The Mong Test : An ERIS, Inc. story

by De Writer

First published

The Mong, a smallish but jingoistic nation north of Chineigh have developed a Mage/Tech superweapon. Their test must be stopped. Or, perhaps, NOT?

NOTE: The MATURE FOR VIOLENCE AND DEATH are separate from the kinky SEX, which is entirely consensual.
Continuing the alliance formed between ERIS, Inc. and EDB Command, Roger is carrying exchanges of Intelligence. He meets ERIS' lovely Cyclops eyed mare, Cy, who is far more than the simple receptionist that she seems.
Both Eris and General Iron have stealth aircraft watching the Mong Test. It goes off with only one tiny hitch ~ ~ ~
The debreifing of General Iron, Celestia, and Luna reveals a Mong operative in the Diplomatic Corps.
All get to appreciate Cy's talents in action.

The Mong Test

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The Mong Test,
A tale of ERIS, Inc.
De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)

~~ ~~ ~~ ~~

It was bizarre. Not the building that Roger was pulling up to. Well, it was but that was not what Roger found bizarre. The managed weather forecast was for overcast with a soaking drizzle. Absolutely the worst driving weather for a unicorn. It meant a sore neck at least, trying to keep his horn from punching a hole in the roof of his convertible.

He'd found a note under the wiper blade of his car, supposedly parked securely in EDB Command's underground parking. “Roger, Sweet. Leave the top down and be comfortable. E.”

Knowing who E was, Roger left the top down, wondering a bit at what was going to happen. He drove out, pausing for the routine security checks at the gate. EDB Command took exit as seriously as entry. There were two guards. One stood well back, with a leveled rifle. The other, staying out of the line of fire, said, “Sorry to be a bother, Roger. You have a case out in view. May I see what is inside?”

Roger held up a wrist, chained to the case, and replied, “I am afraid not, Sargent Jem. There is a clearance in the pocket. Check it please.”

Sargent Jem carefully withdrew the card and inserted it into a reader. The un-counterfietable seal of General Iron of EDB Command appeared on his screen along with a series of notes.

Punching them into the console got General Iron's private line. The General looked up from papers in the neat disarray of intense study and asked, “What is it, Sargent Jem? Oh, I do see it on camera three. I have one of only two keys for that case. The intended recipient has the other. Roger is cleared to go.”

The rifle went up. The exit gate followed and Roger drove out. The overcast was still there. The street was soaked and puddled. And not a drop was falling on him or his car.

Well above him, two pegassi were circling, clearing away the falling drizzle and making sure that the wind was not putting any on him. Bemused, Roger drove out of town. He was well out into the country when he came to the turnoff. There was a sign.

Welcome to ERIS, Inc.
If you do not belong here, be doubly welcome! We love playing with toys like you!

Roger turned down the long drive to the ERIS, Inc. building, towering far above the trees of the landscaping. He was greeted at the wide flat steps going up to the foyer.

It was the lovely cyclopsian mare who was usually at the reception desk. She turned to a Diamond Dog in ERIS, Inc. military fatigues. “Please put Roger's car in the security parking, Arfur.”

Arfur said not a word, simply saluted briskly and got into the car. He drove it carefully around the tower's base, out of sight.

“Please follow me, Roger. It is important. Eris is terribly distraught. She has been working night and day on the problem of the Mong Mage-Tech weapon test.”

Roger hurried after the receptionist in her simple Eris, Inc. work uniform, but now revealed to be far more than than a simple receptionist. Simple receptionists do not know about Super Secret weapon tests and the actions being taken around them.

It was as if she'd heard his thoughts. She stopped and turned to face him. He was looking her in her single, perfectly centered gray eye. She said simply, “I did hear your thought, Roger. This briefing is classified ERIS Supreme. I know that you are aware of what that means. At the direct order of Eris, I am revealing what I do.

“I am a receptive Empath with the ability to elicit underlaying feelings and emotions. Combined with that, I am a passive telepath. I can hear your thoughts. I have to use verbal or physical means to arouse thoughts along any line that I need to investigate.

I also have no conscience. Eris is my conscience. I will fight to the death for her. I am her first line of active defense. I have killed more ponies and other intelligent beings trying to attack her than any other creature in her employ.

“My name is Cyrene Yevonne Clopes. Yes, C. Y. Clopes.”

Roger, admired once again, the spiral fluted elevator casing reaching up to the base of ERIS, Inc.'s sky scraping tower, two stories above the reception level. It had its letter shaped promenades, one a U and the other an R, together with the elevators' spiral case, making UR Screwed!

Enjoying the joke of the elevators but having real sympathy for the lovely and deadly pony before him, said, “That must have made your early life a difficult time. How would you like me to call you?”

She apparently sensed and sorted out his mix of feelings. She smiled. “I see why Eris likes you so much. That elevator-promenade joke is still funny to me too, and I have been with Eris as her front line body guard for over fifteen years.

“I like to be called Cy. Pronounced like Sigh when it is written out. Do you know, Roger, that you are the first being besides my Mistress Eris to ASK me that?”

Roger shook his head, yellow mane flipping, as he said seriously, “That is simply not proper. I wish that it was not true. You deserve to be better treated than that.”

Cy nodded thoughtfully, as she led him through the big revolving doors into the foyer of ERIS, Inc. She noticed Roger's glance at the the building's other supports holding the base of the structure a full two stories above the crystalline foyer roof.

With a truly gentle smile, Cy informed him, “No, Roger. You really do not want to know were the elevators in the horn or antler go. Trust me on that.”

Cy did not just see him to the elevator car in the fang, the direct connection to Eris' office, at or near the top of the tall, massive building. She entered with him.

Slightly misted of her single eye, but still smiling, she said, “You really meant that about wishing me better than I have had, Roger. Thank you.”

