When We Get Home

by Arwhale

First published

When Princess Cadance falls into a severe bout of heat at an inopportune time, Shining Armor accompanies her home to the castle. A long and passionate night in the bedroom ensues.

When Princess Cadance falls into an especially severe heat at an inopportune time, Shining Armor accompanies her home to the castle.

A long and passionate night in the bedroom ensues.

When You're Ready

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Shining Armor took a sip from a cup of red wine while his eyes panned over the crowd.

Most of the ponies he could see he had already spoken to, at least in passing. He was always sure to smile whenever he made eye contact with anypony, but as far as actually exchanging words, he had no desire to mingle.

Thinking back, Shining could still remember his days as a low-ranking guard, spear in hoof and stationed beside the entrance to Canterlot Castle as diplomats, officials, and political figures all mingled together within. Being posted outside, he could still recall just how mind-bendingly dull it always was. He had always coveted a chance to be inside, to perhaps pick up on bits and pieces of the important ponies’ conversations. Anything to lessen the boredom.

And now, standing in the middle of the hustle and the bustle, sporting a red tuxedo with expensive wine in hoof, Shining Armor had gotten his wish.

And he was more bored now than ever before.

Shining Armor could have reminisced on this fact for a long while. But, unexpectedly, a tap on his shoulder brought him out of his daydreaming state.

The touch made him inhale sharply, and he shook his head a moment as if he were coming out of a trance. He turned his head around, puffing out his chest and preparing to smile at his surprise guest.

The pony he saw behind him, however, made his whole body relax. He smiled, breathing a small sigh of relief.

“Oh! Hey, Cadance.” He bent his neck forward, angling the side of his face toward her in a nuzzle. “Didn’t expect it to be you. What’s up?”

His wife said nothing in response at first. She did, however, return the gesture, eyes half-lidded as she leaned into it. Her face felt soft against his, and he felt a puff of pleasantly warm air from her mouth against the nape of his neck.

When he tried to pull his head away, however, he noticed that she kept the pressure against his neck for a few seconds afterward, taking a half step forward so that she was right beside him. Shining Armor lifted a hoof and curled it into his chest.

Cadance smiled. Then, she took a step back giving him his bubble of personal space back. “Hey, Shiny. Sorry if this is sudden, but.. do you have just a minute?”

Facing her from the front, the average observer would not have spotted anything amiss. Granted, as the royal leader of a sovereign state, this could almost be considered a given no matter what. Calm regality was a skill, and Cadance had always been a fast learner.

But knowing somepony for years helped to make any change in their mannerisms more noticeable. And being her husband, there was practically nopony in Equestria more intimately aware of these than Shining Armor.

More than anything else, the first thing he noticed was the way her normally smooth voice contained just the smallest hint of husk beneath it, a breathy quality that made his pupils widen. Her front legs were tensed and stiff as two granite columns beneath her, but the slight trembling in her fetlocks betrayed her overcompensation. Her tail was pressed tightly against the backs of her legs, making a furrow in the flowing fabric of her dress.

Shining Armor swallowed. A single eyebrow raised, he replied, “Um… yeah, I guess. What d--”

He did not get any further. Cadance’s eyes darted back and forth, and when she noticed nobody was looking at them, her hoof wrapped around his shoulder. With a tug of her foreleg, she pulled him off to the side. Shining inhaled sharply with surprise, tightening his hold on the wine glass to prevent any spills, but he let her guide him away until they were standing behind one of the columns at the opposite end of the room.

Cadance once again looked all around them, peering over his shoulder and off to the sides. Satisfied they were not being observed for the time being, she took a deep breath while Shining looked down at her with his eyebrows raised.

“Uhh, dear? Is everything alright?” he asked. “You seem… antsy.”

Cadance bit her lip. He watched as she nodded her head slowly, seeming hesitant.

“Yeah… everything’s fine. But…” Her eyes once again darted back and forth, looking for anypony within earshot. When nopony was, she drew in a little bit closer.

