Anon X Celestia And Other One-Shots

by Bendy

First published

A series of comedic stories that involve human Anon and Princess Celestia doing sexy and silly things together. Although Anon doesn't necessarily need to be in them.

A series of comedic stories that involve human Anon and Princess Celestia doing sexy and silly things together. Although Anon doesn't necessarily need to be in them.

Big Sun Praising

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Inside a massive white marble hall, upon a pink love heart shaped rug, there lay two immense, glorious mounds of alabaster flesh. Upon each side of these majestic white mounds stood a huge spiraling sun, the surrounding fat around it was softer than silk.

The two huge beautiful mountains of flesh metaphorically begged to be squeezed, rubbed, licked and hummed all over. They stood tall and mighty, towering into the air. The fat around them was so thick and impossibly soft, yet firm.

The mounds were so round, so smooth, so plump, and so perfectly shaped it was if they possessed divine power.

Yes, this was a butt, the apex butt. No other butt was greater than this pony’s butt. Even though this pony was trillions of years old, she was not withered by time and looked exactly like the big and sexy mare she always was. Her butt and body remained forever young due to her immortality.

Unfortunately, an annoying multicolored, ethereal tail flowed in an nonexistence wind which obscured her delicious assets. Nonetheless, you, one lucky bastard of a human, dressed in only black pants stood behind these beautiful mountains of ass flesh.

"Oh, my little human. Have you come to praise the sun?" spoke in a soft, all too familiar voice in a sensual tone.

"Yes, milady Celestia."

With that you placed your hands upon Princess Celestia’s enormous rump, digging in deeply into the thick layer of fat.

"Oh Celestia, you have one lovely big fat butt," came your voice in awe of the sweet pony ass before you.

A bright red blush came upon the alicorn mare’s cheeks, embarrassed over your compliment. At the same time her cutie marks glowed with bright light, resulting in her growing an inch taller and her already massive ass becoming a little bigger and fatter.

"Oh Anon, you’re too kind. But my butt isn’t that big."

"Nonsense!" you shouted, giving her massive ass a hard slap, this caused her to utter a lustful moan as her huge fat thick cheeks wobbled from side to side as well as leave a red hand mark upon her rump. "Your butt is so big and amazing! I dare say I never seen such a fine big fat butt."

A broad smile came upon her face, as her cutie marks glowed with blinding light. Within a fraction of a second she literally doubled in size, towering into the air and her butt fattening outward like an inflating balloon.

Her growing bubble butt hit into you with a powerful slam. The force of which knocked you over on the floor with a loud thud.

Celestia gasped in horror.

"Anon! Are you OK?" she shouted in panic.

She sighed in relief, upon seeing that you landed on a pile of soft pillows.

"I’m fine, my big sexy pony," you said, jumping to your feet.

Celestia blushed profusely, her cheeks blushing bright red from your kind words. This in turn caused her ass to grow a little bigger and fatter by a few inches.

With a nasty grin you lunged forward to tightly grip the sides of her wide, white marshmallow flanks. Your hands dug deeply into the thick, bountiful mountains of flesh.

Your tight grip upon her ass caused your fingers to dig deep into the thick, soft fat of her squishy soft, enormous rump. Your applied pressure from your hands compressed down the immense layer of fat from her godly butt.

"Such a great big fat ass you got."

Celestia moaned, her butt growing bigger by a good few inches again.

You began roaming your hands over the wide expanse of her immense bubble butt. With an insane grin on your face you fondled her gigantic ass all over, giving a tight squeezed to her butt here and there.

"So big and fat it is."

Once again Celestia moaned, her butt growing bigger and fatter by several inches over your loving words.

With a flash of golden light with her horn, Celestia lowered your pants to reveal your massive, magically enhanced penis, perfect for praising her glorious backside. All thanks to her Buttmagic.

With your pants now down, you proceeded to thrust forward, slamming your long and thick shaft between her thick fat cheeks.

Like a man possessed, you grinded against her, humping like a madman as you hot dogged your cock between her two massive towering cheeks.

Celestia moaned, pressing her huge cheeks together to smother your cock in a thick layer of soft fat.

"Oh Celestia, your butt! I love your butt!" you shouted excitedly.

Celestia groaned, her rump rising several inches higher into the air and becoming even bigger and fatter from your kind words.

"Oh, I love your butt! It is best butt!" you shouted, pulling back, in order to slap her butt from side to side with your massive cock. All the while Celestia’s butt doubled in size from your praise.

With an insane happy grin you gave her big beautiful butt several hard slaps with your cock, Celestia moaning in approval.

Celestia released a low, sad whine upon noticing that her butt did not grow in size.

“Please Anon, please don't stop complimenting my ass. If you want my butt to get bigger you must utter praise of my butt! Tell me what a big beautiful fat ass I got! Make my butt bigger and fatter with compliments!” she shouted, looking back at you with pleading doggy eyes.

“Oh what a big fat beautiful ass you got. It’s so round and smooth!”

“Yes! Yes!” she shouted excitedly, her buttcheeks thickening by several inches from your praise.

Like a crazed madman, you leaned forward to begin licking her massive butt, trailing your tongue across the vast expanse of her enormous cheeks, Celestia’s moans of approval driving you onward.

"Such a fine, great big fat ass you have. I could lick it forever," you whispered, with your face pressed against her right butt cheek, the soft fat conceding back to the weight of your head.

Your loving comment nearly caused you to fall over, due to her butt expanding outward in appreciation, doubling yet again in size.

"Oh Anon, you’re so sweet," came her soft voice, tears of joy falling down her cheeks over your praise.

You raised your hands up to her butthole… but it was too far away, your hands could only reach halfway up her towering rump, she has just grown too big for you to handle.

Luckily, Celestia soon took the hint, thus she summoned forth a steel step ladder behind her.

You walked up the steps, in order to bury your face between the thick mounds of butt fat so you could lick out her fat, donut thick plump butthole with glee.

Celestia made horse noises as you licked her out. To make things even better for her, you drove a hand into her vagina, now a gaping hole considering how large she has become.

Celestia moaned aloud upon feeling your hand inside her marehood. With a nasty grin, you began to spin your hand around in circles inside her vagina like a cake mixer, causing the mare to cry out in pleasure.

Celestia moaned aloud as you licked her butthole, whilst you metaphorically mixed a cake inside her vagina with your hand.

To amplify the pleasure even more for her, you had moved your other hand toward her butthole in order to finger bang it too. This caused Celestia to literally scream in pleasure, as you used both hands to love her butthole and vagina.

The mare moaned, cried and groaned as you loved her with both hands. Celestia smiled in utmost joy with the love you are giving her butt and vagina.

It was not very long till the mare craned her neck back, before she moaned aloud as she splattered you with thick waves of marecum.

Celestia’s alicorn marehood throbbed powerfully, blasting you in repeated waves of cum.

Celestia moaned in pleasure as she continued to spray you in thick blasts of cum.

By the time she had finished, you looked like a snowman by the sheer amount of her cum covering you.

"That’s my big sexy mare. You got a lovely butt," you said in a soft voice, gently caressing her rump all over with your hands.

Celestia moaned lustfully, her butt growing several inches bigger from your kind words.

In a loving tender show of affection you pressed the fat tip of your rock hard cock against her right buttcheek, pushing back the thick layer of fat.

You held your cock there for a moment, basking in the amazingly soft and warm feel of ass against your cock’s tip.

The moment you pulled your cock away, her butt returned to its perfectly round, smooth shape.

"Hold on my big fat sexy pony, I’m gonna start really praising the sun now," you said in a deep lustful tone.

"YES! WORSHIP MY BIG FAT SUNBUTT! MY LITTLE HUMAN!" she boomed, tears of joy falling down her cheeks, all the while her butt grew several inches higher into the air.

You walked backward to a safe distance, before with reckless abandonment praised her godly butt with kind words.

“Hail Sunbutt! Let her glorious backside grow bigger and even more beautiful!” you chanted, hands raised high in worship of her godly ass.

Celestia moaned aloud as her gigantic, heavenly butt inflated like a balloon. Her divine, all powerful butt only got bigger and bigger, fatter and fatter, heavier and heavier by each passing positive comment from you.

The expansion of her butt was so great, you had to walk backward, in order to avoid being crushed under her rapidly expanding ass.

With a loud clang, the step ladder you used earlier was knocked over, followed by being crushed like a pancake under her giant expanding butt’s immense weight.

The continuously growing ass showed no sign of stopping, in fact the expansion of her rump and body only seemed to get faster and faster by each uttered word of praise from you. Words could not describe an ass, that got only more and more glorious.

Drool began to drip out of your mouth as you stared at her rapidly expanding butt, all the while you showered her with compliments as her ever growing butt continued to expand in size.

When you finally stopped praising her butt, Celestia had grown one hundred feet tall… while sitting down, her head bumped against the ceiling.

Celestia’s butt from your praise had grown into truly epic proportions. Her tremendous ass now took up the entire hall, her massive flanks had become so wide that the soft thick fat belonging to them was now being compressed back, as they bumped against the walls on both sides of the room. The walls themselves struggled to contain her giant rump.

With a big smile on your face you walked forward into her butt’s humongous, right buttcheek, pushing your body against it into the silky soft flesh of her gigantic rump, the soft fat conceded back through your applied pressure, due to pressing yourself against her massive ass.

You uttered a joyful sigh, before you gave her giant butt a loving kiss on the cheek.

“Oh Anon, you're so romantic,” came Celestia’s soft angelic voice, overwhelmed with emotion as tears of joy fell down her cheeks.

“My dear, sweet and gentle giant Princess Celestia. I am one lucky bastard of a human. For you are the most beautiful, sexy, kind hearted mare I ever known. May all the lesser smaller butts bow before your massive fat butt to rule them all! May even the entire multiverse bow before the glory of the greatest butt ever.”

“I love you, Princess Celestia. With all my heart,” you finished in a soft voice, before giving her ass a soft kiss.

Oh Anon! I love you too!” she boomed in the traditional royal canterlot voice, tears of pure happiness falling down her cheeks.

For a moment nothing happened, but then there was a loud rumbling sound, before her giant ass violently exploded in size.

Your eyes widen in horror as her giant expanding butt came at you like a tidal wave, before pushing you across the room, followed by slamming you hard against the wall.

Dust and rubble fell down from the ceiling as Celestia’s quickly growing ass began destroying her own castle. The walls groaned before they gave way as her massive rapidly expanding flanks blasted through the walls, leaving dust and rubble in their wake as her butt grew out into the surrounding countryside.

There was a large dark, spooky forest in this part of the countryside. Nonetheless, the animals fled in terror at the sight of Celestia’s rapidly expanding rump out of the castle.

Her gargantuan butt continued to expand, snapping thousands of trees like match sticks along with crushing them into sawdust as her giant ass continued to grow in size.

