knife more than six inches. It was a fucking dirk. Ten inch dirk!"

"What if you had someone drive you up to the house? Could have your cousin."

"She's got a crotch rocket. She flies down the road on a baby blue crotch rocket, wears a matching helmet with her cutie mark on it. A cloud with a red, yellow and blue lightning bolt." Daring thought for a moment humming.

"...Wait.... Does your cousin wear a wonderbolts tee shirt sometimes? Like... More than anypony else?" Ryder looked to Daring as they turned into the large dining hall where Princess Celestia and Luna were sitting at the far end of the table with the light of the setting sun shining through the large windows looking out over a large plains of North Western Equestria.

"Yeah... And you know that because of your book signing?" Daring shook her head.

"I didn't want to say anything but... it seems like your cousin helped me out in my last book." Ryder gave her a look of disbelief.

"Really? My cousin helped you? During your last book?!"

"So you've read it and haven't noticed?"

"I couldn't read it! Dash wouldn't let me! And when I tried to buy a copy it was sold out everywhere I went!"

"That's her name? I always thought it was Rainbow Bright or something like that."

Ryder facepalmed as they approached Celestia. She smiled at the couple just before they sat down. "Good evening you two!" She said. "Is everything alright? Ryder seems a bit.... ticked off... I haven't seen him angered for a while."

Ryder slammed his hand down on the table causing silverware to bounce and rattle. "Sorry Princess and yes I am pissed but not at any of you!" He said. "Apparently MY speed freak of a cousin met Daring and apparently was in her last book! AND I DIDNT GET TO FUCKING READ IT!"

Luna huffed and used her magic to hold Ryder's muzzle shut when he tried to yell even more. "Ryder! Don't you go supernova on us about her!" She snapped. "Now.... I'm gonna release you... Talk normally or else I'm holding your mouth shut until we get the bite guard from the dungeon! That'll be on you until you learn to calm down! Take a deep breath and calm down." She looked to Daring. "Keep an eye on his wings. He carries all emotion through his wings when he isn't showing it in his face." Daring nodded and looked at his wings. his feathers were ruffled like he had gotten hit with a taser. "Come now Ryder breathe or you're getting what we order for you like a little child! Do you want to be treated like a child? You know Celestia and I can make it so you have to go through toilet training again!" Ryder groaned and blushed glancing over at Daring who was giggling. He took a deep breath and let out a shaky sigh. "Again!" He breathed in again and let out a smoother sigh. He did that a few more times before his breaths were smoother and his feathers flattened out.

Daring huffed. "There we go. Feathers are down." She said. She looked to Princess Luna. "I think he's calmed down enough. If he doesn't I think I know what to do to keep him tamed..." She grinned seeing Ryder at the corner of her eye just looking at her. Luna smiled.

"Alright Ryder! Now apologize!" She released his muzzle and moved his lower jaw around.

Ryder sighed as he hung his head. "...Sorry princess..." He said. "...I got to talking about 'her' again on the way over here... knowing her and Dash's friendship she probably knows Daring as well..."

Celestia clapped her hands and smiled as a waiter came from a door just off to the side. "Apology accepted." She said. "Now think of what you wish to order! Anything and everything can and will be made!" She looked to the waiter as he came between her and Luna with a notepad in hand. "I'll have my usual. Watermelon margarita, Cajun salad, with ranch and a few banana peppers."

Luna gave a smile as the stallion finished writing Celestia's order. "I'll have tomato soup with grilled cheese and pepper sandwiches." She said.

Ryder looked to Daring and smiled a bit. "Let me order for you Miss Yearling... Maybe see if I know you well..." He said. "Miss Yearling would like a hayburger with jalapeno- no- Habanero peppers and garlic fries and I guess you can make that a double for me."

Daring smiled. "Well... Seems the general knows me VERY well..." She said. "What about to drink? Can be alcoholic or not I really don't care as long as you're right." Ryder looked to the waiter.

"I'll have a cola with a shot of vanilla in it and for Miss Yearling she'll have a glass of white wine." He glanced over at Daring who gave a slight look of disappointment.

"Change that to a red wine. Grapes for some reason don't work with me." The waiter gave a nod as he finished writing everything down and ran back towards the doors. Daring looked to Ryder. "Eh.... I'll give you half credit knowing I like wine. The wrong wine type but... cant hold you accountable after the hard work you put in today."

Celestia gave a little laugh. "He's always on the clock even when he's resting." She said. She looked to Ryder. "So... Ryder what was this about Applejack? You said you and Daring were having a little chat on the way over here about her."

Ryder sighed and slumped down in his chair. "...Can we please not mention her name?" He asked. "...There's a reason I don't want to say her name...." Celestia rolled her eyes and sat Ryder up with her magic.

"Come on be a man about it! Why should you care about Applejack when you've got someone right there next to you that you've gone to great lengths to join on an adventure after saving her from certain death? I'm sure Miss Yearling would make you happier if you just asked that one question. You know the one I'm talking about."

Ryder glanced over at Daring sporting a smile just waiting the question like she already knew it. He stammered a bit just looking for the words faster than he could get anything out. Daring shushed him and put a finger over his mouth. "...If it's something that makes you protect me even more the answer is yes." She said. "For protecting me and being understanding you deserve it..." She pulled him close and kissed him. He felt tense but relaxed as the kiss dragged on.

Luna gave a little 'aw' clapping her hands. "That is just too cute! You make the perfect couple from what I'm seeing here!" She said. "Perhaps you two can share a milkshake for desert just like the lovers in old movies do!" Daring broke the kiss and nuzzled Ryder squeezing him.

"That actually sounds wonderful but... maybe something that wouldn't cause a stomach ache with either of us if we drank it too fast... I'd know that feeling all too well." She patted her stomach a bit.

Ryder gave a smile and sighed a bit. "You remember what happened last time Luna... didn't like it either way huh?" He asked. Princess Luna gave a quick nod blushing a bit. He looked to Daring a bit. "Trust me it's best not to ask..."

Later that night Ryder was sitting at his computer dressed in a tank top and sweat pants while Daring sat on the end of the bed in a pair of green camo panties and matching bra. On the computer screen Ryder was looking at was a chat on a video chat application. There was a webcam just sitting right in front of Ryder aimed at his face. He clicked on a little green icon marked 'call'. It buzzed for a moment. Ryder looked back at Daring and waved her to the side away from the aim of the camera. Just as Ryder looked back the call connected showing a big black square and a little corner of it with his face in it. That black square turned into a pissed looking cyan Pegasus mare with a rainbow mane wearing a black tshirt and a pair of basketball shorts. "RYDER!" The mare snapped. "What the hell are you doing calling me now?! You know I work my wings out at this time to make myself fall asleep!" Ryder huffed.

"Dash... Shut the fuck up... I'm calling about a few things... one being Scoot. She doing okay?" This was Rainbow Dash. Ryder's snobby cousin. She's always racing someone. On foot, in the air and even on wheels motorized or pedal powered. Dash gave a smile.

"Well she's alright for the most part. Uncle Tyre has been acting a bit strange lately but other than that your little sister's been just fine. You hear about that guard who saved A.K. Yearling's life at her book signing today? You gotta give that guy a promotion for saving her ass!" Ryder sighed and scooted off to the side and beckoned Daring to his side.

Daring gave a grin as she got into view of the camera. Dash's jaw dropped. "Well if only he could give himself a promotion huh Rainbow Dash?" She said. "I kinda find it weird that I meet you AND your cousin and both of you end up helping me with my last books. You unintentionally and Ryder here... protection with a few benefits...." She kissed Ryder's cheek as he gave Dash a smug look.

"....You... have got to be fucking kidding me.... YOU SAVED A.K. YEARLING?!" Ryder gave a nod.

"Good girl on censoring yourself. It seems you know who is after me and knows my secret.... He sent someone to kill me and if it weren't for Ryder here there'd be a hole in my head." She nuzzled Ryder. "If he didn't want to protect me after I revealed who I was to him the book you were in would be the last and I'd disappear possibly dead...." Ryder hugged her and kissed her cheek. Dash looked a bit more jealous of her cousin.

"...Ryder I don't know how lucky you are to be THAT close to her... I thought you weren't working today how'd you manage to save her?!"

Ryder gave a sigh. "I wasn't working today. I just happened to be at the right place at the right time." He said. He averted his gaze and looked to Daring. "...Baby you mind if I asked about....?" Dash huffed.

"AJ's not gonna take you back numb nuts! She's dating me and Big Mac doesn't seem to mind! Why me over you I have no clue."

"I wasn't going to ask if you could talk to her and see if she would take me back! I wanted to ask if it were possible if you could get her to at least talk with me.... I want to see if she at least wants to be friends... I mean... Why have her when I've got this pretty thing here." He tapped Daring on the nose making her blush. "I just don't want her to be pissed off at me for something that wasn't even my fault!" Dash rolled her eyes.

"Daring did he tell you how he lost his ex?" Daring looked to the computer screen and shook her head. The mare on the screen grinned and looked down at her lap. "Well... get ready to keep him from crying then. This is gonna be a doozy." Daring gave a nod and sat in his lap wrapping his arms around her. Ryder averted his gaze just looking off to the side tightening his grip on her. "Alright you ready there?" Daring gave a nod. "Well... It was the day of this fuckers birthday." She pointed back at Ryder who let out a little whimper. "I was there with, Applejack, and all the other girls you met during our encounter. We all got wasted as hell and pretty much blacked out. We woke up, he didn't have pants, my friend Fluttershy was naked in bed cuddling him and she was all sticky down there and AJ thought he fucked the hell out of her and in reality Pinkie put something in their drinks to make them go insanely horny and just 'cream' themselves while they slept. Apparently Fluttershy got some of his spunk on her crotch and didn't even realize it she was blacked out drunk. She was probably the most wasted out of all of us. Yet he got the bad end of everything. He got his heart broken, he got beaten and accused of rape. Flutters accused him, I didn't believe her and neither did anyone else but AJ that's why he still has his position. If Pinkie hadn't owned up to doing that he'd be considered a sexual predator! She only owned up after AJ left but when Ryder was trying to explain it to her Big Mac pulled his gun on him and holy shit I thought I was gonna have to explain why Big Mac was riding away in the back of a guards truck to Scoot and AJ's little sister."

Daring felt Ryder shutter after hearing him take a deep breath. She looked back and saw he was crying. "...Shit you weren't kidding when you'd said he'd cry..." She said. She pried his hands off from around her waist and helped him stand up. "...Here baby why don't you go splash some water on your face? Just take a few deep breaths to calm down alright?" Ryder gave a nod having his sobs sound more audible. Daring gave him a warm smile and nudged him towards his bathroom door before sitting down in the seat. She rolled the chair closer to the computer just as he disappeared behind the bathroom door shutting it behind him. "Did Pinkie at least explain it?" Dash nodded.

"Yeah she did but Applejack didn't believe anything. Even worse she had a nightmare thinking he'd come back to rape her and kill Big Mac. She was way wrong." Just then a muffled door bell sounded off in the background. Dash huffed a bit. "Hey give me a second. Gotta see who's at the door and don't worry, always got a bat ready." Daring gave a nod and watched as Dash got up and disappeared off screen. Daring got up and hurried to the bathroom door shoving it open only to see Ryder just curled up on the ground next to the toilet sniffling.

As she walked over Ryder curled up even more. "....Go away.... just leave me alone....." He said. "....I... I just want to be alone.... We go there tomorrow... I-I'm fucked.... I'm gonna lose my job... I'm gonna lose you and.... I'm just...." He cried even harder.

Daring huffed. "Come on Ryder if you're brave enough for me you're brave enough to face your ex!" She snapped. She sat Ryder up and felt him shaking. He felt tense. "....Come on Ryder you're going to get yourself sick. You might need to lie yourself down and get some sleep... Maybe take the edge off everything. Just make sure everything's out, nothing's gonna make you look like a fool during the night and to be honest I wont be happy if I have to wake up in a wet bed again. Might make me just say fuck the entirety of the adventure."

"....B-but Ahuizotl.... He could still kill you...." Daring sighed.

"Just get up, use the can and get in bed. I kinda wanted to talk with your cousin a bit more. See if she could at least accompany us to-" They were suddenly cut off hearing yelling coming from the computer. Ryder quickly got to his feet and ran out back into his room with Daring on his tail. On the screen of Ryder's computer he saw Rainbow Dash holding a little orange Pegasus filly in her arms as she cried. The filly had a purple mane. She wore a red hoodie over what looked like grey sleepwear. Her wings were facing the camera just shaking with a few feathers falling away. "What the... Who's that? What's wrong with her?!" Ryder quickly sat Daring on the bed and sat himself in the chair in front of the computer.

"Dash what the hell is Scootaloo doing there?! Why's she crying?"

Dash looked to the camera as she set Scootaloo, Ryder's sister aside. "....You know how we were talking about Uncle Tyre earlier....?" She asked. Ryder gave a nod. She then pointed to her head and moved it, mimicking a gun going off.

"....You mean... he did it to himself....?" Dash nodded hesitantly yet sadly.

"...Sorry Ry.... the neighbor brought her over.... told me he found her hiding in her room after the gun went off.... I knew your dad had a lot of mental issues but.... I didn't think he'd go this far.... You uh.... you wanna see Scoot tomorrow? ....Pretty sure you know where I live right?" Ryder looked back at Daring.

"I need you to have a guard get Luna. I'll get some armor and we are heading out over to Ponyville ASAP!" Daring gave a nod and wrapped herself in the comforter from Ryder's bed and went to the door. He looked back to the screen. "Scoot I'll be there very soon.... Just stay close to Dash and everything will be okay!" He hung the video call up and instantly went for his drawers.

About an hour later both Daring were dressed and put into guard armor. Ryder in his golden helmet and chest plate and Daring in a silver unicorn with a faux brown horn shifted into place looking almost realistic. They were running down the hall with Princess Luna right between them. "Ryder do you really think it's wise to rush out to Ponyville with an asset coming along?" She asked. Ryder huffed.

"Princess I have this! My sister needs me and if I cant be there for my sister what kind of brother am I?!" Luna hesitated to answer. "Look we're taking your chopper, we already have someone waiting on the roof who can fly!" He pointed over to Daring and whispered. "She's disguised as a guard and no one would think to attack the guard. Someone who tries to even lay a hand on a guard in harm immediately gets taken out. They see her and assume they're dead if they even try. When we get to Ponyville you stay with Twilight and Daring and I will just rush out to my cousins. It'll be safer being unknown and under cover of darkness. Can put the bullet proof shielding up too so we wont have to worry." Luna huffed.

"Alright.... Don't let your fucking confidence be your downfall. Stay focused, don't get distracted by any tail or your sister. You need to find somewhere in Bullvania to lay low and I suggest your friend Ember Sparks."

Daring looked over as they went through a door marked 'Authorized Personnel only'. "Ember Sparks? Who's he?" She asked.

Ryder gave a sigh as they climbed the stairs. "I'll tell you when we get in the air." He said. Daring gave a nod hearing him sounding a bit ticked. As they neared the roof the sound of chopper blades roaring came to her ears. Ryder kicked open a door at the top of the steps sending a loud 'KERCHUNK' echoing through the empty stairwell. Wind sent little pieces of paper and dust flying up into the stairwell and in the air. As they walked out onto the roof Daring saw dozens of night guards armed with assault rifles lining a pathway straight to a transport chopper with lights shown on it revealing dark blue and purple color's with the Equestrian flag symbol on it.

As she walked through the guards all she could see were assassins waiting to get her within range to grab her, shoot her, or detonate a bomb that was strapped to their chests. Yet with a princess they wouldn't dare at all try that. At least that's what she would've thought before Luna spoke up. "Do not mind them." She said resting her hand on Daring's shoulder. "They're only here to see me off. Those rifles are to scare off anyone who wishes to do me harm. Filled with blanks." She stopped holding Ryder back. Suddenly she grabbed the gun and aimed it at Daring pulling the trigger. The rifle rapidly spat out shell casings as Daring cowered fearing for her life hearing the rifle fire off the blanks. As the rifle clicked Daring looked up shaking. She watched as Luna handed the rifle back giving a laugh. "Sorry. Couldn't help but haze the new recruit for the general. This should give her a bit of pep to keep going if she's ever injured."

The guard gave a nod and Daring started walking again staying right next to Ryder. She felt tempted to hold his hand but she didn't want to give the guards a rumor to spread. Ryder rested his hand on her shoulder and pushed down just as they neared the chopper. They waited at the open door waiting for Princess Luna to step in. After she stepped in and sat in her seat they both entered the chopper and shut the door. The armored mare quickly latched onto Ryder shaking. He sat down in the seat right next to Princess Luna and sat Daring across from him. "...W-why did you do that...?" She asked. Luna sighed using her magic to buckle herself in.

"Like I said. If you are ever injured I want you to keep fighting! You're like Ryder. Scared at first but you will learn to keep going no matter what. First week in the guard Ryder had been hazed by the head of the guard. Scared the crap out of him in his own apartment and made him think he was being kidnapped. Dressed everyone up like a local gang, notified his neighbors and kinda paid em off to keep quiet. He was scared to the point of messing himself but hey at least that didn't happen to you." Daring averted her gaze and blushed a bit.

"...I.... may have peed a little.... Damn sound...." She looked between her legs and saw a tiny stain. Just a tiny one. Wouldn't even have been noticed up close even. "....Just... Gotta calm down...." As the blades of the chopper sounded faster and louder Luna used her magic and brought up a few headsets putting it on Daring, Ryder and herself.

"Take as much time as you need. I need to do a little flight check anyways. Make sure everything's secure and safe. Speaking of which maybe you should buckle up. Make sure you don't fall out of your seat during the flight. Happens more than you think." Daring gave a nod and quickly strapped in. Luna looked to Ryder as the chopper started to lift off. "Oh and let's not forget who Ember Sparks is. Do you need a drink while explaining?"

Ryder gave a hesitant nod. The princess beside him stamped her foot down a few times before a rectangle on the floor glowed. It shot up and opened like a chest revealing a cooler filled with snacks and drinks. Ryder took a bottle of water handing one to Daring as well before it went back down into the floor. "Alright... Ember... He and I basically grew up together..." He said. "Did some little league stuff, had gone to the same school, even slept over at each others homes when it was possible to hang out... On my birthday he came to me with that GT I spoke of earlier and told me to keep it because he was moving to Steurope. Until maybe about a year ago I didn't know where he was until I found an email I didn't think he used anymore. Dude apparently used it a lot. Found out that way he managed to get the highest rank of the Clippersville military. Base is just a couple miles east of the Bullvanian border. Not gonna get anymore into it but... eh.... I just wanna calm down."

Daring cracked open her water and sipped from the bottle. "....H-he was the one who gave you that car?" She asked. Ryder gave a nod. "...Must've crushed him to know you wrecked it."

Luna glanced over at Ryder who was now staring out the window as they flew. She sighed and shook her head before looking to Daring. "He never told his friend about the car being totaled." She said. "He thinks its better to keep it hidden to maintain a friendship. Celestia had a talk with him about it and he thinks it could actually start a war between them that would cause great tension amongst our otherwise peaceful areas. Yet Celestia and I both know that isn't gonna happen. He chooses not to believe us."

"...That good of friends huh...?" Luna gave a nod. "... sheez.... He must've been like a brother to him... makes me wish I had friends like that... All I've had was clerks that have helped in my escapes from Ahuizotl... Just allowing me to hide in the back of their shops before just running off..." She looked out the window as well. "...I was glad none of those shop owners ratted me out... Otherwise those treasures would be gone..." She gave a yawn and crossed her arms. Luna hummed.

"Something tells me you might be about to crash from everything calming down...." She looked to Ryder. "Ryder we might need to pull a quick drop maneuver with you two."

Ryder looked to Princess Luna wiping his eyes. "...But... The buildings are much too close for just a quick touch down!" He said. "The only place we can do a touch & go is... there..."

"It might be something we'd have to risk... you've got armor so you're there on duty and you could commandeer the vehicle they own!"

Daring slapped herself a bit to stop herself from nodding off. "Wait... are you talking about his ex?" She asked. Luna and Ryder gave a nod. "Well? If it's the only place lets do it! Hit two targets with one shot! Anything happens I'll be back up! I promise I can be of use!"

Ryder smiled a bit. "...I guess you can help...." He said. "Just me would cause a problem and... possibly trigger a gun going off aimed somewhere around my face, my legs and my arms..." He looked to Luna. "...Guess we can do it... Stay about twenty feet above the trees. I can make a safe landing for both of us." Luna gave a nod.

The princess looked to the guard in the front seat of the chopper. "Pilot! Execute plan twenty one alpha! Location of Sweet Apple Acres! Go!" The pilot gave a thumbs up just as Ryder unbuckled himself. He got up and quickly knelt down near Daring.

"Alright when we're given the word you're going to get in front of me and hold on as tight as you can and we're gonna fall for a second before I open my wings and try and give our landing a little bit of a cushion. Worst that can happen is a few bumps and bruises if I don't get it just right. So far that's about a sixty five percent success rate! Other thirty five percent was fail and one of those times I landed in a tree."

Daring gave a bit of a confused sound. "Wait... You fell in a tree doing this?!" She asked. Ryder gave a nod. She grunted. "Screw that get us to a fucking field! I don't wanna get my ass caught in a tree! Last time I was in one I had a huge fucking wedgie! Panties caught on a branch and the ointment... ugh..."

Luna huffed. "Don't worry we'll drop you over the house." She said. "You'll be able to climb down easily from the rooftop. It might me tough but Ryder can help you down first. He can take anything that's thrown at him. He got nailed by a guard truck one time and walked away not even a scratch on him!" Daring gave a sigh and rolled her eyes.

"...I'll trust you but if I end up hanging by my underwear... Someone else is getting a wedgie coming from the stallion that lives there! Got me?" Ryder gave a nod and patted her on the shoulder.

About a half hour later Ryder had the door of the chopper open just hanging on to a handle on the outside with Daring just in her seat just buckled up and staring out into the darkness over Equestria. He looked to Daring and held his only free hand out. She hesitantly stood up and took his hand. He pulled her close and wrapped her arms around his waist. She gripped him tight as they descended towards the ground just over what looked to be an orchard. "ALRIGHT SLOW UP! I WANT TO STAY ON THE FUCKING ROOF NOT FALL OFF!" He yelled. "ITS A QUICK DROP BUT THIS IS SERIOUSLY TOO FAST!"

Luna rolled her eyes and carefully moved herself closer to Ryder and Daring. "I'M SORRY ABOUT THIS RYDER!" She yelled. "BRACE YOURSELVES!" Her horn glowed a bit and so did Ryder's hand. Just as they came close to a house Ryder's hand was thrown from the grip handle. They fell back yelling just managing to hit the roof and roll for a few feet before the edge.

When the chopper flew away from the house and the trees Ryder looked down at Daring only to see her head dug into his chest trembling. "....A-are we.... are we alive....?" She asked.

Ryder sat up trembling a bit himself. "...Yeah... You okay? Anything on you hurt?" He asked. She shook her head. "...Alright... Now uh... You think you can let me go and get up? We gotta get you off the roof..." Daring looked around and released the stallion hesitantly. She stood up on the roof carefully. The roof was slanted with a chimney sticking up at the far end. Suddenly behind her Ryder yelled a bit. She looked back only to see Ryder hanging by the back of his pants.

"Ryder! What the fuck happened?!" Ryder grunted and looked up at her a bit embarrassed.

"Yeah... you might wanna watch your step.... Slipped on a rotten apple... Cant believe what you said happened to you happened to me... fuck..."

Just as Daring was about to answer a window was heard opening. A light shown on the hanging stallion making him cover his face as it glimmered off his armor. "I knew I heard some giant bird drop a load of shit on the roof!" Someone said. Daring carefully peered over the edge of the house and saw a blonde maned orange mare wearing a tank top and red panties leaning out the window with a flashlight in hand. The mare huffed seeing the glimmer of her armor as well. "Ah hell... you've got someone else...." She looked inside. "BIG MAC! THE GUN STAYS IN THE CABINET! NOW GET YOUR DAMN LADDER AND MY ROPE!" The mare stepped back inside and closed the window leaving Ryder to struggle. This was Applejack. A thirty year old earth pony mare and Ryder's ex.

"Rope? NO NO NO AJ GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE NO ROPE!" He looked up at Daring. "Come on Daring help me before she has a chance to get it! Please!"

Daring rolled her eyes and carefully stepped down the slope. "Don't mean anything by this.... just.... go limp before you hit the ground..." She said as she put her boot on her coltfriends flank.

"W-WAIT WHAT DARING DONT-" The mare pushed a bit causing Ryder's pants to tear a bit before he yelled falling to the ground. He hit the ground and groaned doubling over in pain. Daring backed up on the roof a few feet before breaking into a run and doing a front flip off the roof. She landed a bit hard having to drop to her knees. She huffed and got up brushing the dirt off herself.

"...would've been better if I wasn't wearing this fucking armor...." She looked to Ryder. "Alright bud get your ass up! Falling that far shouldn't hurt that bad since you can quote 'take anything that's thrown at you'." Ryder got to his hands and knees giving a cough from the dust.

"...Y-you're so lucky I love you... otherwise you'd get an uppercut to the cunt..." He slowly got to his feet and brushed himself off. "...We should really get going before we're both tied up."

Daring was about to answer until a light shown on them again. "TOO LATE!" Someone said. A stallion this time. Ryder and Daring turned around only to see a large red earth pony stallion with an orange mane holding a flash light. He wore a pair of jeans and a white tee shirt. Big MacIntosh or Big Mac for short. He's Applejack's older brother. Forty years old. A rope flew over him tied in a lasso. It quickly wrapped around Ryder's ankles. Applejack jumped from behind her brother and they both pulled the rope sending Ryder to the dirt yet again. Daring backed away as they started to hog tie him. "You got balls coming here even with backup you filthy skunk! You seriously got a fucking death wish!"


Applejack looked at Ryder's face in the light. He was scared. She looked back to her older brother. "Go grab the other! Bring em inside!" She snapped. Big Mac nodded and ran towards Daring. Daring yelped and fell onto her flank. The stallion slowed to a stop with his hands up.

"Woah there bud... I aint gonna hurt you.... Guess we're only talkin' with you instead of that dirtbag we got tied up." He pointed over his shoulder at Ryder being pinned down under AJ's foot. "Just come with me and maybe have yourself a drink. I can give you a bit of medical attention if you need it."

Daring shuttered. "...W-what about him? How can I trust you alone?" She asked. Big Mac huffed.

"Look he aint allowed out in these parts cuz of what he did... You're not gonna be touched. Now you gonna come with me or not? I'm not afraid to call up a princess and have your ass fired!" The armored mare huffed.

"...Fine.... I'll go with you but he is released uninjured or else someone here is seriously hurt!" Big Mac nodded and started walking towards the other side of the house. Daring followed him just staring at Ryder as he struggled.

Ryder looked at her having tears in his eyes knowing she was ditching him. He looked back at Applejack. "C'MON AJ LET ME GO!" He snapped. "I just wanna talk! Just untie me and lets be civil about this!"

Applejack flipped Ryder over onto his back and sat him up as she knelt down. "Oh we can talk alright! You're just gonna sit there and do it!" She snapped. "Say anything about us and I'm delivering you straight to your fucking father! Let him deal with you!" The stallion stopped struggling and whimpered a bit. Applejack gave him a confused look in the dimmed light from a nearby window. "...Why'd you stop? There aint someone behind me is there?"

"....J-just fucking untie me.... please...." Tears came to his eyes. ".... just... help me go see Dash.... I promise to stay out of here!" He just broke down sobbing a bit. Applejack gave a sigh and pulled a part of the rope releasing him as a whole. Quickly he just hugged her. She let him. No hesitating on pushing back, no hitting and not even one scream for her brother.

"...Alright sugarcube... Lettin' ya have this one but keep your hands away from my rear and anything else that can get you fired!" He sniffled.

"....Th-thank you... Can... can we just go inside please? ...I just.... I think my partner split my pants.... and my boxers..." Applejack snickered a bit and helped the crying stallion to his feet.

"Well.... At least I don't gotta humiliate you now.... Would've just stripped you naked and forced you to run to Twilight or Dash...." She pried his arms from around her and brushed the dirt off as best as she could. "...Now c'mon... you can get washed up in the shower... I'll send Big Mac out to get Dash and bring her here... Would that help you out?" Ryder gave a nod sniffling. "Alright... come on then." She slung one of Ryder's arms over her shoulders and propped him upright as they walked around the house together. Applejack sighed. "....You know.... I'm actually kinda glad you're back Ry.... I wanted to.... well..." She huffed and averted her gaze. "...Fuck this is hard...." She looked back to Ryder. "...Lets just get you inside and in the shower... you're all filthy..."

About five minutes later Big Mac was wearing a hoodie and a pair of boots standing at the door with Applejack. "You're serious about lettin' Ryder run around here while I'm out?" He asked. Applejack shoved her brothers truck keys into his chest.

"Yeah I'm sure. I mean he started cryin' after I mentioned his father..." The sibling stallion huffed.

"He's scared. Don't be fooled by it. He tries anything tie him to a chair, call me and I'll be at Twilight's faster than Dash flies!" Applejack hugged her brother quickly just before he opened the door and rushed out. Applejack turned back inside seeing Daring siting on the couch clutching a can of soda. The living room of the home was a bit rustic. The couch was a very worn grey color with a wooden coffee table in front of it. Against the wall was a large entertainment center looking quite new with a flat screen TV and a game console sitting in the middle of it. The kitchen was attached to the living room with a large white fridge, cleaned white tile countertop. The floors were a hard wood. Polished and smooth with an area rug underneath the coffee table and couch.

"...Alright... your boss is in the shower, my brothers off to get his cousin and... Guess that just leaves you n me to talk huh?" Daring gave a nod blushing as she just sipped her soda. Applejack sat down on the arm of the couch and huffed. "...So uh.... how long you been with the guard....?"

Daring sighed setting her soda down. "...Applejack you should really know my face by now..." She said averting her gaze. The earth pony mare gave a shocked and confused look. She turned her around and removed the helmet slowly revealing the grey scale mane.

"...Darin'? What the hell you doin' here sugarcube? Aint you supposed to be hiding?!" Daring nodded.

"...I take it you heard about the attack earlier..." Applejack nodded. "...I was glad Ryder was there to save me... if not... A.K. Yearling and Daring Do dead to the same bullet...." Tears came to her eyes. "...Surprisingly I've never been that close to a firearm before... I haven't shot one, nor have I had one shot near me.... It's been hand to hand combat, spears and sword fighting... I've shot a crossbow but... not a gun... Not... a fucking gun..." She hugged Applejack and started to sob lightly. Applejack sighed.

"...It's alright sugarcube.... Something tells me we should get your armor off too... just get you a bit more comfortable... Armors gotta kill your back girl." She pushed Daring off her and carefully undid the bulky silver armor and carefully pulled it over her head. She set it aside being careful to not damage it. "...There we are. You actually might be able to sleep here no problem... Far enough away from the city to hear trouble coming and armed to the teeth with a few shotguns, a pistol and my daddy used to fight in the war so... might have a little something to beat the hell out of who ever with it. Had it stowed under my bed just incase the stallion upstairs showering off ever came around and force me to tell him what I already know..." Daring sniffled and wiped her eyes.

"... Y-you... you just have something ready to beat Ryder....?" Applejack nodded. "...He must've pissed you off real bad after cheating on you..." The earth pony mare sat back in the couch.

"...He told ya then didn't he...? About the drugs that made him hornier than a unicorn mixed with a rabbit...?" Daring nodded. "....Well... Guess everyone here knows now.... Damn near pissed myself hearing it from the mare who drugged em... I swore I was going insane but the mare he slept with even confirmed it... I wanted to call him up and apologize but I didn't get a hold of him. Must've blocked my number or something..."

"...He didn't actually want to come here even with the problems at hand.... Had to talk some sense into him before we were dropped in onto the roof.... Actually we weren't really dropped here.... more like pushed by a princess..." Applejack gave a confused look. "...Yeah... Princess Luna was pretty much forced to bring us here... I guess as payback for Ryder she pushed us out of the chopper onto your roof." AJ snickered a bit.

"...Aint everyday that I hear of a princess tossing one of her own guards right out of a fucking helicopter just feet from the house where you scared the shit out of two ponies who were just about to get a bit of sleep. Lucky our sister's with one of her little friends... She would've just freaked the fuck out, screamed, called the guard and probably would've had Big Mac smack you up and down the orchard with a branch from one of the trees. Had it done to me when I was younger and it left welts."

"...Your sister must be scared to get in any trouble then. I remember when I first got into trouble. My mother slapped me across the face... She left the next morning because father didn't want me to be beaten... He protected me, told me how to protect myself via hand to hand combat.... It helped with my adventures...." She huffed and moved the helmet lying down resting her head on Applejack's lap. "You mind if I just lay here until Ryder comes out of the shower?"

"Hell I don't mind Sugarcube. Might make my marefriend jealous as hell though and she's on her way over here... Who knows it might just get me a bit more time in bed with her knowin' you're that close." Immediately Daring shot up having Applejack snicker. "Hey come on dont think about it like that! Not gettin' all hot under the collar here. I can control myself unlike her and that boy she's related to. I found him actually sniffing a pair of my panties while I was in the shower." Just upstairs the sound of a fiddle sounded off. Applejack looked upstairs and huffed. "Well shit... That's my phone and that could be her now..." She looked to Daring as she got up. "You okay waitin' here or you wanna come with me?" Daring hopped up to her feet and stretched her back.

"No use in staying here... It's good to have someone to talk with." The mares shot each other smiles before they hurried upstairs. They went into Applejack's room only to see a bright light shining in the dark room. AJ flipped a switch near the door revealing a bed with the covers all messy and half off the bed. The sheets were covered in little apple slice designs on it. The light came from a cell phone sitting on a wooden nightstand. A few overhead lights were lit giving the room a relaxing glow. Against the wall was a long dresser with a small flat screen TV on it with a DVD player sitting under it. Applejack quickly snatched up her phone and unplugged it from an unseen wire. She gave a sigh seeing it was only her brother.

"Dammit.... what the hell's he callin' me for? He didn't break down again did he....?" She huffed and pressed the answer icon along with the speakerphone icon. "What Big Mac? You got Dash yet?"

The muffled slam of a truck door and a huff was heard. "Sorry AJ I just saw Scoots place and I am freakin' the hell out!" He said. "The place is swarming with guards and apparently Scoot aint even here! Each guard I asked about her didn't know her, didn't know if she was around and... I think I'm just losing it!"

"What the hell?! Why are guards there anyways? Did Scoot's father report her missin' or something?"

Daring sighed and quickly snatched up AJ's phone hitting the mute button. "Sorry to do that but Ryder's little sister is fine." She said. "Rainbow Dash has her safe but... the guards are there just to clean up the place and look for anything that could be a problem...." Applejack gave a confused look.

"The hell do you mean?"

"I mean..... Ryder's sister was brought to Rainbow Dash because .... his father committed suicide..." Applejack gasped. Daring handed the phone back. "... That's why we came here... well... he pretty much dragged me out here... just to see his sister before we were off... I feel its good to do for him but only for a while... Time is precious but the artifact we are after is set in stone and protected and hidden away in catacombs. That's one thing Ryder had missed out with the sword..." She looked off as she sat down on the bed.

Applejack hit the mute icon on her phone and Big Mac's voice came up. "AJ? AJ are you there?!" He said sounding a bit panicked.

AJ sighed and sat on the bed. "...Scoot's at Dash's place... Daddy's dead... them guards are just the clean up crew...." She said. The stallion on the other end of the phone gave a sigh.

"...Oh shit... So that lil filly's all alone....?" Applejack gave no answer tearing up a bit. "A-a-alright I'll get Dash and Scoot and come straight back there! If you can call Rarity have her bring Applebloom and Sweetie there."

"....Nah... leave em where they be.... Scoot needs her brother and we got a guest here.... Don't think we got room for two more fillies here. Maybe you can try sleeping at Fluttershy's or something... Ryder might have to take your bed but uh... Maybe have Dash bring him something to wear. Fool tore his pants falling from the roof." Without another word Big Mac hung up leaving Daring and Applejack in silence. "...I cant believe it.... no wonder he started cryin' after I threatened to drag him home... Boy hasn't seen his father for a while and the same with his sister but... I cant believe he went that far just to... get away from it all..."

Daring reached up and grabbed the earth pony mare's hand sitting her on the bed next to her. "...maybe you should apologize to him when he steps out of the shower..." She said. "....for now.... Just breathe.... seems like everyone is in need of a spa day..." AJ sniffled.

"...Spa day sounds... kinda nice actually..." She looked to Daring. "...I've been snappin' at everyone lately.... no reason for it but... I just think I'm still emotional over my Winona...." A few sobs escaped. "....Sh-she was the family pet.... and body guard... She'd go after him when I'd say the words that made her snap.... she'd even be sleeping at the foot of my bed..." She hugged Daring. "...B-but... Big Mac had to go and drive Applebloom to school when he was sick... Didn't see the dog during a sneeze and ran right over her...." She whimpered a bit and started to sob harder. Tears poured from her eyes that clenched shut almost as if they were pipes about to burst.

"....You should take a spa day tomorrow... Maybe take Ryder with you... I think he's going a little over the top with his stress and could use something to relax other than throwing himself at me..." She blushed hard and averted her gaze.

Just then they heard Ryder call out. "Uh.... Can someone please bring me something to wear please?" He asked. "I'm not walking out there naked with my sister on her way!"

Applejack sniffled and pushed away from Daring. "...Just go in my drawers, grab the blue panties with the Super Mare logo and take it to him." She said. "Don't tell him I told you this but... I caught him wearing those back when we first started goin' out." Both mares snickered at the stallion's expense for a moment. Not long later Daring and Applejack were standing out in front of the bathroom door.

"...I'm not wearing these... Don't you have anything more... I don't know manly?" Applejack leaned on the wall right next to the door.

"There is some of Big Mac's clothes but last I checked you're a skeleton compared to him! Just put em on, I got Dash bringing some of her things you can wear. It's either these or just bare it all until she gets here and risk your sister peekin' at your parts."

Daring huffed. "Ryder come on please wear those?" She asked. "I promise I wont laugh! It's not going to make you any less of a stallion."

"Yeah c'mon listen to the girl! If you wont just stay in there. Besides I hear Rarity makes these for that Trenderhoof jackass you saved me from... Same with Hoity Toity and hell I've gotta say it: a few of your underlings as well. Twilight can even confirm. So come on now. Put up or shut up with them panties." Ryder groaned a bit before mumbling to himself. Daring tiptoed away back into Applejack's room and grabbed her phone before coming to the door and whistling. Applejack looked to her and had the phone tossed to her. Immediately she turned the screen on and tapped on it twice pulling up a camera. The door to the bathroom opened revealing Ryder wearing nothing but the panties, just bulging at the crotch. He was blushing hard just as he heard the click of Applejack's phone camera. "HA GOT IT!" Both Daring and Applejack started to bust up laughing.

Ryder whimpered quickly covering himself with a damp towel. "DAMMIT I THOUGHT YOU WERENT GONNA LAUGH!" He yelled. Applejack's laugh died down while Daring's kept going.

"Sorry there sugarcube.... Just a bit of insurance for me just incase you try anythin' funny!" Ryder grunted and threw the towel over his exmarefriends face.

"....Insurance for what? Keeping my cool while here?" Applejack gave a nod as she walked over to Daring and gave her a quick punch in the arm getting her to stop laughing.

"Yeah sugarcube... With your hero marefriend here, me being here and uh... the other problem... You know what it is... With all this here you might be a bit on edge... You're probably gonna snap, hit and do what ever..."

Daring huffed. "...She's right you know." She said. "...You're very snippy and emotional. When we got back to the castle in Canterlot you ran off crying and you yelled at a princess to fly you out here... Now a bit of vital information you may have missed while studying on the sword. It's in stone but hidden in miles of catacomb like compounds with guards everywhere. It's a maze if you don't have a guide. If I know Ahuizotl he has to provide a plan and gain his followers through hypnosis... He needs to find warriors to keep him hidden, drive him places and even throw themselves onto mines and in front of bullets. Basically no one anyone would miss... Takes the homeless, gives them food and just hypnotizes them and waits for them to be at full strength so they could watch us and see where we go. I don't know if he's sending an assassin with you near me or not but you saved me today, earned my total trust and... got a few benefits to go with it..." She shot him a smile before walking up to him and hugging him. Just as she kissed his cheek he blushed harder having his wings extend with a POMF. Applejack snickered a bit.

"I did know you had a thing... Just the body language said a lot." She walked over and hugged both Daring and Ryder and sighed.. "Maybe a good time as any... ...Ry I'm sorry for not listenin' to ya.... Twi called a meeting between everyone and I had to be cuffed to a chair just to hear Pinkie tell me she did the things that made me shove you down stairs and into the pits of heartbreak... Can you forgive me?"

Ryder looked to Daring and whimpered a bit. "...Baby... I'm sorry for this but know I still love you...." He said. Suddenly he pulled Applejack close and kissed her on the lips. She didn't even fight back. Daring did a bit. She forced Ryder's face away from Applejack's and forced him to face her.

Daring huffed. "A simple nod would've been fine!" She snapped. "But... Since you already said you're sorry I'll let it slide.... From now on she gets a kiss on the cheek and you kiss me on the lips! Got me?" Ryder nodded a bit scared. She patted his cheek. "Good boy. Now... You just go sit in AJ's room until Dash gets here. I'll run clothes up to you if she has any." The stallion nodded and pushed the mares off him before rushing towards his ex's room. Daring looked to AJ. "I have a quick question about Ryder's little sister.... Is she one to keep quiet about things?"

Applejack gave a quick nod. "She's the one girl who can just shut up for just about anything." She said. "With her brother being a guard no stallion or mare would think of harming her in a way the guard would have to be involved. I remember one day after he became a guard some fucker was in front of the school trying to grab our sisters and I swear if I were carpooling with him he'd've gone and killed me or something. You wanna know what that boy did? He drives full speed in the guard truck he had and smashes into the truck the bastard who's trying to take our sisters owns and hops out only to slam him to the ground, force him to eat dirt until I got our sisters into the family truck and called the guard to get the guy. Known kidnapper, had a dungeon full of fillies in his basement and no one knew! Pulled four fillies from Manehattan, two from Canterlot and apparently his 'Daughter' was a filly he kidnapped from Fillydelphia when he started his kidnappin's. Ry's sister vowed never to talk about it again." Daring huffed and stretched.

"A bit long winded but... I guess that means yes..." Aj nodded. "Well... What about your brother? Can he?" She nodded again. "Well... I guess everything is safe here...." Her stomach gurgled. She blushed. "...Do you think you can keep Ryder comfortable? I'm gonna be a bit...." Applejack nodded and hugged Daring quickly before she rushed into the bathroom.

"Glad you're okay sugarcube! I'll keep him in his place till you get out!" Applejack smiled slowly backing away from the bathroom door before walking to her room. Ryder's relationship with his ex is patched somewhat but is Daring actually safe even with those who know?

To be continued....

Secret Spa Day

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It was early in the morning and Ryder and Daring were in the room of Big MacIntosh, the older brother of Applejack. Almost everyone in the house was asleep. Almost being the only one awake was Daring. Her face was bathed in moonlight coming from the window with the curtains drawn about half way. Ryder was asleep on his stomach with one arm strewn over Daring's stomach. She sighed as she moved his arm and got up wearing a pair of basketball shorts and a wonderbolts teeshirt. She quietly opened up the door to the room and stepped out into the living room. A little plastic lightning bolt sat on the coffee table giving off a dim light giving most of the room a soft glow to everything. She looked at the couch and saw Ryder's little sister, Scootaloo, curled up with a stuffed toy shivering a bit. The mare noticed a blanket off the side of the couch on the floor and picked it up covering the filly once more. She kissed the filly's forehead having her give a sigh. A door creaked open upstairs and footsteps came to her ears. She looked upstairs and saw a light coming from down the hall. A second later she saw a familiar Pegasus mare holding a cellphone giving off a bright light. The mare holding the phone was none other than Rainbow Dash. Her mane was a mess, her feathers on her wings were a bit out of place and she wore a pair of pink panties and a blank tank top. She yawned as she started downstairs. Daring smiled. "...Couldn't sleep could you?" She asked quietly.

Dash shined the light at Daring. "...Nah... I could sleep... Just wanted to check on that filly on the couch..." She said. "...Take it you cant really sleep at all because of what happened to you now can you?" Daring shook her head and hugged Dash. "...I saw the news story about it and freaked out wondering if you were okay..."

"....Well you know I'm not one to die just because someone is attacking... Though firearms have never been used my father had me study up on survival if firearms were ever used. Duck under a table, try to wrestle the gun away if you're close enough but just before I could do any of that your cousin saved my life..."

Dash shushed her as Scootaloo shifted and whimpered. The mares broke the hug and Dash walked over to the couch before kneeling down and nudging her. The filly gasped and sat up panting as she woke up. Her cousin hugged her before she latched on. "....D-dash..." She said.

Dash shushed her as Daring sat on the arm of the couch. "...Don't cry... I gotcha...." She said. She looked to Daring. "You mind waiting down here while I get her up to the bathroom? She feels a bit damp... Probably almost had an accident..." Daring gave a nod and a smile. Scootaloo whimpered and held her cousin closer. "....And there is full on wet.... You better just come with us... Give her a bit to clean up before bringing her back to her brother... Might have to get AJ to strip the couch or put a towel on it..." She gave a nod and helped Dash to her feet and patted Scootaloo on her back. She felt her wings just trembling. As they started to walk towards the stairs Scootaloo sniffled.

"...I-I.... I want Ryder...." Dash stroked her cousins mane as they carefully climbed the stairs in the dark.

"...You'll be able to be with him.... He's still asleep but you can be in bed with him... You always got me if Ryder isn't around... same with AJ, Big Mac, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Rarity and your friends... I'm even sure Ryder could even get you a bit of time with Princess Twilight...."

"....B-but... why cant we wake Ryder up...?"

Daring sighed. "...He kinda needs his sleep..." She said. "...He's very tired and a bit stressed out from things... I wouldn't want him to wake up and snap at anyone.... You will get to spend time with him after he wakes up... I can promise that."

They stopped at the door to the bathroom having Dash turn the light on illuminating the little filly. It revealed she was wearing stained light blue pajama pants and a wonderbolts tee shirt. "Alright Scoot... Go get cleaned off... I'll be back with some of Applebloom's clothes okay?" Scootaloo gave a nod and went into the bathroom closing the door behind her. Dash took Daring's hand and led her to a door at the end of the hall. She opened the door and flipped the light on seeing toys littering the floor, a white dresser with a vanity mirror. On the dresser was a little box filled with pink bows. The bed was filly sized. Covers were a bright pink with a sunburst effect on it. Dash sighed as she walked over to the dresser and opened up the top drawer. "...It's kinda hard seeing someone you love come to your door late at night crying... Just knowing your crazy drugged up uncle put a gun to his head and just.... You know.... While we were waiting for you guys to get here Scoot told me her dad was acting strange all day... Neighbor told me he saw some suspicious characters bringing 'packages' to the house while Scootaloo was out... He would've called the guard but the problem was he didn't want her to immediately go to an orphanage or something... Glad she told him to take her to my place... Otherwise either me or Ryder would be busting down the door to the orphanage to get her back." Daring sat down on the bed.

"...I guess me and this filly have a bit of something in common...." Dash looked back at her.

"...The hell? What could you two have in common other than being Pegasai?" The faux earth pony mare lied back on the small bed.

"...What we have in common other than the Pegasus thing is the fact we had someone who didn't want us to go to an orphanage... My father who trained me to do all this stuff basically died when I was still a little filly... maybe about thirteen.... the guard came and I used some of the skills he had taught me to get away from them and run to my friends house that was just across the road. His mother took me in and raised me from then on until I was old enough to go off on my own... If there were more neighbors like them less and less colts and fillies would actually be in foster care... I once watched a little colt get taken away from his father by the guard when I was hiding myself away in Fillydelphia... Spoke with a few of the ponies around and hell they hated to see the kid go... looked only to be about five years old or something. Kicked and screamed in the guards arms...." Daring curled up on the bed and whimpered tearing up. "...M-maybe I should just say screw breakfast and head straight to the spa or something with Ryder..." Dash walked over to the bed with a pair of grey sweat pants and a clean pair of underwear for Scootaloo.

"...Yeah... Maybe you should... I'm gonna have to probably take care of Scoot and her friends. Heard AJ talking with Twilight to call in a BIG favor just for Ryder." She started for the door. "...Just wait here okay? I'll be back in a few..." Daring didn't give any form of acknowledgment just letting Dash leave. Not long later Dash had Scootaloo in her arms yet again as she carefully went downstairs. She looked to the sniffling filly just as they reached the bottom of the stairs. "...Alright Scoot... you just get back to sleep once you're in there with your brother... tomorrow you and I are gonna be with your friends maybe get some ice cream and see a movie... Ryder is taking Daring to the spa with AJ and everyone else to just relax... Your brother's been really on edge from what I've been hearing...."

Scootaloo whimpered. "...Cant he take me too....?" She asked. They walked in the room only to see Ryder just sprawled out on the bed. Dash sat her down on the edge of the bed.

"...Sorry squirt... He's basically gotta work protecting Miss Do up there... He doesn't and a spa wont take away the stress of knowing I'm kicking his flank up and down Equestria... He's gotta do his job, Miss Do cant do her job without him and if she cant do her job, I have a bike tire just ready for his face and Princess Twilight has a jail cell ready for him! Don't tell him I said any of this alright?" Scootaloo gave a nod. "...okay... night squirt... you need anything your brother's right there and I'm upstairs with AJ..." Scootaloo watched as her cousin stood up and walked out of the room slowly closing the door behind her. Scootaloo crawled over to Ryder and shook him.

"...Ryder? Ryder come on wake up.... I need my big brother...." The stallion groaned a bit and shifted turning onto his side with his back towards his little sister. She crawled on top of him and shook him harder. "Ryder! Please! Wake up!" She whimpered and threw herself down on him.

Ryder jumped a bit and struggled to sit up in his tired state. Scootaloo plopped down on the bed and crawled to her brothers lap hugging him. "...nnhh... Scoot....? ....What're you doing here...?" He asked. "...You have a nightmare or something....?" Scootaloo nodded into his shoulder. He gave a sigh and embraced his sister. "....I gotcha... don't worry...."

"....I-I.... I miss daddy...."

"...I do too sis but... he didn't know what he was doing... he wasn't thinking right...."

"....h-he was yelling about mommy before... he... he..." She stopped herself and dug her head into her brothers shoulder.

"....I got an idea what he was yelling about mom.... Something about mom not loving anyone... right?" Scootaloo nodded again. "...He was lying... mom loved you, she loved me but him.... I don't think love could've brought him from what he was doing..." He lied back down in the bed covering himself and Scootaloo not even taking her off. "...for now... lets just stop talking about them okay...? I don't want anyone here to be tired tomorrow..." Scootaloo gave a nod sniffling sobbing softly. Ryder stayed awake for a while just watching his sister fall asleep on his chest before nodding off himself.

The next morning Ryder woke up with his sister still snuggling with him. Slowly he sat up revealing he was wearing the supermare panties and a large black teeshirt with 'Metallicolt' going across the chest. He set Scootaloo down on the bed next to him and gave her a pillow to cuddle. He got up and quickly drew the curtains all the way shut keeping the little filly on the bed from being blinded by the sun. He stretched a bit as he walked around the bed and towards the door. He opened it and there in the kitchen was Applejack digging around in the fridge. Her orange thighs hid almost behind her swaying blonde tail. He stepped out of the room and closed behind him before going towards the couch. "....Morning AJ...." He said.

Applejack jumped a bit and hit her head on the freezer door above her before coming out of the fridge and closing the door revealing her holding two bottles of her family's apple cider and her wearing a black tank top and a red pair of panties. Her mane was in a tight ponytail still having her mane rest on her shoulder. She gave Ryder a smile and took one of the bottles out of her hand and tossed it to Ryder. "Think fast sugarcube!" She said just before he caught it. "Kinda felt you starin' at my ass like you always do but... hey gotta say I missed it a bit. You sleep well?" She walked over to the couch and sat down cracking the bottle open on the coffee table. Ryder sighed and slumped back into the seat next to her and then laying down on her lap.

"...Yeah but... Scoot woke me up telling me what happened to dad... well... her and Daring moving my fucking arm to get out of the room..." AJ gave a huff.

"Somethin' tells me she couldn't sleep. Dash did the same thing. Had me in the guest room with her so we could... y'kno without wakin' Scoot up but Dash decided she needed to just roam for a bit. Didn't even find her here on the couch or in Applebloom's room on the floor yet AB's bed was a bit messy."

"You check your room at all?" The earth pony mare shook her head and glanced a bit at the bulge in Ryder's panties. He quickly fixed the shirt covering himself. "Hey eyes are down here!" She looked down at Ryder giving him a blushing smile.

"Sorry there sugarcube.... I aint sayin' I hate your cousin but... She's always wantin' me to get her with the toys and I don't get shit with that most of the time... Kinda would feel really good for me..." She glanced upstairs for a bit. "...Y'kno... maybe I can give you a little tail to tap if we just keep ourselves quiet..." Ryder sat up and shoved his hands between his legs.

"...But what about Scoot? Any light noise could wake her after what happened...." He glanced at Big MacIntosh's bedroom door. "...She comes out and sees us going at it its gonna scar her even more... either that or put thoughts even I don't want in her head..." He looked to AJ. "Besides.... you know I have a thing going with Daring and you know what Dash would do to me if we get caught..." Applejack rolled her eyes and got up.

"Alright no screwing around with the other mare for you then... Just get your ass up and lets just get the others up for a bit of breakfast. I get Scoot while you get Darin' and Dash? Trust me when I say that shirt hides anything and everything. I could wear that as a dress and have nothing under and you'd still have to lift the thing to see me naked." Ryder hesitantly got up being bent over a little bit and ran towards the stairs. He carefully walked up the stairs and once he was at the top he went towards the closed door of Applejack's room. He knocked lightly.

"Dash? Daring? C'mon time to wake up!" He listened closely yet heard nothing. He opened up the door and peered in only to have his jaw drop blushing. There on the bed he saw both Daring and Dash naked and spooning on the bed, Dash with her arms around Ryder's marefriend with one hand on her crotch and the other grabbing her breast. He backed up and closed the door silently and leaned against the wall fixing his crotch trying to keep his junk in check. He crept to the banister and looked downstairs just as Applejack came from the room not even having Scootaloo anywhere near her. "...A-AJ... You're kinda lucky you didn't check your room for Dash and Daring...." Applejack looked up at the banister.

