
by Azure Sandora

First published

Rarity's unusual fetish brings her and Prince Blueblood back together under unusual, yet very sexy circumstances.

For the last few months, Rarity has been having the same dream every night. She's being held against her will by a masked man who gets off on torturing her. In the dreams she terrified, and hates her master, yet when she wakes up in the morning, she finds herself incredibly aroused. She's always known that she was different, but her odd fetish makes it impossible to find a partner willing to go all the way to please her.

What she doesn't know is that the masked man in her dreams is someone from her past.

Prince Blueblood has been having strange dreams as well. In them, he sees the same woman being held against her will, and he's her captor. In the dreams he gets off on seeing her cry, hearing her scream, and having his absolute way with her. He knows who it is, for this woman is someone he hurt greatly in the past, and wants nothing more than to make it up to her.

But why does he do such horrible things to her in his dreams?

A chance meeting at a party opens the door to second chances, and a possible friendship that could grow to something more. But in order for that to happen, one will have to open their heart to forgive the past, and the other has to let go of shame amidst one he deep down wishes to lock up and claim for his own.

Clop with a story
Fetish: BDSM, kidnapping, masochism and sadism.
Warnings: Rated M for graphic sex scenes, strong language, and fetishes that might make some people uncomfortable. If this isn't your thing, you might want to steer clear, but I encourage you to give it a try if you wish.

This is my first ever erotic fiction, or "clop" as it were (I don't count Humanity or Elements of Harmony, as one hasn't hit the graphic sex yet, and the other one doesn't have sex as a main part).

Finally, though characters are humanized, they still have wings and horns. Comparisons are as follows:

Earth Ponies: Humans
Unicorns: Magi
Pegasi: Avians
Alicorns: Angels

The Masked Man

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The Masked Man

How long had she been here? Days? Weeks? She had no idea. It was dark in the room she was in, and she heard no sounds from outside. The walls around her were gray and made of stone, much like the dungeon of a castle. She imagined that Canterlot Castle's dungeon probably looked a lot like this. As far as she had known, she had never been there.

Unless she were there now?

She looked up with as much energy as she could muster and surveyed her surroundings, taking in her situation. She had been completely stripped of her clothes as well as her dignity, her large DDD cup breasts and vaginal areas exposed for all to see. She stood in the middle of the room, her wrists shackled above her and her ankles chained to the floor, forcing her legs to be spread out and causing her to lean forward a bit. Her long, full purple hair rested on her back as well as her shoulders, still looking elegant if not as well kept, and while her white horn hadn't been chiseled off thank god, she did have an inhibitor ring placed on it, preventing her from using any of her spells.

Not like she could anyway. Magi like herself could only use magic to release themselves if they knew a spell for it. Twilight could have broken these locks easily. She was someone you needed to use an inhibitor ring on if you wanted her tied down or lock her up. Hell, even that might not have been enough, as she had ascended and became an angel like Celestia, Luna, and Cadance.

But alas, she wasn't an angel, nor was she Twilight. This inhibitor ring on her was just a means of accentuating how helpless she really was.

“Well, look who finally woke up,” her captor said walking in. She had no idea who he was. He wore a mask over his face at all times, only his mouth showing. Rarity did know one thing about him. He had blond hair a white horn, and was built like a champion. Lean, but not overly muscular, sort of like Twilight's brother, Shining Armor. There was something about him that felt familiar, but she couldn't put her finger on it.

What she was focused on right now was the fact that he, much like herself at this moment, was naked save for the mask concealing his identity. And if the size of his erect cock was anything to go by, his intentions were anything but pure at the moment.

“You fainted from the last pounding I gave you,” he said, “I thought I had killed you for a second,” he grabbed her cheeks with one hand, “Good toys are hard to come by.”

Before she would have spat in his face, but she had lost the will. She didn't know how long she had been in here, but she did know that it was long enough for anyone to give up on searching for her. Even if that wasn't the case, her captor had let her know that she was basically in the middle of nowhere. No one was going to find her even if they were looking.

Her captor let her face go wand walked off behind her. He moved a few things around that she couldn't see, and picked up two clamps tied together by a chain.

Oh no. They were going to play that game.

Her captor walked in front of her and smirked, “You're strong willed, I like that,” he said, “But every time we do this the time you last gets smaller and smaller. I wonder how long you can hold out this time.”

He grabbed her left breast and squeezed it. She hated herself so much for this, but it was so arousing the way his hand cupped her breast. The fact that she couldn't stop him only made the way she felt even stronger.

“You like that, don't you?” he asked her softly yet arrogantly. He didn't care for the answer, nor did she plan on giving him one. Not just out of principal, but because she didn't know what answer felt right anymore. Saying “yes” would be admitting that she had become his slut, but saying “no” would be a damn lie.

His other hand made his way to her crotch, and he began gently fingering her. She took a deep, shuddering breath. This felt good, she didn't want to lie, but he was still her captor. He had taken away her freedom as well as her dignity.

Ohh… but his touch feels so divine…

He brought her in close, and kissed her both passionately yet gently. Despite herself, she soon found herself returning the kiss. She remembered what this man was, and it killed her inside to know what she was doing, but she couldn't help herself. It felt…

No! This was what he wanted! She wasn't going to fall for that!

She pulled away suddenly and turned her head, scowling both at him and herself. He laughed, of course.

“Now there's the feisty bitch I remember,” he said, “Trying to remind yourself that you hate me, right? How's that working for you.”

“Fuck you...” she said, her voice a little horse from both lack of speaking and all the screaming she had done.

“In time, my pet,” he said, “But now we move onto the next phase of the game. Since you clearly don't want that side of me, perhaps you want THIS!”

He grabbed her hair roughly, pulling her neck back. This was the real man behind the mask. Ruthless, rough, sadistic.

He took one of the clamps hooking in on her left nipple. She winced in pain as it bit down, and then hissed as the other clamp bit into her right nipple. The pain was so much, she could barely stand it. No, she wasn't going to scream. Not yet at least. He wanted to hear her scream. He wanted her to cry. He wanted her to beg him to stop.

She wasn't going to do that. She was not going to give him the satisfaction.

“You know, this is my favorite part of our game,” he said walking behind her and picking something else up, “I sometimes wonder which part you like the best. Is it the first part, or is it when I do THIS!”

She heard a crack behind her, and immediately felt a sharp pain on her back. She grunted in pain, but that was it. She wouldn't cry. She wouldn't scream. Not this time.

“I heard that your family finally called off the search,” he said, “They're presuming you dead. How does it feel to know that they ABANDONED you?” he whipped her again, making her grunt louder, “To know that it's official. You're my plaything now. My BITCH!” he whipped her, “My SLUT!” again, “For the REST of YOUR LIFE!”

Each crack of his whip, combined with the constant biting on her nipples, was pushing her closer and closer to the breaking point. That crack in her will that was getting bigger the longer he did this to her.

“Not even your friends cared enough to continue the search,” he emphasized his point with another crack of his whip, “What were their names? PINKIE PIE?!"








"Oh, and let's not forget PRINCESS!"






Each syllable was emphasized with that accursed whip, and by now she couldn't hold in her tears. The pain, both physically and emotionally was becoming too much to bear. She wanted this to end. She needed this to end.

You can end this. He's a reasonable master. Just beg him to stop, and he will.

NO! You're not going to let him break you! You are the Element of Generosity, the mightiest element of them all! You are strong! You can fight this and him!

Stop deluding yourself. You're wrists are chained to the ceiling, and your feet are chained to the floor. There's only one way he's going to stop. You have the power to end this.

No… No…! NO!!!

As the battle in her head continued, her captor continued to whip her. The pain on her back was too much. The pain on her breasts was too much. On impulse, she screamed.

“STOP!!!! PLEASE STOP!!!! NO MORE!!!!” when the whipping stopped, she broke down and cried, “No more...”

Immediately, her captor walked over to her and removed the clamps on her nipples. His horn glowed, and a warm feeling came over her back, healing her of all wounds. He always did this after they were done.

“Don't cry, my pet,” he said embracing her, “Was that too much? We don't have to play that game anymore if you don't want. All you have to do is become my pet once and for all, and it ends.”

“You'll… never hurt me again…?” Rarity asked, knowing exactly what she was doing, but suddenly not caring. Something died inside of her at that moment, and in its place something else was born.

“I promise,” he said killing her neck, “From now on, as long as you're a good pet, we'll do more of this.”

His hands caressed her hips, and she felt his still erect cock rubbing her slit from behind.

“Why don't you tell me what you want?” he whispered into her ear, letting one hand grope her right breast, and the other hand lightly finger her, his thumb lightly rubbing her clit.

What did she want? She felt like there was something she wanted before, but right now all she could think about was the tender way he touched her. She took a deep breath as he gripped her breast hard and ran a finger in her upper inner wall at the same time. Fuck she was getting so wet right now.

“Well?” he asked again, “What do you want?”

He kissed her neck, gently and lovingly. She knew what she wanted. Oddly, as she decided, something within her faltered, and for a split second she felt great sadness.

“Take me...” she begged, “Take me now...”

Her master smirked, and pulled her back a bit. He then placed his cock inside of her pussy, and began thrusting hard from behind. It felt so good that she damn near came from that.

As he thrust into her, he kissed and licked her neck, eventually turning her head to his and claiming her mouth with his. This time she returned the gesture with fervor, not hesitating for a second. They kissed all while he continued to thrust. It was only a few minutes before both of them came hard.

“Will you love me?” her master asked after a second.

“Yes,” she panted.

“Very good, pet,” her master said pulling out, “I'll move you to my bedroom in a bit. I need to get things ready for you.”

“Thank you...” she said softly. She didn't know if he had smiled or anything. All she knew was that he walked out of the room and closed the cell. As she took in what happened, a feeling of both joy and shame came over her. She was finally out of this cell, now to be moved into her master's bedroom.

But she'd never leave this place. She'd never see her friends or her little sister ever again. She was truly, utterly, helpless.

When Rarity woke up, it was morning. No longer was she in a dark cell with her master, nor was she in his bedroom collared to his bed post.

She was in her own room, with a bit of a mess to clean too.

“Ugh...” Rarity fussed looking at her bedsheets, “The same damn dream every night.”

She didn't really know when the dreams started. Sometime last year, she supposed? Definitely after the Grand Galloping Gala. Growing up she, like many magi, had a fondness for books. The stories she was always drawn to though were the ones with a princess being held captive by a dangerous villain. She loved reading the princess' side, as she begged and pleaded with her captor to release her.

Yet oddly, once the hero came to her rescue, she always lost interest.

In her mid teens, while practicing her craft of sewing, she had a bit of an accident that revealed a certain part of herself. She didn't know how she ended up wrapped up in yarn, but it probably had something to do with Opal, who was still a kitten at the time. Either way, it revealed to Rarity why she loved stories of Princesses being captured, and why she was always disappointed when the hero came to her rescue.

She had a kidnapping fetish.

“Oh well,” she sighed, “This isn't going to clean itself, now is it? No point in thinking about things that can't be changed.”

Still, as she got out of bed and pulled her covers off, she couldn't take her mind off of the dream. To most people, it was a nightmare, but not to Rarity. That was probably her favorite dream, and it always seemed to move forward in steady progression. She remembered the dream where she was captured to begin with, she remembered when her captor whipped her for the first time, and she remembered every time they fucked.

The man in her dreams never made love to her. It was always rough, and violent. Yet Rarity loved every second of it. Maybe not in the dream, but it was a role. She was an actress in her dreams, and the role she played was one she loved playing every night.

She just wished she knew exactly who it was in her dreams. It was the same man every-

“Morning Rarity!”

“AHH!!!” Rarity screamed, her ten year old sister Sweetie Belle looking at her confused. She must have just gotten up herself, as she was still wearing her pink nightgown (custom made by Rarity) which flattered her growing figure perfectly. Rarity could tell that Sweetie Belle was going to grow up to be quite the bombshell when she got older.

Shame Rarity forgot that Sweetie Belle was staying over for the week…

“You okay?” Sweetie Bell asked.

“Oh yes, darling, I'm fine,” Rarity said playing it off, “Why wouldn't I be?”

“Because you just screamed,” Sweetie Belle said slowly.

“Oh, you just startled me, is all,” Rarity said.

“And why are you washing your sheets?” Sweetie Belle asked, “Didn't you just wash them yesterday?”

Yes, and if this keeps up I'm going to end up washing them tomorrow…

“Well, I… sort of spilled something… on my bed last night… and it made quite the mess,” Rarity said, choosing her words carefully. She was not ready to have that talk with her sister.

Rarity? Why do you always wake up with weird stains on your bed?

Well Sweetie Belle, your older sister is horny as fuck and keeps having intense dreams that make her cum in her sleep.

“Oh, okay,” Sweetie Belle said, “If you want, I can take those and put them in-”

“NO!!!” Rarity screamed, scaring the hell out of Sweetie Belle, “Um… I mean… I'll take care of it. Why don't you make breakfast while I put these in the washer?” Rarity laughed enthusiastically before rushing off to the washroom, leaving an obviously confused Sweetie Belle in the hall alone.

After stuffing her bed sheets in the washer and starting it up, she sat down on the dryer and sighed to herself. The problem with having such an odd fetish is that finding a partner was really hard to come by. She had dated many times before, and those dates usually ended in one of two ways.

1: They learned about her weird fetish and ran off.

2: She tried having regular sex with them and felt unfulfilled.

Eventually she just gave up, deciding she'd rather be horny for the rest of her life than to keep having sex that left her feeling worse than when she started. That was a year ago, and she was beginning to feel it, badly.

She needed someone to fuck her, sooner rather than later.