When she finally stopped growing her head stood above the clouds into outer space, along with her now truly gigantic rump standing far taller and wider than any mountain on the planet.

Celestia was a really big pony now. But still not big enough, she can never be big enough.

The animals of the Everfree Forest now truly knew fear. And so did the ponies of Ponyville as they stared out at the giant alicorn, who was looming dangerously close to their town at the edge of the forest… what’s left of the forest at least.

A certain yellow pegasus cried over the devastation Celestia’s giant ass had unleashed upon the Everfree Forest.

Back in the castle... what's left of it anyway. Celestia’s giant ass pressed against the only remaining wall, as the soft flesh of her enormous butt folded around your entire body in a thick, warm blanket made of unbelievably soft butt fat. This left you in total darkness, but at least you had a giant, soft fat ass hugging your whole body all over.

You would be dead if not for her powerful protective Buttmagic, after all Celestia’s butt never hurts a good human.

Before you could even begin to worry about suffocating, you felt a light tingling flow through your body, filling your body with life giving oxygen

“Uhhh Anon, I think your praise broke my castle and destroyed the Everfree Forest,” came her voice through your head, telepathically speaking to you. It now being impossible to speak directly to her, since her head is in space.

“Oh damn. Can you fix it?”

“Yes,” she answered flatly, before her voice shifted into a soft, affectionate tone. “But not right now my handsome little cuddlewozems.”

With that you two went silent. You basked in the wonderful feeling of being gently cuddled all over your entire body by the silky soft fat from her gigantic ass. While she enjoyed feeling your small body being held firmly against the wall, loving the feel of your tiny cock poking hard against her colossal ass, it barely pushing back the immense layer of soft fat.

This was love. Love between a little human and a giant pony goddess.

“Anon?” came her sweet, soft voice.

“Yes, my beautiful giant mare?”

Celestia’s enormous butt grew several inches thicker due to your compliment.

“Anon stop! If you keep on praising my butt you’ll destroy all of Equestria and beyond!” she shouted.

Knowing that Celestia’s body can easily withstand the heat and pressure of a hypergiant star’s core without even a scratch, nothing would be able to stop her growing butt. If you continued to praise her ass it would just keep growing and growing, never stopping until it consumed the entire universe in giant pony butt... and even then, it could break the very walls of the universe and expand out into the multiverse, ever growing in size until even all the multiverse itself is destroyed by her all powerful alicorn butt. An overpowered magical butt that could not be stopped.

At least the Sunbutt Apocalypse would be easy on the eyes.

“OK OK! But you know I hate this part, it tears my heart out to do this.”

“I’m a big girl, I can take it my love.”

You took a deep breath, you began to shout at her. “Look at you! You’re so ugly with your bony thin butt!”

Your heart skipped a beat from hearing Celestia sob in grief, along with her ass shrinking back several inches.

“Are you OK Celestia? Was I too harsh?!” you shouted in panic.

“Just keep going my love. I know you don't mean it,” she shouted.

With a heavy sigh, you returned to insulting the beautiful giant mare.

“I never loved you! Who could love a thin ugly horse like you?!”

Her ass shrank a massive amount from your nasty words, freeing you from her giant butt’s embrace from against the wall.

Little by little her ass and body retracted, growing smaller by each cruel uttered word.

When you finally stopped insulting her, she returned to her base form, merely six foot tall, she still had a great big fat ass even now, but it could be so much more glorious.

Celestia shook like a leaf before you, as she cried her eyes out. Her huge eyes were now horribly bloodshot as tears streamed down her cheeks whilst she cried like a baby.

Celestia’s butt saved Equestria countless times from the forces of evil… by sitting on them. She likes to hear praise from those she loves and so does her butt, which grows bigger and bigger in size the more you praise it. The only downside of having such a great magically powerful butt is that it makes her oversensitive, especially if she hears hurtful things being said to her by those she loves, which causes her and her butt to become smaller.

Without a word you ran forward to embrace her, wrapping your arms around her long swan like neck, before kissing her passionately.

A chill went down your spine when you did not feel her return the kiss. In desperation to cheer up the poor distraught mare, you placed a hand upon her left cutie mark, where you proceeded to give the soft fat of her flank a gentle squeeze.

Celestia moaned, returning the kiss with gusto. The mare’s stronger, longer and thicker tongue gently danced with your smaller and weaker tongue in a tender display of love between a human and a shrunken, giant pony

The mare moaned aloud when she felt you join your other hand upon her right cutie mark, where you proceeded to give it a gentle squeeze.

With tender affection, you roamed both hands over her rump, massaging it and giving it a gentle squeeze here and there.

The kiss you two shared while your hands massaged her butt seemed like it lasted forever. But, eventually, you parted lips. Her huge magenta eyes stared into your own, far smaller human eyes with warmth and love behind them.

“Say, how about a romantic date tonight with me using your butt as a bouncy castle?“

Celestia squealed happily, wrapping her hooves around you, into a loving hug.

“That sounds wonderful! But first I gotta fix the mess we created.“

Celestia horn became surrounded in a golden light, before there was a blinding flash of light. When the light faded the castle was fully repaired along with the Everfree Forest being completely restored back to life, just like it was before Celestia’s ass destroyed it.

“Luckily, you got overpowered horse magic.“

“I don’t abuse it… much. Now, praise the sun to get that bouncy castle ready, before we have tiny human on giant pony sex.“

“Yes ma'am!“ you said with a salute.

“Oh, you are such a gentleman,“ she said softly, beaming you a warm smile.

“What a great big fat ass you got.“

Celestia moaned sensually, growing several inches taller along with her butt growing in size from your praise.

The End

Sunbutt Apocalypse (Co-Author: Glitter Grenade)

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Sunbutt Apocalypse

On a wondrous lavender night in the magical land of Equestria, the beautiful alabaster alicorn known as Princess Celestia was fast asleep in bed. She breath quietly in her sleep, her chest slowly rising and lowering as she took life giving oxygen into her powerful alicorn lungs.

The mare moaned in her sleep, quietly muttering something about ‘cake’, before her lips curled into a smile.

Judging by the long and wide bed she lay upon, she was quite a tall and imposing mighty pony, but when she is sleeping, she is so cute. Not to say, she isn’t cute when awake and wide-eyed but she’s just a really, really, really big pony. Standing at nine foot tall, two inches, not including her horn, made her one big pony. Her little pony subjects, only standing at merely four foot tall on average made her one big mare one would not want to piss off.

Despite her large size, she was generally a gentle giant. Of course, if one tried to hurt her or her subjects, one might end up being bucked by her hooves. Said hooves strong enough to easily break the hardest diamonds known to ponykind.

If one plays their cards right, by treating her with respect, dignity, kindness and making her laugh, one may even get the chance of partaking of her royal booty. Very few ponies had the chance of tapping the royal rump, because for some reason this pony has some odd fetish for strange, sapient hairless ape beings, which appear in Equestria every few centuries.

The immortal alicorn would mourn the loss of her many mortal lovers (most of them being those hairless apes) by visiting their graves and leaving flowers. She held onto the memories of them, remembering the good times when they were young and strong, and the many nights of passion they shared together. But also the hugging, kissing and the nice belly rubs they gave her.

Along with the sad ones, when they were old and grey, where she gave them one last tearful kiss goodbye just before they closed their eyes.

Celestia never gave in to the bitterness of her immortality. She would move on and find a new lover eventually.

Yet, she never forgot her long dead loved ones due to her photographic memory. Unfortunately, this led to rather awkward moments, when she’d accidently call out their name during the throes of passion with her latest love.

Tonight, there was no such lover beside her. Over the millions of years she has lived, this was the same bed she did the horizontal monster mash in with a many lover… sometimes more than one lover at a time. A bed where she lay with over sixty five million lovers… ninety five percent of which being those hairless apes.

The white mare moaned in her sleep, muttering something about ‘Mmm hands’, ‘Stick your fingers in me you sexy ape’ or ‘ride me like one of your earth horses’.

Abruptly, the mare rolled over onto her chest, raising a round, massive mass high into the air. Consequently, this caused her blanket to fall off the bed, to reveal two glorious mounds of fat snowy white flesh of her enormous butt

Her glorious, towering rump was the most the loved booty in all of Equestria. Her round, thick fat cheeks were perfectly smooth and so plump. The only downside she was very… very heavy back there. So heavy infact, she accidentally broke the legs of her first love when they tried the cowgirl position.

Sure, her first lover was able to walk again after a week's worth of healing magic, but it really upset her to see her lover get hurt so badly. Ever since then she used weight suppressing magic to protect her lover’s pelvis.

But not too much weight suppressing magic, for she liked to see her lovers’ fearful squirms below her. Loving to see the reaction on their faces from being overwhelmed by the sheer size and weight of her massive rump sitting on them. Laughing at them as they made a pitiful attempt to try lift her immensely heavy butt.

For the next several hours, nothing really eventful happened. Other than her muttering about ‘cake’ and ‘give me the monkey dick you sexy ape’.

However, something rather odd began to happen at the early twilight hours before the dawn.

It was barely noticeable at first, but as if her royal posterior could not be any more glorious… it began to grow. By mere centimeters, slowly rising higher into the air and growing thicker and fatter by each passing second.

"It begins! Soon, all will love Sunbutt!" boomed a loud deep voice from Celestia’s asshole, which was remarkably similar to Celestia’s voice, but slightly deeper.

Suddenly, her hindquarters rippled in ecstasy as it bloated outward like a balloon. Her ass was now disproportionate to the rest of her body, but her butt didn’t care. Her butt only wanted to get bigger and bigger, fatter and fatter and heavier and heavier.

"Mwahahaha!" her expanding ass laughed maniacally, "All will praise the sun!"

A moment passed. There was no prasing of the sun. Her ass, though slightly bigger, was still not the size necessary for its nefarious plot.

Her butt sighed sadly, seeing that she was now growing a mere inch a second.

Little by little, her glorious derriere expanded over her bed, growing slow and steady, biding its time, before the real expansion begins.

Suddenly, her anus glowed in a faint golden aura.

"At last! I’m big enough for my Buttmagic to activate! The bigger I get, the more powerful my Buttmagic shall become!" she shouted excitedly.

The blanket beneath her became wrapped in the same magical aura from her butthole, a moment later it was pulled out from under her, before being levitated before her asshole.

"Blanket, you shall have the honor of being the first to speed up my butt’s growth."

There was a blinding flash of light from her butthole, when the light faded the blanket was converted into a large white chocolate cake.

"Get in my butt! Make me bigger and fatter!" her ass shouted, pulling the cake toward her wide gaping hole.

Unfortunately, her butt still wasn’t big enough to swallow it entirely.

