
by Fullmetal_Pony

First published

Eclipse, son of King Sombra. He has spent years training, preparing for the day he would become king of the Crystal Empire and that day has finally come. But before that we must go back to the beginning and it all started over a thousand years ago.

Eclipse, son of King Sombra. He has spent years training, preparing for the day he would become king of the Crystal Empire and that day has finally come. But before that we must go back to the beginning and it all started over a thousand years ago.

Tags my be added or changed later on.
Some spoilers in the comments.


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The Crystal Empire, once a lush green place, now a winter wasteland with black crystal buildings and its ponies enslaved. It’s been this way ever since King Sombra’s rise to power. While he held up in his palace the slaves toiled away in the mines. Most of the crystal ponies succumb to their fate but one was having none of it. Her name was Sapphire, she had a blue mane and tail with a white coat and her cutie mark was a sapphire gem stone. Those that knew her would describe her as mean spirited and one to always get her way. Today she had enough of being a slave.

“I can’t take this anymore. I’m filing a complaint.”

“Shhh Sapphire, you don’t want the guards to hear you say such things,” said a follow slave in a hushed voice.

“No I do, I’m tired of this. I’m not cutout for manual labor.” Sapphire then turned to face a couple of guards a few feet away. “Guards come here!”

The guards made their way over to her. “Why aren’t you working slave?”

“I demand an audience with the king at once!”

Everypony within earshot stopped what they were doing and looked at her.

“You don’t get to make such demands slave.”

The other guard decided to chime in. “Now hold on a second, a word.” The two guards tuned away from her and whispered to each other. “I don’t know maybe we should take her to the king, it might be amusing to see what he does to her.”

“Maybe your right, let’s do it.” They turned back to face her again. “You come with us.”

King Sombra sat at his throne when a guard entered the room.

“Your majesty there is a slave here that wanted, no demanded an audience with you.”

“Is that so, send them in.”

“Bring her in!” The other guard and Sapphire entered.

“Who do you think you are slave, making demands like that?”

“Oh please call me Sapphire your majesty and the fact that I’m standing here right now means I can get away with making suck demands.”

Hmmm this one’s got moxie. “Why is it you’ve come to me?”

“I’m not cutout to be a slave. I want a better position.”

“Oh really, and what pray tell would you rather do?”

She had a sly smile on her face and started advancing toward Sombra. “I can think of a few things.” She came up and leaned against the right side of the throne. “But perhaps we should get to know each other a little more intimately first, if you catch my drift.”

“Ooooh, you naughty girl. Do you do this with every king you come across?”

“What can I say, I find myself attracted to powerful stallions such as yourself,” she said in a seductive tone while sensually rubbing his chest with her hoof.

Sombra began to chuckle. The two guards just looked at each other dumbfounded. They didn’t expect them to start flirting with each other.

“Guards leave us. But before you go send in one of the servants on your way out.”

“Yes sir.” The guards left and a minute later a mare entered.

“You there take Miss Sapphire here to my private chambers and bring her whatever she may need.” He then turned his attention to Sapphire. “I’ll join you later.”

“Looking forward to it.” She then walked away swaying her hips seductively.

Sapphire and the servant made their way through the palace until they came to the king’s bed chambers and stepped inside. It was a good size room with a king size bed and its own private bath.

“Here we are. I’ll be back later with dinner. Should you need anything just flag down one of the palace staff or guards and ask for me, my name is Autumn Breeze. I will inform the others that you are a guest in the palace.”

Autumn then left and Sapphire settled in. First she took a nice long hot bath. After she got herself cleaned up she went about brushing her mane and tail, and made herself more presentable. After dinner she laid down on the bed and waited for Sombra to arrive. Night rolled around and Sombra returned to his bed room for the night, when he entered he saw Sapphire laid out on the bed patiently waiting for him.

“Hmmm what kept you?” she said in a soft tone.

“An empire does not run itself my dear. You look ravishing by the way.”

“Tell me something I don’t know.” She then beckoned him with her hoof. He removed his cape and armor, and made his way onto the bed with a grin. Sapphire rolled onto her back and Sombra laid on top of her. She cooed “Take me my king” while wrapping her hooves around him and leaned in to kiss him.

Sombra then used his magic to pull the sheets over their heads right before their lips met.