Shining Armor did not shy away from her, but the perplexed wrinkles on his brow made his confusion clear. “But… what?”

Cadance’s face was now very close to his. From this distance, Shining could suddenly see the extra shade of dark pink that tinged her cheeks. She spoke in a near-whisper.

“I, uh… I’d really, really like to go home early, tonight,” she said. Now that her voice was so low, the breathiness from before became amplified as she added, “...with you.”

The last two words were delivered in a lower tone than all the rest. Shining Armor took a moment to register the implications of her request, and while he did so, Cadance’s hind legs crossed momentarily behind her, and her ribcage rose and fell with restrained, heavy breaths.

Shining’s mouth opened and closed uselessly a couple of times, but eventually, he was able to make sound leave his mouth, albeit in a series of stammers.

“Uhh… oh. Oh. Um…” In moments, he was performing the same ritual as she had been only a minute before, looking all around them for any signs that anypony was watching. Miraculously, all of the other guests seemed to be quite preoccupied with whatever business they were discussing. “... Alright. That’s fine, that’s fine, uhh…” He cleared his throat. “...So, how early are you thinking...?”

“Now.” Cadance was quick to answer. She crossed and uncrossed her back legs once again before leaning her head in so that her mouth was right beside his ear. “I’ll be honest, Shiny… I’m not sure how much longer the dress I’m wearing can soak things up.”

Cadance pulled away, the pink on her cheeks flushing to a full shade of red. She smiled sheepishly. Shining’s ear twitched.

This time, it was his turn to cross his hind legs. Slowly, he nodded his head.

“Okay, Cady. Just, uhh…” He licked his lips. His molars grinded together while the heat rushed up to his face, and he cocked his head toward the back of the room. “... We can leave that way. I’ll ask a guard to call the carriage. Alright?”

Cadance’s pupils widened, and a lump traveled down her throat as she swallowed. She nodded back. “Alright. And thanks… Sorry that this is rather, ehh… unexpected. Do you have anything else that you have to do? I don’t want you to leave if you don’t think you should...”

“Oh, no, no, don’t worry about it, Cady,” he responded. “As long as you don’t think you shouldn’t, we can go right now. No problem.”

He offered his hoof. She was quick to take it, grasping firmly, and the two of them made their way over to the back of the room. A couple of suited figures, likely dignitaries of some sort, gave them a nod of acknowledgement as they brushed past. Acting casual, the two of them returned the nod.

Thankfully, they only had to repeat the same process a few more times before they had broken away from the crowd. Shining set down his half-empty glass of wine on a small table at the end of the room; he did not want to wait for somepony with a tray to come by. He gave her hoof a little squeeze.

“Okay,” he said with a heavy breath. “I’ll tell one of the guards to get us a carriage, and we can get you back home.” He raised his eyebrows with sympathy. “You doing alright?”

Cadance let a puff of air escape from between clenched teeth. She nodded, wiping a thin sheen of sweat off her forehead with her free hoof. “Yeah, I’m… I’ll be fine.” Her tail swished a little bit from side to side. “But I’ll feel better when we’re alone.”

Shining could sense the warmth in the air radiating from her skin. He felt a small flame beginning to stir in his gut; the way she dragged out the word ‘alone’ made his mouth water. He gave her a low chuckle.

“I know, honey. You won’t have to wait long, I promise.” He kept his breathing under control, trying for the moment to push aside the thoughts that were now swimming through his brain. “So… is it, you know, heat? I mean it is, right?”

The question made a raspy laugh escape her throat, the sort of sheepish laugh which stemmed from embarrassment. “Oh yeah. Definitely. I’d be able to wait, otherwise,” she said. “Really wish it didn’t have to get this bad in the middle of a diplomat party, though. Really hope nopony noticed anything…”

Shining shook his head at the idea. “Ohh, pfft. With that big dress, I highly doubt it.” He smiled. “You have nothing to worry about. It happens.”