The car had that smooth but slightly vibrating ride that told of a cog drive mechanism, normally only used on elevators that went so far up that cables were more hazard than convenience. Definitely true of this one!

Cy smiled humorously at his thought. And then at another. “You are right, Roger. I can be difficult to have a conversation with. What is amazing is that you are already accepting my talent and allowing me free play with it.”

Roger smiled, a sideways twist to his lips. “Comes of being a good diplomat. You learn what it takes to put someone at ease and that is what you do.”

With a knowing glance at him, Cy pointed out, “That is what has made you so successful at seducing females, too. If Eris allowed it, I would love to make love to you. You do not just set your lovers at ease. You truly respect them. I know it. I can feel it. In spite of the number of them, you actually care about all of them. You care about Eris and you care about me.”

A tear openly fell from Cy's single but lovely gray eye. “That is so rare and precious, Roger. Only you and Mistress Eris really care, like that. Being what I am, I know it for certain.”

Roger reached over slowly and lifted her chin, to stare directly into her eye and make her look into his. “I wish to correct a thing that you just said. 'Being WHO you are,' not WHAT you are.

“It may seem trivial but it is not. The choice of the words that YOU use to describe yourself reflects your deepest feelings about yourself. Please, grant yourself personhood. You are not an object.”

It was just then that the elevator stopped and the door opened. Eris sat in the big U of her desk, back to them. She was raking her lovely mane with hoof and claw, shoulders shaking to wracking sobs, as she called up screen after screen and tried adjusting information.

She turned haunted eyes to them, and said, “I can't do it, Cy! I can't save them! When the test happens, they will die. It is my fault. Entirely my fault.” As she turned away from her desk, Roger saw that she was wearing the collar with its carved shell cameo that she gave him to claim her with the last time that he was here. It was still locked. She was dressed with utter informality. A yellow shorty tee shirt bared her midriff and a simple green knee length skirt completed her outfit today.

Roger stepped forward. “I would hug you, Eris, but this case that is chained to my wrist would make it pretty awkward!”

She was in his arms, that fast. “Awkward? Roger, you do not know how much that hug means, especially now!”

Roger carefully extricated himself. “I do not know if it will help to solve your difficulty, dear. I have EDB Command's latest intel on the Mong Mage-Tech Weapon test in the case. Perhaps you will find a clue to help you with your problem in the information that General Iron and his staff have assembled. I hope that it helps.

“I know that EDB's attempt to derail the test was a failure, though General Iron gave me no specifics.”

Nodding, Eris produced a key. She unlocked the case from Roger's wrist and opened it. Her chair opened out to a study bench, like Roger's chair had, last time that he was here.

Roger watched, giving Eris the time and space to work through the documents. Looking up with hollow eyes, Eris shook her head. “I appreciate the amount of both raw data and analysis here, Roger.

“I am also disappointed that EDB would try something so simplistic as sabotage of the test in such an obvious manner. The thermite to destroy the device at firing would have left obvious evidence of sabotage. It is worse that the saboteurs were caught in the act.

“The Mong will read that sabotage as fear, regardless of who they blame for it. If the sabotage had succeeded, their next test would have been much harder to stop.

“Worse, they are now so confident, because of what they read as our fear, that, after the test, they will use the new weapons at once as a demonstration of power. They will then demand unconditional surrender.

“I already have their planned target list. There are three targets, Roger. In the Mong's order of importance, they are: ERIS, Inc. Canterlot. EDB Command.”

Roger thought that over and shuddered. “Then they already know that we are afraid of the bomb that they have built.

“How confident are they that it will work?”

Eris slumped. “Totally. The real purpose of this test is propaganda. They were planning to show the test to the whole of the Equestrian World and basically demand tribute from the entire planet.”

Roger snorted, “Pity that you can't get every Mong hawkish politician and important military pony to be there with the ones that you can't save.”

Eris was just looking up from the papers, a frown of concentration on her face when Cy pushed right past her and began to work the screens and keys of the desk's many systems with absolute confidence.

“Definitely not a simple receptionist!” Roger thought as he watched.

“Look, Eris! His idea is workable! Not only that, we can save all three of the innocent herders at the same time!” She was pointing at maps, columns of figures and displayed documents.

Eris saw what the deadly mind of her friend and guard had come up with. Her golden eyes widened in delight. She made some changes, checking things. Made a few more changes and relaxed with a huge sigh of relief. She hit a big key. “It is done. They are saved and over seventy percent of the Mong Command Structure and Dictatorial Council will be gone.”

Bemused, Roger asked quietly, “What just happened? How are you saving the ones that you could not before? Three innocent herders, you said?”

He paused, a troubled look at first, clearing as he realized why they were so important. “In all of your ages, Eris, you have never killed or injured any creature that did not actually attack you. That is what made the herders so important. They are innocents.”

He was surprised when it was Cy who lit up with joy first. “Mistress! He really understands! You were so wise to choose him!” She slumped a little and added in a small voice, “I wish that there was somepony like him for me.”

Eris said with absolute assurance, “There is. Roger, here, can be your lover too, if you both want it. You have served me with absolute loyalty. I know that Roger will be true to me.

“He has drunk the Milk of Discord directly from my breasts. In spite of being able to seduce any female at all, he chose me. He can choose you and remain true to both you and to me as well.

“Besides, I heard that little scene in the elevator,” Eris grinned. “You proposed to HIM and he made no effort to use the power of the Milk to bring it about. I also happen to know absolutely that he does desire you.”

Cy looked up with both fear and hope in her eye. “I have given him privacy in his feelings toward me and only delved into his feelings for you enough to be sure that you are safe.”

She turned that beautiful eye to Roger and asked, “May I see how you feel about me? I admit that I am afraid to look.”