The next morning Sapphire awoke and momentarily wondered where she was until the memory of yesterday and especially last night came flooding back to her. She then rolled over and saw Sombra still asleep next to her facing away. She propped herself up a little, draped her left foreleg around him, and just above a whisper said, “Good morning” into his ear.

He began to stir and replied, “Good morning to you too.” He then rolled onto his back.

She then cuddled up close to him. “Mmmm last night was something else. I sure hope that this wasn’t a onetime deal.”

“Perhaps not, let’s see where things go from here. Join me for breakfast and we can get to know each other better.”

“Sounds good.”

Autumn then entered the room. “Your majesty it’s almost time for breakfast.”

“Very good, Sapphire will be joining me so have another place set for her. Also slave-”

“It’s Autumn Breeze,” she said in a low voice. Sombra narrowed his eye’s at her. She started to panic a little. “Your majesty, I-I-I did not mean to interrupt, it just slipped out. Please forgive me.”

“You’re lucky I’m in a good mood so I’ll let it slide this time. As I was saying Autumn you are now Sapphire’s personal aide, obey her as if it were me.”

“Yes your majesty.”

“I’ve had to boss around others before but I’ve never had another pony at my beck and call. This should be fun. Well what are you waiting for, go prepare my seat at the table at once!”

“Yes ma'am.” She then scurried out the room.

Breakfast started out fine until the staff brought their food out and Sapphire began to compline about her meal. “You call these eggs over easy and this fresh squeezed! Make it again and this time do it right!” She then threw her plate and glass at one of the staff. He ducked having it smash against the wall behind him. He then ran back to the kitchen. “It’s so hard to find good help these days.”

Sombra chuckled. “You know when you first came to me you were nothing like what I expected. You showed no sign of fear towards me. Were you not at all worried about what I may do to you should I not like were the conversation was going?”

“I don’t scare that easily and it seems like I always get my way so I wasn’t worried.”

“You take to ordering the servants around like a natural. Tell me do you feel at all bad about your fellow ponies’ current situation?”

“Not in the slightest. The way I figure it, they don’t want to be slaves then they should have ponied up and did something about it like I did. Instead they want everything spoon fed to them, too afraid to get their hooves dirty and take charge of their own fate.”

Sombra clapped his hooves together a couple of times. “Well said, although you my dear are a special exception.” That made her smile. The same pony from before entered the room with Sapphire’s new breakfast. This time she found it to her liking. After breakfast Sombra went to perform his duties for the day while Sapphire returned to the bed room. A few hours had past and Sapphire was sufficiently bored, even bossing around Autumn started to lose its appeal. So she went to see what Sombra was up to in the throne room, although she walked in on a trial in progress. Sombra looked over to see her enter. “What brings you here?”

“I got bored so I thought I’d come by and see what you were doing. What’s going on?”

“This prisoner is guilty of attacking one of the guards. I was just about to punish him.”

“DO YOUR WORST DEMON!” said the prisoner while struggling but the guards kept him in place.

“My king if I may have a word with him for a moment.”

Sombra was about to say no but decided he was curious to see what she was about to do. “Very well.” Sapphire strode up and stood in front of him.

“And just who are you?” said the prisoner. He was then met with a loud slap across the face.

“Right now I am your better, worm. So pay attention! Tell me do you have any family or friends?”

“What does that have to do with this?”

“From what I understand he has a wife and son,” said Sombra.

“Really, well in answer to your question you don’t seem like the type that cares about their own wellbeing. There’s no point in punishing you if you’re not going to learn a lesson from it. Now if say something were to happen to your loved ones then-”

“Damn it, you leave them alone! They’ve done nothing wrong!”

“Doesn’t matter. I willing to bet that you would think twice about acting out if you knew it was somepony close to you that would be punished in your stead.” She then turned her head to look at Sombra. “What do you think?”

Sombra sat there with a smile. “I like the way you think. Guards go fetch his wife and son.”

“Yes your majesty.”

“You bastards!” he said while again trying to get free but the guards held firm.

Sapphire walked up next to Sombra and had a chat with him while they waited. A few minutes passed and the guards reentered the throne room with the prisoner’s family.


“You two need to get out of here now!”

“They’re not going anywhere yet. So who shall it be?” said Sapphire.