After finishing breakfast and sending Sweetie Belle off to play with her friends Rarity got to work on her latest project. It was a wedding dress that she began working on in her spare time. She had just finished her latest paid commission, so she had time to work on it. She didn't even know who she was making it for. She damn sure wasn't making it for herself.

Not like she was getting married anytime soon.

The door opened, catching her attention, and her client walked in as animated as always.

“Rarity, Rarity! How are you doing girl?” Sapphire Shores asked walking in, of course wearing something absolutely crazy. This latest ensemble consisted of a blue sparkly leotard that showed her hefty bust line, a long white coat that was open and flowed behind her as she walked, white high heeled boots, and what looked like a crystal tiara on her head. She had begun wearing her really long and full blue hair down, and she was wearing rose red lipstick along with her blue eye shadow.

“Oh Sapphire, I wasn't expecting you so early,” Rarity said getting up to hug her best client and also one of her dearest friends.

“Early?! Girl, have you checked your clock in a while? I'm actually ten minutes late!” Sapphire Shores said looking at Rarity with a raised eyebrow.

“Oh?” Rarity asked looking around for her clock, “Huh… so you are… Anyway, I have your requested outfit right here.”

Sapphire Shores eyed Rarity as she walked off, but shrugged and followed her. When she saw the fancy sapphire blue gown on the display, her eyes lit up.

“Oh my God… Rarity this is beautiful!” Sapphire Shores said walking around it, “I LOVE IT!!!” she sang, her way of letting Rarity know how happy she was with it.

“Oh good,” Rarity said, “I was worried you wouldn't like it. As you requested, its a little more conservative than your usual attire, so I didn't know how much was… too much.”

“This is perfect,” Sapphire Shores said, “Goes perfectly with my mask too.”

“Oh that's right, this is for a masquerade, right?” Rarity asked.

“Yep,” Sapphire Shores said, “Some noble is having a birthday party, and I have to make an entrance.”

“Well, sounds like fun,” Rarity sat down on her couch pouting, “I hope you have a good time.”

Sapphire Shores shook her head looking at Rarity, “This won't do at all,” she said sitting down next to Rarity, “Come on girl, talk to me.”

“Its nothing you could help me with,” Rarity said, “Besides, I've been dealing with this for a year now.”

“That's a long time,” Sapphire Shores said, “Seriously, what's wrong? You're usually more up beat than this. I mean, I'm here, and I know I'm a bundle of joy. For you to not be laughing every five seconds at my antics.”

She cared so much. Sapphire Shores had publicly said that Rarity was her best friend, which said a lot as she had a lot of friends. She was seriously worried about her.

“Okay, I'll tell you,” Rarity sighed, “Remember that problem I've been having for a year?” Sapphire Shores nodded, “Well, the truth is, I haven't been… you know…”

It took a second, but when Sapphire Shores realized what Rarity was talking about, her eyes turned into saucers.

“You haven't gotten laid in a whole year?!” she asked dramatically.

“Well, no… I haven't,” Rarity admitted.

“Girl, why didn't you say something sooner?!” Sapphire Shores asked standing up and pulling out her phone, “I got connections. I can hook you up in a few seconds.”

“Oh no! Please don't!” Rarity said getting up and frantically reaching for the phone, “I don't want to go on another random date!”

Sapphire Shores turned to Rarity with a raised eyebrow, “You ain't pining for so called “Mr Right” are you?”

“Heavens no. I gave up hat dream after both Blueblood and Trenderhoof,” Rarity said as Sapphire Shores breathed out in relief, “I'm just tired of my dates either running away, or leaving me wanting more.”

“Run away from you?” Sapphire Shores asked, “It's not like you're a closet freak with a creepy fetish or anything,” she joked. Her smiled died instantly when she noticed that Rarity wasn't laughing, “Oh you are a closet freak with a creepy fetish...”

Rarity sighed dramatically, “Yes, and thank you for rubbing it in,” she said sitting back down.

“Come on, girlfriend, it can't be that bad,” Sapphire Shores sat back down wrapping an arm around Rarity, “I bet its normal compared to what I'm into.”

“Oh really? Do you fantasize about being locked up and chained in a dark room while your captor whips you and taunts you, reminding you that you're helpless and never going to escape? Or perhaps you want your master to tie you up, gag you, and lock you in a cage like an animal for the night.”

Sapphire Shores looked right at Rarity with a blank expression, blinking a few times before answering.

“Alright, seriously Rarity, you are making it real hard to keep lifting you up,” Sapphire Shores said, halfway joking.

“Can you see my problem?” Rarity asked, “I can't exactly tell anyone to do that stuff to me, but its what gets me off.”

“Yeah, that's quite a problem alright,” Sapphire Shores agreed. After a second she clapped her hands together, “Lucky for you, I'm amazing.”

Rarity looked at Sapphire Shores with a raised eyebrow, “I'm sorry, what now?”

“Girl, you're coming with me to the masquerade,” Sapphire Shores said with a smile. Rarity violently shook her head.

“Oh no. I'm not going to another one of those parties,” Rarity said, “You remember what I told you about the last party I went to, right?”

“Yeah, but that was the Grand Galloping Gala. That's always horrible,” Sapphire Shores said, Rarity nodding in agreement, “This is a masquerade, and they're always fun. Here, you can dress up, be whoever you want, act however you want, do whoever you want, and however you want...”

“My God Sapphire! This isn't one of those types of parties, is it?” Rarity asked.

“Masquerades are always that type of party, whether it says so on the sign or not,” Sapphire Shores explained, “You can't have this many people wearing disguises and expect people to not go a little crazy.”

“I just don't see how me going to this party will help me with my little issue,” Rarity said, “Besides, I wasn't invited.”

“It's open invitation,” Sapphire Shores said, “I hear the birthday boy is hoping someone special will come to his party, so he's letting everyone attend. I'm surprised you didn't hear about it. It's all over the news in Canterlot.”

“Well, after so many bad incidents in that place, I tend to avoid anything related to Canterlot unless it's related to the Princesses,” Rarity said turning her nose to the air.

“Fair enough,” Sapphire Shores said, “But who knows, maybe being someplace where no one knows who you are will excite you a little, cause that's what I think you need.”

“Yes, Sapphire Shores, I need excitement,” Rarity groaned, “I didn't get enough “excitement” last month fighting the bugbear with my friends.”

“Well, can you at least come for me?” Sapphire Shores asked, “I need to have someone to talk to until I find someone to screw me in the courtyard.”

“And just what am I supposed to do when you go do that, hm?”

“Find someone to screw you in the hallway?” Sapphire Shores asked. Rarity hit her arm.

“In case you forgot, I'm not a complete slut like you,” Rarity said.

“Hun, no one is a slut like me,” Sapphire Shores said with a sensual smile, “Shame too, the world would be a lot more fun with more people like me around.”

“I can think of some people who would differ with that opinion,” Rarity said rolling her eyes.

“So are you coming?” Sapphire Shores asked. Rarity sighed.

“I don't know…” she said.

“Please please please please!” Sapphire Shores begged, taking Rarity's hands earnestly.

“Fine! I'll come to the masquerade,” Rarity said.

“YES!” Sapphire Shores said hugging Rarity, “I promise you will not regret it.”

“I certainly hope not,” Rarity said. Truth was, she was mainly going for Sapphire Shores. They were a lot alike, and Rarity knew that if she was going to hate something like this, a free spirit like Sapphire Shores would die there unless she had company.

Still, she wasn't looking forward to this at all.

Birthday Party

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Birthday Party

“Goddamn it...” Blueblood said waking up from his slumber. It was mere hours before his birthday party, and he couldn't even get a good night's sleep. Just like the night before it, and the night before that, he had the dream.

Why did this keep happening?

Like all the nights before it, he pulled out his dream journal and began writing in it like his Aunt Luna had suggested:

I'm waking up in my bed, and she's lying next to me. As she's to be available to me at all times, she is naked, her wrists are chained to the top of the bed and her ankles are chained to the bottom. She sleeps either chained like this or tied up next to me at all times, always tied to the bed to prevent escape.

I begin stroking her face lovingly. She has all but given up completely, and despite her helplessness she closes her eyes as I touch her. She refers to me as “master” now, and I take the time to have sex with her before going to take my shower. As always, the dream ends before I can take off my mask and tell her who I really am.

I was not lucid this time.

Once the dreams began, Blueblood opened up to his aunts, firstly Celestia. She knew a lot about reoccurring dreams, so maybe these dreams meant something. At first he couldn't really identify the woman in his dreams, but she was always the same.

It wasn't until Celestia had requested that he talk to her sister Luna that he was able to get some answers. She was an expert lucid dreamer, and she had helped Blueblood become lucid in the middle of the dream so he could see who it was he was torturing.

Imagine his surprise when it was the Element of Generosity.

He already felt horrible enough for how he treated her. Now he was dreaming about treating her worse?! Why was he even having these dreams?! Luna told Blueblood that if he wanted to find out, he'd have to learn how to lucid dream on his own so he could dive deeper into his dreams.

Which was why he was keeping a dream journal.

“Master Blueblood?” one of his maids called out from outside his door.

“Yes?” Blueblood asked quickly hiding his journal under his pillow.

“Princess Luna has come to pay you a visit,” the maid said, “She said its about your birthday.”

“Ah, thank you,” Blueblood said, “Tell her I will be downstairs in a few moments.”

“Right away, Master,” the maid said walking off. Blueblood lied back down on his bed placing a hand on his forehead.

“Christ...” he sighed. This was turning out to be a really "happy" birthday.

Putting on his robe, Blueblood walked downstairs, where he saw his aunt sitting on his couch drinking a cup of tea. She was a significantly tall angel with large midnight blue wings on her back, a long dark blue horn coming out of her forehead, and extremely long and full blue hair. Currently she was wearing a blue and black general's uniform and black shoes, and her usual blue eye shadow and red lipstick. If it wasn't for the make up, Luna could have easily been mistaken for a prince.

“Hello Auntie,” Blueblood said when he reached the living room.

“Greetings Nephew,” Luna said finishing her tea. She stood up and hugged Blueblood, “Happy birthday.”

“As much as it can be,” Blueblood said returning the hug. Despite waking up in a foul mood, he did feel better being in the embrace of his aunt.

“Oh, what's wrong, honey?” Luna asked stroking her nephew's face lovingly. She came off really stern to most people, but as an angel, this was her true side, which she only showed to family.

Blueblood looked away awkwardly, “I… I had the dream again.”

Luna pursed her lips and folded her arms, “I see. Did you write it down like I told you?”

“Of course,” Blueblood said sitting down on the couch, “I wasn't able to get lucid though.”

“That's okay, Nephew,” Luna sat down next to him, “It took me years to become a master, and even longer to become a dream weaver.”

“Well, I don't want to take years, and I don't need to become a master,” Blueblood pouted, “I just want to know why I'm such a sadistic freak.”

“That, Blueblood, is not true,” Luna looked into Blueblood's eyes, “You're not a sadistic freak. You're one of the sweetest young men I've ever seen, a trait rare among nobles sadly.”

“If you would be so kind as to tell that to her, I'd be grateful,” Blueblood said turning away from his aunt and sitting back in the couch, “Not like she'd want anything to do with me anymore.”

“You're not a bad person, Blueblood. You made a mistake, that's all.”

“I didn't just make a mistake,” Blueblood got up and walked over to his window, “I made a complete ass of myself. Three sessions of bad advice from so called “friends” later, and I'm doing things like making her use her scarf over a puddle, making her my shield so I don't get dirty, and making her pay for my food.”

“I told you, all you had to do was be yourself,” Luna said sitting back and crossing her legs.

“Well, it's far too late now,” Blueblood sighed, “She made it perfectly clear at the end of the night how much of an ass I was. The woman of my dreams, and now I'll never get to hold her except in my dreams.”

“Perhaps that's why she keeps appearing in your dreams,” Luna said.

“I'd think that too, except for the nature of those dreams,” Blueblood said.

“Mmm… no, the nature honestly makes sense too, a bit at least,” Luna got up and walked over to Blueblood, leaning against the wall next to his window, “You are desperate to have her, which shows itself through you capturing her. Maybe the mask is a representation of your fear to show your true self to her.”

“And the torturing?” Blueblood asked, “What does that mean?”

“Now that I haven't the foggiest,” Luna said, “This whole situation is rather unusual, even for one as ancient as I.”

“What do you mean?” Blueblood asked looking at his enigmatic aunt.

“Never you mind at the moment,” Luna said more so to herself it seemed, “Today is a joyous occasion. You are a whole year older, and have a party to look forward to.”

“You know I'm not looking forward to this,” Blueblood said, “There's only one thing I want for my birthday, but we know that's not going to happen.”

“You don't know that,” Luna said, “A masquerade ball sounds like just the thing to attract her attention. Trust me, she loves these things.”

“How am I even going to find her?” Blueblood asked, “I won't know who she is if she's wearing a mask, assuming she even shows up.”

“Trust me, she will,” Luna said embracing her nephew from behind, “Just follow my lead, dearest nephew. She will come to you, I assure you.”

Blueblood had no idea what Luna was planning. As per usual, whenever she had a plan, she expected everyone to just follow her lead without explanation. Well, her plans did work as long as you followed them to the letter. Rumor had it that she ended an entire war in merely a few hours guiding her troops in this manner.

“Okay then,” Blueblood sighed, “What do I have to do then?”

“When the party starts, just wear this mask,” Luna said handing Blueblood a silver masquerade mask that would cover the upper part of his face, “After that, just mingle with the crowd like you always would.”

“That's it?” Blueblood asked, a little surprised by how simple the plan was.

“Yes, that's it,” Luna said, “The mask will do the work, as long as you trust it.”

“This is a horribly simplistic plan,” Bluebood said raising an eyebrow. Luna tightened her embrace and smirked.

“Those are the best kind, Blueblood.”