He returned her gaze and offered, “Please do. If you still want me after you look, I would be honored to be your lover or friend in whatever way you need.”

Anxiously, Cy did look. She said softly, “You were right, Eris. There is somepony for me.”

Eris smiled serenely and ordered, “Cy, dear. Considering your other talents, let him put you into bondage so that you won't accidentally hurt him in the heights of passion. Besides, it really does add to the excitement and pleasure when you have to let Roger do to you all the things that you want him to. And he will!!”

Roger sensed that this delightful diversion was both a chance to celebrate solving a difficult and vital problem and a polite refusal to answer the question of what was going to happen and what part he had played.

Trusting Eris, still a thing that caused his mind to hit a speed bump every time that it came up, he smiled and suggested, “Cy, you trust Eris completely. Eris trusts you, too. I gather that making love is not something that is common for you, is that right?”

Cy nodded mutely, nervously biting her lovely lips.

Eris soberly responded, “Cy has never made love, Roger. She was raped before I took her in. What do you have in mind?”

Roger actually winced at the thought of somepony as lovely as Cy, with her unique talents, being raped.

Cy, seeing into both his mind and feelings, wept. “You do care. As much as Eris does. If I can even fathom what love is, Roger, I love you.”

Eris observed dryly, “Then it is imperative to let him tie you up, Cy. If he does not, not even the dragon in his background could save him from your passion!”

Cy reverted to playfulness. Archly she inquired, “Part Dragon, hum? So where is your Hoard, Mister scaly and handsome?”

Eris was chuckling as Roger reached out and pressed both she and Cy together. “Right here. I am looking at two of the most brilliant gems of my Hoard. The two of you.”

Cy's eye flew wide open, the pupil gone almost to a point with concentration. Suddenly it opened wide with both interest and joy. “Mistress! He is serious. All those females that he has not just seduced, but still cares so deeply for? A Dragon cares enormously about every part of its hoard and HE was just absolutely serious. That is why he can have so many females of all kinds and still care deeply about each one. It is the Dragon in his makeup!”

Eris grabbed both Cy and Roger into a tight hug, whipping her long tail about the both of them and hugging them with it too. The big office rang to her laughter. “Hoard!?! Now we know that no matter how many other females he has or gets, we will NEVER be forsaken for so long as he lives!”

Cy, snuggling into the hug as if it were the most precious thing in the world, pointed out, “There WILL be others. It is part of a dragon's instinct, which I did verify is in Roger, too. They must add to their hoards.

“As long as he cares for us and comes back to polish the jewels we are, I will be happy.”

Eris nuzzled Cy's ear and whispered, “I am so happy for you, Cy. Now, let Roger tie you up. I will let him do it to me, too. I know how hard it is for you to do that.”

Cy took a deep, shuddering breath, gave Roger a beseeching look, and said, “It is hard. Most really worthwhile things are. Please, Roger.”

Still holding them both close, Roger replied seriously, “We will forgo play clothes and such for another time. This will be a COME as you are party.”

Eris nodded. “No pranks this time. Cy, this time is not simply your first time to be Loved, this is the greatest gift that I can give you. In this room right now are all the real friends that I have. You are not the only lonely one.”

Roger raised his eyebrows at that. He shook his head sadly but instead of commenting further said, “We are going to need several sizes of soft rope and a hairbrush. This carpet is pretty soft but a biggish bed would be nice. Solidly made and four-posted.”

Eris nodded. The bed, ropes and a fairly big hairbrush simply showed up. She asked impishly, “Are you going to paddle us with the hair brush, Roger? Have we been bad?”

Roger looked up from sorting his ropes and replied, “No. I am not going to paddle you. You have not been bad. Today, you saved three lives. I am going to reward you. You will see.”

Holding Eris in a cuddle from behind Roger said, “Cy. Reach into Eris, mind and feelings. We are working together, she and I. Absorb her feelings. See if you can make them your own. At least gain the trust and safety of knowing what is coming.”

He put three loops about Eris' left arm just above the elbow and secured them with a knot. He lifted her right arm up and looped her right wrist to her left forearm just below the elbow, with three loops tied off. Then, both arms together, he put three more loops tied off just at mid back. Three more the same as at Eris' left wrist, right forearm and tied them off.

Smiling, he gestured for Cy to join them. Puzzled and very hesitant, she did. Roger stood her next to Eris and looped three loops around both her arm and Eris's at the same time, tying the loops off. Cy started to look panicked. Roger stopped at once.

Coming around to be in front of her, he stroked Eris on her bound arm and said, “Easy, Cy. Trust Eris. Feel her feelings. Make them yours. I know that it is hard. Eris is the first being that you have really trusted.”

Cy began to calm down as she focused on Eris. Suddenly her eye popped wide. “You stopped. You really stopped. You would have released me entirely if I really wanted you to.”

“Of course, Cy. Why is that a surprise?”

She took another ragged breath. “What happened to domination and all of that?”

Roger laughed gently and said, “Really? Can you imagine anypony or other being who COULD dominate Eris? Cy, dear, this is not about domination at all. It is a game. A game of trust.”

Cy was relaxing. She tentatively put her free arm about Roger and kissed him gently. She whispered, “I am sorry.”

Eris heard and replied, “Sorry about what, dear Cy? You are fighting the strongest and most dangerous enemy that you have ever faced. You are winning, too.”

Cy turned her gray eye to Eris, brow raised in question.

Eris filled in, “Yourself, dear.” She smiled. “I admire your courage.”

Cy settled down. “Please Roger, finish tying us up. Now I am curious about how you will do some things.

“Eris, thank you, too. I really do need you here and open to me or I would panic badly.”

Eris smiled and replied, “I am curious too, Cy. What Roger is doing to us is something that I have never experienced before. Still, I know him well enough to trust him.”