Cadance shrugged. Her eyes rolled back into her head while she simultaneously let a sigh of relief escape her. “Yeah… you’re probably right.” She grimaced. “It’s really bad, though. Like, the worst it’s ever been…”

She glanced over her shoulder. Shining followed her gaze for a moment, and seeing her disheveled tail tucked so tightly under her legs, he too winced.

“Oh. Well, don’t worry, Cady,” he reassured her as the two of them exited the building, passing two stationed guards with their spears held diligently at their sides. The rush of cool outdoor air passed over them both like a wave of water, and feeling it, Cadance and Shining pressed themselves a little more closely together. He lowered his voice to a whisper as he spoke into her ear. “I’ll be sure to take good care of you.”

His voice made her ear stand up straight as an arrow. The blush that graced her features practically glowed in the dark of the night, and with a smile, she leaned her head into his.

“I know, Shiny.” She kissed him on the cheek. “I know.”

The roads in the Crystal Empire were wonderfully smooth. In fact, not even the finest paved road in Canterlot could compare to the smoothness of the glass-like roads that were a hallmark of Cadance and Shining’s kingdom. As such, carriages were able to glide over them like a puck on ice.

And it was a good thing, too, because even the tiniest bumps, turns, and vibrations of the carriage wheels were beginning to drive Cadance wild. She crossed her hind hooves beneath her, pushing her rump up from the seat in an effort to stop herself from rubbing against the cushion. Her right hoof assisted her by pushing into the cushion as well, while her left gripped Shining Armor’s hoof until it turned violet from the low circulation. He pursed his lips together.

“It’s alright, Cady. Not much further,” he said. He was about to give her a kiss on the cheek, but wisely, he refrained; after all, he did not want to do anything that would potentially excite her even more than she already was. “Just a little more…”

“Ahh, damn it…” Cadance let the rude word escape from her mouth like a hiss of steam from a teapot. “Does it feel bumpier than usual to you? Oh, my gosh...”

Shining Armor could sense her desperation. His face, meanwhile, was the picture of ambivalence; in one sense, he felt sympathy for her, understanding how inconvenient such an attack of heat could be and how helpless it could make a mare feel. But in the same instant, he also felt a familiar stirring from down below as he anticipated what was not too far in the future; once they were finally alone...

But still, to keep himself in check, Shining forced the thoughts to the back of his mind and focused on comforting Cadance in any way he could. He placed his other hoof over hers. “I know, Cady. I know…”

“When we get home,” she began, closing her eyes as she spoke with a harsh, raspy tone, “I want you to rut me, Shiny. I want you to rut me until I can’t breathe...”

She shivered as a chill traveled up and down her spine. Shining’s breathing shallowed out and his pulse quickened as she began to let the words pour out of her.

“...I want you to bend me over the bed and pound me into the sheets, I-I... “ Her tail swished from side to side. “I want you to ram yourself inside of me and screw me so hard that I can’t even remember my own name…”

The requests… no, demands, were getting more and more detailed by the second. Her lust-crazed, heat-addled mind was causing her to say things that Shining’s eyes practically pop out of his head. But even more significantly, he could also feel his own arousal beginning to surface. He squirmed a bit in his seat in discomfort.

“I know, honey. I promise, you won’t have to worry about a thing…” Shining looked out the tinted window. To his great relief, he could see the legs of the Crystal Tower. He smiled. “Almost there, Cady. Just hold on…”

As if on cue, the carriage at last came to a stop. The sudden jolt made Cadance first slip a little bit forward, and then, she fell back onto her rump.

“Gah! Aaahahahha…”

Shining whipped his head around when he heard the noise. His wife reared her head back, making a series of mewling gasps in subconscious self-restraint as her her hindquarters rubbed against the seat in a rhythmic pattern. She did this several times, pumping her hips in place before she finally came to a heavily-breathing stop.

Shining Armor sat still, his mouth hanging open. The silence in the carriage was tangible… and for the first time, his nose wrinkled as a sweet and musty scent filled the air around them. He was a little hesitant to say anything at first, but with the burning question on his mind, he finally had to ask, “Did… did you just…?”