After setting it up so Sweetie Belle could stay with Applejack's family for a few days, Rarity closed up shop and waited for Sapphire Shores to come and pick her up. Of course she couldn't come in a limo like a normal person. Why would Sapphire Shores be normal?

No, she had to come in a horse drawn carriage. It was white with a gold trim, much like what one would read from a fairy tale. Rarity had to admit though, the idea certainly made her feel like a princess.

Rarity had a bit of a time finding a dress to wear on such short notice. She thought hard about wearing the dress she wore to the Gala, but that idea was scrapped when she was flooded with memories of Blueblood.

So she found another dress, this one a white piece that hugged her curvy figure and had a high slit on the right side, allowing her right leg to be completely exposed. The top of the dress was sleeveless and showed the top of her well endowed bosom as much as possible to still be decent. She opted not to wear panties as they'd show through the dress, which also had build in support for her chest which removed the need for a bra. For make-up, she wore dark blue eyeshadow and red lipstick, and she also wore her favorite indigo high heels. Sapphire Shores promised to provide the mask, as Rarity didn't have one herself.

Sapphire Shores wore the blue and white gown that Rarity made for her. By her request, it came up high in the front showing off her legs, which wore white fishnet stockings and white high heels. The top of the dress actually showed off more cleavage than Rarity's making her think she got the proportions wrong at first. She wore white gloves and her golden tiara, making the super star look like royalty.

The ride there was eventful, as usual when one traveled with Sapphire Shores. Despite her initial resignation to the idea, Rarity was enjoying the trip. It helped that they spent the entire trip laughing. Rarity loved her friends from Ponyville, but there was something really special about Sapphire Shores.

It was impossible to not laugh around her.

They arrived in Canterlot after a few hours of traveling. Naturally it was nighttime when they arrived in the bustling city. Unlike the country like Ponyville, Canterlot was a bustling kingdom with so much magic Rarity felt empowered just being there.

Sadly, that wasn't the only thing that felt empowered.

“Well, here we are,” Sapphire Shores said when the carriage stopped. Rarity had to admit, it was a nice place. The building was a large white mansion, surrounded by a large garden that even had a maze off to the right. People were already walking in.

“Is anyone else I know there?” Rarity asked.

“I heard one of the Princesses will be there,” Sapphire Shores said, “Not sure which one though.”

Probably Luna, Rarity thought. Celestia went to bed really early so she could raise the sun, and Twilight had specifically said she wasn't interested in these sort of parties. As far as Rarity knew, Cadance never showed up to these parties.

“Mmm...” Rarity moaned, rubbing her legs together. The added magic in the air was making her heart race, and she was feeling really hot.

“Feeling the effects of a year long celibacy?” Sapphire Shores asked.

“I felt the effects ages ago,” Rarity moaned, “Being surrounded by so much magic is just making it worse.”

“Don't worry,” Sapphire Shores said putting her hands on Rarity's shoulders, “With how sexy you look, you'll find someone here to scratch that itch of yours.”

“Is that the only reason to come to these parties?” Rarity asked raising an eyebrow.

“That's the only reason I come to these parties,” Sapphire Shores said with a sensual smirk.

“What? To fuck the birthday boy?” Rarity asked.

“Oh no, he's not going to want me,” Sapphire Shores said, “I mean, normally he would, I'm sure. Like I told you yesterday, he's pining for someone else to come to this party.”

“Is everyone in Canterlot sex crazed?” Rarity asked with a groan.

“Considering that it's a full moon?” Sapphire Shores asked. Rarity looked up and saw the white sphere hovering right over the mansion.

“Oh, well that explains a lot,” Rarity said, “Well, let's get this over with.”

She was about to step out, but Sapphire Shores grabbed her hand stopping her.

“Not yet,” she said, “You need to put this on.”

Sapphire Shores gave Rarity a purple and golden mask. She was surprised, it actually went with her dress a bit.

“Oh it's lovely!” Rarity said enthusiastically, “Thank you, Sapphire!”

“It ain't nothing, girl. Anything for my best friend.”

The two of them hugged, and they stepped out, Sapphire Shores wearing an extremely fancy white mask with a pointed beak and blue feathers highlighting the sides. She truly went all in.

The interior of the mansion was absolutely magnificent. Extravagant, yet not as fancy as some. The contrast came together in a very nice cozy manner.

Rarity didn't recognize anyone immediately, and not just because of the masks. She might have seen Fancy Pants somewhere, but she wasn't sure. She definitely saw Sassy Saddles though, which was nice.

“Rarity, so nice of you to come,” a familiar voice said catching her and Sapphire Shores' attention. Rarity turned and saw Princess Luna walking up to them. She was wearing a fancier general's uniform than her usual one, this one being blue and white. Her wings were magically hidden, making room for a long black cape, and her general's jacket was apparently charmed to hide her hefty bosom. She wore red lipstick, and a black mask over her eyes.

“Luna, how nice to see you,” Rarity said, hugging the androgynous princess. Sapphire Shores was absolutely speechless.

“Likewise. I was hoping you would show up,” Luna turned to Sapphire Shores, “And you brought a friend with you?”

“Oh no,” Rarity said, “It's the other way around actually. I wasn't even planning on coming.”

“Well, that would have been a disaster,” Luna said taking Sapphire Shores' hand elegantly and kissing it, “Thank you for ensuring the Element of Generosity come to this gathering.”

“Um… you're welcome,” Sapphire Shores said blushing, “I'm just glad… that I could help.”

“More than you know,” Luna said, “Shall we go somewhere private so I may properly show my appreciation?”

“Oh yes,” Sapphire Shores said, “Please yes!”

“Sapphire!” Rarity cried.

“Don't worry, I won't be too long,” Sapphire Shores said as Luna dragged her off. Rarity wondered if her friend was aware that Luna was indeed a woman. Knowing her, she might not have minded either way.

Sadly, this meant that Rarity was now alone in the middle of a masquerade, with people she didn't even know nor really liked. She walked around the mansion, looking as everyone talked, flirted, everything she normally would have done herself.

But her thoughts on Canterlot Nobility was forever tainted thanks to that prick Blueblood.

She found herself in the main auditorium, where she had heard the birthday boy was mingling. She was curious to see if she'd recognize him. Probably not, but it would be rude to not wish him a happy birthday. She was about to walk over to him, but stopped when he turned around.

He had long blond hair, was wearing a fancy black and gold suit and a matching mask. He had a white horn, and looked to be built like a knight almost. She knew who this was, and she wasn't sure if she should have been happy or terrified.

It was him…

The masked man from her dreams…

The man who captures her and locks her away…

Rarity trembled looking at him, not sure if it was from fear or anticipation. Her breathing picked up, and she felt herself almost panicking. Were her dreams premonitions warning her about this night? Was this how it happened? Was this the night?

Should she be afraid? Was she afraid, or was this what she was waiting for? It would literally be her dream come true, but that dream was a nightmare, right? Maybe her dreams were warning her of what would happen if she stayed.

Maybe she should run away? Or maybe she should stay, and let him capture her?

He turned to her direction, and she immediately turned around and walked off as fast as her high heels could take her. The man from her dreams was here. She was probably going to be captured at some point if she stayed here.

She should leave. She should track down Sapphire Shores and tell her she wasn't going to stay. But she wasn't, was she? She was going to stay right there at the party, and let the masked man take her.

She must have been going crazy.

Despite her initial feelings toward it, and that recent scare, she was having fun at the party. She found a few people she could mingle with, which was nice. She found Sapphire Shores still talking with Luna. Based on their body language, they had a truly intimate time together, and Sapphire Shores didn't mind that Luna was a woman.

Then again, who would mind having sex with a princess?

The only person who seemed to not be having a good time was oddly the birthday boy. Rarity did her best to avoid entering his field of vision as much as possible, but he seemed to be spending most of the party walking around. It looked like he was searching around for someone.

Perhaps he was searching for her? Maybe he had already spotted her, and wanted to drag her up to his room, tear her dress off, and tie her to his bed. Maybe she was the one he was waiting for, and maybe he wanted her to be his birthday present.

“Rares, are you okay?” Sapphire Shores asked, startling Rarity. She looked up and saw both Sapphire Shores and Luna standing over her.

“Yes, yes, I'm fine,” Rarity said.

“You seemed lonely,” Luna said, “Have you spoken to the birthday boy yet?”

“Oh no,” Rarity said, “He's awfully busy after all. He has a lot of people to meet with at the party. I'm sure I'm the last thing on his mind.”

Luna raised an eyebrow at that.

“Well, if you want, we can keep you company,” Sapphire Shores said.

“I'll be fine,” Rarity said, immediately wondering why she said that, “You two look like you're having fun. I don't want to be a third wheel.”

“Girl, you wouldn't be-”

“In that case, we shall be off,” Luna said leading Sapphire Shores away. Sapphire looked like she wanted to protest, but she was helplessly pulled away by the Princess of the Night.

“Well, you've probably sealed your fate,” Rarity said to herself, “Aw, who are you kidding. It's a pure coincidence. He's probably not even thinking about you.”

“Excuse me Miss, but is this seat taken?” she heard a familiar voice asked from behind her, making her freeze. She looked up and felt an odd mix of elation and fear come over her.

It was him.

“Um… nope. Not at all,” Rarity silently kicked herself for saying that. She had all but told the masked man to take her to his room and lock her up.

“Thank you,” he said sitting down, “It's exhausting saying hi to so many people.”

“I can imagine,” Rarity said. She closed her eyes expecting him to make a move, but heard a sigh. She looked and saw a sight she didn't expect to see. He looked depressed.

“That's... not a look one usually has on their birthday,” Rarity said.

“Ahh, well I was hoping someone in particular would show up for my birthday,” the masked man said, “Sadly though, I haven't seen any signs of her.”

“Let me guess. She's the woman you love?” Rarity asked tauntingly. She caught herself when she saw the forlorn look on his face, “Sorry about that. I had a bad experience with a noble last year, and it sort of tainted my view of Canterlot as a whole.”

“No need to apologize,” the masked man said, “I assure you, whatever sharp jabs you throw at us, we did something to deserve it.”

“Well, I don't know about that,” Rarity said feeling a little more comfortable with him, “You seem like a nice enough person. I'm sure the woman you're waiting for will show up eventually.”

“No she won't,” the masked man said somberly, “She hates my guts. With good reason, by the way. I gave her the wrong impression of me last time we met, and well...”

“How did you manage that?” Rarity asked.

“When I saw her, I got nervous, so I approached some friends for advice. That advice turned out to be bad advice, and…”

“And you made a complete ass of yourself,” Rarity finished for the masked man, who nodded with a sigh, “Well, at least you realized your mistake.”

“Unlike the asshole who hurt you?” the masked man inquired. He didn't seem scary at all. Actually, he seemed rather nice.

“I'm certain wherever he is he's happy,” Rarity said, thinking about Blueblood, “He's probably found some whore to appease his ego.”

“Let me know who he is. I can punch him in the face real good for your honor if you'd like,” the masked man said with a smile. Rarity giggled.

“Oh, there's no need for that,” Rarity said, “I don't want to even think about him right now,” she decided to just take a chance. After all, whether or not he was the masked man from her dreams (which he certainly wasn't) he seemed nice enough, “My name is Rarity, by the way.”

Wait, Rarity?! As in, Element of Generosity Rarity?! Now that he knew her name, he could tell that it was in fact her. Her hair was unmistakable, and he had seen her curves enough times to tell what her body was like. Then again, the last few times he saw her she was naked. That said a lot about himself and how he must have seen her from deep inside.

But for her to show up like this? What were the chances?

“Rarity...” Blueblood said, doing a reality check in his head like he always did when he saw something pertaining to his dream. He silently asked himself if he was dreaming, and began pressing his finger into the palm of his hand. If he were dreaming, it would go through.

Nope. Not dreaming. This is ACTUALLY happening.

“I know that this is a masquerade ball,” Rarity said sweetly, “But I was wondering if I could get your name?”

She wanted his name?! If he told her his name she'd freak out! She'd hate him for sure! Especially when she realized what he actually wanted to do to her. Even now he found himself imagining what she would look like with her hands tied behind her back.

Oh my god… to imagine something like that is…

“Noble Heart,” Blueblood said immediately, going with the name of his grandfather.

“Noble Heart?” Rarity asked, “Well then, its a pleasure to meet you, Noble Heart,” Rarity said elegantly holding her hand out.

She had no idea who she was talking to! This was perfect! He could actually make it up to her without her even knowing who he was! He would never doubt his aunt's plans ever again.

Blueblood took her hand and kissed it, “Believe me, the pleasure is all mine.”

“Ooh...” Rarity cooed with a shudder. It was as if she was turned on, but at the same time he could sense fear from her. He wondered why that was.

He also noticed that she was rubbing her legs together, and her breathing was picking up.

“Is something amiss?” Blueblood asked. Rarity looked away biting her lip. The look was almost too sexy.

“Oh, nothing you could help me with,” Rarity said, “Nor would you be willing to help me with.”

“You'd be surprised,” Blueblood said, “Contrary to how some people might think of me, I'm actually a very nice person.”

“I see,” Rarity said, “It's somewhat of an embarrassing problem though...”

“Let me guess,” Blueblood inquired, “Based on the way you reacted to my touch, and how you're sitting, I'd say you're in need at the moment?”

Rarity's eyes went wide behind her mask, “Am I that obvious?” Rarity asked.

“I'm good at reading people,” Blueblood said, “It's actually a talent of mine. I'm surprised though. Someone as radiant as you should be able to find someone easily who can please you.”

“Oh well, you see, that's why its embarrassing,” Rarity continued, “You see, I have… complicated needs.”

“Complicated?” Blueblood asked.