“Tell you what since this was your idea I’ll let you decide.”

“Very well. You there boy, how old are you?”


“He’ll do nicely.”

“Alright then.” Sombra then addressed the prisoner. “Seeing as you do not care what happens to you, your son will be punished in your place now and in any future instances. For the crime of assaulting one of the guards he is hereby sentenced to twenty lashes. Take him away.”

“NO!” said his parents in unison.

The guards grabbed the boy and started to drag him away while his parents’ cries fell on deaf ears. “And when it’s done I want him back on his hooves and working again,” said Sombra.

“Monsters! You two were definitely made for one another.”

“Why thank you,” said Sapphire. She then took a seat on Sombra’s lap and wrapped her left foreleg around his neck. “We do make quiet the pair don’t we.”

“My dear I have a feeling this is only the beginning of something beautiful.” Both had a wicked grin on their face.

A few months had past and their relationship was in full swing. Sapphire had free reign over the palace and its staff. Sombra had been working on a special project in preparation for today, for today was a special day indeed.

Sapphire entered the throne room and noticed a box next to the throne. “You wanted to see me honey.”

“Yes, I have a gift for you, but first I need to ask you something.”

“Ask away.”

He got up and made his way to her. “Sapphire, will you be my queen?”

At first she just stared at him, but then she smiled and moved forward wrapping her forelegs around his neck and kissed him passionately, then whispered “Yes” into his ear. He then levitated something out of the box. It looked like a crown much like his except it had a metal synthetic horn coming out of it with the same curvature as his.

“This crown is specially enchanted with my dark powers. The one who wears it will be able to wield its magic just like a unicorn.”

“Oh Sombra.” She bowed slightly and he placed it on her head.

“Rise my queen.” She stood up and opened her eyes. They were filled with dark magic.

“Mmmm I can feel the power flowing through me.”

“Now then let’s inform our subjects of the good news.” They made their way onto the balcony. Sombra then used his magic to amplify his voice across the empire. “Citizens of the Crystal Empire report to the palace for an important announcement.” Once the crowd had assembled Sombra spoke again. “My subjects rejoice for today is a glorious day indeed. Allow me to introduce your new queen, Sapphire!” There was a collective gasp from the crowd as Sapphire made her way to the edge of the balcony.

“Greetings my new subjects. It means so much that you came out to witness my coronation. As your queen I pledge to be just as good a ruler as Sombra. May our land prosper. Now get back to work!”

“You heard the queen, get moving!” barked a guard in the crowd.

After the crowd started to disperse Sombra approached her. “Very good. Now we can begin your magic training so you can fully utilize your new power.”

As fate would have it not even a week later the princesses arrived to liberate the empire. Sapphire was still a novice at magic leaving Sombra to do most of the fighting. In the end the princesses were victorious and Sombra placed a curse on the Crystal Empire causing it to vanish for the next thousand years.

Chapter 1

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Twilight entered the throne room of Canterlot Castle expecting to take a test. Little did she know that it would be no ordinary test. Celestia told her the tale of the Crystal Empire and the unicorn king whose heart was as black as night along with his queen whose cruelty is said to rival his own. Afterwards Twilight and her friends boarded the train for the empire intent on protecting it. When they arrived they met up with Shining and Cadence but only after just dodging an encounter with King Sombra that left Shining unable to use his magic. They needed to find a way to protect the empire from him. Twilight decided that she and her friends should split up to cover more ground.

“Alright girls we need information, so let’s interview the crystal ponies and see what we can find out. But keep an eye out, Celestia told me that the former queen may still be in the city and might try to stop us. We’ll meet back here in one hour, let’s go.” They broke off and went in different directions, unaware that they were being watched by a cloaked figure a little ways off that dissolved into the shadows.

After doing some investigating they found a library that contained a book that mentioned the Crystal Fair and Crystal Heart. Twilight decided it was their best chance at protecting the empire. Only after they had set it up did they realize that they needed the actual Crystal Heart for the fair to work. Twilight went in search of the heart with Spike while the others kept the fair going and after besting several trials she came face to face with it at the top of the Crystal Palace. She went for it. Only it was a trap as crystal began to rise out of the ground around her preventing her from escaping. Luckily the heart made it out and Spike grabbed it. Meanwhile Cadence’s shield fell and Sombra made his way through the city in shadow form while the crystal ponies began to panic after leaning the heart at the fair was a fake. One pony ran for it only to come face to face with King Sombra.