"Oh buttfat! I’m still not big enough to swallow cakes whole!"

With a sad sigh, she sliced the cake up into small pieces, before flying them into her asshole. Once the slices of cakes were inside, her massive buttcheeks began slapping hard against one another, the fat jiggling as she did so.

“Mmm! Om nom nom nom!” her butt moaned in pleasure whilst she ate the cake.

Her giant cheeks continued to slam into one another in order to simulate chewing as if her ass had a mouth, all the while her butt swelled in size by several inches due to the fattening cake.

MORE! GIVE ME MORE!“ her ass roared.

Her asshole flowed with golden light, lifting several books from a nearby shelf, before converting them into small chocolate cakes.

Without a word her butt flew the cakes into her asshole, cheeks slapping against one another as her butt ate the cakes, her rump rapidly fattening up as she did so, to the point her flanks had become so wide, they were dangerously close to falling off the bed.

With a flash of light, the bed beneath her was teleported away, as a result her massive ass slammed hard upon the marble floor with a loud bang, creating large cracks due to the sheer weight of her butt.

Despite this, Princess Celestia herself was still asleep, however she had a very strained look on her face.

There was some shouting outside, before two royal guards stormed into the room, one a unicorn the other a earth pony with both their spears raised high.

“Princess?! What happened?! Are you in…. “ the unicorn’s eyes widened upon seeing the giant butt rapidly filling up the room. “Look At Dat ASS!

“Embrace me, handsome stallions! Shout ‘praise the sun’ to receive my love!“ her ass roared.

The earth pony shouted, slapping the unicorn across the face. “Snap out of it! Something clearly bad has happened to Celestia!“

"But I like big butts! This is my dream come true! I willingly want to do this!" he yelled.

"Yes! Don’t listen to that small butt loving heretic! Embrace my ever growing butt and live forever on my giant butt!"

"Praise the sun!" roared the unicorn with his hooves raised high in the air.

With that the unicorn’s body was wrapped in a golden aura, before being lifted in the air, followed by being placed upon her massive right buttcheek. The moment he landed upon her rump his eyes lit up with love hearts, before he began humping like a maniac against her cheek.

""YES YES!" her butt cried out in pleasure. "Worship my big fat butt with your tiny cock my little pony!"

"This is insane! Princess Celestia what’s happened to you?!" roared the earth pony.

"I am not Princess Celestia! I am Sunbutt! You must praise the sun or you will be eaten to make my butt bigger!" she shouted.

"No! I will find a way to stop you!"

"Last chance. Praise the sun or you will die!" she roared.

"Never!" he shouted in defiance of her massive butt.

"You die now heretic!" she boomed.

His body became surrounded in a golden aura, his screams of terror were cut short when her butt turned him into a chocolate cake.

Without a word Sunbutt levitated the former guard turned cake into her gaping asshole, her butt exploding outward in size as she did so.

"The fate of all heretics that refuse to praise the sun!" she bellowed.

Her flanks were now so wide, the silky soft fat was being compressed due to them pushing against the walls on both sides of the room.

There was a loud rumbling sound, before the floor suddenly gave way. With a loud crash Celestia’s butt landed in the middle of the massive throne room, creating a large crater. Large chunks of rubble fell from the ceiling, harmlessly bouncing off Celestia’s giant butt. Celestia herself was still fast asleep, snoring loudly.

Dozens of the royal guard immediately rushed to aid their Princess, gasping in shock seeing one of their fellow guards grinding his cock against her cheek.

"Stop humping the Princess!" the guards roared.

"No! Join him! Embrace me and live forever on my ever growing butt!" Celestia’s butt boomed.

Miraculously, all the guards roared in defiance by shouting ‘No!’, even as she telepathically spoke to them through their minds with a quiet whisper of the words ‘Cry out praise the sun and you will be spared’.

"HERESY!" Sunbutt boomed in the traditional royal canterlot voice. "One of you will be made an example of for your heretic ways!"

"Come on Celestia! Wake up!" an unicorn royal guard roared into her ear.

"You dare try stop my butt from growing?! You shall be my example!"

The guard was lifted into the air by a magical golden aura, he screamed, struggling to break free from her magical grasp.

"Save him!" one of his comrades roared, blasting Celestia’s butt with spells and stabbing it with their spears. Neither of which did anything at all, not even leaving a scratch on her rump.

"Mwahahaha!" her growing ass laughed maniacally. "You cannot stop Sunbutt! Now watch as I eat your friend!"

With a blinding flash of light, the guard held in mid air was turned into a chocolate cake.

The guards gasped in horror seeing their fallen soldier now a cake being levitated inside her giant gaping asshole. Like a sucking black hole, the entire cake was swallowed with one gulp.

"Run for your lives!" a guard shouted.

The guards screamed in terror, trotting away with their tail between their legs.

"Mwahahaha! You can’t run forever! Soon all of Equestria will fall before Sunbutt!" she boomed.

"Not if I have anything to say about it!" boomed a powerful voice.

A tall dark blue alicorn stepped forth into the room pointing a daring hoof at her.

"Ah Princess Luna, you think you can stop Sunbutt? Not a chance! My butt will grow and grow until all will bow before it."

Luna flashed her horn and closed her eyes. Luna flew through a dark tunnel toward Celestia’s nightmare.

Atop of an enormous chocolate cake within the middle lay a tiny Celestia, struggling to break free as a giant Celestia with glowing red eyes sat on top of her with a gigantic ass.

"Luna help me! My butt is possessed by some sort of Butt Demon!" she cried out with her hoof reaching out to her.

"All will praise the sun," boomed the giant alicorn above in a deep, demonic voice.

"Luna! You must get out of here! Find all the help you can to stop this monster before everything is--"

"Quiet you!" roared the Butt Demon, adjusting her giant butt over her, thus silencing her.

"Let my sister go!" Luna roared, charging up her horn with a powerful spell.

A lavender ball of pure energy blasted out from her horn to hit giant Celestia in the face, which had no effect on her whatsoever.

"Hah! You cannot stop me Luna!" she mocked, sticking out her tongue. "I am Sunbutt! I can not be stopped! All shall love me and hump my butt forever and ever!"

Reluctantly, Luna opened her eyes, cancelling out the spell. Just in time because Sunbutt had grown to the point that Luna was mere inches from being crushed under her giant expanding ass.

With a sad sigh Luna teleported away, making a tactical retreat.

Ever bigger Sunbutt got, the remaining space within the room being quickly filled by her swelling cheeks. In mere minutes the entire room was filled by giant white pony booty, the walls themselves struggled to contain the colossal rump, which only got bigger and bigger by each passing second.

Dust fell from the ceiling as cracks began to form upon the walls, just before rubble fell down from the ceiling as Celestia’s quickly growing ass began destroying her own castle. The walls groaned before they gave way as her massive rapidly expanding flanks blasted through the walls, leaving dust and rubble in their wake as her giant expanding butt grew out into the city of Canterlot.

Ponies screamed, trotting away in terror as a giant pony ass grew out from the remains of Celestia’s castle.

"I Am The Harbinger Of Your Ascension! Bow In Fear Before Sunbutt Puny Mortals!" boomed Celestia butt in a deafeningly loud voice.

Some brave ponies challenged the giant growing butt, blasting spells and throwing things like rocks at the growing butt. Spells and other objects had no effect on the butt whatsoever.

"Hah! You resist against an inevitability, you are mere dust struggling against cosmic winds before the glory of my big fat pony butt!

"Praise the sun or die! Nothing can stop the Sunbutt!" she boomed, her voice telepathically spoke to them, demanding they shout ‘Praise The Sun’.

Several hundred ponies raised their hooves high into the air, shouting ‘Praise The Sun’. Said ponies were lifted into the air, before being gently placed upon her butt. The moment they landed on her rump, their eyes lit up with love hearts, before they began to hump like crazy against her, along with kissing, rubbing and squeezing her silky soft butt fat, the applied pressure from their hooves slightly compressing down the immense layer of growing fat from her giant butt.

"YES! YES! Worship Sunbutt with your tiny cocks!"

Sunbutt’s butthole shone in golden light, buildings were lifted into the air, before being converted into massive cakes, which were subsequently flown into her giant gaping butthole.

Her gargantuan ass now began to expand faster than ever before, rolling over fleeing ponies beneath the mass of expanding buttfat… yet somehow, those under her butt were not killed, despite millions of tons worth of fat resting on top of them.

In mere minutes, the once great city of Canterlot was gone, replaced by an ever growing butt now expanding into the countryside, levitating up trees, rocks and everything in her path, converting them into cakes, followed by eating them to make herself grow even faster.

Sunbutt rose higher and higher into the air as her cheeks swelled in size, racing across Equestria. The ponies of Cloudsdale could only watch in horror as her butt went ever higher into the air, rapidly approaching them.

Back down on the ground, the ponies of Ponyville gasped in horror as they watched from afar a giant, rapidly growing white mountain of pony butt quickly closing the distance between them.

Princess Twilight Sparkle, Princess Luna, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity and Pinkie Pie… and also Spike stood their ground, staring defiantly at Sunbutt.

"Blast her with the elements of harmony! It may be our only chance!" roared Luna, pointing a hood at the giant butt coming toward them."

The elements glowed with golden blinding light…. before being turned into chocolate cakes.

"RUN!" Luna shouted.

With that they turned tail, screaming as they ran into the Everfree Forest.

In mere minutes Ponyville suffered the same fate as Canterlot, buried under trillions of tons worth of giant pony booty. All those who ignored the voice in their head telling to ‘praise the sun’ were smothered in buttfat.

Higher and higher Subutt rose, quickly leaving the planet’s atmosphere into outer space.

"Now, the real expansion begins!" she boomed.

Sunbutt telepathically spoke to every living thing on the planet, calling them to ‘praise the sun’. The several hundred thousand that answered were teleported onto her butt to join in on the orgy of loving her butt.

"The rest of you heretics shall be eaten!" she boomed.

With that Sunbutt wrapped the entire planet in a golden aura, pushing it away from her. Before turning the entire planet and everything on it into a multi flavoured, layered, sphere shaped cake.

The giant butt tore the planet into large chunks, before sending each one into her butthole. Each piece of cakes flying inside her gaping asshole caused her buttcheeks to blast outward in size.

Sunbutt sighed sadly, her butthole still not big enough to swallow planets whole.

Sunbutt flew past the moon at millions of times the speed of light, racing toward the thing that she really wanted to eat… The Sun.

"Get in my belly!" she boomed.

With a blinding flash of light, the entire sun was turned into a giant, sphere shaped lemoncake.

Sunbutt sighed sadly, seeing that the sun was bigger than her.

Sunbutt used her magic to tear the sun into millions of tiny pieces, before aligning them into a straight line. Once in position, she sent the pieces of cake like a conveyor belt into her giant butthole.