"Why? Is Darin's ass showin' and that's why I see your 'big boy' stickin' outta them panties?" Ryder gave a yelp and buckled to his knees, shoving his hands between his legs yet again.

"Would you just get up here and stop fucking looking before Scootaloo comes out?!" Applejack sighed and shook her head as she started up the stairs.

"Your sister is a rock. She's more out cold than if we left a hot bowl of soup out in the snow! Now why don't you tell me what's giving you that stiffy and maybe Darin' could do somethin' about it. Either that or let me have a go at it. Which ever and who ever decides to come first." She gave him a wink and giggled a bit. He stood up pushing his cock to point upwards into the waistband.

"Okay yes I did see Daring's ass but I saw my cousins too! They. Were. FUCKING!" He walked over to the door just as Applejack got to the top of the stairs and joined him. He opened the door revealing both mares naked once again but with Dash rolled over. Applejack walked in on Dash's side of the bed and rested her hand on Dash's flank before moving to her pussy teasing her a bit.

Dash jumped a bit and gave a bit of a moan as she curled up more. "....Daring not now.... AJ or Ryder could... see... us..." She mumbled.

Applejack brought her hand up and licked her marefriends juices right off. She laughed a bit. "I think you're already too late on that sugarcube!" She said. Dash's eyes snapped open and she sat up quickly having her wings extend and making her feathers frizz out. "You mind waking your little friend there? I got a question to ask her seein' you don't care already!" Quickly Dash flipped over and slapped Daring's flank making her scream out a bit before falling off the bed.

Ryder rushed in closing the door behind him and picking Daring up off the floor. Daring looked a bit frightened in her tired looking eyes with a bit of her messy mane hanging in her face. She looked to Ryder and yelped as she was dropped onto the bed getting back to back with Dash. "R-Ryder I can explain!" She said.

Ryder huffed and crossed his arms. "No need. I already know you slept with my cousin!" He snapped. The nude pegasus adventurer teared up and covered her face with her wings.

"It wasn't like that! She wanted to calm me down! I was almost crying last night and I didn't want to wake you!"

Applejack walked to the foot of the bed. "Alright you two... Gather up your clothes and shower up." She said. "As for a punishment maybe you two should fix up breakfast for all of us. That understood?" Both Dash and Daring gave a nod before getting up and picking up each piece of clothing they were wearing the night before.

Ryder grabbed Daring's panties before she could get them. She looked at him with a bit of a scared and embarrassed look on her face. "You... I gotta ask you a question..." Ryder said sitting Daring down on the bed. "I'm a bit disappointed in you... You should've woken me right up if you needed to talk or something..."

Daring hung her head and held the now balled up clothes as if they were a stuffed toy. "....I-I know..." She said whimpering. "...But... I was afraid you'd snap at me or slap me...." Ryder knelt down and looked Daring in the eye.

"...I would never slap anyone I love... not even if I was woken up rudely or anything..." He set the panties on the ball of clothes. "...Now... About what I wanted to ask you.... Maybe uh...." He averted his gaze blushing a bit. "...Would you uh... let me maybe have a bit of fun with AJ when we're at the spa...?" He looked back to Daring. She sighed.

"...If it means we're even for this go ahead.... I wont object.... I wont even intervene..." Ryder gave a smile and pulled Daring in a bit and pecked her on the lips. She hugged him and kissed him deeper. He backed off and stood up giving her a smile.

"...Thank you Daring... You might get a little present later once we get back to Canterlot... Once Princess Twilight gets here I might have to call in a favor to Celestia that I know might get me my pay cut.... It'll be worth it just to get you on your new adventure... Now go get that sexy ass covered up before I give it a smack." Daring blushed as she got up.

"I wouldn't mind if you did!" She left the room leaving Ryder and Applejack all alone.

Applejack gave a little chuckle seeing Ryder just staying down on his knees. "You know why don't you just get them panties off and we can just handle your problem now?" She asked. "As long as I'm takin' a real stallion I don't care where your spunk goes." She turned about and closed the door. Ryder blushed and dropped the panties before just throwing off his shirt revealing his hard throbbing member. She looked to him as he sat down on the bed. "...Damn you're just that fuckin' eager to get me huh?"

Ryder gave a hesitant nod. "...I-I wasn't expecting to even see you again this soon and with the problems at hand..." He said. Applejack shushed him as she dropped her panties and kicked them aside before straddling the stallion.

"You should shut up before I change my mind!" He gave a muffled eep as his wings extended a bit trembling trying to stay down. She kissed him before backing up onto the floor and pulling her tank top up revealing her plump breasts. She grabbed Ryder's cock and rubbed the shaft kissing the tip a bit. He leaned back on the bed giving a moan. She released his cock and licked it from balls to tip. She pinned his member between her breasts and started to rub them against it and rubbing the shaft just keeping her mouth over the tip. Ryder's wings extended the full length still trembling.

"...Oh fuck.... I forgot how good you were with this...." He rested his hand on Applejack's head just grabbing a hold of her mane. She gave a big of a chuckle before just deep throating him. He fell back onto the bed and arced his back. Quickly he got up and just held Applejack to his crotch. He started to hump Applejack's face and she didn't seem to want him to stop. She moved her hand to her crotch and started to finger herself. She was so wet she left a little puddle on the floor. Ryder grunted a bit as he thrusted. "...Fuck... I-I'm sorry I just missed this..." He quickly felt the pressure in his loins build. AJ could feel his cock tense in her throat. She spread the lips of her pussy and dug deeper hitting her g-spot. She moaned just before Ryder held her face close to his musky crotch as his cock throbbed shooting his spunk right down her throat. She came quickly squirting onto the floor. Ryder stumbled back letting his cock slump out of Applejack's mouth and fell back onto the bed panting. Applejack wiped her mouth swallowing what was left over of his thick cum.

"...Shit sugarcube.... I was waitin' for that all fuckin' night.... Glad you fed me before anyone else..." She grabbed his panties and tossed them to him. "...Clean yourself with those. I'll find ya a special pair that still hides anythin' and everythin'. I'll getcha a pair Rarity made for me when Twilight fucked up a spell when I was datin' her." She got up and went for her dresser. "And that means when Rarity and I were dating." Ryder started to wipe the saliva from his crotch with the panties.

"....When were you dating Rarity?" Applejack hummed as she pulled out what looked to be an extra large pair of panties.

"About a month before I slept with you first time. So... Basically I cheated on her with you. Feel lucky she don't know SHIT about it! I broke up with her, week later I said I hooked up with you." She tossed him the panties. "These here garments held somethin' in keepin' it from comin' out when I caught a peek of my own chest." Ryder sat up and picked the panties up off the foot of the bed. He stretched them out and looked at the crotch looking as if someone cut a sock in half the long way and sewed it to a pair of panties.

"....And the spell must've made you have a dick the size of mine... give or take..." He raised his legs up and fed them through the leg holes and up to his waist. He stuffed his stallion 'sword' into the crotch of the panties. He hummed a bit as he stood up. "...These... Actually feel surprisingly comfortable... Fits perfectly too...." He looked to Applejack. "Maybe you got a little ensemble to wear with these? I think you came on your brothers shirt...." Applejack shook her head blushing a bit as she put a brand new pair of panties on.

"Alright give me a minute but don't count on anything that should fit without a hitch. Might need to stuff that bulge into something." Ryder rolled his eyes.

About an hour later after that they were all done eating breakfast. Ryder sat with Daring and Scootaloo on the couch watching cartoons. Ryder wore a mares short sleeve shirt and a pair of camo shorts not even buttoned at the waist. The shirt looked like a beige color. Daring wore what Ryder gave her to hide her wings. Applejack and Rainbow Dash were in the kitchen washing dishes together. Applejack and Rainbow Dash were wearing tight work out clothes. Applejack's were a deep red while Dash's were wonderbolt themed. As everything she wears. Including her panties. Dash looked back at her cousins and the mare hiding away. "You guys all full up? No upset stomachs?" She asked. Everyone shook their heads. "How're AJ's clothes fitting you Ry?"

Ryder sighed. "Don't wanna talk about this Dash." He said. "We wait for Twilight to get here, no mention of these clothes and everything will go smoothly and I might be able to get out of here without making a federal offense about it." Dash set a plate down on the counter before walking over to the couch.

"And what is that supposed to mean? You gonna kick my ass or something?" Ryder didn't answer. Just stared at the screen of the TV showing a little dog wearing a red bandana around his neck. "...You're lucky I'm gonna watch Scootaloo and her friends... Don't wanna have them see me covered in bruises..." She huffed and walked back to the kitchen.

Daring looked to Scootaloo as she leaned on her. The filly looked almost as if she wanted to just sleep forever. "...Is everything alright... Scootaloo? Is it?" She asked. Scootaloo whimpered and shook her head before lying down on Daring's lap putting her legs onto her brothers. "...You want to talk? Your brother and I are here if you want to talk..." The little filly curled up hugging her legs. Daring nudged Ryder. He glanced over and looked to Scootaloo. He sighed and grabbed his sister holding her in his arms. "...Rainbow Dash? Appljack? Would you two mind going upstairs while we talk down here?" AJ and Dash didn't even say a word before placing the last of the dishes into the cupboard before rushing upstairs together. Once they heard a door close they shut Ryder shut the TV off and sat Scootaloo back in between him and Daring. "...Sorry about this Scootaloo but... I think there's something on your mind that really wants to be let out..."

Scootaloo hid her face in her knees just whimpering. Ryder huffed. "...Come on Scoot.... Is this about Dad or something?"

A sob escaped. She brought her head up a bit. "...S-sort of...." She said.

"....Then talk to us... We're here for a reason..." Scootaloo whimpered and instantly hugged her brother.

"...I-I.... I don't want you to leave.... It's like you don't love me...." Ryder gave a sigh and hugged his sister as she broke down crying. Daring scooted over as Ryder brought his sister into his lap.

"...Scoot I do love you... You're my little sister.... Even if I cant be around you to hug you, tuck you in or play with you I still love you... Every night I even ask Luna if I can visit your dreams to tell you just that... You can even ask her... " Scootaloo pushed away from Ryder and scrambled to the other side of the couch away from Ryder. She stopped only having Daring grab her.


Daring held Scootaloo down. "Look... He's helping me... if he didn't love you would he even thought of risking his ass by coming here?" She asked. "Applejack hated him and threatened to kill him if he ever came back. He came here for you risking to get shot or beaten. He's only leaving to help me survive... But listen to me okay?" Scootaloo crossed her arms. "....Would you rather your brother be the stallion who saved the writer A.K. Yearling or the stallion who would possibly be blamed for the murder of A.K. Yearling and a war that could make many innocent lives scream out only to be silenced...? If you think about it... If he comes with me he's still protecting you just on a much bigger scale... He can keep you safe from a tyrant who wants treasure only to use what ever artifacts for his evil uses... This artifact being a very dangerous one even to those who cant use its true power..." She released the little filly a bit still cautious. "...Now... Do you still think your brother is leaving you because he doesn't love you?" Scootaloo shook her head and carefully crawled into her brothers lap. She sniffled and looked up to her brother.

"....I-I'm sorry I yelled Ryder...."

Ryder gave a bit of a smile. "...It's okay... You're just afraid of being alone...." He said. "...Tell you what... Before I leave tonight I'm gonna do something special for you okay? It might not be you and me spending a bit of time but... that's gonna wait till I get back alright?" Scootaloo nodded into his shoulder. "...Alright... Now just calm down... Don't want you getting sick and throwing up..." He looked to Daring. "Go get AJ and Dash. I got her until the Princess comes." Daring gave a nod and got up from the couch before running up stairs. Ryder lied down on the couch and held his sister close as she cried. He shushed her. "....There there... let it all out... Big brother has ya..."

They both lied there for about a half hour until Scootaloo cried herself to sleep. Applejack and Rainbow Dash were sitting on the arms of the couch just looking at the siblings on the couch. Daring sat on the floor just looking at the filly. "...She's fast to run out of energy..." She said. "...You think she's gonna be okay when she wakes up and doesn't see you anywhere?" Ryder gave a nod.

"...Yeah... She's a strong filly.... Can be emotional at times but she just goes and handles her emotions by crying and screaming it out... sometimes punching and kicking who ever is around... I remember one day she was suspended and I was in town... Dad had to send Dash to find me because I didn't have a phone... I end up getting to the school, she was sitting out front with her teacher just fighting to get free of her grip... Once she let go for me to take her Scootaloo hits me square in the stomach... I held it together just to get her back to my car and strap her in in the back. What made her go off like that was another little filly who took her lunch, threw it in the trash and threw her favorite toy to a dog just outside the fence. The dog basically grabbed it and ran off... I tracked the dog which happened to be AJ's and she had it washed, repaired by Rarity and given back to her calming her and just making it possible for her not to just whack the filly giving her a busted nose, blunt trauma to the head and other things."

Applejack huffed. "Y'know if i didn't know that toy was Scoots' she would've killed Winona before Big Mac's truck got to her..." She said. Just then a knock came to the door. She got up and went to the door. "I got it. Dontcha move there." Ryder gave a nod just stroking Scootaloo's wings. AJ opened the front door and peered out before opening it and putting a finger to her mouth before waving in two other mares. A white unicorn mare with a purple mane wearing a purple blouse with the sleeves rolled to about elbow length and tucked into white capris pants with sandals on and a purple alicorn mare wearing a baseball jersey that was a Cloudsdale Crackers themed (White with slim stripes of each color of the rainbow running vertical) and a pair of blue jeans and a pair of running shoes. Her mane was an even darker purple with a red streak running through it.

Daring stood up recognizing the mares as Rarity and Twilight Sparkle. She carefully made her way to the alicorn mare and hugged her. "...It's good to see you Twilight..." She said.

Twilight gave a smile as Rarity made her way to the back of the couch. "...Glad to even see you... Princess Luna told me what Ryder did... He's more deserving of this than even me at the moment...." She said. "...I bet if i were there instead of him one of us would be dead... Most likely me for trying to protect you... I'd throw myself on anything to save you since I knew the truth first..." She broke the hug and walked over to the couch seeing Ryder and Scootaloo. She knelt down and rested her hand on the stallion's shoulder. "...I should thank you for saving Daring but... I could slap you for sleeping with her too..." Ryder blushed and averted his gaze. "...Before you say anything Luna told me when she landed the chopper.... I hate to admit it but... I was kinda jealous you saw my favorite character and writer naked...." She stood up. "...What do you say we put Scootaloo to bed and just get to the spa? I already know Dash isn't gonna want a pedicure or manicure so I guess she's staying with your sister?" Ryder gave a nod just as Dash picked the passed out filly off his chest. Twilight stepped up as Ryder sat up. "Well? Lets get going. Trucks are waiting out front for transport and don't worry. Ahuizotl's pretty much afraid of me and the girls so don't worry about Daring while we're out. We want you to relax and we want ourselves to relax. Okay?" Ryder gave a nod and got up. He gave his sister a kiss on the forehead before just walking out the door.

Outside he saw two guard trucks with doors open waiting for Ryder and the mares. Luna stood about half way between them with her arms crossed wearing the same dress she wore the night before. The mares poured out behind him as he approached the princess. He shot her a nervous smile. "...Princess Luna!" He said bowing in respect. "Y-you have no hard feelings about last night do you?" He stood up only to see her smile as the mares went to the first car only to have Daring standing just outside the second car looking at her surroundings nervously.

Luna gave a smile. "Oh no no Ryder you were just scared about your sister." She said. "Thy family is important even when you haven't been around them for long. My condolences for your father by the by." She turned about and beckoned Ryder forth. He hurried to her side as they walked towards Daring. "I see you've changed your wardrobe since last night. Applejack tear you a new one?" Ryder shook his head as they stopped at the truck taking Daring's hand.

"...Fell off the roof and ripped my pants...." He blushed as Daring snickered a bit. "...Not gonna say what went down in this house... All I can say the air was tense as hell and if i said the wrong thing everything would go up..." Luna gave a sigh.

"Don't worry about it. No one seems mad, a bit apologetic but no bumps, bruises or messy manes. Applejack seemed kinda happy when you were around surprisingly." Daring stepped into the truck before Ryder helped the princess in.

"Okay maybe somepony decided to swap mares without telling anyone and I think Dash is actually responsible for this but.... No ones in trouble here. Kinda made it seem worth it coming here actually." He climbed in after Luna and sat across from them and gave Daring a wink just as the door shut.

Daring blushed as the trucks started to move. She actually swapped her seat and sat next to Ryder nuzzling him. She looked to Princess Luna and gave a smile. "...Princess might i ask you something?" She asked. Luna nodded. "Ryder and I must leave later on in the day and we need a bit of transportation to get to Bullvania. Is there any way we could acquire a private plane with trustworthy pilots and be flown to the military base?"

Luna gave a hum as she leaned back in her seat. "I could have a talk with Celestia whilst you two enjoy the spa..." She said. "...I wont promise anything big but it might actually be possible. But for now..." She looked to the guard in the drivers seat. "Lets get some music for the general. Local Rock and Roll station should do." The guard gave a thumbs up before pushing a knob on the radio in and twisting it tuning it until there was a sound of bongo drums and maracas. Ryder groaned and covered his face causing both Daring and Luna to look at him a bit curious. "Is everything alright Ryder? Do you have a headache?"

Ryder shook his head as he put his hands down. "...This... FUCKING SONG!" He snapped. "...This song is a fucking plague to me.... I swear it fucking follows me sometimes." Luna looked to the guard in front.

"Sir do you happen to know this song perchance?"

The guard nodded and glanced in the rearview mirror. "Kindness for Tirek by The Tumbling Rocks. Written in 1978 when Equestria was in a war between Saint Bleetersburg and Equestrian powers." He said. Luna looked back to Ryder.

"Why do you think this song is plaguing you?"

Ryder huffed. "...I hear it out of everything... Video games, music apps on my computer and even car radios..." He said. "I would turn it off but if I do I will get hurt doing something later. Don't know when later but I'm always cautious. Does anyone exactly want to see what I mean?" He looked to both Luna and Daring. Neither of them gave a nod nor shake of the head. He gave a sigh. "Really? No one? No one at all? It's either you do not believe me or you're afraid something bad actually happening to me. Which is it?"

Luna and Daring looked to each other and back at Ryder. "...Ryder I'm all for curses and bad juju but this is insane." She said. "Too crazy for even me to believe. A song, causing one pain by some degree of torture? Chants yes but music? Instantaneous disbelief." Ryder rolled his eyes and looked to the driver.

"Railroad. Ten sixty on the dial." He looked back to Daring. "You watch. It's as real as what you go through!" The driver quickly hit a button on the radio and the music turned into straight metal music.

Not long later they pulled up in front of a day spa in town. Guards stood in front of the doors almost like bouncers to a club. Ryder watched as the guard truck in front of them came to a stop just before they stopped. The radio was just dying down before having it just go completely silent as the guard shut the truck off before stepping out and rushing to the other side and opening the back door for them. At the same time everyone stepped out of their own truck. Luna stepped out with Daring wearing a cloak made completely from shadows with darkness just shedding off of it as if it were dry ice. She looked back at Daring as she stepped out with Ryder behind her. "I didn't realize you were a fan of Metallicolt." She said. "How did you know the end of that song was Caster of Spells?"

Daring smiled as Ryder took her hand. "A mare like me doesn't really like revealing much unless she needs to." She said glancing over at Ryder. "I can just sit in silence while I type out my books but then I'll just get bored. Why not listen to some music to bring up my spirits whilst writing. Tried it with book number one and somehow managed to fall asleep when I was half way through the first chapter."

"Just to perk up while writing? Maybe Ryder could take a page from your book. I always find him with one of your books along side of him." The princess stepped out right in front of everypony as they grouped together. Twilight had joined her. "Alright everypony I've gone and paid the workers inside to stay silent about this endeavor. The owners have gotten paid double for keeping the spa private just to us. No pony else. And for the lovers here... I made sure you're able to fool around even with mess control after. Keep it in the sauna though. No pony wants spunk in the hot tub." Everyone glared at Ryder who blushed hard. "No pony should be blamed here but just telling those who decide to have a little fun. Everyone is ready I take it?" Everyone nodded. Luna smiled and turned about towards the guards at the door. "Alright gentlemen step aside. We have appointments here."

The guards sighed. "Apologies Princess but we have no word for your appointments." One guard said. "We were told to deny entry to anyone who wishes to answer!" Luna gave them a confused look.

"Who told you that? There shouldn't even be anyone here except who works here!" The guards jumped and looked to each other.

"...The uh... Spa was reserved for Prince Blueblood today... We never heard anyone else was on their way!"

Ryder huffed and stepped forward. "PRINCE BLUEBLOOD?!" He said. "What the fuck is he doing here in Ponyville anyways? Shouldn't he be busy somewhere else not touching 'commoner' things?"

"Princess Celestia had him sent here to make him more open to dealing with the lower classes of Equestria. She only does this because last time he threw a royal tantrum in Fillydelphia when he refused to step outside of his limo just because there was a candy wrapper on the ground." Ryder looked back at Luna.

"I take it Blueblood has a sharing problem as well?" Luna gave a nod. He looked back to the guards. "Might as well go in and have him learn the hard way! NOW MOVE OR YOU'RE FIRED!" The guards didn't even budge. They stared their superior down testing him.

Daring stepped up and pulled Ryder out of the way. "Pardon me Ryder but... I think I can do something about these stubborn assholes..." She said acting as nice as can be. She looked to the guards. She crouched down a bit before springing up before doing a split kick to both guards chests sending them through the doors and onto the floor inside. Ryder walked over them kneeling down as they groaned looking winded.

"....Y'know... You should let this be a warning... Next time LISTEN TO YOUR FUCKING SUPERIORS! Now lock the doors, have a seat and get your act together! Got me?"

Both guards gave a nod and got to their feet before walking over to a bench with two potted plants sitting next to it on either side. As everyone entered Princess Luna closed the door and locked it just as two mares came from a beaded doorway behind a counter. One pink mare with a blue mane and one blue mare with a pink mane. They both wore white hairbands keeping their manes back out of their eyes and matching mint green track suits with a little zen lotus on the chest. Luna and Twilight stepped in front of the waiting group of ponies. The mares quickly bowed in respect. "Ah zere you are princesses!" The pink mare said. "Apologies for ze intrusion of your unexpected guest but we were told zat zere are to be no ozer patrons to be allowed inside ze spa and uh..."

The blue mare stepped forth. "Prince Blueblood sought ze spa was reserved for him but neizer of us could tell him about your presence." She said. "Right now he is in ze sauna having a little rest after a back wrenching massage our best employee had given him. It isn't his fault he is too firm with ze massage!"

Twilight sighed. "Well he is called 'Bulk Biceps' for a reason." She said. "Is there any way we could possibly schedule a few deluxe massages with inclusion of mani-pedi's for the mares?" The blue and pink mares looked to each other. They both gave a smile to each other before looking to the group.

"Zat we can do!" The mares took each others hands and smiled brightly. "She's Aloe!"

The pink mare glanced at the blue mare. "And she is Lotus!" She said.

They both put their free hands in the air. "And togezer WE are ze spa twins!" They said in unison. Aloe (The pink mare) released Lotus' hand and approached Luna and Twilight.

"Princesses you shall come with me and I will show you ze more private lockers for your clothes." She beckoned Lotus forth. "My sister here will take ze rest of you to your respective locker rooms. Ze stallion might have to be separated from ze mares while zey get zeir manicures and pedicures."

Ryder sighed hanging his head. Daring hugged him and kissed his cheek. "...Don't worry sweetie I'll see you in the sauna. Just get your massage and rest up in the sauna waiting for me... Can you do that?" She asked. Ryder gave a bit of a nod. "Alright.... I'll see you after that... Until then just get yourself de-stressed... Try not to fall asleep okay?" The stallion nodded again before they were taken in through a side door with curtains into a large room filled with two large hot tubs, a few massage tables.

They watched as Luna and Twilight went deeper into the spa. Lotus looked to the group of ponies. "Alright everyone! Ze massages are going to be on hold until ze Bulk Biceps returns from his break. Should be maybe ten minutes to a half hour...." She said. "Ze Prince gave him a really hard time unknowing he was very sensitive." She pointed to an opening with a barrier in between. "Okay now Mares to ze left and stallions to ze right please!"

Everyone walked towards the opening. Daring and Ryder stopped at the opening and hugged each other. Daring broke off and followed the other mares. Ryder just walked back over to Lotus. "...Excuse me Lotus is it?" He said. Lotus looked to him and smiled.

"Yes zir iz zere something I can do for you?" Ryder gave a nod.

"....The mare in the hood is my marefriend and... If Bulk Biceps returns have him be gentle on her. We were planning a trip soon and I don't want her to be stuck in the hotel. It's only for a week but... she really wanted to show me her favorite spots of her own home town."

"I assure you she will be more zan fine to do anything she wants to do. Now you go and get yourself ready. You might be able to get in ze sauna with Prince Blueblood and not sit alone. Some stallions get so bored they fall asleep forcing us to shut ze sauna down so zey don't get dehydrated." Lotus turned Ryder around and nudged him towards the lockers.

Not long later he was standing just outside of a large wooden door with a steamed up small window. He wore a thin dark blue robe trying to see if there was any movement inside. He saw nothing but steam. Just as he was about to sneak away he heard a gasp causing his wings to puff out with his feathers frilling out. "What is the meaning of this?!" A stallion said. Ryder turned around hesitantly and saw a messy maned white unicorn stallion. He had a long blonde mane and a pissed look on his face. His cutie mark was a compass rose. Golden cross over deep purple one. Didn't even have anything covering him (he's almost as big as Big MacIntosh). "No pony else was supposed to be in this spa but me and the workers! Who are you and WHAT in Celestia's name are you doing here?!"

Ryder huffed straightening his stature. This was Prince Blueblood. "General Ryder Wheeler of the royal guard sir." He said. "I live in the castle with you and you try to get in my pants every chance you can!" Blueblood looked him over closely. He hummed staring Ryder down, surveying every part of his body. Even fondling his crotch. Blueblood stood straight again crossing his arms.

"....You're lucky I actually like you... What are you doing in this commoner town anyways when you could've asked Celestia to use her spa?" Ryder sighed setting his wings back in place.

"Duty called and apparently so did my sister... I'm only doing this because I've worked my ass off even when I was supposed to be on a day off... You mind if I step in the sauna with you?" The large unicorn stallion gave a nod and Ryder opened up the door for him.

"Lose the robe before stepping in here you. I thought I was going to enjoy the spa alone so you might as well act as if we are alone now!" Blueblood gave the Pegasus stallion a seductive smile brushing his tail against his leg making him blush. Even used his magic to untie the robe letting it slip giving him an eyeful of uncovered stallionhood. Ryder was just frozen and embarrassed as he hesitantly covered his crotch. "Oh come on now no shame in hiding what you're packin' there honey. I saw you eyeing me and there isn't anything wrong if you're a bit curious about being with a stallion. Dontcha know I'm a little submissive when it comes to authority?" Ryder shook his head as Blueblood used his magic to strip the robe off of him. As the robe was tossed onto a hook behind him he entered the warm steamy room and closed the door behind him.

"....I knew you wanted to get in my pants but I didn't know you were like that... I thought you were testing me seeing if I could keep my cool with a naked royal.... or even a faked attack or something but I just wanted to stick to my patrol route around the castle. Apologies for that sir." Ryder watched as Prince Blueblood walked over to a little pile of rocks looking quite hot. It was in the corner along with a little stone fountain near it looking like a cat spitting out water from its mouth. Blueblood sat down on a long bench that wrapped almost the entire room leaving out the corner with the rocks and the wall with the door.

"Well I'm sorry if I scared you then. I should have approached in a more kind manner instead of just ordering you around like you were some slave to my auntie. Perhaps you can order me around and I submit to your every whim?" Blueblood grasped his crotch and started massaging his shaft giving a grin. "...No one will know but us and you do deserve this.... Non stop work does a stallion no good without a little naughty play..." Ryder averted his gaze thinking. Should he partake in this or just lie down on the bench and wait for Daring who would be butt naked, dripping wet just ready to go to town. He got lost in his own thoughts just thinking about Daring and her teasing figure just whipping her tail around just waiting for him to pound her. Suddenly he felt something grasp his now rock hard member. He looked down only to see Blueblood on his knees blushing hard rubbing his cock.

"P-Prince! Sir! What are you d-doing?!" The stallion below his belt looked up having his nostrils flare.

"You were thinking long and hard about my question.... Something else got a bit long and hard while you stood here and I thought that might be your way of saying yes! You want me to just give your lollipop a good licking or you wanna shoot your load where the sun doesn't shine?" Ryder panted shuttering as Blueblood licked his shaft.

"... Let me sit down... Lets get that spunk where you get spanked! And... Don't be afraid to call me master but that's only if you want." The unicorn stallion gave a nod and released his cock while still stroking his own just dripping with precum. He licked his lips watching Ryder sit.

"What ever you say... master...." Blueblood got to his feet and sensually walked over to where Ryder sat and turned about just as he opened his legs. He grabbed his cock guiding it as the large stallion squatted down. When the tip touched his anal hole he took it in stride as it forced its way deep inside. He moaned loudly as he started to move up and down on the solid member. Ryder grabbed at Prince Blueblood's cutie mark as if he was about to take it off. Blueblood yelped a bit and groaned sexually. "Oooh... I just love a ruffian! Grab the right thing and we can cum together!" Ryder hesitantly reached around Blueblood's hard member. He kept his arm still just rubbing his shaft as the prince did all the work. The ride Ryder was just the best one he felt. Even from a stallion. He felt his limit draw closer even after the face fuck he had given Applejack earlier.

"...F-fuck.... I'm.... I'm....."

Ryder gritted his teeth just as the door to the sauna opened only to have Daring and Twilight walk in wearing towels. They both gasped seeing the spectacle before them. "RYDER!" Daring yelled having her wings extend as she dropped her towel. The yell caused both stallions to release and sending their spunk lose. Ryder came hard into Blueblood while he came shooting his spunk onto Daring's bare body. Daring kind of gave Ryder a growl as Blueblood let his cock slump back into place as he got off and walked over to the other bench lying down.

"H-hey there uh.... This isn't what it looked like he... he wanted me to do this he's my superior!"

Twilight sighed and picked up Daring's towel wiping her down and holding her close. "Ryder I know he's your superior but... maybe you should go clean up in the bathroom and apologize to somepony here!" She said glancing at Daring who was just about to smack someone. Ryder hesitantly got up and grabbed Daring throwing her over his shoulder before walking out and down the hall.

Daring didnt even fight as she was carried by the sweaty stallion all the way into a unisex bathroom just past aloe and lotus doing Luna's and Rarity's mane as they talked with each other giving no notice. As Ryder set Daring down she quickly gave him a slap. "You filthy cheater!" She snapped. "I gave you permission to have sex with Applejack! A stallion was just too much!"

Ryder huffed as she turned away. "...Fucking song.... He ordered me to fuck him! I'm serious! He's my boss! I need to listen to him!" He said. "Please don't be mad at me! I'm sorry! Don't let this ruin your day! Please!" The peeved mare grabbed a few paper towels from a dispenser and started to wipe her chest down.

"Too fucking bad! This day was ruined when you still wanted to fuck AJ this morning! I was going to see if your sister was alright and maybe cuddle with you if you were still asleep! I would've even told you I accidentally slept with Dash but it was her fault for pulling me into it!"

"At least I ASKED to fuck somepony! You still could've said no! I'm willing to let you sleeping with Dash without telling me, you knew I fucked AJ but fucking a prince was not part of today! I'm sorry if that was something you didn't want to see or be a part of by cleaning someone else's spunk off!" Daring sighed when she heard a little weakness in his voice.

"Ryder.... Tell me now... Are you scared I'll leave you here and adventure on my own even with the dangers at hand...?" She turned around looking at Ryder who was just staring at himself in the mirror with the look of regret on his face along with a hand print. "Ryder.... Answer me! Are you afraid of me leaving you alone with the circumstances?" She walked over to him.

".....I just...." He averted his gaze. "...Yes... I don't want you dying... I don't want to leave your side.... I wanted to say something about Blueblood to you but.... I didn't want to be judged by you, AJ or even Twilight... She's probably going to have me fired not wanting a stallion and a prince fucking...." He hesitantly looked back at Daring. "...Believe it or not... Just before Applejack and I hooked up Big Mac introduced me to their cousin Braeburn and I saw him eyeing me.... I don't know what happened but something just caused me to take him into the guest room and we just went at it.... I took it but... never told anyone until now..." He started to tear up.

"So... You fuck stallions from both ends and mares?" Ryder gave a hesitant nod. "Well what do you think I did with Dash? Are you embarrassed about this stallion on stallion sex?" He nodded again. "Why?"

"....Because... I don't know how my mom would react to me doing that..." Daring gave a bit of a smile.

"...She would react in some way but.... I've got a feeling she would be proud of your honesty like I am baby...." She hugged him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "...Maybe we can skip the sauna sex and maybe just sit ourselves in a mud bath with Applejack. Maybe talk with her about some of this stuff if you'd like... okay?" Ryder gave a hesitant nod whimpering a bit.

Hours later Ryder and Daring were walking through the halls of Canterlot with Princess Twilight and Luna at their sides holding duffel bags. Twilight wore a long dark purple dress with her wings extended prominently. Luna wore her normal dark blue dress. Ryder wore a grey long sleeve button up being covered by a bulletproof Kevlar vest and a pair of jeans and work boots. Daring was wearing an olive green dress that flowed a bit revealing some black heels looking like they were made of boot leather. Twilight looked to Daring and Ryder as they walked. "Ryder are you happy you got everything off your chest back in Ponyville?" She asked. Ryder took Daring's hand giving a nod before kissing the mare on the cheek making her blush. "I bet your mother would be proud for you coming out like that.... I still cant believe you thought me, the princess of friendship, would fire you for something like gay sex. If any princess did that my brother would be gone before he even became a full time guard. Don't tell him I said this but I caught him and one of his academy friends going at it. Didn't want to see it at my age but... hell shit happens."

Ryder huffed. "Guess it does..." He said. "...Thank you again for doing that spa day... I hope Aloe and Lotus didn't mind me and Daring just walking around naked..."

Luna laughed a bit as she gave Ryder his duffel. "With what was paid they didn't mind and with their jobs they've probably seen it all." She said. "By the way Ryder while I was talking with Celestia I told her you were giving Blueblood a bit of a good lesson on sharing and opening his idea more to the commoners life. She called me about an hour after we left there and she tells me he had gone into a burger place and had made a mess with a hayburger! A hayburger! He never eats those!" She rested her hand on Ryder's shoulder. "Ryder I'm sorry for spoiling a surprise for you but a gift has been prepared and is waiting on the plane for you. My sister is waiting there to see you off. Twilight even has Dash and Scootaloo there too so they can say goodbye before you leave." Ryder looked over at Twilight.

"Thank you princess.... They deserve to see me off..."

Twilight smiled as Daring took her bag. "I'll make sure neither of them do anything they might regret before you leave." She said as they came to a large door. "As for Luna this is as far as she goes. Say your goodbyes to her now. She might see you in your dreams to check up on you." Both Ryder and Daring gave a nod before turning and bowing in respect to Princess Luna.

Luna smiled as she opened the door with her magic revealing a path to what looked to be a private airport with a waiting plane sitting on the runway with Princess Celestia, Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo standing just feet away from a set of steps leading in to the plane. "You two be safe out there... I want you to call once you're on the ground." She said. "Now go. Your plane is waiting. Try not to drink yourselves silly alright?"

Daring huffed leaning on Ryder. "I'll keep myself under control but don't know if I can control this guy here!" She said slapping his flank making him blush. Luna smiled and hugged both of them before they took each others hand and walked out the door with Twilight right next to them. She leaned over just as they were out of ear shot of Luna. "Fuck what I said about keeping you under control. Drink yourself to the point of pissing yourself. You got extra pairs of pants and... maybe I wouldn't mind seeing you have an accident for once...." She blushed grinning.

Twilight sighed. "You two behave yourselves!" She snapped silently seeing Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo and Celestia approaching. She looked to them and smiled as the couple straightened themselves out. "Princess. May I speak with you while Ryder spends a bit more time with his cousin and sister?"

Princess Celestia gave a nod just as Ryder handed his duffel bag to Daring and took his sister out of Rainbow Dash's arms. Scootaloo wore a little dress that was a white dress with little blue flowers all over it. She wrapped her arms around her brother and squeezed him. "...I wish you could bring me with you big brother...." She said.

Ryder sighed. "If this were a regular vacation I probably would but its dangerous where we're going and you're safe here... " He said. "I'll call you every day I'm out.... If I cant call that means I'm out doing something but I'm safe. Know before I come back I'm going to bring you some sort of gift for being gone so long okay?" Scootaloo gave her brother a nod before giving him a kiss on his cheek.

Dash walked over and smiled at Daring as Ryder handed his sister back to her. "You keep my idiot of a cousin of mine under control." She said. "Don't be afraid to smack him if he wants to get violent. He ends up getting cuffed my numbers on a piece of paper on something I got for you and Ryder to match. Don't worry it's nothing demeaning but... AJ told me about his little stallion friend he found at the spa and I guess he deserves a little gift. Be safe you...." Daring nodded and leaned her head on Dash's shoulder for a moment before Ryder took his duffel bag and walked towards Princess Celestia just as Twilight gave a smile walking away from them.

Celestia smiled holding her hand up as they tried bowing. "No you two. Let us not waste time with that." She said. "Ryder for giving Prince Blueblood a new look on life I've gotten you a gift that will prove most useful. A new phone that no one even has yet. It can handle apps, you can draw with a stylus that it has. I've even gotten a gift straight from Blueblood himself too. He has given you a credit card with one hundred thousand bits for you to use and will refill it if you uh... send him sensual picture of your stallions meat. Make sure that picture goes to him because my contact info is in there as well as Luna, Dash, AJ Shining and Cadence. Why Cadence? Well... Think of it as a little free foalsitting job you can monitor." She pointed towards the steps of the plane. "Now go. The faster you get on and get in the air the shorter time you'd have for waiting to get a drink from the bar. Plane has wifi and a built in lap top in the bed area so you can talk with Ember Sparks on the way."

Ryder and Daring gave a nod before taking each others hands and hurrying for the plane duffel bags swinging from side to side. They were just about to set off on a great adventure in Bullvania. What would they find other than Ahuizotl and the Sword Of The Golahan?

To be continued

Raiding to be Scared Pt. 1

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It probably wasn't even an hour after Ryder and Daring had taken off in Celestia's private jet. Daring stood outside of a bathroom just along side of a large bedroom with sensual lighting from overhead. The bed was large with covers looking as soft as if they were made from clouds. White and grey with light gold stripes going across the width of it. Ryder could be heard throwing up. "Alright alright Ryder I believe you about the song now!" She said. "Do you want me to get a ginger ale?"

Ryder groaned as a flush was heard. "....Nah... Ginger ale doesn't do- urp....- Shit...." He said. "Just get me... some lemon lime soda...."

"Alright but I want to see you out here lying down alright?" Daring listened closely but heard no answer before walking out the door into what looked to be a living room area with a couch, a TV in a state of the art entertainment center with multiple things such as a game console, a DVD player, stereo system and a few other unknown devices. Behind the couch a few feet was a fully stocked bar and bartender mare behind it. Bartender was a unicorn dressed in a black vest and bow tie.

The Pegasus mare walked up to the bar and the bartender gave her a smile. "You need something Miss?" She asked. "Martini? Manehattan Mega Tea? Anything you need I can make for you!" Daring sighed.

"I could use with a few tequila shots but the general needs a lemon lime soda to settle his stomach. He's not taking this flight very well. Might need to get some chips and salsa for him to get his strength up. Think you could make that happen at all?" The bartender gave a nod before reaching under the bar for a moment and pulling a little yellow can setting it on the bar top and a bottle of tequila just ready to be poured.

"Hurry and get General Ryder taken care of. I'll get the on board waiter to get some dinner ready for both of you. Alright?" Daring gave a quick nod taking the can of soda before running back to the bedroom only to see Ryder crawling on his hands and knees towards the bed looking like shit. She knelt down next to him and sat on the floor sitting him in her lap opening and giving him the can.

"There we go.... Here drink slowly sweetie..." Ryder took the can in his shaking hands and slowly sipped from it. "....it's okay.... I got you this plane isn't going anywhere... We're fine.... Wanna tell me what made you freak out like that?"

Ryder whimpered and curled up resting his head against her chest. "...I... I was nearly killed in a plane crash wh-when I was younger..." He said. "...C-comic book store... I was there buying a comic book for m-m-my collection... about... five minutes after I left a sm-sma-small... plane crashed there kill-lling the guy who ran the store.... I.... I couldn't sleep for two d-days and... peed my self because... I-I was afraid of being I-I-in one spot for too long..." Daring hugged Ryder and shushed him.

"...Don't worry sweetie... I checked with the pilots just before take off and they can put this thing on auto pilot that has never ever ever EVER failed during flight. Just... I don't know pretend we're on the ground inside my home... I'm walking around stark naked just ready for you to pound my ass as soon as I bend over...." She leaned in a bit and whispered. "...Maybe we can go into the bathroom and I can do a little dress up for you... Only if you're up for it.... If not we can just cuddle and I'll be as gentle as anything."

"....L-lets just cuddle... please...." Ryder shivered and cuddled up to her just resting his head against her breast.

"....Not feeling well enough to get hard?" The stallion on her bosom nodded sipping from his soda yet again. "...Well why don't we move this to the couch out side? Don't wanna have you nod off here... besides we have food to order and get into your system after what happened." He nodded again giving a yawn. Daring stood up with Ryder throwing his arm over her shoulder before carefully walking out of the room and towards the couch sitting him down on it. As she sat him down he gave a groan.

"...is it possible for you to get me some crackers....? Please...? I feel like I'm about to pass out...." Daring gave Ryder a nod and jogged away toward a doorway with a curtain over it. As Ryder sat there he stared at the large entertainment center and surveyed it. He looked down at the coffee table in front of him and saw the remote just sitting there in the middle of the table. He grabbed it gently running his fingers over the rubber buttons feeling every contour, every bump and every slit they contained on and in between. He saw a large red button at the top and pressed it. He looked to the TV as it glowed a bit on its screen yet only saw something poke up from the TV.

Ryder looked closer and saw a little red light blink on the thing but before he could get up the TV screen turned on showing two faces on each half of the TV with a little box on the bottom showing him on the couch. One face being Princess Celestia. The other a unicorn stallion with a brown coat and a short mohawk. Celestia huffed covering her face a bit ticked. "...Okay this one might be my fault Wolf." She said. "....The General and the package are on my jet. I think he just wanted a bit of entertainment and I didnt leave clear instructions on how to work everything there."

The stallion gave a chuckle. "Well I guess while he's here I can get a few words in with 'im." He said having a heavy accent. "Ryder y'crazy bastard. A fine mess y'got yourself in from what I'm hearin' from Celestia!" Ryder sipped from his soda shakily just looking at Celestia. She huffed a bit seeing his hesitancy clear as day.

"I told you all I heard. Someone set a little number on the packages head here in Equestria and bounty hunters are either looking to catch or kill... mostly kill and if he hadn't been there to stop the gunman the package would not be in tact. She was distraught and he was just lucky... You think you might want to talk in private? I could leave you two alone if Ryder wants it."

Ryder huffed. "...No no Celestia stay..." He said. "I'm sorry if i barged in on this but... I guess Ember here comes first..." He leaned forward a bit. "Excuse me if i don't seem right at the moment... just a bit sick... memories decided to resurface from my childhood..."

"It's understood Ryder. Take your time." Celestia smiled. Ryder sighed giving a little bit of a burp.

"...Alright Ember... I'm going to need a few things for when me and.... 'The Package'... land at the base. We're going to need quarters to share, a stock of weapons, armored transports and possible disguises just in case we're made. Anything that is needed to be paid or done to acquire any of those things I can do. 'The Package' is important for many... Including me but the factor here is trust. Package trusts me only. Anyone who is unknown is automatically thought to be the enemy unless a good form of trust can be established through me."

Ember gave a smile. "...Well there is something y'can do for me..." He said. "Come morning we're going to go on a raid. A local gang are holding shipping containers filled with crates of ammo and weaponry. The local UFG has recruited us Militant Guards to take those crates back and show we aren't to be made fools of! We need you because you're one of the best damn men I know has near perfect accuracy with a sling shot! Sniper isn't as light as a sling shot but y'can adapt real quick in the range. Barrett fifty cal sound good to you?"

"...It's good with semi auto but... Bolt action could be better! More powerful, more accurate. Would I be firing from a rooftop?"

"Chopper. You're just as important as the package from what Celestia tells me. Cant have you put in the crossfire of anyone! Not my men. Not even theirs! You and the package need to be safe!"

"If we both need to be safe where the fuck is she going to be? I gotta be near her or else she probably wont leave the jet or what ever quarters you put us in with a pistol aimed at the door ready to shoot at anyone who entered without knocking!"

Celestia huffed as both stallions started to go back and forth nearly yelling at each other. "BOYS! STOP!" She snapped. Immediately both stallions stopped. "Ryder you and Wolf are going to talk this out when you get to Bullvania. Don't go and yell at each other like little children! Wolf you hang up. I need to have a little chat with Ryder alone. See if I can clarify anything he's confused by that's in my jet. I'll contact you later if needed." Wolf said nothing and gave a nod before Celestia's face took up the entire screen. "Alright Ry.... He's gone... calm down." Ryder took a deep breath and leaned back in the seat. "...Where's Daring? Is she using the toilet or something?"

Ryder looked towards the curtained off area just as it opened having Daring hurry over with a bottle of beer stashed under her arm and two plates in her hand. Both with hayburgers dripping with ketchup. "I'm right here Princess!" She said coming into frame setting the plates down. She looked to Ryder as she sat down. "Couldn't get you crackers but the bartender said this would be just as good." She looked back to the TV. "So... what happened for this call?" Celestia smiled a bit as Ryder leaned on Daring's shoulder looking a bit tired.

"He accidentally stumbled onto this call trying to turn a movie on or something. Right Ryder?" Ryder nodded getting another sip of his soda. "Oh and... Speaking of something... There might be a teeny bit of complications with a work for the sword... Weaponry is needed and the only way Ryder can protect you is if he can do a raid but he needs to keep an eye on you at the same time... I'll let you watch some TV if you can talk things out and see what can be done. Agreed?" Both Ryder and Daring gave a nod. "Alright then. Buttons are clearly labeled. Top of the remote just hit the input button and switch to HDMI four. TV should kick on and you can watch any channel you'd like. Simple as that." Daring looked to Ryder and gave a little smile seeing him almost asleep.

"Thank you Princess... I'll do it for him. Right now I think he might need a bit of energy... Anything you have just to spike his energy up a bit?" Celestia nodded.

"There's some earbuds in the bedroom I sleep with at times. They're in the drawers in my bedroom. Grab those and Ryder's little 'gift' and start up the music. I've had Luna upload all of his favorite bands to the music app so he should be happy. Has he been given the gift yet?"

"Tried looking for it for twenty minutes but nothing turned up. That's when he started to puke... Think you can talk to him and keep him up until I get back?" Celestia gave a nod. Quickly Daring shook her coltfriend waking him right up with a snort. He looked to Daring a bit frightened. "It's okay it's okay.... I gotcha... You sit here and start eating. Celestia's gonna talk with you and make sure you don't go and freak out again... Don't want you to lose too much now do you?" He shook his head. "Good boy... Now eat up. If the bartender comes back see if you can get a few drinks for you and me to run on later." She gave him a wink before getting up and rushing towards the bedroom.

Not long later Ryder and Daring were watching the end of a movie. Everything inside the jet was dark other than the TV with the credits rolling past. Daring was leaning on Ryder, one hand around his neck and one hand on his lap. She gave a yawn and nuzzled him. He looked to her. "...You wanna go to bed baby?" He asked almost whispering. Daring nodded into his shoulder. "You need me to carry you or do you think you can do it by your self?" She sat up and kissed his cheek.

"...I got it Ry... I'm not gonna have you carry me.... I'm no baby...." Ryder grinned a bit and moved one of his hands to her inner thigh. She gave an eep as he pressed against her crotch.

"Well it does seem like you leaked a tiny bit here.... I don't think you can make it if you get up... You don't want to be a little potty pants again do you?" Daring huffed a bit and pushed off Ryder.

"Fine carry me if you must but don't drop me! You drop me someones getting peed on!"

"I get peed on someones probably gonna get spunk in their panties while they sleep! I wont hesitate to glaze your ass with it!"

"Well hurry before I do piss my pants! Celestia hears that you're basically going to be blamed! I'll even pay everyone on this plane four hundred bits each to even say you tied me to this couch the whole plane ride!" Ryder rolled his eyes as his marefriend wrapped her hands around his neck and sitting in his arms.

"Fine little baby. I'll carry you to the bathroom but you even try anything funny I'm buying you diapers to wear in public! I'm not gonna hesitate!" She looked him in the eye as he stood up.

"You'd probably get a hard-on wanting me to just wet myself! Just get me to the damn toilet! Too many drinks, too long of movie! Lucky I can hold my damn liquor unlike you Drunky McGee! Glad you only had soda didn't you?" Ryder gave a nod as he walked into the bedroom setting Daring down by the bathroom door. Just as Daring was about to step into the bathroom Ryder gave a yelp and dropped to his knees shoving his hands between his legs. Daring flipped the light on in the bathroom showing Ryder's blushing face as a hissing sound came to her ear. He was peeing himself. A stain grew on his pants and spread onto the floor having him whimper tearing up. "....Well it seems someone needs the diaper more than I would...." She watched as his ears folded back on themselves as he started to sob. She sighed. "...Alright... get undressed and get in here so momma can clean you up...." Ryder hesitantly stood up and gave a nod before just dropping his pants hiding the spot he had made. He stepped into the bathroom just as Daring dropped her pants and planted herself of the toilet instantly starting to relieve herself. She grabbed a bit of toilet paper as he took his wet panties off. "Cant believe you were still wearing those... I thought you took those off after we stopped looking for that phone!" He sniffled crossing his arms and averting his gaze.

"...W-well... They were comfortable...I c-couldn't take them off...." Daring started to wipe his legs down giving a slight 'aww' as he hid his face with his hands.

"Hey hey calm down... No one knows about those but me... We'll get your wet clothes into a bag, get that floor cleaned and get to sleep... Once we get to the base we can get them washed, maybe get both of us a new set of clothes to hide who we are when we're out in public. Could be little lovers outfits, costumes from a movie or just something casual... Doesn't really matter as long as we don't stick out like a sore thumb. Maybe diplomats from Saddle Arabia? Could the Bullvanian military do something like that?" Ryder gave a hesitant nod as she wiped down his crotch more.

"....A-all guards do it.... Urban Force, Royal and Militant Guard... All of em...." Daring tossed the damp TP between her legs into the toilet and grabbed a second little wad wiping herself.

"Alright sweetie I'm all done here.... You go get yourself in some pajamas and I'll see if I can get a trash bag for your pants and panties. I'll come to bed once I get a towel to dry that little puddle up." Ryder sniffled and smiled leaning down just to kiss Daring on the cheek. She smiled and nudged him out the door. He carefully stepped over the pair of pants just sitting all wet and went over to the bed just lying down in it. Not long later Daring walked back into the room after getting Ryder's clothes into a bag only to see Ryder just lying in the bed stark naked and asleep. She gave a little smile and tossed the bag aside before stripping down herself. She sighed as she let her wings stretch.

"...So much for giving these guys a work out while we were resting..." She walked to the edge of the bed and pulled the covers from under Ryder. He didn't wake up. Nor did he even move an inch. She lied down next to him and covering him up with the blanket before cuddling up and passing out herself.

As they slept they had started to dream. Ryder dreamt he was sneaking through a museum. He wore black jeans, black sneakers, a black hoodie and a dark bandana hiding his face as he held a pistol out in front of him with a flashlight illuminating a few thing in front of him. The pistol he had used a suppressor at the end of the barrel. He stopped just as an intercom sounded. "...Well well... It seems we have an intruder!" A stallion's voice said. "GUARDS! Get him! Aviation exhibit!" Lights suddenly flipped on illuminating everything. He dove behind what looked to be the cockpit of a small fighter plane. He kept his gun at the ready as he unscrewed the suppressor and shoved it into his pocket. The sound of boots and stallions yelling at each other echoed through the large room yet he didn't know where they were coming from. As he waited the yells and stomping boots got closer. They started to slow and fade off. He counted down from three in his head before springing up only to aim the gun in the face of Daring who in return aimed a gun in his face. Daring wore a tight spandex suit with a holster strapped to her hip. She shook still holding her gun in Ryder's face.

"...P-please tell me you're not going to shoot me... I don't want to have to shoot you..."

Ryder sighed dropping to his knees and dropping the gun onto the floor. "...Fuck... I nearly ended you..." He said. Daring holstered her gun and dropped to her knees hugging Ryder.

"...Thank goodness... What are you doing here...? This is supposed to be my dream!"

The sound of high heels was heard. "It's both of your dreams." A familiar voice said. Both Ryder and Daring looked up only to see Princess Luna standing over them smiling. "I thought I'd create an environment to maybe peak your interests in history. You both started out in different parts of this dream realm. Ryder had aviation and Daring you had an ancient Saddle Arabian exhibit didn't you?" Daring gave a nod. "Well... these exhibits could possibly inspire you to create your own history. You said Ahuizotl could start a war wielding the sword. If that is what is intended you would be peace keepers between Bullvania and what ever area he intends to do war with. Even Equestria. I can say everyone will be safe but for how long the war could go on it isn't clear. Both Equestria and Bullvania can hold sides for a while but Bullvania is already ready and waiting for a large scale war... I can say they have a little document that everyone agreed to. If a war goes on for twenty plus years they are obligated to use Nuclear Warfare. One missile or bomb could just devastate Manehattan and Fillydelphia combined. I don't want to worry you with that thought. Long time away."

Ryder picked up his gun and holstered it. "...We pretty much have to work fast I take it?" He asked looking at both Daring and Luna. Daring nodded. "How fast? Few days? Few hours?"

Daring stood up with Ryder. "Ahuizotl works fast but we're given a few days. He's not smart enough to get everything together all at once." She said. "He needs to get a group of warriors together, find a place no one even knows about to hide in and form a plan of attack with what weapons he has. With that shipment the gang is holding they might be moving faster than anything."