“King Sombra,” said the pony.

“My crystal slaves,” he said with a hiss. Sombra then looked up and saw Spike and the Crystal Heart. “That is mine!”

He then dived into the ground and a large crystal emerged out of it carrying him upwards towards the heart as he reverted back into his pony form while Spike fell over the edge. Shining saw this and threw Cadence to intercept Spike and the heart. But before anypony could grab it a small piece of black crystal shot into the air knocking the heart away as it continued to fall. Some crystal ponies tried to line up to catch the heart while a cloaked figure plowed their way through the crowd knocking away the others and caught the heart in their hooves. A collected sigh of relief passed through the crowd for a moment. Shining seeing this ran from the balcony and out the front of the palace. Cadence and Sombra made their way to the ground, Cadence landing next to shining and Sombra across from them with the mystery pony in between them.

“Quickly, give us the heart so we can put an end to Sombra’s reign once and for all,” said Cadence.

“NO! Listen to me slave, if you know what’s good for you you’ll give me the heart right now!”

The cloaked pony turned to face him. “But of course my king, although you really should take the time figure out who you’re addressing first before you go barking orders at somepony.” They then removed their hood and a collected gasp spread through the crowd.

“Q-queen Sapphire,” said a random pony in the crowd.

“Hello dear, miss me?” said Sapphire.

“Like you wouldn’t believe,” he said with a smile.

Sapphire used her magic to amplify her voice. “Citizens of the Crystal Empire your king and queen have returned. We are displeased that you would try and restore the Crystal Heart, that is an act of treason and warrants severe punishment. But being the merciful ruler that I am, I’m willing to forgive all. All I ask is that you help arrest these foreigners who dare try to dethrone us. Now seize them!” The crowd motivated by fear and the promise of leniency sprang into action. Mostly former guards at first, they tackled Shining to the ground. Cadence tried to take flight but wasn’t quick enough and was grabbed along with Spike. By now most of the crowd had joined in and helped round up the element bearers as well dragging them to where Shining and Cadence were. Cadence and rarity’s horns were also neutralized in the same fashion as Shining’s was by Sombra. “Take them to the dungeon at once!”

“No, don’t do this, we can still beat them!” pleaded Shining before they dragged him away.

“Very good, you have pleased your queen. Now return to your homes until further notice.” The crowd began to disperse and Sombra made his way to her. He wrapped his hooves around her and gave her a long passionate kiss which she returned. After breaking the kiss he starred into her eyes.

“I’ve spent the last thousand years alone in an icy prison. I need you now more than ever.” He then gave her a soft nuzzle.

“I know but we still have business that needs tending to first.”

He sighed. “You’re right, we’ll celebrate later. First let’s return the heart to its perch atop the palace and retrieve the prisoner there.” While they made their way to the top of the palace the black crystals continued to spread until the empire looked the way it used to under their rule. Finally at the top Sombra lowered the crystals surrounding Twilight. Seeing this she turned to see Sombra and Sapphire standing there. Sombra quickly fired off a spell that neutralized Twilight’s magic before she could escape. “So you’re the pony that bested my traps and tried to recover the heart, I’m impressed. A unicorn such as yourself would make a powerful ally.”

“I’ll never join you! Now what have you done with my friends?!”

“Oh they’re safe for the moment. You’ll be joining them now. Right this way,” said Sapphire. Twilight had little choice but to follow them. They made their way to the dungeon. When they arrived Twilight was put into a cell with the rest of her friends and family. “Well honey look at what we have here. I was unaware that Equestria had a third alicorn princess. You must have come after our time.”

“W-what are y-you going to do with us?” asked Fluttershy.

“Right now you are our hostages,” said Sombra. “With you all in our keep I doubt Celestia or Luna will make a move against us. Now if you excuse us we have other business to attend to.”

Sombra and Sapphire left the dungeon leaving the others to contemplate their current situation and to wonder what will happen now that they failed to save the empire.

Chapter 2

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A guard ran into the throne room of Canterlot Castle and approached Celestia. “Your highness, terrible news from the north. Our scouts have been keeping an eye on the empire and they report that King Sombra and Queen Sapphire have returned to power. Also Princess Cadence and the others have been taken prisoner.”