“Please don't make me say it,” Rarity begged, “I'd be mortified.”

“Remember, we're at a masquerade,” Blueblood said, “I don't know your face, nor do you know mine. As far as we know, we didn't even give one another our true names. We might never see one another again after this night. If there's anything you want to get off your chest, then this is the night to do it.”

“I suppose,” Rarity said, “Okay… I'll tell you. I have a… fetish… if you would.”

“A fetish? What sort of fetish?” Blueblood asked.

“Um… of the rough kind...” Rarity continued, “I like to be… tied up, you see. Not just tied up, but I like the feeling of being… helpless.”

You have got to be kidding?! In the dreams, he had captured her, and here she was in real life practically begging for it?! Well, no wonder why she was having trouble. Truth was, any normal man wouldn't dare be rough with someone like Rarity. Not only was she a classy lady, but one of six heroes of Equestria. She was to be respected.

She couldn't find anyone who would be willing to go that far with her. Maybe he could make up for how he made her feel by giving her one night of what she wanted. It would mean that he would be essentially doing to her what he did before, but in a different context.

“Well, that's not… too odd,” Blueblood said, bracing himself, “In fact, I might be willing to help you.”

Rarity looked at Blueblood in surprise, “H-help me? How?”

“Honestly, I'm not having any fun at this party,” Blueblood said honestly, “And I'd imagine you would be hard pressed to have fun here all hot and bothered.”

“You're not lying...” Rarity said, considering something.

“So, what do you say we take this party up to my bedroom,” Blueblood whispered into her ear, “I can give you the experience you truly want. If you want, I can make it seem like I'm kidnapping you right now, and take you upstairs to my room, and have sex how you want it.”

“You'd do that for me?” Rarity asked, sounding unsure.

I'd do that and more.

“For my birthday, all I want is to give you exactly what you want,” Blueblood said, “So, what do you say? Want me to whisk you away from all of these people, and ravish that lovely body of yours?”

Rarity was silent for a few seconds, and it seemed like she was thinking about something. All of a sudden, the fear radiating off of her picked up, and she was trembling a bit. It was as if she were afraid of something. This was what she wanted though, right? What was she so terrified of? He was almost about to say “never mind” when Rarity gave the most shocking answer.

“Yes. Take me, please.”

Reality is Better Than a Dream

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Reality is Better Than a Dream

Why oh why did she say that?! This was him! The man from her dreams who captured her! As far as she knew, she just gave him the opening he needed to lock her up. It was a crowded party, and a masquerade at that. No one would even notice she was gone. Sapphire Shores would ask about her, but she might just suspect that Rarity had left early or something.

Yet she had just asked him to take her. Maybe she did want this. Perhaps she did want to be captured.

“Are you sure?” the masked man, apparently named Noble Heart said (she didn't think that was his real name though).

“Yes!” Rarity said all too quickly, “You're right. I do need this. I'm just a little...”

“Nervous?” Noble Heart asked, taking Rarity's hand and caressing it, “You know, I do know a little about BDSM.”

“Do you now?” Rarity asked, her breathing picking up from both his words and his touch.

“As the sub, it's on you to control the scene,” he continued, “You decide what we do, how it begins, and how far we go.”

“Oooooh...” Rarity moaned. Noble Heart moved so he was right behind her and still with her hand in his, he used his other hand to rub her shoulder. He leaned in close and whispered into her ear.

“So, how would you like this scene to start? Do you want me to just lead you to my room, or do you want to really have fun with this? Make it a bit of a game of pretend?”

Pretend, huh? She used to play pretend a lot with her friends when she was a kid. She liked to fantasize about her perfect capture, so maybe she could make it happen here. But what if Noble Heart took advantage of this, tied her up somewhere and just left her there.

Ooh… I must be sick…

The idea of being bound and left there is just too appealing to me…

“D-don't just… take me to your room...” Rarity stuttered, “I want this to feel like an actual kidnapping.”

“Very well,” Noble Heart said, “How about this then. I'll leave the party, so start mingling for a few minutes. At around...” he looked up at the clock, “nine fifteen, step away from the party, going to that hall over there.”

He pointed to a hall on the left side of the main room. Rarity noticed that not a lot of people were going in that direction.

“What's over there?” Rarity asked. Noble Heart squeezed her arm, and she gasped from the sudden pressure.

“That, Rarity, leads to the stairs going to my room,” he explained, “No one is there for the party, so you can say that you're going to explore.”

“Are you sure that's okay?” Rarity asked.

“Technically you're not, but we'll pretend that your curiosity got the better of you.”

“From there,” Rarity said, feeling creative, “You'll scold me, and claim that you'll punish me for trespassing.”

“Do you want me to do anything before we go to my room?” Noble Heart asked.

How could she make this better? How could she make this feel real to her? Well, there was something she had always envisioned happening to her, just like in a story she read.

“Well… this is a little risque… but…” Rarity said, deciding to just take a chance and go all out, “There's something special that I'd like you to do to me once you catch me…”

“Auntie!” Blueblood called out, tracking down his aunt, who was still sitting with that blue haired woman in the fancy mask, “I need an inhibitor ring!”

Luna looked up at Blueblood and blinked, her friend putting a hand on her hip.

“That's... not odd at all,” she said sarcastically.

“Hush Sapphire,” Luna said sweetly, “I think I know why he needs it,” she pulled out a small ring out of her pocket and cast a spell on it, “This should suffice. It'll last as long as you want it to.”

“Thank you Auntie,” Blueblood said taking the ring and hugging her, “I freaking love you.”

“I set up a few things in your room,” Luna said with a knowing smirk, “Make use of them, and just have fun.”

“I don't know what you mean, but I won't ask questions,” Blueblood smiled at Luna, “This is the best birthday ever!”

He ran to his room to prepare. She didn't know who it was, but that didn't matter to him at the moment. Just one night with Rarity to give her the night she wanted was all he wanted. Mind you, he didn't fully understand why she wanted this, but she had assured him that it would be okay, and he had also discussed with her a safe word.

As long as she didn't say “red” it would be fine.

In his room, he was shocked to say the least. It wasn't much, but it was enough to make Blueblood wonder exactly what his aunt did in her spare time. Well, none of that mattered. Right now all he needed to do was prepare for Rarity. He was determined to give her a night she'd never forget.

“Rarity, is that you?” Sassy Saddles said walking over to Rarity, who stood by the refreshment table nursing a drink.

“Oh, yes,” Rarity said greeting her friend with a hug, “How are you enjoying the party?”

“It's not my cup of tea usually, but I've never been one to turn down an open invitation,” she leaned in with a smirk, “I'm using this as an opportunity to advertise.”

“Wonderful idea,” Rarity said, taking a brief look at the clock. It was almost time. God she was nervous.

“Are you okay Rarity?” Sassy Saddles asked, “You seem a little tense.”

“Yes, I'm fine,” Rarity lied, trying her best to not tremble. Sassy Saddles seemed to accept it though as she went to pour herself a drink.

“I'm surprised though,” Sassy Saddles said.

“Surprised? By what?” Rarity asked.

“Seeing you here. I had thought you'd want to stay as far away from this party as possible.”

That was an odd thing to say. Why would she want to stay away from this party in particular?

“Um, I don't follow,” Rarity said.

“It's just that, after what you told me about the Gala, seeing you here of all places is a little odd,” Sassy Saddles continued.

Rarity was getting so confused right now. Just who was the birthday boy? She wanted to ask Sassy Saddles about it, but one look at the clock told her that she didn't have the time.

“Oh, would you look at the time,” Rarity said, “I wanted to take a look around the mansion before I left, and its getting awfully late.”

“Would you like some company?” Sassy Saddles asked.

“That's alright,” Rarity said, “Actually, I'm feeling a little claustrophobic here, so some time alone might do me some good. Um, give me a call later this week, okay?”

Sassy Saddles nodded, “I'll see you later Rarity.”

Rarity nodded and began making her way to the hall. A few other people tried to approach her, but she just waved them off continuing her journey. There was still this small part of her that was screaming for her to stop, but at this point she was determined to ignore it. She needed this, and she wasn't about to let her fears stop her.

But she was still afraid that this man was going to keep her.

The hallway was really nice. There were a lot of fancy vases and sculptures around. Whoever the birthday boy was they had a true love for art. Rarity was impressed. Now she really wondered who it was.

Especially with what Sassy Saddles had said to her. Sure, she didn't want to go to the party, but that was because the last two parties she attended were disasters. From Blueblood treating her like a servant to ending up stark naked in the middle of everyone thanks to Discord, she never left these parties with good memories. That was the reason why she didn't want to come here.

Just who was the man of her dreams?

“Can I help you?”

Rarity actually jumped when Noble Heart's voice was heard behind her. That was the intention of the scene, but he seriously startled her. Not wanting to break character, Rarity turned around to face him as he walked down the steps toward her.

“Oh, I'm sorry!” Rarity said nervously, “I was just looking around is all.”

“You do know that this section of the mansion is off limits, right?” Noble Heart said with a slight frown. Holy hell, he looked serious.

It's a scene. Remember that. He's just pretending.

“I didn't mean to trespass,” Rarity said baking up against the wall as he closed in, “I was just curious. T-that's all.”

“How do I know you didn't steal anything?” Noble Heart asked, now standing right in front of Rarity, “You say that you just wanted to look around, but it's awfully convenient that you're alone here. A masquerade party is the perfect time to steal something.”

“S-sir… I'm so sorry,” Rarity said, now trembling, “If you'd just let me go back to the party, I swear I won't go into places I'm not supposed to again.”

This is it… he's about to do it…

There's no going back now…

“Sorry, but I can't just let you off the hook,” Noble Heart said touching the side of her dress, “I need to know for certain that you're not hiding anything.”

He gripped the side of her dress tightly, and in one swift motion ripped it off her. She tensed up as she now stood there in front of Noble Heart, not only completely naked, but the only piece of clothing she had with her now useless.

She froze under his gaze, feeling flush as admired her curvy figure, his eyes lingering on her supple breasts, and again on her vulva. She quickly caught herself and held an arm over her breasts and another one over her womanhood, trembling as the realization hit her that she was helplessly naked in front of this man now. This man that she didn't know, but had seen in her dreams a number of times.

This is really it, isn't it...?

This is how he captures me...

“Well, it certainly doesn't look like you're hiding anything,” Noble Heart said smirking, “In fact, you were hiding even less than I thought.”

“T-this is an outrage!” Rarity fussed, “This, sir, is sexual harassment, and I will not stand for that!”

“Hm… now we have a problem,” Noble Heart said getting even closer to Rarity putting his hands on the wall next to her trapping her, “I can't afford to have you telling anyone like the princess about what happened back here.”

“W-well… apart from tying me up somewhere I don't see how you're going to stop me...” Rarity said, her breathing picking up as Noble Heart took her hands and pinned them against the wall.

“That… is exactly what I had in mind,” Noble Heart said. Immediately he claimed her mouth with his own in a passionate kiss, forcing her mouth open and forcing his tongue in to wrap it around hers. Even though she was supposed to be fighting the kiss in the scene, she couldn't help herself. Noble Heart was an excellent kisser.

Get a hold of yourself, Rarity! You can't give yourself to him so easily!

Before she could turn away, Noble Heart broke the kiss and looked into her eyes. All of a sudden, everything stopped between them. She didn't care that he was naked in a mansion while a party was going on just a bit away. She didn't care that this was the man from her dreams that captured her. She didn't care that she had no idea who he even was behind the mask.

She wanted him, and somehow she had a feeling that he wanted her just as much.

He caught himself before she did and smirked, “Well now, seems you liked that quite a bit.”

Rarity felt her face turn red as she averted her eyes. Immediately Noble Heart turned her around to face the wall, and held her wrists behind her back. Rarity felt Noble Heart bind her wrist behind her with a rope.

No turning back now…

I belong to him…

“A beautiful woman all my own,” Noble Heart whispered into her ear as she trembled, fighting back the tears, “This makes this a happy birthday.”

He placed something cold on her horn, locking it in place. She instantly felt her connection to her magic be lost. All she could do now was trust him. This would either be the best night of her life, or the beginning of her life as a sex slave.

Taking the remains of her dress, Noble Heart grabbed Rarity's arm and dragged her up the stairs. As per the scene, she struggled and screamed, but just as Noble Heart had told her, no one even noticed that she was being taken.

She just hoped that these screams for help didn't eventually turn into serious cries for help.

Rarity was thrown onto the bed of her captor. His room wasn't the same as the room in her dreams, but that didn't mean anything. As far as she knew, Noble Heart (or whatever his name really was) would just move her to another location after this. It wouldn't make sense for him to keep her naked and tied up in his own home.

“First, let's remove this,” Noble Heart said, moving his hands to her mask. This was the last thing she had protecting her. The idea of him seeing her face along with her naked body, her unable to cover her modesty, it was far too much for her.

He didn't rip off her mask. Instead, he carefully and slowly removed it. Once it was off, Noble Heart just took her in. He almost seemed mesmerized, like he was looking at an angel. Despite herself, Rarity hadn't felt this beautiful in all her life.

“You're even more beautiful than I thought,” he said softly to himself, “Rarity, Element of Generosity, and one Princess Twilight's knights of the Council of Friendship.”

“T-that's right,” Rarity stuttered, trembling either from fear or anticipation. Noble Heart got up, but quickly pulled out more rope setting it on the bed. Holding Rarity's arms, he quickly undid the ropes on her wrists. Rarity fought her captor, trying to resist, but he was much to strong for her. He held her wrists to the bed, and claimed her mouth with his own. The kiss was forceful, meant as a symbol of ownership rather than a symbol of love.

Yet she loved it.