Luna hummed as they started walking into another exhibit. This one had suits of armor everywhere. Even different close combat weapons of the time. Mace's, Claymore swords, daggers and even staffs for those unicorns who couldn't control their horns. "Something tells me if you were to get those weapons back you could delay the process." She said. "I overheard Celestia and Ember Sparks talking earlier and I hear they keep tabs on the place twenty four seven. They even had taken the opportunity to get wireless cameras set up around to see if any vehicles were leaving the compound. Two cars were already stopped finding they had assault rifles and shotguns inside the trunks. Why they didn't get any armored trucks is beyond even me... Now I've asked my father, the king of the underworld to bestow upon you a skill each." She split Ryder and Daring up putting them on either side. She snapped her fingers and two suits of armor started to move, stepping off of their pedestals. Both Ryder and Daring went for their guns but Luna stopped them. "Please you wont be needing those just yet! Besides... These armor suits will just ricochet the bullets and endanger me." The suits of armor stood in front of them before falling apart revealing mannequin ponies. "Okay. Now one at a time. Daring draw your weapon but don't fire." She suddenly grabbed Ryder and shoved him over to the mannequin pony across from Daring. It grabbed him holding his arms up keeping him in place. "Fire when ready!" Daring looked to Luna shocked.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?! I cant shoot that thing while he's in the way! I'll hit him!" Luna walked behind Daring and used her magic to force her to aim the gun.

"You have an opening! Your skill that was given to you is a sharp shooters ability. Fire a gun, a bow even throw a spear and hit your mark every time depending on the range of the weapon. Just relax, aim and fire." She snapped her fingers giving herself, Daring and Ryder earplugs. Daring took a few deep breaths steadying her aim. Ryder gave her a frightened look. He would speak but fear consumed him. As Daring aimed she saw an opening just inches from Ryder's head and everything started to slow down for her. She pulled the trigger and the gun went off firing the bullet. Ryder yelped as the bullet flew past his head and took out the mannequin holding him. It dropped him immediately causing him to just scurry to Daring's feet scared. She dropped down holstering her gun.

"Oh Ryder I'm so sorry! You have choice of what ever we do tomorrow! I promise I wont say no to anything! I'd even go as far as saying you could just grope me if you wanted!" Luna huffed standing them both up again.

"This one is my fault Ryder! I promise you things will be done just for you once you return. You might find something new inside your room.... Big surprise and no spoilers." She hugged him for a moment before setting him up facing his target. "Now for you father has something special.... Your guard skills are at their peak but agility is everything. She snapped her fingers and suddenly the room split apart just between Ryder and the dummy. Each ten feet or so a wall sprang up until there were five walls, three on the right and two on the left. "You've been given an upgrade on your stamina and agility. I thought this might be the best test to put you through to show you what you can do when you sprint. Draw your weapon and on the third wall shoot your target. Just time your jumps but just know if you do fall you'll be caught by invisible netting. Just go and try it."

Ryder took a deep breath and sighed as he drew his gun readying himself. "....I sure hope so..." He said. "... Here I go..." He backed up a bit and ran at the closest wall before jumping onto it. Daring watched a bit confused at her coltfriend as he quickly hopped to another wall and ran on that as he did the wall before. As he jumped to the third wall he did a flip using his wings to flip him all the way over. Just at the middle of the wall he aimed his pistol and fired three times hitting one shot between the chest. The other shots missed hitting other exhibits. He hopped off the last two walls and landed on one hand somehow balancing himself.

"See? Everything here is a gift from my father to you. I know what you're thinking: This is a dream and you can do anything you wish in a dream!"

Daring watched as Ryder hopped his way back. "Yeah pretty much princess... But what's going to make this different?" She asked. Luna gave a smile just as Ryder landed next to Daring.

"My father is a very unusual stallion... Evil but his deals are fair if I'm involved with him. I ask him for gifts for two ponies to use in a fight against someone to keep his little girls safe and he gives it to you for no catch. Those who do it for their own personal gain get the catch which is basically taking their soul, giving them a disease that deteriorates them etcetera." Daring looked to Luna as Ryder broke off and looked to another exhibit.

"But doesn't that mean we still could get the catches?" Luna shook her head.

"Nope. I paid dear father off with a hug. You may see him as evil but... he's just punishing the bad ponies. I could take you to meet him sometime but that might take some time after your return. For now... I would wake up and get dressed. Maybe a bit of breakfast. Once the plane lands no food is served. Bar still serves drinks but not many. Celestia has rules against it since she was drunk before a meeting and lost her breakfast right before the meeting... Lucky she was thought to just have a stomach virus.... Now get thy clothes and ready yourselves. I feel a visitor coming."

Daring gave a nod and everything faded away almost instantly. All she heard was the ring of a phone and short bursts of vibrations. She sat up holding the covers to her bare chest and leaned over Ryder who was just out in the open naked sleeping on his back. His cock out in the open but showing he was hard. She grabbed his phone that was just on the side table with a note next to it. The note read: 'Sorry but the general left this on the bar. I used my personal cord and charged it for him. -Six Shot, The bartender. P.S. ...Being honest here I... may... have peeked at one of you in the bed... not saying which one but I'm sorry!' Daring blushed looking at the phone in her hand only to see Rainbow Dash's face on the screen. She hit the green button marked 'Answer' in black text. She put it up to her ear and heard a growl. "RYDER!" She heard Rainbow Dash yell. "This is the fourth fucking time I've called you! Why the hell haven't you been answering me?!"

Daring groaned a bit. "Dash... Do you have to be so fucking loud...?" She asked whispering. "...We were asleep... Well... I was..." She rubbed her eyes a bit staring at Ryder's cock once again.

"Oh shit! M-Miss Yearling! I'm sorry! I didn't realize you had his phone! I-I just called him to say his aunt and uncle are in town to make sure his sister is alright! I had to get them out here but if you can tell him about that tell him I'm making sure she stays here with me until he comes back!" Daring couldn't help but reach over and grasp Ryder's cock feeling its firmness and girth.

"O-oh ok-kay... I'll let him no... poor fella couldn't sleep last night because of a scary movie but i'm to blame for that... I'll wake him and let him know. Hug his sister for me!" Without another word Dash hung up. Daring placed the phone back on the side table and looked to Ryder's now blushing face. "...Alright... just for you..." She slowly started to rub his hard cock. She shuttered a bit feeling her own need to get off hit hard. She felt her free hand drift mindlessly under her to her crotch but she quickly pulled it away. "No... Be strong... Don't give in to your needs... this is for him... not you... Find another use...." She stuck her middle finger into her mouth and started to wet it with her saliva before sticking her hands between Ryder's legs fondling his balls and working her middle finger into his ass. He arched his back slightly giving a little moan.

Daring started to rub his shaft faster trying to keep his balls from flopping all over the place. He moaned a bit grabbing a pillow and hugging it. "...F-fuck.... fuck me hard blue blood.... please....." He said still deep in sleep. "...t-teasing.... get ya... no where...." She grinned and shoved another finger going two knuckles deep making Ryder just cry out in pleasure. She noticed his cock just oozing with precum and leaned over licking the tip getting a taste of it. Licking her lips she aimed Ryder's cock right at her face just waiting for his spunk to shoot out. She shoved her fingers deeper into his ass and made the illusion there was a stallion thrusting his cock into him. He started panting and moaning into the pillow. Daring could feel his cock tensing up in her hand. Suddenly it throbbed shooting shot after shot of his sweet spunk onto her face as he nearly screamed. "I-I'M CUMMING!" She started rubbing his shaft more vigorously as she took her hand away from his ass and grunted.

"YES! YES! FEED ME YOUR SPUNK BABY!" Ryder's eyes snapped open and he sat up quickly bringing his legs up just knocking Daring's hand away with his legs. He looked to Daring as she fell back with her legs wide open showing off her dripping wet pussy.

"...D-Daring...? W-what... what happened? Why do I feel like I.... J-just ran around in my sleep...." Daring pounced on him tackling him off the bed.

"You were out of it and with you naked how could I not do that? I wanted to say sorry for shooting at you but not be demeaned in public! Please! Don't be mad at me!" She lied on him putting her head on his chest putting the least messiest side down. He huffed sitting Daring up again standing himself up.

"I'm not mad... You got a point with the public.... Cant make it seem like i'm raping you or something..." He helped Daring to her feet. "You just get to the shower... I'll get dressed and wait for you out at the bar. Okay baby?" Daring gave a hesitant nod just licking a bit of cum off of her hand. "Good... Take as much time as you need to take care of things... I can feel the heat from a foot away." She blushed shoving one of her hands between her legs before hurrying to the bathroom.

Not long later Ryder was wearing what looked to be an old style black military jacket and black camo jeans and some black canvas sneakers as he sat at the bar just sipping from a glass of orange juice with a sandwich right next to him. The bartender sat behind the bar still looking as if she was just waking up. She looked to Ryder. "...Sir?" She said. Ryder looked up at her. "...I-is it possible for me to just rest at all?"

"You didnt sleep at all did you?" The bartender mare shook her head. "Why didn't you?" She yawned.

"Well... I just normally get an order from who ever's high ranking... whether it be guard or princess... no one gave me my orders so... I just... grabbed a soda and stayed at my post the entire night..."

"Well just go sleep somewhere. Apologies if I didn't know you need orders to sleep. Never been on the jet before..." The bartender smiled.

"...I-its fine... you need anything don't hesitate to grab a bottle and make your own drinks but... please... one bottle missing and I report it to the princess! Got me....?" Ryder nodded taking a bite of the sandwich and watched as the mare got up from her little seat and walked around the bar to the couch where she just collapsed onto it.

Just as Ryder turned back around to the bar the door to the plane opened letting in a really bright light. He had to cover his eyes until a familiar stallion walked on the plane. This familiar stallion was a unicorn with a brown coat and mowhawk. He wore tactical gear along with fingerless gloves. He even had a holstered pistol at his hip. He grinned as Ryder chugged the rest of his orange juice and setting the glass down on the bar. Just before he came three feet to the bar Ryder got up and rushed him. He threw a punch missing the stallion by inches only to be thrown to the ground feet away and pinning him under his boot. "...Ya still got a lot of work to do mah friend." He said stepping off and helping Ryder up. "Coulda swore ya were gonna get better with all your time in the guard!"

Ryder gave a laugh standing up with the help of the stallion. "I thought I had you this time Wolf!" He said. "I've been doing everything I can to try this! I guess I couldn't choose which style to take you down with..." Suddenly he swept Wolf's legs out from under him and sending him flat on his stomach as he pressed an elbow against his neck. "...but letting your guard down was your first mistake!" Wolf looked up at Ryder a bit surprised.

"What the...? I was on my guard but where the hell was the time to react! One second I'm upright and next I know y'got your fuckin' elbow on my neck... How the hell d'ja do that?!" Ryder helped him right up brushing him off.

"Just a bit of training is all! Regiment is gonna stay a secret so don't bother asking." Wolf huffed.

"After that I'm actually afraid t'ask now..." He walked over and sat at the bar with Ryder. "So... Where's the filly y'came here with? She still asleep?" Ryder shook his head as he picked up his sandwich.

"Showering. Gives us a bit of time to talk things out about maybe a possible help with getting the weapons from that gang in town. Got me as part of a ground unit and we might need to think of a quick way to get a chopper pilot to make a quick drop somewhere for the sniper." Wolf reached over the bar and grabbed a bottle of beer as he took a survival knife from a sheathe on his chest and popped the cap with the ribbed side of the blade.

"Really? You got some invisible sniper that can stay hidden when they aren't movin'? Without you sniping y'can just kiss what ever the hell you're going for goodbye! What were you going for anyways?" Wolf sipped from the beer bottle just looking to Ryder curious.

"We were going after the Sword of the Golahan to protect it. I've got a feeling that gang is taking those weapons is going to steal the sword and attack Equestria blaming it on your military!" Wolf sighed as he lowered the beer onto the bartop.

"My men know when to attack and who to attack. Any war is waged due to some idiot attacking and the other countries government taking responsibility for said attack. The Bullvanian Government would have to say 'we attacked you, what the hell are ya gonna do 'bout it?'"

Ryder took a bite from his sandwich just looking over Wolf's shoulder. "Well you don't know who exactly is after the sword!" A mare said. Wolf turned around only to see Daring wearing a long bathrobe tied tightly to her waist and a towel drying her mane. "The one character of my books who always plans to fuck things up with the artifact he's after. With the staff I had in book two he could've ended the entire world with that! If I hadn't broken it and disabled its abilities he could've combined it with the altar of that ancient temple and caused the world to be plagued by famine, war and the dead to walk the earth..."

Ryder got up and hugged Daring giving her a kiss. "Ember. This is your new sniper. She's a bit untrained in a moving vehicle but give her a perch across from the building we're attacking and we're golden." He said. "I'd like you to meet the one and only A.K. Yearling!" He winked at Daring giving her a smile. She rolled her eyes and elbowed Ryder in the gut having him back off.

"Don't listen to this fool much.... If he trusts you as much as I trust him..." She looked back at the now doubled over stallion. "And I KNOW he does...." She looked back at Wolf. "A.K. Yearling is but a pen name now that HE knows it.... Ahuizotl is a real being bent on destroying life as we know it by destroying mine. He has a hit out on me that your army and Ryder here can prevent. I'll do this raid to ensure you I mean business. He tried to kill me. First chance I even get his head comes off with my hands, that sword or even what ever gun I have in my hands! I would even go as far as shoving a grenade in his throat forcing him to swallow it and have him hope the pin doesn't come loose..." She turned around as Ryder got back up to his feet. "Ryder I want you and your friend there to get me body armor and a mask. I don't care if the mask is a hockey mask with one eye hole blocked by a patch or even a bandana and a pair of glasses! I'm not leaving this plane without some sort of cover. You don't know who's watching and where they are!" She pushed Ryder aside as she went back into the bedroom shutting the door behind her. Ryder leaned on the bar giving a bit of a groan.

"...well.... You heard her... Go get something to hide her face and protect her vital region. Be quick please? I don't wanna get my head bitten off by her... She's just scared right now." Ember gave a nod taking his beer and standing up from his seat. "Oh and... See if you can get something for me to wear that makes me stand out to her... We don't wanna get grazed by a shot... or a direct hit."

Wolf grinned for a minute. "I got somethin' y'can wear. Might be a bit older but... y'might like it. I know how much y'like history but this'ns gonna be all you!" He said. Ryder gave a smile and watched as Wolf left.

About an hour later Ryder and Daring were both dressed up in tactical gear, all matching. The only difference was that Daring was wearing a dark red bandana around her face and a hood covering her head. Ryder had a blue paisley bandana wrapped around his head. He was wearing the same tactical gear but with what looked like an old blue navy uniform. Daring sighed looking at Wolf who was between her and Ryder as they were walking towards an armory building. "Apologies for snapping like that. A few complications arose in the shower..." She said. "A little soap in my eye. Stung and pissed me off..." Wolf huffed.

"Never good there. Now let's getcha set up with some weapons." He looked over at Ryder. "Ryder. Y'got full choice of what you want but try for maneuverability. Don't want to get a big ol' LMG and have the damn thing get stuck between the shipping containers. You can go for an assault rifle with adjustable stock or your bloody shotguns! Remember! Always have yourself a pistol or smg."

Ryder sighed a bit. "Yeah.... Right...." He said. "Just give me a short pump action, an AK-74u and we are good..." He looked up at the city that just peaked over the main HQ building of the base. "...What are we looking at in the area? Any civilians in proximity?" Wolf gave a nod.

"Two warehouses. Other side of the block is where their loading bays are. I've sent a few cars incognito to those places for today to protect anyone and everyone inside but checking the ID's of those who do work there. Those who don't are turned away and told to get out of the area before action is taken being arrest or if a weapon is drawn... I can already tell ya it aint gonna be pretty... My men are trained to shoot when someone threatens them. Happens more than ya think."

"Good... Don't want anyone injured in a cross fire. I don't think guns are going to be enough for this operation. Going to need some C4 or a rocket launcher to take out a wall. If I learned anything from playing my war video games a blast from an explosive always dazes everyone within a certain radius. Plus we could get a few cargo choppers to airlift the weapons out if the roof comes down."

Wolf stopped at the door of the armory and thought for a moment. Daring looked to him. "He has a point." She said. "If the wall that's blown isn't load bearing it can open up a wide area for me to aid you on the inside if I have a clear shot. If I'm hidden on a building at the same side you boys are entering there's no one in my way from opening a couple skulls. By the way would I be using a semi auto sniper or bolt action?"

Wolf looked to Daring. "Semi auto. All you'd have to do is reload it and cock when you do." He said. "I'll teach ya real quick while we're in here alright?" Daring gave a nod and walked inside. Wolf looked over at Ryder. "How'd ya get a brain like that in ya? Last I remember y'couldnt find your playing cards that were right in front of yer face!"

Ryder huffed as they followed Daring into the armory. There was a caged off area with a stallion taking stock of all kinds of weapons ranging from pistols to shotguns to snipers and so forth. Just to their right was a line of empty shooting range stalls. Targets were already lined up down range. At the end was a longer range area separated from the shorter ranges with a wall of layered sheet metal. "That was years ago Wolf." He said. "Besides I was very tired that time... I think..." They stopped at the caged area and looked inside. "Scorpion SMG's. Two." The stallion on the other side slid out a clipboard and a pen. A rental form. "Times have changed Wolf. For all you know I could be fucking one of the princesses back home. Maybe I could be ready to share a princess from The Crystal Empire. I'm trying my hardest not to be rude here but... seriously you cant expect me to stay the same." Wolf watched as Ryder signed for the guns.

"I guess the obvious thing is you're being an asshole... Just get to that fuckin' stall next to the sniper stall. I'll get you a few extra clips okay?" Ryder nodded as the stallion slid two clipless Scorpion SMG's out. He grabbed them both and hurried away from the caged area. Wolf looked to the stallion as he signed the rental form. "I'm gonna need a semi auto sniper rifle, variable zoom scope and a bipod. Teaching the new filly here how to shoot for the raid today."

The stallion gave a nod and started work on a rifle behind him. Daring hummed a bit. "I wouldn't worry about Ryder. He's still a bit cranky from last night." She said. "I'd probably stay clear of him with personal questions. He... he just lost his father.... Not good for his sister being with his cousin but... just work with him okay?" Wolf gave a nod and the stallion on the other side put out a large rifle with a skinny stock and loading chamber. The stock was made of what looked of rose wood glazed with acrylic. He handed it to her.

"Here. I'll bring your ammo with Ryder's in a second. You just set your rifle up. Ryder will make sure everything's set up correctly. And uh... Tell Ry I forgive him for snappin' at me okay?" Daring gave a nod putting the rifle over her shoulder and hurried down the stalls.

When she got to Ryder he shot her a surprised look. "He let you use his personal 'Dragon'?!" He asked. Daring gave him a confused look as he took the rifle off her and set it up in the sniper stall on a long rigged board to hold up rifles with a barstool for those who didn't want to stand while using it. "This rifle is something his father let him build since he was a kid but only got the parts he needed through his father who took apart the weapons he was sold yet he had to reassemble rifles to resell to the local guard who needed it... I don't know how the hell he managed to get all the parts or how long ago he got the thing working..." Daring went to the other side of the rifle and huffed.

"How would you know this is his personal rifle?" Ryder pointed to the stock where it met the rifle to a little etching of a little flame.

"He uses this logo on everything he draws, builds and what ever! I can even tell you it was on the car I uh.... crashed...." His voice dropped to near silent hearing the sound of boots. He turned around and saw Wolf walking towards him with two ammo boxes in his arms. "Dude you know you're making me jealous by letting her use that beauty!"

Wolf gave a bit of a laugh setting both ammo boxes on a table behind the stalls. "Well y'should've asked what gun you were gonna use but since you wanna get up close'n personal you're getting something better!" He said. "While I was getting your ammo I mentioned to the guy to get you a Spas, semi auto with frag rounds! You're gonna be a force to reckon with! Hell on two feet! First shot's probably gonna make them shit themselves!" His stomach gurgled a bit. "...Speakin' of which..." He backed away from the table and looked to Ryder. "Gotta make a stop at the latrine... Had some tofu chili that doesn't sit right... You just shoot your Scorpion's... I'll come back in a bit!" Ryder watched as his friend hurried away. Just as he left the range Ryder looked to Daring.

"Alright... You might need to work with small arms and I guess I can teach you. Best we can do here is what I got. You'll be able to do the same with a pistol Grab one of the guns and aim it down range. Get a feel for the weight of the gun. I'll get the ammo ready alright?" Daring nodded and went into the stall right next to the longer range. She looked at the guns set on the counter between her and the range. She picked one up and held it in her hand. The feeling of the gun in her hand almost frightened her. Like it could accidentally go off at any second even if there was no ammo inside it. Other than the dream she had never held a gun. It was always been nonlethal hand to hand combat. In her books she was said to have used swords to slash the legs of those who ambushed her or a staff to hold them at bay before breaking out a window and using a rope to further her escape than just jumping from a balcony into a pile of hay. She swallowed a bit as she set it down just as her coltfriend came to her side. "Something wrong?"

Daring gave a nod just sitting against the wall. "...I just... I kinda don't feel comfortable being up close and personal to shoot someone..." She said hanging her head. "...I've just... It's always been self defense martial arts and even dirty fighting.... I've never shot anyone and that dream doesn't count... drawing blood is something I wasn't trained to do... I'm only doing the sniper thing because you and Wolf think I can shoot..." She hid her face behind her hands. Ryder walked over to the ammo boxes and dug into the one marked for the sniper rifle. He took out a clip and huffed.

"Get the fuck up! Don't talk like that!" Ryder pulled Daring up to her feet by her arm and put the clip right into her hand. "You CAN shoot!" She looked to him a bit ticked.

"No I cant! Luna told us in a dream! In a dream I can do anything I fucking want! That shot would've hit even if I wasn't aiming it!" He sighed and put her against the wall.

"Stay!" He looked down the path towards the exit and up at the roof at a rafter hanging over head. "If I cant run up the wall and grab the rafter and swing back over here and cushion my landing without my wings then you cant shoot! But if I can you're going to load the gun and aim down range and shoot on my mark! You don't and its mission failed and Ahuizotl wins!" Daring huffed shaking Ryder off and sitting back down again.

"Well you fucking go for it! I'm gonna laugh when you bust your neck trying to do that! And just so I know you wont cheat get your wings in your uniform! They come out I'm leaving you with the sniper and hopping back on the jet!" Ryder huffed as he adjusted his uniform putting his wings on the inside of his jacket and shirt. Just as he looked comfortable he got into a readied stance. He counted down on his fingers before sprinting full on towards the wall. Just feet before the wall he jumped up and planted his boots on the wall rushing straight upwards. Not once did Daring see his wings. He grabbed the rafters and made his way over as if he were climbing on monkey bars. It took him a minute before he came all the way over Daring's head. He then jumped towards the back wall and jumped down the walls where they met at the corner before jumping one footed on the railing and flipping off. He landed in front of Daring who was shocked and a bit embarrassed.

"You think you can shoot now?" Daring whimpered as she stood up and nodded. She hugged Ryder.

"....I.... I'm sorry... I just... I just don't know what to think.... I'm honestly scared to be apart from you.... Ahuizotl threatened to kill me and.... well.... you're the one who's supposed to be near me the whole time making sure I don't die... Being on a building alone just exposed.... I just want someone to cover me while covering you.... If I'm being shot at I'm not really going to be of any help.... Two snipers could do better than just one you know...." He sighed.

"....Alright... I'll get up in the chopper with you but you're gonna be the only one on the building. I'll draw their fire with an LMG mounted on the chopper while you pick them off. Sound like something you can do?" Daring nodded into his shoulder sniffling. "...Alright... Come on get yourself calmed down. Don't need a sleepy sniper now do we?" The mare shook her head. "Good. Now lets get some ear plugs... the guy in the cage didn't give us any." He broke the hug with Daring and took her hand walking towards the entrance.

Not long later Ryder was looking down the scope of the sniper shuttering a bit. Daring and Wolf stood to the side just watching him as he aimed down range. "Come on man. Steady yourself. Breathe!" Wolf snapped. "This is all about breathing! You wanted to use this and now's your chance! Don't waste it by treating it like your fuckin' M60!" Ryder slowed his breathing and breathed a bit deeper. Soon he was calmed. "....Alright... Line your shot up... Got a few bottles lined up on the rack down there. Clearly marked behind that plywood. Shoots right through it but one of em is your favorite. That one is on a thin red string while the others are on thin black ones. Choose right and that soda's yours!" Ryder nodded and cocked the sniper looking through the scope. He took a deep breath and aimed at a black 'X' on the left of the ply wood at the way end of the range. He aimed upwards a little getting the other targets into his sights. "There we are.... Choose your target wisely... study each detail... the red string could be moving.... Could be standing still. Could be wearing a black suit as all the rest but one feature could make the target stand out like his tie. Could match his voice up if you have the right equipment... When you're ready take the shot." Ryder readied himself as he aimed dead center and brought the rifle upwards a bit before firing one shot. "Alright. I can tell you that's the one you wanted to shoot. Now its a fifty fifty shot. Wont even tell you which one's right." Ryder aimed hesitantly at both targets.

"...Which one..... whiiiiiiiich.... one....." He took a deep breath and a moment to look closely at the strings through the scope. He couldn't tell which color was which. "....Fuck it..." He just aimed at the left target and fired having the sound echo off the walls. Ryder released the rifle resting the butt of the gun down and looked to Wolf. "Hope I'm right here.... You wanna get the target? I need to get some air...." Wolf looked to a watch at the underside of his wrist.

"Sorry but that soda can wait. Raid time." He looked to Daring. "Grab the rifle and the ammo and hurry out. We'll be right out. Just a little somethin' I gotta do first with Ryder." Daring gave a nod and grabbed the rifle before going over to the table shutting, locking and picking up the sniper ammo before making her way out. Wolf looked to Ryder as he rested his hand on his shoulder. "Good.... Now I wanna thank you for doing this for me Ry.... Good stallion y'are. As we speak someone should be firing up your attack chopper. Fixed with your M60, you got some explosive rounds in that bastard and an ACOG scope on it. You'll see that later but now I just need t'give ya somethin'." They walked over to the gun cage and Ember looked in. "Remember that thing I gave ya earlier. Holster it and give it to the Equestrian General here." The stallion in the weapon cage nodded and started to rummage through a nearby drawer. The stallion came back up with a large box and a holster slipping them through the hole. Ryder grabbed the box and opened it right up and inside he saw a golden clip fed magnum pistol. "This thing was made just for you. I was gonna send it to you when I finished it but I guess fate had different plans. Only finished this thing last night and worked my ass off doing this thing. Chrome plated and painted with waterproof and friction proof paint. I fired it off once to see how it shoots and hell this thing can give ya quite a wallop if y'arent careful. Tight grips help." He patted his friends side as he checked the chamber. Not even a bullet was loaded in. Ryder looked to Wolf closing up the chamber.

"Damn man... This for me? A Deagle?" Wolf gave a nod. "Well... shit thanks man." He grabbed the holster and put it in fixing it in place. "I'd say I wanna use it right away but right now I think putting it on the plane might be safer. Less of a risk of losing it in the fight." Wolf gave a bit of a nod understanding what his friend was saying. Kind of an eventful morning but a bit on edge for some. Could the rest of the day be better?

To Be Continued

Raiding to be Scared Pt. 2

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It was maybe not even ten minutes after Ryder and Daring had climbed into the helicopter all geared up for the attack. Daring held on to her sniper rifle as she looked out the open door at the city below. Ryder sat off to her side wearing goggles as he caressed a mounted M60 LMG looking excited to fire the first round. The pilot flying looked to be a mare earth pony. She wore a head set with the mic up. She looked back at the couple behind her. "You two ready to start poppin' some heads?" She yelled over the roaring chopper blades. Ryder gave a thumbs up while Daring shuttered. "Alright. Once the guys on the ground blow the walls Greyscale there'll have to take out any guys that are up on the catwalks. Rush's gonna help clear any ground units that exit and maybe clear what are just out of range of Greyscale. Just watch your fire when the others get into the building. And General?" Ryder looked back. "You and Greyscale need to get an earpiece in. There's a mic hooked up to it via a wire and even better it even blocks outside sound. So that sniper isn't gonna do shit to your hearing and that LMG's gonna be cut in half with sound."

The mare picked up a little box and handed it back to Ryder who grabbed it and opened it getting two long wires out putting one end of one wire into his ear and one clipping to his uniform. He helped Daring with her earpiece. She felt tense. He huffed pulling her in close and resting his head on her shoulder. "...Don't be scared...." He said. "I'll be looking out for you the whole time.... If you don't have that itchy trigger finger like I do just imagine you're back in the range and 'you-know-who's' head is right on every one of those guys you see. Remember look for green clothes. Anyone not wearing green is a friendly. If you shoot and get the urge to lose your breakfast try and choke it down... if it doesn't wanna stay down just keep going alright?" Daring gave a hesitant nod swallowing a lump in her throat.

"Y'kno if you chew gum you cant puke!" They both looked to the pilot who had a pack of gum in hand. "Take this if you need it. I've got a few packs on me anyways." Ryder grabbed the pack of gum taking a stick out for him and a stick for Daring. He popped the fruity flavored gum into her mouth and got a bit of a smile out of her.

Daring took the pack stuffing it in a breast pocket and gave a little moan of enjoyment. "...Double cherry.... My favorite!" She said. She looked to Ryder. "You buy me more of this gum to take back to Equestria and you might be able to take advantage of me while we sleep! I seriously cant find this anywhere else! I cant find it in Canterlot, Manehattan I cant find this shit ANYWHERE!"

Ryder gave a bit of a grin and backed away. "We'll see about your gum situation but I'd say you get your rifle ready. Make sure everything works but... Don't pull that trigger... Not good if accidental misfire." He said. Daring nodded just as he went back to his gun. He gave a devilish grin stroking the large barrel of the mounted gun. "Oh.... you and I are gonna have a loooooooot of fun.... Once those walls come down everyone in that building is gonna be lit up...." He gave an almost evil laugh just as the chopper leaned turning over towards a flare that was shot up into the air.

The chopper pilot gave a bit of a laugh. "HAHA THERE WE ARE! THERE'S OUR SIGNAL!" She yelled out. "HOLD ON TIGHT THIS IS GONNA BE FUCKING SWEET!" Ryder looked back at Daring as she held on tight to her seat yet she looked a bit scared.

"Don't worry! You'll be fine! Get some more gum in your mouth! The flavor should keep your mind off everything! Just keep calm and do what you do... Let my love power you.... YOU! CAN! DO THIS!" Daring leaned her rifle on the inside of the seats and gave herself a slap across the face perking herself up before grabbing more gum from the pack and shoving it in her mouth. She picked up the rifle and the ammo box just as the chopper came closer and closer to the flare.

"Alright! We're gonna make a quick stop at a building across the road! That's when you hop out Grayscale! Rush'll start raining bullets distracting them. if you can hide yourself behind an air conditioning unit and make sure you drop someone! Don't be such a pussy! Pussies get pounded and trust me on this! I was one!"

Daring gave a nod and readied herself. Not even moments later the chopper slowed almost to a stop just as Ryder cocked the gun and started to fire wildly at a battle ground down below. Gun shots rang out and just as Daring touched down onto the building below her two huge explosions rang out shaking everything. The chopper took off and Daring looked around only seeing one vent that wasn't even big enough to hide behind. She even saw the building across the road with collapsed walls and dust everywhere. She dropped down and quickly set up her rifle. "....Okay... Just... Just fucking do this Daring... For the good of Equestria... and to save your own ass...." She said. She took a deep breath starting to chew the large wad of gum in her mouth and looked into the scope adjusting the zoom. She brought her head to the side of the rifle and closed her eyes as she fired the first shot having it rip right through a stallions skull.

Just up in the chopper Ryder was raining his explosive rounds down onto the ground. Gang members fled to cover, some running inside some just diving under trucks. Corpses already lied over beds of trucks, hanging out a few windows and even a fire escape on the side of the building. Just then a little sound of static sounded off in Ryder's ear. "Rush! It's Wolf. Get that gun and get your ass down here!" He heard his friends voice say. "We need ya to clear out the bottom level and there's a lot of em in there!"

Ryder looked at the building across the road and saw Daring putting another stick of gum into her mouth. The stallion put a finger up to his ear. "Got it. Have someone keep an eye on Grayscale!" He said just as he started to unhook his gun. "We lose her someone's losing their fucking heads got me?!"

The pilot looked back at Ryder as he just reloaded his gun. "Don't worry Rush! I'll keep an eye on her!" She called out. "Anything wrong I'll contact you!" Ryder gave a thumbs up as just as he got his gun off the mount. He looked back at Daring who fired another round off into the building. He jumped out of the chopper cushioning his landing just behind a truck with bodies hanging out of it.

Daring came away from her rifle scope just to watch the stallions below rush in firing more rounds at gang members just out of sight. She gave a huff and quickly took the clip out of her rifle putting a few more bullets into it. "....Fuck... This is something I didn't want to do but... at least I've got a body count...." She said to herself. She put a finger up to her ear putting. "Wolf? Come in Wolf! Greyscale here! Wondering if you still need me up here... Kinda feel naked without Rush covering my ass!" She got no answer as she continued loading the clip with a few bullets. "Wolf? Come in Wolf! Fucking answer me! At least someone please answer and acknowledge me! Rush at least say something to me!" She huffed not getting another answer.

Just as she reached for the rifle again it was kicked off just as she was forced down to the ground. "Oh I'm afraid you cant call for any help at the moment.... DARING!" A familiar voice said. Her heart dropped as she looked up seeing Ahuizotl wearing a black hoodie hiding his face but not his tail hand. "I'm surprised you came here and listened to that fool who's supposed to be protecting you.... Being all alone up here on a building is dangerous for someone who cant fly!" Suddenly she was yanked to her feet as he got a rope ready to tie up her wings.

"....F-fucking Ahuizotl... I CAN FLY!" He started to wrap up the rope around Daring's torso pinning her arms at her side. The weird mutant puma gave a laugh.

"Not for long anyways.... And I'd save your voice... best to use it while you're on the way down to your death!"

Just down in the building Ryder and Wolf were clearing the rest of the gang members out. Shots were being fired left and right with Ryder firing maybe a few shots here and there. Wolf gave a few quick bursts of his assault rifle right into a little office window hitting a few gang members sending them back only to die. The stallions huffed lowering their weapons. "Alright!" Wolf called out. "The Equestrian General and I will make sure the weapons aren't damaged!" He looked back behind him seeing a lot of militants behind them. "Everyone else scan the rest of the area! Make sure if there are any gang members left inside aren't left standing! Shoot to kill! That's an order!"

The militant guards quickly dispersed with their weapons at the ready. "YES SIR!" They all called out.

Ryder huffed as he clipped his gun to a harness on his back. "Jeez... This thing is a fucking beast..." He said walking with Wolf to the other side of a few large shipping containers. "Something tells me you guys blew the fucking roof off this place with some plastic explosive right?" He picked up a large chunk of rubble and chucked it at a wall.

Wolf gave a little bit of a chuckle as the came to the doors of the containers. "Would've done it with a rocket launcher but fuck we wanted to hit it and not miss!" He replied. "You get the weapons open make sure its all here! Let me put in a call. Gotta get this shit out of here!" Ryder nodded but just as he was about to open up the shipping container a staticky sound came to his ear along with a muffled voice.

"....The fuck...?" He plugged one of his ears up and listened closely. Wolf looked at him curiously as he took a few steps to the right and knelt down a bit.

Only then could he hear the chopper pilot. "RUSH! RUSH FUCKING ANSWER!" She yelled. "If there is ANYONE who can hear this get the hell out of that building now! Someone's on the roof with Greyscale and I cant fucking land this thing anywhere around here! Get out there and help her!" Ryder quickly dropped his M60 shoving Wolf onto the ground as he rushed for the door. Wolf followed him a bit curious. Just as they got outside they saw the helicopter circling the building with Ahuizotl holding Daring over his shoulder all tied up screaming.


Ahuizotl gave a laugh. "Would you look at that! You're pitiful guard friend has front row seats to your fucking death!" He said putting Daring as if she were standing up. Daring looked down at Ryder with tears in her eyes shaking scared. "HOW DOES IT FEEL GENERAL?! HOW DOES IT FEEL TO KNOW YOU'RE GOING TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS LIARS DEATH!?" Wolf came right to Ryder's side and aimed his assault rifle right up at the scared mare and her captor. Ryder looked over hearing him mumble something and quickly tackled him accidentally discharging the rifle.

"NO DONT SHOOT!" He pinned his friend to the ground. "Keep that fucking gun down until you know you have a fucking shot! We aren't letting him get away and we sure as hell aren't letting Daring get fucking hurt!" He stood up and looked back at Ahuizotl. "YOU FUCKING FREAK! YOU UNTIE HER RIGHT NOW OR YOU'RE FUCKING DEAD!"

"What's death to me when you should make a choice! If your friend there tries shooting me again I might do the same to your lover here...." He stroked Daring's mane a bit with his tail hand as he held her jaw in place. "EXCEPT I WONT FUCKING MISS! Your other choice is to accept your fate and admit defeat! ADMIT YOU CANT WIN AND I'LL SET HER FREE!"

Daring struggled a bit more. "DONT RYDER! ITS A TRICK!" She screamed. Ahuizotl quickly covered her mouth.

"Would you listen to this bold face liar who's been lying about who she is to the entire world or would you listen to me? I can give you a moment to consult with your little army man there if you're having trouble making this decision."

Ryder huffed and looked to Wolf as he stood up with his weapon gripped tight. "Wolf... You gotta help me think of something!" He said. "I don't trust him and neither should you... We shoot and Daring could die... we don't and we lose anyways and she could still die!"

Wolf thought for a moment looking at the building in front of them. Busted out windows, broken fire escapes and even the lipped top. He then looked to Ryder. "Maybe a little speedy surprise is in order...." He said. "Little plane take down and what ever the hell you did in the range and you'll be good!"

"You saw what I did in the range?" Wolf gave a nod making Ryder grin a bit. "Well... get ready. When I get half way do what needs to be done but don't aim." Ember gave a small nod as Ryder readied himself looking up at Ahuizotl and Daring. "Alright! You wanna know what I think Ahui? I THINK YOU'RE FUCKING DEAD!" Immediately he rushed off towards the building and started running up the wall. Just as Ryder reached half way up the building Wolf started to fire and at the same time Daring stuck the wad of gum in her mouth to the palm of Ahui's hand and bit him causing him to let her go. She fell to her side just as Ahuizotl growled and started sprinting away from the shooting stallion and disappearing behind the building after jumping off.

Daring rolled more into the rooftop just away from the edge breaking down crying. Not even a moment later the gunfire stopped and Ryder was rushing over to the fallen mare and dropped to his knees at her side picking her up and holding her close. "R-RYDER YOU ASSHOLE!" She yelled. "...How... How could you fucking take that long to choose...."

"Hey I saved your ass didn't I?" He said starting to untie her. "I really should've stayed up in the chopper to keep an eye on you but.... Ahuizotl must've had a jammer or something blocking communications. I barely heard the chopper pilot even say anything about you... Could've lost you but I was glad I didn't.... I knew he would try something even if I'd say we'd give up but fuck him!" Just as Daring's arms were free she hugged him causing him to fall back. "Hey hey... I got you.... You're okay...." He brought her off his shoulder and looked at her in the eye. "You are okay aren't you? He didn't violate you did he?" Daring shook her head. "...Good... I would've shoved a shotgun barrel so far up his ass he'd wish he had lube to go with it! Might just do that anyways once we find his ass and gun him down..." He stood up getting Daring to her feet. "Come on... lets get off the roof... No use in staying up here the whole time now is there?" She shook her head and extended her wings. Ryder did as well before gliding down to the street below hand in hand. When they landed Wolf rushed over to them. All Ryder did was look to him. "You get a few guys to stay here and wait for those shipping containers to get cleared out. We gotta get back to base now!" He smelled the air a little and coughed a bit wafting a bad smell away with his wings. "...And maybe a pair of pants for her... Scares do a lot!" He looked to Daring seeing her blushing hard and hiding her face in his shoulder.

About an hour later Ryder was just pacing back and forth in front of the door of the plane just waiting for Daring and Wolf. They were inside the plane gathering clothing, their bags, a couple drinks from the bar to forget this endeavor and waiting on a new room to be made up. Thoughts raced through his head. Thoughts of Ahuizotl. How he's going to kill, why he's going to kill and if he ever wants to let off the trigger. Just before Ryder went and snapped Wolf was coming down the steps from the plane carrying two over packed suit cases looking as if the clothes they had were just stuffed inside. "Ryder!" He called out. Ryder looked up at him. "Y'know who's needin' ya in there! She's washing herself up but just doesn't want to be alone. Bartender's getting a few whiskey bottles from town with our men guarding her. No foul play going on." Wolf stepped down and Ryder started in to the plane. He stopped and looked back at Wolf.

"Dude.... I owe you BIG! Anything you need while I'm here its done!" The stallion at the foot of the steps looked at his friend.

"Nah. You're here to be protected and y'don't need to pay me back! Now get your ass in there. She's got no clothes on but she's probably pissin' herself still." Ryder gave a nod before pulling up the steps to the plane.

Just as the opening closed up he turned to the inside and looked at the ransacked plane. The couch cushions were against the bar, each of the bottles at the bar were opened and on the bartop, garbage bags were filled with food and other drinks and even tied off really tight. He walked through the mess going towards the bedroom. He only dipped right into the bedroom for a second before just going into the bathroom only to see Daring sitting in the open shower just hugging her legs sobbing. He closed the door and she instantly sprang up. She looked to Ryder and sniffled just wiping her nose. "...Fucking hell.... I thought you were one of... THEM!" She said. "...I just... Ahuizotl... He... He found us and... and..." She just put her back to the white tile of the shower wall and leaned against it sitting down on the shower floor.

Ryder sighed starting to get undressed. "Hey don't cry... You're okay..." He said. "You're in a military base. An idiot would try and fail to attack a foreign military base and you know what Ahuizotl is? He is just a weird panther with the mind of a four year old!" He tossed his shirt and pants aside and dropped his boxers down stepping out of them. He opened the clear shower door and stepped in sitting down with Daring. "...If I had a clear shot I would've fucked him right up... But even with explosive rounds I still might've hit you with any little shrapnel or explosion...." Daring leaned on Ryder and he couldn't help but moving her onto his lap holding her naked body close. "...Come here... I gotcha... its okay... You'll be safe..."

"...I... I better be... I don't wanna die...." She lied her head onto Ryder's shoulder continuing to sob harder.

"...Look baby.... I'm gonna get you to Wolf's room after we're done here... I've made sure it locks and Wolf even gave me the only key to his room... I'll get you in there, he's gonna have guards at the door just to make sure nobody gets in but me and Wolf. Wolf's gonna stick around the base to help make a plan for us to go after that sword... I'm gonna go out with a few others and we're gonna grab some food for us so we don't have to eat gruel or just a plain salad... I can get you a hayburger combo or something but... I just want you to relax and feel safe while I'm out alright?" Daring gave a hesitant and shakey nod. Ryder held his marefriend close moving her wet mane out of her face only to kiss her forehead.

About forty five minutes later Ryder was dressed in a black leather jacket and black military cap even having a bandana around his neck. He also wore a pair of dark blue jeans. He lied Daring down in a large bed inside a dimly lit room. She wore only a black bra and panties and she looked really tired. Ryder kissed her as he covered her up with a blanket. The room around them shrouded in a bit of darkness only lit by rays of sunlight only revealing a few posters of mares and cars. Daring looked to Ryder just as he backed out of the room slowly. Just before the door closed she passed out. As she slept she plunged into a dream world. In her dream she was crawling through mud. A storm raged on around her sending wind, rain and debris flying everywhere. She whimpered looking around at the field just teeming with the gang members she had shot or saw in the shoot out. Chopper's flew over shining spotlights everywhere they could, some narrowly missing Daring. A loud speaker sounded. "COME ON YOU FOOLS! FIND HER AND GUT HER!" She heard Ahuizot's voice call out. "I want that bitch dead! First one to take her down and bring me her head will be the one to help me lead my army to take over the entire world!" He gave an evil laugh just having it be cut off when the speakers cut out.

A loud crack of thunder and a flash of light didn't deter Daring from attempting to get up and start running through the mud only to start getting shot at. She bobbed and weaved through the hail fire of bullets coming from nearly every direction. The only clear path was the way she was running but two gun trucks were closing the path. They still fired upon her but she stopped and dove off to the side only to just fall through thick grass and ending up inside of a temple on a sacrificial table. Alone. She got up and looked down only to see herself in the outfits she appears in with her books. Khaki capris pants and a tight military grade fabric khaki shirt. Her pith helmet sat on the steps just a few down. She stepped down hesitantly and picked it up quickly putting it on her head and looking around thinking Ahuizotl would pop up somewhere. Nothing. She gave a sigh and started down the steps still looking for any traps that could've been set. "Miss Do I hope you're quite alright!" A familiar voice said startling her. She yelped tripping over herself only to be caught inches from smashing her face on the steps by a strange blue magic. "My that was a close one. Someone's having a bit of trouble I presume..."

The weird blue magic stood her up and set her on the steps gently. She buckled slightly but kept steady. "...P-princess Luna...? Where are you...?" She asked looking around in the dark temple.

"Try looking behind you! You got up before I could even show myself!" Daring turned around only to see Princess Luna sitting on the sacrificial table. She wore an outfit similar to Daring's. Dark blue capris and a semi long sleeved shirt of the same material Daring has. She even had a pith helmet with her long flowing mane tied into a ponytail. She scooted over a little bit. "Come Daring. Sit with me." Daring climbed the steps hesitantly just hugging herself as if she were cold. She whimpered as she climbed back onto the table only to lean on and hug the Princess.

"...I... I had an encounter with him... he just... he tied me up and... nearly... k-killed me..." Luna shushed Daring as she started to whimper.

"...I know... Ryder called me and told me... He was crying... just scared for your safety...." She snapped her fingers having the entire world around them change. All it turned into was a bed inside of a large dark space. "...I'm sorry that happened to you but do not let it deter you... Twilight contacted me since your departure and specifically told me any time you're down and out like this to tell you she's counting on you... Same with Ryder's cousin and his little sister. They're all counting on you just... please don't give up... Ryder is trained to win and succeed. If he fails he's going to go into a deep depression and when he comes out- if he does... Ahuizotl could've taken Equestria by force and had each and every country all over the world just bowing down to him. Would you want that?" Daring shook her head. Luna sat Daring up and had an assault rifle fit with a drum magazine appear in mid air. "Take it. Lose that feeling of fright and lay into the bastard!" She snapped her fingers yet again and a shooting range appeared. At the end of the shooting range was a dummy of Ahuizotl standing mid range. Daring took the rifle and stood up hesitantly looking as if she were going to wet herself. She looked at Luna who gave a smile and waved her on. "Go and do it! He wont hurt you! Ryder isn't scared of him so why should you be?" She gave a nod and stepped up to the stall of the shooting range and cocked her gun.

As she aimed it the dummy came to live just moving. It looked as if it were struggling to escape from being tied up. Daring squeezed the trigger and the rifle fired round after round at the dummy hitting everywhere on it, around it and going through it. This lasted for some time until a familiar voice echoed. "Daring? Daring baby... C'mon wake up!" It said. The rifle clicked as the last round was fired and Daring threw the rifle aside. She turned to Luna looking perked up and pumped. Luna smiled as she stood up only to have Daring rush up and hug her.

"Well... Seems someone should wake up since she's feeling better. I think Ryder should know you aren't afraid of that mutated panther freak!"

Daring broke the embrace with the princess and bowed in respect to her. "Thank you Princess... I really needed this..." She said. "If you can.... Maybe you can tell Dash and Princess Twilight that I'll be strong for them.... and... maybe give them something to thank them for the hope they're putting in my heart... I'll pay you back for what ever they want when I get the chance!" Luna smiled as she stood back up.

"You don't have to pay me back.... What you are doing for the fate of Equestria is enough." She waved her hand over Daring and she started fading away. "Now... Don't smack Ryder when you wake up... He sounds kinda close..."

Daring gave a nod and shed a tear just before she faded away. Just outside Ryder was sitting on the bed in the now illuminated room. Their suitcases were sitting against the wall next to a ransacked dresser still having clothes hang out of it. There was a TV across from the bed mounted on the wall with a shelf below it lined with books. Ryder wore nothing but his boxers looking as if he were just about to pass out having a fast food bag in his hand. "Daring... Come on wake up... I got the food..." He said nudging her a bit. "I've even got you a little beer from the store in town! Just... C'mon please... Get up..." He shook her one last time before she jumped springing up almost ready to back hand him.

Daring looked around panting and sighed just slumping over. "...Fucking hell... You scared me half to death..." She said. She looked to Ryder hugging him just as he set the bag of food aside. "...How long were you out? How long was I out...?" Ryder looked to a little alarm clock on a side table and saw it reading a little after one in the afternoon.

"Couple hours... I went to the range and took some rage out on a few targets with an old AK SMG. Probably shot for about an hour or so and went out with a few guys just to get a drink or two from a bar. I had to drive us back but kinda glad I stopped for your food and the beer... I'm actually dying for a brew... Havent gotten a drink since the plane landed..." He pushed her off gently and wrapped the blanket around her. "...You're actually freezing cold... Must've wiggled out of the sheets..." Daring gave him a smile as she held the blanket close to her near naked body. Ryder dug into the bag of food and pulled out a ball of paper handing it over to Daring. "Here. Number two at McWhoovians. Didn't know what drink you wanted but that's why I just got the burgers. Sorry if you wanted the combo... Couldn't really carry the drinks and open the fucking door with two drunk idiots in the back seat."

"Oh its quite alright.... I wasn't wanting a soda anyways..." She took the warm paper and opened it revealing a hayburger dripping with ketchup. "...I'm still kinda woozy from opening some skulls up with that sniper... I have to say that was fun... That and the excitement from you-know-who having his grubby hands on me...." She bit into the burger just as Ryder turned on the TV to what looked to be cartoons. "...I mean... Have you ever been tied up and manhandled like that?" Ryder cracked open a bottle of beer handing it to Daring before picking another up and cracking it open for himself.

"Well... Training had a ton of shit go down... I was tied up and carried to a pool and I basically had to escape using what ever I could before getting thrown in. Always good to have a knife with you just in your reach. Cut your way out of anything. If you kept your grip on it if you wiggled free you can slash the fuck out of anyone." He sighed as he just bit into his burger. "Tip... Be quick about it and discrete... otherwise you get that knife taken away and tossed in the pool faster... Glad I cut it so much just before I got tossed in... Broke the damn rope before I hit the bottom. I was sick for the next few days because someone thought it was funny to fill the pool with twenty bags of ice before the drill."

Daring gave a little laugh as Ryder changed the channel to the news reporting on what happened earlier. There were pictures of the warehouse blown up, bullet holes everywhere and even the shipping containers full of weapons getting loaded onto a truck. "A battle took place earlier in the day at the Sprawling SeaBanana Warehouse that used to be taken over by gang members who made working around the area tough for many." A mare said. "The local military flew in and raided the entire warehouse and got the weapons back for both the local guard and themselves with the help of what appeared to be the strategic master, the Equestrian General! He was spotted yet again after a couple hours just outside of a McWhoovians getting back to a vehicle borrowed from our local militants. They will be honored later in the week if we are to ever get a word with the General and the head of our local military. If you need to get to work in the battle grounds you will be either escorted to work by the military and Identification checks will be mandatory. I'd suggest taking a detour to work if you're on the other side of the warehouse."

Daring gave a sigh. "...At least they didn't stick around to see me nearly get tossed off the fucking roof..." She said just before taking a sip of her beer. "Anything there would just jeopardize me even more. I mean..." She averted her gaze a moment. "...I just... I almost didn't show you who I really was... That probably would've thrown me into a bunker with a noose ready to just end myself..."

Ryder set his food down and leaned over just hugging Daring. "Then things wouldn't be this way... You gone, Ahuizotl probably would've summoned armies of the damned, leading them straight to each castle in Equestria just to capture each princess possibly executing them too... I wouldn't want to wake up one day only to know there was nothing I could do to even save Equestria... I'd definitely be thinking of some way but who knows if i'd find the backup to help me fight Ahuizotl off. Yet just seeing him would make me think this was a bad dream and possibly plead to work at his side to spare my life as well as my families..." Daring looked to him as she drank a bit more of her beer giving him quite a concerned look. "Look it'd be a first ditch effort. If I gained his trust i'd've shot him. Probably would be looking for you all over Equestria until I came up on where ever the hell you were... Once you see one you gotta see the other right?"

"I... I suppose that's true... You don't go to Canterlot and see Celestia without seeing Luna..." She hugged and nuzzled Ryder. "But... I'm just glad you saved me... I'd rather shoot than get shot any day." Ryder blushed a bit just turning off the TV.

"...What say you and I just finish our food and snuggle? I'm feeling kinda drained right now..."

"I know... Luna told me you called her crying... You gonna be alright?" The stallion whimpered a bit as Daring released him. He gave a hesitant nod grabbing his food yet again. "...Well... if you need to relax yourself just... grab anything you desire while we're here." Ryder took another bite of his burger and chewed it before just repositioning and lying down on Daring's lap. She stroked his mane with one hand while the other held on to a beer bottle. She sighed. "...Alright... you're obviously hurt by me nearly getting killed today... You managed to save me yet again though... Twilight and Rainbow Dash would be proud of you saving me once again..." She scratched his cheek lightly as she sipped on her beer bottle. He blushed.

"...I almost didn't get through the drive out and back... I wanted to take a rifle from the lock box in the back and hunt Ahuizotl's ass down... Probably would've bailed right out and snapped his neck with my bare hands if I couldn't get any guns... He's dead next time we see him... right?" Ryder looked up at Daring as she took his burger and wrapped what was left in its wrapper before setting it aside and repositioning him.

"He's dead when we can get our hands on him but you have to have good judgement. He's a mastermind. He can find one opening for someone and use it to his advantage! When I injured my wing back in book two he had his men throw rocks knowing I couldn't fly up and away from them. I do my best dodging in the air. I was just in a good spot to use tree's to jump to and from just to dodge enough of them. I got hit a few times but nothing but quick hits to my arms." She lied down and spooned with him a bit. "But not even that little wing injury fucked with me. The handicap here is firearms, city rooftops and a local military helping us. Good help with the military but we might need to go to that sword alone and do our best to keep from getting caught or shot."