Celestia sat there mouth agape in shock as she processed what she just heard. “Fetch my sister at once and inform her of the current situation.”

“Yes your highness.”

Back at the Crystal Palace the only sounds that could be heard were the ones coming out of the king’s bed chamber, then everything fell silent. Sombra and Sapphire lay next to one another panting a little with their manes a mess. She rolled over to face him.

“You really know how to please a mare. You animal.”

“A thousand years’ worth of pent up libido will do that to a stallion. Ready for round two?”

“You know it.”

Just as they were about to get frisky Sombra’s horn started flashing. “Figures.”

“What is it?”

“The alarm spell I put around the empire’s borders has been triggered.” Just then there came a pounding at the door.

“Sir I know you didn’t want to be disturbed but the southern petrol spotted a lone pegasus flying toward the city, it most likely has crossed the border by now.”

“You said it was alone?”

“That is correct.”

“Must be a messenger then. When our guest arrives have him wait outside until we are ready.”

“Yes sir.”

Sombra then turned his attention back to Sapphire. “Well my dear we should get ourselves cleaned up and looking presentable for our guest.”

After what felt like an eternity the royal messenger was allowed to enter the palace. He entered the throne room and came face to face with the king and queen.

“Your majesties I bring a letter from Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.” He then produced a scroll.

Sombra took it in his magic and read it over. “So the princesses wish to parley with us do they, very well. You messenger tell Celestia that we’ll agree to meet but only if she comes to the empire alone.”

“I will tell her.” He then took his leave.

Sombra then turned to Sapphire. “Well my dear all we need to do now is make some preparations for her arrival.”

The messenger made it back to the castle and approached the princesses. “Your highnesses I being word from the Crystal Empire. The king agrees to meet but only if Princess Celestia goes to the empire alone.”

“Sister tis an obvious trap.”

“I know Luna but we may be able to use this arrangement to our advantage. I have a plan.”

Sombra and Sapphire were in the throne room when his horn began flashing again. He walked onto the balcony and looked south using a telescope and indeed saw Celestia flying solo toward the empire. He smiled and walked back inside. He then closed and locked the doors to the balcony while reinforcing them with magic.

“Guards, go wait out in front of the palace. When Celestia arrives escort her to the throne room. I will then ask you to leave. When you do make sure to bar the doors behind you and don’t let any pony enter, understood.”

“Yes sir.” The guards then left. Minutes later they returned with the princess in tow.

“Guards leave us.” The guards nodded and bared the doors behind them. “Welcome princess, how long has it been a thousand years.”

“Yes well, I’m here to negotiate for the release of Princess Cadence and the others.”

“So sorry but I don’t feel like negotiating at this time. I am however willing to accept your surrender.”


“You don’t stand a chance. It took both you and your sister to defeat us last time. I’ve enchanted the inside of the room so that no magic can pass through, you can’t teleport away and the doors are sealed. Now die!”

Sombra fired a shot at Celestia and she countered. The beams met and pushed against one another but the power was too great and there was an explosion where they met. The shock wave sent them reeling. Sombra turned to shadow and charged Celestia while Sapphire let him soften her up a little before joining in.

Luna after following her sister cloaked by an invisibility spell, infiltrated the palace and made her way to the dungeon. She hid behind a corner and used her magic to knockout the guards at their post. She then made her way over and scanned the area with her magic. Sure enough she found an alarm spell around the dungeon and disabled it. She was about to enter but stopped, thinking this may have been too easy Luna scanned the area again. It was barely detectible but it was there, a second alarm spell that had been hidden behind the first. She carefully disabled it too and headed inside making her way down the stairs until she reached the cells.

“Princess Luna!” said Twilight. Luna got the keys and opened the cell. “Where’s Princess Celestia?”

“My sister is keeping Sombra and Sapphire busy, we must make haste and join her.” Luna then used her magic to clear away the crystals on the others horns. “Let’s go.”

Celestia was starting to wear out. Sombra had been relentless in his attacks leaving her on the defense through most of the fight. But she had to keep going to buy Luna more time. Then they heard a commotion outside and the throne room doors flew open with Luna and the others rushing in.

Sombra was shocked. “What?! How did you-”

“It’s over, your reign is at an end!” said Luna.

Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Twilight, and Shining lined up and fired. Their beams merged into one. Sombra and Sapphire did the same but they were outnumbered and out gunned. The point where the beams met kept moving toward the king and queen. Sombra knew what was going to happen, he pushed Sapphire clear and took the full force of the blast. There was a loud explosion and Sombra was sent skidding backwards beaten and bloody.

“NO!” Sapphire rushed to his side. He then began coughing blood. “Please Sombra don’t die on me.” Tears started to form in her eyes.

*Cough* *Cough* “I’m afraid…this may be…the end for me.”

In a last act of desperation she decided to tell him something that might help him cling to life. “Sombra there’s something I need to tell you and I’m sorry I didn’t do it sooner. You’re going to be a father.” The others were shocked by this.

“Really?” he said in a low voice and smiled. Perhaps this isn’t the end after all.

He then had a violent fit of coughing and took his last breathe, then he was dead. Sapphire let the tears flow freely and closed her eyes. But what everypony in the room failed to notice was Sombra’s shadow merging with Sapphire’s. Sapphire then turned to look at the others and opened her eyes. There was nothing but pure hatred in them and they focused on Celestia.

I’LL KILL YOU!” Sapphire mustered all the power she could and fired at Celestia. She raised a shield around herself and the others then Luna fired a stun spell at Sapphire hitting her dead on. Sapphire collapsed onto her side unable to move. Celestia removed Sapphire’s crown and made her way to her. Sapphire looked up to see her. “Go to Tartarus,” she said in an angry tone.

“It’s over Sapphire.”

“Then what are you waiting for, kill me.”

“No, everypony make no mention of Sapphire’s pregnancy to anypony else without my approval. Sapphire you will be put in the dungeon while we figure out what to do about the foal.”

“I’ll be damned if I let you take my foal away from me.”

“Sorry but you brought this upon yourself.”

After Sapphire was put in the dungeon Cadence and Shining Armor were named the new rulers of the Crystal Empire and the Crystal Heart was restored. At first the crystal ponies were scared that they would be punished for having sided with Sombra and Sapphire but were relieved to find out that wasn’t the case. Celestia, Twilight, and the others then left the empire and retuned home.

Chapter 3

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Mouths had passed and Sapphire was nearing the end of her pregnancy. The only ones that knew of her pregnancy were the dungeon guards and the medical staff. It had been decided that Cadence and Shining would adopt the foal when it was born but Sapphire was determined not to let that happen. A guard came rushing into the throne room.

“Princess it’s the former queen, she’s trying to kill herself!” Cadence and Shining gasped. “I already alerted the medical staff. They’re with her now.”

Cadence and Shining ran out the throne room, down the halls, and into the dungeon. When they entered they were met with the cries of a new born foal and felt a wave of relief wash over them but it was short lived. They made it down the stairs and saw Sapphire in a pool of her own blood, dead. She used a sharpened piece of crystal to cut herself. The doctor then turned to address the princess.

“I’m sorry princess we weren’t able to save her but we were able to save the foal by preforming emergence surgery. It’s a unicorn colt just like we said it would be from the ultrasound.”

The nurse then handed the foal (wrapped in a blanket) to Cadence and she smiled. He had a white coat with a black mane and tail.

“Cadence look.” Cadence looked to where Shining was pointing and then she saw it. There was a message written in blood on the wall in the back of the cell. It read.

To my little one, I will not let them take you away from me. I know this seems unfair and selfish of me to do this but it is for the best. Don’t worry we will be with your father soon. I’m sorry Eclipse.

Cadence thought that the least she could do was use the name Sapphire picked out for him. “I think Eclipse is a fine name.”

Shining turned his head to look at Cadence. “Very well Eclipse it is.”

Over six years have passed and as far as Eclipse or anypony else knew he was Cadence’s and Shining’s biological son. Only a select few knew the truth. To pull this off Cadence stopped making public appearances during most of Sapphire’s pregnancy and used a spell to fake her own to fool the palace staff. A royal summit was going to take place in the Crystal Empire and Celestia, Luna, and Twilight (now a princess with her own castle) made their way there. After they arrived they went to meet up with Cadence and Shining at the palace. They entered the throne room.

“Cadence,” said Twilight.