After a couple of deep breaths, Cadence nodded. The blush on her face was so heated that it nearly evaporated the bead of sweat that trickled down her cheek. “Uh huh… oh, sweet Celestia…”

They did not have much time to reflect on what had just occurred, however. The carriage door… thankfully the one on Shining Armor’s side, opened up. The two of them jumped in their seats, but as soon as they had regained their composure, they sat up straight. A guard stepped away, lowering the retractable step.

“We are here, your majesties,” he announced. Shining Armor gave him a curt nod, biting his lip. Cadance dipped a little bit behind him, hiding her face behind his head while the guard looked in. He forced himself to smile while his heartbeart pounded in his chest.

“Oh! Oh, well…” He cleared his throat. “Very well, then. Thank you very much for getting us here so quickly…”

Shining could feel himself bulging from down below as he stood up, but he kept his hooves close together to hide it from view as he stepped out of the carriage. Fortunately, the guard did not seem to notice a thing as Shining stood beside him. He turned around and offered his hoof to Cadance in an act of obligatory chivalry, while also angling his hindquarters away from the guard’s view.

Considering what had just occurred behind the closed carriage door, the display his wife was able to pull off was almost comical. With a bit of royal flair, Cadance took a ginger hold of his offered foreleg and stepped down from the carriage with her head held high and a dignified smile plastered on her face. Shining couldn’t help but be impressed.

Regardless, as soon as her hooves made contact with the crystal-paved walkway, she made a momentary break in composure and scurried over to Shining’s nearest side, making a an odd pinwheel turn to keep her backside pointed away from the guard. Shining saluted to the other stallion.

“Many thanks. Dismissed,” he said curtly. The guard saluted back, and as soon as he had disappeared around the front of the carriage, Cadance had already grabbed a hold of the collar of Shining Armor’s tuxedo with her magic, yanking him toward the front gate.

“You, me, bed. Now.”

Shining Armor did not have to be dragged for long. As soon as they had gone through the front door, he was trotting right beside Cadance, sporting the full length of his stallionhood between his legs as he moved. It slapped against his inner thighs with each step, something which Cadance seemed to notice right away. She no longer had her tail tucked against her legs, opting instead to flag it high and let it swish back and forth. Her wings were also slightly extended at her sides, the ends of her feathers brushing over Shining’s back.

“I can’t wait to get this dress off of me,” she said. She no longer made any effort to keep her voice down. “I want you to ride me so bad…”

Her horn lit up, and from several meters down the hall, the bedroom doors flew wide open. Shining laughed a little to himself, feeling his rod rub up against his belly with each hasty step, and once the two of them had walked in, he was the one to slam the doors shut.

No sooner had he done so than he found himself being tugged forward by the tie on his tuxedo, and he gasped in pleasant shock as Cadance brought him into a steamy, wet kiss, angling her snout to the side. The entire front half of her body left the ground as her front legs wrapped firmly around his withers.

There were the sweet, tender kisses that Shining and Cadance reserved for special public occasions, the kind that they were sure to make when everypony else was looking their way. Those were the kisses that were sure to raise the morale of the entire kingdom for days on end; the perfect balance between dignified regality and unabashed sensuality.

This kiss, however, had nothing but the latter.

The sounds of their lips smacking lewdly together echoed around the crystal room, accompanied by Cadance’s frequent moans that almost made her sound as if she was in pain. Shining returned the kiss despite his face beginning to turn a light shade of pinkish blue, and only when he felt his lungs begging him for oxygen did he pull away.

The sound of their lips coming apart made a loud, squelching pop that sounded like a distant firecracker had gone off outside of their bedroom window. With a hard gasp, Cadance’s head fell forward onto Shining’s shoulder, and she rested the side of her face on his collarbone.