"Can we maybe.... stop talking about the sword and ... him...? I just kinda wanna sleep..." The mare gave him a warm smile and released him just allowing him to get under the covers. As Ryder settled himself in, Daring wiggled out of her bra and panties throwing them aside. Ryder blushed as she climbed under the covers and snuggled right up to him.

"And... just if you want to rub up on something I'm making it easy just for you... You know I love you right?" Ryder wrapped his arms around her putting one on her breast and the other between her legs cupping her marehood. She moaned feeling his fingers rub against her lips. She looked back and gave a smile as he started to kiss her neck. "...Well... someone seems to like this position... Does somebody need a little help getting out of their pants? I can feel you twitching..." He gave a slight nod as he slipped a finger inside the mare's warm and dripping pussy. She shuttered as she reached back and pulled his pants down a bit and taking his cock out guiding it towards her ass. He teased her asshole immediately. "...I know I'm gonna regret this but just fucking drill me! Go as hard as you can!" Ryder nodded and slipped his cock right through Daring's legs and started teasing her marehood. She shuttered as he brought her leg up and started to thrust. She moaned a bit looking back at him. "...Y-you just get a better vantage... I just want you to destroy my cunt! Think of it as your reward for saving me...." Ryder gave a smile and got up straddling one of his marefriends legs and started thrusting faster.

"...I- ah...- I love you... You know that?" Daring gave a nod as she grabbed a pillow and bit it covering her lustful moans of pleasure. He thrusted harder causing the bed to hit the wall. He leaned in and suckled on her nipples. She blushed holding his head against her chest.

"Come on! Faster!" Ryder moved his hips faster going deeper inside Daring. She moaned loudly as he felt each pounding strike against her womb. Her eyes rolled back as she was consumed by blissful ecstasy. She couldn't help but utter a cry of pleasure grabbing the sheets having her wings slowly extend from under her. "More baby! I-I'm close! So fucking CLOSE!" The stallion brought his head up as he brought both the mare's legs high into the air starting to thrust harder and harder making it nearly impossible to keep quiet. She came hard squeezing her boyfriends cock tight. He pulled out and started rubbing his shaft before just a load of his hot spunk right onto Daring's stomach. She opened her legs up wide giving a sigh. "....You... are just.... sheez... you gotta be careful what you do... Otherwise we aren't gonna have enough energy for that sword... And I know I was gonna say we would cuddle but to me you smell like shit... stress sweat gets ya REAL smelly! I could smell you the whole time we were fucking..." Ryder blushed a bit tucking himself away back in his pants grabbing the food bag ripping off a piece handing it to Daring.

"...Damn... Didn't realize you could smell that... I just thought I had bad breath or something..." He climbed off the bed and started digging through Daring's bags tossing her a shirt and a skirt not caring if they matched. Just a blue shirt and a denim skirt. "Just throw these on. Maybe keep the panties off?" Daring huffed as she put on the shirt.

"Just get my panties you pervert before I have you shoved into some chastity shit. A stiffy hurts if it cant extend the whole way!" Ryder huffed as he tossed her a fresh pair of panties.

"Punch me in the balls why don't you... that'd be worse than the chastity thing and I don't wanna have Princess Celestia get a credit card bill report only to see a few sex things on it... Always has to have other guards open packages I have ordered to the castle... Four of which I actually haven't got because some of the guards stole em and hocked em. Mostly that jackass that got fired." Suddenly Ryder's phone went off just playing a guitar riff. He got up and grabbed his phone off the nearest nightstand and picked it up. "Speaking of Equestrian princesses here's Twilight.... Gimme a sec...."

He quickly hit the answer icon and put it on speaker only to hear a little faint crying. "Ryder? Ryder its Twilight! I don't know if you have my number registered." She said. Ryder sighed and got up on the bed.

"Just caught me here Princess. I'm about to hop in the showers with you-know-who. I take it you heard what happened?

"Yeah... Luna called. Congrats on the raid but... PLEASE be careful with you-know-who.... But we can talk later about her! Right now Dash has Scootaloo here. I had to bring them both back to my castle just to have Applebloom and Sweetie Belle keep her company during a nap and she just had a nightmare about your father."

Daring reached over and grabbed the phone from the stallion. "Twilight do ANYTHING you can with her and I will pay you back personally! Book money can do anything and everything I want it to do! Buy a few toys for her, maybe a trip to Cloudsdale could help. Pretty sure I've overheard there's a meet and greet with the wonderbolts! Maybe buy her a little replica jumpsuit for when Nightmare Night comes around!" They heard a little hum with the crying getting a bit more quiet.

"That does sound like a bit of fun... I guess we can make that happen. But uh... You think you can give Ry his phone back? I kinda wanted him to talk with his sister. See if he can help her calm down..."

"Understood princess. Here he is." Ryder took his phone back getting up just as the crying got a bit louder.

"Scootaloo? Come on sweetie you're okay... got your big brother on the phone.... He's worried about you..."

There was a little bit of rustling along with an incoherent voice sounding like another mare. "...H-hello? R-r-ryder...? Is that you?" A familiar filly asked.

Ryder gave a smile as Daring sat right next to him on the edge of the bed. "Yeah sis... I'm here. What's wrong?" He asked. They could both hear Scootaloo whimper.

"...I... I had a bad dream about daddy... and you..." She let out a little sob and coughed. "I just... I don't like b-being here... without you or daddy... I miss you both.... Please.... J-just... come back soon big brother..."

"...Don't worry Scoot... Nothing's gonna happen to me... I'll be fine out here... Now listen to me Scoot... I'm gonna say this only once and I want you to do what I say alright?" They heard a little 'mmhm' from the sniffling filly. "Alright... I want you to get your friends together and their sisters and say a prayer for Dad.... If you cant think of anything maybe have Dash or the princess help you... I'll be here for maybe a couple days longer just to make sure things are safe and maybe to relax after we've gotten what we came here for but I promise you we'll both be fine and we'll be home soon. Alright?"

They heard a little bit more crying and then a little rustling. "Hey Ry?" Another voice said. "It's Dash.... YOU BE CAREFUL WITH DARING! I WILL KILL YOU IF SHE GOES DOWN! IF I CANT GET TO YOU TWILIGHT WILL LOCK YOU AWAY FOR-" She was suddenly cut off by a grunt and a slapping sound.

Just then they heard a grunt. "So sorry about that Ry... I'll make Dash buy Scootaloo things since she said that...." They heard Twilight say. "I'll leave you two to get to whatever you were doing. Speak with you soon hopefully."

Daring gave a huff as the phone clicked. "Somepony really seems worried about me." She said getting up from the bed. She looked to Ryder as he got up as well. "You should really listen to them baby.... Keep your eyes on my flank and protect it and maybe next time you save me I get you somewhere on the base in the open... Might be fun if we get caught!" She grinned just swishing her tail around lifting her skirt a bit. Ryder blushed and followed her right out of the room.

Not long after Ryder was helping Daring wash her mane out. No one was in the large shower room other than them. As he ran his soapy fingers through the mares dark mane he sighed. "...there we go... maybe if you want I can find a mare on base who can help braid your mane..." He said. "It'd probably look very cute when it's up. Anything on me look good when it's up?" Daring snickered a bit as she put her head under a shower head.

"You are such a perv! What's even sexier is with your guard up. I would like my mane braided up though... I've done it before in book three when I was going after the golden idol of the Irvakian Tribe. The temple was hidden off in a very warm area and underground nonetheless. I was nearly dying of heat stroke. Once I was in the temple I was cooled off by a spring running right at the entrance. Filled each bottle I had up and splashed some on my face. Ahuizotl led me right towards the room they would preform weird torture rituals and tied me to the chair. He put spiders all over me, a few snakes on chains and even had a fucking tiger tied to a rope ready to slash at someone because they apparently didn't feed it for a day and tied... fucking meat to my neck... I fed the damn thing after I escaped and shook all those spiders off me and it attacked on command yet for some reason he still throws cats at me big or small..."

"If I remember you had a cat claw your legs up in book one right?" Daring looked to him and nodded. "I'm more of a dog stallion anyways... I've actually had a game where I could make friends with tons of different animals and used them to bite and slash enemies everywhere. I wanted to do a 'K9' unit thing in the guard but my cousin's marefriend didn't want to give up a wolf for me to have help because she just didn't want the pup to get hurt." Daring gave a sigh just feeling the warm water on her body only to jump feeling Ryder grab onto her flank. She looked back at him blushing.

"Hey! Down boy! That bone better stay in place until this shower is over!" The stallion gave a little laugh just wrapping his arms around her.

"Sorry. You needed me to help wash you and pretty much that means I can grab you like this!" Daring huffed a bit.

"...Gonna regret this buuuut...." She extended her wings and swatted at her boyfriends face causing him to back off. He fell back onto his flank catching himself. Daring giggled. "I told you to stay on your guard AND I never said you can grab my ass in the shower... Only wash me. Now get up and maybe let me wash you now! Your mane looked greasy as hell!" He blushed standing up slowly. "Come on I promise I wont push you back down again." He hesitantly stepped over getting a sad look on his face. He knelt down in front of Daring just as she got a shampoo bottle from the ground. He whimpered slightly just as she squirted a bit onto his scalp. "Hey... don't worry... I didn't want to make it seem like you were doing something wrong... I know you're a guard and you've got a little sister but I just wanna keep you in check so you don't get carried away with things like this... My ass as a distraction for you isn't going to help much if we're in the heat of a shootout with that fucking Ahuizotl... I might have a dead eye but me shooting the whole time alone is going to deplete my ammunition and make me the weak point if they decide to flank us from what ever cover we have. You understand what I'm saying?" Ryder gave a nod whimpering just a bit. "...You're still cuddling with me tonight... I can tell you're very stressed and tired from that pounding you gave me... don't worry... I still love you...." She took her hands away from the stallion's sudsy mane and rinsed them in the running water. "Now rinse and give me a kiss!" Ryder stuck his head under the shower water and washed the soap away. He turned back to Daring giving her a kiss on the cheek nuzzling her.

Not long later Ryder was asleep in bed. Daring just sat at his side as she brushed her bangs out. As she brushed a knock came to the door. She whistled a bit and stayed ready just in case it was someone other than a guard. She sighed seeing it was Wolf wearing a pair of black shorts and a white tank top. He gave a smile shutting the door softly and walking over to the window just as it was starting to get dark. "Some day today..." He said drawing the curtains closed. He looked to Daring. "You alright? You seem pretty calm even though you were nearly killed today." Daring huffed as she set the brush down.

"...My cool comes right back no matter what... Gun battle, avalanche, even random explosives. The only time I'm truly freaking out is when there's a fucking spider anywhere near me. Seems this big guy knows how I feel about that too." She stroked her stallions still damp mane giving a sigh.

"Well guess y'can relax there... None of those creepy fuckers here. Got a barrier keeping any creepy crawlers out and that does include changelings. We had a warning from Canterlot and The Crystal Empire to be on the lookout for them after a wedding was raided. No one knows where they are and if they tried to take this base they couldn't. Stop right at the gate only to have their heads explode." Daring laughed a bit.

"Nice... But listen... What services are you able to provide me with for safe and unknown entrance into the city. I don't like going out in public unless everything about me is covered by clothing. Wings, mane, flank and even my eye color." Wolf sat at the foot of the bed.

"Alright. What we can do is put you n Ryder into costumes and I'll even give you a vehicle to ride in that isn't military. Could be vintage civilian or even more modern but weapons might be up to you. Got my own personal history armory of refurbished guns. That sniper you had got busted when it was dropped off the roof but don't worry. I can patch it up. Already half way there with a few parts. No ones in trouble for that. Ry's MG was a bit damaged with what ammo he was firing but.. hell... Doesn't worry me much... Got more of them in the shipping containers. Along with a few rifles. You could go in like spec ops or raise some hell. My advice be quick and clean about it. No one likes wandering places with bullet holes just everywhere."

"No body likes wandering places with curses either. But... Perhaps we speak tomorrow about what we do to go after the sword... No use in showing up to a gun fight tired and blowing someones brains out who you had no intention to." Wolf gave a bit of a laugh standing up.

"Right on that. Happened a few too many times in the tide of war." He walked towards the door and sighed looking back. "Y'kno if y'need anythin' just get the guard at the door to get it. I trust him to protect me while I sleep. You can trust him to do the same." Daring gave a nod and crawled under the covers just as Wolf opened the door and closed it leaving the room. In that moment Ryder started to whimper tossing a bit but Daring couldn't help but grab a hold of him and whispering into his ear.

"...Hey... Don't worry... I got you... you're okay just sleep...."

Ryder's whimpering subsided and he sighed nuzzling Daring. "...mkay.... mama...." He muttered. The mare gave a little giggle before shutting her eyes. Long day deserves a lot of rest. Who knows how long this rest will go for?

To Be Continued.

Disaster in the Mind

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It was early morning inside the military base. Daring was tossing and turning vigorously in the bed. She whimpered a little trying to feel for her stallion friend Ryder. She rolled over wrapping herself in the covers before falling off the bed with a thud. She groaned as she opened her eyes dazed as she got up from the floor dropping the sheets off her naked body. "...Fuck... That was some dream..." She said rubbing her now pounding head. She looked around the messy room seeing no sign of her boyfriend. Not even a note anywhere. Or his phone. "What the hell... not even a kiss goodbye? Oh am I gonna have his balls in a fucking vice grip... Hopefully Wolf's around to help me find his fucking ass so I can just kick it...." She quickly put the covers back on the bed and walked right over it going to her suitcase opening it right up. She fished a pair of underwear, a bra and new clothes. The underwear set were just a plain black pair of panties and a matching bra. The clothes she gathered was a pair of baggy cargo pants, a pair of black running shoes, and a black band tee shirt. Gems and Tulips was scrawled right across the chest with a shining fire ruby sitting right under it.

As she sat down on the bed grabbing the brush on the side table a knock came to the door startling her. She rolled back dropping off onto the floor yet again this time catching her as she readied herself. "Baaaaby!" Someone called out. Ryder. "C'mon and open the door. Got a surprise for you!" Daring sighed hearing her boyfriends voice and got up from the floor. She gripped the brush tighter as she began to tug at her mane a bit as she walked over to the door and leaned against the wall.

"You think you can wait a minute Ry? I've got a few knots in my mane that I really need to get out! You cant braid my mane if its all snarly now can you?" A grunt came from behind the door.

"C'mon let me in please baby! Everyone else is grabbing breakfast and I'm the only one in here! Help me out a little please! My hands are full!" The mare ran her fingers through her mane staying silent. "Is this about fucking you in the ass while you were asleep last night? I'm sorry! I just cant sleep with a stiffy JUST OPEN THE DAMN DOOR!" Daring thought for a moment about the stallion's comment and huffed.

"Why the hell should I open the door for you if you left me alone in here in the first place? I could've died for all you know!" She could hear Ryder give an annoyed sigh. "If I let you in you're getting a few bruises on your arms alright?"

"Fine! Let me in, let me set what I have down somewhere and feel free to beat the crap out of me! I deserve it!" Daring tugged the brush through her still semi-messy mane a few more times before opening the door a few inches only for it to be pushed open by Ryder. He wore what looked to be military fatigues. Blue digital camo pants, dark blue shirt, combat boots and even a cadet's cap. He carried a tray of food about two feet long with pancakes, a syrup bottle, a few boxes of berries and even a little container of whipped cream. He walked over to the bed and set the tray down with a guilty look on his face. He stepped away getting ready for his punishment. Daring walked over tossing the brush away and cracking her knuckles before giving him a few good punches to the arm and a knee to his hip making him collapse kneeling down groaning. She grabbed his chin facing him to her.

"You need to know when I need my protection! It's when I'm sleeping and I'M VULNERABLE! Who knows what could've happened? Ahui could've slipped in and slit my throat!" She picked him up with his arm and stood him on his feet hugging him. "I'm willing to let go the anal fucking during the night but NEVER leave my side! I don't want to be alone otherwise someone could target me, take me out or just make me 'disappear'!"

"...Hey look I'm sorry... I just left for maybe half an hour to get us our breakfast... I didn't think you'd wake up that fast... I wanted to just wake you up by presenting you with breakfast in bed after yesterday... you needed time to relax and stay calm... Isnt that kinda what you wanted...?" Daring sighed and broke off of her boyfriend and sat at the foot of the bed.

"...I guess.... I woke up on the floor after I rolled off this bed having a nightmare trying to run my ass away from Ahuizotl on the rooftops of this godforsaken city...." She looked to Ryder as he picked the tray of food up again and sat next to her laying the tray over their legs. "...I actually tripped and fell before I woke right up...."

"...Well... He's not gonna do that and he isn't going to get you. He even tries, I'm gonna tackle his ass to the ground and blow his head off with a shotgun! Maybe blow a hole in each of his appendages before-" Daring quickly put a hand over his mouth shushing him.

"Watch what you say before this food goes to waste! Got it?" The stallion nodded not saying another word. "Good! Now get the controller! We aren't going to sit here in silence having nothing to say to each other between bites!" He rolled his eyes nodding again before Daring took her hand away grabbing a firm hold of the tray just as he slid back on the bed snatching the remote off the side table turning the TV on.

When the TV turned on all that was on was cartoons. Daring snickered looking at Ryder as he blushed changing it to a movie and then the news. All that was on was just a view of Canterlot. "Canterlot, home to the two mare's that raise the sun and the moon." A mare's voice said. "Today I was asked to speak with Princess Celestia herself about her General's appearance in yesterday's assault against a Bullvanian gang." Just then Princess Celestia appeared on the screen sitting in her throne with a guard at her side. "Princess I apologize for intruding on your throne room on this day of relaxation but my colleagues in Steurope are curious as to why the General of your guard is there!"

Celestia gave a smile. "Well all he did was put in for a vacation." She said. "He has a friend in the military who has promised to keep him on base for said vacation but I guess he was caught up in the action."

"Is there anything you wish to say to your general if he's watching at the moment?" Celestia gave a nod and leaned forward crossing her legs.

"General if you're watching... Somebody's getting a bit of a pay raise when they get back! I'd even call to see if there can be something done about someone VERY close to you..." The camera panned to the right a bit revealing a mare with a red coat and even darker red mane tied up in a bun.

"General I speak for almost everypony in Equestria, thank you for your services! Now back to you at the studio!"

Daring grunted a bit as she was nudged and bumped a bit just as Ryder turned the TV off and scrambled for his phone. "God dammit Ryder calm yourself!" Daring snapped grabbing at his arms. "Eat and THEN call Celestia! She's got her phone just-"

Ryder grunted smacking her hands away. "NO!" He said. "Fuck eating I need to call Celestia NOW!" He slid his phone out of his pocket but before he could grab it Daring took it from him grabbing him by the shoulder as well.

"EAT! I swear you aren't ruining our WELL DESERVED time alone with a work related phone call! It's either you eat your damn breakfast or I'll make you eat this fucking phone! You'll need to get in to that fucking infirmary just to get it the fuck out! You got me?!" The stallion grabbed at the mares hands ready to rip them off and tackle her. "Do you not realize you left me alone in this room without telling me? You need to stay at my side, keep vigilant even while eating. If you called her I would be yelling at you having her hear of your idiocy! Would you want that bonus to be revoked because of it?" Ryder looked at his phone and then back to Daring seeing her mad glare. He huffed just turning back to his plate of pancakes and crossing his arms.

"Fine... don't expect a fucking hayburger later... I was gonna make them myself...." Daring put the phone at the head of the bed growling a bit.

"I'm sorry for that but I really don't appreciate waking up to nobody in the room with me. For all I know there could be a sniper staring through the window with a thermal scope... Someone could've made the bed pressure sensitive in places and one wrong move the whole room is gone...." She rested a hand on his shoulder. "I want this to get done... I don't want my life to end, I don't want you to go home without me and I don't want to disappoint my fans...." Ryder whimpered a bit tearing up grabbing his fork and knife.

"...I know... I'm just.... I'm sorry... I actually had a thought of whether to wake you or not.... I flipped a coin and told me I should wake you but you just wouldn't... you were just so tired so I just snuck out... I should've stayed and tried again but with the bathroom situation we have if I had actually stayed you'd probably wake up to me just standing in a puddle of my own piss..." He opened up the whipped cream tub and got a chunk of it out with the knife slapping it onto the top. "...At least I locked the door right? And... I swear all the glass here in the base is bullet proof... Vehicles and what not just in case of invasion or someone snaps and decides to go on a rampage." He looked over at Daring and kissed her forehead. "...This room is the safest you can be... We've basically got an army at our command and what ever we'd need from Celestia when we get back from what we do here... Who knows you might get a huge gift just for stopping a huge war." Daring leaned on Ryder.

"...That would be a good... Maybe I'll use what I want for you and your sister... I just feel so bad for her not being right next to her big brother after what happened..." She picked up her fork and knife digging into her food. "I mean... You're a really good brother to her... I sometimes wish I had a brother to talk with me when I'm sad or scared... maybe even let me crawl into his bed if I had a nightmare or something..." The stallion swallowed a few bites of his food.

"You got me don't you?" Daring smiled a bit and nudged him a bit.

"I mean when I was younger... When I was your sisters age I was having nightmare after nightmare of a zombie invasion after a mean boy just started spreading word around of the undead rising from grave yards and houses built on top of mass graves and what not... It took maybe six weeks to find out it was from a cartridge video game. Following a girl and a breezie on a weird adventure just stomping undead everywhere they popped up just to defeat who was controlling them all. I had to be in therapy and almost full on diapers for a few accidents...." She blushed biting in to a berry piled bite of pancake. "Kinda weird since I've started messing with deeper things than just zombies." She glanced at Ryder seeing him blushing with a hand in his lap. "What's wrong? Something about video games turning you on wishing you were playing one at this very moment or is that joystick getting a kick off thinking about me wearing a sopping wet nappy?" He gave a little yelp crossing his legs. She laughed a bit. "Alright cool your barrel and eat! Nothings gonna get done on an empty stomach!" He gave a hesitant nod and started digging into his food again.

Not long later they were walking together outside. Daring was wearing the local military base uniforms. Blue camo combat pants, short sleeved tee under blue camo jacket with black combat boots and her mane tied up in a bun with a cap on. Ryder wore his Equestrian guard colors. Gold and white camo pants, and jacket with blue combat boots. They were holding each others hand as they approached Wolf who was just polishing an old looking military car. It was an old style convertible. Humped wheels, longer front end, the rag top pulled all the way back and tied down at the back. Wolf was wearing a black tank top with plain blue jeans. He looked up and gave a laugh. "Well there ya are! Thought y'might've gone back to bed for a moment!" He said. Daring gave a huff.

"He would've if he started crying... Don't wanna be dealing with a big baby all fucking day now do we?" She glanced to Ryder who blushed as Wolf gave a laugh.

"Well y'came out of there just in time. Almost had to put this beauty away back in its garage. Took me a few years to find each and every part of this and had some parts custom made to fit and still work just fine."

Ryder couldn't help but give a sigh. "....She is a beaut..." He said just looking at his reflection in the hub caps. He sat next to the car and just sighed rubbing the black rubber tires. Wolf went to Daring's side and pulled her away for a moment.

"...Is uh.... is he alright? He seemed happier earlier getting your guys' food...."

Daring huffed just looking at her boyfriend just staring at himself in a shiny chrome. "He's just guilty for leaving me alone... I ripped into him a little harder than his ex did back in Equestria..." She said. "I wouldn't worry about it. I could probably surprise him later to apologize... How I wouldn't really know.... And who knows he might be missing his car back home... Damn Ex took it from him before she broke up with him. Told me on the plane ride over here talking about his 'red road runner'...." She swallowed a bit just hoping her facts were right. Wolf hummed looking at Ryder. The way his wings flipped slightly just sealed it. Wolf gave a sigh seeing his friend just cover his face.

"...Damn... Didn't realize that happened... boy hasn't told me about that car for a while...." He looked to Daring. "C'mon. Help me get him in the car. Gonna try something I remember him doing a few times with my father's motorbike.... See if I can get him on a bike. You ride at all?" Daring smiled a bit as they started to walk over to Ryder.

"I rode a dirt bike through the dunes in Saddle Arabia during book number four exploring the tomb of the self proclaimed King Neofinitus. I was nearly crushed by a sand fall inside the tomb's interior when I set off a trap. Lucky I found a few lose bricks in the walls. Kicked them right out and climbed into another room but I nearly killed myself falling in to it though." She looked to Ryder as they came to his side grabbing each of his arms. "Alright pouty puss get up and get in the backseat. We're going on a drive around the base! Get's us doing something that isn't sitting in that room all day...." Together both Daring and Wolf stood the sniffly stallion up and opened the door for him. They put him in the back seat where he just couldn't help but lie down. His marefriend sighed and climbed back with him and lied down with him before looking up at the militant leader. "Sorry... I think he just needs to be close to me."

Wolf gave a nod closing the door up and hurrying to the other side of the car hopping in the drivers seat. Just as Daring looked to Ryder he gave a sigh. "...why do you act like you still love me....? I fucked up and you know it...." He said. The mare gave a huff before kissing him on his cheek.

"...But I do love you... I was just scared something was wrong earlier...." She pulled Ryder close wrapping her arms around him only to whisper in his ear. "...Ry I might've let something slip but in a different way..."

"....What did you say?" He whispered back.

"I just... I said AJ had your car when she broke up with you.... He might ask you to contact her and see if you can get the car back but just roll with it please.... I just wanted how you're acting be not all my fault!" He carefully rolled over facing the back of the seat.

"....Well it still is.... I left you alone.... You've got a bounty on your head by a fucking gang and I'm trained to protect and serve a high priority figure.... If I were to leave Celestia alone in a crisis she'd be dead.... I'd have to make everyone I'm protecting is exactly like Celestia.... You're a high priority target... you could've died because I wasn't there...."

"I'm not dead, I'm in a military base where EVERYPONY is trained to protect either high priority targets or citizens like WE just fucking did yesterday, yes I'm a walking target but there's no way someone here is going to shoot me! Even if I was going to be executed. If they tried, they'd get a bullet right between the eyes by a sharp shooter around here!" She forced him to turn back over and looked him square in the eye. "Now perk the hell up! I'll see if someone can have a fucking pizza delivered here later alright?" Ryder gave a sigh and a hesitant nod before they both sat up looking at where they were.

Just as they sat up straight they were entering a storage hangar at the far end of the base. All around them were row after row of cars and motorbikes all new and old. Ryder gave an intreagued whistle. Wolf gave a laugh as he pulled into a huge gap. "Yep! This is where most o'my inheritance went! Cars!" He said. "I've either restored or tuned up each and every one of these cars! Bikes are stock mostly but that's because I can never tell what parts are right for them! This part could be for a bike that's no longer made or this part is for a chopper and not a fuckin' crotch rocket." He turned the car off as Ryder and Daring hopped out on opposite sides. "First off I really hope this can make up for your fuckin' ex marefriend jacking your sweet ride... Ry. Choose a bike and take her for a test run." He patted his Pegasus friend on the back. He looked to Daring as well. "Just so you aren't bored out of your mind grab one for yourself. Hell grab a car if you want. These things mostly just sit here anyways."

Daring gave a nod and walked with Ryder as they surveyed each vehicle. She looked around at different cars new and old. Ryder glanced over as he stopped at a chopper. Looked like a skeleton rearranged to look like it was put that way with the skull housing the gas tank. "Wolf! What about this baby?" Ryder asked. "What's this ones story?" Wolf walked over leaving Daring to look at an old militant bike. Wolf grinned.

"This fine machine is a custom chopper. Built it from the ground up, welded the frame together myself and tested it so many times just to make sure this thing is built to last and it is. Roaring down the strip real fast capable of outrunning the fastest military vehicle we have that runs on land. Beat it by five seconds. This one is just blood, sweat, parts of my mane and clothes. Made it, got cut on things and even ripped pieces of my uniforms off. Got caught with the installing of all these damn parts. Actually ripped my pants making sure the handlebars were on tight. There's a fragment of some pants still there if ya can find that string." The stallion whistled as he rubbed the shiny chrome wheel fender.

"Nice! Any chance I can ride it?" Wolf huffed as he stood his friend up straight turning him towards a red and black striped crotch rocket.

"Its a bit weird with the weight and if i remember you used to take a chopper out on the road every now and then. My advice stick to something else completely. You get on that thing its gonna become a death trap first turn out of here." They walked past the red and black striped bike going towards another chopper with a big wheel in the back. Big in width. Looks like it'd leave a track like one half of a cars tire. "This thing is more for you. Stable and strong. Good enough for you and your lass to share with no problems. Ya can always swap bikes or race me or even grab a car to take on a leisurely drive. Even letcha get busy if needed." Ryder looked closely at the bike and a few others around it.

"Well... Maybe I wanna race you. See if you still have the edge when we were racing our bicycles. Used to beat my ass every time we did but you just had the better bike that was just bought. Here we have no clue what we're picking. Sure you worked on each of these and blew money to make each of these work but our bikes are gonna be chosen by her!" Ryder pointed over to Daring who was admiring an old dirt bike. "She doesnt know what the speed of each bikes are and we dont have the upperhand by knowing how fast each bike goes. She picks two classics we ride them. She picks you a crotch rocket and me a chopper we ride them and dont complain unless we lose. If she picks a crotch rocket for both of us we make tracks. Understand?" Wolf gave a nod just before they walked over to the curious mare. "Daring sweetie? Can I ask you to do something for us please?"

Daring huffed as she glanced over at another bike off in the distance not even giving her full attention to the stallions. "Well if its anything that involves me removing my clothes you can forget about it." She said. "Ask it and MAYBE I can think about doing it.... Depending on said situation. Am I understood?" She looked to Ryder and Wolf who just nodded. "Well? C'mon out with the question!" Ryder sighed.

"Alright.... Me and Wolf are gonna have ourselves a race around the base. Problem is he knows the bikes and I dont so we need to depend on you for what we pick. But it has to be the same type of bike for each. Nobody gets an advantage one way or the other. So... what's your bike pick for each of us....?" Daring looked around her just thinking about it.

"Well... We can do the racing.... Bikes are gonna be speedy. Crotch rockets no doubt but how about we raise the stakes a bit? Winner gets bragging rights and can order the other to do what ever the winner desires. That work?" Wolf and Ryder looked to each other only to give a questionable look. The looked back to her shaking their heads. "Fine. Drag race from one end of the base to the other and back on crotch rockets. Last one gets slapped across the face by ME and thats gonna be a rule since you two are being pussies about it! Am I understood?" Ryder and Wolf flinched just giving a salute as if they were just frightened by Celestia herself. "Good boys.... Now about your bikes...." She looked around taking both their hands dragging them along as they walked between bikes. "Your bikes are going to be...." She stopped right in front of two sports bikes all decked out with Livery one advertising Senor Salt soda and the other with Nipso Cola. "These. Ryder is on Senor Salt and Wolf is Nipso. Alright? Get em out and get em ready. Have a few men get some markers ready so you know when you turn and where the starting line is. Understood?" Both stallions nodded and grabbed their bikes taking the kick stands off.

Not long later they were at one end of a long runway with guards lining the sides cheering for either Wolf or Ryder. Daring stood ten feet in front of them just directly in the middle of them holding a bandana in her right hand. The only thing she did was raise her arm causing the stallions on the bikes to rev the engines before just peeling out as she dropped it. The bikes sped past her and roared down the road. She looked back at Ryder as he pulled in front of Wolf but her heart dropped as she saw Wolf pull a gun with his left hand away from the crowd and aimed it at Ryder's bike before pulling the trigger taking out his back tire. He fishtailed for a couple yards trying to keep his bike under control but he couldnt. The bike flipped over sending Ryder flying. Daring screamed as she started to run towards him as he rolled. He didnt stop until he was forty yards from where he fell off the bike. Wolf stopped nearly ten yards further than that and put the kickstand up on his bike. He walked over towards Ryder just as Daring reached him checking his vitals. He was just barely alive. His clothes were ripped to shreds, he was bleeding from head to toe and his face had bits of asphalt stuck in it. Just as Daring looked up at Wolf angered he had the gun already in her face. "...Get... the HELL away from him!" He yelled just kicking her away. "My beef is with him.... Not you.... HE destroyed my fucking car.... Not you... HE lied about it! NOT YOU! What did you do to me that HE DIDNT?!"

"...Wolf... THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU'RE DOING YOU ASSHOLE! THIS IS YOUR GOD DAMN FRIEND!" She shot up and tackled him to the ground making the gun go off just before she hit him twice in the face. "HE LIED TO YOU SO YOU WOULDNT DO THIS SHIT! HE CAME HERE HIDING IT BECAUSE HE DIDNT WANT HIMSELF HURT AND ME IN DANGER WHICH YOU JUST MADE IT WORSE FOR ME YOU FUCKING IDIOT!" She grabbed the gun and quickly put it up to his chin but when she pulled the trigger all it made was a click. The gun jammed. She pulled the trigger two more times before just tossing the firearm aside. Wolf looked to Daring just like he just came to his senses.

"...Y-you... you're right...." He carefully moved her off him as she started crying. He looked over his friends mangled body seeing no movement other than slow breathing. "...he... saved you and he just.... I fucked everythin' up... we're all screwed...."

Wolf held Daring close as she just started to scream crying. She didnt want to look at her now dying boyfriend and protector. She cried into Wolf's shoulder but.... She heard something just a little over her crying. "....D-daring... Daring baby...." A familiar voice said. It was Ryder's voice. She wanted to open her eyes to look to him but she couldnt. All she could see was the darkness against Wolf's chest. "....Daring... C'mon... wake up.... Just wake up..." His voice started to echo like they were inside of a cave. "....C'mon wake up! You're having a nightmare! Please.... Just open your eyes! I'm fine!" She felt Wolf start to rub the back of her head but.... she just didnt want to push away for some reason. "Daring.... C'mon stop crying I gotcha..." Suddenly things started to feel differently. She felt as if she was covered with something as she was being squeezed tighter and she felt as if she were laying down on something soft but still up right.

That was when she realized she wasnt really awake. She was still sleeping. She opened her eyes feeling as if she had them glued shut with jam and hardened it with a heat lamp. Her face felt hot and she was sweating as if she were sitting under that heat lamp. When she opened her eyes she found herself not in the arms of Wolf but in the arms of Ryder. He was wearing a grey shirt stained with sweat and tears from both parties. Ryder was running his fingers through her sweaty mane as she just came to. "...R-Ryder...." She said shakily. "....Y-you're alright.... You are.... alright... arent you...?" Ryder carefully lied her down in the bed and hopped out from under the covers. The entire room was still dark only lit by a lamp looking as if it were just taken from a desk outside of the room. It was still dimly lit even though it was on the highest setting. "...H-how long was I out....? D-did Ahuizotl..... do anything.... while I was out...?" Ryder wiped his eyes as he went and turned on a light that illuminated the room.

"...You've only been out a couple hours but... You had me freaking out when you started to cry in your sleep... Ahuizotl didnt do anything but.... we just.... what happened.... it just freaked me out... to think I was almost too late on saving you... I... I almost fucked up... If... he just.... He could've shot you, stabbed you, broke your neck or just tossed you off without giving me a chance to even save you...." Daring sat up and grabbed Ryder's phone which was on a nightstand right next to her. She checked the time and saw it was only eleven at night.

"....Its.... its only an hour til midnight...? You havent even gotten to sleep yet....?" Ryder shook his head as he knocked on the door a couple times. Almost immediately he got a knock back.

"....Couple drinks.... Something cold perferably..." He looked to Daring. "...I tried.... but....I couldnt.... Every time i closed my eyes I saw him... and you just.... He's just.... He...." Ryder bit his tongue a bit. Daring sat up and shakily got out of bed finding she was in nothing but her bra and panties.

"....What did you see....? Was it.... me just... dead?" Ryder nodded hesitantly tearing up. She hugged him holding him close. His wings shook vigorously as well as hers. "....Dont worry... If he scared you as bad as he scared me we can understand how each other feels.... But... that dream had me scared like hell.... Makes me think we actually should just... kill him...." Ryder looked to Daring a little shocked.

"....You mean just... stop your book series...?" Daring gave a hesitant nod. "....But.... The princess... My cousin and.... your countless fans.... Why must you want to kill him?" The adventuring mare broke off and turned away.

"Because.... My dream made me realize I'm vulnerable without you.... If you're off getting food and I'm not with you I'm a sitting duck.... if you get injured and get put out of commission I'm just fucked no matter if I have disguises and guards around me.... I'd be a wreck... I'd probably be unstable if i lost you.... I'd give up fighting for the sword and get away from here... Good thing is I'm not one to put a gun to my head and blow my brains out.... I could save myself, your sister, cousin and friends but.... for how long I dont know...." The stallion hugged Daring from behind.

"....I'll fight until the end no matter what.... If I'm hurt I'll go into last stand mode and shoot everyone until I just pass out from blood loss.... I'll fight even if I've just got one arm left.... I'll spit in someones face if i have to just to keep you safe!" He whimpered a bit resting his head on his marefriends shoulder. "....Just.... promise me if we do confront Ahui.... I can shoot him as much as I want for causing you so much pain mental or physical...." Daring looked back at him and gave a teary smile.

"....Yeah.... Just make sure not to leave his tail if you cant kill him.... I hate that thing and seeing that thing twitching in the corner would just make me laugh until we do have a chance of blowing his brains out...." She turned around and hugged him full on. ".... Maybe after this I dont think it would be trouble for me to just.... reveal the real me to everyone and just... not feel scared about it...."

"That's all up to you... if you feel you wanna do it just go for it.... If you're nervous I'll be there at your side to help you through it.... But thats if you know you want to do it. Think about it but... for now why dont we just relax....? Have a little something to get our minds cleared. That sound alright?" Daring nodded and kissed him passionately. They broke the kiss and walked over to the bed just sitting down, Daring just sitting on the stallions lap cuddling him. "....Love you baby...."

"...Love you too.... Now.... Do we have a plan for tomorrow? Are we training? Resting? I swear to Celestia if you say racing motor bikes with Wolf I'm going to shit myself...."

"As much as all of that sounds like a good idea I think it might be time to just gear up and make a move on the sword.... After today I've just got that feeling he might move the sword soon.... We might as well be ready and see if we cant get the first move on it. Does that sound like something you would be able to do?" Daring kissed Ryder on his cheek.

"Yeah.... Lets just make sure we arent too shit faced to hold a gun.... I dont wanna see three of who ever we're shooting at and end up ricocheting a bullet into each others skulls..."

"Well... I ordered something light but it still could help ease our minds earlier but just told them to bring what I wanted when I wanted it so they didnt have to make one for me and one for you when you woke up. Easier this way... I dont have to leave the room, you dont have to leave the room but.... We both could use a shower.... Stress like that and I swear one of us shat ourselves when we got into this room.... so much sweat from both of us...." Daring sniffed at her pit and coughed a bit turning away.

"Yeesh.... Perhaps we could go have ourselves a shower.... I think that dream made me sweat more than me almost dying.... That drink able to be put on hold?" Ryder thought for a moment.

"Well.... All I ordered was a bottle of wine, chilled in a bucket of ice and few glasses.... It was Wolfs idea because I dont do well with champagne and beer? Whiskey? I start drinking those I dont stop!" Daring gave a sigh.

"Well... good.... I'm the same with rum. I drink a little bit of rum and I'm more drunk than a pirate out in the middle of that ocean.... Now can we shower? I smell like a bag of rotting fish. And trust me the griffons do not take their trash out regularly in parts of Griffonstone." The stallion sighed and smiled at her.

"Yeah... lets get that done and over with... Dont wanna be smelling like shit even with a fucking asshole trying to kill us... No reason to be gross either way..." Daring gave him a smile and sighed.

"...Guess you are right about that... Carry me?" Ryder rolled his eyes and huffed just shaking his head. Not long later they were alone in the showers alone. Ryder was hanging his clothes on a nearby rack just as Daring was bringing over a couple towels and a few bottles of soap. She sighed as she set the soaps down inside the shower just staring at his stallionhood. "You willing to get a little dirtier before washing up? I actually gotta go to the bathroom but.... Maybe I could relieve myself on you and.... Make you happier at the same time..." She blushed hard as she just grabbed on to him. He blushed hard and grinned.

"Ooh... Someone wants to get a little naughty where we can get caught.... You wanna be clothed when you do that or do you wanna just give me a pre-rinse rinse?" She kissed him on the cheek and dragged him into a shower stall.

"Why dont i do both? I mean... You were about to piss yourself seeing me tied up almost being thrown off a few story building.... Why not see me piss my pants for your pleasure? Now... Why dont you sit down before I make you drink it? Unless you really wanna taste it...." He nodded leaning against the stall wall just as she pulled the door shut. He carefully slid down the side before sitting down on the floor just about eye level of Daring's crotch as she straddled him. She gave a sigh as she started to wet herself. Her panties started to drip a bit before letting out a steady stream right onto Ryder who just dug his snout into her crotch smelling her musky piss. "Ooh.... This little filly had an accident.... right on daddy too... Is Daddy going to punish me?" She giggled a bit. Ryder sighed leaning back.

"Oh no.... No punishment.... Daddy wanted you to do this.... Does it feel good for you as it does for me?" She nodded starting to pant horny. He pulled at Daring's panties until he slipped them off. She sighed as her bladder finally emptied right onto him. "Oh you are so ready for a nude walk back to the room.... Do you want a little spunk from daddy?" Daring quickly unhooked her bra and tossed it out of the shower as well as her panties before picking Ryder up squeezing his now hard cock between her legs.

"Just fuck me and dont stop until i tell you! I need your fucking cock! I need it inside me!" Ryder kissed Daring without another word and teased her by dry humping her. She pushed off him and turned around hitting the knobs turning the water on and flaunting her flank. He grabbed a hold of her flank and slowly pushed into her ass. She moaned slightly as he started to thrust. He couldnt help but pick her up and bounce her on his cock. She cried out as the new angle drove is cock deeper inside of her. She reached back and grabbed his side just keeping herself balanced on him as he thrusted upwards. She couldnt help but move one of her hands to her crotch just to play with herself. She moaned as she melted right in her boyfriends arms.

"....God you're fucking tight back here.... So hot too.... And I dont think that's the water...." He grunted as he thrusted a bit harder. Daring couldnt help but utter a cry of pleasure as she dug two knuckles deep into her sopping wet cunt.

"....Fuck me.... fuck me until you fill me....." Ryder said nothing as he set Daring back on her feet and bent her over fucking her doggy style. She cried out just cumming hard as he grabbed her breasts and squeezed her nipples but he had the stamina to keep going and going. She just melted feeling his throbbing member tear up her insides before just plunging balls deep cumming. He grunted filling her with his spunk. Daring's back arched as her wings extended out. Ryder panted as he fell off to the side onto the wet floor. Daring panted tired as she brought Ryder's face away from the falling water and sat him against the wall kissing him. ".....There... Might be walking funny for a while but.... its worth it knowing we're almost done with this horrid experience.... I love you....." Ryder hacked a bit leaning his head on his marefriends shoulder.

".... I love y-you too sweetie...." He averted his gaze a bit and winced looking like he was in a little pain. "Ah.... I guess I was going too fast and too hard.... Cant even move right now.... Tired.... Mind washing my mane and getting someone to help me out of here? I know you arent able to carry me out on your own..... Just be near the door and call for assistance.... should be someone in earshot there...." Daring nodded just kissing him on the cheek.

"...Here... Why dont we just cut our shower short? We just needed to wash the dirt off.... Cleaner than how we were.... Would you be okay with that? You look tired enough to just go to bed...." Ryder winced as he tried to move again.

"....Yeah.... Sounds like a plan.... Just make it happen please..... I may pass out just.... just like...." And just like that he fainted falling asleep in the shower. Daring quickly hopped up and shut the water off before leaving the shower stall She looked back at Ryder as she grabbed a towel off a nearby shelf covering herself before grabbing Ryder's shirt covering herself with that as well. She went over to the door and leaned out slightly just as a few guards were coming close on a nightly patrol.

"Excuse me! The General passed out in the shower and we need to get back to the room! Can one of you help me with him please? And can the other get me some new underwear? My leg cramped up a bit and.... Well... Needless to say it caused a chain reaction that led to something else..... If one of you would be so kind as to grab a new pair for me I could think of doing something quite special for them." Both guards looked to each other and nodded. One guard went off towards the main building where their room was and the other guard approached. Daring quickly went back inside to an empty shower stall hiding herself as she took off the shirt dropping her towel and still keep an eye on both Ryder and the aiding guard. "You keep your eyes near the General and cover him if you must! Your eyes stray so does my fist. Got it?"

The guard huffed. "Understood ma'am..." He said. Daring tossed a towel over to him.

"Here. Just cover him up with this so you dont have to look at that thing... Just make a call, if you cant move him maybe get a stretcher to help him to bed maybe... He was experiencing slight pain when he was trying to move from that position. You think its fatigue causing that pain?" The guard covered him up with the towel and massaged Ryder's arms.

"Nah.... Just a little over work... Its happened to a few of us when we're working out at a local gym or running out on the tarmac. That guy you sent to get panties? Just last week he was pushing it at the gym and when he lied down for a nap he woke up to only be able to call out to one of us just to get a medic. He should be fine by morning." Daring sighed leaning on the shower stall.

"Good.... With the hell that our minds went through I want him on his game... otherwise everyone within this country and Equestria is fucked.... Speaking of Equestria has anything been seen on the news of what went down...?" The guard hummed massaging Ryder's chest a bit.

"Well... Yes... Good news is no images of you and the general appeared but what did appear was amateur video of that weird freak running off after the general saved you. Heard the gun fire and the yelling but... we fear something might be compromised." Daring averted her gaze now staring at a wall. She was thinking. Deep in thought.

"...Shit.... That is still a heavy blow even if it was just him...." She looked back to him as all emotion left her body as she still thought. "...Tomorrow when we move for that sword... I want a few things for the job to be done.... a monitor that keeps track of my location and how my vitals are and some extra fire power on stand by just in case back up is needed and I dont even care if you have to send a tank to take down a wall and blow open somepony's skull with a shell!"

"Okay look.... We'll keep an eye on you guys but we'll see what we can do for backup and unless he has some armored vehicles a tank wont be necessary. And that little tracker we can use may be just a few chest patches and some wires hooked up to a little transmitter. We can monitor both you and the general via remote location and if we notice a significant change in your vitals like you were knocked out we would move out and save you before they gut you.... Dont mean to scare you but sometimes prisoners will get hurt and knocked out but when they wake up all they see is the last thing they see. A gun in their face and then we get there just in time to see them just...." He stopped himself sounding as if he were about to choke up.

"Its understood we've seen some things.... You've seen blood and gore while i've stared my own demise in the face.... Diving over lava pits, running from rolling rocks and even one time I climbed a tree and jumped from it to other trees just to escape a mud slide and I felt like it went on for hours..... So many deadly encounters.... a guard must stare death in the face every day if there are firearms involved.... Right?" The guard looked up at her hesitantly.

"....Well its actually a lot more than that.... Sure there are the gang members out there but then there are those drug dealers that can set off their lab in under a second. I've been near an exploding beaker and that thing gave me a little shrapnel and it burned like hell even when they were taken out... To this day I still think there's some imbedded in my ass.... Doesnt hurt but i always have that one spot near my hip that gets uncomfortable if I sit a certain way..." Daring gave a slight laugh as she looked to the door.

"Really hope my underwear comes soon.... I'm still tired from my freak out...." The guard looked up at her.

"You know its alright if you guys did have a little fun in here. Drains can handle the spunk and everything we throw into it. Had one guy get so crazy with his killings he took one guys blood and smeared it all over his own face! Well thats what I thought but he just shoved a knife in some guys throat and the guy was lunging at him and got him in time just to have him fall on top of him. Shoulda seen this guy... Blood on his face, and entirely down his uniform. Had to give him a new one. Sorry if i'm getting a little off topic... Just... Just trying to pass the time y'know?" Daring nodded still staring at the door.

"Grossest thing I've seen would be three guys getting decapitated by an old saw blades that was used as a booby trap for those who wanted to steal some sort of treasure... Yeesh you shoulda seen the blood fountains.... I barely had the strength to keep my lunch down until I got into a spring to wash my mouth out.... You know what raw agave tastes like coming back up? Doesnt taste like a daisy sandwich thats for damn sure!" The guard had a laugh as a car was heard stopping outside.

"I remember when I was around nineteen.... I was dared to eat a raw cactus and a few prickly pear fruits. Fruits went down easy but that cactus.... I was tossing up needles two weeks later too.... "

Just then a few more guards came in. One with a bag full of clothes and the other two with a stretcher. The two were earth ponies and dressed in scrubs while the other was a Pegasus guard. The same guard Daring had get her clothes. He tossed the bag into the shower stall having Daring catch it. "Here. Brought some pajamas for you too so you aren't walking off in the dark naked." He said. Daring gave a smile and started digging through the bag. Not long later she was fully clothed in a white tank top and a pair of blue shorts. She was lying down in the back of the car with Ryder as he lied still naked on the stretcher but she needed to make him feel comfortable. Even cuddled up to him. She was just glad that dream was just a dream and not something real.

Her Biggest Regret, Her Greatest Problem

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It was the next morning and Ryder woke up first finding Daring cuddled up to him just out of it. Her mane was a mess but she looked peaceful in her sleep. He couldnt help but kiss her cheek and pry her off him and lay her off to the side before getting up. He got up carefully feeling slightly sore from what they had been doing the night before. He looked down at himself only finding himself in boxers sloppily put on. He looked back at Daring who looked as if she just wiggled right out of her pajamas just being in a new set of underwear. Grey sports bra and panties. He sighed fixing his boxers before grabbing a pair of shorts loosely tossed onto the ground. "Eh... She must've wanted to be comfy next to me....." He said quietly to himself. "...Its adorable knowing she was getting the shit fucked out of her just last night...." Just then a light knock came to the door. He walked over to the bed and covered his marefriend up again before going for the door. He opened it just to see Wolf wearing a white tee shirt and some dark blue jean pants.

Wolf didnt look happy but he didnt look mad either. "Ryder.... Gotta talk to you for a moment... Its about your friend right there..." He said pointing at Daring. Ryder looked back at Daring and back at Wolf huffing.

"Look I know it looks bad with me just out of it and her being the only one up from what we did but its fine! If there's any clean up I'll handle it before we-" Wolf shushed him quickly covering his mouth.

"Hush! It aint that y'daft idiot. I'm lettin' that slide! What I wanna talk to you about is a news report.... That fucker i shot at... They have video of him and now ponies are talking about her. Saying what we did was just publicity for a new book she's writin'... Y'know after this we might have to talk her into something she may not want to do.... She cant hide forever and if she does someone will figure it out eventually.... we aint gonna have a body bag big enough for that freak but we dont wanna scare anyone with just a dead body...." Ryder sighed slightly.

"....What do you want me to do? Yell out to the world that she's real and not a fake? She's gonna chop my fucking head off if i do.... Besides I'm sure she's gonna have to do something after this is all over.... This could be her last book.... she might just want to learn how to live a normal life.... either that or she just wants to.... I dont know do something.... I'll talk to her.... just.... Maybe bring us something small to eat? Sandwich maybe? I know we're gonna have to move on that damn sword soon but I'm not sure when but.... We need to move onto it and save all those innocents...." Wolf sighed.

"We're moving to that sword today. I'll give you some information after breakfast but it stays with you! No showing anyone anything. Not even her! Am I understood?" Ryder nodded and huffed.

"Fine.... Just have a meal brought here.... I dont want to leave her side after what happened yesterday! I wanted to shit myself seeing her about to be tossed off the building." Wolf nodded and just walked away from the door allowing Ryder to close it and lean against it looking at Daring. She was still asleep but something seemed off to Ryder. "....Sweet heart? You better still be asleep....."

Daring huffed a bit as she sat up opening her eyes. "....Fuck... How'd you know I was awake?" She asked stretching slightly. "I was quiet, I didnt open my eyes and I never moved once!" He grinned slightly.

"Well.... I guess i can reveal..... Ever since I was young I've had sensitive hearing. Went to see monster trucks and I had to wear sound blockers and when you woke up your wings move slightly. I heard your feathers rub against the sheets." Daring blushed a bit looking at her wings.

"....I'm afraid to even touch myself if you're ever in my home in Equestria.... Big house but if you have that good of hearing I could expect you helping me in five minutes....." Ryder chuckled slightly as he walked back over to the bed and sat down.

"Alright how much did you hear? I wont get mad but how ever much you heard know what you need to do." Daring sighed lying back down.

"....I heard everything.... Me needing to do something when we get back to Equestria, that weird thing about information from Wolf but.... I respect your privacy with that.... I wont pry like i did in Equestria.... Things were just.... We needed to build trust between each other.... We trust each other a lot... Right....?" Ryder sighed.

"Yeah.... I trust you to keep my secrets.... about my family... about my weird secrets and just..... just the weirdest things we've been doing with each other...."

"....And I trust you with keeping my identity a secret but.... somehow that hasnt been leaked to the world with everyone I've been in contact with after the attack... And I swore your cousin was a blabber mouth when i first met her." Ryder averted her gaze and swallowed a bit nervous. Daring looked at him sitting up again. She was a little curious. "What was that?" He didnt look at her.

"What was what?"

"You know what I mean! Averting your gaze? Swallowing like theres something you're hiding?"

"I'm not hiding anything!" Daring quickly grabbed on to him putting her hand on his crotch getting ready to squeeze.

"Are you SURE it was nothing.... I can say I feel nothing over here.... Maybe make it true with just one action......" He looked at her a little bit blushing.

"You wouldnt dare....."

"Oh I would..... Just tell me what you're hiding and I'll let go.... Okay?" Ryder huffed and hung his head.

"...fine... But.... I'm sorry in advance....." Slowly Daring let him go and sat along side him. His feathers were frizzing out a bit as he took a deep breath. ".....This.... This isnt the first time we've met baby....." Daring gave him a confused look.

"What....? Of course this is we were just in Equestria swapping info after my near death experience!" He looked to her looking a little distressed.

"....That was the first official meeting but... the first time I met you was during your last book.... Ahuizotl hypnotized me and..... I was only snapped out of it when you hit me in the face..... I swear it was a dream but.... I just didnt want to rack my mind on it and seem crazy but.... Once i met you this time I started to freak out internally and.... maybe I wanted to say something earlier but.... you probably would've freaked out if i told you earlier......" He started tearing up a bit hiding his face. Daring's heart dropped a bit from what she had heard.