Sunbutt moaned lustfully, as the cake flowed into her, her butt expanding in size by thousands of miles a second.

Sunbutt squealed in joy as she became even bigger than the sun, all the while her unbelievably massive cheeks slapped against one another.

With the sun now gone, Sunbutt’s butt turned her attention to the planets of the solar system. With a happy giggle, she turned all the planets and asteroids into cakes, before sucking them all up into her butthole like a vacuum cleaner.

Once done eating everything in the solar system, Sunbutt proceeded to pull millions of nearby rogue planet and asteroids toward her, turning them all into cake, before sending them into the massive black hole that was her asshole.

Sunbutt continued to expand, quickly closing the distance to the nearest star.

In a star system not very far away. Upon the Executor Star Dreadnought, Darth Vader standing before a wide window in the ship’s bridge looked on in horror as he watched a giant white horse butt expand out from the nearby horsehead nebula.

Darth Vader turned to his general Grand Moff Tarkin. "Quickly! Make an alliance with the rebels and get the Death Star ready. For I, do believe the fate of the universe hangs in the balance."

"Yes Lord Vader!" he replied with a salute.

Sunbutt laughed at the pitiful fleet of starships before her, sure it was ‘massive’ in size, but only in number. Their biggest ships might as well be bacteria before the glory of Sunbutt. Even their so called ‘Death Star’ was considered microscopic when compared to the size of Sunbutt’s butt.

Sunbutt expanded rapidly in size to meet them in battle. Once she came in range, they fired their tiny little lasers at her, which did nothing at all, other than grow her butt even faster. The energy from their lasers being converted into buttfat to expand her butt even faster.

Even the ‘biggest’ laser attack from their Death Star did nothing but grow her butt even faster as well.

Sunbutt telepathically spoke to them, demanding they ‘praise the sun or die’.

Sunbutt giggled in joy as thousands of them surrendered before her unstoppable growing butt, by shouting ‘praise the sun’ just as her butt closed in on them. Her new worshipers were safely teleported onto her butt to join in on the never ending orgy.

The rest… were turned into cakes and sent hurtling into her supermassive black hole that was her asshole.

The so called ‘greatest fleet ever assembled’ was completely destroyed in mere minutes. Even those who just used ‘lightspeed’ could not escape when Sunbutt began to expand faster than ever.

"I have enough worshippers! Time to just grow!" she boomed.

Sunbutt’s Buttmaigc had become now so powerful, she was able to pull millions of nearby stars, planets and every living thing into her butthole, sucking them up like a hoover. In mere minutes the entire Milky Way Galaxy was inhaled into her butt.

…. and yet she just kept on growing. By the time she reached the Andromeda Galaxy it was tiny before her. With an evil laugh, she turned the entire galaxy into a massive chocolate cake, which might as well be a cupcake when compared to Sunbutt’s size.

Sunbutt sent the chocolate cake that was once Andromeda into her gigantic asshole, swallowing it down like it was nothing.

The fat within Sunbutt throbbed powerfully, as she grew several times bigger. Galaxy after galaxy was turned into chocolate cake, each one eaten by Sunbutt’s asshole, she only expanded ever faster.

In mere minutes Sunbutt was able to eat trillions of galaxies at the same time.

"The universe is mine! Soon there shall only be Sunbutt!"

Sunbutt’s expansion speed now was traveling at trillions of times the speed of light, rapidly reaching the outer rim of the universe into the great never ending darkness beyond.

Not a single star shone in the universe as Sunbutt expanded out into empty dark space, devoid of anything butt asteroids and rogue planets for her to turn into tiny cakes for her asshole to eat.

… but then eventually Sunbutt hit into what appeared to be an invisible barrier.

"No! I must keep expanding!" she shouted in panic.

Regardless Sunbutt continued to expand, the soft fat of her indescribably large flanks being compressed back as they pushed against the invisible wall.

"You can’t hold me universe!" she boomed.

A moment later, the barrier shattered like glass as Sunbutt exploded out into the vastness of the multiverse itself. All around her there was a sea of countless transparent spheres in a dark void of nothing between each universe. Each sphere was filled with stars, planets and everything that makes up a universe.

The immense fat of her butt was so compressed it was already dozens of times bigger than any of the parallel universes, her flanks were folding around nearby spheres, smothering them in buttfat.

"Now even the multiverse shall fall before Sunbutt!"

With that Sunbutt turned entire universes into massive chocolate cakes, followed by sending them into her butthole.

Even now Sunbutt continued to expand in size, faster and faster. In mere minutes the spheres containing universes were mere mist before her.

Sunbutt laughed maniacally, seeing that she has grown trillions of times bigger than any universe.

However, as the hours went by her laughter slowly died down as the multiverse seemed to go on and on without end.

Sunbutt groaned in frustration. No matter how big she got the multiverse never seemed to come to an end, even as she swallowed quadrillions of universes by each passing second, only more and more universes would pop into existence before her.

"No! Curse you multiverse! You can’t be bigger than me for long!" she roared.

"You have destroyed enough universes! Time to end this." bellowed a deep voice out from nowhere.

"Who are you?!" she roared.

"I am OP Guy and I’ve had enough of your shit!"

With that Sunbutt’s butt began to rapidly shrink in size as the universes she swallowed blasted out from her asshole.

"Nooooooo!" screamed Sunbutt in horror.

Sunbutt became smaller and smaller by greater and greater speed, crying out in anguish over her fate.

Sunbutt screamed as Celestia’s butt shrank back down to its normal size, before Sunbutt was ejected out from Celestia’s ass.

Sunbutt was now a tiny little white butt no bigger than a basketball.

"No! This can’t be!" Sunbutt shouted in denial of her small size.

Celestia jumped out of bed, glaring daggers down upon Sunbutt.

"For the crimes you have committed on all life. I hereby sentence you to be banished into the worst possible universe imaginable."

"You can’t mean--"

"Yes. I’m sending you into the Justin Bieber Universe, a universe where everyone is Justin Bieber. May you forever be tormented by his horrible music," she roared with her horn a lit with golden light.

"Noooooooooooooo!" she screamed, before disappearing in a blinding flash of light into a universe of unspeakable horror and pain… the Justin Bieber Universe.

And so everything that Sunbutt had done was undone thanks to the mysterious, overpowered being known as simply OP GUY.

Envy of the Sun

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We, Princess Luna, find this ape creature our sister has befriended quite sexy. We do so love the feel of his appendages holding our rump. With glee, we bounced our backside up and down his substantial stallionhood. It has been a thousand years since we had sex, after all. He was not as colourful as a pony such as ourself. This largely hairless creature possessed pale pinkish-pink skin, and the smattering of bits of hair he had was a dull light brown colour. His mane was very short; it seemed as if he used one of those lawn mower things we have discovered recently on it.

We do believe our sister, Princess Celestia, did some magical shenanigans on his stallion hood. We can detect some magical energy surrounding his tool. He was probably not adequate for Celestia's size. Speaking of Celestia, she lay fast asleep next to us.

Our much larger sister seemed to have become a full-blown woolly mammoth of a mare from the far frozen north. Her rump took up nearly the entirety of the bed. I found myself increasingly pushed further and further to the edge of the bed. Celestia definitely has grown during her sleep.

Celestia, oh, we do envy such an ass. We have found ourselves increasingly jealous towards Celestia. Celestia's Cutie Mark alone was bigger than our whole body. The cheeks rose and fell with her breathing. Her butt made the bed creak under the weight of its enormity. The perfectly round, lumbering balloons of her bubbly cheeks were the size of a carriage each. Celestia most certainly could not fit in the same carriage she used to anymore.

Metaphorically speaking, Celestia's ass seemed to be actively inflating outward like emergency carriage bags. Every time we looked at it, it seemed bigger. There was not a hint of sag at all; her rump was perfectly round and smooth. Her ass seemed to defy gravity itself. The ass of the solar princess is like a giant mountain of unmoving snow. We were barely able to even see the difference between fur and her rump.

We could not help ourself but reach with our front right hoof out to touch our sister's right cutie mark. The touching of our hoof made our whole leg sink in like it was a huge pool of quicksand. We only barely managed to pull our hoof out before it disappeared forever into the soft fat of our sister's gargantuan rump. The warmth and softness of her rump felt wonderful to the touch. We almost felt like jumping into the abyss that was her rump. To feel it smother our body with its wonderful plush softness. Staring into the darkness was like looking at our own night sky. Though with this one, our power had no sway, and thus it was completely dark.

The temptation to jump into the abyss of our sister's rump caused our body to tingle uncomfortably. Celestia's butt felt like that of a thick milky watery substance, yet not wet at the same time. There were many other creatures in this room accompanying us. At least a dozen or so stallions lay trapped within Celestia's merciful ass. Her silky soft folds of fat surrounded their bodies, smothering them on all sides.

The puny stallions were lost in the abyss that was our sister's rump. Tons upon tons of her growing princess rump kept them deeply buried into her rump's soft folds of fat. They were the most pitiful of stallions, unlike our ape friend. Their stallionhood was a mere six inches long, laughably small by pony standards. The stallions brought shame to their fellow earth ponies with such a small penis.

Celestia seemed to take delight in dominating stallions' diminutive reproductive organs. Then again, we wonder if any stallion had a large enough tool for her massive rump. Even our ape friend oh-so graciously pounding our marehood did not possess a penis large enough for Celestia.

Our eyes widened when Celestia subconsciously shrank their penises even further by magical intervention. Her horn glowed with a golden light; while this was happening, they lost inch by inch, and their penises became smaller and smaller until they might as well be an inch long. Our sister grumbled out, "Mmmm, that's much better. Just getting smaller and smaller. Give me your size. You can't hope to compare to me," spoke the massive snowy white mare in her sleep as her fat bubbly buttcheeks clapped like thunder as a colossal flood of fat pumped into her ass.

At any rate, from this angle we could barely even see the entirety of Celestia's ass, it took up nearly our entire vision. Her rump loomed over us like a giant, casting a dark shadow over our body. She lay on her side, with her massive backside directly facing us. We could see her gigantic cutie marks, which were like two twin suns over the horizon on either side of her chubby cheeks.

The ass cheeks of our sister's divine rump jiggle with the slightest breath of her sleeping body. Jiggling as if it were jello within an earthquake. We could hear the heavy meaty clap of her buttcheeks echoing through the room.

The bright pink panties she usually wore to bed are slowly stretched to their very limits before going off with a loud sharp 'shirppp'. Flying across the room like a bullet and slamming into the wall with a thud. Leaving a dent in the plaster of the poor wall.