Chest heaving, Shining Armor wasted no time in returning the favor. Craning his neck, he took a nibble on Cadance’s ear, something which made her squeak into his tux and her whole body tense up. But mere seconds later, her muscles seemed to melt as he rolled his teeth from the base of her ear to the tip, making the occasional little bite down and drawing another cute squeak from her.

“Ohh, oh my gosh... ohhhh…” Cadance puffed out hot air onto the nape of Shining’s neck, making a mischievous smile stretch across his muzzle. He interspersed slow licks from his tongue in between each gentle bite, savoring every gasp and moan she expelled. He was the only pony in the whole world who knew how much she adored having this done to her, and the simple fact that a little thing like this was enough to drive her wild was something he found both endearing and amusing at the same time.

“I love you, Cady,” he whispered, taking advantage of his proximity to her ear. “I promise I’m gonna take good care of you tonight, sweetie. Really good care...”

Cadance’s tongue lolled out of her mouth, and she began to lick up and down the nape of his neck. He flinched from the tickling sensation, but the feel of her wet tongue gliding over his skin made his stallionhood throb so hard that it tapped against his belly. But almost as soon as she started, Cadance pulled away from him completely, and twirled herself around so that her tail was facing him. She peered over her shoulder, flashing him an impish grin with half-lidded eyes.

“Enough sweet talk,” she huffed, swiping her tail over his nose. The mare took a few steps until she was standing right beside the bed. Her horn came alight, enveloping her whole dress in her pink aura. “I’m not gonna be able to wear this thing ever again anyway, so…”

Shining’s ears were not the only thing that stood up straight at what she did next. The sound of tearing seams was followed by a flourish of the peach-colored fabric tumbling in a haphazard mess, blocking her body from view for a moment as it floated in midair. Seconds ambled by before it at last descended to the floor, and like the rolling back of a theatre curtain, Shining saw what was on the other side.

And boy, was it a show.

Cadance’s front end was lowered to the bed, her cheek resting in between her forehooves on the comforter and both eyes directed right back at him. But what Shining Armor noticed before anything else was her smooth, round butt thrusted up at him, completely unobscured by her floofy tail which arched over her fully erect wings. Her inner thighs glistened with sticky wetness from her slit, spread open like rose petals as she widened her hind legs behind her.

Shining Armor’s jaw went slack. Cadance showed off her cutie marks on both sides of her flank as she wiggled her rump at him, her feminine flower dripping nectar down her legs and onto the floor. Her girly scent enveloped the whole room, clouding Shining’s vision. He nearly forgot to breathe.

“Oh, Cadance…” Her name tasted like honey on his tongue. He gave a low laugh, shaking his head in merriment as he stepped forward. “...I love you.”

His hooves traipsed over the discarded dress, his tuxedo joining it on the floor. Cadance’s eyes were locked onto the swinging shaft between his legs, gasping as the heat raged inside her so intensely that it hurt. She clenched and unclenched her rump in anticipation, arching her back even more so that her hips were thrust out obscenely to him.

“Mmm… bring that right over here,” she said, her eyes still locked onto his throbbing member. She was so focused on it that she nearly missed the devious smile flash across Shining’s features, something which he aimed right at her puffy, swollen slit.

“Oh, I will, Cady,” he said, the smile only stretching further on his muzzle. “I will. But first…”

Licking his lips, he grabbed a hold of her proffered rump in both hooves. He rubbed her butt in a wide circle, massaging deep into her firm flanks and making her moan with need before she could even ask what he was up to.

“...I want to do this for you.”

Shining dove forward, and with his tongue hanging out of his mouth, he lapped at her pink pussy like a dog thirsty for water.

Cadance’s head reared back in shock. Her entire body was sent into convulsions as her husband’s warm tongue dove deep in between her folds. Her hooves gripped the blanket hard, pants and gasps turning into growling moans as he interspersed kisses in between licks, drawing circles and figure eights with his tongue over her puffy lady bits.

“Ahhgh! Ahh, ohhh! OHH!” Her voice raised an octave as the treatment intensified. “Ahhgnn, ahh, Shinyyyy!