"....Y-you were hypnotized by.... HIM...?!" Ryder nodded hesitantly sniffling. Daring had mixed feelings about this. At the same time she wanted to slap him and console him at the same time. She didnt know which to do. Then something snapped in her mind. She reared back and followed through with a hard punch to the back knocking the wind out of him and knocking him off the bed. As he gasped for air she pounced on him tearing up before performing CPR, blowing down his throat. She did that a few times before he coughed sitting up. She sniffled and hugged him.

"I'm sorry.... I just.... Why didnt you tell me sooner....? I would've understood...." Ryder coughed and wheezed.

"...N-no.... you'd've freaked out even more.... probably would've slashed my throat...... The only others who know..... were.... Dash.... and.... fuckin' AJ.... Yet.... they hid it from me.... for a long time...." He coughed and hacked again clutching at his chest. Daring sniffled as she got off of her coltfriend.

"... Look.... I'll remember this now.... you once were hypnotized by Ahuizotl.... I was just.... I can admit my reaction was.... Expected.... but... I was scared from the circumstances.... I apologize for knocking the wind out of you...." She held out a hand which Ryder grasped before standing up slowly.

"....Its fine.... I kinda deserved that.... Maybe we should just get into some gear Wolf let us use walking about here and get on to the mess hall.... We should be fine.... Probably should get the guys pumped ready for a little back up and what ever else they wanna do today...." Daring wiped her eyes away sniffling again.

"....Y-yeah.... that sounds good.... Need me to help you get ready? Give you time to get your breathing right?" Ryder wheezed slightly as he gave a nod. "Okay... Just.... just know I'm very sorry for what I did...."

"Look.... Just use this scared rage against that asshole..... dont give in to fear.... Okay?" Daring nodded before going for their clothes.

Not long later they were in uniform walking together along side Wolf who was also in uniform. Wolf sighed stretching as they walked out of the building onto the tarmac. "Well I guess hiding time is over and its time to fight right?" He asked looking to Daring. Daring gave a nod as she cuddled up to Ryder a bit. "Good.... I dont think hiding away for meals is a good thing. The mind craves social interaction. Had someone experiment on a few guys that willingly went through with the experiment and the one guy we had to go without talking to anyone via face to face, phone or internet just lost it but we managed to bring him back. Just gave him some much needed time with friends and had a few beers for him as well... Drank them fast too but he came back down." He glanced over at Ryder as they started walking towards a building just about twenty yards away. "How ya doin' there m'friend? Breathin' alright?"

Ryder nodded clutching at his chest slightly. Daring looked over at Wolf. "He's fine.... Just a little mishap with waking me up is all...." She said. "Now I guess he knows not to wake me up while I'm vulnerable..."

Ryder huffed blushing. "...Yeah... I startled her... She freaked out...." He said mumbling things under his breath afterwards. "That still fucking hurt..... Its like taking a sledge hammer to a vacuum bag while its trying to fill up with air....." He coughed a bit. Daring looked to him.

"Hey you can still breathe cant you?" Ryder nodded. "Then stop bitching. You're the general of the guard. Not a little pussy. So buck up and bite the bullet." The stallion blushed as his marefriend and his friend chuckled slightly.

"You wanna chill out? I wanna get to eat and not hide my face in shame like we've been doing since we got here! That sound like something you wanna do again?" Daring huffed and shook her head not meeting his gaze. "Then I suggest keeping your mouth shut if you feel like making jokes...." He looked away out at the tarmac and the flock of birds in the distance.

Wolf huffed as Daring looked closely at her coltfriends face. "Jeez Ry lighten up!" The other stallion said. "I'll admit it was a tad harsh but seriously don't let it hitcha like a sniper bullet."

Ryder didn't answer. Daring sighed and looked to Wolf. "You go on ahead. He looks like he has something on his mind." She said. Wolf nodded and broke into a jog.

Daring stopped holding the stallion back spinning him around. "....Can you not do this please?" He asked sounding slightly depressed. He didn't even look at her. Just looked past her. Daring sighed.

"Ryder.... Talk to me... I'm sorry if its something i said but... I doubt it was that comment that hit you but.... Just listen to me.... Talk to me... I wanna help you out...." Ryder broke away walking towards the open. Daring followed closely.

"...Sorry... Its just.... I'm.... First off.... I'm scared.... I don't know if Ahui can hypnotize me again or if I'm immune after one hit.... and... What if i cant go home to my baby sister...? She's there alone and scared without mommy or daddy to protect her and her big brother is basically about to dive head first into something he's never dealt with.... All she has over there is an idiotic cousin and her friends... I didn't even call her last night before going to bed... I was too worried about you.... I just... You almost died and the princess doesn't even know that!" He stopped just falling to his knees. Daring sat down next to him seeing his now teary expression.

"....Do you have your own phone on you?" Ryder nodded hesitantly. "...You think I can call Princess Twilight and check on your sister? I could even break the details of what happened.... if you want..." The stallion thought about it looking at the clouds in the morning sky. "...You can take your time about this but... I need an answer before its time to do what we need to...." She cuddled up to him as he shifted a bit getting off his knees just sitting normally.

"....O-okay..." He replied sniffling. "....But.... If Twilight asks where I am just say I'm using the toilet.... If she wants to yell at me then... She can do it when we get back...." He dug into his pocket and pulled out his phone tapping at it a few times turning the screen on and typing in a code. He then handed it to his marefriend showing the contact information of Twilight Sparkle. She took it and tapped the call button.

"...Alright... Now we wait...." She said putting it on speaker phone.

The phone started to buzz a bit. Ryder latched on to the mare beside him as it buzzed more and more. For what felt like an eternity it buzzed and then it clicked frightening Ryder. "...Ry?" They hear a voice say. Its not Twilight's voice. "Ry? Is that you....?" It was a younger filly.

Ryder gasped hearing the fillies voice knowing exactly who it was. "Scoot?!" He said snatching his phone up. "Scootaloo! What are you doing with Princess Twilight's phone?" The little filly on the other side of the phone shuffled a bit.

"I was.... I was playing a game on it trying to get my mind off you getting hurt.... Why? Did you need to talk to her?"

"Nah... I was just gonna ask her to check on you but.... I can ask you myself... How are you doing? Is everything okay over there?" A moment of silence.

"...I.... I had a few nightmares about daddy.... Two during a nap and one when I was sleeping in Twilight's bed last night.... Dash dumped me with Twilight because she forgot Gilda was coming over.... I guess with how things were with her she didn't want me to stay...." Ryder huffed a bit.

"....First.... Give the phone to Twilight.... Second.... Leave the room... Big bro has some not nice things to say about Dash.... But tell Twilight I still wanna talk to you after. Okay?" Ryder got no answer from his sister only hearing muffled talking and slight movements around.

Just then a new voice from the phone spoke up. "Hello? Ryder? Is everything okay over there?" The voice said it was Twilight. Ryder sniffled a bit.

"Dash... Is.... DEAD! How dare she dump my sister on you!"

Daring gasped snatching the phone from him knocking him onto his side. "He didnt mean anything bad by that!" She said a little scared. "He's just pissed off at Dash who really shouldn't have done what she did!"

Twilight huffed a bit. "And I knew what he meant Daring.... He knows I was foal-sat by Princess Cadence." She replied. "I learned almost everything she knows and if there isnt anything I remember or havent learned yet I have a direct line to her. Now is there anything you need besides to rant about Dash?"

Daring looked to Ryder who was just brushing the dirt off his uniform before handing him the phone. "Well...." Ryder said sniffling. "....I just wanted to know how everything is over there?" The princess sighed.

"Well the news is showing things about a battle where you are. Not sure if you got dragged into it but it seems you guys are alright. Anything that isnt news is Applejack is gonna have Applebloom and Scootaloo spend the night together and probably put her up there until you get back. Dont worry she made that deal with Dash and Princess Celestia wants me to practice some more magic and maybe work on a spell that can help me speak with Starswirl from beyond.... Creepy I know but... ITS STARSWIRL! Do you know how much I idolize him?"

"Yeah I know.... You have an exact replica costume of his outfit and his beard that is rumored to have a single strand of his real beard hair in it." Twilight sighed.

"Okay maybe now that I think about it I may have been tricked because it only cost thirty bits but the costume is an exact replica. Rarity made it using only a painting getting EXACTLY everything right. Even Celestia said she got it right! Now.... I gotta go. Scootaloo is getting a bit impatient and you probably have something better to do than chat with me unless there's something you want me to do?" Ryder thought for a moment.

"Is there any way you can punish Dash for me? I'd ask Celestia but.... I dont think going that high up for punishment is a good idea.... Just... I dont know have Gilda slap her a few times across the face and send me a picture of the damage. That's the best I can think of at the moment."

"I'll have AJ do it a few times and then Gilda and then I'm gonna have a turn. She's gonna have a face more purple than my mane!" They heard her chuckle a bit before giving a sigh. "Oh and.... Daring? Please bring Ryder home safe. He's an idiot but he's an idiot that has a job to do back home...."

Daring looked to Ryder giving him a little smile. "Yeah. I'll be doing that just for his little sister..." She said. "You just go on and have some fun. I'll try and keep you posted if you wish." Twilight giggled slightly.

"No need. Just focus on your mission. Contact me when you're done there. I'll be around Celestia soon and.... One more thing."

There was a little shuffling sound and a far off voice. "Ryder?" They heard Scootaloo say.

Daring saw a little smile on Ryder's face not even breaking away from staring into her eyes. "Yeah Scoot?" He said. There was a little whimper coming from the phone.

"....I.... I...." A little sob. "....I love you.... please dont get hurt....." Ryder looked to his phone tearing up a bit.

"....I love you too sis.... You just... Just be a good girl until I get back.... See ya...." Before he had a chance to hang up the phone he broke down. Daring grabbed his phone and hung up on the crying filly before hugging him quickly.

Daring shushed him holding him close just as she shoved the phone into her pocket. "....C'mon be strong for your little sister....." She said. "....I'm gonna hold on to your phone so you don't get bothered by anyone.... Lets just take a few deep breaths and calm down.... Just keep focused on our mission today..... Keep everything in mind about this mission for now and after I'll give you two things to think about.... My ass before and during the plane ride and after we celebrate just start planning on what you're gonna do with your sister after we get back. I'd be willing to spend a bit to buy you a house to live in rent free out in Ponyville after all you've done for me and.... I could even drop by to give us a night on the town.... All that's yours if you just take a deep breath...." Ryder took a deep breath but sobbed a little more. She shushed him just holding him close. "....There we go.... just keep breathing.... You'll be fine....." The stallion sniffled.

"....But.... that....that's my baby sister.... she's.... she's alone...." Daring wiped a few tears away from his face.

"....She isnt alone.... she's got her friends, the princess and most importantly... she has you.... But she may lose you if you're too tired to focus.... If I'm using my hatred for him to focus you can use the love of your sister to focus you got me?" Ryder nodded slightly sniffling. "...Alright.... Just c'mon get up and lets get some food.... Something to drink might help you calm down a little more. Hopefully there's a table away from everyone just so you can calm yourself.... Think you can do that?" Ryder nodded again before kissing his marefriend and getting up. She took his hand and gently pulled him along. "There we go.... You're already looking better.... Who knows maybe after we do this we can go find a nice quiet cliff side and celebrate with a glass of champagne and dinner while looking at the sunset... It'll be so romantic...." Ryder sniffled smiling a bit.

"....Yeah... That sounds just.... Wonderful... I could just... relax then... just go home to my sister.... I'm sure the princess will let me stay in the castle near home... Keep watch over her until I can afford a new place.... And... Yes I know you're gonna say I have that money from Blueblood but... I just.... I dont know if i even want it.... Its generous but... I dont know what to do with that amount of money..." He looked to Daring. "I mean.... yeah it could do a lot but.... I just feel i havent earned it even if i did just.... y'know the rest...." He blushed a bit. She looked to him snickering a bit.

"Really? Just because you fucked a stallion into wanting a hayburger? Hell if i needed to for that much money I'd blow stallions left and right and maybe get a few mares in there and that isnt an invitation to your friends here. I'd just let your cousin be an exception to that." She sighed stopping just before the door. "....You know I really didnt mean that... We just started talking that night after we got there when we just checked on your sister and we ended up going back upstairs to comfort each other.... Her about the loss of her uncle and me because of the attack... Then we started talking personally and.... things just happened.... I must've mentioned to her I've never fucked a mare and I at least wanted to try before I kicked it.... if i kicked it..." She looked away. "....I'm just... I'm sorry I just... I'm sorry i did that behind your back...." Ryder hugged her.

"...and I'm sorry I did that with Blueblood.... I just.... I thought about your ass.... and how you'd react but... I couldnt tell him to get off once he started.... It just felt.... It felt so good I wish i could've done it again if you didnt walk in on it... And maybe if he were in a more comfortable environment.... That sauna didnt make things easy...." Daring snickered a bit and nuzzled him.

"....Heh... maybe if you're up to it we can probably swap around a bit... I get your cousin and you get Blueblood or what ever stallion's ass you want. I promise as long as you consult me its done...." Ryder blushed and kissed his marefriend passionately before getting slightly grabby. She pushed him off and slapped him a bit.

"Hey! Watch it! I dont want to walk funny before this fight!" She looked around and pulled the stallion in close pushing her face up against the red mark she left. "After please. No stiffy distractions and no wet panties before the fight... Embarrassment to the enemy is just.... Who humiliates themselves before they die?"

"...Idiots but certainly not this idiot!" He pointed to himself smiling brightly. Daring smiled brightly as well laughing. She sighed and took his hand again.

"Alright you air head lets get in there and greet the troops. Get morale up and get that sword for my museum for when my books are finished.... Might be a grim ending but.... It'll be one to be remembered." He huffed a bit.

"And... You're gonna be okay with it?" Daring nodded looking determined. "Wow.... You are.... Might take me, Princess Twilight and my cousin to cope but.... your readers might take it as a surprise with your reveal.... I'll be there by your side if you need strength for it." Daring blushed a bit and kissed him on his cheek where she slapped him and hugged him.

"Thank you.... This is why I kept you around... I feel safe with you, you help me in and out of places but when it comes to strength... You can talk anyone into doing anything..." He chuckled slightly pushing the mare off gently.

"I'm not called The Fixer for nothing back home. Fix anything and everything I can... doesnt matter if its someone having a tough life about to end it all or just a broken lamp I'm basically the one who can fix it... Now c'mon... That tofu bacon smells amazing!" He pulled her inside the mess hall just to see stallions and mares scattered around at about thirty to forty tables. They couldnt even see wolf anywhere. Just a sea of ponies and food. Ryder sighed pulling Daring close. "Keep your eyes for Wolf. You see him you go sit with him. I'll get our food. Just tell me what you want before you run off. Dont wanna get you something you dont really think you wanna eat." She smiled as she pinched his cheek.

"You just get me what ever you feel... I'm hungry enough to eat a whole bale of wheat and then some!" She kissed him making him blush a bit. She looked out and zeroed in on a lone stallion walking around with a bullhorn. She looked to Ryder again. "I see him. You get our food and I'll be with him." Ryder gave a nod just not even looking away from the buffet of food items set out for the troops. Daring broke off from him and started going through the crowd of ponies towards the stallion she sought out for. As she got closer she heard the bullhorn sound a bit giving feedback.

Stallions and mares stopped all around her making a wall of sorts making it harder for her to get through. "Listen up!" Wolf said over the bullhorn. Everyone around Daring quieted up except for a few conversations here and there. "I need Grayscale and Rush up here on the double. Need to have a chat with them! Y'can carry on but I need them here." That's when Daring got the opening she needed when everyone started moving again. She darted through ponies left and right just to get over to Wolf who smiled when she broke through the wall of ponies. "Ah first come first serve I see. Where's that stallion o'yours? He get lost back there?" Daring shook her head.

"Nah... He's getting us some food." She looked out into the crowd going around them. "You know I forgot how much being around ponies felt.... Well... A lot of ponies without the sense of danger.... Last time i was in a place like this I was nearly shot and killed if it werent for Ryder... I might say bringing him along for this adventure is the best I can do but... I feel like it isnt enough... I feel like I just havent done much for him... He's doing most of the work saving my ass but... I've been choking and giving him more to worry about other than his sister..." Wolf sighed putting his hand on her shoulder.

"Trust me that boy doesnt have a care in the world sometimes. His sister and you are exceptions but things with him are just different.... One moment he can be lying there mopey with nothing to do and next he's just so happy he's just running around like a kid in a candy store. Nothin' wrong with him. Just doesnt wanna grow up any time soon. Might see him watching cartoons one minute and enjoying a nap with a stuffed toy. Aint one to say he'll do that but who knows." He nudged her along a bit. "Come. Gotta sit down otherwise there's nothing left. I'll even make sure there's still a seat left for Ryder." Daring sighed.

"Well he reads my books on his off time and... plays with himself but... At least I can give him the fantasies he's always had. I'll just have to keep an eye on him is all." She looked to Wolf who sat down just before she could. "But... I guess while I have you I want to ask you what can we do to prepare for what lies ahead? Weapons? Armor? Anything?" Wolf hummed a bit.

"Well we cant give ya too big of armor so you cant move and we certainly dont wantcha going in without any.... I do know of some outfits that could help... Armored with Kevlar like bullet proof vest and still light enough to run...." He looked to her. "I have an idea where those might be but the weapons are perfect for the outfits. How you feel about the classic mafioso look?" Daring hummed.

"...Well... I certainly had a little obsession with mafioso movies while thinking of a way to just keep my mind occupied while not writing my books. The look I dont know if I would be able to pull off without a little help..." Wolf snickered.

"Ah you'll definitely have help turnin' into one o'them Mafioso types. Couple mare's here can help ya with it. I can help Ryder get his matchin' outfit together and next thing ya know you're actin' like a juggernaut gettin' through to the sword. Aint every day I get to see some action in the city but we're gonna help you out." Daring gave the stallion a smile.

"...Thanks... When Ryder said I could trust you he really meant it... I wanted to just wet myself when you attacked him but... You're friends... Me? I just distance myself who i called friends.... Hide away and forget about them...." She started losing all emotion in her face just staring at the table. "....I just... I've never gotten to sit and talk with them or even just give them a gift out of my for their kindness but... Then again I didnt get to know them that long...." She rested her head upon her hand propping it up with her elbows on the table. "....Am I just... Am I supposed to feel this horrible knowing I never really did anything for friends before...?"

"Y'said they were merchants that letcha hide away right?" She nodded. "Some foreign merchants like in Saddle Arabia let thieves hide away in their shops because they're ruining others businesses making theirs more superior... I know you arent a thief but they might think that if you're running from someone through the market. Trust me... I was vacationing there one week and I saw a few kids steal some fruit from a stand. A shop owner rushed after them and they basically disappeared in another shop. I asked why the kids did that and their father, the owner of the shop they hid in basically told me that." Daring looked to Wolf.

"So.... what are you saying?"

"I'm sayin' they werent friends. They were just bein' nice to ya because they thought you were stealin' from the competition. Y'cant just call anyone a friend. Ryder? Yeah you can call him anything you like but friends are those who you will do anything for and vice versa. Shopkeeps who let you hide away? Nah. Not close. Since you're close with Ryder I consider you a friend but.... question is do you consider me as a friend after telling you that?" Daring looked to stallions around her as she thought. She considered none of them friends but... Wolf.... She could.

"....You and Ryder are the only ones I trust here.... And a few of the guards that helped us out here but.... I forget who they even were.... Nor have I even met them...." She sighed looking to Wolf. "...Can we just stop talking about this for now? I wanna eat without Ryder suspecting there's something wrong..."

"Gotcha.... Just good things from here on out. Promise." Daring gave a nod and took a deep breath now just waiting for Ryder to come.

About an hour later Ryder and Daring were sitting in the back of Wolf's car going towards a large hangar. Daring leaned on Ryder snuggling up to him. He sighed. "...That was a damn good breakfast.... First good one I've had for quite a while...." Ryder said. He looked to Daring. "How're you feeling? Feeling good?" Daring nodded as she patted her now bloated stomach a bit. "You gonna be able to fight? Don't want you to fall asleep in a food coma before we rush the sword. That happens and we got a little problem on our hands and its name is Ahuizotl getting the fucking sword...."

Daring chuckled a bit. "I'm fine you dork...." She replied. "I was just thinking about how we're gonna get it and where I'm gonna put it when we get home.... And maybe if we can get a sheathe for your sword on the plane ride home we can go nonstop from here all the way back to Canterlot."

Wolf huffed. "Hey! These seats stain easily!" He snapped glancing back for a moment. "Keep the dirty talk for when after the job is done! Or at least wait till you get the fuck out of my car!"

Ryder gave a slight laugh as they came to a screeching halt in front of the large hangar. "Sorry Wolf but with the work you put into these cars you'd think to have stain proof seats and car mats that you can wash the shit out of." He said. "You had to have fucked in the backseat of one of these things and rinsed it out. Cant take one of your babies out and not get a little tail once and again." Wolf huffed as he slowed to a stop.

"You're so lucky I'm your friend... otherwise you're getting your ass handed to ya... Sheez 's what I get for having a talent with cars...." He turned the car off and hopped out. "Come on out. The Closet awaits. Faster we're in there the faster we can move. Anythin' ya need to say I'd say it now and not look back." Both Ryder and Daring looked to Wolf confused but he gave a little laugh. "Kidding! I'm kidding! Just get out and lets get you changed for the battle ahead. I'm even getting one of the oldest cars i have set up and ready to peel out. Ready?"

Ryder and Daring both nodded getting out of the car carefully. Ryder stepped out first helping Daring out who smiled a bit nervously. After about an hour or so Daring and Ryder were out on the road both dressed up in classic mafia outfits. The vehicle they were in was a classic with humped wheel wells and a nice matte black paint job and a rag top. Daring sighed looking out the window holding on to her seat belt. "...Ryder..." She said.

Ryder glanced over for a moment as he changed lanes. "Everything okay?" He asked. Daring hesitated. "...Look what ever it is you can say it... its only us here... Just say it or else its gonna sit in your mind when we're having ourselves a little mafia style massacre and it could end up getting in the way." She huffed a bit.

"...That's just it... I'm a bit scared to go in and do this.... Its not my nature to do any killing blows.... Yes I was how you would say 'opening some skulls' with the assault on the warehouse but... Ahuizotl... He just... What if he pulls something again? What if he just has mines in the road waiting for us to drive right over them?"

"Impossible. These roads getting chewed up and redone would set the mines off the first sign of heat from fresh asphalt. If that didnt set it off the weight of what ever steam roller they used would... Not to mention a few of the cars in Wolf's garage including this one has a sensor for explosives. A mine in the road maybe about ten yards away and it stops us from going any further until the mine or mines are cleared." He did a quick turn down an alley way avoiding a lot of the traffic that was ahead. "And the odds of Ahuizotl pulling some stupid shit right when we walk in is about two hundred to one. Good odds but that is the odds of me being able to toss a survival knife into a wooden fence from six feet away." Daring looked to Ryder a bit confused.

"Wait... You can run up walls and swing across rafters but you cant throw a knife from six feet away?" Ryder blushed and huffed.

"Hey Luna gave me the power to run up walls and what I'm talking about is from a couple years ago! But in all seriousness we gotta put our game faces on and get ready for a fight..." He glanced back as he pulled back out into a city street only to find it completely empty. "Grab the bag in the back and take whats in there out. We've got company." Daring's heart dropped as she looked back through a plastic window only to see two black militant humvees and a masked stallion on a machine gun. Quickly she grabbed the duffel bag in the back and dug into it pulling out an old mafia style sub machine gun. "Should be loaded already so just cock it and let loose!" Daring hesitated just as a few gun shots rang out from the machine gun. She looked to Ryder as he started swerving.

"You do it! I cant! I cant do it!" Ryder grunted a bit trying to keep distance away from the shooting stallion.

"You can do it! Just take a deep breath and let the adrenaline control you... Just buck up and throw down! You're Daring fucking Do but you're acting like A.K. Yearling! WHICH ARE YOU REALLY?!" Daring clenched her eyes shut for a moment doing a little quick thinking. Which was she? Was she the brave and heroic mare she is? Or was she the cowardly writer hiding behind the mountain of books published under her false name. She sat up with the gun and quickly cocked it. She looked to Ryder as she rolled down her window.

"A.K. Yearling is but a dead name. She was shot and killed and found amongst the dead bodies of these motherfuckers!" She turned around a bit as she leaned out the window aiming the gun and firing. It only took a few bursts. One burst to take down the gunner and two to take out two tires. One on each vehicle causing them to swerve, knock into each other and crash. She quickly fixed herself sitting back in the seat and laughed a bit. "I dont care what Wolf says I'm keeping this fucking gun!" Ryder laughed and stepped on the gas a bit.

"THATS MY GIRL! C'mon lets save ammo to put one through Ahuizotl again and again and again... I wanna make sure he's nothing but swiss cheese mush..."

"Well I wanna rip his fucking head off, shit down his neck and have you fuck the hell out of his still twitching corpse!" Ryder glanced at her giving her a disgusted look. She smiled a bit nervously. "I'm sorry.... I just... I want him dead and well... defiling a corpse of his should leave ponies wondering... but if you dont want to its fine..."

"...Okay one... you got way too crazy there but... I do like where you're going with this... Killing him and defiling his body is a good start but... lets keep it just to making him a bloody mess full of holes. Okay?" Daring gave a nod and they just focused on the road being aware of what ever was around them. No cars. No firing squads. Not even any snipers about to pick them off. At least not that they saw. Not long later they pulled up to a monument with a large hole blasted where the door was. Burn marks, debris and smoldering pieces of wood. splinters strewn about. Both Ryder and Daring stepped out just surveying the damage.

"...And now terrorism takes the spotlight... how did we not hear a fucking bomb going off?" Daring asked as she checked her chamber. "I mean... probably didnt hear it going off because of the distance but someone had to have said something during breakfast.... You hear anything like that?" Ryder shook his head as he readied his gun putting the duffel full of ammo onto his back.

"...All I heard was my stomach telling me what I wanted to eat.... hopefully it stays down after this.... Just be on your guard and keep your finger on the trigger but make sure you know what you're hitting.... dont wanna put holes in a civie .... Seen someone do that once before and.... oh man.... the guy he shot was livid and sued him into just... leaving Equestria all together... He was that ashamed of that accidental shot...." He looked to her and nodded towards the blasted open hole.

"...Well I'll be careful... but arent you supposed to keep your finger off the trigger before your ready to shoot? I could swear someone said that to me... Either that or I saw it in a movie..." Slowly they started towards the gaping hole, Ryder just having his gun at the ready.

"Where ever you heard that its probably a good idea...." He sighed looking to the sky before they entered the building. "....Just keep ready to pull it though... Its.... Quiet.... a little too quiet...." The surveyed the hall littered with debris, forgotten bags, caps and even a few toys here and there. "....Seems they've scared off everyone including children.... If my baby sister were here.... I'd've gunned Ahuizotl down right then and there without hesitation.... Still that bastard is gonna pay for hurting you..."

Daring shushed him as they went deeper. All they heard was the shifting of their ammo clips, their own foot steps and nothing else. As they ventured on something didnt feel right. All they saw ahead was darkness yet they kept going determined to end it all. Suddenly both of them were attacked and shoved into the walls but before they could even struggle each of them had a rag put over their mouths and noses making them just pass out. Daring suddenly plunged into a dreamlike state just huddled down onto the ground. "Daring!" A familiar voice called out. It wasnt Ryder but a mare. She heard footsteps rush towards her echo off the nothingness that was her dreamscape. She was nudged over onto her side for her only to see Princess Luna looking scared as she lied her on her back. "Daring! Are you okay? I tried connecting your mind with Ryder's but his dream presence disappeared... I hope he's awake...."

Daring huffed a bit trying to get up. Her limbs twitched but she couldnt move at all. "...W-why cant I move...?" She asked scared. Luna shushed her as she brought her to her side.

"Dont worry... Its just a temporary thing.... adrenaline plus a sudden stop due to... I dont know if you got hit in the head or something but that will make everything seize up... Your muscles will relax and when you wake up you'll be able to move them again... Now tell me do you feel any pain or remember what happened to get you like this?" The gray maned mare took a deep breath.

"...I.... I remember walking in the area where the sword is but... I think someone ambushed us and got us with a bit of chloroform... No shots fired... It was dark... we couldnt even see much..." Luna gave a worried moan.

"...I do hope you two are alright... I'll have Wolf send back up to help you out and if he gets there to save you I need you to contact me after no matter what. Am I clear?" Daring hesitantly gave a nod. "Okay... Now... This is gonna be hard for me and you might not open your eyes right away... if you're in any trouble dont make any sudden movements and dont get up if there are any weapons around... if you manage to get a weapon hide it somewhere and... well... do what must be done to save yourself.... fight, find Ryder and get that sword out of there...Okay?"

"...Yeah... Just... Keep an eye on what ever thing the plane uses with that video call.... Ryder stumbled on it when we were coming here. Have Wolf set it up if you must please." Luna gave a nod and stood up.

"Alright... Be ready Daring..."

Daring gave a nod before Luna's horn glowed brightly and slowly faded away. As it grew darker Daring felt her heart start racing a bit. The air grew warm around her and just as Luna disappeared she could feel her muscles aching. Nothing more than just holding her limbs in place for a long time. But... She tried moving and nothing. Her arms moved but she couldnt bring them down from above her head. She grunted and groaned slightly opening her eyes only to be in a spotlight. She looked down seeing she was stripped down to her underwear and strapped to a table propped up against a wall. A menacing laugh made her jump slightly. "...There she is... Wakey wakey DARING!" A familiar voice said. She looked around only to see Ahuizotl walking in from out of the darkness holding a shining sword, with a golden hilt and leather grip handle lying it on his shoulder. "What have we here...? A lost treasure hunter out of her element... You're used to jungles, temples and dungeons.... Not guns and city scapes... Tell me... are you afraid of me?" Ahuizotl took the sword in his tail hand and pointed the tip towards Daring's neck making her look away.

Daring whimpered a bit. "I-I'm not scared of you, you son of a bitch!" She said. "You let me go now and I swear I wont kill you as bad as I want!" Ahuizotl laughed as he planted the sword in the ground slightly.

"Oh you are funny.... its a shame I cant keep you around any longer.... You hide, you take away my rightfully earned toys here but this one... No... Not even close to getting it... I did a little research and tested a little DNA.... I had explosives set just in case this didnt work and surprise! Now I have a way to dispose of your body once you're executed!" The mares heart dropped.

"NO! NO NO YOU ARENT DOING THAT!" She looked around starting to struggle more. "RYDER! RYDER WHERE ARE YOU?!" Ahuizotl laughed as he stepped away from the sword. He grabbed her face holding her mouth shut.

"You're such a funny one Daring... I would stop if i were you... Your cries are falling upon deaf ears..." He groped Daring's breasts making her blush hard. "Such a funny girl you are.... a sexy one at that as well.... I'd have a little fun with you but I dont use little whores.... Nor do I steal mares away from who they are with...." Daring forced her mouth open almost biting Ahuizotl. He took his hands away just in time.

"Oh such a fucking gentlecolt!" She said sarcastically. "Where is he? What have you done with Ryder?!" Her foe sighed.

"He put up a fight but I got him to calm down.... He's no use to me when he's in your state... You remember that research I did?" Daring looked to him confused but nodded. "Well.... The only one who can pull the sword from its resting place is a relative of the warrior who once wielded such a weapon... The DNA I used? It was that of your coltfriends...."

"What did you do? Clone him and combine it with the old sword owners? Make him think he was fucking me and take his seed?" They both averted their gaze. She looked back to him first. "...Lets forget I said that last one shall we?"

"...Okay this is the only time I will EVER agree with you..." Ahui said looking back to Daring. "But it wasnt either of those! Apparently your boyfriend is a descendant of the one who wielded this sword.... Only relatives may pull the sword and he is definitely a blood relative."

"That's impossible! The odds of that are seven billion to one! The bloodline could've died out long ago! The last known owner of the sword ran away from this place and went somewhere else!" Ahuizotl grunted and took the sword again stabbing it in the table just at Daring's side making her yelp and move out of the way slightly.

"LISTEN YOU WHORE! You didnt research this treasure at all! God I so want to kill you right now but I cant! I've already given that liberty to someone else.... Before I introduce you I need to educate you on this topic.... Yes the last wielder of this sword fled somewhere after planting the sword in the stone.... But that place was in Equestria and he is buried just north of Canterlot.... I can tell you his name, his family and even his sons name who died shortly after the birth of his son, and yet that all led to the birth of your coltfriend.... and that Equestrian General Ryder.... Would you like to see him? Would you like to see your beloved 'protector'?" Daring nodded hesitantly. Ahuizotl glanced into the darkness behind him. "Oh Ryder? Would you come here please? Oh and keep your weapon to yourself.... Not until I give the orders...."

Daring looked past her enemy and saw Ryder, wearing a vest and a white long sleeved button up with the sleeves rolled up and his mafioso costume pants. He had his golden desert eagle in a holster that was attached to a harness. His eyes looked tired but a bit off colored. "...What are my orders master?" He asked.

Daring whimpered a bit. "...R-Ryder...." She said. She looked to Ahuizotl tearing up a bit. "You MONSTER! You are getting HIM to kill ME?! THE ONE WHO HE SAVED AND LOVED?!"

Ahuizotl got in Daring's face as he took the sword out of the table planting it by him again. "Who could love a whore like YOU?" He said. "He never loved you! He fell in love with a 'fictitious character' and somehow managed to learn the truth after I did and after the others did.... Enough talk...." He looked to Ryder. "Servant! Draw your weapon and aim." Ryder did as he was told and drew his gun.

"WAIT!" Daring screamed. "Please! Grant me some last few words.... I just.... I just want to... give him some kind words before he just.... does what needs to be done...." She lowered her head and sobbed slightly. The weird creature man sighed.

"....Fine... Since I'm not a complete asshole in this I'll grant you this one wish.... I've already accepted to forget what you had said about his DNA 'samples' so why the hell not.....? SERVANT! Listen to her words and lower your gun." Daring watched as Ryder lowered his gun but still kept a shooters grip on it. She sniffled and looked up.

"Ryder... Though I've only known you for a short time I feel like i've known so much about you... I've learned what you like, what you hate... what your childhood was like and even a few dark secrets of your past....You and I... Fate meant to pull us together... To end it all with one fatal shot.... but.... that shot affects more than just you, me or your.... 'master'... It affects the princesses at home, your cousin and most of all... Your little orphaned sister.... She's alone.... She's scared and without you... she's just waiting to go into foster care.... Now..." She looked to Ahuizotl. "...Can he... listen to a few actions I want to give him please....? I promise nothing is involving killing you!"

"Again... Fine... Listen to her requests about movement but if she says anything about me disregard it!" She looked back to her hypnotized stallion.

"Ryder... I want you to look down and think.... Think about your options...." She saw Ryder look down just about her crotch area. "....There we are... Just where I need it..." Just then she started to wet herself. Her piss streamed through her panties, making her legs and the table under her glisten from then on down. Ryder's eyes opened slightly at the sight and he blushed a bit.

"What the....?! What the hell are you doing!? Soiling yourself like a foal?" Ahuizotl said. He started to laugh loudly. "WHAT A LITTLE FOAL YOU ARE! Pathetic! Not even I piss myself when staring my own death in the face!" He looked to Ryder. "END HER! NOW!" Daring's heart dropped as the stallion that saved her from a gun now had his aimed right at her. He couldnt even keep it steady.



"COME ON! I KNOW THIS ISNT YOU RYDER! YOU WANTED TO PROTECT ME! SHIT HIT THE FAN AND YOU WERE THERE FOR ME! THINK OF WHAT YOU ARE DOING!" Ryder started shaking as he aimed down his sights at Daring. Tears were pouring from her eyes as she stared him down, waiting for him to pull the trigger. Ahuizotl gave a grin as he watched the stallion put his trembling finger on the trigger. Daring looked him right in the eye before bowing her head in defeat. She whimpered and braced herself clenching her eyes shut waiting for the shot to end her. He fired a few shots, missing Daring by mere inches making her tense up and scream slightly.

"Come on! Steady yourself servant! You make sure this next shot hits or else I'm chopping you both up!" Daring looked up at Ryder looking as if she were just going to collapse if she werent held up by the restraints.

"....Please Ryder.... Snap out of it! PLEASE! DONT KILL ME PLEASE! SNAP OUT OF IT!" Just then Ryder's eyes fluttered a bit as he snapped out of his trance. He saw himself aiming down the sights of the gun with Daring crying, wet and all around scared. He then glanced a bit to the side to see Ahuizotl toting the sword looking absolutely pissed off.

"SERVANT! GIVE ME THAT GUN NOW!" Daring looked into Ryder's eyes and he looked back into hers giving a hidden wink, just hoping she saw. He turned to Ahuizotl and stepped towards him holding the gun in the palm of his hand now he held it out as if to give it to him.

As he handed him the gun he slipped his finger onto the trigger. He grinned at Ahuizotl as he gripped it tight and aimed it between his eyes. "DARING LOOK AWAY!" He yelled. Daring looked away and within a second two shots were fired and down came something heavy. She looked back only to see Ryder rushing back to her and Ahuizotl's dead body and a growing pool of blood near his head. He quickly unlocked the restraints and she fell right onto him hugging him and crying hard. He shushed her. "...Hey hey.... I gotcha.... You're okay... You're fine.... you wanna tell me what happened....? I remember driving over here but.... why you're wet and why I was aiming a gun in your face...?"

Daring sniffled and kissed Ryder's cheek. "...He... he hypnotized you....." She said. "And... He... He wanted you to kill me but.... I guess what he wanted was you.... somehow he got some of your DNA and... apparently you are the true wielder of the sword... You are the next heir to the throne!" They both looked to Ahuizotl. "....Now I just... I cant believe you shot him...."

"...I just... I had to do what I needed to.... I just... I had that feeling he was gonna shoot both of us dead if i gave him that gun but.... i should've just knocked him out and kept your adventures going...." Daring sniffled a bit getting up steadily and helping her coltfriend up as well.

"...No... He would've just kept coming at me until he either killed me or vice versa.... Having blood on my hands is a very different feeling than bruises.... I've killed ponies here that seem to have gotten themselves hypnotized by Ahuizotl but... why did it have to end this way...? What am I going to do now....?" Ryder looked into Daring's eyes.

"...first... we apologize to Princess Twilight and Rainbow Dash and then... if you can do it.... Just come out to everyone about who you truly are.... Make them think that you are just a normal pony and not some sort of celebrity like i see you now..." She wiped her eyes away.

"....Well... You're right now... I'm nothing but a normal pony now.... Just like anyone else but with a checkered past that might put me in the spotlight..." She looked around a bit. "We should really get out of here though.... Who knows what else is hiding in the darkness.... And find my clothes will you? I'm not walking around almost naked here!" Ryder huffed taking his vest off giving it to her and looking back to Ahuizotl.

"...Would it be wrong to violate his body and take his pants off? I mean.... I dont know what he did with your clothes and.... Well.... You may need to take off your wet panties.... Its gonna get a little uncomfortable if you get a rash...." She huffed trying to pull her wet panties away from her crotch.

"Hey for you its worth it.... Just get his pants off him and lets get out of here. If Wolf and everyone else searches this place they can find my clothes they can do what ever they want with them!" Ryder huffed a bit looking around.

"Yeah... Just wait here and please try not to shit yourself now... I'll try and be quick with this.... If I dont puke if he decides to release his bowels...." She nodded and not long later they were walking out of the building with their prize in the hands of Daring. The Sword Of The Golohan. Ryder groaned a bit as the light of the sun hit his eyes. "....Why does being hypnotized feel like I took a nap and on an empty stomach....? This sunlight is giving me a head ache...." Daring huffed.

"It's probably the after affects of being knocked out and not experiencing natural lighting for a long while.... How long you say we were in there? Couple hours? I mean... my head hurts too..." She clenched her eyes shut and grunted a bit as she buckled a bit. Ryder went to her side and helped her sit.

"Woah there! You take it easy... You were freaking out pretty badly and... hell what ever they used to knock us out affected you more... Here.... You just sit here.... Wolf told me... and that is if i remember correctly that if we're longer than a few hours he will get a few trucks out here... I feel like we may be nearing the hour he's coming..." He took the sword from his marefriend and sighed. "Here.... Let me go put this in the car real quick and I'll come back and sit with you.... I'd rather have an escort than to just risk getting rammed off the road..." Daring laughed slightly propping herself upright with her hands.

"Alright but hurry! Got something here that has your name on it...." She smiled at him seductively. Ryder blushed and nodded before he threw the sword over his shoulder. Daring couldnt help but keep an eye on his flank as he strutted towards the road. But a glimmer caught her eye. She looked under the car and saw a strange device with a flashing yellow light. Her heart stopped as she realized that device was a bomb. "RYDER! GET AWAY FROM THE-" But it was too late. The bomb went off throwing flames and debris everywhere causing Daring to cover her face and curl up into a ball. Just over the ringing of her ears she heard something metal skidding towards her and cries of intense pain. She looked up and there was the sword just feet away, burned and scuffed in places. And when she looked to Ryder time almost stood still. Ryder was just burnt, bloody and broken from the blast but he was trying to push the car that now pinned his legs. She got up and hurried to his side, ignoring the intense flames that were coming from the engine of the burning wreckage. "RYDER! RYDER NO!" Ryder looked to Daring with a pained expression that looked as if it were forever fused to his skin.

"....Daring... Help me! I'm stuck...." Was all he could muster up before going back to groaning and crying out in his state. Daring got up just about to at least try and push the twisted metal heap off him but just as she got to her feet she froze as she started tearing up seeing three armored vehicles show up yards away.

From one of the armored cars out stepped wolf and four other militants who rushed over, two with fire extinguishers. Just as they approached Daring bolted back for the sword grabbing it before trying to rush back to lever the car even if it meant damaging her newly found treasure. She didnt get far when Wolf grabbed her and started to drag her away. "COME ON! WE GOTTA GET YOU OUT OF HERE NOW!" He yelled.

Daring started to struggle breaking down. "LET ME GO! LET ME HELP SAVE HIM!" She cried. Wolf wrapped his arms around her holding her tightly and forcing her to face him.

"DARING! DARING LISTEN TO ME WE GOTTA GO NOW! ITS NOT SAFE! THERE COULD BE SNIPERS SOMEWHERE READY TO END YA!" She spat in his face and struggled more dropping the sword. Guards swarmed the burning car while two helped Wolf trying to keep her still.


"Get the sword! I got her!" The guard nodded and he faced her towards him again. "Daring! I'm sorry but i gotta do this!" Before Daring could hit him with one more mouthful of spit he headbutted her knocking her out. All she heard was the fading sounds of emergency vehicles and yelling stallions. One of which was the badly injured stallion, Ryder.

Heart aches and pains

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Daring woke up screaming like a banshee finding herself on the plane. A figure in the darkness forced her back to what felt like a bed just having her pant heavily hearing shushing. "Hey! Hey hey! Calm down please!" A mares voice said. It was the Bartender. Daring looked around a bit seeing her bags and Ryder's bags stuffed up messily and at the foot of Celestia's bed and nothing but a dim light around everything. "Look.... You're okay.... I've gotcha...."

Daring sniffled a bit holding her aching head. "....Wh-where's Ryder....? This cant be real.... This just cant be!" She said. She noticed the bartender mare avoid her gaze.

"...General Ryder is fine... He's just.... He's badly injured.... He wont be home for some time... Ember Sparks told me to tell you that he wasnt fit healthwise to fly home just yet..." Daring whimpered as she turned to her side facing away from the mare. "....I'm sorry this happened to you.... Shit just... hits the fan at the worst times sometimes..." A sob escaped from Daring.

"...Y-yeah but... this was four hundred pounds of manure hitting an industrial sized fan that tore him up and grazed me and the...." She gasped sitting up. "THE SWORD! WHERE IS IT?!" She started looking around frantically looking over the edges of the bed before being tackled and lied upon by the bartender.

"MISS! I'm going to ask you to calm down! You had to be knocked out by Ember himself just for transport.... I can say the Sword is safe but I'm not in liberty to tell you where it is until we land back in Canterlot. Luna even told me that you should contact her now... Wolf told her what happened and she swears to keep it secret from his sister... All she knows is that you're on your way home..." Daring coughed a bit shaking vigorously.

"....L-L-Luna.... I... I need to talk to her.... NOW!" The bartender took Daring's hand helping her up before putting her arm over her shoulders.

"...Come on... Lets move you to the couch so you can chat it up with Luna.... I'll get you something to eat and something to drink if you'd like.... But you have to stay calm.... Okay?" Daring gave a hesitant nod before they both stood up from the bed and started for the door. She looked around at the still ransacked plane. Things might've been cleaned up slightly but it was just as messy as her mind was after what she had been through. They walked out into the living room area seeing more of a mess. They sat down on the couch and the bartender got up. "Here... I have the remote behind the bar. Even get you a little soda just to calm your stomach.... Princess and Wolf forbid me to give you alcohol... sorry...." Daring sniffled as she leaned back on the couch staring blankly at the dark TV.

"....It's understood.... I'd've killed myself slowly drinking my sorrows away.... I just.... I just want to see him alive and well...." The bartender walked around the couch and hopped behind the bar real quick. Daring looked back hearing her fiddle around behind the bar. "Oh and Miss...? May I ask your name? I dont believe I learned your name...." The bartender mare looked over the bar and smiled coming up with both the remote and a ginger ale.

"Name's Six Shot. But you can just call me Sunset. Think you'd be able to catch the soda real quick?" Daring nodded and held a hand up. Sunset tossed the can of soda gently and Daring caught it and cracked it open just as the mare turned the TV on and set it to another channel. "There. Should be a little bit. Needs to find a signal from one of the royal computers. Luna said she'd wait for it." Daring looked back at the TV slumped over as she sipped her bitter drink.

What felt like hours was only a few minutes. Then that few minutes turned to days. Even weeks in her own mind. After about ten minutes she was almost finished with her soda and she had almost completely calmed down. Just then an image appeared on the screen. It was a yin and yank drawing of both Luna's and Celestia's cutie marks. "....Hello? Is anyone there?" A familiar voice asked. Not even a second later Luna appeared on the screen looking depressed and red eyed, wearing a black tee shirt with white stains on her chest with an ice cream container sitting off to the side empty. Her face lit up a bit but she lost her emotion quickly. "....Daring.... I want to congratulate you on a job well done but.... I cant be happy as I do it...."

Daring averted her gaze. "....I wish I could be happy to even hear that but.... without him I'm just empty....." She said. "....I.... I wish i would've seen the bomb sooner.... Then I could've just had him back away and save himself....."

"Hey... you caught him before the damage could be worse... He could've lost a limb or even his life...." Daring sipped the last of her soda before setting her can on the table in front of her.

"....What do we tell his sister...? She's gonna see me sooner or later... Why cant he just come home sooner....?" Luna started to think a bit humming slightly. Just then her face was pushed to one side of the screen as a line cut it in half.

"...You've just given me an idea that I may need to push onto this matter.... It may break a rule against my mother and father but dammit Ryder needs to come home to his sister!"

Just then on the black part of the TV screen lit up a bit but still revealed so little. "....What do y'want....?" A familiar stallions voice said. "...I'm tryin' ta sleep without havin' ta see my best friend medicated to hell to keep him from screaming in pain..."

Daring whimpered a bit. "...Wolf.... I'm right here you know...." She said. Just then a gasp was heard and half of Wolfs tired face showed up on the screen.

"Darin' I am so sorry... Didnt think y'were even here... How's your head? Y'doing okay there?" Daring sighed and averted her gaze.

"...I guess you had to subdue me somehow... I probably would've used that sword against you just to get near Ryder and help him... but how could I....?"

Luna huffed. "...You couldnt have done much other than get the car off him but you'd've burned yourself in the process...." She said. "Wolf... I need to speak with you and this is an order even if its not from your own country! Is this understood?"

Wolf yawned slightly. "Yes ma'am... what d'ya need Princess Luna...?" He asked. Luna took a deep breath and sighed.

"I need you to administer item sixty four alpha to Ryder...." Wolf gasped a bit while Daring just looked a bit clueless.

"But.... Item Sixty four alpha is strictly for you and Celestia for your visits....is Celestia alright with this....?"

Just then a third square appeared on the screen. This time Celestia appeared with teary eyes and a very tired expression. "...I am... I heard guards talking about this but didnt know it was true until I spoke with my sister.... She told me what you told her Wolf.... And Daring.... I'm so sorry you saw that..... It must've been hard to even see that happen.... You arent hurt are you?"

Daring shook her head. "Nope.... Not unless you count emotionally...." She said. Celestia sighed.

"Well... Its alright.... Ryder will be just fine after taking Item sixty four alpha.... If you're wondering what it is its a pill that both heals any and every injury we get and gives us a bit of an extended life by a couple years though it takes a while to kick in... A couple days at max..."

Wolf huffed rubbing his eyes a bit revealing more of his face. "Well that's for you two Princesses.... I aint sure what its gonna take for Ryder...." He said. "We've never tested the drug on any other type of pony and Alicorns such as yourselves know the effects day by day...."

"Well.... Give it to him and keep an eye on him... test him even. Luna will strip something bound to him it be a little power given by father to increase his stamina. Anything you find during this research I want documented. Even if its something small."

Luna huffed. "...I wasnt expecting this much but... Yes do keep an eye on him." She said. "Document his symptoms if any, if he experiences any feeling that isnt normal write it down. Keep him at max three days but any longer has to be cleared by us and we must speak with him about it. Is that understood?"

Wolf nodded into his camera. "Yes princess. I'll leave you to reassure Daring here...." He said. "Wolf out. And Daring... I promise I'll relay any messages to you any way I can. You take care of yourself.... Dont worry about Ryder.... He's gonna be fine...."

Before Daring could say anything Wolf's face disappeared now having the screen be taken up by both Celestia and Luna. Celestia sighed. "...There... We should all try and get some sleep...."Celestia said. "Luna take a nap if you must.... And.... Daring.... We.... we couldnt stop Ryder's cousin or his sister from staying here waiting for you. Twilight is apparently punishing Dash because she dumped Scootaloo on her to hang out with somepony else... Basically we have Dash cleaning things in a section of the castle until your homecoming...."

Daring sighed. "....Then I guess we're gonna have to tell Scootaloo about what happened...." She said. "....She's gonna start crying, she's gonna think her brother's dead..." She started to tear up. "....She's gonna blame me for what happened... I know it... I just know it...." Luna and Celestia started to think a bit as Daring hung her head and started to cry softly. Just then Celestia gasped.

"Sister I have an idea but we must play along with it. I need you to do a little dream walking with Dash and tell her what happened with Ryder and not to mention it to Scootaloo and I'll contact everyone else Ryder is in contact with and yes even Applejack. As for you Daring just go to bed. Luna will contact you and speak with you personally and give you a little time to let it all out. I'll speak with both of you later. Am I understood?" Luna and Daring both nodded. Celestia's face disappeared only leaving Luna's on there as she sought out for the end call icon or something.

"Princess... Can you... Can you and I talk for a moment...?"

Luna looked to the crying mare just as the bartender past behind her getting comfy on a nearby couch. "Yeah... What troubles you?" She asked. "I know Ryder but... what art thou asking about?" Daring sniffled and leaned back on the couch.

"...I just... I wanna talk with Applejack... She was kinda rooting for him and... well... I wanna be the first to let her know what happened... I'll even tell her not to say anything to anyone! I promise...." Luna sighed.

"Go ahead... It saves me from having to hear from Big Mac... 'my sister is cryin' up a storm because o'what your sister told us! Why cant ya just lie to us all?' ...He'd give us hell... Both me and my sister... We'd have to gag him and knock him out just to erase parts of his memory!" Daring sighed.

"We should only tell Applejack with this and not any of her family members.... agreed?" Luna gave a nod. "Alright.... See you soon princess." Luna smiled and gave a short wave before the screen went totally black. Daring looked to Sunset. "Are you going to be up for a while longer? You're welcome to take up a spot on the bed with me if you'd like.... I'd kinda need it after what happened...."

Sunset gave the mare a smile. "Right there for you Miss Daring. If it were you in the generals place i bet he'd do the same." She said. "Do you need a little help back to bed or do you think you can get it by yourself?" The adventurer mare coughed a bit and scooted over a bit.

"Here.... Let me get to the end of the couch and then you help me up. I know I can at least move small distances on my own.... I havent really eaten much anyways... between now and Ryder I probably missed lunch and dinner...." She looked to Sunset. "Tell me... Did anything happen while I was out other than Wolf and Luna?" Sunset nodded slightly.

"You were sorta crying in your sleep... Couldnt tell if it was from the head trauma or if it was from seeing Ryder pinned under a car but... You were definitely crying." She sighed a bit after a yawn. "...And... well maybe you need someone to cuddle up to?" Daring nodded as she stood up hesitantly with the help of the other mare.

Not long later Daring was walking around in her dreamscape listening to the echoes of Ryder's screams of pain, Ahuizotl's laugh, her own cries and sounds of gunshots ringing out. She flinched every time a shape came out of the darkness. A shard of metal, debris from a blown up building, a sword coming close to stabbing her and a hand reaching out to her. She tried grabbing the hand but it disappeared before she made contact. Just then a sigh was heard as all the sounds faded off. "Well... A lot going through ones mind.... Glad I came when I did." Someone said. Daring turned about and saw Luna approaching her. She ran up and hugged her whimpering. "Hey hey... dont cry now... I gotcha..."

Daring sniffled. "... its just... its so hard without Ryder..." She said. "....He's been through so much.... He's been at my side since this started... He's saved my ass more than I've saved my own." The moonlight princess sighed as she broke the hug and snapped her fingers making a doorway off to the side of them.

"Ryder is a hero among the guard.... there was one time Celestia was choking on a piece of melon that the chef left a bit too big and she swallowed it. Ryder wasnt a guard at the time but he rushed Celestia and the guards thought nothing of her. Long story short she saved him from being arrested and gave him the rank of General. Sure he had to go through basic training but he did it all with a few minor mishaps." She took Daring's hand and walked towards the door. "He had so much to worry him for the first three months. His father had kicked him out and he lived with Applejack for a while.... Twilight even told me he looked so tired on some of the days he came in she basically had him take out a little room of his own in the castle and sleep there. Up until the party where he supposedly cheated on Applejack he had that liberty. That's when I talked with my sister asking if he could stay with us since he had nowhere else to go. He slept in my room until his was set up. There were times I found him cuddling me in my bed. Other nights he basically slept soundly in the bed and one time the floor." She opened the door leading out into a large apple orchard. As they stepped through the door disappeared behind them. "I've even found him wandering the castle during the night and one time he ended up wetting himself because he couldnt find a bathroom." Daring snickered a bit with the thought of her colt friend clutching his crotch as a stain grew forming a puddle under him. A smile even forced its way out. "Ah! There we are! There's a smile! Perhaps I can get Applejack to share some good memories before the break up just after you tell her about what happened."