“Mmm… yes… more… more… I will dominate you all under my rump. Mhmmmm! I will never stop getting bigger and bigger. This universe and beyond will know the power of my rump," Celestia mumbled in her sleep. Her voice slowly rose in volume through the whole ordeal. Celestia's whole body jiggles as she speaks. Her own voice causes her butt to jiggle with the vibrations it makes. Small lines formed around her mouth from the vibrations of the air accenting her voice.

"None shall be slayed by my merciful cheeks. You will all be smothered under their plush softness. A new power is rising; its victory is at hoof. The dawn shall never end. I will become everyone's sun," boomed Celestia once more. Her cutie mark started to glow like the star it was modelled after. Humming loudly like the buzz of old lightbulbs.

The yellow colour of Celestia's cheeks transitioned to a bright red colour… Luna theorized this was meant to represent a sun-going red giant. The change in her rump comes with the consequence of the sun in the sky becoming red as well. Overshadowing our moon and rapidly starting to engulf other planets, turning them into more fuel for her rump's growth.

Luna with her magic can see all of Equestria from a bird's eye view. Seeing the rolling plains and beautiful rivers that sparkle in the red glow. Their planet had not melted even though the sun had become absolutely gigantic. The sun didn't appear to blind anypony either.

"This is only the beginning. All shall be smothered under my rump," came Celestia's booming voice, her asscheeks clapping like thunder. Smiling to herself and showing off her sparkling teeth as she lays beside us.

The bed appeared to have grown… larger. In order to accommodate Celestia having yet another growth spurt… larger than ever before. Celestia might as well be several British double-decker buses at this point. At this stage, her asscheeks were like that of over-bloated hot air balloons.

"Mwahahaha! The Solar Butt Empire cannot be stopped. All will be smothered under my cheeks. Resistance is futile. All will know their place under my rump. You will be smothered by my cheeks and be happy," Celestia boomed with pride, her rump steadily air ballooning outwards in growth. The sounds of a balloon squeaking as it inflates, filling the room to a deafening loud volume. The expansion of her ass is more like a jet engine than sounding like a balloon.

With that, Celestia reached back with her front right hoof and laid it upon her massive red sun cutie mark. Her cutie mark continues to glow but is now dull red. Subsequently, her hoof sank into the plush soft fat of her thick rump. Deeply her hoof slipped into her plush ass, forming a deep asteroid-like crater. The crevice developing was enough to hold whole houses within its size.

She held her hoof in place for a good few seconds before slowly pulling back, the deep depression quickly faded, and her asscheek returned to a perfectly smooth shape.

Our ears flickered when we heard a quiet chuckle from our ape below. Or errr… our human friend. It appeared he found this rather amusing. We, on the otherhoof, were less than impressed. We could not help but frown at her sister's dreams of universal rump domination.

We could feel our bounces becoming less true upon our human friend below. We gasped in shock as it appeared we seemed we were becoming slowly smaller with each bounce our rump came to land upon him down below.

"Mmm, yes! Feed me your jealousy! More! Yessss! More!" boomed Celestia's mighty voice. The voice of our sister shook us to our very bones and even knocked things off the walls. Knocking over vases and causing things to crash to the floor. Leaving an absolute mess as we lay there in awe. Our ears rang; we had never heard our sister be so loud.

Our sister seemed to mock us even while still asleep; her buttcheeks shook from side to side, loudly clapping with a meaty smack each time. The shaking of her cheeks cracked the floor and caused our ears to ring even more. We used our magic to create magical earplugs for all other parties. We did not want our poor human or our subject to go deaf. The jiggling of the butt of our sister was like a volcano going off in our room at this point.

"Mhmm…. Yes, Luna. Your Pathetic bony thin rump will know its place. We only grow bigger and bigger, stronger and stronger with every inch," mumbled our sister with rude intent. Clearly mocking us by shaking her rump. Showing off that massive rump of hers. The clapping of the cheeks continued for many minutes as we were unable to stop it. We put out our hooves to try and slow it down or halt its advance entirely. Though our hooves just sunk in without doing a thing.

Our ape friend ceased his bouncing. It appeared he was clearly distracted by Celestia's ass. No doubt lusting for it. His eyes gazed over the mass like a hungry gryphon eying a massive fish when they hadn't eaten for weeks.

Our teeth bared, and our ears flared backwards. We found ourselves increasingly jealous of our gargantuan sister's ass. It just kept getting bigger and bigger, fatter and fatter. It just kept getting more and more beautiful. We hated that we wanted to worship it, our worship might only compel her rump to get even larger.

Celestia's growth rate only seemed to accelerate with our jealousy. Her rump seemed to inflate like a hot air balloon at this point. The bed was quickly running out of room. "Mmm… yes, Luna. You shall know your place under my big fat rump."

The bedroom was big enough to fit an eight-storey apartment, and Celestia was quickly reaching beyond that size. Her rump was now dangerously close to pushing us off the bed. Celestia's head was now at risk of bursting through the ceiling.

Worse, we could only look on in horror as we lost inch after inch in height with each passing second. Our once mighty rump appeared to have a pin put into it as it rapidly deflated in size. Our human friend's massive penis painfully stretched out our marehood as we could not handle it like we used to.

"Mmm! Oh, Luna! You can't handle his big cock anymore. Not to worry, his cock is tiny for me," *Celestia says with a booming chuckle as she looks down at us. Her eyes are like oceans of magenta as we stare up at her with a frown on our face.

With a moan, Celestia reached back with her front right hoof and spread out the thick nether lips of her massive marehood. The cock needed to fill her pussy might as well be a full-blown blue whale. The huge mare rubbed her massive hoof over her soaking wet pussy, causing us to be drenched in her sweet whipped cream-flavoured creamy juices. She did this for quite some time before abruptly pulling her hoof away.

While we continued to shrink in size, we could see Celestia's ass rapidly air ballooning outward in growth. We could hear the thunderous clap of her buttcheeks as monstrous amounts of bulk pumped into her ass. Our divine sister's rump seemingly had a mind of its own and only focused on one thing, 'growing bigger'. The whole room shook with the shockwave that was her latest growth spurt. The bed finally gave way to splinters as we were sent sprawling to the wayside.

The room was finally running out of space. We were pushed against the wall with Celestia's massive ass pinning us against it. The soft bubbly fat of her ass began to depress deeply against the wall. Dust and debris began to fall from the ceiling from struggling to contain the growing solar mare.

"More! Yes…Mmmm! More! I will always get bigger and will never stop. All shall worship my ass and never stop. I shall now forever be known as Queen Sunbutt."

Just before Queen Sunbutt was about to bulldoze down the walls along with her head about to burst through the ceiling, the very dimensions of the room appeared to be expanding… in order to accommodate the rapidly growing solar mare.

We, Luna, were now far reduced in size. We were but a mere three-foot-tall pony at this point. We were even lesser in size than a four-foot-tall common mare. Our gracious human friend slapped my right buttcheek, giving me the signal to stand up.

The human quickly clambered onto the bed and lay down next to the behemoth white mare.

Queen Sunbutt began to stir, her body shaking a little. This mere slight movement still resulted in her buttcheeks lightly clapping together repeatedly. Slowly, her massive magenta eyes opened. The huge mare immediately turned her attention to us and looked down at our far lesser body with a smug look on her face.

"My, my, Luna. You look very bony thin," came our smug sister's voice. Her annoying tone was filled with arrogance as we lay there. Clearly, we were not happy with this. Since our sister was way bigger than us. We rolled our eyes in annoyance and let out a sigh. Shaking our head and making our mane bounce around while we do so. Then going back to listening to our sister absent-mindedly. We really did not care what she said now as she had made us angry with her talking. Our sister then told us, "Awww, I can sense your anger, my sister. Don't be annoyed at our superiority. Just enjoy being under our rump soon."

We could only grumble grumpily under our breath as we lay beneath the shadow of our much larger sister. In response, Queen Sunbutt could only utter a deep throaty moan before her tongue came spilling out of her muzzle. It came to loll lazily on the right side of her face.

We gasped in horror, our front, right hoof coming over our mouth as we became even more insignificant in size before Queen Sunbutt. Queen Sunbutt's body rippled about like a stormy ocean as massive migrations of fat pumped into her ass.

Queen Sunbutt giggled before slowly raising her even more gigantic body upward; this sudden movement caused her asscheeks to clap loudly with a meaty slapping sound of flesh slapping against flesh.

The huge mare promptly positioned herself over the human below her. Her massive rump loomed over him like a lumbering mountain of soft bubbly flesh. The human without fear embraced the coming of Queen Sunbutt's ass gently dropping down on him. Queen Sunbutt's asscheeks clapped like thunder even with her gentle drop.

We could see with magic, that the sheer thickness of her buttcheeks was so substantial that he could not even reach into her marehood. His cock was engulfed by her gargantuan cheeks giving him the hotdog of a lifetime. His hands lovingly caressed her fat cheeks, sinking deeply into the thick squishy softness.

Despite the magical weight protection, the human beneath her could not help but squirm beneath her immense weight. Queen Sunbutt's ass actively air ballooned upward in size, smothering the human under her increasing weight.

Queen Sunbutt giggled with a hoof over her mouth. She took delight in feeling his puny little cock throbbing as it was sandwiched between the canyon of her enormous, bubbly cheeks. He was only increasingly becoming inadequate by the second as her rump ballooned further and further into the air.

"Mmm! You like that, my little pipsqueak?" she moaned aloud, rocking her hips. The massive mare began to giggle as she moved her hips back and forth, steamrolling her huge body back and forth over his puny form. The thunderous meaty clap of our buttcheeks could be heard echoing across the room.

The human squirmed beneath her heavy weight bombarding his puny form. His body began to tremble as if he had an electric shock. Through it all, Queen Sunbutt soaked the human below with a continuous waterfall of her creamy marecum from her flowing marehood.

"Mmm! Yes, squirm beneath your queen's ass!" boomed the massive mare, her rump cartoonishly skyrocketing into the air; her rocking hips caused her fat bubbly buttcheeks to create a deafening, loud, booming clap.

Queen Sunbutt could barely feel his puny little cock firmly sandwiched between her gargantuan cheeks. Admittedly it was large for his size, but she found herself being turned off by the prospect of having a cock big enough to even hot dog her cheeks.

To that end, the towering white mare's horn began to glow with blinding red light. It was once a beautiful golden colour, now a sinister red. Queen Sunbutt's once magenta eyes turned into a sinister orange hue. The human gasped as his penis began to rapidly shrink between Queen Sunbutt's gargantuan cheeks. The penis of the human being was covered by that red glow and shrinking under her magic's power. Even his balls shrink under her spell as he becomes more pathetically small.

The human whimpered as he now found himself prematurely ejaculating upon her fat bubbly cheeks; a tiny dribble of cum coated the canyon of her cheeks. Queen Sunbutt moaned, a massive growth spurt rocking her form. The huge mare then, with her magic, pulled him between her gargantuan cheeks and squeezed him on all sides.