Shining firmed his grip on her flanks as Cadance cried out for more, her butt pressing into his muzzle in a wordless, desperate plea. He did not hesitate to answer; his lips wrapped around the sensitive button at the bottom of her marehood, and he sucked in a sharp breath of air, tasting her essence and drinking it in.

Cadance’s eyes widened to the size of saucers, and her pupils shrunk. The acute, blazing heat from her marehood radiated upwards through her entire frame, making her squeak and shudder in a total loss of control.

Shining continued bathing her pulsing slit with his tongue as she bucked and came, his hooves the only thing keeping her butt in the air as her back legs squirmed and kicked out uncontrollably.

“Ah! Gaahahaha, ahhnn,” She moaned as if in agony, making sounds unlike anything Shining had ever heard. “Ooohaaaahh!”

It seemed like minutes had gone by before Cadance could see colors other than white again. Though she hadn’t fallen asleep, it was as if she was drifting back into consciousness, only just now becoming cognizant of reality once more.

And when her awareness did return, he first thing she felt was her husband’s hoof tending to her wings. Her eyes fluttered open.

Shining Armor had set himself beside her, lying partway over her back. His right hoof dug gently into the gap between her wings, occasionally detouring up the spines. Cadance’s ribs expanded against the blanket as she lay on her belly while her rump still dangled over the edge of the bed, and she became faintly aware of a presence over her shoulder.

“Hey, Cady.” Sure enough, his voice sounded right next to her ear. Cadance’s eyes went from half-lidded to opened wide in an instant, and she sucked in sharply through her gaping mouth. Shining Armor’s hoof glided up and down her back as he leaned forward, kissing her tenderly on the back of her neck. “Are you okay, dear?”

Cadance’s first response was a low moan as his hoof caressed the spot under her chin. But in addition to this, she could also feel another distinct sensation on her croup; something hard prodding into her skin. It did not take long for her to make the connection, and no sooner had she done so that she felt the same, heated tingle rising in her nethers once again. The deep red blush returned to her face, and she sighed deeply.

“Uh huh…” She wriggled beneath him, pushing herself back toward the edge of the bed so that her hind legs touched the floor. Feeling her movement, Shining brought his body away from her for a moment to give her some space. “I’m… fine…”

Cadance’s disheveled wingfeathers brushed against his underside as she scooted herself closer to him. Shining Armor felt her lower body tense up as she planted her rear hooves onto the floor once again, and with a coy smile, her eyes once again met his.

His stallionhood stood proudly between his legs. It throbbed so hard that it practically smacked against her croup every time his heart beat. Her tongue hanging out of her mouth, she stared at it with hunger in her eyes and a steady, furious burning in her loins. Sticky fluids still dribbled out of her like water from a leaky faucet, and the tickling sensation made her squirm seductively beside him.

“Shiny…” she moaned desperately. “Put it in… please, please, please put it in…”

Her begging was almost pitiful, the way she sounded like she was almost on the verge of tears. Shining felt her tense up her muscles against him as she used her hind legs to stick her butt back into the air, spreading herself wide to allow him the easiest entry.

His eyes traced a line down her back, following over every curve until they ended up on the soft skin of her proffered derriere. He blushed, chuckling to himself; it was often the subject of much teasing between the two of them that, out of all her physical features, her rump was undoubtedly his favorite thing to look at when they were safe behind closed doors. Undoubtedly small, but still curvy enough to be cute; skin soft to the touch, but the muscle toned and firm underneath.

Shining was drawn to it like a moth to the light. With his instincts barely under control, he got up from his lounging place beside her and practically pushed himself out of bed so that he was standing where he was before, giving him an all-encompassing view of her lovely humps once again. Only this time, he did not stop to look for long.

Facing forward, Cadance could only hear her husband as he approached. But as he draped himself completely over her, grasping under her wing with one hoof while taking hold of her withers with the other, she began to whimper and gasp with anticipation, wiggling her butt in a shameless display of primal need.