Daring nodded as they started to weave in and out of the trees. As they walked through they heard a bit of chuckling. "Ah sugarcube! Just cant help but piss yourself workin' out here cantcha?" They heard Applejack ask. "Its fine so's long you dont go and keep doing that. Wouldnt wantcha to get a rash now!" As they turned a corner they saw Applejack standing in a clearing with a form of Ryder wearing jeans and a white tank top and a big stain between his legs. He disappeared as Luna and Daring approached. Applejack looked to them and blushed smiling nervously. "Oh.... Hey there you two! Darin'. Princess." She went to bow but Daring hugged her almost tackling her into the dust. Applejack looked to the princess and then at Daring who whimpered slightly. "Uh... Is she okay?" Luna sighed shaking her head sadly.

"Unfortunately no... she isnt.... Something has happened that has her worried out of her mind...." Applejack looked to Daring.

"...Is that true sugarcube? You hurtin...?" Daring gave a nod as a sob escaped. "....I bet it was somethin' Ryder said or did to ya.... Am I right?"

Daring shook her head hesitantly. "...It.... It had to do with Ryder but.... he didnt hurt me in any way... but... he could've if he hadnt snapped out of his trance...." Applejack looked to her confused and then to Luna.

Luna rolled her eyes. "Ryder was apparently near a bomb that went off..." She said. "He survived but is badly injured... Special medical procedures are in effect to get him home within days." Applejack froze and the area around them started to deteriorate and rot away as the sky turned dark over them. She looked back to Daring who was just barely keeping it together.

"...I... I couldnt stop him in time.... if only I had seen it just a second sooner.... He... He would've been on the plane with me..." She broke down slightly sobbing into her friends shoulder.

Applejack whimpered a bit holding Daring close. "...Y-ycant be tellin' the truth..." She said. "....but... y'are.... I just... what the hell're we gonna tell his sister...?" She looked to Luna.

Luna hugged both mares. "...We arent.... We're just gonna try and tell her that he stayed behind for a little while for a well earned vacation but he will be back if that makes any sense...." She said. "...I'd connect you two to his mind but he moves in his sleep when dreaming.... I dont want him to hurt himself when he starts moving about.... For now you two just get your rest.... I'll have some guards drop Daring off in Ponyville after she collects everything in the plane to transfer... I will even have a sheathe ready for the sword. My sister has found a book about the sword, it tells us everything about length and width." The orange mare averted her gaze for a moment and then looked back to the princess.

"Princess... If I can ask.... aint there any way he could just be flown out here n treated for his injuries? He has to be here to at least see his sister...." The princess huffed.

"I'm afraid not... having him fly over in his state would kill him. Turbulent air would give him an extreme amount of pain from the movement, the height would thin his blood making it hard to get oxygen to the brain even if its a pressurized cabin and a chopper couldnt make the distance and would probably have to find an aircraft carrier to help with refueling but he'd have to be hooked up to many machines to keep him stable.... Last I checked no helicopter could help with that. Not even a cargo chopper would be able to do so. Or an Osprey for that matter. No aircraft can keep him stable health wise. He's going to have to stay grounded until they give the all clear." She broke the hug with the mares and wiped each of their eyes with a tissue she conjured up from her magic. "Now awaken you two.... I'll meet you both... Maybe take us out for a drink... You two definitely look like you need it..." She pushed the mares apart almost forcing them to either side of her.

Daring hesitantly waved to Applejack sadly. Applejack just hugged herself before fading away. Daring faded away as everything else did turning to darkness. Once completely dark Daring felt a little warm and sweaty. She opened her eyes to find herself in bed on the plane with sunlight coming through the windows. She sat herself up and looked back only to see Sunset behind her asleep. She got up and saw herself still in Ryder's vest and the pants of Ahuizotl. She sighed just climbing out of bed and getting out of the clothing tossing both items aside before going to her bags. She thought about what would become of her books, her estate and her adventures. As she got dressed she got a pair of her pants on but grabbed one of Ryder's shirts. It was a grey Metallicolt shirt with torn sleeves. She held it up to her nose and smelt his scent on it before putting it on. She sighed shoving her hands in her pockets as she made her way into the living space. Nothing but a semi cleaned mess. She went over and sat at the bar setting her head down on the bar top. She heard the plane door open but she paid no mind as she heard footsteps behind her. A mares sigh was heard. "...Those guards really ripped this thing apart..." A familiar voice said. "...Gonna have to have a few of my own reset things.... Buy new bottles of alcohol to restock the bar...." Daring looked behind her and saw Princess Celestia with her mane up in a ponytail wearing a work out uniform. White sweats and a tank top and a pair of slippers. "Hey... C'mon lets get you out of here... Got someone who wants to see you...."

Daring sighed turning her attention away from Celestia propping her head up with her arm on the bar top. "...whats the point...?" She asked. "...Seeing someone isnt gonna make me feel any better...." Celestia came up and sat next to her.

"Look... I know it hurts to have that happen... Trust me I've been through it too... I was being courted by one of the diplomats of the many countries i do business with.... I forgot which one but.... As I was climbing the stairs with him up to my room for a bit of alone time one of my guards apparently dropped a banana peel from his lunch which he normally had sitting there. I didnt mind as long as he was out of the way but the diplomat slipped and tumbled down the stairs. He had hit his head so hard he had forgotten who I was entirely and well... They couldnt fix him.... We're just lucky Ryder can be fixed...." The grey messy maned pegasus mare whimpered slightly.

"...I just... I wish i saw that bomb sooner..." Celestia huffed.

"Now Daring... I'm going to let you in on something.... There are things in this world that I cant control... it is either my father or my mother's doing.... what happened there was a little bit of both.... My father had one of the ponies Ahuizotl controlled put that bomb there.... If you hadnt seen that bomb he'd be dead.... if you had seen it earlier yes he would've still survived but he would've caught some shrapnel which actually still could've killed him if a piece hit him in the wrong place.... You stopped him at the safe spot where he was gonna be injured yet still survive.... When you got out of there it could've gone many different ways.... You could've stepped out and there could've been a firing squad or you could've gotten hit by the bomb instead of him.... Shrapnel could've hit you and... you know..." The pegasus mare at her side teared up a bit. "....Now come on... please step out of the plane.... Everything will be okay.... I promise you things will look up from here...." Daring looked up at Celestia. "...Hiding in here isnt the best thing for when you've hidden all your life.... Is hiding away when someone you love gets hurt the right thing to do? It isnt even your fault so why hide?" Daring shook her head sniffling a bit.

"I just.... I brought him into this.... I should've left him back here and had everyone else protect me!"

"You would've been dead before you touched down! You needed Ryder! You'd've drank yourself in a tizzy and probably would've ended yourself with a knife from the kitchen for what happened! Without Ryder you wouldnt have completed this mission! Without him you wouldnt have even stepped onto this plane or out from the book store! You probably would've been forced into a mental institution from the things jumbling around in your mind. How would you think if someone you idolized ran up and said 'hey my name is Silver Conquest and I'm hiding my identity from a weird goo monster that wants to fill up my ass and explode me'? You'd probably look at them like they were fucking insane!" Daring thought for a moment. If she hadnt brought him along she probably would've been shot sometime after the initial attack. He wouldnt have been there to save her from the fall and she probably would've been slaughtered by Ahuizol himself if she somehow managed to save herself from the fall. She sniffled a bit letting a few sobs out.

"....Ryder not being by my side would've got me killed.... I basically needed him badly... Thinking back before all this... I thought i would've needed him until he left my side but... he never even let me... sure he left me in the castle after it was revealed he wanted to sleep with me but... who was I to judge...? I felt like i owed him something.... I never really wanted to sleep with a guard... I only said that just to make him feel better but.... boy did he ravage me.... I owe him a lot for helping me through this odd and dangerous adventure...." She looked up at Celestia who put her arm around her. "....Please just... dont tell him i said that.... I dont wanna make him give up hope.... I truly do love him... but... I was scared and needed the protection..." Celestia gave her a smile and held her hand out for a moment.

"I wont say a word to him.... Now are you ready to get out of this mess?" Daring gave a nod and took the Princesses hand. They both got up and walked towards the door. Daring had to block her eyes from the early morning light of the sun. Around the plane she saw a few guards but not many. Just four or five. She saw one mare out of everyone out there and that mare was blue, rainbow maned and wearing a wonderbolts track suit with a white teeshirt under the jacket.

The mare was Rainbow Dash. She had a tired but heavy look to her face. Daring broke away from Celestia and rushed Dash only to hug her. Dash hugged and kissed her cheek. "...Hey... C'mon be strong...." She said. "...There's a little filly inside that's asleep but.... she needs to see someone with a smile and maybe a little time with her favorite author and see the new prize you got.... You do have it dont you?"

Daring nodded. "Yeah... It's... somewhere... I do have it though..." She said breaking off of the mare. "You wanna walk me in? I just... I need to talk to you alone...." The blue pegasus mare nodded and looked over to Princess Celestia who was already having guards enter the plane.

"Hey Princess!" Celestia looked over to the mare couple. "We're gonna start heading up to the castle. You good?" Celestia nodded and waved them off. Daring took Dash's hand and they started off towards the castle. Maybe after five minutes they were getting close to the door of the castle. The rainbow maned pegasus looked to her friend. "You okay?" Daring shrugged. "...You seem okay physically... what happened there?" She sighed.

"You know... Gun battles, threats and nearly getting tossed off a roof by your now dead mortal enemy...." Dash gasped.

"Ahuizotl is dead?!" Daring shushed her and covered her mouth.

"Yes... he nearly had me executed but.... Ryder had different plans.... Instead of pulling the trigger on me I just opened my eyes to Ahuizotl with a wound between his eyes and a bit of his blood splattered everywhere behind him... I guess Ryder was trained to do what he needs to protect.... even if it does mean to end a series of books idolized by everyone young and old...." Dash sighed looking forth as they entered the castle.

"...My cousin is a numbskull but... that hard head definitely has some good ideas.... killing Ahuizotl might've ended your books but... what are your books compared to your life....? At the beginning of this you were near pissing yourself scared that he'd end you... but now you're free of him... treasures are still out there but... there wont be anyone to race for that treasure or anyone to set traps for you or idiotically leave an ancient war shield inside the room with the spikes." Daring chuckled a bit looking to the roof as they rounded a corner heading for stairs.

"Heh... Book three, chapter five... The worst part about that was I went and bashed him in the face with it and actually felt bad when he ran for medical attention... Almost wanted to apologize and give him a splint for his busted nose but hell... his minions werent gonna let up with pinning me down after that. Lucky I escaped them... nailed one between the legs with a headbutt and that was all that was needed....I think I actually made one of them piss themselves when I held a machete just staring at him as if i was going to just disembowel him...." Dash stayed silent for a moment as she put an arm around the grey maned mare.

"....So... what are you gonna do now that he's gone....?" Daring just stayed silent. She didnt know what to do. Whether it was Ahuizotl's death or Ryder's absence she was just stuck in one spot in her mind. Kind of like a cornered pawn in chess. "....I know its going to be hard to move on from this.... You're always going to want to put on that disguise and walk among everyone.... thinking of yourself as AK Yearling and not Daring Do in the slightest... only when you're with freinds such as me and Twilight and... Ryder a bit further... Now... Just think... what would Ryder want you to do?"

"...He'd want me to be happy... He'd want me to feel safe and secure like he's been doing thus far..." They started up the stairs but stopped half way up. Daring sat down on the steps and leaned on the wall. "....Tell me... Is it wrong to feel bad about all this....? Ending my books off? Having Ahui killed like that...?" Dash sighed and sat next to Daring hugging her.

"...How do you think I felt after you left to write that book? Twilight had to drag me out one day to her place to try and write a four page essay on what not to do when meeting someone like you... Number one reason: Fuck up in every major way.... I almost got you killed and i almost died myself...." She squeezed the mare a bit. "....I wanted to beat myself up after almost ruining your books then and there... I was just all caught up in being a fangirl... Ryder's probably feeling the same..." Daring pushed Dash off and stood up.

"...He should feel good to take down someone who marked my own head... I know it cost something he loves dearly but... what about the one who he fell in love with... Am I not important to him?" The blue mare stood and took Daring's hand leading her up the stairs.

"I dont know how he feels here. All I know is he's in pain from his injuries... But he'll be better... Right?" Daring nodded. "Good.... At least there's something his sister can know..." Daring went and pinned Dash against a wall just at the top of the steps.

"No! We cant say ANYTHING to her! Just... I dont know make something up that sounds like something he would do! If she asks something about Ryder like where he is or why he hasnt called just.... Just do something and fast! You get me Dash?" Dash nodded scared. "Good.... Now... Is her room still a ways off?" She nodded again and Daring backed off. She sighed. "...Well... tell me a few things that happened in our absence... Things that Ryder might've wanted to know...." Dash sighed and started climbing the stairs with the greyscale maned mare.

"Where do I start? After you guys took off Scootaloo cried her eyes out.... Luna had to comfort her and I gotta say she did better than even her own mother did.... Had her calmed within a minute and then just last night she had a little accident thinking about her father and what happened.... Thought she heard a gun shot in the halls but a guard idiotically dropped a tray of food he was bringing to my room.... I just wanted to hide away and just try and not think about you but... I saw the news reports about murders and stuff here in Equestria and it just made me think of you.... Not even kidding when I say they spoke about the attack at the signing... Said you had just disappeared and they wanted to at least question you. Guards even said that you werent gonna be found. Not even disclose a location or an anonymous interview. Nothing so I promise you were safe there...." They turned a corner.

"Well... Anything from Twilight?" Dash nidded.

"Well... she did say if she ever tried to call you or vice versa to Celestia or something.... She would just pray for your safety... Either that or have us fly out there to save your ass and my own cousins. I'm pretty sure AJ would've actually saved Ryder.... Cant say for the other mares.... Fluttershy is still kind of afraid to even speak to Ryder... Rarity will speak but not reveal any information about anyone. Pinkie blabs about almost anything but... Eh... You already know what me, Twilight and Applejack are like." Suddenly they heard crying coming from somewhere down a hall. Dash sighed as she started to jog. "Dammit.... Not now... Not now Scoot... Why? Why now?!" Daring hurried after her as they went down the hall. When they turned a corner they saw Scootaloo huddled up in blankets on the right side of the hall. Her door was open slightly. Dash sighed as she came to the filly's side. The blanket was a dark blue one with Luna's cutie mark on it. She held it tight against herself almost hiding herself as if she were Daring herself. "...Scoot? What's wrong squirt?"

Scootaloo whined a bit and sniffled as a guard came out of the room. He was a unicorn guard clad in silver armor. He sighed as he dragged out a hamper stuffed with sheets. "Another accident I'm afraid." He said. "Lucky you had me outside this door .... She thought someone was going to shoot her or something..."

Daring sighed as Dash picked the filly up. "Nothing like that is going to happen here...." She said resting her hand on her blanketed back. "...You've got guards and princesses around you... you're probably in the safest place possible..."

Dash sighed as she took the blanket off her cousins head. "....You're soaked...." She said. She looked to Daring as the filly cried into her shoulder. "...C'mon... lets get her changed.... She isnt gonna calm down unless she's dry.... Trust me on this..." Daring nodded as they wiggled past the guard into Scootaloo's room. The bed was stripped bare and there were clothes strewn about the floor with a back pack near by. Daring even closed the door and leaned on it watching Dash as she stripped the blanket off the filly. Scootaloo was wearing grey sweat pants with a darker grey stain running between her legs and a black tank top. Dash huffed grabbing a few pieces of clothing. "Jeez.... did you even use the toilet before you went to take a nap?"

The filly shook her head as she rubbed her eyes. "...I... I want Ryder...." She said. "....I-Is he back yet...? I... I wanna talk to him...."

Daring turned away. Not only because her friend was starting to change the soiled clothing of her cousin but she didnt wanna show any emotion towards the filly that'd give anything away. "...He uh... He stayed back to try and find you something that'd make you happy." She said. "I told him I'd stay but... He wanted me to get back here as quickly as I could. To uh... keep my treasures safe!"

"...C-can we call him then....? I.... I really wanna talk to him...."

Dash huffed. "Squirt... What Miss...." She said stopping herself.

Daring sighed. "It's fine... I feel it might be time for me to just come clean with everyone.... I just..... I should start small like with this filly here... Then to a few guards maybe... It's gonna be bound to happen anyways...." Dash sighed.

"Well... I guess since she said this its time for me to tell you.... Those books that Princess Twilight and I read... Those Daring Do books... You know those books right?" Daring heard no answer. "...Well... You can believe me and her when we say... Those books are real deals.... That mare right there? She's the real Daring Do.... She can back me up on that.... Do you wanna ask her yourself.....?" Again no answer was heard. Only a sob. The Cyan mare sighed and grunted a bit. "Well... All done here... You gonna be okay?"

Daring turned back around and now saw the little filly wearing blue jeans and a black tee shirt. Her eyes were still teary but not as bad as before. Scootaloo nodded a bit glancing at Daring nervously. They came over and Daring cracked a smile. "...Y-you're the real... D-daring Do....?" She asked. Daring nodded. "....How can you prove it....?"

Daring sighed. "Well... It's hard for me to even say who I am is true.... but... It's true... Ask Dash, Celestia, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie, Fluttershy and even Princess Twilight herself. They're all going to say the same thing. Even the same thing as your big brother said..." She said. "But... If I remember correctly you asked to speak with him over the phone?" Scootaloo nodded. "...Well... I hate to say this but he left his phone on the plane... By the time I found it it was just too late to turn back and get it to him..." She took the filly from her cousins arms and hugged her. "...Dont worry though... he loves you very much... he wanted me to tell you that when I got here..." She kissed the filly on the fore head fixing her mane as well.

"....D-do you think he told the truth there...? About him loving me...?"

Dash gasped. "Of course squirt!" She said joining in on the hug. "He does love you! More than ANYTHING in the world. Before you came to my door I'd get him calling me every night asking if I was going to be watching you any time soon but I kept telling him no... He was always hurt to hear that but he never gave up hope... But now that your mom and dad are gone... I bet you he's gonna spend every waking moment with you when he gets back... Who knows what he's gonna do... I bet he's gonna move back to Ponyville and find a place there where you two can live together and just not be plagued by the bad memories.... Your mom would've dragged him back whether your dad liked it or not but.... Ryder stayed away because he was afraid to see you cry when your Dad told him to go away...."

Daring teared up a bit pushing her wings through Ryder's shirt holes. "....Scootaloo... i know this may sound weird to say but... while we were out.... He never shut up about you..." She said. "He said he missed you, he didnt wanna leave you alone and all sorts of things.... He needed you more than you needed him but... his job came first to protect me to get a treasure that would save everyone in Equestria.... He did so... Saved you, me and your cousin here...." The little filly whimpered slightly resting her head on Daring's shoulder. "...Don't worry... Ryder will be back soon.... I promise you that...."

Scootaloo hugged the mare tightly. Daring hugged back getting Dash closer as well. "....I... I hope you're right.... I miss him...." She said. Daring sighed.

"I miss him too..." She looked down at the filly. "How about this? What say we get out of this castle and head for some ice cream? Rocky Road always cheered me up.... You up for it?" Scootaloo looked to Dash. Dash just smiled. The filly looked back to Daring rubbing her eyes a bit.

"That.... that sounds good.... But maybe a little lunch first...? I-I was always told to eat something before ice cream... Okay?" Daring smiled and set the filly on the ground.

"Sure... I could eat something... You wanna get some shoes on while I go find a princess to help us get some lunch?"

Dash gave a slight laugh. "Just go and get em! Why wait for us to answer?" She said. Daring smiled as Scootaloo rushed over to her backpack and started to dig into it.

"Alright you two please hurry. I'll meet you in the dining hall if i have to." Dash smiled and nodded as she leaned against the wall. Daring gave a bright smile and opened up the door and rushing out. Not long later Daring was walking with Celestia at her side in a mood completely opposite to the way she was in the room. "...I... I lied to a filly... A filly who's brother I nearly killed with explosives...."

Celestia took the sad mares hand. "...Daring it isnt you who planted the bomb... it was Ahuizotl... He didnt want you to get away with that sword. He would've had you both killed in the process.... It's best for injury than death... Would you rather have a filly know she's going to see her brother soon or would you rather have to lie to them about her dead brother?" The mare sighed hanging her head.

"...It's worse either way because we're still lying... She's young and alone... I dont wanna lie to her but I dont want to tell the truth either..." Celestia huffed.

"Listen to what you're saying. You've lied for years but the truth is being revealed slowly. How do you think those who know the truth react?" Daring shrugged as they turned down another hall. "Well? What of Dash and her friends? Surely they've had some thought about your identity being brought onto them. Twilight especially. Dash told me that they saw you- Only as A.K. Yearling mind you- but they said they saw you in the forest bathing in a lake and got frightened when you caught them but I have always seen through your disguise. Your picture on the book cover and you yourself had similarities and I put two and two together but I told nopony except my sister. Even she knew of your secrets and swore to secrecy from then on. Even we couldnt take on the information. I sat in my room writing entry after entry of my findings until I spoke with Twilight about it. I didnt know how to take it but it was something I was willing to live with." She huffed. "We should try and tell the truth but tweek it a bit. Say Ryder was injured and wasnt fit to be on the plane. He got sick and needed to stay grounded until he returned or something. Just dont lie to her." Daring sighed looking up at the ceiling.

"...Well... I need to talk that over with Dash... She knows that filly better than I do.... And... I hate to ask but... Can I ask for a favor...?" Celestia stopped in front of the dining hall door and looked at the mare.

"For you I will grant almost any favor. You've faced hell and returned triumphant. You deserve something and if i cant give it to you it can not be obtained through normal means. What is thy wish?" Daring looked around at the empty halls. No guard in sight. She beckoned the princess lower. Celestia bent down a bit. Just enough to listen to what Daring was about to say.

"...In a few days once Ryder is better... I.... I want to have a press conference about the attack and... maybe to just... Reveal who I really am since my books arent going to be going on anymore.... With Ahuizotl dead I have no conflict in my books... No antagonist to my protagonist... I'm just as normal as anyone else now..." Celestia gave a warm smile.

"Well... Its going to be a big step there but... I can get you out to Ponyville and just get everything ready with Twilight. She'll keep you there as well as Scootaloo. We dont wanna keep you both here... knowing his room is still here..."

"Another favor princess....?" Daring averted her gaze. Celestia sighed a bit.

"Okay okay fine... I'll let you use his room for tonight but you might need to have Dash and Scootaloo in there too... Cant have Scootaloo on her own after she had that accident... A couple of warm bodies next to her should help keep her calm... that and a warm glass of milk.... maybe some filly padding just to be safe but... hopefully we can avoid that pathway.... I hope..." Daring huffed.

"Anything I have to do there I'll do it.... But maybe before then we can call Wolf and check on Ryder? " Celestia smiled a bit before going into the dining hall with Daring. Where it all started.

"Sure. I was going to do that here in a bit anyways. I was notified that Ryder was given the medicine Luna and I take for speedy recoveries. I'm a bit curious as to what the effects on him would be.... Nopony but me, Luna or our niece have taken this medicine." Daring followed Celestia all the way to the end of the table. All she could think of there was her and Ryder having a meal before their adventure. First meal after the attack too. "....My niece was one of the first alicorn... born nearly a thousand years ago. Her parents died and I adopted her feeling she needed someone to guide her through life.... Without Luna I basically felt alone.... Everyone I asked who knew her said she was miserable... I found her in an orphanage but she wasnt in there... I found her at a grave site a few miles from there in the rain.... I took her back and things just.... went on from there..." Celestia sat down and hung her head a bit. Daring took a seat to her right. "...M-my apologies Daring.... She just.... I only call her a niece because she wasnt related to me... Though my only sister was on the moon I still made it seem like she was hidden away, learning somewhere on how she could be a princess.... When in reality she was just a unicorn filly whom i've wanted at my side forever...." Celestia looked to Daring. "....I.... I'm rambling arent I....?" Daring took the princesses hand and squeezed slightly.

"Come on Princess.... Focus.... We dont want Scootaloo coming in to see a sobbing princess now would we?" Celestia shook her head. "....Well.... Why dont we take a few breaths, have a drink and calm down before that happens... otherwise she's really gonna think something is wrong...." Celestia sniffled and wiped her eyes.

"Y-you're right... She can probably pry information out of me when I'm like this... I cant take any pressure when im crying...." She clapped her hands and instantly a unicorn waitress dressed in a suit. This one was a mare. Red mane, red orange coat and black and red suit. Celestia looked to the waitress. "Mango smoothie for me and a.... a straw berry banana smoothie for my friend here." Daring looked to the waitress.

"Ah no no no! Cant have that! Change that to a chocolate peanut butter smoothie! I'm allergic to strawberries." The waitress smiled and nodded before teleporting away. Daring looked to Celestia. "That's something I dont want to happen.... No surprise allergy attacks and if it did end up happening I'd need my allergy shot and I almost always keep one on me... The only time I've left it back in my home was during the attack... I was vulnerable.... I still am.... Please tell me your staff wont try poisoning me..."

"Please... If they wont try it on me they wont try it on you. Besides we have antidotes and allergy shots for all kinds of reactions. Most of our guards are always prepared with my on-call doctor. Unicorn fellow who can teleport right to our sides within moments of being called. Would you be okay if I was the one to administer the shot if something were to go wrong?" The adventure mare nodded. "Well let me have someone get the doctor down here with an allergy shot for strawberries. I'll be back in a moment." Celestia got up and flew right over the table landing at the door and exiting.

Later that day Daring was dressed in silver pegasus guard attire holding Scootaloo's hand and with Dash walking at their side at a semibusy mall. Dash was wearing a Wonderbolts baseball jersey and jeans. Daring smiled as Dash flicked her with her wings. "Gotta love being out like this not having to worry huh?" She asked. "I mean yeah you're still ready for things but I can see you're happy."

Daring sighed. "It does feel good to stretch my wings in public without having to use a bathroom to unwrap bandages...." She said. "....It's going to take some getting used to but... I guess I need to relax... So many years of running, hiding.... I just havent had the time to sit back and relax... take a look at the world to see how it is behind the hell and those willing to unleash it...."

"Hey language! There's a filly present!" The rainbow mare snapped. Daring smiled at the filly at her side.

"Oop. Sorry... But there are bad ponies out there willing to do bad things for their own gain.... I guess you could say I was a guard but on a supernatural level.... Kinda like you Element of Harmony holders huh?" Dash released her cousins hand and put them on the back of her head looking towards the sky.

"Yeah but you've done it a lot more than we have. We've saved Equestria four times and that isnt even NightMare Moon levels. That was almost global. Almost meaning there would've been a never ending sunrise slash sunset going on. If you were in my shoes what would you do if you faced Nightmare Moon?" The armored mare gulped as they turned a corner.

"Before or after her reformation back to Luna?" Dash hummed.

"I'd say after her transformation back to Luna. Like something triggered it again and sparked the nightmare within."

Scootaloo shivered gripping Daring's hand a bit tighter. "...I'd probably be flying away scared if that helped me to fly..." She said. "Princess Luna is so nice... I dont see how she could become Nightmare Moon again... I cant even see how anyone can become a nightmare even when they're so nice all the time."

Daring picked Scootaloo up putting her on her back and gripping her with her wings. "I'm with the little one here... I'd probably be running scared..." She said. She gulped a bit and started to slow her stroll.

Dash hummed as all the color drained away from her friends face. "Hey? You okay?" She asked. Voices started to assault Daring's ears. She looked around and there wasnt anyone yelling, whispering or even having a semi loud conversation. She went a few steps then collapsed. Scootaloo got off of her back and rushed behind Dash scared. Dash snapped her fingers in Daring's face. "Hey! C'mon stay with me! I know what you're going to do now just keep it together! Be strong! Breathe!" Even with her trying to breathe normally it turned to hyper ventilating. She started to sweat profusely before blacking out. "NO! SOMEONE! CALL AN AMBULANCE NOW!" Next thing you know she heard crying and that was all.

"....It's my fault... he's injured because of me...." She said in her own mind. "...I couldnt save him.... I couldnt save myself....."

Strength In A Number Part 1

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It was late at night and Daring found herself lying alone in Ryder's room. She looked around the room panting heavily and sweating profusely. She found herself dressed only in a bra and panties. They werent even hers. These were a bit tight for her but it was something. Blue thong and a matching sports bra. She tossed the covers off her just looking around. "...What... the fuck just happened....?" She asked herself. She got up carefully wiping her wet mane out of her eyes. "....W-what.... what just..... I remember.... going to the mall for ice cream but... nothing much else...." She looked over onto Ryder's desk. Right on his computer was a note. She plucked the paper off the screen and looked at it closely. "...Daring.... we had you rushed back here to rest... I dont know what made you pass out like that but it scared Scootaloo... Right now she's with me just a few doors down.... We'll be here if you wanna talk to me.... It's okay if you need some alone time... I respect that. I told Scootaloo that you'd be okay but... she still wants to talk to Ryder. I was told by Luna to tell you that Ryder is healing faster than expected for a pegasus. Still a lot of damage but he has almost no pain anywhere. But in all seriousness... it might be a good idea to have someone tell Scootaloo that her brother got hurt and he's in the hospital. But we have to stress that its something that isnt too bad like he got hit by a car or fell off a motorbike. Something nonlethal but still would get you hurt bad.... Think it over but you come to me when you wanna do it. Tell me what you wanna say and if you need it I'll say it for you. It'll be easier for me to say it to her. I've broken news to her before but... sometimes it hurts to even see a filly cry..." Daring sighed seeing Rainbow Dash's initials at the bottom.

The mare sighed as she tossed the note aside and sat down at the desk turning a little lamp on. She stared at the black computer screen seeing her reflection barely visible. She could hear Ryder's voice. Telling her everything he liked about her. Everything he loved about her books. Every fantasy that he's had with her. Even some she had made up for herself. She started to tear up a bit. She hung her head and sniffled just as a knock came to the door. She looked back and got up making her way carefully over to the door. She opened it slightly and peeked out. She gave a tired sigh only to see Princess Luna, dressed in dark blue pajama pants and a grey Metallicolt shirt with the sleeves ripped off. Daring couldnt help but open the door more and hugged Luna. Luna shushed her. "It's alright.... You're okay..." She said. "Come now... deep breath...." Daring shakily took a few deep breaths and started calming down. Luna couldnt help but stroke the mare's mane. "There.... It seems like you've got a bit on your mind.... need to walk around and get away from this room?" Daring nodded. "Alright... Why dont you get something on and take a walk with me? I think there's something I need to show you...." Daring huffed and just started looking for some clothes to wear. Not long later Daring and Luna were walking around out in the halls. Daring now wore basket balls shorts and one of Ryder's tank tops. Daring sighed.

"...At least I get out of that room.... Why did someone put me in there knowing my connection to him?" The princess rested a hand on the messy maned mares shoulder.

"....Celestia had guards put you in there because... well A.... you requested to be in there for tonight.... And B.... As princess of dreams and such its proven that when someone sleeps in an area with a relaxing scent or a familiar place- to which Ryder's room having his scent and familiar to you- will stay asleep longer. And you've been out since noon. It's about... oh I dont know eleven at night." Daring looked at Luna confused.

"I've... been asleep for eleven hours?!" Luna nodded.

"Yes. The bartender in the plane kept tabs on you since you were put onto the plane. Told me you werent having the best of time sleeping.... kept tossing, turning, crying and screaming. I dont wish for you to sleep like that... I want you to sleep normally and on a schedule that fits your needs...."The pegasus mare sighed.

"....This is honestly some way to get me to sleep... but how am I going to get back to sleep in that room....? And where's my stuff? It should've been inside!" Luna huffed as they turned down another corridor.

"Your stuff is inside. I'm having someone sift through everything just to make sure nothing was slipped into it... I'm not having a remake the day of your attack.... That spider was nothing I've seen before... eight legged yes but... this one had a few strange marks that I had to look up... turns out it was a Saddle-Arabian trapper. I had to donate it to a local zoo because nopony in Equestria is allowed to have those things. I didnt tell the truth when it came to my possession but I did say it just crawled up onto a wall at the castle and I captured it. They were happy to have it but now we have a protocol to check bags that enter and exit this castle. Enter because we dont want any weapons or something coming in or stuff like that spider coming in. Exiting because we are a high class and we do not want anything being stolen. Now that we're in possession of that sword there it'd be a shame if that left with anyone else but you."

"Yeah... anyone touches that sword and I'm basically going to just... just...." She grunted. "I dont know what I'll do but... it'll be bad..." The night alicorn sighed.

"Dont fret please.... we have trusted guards here... and security cameras watching their every move. But enough about that stuff... our destination is almost upon us and i think its something to help take the edge off this... I just dont want you to feel pained by this experience anymore..." They stopped outside a door slightly ajar and dimly lit inside. Luna looked to Daring and took her hands. "...When I show you this.... please... stay calm, breathe if you need to, hold my hands if needed and... well... speak softly... We dont want you to pass out again...."

"We?" Luna nodded but said nothing. She carefully opened the door and pulled Daring into what looked to be a computer lab. There was a lit computer at the front illuminating a wall and a gaming chair. Almost looked like an old bomber plane seat. "...Were you playing games in here Princess...? I dont think playing games are something i'd do... I have a book that needs writing soon... Not to mention everything that I have to add in that doesnt involve lewdness..."

Luna huffed but didnt say a word. She just used her magic to cover Daring's eyes with a blindfold and used one hand to lead her through the computers. With each step it felt like a walk towards a drop that Ahuizotl had planned in the dark. That's all that came to Daring's mind as she walked. She turned a couple times before coming straight to the seat. Cushioned but still stiff. In a flash- quite literally from the computer screen- she was blinded after the blindfold was taken off. She grunted and covered her eyes for a moment before peeking through slightly allowing them to adjust. Once they adjusted she saw a familiar face. Beaten and bruised with stitches here and there but familiar none the less. It was Ryder. Just giving a pained smile. She couldnt help but just cover her mouth and tear up seeing him in his state. "...D-Daring... We did it..." Ryder said. "Sure it.... It costed me a little blood but... who cares...? You're safe... you got the sword with my help and... I protected you like I said I would...." Daring sniffled a bit wiping her eyes away.

"...Ryder... I'm just glad to see you.... sure you look like... well... you look like..." Ryder coughed and groaned slightly.

"....Just say it... cant hurt worse than my legs.... or my ears..." The pegasus mare took a deep breath and sighed. Ryder groaned a bit more.

"...Well... you look like complete shit but... shit that has glitter on it... looking good but still sucks... Has that medicine been taken yet Ry?" The stallion reached to the side a bit and grabbed a pill in a clear cup. Right next to it was a bottle of water.

"...Right here... I refused to take it until I spoke with you... Letting you know the affects of this pill... Well... For Alicorn..." He took a deep breath. "...First... this pill is for temporary immortality... a spell in pill form... Luna and Celestia take it to retain their age after thousands and thousands of years... I might get a year added to my life... or two... We dont know how it affects me but... since I've been cleared to take such things... I have to be tested to see what happens... Intelligence isnt going to go anywhere I know that for damn sure...." He laughed a bit. Daring and Luna snickered as well. "...Yeah... but... even with that said its still a possibility... anything from strength to speed or even intelligence is what they're looking for... hell... they're even gonna keep me hooked to heart monitors and shit just in case this thing OD's me during a test... But there's a low chance of that happening right Luna?"

Daring looked to Luna. The princess smiled. "Yes... No chance of overdosing." She said. "Twenty milligrams of a magic substance. Sometimes Celestia and I take two. Just in case we get diseased or something. Believe it or not since I've been back from the moon I've been diagnosed with breast cancer. Gone like magic. Celestia? Do not tell her I even said this but... she's had kidney problems because of all the alcohol she had drank. Two pills after her kidneys shut down and reactivation just like that. Sure it took a few minutes but at least I didnt have to go through chemo or her with dialysis. So any problems that Ryder has- physical injuries or diseases- are all history... But beware... It might be a tad painful... Bones force themselves to reconnect. It will hurt for a moment but the painkillers will just knock you out... I suggest terminating the call immediately after taking the pill.... Just take as long as you need to do so.... Say some words of encouregment for Daring here.... We're having press conference in Ponyville that's going to be broadcast all over Equestria first about the attack on Daring and then her reveal.... We're going to stream it live over the internet so you'll be able to watch it too... So? What do you have to say?" Ryder adjusted himself slightly.

"Daring.... if you're nervous on camera about the reveal.... just imagine you're sitting with me in that bathroom when we first met... you trusted me enough to reveal who you were.... not because you were scared or what the assailant said but... you knew that I'd keep your secret.... that I was a fan that would be shocked to know but... you'd knew I would keep your secret but... just think of when we were there in that restroom... minus the full strip... just... I dont know... show them who you really are.... have Princess Twilight and Dash back you up if you need it... Just be strong for me... I'll be strong for you...."

Daring smiled and blew Ryder a kiss. "...Thank you darling...." She said. "...Now... why dont you take your meds now...? I'll hang up once you do okay? Save you from moving..." He nodded. "Alright... on three... One... Two... Three." Right as she said that he popped the pill and went for the bottle of water cracking it open and taking a sip. That sip lasted but a moment but then he started to groan a bit before just starting to yell slightly. That was when Daring terminated the call only to have the Solar and Lunar empire logo- a half moon half sun- appear in the middle of the screen.

Luna took the mare's hand and pulled her up from the seat hugging her. "...There... he wants you to feel better and not have to hide..." She said. "...Dash, Twilight, Celestia and I would even say the same... It might be hard but... he knows you can overcome it.... overcome it like Ryder with his fear of heights!" Daring looked to Luna confused.

"Ryder was afraid of heights?" The princess nodded.

"Yes but that story is going to be saved for another time. Right now... how about a little chamomile tea before bed? I promise you'll wake up on time and well rested. I promise." Daring nodded. Not long later Daring was struggling to stay awake as Luna carried her down the hall. She blushed hard wrapping her arms around the princess. Luna smiled. "My special brand of chamomile tea really gets the job done....It's all natural and the best part about it is it puts anyone who drinks it to sleep.... A few side effects being weakened bladder, fatigue and soreness.... So you know what we probably have to do about that first one..." Daring blushed glancing down the hall way.

"Yeah.... But... it's worth it... Doesnt matter if Ryder sees me in one... he's wanted me in one since we hit his ex marefriends place...." She yawned big.

"Well perhaps it wouldnt hurt to try and use the toilet before...." Luna sighed feeling a warm spot under Daring's flank growing and dripping a bit. ".... Well then... not the first time this has happened but... certainly the first where I need to wash up after someone has done it. She blushed as she sat Daring on the floor after she had finished. Daring looked up at Luna blushing hard.

"....Sorry Princess... I guess maybe i should've gone before we had that tea..... gladly I've trained myself to.... to....." Daring grunted and passed out. Immediately she started to dream. She dreamt she was in a dressing room putting on a dress for her big reveal. The dress looked to be high grade military fabric. Olive green even with utility pockets on the chest to add a little design to it. Even had high heels that looked almost like a combat boot. She put the dress on and then her heels just before looking at herself in the mirror. She sighed looking at herself from every angle. "This doesnt look at all like I thought... it's missing something...." She looked around and saw a little box on a chair in the corner. She went over to it and popped it open finding a green military cap and a few black hair ties. Even a pair of her trademark red rimmed glasses. She took her glasses out and put them on before tying her mane back and putting the cap on. She looked into the mirror again. Again from all angles. "....Better but... I still need..." Just then everything started to fade away. But not the dress or the cap. "Oh for fucks sake.... LUNA!" She grunted and stamped her foot. A sigh was heard as footsteps came in.

"Sorry about this but... I needed to talk to you!" Daring turned around and saw Princess Luna approaching this time dressed in a night gown. "...First off I know what you were going to say... I should add it relaxes EVERYTHING if its something they've never had before.... I believe i owe you some new underwear and Ryder a few new items of clothing.... Lucky you i know how to clean something like that up..." Daring blushed and covered her face.

"...Oh jeez I am so sorry princess!" Luna hugged her and sighed.

"It's fine... I got you cleaned, powdered and diapered without any other problems. I hope it was alright I did that.... didnt want you smelling of piss and shit now would we?" Daring shook her head. "Well good... I must say you were just out of it. Nothing woke you. Not even when I slapped you!" The olive drab clad mare felt her cheek sting a bit. "Again... very sorry for that! I just wanna make sure you wake up before the transport arrives in the morning. But um.... one more thing... if you see Scootaloo... tell her I'm sorry...." Daring gave the princess a confused look.

"Why? Did something happen...?" Luna nodded and made a chair appear.

"...I accidentally let it slip that Ryder was hurt when I had you put in bed with Dash and Scootaloo... I was talking with Dash outside the door and we didnt know Scootaloo woke up... I feel like an idiot..." Daring sighed.

"....It's alright... everyone makes mistakes... my mistake? Thinking i could hold my bladder through out the night and day... I only had one meal but I guess it was enough for me from my survival training..." Daring knelt down at Luna's side. "....Can you connect us? Me and Scootaloo? I wish to speak with her...." Luna hesitantly nodded sniffling. Daring stood up along with Princess Luna. They stepped away from the chair having it disappear before Luna took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Her horn started to glow as she concentrated on her magic. Daring watched as everything around them started to shift and form something. Walls, tables, vases and even pictures. But as everything settled into place they heard crying. They looked around finding themselves in a run down home. Pictures on the walls either were cocked, broken, burnt or missing. Tables were overturned and vases were on the floor as well as books, scraps of paper, dust and bits of broken glass.

"Scootaloo? Scootaloo? Are you around?" Luna called out as they started walking through the halls.

The sniffling stopped for a moment. "...P-please... just... just go away...." They heard the little filly say.

"Scootaloo please! Come out! I want to help you!" Suddenly the hall in front of them slammed shut almost like a door shutting.


Daring sighed as Luna tried pushing the wall out of the way with her dream magic. Nothing. "Scootaloo! If you wont talk to Luna will you at least talk with me please?" Daring asked. "Just me and nopony else! I promise you it's all she came here for! I just... I'm sorry!" The hall opened up low to the ground. Just enough for Daring to crawl through.

"...Fine... just..... dont touch me... I'm not going anywhere... I'm just going to be shipped to some orphanage.... I have no daddy... no mommy... not even my big brother...." Daring got to her hands and knees and started to crawl through the dusty hole.

"Nonsense Scootaloo! Your brother is fine! He's just fell that's all!"

"Then why isnt he here huh?! Why isnt my big brother here to hug me and tell me everything's okay?!" The pegasus mare came to an opening and stood up finding herself in a child's room. There on a slightly burnt and dusty bed she saw Scootaloo clad in rags and her mane a mess. Daring went over and sat on the bed.

"...Sweetie... He fell pretty hard.... but he's fine.... trust me on this.... your brother is the toughest and most caring stallion I've ever come across.... as I said he never shut up about you.... I've even seen him cry a bit when I told him to leave his phone somewhere while we did something a bit dangerous... how many times has your brother said he would come back to you even when your daddy was around hm?" Scootaloo lowered her head thinking. Her ears went back a bit. "....And how many of those times did he come back even if he was late?" The filly whimpered a bit hugging her legs. "...Well... this is one of those times.... We wanted to hide it from you but.... I see now that it was something that wasnt good to do... And... just between you and me.... On the plane after we left.... He started to cry wanting to speak with you but he didnt have his phone.... right before he did get his phone he wet himself because of how scared he was to leave you alone like that...." She held her arms open. Scootaloo hesitantly scooted over towards the greyscale maned mare and hugged her. Daring smiled a bit as she hugged back. "...There we go.... He did say he'd be back but... this might take a little longer than expected...." Scootaloo sniffled a bit.

"....but.... he will be back... right...?" Daring nodded. "....I miss him so much... I.... I'm just... I'm so scared that I'll go to another mommy and daddy that wouldnt let me see my friends or my big brother.....I dont wanna be taken away from my home.... and.... I dont want to leave my friends behind either...." The pegasus mare sighed.

"...That isnt going to happen sweetie.... Luna, Dash and I arent going to let that happen... I'd even go as far as give you everything i had to keep you safe... if you mean the world to him I'll shell out bit after bit just for you.... He didnt request it at all... you're just that special of a filly that I'd do that for... I see you as well.... me... Just... you've had some special help with your care after what happened..... I mean look at you... you've gotten to sleep inside Canterlot Castle.... I havent until recently so... you've gotten a good lead on me so far with that but.... the one thing you beat me in is Ryder... I've gotten to experience what he does to protect you.... nopony will mess with you while he's around you... Me? Heh... I dont think anyones gonna mess with me when I know he's got my back as well as Princess Twilight and your cousin.... They're gonna help me out when I speak to everyone in Equestria during a news conference..." Scootaloo looked up at Daring confused.

"...Why?" Daring glanced at the small hole.

"Perhaps you can let Luna in to explain....? I've gone and explained it a few times too many already...." The filly nodded a bit and the hole grew to door size.

Luna grunted as she walked through. "Scootaloo! I enter dreams to help! Not hurt!" She snapped dusting her clothes off. "Next time you do that I will have Dash spank you or give a harsh punishment!" Scootaloo flinched a bit. Daring held her close.

"Princess! Please calm down! She's just scared!" Luna looked at the filly curled up in a ball burying her head into Daring's chest. The princess huffed.

"Okay... I admit I was a little harsh.... But please dont do that again! I feel hurt that you'd even do such a thing!"

Scootaloo whimpered a bit. "Sorry Princess...." She said. Luna sighed and sat next to them.

"It's alright.... I'm sorry for letting that slip but... I think you would've started to question it if he had taken a few weeks to get back...We probably would've kept making story after story up just for you.... Then you really would've thought he hated you... And we dont want that..." The filly hung her head and crawled over to Luna's lap.

"...It's okay....A-at least I know he's gonna be okay... But... Can you tell me why Dash and Twilight need to be with Miss Yearling?" Luna smiled a bit as Daring just covered her face just completely shocked.

"Well... Miss Yearling isnt actually real here... That mare right there is actually Daring Do... She writes her books under a pen name and... well... She does it so nobody freaks out over it.... Not to mention if she does get stopped when doing uh... 'research' for her books then things could go wrong!" Scootaloo looked to Daring as she moved her hand.

"Wait... You're real...?" Daring nodded. Scootaloo smiled and jumped from Luna back to Daring. "Wow! I thought my brother just called you that to throw ponies off that it was... well you! Does Dash know? She'd flip!"

Daring sighed and smiled. "Well.. She did flip. Nearly did a number on me but she helped out a lot... as well as that Princess she's friends with.... Not to mention her other friends too..." She said. "...I give you permission to tell who ever you wish but... just know I'd have to back it up. But... I really wouldnt worry. Everyone in Equestria and the world will know it after tomorrow... Now... Why dont we go on and wake up? I feel ready for anything.... And about that ice cream I promised yesterday? Maybe a new toy or something is in order. How's that sound?"

"You dont have to! Just knowing you're real is awesome Miss Ye- Da-.... You...." Daring and Luna laughed.

"...Well you definitely are Ryder's sister... that was his very same reaction almost... But I do insist that you get a gift after all this.... Mostly because I took your brother when you needed him.... As a little 'I'm sorry' gift.... for everything that happened recently..." The filly gave a squeak of excitement hugging Daring tightly.

Luna smiled. "Well... I'm glad to see you dont want to hold a grudge because we lied about your brother... " She said. "Perhaps I shall give a gift as well... Anything you name is yours!" Daring sat closer to Luna so Scootaloo could hug both the mares almost ready to cry again. "Alright alright.... we get it you love us for this.... Now let me wake you two up! We have a big day!" Scootaloo let go of Luna and just hugged Daring. As the princess got up her horn glowed and everything started to fade.

When everything faded to black everything felt warm to Daring. The air around her, the spot she was laying on and even what ever she was cuddling with. "Cmon! Wake up!" A familiar voice said. Daring jumped and opened her eyes looking around the dimly lit room. Sun was just peeking through the closed curtains. The mare even found Scootaloo asleep in her arms wearing one of Ryder's tee shirts raised up to her waist revealing a slightly used diaper. Daring looked under the covers and saw her diaper still looking crisp. "Hey! Daring c'mon! Get up!" She looked behind her and saw Rainbow Dash with a messy mane dressed in a Wonderbolts themed tee shirt and a very puffy diaper. They both blushed hard as Daring hiked the blanket up a bit. "Well... I guess we both had a bit of an accident during the night... You uh.... you alright?"

Daring nodded. "Yeah... I guess being in a diaper was going to be left for later but my body had other plans......" She said getting up. "...I'd say something but you've probably just released from holding it all night...." Dash blushed harder as she went over to a suit case and dug into it pulling out a few pairs of underwear and pants and even a few shirts.

"Uh.... Not even close....First off I had to wear one of these because of a punishment for Ryder... second is Scootaloo doesnt sleep well in a diaper and only will wear one if someone else is diapered with her and third.... I may or may not have a bed wetting problem... I got scared this time and... yeah...." Daring sighed as she took her diaper off tossing it to the side and taking a pair of black panties from Dash.

"No reason to be embarrassed. You're preaching to someone who's gone and had an accident after a run in with Ahuizotl.... He nearly got me by tossing me off a roof... Ryder's idiot friend shot at me which didnt really make anything better but... he saved me at least...." Dash carefully un tabbed her diaper letting it fall straight to the floor.

"Hey save that stuff for the book. I assume you're going to have to take a few things that happened and change em for the kids huh?" Daring nodded. "Guess some of us are always gonna know the real story... You might've changed things in earlier books that wouldnt have sounded like something you'd do huh?" Daring nodded again. "Well... just gonna let you keep those secrets. I think I like how you wrote those.... Even that one that I'm in.... And yes I do realize you changed it on how I stumbled onto you... making me seem like I was lost and confused was a good touch but still felt a tad insulted...."

"Well I had to say something that didnt screw with everyone knowing you or anything that would piss you off. Did that sound better than 'she stumbled upon me whilst I was hiding away and nearly got me killed'." She huffed and glanced at the filly. "...We probably should stop talking before we wake her.... She seems so content....." Dash snickered a bit.

"Please she sleeps like a rock after waking up in the middle of the night. I was looking after her one day and she went to bed around midnight. Forgot I had my alarm set for seven thirty and I swear.... A bomb wouldnt wake her up. I screamed, slammed my alarm clock and I'm not gonna lie when I say I forgot I had my rock station on for my work out the day before. I didnt get back to sleep after that but she was out for a couple more hours after that..." She looked to Daring. "Why dont we just get dressed and find Princess Celestia? Pretty sure we have a guard around to help her and we can trust her. She watched Scoot while I was taking a nap the other day and even Celestia can vouch for her! She's even followed Princess Cadence's Foalsitting book to the mark!" Daring smiled a bit and sighed. Not long later they were both walking down the hall. Daring now wore a black button up and dark blue jeans with blue canvas sneakers. Dash was wearing a Wonderbolts track suit and running shoes. Daring huffed as she stretched her wings a bit.

"....I honestly wish Ryder was here to join me when I spoke to the press.... I'm honestly scared to do this but.... it's what I have to do...." Dash slung her arm around the grey maned mare.

"Dont worry... I'll be right there and.... that's gotta count for something right?" Daring nodded. "Well... it honestly makes me a bit nervous as well... Everyone will know your secret and I'm basically gonna have to help you out it to everyone.... Why are the awesome things such the hardest to do?"

They jumped a bit hearing a laugh behind them. A familiar feminine laugh. "Maybe it's because you dont know how they will react." They said. They turned around only to see Princess Celestia in a nice white sparkly dress. It had highlights of gold and a slight rainbow across her chest and a golden headband holding back her mane. She sighed and opened her arms as Daring came in for a hug. "Sorry if I laughed there.... I... I dont take bad news well and try to laugh stuff off like a joke.... Not the best thing to do." Daring blushed a bit. "I take it you didnt sleep well last night huh?"

Daring shook her head. "...Nah.... just.... well... I woke up after a nightmare..." She said. "....I was a bit too worried about Ryder and... well... Luna probably told you where things lead after that." She blushed hard. Celestia sighed taking Daring's hand as she broke off.

"Yeah.... Very sorry that happened. The tea we get is pretty good and strong. Chamomile is extremely strong. The tea leaves are hit with a little bit of liquified magic that relaxes whoever drinks it. Luna has that spell down pat to where it will relax and put anyone to sleep up to a certain amount. The tea is a little bit stronger and since it affects everypony differently it cant be sold in a store. We get it because it affects us like warm milk affects you." She started walking down the hall. "But enough about that. Why dont we go over what's happening today?"

Dash huffed as she started to fly behind Celestia. "Kinda would be nice... all this negativity isnt gonna be good for my morning mood." She said. Celestia sighed again.

"Or your bladder." Dash blushed hard. "Yes Luna told me about your accident. A little nervous for your friend here?" Daring looked to Dash. She nodded. "Well no worries. You arent the only one who's worried. Twilight, AJ and all of your friends that know already are. As of right now Twilight is having a room set up in her castle for a camera crew and a few rows of Daring Do book fanatics but know their will be Elite guards standing guard there. Two at either side of you, four between you and the audience, Six at the back and four posted at each door. Two on either side of said doors. More secure than when I'm out and about. And from what I hear Rarity has made you a special dress when Twilight spoke with her about this being your last book. AJ suggested a few things to help with your reveal. Break away parts to the dress that will help hide your wings and make it seem like there isnt anything things and have it fall to reveal your real persona of Daring Do. I'd say flash your cutiemark a bit but... you might have children watching. That is why Twilight and Dash will be there to aid you in your reveal. The others will help too but only if needed." Daring thought about Celestia's words.

The grey maned mare gave the princess a smile. "That... that actually sounds like something I can do." She said. "I just hope I can pull through with things there.... Might we be able to get something to eat before we start off towards Ponyville? Being nervous on an empty stomach is never good.... Might be good to also have a dose of stomach meds as well.... just to be safe."

"Everything you need for today will be attended to even if you need something to either calm you down or keep your food down. Even if you need it I'll even spring for a quick massage at the local spa."