Seriously, Cy replied, “I can see that in you. I am clinging to that. Your trust in him and caring for me are the only reason that I can hold on, right now.”

While Cy was speaking, she shivered a bit as she lifted her free right arm up to be secured. Roger quietly accepted her invitation and gently brought her left arm up, so that the two were level across her back and looped them together, left arm to right wrist, with three more tied off loops. He moved to her mid-back and looped her arms three more times, tying both her forearms together. Continuing and completing the tying of her arms, Roger set three tied off loops about Cy's right forearm/left wrist and adding three more tied off loops just above Cy's right elbow.

Both lovely females' arms were tied securely across their backs and they were additionally bound together by the single length of soft rope.

Paradoxically, Cy began to relax. Smiling a little uncertainly she asked with words, “What is next?”

Knowing that Cy was seeking reassurance, rather than information, Eris smiled in delight and replied, “No idea! That uncertainty, but trusting Roger, is what makes it fun!”

Cy could feel Eris' anticipation. It was sort of contagious. She managed a genuine smile as she said, “All that I am taking from Roger are feelings. They really are happy and anticipating. Your trust of him is what I am holding to. I will let it be a surprise too.”

Roger took a somewhat heavier rope and knelt behind Eris, wrapping it around her left ankle before tying it off. Leaving her about a six inch hobble, he looped it around Eris' right ankle and made a figure 8 with Cy's left ankle, drawing them both snugly together. He made three of the figure 8s before giving Cy a similar hobble to Eris' and tying her right ankle.

He continued back, wrapping the rope snugly about the short hobble, making a stiff bar of rope as he reached their jointly bound ankles. He secured the bar with a simple overhand knot and wrapped the multiple rope crossings between their ankles before continuing on to complete the ankle tie up by making a rope bar between Eris' ankles too.

Roger took the time to hug both Eris and Cy at once. Using his left to hold them both close, Roger began to kiss Eris and stroke her back nuzzling behind her ear and kiss/nibbling down her neck. His hoof wandered up under that short tee exploring her bare body and working her beast.

Eris was panting with delight. Roger lifted up Eris' short shirt to bare both of her tits. And feel her up a lot as he did so.

Shifting his attention back to Cy, Roger began to nuzzle behind her ear. She turned her face to him, and sort of experimentally kissed his cheek. Roger immediately changed from neck nuzzling to kissing back. He was now holding Eris close while stroking and fondling Cy.

He made a game of kissing, stroking her, and unbuttoning her blouse, all at once. Almost magically, his hand found her soft skin, repeating all of the strokes and fondling of before.

Around behind Cy's back, his expert fingers found and unhooked her bra.

Cy shuddered, a trace of past fear rising in her memory. She reached her talents out to Eris and not merely steadied, she lifted up as much as she was able, pressed her bosom to Roger, and slid down, to bare her breasts for him herself, even though bound.

Roger kissed her passionately while slipping her blouse off her shoulders and down her bound arms, as far as her elbows, where it hung like a flag, leaving Cy bare above the waist, but for the misplaced and unfastened bra.

Roger cuddled her close, holding both she and Eris to him.

He turned his attention back to Eris. With much fondling and cuddle, he lifted her tee up in front, angling her head some to make getting the neck opening and the bunched garment past her horn. Repeating the motion to get the tee past her antler, he got Eris' tee entirely around to the back of her neck, stretched snugly between her shoulders from behind. Roger smiled as he pushed the wadded cloth off her shoulders and down to her tied wrists, where it made a shorter flag like Cy's.

Freeing Cy's left bra cup from its strap hook, Roger slid Cy's bra down her outside arm to the elbow where the longer, two cupped banner joined the flag of her blouse. She and Eris were both totally bare from the waist up. Eris was smiling in anticipation. Cy was smiling nervously.

She wanted what was coming but was fearful too.

Roger stopped stripping them and went to safe cuddling. Eris smiled and said, “You are really lovely, Cy.”

Uncertainly, Cy replied, “You are stunning, Eris. I never saw you like this before. I don't understand how you can say that I am lovely.”

Roger turned his attention totally to Cy, holding her close and kissing her, lip nibbling down her neck to her shoulders. He paused to say, “Sadly, that is a too common thing. Many ponies think it and say it, Cy. It has no truth in it at all. You are trying to compare a ruby to an opal. They are both wonderful parts of a hoard. They are simply not the same in any way.”

Cy relaxed entirely and said gently, “Less talk, more nibble.”

Eris chuckled. Roger nibbled, cuddled and fondled both of his now willing mares.

He found and opened the fastenings of both skirts and slid them down. They hung up at the joined ankles of the two. More cuddles with lots of thigh and ass fondling sent both mares' panties down to join their skirts.

Cy and Eris were both nude. Cy was shivering but it was anticipation and hope, not fear, now. Her talents were strongly focused on Eris and that freed her to look forward to what she both wanted and feared so much.

Roger gently chivvied the two over to the bed. “Sit, ladies and ease onto the bed. I want you to be sitting up, with your legs folded under you.”

It took careful coordination for the two to sit as Roger wanted them, on the soft bed. He quickly passed a rope from their joined elbows to their joined ankles, pulling it lightly snug, before tying it securely. He reached for the mane brush.

Shaking his head at the tangled disarray of Eris' lovely platinum gray mane, Roger began down at the very end of it, nearly to her sexy ass. He started working the knots and tangles out, using short, careful strokes, following with deeper, longer strokes as her mane smoothed out.

Cy, sharing Eris' feelings, smiled softly, “Now I wish that I had a longer mane. That feels so good, Eris. This whole thing is totally different than I expected. I never imagined being bound but treated so lovingly and with such respect at the same time. It sounds like a contradiction, but it is not really one at all.”