“Shinyy, please!” she whined. “Put it i-i-in…”

Shining Armor’s breath felt hot on her neck, as and he adjusted his hips, she could feel him prodding against her inflamed, swollen slit. She tried to force her rump backwards, trying with all her might to force it in, but being pinned beneath him she could not move far enough.

But just as she was about to scream, just as she was about to cry and beg for the torture to end… he did something that made every hair on her body stand straight. He took her entire ear in his mouth, gently gnawing the tip of it in between his molars, and just like that, the cries that threatened to burst out from her died into small moans...

Only to once again rise into uncontrolled howls of lust-filled delight as he at last rammed his stallionhood inside of her.

“Gaah! Aaahh!” Her back hooves kicked out, waggling freely over the edge of the bed as Shining’s hips slammed against her rump. She panted like a dog, tongue hanging out of her mouth and drool pooling on the blanket as the stallion over her pistoned himself in and out. The walls of her love tunnel flared around his cock, gripping it and sucking him in further. Excess fluid dripped obscenely from her slit as his thick endowment pumped back and forth, staining her inner thighs and making a hot, sticky mess of the marble floor beneath her.

Shining wanted to go all out. He knew very well he could pound his wife as hard as he wanted, and there was nothing she would want to say to hold him back. But he also knew that he had to last a long while, and he also knew she would suffer if he couldn’t.

So, in an exercise of willpower, Shining breathed. He breathed in and out, slowly, rhythmically, thrusting his rod in and out of his wife’s gripping sex and savoring every last thrust. But the enjoyment he felt was magnified tenfold in Cadance, who moved about underneath him, stamping her hooves and rolling her head back and forth in pure ecstasy.

The sounds of wet smacks, soft creaks, and lustful moans mingled with the smell of hot, sweaty sex. Shining Armor suddenly felt the walls of her love tunnel pulse around his stallionhood, and her whole body shook violently beneath him. More fluids dribbled out of her slit and onto the bed as another orgasm took her, hips gyrating against the mattress. Of course, a mare in heat would come for little more than a kind word, but even knowing this Shining was surprised with how short a time it had taken. It rolled on and on for almost half a minute, Cadance apparently blind to all else on earth with her eyes half shut and tongue lolling out of her mouth.

Shining pumped his hips faster than ever before while she rode it out, undoubtedly prolonging the experience for her. It took everything he had to stop himself from giving in fully to his urges, the cloud of pheromones stoking the heat in his cock to a roaring fire, but he nobly held back for the moment.

That is, until Cadance’s demands echoed all around the room.

“Rut me, Shiny!” She forced her hips back into his, sinking his shaft balls deep inside of her. “Cum! Take me, take me!”

Shining was a pony of self control, this much was true. But as her begging reached a crescendo, there was no way he could hold back anymore. With a low moan, he allowed himself to fall into a faster rhythm, pistoning his stallionhood in and out of her dripping love tunnel and thighs smacking against her butt with every thrust.

Cadance noticed the change right away. For a second, her mouth could only hang open silently as her eyes rolled back into her head, but in a rush of air Cadance let loose a carnal howl of delight, her pussy spasming and clenching around his cock. Her hind legs did little twitches behind her as Shining rode her with nothing held back. Shining took a hold of her right ear in his mouth, biting down just hard enough for her to feel it but not hard enough to injure, and her head reared back with uncontrollable gasps.

That was when she felt it; his weight pressing down heavily on her back as his rear hooves left the ground. His belly rubbed up against her back as he slammed his cock in and out at breakneck speed, the soft clicks of his solid shaft moving through her soaking wet flower soon being drowned out by sex-crazed moans, this time from Shining Armor. No more breathing in rhythm or keeping a steady pace; Shining could feel the pressure and heat build up in his loins like steam kept under a closed lid. He let go of his wife’s ear and focused all attention on pounding his willing wife into the bed, on sweet, sweet release…

And then, at last, Shining’s cock pulsed and throbbed inside of her as jets of his creamy white seed flowed like honey into her depths. Shining’s front hooves slid underneath Cadance’s chest, holding onto her tight as he rode out every wonderful thrust. Copious amounts of his essence spilled into her, and he became faintly aware of Cadance’s high-pitched squeaks and sharp moans as he came inside again and again.