The human uttered muffled moans while he constantly ejaculated between Queen Sunbutt's fat bubbly cheeks smothering him. An endless torrent of cum flooded the cheeks of Queen Sunbutt. The poor man's balls pulsed with every rope of his sperm. The cum could be seen due to her new reddish and orange fur. Sizzling before turning into steam from her hot rump.

The heat in the room now began to intensify, with her once pastel tail turning a sinister flaming orange colour. Queen Sunbutt's cheeks' air ballooned rapidly into the air as a monsoon of growth rocked her form.

"The last vestige of our former self known as Princess Celestia has now disappeared. We no longer have any sense of self-restraint. We will now fully indulge in growth and embrace what we were truly meant to be. The Godqueen, Queen Sunbutt!" boomed the massive alicorn in a deep, powerful voice.

Queen Sunbutt ceased containing herself and her bedroom and allowed herself to plough through the walls of her castle. Her castle was smashed into smithereens as the solar mare rose like a titan over Canterlot. With the human constantly ejaculating between her rump's cheeks, she continuously grew more and more violently with each pitiful amount of cum between her cheeks.

Metaphorically speaking, the inhabitants of Canterlot were hit by an avalanche of soft plushy ass. They had only a few seconds to react. Some tried to flee, but they might as well not have even tried.

"There is no escape! The Solar Butt Empire cannot be stopped! I will grow ever bigger. I am unstoppable!" boomed Queen Sunbutt's mighty voice, which could be heard for miles across the land. Shaking trees and causing them to explode into splinters from just her voice. Even knocking over several buildings in nearby towns and blowing away lesser structures with the force of her voice.

Luna and thousands of others were now firmly lost in the abyss of her cheeks. They were smothered in plush softness, washing all their worries away. Luna, despite all the clear superiority of Queen Sunbutt, was still struggling. Her struggles… only helped Queen Sunbutt grow even bigger.

The weight of Queen Sunbutt's ass created a deep asteroid-like crater over the ruins of Canterlot. The gigantic solar mare stood up. Her hooves made enormous deep pits in the earth below. The sheer force of her body moving caused a massive storm to be conjured, for miles around distant settlements were hit by a powerful gust of gale-force wind. The mare was so tall her head nearly reached the clouds above.

A smug look came upon her face before she abruptly dropped her massive ass down upon the base of the mountain below. Subsequently, she began to grind her ass back and forth against the mountain, using it to hot dog her mountainous cheeks. The mountain was collapsing as her ballooning ass pushed against it. This resulted in rocks, dirt, and other earthy materials falling down to the ground below.

Ultimately, the mountain was shattered into pieces as her ass soon grew so high that it quite simply sat on top of it. The immense weight of Queen Sunbutt's ass crushed the mountain into smithereens.

Queen Sunbutt's tongue lold out of her mouth as she grew blissfully across the land. Mountains didn't matter to her anymore, for she was now so tall her head was out in space, even while sitting down on her fat rump.

Her gigantic cheeks rolled across the land like a never-ending avalanche of snow. But unlike snow, her cheeks were soft and warm to the touch. Twilight Sparkle and her friends made a pitiful attempt to stop her by blasting her buttcheeks with the Elements of Harmony. Their resistance was ultimately futile, and they ended up swallowed into the abyss of her cheeks like the rest.

The giant solar mare now began to sink into the planet's mantle. She sighed in bliss at the feel of the hot lava splashing against her cheeks. Despite this cataclysmic destruction, not a single being was harmed in her conquest of this planet. Ultimately, the planet was split in half by her cheeks.

Queen Sunbutt merely magically pulled those who initially escaped the blast zone of her growing ass over the planet. They struggled frantically against her magic, but it was ultimately useless. Everyone was now firmly smothered between the great bulk of her fat cheeks, smothering them on all sides. There was no escape from her rump since the great ocean of fat they were submerged in kept getting larger and larger. It was as if they were at the bottom of the sea, with greater and greater pressure smothering them on all sides, which prevented them from escaping from her plush bubbly softness.

Queen Sunbutt licked her lips at the sight of her gargantuan red giant sun. She brought the gigantic sun towards her gaping maw with a gentle magic pull. While this was happening, her rapidly growing asscheeks ploughed against the planets of the solar system, smashing them into smithereens.

Subsequently, the massive mare opened her mouth wide and took the entire red giant into her mouth as if it was a mere candy bar. Queen Sunbutt at this point was so large she took up the entirety of the solar system. What remained of the solar system was shattered into cosmic dust by her hyper-expanding buttcheeks.

Her giant red sun cutie marks glowed with a blinding light that could be seen across the universe. Queen Sunbutt wanted to be courteous by giving those a warning of her coming. For what little good it will do them. The cosmic energy from the sun caused her body to tingle all over. Her ass cheeks rippled about like a stormy ocean as supermassive tidal waves of fat raged across it.

Queen Sunbutt's body hyper-expanded across the distance between stars, reaching them within mere minutes. Worlds that even contained life were subsequently destroyed by her asscheeks, their sapien life forms were spared by being sunken into the abyss of her soft and warm cheeks. Queen Sunbutt did not care about non-sapient life, however. Worlds that contained life but no sapients like humans or ponies were simply destroyed by her buttcheeks smashing into them.

The destroyed remains of these worlds were subsequently converted into yet more matter for her to consume. They added a pitiful amount of mass to her body, but every little bit helped. The remains simply hit her rump or body and disappeared as if popping out of existence.

The giant mare consumed solar system after solar system across the Milky Way Galaxy. Like a cosmic terror monster, she devoured them with gluttony. Trillions of alien species were now trapped within her asscheeks. Queen Sunbutt was like an eldritch creature given flesh. Just constantly consuming and getting bigger.

A few lucky thousand found themselves sandwiched between her gargantuan cheeks, squeezing them on both sides. She used them as a constant source of fuel to further enhance her growth. She rendered their penises to that of pitiful micro penises, no more than an inch long.

Queen Sunbutt even took the liberty of creating an invisible magical floor for a lucky few to sit on. This allowed her to sit on someone. They, of course, had their penis also reduced to pitiful micro penises. The soft white fur of her cheeks was repeatedly mated by their ejaculation upon her cheeks.

With the magical floor in place, this allowed Queen Sunbutt to bounce her ass wantonly down upon those under her ass. She giggled, loving that they squirmed beneath her absolutely gargantuan ass. With magical aid, she even showed them her gargantuan ass in its entirety. Their mortal minds, however, could not comprehend this size of it; this, in turn, rendered them insane.

Between bounces, she would rock her hips back and forth over them. Her fat bubbly cheeks clapped like supermassive suns exploding. Those beneath her rump worshipped her by licking and kissing and humping like maniacs against her soft plushy cheeks. They were, in turn, rewarded with greater and greater fat ass bouncing up and down on them.

"Forever you shall all remain, worshipping my ass!" boomed the cosmic giant mare, her voice echoing across the universe.

Queen Sunbutt now began to expand beyond her own home galaxy. Whatever was left of the Milky Way was long since consumed by her now. Her asscheeks expanded into dark space beyond the galaxy's horizon. In no time, Queen Sunbutt reached distant galaxies within mere minutes.

These galaxies were destroyed within mere seconds; her rump's cheeks were now so staggeringly large these galaxies might as well be tiny grains of sand. Effortlessly, with greater and greater velocity, the Queen Sunbutt expanded across the universe, quickly consuming it all around her.

The universe began to run out of matter as the solar queen expanded across all that was known. Nothing but darkness soon surrounded her.

Queen Sunbutt sighed in bliss as she grew into the infinite darkness with her tongue lolling out of her mouth. Even now… this was not the end. The giant titan mare, after some time, found her buttcheeks bumping against an invisible barrier at the tangible edge of the universe. Her soft bubbly cheeks compressed like soft marshmallows against the invisible barrier. Great deep depressions were forming across the infinite thicknesses of her asscheeks.

Soon, the barrier that held the edge of the universe began to crack like glass against the overwhelming force of her supermassive butt pressing against it. It held out strong for quite some time before ultimately shattering into cosmic dust.

The solar queen licked her lips at the sea of see-through spheres surrounding her. Each of these spheres contained a universe swirling with galaxies, stars, planets, and other matter for her to consume.

With ravenous hunger, she pulled these universes towards her gaping maw and consumed them with gluttony. Each individual universe that found itself falling into her gullet caused her body to violently grow in size. Her asscheeks wobbled about wildly as massive monsoons of fat pumped into them.

Her fat bubbly cheeks clapped and echoed across the multiverse. The universes that she was consuming soon became like mere wisps of a fog; their size was so insignificant to her. In no time at all, she swallowed the entire buffet of the multiverse.

She giggled in delight as her cheeks came to press against yet another barrier of existence. Her cheeks squished against it and slowly cracked against it. Like glass against a storm, it slowly started to crisscross in cracks before exploding into cosmic dust under her ever-growing rump.

With the barrier shattered, she now found herself surrounded by a sea of see-through spheres, each containing trillions of universes within them. This was the Omniverse. The final plane of existence before the great white beyond. Each multiverse was only the size of a mere marble compared to her size. That was soon to be even less.

Queen Sunbutt opened her mouth wide and inhaled the universes into her. She moaned at their cosmic taste touching her lips before they came hurling into her stomach. She found herself rather disappointed with the Omniverse but nonetheless consumed it.

It was ultimately nothing, as she soon ended up bumping against the final edge of existence. Her body compressed like a soft plush toy against the end of existence. Her plush cheeks were squeezed like soft marshmallows from under the applied pressure against them.

This barrier rather than shatter, faded away into nothing. Even now, Queen Sunbutt found herself disappointed at her size. She now was growing in an infinite white void of nothing. The white vacuum insulted her with its space before her.

"Is there nothing left to eat? I am still so hungry to grow bigger and bigger. There must be some universe out there I can eat!" Queen Sunbutt roared into the void with a scowl on her face. Clearly annoyed that she had already eaten everything around her and wanted even more.

Queen Sunbutt could feel the Big Bang inside her, swirling into a singularity and continuously exploding inside, but even with its additional growth, it provided she felt empty inside. Queen Sunbutt could sense something out of existence looking at her through a computer screen. She wanted to smother it with her ass.

Queen Sunbutt felt lonely in the void. Sure, she took delight in bouncing her ever-growing ass on those trapped under it and squeezing them between her gargantuan cheeks. But it still was not enough. To this end, Queen Sunbutt conjured another one of herself right in front of her. A massive clone.

Queen Sunbutt licked her lips at the sight of her wonderful fat rump of herself right in front of her. The jiggle of her backside in front of her was hypnotic as it shook in front of her. The queen gets hornier and hornier as she watches her own rump jiggle in front of her.