Still, she couldn't just let this happen. Both because of the scene and the possibility that this was in fact real. She did everything in her power to resist, but Noble Heart was too strong for her. Thus he had no problem holding her wrists to the top of the bed. His lips and tongue never ceased their action of dominance as he retied her wrists, now to the top of the bed. It was only once they were tightly bound that he broke the kiss and looked into her eyes.

“You belong to me now, Rarity,” he said, softly yet with so much strength and assurance. It was so much that she found her eyes watering. She moved her wrists a bit, feeling no slack in her bindings. She couldn't move. If this was real, it was too late. She was his prisoner now.

As Noble Heart moved to her ankles, Rarity's fear hit a head. She thought about using the safe word. That was all she needed to do, right? Just say the word “red” and this would end. She could stop this at anytime.

But she wouldn't say red, now would she? No, she wouldn't, because she wanted this. She had asked for this very moment, to be stripped of her freedom and reduced to a helpless damsel. She wanted to feel utterly out of control, and put to this man's mercy.

“SOMEBODY HELP!” Rarity screamed, “PLEASE, HELP ME!”

Noble Heart laughed grabbing her ankle, “No one can hear you,” Noble Heart said, “I charmed this room when we entered it. It's now completely sound proof. You can scream all you want.”

Was that true? Had this room been charmed? She didn't know, but with her magic inhibited she couldn't check. If that was true though, then she was truly at his mercy.

Say it! Say “red”! Do that and it will be over!

But this was what she had asked for. Even now as Noble Heart finished tying her left ankle to the bed she could feel her heart race in anticipation, and her pussy get warmer in response. This was the most arousing experience Rarity had ever had.

Noble Heart finished tying her right ankle to the bed, and stood up taking in her fully exposed and helpless frame.

“You are absolutely stunning,” Noble Heart said, “The kind of woman most men dream of having in their beds.”

She pulled honestly at her bindings. Once she was reminded of how helpless she was, she turned away from Noble Heart and let her tears flow freely. Noble Heart turned her face back to his and looked her deep in the eyes.

Never look away from me,” Noble Heart said, “I want you to look at me at all times, is that understood?”

“Y-y-yes...” Rarity said, still crying yet not taking her eyes off of him. She didn't know why she was crying. Was it because she was afraid she'd never see her friends again? That she'd never see her little sister, or her parents again? That her freedom was forever stripped away by this man who's desire for her was so powerful she could feel it?

Or was she crying because she was overjoyed to be desired so badly.

For the longest few seconds he just took her in, his eyes lingering on her triple D breasts first.

“Magi women are some of my favorite,” Noble Heart said waling closer to Rarity, “They have the most voluptuous bodies besides angels,” he cupped one of her breasts harshly, “Your figure truly exemplifies what makes magi truly stunning.”

He began kneading her breast. Against her better judgment she found her breathing pick up, and soon a soft moan escaped her. She knew she messed up when he stopped and smirked at her.

“Oh hoh, are you enjoying this?” Noble Heart asked, “Rarity, known as the mightiest Element of them all, getting aroused?”

He then leaned in taking her nipple into his mouth, sucking it. Rarity tried her damn best to keep from vocalizing her arousal any further, but his mouth on her breast, his tongue licking her now erect nipple, she couldn't stop it. Another moan escaped her, this one louder than the last. When Noble Heart bit her nipple, she almost went over the edge. The sudden pain caused her to cry out both in pain and pleasure.

But it was the pleasure that Noble Heart took notice of.

“You're enjoying this just as much as I am, aren't you?” Noble Heart asked, his voice sounding strained, “You put on the front of a pure, noble woman, but deep down you're nothing but a filthy slut, aren't you?”

He got on top of her, and undid his pants setting his fully erect penis free. It was large, just like in her dreams. She had seen it enough times to recognize it from sight. The fact that his pants were merely open while she was completely naked further emphasized who was in control right now.

Oh… it's just like the dream…

This is real… oh God it's real…

He is the man from my dreams… and I was so foolish to not heed their warnings…

She couldn't stop the flood of tears as she looked at his large member. He moved it close to her face, its scent causing Rarity's mind to fade even as the tears flowed. On instinct she licked her lips, and action also not missed by Noble Heart.

“Would you like a taste, Element of Generosity?” Noble Heart asked. Instead of waiting for a response, he pushed his cock toward her mouth. She had no choice but to open her mouth, upon which Noble Heart shoved his penis in. Rarity was surprised by the sudden action, but neither of them moved immediately. Instead, Noble Heart grabbed Rarity by the horn.

“Bite it, and I snap this off,” he said seriously. He then began thrusting in and out, slowly fucking her mouth. Rarity, for her part, sucked and ran her tongue all along his penis. The taste was salty, yet sweet and appealing. As he used her mouth, Noble Heart moaned in pleasure, and Rarity noticed that he was getting harder. At the same time, his thrusts became faster and more erratic. Rarity had to breathe out of her nose, but that didn't stop her from feeling like she was going to suffocate. As the thrusts got deeper, she gagged slightly, which seemed to only spur her captor on even more.

He doesn't even care... He's just content using me as a fuck toy...

I shouldn't be enjoying this so much, but I'm so aroused right now I could come just from this alone...

She had given oral before, but never like this. Noble Heart was so big, he filled her mouth completely. Even with how fast he was thrusting, she still managed to lick his cock, which was so close to hitting the back of her throat. He was unforgiving, and she felt so used right now. Used, yet so aroused. She was getting closer to climax by the second.

“I'm… going to cum...” Noble Heart groaned, “Make sure you swallow every bit.”

He came only a few seconds later. Rarity had to swallow a constant stream of his cum, which to her surprise and shame wasn't unappealing at all. In fact, his cum tasted pretty good.

God… I really am a slut…

Noble Heart removed his penis from her mouth, and caressed her face as she swallowed the last bit, “You were getting into it, weren't you, my little slut?”

She couldn't answer him. She did enjoy it, but telling him that would be-

Noble Heart stuck his finger right into her pussy, causing her to cry out. He rubbed her inner wall, which made her even wetter than she already was. Shit, his hand was right there.

“You can't lie to me,” Noble Heart said into her ear, “You're enjoying this way too much. I can smell you arousal, Rarity. I can feel it dripping on my hand. Your body craves more, doesn't it?” he dug his hand deeper, making her cry out, “Doesn't it? Answer me, Rarity.”

“Y-yes...” Rarity sobbed. She couldn't deny it, this was the most aroused she had been her entire life. His cock hardened again almost immediately from her response.

“You want me inside you, don't you?” Noble Heart asked, now taking his hand out and rubbing his once again erect penis against her pussy, “Beg me. Tell me that you want my cock inside your pussy.”

“P-please...” Rarity pleaded, “I want you're cock… inside me…”

“Tell me that you want me to break you, to fuck you,” Noble Heart continued. Rarity took a deep breath, working up the courage to say these things.

“Fuck me… break… me...” Rarity continued, “Please…

Noble Heart pushed into her pussy. She hadn't felt so full, so complete, in her entire life. She began to wonder if she could even take it all in.

Noble Heart began thrusting hard. This wasn't tender, nor was it loving. He was fucking her, and there was nothing she could do to stop it. Even if she used the safe word, she knew he wouldn't stop. She belonged to him now.

“You're nothing but a filthy slut, aren't you?” Noble Heart asked as he pounded into her, “Admit it! Say it!”

“Yes!” Rarity cried, “I'm a slut! A filthy slut!”

“This was the whole reason you came to my birthday party, isn't it? To get pounded, fucked, used by the birthday boy, right?”

“Yes…! Yes! YES!”

He continued pounding into her pussy, now even more forceful than before. Rarity came immediately, yet he didn't stop. He just kept going, driving her to the edge once again.

“Master…! MASTER!” Rarity screamed on instinct. Hearing her call him that must have brought him to the edge, because moments later he came hard inside of her. Rarity came a second time along with him, and she looked into his eyes. Something powerful formed between them at that moment. Rarity could see it in his eyes. He truly, honestly wanted her. Rarity forgot that she was his prisoner, and that he was her captor, as her desire for him matched his.

She was falling for him. Falling for the man that took away her freedom.

After they finished riding out their orgasms, Noble Heart fell down on top of her exhausted. Rarity closed her eyes and bit her lip, not moving or saying anything. He'd probably rest for a bit, and then start licking her neck getting her ready for-

“Give me a second… and I'll have you untied...”

What? He was going to untie her? He was setting her free? Right, this was supposed to be a scene. This means, she was actually safe the entire time?

Noble Heart slowly removed the bindings on her wrists, and then took off the inhibitor ring on her horn. He then smiled warmly, “How was that?” he asked, “Feeling better?”

“Quite,” Rarity said, still in a state of shock. This was clearly the man her dreams were warning her about, but he was releasing her. He wasn't trying to take away her freedom, at least not indefinitely.

Noble Heart kissed her cheek and got to work untying her ankles. Rarity looked at him the entire time, trying to understand him. He seemed completely different than before. Once again he was the sweet young man she met back in the party. After undoing her bindings he lay on the bed next to her and wrapped his arms around her comfortingly.

“What are you-”

“After care,” Noble Heart said, “After an intense scene like that, it's the dom's job to make sure their sub is okay. I was worried because I saw you were crying through the scene.”

“Oh…” Rarity blushed, “I'm sorry… It was so intense, that I sort of got… lost in the scene.”

“The only reason I didn't stop was because you didn't say the safe word,” Noble Heart said, “I hope I didn't go to far.”

“Not at all,” Rarity said snuggling into his embrace, “It was exactly what I was hoping for.”

Noble Heart breathed out in relief, “Good. The last thing I wanted to do was hurt you.”

“Noble Heart…” Rarity said softly, “Thank you for taking care of me. I only wish I could have done something for you, as it's your birthday.”

“Rarity, this is everything I wanted,” Noble Heart looked into Rarity eyes and caressed her face lovingly, “Just a chance to be with you like this made this day worth while.”

Rarity didn't know why she did it, but she closed the distance between them and kissed him tenderly on the lips. Noble Heart wrapped his arms around her pulling her in closer, deepening the kiss. It was as if he had wanted to do this for a long time. They stayed like that for a few seconds to a minute, savoring the closeness that both of them seemed to crave.

After breaking the kiss, Noble Heart looked away concerned.

“What's wrong, sweetie?” Rarity asked.

“It's just… your lovely dress,” Noble Heart said, “I destroyed it. Not only was it beautiful, but now you have nothing to put on.”

Rarity giggled, “Oh is that all? I told you earlier that I'd be able to fix it. That's why I was okay with you ripping it off.” Rarity got up and took the remains of her dress. Using her now freed magic, she engulfed her dress in her aura, and in a flash it not only returned to its previous state, but it also appeared over her body, “There. All better. May I have my mask, sweetie?”

“Y-yes. Certainly,” Noble Heart said handing Rarity her mask. Rarity put it back on and looked in Noble Heart's mirror.

“Perfect. Once again completely presentable,” Rarity said, running her hand in her hair a bit.

“How did you do that?” Noble Heart asked.

“What? Fix my dress? It's a spell Twilight helped me weave together. There was an incident in the last Gala that resulted in me completely naked. To ensure that never happens again, I had Twilight help me make a spell to recover my lost clothing should the need ever arise.”

“You made a spell… just in case you end up naked in public?” Noble Heart asked, incredulous.

“You never know what could happen,” Rarity said, “I didn't expect to end up streaking in the Gala, but last month it happened. I'm not taking that chance again.”

Noble Heart shook his head smiling, and escorted Rarity back to the party. It was probably winding down now, but that was okay, she got what she wanted.

Maybe now she could stop having such intense dreams.

After the party ended, Blueblood said goodbye to his guests, taking extra time with Rarity. There was a small part of him that wanted to tell her who he really was, but that would seriously put a damper on her night. She left the party with a smile. That was enough for him.

“So, did you have a happy birthday?” Luna asked once they were alone.

“Yes I did,” Blueblood said, “Auntie, it was amazing. She was everything I was hoping she'd be and more.”

“Do you think you'll be seeing her again?” Luna asked.

“Probably not. I never took off my mask,” Blueblood admitted, “That's fine though. As long as she left my party happy, and I got to treat her like the queen she truly is, then I'll sleep well tonight.”

As Blueblood walked to his room, Luna folded her arms frowning.

“If only life were that simple,” she said cryptically.

“Look at you,” Sapphire Shores said to Rarity as they drove back to Ponyville, “Someone's all smiles.”

“Well, let's just say coming to this party wasn't a complete waste of time,” Rarity said, not ready to admit that her friend was right the whole time.

“So when you disappeared on me, you were getting laid?” Sapphire Shores asked.

Rarity sighed, “Sometimes I can't stand you.”

Sapphire Shores laughed, “Most people hate how right I am, but I can't help being so fabulous.”

Rarity shook her head and leaned into her friend, “Thanks, Sapphire.”

“Anytime Rarity,” Sapphire Shores said wrapping her arms around Rarity, who closed her eyes and relaxed. Now that she got it out of her system, hopefully she'd be done with those terrifying dreams.

Maybe tonight she could just get a good night's sleep.

The Contract

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The Contract

When she woke up, she was still bound by tight black belts. One wrapped around her arms and waist, one binding he wrists together, one binding her knees, and the final one wrapped around her ankles with a silver chain connected to the bottom of the bed. She also had a ball gag in her mouth, and her horn still wore the golden inhibitor ring. This was how he liked to keep her while they slept. It wasn't so she couldn't escape, she had given that up ages ago. It was more so for his personal pleasure. He loved seeing her tied up, saying that she was truly radiant bound and helpless.

As per usual she pulled at the chain. There was no slack, just like always. She didn't even know why she kept trying. It wasn't like she'd be able to run. Lying on her side, her back turned to her master, she closed her eyes and allowed herself to once again think about the life she had lost.