For what was not going to be the last time of the night, Cadance rode the wave of her last orgasm to yet another explosive peak, the white lights exploding in her vision yet again. The feeling of his stallionhood pulsing against her marehood walls drove her heat-addled mind wild, and the faint sensation of his hot, sticky seed filling her up was more than enough to make the fireworks explode inside of her over and over.

It was a long time before Shining Armor came down from his long-awaited climax. He plopped down on top of her with a short gasp, the sweat pouring from his brow and trickling down his face. A silly grin spread across his muzzle with the afterglow. Beneath him, Cadance had only just begun to come down from her own orgasm, still twitching and shaking occasionally with aftershocks.

Shining Armor’s eyes fluttered open. He could feel his wife’s ribcage rise and fall in a labored manner against his belly, and it was only then that he realized that having the entirety of his weight pressing down on her back might not be the most comfortable thing for her.

Fortunately, he was quick to action. Using his forehooves, which were already conveniently placed underneath her, he pulled Cadance along with him and rolled onto his side. She gave a little “whoop” of surprise as he pulled her in close to his chest. He scooted up the bed so that he could nestle Cadance’s head under his chin, and with their bodies so close Shining could feel the heat rising like steam from her skin.

Cadance’s eyes fluttered closed with the intimate contact. Shining Armor smiled, and gave her horn a kiss. The soft touch to such a sensitive spot made her tense up against him, but only for a moment as the tightness in her muscles melted away like a candle to the flame. When she closed her eyes, a couple of tears spilled out and trickled down her cheeks.

Shining Armor’s grip tightened around her as she snuggled into him deeper. Nuzzling the top of her head, his hoof rubbed up and down her belly, giving her a sensual massage as she crooned like a dove.

“I love you, Cadance,” he whispered into her ear. Cadance smiled, angling her head back to nuzzle him underneath his chin. His stallionhood was still firmly lodged inside her, her soft velvety tunnel embracing his still-hard rod tightly, and with every move of her back legs she felt him twitch. The warm tingling sensation returned with a vengeance, electricity spreading throughout her entire frame. She exhaled hard through her nose, and her pupils widened as the sudden, unrelenting heat began to return.

“I… I love you, too, Shiny…” She readjusted her back hooves in discomfort. Shining noticed her movement, and raised his head up from the bed to look down at her face.

“You okay?” he asked. Cadance gave another deep exhale, and nodded hesitantly.

“Yeah. I’m alright…” Her ear twitched, and suddenly, she became especially aware of Shining’s hoof moving over her belly. Blood rushed to her face and flushed it crimson red. “I’m… it’s just that, you know… you can go again whenever you feel ready…”

Truth be told, Cadance could have shouted her request out of newfound desperation, but she restrained herself. Perhaps the most tortuous part of being in heat was the disagreement between body and mind; her body, already wracked with climax after climax, felt tired enough to sleep through the night, but the thick fog of estrus still enveloped her psyche and urged her on, begged her to continue until she had nothing left. It was as enjoyable as it was frightening, the reasoning, diplomatic side of her mind temporarily stripped of rationality and replaced with the animalistic urge to rut.

But as Shining’s hoof dug in a little deeper, drifting down her side until it rested on her flank, her fears were all pushed into the background. Her pussy spasmed with the circles he drew around her cutie mark.

“Okay then, dear…” Shining shifted his hips forward, thrusting himself deep inside her. Cadance cried out in pleasant surprise, bringing a mischievous smile to his lips. He lowered his voice. “...your wish is my command, my dear Princess. Get ready!”

Shining relished every thrust, made only better by the sound of her delighted, shuddering moans punctuating each and every one.

And over their heads, above the crystal tower, the moon was still only rising.