Virtually purring, luxuriating in the petting strokes of the brush through her mane, Eris replied languidly, “I know what you mean, Cy. When I started to play with Roger, I meant it to be a simple game. It was nothing like I expected at all.

“That is why I rejoice to wear his collar.

“Ummm . . . those long strokes feel so wonderful, Roger. I see now what you meant by a reward. Thank you.”

Roger smiled and reached around them both, hugging and cupping their breasts from behind at the same time. Cy rotated her torso a bit to make it easier. She whispered, “Thank you, Roger, for taking the time to help me to both understand and feel so safe and cherished.”

Roger moved his attention to Cy's shorter mane. It was still a reasonably long one but the color of it was unique in his experience. It seemed black at any distance. Up close, it was a marvel of shifting hues of darkest blue with highlights that were near invisible paler darkness. It reached only a little past her shoulders and complimented her fur of a dark chestnut brown, shot through with nearly red highlights.

Roger worked the brush through her mane, meeting almost no resistance. It was like brushing a glorious smoke with some body to it. He made sure that the brush found the fur under Cy's forelock, along the sides of her neck and down her spine to her bound arms. He carried the brushing on down her spine, working her solidly muscled back and surprisingly narrow waist, also solidly muscled.

Roger was reflecting on the beauty of such wonderfully hard muscles under that soft skin when Cy said, “Thank you, Roger. The few that I have dated did not like my being strong.”

Roger did not pause his brushing, which was now down to the base of her tail, which was the same glory of darkest blues as her mane, but he did reply thoughtfully, “I am lucky that they were idiots. You might have mated with one of them and left me without this wonderful tail to brush!”

Cy giggled and arched her back as much as the ropes allowed. “The only difficulty with you brushing my tail is that you are not playing with my breasts. Don't stop though. It is making me feel absolutely adored. Nobody in my life has ever brushed my tail the way that you are doing.”

Eris laughed gently, happily, and said, “My cue, Cy!”

Her long tail whipped around Cy's waist. The end of it landed between her breasts, up almost to her collar bones. Eris started to playfully wag her tail's end, stroking and caressing both of Cy's boobs at once. Cy was relaxing and beginning to purr her joy.

She began to tense up again. Before Roger or Eris could stop, she said, “We are about to begin making love, aren't we?”

Eris, full of concern, said, “Not really, we have been making love right along. This is all Roger's way of making love.”

“I mean,” Cy took a deep breath and swallowed hard, “the sex.” She looked beseechingly at Eris and near wept. “You know what my only experience with it has been like. It was not love, caring, gentleness. It was brutal.

“I do want it the way that this is happening, but I am afraid. Would you please be first, Eris? Your feelings will help me to put this fear away. They have helped me already.”

“Of course, my dear Cy. We both know and care so much for and about you. Neither of us want anything today but your happiness.”

Cy both smiled and wept. Roger turned her head and kissed away the tears. And kept right on brushing that marvelous tail.

Eris's tail continued playfully caressing Cy's breasts as well.

Smiling, Roger laid the tied together mares onto their backs, knees up, held by the ropes that would not allow either stretching out or kicking. Eris happily opened her legs for him. Roger gently laid between her welcoming legs and felt up her mound with a carefully exploring hoof. His other arm was softly holding Cy in an inclusive and reassuring hug.

Roger's hard stallionhood entered Eris. He knew that she preferred a “brisker” action, but Cy was riding her feelings and sensations. He built up to the kind of pace that Eris truly enjoyed.

Proof, if any was needed, came when Eris did. She erupted in a passionate, moaning, heaving, bucking orgasm.

Cy moaned and arched along with her. As they both came down from Eris' peak of delight, Cy asked, “Can she be given another, Roger? I think that I will be ready without reservations if you can. That was amazing.”

Eris and Roger both replied, “It will be our delight, Cy.”

Eris added quietly, as Roger continued to fill her with his solid, dependable strokes, “This is part of why I gave Roger the collar to put on me.”

Any further conversation was derailed as Eris built up to another orgasm. She came, arching, bucking, moaning her pleasure.

Roger quietly moved his soft hug to laying a hoof on Cy's mound, softly and carefully feeling up her clitoris and opening her wet lips. Cy responded by playfully closing her legs and then opening them to him.

He moved from Eris to take his place between her legs. He was entering her with care when she arched her back to push herself onto his shaft. Eye sparkling, Cy said, “I liked how it felt when you went faster and harder in Eris, dear Roger. Please.”

Slightly surprised, Roger started in, harder and faster, driving full depth into her. Cy purred like a big cat. Eris, ever playful, still had Cy hugged with her tail and used the tip of it to play with Cy's breasts and tickle Roger at the same time.

Cy was saying serenely, “I actually feel safe, Roger. Eris, thank you. I feel wanted and cared about. If I understand anything of love, this is it . . .”

Any further thought was cut off as she nearly screamed, not just bucking, truly violently straining against the ropes, the gripping magic of her hooves clawing like a beast at anything! It took several minutes for her to come back to her senses.

Her eye filled with wonder, she said, “That was truly beautiful. I am glad that I listened to Eris about being bound. I can feel now how deep the bite of the ropes was. I would never want to hurt you, Roger. Please, do not stop. I saw from Eris what more orgasms are like.”

She reached her muzzle to Roger's neck and gave him a kissy-nibble.

Roger responded by starting to give her the rougher, harder pace that both Cy and Eris preferred. It was not long at all before Cy screamed her passion again, straining to escape the ropes, the gripping magic of her hooves more like gryphon's claws than anything belonging to a pony.

It took her longer to come back to her senses too.

Cy said softly and regretfully, “I think that I need to stop for now, Roger. I can feel the bruising of the ropes where I strained against them. I can't let them develop to where I cannot guard Mistress Eris.”