“Twilight.” The two ran up to each other and even after all these years still preformed their sunshine-sunshine ritual.

“So where’s Eclipse? Is he with shining?” said Twilight.

“Shining is picking him up from school as we speak. Let’s adjourn to the conference room while we wait.” Shining and Eclipse entered the conference room a few minutes later.

“Hey you made it. Eclipse go give your aunt Twilight a hug.”

“Ok.” He then ran up to Twilight and they embraced each other.

“My look how much you’ve grown. I have a gift for you.”

“Really!” Twilight then pulled a book out of her saddlebag and he took it in his hooves.

“Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Stone.”

“It’s a story by one of my favorite authors. The first in a series of books. I hope you enjoy it.”

“Thank you aunt Twilight.”

“Eclipse why don’t go to your room and read your new book. We have business to discuss.”

“Alright mom.” He then walked out of the room and the meeting got underway. The sun had set and everypony retired for the evening. Eclipse was dreaming peacefully until he heard an unfamiliar voice and awoke with a start. He then scanned the room. “Hello, anypony there?” At first he thought it might just be his imagination until he heard the voice again more clearly this time.

Hello son.

“Who’s there? I’m not your son.”

Oh but you are. My name is Sombra former king of the Crystal Empire and I’m talking to you from inside your head.

“You’re in my head, wait I’ve heard that name before. You’re supposed to be dead.”

Well technically yes but that’s not important at the moment. What is important is that your so called parents have been lying to you your whole life.

“That’s not true!”

Oh but it is. It’s because of them and the other princesses that me and your real mother are dead. But don’t worry I’m here to save you from them. This may hurt.

Eclipse felt a tingling sensation at the tip of his hooves but it quickly turned to pain as his coat began to change to a dark gray color from his hooves upwards. The pain traveling with it.


Cadence woke with a start. “Shining did you hear that?”

“Hear what?” he said half asleep.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!” They looked at each other, quickly got out of bed, and ran into the hallway. The screaming continued. Celestia, Luna, and Twilight heard it too and left their rooms as well.

“What’s going on?!” said Celestia.

“I don’t know! It sound like it’s coming from-!” Before Cadence could finish Eclipse came running out of his room screaming and ran into a wall. He then rolled around on the ground with tears in his eyes.


Cadence gasped. “Eclipse what’s wrong!” Then they noticed his coat changing color. Eclipse stopped for a moment and looked up.

“What’s happening to me?” He then closed his eyes and the last of his coat changed from white to gray. He fell silent, sat up and opened his eye. They were red and green with purple mist radiating from them.

“Well-well look at this, princesses it’s been a long time hasn’t it.”

“Sombra,” said Celestia.

“That is correct.”

“But how?” said Cadence.

“Well you see right before I died I transferred a piece of my essence into Sapphire and it eventually made its way into the foal. I remained trapped in the recesses of his mind until I was finally able to come out. And thank you for taking such good care of my boy but I’ll take over from here.”

“Like hell you will!” said Shining.

“Oh really and just what are you going to do? This is still his body so I don’t think you’ll risk hurting him in a fight.”

“Coward! Using your own son as a shield,” said Celestia.

“I’ll take any advantage I can get right now. But as much as I’d like to stay and duke it out I don’t know how much longer I can stay in control of him. So I bid you farewell, but don’t worry we’ll meet again someday.”

Shining leaped toward Sombra but he turned to shadow and fled. He ducked into the nearest shadow and disappeared.

“NO!” said Shining. Cadence put her hooves over her eyes and started crying. Celestia wrapped her wing around Cadence to comfort her.

“Don’t worry we’re going to find him.”

“Yes we are,” said Shining before running off to gather the guards.

Sombra reappeared inside of a cave and released his hold over Eclipse. His coat reverted back to white and he took in his surroundings.

“Where am I?”

We’re in a cave deep within the Crystal Mountains. This is where I lived before I was king. Now it’s a safe house that I could have disappeared to should the need arise and our new home for the time being. It has a fully stocked library and enough provisions to last a long time. Your training begins tomorrow.

“Training for what?”

To avenge our family and take back what is rightfully ours. I’ll explain everything in more detail later but for right now try and get some sleep, you have a big day tomorrow.

“I want to go home,” he said while crying.

In time you’ll come to understand that this is for the best.