The Other Siren

by MissLovesStories

First published

The Dazzlings, without their powers, meet another Siren.


Unexpected News

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It's been six months after the defeat of the Dazzlings. They have completely lost control of the students of CHS, and to this day, they walk the halls, powerless. In addition to their defeat, they also gained the opposite of what they had in mind: Adoration. Now every time they walked the halls of CHS, the students seemed to look at them, seeming to remember the events of the Battle of The Bands, even though it had been six months since all this 'drama' happened.

Today, like the other days, it kept the same. Aria complained to Adagio... as usual. Sonata begged her older sister to get at least one taco for her, however this they ignored. And Adagio... well... she was trying to scheme a plan to get their pendants back.

"So, Adagio, what have you got today?" Aria asked

Her older sister kept silent.

"HELLO! I'M ASKING YOU A QUESTION HERE! HOW ARE YOU GOING TO GET OUR PENDANTS BACK!?" The middle sister shouted, and got a response as quick as a flash.



Sonata, in the crave for a taco, (which she haven't got for ages) tried her charm once more.

"Would someone please get me a taco?" Sonata asked

"NO!" The two older sisters said together.

So Sonata, who was in a mood for tacos, just leaned against the locker, waiting for the long argument of her sisters to finally end. But when the argument ended, lead an unexpected Sunset Shimmer walking towards them.

"Well, look who it is... " Aria said, pointing at Sunset Shimmer.

"Oh... she again. Wonder if she's going to bloat about us again..." Adagio said

"Or... maybe... she's going to give us tacos!" Sonata said excitedly, thinking about taco.

Aria slapped her face.

'There is seriously something wrong with you, Sonata' Aria muttered to herself.

Sunset Shimmer greeted to the Dazzlings for them to hear some unexpected news... There was a new student at the school... but this news bored Aria ever so much.

"Oh hooray... I wonder what's in for us!..." The bored Siren said

"The thing's that's in for you, is that the new student is a Siren... just like you three." Shimmer replied

"Yay! Another Siren!" Sonata reacted with excitement "Do you know what this means?"

"It means that if that Siren is such a dumbo like you, it means that you can leave me alone in peace, seeing as if you're the WORST."

"I am not the worst! You're just in a depressed mood all the time"

"Well, you're in this mental condition that NOBODY can handle, seeing that you're not like any other Siren."

"Let me tell you what you have... A SERIOUS MOOD CONDITION"

"Called what?"

"Um... um... Depression?"

"Oh you better take that back, or you'll be very, and I mean very sorry!"

"Well, true fact, YOU'RE NEVER HAPPY"

"Not TRUE!"


The argument stopped, as the Siren obeyed their leader.

"We don't actually know if she really a Siren or not." The leader brought up.

The other two Sirens agreed with her. But Sonata, still elated about meeting the new student, grabbed her two sisters by the wrist, and raced off to the main hall with them.

----- Meanwhile, in the Main Hall -----

A new girl, all dressed in Dark Blue and Black, waited impatiently. Whether could that tour guide be, she thought to herself. The girl had long wavy hair, with a Dark blue top and jacket. It was with a Black skirt. And she wore 80's shoes, which were also dark blue... She seemed to love dark blue more than Black. She wore the same pendant the Dazzlings once had, and she wore an innocent smile. Of course, she was a Siren, as was about to meet the three other of her kind. But she had other plans in mind.

'Sunset Shimmer should be here soon.' The girl thought to herself. Then she saw three mysterious figures 'But who are THEY?'

Sonata dragged the two other Sirens to the main hall.

"Sonata... let go of my wrist. Please." Aria begged.

"No WAY! We need to meet this new girl first."

"*groans* only because you want to meet this 'new girl' for yourself, you have to drag us along."

"But don't you see, we can trick that girl into what we nearly accomplished, since she might have a pendant with her."

And for the very first time, the leader siren agreed of what the lightheaded member of her group said.

"You know Aria, Sonata actually has a point there." Adagio said "If we can trick that fool into doing what we nearly accomplished, then we can rule over Equestria once and for all!"

"Then what do we do to her after that?" Aria asked.

"Then, we betray her. We'll rule over Equestria on our own. This is perfect revenge."

"But still, what about if she really not a siren."

"Then we work out what else to do."

"Yeah, but we all know that she unlikely to be a Siren."

"Well, we'll just see... we'll just see."

The Dazzlings (After Sonata's long haul) finally reached the Main Hall, where the new girl was waiting. The Dazzlings and this 'new girl' seemed to look at each other in unison. After some while, the new girl broke the silence.

"Excuse me, but do you know where Sunset Shimmer is?"

"Oh, Shimmer. Well, she just..." Sonata started.