She had been the property of Noble Heart for almost a year now. By now, Twilight and the others would have given up on searching for her. She wondered how Sweetie Belle was doing. Noble Heart loved to mention her little sister, but of course she wasn't allowed to call her, send her a letter, or anything. Whenever they had visitors, she was always left somewhere out of sight.

Noble Heart stirred behind her, and wrapped an arm around her grabbing a breast.

“Good morning love,” Noble Heart said running his other hand in Rarity's hair, “Did you sleep well?”

As he asked that, he removed her gag, meaning he expected an answer.

“Yes Master,” Rarity said, “I was comfortable. How may I serve you this morning?”

Noble Heart smiled and put on his mask before she could turn to him, “How about you start by taking care of this,” he said pulling the covers back, revealing his morning erection. Her heart started racing, and she licked her lips. She knew how to fix this little problem.

It was a little awkward bound as she was, but she positioned herself over his cock. First thing she did was give the tip a lick. Her master loved it when she did that. He moaned in pleasure, but then began undoing some of her bindings, setting her arms and wrists free.

“You're such a good girl,” Noble Heart said, “Why don't you enjoy yourself to the fullest.”

“Oh, thank you Master,” Rarity said happily. She then took his member in her hands, and began licking the shaft. She loved her master's cock. The salty yet sweet taste, the musky scent, the size, and how full it felt when it was in her mouth.

As she licked his ever hardening cock, Rarity looked up at her master as he writhed in pleasure. Not taking her eyes off him, she put his whole cock into her mouth. His face contorted as his breathing picked up, and he began thrusting slowly.

“That's a good girl,” Noble Heart said, “Very good girl.”

“Mmm...” Rarity cooed, bobbing her head with more enthusiasm. Her master was enjoying it. She was doing a good job. She briefly stopped and looked up at him, “May I pleasure myself too?” she asked before continuing her blow job.

“Yes...” Noble Heart said in between breaths, “Like I said… enjoy yourself...”

Rarity loved it when she did a good job. Noble Heart was a kind and loving master when he was happy. With one hand still gripping his cock, she moved her other hand to her dripping pussy and began fingering herself. She was so close now, and if she was feeling his cock right in her mouth, so was he.

She wasn't going to cum yet though. She had to make sure he came first.

“F-fuuuuuuck…!” Noble Heart said, “Don't… swallow this time… I want to see my cum… all on your face.”

When Rarity tasted the smallest hint of his sperm, she released his member and began stroking his shaft, making his warm cum explode on her face. Rarity climaxed mere seconds after him, more from feeling her master's sperm coating her face than from her own administrations. When he was emptied, Noble Heart looked at Rarity and smirked.

“That's my second favorite look for you,” he said, “You look like such a dirty slut covered in my cum.”

“Thank you Master,” Rarity said, feeling great shame yet pride at being called such a degrading title. She felt like a slut honestly. If her friends knew what had become of her, they'd be so disgusted. The great Element of Generosity reduced to little more than a whore.

Her master got up, undid the bindings on her legs, and took her hand lifting her off the bed, “Let's take shower, my pet,” he said lovingly, “There I can clean you up and reward you for doing a wonderful job.”

As he led her to the bathroom, he slowly removed his mask and turned around. She'd finally be able to see the face of her-

It was still dark when Rarity woke up. She sat up, feeling her heart race from her intense dream. She had gotten this out of her system! She finally experienced the kidnapping scenario that she dreamed of! Why was she still having these dreams?!

Rarity buried her face in her pillow and screamed in frustration. What was it going to take to put an end to this?

“Goddamn it!” Blueblood swore sitting in his bed. Not only did he have the same dream where he was treating Rarity like a slave, but he woke up before he could reveal himself to her.

He thought he was done with these dreams. He had a night with Rarity, and he made her happy. So why the hell was he still having those disturbing dreams? Why was seeing Rarity like that making him hard even now?

“She really was beautiful, wasn't she?” Blueblood asked himself lying down, “Damn, I'm sick to even think of her like that.”

Still, he needed help figuring out these dreams. Maybe it was a sign that he needed to see Rarity again. He needed to become the masked man and make the dream a reality. After all, she seemed to really be into it. He wouldn't actually abduct her, but maybe he could convince her to be his for a while.

He picked up his dream journal and wrote down the dream before he forgot, and then began planning his next move. He was going to do it. He was going to become the man in his dreams, Noble Heart.

Hopefully make his and her dreams come true in more ways than one.

“Earth to Rares! Hey!”

Rainbow Dash snapped her fingers in Rarity's face snapping her out of her daze. She looked and saw both Rainbow Dash and Applejack looking at her concerned.

“Oh, sorry Dash,” Rarity apologized, “My mind was somewhere else.”

“Yeah, tell me about it,” Dash said rolling her eyes, “We're almost at the castle.”

Rainbow Dash was an avian woman with long straight rainbow colored hair that fell about halfway to her waist and an athletic build. She, like most avian women, wasn't extremely well endowed, but she wasn't flat either. She wore dark blue shorts that hugged her hips, a matching tank top that showed off the shape of her breasts and allowed room for her large cyan wings to fly freely, and blue and white sneakers.

On Rarity's other side was Applejack, a human woman with more of a strong build. She had long blond hair and slightly tanned skin, and currently wore a red shirt that was buttoned enough to contain her C-Cup breasts, dark blue jeans, brown boots, and her trademark stetson on her head. Rarity always thought Applejack was beautiful, but as she was always working so hard she didn't have time to dress up normally.

“So, what's on yer mind, Rares?” Applejack asked.

“Nothing really,” Rarity lied, realizing too late what a dumb idea that was around Applejack. She was the Element of Honesty after all.

“Yeah, ya wanna try that again, this time honestly?” Applejack asked with a raised eyebrow. Rarity sighed folding her arms.

“If you must know, I met someone at the party last night,” Rarity said.

“You mean that birthday party in Canterlot?” Rainbow Dash asked, “Who was it for, anyway?”

“I don't know,” Rarity said, “He said his name was Noble Heart, but...”

“What, that wasn't his real name?” Applejack asked.

“I don't think so,” Rarity said, “It was a masquerade ball after all.”

“So, you didn't see his face, you don't know his real name, and you still slept with him?” Dash asked, “I thought you were the smart one.”

“Dash, watch it,” Applejack said, “Ah'm sure Rarity wouldn't be dumb enough to let some strange man have his way with her body.”

Oh, if only you knew…

“Well, here we are,” Rarity said quickly, drawing attention to the large castle before them, “Why don't we see what Twilight wanted, hm?”

She pushed through the large doors, leaving Applejack and Rainbow Dash confused. They were giving her too much credit. Sure, normally she was smarter than that, but last night she needed it so bad. Besides, it panned out. He turned out to be a true gentleman.

Unlike most nobles in Canterlot.

As usual, Twilight wasn't in the throne room. She hated being in the throne room unless she was with her friends. Instead, the three women found Twilight in her study, hovering around the bookshelves. She used to be a regular magi like Rarity, blessed with a sort of nerdy beauty. Like all magi women, she was sort of top heavy, but when she ascended Twilight filled out… a lot.

Her long purple and pink hair gained volume, becoming thicker and even a little longer. Her breasts had become a whole cup size bigger, now putting her at almost Rarity's size (Rarity was pleased to know that she was still bigger though), and her hips filled out giving her a much rounder rear, much to Twilight's dismay. She was a few inches taller now, her horn grew in length, and she had two impressive wings coming out of the back of her top.

Yet she still generally dressed simply, currently wearing a simple purple sweater, indigo skirt, black leggings, and red high heels. She tried to just look unassuming most of the time, but with her new angelic figure, the look came off really sexy.

“Hey, we're here,” Dash called out catching Twilight's attention. She smiled to them and flew down landing elegantly in front of them, “Looking good, Twilight.”

“Thanks,” Twilight said smiling sheepishly, “I've been practicing a lot since our last lesson.”

“So, why did ya call us here?” Applejack asked.

“Well, a letter came here via carrier pigeon,” Twilight explained going to her desk and grabbing a letter, “The letter isn't signed, but it was addressed to Rarity directly.”

Rarity took the letter, her heart beating out of her chest as she read it.

I hope this letter reaches you well. I'll make this brief, Rarity. Last night was absolutely magical, and I can't stand the thought of that being the only night we ever spend together. You seemed to be enjoying the scene as much as I, so I have a proposition. I would like our relationship to continue beyond last night.

Along with this letter I've included a contract. It's nothing to long, don't worry, and there's no fine print. I've taken the liberty to learn a bit about you, so I know you have duties to attend to. I tried to make things convenient for you, but if there's anything that doesn't suit your fancy, then let me know and I will adjust it. Just like last time, you control how far we go.

I've also included an address for you to meet me. Should you agree to the terms of the contract and wish to sign it, then please come to this address and meet me in person. If there are issues with the contract then we can discuss them when you arrive. Otherwise, we will begin immediately.

I'm not going to lie, Rarity. I want you. I want you badly. I understand your trepidation though, as you have no idea who I am, nor have you seen my face. I assure you though, that I am an honorable man, and desire nothing more than your absolute fulfillment.

Hope to see you soon.

Rarity found herself placing her hand over her heart reading the letter. Her friends took note of course.

“Uh… you okay Rares?” Dash asked.

“Twilight, there should be more papers,” Rarity said, “Something like a document. Where is it?”

“Oh, that's right here,” Twilight said pulling out an official document. Rarity was happy to see that the contract wasn't too big. She had read a book once where the dom had a contract that looked to be about ten pages long. Thankfully Noble Heart's contract wasn't nearly as large.

Applejack took the contract from Rarity and looked it over, “These terms are sort of sketchy,” she said. Rarity frantically reached for it, but Rainbow Dash grabbed it first and flew up to read it herself.

“Uh huh… Uh huh… Looks like this guy wants Rarity to become his slave or something,” Rainbow Dash said. Rarity used her magic to grab the document and drew it over to her.

“He doesn't want me to be his slave per say,” Rarity said, “Honestly, you wouldn't understand.”

“Ah understand that some of the things he's askin ya ta do sound like an indentured servant,” Applejack said folding her arms.

“Rarity, do you know who this is?” Twilight asked.

“It's him, isn't it?” Dash asked, “The one from last night?”

“Last night?” Twilight asked.

“Apparently, Rares met someone last night at that masquerade party,” Applejack said before Rarity could answer.

You went to that?” Twilight asked shocked.

“Yes, I did,” Rarity said turning her nose to the air, “Is there a problem with that?”

“No,” Twilight said looking unsure, “It's just… considering the nature of the party, I would have thought you would-”

“Twilight, it was just a masquerade party,” Rarity said, “And for everyone's information, I had a wonderful time.”

“Rarity, is it from the man ya spent the night with last night?” Applejack asked looking Rarity in the eyes.

“What if it is?” Rarity asked, “Are you going to forbid me from going to see him again?”

“Rarity, ya don't even know him,” Applejack said, “What if he does somethin to ya? What if he locks ya up or somethin?”

You don't want me to answer that honestly, Applejack.

“He won't hurt me,” Rarity said, “Last night he was a true gentleman.”

“That could have jus' been a ploy ta earn yer trust,” Applejack said, “Who knows what he'll do if he gets a hold of ya again.”

“I can take care of myself, Applejack,” Rarity said, “I may not be as physically strong as a human or avian, but I'm just as capable as you,” Rarity narrowed her eyes looking at Applejack, who did the same in kind. They were friends, of course, but lately the two of them had become rather strained. They argued a lot, and every time Rarity spent time with Spike Applejack would get really irritated for some reason.

“Okay break it up you two,” Rainbow Dash said getting in between the two women, “Fighting in the castle of friendship is not cool.”

“Speaking of,” Twilight said, “That's the real reason I called you here with Rarity. The map summoned us. The three of us are needed back in Griffin Stone.”

“Not me though?” Rarity asked.

“Afraid not,” Twilight said, “I'm sorry, I called you here just for the letter. I figured we could take care of that first before we head out.”

“Why don't you three go on?” Rarity suggested, “I'll be fine.”

“You jus' want us gone so you can sign that piece of paper without us houndin ya,” Applejack stated.

“I want to be alone so I can think about it without you trying to influence my decision,” Rarity fussed. Applejack frowned and turned to the door.

“Do what ya want,” Applejack said storming out of the room.

“That was weird,” Twilight said.

“Applejack's been weird for months now,” Rainbow Dash said, “Rares, don't worry. I trust your judgment.”

“Me too,” Twilight said, “Whatever you do, we support it.”

“Thank you, both of you,” Rarity said, “That means a lot to me. I hope you don't mind if I stay here and read over this contract.”

“This office belongs to everyone,” Twilight said, “Make yourself at home.”

Rarity smiled and hugged her friends before seeing them off. Once she was alone, she sat down at the desk and looked over the contract.

Contract of Consensual Ownership

The purpose of this document is to:

a: state the full mutual consent of the undersigned in regards to this relationship

b: explain the responsibilities of both the slave and the master

c: define limits, safe words, and their use

d: explain the use of punishment

e: foster a greater sense of communication between respective parties

This is in no way legally binding. It's meant solely to aid in the understanding of the needs, duties, and responsibilities of master and slave.

Provisions of the Contract

1: The slave agrees to obey the will of her master to the best of her ability, and devotes herself entirely to the pleasure of her master. She also agrees to forgo her own pleasure, comfort, or gratification except as permitted by her master.

The master agrees to learn what excites the slave through exploration and communication, and agrees to incorporate that into the relationship.

2: The master assumes full responsibility of the slave. This includes, but is not limited to: the slave's survival, health, physical well being, and mental well being. The slave assumes full responsibility to inform the master of any perceived dangers and safety concerns, but accepts that the master's say on these matters is final. The Master agrees to not punish the slave for voicing her concerns, and will listen with an open mind. The Master shall endeavor to not inflict physical or mental harm onto the slave that will require care from someone outside of the relationship.