Roger nodded his understanding. “The Balance of Duty and Pleasure. We know it too well, Cy. I am happy to see that you know it too. It is important.”

He had pulled out of her while he was speaking. He undid the rope between elbows and ankles. Leaving the rest of the ties alone, Roger began to erotically re dress both Eris and Cy, using far more smoothing and patting of cloth than needed as each garment was restored to its place.

When both were fully re dressed, Roger untied their arms but left them hobbled. Smiling, he picked up the big mane brush. “I fear, my lovelies, that we have horribly mussed up your manes and your tail, Cy. That must be corrected.”

The grinning Eris stood, lifting Cy with her, and turned their backs to Roger and the brush.

Roger began to expertly ply the brush through Cy's amazing midnight blue locks, holding her close and gently fondling as he did. Cy purred and raised her tail in readiness. Roger smoothed and brushed it too, until every hair was back in place and glossy.

Turning to Eris, he cuddled and fondled her from her waist as he carefully smoothed and untangled her luscious platinum-gray locks. Soon he was working her neck and behind her ears.

Finished, Roger turned the still hobbled dragonequis and Cy, giving them a group hug, before he knelt and released the last of the ropes.

They mobbed him with cuddles, hugs and kisses.

When they stopped, Eris thoughtfully took Roger's case and filled it with assorted documents and folders. She locked it and told him, I am giving General Iron a return courtesy of intel.

“One more thing, and this is important. Tell General Iron to pull back his stealth observation aircraft to at least fifty five kilometers from the test site. That is where mine will be operating because it will give the best data collection.”

With a grin, she added, “I would appreciate it if we do not have to shoot at each other when they join us.”

She locked the case back to Roger's wrist and gave him another hug. Cy snickered, “See, Roger! The case does not hinder a determined dragonequis at all!”

Back in EDB Command Headquarters, Roger sat and laid the Diplomatic Case on General Iron's desk.

General Iron gave Roger a sideways look and asked, “How did Eris receive our Courtesy Intel?”

Roger waited until the case was unlocked from his wrist before answering, “She appreciated it. Especially the intel on the failed attempt to derail the test. She was disappointed at the method but found a way to use it to our mutual advantage.”

Roger leaned back and thought carefully before going on. Eris gave me a personal message for you regarding the observation of the Mong test. I would advise acting on it.”

Iron looked up with interest. “For me? What is in the case?”

With assurance, Roger replied, “She has given you a return courtesy of both analysis and the raw data to check it. The personal message could be sent to your analysts along with the intel. It is a bit cryptic but direct. She said to pull your stealth observation aircraft back to fifty five kilometers from the ground zero before the test is fired. She did say say that you would get your best data from that position. Her own aircraft are going to be there too.”

With a wry smile, Roger added, “She also said that she would appreciate it if your aircraft did not fire on hers if they see each other and that she will not fire at yours unless fired on.”

General Iron sat tensely forward, scribbling notes. Under his breath, he muttered, “Pull back for best data? Makes no sense. Unless . . .” The old warrior looked up at Roger.

“Tell me about the visit in more detail, Roger. I want to know everything that I can learn about Eris.”

Roger nodded and began. General Iron stopped him. “She was upset about not being able to save them? Who were they? Special Operatives of hers?”

Roger shook his head, taking in the spare office that was the real heart of EDB Command. “No Sir. Not operatives of any sort. They were innocent herders who were inside the deadly radius of the test, I gather.”

Brow wrinkled as he thought of many possible reasons for simple herders to be so important that Eris would work for three days to save them.

Roger spared him further effort. “Sir, Eris has existed longer than the Princesses themselves. In that time, she has done many things to make ponies uncomfortable or upset. Most of it has resulted in the ponies solving some problem or other. In all of that huge span of time, how many ponies have actually been harmed from her actions? How much property actually destroyed?”

The General's jaw slowly dropped. “Only if she had to defend herself from actual assassination attempts or . . .” He shook his head in disbelief, “If she had to defend the life of an innocent pony.”

Roger nodded. “The herders were genuine innocents, Sir. And like to be the very first killed by her actions. She was terribly upset by it.

“I made some stray comment about it being a pity that all the hawkish Mong brass and politicians could not be in the herders' place. Cy charged right into Eris' command desk and started working on it like one demented. She told Eris that it would work.

“Eris looked it over, made some tests or changes, I do not know which, and sent the command signal out. She said that the Mong command and Dictatorial Council were going to be wiped out and the three herders saved. That is pretty much it.

“She refused point blank to tell me what was going to happen or how it was going to be done.”

Iron, brow smoothing out, was doodling on a map of the test area. “I think that I see part of it. Devious as Eris herself. The test is a propaganda event. Knowing that we are afraid of it, every pony among them that can wrangle a spot wants to be at the “historic” conquering blast that will take the Mong from an obscure nation north of Chineigh to the defacto rulers of the world.

“That many big wigs in one place means huge security issues. They will set the new perimeter based on politics, rather than blast radius. They will move out the herders to the new security zone themselves.

“I have to wonder what will go wrong with the test . . .”

“I do not know at all, General. But add this to your overall notes about ERIS, Inc. That cyclops pony at the reception desk is FAR more important to Eris than simply being a receptionist. Part of what I know of her was covered in a private briefing at ERIS Supreme security. What I can tell you is what I directly observed.

“She has free and unlimited access to Eris' personal office. She knew of the Mong Test without it being mentioned. She also knew how to correctly operate Eris's command desk, which is a very complex device indeed. Finally, Eris herself trusts that “receptionist” enough to let her do and know all of the above things.”

The General nodded slowly. With a smile, he replied, “I see. We do have a few in our woodwork like that.”