Dash gave a little yelp as she faltered in the air as Daring sighed hanging her head. "Uh Celestia? Maybe something else other than that?" She asked. Celestia looked at her confused. "Twilight took her and a few others to the spa and even had you-know-who come along...." Celestia gasped and held Daring close as they walked.

"Oh I am so sorry! I didnt know!"

Daring sighed. "It's fine... Just something to remember we did together before shit hit the fan..." She said. "....I still cant believe he had us jump from a helicopter.... Even I still found it funny when he tore a hole in his pants trying to get off the roof." She snickered a bit as well as Dash and Celestia joining in. They all sighed. "You know I almost thought he was gonna piss his pants when Applejack and Big MacIntosh caught him.... I may have even got a slight kick out of nudging him down. I'd say that was a little karma for forcing Luna to bring him to Ponyville but... I guess she saw his reasoning the way I did with Ahuizotl.... get what you want even if it is by force of some kind...." She sighed again. This time sadly. Just then someones phone started ringing. Angelic choir ring tone. Celestia looked to Dash and Daring before realizing where the sound was coming from.

"Oh! That's me! One second here ladies!" She released Daring's hand and dug into her cleavage before pulling out a smart phone and swiping the screen before putting it up to her ear. "Celestia here! Who is calling if i may ask?" She hummed a bit as they turned into the dining hall looking brilliant with the sunrise in the distance and the view from Canterlot Castle. "Ah Wolf. Good to hear from you. Sounding better than the last time we spoke.... Uh... Yeah she's right here next to me. Just wanna update her huh?... Ah. Alright. One sec." She looked to Daring handing the phone to her. "For you." Daring took the phone giving a slight smile before taking a deep breath and putting it to her ear.

"Hello?" She said.

A hefty stallions sigh was heard. "There's the lucky lass." She heard Wolf say. "How're ya feelin'? Everything normal with your head there? I didnt hitcha too hard now did I?" Daring sighed.

"Well I did have a slight headache when I woke up on the plane but other than that I'm all fine. No memory loss, vision is perfect, mobility is at its finest. Nothing bad to report unless you count some nightmares about someone you're holding there. How is he by the by?"

"Well that's what I've called about. First off it's good news and bad news time. Good news, he's on his feet but still recovering from some injuries. Bad news is he still isnt fit to get on the plane back. And second.... We found his phone at the blast sight. Phone is pretty damn durable even if he got hit with a shockwave close up and had a car land on him. My top tech advisors are actually finding something on the phone that basically tracked your location. Who gave this phone to him?"

"It was a gift from Celestia. Why?"

"Well the GPS signal this thing puts out is somewhat of an aircrafts black box. Records everything that passes through the receiver and such. I'm gonna have them send an audio file over to you soon and... I gotta say it's pretty chilling from what I've heard. It was something that happened prior to your departure but a bit after you got here.... Not sure when there but... that's all I know. But... Tell Celestia to disengage the GPS tracking on this thing when she can. Yes she wants to know where he is at all times but its dangerous. It might be disengaged on apps and such but.... if someone is out there that wants to hurt him gets their hands on what ever frequency its on they know where he goes and could see EVERYTHING he does."

"Noted... Wont look at my phones the same way again...."

"Alright. I'll let Ryder know I spoke to you. He might be worried about you still but if anything changes I'll contact you somehow. Wolf out."

The phone went silent after a click. Daring looked to Celestia as she gave the phone back. "So? Did he mention anything about Ryder?" She asked.

Daring nodded as they all sat down. Celestia at the end of the table, Dash and Daring on either side of her. "Ryder's up and walking but... he's still unfit to fly." She said. "Good to know he's doing well thus far.... probably about as well as I am." Just then a little bell chime rang out. Celestia looked to her phone as it brightened up.

"Huh... Wolf sent me something...." She looked back to Daring. "Did he say anything about this here?" The pegasus mare at her side nodded. "Do you need to see my phone again?" She nodded once more. Celestia sighed and handed her phone over once more.

"I'm going to be a minute. He needs me to listen to this audio recording.... If you want you can order for me while I listen to this stuff. Just... please tell me you remember my order from day one here...." Celestia nodded as Daring tapped at the screen a few times opening the text.

She opened the audio message and it came to just a black screen with a play button in the middle. She tapped it and held it to her ear. A few beeps were heard before a voice came up. It was unfamiliar to her. "Okay.... Audio recording number three- Subject nine seventy two." A stallion said.

Daring listened closely as a familiar grunt was heard. "Alright who the fuck is calling me right now?! Cadence if this is you it's not a good time!" She heard Ryder say. "I'm pissed off and Shining can tell you why calling me when pissed isnt a good idea!"

A faux shocked gasp was heard. "Oh do you kiss your lover with that mouth?" Another familiar voice said. She huffed knowing it was Ahuizotl's. "Listen stallion... I've got a proposition for you... I know who you are and you have to know who I am...." She heard Ryder huff.

"Listen asshole I've got no time for you. Say what you want before I have this damn call traced and you in jail for harrassment!"

"I've avoided jail and capture from natives in a far off jungle. What makes you think you can catch me even for a moment?"

"Seven twenty three Green Grove.... One word and guards will be on your ass from every direction." Ahui hummed.

"You're that determined arent you....?" Ryder said nothing. "Well then General.... I have a proposition for you.... It's about your lover you have."

"Fuck off you cunt."

"HEY! Just hear me out now or I'm doing something that would be regretful for you as well as me... and I want to play nice here...." Daring's heart sank a bit fearing Ryder's answer. She heard the stallion sigh.

"Fine... What the hell do you fucking want?"

"I have access to a lump some of money right now....your choice with that or something you dream of having.... anything and everything your heart desi-"


"...I'm letting you have this one because I do end up rambling.... But what I want you to do is head back to where you came from and leave Daring here.... either that or bring me her head and you get what ever you want and then some... no tricks... The price on her head isnt much for top of the line bounty hunters... just mercenaries who wanna make a quick buck. But you.... I've dealt with you before... Just a few years or so ago.... Outside of Ponyville and a few miles north in a forest."

"....Look.... If you think for five seconds that I'm gonna betray someone I love you've got another thing coming and you know what that is? A bullet to the fucking head if we ever meet up close. The price on her head doesnt matter... Now you better hope I dont come with a shot gun.... by the by call me again and maybe that will be the case and they might question me on why there is bits of shit in your chest cavity!"

"...Fine you wont now but we'll see soon enough.... Remember this voice because you'll be obeying it soon..."

The phone clicked and beeped before a little robotic voice said it was the end of the call. She looked to Celestia as she and Dash watched a waiter walk off with an empty tray in hand. Daring was listening so closely to the audio file of Ahui and Ryder she completely spaced out and missed ordering drinks. She glanced at the table and just saw a few cups. Soda for her, Smoothie for Dash and a margarita for Celestia. Celestia looked to Daring as she slid the phone back. "...Is everything alright? You look pale...." She said.

Daring took her drink and chugged half of it before setting the cup back down panting heavily. "...Ahuizotl wanted Ryder to kill me... Not through hypnosis but... through bribery.... And he never told me about it...." She said. Dash and Celestia looked to her shocked. "...He didnt even want to do it... not even for money, cars or... what ever.... I guess Ahui was forced to hypnotize him.... But there was one flaw... his love for me was stronger...." She gave a little smile tearing up slightly.

Dash shook her head snapping out of her shocked state. "My cousin actually did something right for once!?" She said. Celestia sighed and just reached over flicking her in the ear making her yelp. The blue mare looked to the tall princess beside her. "What the hell?! It was a joke!"

Celestia shushed her. "Ryder might be an idiot on his days off but on the job he's serious. Now please shut up about him. I feel like Scootaloo could come along any minute now." She said. Dash sighed and nodded just drinking her smoothie.

After a while Daring and company found themselves in a motorcade on its way towards Ponyville. Dash, Scootaloo, Celestia and Luna were sitting on either side of a limo. Luna wore a deep blue dress with designs of different constellations in gems. Scootaloo was wearing a dark grey hoodie, a blue tshirt and stone washed jeans and running shoes. Scootaloo climbed onto Daring's lap cuddling up to her. "....Are you scared at all Daring?" She asked.

Daring sighed hugging the filly. "...Not really scared as much as I am nervous and excited..." She replied. "Nervous because of who I am and kind of excited because... it'll be the first time in forever to where I can actually be myself in front of everyone..." She glanced at the princesses who were talking with each other and Dash who was just playing a game on her phone. "I mean... here in front of you, Dash and the princesses.... that's different than what I'm going to get myself into..." She looked to the filly. "...Back when this whole thing started and waaaaay before who I was became secret I was a child who never had many friends... I was looked on as a dreamer and someone who didnt know what i'd be doing for my life.... I didnt even have a cutie mark until I was fifteen. Now you... you still have me beat by a good few years. Until then I was a nobody but... I realized what I'd be doing and just kept it secret unless it was someone who trained me to fight and protect myself. Those who knew me before forgot about me because they never cared much for me when I was younger.... But if they did manage to remember me they'd feel so bad for me and wish they could apologize but that's where A.K. Yearling came into play...." She sighed looking out the window. "You know... I should save this for later... I kinda feel as if I'm going to cry and wake up..... This is a dream that I dont want to wake up from.... its one that I've wanted to come true for quite a while...." She hugged the filly and held her tight. Scootaloo hugged back.

"Well... I'm right here for you like my big brother was..." She sighed and smiled at the filly.

"...Well.... You can keep a secret like him cant you?" Scootaloo nodded. "Good.... Maybe I could persuade you to tell me a few secrets about your brother just in case he teases me hm?" The filly got a devilish smile on her face.

"...I wouldnt say I would but.... Dash told me my big brother wet his pants last time he stayed in her house..." Daring snickered a bit.

"That's gonna be music to his ears when he hears that from me!"

They continued to speak only to each other getting to know one another, keeping one another happy while still strengthening Daring's nerves to speak on Live TV and an audience about who she really was. But... would this still go over well?

To be continued....

Strength In A Number Part 2

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It was about a few hours later after Daring had left Canterlot with Dash, Scootaloo and the princesses. She now sat half naked on a bed inside a dimly lit but shiny coated room. She looked around at the purplish walls and the blue flooring. The wooden bed and the fancy dressers and end tables by the walls. Even a red sequence dress hanging on a hook near the door along with khaki shorts, survival vest, forest camo shirt and pith helmet sitting along side it as well as a purse sitting on a chair nearby. She sighed lying back on the bed. "...Ryder.... Why cant you be here to give me good luck, a kiss and... maybe a back rub...?" She asked the empty room. "...You gave me confidence to tell you who I was but.... I had to under dire circumstances.... Here.... the circumstances are just panic attacks waiting to happen and me only to wake up on the floor or in a hospital because I fainted...." A knock came to the door. She huffed just rolling to her side. "Come in but... If it's a guard please disregard what I said and go away.... I'm not decent!"

A slight laugh was heard. "Well... I'm no guard but... you did end up borrowing one from me..." A familiar mare said. Daring sat up and saw a familiar purple alicorn wearing a dark blue dress and silver stars all across the chest like a sash. She even wore high heels almost the same shade as the dress. Daring smiled sitting up as her friend, Princess Twilight Sparkle enter the room and close the door behind her. Twilight sighed as Daring sprang up and hugged her. "...You doing alright in here?" The mare sighed.

"I dont quite know Twilight...." She replied breaking the hug. "My heart is telling me to do this but.... My brain is saying to not even go out there.... even giving me a list of complications that can arise..... I'd ask for a confidence booster but he's back in a military infirmary...." She went to the door and grabbed the pith helmet looking into it. "...Who I am is a shock even to you once you found out and.... honestly if I knew you were the alicorn princess of friendship I would've been nicer but.... I've been secluded so long before that, hiding amongst everypony.... I think you actually might've became a princess during my fourth book when I was in Saddle Arabia." Twilight sighed taking the adventurer mares outfit in her magic and held it up to her chest.

"I might not be Ryder but... you can do this. When I was younger right around when your first book was published and you signed it for me.... I was so nervous I broke down and cried.... I was so scared to even say anything because I didnt want to embarrass myself but... I did somehow...." Daring looked to Twilight seeing her blush.

"I think I remember that... you were with your mother werent you? Velvet right?" Twilight nodded. "Ah a fellow writer. She helped me with starting up the Daring Do series... I told her I wanted to write but I had no Idea what I was doing... That's where my pen name came to be. Your mother helped me become a successful writer..." Twilight smilled.

"...My mom always read me bed time stories when she wasnt busy with her love novels.... She always had me read with her on some of my little filly books. Are you familiar with Little Rosey?"

"The little rose who was afraid to open up because she thought nobody would like her....."

"Yeah... if I remember this right Rosey was in a floral section of a store. One night while she was asleep she was taken away from everyone she knew and woke up in a new flower bed. The other flowers were friendly but she didnt want to speak with them. A Lily spoke with her seeing she was afraid of introducing herself in such a new area it reminded her of the same thing she went through when she was just a seedling. The old oak tree that stood next to the flower bed when Lily was first planted gave her a lot of help to open up. Kind gifts, friendly words of advice and even little bees that tickled her giving her a smile after a rainy day. But once that oak tree was cut down she was alone and new flowers came in. She introduced herself to all the flowers she could until that one little flower came to her. Do you know who that flower was?" Daring looked to Twilight taking the outfit off the hanger.

"Rosey?" She replied. Twilight shook her head.

"Nope. That flower is you. I'm that Lily that is helping you and my oak tree? Celestia of course. She helped me become confident and taught me friends are the best things to have even if someone needs a little push just to get them to meet em. How else do you think I have all my friends here?" Daring smiled brightly.

"...Because that little flower needs to open up and make friends with everyone. And they help each other in some ways. Like this...." Twilight hugged the pegasus mare giggling slightly. Her giggling slowly died down before she sighed.

"Hey uh... Daring....?"

"Yes Twilight?" She looked back at her backing away a bit.

"...Can I.... Can I do something real quick? I just...." Daring shushed her. She saw it in her eyes she knew what she wanted. Daring leaned in and kissed Twilight on the lips passionately making her blush hard but sigh in ecstasy. She broke the kiss and shuttered. "Oh... wow.... I...." She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before opening her eyes yet again. "....Thank you...."

"Anything for you Twilight. ...I did need to make it up to you about my books somehow. Maybe if things go well later we might settle on something nonphysical but perhaps dream based hm?" Twilight blushed as her wings extended quickly and her horn gave a quick spurt of magic. She gave a quick yelp covering her horn and setting her wings back into place. Daring snickered a bit and hugged Twilight. "It's okay... This is between us and only us." Twilight sniffled a bit.

"Th-thanks Daring.... Let's just pretend this didnt happen... please....?" Daring nodded kissing Twilight on the cheek before releasing her and letting her go out the door. It didnt take her long to get into her first outfit but she couldnt help but admire her unique look in her books. Even extended her wings making sure she was able to move around without any restrictions. She slipped the pith helmet in her purse and looked to the dress. It was nice looking and glistened in the little light of the room. She sighed taking it in hand.

"...Once I put you on there isnt any turning back.... and this is just a one way road ready for me to drive down it...." She got it from the bottom and started to slip into it. She felt the clothing underneath thin to a near disappearance. She even felt her wings just disappear off her back but... something felt as if she were missing it. What she was missing it was unknown. She hummed as she grabbed her purse and opened the door. When she opened the door she saw Twilight standing just across the hall with her trademark hat and red rimmed glasses. Her hat looked brand new. Pure white with a red ribbon tied into a bow near the top and her glasses looked fairly polished. Twilight blushed a bit holding them out.

"Here. I asked Rarity to fix these up for you. A guard turned these in here for evidence because they thought you had disappeared somewhere but Celestia called me and told me where you were.... I just thought I'd have these refreshed for you." Daring smiled as she took her hat and glasses putting them on.

"You wanted to keep part of me didnt you?" Twilight blushed hard. "Ah well... you'll get these back after we're done here. Now clean your face up and lets get ready here. You've got dried tear marks and a little drool on your cheek." Twilight blushed a bit more before using her magic to make a little hand towel appear. She quickly wiped down her face a bit before poofing it away.

"Forever moist hand towel. I used a hydration spell on it and I'm glad I did. I was only going to use it for testing but there was a flaw in the spell that just made it last for a while. No mold, no mushrooms or anything. And unless it was put through a washing machine it would be dirty and the logic in that still confounds me. Also glad I didnt use that on anyone... they probably would've been sweating up a storm and may look like they've gone and wet themselves before hopping in a pool." She took a quick breath and looked Daring in the eyes. "Alright... Enough stalling. Lets go." Daring nodded and started off down the hall. It felt so weird being in her persona of A.K. Yearling after what had happened to her. What she had seen also. She sighed a bit.

"....Lets just get this stuff over with.... I love the dress Rarity made but I just.... I feel.... I feel like this is just a nightmare night costume and I'm just way out of season for it." Twilight looked over.

"Well think of it this way: You're cosplaying." Daring gave a confused look. "Basically think of it as a play and you're a character who just roams the crowds. I've done this before while dressed as Starswirl the Bearded and honestly first time I did it I was scared to do it. I slowly warmed up to the idea but i stuck with it when I found my foal sitter wearing a Starswirl The Bearded costume as well. She was kind of embarrassed when I found out with my brother. But she felt better when he said she looked cute when she blushed." She snickered a bit and sighed. "Good times... good times...." Daring hummed a bit looking at herself.

"...I mean... My acting as A.K. Yearling is spot on and nobody can even tell its actually me unless they already know..." She looked to Twilight as they stopped at door with guards on either side. "I just wish I could continue this persona.... but after this I dont know what will become of me...." Twilight smiled and rested a wing on Daring's back.

"You'll still be you but... I think A.K. Yearling should only come out in case of special moments like if you need inspiration to write something or if you get bored. I mean... I sometimes dress up as Starswirl to practice my spells sometimes and its kinda fun to do when nobody is around. Then there are times where that Starswirl convention isnt going on and-" Just then the door opened a bit and a guard slipped out. He was a unicorn guard who looked like he had things thrown at him and such.

The guard cleared his throat a bit. "P-Princess I'm sorry to say this but those Daring Do fan-clubbers got a little too rowdy at the door!" He said. "I had to have many of them sent out and the others didnt want to stay because their friend got booted out and it wouldnt be the same without them so now all we have is the camera crew who are ready and waiting." Twilight sighed looking to Daring who looked relieved yet kinda sad.

"Well at least they wont be a danger to me and my guest here. Those camera crew ponies actually might have a good view. Dont want any one to get in the way or wave to the cameras and stuff making it seem like a big joke."

"We've almost made a few arrests for assault on an officer but all they did was throw little paper balls and stuff. Highly childish but still something that shouldnt be done." He huffed. Twilight sighed a bit patting the guard on the back.

"That's good you held back. No arrests on over excited fans with an obsession with a book. Now just go take a break or something. You look like you need it." He sighed and nodded.

"Thank you princess! I-I might need a little nap to recharge a bit..." Twilight nudged the guard away a bit.

"Its fine go take an hour nap and come back refreshed." He nodded and just kept walking. Twilight huffed and looked to Daring. "Well there's a factor I didnt account for... Good thing it got resolved before we got in. You ready?"

Daring took a deep breath and sighed. She even shuttered slightly. "Yeah... I'm.... I'm ready...." She said. She looked around a bit. "Wait... You said Rainbow Dash would be here with us right?" Twilight gasped a bit.

"Oh right.... Well since we had Scootaloo with us she had to watch her. But dont worry I'm gonna be here. I'll have the camera crew interview me and her afterwards for it. You can just join Celestia later with Scootaloo to speak with Ryder and check up on him." She gave a slight smile having her heart race.

"...I do hope he's watching... Now lets go and get this over with before I end up doing something lewd again." Twilight nodded pretending that she hadnt heard what she said. She turned to the door and opened it up revealing a fairly large room. There were seats lining row after row nearly reaching the back of the room. At most ten rows from what Daring could see but fairly big, wooden and cloth seats. There was a podium set up at the front end of the room with a few seats on either side and a Ponyville and Equestrian flag hung behind it. There was even a wireless microphone on a mini stand on the podium. There was a team of five ponies sitting near the front row but way away from a camera dead center of the room. Two unicorn mare were sitting off to the side with headphones looking at a lap top making sure of the sound quality, one pegasus stallion was stood behind the camera and two other ponies, one earth pony mare and the other pegasus stallion sitting behind another camera just off to the side. They all wore a similar uniform. Black teeshirt with a news station logo either on the back or chest. Daring's heart sunk as she approached the podium with her purse clutched tightly at the handles. Twilight stood at the side of her just resting her wing on her back.

One of the mares at the computer got up and approached Daring and Twilight. Her mane was a deep red and her coat a dark orange. "Hello there Princess. Miss Yearling." She said bowing slightly. "We're nearly done with everything here. Sound check is good, so no echoes off the walls and the cameras are perfect. Do we have any questions before we get started?" Daring swallowed a bit.

"Th-this is going on live TV isnt it?" The mare nodded. "Alright... I might need a second to collect myself and ready up for this... is that alright?"

"Yeah just fine! Just tell us when you're ready and we'll fire the cameras right up." Daring nodded before looking to Twilight who seemed a bit worried.

"Twilight I need Dash here right now! Only you to fall back on about this isnt going to go over well. I dont care if Scootaloo is in here having to sit back and be quiet... I need that mare in here now and i mean RIGHT now!"

Twilight sighed pulling her phone out of thin air with her magic. "Alright alright just take some deep breaths. I'll have Dash get a few bottles of water for us alright?" She said. Daring nodded and sat down in one of the chairs taking deep breath after deep breath. She sat there for a few minutes breathing in and out. Twilight sighed as she came over to the nervous mare. "Okay Dash is right down the hall and yes she is coming with Scootaloo. A small problem though...." Daring looked to Twilight a bit worried. "So... Apparently some guards were talking because they heard about how Ryder got injured and.... well... she got scared and wet herself... in other words Dash is gonna have to hold on to her if you dont mind it." Daring let out a little aw.

"Poor thing.... of course I dont mind I feel so bad for her! Just.... have the camera crew not get her on camera as much or interview her. I dont want her crying again and I dont want to have Ryder smack someone when he gets back!" Twilight nodded and went back to the mares at the computers. She watched as Twilight sat next to them. She couldnt really hear what was being said but the mare seemed to have understood.

It wasnt long later before Rainbow Dash came in wearing a long rainbow dress with white frills near the chest looking as if it resembled the Cloudsdale rainbow falls. She had Scootaloo next to her who wore baggy jeans, sneakers and a blue hoodie with the Wonderbolts logo on the back. Dash sighed as Scootaloo hugged Daring tight. Daring just patted her back hugging her. "Sorry I'm late. Just needed to swap outfits for me and squirt here." She said. "You alright to go now?" Daring nodded slightly. She looked to Scootaloo and nudged her back a bit.

"Here... lets get you a chair so you can sit next to Dash. We're gonna be on TV soon.... Just... if you need to just take Dash's hand or Twillight's hand... I might mention you-know-who a few times but I want you to be strong.... Show your brother you're strong. He'll be watching."

Scootaloo whimpered slightly. "....W-we'll get to talk to him wont we...?" She asked. Daring nodded.

"Yes but afterwards...." She looked to Dash. "Grab her a chair and sit her between you and Twilight. Okay?" Dash nodded and went for the audience chairs. She grabbed one in between the cameras and moved it over by Twilight's chair before moving hers over to the other side.

Daring readied herself at the podium taking a deep breath as Twilight, Scootaloo and Dash sat down in their chairs and one of the unicorn mares approached. "All ready Miss Yearling?" She asked. Daring nodded.

"Yes. When ever you're ready with the cameras." The mare nodded and went back to the seats next to the cameras.

"Alright we're live in five, four, three, two..." She mouthed one and instantly Daring's eyes locked onto the camera direct middle of the room that had a red light on the side. She took a deep breath and sighed away from the mic but leaned in slightly.

"Hello there. I am A.K. Yearling, author of the Daring Do series. As many of you know just recently I was involved in a shooting in a Canterlot book store. An armed assailant shot at me but he missed thanks to a guard who was off duty at the time. This stallion hid me away out of the country for a while and yes it may seem like a risk that I'm talking about this live but.... it isnt anymore. I don't know what the guards have said regarding myself and the attack but if anything my word is truth over theirs. After that I had a few dark thoughts that I wont mention but you might have an idea. I was afraid of other assailants coming for me if I either went back home, or to my room in a local hotel which you probably heard was evacuated because of a supposed bomb threat. Granted it was only for safety for others. I had no knowledge if the assailant was spying on me every step I took or if he was tasked to shoot me by another or if he had planned this." She glanced over at Twilight and Dash as they both held tight to Scootaloo's hands. "My friends here were worried but were glad to see me return." She looked back to the camera. "But... they were looking at someone that wasnt A.K. Yearling at all....." She removed her hat handing it to Dash before pulling a little lace on the side of the dress loosening it to where it slipped off revealing her adventurers outfit before she dug into her purse fishing out the pith helmet. She sighed looking at the cameras once more. "But... This is who they were actually looking at." She extended her wings and grabbed the microphone off the stand before stepping away from the podium modeling the outfit. "...Yes I know what you're thinking... 'she's a fraud, she's just an actor' or even 'she's just a mare pulled off the floor of a comic convention who was wearing this outfit' but.... What you are looking at is what you thought was a fictional character. I am not A.K. Yearling. That was but a pen name hiding who I really was. I am actually... Daring Do. To prove it on book five I met up with Rainbow Dash here while her and her friends were roaming a forest near my old home where I go every now and then to hide away. I'm not revealing the location but whilst I was there with a golden ring that held mystical powers I was attacked by Ahuizotl and his goons. Now you're thinking I'm crazy or something but he is... or rather was real.... it might sound like he's a figment of my imagination but... in reality he's... he's dead.... The guard that saved me at the book store accompanied me to retrieve a sword out in Bullvainia. That sword is the Sword of the Gollahan. Ahuizotl got the sword using the guard to pull it.... he did some research and somehow found out he was related to the prince that once wielded it. How he figured that I have no clue but... Ahui had him hypnotized and... Well... I'll stop there because most of that will be in the last ever book of the Daring Do series. It will still go under A.K. Yearling but you will know who really did write it and know a first person experience." She teared up slightly. "I've.... I've held my secret in for years and it feels just so good to let it out like that...."

Twilight and Dash got up as she sobbed a bit breaking down. Twilight took the mic as Dash hugged Daring going over to the door. Twilight looked to the camera's with the mic ready. "Princess Twilight here. Yes what she said is true." She said. "The guard, the sword, the book and even my friends involvement in her last book. I've been a fan of hers since I was just a little filly and I always wished Daring Do was real but when I did find out I didnt know whether to scream, cry or disregard what I saw but... it felt good knowing something like that happened. If any of you have your doubts my General- the stallion injured- he will vouch for me, for her and even a few other ponies. Celestia herself included! Now might be the time to sign off. Interviews will come later hopefully." The lights on the cameras just blinked off leaving the ponies behind all the tech shocked. Twilight huffed as she set the microphone back on the stand. "You guys take how ever much time you need for all this to sink in. My friend and I will return later but right now more important matters to attend to." She looked to Scootaloo who was still in her seat. "Come along Scootaloo."

Scootaloo nodded and hopped from her chair before hurrying to the princesses side taking her hand. They hurried out the door following Dash and Daring. They now walked down the hall with Daring sobbing uncontrollably. Dash rested her wing on Daring's back. "Hey... its alright.... it's okay....." She said. "Everyone has to believe you about that!"

Daring sniffled as they went off into a library. It was double the size the room they were in before. Maybe tripled. Book cases touched the ceiling and there was a rolling ladder on the wall. A desk sat dead center of the room. "....I... I know they will...." She said. "....But... it just.... it feels just like a very.... VERY....heavy weight was lifted off my shoulders.... and... it just feels so good..." She sobbed a bit more as her friends sat her at the desk. Scootaloo couldnt help but climb into Daring's lap and hug her. Daring couldn't help but embrace the filly lovingly. "Oh.... thank you Scootaloo... Y-you're so young but.... I feel you have a big heart...."

Scootaloo smiled at Daring as she wiped tears away from the mares eyes. "Well... My big brother always told me to be nice to everyone because I don't know what they're going through...." She said. She looked to Twilight. "...Speaking of my big brother... is there any way we can talk to him now?"

Twilight sighed taking her phone out. "I suppose so. Celestia gave me a direct line to Ryder's friend in Bullvania." She said. "I'll call him and check if Ryder's available to talk but for right now just start calming her down. Alright?" Scootaloo nodded hugging the sniffling mare. She walked away phone in hand leaving Scootaloo and Dash at Daring's side.

Daring sniffled looking at Dash. Dash just smiled at her. "...So... A.K. Yearling is gone now huh....?" She asked. Daring nodded. "...kinda feels weird to even say... I kinda just wanna keep saying it but... I don't know how that's gonna affect me or you... but it sure is gonna make me wanna cry...."

Daring huffed. "...Crying is something that I wouldnt even stop for you...." She said. "....Y-you wish to cry over who is now a fictional character go ahead... I dont wish to even cry about what was but what will be...." Dash took Scootaloo from Daring's arms and set her on the floor before going back to the rainbow maned mare squeezing her.

"NO! A.K. YEARLING WASN'T A FICTIONAL CHARACTER! SHE WAS- YOU WERE...." Dash fell silent as tears came to her eyes. Daring stood up and hugged Dash resting her head on her shoulder just rubbing her back.

"....Just let it all out.... I'm here for you...." Just then Dash started to sob uncontrollably. Scootaloo couldn't help but hug the mares the best she could. "....I must admit she was just a fictional character to me but... to you she was real enough for you to see, talk to and not think of anyone else when you were up close.... You're right to say she was real... I made her real enough as ponies around Equestria and beyond read my books made me. Granted some had weird fantasies, I.E. your cousin, but that didn't make me any less real on either side of the wall that divided the real me from the false me." She sniffed a bit. "...Please accept my apology... if a punishment is in order I'll go through with it but it has to be within reason...." Dash sniffled and looked to Daring.

"....I.... I...."

Suddenly they jumped hearing Twilight yell. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU LOST HIM?!" She yelled. Everyone looked to Twilight who was just looking scared and mad at the same time. "HOW IN THE HELL CAN YOU LOSE A STALLION WHO WAS RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU?!"

Daring broke away from Dash sitting her and Scootaloo on the chair before rushing over to Twilight. "What's wrong? Why are you yelling?" She asked. Twilight handed her the phone breathing heavily. She put it up to her ear. "Hello?"

Heavy panting was heard on the other side. "He just... he just.... FUCK!" A stallion said. Daring immediately recognized the voice.

"Wolf? Wolf is that you? C'mon man breathe!" She heard him yelp a bit.

"Daring?! Sweet fucking Celestia.... Put Twilight back on the phone! Ya cant hear this!" Daring looked to Twilight. She was pacing back and forth just holding her now messy mane.

"Just tell me... Princess is having a little panic attack at the moment..." She heard Ember huff.

"Alright but you're not gonna like what ya hear...." He took a deep breath. "...Ryder was fully healed by the medicine we gave him. We noticed a few side effects taking place such as enhanced strength, high speed hands, increase in stamina and appetite. But... we may have pushed him a little too far into testing. He wanted to stop and eat after we gave him some weights to lift so we could see the limits of how high he can bench... almost three hundred pounds. We said we wanted to do a few more things to test him but he just... he got angry and.... I swear he wanted to hold anyone and everyone down... maybe even rip their heads off... He even flipped over a truck with his bare hands.... I turned away for one second when my men tried going for him but when i turned back he was gone. It's either he flew off so fast we didn't hear or see him or he somehow became an alicorn and teleported out... My money is on his flying...." Daring took a deep breath to keep her from shaking.

"....You... have got to be fucking kidding me...." She put her hand on her face. "...How do you lose a stallion? In what I assume is broad daylight....?"


"Look, stop talking to me, find him and.... FOR CELESTIA'S SAKE JUST FIND HIM BEFORE I COME BACK THERE AND SHOVE MY FOOT UP YOUR-" She looked to Scootaloo who cuddled closely to Dash. "...Just find him NOW!" She hung up the phone and gave it back to Twilight. She went back over to Dash and Scootaloo smiling nervously. "So... who's up for some ice cream?"

Scootaloo just stared at her. Just emotionless. Dash grabbed Scootaloo and held her tight, face to chest. "...Three.... Two... One..." Dash counted. Suddenly the filly screamed loudly into Dash's chest before breaking into loud sobs. Daring just froze up as Twilight ran over and used her magic creating a sound proof barrier around Dash and her cousin and even giving Dash some earmuffs.

Twilight grabbed Daring's arm and held her tight. She couldnt help but just pry her off and run. Daring just flung the door open and just ran out of the library down the hall. Twilight followed her out. "DARING WAIT!" She yelled. The pegasus mare ignored her and just kept running. Her heart sank as tears welled up in her eyes. She dodged around guards, corners and even a few random carts. After a minute or so she ducked into a room and hid against the wall waiting for Twilight to run by.

As Twilight did run by she looked around in the room. There was a large screen on the wall with six recliner chairs in front of the room, three on either side. She noticed a colorful maned alicorn sitting in one of the chairs. Celestia. She ran over to Celestia and broke down crying jumping right on to her. Celestia jumped a bit as she embraced the crying mare. "Daring?! What are you doing here? Why are you crying?!" She asked. Daring didnt answer. Just sobbed. "Well now I know those arent tears letting me know you've chickened out of your interview. I was watching the entire thing! Not to mention it's been a bit since it ended with Twilight.... Why cry now?"

Daring sniffled and just cuddled up to Celestia almost like a child. "...I just... I.... I..." She stammered. Celestia sighed and shushed her.

"...Calm down... take a breath.... please?" Daring nodded slightly and started taking deep breaths. She still sobbed but still breathed heavily.

Just then they heard footsteps come in. "Celestia? Is everything okay?" A familiar voice asked. Daring glanced up a bit and saw Twilight's mane and horn slightly. "I cant seem to find Daring. Is she in here or is that just you crying?" Celestia winked at Daring and looked back.

"Daring isnt in here Twilight. Now run along and have one of the guards get a quick meal ready." Daring noticed Celestia's subtle glances back at her. Twilight glanced over slightly seeing Daring still crying a bit into Celestia's shoulder and sighed.

"Alright. I'll just leave her be where ever she is... she seemed a bit hurt from what she heard on the phone and just ran off somewhere.... I guess maybe some food will just bring her out of hiding...." Celestia nodded and went back to hugging Daring as Twilight teleported away.

"....There.... There's one thing we know... something you heard on the phone made you cry.... May I ask what it was?"

Daring sniffled and shuttered a bit. "....I... T-Twilight... she was talking with Wolf.... Ember.... and... he t-told her and... me that.... th-they lost Ry-Ryder..." She said. Celestia gasped a bit.

"How did they lose him? Did they walk him somewhere and just leave his wheel chair brakes off? He probably rolled off to look at Wolf's car collection!"

"...No.... He just.... Wolf said he flew off somewhere... they just... they dont know where he is.... they.... they turned their backs for a second and he just.... he was just gone...." Celestia sighed.

"...That medicine must have given him powers that even I had no clue about.... that drug was only designed for Luna and I.... And my mother and father.... but it was needed for his return...." She held Daring close. "....Where ever he is they'll find him and bring him home...." Daring sniffled.

"...I just.... I.... I just hope so... I m-m-made his sister cry... she just... she overheard the conversation and.... just put two and two together.... just hearing her scream.... i knew... I knew there wasnt bringing her away from that crying.... when it was m-my fault for bringing him out there...."

"....but it was my fault for even allowing such a thing.... I could've easily said no but.... did you not see how happy he was with you...? Before knowing the truth he was depressed.... The few days before you even held that book signing Luna found him crying in the media room... She asked what was wrong and he just said he was stressed out from the non stop work. That's how he got the day off for the signing but... what actually happened was that Lazer fellow you got fired before leaving just blackmailed him about some... personal problems Ryder had. I wont say what but apparently Lazer took many items from the General. Even his prized collection of Daring Do books, all signed by you. The book he just got from you was either one to replace what was lost or a new addition he never had but it seemed to mean a lot to him.... Might make something better knowing he's going to be in his own book like his cousin." Daring wiped a tear from her eye.

"...I guess this book isnt over yet.... something interesting may come around but.... I want them to find Ryder so he can see the finished product first..." Celestia used her magic and stood Daring up just hugging the crying mare.

"That's a good way to see it... just keep thinking that way and everything will be alright." Daring sniffled and wiped her eyes.

"...I-I'll try but.... it's just... I feel like there's.... something I should be able to do to just... make up for taking your guard... a filly's brother.... breaking him and nearly killing him.... i just...." Celestia shushed her.

"...He did what he was trained to do.... protect at any cost.... he has been hit by cars, shot at and even beaten up... all at the expense of keeping the streets safer for his sister whom he cares so much about.... I understand that she's emotional about his disappearance but... she needs at least something to keep her happy and that is you... You already know what you can do for me and that is make that filly happy again until we find her brother. That's a joint happiness job for you to do to make it up to both of us... but... try to forgive yourself for this. It sounds like you're fighting more of yourself than you are anything else... If you need I can set something up a little later but right now... it might be good for you to find Dash and Scootaloo to do what ever you can.... In the mean time i'll go find Twilight and 'stumble' upon you speaking with Dash somewhere. Maybe the dining room if you need a soda or something to calm you down. Okay?" Daring nodded before breaking the hug and letting Daring go on her way.

Daring just hung her head, hugging herself as she left the room. She heard Celestia teleport out of the room behind her but didnt even acknowledge it. She was left alone with her thoughts on where Ryder could be. Drowning in the ocean, on top of a sky scraper ready to end it all or even hidden away inside that military base with a gun to his head.... The possibilities were endless. She wandered all around until she came upon the kitchen where she raided the fridge and took a soda or two sitting at the dining table just off to the side. Small table, extremely smaller than Canterlot's dining hall table. Eight chairs around a circular table. Some marked with cutie marks Daring had recognized. Applejack's, Rainbow Dash's and even Twilight's. She sat down in Applejack's probably trying to feel as if she knew how Applejack felt. She just cracked open a soda and knocked it back. She sat there with what felt like hours or even days to her. In reality it was only a few minutes. In that time Twilight ran in with Celestia trailing behind her. Twilight looked scared yet relieved seeing her hero just hiding her face as she sipped on a soda. "Daring! There you are!" She said hugging the mare. "Do you know how big this castle is?! It took me fourteen bedrooms, six bathrooms and the dining room to find you! I even had Dash help me and she's trying to calm the generals sister down!"

Daring sighed averting her gaze. "...I'm sorry princess.... I just..." She said just giving a huff not being able to find the words to look for. Twilight pulled up a chair next to her.

"...I get it... you're just going through some emotions.... I'm here to help... honestly... what ever you want I'm here to make it happen.... just speak to me...."

Celestia pulled another chair up on the other side of Daring. "I'm here for you as well Daring. Anything you desire for bringing my general out on a grand adventure he had no plan on going on ever!" She said. "Just tell us what it is you would like and its done! Though uh... certain things are off limits so... just a forewarning!"

Daring sipped at her drink and just stared at the can. Just generic cola. Redish can with 'cola' written in cursive across it. "....I just... I want someone to find Ryder and verify that he is safe...." She said. "....I might not be one to hold relationships like this but... his life was in jeopardy as much as mine was... maybe even more when Ahuizotl had him hypnotized.... I just dont know what I would've done if instead of having the gun trained on me he made him turn the gun on himself..."

Twilight sighed. "...He told you he was hypnotized once before right?" She asked. "...During that book where we intervened you smacked him up a few times and he just gained his memory back and snapped back to normal... it was hard telling him it was just a dream but... I needed to wipe at least a day away from his mind because of him seeing you fight along side Rainbow Dash... Even had to make everyone of my friends swear to not speak to him about this issue... Sure all of this is a shock to him meeting you before but... it was for the best to keep your identity safe. Even from someone who might have a little mental ammo for all of us... his cousin being the biggest target." Daring huffed and chugged the rest of the soda feeling a tad better. She looked to Twilight.

"...He did tell me that.... I didnt know what to do with that information but... I'm glad I didnt leave him when he told me... I feel like he would've been just a destroyed shell of a stallion and I'd probably be a corpse on the floor... Grim I know but... it would've been true...." She glanced over at Celestia. "....Can I ask a favor please....?"

Celestia smiled. "What is your favor Daring? Does it have to do with Ryder?" She asked. She nodded hesitantly.

"...In a way yes..." She looked back at the unopened can of soda. "...instead of you giving the command to look for him over the horizon may I....? You can clear it if you want but... I want to give the order..." Celestia held a hand up and used her magic making a walkie talkie appear in her hand. Military khaki green box, holes drilled in top and bottom and a few buttons on the side.

"For you yes. Just before you say anything say the phrase 'Tango Foxtrot Delta twenty two'. It means princess cleared the command and call. Now whenever you're ready." Daring smiled and nodded. Daring pressed the buttons on the side after taking a deep breath.

"...Tango foxtrot delta twenty two. To all forces along the coast looking towards Steurope please keep an eye out for the general and radio in if anything is seen. If you cant radio in just tell them the general is heading somewhere and please... describe which way he's going. Do not intervene unless needed! No lethal force is permitted against the general if he resorts to violence... No questions about this call just do as you're told." She let go of the buttons and handed the radio back to Celestia who made it just disappear. "Was that alright?" She looked to Celestia.

"That was perfect. We dont know how strong Ryder is with that medicine but we dont know how strong or how much damage he would do. He might even be in a violent state after what Wolf said and if anyone does intervene they might get insanely injured or even killed... Even when he's marked as no deadly force permitted if my guards are threatened they might open fire for their safety..." Daring sighed.

"Should've added if they needed to use violence they should use nonlethal methods..." She cracked open the can of soda. "Well... at least I feel a little better... knowing that they might find Ryder and... just..." She grunted crushing the can and just shoved it back spilling it all over the table.

Twilight sighed as Daring lied her head on the table just mere inches from a growing puddle. "....Maybe you need to get out for a while. Take your mind off him." She said ripping off a few paper towels from a roll on the counter. "I'll send you out with guards and Celestia and some bits to do what ever you want. Buy clothes, food or just even supplies you need to write your new book up. I know going back to where ever your home is probably isnt a good option knowing someone could just follow you if you took off in a chopper... If anything I can just send some friends to there and grab what you need.... uh...." She averted her gaze for a moment hearing the mare whimper. "...Maybe you should just go to Sweet Apple Acres... I'm not gonna make this any harder than I already am..."

Daring sighed getting up with Celestia. "....Maybe it's for the best...." She said. "Longer I hang around its just gonna be a matter of time before Rainbow Dash kicks my ass for making her little cousin cry about her big brother... Probably would make her cry herself sick if ever she saw me.... I dont want that...." She started walking towards the door. "...When you need me I'll just be waiting out here for an escort out..." As she stepped outside she went to the right of the door and leaned against the wall before sliding down only to sit and hug her legs.

After maybe a few minutes of listening to mumbles, ripping paper towels and the squirt of a bottle of cleaner Celestia and Twilight both came out sporting sorry looking frowns. They both helped her up and held her hands as they started walking down the hallway. Daring ad a dejavu moment from when she first met Ryder and they were walking around Canterlot after the shooting, both hand in hand and just scared for each others comfort. She blanked out for a little while thinking of how many other ways this adventure could've started or ended. Assassin being successful in his mission and striking her down where she sat with all her fans around to watch the execution take place. Ryder being late to stop him and falling to his knees only to put a few bullets between the assassins eyes in utter revenge. As she pondered she next found another story playing out. A story about an assassin who shoots a loved one of a stallion now bent on revenge. She couldnt think of anything more before being snapped out of a hypnotic like trance being Twilight nudging her just in the back seat of a guard truck. Celestia tapped her shoulder forcing her to look over to her left. Just out the window behind the princess she saw apple trees lining the road. "Daring? Are you alright? You didnt say anything since we left the castle!" She said. Daring rubbed her tired eyes a bit.

"Oh sorry... I just got lost in my mind... actually thought of a new book to write having the Daring Do series be done and over with... I'm gonna have to write down a concept draft while hiding out but I dont want my knowledge of this adventure be tossed into the rubbish." She looked back to Twilight. "Twilight I'm going to write down where my home is and I want you and your friends to go and grab my typewriter and a couple stacks of my paper to go with it as well as some ink just in case my keys decide to run dry. Just... bring everyone BUT Dash and Applejack. I need to speak with AJ and Dash has her own matters to attend to. If the need arises I'll contact you through Applejack's phone and I'll capitalize words that start with D so you know its me talking. That is just in case anyone happens to 'find' a princesses phone 'lying around'."

Twilight hummed averting her gaze noticing the truck starting to slow down. "Sounds like a plan there." She replied. She looked back to Daring. "Just tell Applejack what to type and what to capitalize when needed. Heck even try words that just have that letter in them."

"I'll do what ever I can while I'm here.... maybe a quick nap might do me well before I start writing... hopefully I can get a room alone to work in peace... Though I just need a little inspiration to even start writing..." She looked to Celestia. "Would you be able to get me an MP3 with some credits to buy some music?"

Celestia smiled and nodded. "For you I will get you the best and say... what hundred credits towards songs?" She asked.

"What ever you give me I shall pay it back. It's only right I do that though."

Celestia rested her hand on her shoulder. "Do anything you wish. If it brings you happiness feel free to do it. I gave Applejack my contact information just in case I get word on you-know-who but... please try and keep your mind off him... Those tear marks arent going to look nice on a new book... possible smudged ink isnt good either trust me..." She blushed a bit glancing at Twilight. They all stayed silent before pulling up to the house. Daring cleared her throat as she moved to the door.

"Well uh.... I'll just say that was a water glass mishap and be on my way.... You two just get on with what you need to do okay?" Neither mare answered Daring as she exited the car. They were just meeting each others gaze blushing a bit. Daring turned back into the car and hummed. "Well... I just realized I dont have my bags with my clothes.... Anyway someone can deliver them here?" Again neither mare gave an answer. Just stared at each other blushing. That's when she closed the door and went to the front side passenger door and knocked on the window. The guard inside rolled the window down. "Uh... If you can have someone deliver my clothes here. I might spend the rest of my time in here until Ryder returns... The mare inside could have some comfort for me.... And... please snap those two out of what ever trance they're in. I dont want them to realize they let me down because i didnt get what they promised!"

The guard smiled a bit. "Sure thing Miss Do." He said. "And... I might be a little sad that the series is over but... it brings me and probably so many others joy to know that you're the real deal. Any chance I can meet up for an autograph after getting your things ma'am?" Daring smiled.

"I'd say no in these kinds of situations but... I suppose i'd be able to spare a moment for that to thank you for bringing my stuff here and.... please... dont pull a general and steal my underwear like he did. Otherwise there goes the autograph okay?" The guard nodded a bit. "Good. Now lets get a move on. Tell Twilight I'll contact her later. I need to get in the house now before someone decides to adventure down here trying to get a little action with a camera and a phone bringing everyone else here because they saw me." The guard nodded again and saluted a bit before rolling up the window and driving off with the rest of a motorcade. Daring turned to the house and sighed looking at the rustic barn-like structure. "...Farm house.... to think this is somehow where it all started.... a barn and an escape tunnel away from Ahuizotl..." She sighed and started to the door. "...Time to face the music of a mare torn away from her ex...."

As she approached the door it creaked open about a few inches. Then a few feet revealing Applejack looking tired from crying. Mane a mess, stains on a white tank top and grey sweats. Looked a little frilly around the waist but she didnt seem to care that it was showing. Daring opened her arms and Applejack just rushed her in a few feet only to hug her. "...D-darin'...." She said weakly. Almost sounded as if she were about to cry. Daring shushed her friend.

"...He's okay... Everythings fine now...." She replied. "...Are you alright...? You dont seem like yourself...." She broke the hug with Applejack and walked inside hand in hand with the mare after closing the door behind them. They sat on the couch and leaned back almost cuddling.

"...F-f-fuck no I aint alright...." She looked to a mess of tissues and a package of adult diapers sitting on the coffee table in front of them. "...Since I saw Ryder again I've j-just been gettin' feelin's goin' about if i made the right choice letting him go like that... Once I heard he got hurt.... it... it just killed my mood.... I was happier than a dog with a few treats... Now I'm actin' like Rarity when nothin' goes my way.... 'cept I havent eaten much other than a few saltines.... almost cant keep those down..." She coughed slightly groaning. "...Oh... shit that hurt....." Daring just rubbed her friends back.

"Sorry this is happening to you... I just... I wanted things to go smoothly and he was the only way I could... he didnt know what he was getting himself into with the supernatural but gunfights... sure he knew what he was doing... but that didnt stop him from being nearly decapitated by the sword he pulled..." She lied down almost bringing her feet up onto the couch. The only thing stopping it was Applejack's legs. "....All you need is a warm cup of tea, some stomach soothing medicine and a nice nap.... I know I could use one and maybe with someone to cuddle. Sound good?" Applejack nodded weakly and looked over the couch.

"Big Mac! Can ya help me to my room please?"

A grunt from the other room was heard and the creaking of bed springs. Daring helped Applejack sit up and even wiped a bit of snot away that was dripping from her friends nostril. Just as she got up Big Mac came out of a closed door just to the right of the stairs wearing a tank top and a pair of sweat pants. He looked a bit tired as well but still had a little smile on his face. "Oh hey Darin'... Didnt hear ya come in... You doing okay?" He asked picking his sister up letting his sister wrap her arms around his neck.

Daring sighed as she started for the stairs. "Yeah... Just gonna lay low here for a while if that's okay..." She replied. "I figure its the most remote area around Ponyville that can hide me from any crazed fans.... I dont mean to stake my claim here but... it was the first place I came to in my crazy firefight filled adventure.... Only place far enough to not freak any citizens out thinking there was a fucking crash...."

Big Mac huffed starting to follow her up the stairs. "Ya did freak us out though.... never thought it'd be you and that fool ya brought with ya..." He said. "...I still feel bad that we had to do what we did even though he came here on such circumstances... I think I kinda owe it to him to protect you after the way we treated him when he first arrived... Kinda glad i didnt get my shotgun.... we'd be dealing with a whole other problem...." Daring opened the door to Applejack's room letting the stallion go inside with the now sleepy mare holding on to him.

"...Ever since that battle where I blew some fucks heads off I've just... I wanted to fire a gun again.... pistol, rifle or even shotgun... I dont care which but.... I just wanna do it just in case I ever need to defend myself... Now that my secret is out there some ponies might be looking to just kill me because they're mad about something or want to take something by force..." She averted her gaze sitting down on the edge of the bed as Big Mac pulled back the covers on the other side of the bed slipping his sister into bed. ".... I... I should stop thinking about this before i freak out..." She looked back at Big Mac as he started to tuck his sister in. "... Do you have any...?" The stallion smiled knowing what she was referring to.

"Yeah.... Got one on for her sake and she's got one on just in case she doesnt make it. Ya need one?" Daring hesitantly nodded. "Alright just lie down and I'll be right back. If ya need I can put one on ya while you sleep. That sound good or you wanna do it yourself?" She huffed and started to undress.

"Guess you're not gonna be the only other stallion who has seen me almost naked...I just need some rest... But do listen for Celestia and Twilight while i'm sleeping okay? I've requested a few things to be brought here to start my book..." Big Mac just stopped at the door looking back at the mare now stripped to her underwear.

"Look. I got ya here. You're gonna live here like ya were born into our family and I'll protect ya like ya were. Best I can do to make it up to the stallion that aint here... Now just get your rest. I'll be back in a bit to pad ya up and tuck ya in." Daring blushed and nodded before just resting her head on the pillow and closing her eyes. She couldnt help but wonder where Ryder was and if he was okay. That worry soon dissipated when Applejack rolled over and cuddled up to the adventurer mare. As long as she had someone to cuddle up to she was okay.

The Beginning of a Nightmarish End

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It was a couple hours later and Daring was still asleep. She was just cuddled up to a pillow but tossed it aside getting a displeased look on her face as she started to toss and turn under the covers of Applejack's bed. She whimpered a bit before having her eyes snap open and sitting up drenched in sweat. She panted heavily as she fixed her bra straps looking around the room. It was still bright outside seeing the light come from the curtains. She sighed wiping the sweat from her brow as she threw off the covers now letting the muggy air around her cool her down. She carefully got up but stopped noticing a heavy weight between her legs. She looked down to see a thick forest camouflage diaper hanging a bit between her legs just soaked. She huffed. "Really? Camo diapers?" She asked herself. Daring shook her head as she went over to a hanging red bathrobe only to pluck it from the hook and put it on. "It's what ever I guess.... Saved me from wetting the bed..."

Daring opened the door and tied the robe closed around her body, her diapered flank just crinkling and squishing with each step. She yawned a bit rubbing her eyes as she looked down over the couch only to see Applejack wearing a short sleeved white tee shirt and jean shorts sipping from a mug steaming a bit. Big Mac who was in a new navy colored pair of sweat pants and a white tank top was over in the kitchen tossing a salad. He looked up at Daring as she was half way down the steps. "Well there you are sleepy head!" He said. "Slept like a baby when I was tryin' to wake ya earlier!" She gave a confused look as she sat down by Applejack just trying to keep her nappy from showing.

"...You tried to wake me? Why?" She asked confused.

Applejack looked over setting the mug down. "Well you did ask to be woken up when Celestia got here with your things right?" She asked. That's when Daring facepalmed. AJ and her brother snickered. "Guess'n you don't remember on account of just bein' so relaxed ya just pissed yourself." Daring blushed a bit shoving her hands between her legs. Applejack huffed a bit pulling Daring over to cuddle. "Hey its alright! I went and pissed myself while I was sleepin' multiple times! Exactly why we had those diapers."

Big Mac looked back at them as he scooped some salad into a few bowls. "It was the only kind she could get without a fight about it." He said. "Rarity kept suggestin' the ones she made but those things leak first use! Didnt even continue to make diapers after that. Had her sister model em under her dress and the girl comes home with a black eye and a wet stain on the back of her dress!"

Daring watched as he made his way from the kitchen to the living room setting three bowls of salad in front of them. She sighed picking one up. "...Well I was expecting to be put in something... a little more crisp white..." She said. "...I think the only thing to make me like this diaper better would be to put it to use with a little 'homemade mud' if you catch my meaning." The stallion at the otherside of the couch hummed as he took a bite of his salad.