3: Slave agrees at all times to make her body readily available to her master for his use. She will be groomed, presenting herself to her master in the way he desires at all times. Unless specified otherwise, she will be naked for the duration of their times together.

4: The slave agrees to accept responsibility of use of the safe word when necessary. The slave acknowledges that the safe word is “red” and that the safe signal (in the instance that she is gagged) is “stomping her foot three times”. The Master accepts the responsibility of assessing situations where the safe word/signal is used and make judgments of whether to modify the activity or stop it entirely. Slave agrees to hold no ill will due to her master's decision. Master agrees to not punish slave for use of the safe word/signal.

5: The Slave agrees to answer all questions promptly and honestly, and will give any information the master needs concerning the slaves physical and emotional state. The master agrees to never use this information to harm the slave in any way.

6: The master agrees to furnish all toys such as vibrators, nipple clamps, etc., and punishment instruments such as whips and crops. All toys will be cleaned before use, and the slave will inform the master of any replacements or repairs needed.

7: Slave states that her limits are, but not limited to: _____________________________________. The master agrees to never violate these limits without the consent of the slave.

8: The slave agrees to address the master as “Sir” or “Master” at all times unless directed otherwise. Slave agrees to speak respectfully to the master at all times, including times when not in a specified scene. The master may address the slave in any way he sees fit.

9: The master agrees to furnish the slave with a symbolic token of ownership. The slave agrees to wear this symbol at all times, except when the master states that to do so would be inappropriate.

10: Slave agrees and understands that any infraction of this agreement, or any act that displeases the master, will result in punishment. The slave will gracefully accept her punishment and try to learn from it. The slave agrees to assemble the punishment materials as ordered by the master and assume the position needed to accept her punishment. Slave understands that failure to comply with her master's orders will result in a more severe punishment. The master will inform the slave when she is being punished or when punishment occurs, and will explain the reason for said punishment either before, during, or following the punishment. The master agrees to never discipline out of, or during, feelings of anger.

11: Any further details not mentioned here will be discussed upon the first meeting of master and slave, and will be adhered to along with everything stated above.

I, _______________, hereby offer myself to consensual slavery to ______________, and do so of sound mind and of my own free will. This agreement shall start upon the official signing of this contract by both parties, and will remain valid for the duration of two months, after which the agreement will be reviewed, negotiated, and rewritten or terminated.

Signed (month) __________ (day) _____, (year) 20____

Master signature:___________________________

Slave signature:________________________

This was a very well written contract. She had never taken part in a full on BDSM relationship, but she had heard of such things like contracts. She read, and reread it, pleased to see that there wasn't anything overlooked.

But did she really want to belong to him for two months?

This was clearly what her dream was trying to tell her about. Apparently, in her dreams she didn't get captured by Noble Heart. She gave herself to him willingly. Thinking about it made her tremble in both fear and anticipation. Why was she having premonitions about Noble Heart and their sessions? What was so special about him?

Well, there was an easy way to find out. All she had to do was sign her name…

“Twilight? Are you there?” Spike asked walking into the study, stopping when he saw Rarity sitting at her desk, “Whoa! Sorry Rarity, I didn't know you were there.”

“That's okay, sweetie,” Rarity said smiling warmly at Spike. He looked human now, but in reality Spike was far from human. He was actually a dragon, signified by his emerald green eyes and sharp teeth. He had short, messy green hair, and wore a purple vest, dark purple shirt, blue jeans, and black sneakers. Spike had always had a crush on Rarity, and while at one point she considered it, Rarity eventually realized that Spike was more of a little brother to her than a lover.

Though he was the only one of her friends to know about her kidnapping fetish.

“What's that you got there?” Spike asked, “Uh… you don't have to tell me. I bet it's something a kid like me wouldn't understand.”

“Nonsense Spike,” Rarity said, “You're turning eighteen in a few weeks. Besides, you're the only person I can confide in with these things,” she motioned for Spike to come, and he walked over to her side as she handed him the contract, “What do you make of this?”

Spike read over the contract. Much to her relief, he didn't make a big deal about the subject. After a second, he handed the contract back to her.

“It doesn't look suspicious, if that's what you were wondering,” Spike said, “What's this for?”

“W-well… there was a masquerade ball last night, and I attended, and...”

“Did you meet someone?” Spike asked, sounding hopeful for her. Spike may have still had a crush on Rarity, but he knew she didn't like him like that, so instead he just supported her.

“In a sense, yes, but...” Rarity frowned looking at the contract, “He's so mysterious. He never took off his mask, and I'm certain that he gave me a false name. He's an absolute gentleman though. He took care of me last night, and actually… indulged in my fantasy.”

“Hey, that's great!” Spike said smiling.

“It is, but I still don't know the first thing about him,” Rarity said, “However, apparently I left an impression on him. You see, this contract is… for me.”

Now Spike's eyes went wide in shock, “He wants you be his full time sub?”

“We'll negotiate all of that,” Rarity said, “He said he's flexible, so that's good. I doubt I'll have to give up my normal life for him.”

“So, what's the problem then?” Spike asked leaning against the desk.

“Remember the dreams I told you about? The ones where I'm a prisoner?” Spike nodded, “My captor in the dreams… is Noble Heart, the man who sent me this.”

“Oh,” Spike said, “Are you sure it's him?”

“Positive,” Rarity said, “His mask is the same, and his… um… assests what I remembered.”

“Okay, too much information,” Spike said awkwardly.

“Sorry,” Rarity said, “But yes, I'm sure that its him.”

“Which makes it hard to trust him,” Spike said.

“Relationships like this are always about trust, and they're always a challenge, but there's a part of me that's wondering if Noble Heart is truly as noble as his “name” implies. What if he's trying to use me, Spike? What if I go to him, and he keeps me held against my will?”

“If that happens, I'll search for you,” Spike said in assurance, “I won't stop searching no matter what.”

“So, you think I should see this through?” Rarity asked.

“I'll be honest, I'm a little concerned too,” Spike said, “But he doesn't seem to be a bad person based on this contract. Besides, your dreams are clearly trying to tell you something. Twilight has prophetic dreams all the time now, and whenever she doesn't listen to them things get bad.”

“But what if my dreams are a warning,” Rarity asked, “I could be walking into the lion's den.”

“That's true, but I don't think they're a warning,” Spike said thoughtfully, “I can't put my finger on it, but something about this feels right. I say go for it.”

“Are you sure?” Rarity asked, “You really think I should go?”

“I do,” Spike said, “If this is a chance for you to find happiness, then I want you to take it. Who knows? You might end up wearing that wedding dress you keep working on in your spare time.”

“Let's not get ahead of ourselves,” Rarity said, “But you're right. Thanks Spike.”

“No problem,” Spike said. Rarity hugged him, looking over his shoulder at the contract. She was going to do it. This was the only way she could figure out what those dreams were all about. She had no choice if she were going to learn what all of this was about, and see just how far she could go.

She had to sign her name.

The Mansion

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The Mansion

With Luna's help, it didn't take long for Blueblood to find a place suited for his plan. He wanted to give Rarity the exact experience from the dream, so he began searching for a mansion out of Canterlot. He was pleased to find one actually in the outskirts of Ponyville of all places. It was somewhat out of the way, but he was sure Rarity would be able to find it. Turned out, Luna actually own this place, and decided to give it to him for his games.

What the hell did his aunt do in her spare time?!

“So, what do you think?” Luna asked after giving Blueblood the full tour.

“It's perfect,” Blueblood said smiling, “Actually, it looks just like my dreams as far as I know. How did you manage that?”

“I mostly lucked out,” Luna said, “However, as a dream weaver, I've walked your dreams many times, so I was able to match this to the best of my ability, and anything that didn't match I adjusted.”

“Thank you so much, Auntie,” Blueblood said, “I know this is strange, but I…”

“You don't have to explain,” Luna said waving it off, “I understand. Your dreams are speaking to you, and you feel the need to follow them. That's something I fully support,” Blueblood looked away somberly, “What's wrong, Nephew?”

“It's just, I don't know about all of this,” Blueblood admitted, “I mean, aren't I basically kidnapping her?”

“You sent her the contract, correct?” Luna asked.

“Yes, I did,” Blueblood said.

“And you wrote it just as I said to?” Luna continued.

“I'm still wondering how and why you know so much about all of this, but yes.”

Luna chuckled, “I've been alive for ages, Nephew. You tend to pick up on a few things when you've lived as long as I. But focusing on the task at hand, that's good. Anything that she does will be of her own free will,” Luna said, “Are you going to continue wearing the mask?”

“For now, yes,” Blueblood said, “At least until I learn the meaning of these dreams, or once the two months are up. Hopefully I'll have worked up the nerve to tell her how I feel by then.”

“Everything will work out,” Luna said, “There are no accidents when it comes to love.”

Blueblood sighed, “Too bad she doesn't love me.”

“Give it time. I'm sure you can change that,” Luna said hugging her nephew. She looked out the window and saw a carriage driving up to the mansion, “Looks like it's time.”

“Auntie, don't leave,” Blueblood begged, “I can't face her again!”

“You'll be fine,” Luna assured, “Just be yourself. Besides, you don't want me here. She'll be tipped off to who you are if she sees me.”

Blueblood groaned, “Damn it, you're right.”

“I'll be with you in your dreams,” Luna said hugging Blueblood, “Good luck, Noble Heart.”

With that, Luna vanished in a black orb of darkness. Shit, he was alone now. He looked at the carriage and saw a familiar frame sitting inside. He'd recognize Rarity anywhere, as her hair style was very distinct. The fact that she was here meant that she actually wanted this.

Well, it's now or never. Time to show your late father that you're a man.

Taking a deep breath, he pulled out the mask he wore yesterday and secured it to his face. He then stepped out of the door. For what he planned, he needed to get started before she set foot inside the mansion.

One of the best parts of having connections to the princess, it granted you certain privileges, such as hiring a private carriage that would take you wherever you wanted to go and not ask questions. Rarity looked out at their destination and saw a gothic looking mansion far in the outskirts of Ponyville. It was in a place that was easy to remember once you found it, but could easily be overlooked.

This is the place from my dreams, isn't it?

I'm really here. I'm actually doing this.

She thought about the decision she made, and a part of her still wondered if it was wise, or why she even did it. Truth was, she did crave this absolute surrender of her freedom, and the feeling of helplessness. Still, she was terrified of actually feeling helpless. She didn't know the first thing about Noble Heart, except that he was a genuinely nice man. The odd thing was that he was in love with another woman, right? Why was he so interested in her then? Had he just given up on her? Had she moved on from him?

Or could all of that had been a lie, and it was Rarity he was waiting for, so he could lock her up and take away her freedom for good?

She looked at the mansion and saw Noble Heart walking up to her carriage. He was wearing the clothes from the dream, and of course the mask. She had a feeling that he'd still be wearing it, but there was a part of her that wondered what he looked like underneath it.

“No turning back now,” Rarity said taking a deep breath. She then stepped out of the carriage and walked over to the driver, “Thank you for bringing me here.”

“Are you sure you're okay with me leaving you here?” the driver asked, “I can wait for you.”

“That won't be necessary,” Noble Heart said right at the front gate of the mansion, “I'll make sure she gets home safe.”

Rarity gulped looking at Noble Heart. He was so powerful, and she could tell he was extremely handsome. If only she knew who he was for real.

“N-Noble Heart,” Rarity stuttered, “I'm flattered that you'd come to meet me.”

“Well, I thought it'd be rude to expect you to walk up to this scary building alone,” Noble Heart said with a smile, “Did you…?”

“Y-yes,” Rarity said reaching into the carriage, “I brought it with me. I already filled out my limits.”

Noble Heart took the document and read it through. She didn't have too many limits, as long as she felt completely helpless. However, she did have her boundaries, hers being scat and water sport. She just found those both to be absolute disgusting. Also, she didn't want to be cut. She didn't mind being whipped, but no knives.

“Oh, thank god,” Noble Heart said in relief, “I'm glad to see your limits are the same as mine.”

“Honestly, I pride myself on my appearance too much for those,” Rarity admitted, “I find them to be absolutely horrifying.”

“Same here,” Noble Heart said, “Though, I'm assuming that these are just hard limits.”

“Y-yes,” Rarity said, “You see, there's a particular experience I'm hoping to have here, and well… as such I'm… pretty much open to just about anything else.”

“Anything else?” Noble Heart asked, “Are you sure about that?”

“I'll explain it like this,” Rarity said looking Noble Heart dead in the eyes, “Once we've spoken about everything, I'm officially yours to do as you wish. I need this to be as intense as possible. There's… something I need to figure out.”

Noble Heart nodded thoughtfully, “I see. Well, before I sign this and become your master officially, I need to know. Is there anything I need to know about your life and schedule?”

“Well, I do have a job in Ponyville,” Rarity said, “I'm sure you know, but I'm a seamstress, and well…”

“Ah, yes. Don't worry, there's a reason I chose this time,” Noble Heart said, “You see, should we decide to go along with this, the schedule I set up for is Friday nights at 6 all the way until Sunday nights at 5. If you would like, we can also meet up earlier for special sessions if we contact one another about it first. Is that acceptable?”

“Yes, very,” Rarity said, “I'm usually bored on weekends anyway, so this is perfect.”

“Then if everything checks out,” Noble Heart pulled out a pen and signed his name next to “Master Signature”. He the handed the contract to Rarity to sign. She was trembling so much, because she knew exactly what this entailed. For the next two months, she would become his sex toy, his plaything.

She was terrified, but she loved every second of it.

