On Feathered Wings of Joy

by Crystalbell

First published

Spike's wish has finally come true!

Spike enbarks on a new adventures chapter of his life. Full of ups and downs, twists and turns,and LOTS of drama.

A Wish Come True

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On Feathered Wings Of Joy

It was October and Spike was now a teen. Because Spike was hatched by Twilight's magic, he was late at growing his wings.

As Spike strolled through town, he thought he would stop by the carousel boutique to see Rarity. Spike was not obsessed with her anymore, but he did still have a huge crush on her. As he walked in, he saw Rarity's cat, Opal clung to her mane and neck.

“Help!” she whisper-squealed. She seemed to forget her horn was even there. Because she is a unicorn, she could have easily removed Opal with her magic.

“Rarity are you okay!?” Spike said in worrisome. He then realized that of course she needed his help. Opal started to tighten her grip on Rarity. Rarity was beginning to bleed. She had tears in her eyes.

“Please help me?” she whispered. Rarity was bucking at this point to get Opal off.

“Hold still will you? That will only make it worse.” Rarity stopped bucking and left it up to Spike. Spike gently stroked Opal and she released her claws. Spike put Opal down on the floor and she trotted off.

“Thank you Spike!” Rarity hugged Spike and he noticed the blood trickling down her.

“Let's take care of that leg of yours shall we?” Rarity blushed and Spike disinfected her scratches and wrapped them in gause.

“Oh um Rarity! I was wondering… would you like to go to like a club or something sometime?” Spike said scratching the spines on his head. Now he was the one blushing.

“Oh Spike, sure I will!” She squeaked.

“How does Saturday night sound to you? I was thinking I could pick you up at about… 10:00?”

“That sounds perfect Spike. I will see you then!

Spike was so happy he could not explain it! He rushed to his room in Twilight's magic castle and already was seeing if he had anything clubish to wear. He found nothing. He grabbed 103 bits and went out of town to the dragon town to get some clothes that would fit him. He bought some aviator sunglasses, a shirt that said, “kiss me, I'm a dragon,” and some skinny jeans. Spike still had seven bits left. He put it with his money to get into the club and get some drinks.


Rarity had made this hot rich purple short sequiny
dress, and a silver purse. Then she slipped on her glitter infused horse shoes. She put on her fake eyelashes, mascara, light blue eye-shadow, and red lipstick on.

Spike put on his aviators, his new T-shirt, and his skinny jeans. Spike told Twilight where he was going and with her being the control freak she is, she was surprisingly OK with it. So Spike hopped in dragon car, which he rarely uses, and drived over to the carousel boutique and knocks on the door.

“Rarity? Are you ready?” When the door opened and Spike saw Rarity, it was the most beautiful he had ever seen her. With her naturally being beautiful and this too? It was ultra beauty, what Spike was seeing.

“Yes Spike. I am ready.” She tucked a piece of loose hair in her cute messy bun.

“Ooh Spike darling you look wonderful!” Spike blushed and thought to himself, “not as wonderful as you.” They drove to the club and oddly enough, fluttershy was there in a tight fit leather outfit pole dancing. Luckily Rarity did not see fluttershy. If she did, fluttershy would be busted. It was no wonder she was shy and rarley said much. If she talked she would blurt out her secret job. Both Rarity and Spike got a little drunk. They danced and that is when they fell in love. Spike drove Rarity home at about one in the morning. Spike was lucky he did not not crash from being drunk and driving.

It was then when Spike asked Rarity, “Rarity will you be my girlfriend?” Rarity gleefully said yes.

~~~~~the next day~~~~~~~~~~

“Oh Hi Spike! I really enjoyed last night… wait a minute, I forgot! We are boyfriend and girlfriend!”

They went on many more dates after that. They had been dating for three years now.

~~~~three years later~~~~~~~

“Happy three year anniversary Rarity!” Spike pulled out mini Fire Ruby earrings.

“Oh thank you darling! I have a little something for you too!” With her unicorn magic Rarity pulled out a giant sapphire-ruby.

“For you. It should last you at least a year and a half!”

“Oh thank you so much honey! It looks like the most delicious gem I will ever eat!” They spent the rest of the day together and then there was a problem where Spike had to leave and help Twilight with reorganizing her books. Rainbow dash had crashed into the castle like she did the library.

~~~~~~two weeks later~~~~~~~

“Twilight? I… I am moving out.

“WHAT!? I mean yes um sure. I love you Spike. Just remember that.” Twilight hugged Spike and he was on his way. He found a little cottage and bought it for 623,568 bits. After that, he went to the carousel boutique.

“Rarity? Will you… will you move in with me?”

“Oh Spike I would love to but I have Sweetie Bell to take care of.” They both started to tear up slightly.

“Well… she could move in too? This could still be your shop.”

“Okay Spike. I'll go tell her the news. We will get a moving truck.”

“It is cottage 276 on Robin Boulevard.” Spoke Spike.

“276?! I absolutely love 276! This is divine!” After Spike, Rarity and Sweetie Bell moved into the cottage, Sweetie Bell went with the other cutie mark crusaders to go and try to find their cutie marks. While she did that, Spike went to the juler.

“Do you have any diamond rings for a horn size 12?” Spike asked eagerly.

“Let me see what I have… ………………here we go!”

“Oh that is perfect! How much?”

“That will be 245 bits.” Spike put the bits down on the table and said, “SOLD!”

Spike took Rarity on a walk. It was just a normal walk to the park.

“Rarity, will you marry me?” Spike questioned.

“Why of course darling!” Spike placed the engagement ring on Rarity's horn.