The clone had the cheek to create its own singularity of a big bang inside her to outpace her own growth. Queen Sunbutt now felt insignificant before the much larger clone.

Queen Sunbutt indulged herself for a moment by licking out her clone’s pussy, she moaned in delight at the taste of her sweet whipped cream cum flavoured flowing into her mouth. Once she had her fill of her own sweet marecum she dissolved the matter of this clone directly into her body and assumed control of the additional Big Bang inside her.

Queen Sunbutt closed her eyes, sighing in bliss as her body, and particularly her rump cartoonishly bloated outwards in size. Her rump jutted out from her body very disproportionately, in a metaphorical sense her ass was like a bean bag chair under her body. Deep within the great infinite thicknesses of her growing asscheeks a tiny dark blue spec no bigger than a quark was sandwiched between her supermassive buttcheeks. There, Princess Luna shall remain, tiny and insignificant between her massive and superior ever-growing butt cheeks.

Under Her Throne

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Court was beginning to gather in the council room as I sat upon Celestia's solid white marble throne. The room was filled with the sounds of nobles filtering in through the massive golden doors to the council room. Various multi-coloured ponies approached the chairs surrounding the huge wooden meeting table. Sitting down at their seats while I sat on the throne. Celestia herself stood in front of me, her body hunched down for some reason.

Celestia's ass was mere inches away from touching my face. The massive pillow-like white ass cheeks jiggled back and forth as she stood above me. I couldn't really see anything else but her rump. I got a strong musky scent from her royal nethers. The smell flew into my nostrils and caused my cock to throb in response. The musk coming from her overpowered anything else in the room.

I soon got the answer to my question as to why she was hunched over when she began to rapidly grow in size in front of me. Her fattening ass pushed against my face as it inflated like hot air balloons. Bigger and bigger, fatter and fatter, her rump became, soon blocking the rest of the throne room from view. I could only see through several small pinpricks of which her butt hadn't covered.

Mid-growth, my hands grasped her fattening cheeks; they sank deeply into the plush bubbly fat of her ballooning ass. Whatever muscle Celestia had it was quickly drowned out by the extra padding of fat plumping into her ass. Making it so I couldn't barely feel anything but her massive rump, which started to surround me. I continued to sniff the air and enjoyed the taste of Celestia's vagina. The scent of sunny d made it so I could barely breathe. The rump of Celestia was like two mountains above me that were growing like dough in an oven.

I soon began to worry; Celestia didn't seem to be stopping her growth. Her rump was so massive now it might as well be a bean bag chair, and it was still getting bigger. Her backside jiggles violently and shakes the whole throne with each movement it makes. It was like a tsunami from an underwater earthquake. The wind her butt was making only forced me to breathe in her musk even more.

"Mmm! You will be punished with even more ass!" she moaned. Saying it to me very quietly as she continued to converse with the ponies around the table. She does her best to keep her poker face so the nobles don't look at her weirdly. The nobles aired out many grievances they had, with Celestia doing her best to help them.

Her ass inflated in size through a massive growth spurt at my insolence. I groaned as her ass pushed me back against the throne, as it came to hit me like a car's airbag, forcing me deeper and deeper into the throne, making it so I couldn't move. I was entirely covered by her massive rump, which made it so I would never escape from under the several tons of butt.

I gulped at the sight of the towering snowy white rump looming over me. I didn't expect her to have become so large. If I didn't know any better, I swore each one of her buttcheeks was about the size of a 10-foot-tall beach ball. The massive white alicorn was hunched over; the sheer size of her ass was big enough to block me from the view of the Court proceeding in front of her. I guess Celestia wanted me to secretly have sex with her, but I don't think my cock is large enough for such a massive ass.

With a giggle, the mare dropped her massive ass down on my lap, her asscheeks clapping loudly with meaty slapping sounds. The whole throne shook around me like it was in an earthquake. The weight knocked the wind out of me as I struggled to get back to breathing. My heartbeat quickens as I continue to worship the ass above me. I squirmed beneath the immense weight of her ass bearing down on me; I could feel my cock being sandwiched between the great fat pillows of her buttcheeks, hugging it on both sides, enveloping it in warmth and softness.

Celestia smirked down at me as she continued to endlessly grind against me like waves crashing against a shore. The tsunami of ass crashing into me over and over. The weight was enough to crush me into a paste, but it didn't for some reason. Clearly, the magic around me was holding my body together even under the several tons of rump above me. The posterior of the solar diarch was like a train tunnel to her vaginal cavity which blasted me with a wind that smelled of her musk. I chuckled at the mare above me and moved my hand to her ass. Spanking it hard and causing it to clap and jiggle violently around me.

"Well, it seems someone is quite excited. Don't worry about anypony noticing you. I will keep you safe, my cute human," Celestia says to me softly with sweetness in her voice. Her rump rapidly grew around me and made it so I could reach her cutie marks less and less. Eventually, my hands were ineffective at reaching the muscle within her rump. I then decided to lick her backside and worship it with kisses. The power of the solar diarch rapidly grew from my worship as she moaned softly. Ushering the ponies out of the room as the solar Court finished. Leaving you and the mare above you alone, along with her guards.

"I shall help you enjoy my rump to its fullest. Don't you worry about anything else but my fat rump, my sexy human," the princess said to me while moaning happily. Igniting her horn and filling the room with the warmth of her power. Grabbing your cock, which caused you to moan as it throbbed hard. It drips a bit of pre-down the tip and onto the floor. Celestia then slowly puts your cock into her ass and makes her moan even louder. Starting to bounce up and down on you in earnest. The massive amount of her cheeks shook the whole room and crashed against her throne of hers. Though your cock could not reach the inner depths of the mare due to the size difference.

You blushed and moaned against her rump, but it was drowned out by the constant clapping of her backside. Making you unable to hear anything else but the jiggling of her bottom. Your mouth was dry as you licked your lips, as the area around you was glowing and sparkling with magic. Celestia hummed to herself as she rode your cock with practised ease as it got smaller and smaller compared to her growing body. Spreading out her wings as they start to touch the columns next to her. The mare's body had grown to be the height of a giraffe and with her rump seeping over the sides of the throne and reaching the floor. Slowly creeping along it like a predator stalking its prey.

You tried desperately to hump against her butt though due to the weight of her butt, you could barely make a movement with your hips. Leaving Celestia to do most of the work as you continued to kiss and worship her ass. At this point, the ass of Celestia had fully reached the floor and started to climb up the columns next to her. Going up several feet and, lifting Celestia up above her throne as it lets out a groan before exploding under her weight. Forcing you deep into the floor with an indent of the ass of Celestia on the marble floor of the castle. Several of the guards looked over and grew hard in their armour. Starting to go over and beginning to fuck the ass of Celestia with their much bigger cocks.

The massive balls of the stallion slammed into the rump of Celestia. The ass of Celestia having started to knock over the pillars beside her with huge thuds and booms. Cracking the floor like a massive sinkhole was opening up from her rump. Celestia continues to ceaselessly bounce till your cock falls out of her backside. Being forced to just have a butt job from the soft and warm ass of Celestia. Though you could not compare to the stallions, who stood on the rump of Celestia as it grew under them like a growing tide of dough. "Seems like you can't handle all this rump, silly human. Guess you will just have to watch my sexy guards fuck my growing rump," Celestia says with a lustful tilt to her voice as it booms through the air. Shaking the whole castle and mountain to its core. Having to take on the Canterlot voice to be heard over her rump.

To add insult to injury, you could now feel your cock rapidly becoming smaller. With a whimper humped against Celestia's fattening ass. Inch by inch, your cock shrunk to the point it might as well be only an inch long. Celestia meanwhile moaned as she skyrocketed into the air, a massive flood of fat pumping into her ass, causing her plump bubbly cheeks to clap like thunder. The thunderclap shook all of Canterlot as ponies started to look around. Getting to see where the sound was coming from as they stopped what they were doing. Several stallions blushed heavily as they slowly grew hard at the sound of the asscheeks clapping.

Celestia's Royal Guard began to become stronger; their muscles bulged as they became larger. Their cocks bobbed up and down as they became bigger and stronger. You could see the veins on their muscles bulge as they slowly expand. The guards' whole body sparks with yellow-coloured lightning bolts going across their bodies. Their veins bulge with power as they moan hard and pant heavily. Continuing to thrust in and out of the ass of Celestia as they grew. The guards' own power grew along with their muscles as their armour exploded off of them in metal shards. The metal shards bounced off the ground with clings before stopping inches before the wall.

The massive horn was like a spiralling skyscraper that slowly inched higher and higher into the air. Power sparking off her horn idly and humming with her holy energy. Celestia then winked down at her royal guards and licked her lips. Saying to them with her booming voice. "That is right, my dear guards. Show your princess how devoted you are to her. Don't stop til you release your loads right in my royal rump" Celestia then shakes her massive rump for emphasis, which shakes the whole castle and mountain. Causing avalanches to fall down on the city before melting from the heat coming off Celestia herself. The entire castle started to slowly melt around her.

The solar princess's body glowed as the floor around her started to liquefy. Turning into a massive pile of steaming marble. I was forced to sink into the growing puddle of marble which surrounded me. Though it only felt like a nice hot tub around me. Relaxing my muscles and allowing me to continue thrusting as best I can. Trying desperately to prove that I could please the mare as good as the stallions. The whole castle starts to glow white hot before slowly melting like candle wax as Celestia explodes out of the melted ceiling.

The princess was now able to see across the courtyard of the castle and towards the city. Smiling sweetly at her ponies as the sun behind her shows off how pristine her fur is, even with all the melted castle around her. The guards continued to fuck the ass of the princess as she started to push them into the mountain, as it slowly crumbled behind her. All of Equestria was able to see how the solar diarch was ascending into the sky like a building being erected. The princess giggles as she kicks a half-melted column which falls into the new lake of melted marble with a splash before dissolving entirely. Her wings cast a massive shadow over the city of Canterlot. The feathers in the shadow were like a giant's fingers reaching out towards the city.

Huge masses of white bubbly fat ass flooded through the city like a raging river, flattening buildings in their way. Ponies found themselves smothered under the great pillowy mass of Celestia's ballooning cheeks, looming over them like two twin gargantuan mountains. Celestia's cheeks were perfectly round and smooth, even at their massive size. Even as the ground underneath Celestia began to melt and liquid lava from the sheer heat of her ass, the ponies smothered under her rump were not dissolved by the intense heat. The ground fissured and went upward like a ship that was capsizing before then getting swallowed by the whiteness of Celestia's rump. The lava sea forming around Celestia did nothing but act as a nice bath for the mare. A slightly warm one but a nice bath.