Roger nodded. “I have run into a few of them. Every well working organization of any size does.

“On another note, we now have three days of 'oral hoof trimming' before the test. Do you have anything to communicate to Eris in the meantime?”

Iron considered carefully. “I have only had a chance to glance at this courtesy of hers. My analysts will need at least a day or two to get a rough work up.

“I did look up your schedule. You are due at ERIS, Inc. early on the test day. You are carrying something from the Princesses, I understand. If it will not conflict, contact me before you go to see her.”

“It won't, General. It is a hand done birthday card and present from the Princess' own horns and hooves.”

Surprised, the General said, “Eris has a birthday that is known? I thought that nobody knows how old she is.”

“Nobody, not even Eris knows that, Sir. You are correct. Eris does remember the day of her creation. The exact positions of Sun, Moon and certain other markers allows for the location of the day in a modern year cycle.

“The continual corrections of “solar and lunar positions” by the Princesses makes it impossible to locate a year from that information. The Princesses calculated the day of the year for Eris as an appreciation of her mostly thankless work.”

Iron nodded seriously. “I can see that. Do come by, the day before the test to pick up a present from me to Eris, as a personal gift.”

“She would like that, Sir.” Roger got up, saluted, even though he did not have to, and left.

General Iron watched him go and made a note in his calendar.

Two days later, Roger was escorted into the Royal Presence. Celestia sat her throne to the right of the empty Throne Of The Queen. Luna sat hers, just to the left of the Queen's throne.

Roger stopped at the foot of the Dais and bowed the full Courtly Bow to them. Celestia said gently, “Arise, Roger. Despite the setting, We wish to be informal. Please leave off honorifics like Princess when speaking to us. I am simply Celestia.”

Luna nodded too. “I wish you to call me Luna. This dispensation is not only for this interview, but for all future meetings unless we rescind it.”

Roger was not the only one to be a bit drop-jawed at the dispensation. The whispering among the gathered Courtiers was a near hurricane roar of envy and outrage. THEY had no such permission!

Roger pulled himself together enough to ask, “Celestia? Luna? Why have you given me this honor? There are many senior to me who do not have it.”

Luna grinned, just short of leer as she replied, “We have had something like a note about you from Eris, delivered the other night. Our good and trusted friend, Eris, requested it, saying that you were worthy of the honor.

“She mentioned that a suggestion of yours, properly implemented, allowed her to save the lives and livelihoods of three innocent ponies who would otherwise have died.

“The balance of the 'note' was of a private nature, between friends.

“We were already planning to give Eris gifts for her birthday. Because of that note, we have made her gifts with our own hooves and horns that are suitable to one who would spend days of her precious time, during a crisis, to save innocents who would otherwise die.”

Celestia smiled knowingly too. “We have prepared our gifts and the note of birthday good wishes with the utmost care.” She paused and produced a solid diplomatic case. It was formally sealed with the three Royal Seals, that of the Twins' creator, Skyglow, Titan of Life Creation and titular Queen of Equestria, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.

Luna smiled serenely now and said, “Please deliver the case on Eris' birthday, tomorrow, Roger.”

As Roger took custody of the case, Luna added, “I know that you have many questions to ask us, Roger. That is why we cleared this whole hour for you. Please ask what you wish.”

Roger looked around the glittering Court, seeing the outright envy and serious upset. Still, an opportunity like this?

“I hope that I do not upset you by asking, since it is well known that you are Rom when you can get free of Royal duties. Why, in this age, do you allow them to pull those antique caravans on the busy Royal Roads of Equestria?”

It was Luna who answered. “Well put. I am the High Commissioner of the Royal Roads. In point of fact, I designed the equipment used to make them. I set the different construction standards for all basic conditions of underlaying ground. I personally, after extensive experiments, chose the materials that they are made of. The same is true for all bridges and overpasses.”

She gave Roger a sideways glance. “I bring this up for a reason. The Royal Roads need continual inspection and repair. Sometimes local contractors will try to cheat on the work.

“The Rom use Pulling between Fairs and Markets as a cultural binder. It unifies them. Their slow pace also lets them see and inspect every foot of every Royal Road. I pay them for the service.

“When you use a Royal Road, you may thank the Rom that it is in good repair. They can spot where there were ponies in the works of a new road or a repair of an existing one.

“Does that answer your question? Letting the Rom Pull along the Royal Roads is a win for you, them and everypony but the ones who try to cheat on a repair.”

Roger looked about at the assorted nobles, many of whom were looking sort of sick, all of a sudden.

Amused at that, Roger asked another that, truth be told did bother, not only him, but many well educated ponies.

“Um, this one may be touchier. You both do regular 'corrections' of the heavens. You, Celestia control the path of the sun across the sky. Luna, you control the path of the moon. The problem is that modern observations show that the world is a ball spinning in space following some natural laws. The moon orbits Equestria the same way. We can see it.

“Some question the corrections as a sham. I suspect not. I simply do not understand what they do.”

Celestia replied dryly, “You are a diplomat indeed. Our corrections are very real. Start there.

“A primitive society sees the sun go across the heavens in a reasonably predictable way and the moon travel in complex but predictable paths across the sky.

A more advanced society will deduce that the sun is an orb far away and the moon also. They may conclude that what they observe is all that there is. That is false.

“Our world and its moon were being made by beings that can be called Titans. What we know for sure of them is that there were several of them. Perhaps even many of them, each responsible for a part of the work.

“For reasons that no living being but our Creator, Skyglow, the Titan of Life Creation, knows, the work was never finished. It looks whole but is flawed at its core.

“Without my corrections, the world of Equestria will go out of balance. Because we are dealing with flaws that are constantly changing, we cannot just say fix it perfectly and be done with it. We lack the power, knowledge and skills of the Titans. We have to watch what is happening constantly and VERY carefully adjust things to keep the correct axial tilt, rotation rates and many other factors in correct balance. We observe and correct over a hundred different factors that need to be solved together within very tight parameters.”