"Well, you see, Sunset was sick today, so the principal asked us to guide you for her." Adagio lied.

"Well, Ok...?" The girl started. "My name Charley. Charley Angels."

Charley Angles, The Dazzlings and the Rainbooms

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The Dazzlings looked at this suspicious girl. Well, she didn't look like an angel, or dress like one. But the one noticeable clue was the pendant. Yes, the pendant that the Dazzlings wore six months ago. The same one. A silence fell on the four girls for 5 minutes, before Adagio decided to break it up.

"Well... hello Charley." Adagio started " So... my name's Adagio. The one on my left is Aria and the one on my right is..."

Sonata, who couldn't take another minute, approached the new girl and started shaking her hand uncontrollably.

"My name's Sonata Dusk! Oh, I can just IMAGINE all the wonderful times we are going to have together. I can feel you and me have a LOT in common. Oh, and don't worry about the other two, they're just like, so NOT fun!" With the sentence done, Sonata let go of the girl's wrists, letting Angel having sometime to recover.

Charley just stared at the three in unison. She thought each of them were very strange-like in their own way, just they haven't shown it. Were they Sirens? Were they hiding a dark secret? Were they trying to use her for their own will?

"Well... ok. I would just like a tour please?" The girl asked.

"Oh yes, the tour." Adagio said, suddenly knowing the other reason why they were here. "Well, follow me, and you should be in safe hands."

So Charley followed the girls, where she was introduced to the Science Lab and all that. After all that, they arrived at the cafeteria, where it was time for lunch. But before the girl could even make way into the hall, Adagio asked her a question.

"So... Charley..." Adagio started " Me and my girls were wondering if you were a Siren... because... you have that pendant on you. But don't worry, we're Sirens too..."

"But they were shattered into pieces by the Rainblossoms, or whatever they're called." Aria finished.

Charley nodded her head, believing every word they said. "Well, of course I'm a Siren, do you see the pendant? Well... I don't use it often, I really use it when I have to... and that's like every six months or so."

"Well, since you're one of us, would you mind sitting with us?"

"Well... ok!"

So the Dazzlings and Charley, went into the cafeteria. Since they're were no more empty tables left just for them, and the rest occupied, the only choice they had was to sit with the Rainbooms.

The Rainbooms weren't at all surprised when they saw the Dazzlings coming there way. What they didn't expect, was the girl who was holding hands with Sonata. The Dazzlings sat on the only four seats left. The Rainbooms looked at Charley, exchanging looks.

"Who's she?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"Everyone, meet Charley Angles. She's a siren, as you can see. But you don't have to worry. She's a very inactive user." Aria said

"Yeah, what she said."

"Ok then. my name's Pinkie Pie. This is Rainbow Dash, AppleJack, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Sunset Shimmer."

"Hi!" The other five said.

"Well, were getting lunch. What would you like Charley?" Sonata asked.

"A taco would be fine... with some squash."

"Yay! You like tacos just like me!"

"Anyway's, let's get lunch. Charley, you stay right where you are. We'll bring you're lunch to you." Adagio said to her

The Dazzlings walked off to the queue for lunch. Charley, now sitting opposite to the Rainbooms, sat in an awkward silence, just like the other six did. Finally, Rainbow had to break off the silence.

"So... Angel... since you don't use your pendant often, what do you do?"

Charley exchanged an evil smile to the six. That's when they knew that something was off with this girl.

"Oh, shut up!" Charley said...

NOT Expected...Call for Twilight!

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"What now?" Rainbow asked

"I said... UGH!" Angel replied "Listen here, dimwit, I might be new here, but it doesn't mean that I can't be evil and cunning!"

"But darling, I though you said you didn't use your... pendant often..." Rarity said

" That fact... true. But let's just say that I have... other ways to get what I want..."

The Dazzlings came back on the table, with Charley's and their foods arriving at the table.

"Well, here you go Charley. Just as you asked" The leader announced

"Thank you." the new girl said

The Dazzling sat down on the table with their lunch period, nobody said a word. Not even when the Dazzlings with their new companion went away from their forever enemies.

"OK, it's really time to call for Twilight, after having THAT conversation." Sunset said


Sunset Shimmer got out her book she had ever since she first came into this world. She was writing out the words:

Dear Twilight Sparkle

The Dazzlings are now defeated, but now their is new evil arising. A new Siren, Charley Angels, is a new girl at school. But she is an inactive user when it comes to her pendant. But she said that she has 'other ways' to get what she wants. I'm hoping that you can come here and figure out what's going on.

Your friend, Sunset Shimmer

She closed her book, and her and the Mane 5 went outside to where the portal was.

And all they could do now is wait...