Celestia giggled as she became physically and magically stronger than ever before. Celestia could feel her wing muscles crackling and groaning as they grew and grew within her wings. More and more muscles across her body formed and expanded to fill the ever-growing form of the white alicorn. She breathes, drawing in ancient arcane power that had not been harnessed for millennia. Waves of golden magical energy sparked off her body like raging lightning bolts. Huge fat masses pumped into her asscheeks as if they were nuclear fusion reactors. The twin suns of her cutie marks glowed with a blinding light from the massive amount of magical energy flowing into her body. Her whole body started to glow like the sun in the sky. Blinding all ponies around her with the sheer power she had around her. Little tornados of arcane energy formed around in the air and crackled with heat lightning. She was becoming a sun in our own right.

Celestia used her magic to unblind the ponies around her; she did after wanting them to gaze at and worship her ass. Her magic goes across the body of the ponies around her. Making sure they can see once more as she then smiles even wider. Showing off her pearly white teeth, which sparkle like marble in the sunlight, as she keeps bouncing her cheeks up and down on the ponies. Having covered you and the Guards that were fucking her. Making sure that they keep fucking her as her butt cheeks clap and jiggle violently. Shaking the whole planet more and more. The tectonic plates of the planet started to shiver and groan under the growing weight of Celestia.

The whole world of Equus starts to crack under the massive amount of tons being added to the body of Celestia. The oceans of the world slosh and roll violently over the landscape before hitting the body of the white alicorn. Not doing any damage to any power under her as ponies grab onto her. Trying to hold onto the massive growing mare as Celestia moans loudly. Shaking the whole planet and sending clouds flying around them with her booming voice. Blushing deeply as she spreads her wings and continues grabbing ponies out of the water and putting them on her. The world continues to crumble apart around her like a Faberge egg.

The tectonic plates of the planet go up on their sides and jutting towards the skies. Spewing magma out from under them before being cooled by the juices of Celestia and the ocean around them. The whole climate of the planet changes as Celestia's power grows more and more. Rapidly starting to reach up towards the stratosphere. Her horn jutted out above the skies and pierced through the veil of clouds above the ponies so she could look across the land. Easily able to see creatures struggling and grab them so they don't get harmed. Making sure they stay safe from what is happening. Her horn glowing and staring down at them like a loving goddess. Picking them up with her magic like an angel and allowing them to go into her chest. Allowing them to get comfy in her chest fluff and on her growing rump as they start humping her ass and worshipping her.

Trapped between the supermassive grand canyon-like gap of Princess Celestia's buttcheeks lay her sister Princess Luna. She had made a futile attempt to stop her ascension. Celestia hardly even noticed her attempt to stop her; it was as if she was like a gentle breeze blowing against her when she cast her weak spells to try to stop her. The blasts of her dark purple magic hitting Celestia only fueled her growth more. Adding her own magic to the ever-growing pool of Celestia. Luna groaned under the massive rump of her sister and tried to kick her off. Her hooves only sank into the butt of Celestia, which was like quicksand. Forcing Luna to use all her strength to get her legs out of Celestia's rump. Celestia was annoyed but also slightly impressed with her sister. Being able to lift so many tons of backside, even a little, was a monumental feat equivalent to Atlas lifting the world. Nonetheless, such insolence could not go unpunished. Thus, Celestia, with her magic, began to weaken the mighty alcorn trapped between her buttcheeks.

Luna gasped upon feeling like a pin had been japped into her butt, right upon her crescent moon cutie mark upon her right buttcheek. Her body was glowing a bit with her magic, and it was being slowly slurped out of her by the power of Celestia. Luna tried desperately to stop this from happening but was powerless to stop her fellow monarch. The mare looked on in horror as her rump began to rapidly deflate in size. The backside of Luna let out deflating balloon noises as it slowly shrunk more and more. Getting more and more skin and bones as her butt shrunk with a glow that looked like Celestia's magic. Her body shrunk down in every way; she was literally losing inch after inch in height with each passing second. Her size was siphoned by Celestia like she was a vacuum as Celestia opened her maw and slurped the magic of Luna up like a noodle.

By the end of it, Luna was a tiny little pony about the size of a small house cat with a painfully flat pancake of a rump. To rub salt into the wound, Luna could magically see Celestia's gargantuan ass, with each cheek about the size of a gas giant. The buttcheeks of Celestia jiggled and clapped like massive shaking mountains in an earthquake. The fur of Celestia was like a forest to the poor mare known as Luna. The gigantic solar mare's ass jiggled about wildly like a stormy ocean as monstrous surges of fat pumped into her ass. The magic of Luna and Celestia combined and formed into a bluish-yellow glow as Luna's cutie mark disappeared. Then with a massive flash, the butt of Celestia now had a cutie mark with the sun and moon intertwining. Showing how Celestia had taken all the power of her sibling and taken her role in the world.

Celestia smirked as she then felt her sister shrink down even further under her. The poor former alicorn had her wings stripped from her as she was turned into just a normal unicorn as Celestia absorbed all of the power from poor Luna. Though Luna was still immortal as Celestia was not a cruel goddess as she kept growing bigger and bigger. The rolling rump of Celestia crushed more and more of the planet under its trillions of tons of weight before covering the whole world. Turns it into a white-coloured orb floating in space as Celestia moans and licks her lips. Igniting her horn like a miniature sun before teleworking the planet into her body. Turning it into pure growth fuel while putting the creatures onto her body to worship her.

Celestia spread her wings as she got a wing boner from the amount of pleasure she was in. Moaning loudly enough to cause the very fabric of reality, which stutters like a TV in front of the sheer power of the solar diarch. The lone princess has long outgrown her home planet and uses her rump as the new planet for her precious worshippers. The butt of hers has gotten its own atmosphere as Celestia then flaps her wings, which creates a massive cosmic wind. Forcing several planets out of alignment before Celestia reaches the sun, which glows in front of her. The princess then ignites her horn again and creates a spoon. Starting to eat the sun as her growth goes into overdrive as her body flashes and grows in massive spurts. Rapidly doubling and then tripling her previous size in mere moments as she slurps down the hot plasma of the sun like it was a soup with her massive silver spoon.

The massive spoon causes the roiling ball of plasma to spark and send off a solar flare into the mare above it. Celestia is just absorbing the power from the solar flares, which hit her fur and dissipate around her. Eventually, she finishes swallowing the sun and having it all within her tummy. Her belly gurgled and sloshed loudly to shake the whole solar system. Power sparks around the body of Celestia as her eyes start to glow white hot along with her cutie mark. The princess then spreads her wings, and she lets out a reality-shaking moan as she grows. Her back slams into Jupiter before she grabs it with her magic. Her horn glows and holds the remains of the planets of the solar system. Slurping it all down as she fills the whole solar system with her massive body.

The human and Luna, who were still under her, are trying to worship the ass of Celestia. Celestia giggles as her nerves spark in her body which makes her shiver violently. Causing shockwaves across the cosmos as Celestia turns her mouth into a vacuum. Her belly is like Kirby's as she starts swallowing more and more of the universe around her. Rapidly growing bigger and bigger as her body exploded in growth. Her eyes glow with a fire behind them as she eats everything she can. Even chewing the spoon she created and swallowing the pieces with ease. Turned everything she could into more growth fuel but grabbed the sentient creatures and put them on her ass, with each cheek being the size of a supermassive black hole at this point.

Celestia smirks to herself and then flaps her wings again. Making her way across hundreds of thousands of light-years before reaching the centre of the universe. Stars and planets fly by like lights on a street at night before they are absorbed by her maw. Celestia then grabs the supermassive black hole in front of her like a massive sandwich before shoving her maw into it. Slurping it up like spaghetti as the supermassive black hole expands around her. Covering her as it struggles against the force of its own gravity. Causing more and more of the galaxy to go into the maw of Celestia as she eats it from the inside. Like a growing baby in the womb, Celestia starts to poke against the edges of the black hole.

With a massive explosion of white light, Celestia explodes out of the black. Sending massive pulsars flying across the universe as Celestia rapidly grows like a supernova going off. Glowing white hot as white lightning sparks across her body. Eventually, forcing the human and Luna against the boundaries of the observable universe. The very fabric which held it together started to crack like glass as Celestia continued to grow, saying down to her human companion with her newly gained telepathy. "Hope you are enjoying the view, my lovely human. I am only going to keep getting bigger and bigger. I will never stop growing for you." Celestia says with a loud moan as she orgasms hard. Her legs finally shattered out of the universe and into a white void around her. It is like a baby chicken breaking out of an egg as she breaks out of the top with her head before her legs explode out of the body. Sending pieces of it flying through the white void with more universes flying around.

The solar diarchy grabs the universes around her and starts juggling them in her hooves. Bouncing them up and down like hacky sacks. Eventually, they land in her mouth while moaning to herself. Chewing down on them like they are chocolates and swallowing the pieces of the universe as her body grows more and more. The white alicorn explodes in growth as she puts the universes in a line in front of her. Covering them with her magic and taking the sentient beings out there on her rump with the others. Allowing them to join her ever-growing pool of worshippers as her growth is seemingly endless. Celestia eats the universe eggs and slurps down the liquid within the glass-like containers. Throwing the empty glass-like containers and throwing them on the ground. The void slowly grows with more and more broken shards of empty universes. Eventually, all the universes are consumed, and all that is left is an empty void. Leaving Celestia floating in a void, and she says to her human lover. Allowing him to see her massive hills of rumps with her magic. "Let me use my power so that you can look at my gorgeous rump. It is the most perfect thing that you will see. Keep worshipping my rump like a good human, and maybe I will allow you to fuck my butt."

The human starts to rapidly hump the butt of the massive alicorn above him with his cock. His balls slammed into the butt of the solar princess. Causing massive jiggling tidal waves across her multi-universal-sized butt cheeks, which shakes the fabric of reality around them. The human could not hold out long due to how sexy the mare above him was. He says to the pony above him with a moan. "I'm gonna cum, my lovely mare. You are so good to all your subjects. Love you so much, Celestia". Celestia then flashes with power and lets out a loud moan. Her eyes go into the back of her head as she rapidly grows bigger and bigger. Crushing the remains of the universes under her butt as the fabric of reality cracks under her. Eventually, with a massive boom and crash, Celestia then slowly opens her eyes to a light blue light touching her eyes.

"Sister, we were worried about thee. We were wondering why thou had not woken up yet. We are just glad you are awake now," Luna says to her sister with a smile as she steps back. Celestia yawned and smirked happily as her sister jumped up. Landing on the ground with a thud and smiling at her younger sister. "Sorry, my dear Luna. I just had a really nice dream". The now omnipotent goddess says with a smirk on her face. Feeling her body start to slowly grow to start the cycle over and over. This was gonna be quite the fun experience to have for the rest of eternity. She thought to herself before going out to do her duties with her sister walking close behind her.

Under Her Throne.