"...If ya do... mmm- at least give a warnin' before hand so's I can getcha a fresh one and some powder. I'm not having shit clog up my toilet or my shower drain! Even more sure that you dont wanna have your panties smellin' like crap neither." She blushed a bit huffing averting her gaze.

"Well... I'll change myself thank you very much! And if my panties smell like shit after I'm cleaning myself oh well!" She shoveled a fork full of salad into her mouth.

Applejack looked to her brother swallowing her food. "Hey uh... Mac?" She said. "Ya mind if I just get a little alone time with Daring? Just go inside your room and shut that door. Please?" Big Mac rolled is eyes before getting up and going to his room, bowl and fork in hand. She waited until the door slammed shut before she turned back to Daring. "...Is everything okay sugarcube? Seem kinda cranky if ya ask me...." Daring set her bowl down sighing.

"....Lets just say waking up was just a remake of a bad dream that happened during the time away from Equestria.... I woke up to him out of the room after I was attacked by Ahuizotl.... he... he nearly threw me off the roof.... Ryder and his equally idiotic friend decided to fire off a few shots and I could swear a few bullets whizzed past my head.... Even narrowly missed the asshole holding me too... Lucky he dropped me onto the roof as Ryder climbed the building towards us..." She glanced at the blonde maned mare. "Long story but... you'll know in my book." Applejack gave a little sigh cuddling up to the mare.

"Aw.... I'm sorry... ya must've been scared half to death after that.... If that were me up there I'd've fought my ass off but knowing what that creep coulda done... Just makes me glad that I wasnt even there...."

"....I think I might've even messed myself when Ryder untied me and brought me down.... everything was so fuzzy after the adrenaline went down... all I remember is just getting loaded back into the chopper and strapped to the floor of it before I passed out.... Nothing after that except for the nightmare and waking up for real.... Ryder was having a little freak out after that and he barely slept waiting for me to wake up...." Daring started tearing up a bit holding Applejack tighter. She couldnt help but hold the diapered mare close and shush her.

".... It's alright sugarcube.... I gotcha.... What says we get you changed and out into town for a bit? Got some of Dash's clothes around here somewhere so you can stretch your wings.... That alright? Or do you just wanna get into some of my clothes and hide a bit? All up to you there sugarcube." Daring sighed.

"...Maybe just change my diaper, give me some clothing baggy enough to cover me but tight enough to not fall right off.... I just.... I know I've got work to do but I need my mind of him first...." Applejack lied Daring down as she got up.

"Alright... You just lie down here and I'll get everything we need for ya.... Just so ya feel good I'm gonna pad up too just in case theres a wardrobe malfunction... Hopefully there aint... Cant promise something like that wont happen nor will... All up to luck there..." Daring watched as her friend just disappeared behind the couch. As she lied there all she could think of was Ryder. Where would he be? What's gonna happen when other guards find him? Will they even find him? All these questions raced in her mind as her friend was away. She only snapped out of her trance to get changed into her clothes.
Dark grey sweat pants that were tied tight around the waist, a pair of blue sneakers and a black wonderbolts tee looking almost too large for her but it fit just right.

Not long later Daring snapped out of her trance again after finding herself sitting in the front seat of a pick up truck. Red leather seats and a faded grey dashboard. Applejack was driving and all Daring could hear was the engine going. Daring and Applejack didnt say anything before they greyscale maned mare flipped on the radio to some music just dying down. "And we have some breaking news!!" The stallion DJ said. "All we know about A.K. Yearling is a lie! Apparently A.K. Yearling is actually Daring Do herself! Princess Twilight was questioned by news crews not too long ago and she had this to say!"

Daring sighed as she just reached over and set her hand on Applejack's lap. "Well... It was hard for her to come out like that after hiding for so long." She heard Twilight say. "I can say I've known for a while as well as my friends but we had to keep it secret until now. I'm forbidden to say more but what I hide is what is going to be read in her new book and will most likely be the last one with the pen name on it.... if she does put it on it.... Honestly this makes me sad hearing this is the last book.... it was my favorite series growing up and I'd go to every book signing I could if it meant to just to get to talk with her...."

Daring sighed and turned the radio off. Applejack looked over at her as they came to a stop at the main road. "...Somethin' else on your mind sugarcube?" She asked.

Daring looked over. "...Part of me wishes this series could've went on but.... I just want to be me without hesitation of stepping out the door with the risk of a sniper aimed at my head..." She said. "I was playing with fire when it came to going to that spa or revealing myself to... him.... but that assassin sparked something that I knew would either be tossed out to blow up away from me or just explode right in my face...." Applejack huffed as she turned onto the road heading towards Ponyville.

"Daring now listen to me. You're being hard on yourself! You need to take a deep breath, clear your mind and just accept that its over. Now let me tell ya a story... I was about ten years old when my parents passed and it was around that zap apple time of year and when I saw my first zap apple I was more jazzed than the sweetest jazz apple known to the apple family. Sure it only lasted about a week to get all the ripe ones we could but once that last one got minced into a pie I couldnt help but cry.... My big brother came to me while Granny was restin' her old bones and said to me... 'Aj... Dont cry now that its over.... smile because it happened...." She glanced over for a moment. "Your series made a lot of ponies out there happy including Twilight and Dash! Even Ryder loved that series when he was with me. Caught him mumblin' your name while he slept snuggled up to me one time but that's another story." She reached over and flicked the radio on again and tuned it to a rock station. An acoustic guitar played a few chords before an electric guitar started up mimicking the acoustic before it. AJ had to turn it down a little. "But just think of how happy you made Ryder just taking him on that adventure. Sure he got hurt but did he even hesitate once on trying to protect you?" Daring thought for a moment.

"...No... He didnt hesitate... if he did just the slightest I'd've been dead and no new book..."

"If I even hesitated on making zap apple jam the entire crop would've spoiled and we would've lost a lot of profit! If you hesitate on writing that book it's just gonna destroy Twilight, Dash and all your fans. EVEN Ryder! That book either gets done without distractions or it aint gonna get done at all! Understand me?" Daring nodded just giving it a quick thought.

"You... you're right... you're absolutely right Applejack..." She looked out the window at cars passing them by going the other way. "If I dwell on what happened and who got injured I'm not gonna get anything done. It was right to bring Ryder along but... perhaps it was a mistake to love him.... he was lonely, I was scared.... I used my tail to give him something in return for my safety but.... how do i break it to him when he's found?" Applejack pulled over to the side of the road and slammed on the brakes before grabbing Daring by the shoulders and forcing her to look into her eyes.

"Now look here missy! He protected you and sure he had his fantasies but do you know what's gonna happen to him if he finds out you wanna leave him!? After that boy got dumped by me Dash called me and just freaked because he nearly starved himself to death and just tortured himself with almost sleepless nights! Sure at the time it seemed like I didnt care but secretly I wanted to just walk up to his door, tie him to a chair and force feed him to show I still cared! And that was just me! Think of what happens if you break his heart and trust me I got a bad feeling about this!" Applejack shoved Daring back into her seat before just grabbing the wheel again starting to drive off again. They sat in silence for a moment until Applejack's phone rang. Applejack huffed and glanced at Daring blushing a bit. "Uh.... Can ya grab my phone at all? It's in my bra and since I got my hands on the wheel I cant get it.... Besides I think we got a patrol car a couple back and I swerve at all they're gonna light us up!" Daring didnt move. Just looked out the window. "Please grab my phone! It could be anyone from Twilight to my little sister! I don't answer they're gonna think somethin's wrong! I always answer my phone! Please help me here!" Again Daring did nothing. She just reached over and turned on the radio only to have a slow strum of an electric guitar following a beat of a bass drum. Applejack shook her head and turned the radio down a bit. "ALRIGHT! Fucking hell I'm sorry if i snapped! Now will you please grab my phone!?" Daring glanced over and smiled before reaching and digging into the blushing mares cleavage.

"Now you know never to snap at me like that and ask me to do something after! I forgive you for that by the way...." She blushed and gave a devilish grin as she pinched one of her friends breasts making her jump slightly before snatching her phone out and hitting a green icon on the screen before putting it on speaker phone.

As Applejack glanced at Daring just blushing hard she huffed. They listened to a sigh. "...Maybe she's busy?" They heard a stallion say. They even heard a mare mumble but couldnt make out what they were saying or who it was. "Are you sure? She would've said something by now!"

Applejack huffed. "What the hell do you want Shinin'? I'm not in a good mood!" She snapped. They heard the phone crackle a bit.

"Oh! Applejack! Glad you answered! We've gotten word from Equestrian Forces saying that Ryder was doing some stuff out in Bullvania. I tried calling the number that Celestia gave us but he isnt answering. Even called Celestia but she didnt know where he was. Guess she was visiting with Twily too but hey dont wanna bug her anymore than I did if it's official business. Have you seen where he is?" The country mare sighed.

"Wish I did but... I uh.... I got a guest here that needs attendin' to and she's kinda.... Lets just say I'm doing a guards job right now and trying to make a mare happy. Just... not in your wifes way so to speak."

"Well what ever you do just go for it. Not my business. OH! More news! Twilight must've been screaming almost when she found out A.K. Yearling was Daring Do herself! I swear when either of us talks to Ryder we HAVE to tell him about that! He's probably seen it and freaking out right now! Probably thinking this is some dream he's having.... Hope he's okay..." Daring grew emotionless after hearing that. Just as she was about to respond the ground shook violently and Applejack slammed on the brakes. Daring held on clenching her eyes shut as hard as she could holding on to her friends phone and keeping herself from hitting the dash at the same time. When they stopped they both panted heavily. Applejack just slouched in her seat. "Applejack? What happened there? Are you driving? Something happen?" Applejack grabbed her phone from Daring who was clutching her chest a bit.

"...I.... I was.... Shit just startred.... sh-shaking.... Dont know what the hell happened.... Call Twilight.... have her call me while I get my fuckin' bearings.... shit I gotta go..." She didnt even give Shining a chance to answer before hanging up and shoving the phone back into her shirt. She looked to Daring. "Y-you okay sugarcube?"

Daring coughed a bit in her breathing and nodded before looking out the window. They werent even facing forward but neither were the other cars on the road. Some trees on the side of the road were even knocked over. "...What ever the hell that was that wasnt normal...." She said. She looked out the passenger side window and had her heart drop as she saw a tree come flying from out of nowhere. She grabbed Applejack and forced her out the drivers side door. "GET DOWN!" As they dove down to the asphault that tree came crashing down all around them in splinters. Daring looked to Applejack who was whimpering a bit scared. "AJ! Applejack look at me!" Applejack looked at Daring just scared. "You stay down... I'll see what the hell threw that fucking tree.... That was no high wind I know that for sure..." Applejack nodded and just sat up as Daring got to her feet and climbed up on the bed of the truck peeking over. She looked left and right before stepping on to some of the wood bars barely fitting the toes of her sneakers in the cracks between the bars. Her heart dropped at what she saw.

"Daring! Wh-what's over there!?" Applejack asked. Daring looked down having almost all color leave her face.

"....C-call Celestia... we found Ryder...." Applejack's eyes widened as she got up. She rushed to the back of the truck and looked out only to see Ryder twice the size of Big Mac, holding a car above his head. He was wearing a tattered white shirt looking almost too small to even stay on and a pair of blue camo pants. And he. Looked. PISSED. Applejack hesitated for a moment before rushing to the cab of the truck.

"DARING GET THE HELL DOWN AND HOLD ON! I NEED TO GET US OUT OF HERE!" Daring listened to the mare and hopped in the bed of the truck and just watched the stallion that once protected her rampaging in the road throwing a large object that could once crush his now buffed legs, aside. She just couldnt believe her eyes as he just kicked a few cars aside and flipped some more over to the side. Applejack revved the engine a bit but went nowhere. Daring broke her gaze from Ryder for a moment and climbed on the side looking over the passenger side of the bed of the truck. All she saw were splinters, branches, and leaves littering the ground.

"AJ! PROBLEM! TIRE'S FLAT, THINGS ARE JAMMED AND WE ARENT GOING ANYWHERE UNLESS WE FUCKING RUN!" Just before Daring could even think about hopping the wall of the truck bed Applejack hopped out of the truck. Daring couldnt help but look at Ryder in fear before hopping out. Her foot caught the top of it causing her to scream as she fell down and landed on her hands and knees slightly knocking her face against the floor. She groaned as she slowly got to her feet getting some of the dirt off her only to feel something running down her face. Applejack came back to her side and grabbed her arm.

"Darin'! C'mon girl ya cant stop now!" Daring wiped at her nose with her hand. She looked at it now seeing a red smear along her thumb. "...Shit... Yer bleedin...." She knelt the mare down and tilted her head back slightly. "You stay right here and I'll get some tissues from the glovebox." Daring watched as Applejack went for the open door of the truck only to stop just moments before diving into the cab having it just start to rise right off the ground. Ryder appeared holding the truck now over his head. Applejack and Daring backed up hesitantly both just scared. His eyes zeroed in on Daring and her bloody nose. She just whimpered as a warm sensation filled her pants both engulfing her crotch and filling the seat of her pants. His eyes went from her straight to Applejack. He snorted almost like a bull and tossed the truck away having it crash just beyond a fence narrowly fitting between a couple trees before hitting one more in. "E-easy now Ry.... I was just tryin' to-" He cut her off with a loud roar to the sky before looking back to Applejack and snatching her up holding her by the waist almost as if she were just a baseball bat. Applejack screamed as he took off into the air. "HEEEEEEEELLLLLLLP!!!!" Daring couldnt help but watch as he carried her friend away heading towards Ponyville. She noticed a glint catch her eye and saw a little black rectangle falling towards the ground. Applejack's phone. The grey maned mare hopped to her feet and danced around trying to pinpoint where the phone would land. Just moments before it even would've hit the ground Daring shot up and grabbed the phone from midair landing in her hands with a loud smack. She looked to the phone in her hand and scrambled to turn the screen on. Once it was on she swiped at the screen and quickly went to her contacts quickly going to Twilight's in a flash. She hit the call button and put it up to her ear as she started flying towards Ponyville.

"C'mon cmon PICK UP!" She yelled as she heard the buzzing in her ear. As she flew she listened closely and looked around for Ryder. "Wolf was right.... he's fast and super strong.... I hope he didnt hurt Applejack..."

After a few moments of flight and wiping her nose the phone clicked and she heard a voice. "Applejack? Applejack why are you calling me right now?" She heard Twilight ask. "Is Daring awake right now? Can I speak with her?"

"Twilight! It IS Daring!" She snapped. Twilight gasped a bit.

"OH! Daring! What's going on? Why do you have AJ's phone and... do you have a window open? Seems awfully breezy wherever you are."

"Twilight we have a HUUUUGE problem... Well... Two actually..."

"What are they? What happened?" Daring blushed as she looked to the castle off in the distance.

"First off.... Is Scootaloo around and are you on speakerphone."

"Not on speakerphone and Scootaloo passed out with Rainbow Dash not too long ago. All alone in my study. Why?"

"Um.... I need you to meet me somewhere I can clean myself up and.... if you can bring me a spare pair of underwear and some new pants that would be great...."

"Oh... That kind of problem... Head to Sugarcube Corner and come through the back door. I'll call Pinkie and have her let you in. I'll meet you there!"

"A-Alright but... that's only one problem.... the other problem is-" The phone beeped a bit signalling the call dropped. She looked to the phone and huffed. "DAMMIT! WHY NOW?!" She went and shoved the phone in her pocket and slowly started gliding to the ground. She landed near an abandoned motorcycle on its side. She grunted as she picked it up off its side and sat on the seat squishing the warm mess against her ass. She shuttered before kickstarting the bike. "Fucking..... I need this to be a damn good shower otherwise I'm gonna be smelling like this for weeks.... Cant even fly losing blood and with that weight in my pants...." She pulled back on the throttle and sped away, tears in her eyes, dried and slightly wet blood on her face.

Not long later she was pulling into a parking lot near sugarcube corner. No lights on in the shop part of it. She followed the wall around back and saw a pink wooden door. She shut the bike motor off and leaned it on its kickstand before going and knocking on the door. She blushed looking around at the streets almost void of life. Few cars driving here and there. Even looked to the skies to see if she could see her coltfriend. She looked back at the door as she heard locks click before the door opened. There stood a pink, poofy maned mare with a light pink coat wearing a cotton candy blue tank top and a matching skirt. The mare gasped and quickly pulled Daring in slamming the door behind her. Inside was a small kitchen off to the left with stairs just beyond that, a dining table right in front of the door and a couple fridges to the right marked with 'ice cream', 'juices' and 'cold candies' on the doors. "DARING!" She said. "What are you doing out like that? Your nose is bleeding, your wings are showing, someone could've seen you and figured out your identity and just completely screwed you and-" The mare coughed a bit and pushed Daring away a bit as the mare pinched her nose. "...And why do you smell like one of Pound Cake's dirty diapers....?" Daring sighed.

"....Why it's good to see you too Pinkie but... I just.... I smell like this because I pretty much am wearing a dirty diaper..." She blushed and averted her gaze. "It's a long story but.... may I use your shower please....? I need to clean up a bit...." Pinkie nodded and took Daring's hand starting to lead her upstairs. "...Has anyone told you what was going on with me lately....?" Pinkie glanced back and shook her head. "...Well... first off I was attacked by an assassin who was sent by Ahuizotl... he figured out who I was hiding as but.... I was saved by a guard who you seem to have gotten into some trouble with a few of your friends. I just got back from a little excursion but... it looks like it will be my last...." Pinkie gasped as Daring teared up slightly.

"No! Does Dash know?" Daring nodded hesitantly as they entered the bathroom. "...Twilight too?" She nodded again wiping her eyes. "....Hey dont go crying on a party pony now! Just hurry up and get yourself cleaned up. Just... make sure you wipe down before you hop in the shower... The Cakes dont wanna have to plunge some strangers butt stuff out of their drain again...." Daring nodded and just hugged Pinkie quickly before nudging her out of the stinking room.

About a half hour later Daring was coming out of the bathroom holding the soiled diaper. She walked down the hall a bit and came to a foals room with two cribs side by side in it. Immediately she went to a diaper pail and dumped the soiled wear inside before going back out stepping around little toys. As she left the room she went for the stairs and started down. Once at the bottom she saw Twilight, who was wearing a pair of blue jeans, a dark blue tank top and some running shoes. She sat next to Pinkie both with a worried look on their faces. "You okay Daring after your accident?" Twilight asked. Daring shrugged and sat down. She looked around. "So... Did Applejack just drop you off here or... what's going on?"

Daring rested her head on the table and sighed. "...No she..." She said just getting a huff. "....There was.... there was something that just came out of nowhere and..." She tried to find the words and just slammed her hands on the table standing up just staring at Twilight getting teary eyed again. "Ryder came out of nowhere and kidnapped Applejack when he saw I had a bloody nose! He was fucking huge! He was picking up cars, throwing trees and just... He cause my little accident there but... I wouldnt think he would even do something like that..." Twilight looked at Daring confused. Same with Pinkie.

"Wait... You saw Ryder? He KIDNAPPED APPLEJACK?!" She stood up sending her chair toppling over. "WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME THIS BEFORE?! WE COULD'VE HAD THE DAMN GUARD LOOKING FOR HIM!" Daring grabbed Twilight by the shoulders and looked her dead in the eyes.

"I FUCKING TRIED BUT THE CALL DROPPED BEFORE I COULD EVEN TELL YOU!" She panted heavily. She let Twilight go and turned away. "...He's a monster now... full fucking animal because of that god damn medicine Celestia had to administer...." Tears started to stream down her cheeks. "...I hope Scootaloo doesnt see her brother like that.... he's just.... he was so big he looked like a body builder with elephantiasis.... his eyes look whited over and... he... he just didnt look like he understood what we were saying... like his fucking brain just devolved...." Twilight hummed as Pinkie got up and hugged Daring.

"...Medicine... whited over eyes.... super strength....." She took out her phone and started tapping on the screen. "I need to notify Celestia of this but it's gonna be something we have to look out for.... Poor AJ... I hope she's okay..." Daring sniffled as Pinkie sat her in a chair and went towards one of the fridges on the other side of the room as Twilight walked off into the main seating area for patrons. The adventure mare hid her face with her hands just resting her elbows on the table.

"...Ryder.... wh-why.... why do you have to become a monster...."

Pinkie came back over with a couple cans of soda in hand setting one right next to Daring. "...So it's Ryder you went with huh.....?" She asked. Daring nodded hesitantly as Pinkie cracked open the can of soda. "...He saved you from getting killed huh....?" Again she nodded. "...And something tells me he kinda ended your adventures huh....?" Daring looked up and wiped her eyes away giving a confused look.

"...H-how do you guess these things even though you havent seen what happened with us?" Pinkie shrugged as she drank from her can before lowering it to the table and giving a loud belch.

"Dunno. Just me being me I guess." She crossed her arms and hummed. "So... How do you suppose we find him and Applejack....? He couldnt have taken her far could he?" Daring sighed.

"He has increased speed Pinkie... he could be as fast as a top of the line sports car or.... I dont know a jet... Problem is if we find him, startle him he could either fight back or run... From what I've seen he could do either.... Hoping its the latter he could just disappear and we wouldnt find him for a while.... If he fights he could crush us with his fingers.... wouldnt even have a gun..." Pinkie took Daring's hand.

"You said he took some medicine... what was it for? Did he have a cold? Was he having trouble getting it up? Did he have a tummy ache?" Daring shook her head.

"...He... He almost died Pinkie..." She took her hand back. "...A bomb went off and.... he was in the blast radius... Car blew up, flipped over onto him and almost crushed him to death... If it werent for me warning him he would've been blasted all over me... blood and guts everywhere...." She shivered and hugged herself. "...I... I dont want to think about it...."

"So that medicine was supposed to heal his wounds.... They had to keep an eye and study his healing process... They noticed him getting stronger, faster and even more intelligent.... why did I not say anything from giving him two fucking pills.....?" She smacked her can a bit knocking it over. Pinkie sighed standing the can back up.

"...Daring please just calm down! You arent making this pony a happy one...." She averted her gaze a bit. "....I was excited to see you and.... just hearing all of this kinda just crushed my mood....." Daring thought for a moment.

"...Hold on..... Speaking of someones mood.... do you know of anywhere Ryder goes when he's not in the best of moods? I mean... his room in Canterlot is one but.... anywhere outside of where he lives?" Pinkie hummed a bit sipping her drink again. She smacked her lips a bit as she put it down again.

"Well... the only thing I can remember after I slipped him those 'party favors' was him running off to Cloudsdale to see the Rainbow Falls to try and brighten his mood. Doesnt matter in what kind of mood though I dont think...." Daring hummed a bit as she got up from her seat grabbing her soda again.

"Call this a stupid idea but.... what if we... What if we set up a trap for him somewhere and if he's there at Cloudsdale's Rainbow Falls... we might be able to chase him back to where ever we have that trap set up... how to trap him and how to lead him to said trap.... that's the question..."

Pinkie thought for a moment just as Twilight came back through the door with a frightened look on her face. "....Girls I.... I have some frightening news....." She said. "....Ryder was just spotted out in Cloudsdale creating a fortress and Celestia is calling in military.... Even someone she called 'Wolf'... though he may get here too late..." Daring and Pinkie glared at each other for a moment before looking back to Twilight.

"Twilight we need a plan NOW! And you're the only one that can help me here! That stallion has one of your friends and she's in danger! Are you going to let the military shoot anywhere around her and possibly hit her? Trust me its not fun to have bullets whiz past your head while you're shitting yourself looking at the ground below!" Twilight's eyes widened.

"...F-fuck! You're right!" She looked to Pinkie as she grabbed Daring's hand. "I need you to get your van and a few party canons and get to the castle! Call in Rarity and dont be afraid to get Dash to help! I've got an idea!" She looked to Daring as she started for the door. "You come with me and drive your ass off to Cloudsdale! It's gonna be a couple miles but it'll be worth it. I know a few spells to help us with travel too. C'mon!" Daring couldnt even say anything before they left out the back door and got on the bike. Twilight used her magic and gave both of them helmets and masks before Daring kickstarted the engine and pulling out through the alley onto the road. As they tore down the road Twilight used her magic again and had the bike take off like a plane. Daring turned a bit towards Cloudsdale and huffed just hoping that both Ryder and Applejack were going to be okay. As they flew Daring glanced back at Twilight who was holding her waist pretty tight.

"You going to be okay Princess?" She asked loudly over the roaring winds whipping around them. Twilight held a thumb up just in Daring's view. "Okay just tell me when we can get closer to the ground. You seem like you don't like these kinds of heights!"

"I-I'll be fine! Just... Just keep going! I need to keep an eye out for any dangers! A-And concentrate on keeping us in the air! This spell isnt permanent you know!" Daring shook her head and revved the engine even more before just speeding through a cloud. The cloud busted just drenching both Daring and Twilight in cold water. Twilight screamed a bit. "DAMMIT DARING YOU'RE LUCKY I CAN WORK THROUGH THESE CONDITIONS!" Daring couldnt help but have a slight laugh.

"Don't worry! All for the book's sake! Now hold on we have three more clouds to go through!" Twilight screamed as Daring narrowly missed a cloud laughing.


"Hey if it makes you feel any better I pissed the bed somewhere between where I was picked up and coming home. Aint like I wanted it to happen but think of it as a little info to spill in case you need to!"


After that Daring just shut up and whipped around a few clouds and dove down towards an open field. She pulled up just enough to be parallel with the ground. After a while of flying they saw Cloudsdale's very own Rainbow Falls. On the top cloud surrounded by military choppers was Ryder, roaring and swatting at them with one arm. They could see in his other hand Applejack trying to fight her way out. They buzzed him a few times and had a loud speaker come from one of the choppers. "Please! Back away from this thing!" A soldier stallion said. "It is very dangerous!" Daring came around to the helicopters flipping them both off before coming along side Ryder.

Daring looked to Applejack who looked tired. Then to Ryder's face as she flew back and forth only having Ryder distracted by the helicopters. "APPLEJACK!" She called out. Applejack looked up at Twilight and Daring. "AJ ARE YOU OKAY?! IS HE HURTING YOU?!"


"Twilight! I'm gonna need you to be quick about this!"

Twilight looked at Daring. "What? Why?" She asked. Daring pointed at the choppers and got her feet up on the bike.

"When I jump you're gonna take control and get it to the ground! It's either that or jump with me and I know you know this thing is something I stole to get to Sugarcube Corner! I didnt want to but I had to! Jump with me or land this thing!" Twilight groaned and looked to Daring.

"We need to jump! I cant ride a bike at all! Motorized or otherwise!" Daring blushed a bit and huffed.

"Well just let go on three and start flappin'! One! Two! THREE!" At the same time they both jumped off the now plummeting motorbike having it plow through a cloud below and land on the ground crashing, sending metal and glass everywhere. Daring looked back at Princess Twilight who just stared at all the military forces surrounding them. Most guns ready, others just looking in shock at Twilight. Daring grabbed Twilight by the arm having their wings just flapping inches apart. "Twilight you get down there and into safety. This is my adventure and I dont want anyone else hurt!" Twilight said nothing and just took her arm back and flew to the waiting guards below. The adventurer mare couldnt help but look back at her monsterous coltfriend. She shuttered seeing each movement in his muscles wondering if that one twitch was gonna be the last one she saw before plummeting to the ground. She looked to Applejack who almost gave up on trying to fight her way out. She then flew around Ryder's face just passing in front of his gaze making him follow her movement. "Ryder... I know you're in there somewhere.... Just heed my words and let Applejack go safely! She did nothing to me!" She heard Ryder growl. "Ryder! Put! Her Down! NOW!" He lifted his hand with Applejack in it and opened it parallel to the ground, palm up.

Applejack stood up and looked to Ryder. "GOD DAMMIT RYDER YOU AINT GETTIN' OFF EASY AFTER THIS YOU KNOW THAT RIGHT!?!" She yelled. Daring quickly flew to Applejack and snatched her out of his hand before he had a chance to close it back up.

"APPLEJACK DONT FUCK WITH HIM! HE COULD FUCKING KILL YOU!" She quickly glanced at the ground feeling her grip starting to slip away. "AJ! Do you trust me?" Applejack panted a bit feeling fatigued.

"Yeah... wh-why you ask?" Daring cringed a bit and glanced at the ground. Applejack looked down and sighed. "...Go ahead... Twi's down there and she's just waiting to repay the favor I did once long ago..." She looked back at Daring. "Just give me a count down before-"

"CATCH TWILIGHT!" Applejack's eyes widened as she just suddenly felt her friends grip fade away and suddenly just drop away from her. Daring couldnt help but watch as the mare dropped screaming to the ground only to stop meters away in a purple light beginning to float towards Twilight only to hug her scared. Daring sighed and turned back to the hulking stallion before her. He was just staring at her. Still angered and with his hand clenched into a fist. "Are you happy now? I'm here! Applejack is gone! Just calm down!" Ryder growled a bit snorting at Daring. "Ryder please! All these opposing forces around you and you choose to be the bullheaded fuck you are! Calm down and stand down!" He didnt break his gaze from her as she slowly approached his face, petting him on the nose. "See? I'm not gonna hurt you! Just calm down and come back with me.... I wanna help you! I just-" She was cut off by the sound of a few miniguns on a chopper behind her spooling up. Ryder quickly grabbed her and she felt like everything was going into slow motion as she was hid in his now cupped hands against his chest only to have the sounds of ricocheting bullets coming in at high velocity and not being able to count how many hit. She heard muffled yells over a loud speaker and the bullets stopped raining. Suddenly she screamed being just tossed towards the ground. She quickly caught herself and saw Ryder lunge at the chopper just as a few ponies jumped out of the doors. Lucky them they were out of range before Ryder smashed it in between his hands.

Daring gasped realizing what his next move would be. She quickly flew over to the chopper, the pilot and copilot looking scared out of their minds at what they just witnessed. She carefully opened up the back door and slid it open slightly enough to slip in. She closed it and had one of the pilots look back at her. "WAIT YOU'RE ALIVE?! HOW?!" He asked shocked. Daring took the headset off of the pilot in the drivers seat and put it around her neck.

"No time to explain! Just get out of this thing! I need to get him out of here before he causes more damage and possibly hurts someone else!" The two pilots looked at each other and nodded before climbing out of their seats. Daring quickly got into the main seat and grasped the flight stick keeping it steady. "If there is anyone here that can hear me this is Daring Do and I have commandeered a helicopter! Now if someone can put me on a line through to Princess Twilight and if possible, Celestia as well!" She waited a moment for the wind to start whipping around before starting to fly it sideways going around Ryder.

Daring just huffed staring at Ryder who was just roaring to the sky pissed off. He looked around growling, possibly looking for Daring herself. She sighed as she looked around at the interior of the now empty chopper. Door wide open, switches and lights indicating different things and the dials she had no clue about. "Daring?! Y-You're okay!" A familiar voice said. Daring smiled a bit hearing Twilight's voice.

"...Glad I am... Seems he still knows he's supposed to protect me but... he's not calming down!" She heard Twilight shush someone. Most likely a softly crying Applejack.

"He's too enraged to even realize what's going on. That chopper pilot that shot at him regretted it... He's down here just in the fetal position with some other guards comforting him... I might need to relieve him from duty for a while but.... Just exactly where are you? I saw him throw you away somewhere but I didnt see where you landed... I got scared and looked away..."

"See that chopper almost circling Ryder? That's me. I've got a plan but... it's gonna need me to do something I'm kinda scared to do..."

"What are you going to do?" Daring sighed staring her coltfriend in his whited out eyes, looking mad as hell.

"...I'm gonna have to shoot at him to get him to follow... maybe just to make sure he doesnt destroy me I need to get over a loud speaker somehow... Fake a kidnapping..." She heard the princess whimper slightly.

"...Not up to trying to hurt your own coltfriend huh....?"

"...No... Well... not quite...." She found a switch on the joystick. She flipped it and heard the guns start to spool up. She put her finger on the trigger just ready to pull at any moment. "...it's.... it's just that this is the stuff I'm gonna miss now that my books are ending.... by now I'm sure everyone out there knows my identity... If someone else wants to come after me to collect a treasure I try to keep safe I'm not gonna be hiding so easy..."

"Daring... You listen here.... You chose to do this after Ahui's death.... Ryder would want you to be happy no matter what. Your books might end but adventure is always out there. So's long you tell Ryder you're gonna go out on an adventure, keep in contact with him to let him know you're okay and return safely, possibly with a few souvenirs to keep him and Scootaloo content after what had transpired you'll be fine. May not be worth writing about but hey, you might have a story to tell me once you return. You've got friends who have been helping you and will continue to help you as time goes on. Now just do what you need to do. The pilot just told me there was a switch for the loudspeaker just to your right on the console. Big yellow button it seems." Daring just glanced at the mic that was inches away from her mouth for a second before looking at the switch.

"Thanks Twi... Now if you can tell your friends to be ready at the rooftop. Preferably with some netting or something to distract Ryder while I get out of the chopper... or so someone can return him to normal somehow.... I wanna be able to hug him and his sister at the same time... not be scared to be smashed when i even touch him..." She shed a tear before switching channels pressing the loudspeaker button. She punched herself in the face and grunted giving the joystick a good push sending the chopper a bit out of control. "R-RYDER! HELP! TH-THE GUARDS WONT LET ME GO! HELP!!" She put her hand over the mic and moved it around a bit pushing and pulling the chopper joystick making it seem like a little fight broke out. Even lowered her voice a bit giving it a manehattan accent. "You get back and stay back before I blow ya fuckin' brains out!" She quickly pressed the button and huffed. "...C'mon Ryder... Take the bait..."

Ryder roared to the sky and took off from the cloud towards the chopper. Daring turned it around and started flight towards Ponyville. She heard a bit of static in her ear for a moment before hearing a new voice. "Daring! Daring can you hear me?!" A mares voice said. It was Princess Celestia.

"....Loud and clear Princess..." She replied almost trembling scared. "...I had a feeling you'd contact me one way or another.... I assume you know the situation?" She heard Celestia sigh.

"Afraid so... you're lucky to find him but... in this state.... I've been informed by Wolf of his speed and strength but... he didnt say anything about him being a monster!" Daring huffed.

"If it were up to me I'd kick his ass but maybe he didnt see the transformation happen...." She glanced back seeing Ryder fly in and out of view. "...Honestly it hurts to see him more like this than busted and bleeding..... at least he knows I'm no threat and.... I think he might remember me because he tried protecting me from guards who tried shooting him.... Bullets bounced right off but.... he covered me up and was looking for me after he tossed me out of the way.... He still cares... I know he's still himself in there...."

"He remembers all you've done for him... Something tells me if you can do something long enough to distract him we could hit him with a tranquilizer or something!"

"He's BULLET PROOF!" Daring snapped swerving the chopper a bit. "Bulletproof meaning nothing can penetrate his skin! Maybe a spell can work! I'm gonna have to call in a favor from you Princess and we need you at Twilight's castle as soon as you can get there. I've got just enough fuel to make it to the castle and maybe pull a few maneuvers but.... I really hope we can fix him...." She teared and choked up slightly.

A click of static came to her ears. "What ever you need I'm on it!" She heard Twilight say. "The guards got a chopper and we're right behind you and Ryder. Not close. But we're behind you! I've also texted Spike to have a spell book ready and waiting at the helipad." Daring wiped her eyes.

"Well... Hurry and stay out of his sight.... How's AJ doing?"

A shivery huff was heard. "...I-I'm a bit soaked in the britches but I'm fine...." She heard Applejack say. "...I understand your thinkin' there but damn.... I was almost forced to do what you wanted to do earlier... Wont say what on account of the princesses here but.... yeah.... Just scared me the way I almost just...." She hesitated. "......I'm just gonna... gonna..." She heard the crinkle of a paper bag and then a thud before hearing just a muffled heaving sound.

Twilight just sighed. "And she puked... glad we gave her an air sickness bag..." She said kinda gagging slightly. "She's gonna be fine..." Daring cringed slightly hearing Applejack heave again. "I'm sure she'll be fine once she gets on the ground again.... In the mean time just keep going. Faster you fly easier it is to get him into position for the plan i got. Just keep up the act of being kidnapped by the guard! If I may at least suggest something maybe throw an article of clothing out and maybe jerk the helicopter to the right after tossing it out. Make it seem like you're fighting back. Dont be afraid to get on the loudspeaker again. Twilight out." Daring sighed and took her headset off setting it aside on a hook before using one hand to pull the shirt off. She even had to let go of the joystick and use both hands to pull it over her head and used her foot to shakily fly the aircraft while she did as such. As she pulled it off she jerked the joystick to the right a little too far and fought with it, shirt in hand before getting it steady again She looked down and sighed not seeing her bra on.

Daring sighed and got her headset back on. "That was close...." She said fixing her mic. "Got my shirt off Twi. Should I just bust open the window on this thing or what?" Daring heard a little gag in her ear.

"...Ooh.... Yeah just... Just do what ever... we got the castle coming up soon and the girls are waiting out on the helipad and... oh.... Oh no..." Daring removed her headset before hearing Twilight almost clearly heaving heavily. She sighed getting her mic close to her mouth.

"Ease up princess. I'll take it from here. You just take some deep breaths and have the pilot stay out of Ryder's sight." She tossed it aside not really wanting to hear what was going on over in the other chopper. Twilight probably didnt hear her anyways over her just losing her lunch. Daring glanced out the side window seeing Twilight's castle drawing ever closer. She could almost see what lied in the windows of the grand crystallized wood of the castle. She turned the chopper so she was heading straight for it but kinda wobbled it a bit as she lowered her head and aimed her foot towards the window. "Okay... Just gonna be easy as... one... two..." She kicked the window and gasped holding her ankle. She shook it a bit trying to keep the chopper as straight as she could in her almost lied back position. She quickly readied herself again and bashed at it a few more times before it broke sending little shards of glass back at her with the wind and more outside of the chopper. She fought against the wind getting back up before a small alarm sounded inside the chopper and a light signaling a window was broken out. She stuck her shirt outside the window and just let it go into the wind. "...C'mon Ryder take the bait...." As she started nearing the castle she heard Ryder roar sounding more mad than ever. She hesitantly smiled at that sound knowing he fell for something way worse than what the situation was.

Just as she started nearing the helipad something happened. She felt the chopper violently jerk to the side with a loud crash. She quickly fixed herself and struggled to keep the chopper airborne but she felt herself dropping finding it harder to control the chopper. As the chopper started to turn out of control she saw something in the distance just as Ryder came in to view. She saw the tail of the chopper being tossed away. Quickly she got up and went to the door struggling to stay on her feet with the wind whipping everything around and the pain on her ankle with each step. She forced the door open and quickly jumped out narrowly missing the small window she had to get safely on the helipad wing of the castle. She groaned feeling the wind get knocked out of her as she hit the hard surface now hearing the engine of the chopper struggling to keep everything up only to hear it fade fast. Next she heard the sound of feet rushing her only to feel two sets of arms tug her up. "C'MON! HE'S GETTING CLOSER GET HER INSIDE!" She heard a mare yell. She looked around, her eyes blurred from being slammed down and feeling dazed only to see a white unicorn mare on her right side with a purple mane and a black tank top on as well as a pair of short shorts. She glanced to her other side only to see Rainbow Dash wearing a black leather jacket with military rank insignia on the shoulder and jeans. She shook her head gaining her vision back before pushing them both away and falling down to her knees.

"N-No.... This is my fight! It's my fault he's like this! It's up to me to stop him!"

Rainbow Dash forced her up as Rarity raced way. "GOD DAMMIT DARING GET UP AND GET TO SAFETY!" She snapped. "THIS IS TOO DANGEROUS AND I'M SURE I KNOW A FUCKING SPRAINED ANKLE WHEN I SEE ONE!" Daring pushed Dash off.

"FUCKING GO!" Dash looked back at her cousin fast approaching and then back at Daring who was struggling to stand up again. She sighed and just ran off. Daring looked to Ryder just readying herself as best she could. Once he landed he growled at her. "RYDER! RYDER YOU FUCKING IDIOT! ATTACKING YOUR FELLOW GUARDS LIKE THAT AND US?! GOD DAMMIT I KNOW YOU'RE LISTENING TO ME RYDER JUST FUCKING LISTEN AND CALM DOWN! YOU'RE BEING SUCH A PAIN IN MY ASS RIGHT NOW AND I'M SICK OF IT!" Daring couldnt help but drop to her knees as she teared up. "I can see you arent willing to listen.... Look at you... You're a monster.... A FUCKING MONSTER!" She whimpered now having tears run down her cheeks. "...Ryder... I... I hate to say this but..." She clenched her eyes shut. "...WE ARE THROUGH! I HATE MYSELF FOR BRINGING YOU ALONG ONLY FOR YOU TO TURN INTO THIS FUCKING HIDEOUS MONSTER!" She broke down and cried into her bare arm. She could hear Ryder growl a little before just letting out a loud roar into the sky. She looked up for a moment only to see tears in his eyes as he roared into the sky. He then looked to her and she could tell she messed up. He quickly growled at her and snatched her up making her scream. "FUCKFUCKFUCKFUUUCK!"

He looked at her now scared expression and growled. Daring could feel his warm breath blast against her face as she struggled to escape from his grasp. Just then something was thrown right at him hitting him in the face. "HEY! UGLY!" A familiar voice yelled. Daring looked over just to see Dash, Pinkie, Rarity and Fluttershy with a few guards all armed with slingshots. Dash flew up into Ryder's face. "YOU LET HER GO RIGHT FUCKING NOW!" Ryder growled and reeled back with Daring in his hand. Daring's heart dropped feeling the wind go from still, to a calm breeze and suddenly to a raging wind blowing right in her face. She screamed nearly coming within inches of Rainbow Dash. "WATCH IT! AJ WAS RIGHT SHE SHOULD'VE HAD ME KICK YOUR ASS AND TIE YOUR ASS DOWN!" She flew up and kicked him in the face before rushing back to be around her friends. Daring screamed again as Ryder roared again. He reeled back again with Daring in his hand.

"DAAAASH YOU STUPID BIIIIIIIIIII-" Suddenly Daring was thrown through the air screaming only to hit someone before sliding on the ground and hitting the castle wall. Dazed she looked up and saw Fluttershy holding her close looking like she was in a bit of pain herself.

"EVERYONE NOW!" Daring watched as her vision faded seeing the guards pull what looked to be grenade launchers and seeing them fire net after net all hitting and sticking to Ryder making him more and more angrier. She could hear someone yelling her name. Rarity and Pinkie rushed over to Daring but more towards the right. Daring looked up only to see Scootaloo wearing footy pajamas running over to her. Rarity and Pinkie grabbed at her but she managed to slip lose before sliding on her knees at Daring's side just before blacking out.

Daring woke up hours later, her whole body in pain but feeling okay enough to move about on her own. She found herself in a patients gown in a lone bedroom with medical machines sitting against the wall. She coughed a bit and wheezed as she carefully got up removing a breathing mask she had on and a few heart rate monitor wires from her chest. Just as she took the wires off she heard the machines start beeping like crazy. She tossed away the wires and got up from the bed and slowly hobbled her way towards the door, the cold floor pressing against her bare feet. She shivered and hugged herself just as she came and leaned against the wall. She slowly reached for the doorknob being careful of her offset balance. She stopped just having the door open on its own but she backed up seeing someone come in only to see it was Ryder. He was back to his normal self now wearing sweat pants and a tank top. His mane was a mess and he was sweating a bit but she couldnt help but tackle and hug him starting to cry. He jumped and turned around only to hug her and started to shush her. "....Hey hey... it's... it's okay... you're okay.... I gotcha...." He said.

Daring started to sob hard clutching him almost pulling feathers from his wings. "...R-Ryder.... I... You.... I...." She said not being able to speak through her sobbing.

"....Take a breath.... calm down.... I'm here... I'm right here...." Daring sniffled and backed away.

"...Ryder... I'm... I'm so sorry I brought you along.... and... and had THAT happen...." Ryder stood up with her and brought her up, wrapping her legs around him before carrying her out of the room.

"...I wanted to protect you after the attack... I did protect you.... but... I couldnt protect you from myself.... Twilight told me what happened... I.... I just.... threw you.... Like you were just some toy I didnt wanna play with anymore.... I even hurt Fluttershy... of all ponies.... I threw you into her and hurt both of you... My marefriend.... my friend who is just a delicate little flower and... I hurt both of you.... I'm the one who's sorry here...." She looked him in the face.

"...H-how did you turn back to normal...? I couldnt get you to calm down... or turn back to my sweet stallion.... instead you were just stuck as a monster who... surprisingly listened... you listened somewhat but... if someone tried hurting me you hurt them right back and... I guess I pushed you too far and hurt myself more than I hurt you... Your mind just couldnt register that..." They turned a corner going into a dining room where Ryder sat Daring on a chair and sat next to her at a table.

"...Well... I think i just raged out at what ever you said causing you to do that.... and as for turning back it was due to my sister... I saw how hurt she was and... I just stopped dead in my tracks... Though... Twilight had to use magic to revert me to my normal self... At least... that's what everyone told me..." He glanced around at the room they were in and huffed. "....I... I'm just glad to be back to normal... fuck medicine for intense pain... Next time I break a leg I'm going to a doctor that doesnt use magic fucking pills..." Daring pulled Ryder close and kissed him.

"...Please.... please tell me they didnt use those pills on me... I just... I dont wanna become a monster like you did..." Ryder held her close yet again this time bringing her onto his lap.

"...You wont and they didnt... Twilight she... She used a spell to mend your bones back together... Turns out you sprained your ankle doing something and I busted your other leg, your arm and may have crippled your wings but you should be fine... Suggested to stay grounded after a while... That's what I'm gonna be doing for a while..." He sighed prying her off. "...Is it bad to feel like shit knowing I fucked up my all time favorite book series that I helped my favorite character out of that series who happened to be the writer in hiding but uh...." He averted his gaze trying to find his words. Daring wiped her eyes.

"....Ryder... It's alright... You did what you were trained to do... You killed someone who meant to do both of us harm and you were only protecting yourself when the time called for it... If anything this was a murder case that was stopped four times already... Once when a gunman nearly shot me, another one with a rare poisonous spider someone planted in my bags, saved me from becoming a pavement pancake and almost had me gutted with a big sword because you, a descendant of the prince who once wielded that sword, broke hypnosis and ended someone who wished to end the world many times over.... You saved me from certain demise whether it was by bullet, high speed impact or sacrificial offering done by a nutjob for an entity that may or may not exist... Trust me when I say some weird cultists have found a godly entity... wont say which but its not gonna be like what we had given to us...." She glanced around the room and rested her hand on her stomach hearing it growl. "Uh... Did I vomit at any time while I was passed out...?" Ryder nodded.

"Yeah... Heaved a few times before getting a few chunks and bile on the floor... I just woke up maybe... oh a couple hours ago... You've been out for a while too... How do you feel other than a little hungry?"

"...Glad that hell is over with but... before we even try for anything to eat can we get me dressed and find Twilight...? I want her to know I'm okay..." Ryder smiled and nodded. He got up from his seat and knelt down in front of her chair with his back facing her. She got up and climbed onto his back wrapping her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. He carefully stood up and piggy backed her all the way to Twilight's room where he sat her on the ornate covers. Purple silk with a little diagram of the elements of harmony and how they connected. Ryder sighed as he went towards a couple drawers against the wall.

"...How are your wings feeling?" Daring stretched her wings a bit. They twitched slightly as she opened them wide and huffed.

"Kinda stiff... They must've had me laying on my back the whole time... No pain just needs a little exercise to wake em up..." She glanced over at him. "I'd honestly get dressed myself but... I feel like I might need some help... It'd actually help me a lot..." She blushed smiling at him. He smiled right back and brought back a black tank top and a pair of grey sweat pants. He set them right next to Daring and climbed on the bed going behind his marefriend. Carefully he pulled at the strings of the hospital gown and just as both strings gave away Daring held the robe to her chest hearing the door open up a bit and a gasp. Ryder looked up and saw Princess Twilight standing at the door wearing a white tee shirt and a pair of basketball shorts blushing and covering her mouth. He quickly dove out of the bed and stood up straight saluting her.

"PRINCESS! I uh- I wasnt- I mean..."

Twilight rushed over and tackled Daring onto the bed hugging her. Ryder pulled both mares back up having Daring groan slightly. "Daring! Oh Daring... You had me so worried... I thought my magic wasnt working..." Twilight said.

Tears started building up in her eyes as Daring pried her off. "Well it did... I probably would'nt be here..." She said. "...If anything I'd probably be in a hospital or something.... I just...." She wiped the princesses eyes away. "...I want to thank you for helping me with everything you've done for me thus far... You, your friends and even Ryder and Celestia and Luna... All of you will be mentioned in my last book..." Twilight sighed as Ryder sat next to her and put a hand on her shoulder.

"...Th-thank you... That... that makes me kinda feel better... but are you gonna be alright knowing all that is over and that your secret is out?"

Ryder huffed. "If you ask me she should try to live every day the best she can and just live as any other normal pony..." He said. "Normal just like you or me, maybe with that occasional fan who thinks everything you do is awesome but just let them know its a bit too much and you're still trying to adjust? Or at least tell one of us? Got me there..." Twilight looked to Ryder.

"...She cant live normally without being sought on as a celebrity! She's the writer of many books and a great adventurer! There's no way she can live normally!" Ryder gently nudged Daring away.

"Princess she can live normally! I don't care if I have to scare sense into someone or continue guarding her with my life she is going to live normally whether or not ponies wanna make a big deal about it!"

"Well you scaring ponies might make others afraid to even say anything to anyone! What about some of the little colts and fillies who want autographs? I know if you werent involved in this and she came out like that you'd be first in line to get that autograph while trying not to wet yourself! Not to mention your job might be at stake if you do end up using a scare tactic to make it seem like-"

Daring grunted sending both ponies back first onto the bed. "WOULD YOU TWO STOP IT?!" She yelled. She looked to Twilight. "Twilight I know you would want me to live normally like everyone else and yes I know I'd have to do the occasional autograph for somepony!" She looked to Ryder. "And you! If you go and scare anyone I'll scare you more by dragging you to the closest tomb and leave you in there with fucking spiders out the ass! I know which one has it and dont you FUCKING tempt me!" She panted just glaring at the ponies around her. Ryder got up and huffed before just walking to the door. She just watched as he left the room. Twilight huffed.

"...I'm... I'm sorry Daring... It's just... I don't know how to process this... I don't think Ryder does either.... I mean... he was just a monstrosity mere hours ago... Just... go find him...."

Daring nodded and carefully hobbled out of the room. She held on to the wall as she walked down the hall still feeling a bit weak and stiff. She did have enough strength to stay on her feet but how long she didnt know. She wobbled her way past guards and looked into each room she passed. Room after room of empty bedroom before she found a few guards knocking on a door trying to get in. Both unicorn guards in silver armor. "Come on! Open up we're trying to help you here!" One guard said. He looked to the other. "Get the lock picking kit. Might need to brute force it since he wont come out."

Daring looked to the guards. "Did the General go in there?" She asked. The guards looked to her.

"Yeah he did. Dove in before I could even get a chance and I think he's just crying. That's all I heard in there so far... No heaving, no water, no grunting... just a little crying." Daring sighed.

"Let me try... I feel like I can get to him." They nodded and moved back a bit before she came and leaned by the door. She took a deep breath before just knocking on the door. "Ryder? Ryder sweetie can you open the door please?" She jiggled the door knob a bit. "Come on don't do this please... I just wanna talk.... Please?"

Daring put her ear to the door and heard a little sniffling and some footsteps. She backed away for a moment hearing the doorknob being messed with before it opened and she was pulled in. There holding her arm was Ryder with tear marks down his face and his red eyes. "....I know I fucked up... just say it... just break up with me...." He said releasing her and leaning on the sink looking into the mirror. Daring hugged him from behind and kissed him on his cheek.

"...You did nothing wrong... that medicine was everything wrong... I know what I said but... All this information is just too much to process with us right now..."

"...B-but... I could've killed you..."

"Ryder... I survived because of your sister... we're just trying to process everything that happened all together... Yes my book series is over. Yes I'm going to have a hard time living normally but not only because of fans wanting autographs but... It's because of who I am... I revealed my true identity to the world on live television... I know what consequences would come of it... I even know what to expect... I can tell you want to protect me like I brought you on to do... you don't want anyone to take me away from you, hurt me or just do something I know you'd never try to do..." The stallion sighed wiping his eyes.

"...But.. I tried to kill you..."

"No you didnt... You didnt try to kill me... I knew you were in there... you only hit me because you were mad that I lied about being attacked by guards who tried to hurt me... The guards were kicked from the chopper before I took hold of it and used it to lure you to the castle... If I intended to hurt you I would've done it after your hypnosis... I wouldn't have cared if Ahuizotl was dead... If I was pissed at you I'd've smacked you up and down that room. I would've shoved my foot so far up your ass we'd be one entity and-" Ryder shrugged her off and turned around before hugging her. She was slightly shocked but hugged him back before just lowering to the floor. She lied back and looked him in the eye just... giving him bedroom eyes. He couldnt help but lift her shirt and grope her breasts as he kissed her again. She just let him. "...There we are.... ravage me big boy...." He just groped her and stuck his hand in her pants just rubbing her. She gasped a little bit and gritted her teeth as he pinched her clit and her nipple before quickly pulling his hands away. She looked to him. "W-why'd you stop?" He gave a devilish smile.

"Maybe I wanted to give Ahuizotl once last laugh before I-" She didnt even give him a second to finish that sentence before she nailed him in the gut. "DAMMIT WHAT'D YOU DO THAT FOR?!" He groaned holding his stomach and fell onto his side. "...I-I was joking! You know I killed him!" She huffed and just helped him up fixing her clothes.

"Then don't do shit like that! I love you but... You've seen the shit I've been through!" She sighed. "Now come on... we need to get into some suitable clothes and get something to eat... My stomach is just ready for a good hayburger." He released one arm around his stomach before taking Daring's hand.

"...I just need something to stop the pain.... Maybe a fucking sandwich instead of a full on burger... Holy shit you've got such a wallop... remind me never to piss you off again...." She giggled.

"Noted and remind me where your weak point is next time you fucking do that again... Now c'mon." The mare helped her coltfriend out the door and down the hall. They never left each others side for the rest of the day. Even when they went out to greet a crowd of ponies ready to see Daring at the end of her adventure. To be honest even with her adventures being over she felt a new one was beginning. Action packed or not it was an adventure she'd have to plan out very carefully.