So as such, she signed her name next to “Slave Signature”. Her fate sealed, she closed her eyes tightly and handed the contract to Noble Heart, who tipped the driver of the carriage.

“I'll make sure she gets home safely,” Noble Heart said. The carriage drove off, leaving her and Noble Heart alone. Rarity continued to tremble as Noble Heart caressed her face.

“Now that we've started,” he began, “Remove your clothes.”

Did Rarity hear him correctly? Did he want her to remove her clothes right now? Outside?

“Are we already having problems following orders, slave?” Noble Heart asked dangerously.

“Not at all… M-Master,” Rarity's face turned beet red, “It's just… even though we're alone, I'd feel humiliated being out here… naked...”

“Well, considering what it says on the contract, you'll have to get used to it,” Noble Heart said, “I want you naked so whenever I want to fuck you I don't have to have to deal with obstructive clothing. Now, everything, take it off.”

Rarity took a shuddering breath, and slowly began running the back zipper of her fancy white dress down. Once it was completely down, she allowed the piece of fabric to fall to the ground, revealing just a purple bra and matching panties. Noble Heart looked at her in hunger and anticipation, which just made what he was making her do even more humiliating.

Next up she began undoing the back strap of her bra, letting it fall to the ground too and setting her large mounds free. She then slowly lowered her panties, exposing her perfectly shaved pussy to him.

Noble Heart licked his lips, and Rarity could see the bulge in his pants getting bigger.

“I could never tire of looking at your beauty,” Noble Heart said walking up to Rarity and caressing her left butt cheek, “Your body is too perfect to be covered up with clothes, so whenever you come here, you're to be completely naked and natural, understand?”

She had been called sexy before, but Noble Heart was the first one to say she looked so perfect naked. She was so embarrassed, yet flattered at the same time.

“Yes Master, thank you,” Rarity said.

“Next order of business,” Noble Heart said moving Rarity away from her discarded clothes, “Let's break you in, shall we?”

“What do you mean-” Rarity gasped as Noble Heart quickly turned her around so her back was to him. In one hand he squeezed one of her breasts, and in the other hand he began fingering her. The way he roughly handled her breast and pussy made her feel so used. The idea that he was doing it out in the open like this only added to how dirty she felt, especially with how wet she was.

“Don't hold back,” Noble Heart whispered into her ear, “Never hold in your moans. I want to hear your song as a sign of your absolute surrender to me.”

She couldn't hold back even if she wanted to. He squeezed and kneaded her left breast to roughly, and as he fingered her now sopping wet pussy he let his thumb lightly flick her clit. It was too much. In mere seconds she was already close to the edge.

“P-please...” Rarity begged, “I… I'm going to… Ahh…!”

“Yes my pet, cum for me,” Noble Heart commanded, “Cum right out here in front of my mansion. You know you want to.”

“Hah…! AHHH!” Rarity screamed as her climax exploded, her juices flowing out of her onto the grass right under her. She felt so dirty, cumming outside like that, and found herself unable to hold in her tears. Tears of shame, humiliation, and the greatest pleasure she had ever felt.

“Look at that,” Noble Heart said, “I had a feeling you were going to cum, but I didn't think it would be this much. You really are a slut, aren't you?”

If anyone else ever called her that she would throw a fit, but somehow it didn't bother her coming from Noble Heart. Well, she did sort of cum outside, so there wasn't much she could say to deny it.

Noble Heart licked the finger that was inside her pussy, closing his eyes in ecstasy, “Delicious. I'm going to enjoy drinking your sweet nectar slave. Come inside now. I wish to give you a tour of your new weekend home.”

Noble Heart picked up her clothes and escorted her toward the mansion. Her legs were shaky, both from the intense orgasm she just had and the feeling of absolute shame. She came, outside. No self respecting lady would do something so crude, even if she weren't going to be spotted.

It made Rarity feel both dirty and liberated.

The inside of the mansion was exactly how Rarity imagined it, which more and more made her wonder if she was making a horrible mistake. She wasn't an angel, yet she was clearly having premonitions, right? What was the point? What were her dreams telling her?

As she was given the tour of the place, Noble Heart took every chance he could to look at her assets and touch her. Her instincts were telling her to cover herself, but the contract said that she was to be unclothed the entire time she was here. Covering up would earn her master's ire.

“This is the dining room,” Noble Heart said showing Rarity a very nice dining room with dark green walls and a chandelier over the table, “Tell me, do you cook?”

“Y-yes,” Rarity stuttered, “I was the only one in my family who knew how, so I cooked all of our meals.”

“Wonderful,” Noble Heart said, “After the first weekend, you will be in charge of cooking our meals.”

“After the first?” Rarity asked, “Um… why not now? I-I-I could…”

“While I appreciate that, this weekend will be solely for conditioning,” Noble Heart said wrapping an arm around Rarity's waist. Rarity's eyes widened as her heart started racing.

“C-conditioning…?” Rarity asked, “W-what does… that…?”

“I can tell that you want this, but there's the smallest hint of something in your eyes,” Noble Heart said turning Rarity to face him, “Is it hesitation? Defiance? I'm not entirely sure, but I can't have you resisting my orders for two months,” he caressed the side of her face moving a strand of her hair behind her ear, “You wanted this to be intense, didn't you?”

“I-I did...” Rarity said averting her eyes.

“What did I say the first night we had sex?” Noble Heart said with a slight growl, immediately making Rarity's eyes fall back on his, “Never take your eyes off me.”

“Y-yes,” Rarity said. Noble Heart cupped her face in his hands, leaned in, and kissed her. It was tender, yet forceful, and after a second he forced his tongue in to explore her mouth. It was an action of ownership, that hinted at dark, passionate intentions, but also hinted at something genuine. Rarity closed her eyes and met her tongue with his, falling into the bliss of Noble Heart's kiss.

“Remember, if I ever go too far, you have the safe word,” Noble Heart said, pressing his forehead against Rarity's and allowing their horns to touch, “I won't gag you in the beginning, so if I ever take things to a place you don't want to go, just let me know, alright?”

“Yes…” Rarity said, trying her hardest to calm down, but failing miserably.

“This is incredibly important,” Noble Heart said, “Since you didn't fill out any soft limits and gave me permission to be as intense as possible, the safe word is all I have to go on. You have to promise me that you'll use the safe word if I go too far, otherwise I'm going to keep going.”

“I promise,” Rarity said, “I'll stop you with the safe word, if I need you to stop. Otherwise… please keep going. No matter what I say, or how much I scream, don't stop.”

Noble Heart took a deep shuddering breath, “Well then, if you're sure,” Rarity nodded, “Let's not waste any time.”

Noble Heart led Rarity to another room. Her heart was racing, and her legs got so shaky that she could barely walk forward. If she remembered the dream correctly, she knew exactly what was going to happen. The hallway was one she remembered vividly from her dream. Last time though, she was walking away from the room ahead of them. They stopped at the last door on the right.

This is the room. I'm sure of it.

“Why don't you open it?” Noble Heart requested. Rarity's hand was trembling as she slowly grabbed the doorknob and opened it. The room was dark, with only one window. It wasn't too big, but it had a chest in the back corner of the room. Dead in the center on the floor were two shackles far apart, and above them hanging over the ceiling were shackles held up by a single chain.

“The plan is,” Noble Heart said putting his hands on Rarity's shoulders, “for you to spend today in this room while I condition you.”

“Spend today… in this room?” Rarity asked, trembling.

“That's right,” Noble Heart said leading Rarity into the room over to the shackles. He turned her around to face him and lifted her arms above her, securing the shackles around her wrists. Rarity's heart was pounding out of her chest as she tested the chains. At the same time, Noble Heart spread her legs further apart and chained her ankles to the floor. As she was still wearing her purple high heels, she almost lost her balance and was forced to lean forward. Noble Heart stood up and pulled out an inhibitor ring, placing it on her horn. Instantly she felt her magic be cut off.

“There are three rooms in this house that you'll be staying in,” Noble Heart said, “This one, a personal room that will be all yours, and finally my room. Today, you're going to spend some time alone in here while I take care of some personal errands.”

“Y-you're going to leave me… imprisoned here?” Rarity asked, now absolutely terrified.

“You have to earn the right to leave this room,” Noble Heart said, “Until then, you will remain in here for conditioning when we're not together. You will eat and shower with me at all times, afterward you will be returned to this room. At random points throughout the day, I will come in here and test your obedience. If you displease me, I will punish you, and your conditioning will continue. If I am not satisfied with your progress by the end of the weekend, we will continue this next weekend. Understand?” Rarity was so afraid right now all she could manage was a nod. Unfortunately, that wasn't right apparently, as Noble Heart roughly grabbed her by the hair, “I want you to speak, Rarity. Always answer me with a “yes master”. Do. You. Understand?”

“Yes! Yes Master!” Rarity cried. Noble Heart released her and walked to the back of the room where the chest was. Rarity pulled at her shackles frantically, actually trying to pull her wrists free, but to no avail.

Say it! Say “red”! Tell him that you can't do this! This is too scary! It's too much for you!

Rarity gave up and just let her tears flow freely. Truth was, this was what she had dreamed of, and what she wanted. Much to her shame, she got even more aroused once she realized that this was actually happening. She felt like one of the princesses in the books she read growing up; helpless, at the absolute mercy of her captor, forced to await her fate.

Mmm… I'm getting so wet right now. This is my dream come true.

He's kidnapping you! You're his prisoner now! You can end this at any time, just by saying the safe word! USE IT!

As her head and her heart continued to argue, her body felt another sensation as Noble Heart appeared in front of her again. In his hands were two things. One was a pair of nipple clamps, and the other was a small egg shaped vibrator. The first thing he did was place the clamps on her now fully erect nipples. They were the kind that had to be tightened, and he closed them just tight enough to stay on and cause pain, but not too much. She could handle this for a little while, but if he left her like this for a long time, she might not have been able to hold out.

“This is a wonderful look for you,” Noble Heart said with a smirk, “I want to just stick my cock inside of you right now, but I'm going to hold off. I want to make sure you're mine when I fuck you for the first time. Until then,” he then moved his hand to her pussy, which was dripping from both the pain in her nipples and the way he spoke to her, “Well well well, we might be able to move on early at this rate.”

He first stuck his finger in, lightly rubbing her g-spot. She moaned loudly, feeling her climax building already. She then felt something cold stuck inside her, replacing her captor's finger. She tried to push it out a little with her vaginal muscles, but it actually felt stuck.

“This is a special vibrator that I got as a present,” Noble Heart said, “Once inside, it locks itself in place. It can only be released by the remote,” he showed Rarity a small remote, “Which I have right here.”

He moved something that looked like the volume on it, and Rarity felt the object inside of her vibrate, just hard enough to get her to the edge, but not hard enough to give her the orgasm she was now dying for.

“Haaaahh…!” Rarity moaned, squirming and writhing in both pain and pleasure from the object stimulating her and the growing pain in her nipples.

“I'll check on you in a little bit,” Noble Heart said before pressing his lips against Rarity's again, confusing her a bit. He was so ruthless, yet at the same time tender. She felt like he loved her, but how could that be? They had just met, and he was in love with another woman, right?


He broke the kiss, keeping his lips a mere inch away from Rarity's as he spoke again, “See you soon, my pet.”

Noble Heart then walked to the door and closed it. Once she was alone and no longer on her high from the kiss, the reality of her situation hit her. She tried once again to pull at the chains binding her wrists before crying out and screaming, both from frustration of her constant stimulation and a bit of fear. She had gotten exactly what she wanted, and now belonged to Noble Heart.

The question now was, should she be as happy as she was, or should she be doing everything in her power to escape?

Blueblood didn't know how he felt. On one hand he felt like a horrible person for doing that to Rarity. The first time they ever met he made a complete ass of himself and treated her horribly. Now here he was chaining her in a makeshift dungeon in the next room, torturing her until she became the perfect slave.

But on the other hand, he was getting so hard having her like this. She looked so sexy, the way her lip trembled and her eyes watered when she was afraid, the face she made when she was aroused, and the look of both relief and shame when she came in front of the mansion just from him fingering her. He could smell her arousal as he was leaving the room, and even now he could hear her cries.

She hadn't ever used the safe word. She could have screamed it if she wanted, but she didn't. She actually wanted this, didn't she?

“So, enjoying yourself?” Luna's voice was heard from his side. He looked and saw her stepping out of a black orb smiling.

“Auntie, I'm beginning to have second thoughts about this,” Blueblood said, “I'm treating her like less than a human being.”

“Don't back out now,” Luna urged, “The game just started. Besides, you're clearly having a good time yourself.”

Blueblood noticed the coy smile on Luna's face and looked down, immediately embarrassed to see his erection.

“Augh!” Blueblood cried, “Auntie, don't look!”

“Trust me, I've seen far more than that,” Luna said waving it off, “But seriously, you started this, so now you have to see it through. If nothing else, for her.”

“She's the one I'm worried about,” Blueblood said, “You hear her, right? She crying right now! I'm actually torturing her.”

“Has she said the safe word yet?” Luna asked.

“Well, no, but that doesn't mean-”

“As a dom, you have to trust in your sub, and she must trust in you in return,” Luna walked over to Blueblood and placed her hands on his shoulders, “That means that you have to trust that your sub is strong enough to handle you. Rarity is a person I know very well. She's one of the strongest magi women I know, and there's a reason she's called the Mightiest Element.”

“Why is that?” Blueblood asked, “I know that she's special, but I would have thought that Loyalty or Honesty would fit the bill more for that title.”

Luna chuckled, “You would think. However, the Element of Generosity is special, as in ancient times it went by another name.”

“What name is that?” Blueblood asked.

“Back when my sister and I sought out the Elements, what you now call the Element of Genrosity, we knew as the Element of Sacrifice.”