Luna snickered, “Right. And Celestia got the easy one. It needs more raw power but the lunar orbital fixes are way harder to calculate.”

A voice from the gathered Courtiers snorted, “Calculate? What's to calculate? You see it's out of place, you shove it back. Just jumped up True Unicorn magic!”

Luna did not even stir from her throne. Her magic struck out. It had gone from its usual ethereal midnight blue, shot with stars, to become a near solid thing of darkest black spotted with glowing pustules. Count Umber was lifted up bodily, dangling by his tail. He was desperately craning his neck to keep his chains of office, badges of duties and his pectoral of County from falling off. He squalled his pain and outrage as he was dropped unceremoniously on the floor not far from the enraged Princess.

Roger was surprised at what happened next. Luna's angry magic opened a box beside her throne. A toy gyroscope lifted out. Floating in the air about a foot from the disgruntled unicorn, it started to spin, its speed, giving it a slight snarl.

Luna said gently, with solid iron under the silk, “What is to calculate? Simply, by touching only the top of the frame, tilt this to point exactly 12 degrees toward Mother's throne. If you decide that you need them, I will even give you the simple equations to solve this little problem.

“Now, tilt it!” Luna's voice had gone to frozen steel.

Contemptuously, Lord Umber reached out his magic and gave the top of the gyroscope frame a push. Instead of tilting where it was pushed to, it swung sideways, spinning in a madly swift precession.

His next attempt to push it back caused it to flip over, still precessing. Amused now, Luna said loudly enough for the whole court to hear, “Just shove it into place with Unicorn magic?” She chuckled. “If you are a sample of what Unicorn magic does, it is no wonder that the world was literally dying when Celestia and I started fixing it!”

Roger was watching in fascination.

Luna did actually watch the toy for about two minutes. She took a sheet of paper and wrote swiftly and neatly across it. She watched the gyroscope another minute, and delicately touched the top of the frame at a surprisingly strange angle.

The toy precessed back up to horizontal. It swept through several rotations of the whole thing, getting a smoother and tighter lock on the twelve degree angle toward the throne. It settled into position spinning as if it was happy to defy gravity and stay tilted without falling over.

Roger saw the sheet that Luna had calculated the force and angles needed to do a task that seemed so simple. He shuddered. He did know some reasonable math, mostly statistical analysis, but that sheet was far beyond what he knew.

Looking down at Count Umber, Roger, smiling some, spoke to Celestia and Luna. “Thank you for clearing these things up for me, Luna. You too, Celestia. I think that I will take my leave while you still have any ponies standing up in your Court!”

Celestia and Luna both invited, “Do come back and tell us of Eris' reaction to our gifts! And do not forget to wish her the happiest of days for her birthday!”

Sitting in General Iron's office, Roger finished his humorous account of his Royal visit.

General chuckled. “Thanks for that tale, Roger. I wish that I had seen it! That pain, Count Umber, hanging by his tail! Priceless!”

He hoofed over a flat package less than a foot square. It was neatly wrapped and had a bow on it. The tag read, “For Eris, Happy Birthday. I should have done this sooner. Please have your security ponies be sure that this is honest.”

Roger looked at the tag and asked, “What is it?”

General Iron leaned back in his chair and replied, “It is a peace offering. The beginning of trust, I hope. You will see it when she opens it. I guarantee that it is safe and harmless.”

Roger smiled as he pulled up the long drive to the ERIS, Inc. tower. The Welcome sign always put him in a good mood. He was thinking that he might be in time to watch the sunrise from Eris' office. Cy was waiting for him on the steps again.

She was relaxed and happy. He saw that Arfur had a bandaged arm. Concerned, he asked, “Is Arfur alright?”

Cy gave Roger that smile of pure joy that you usually associate with a street-corner salvationist who Just Has to Tell You the WONDERFUL NEWS! “Arfur is mute, Roger. He is better than alright! We had an assassination team show up about an hour ago! Arfur got a Kill and a Scar of Honor! I got the other two! Bare hoofed! It was so much fun!”

Settling down some, she added gently, “You are in time to see the sunrise, Roger. And you are right. From Eris' office, it is glorious.”

Arfur took his car and Roger followed Cy into the foyer with its crystal roof letting visitors see the base of the ERIS, Inc, tower a full two stories above them supported by only four fragile seeming supports. The main elevator bank with its U R Screwed architectural joke, the Antler, the horn and the single fang were all that kept that massive structure up there. Cy led Roger to the elevator in the Fang with light, bouncy steps.

Roger, understanding Cy's nature, was actually happy for her. Not only had she got to kill under proper circumstances, she had protected her treasured Mistress Eris into the bargain. For a controlled psychopath like Cy, he knew that it was near to heaven.

She turned her single gray eye to him while they were taking the long ride up to Eris's office. “Thank you so much for understanding and being happy for me, Roger. The local authorities were not understanding at all.”

Roger impulsively gave her a hug. Cy hugged him back.

They were still cuddling when the elevator halted and the door opened. Cy happily said, “We got here in time for your birthday sunrise, Eris!”

Eris, wearing the collar that she had presented to Roger so that he could claim her, smiled a silly, goofy smile and said, “So I see! Is there room enough in the cuddle pile for me?”

Both Cy and Roger freed an arm and held them out invitingly. Eris joined the the cuddle and caressing hug joyously.

She whispered, “Congratulations, Cy! I saw it in the monitors and recorded it. You were beautiful in action.”

Cy returned her Mistress's speech with a kiss. She added, “Roger is happy for me too! He is so special! This will be a birthday for you to remember!”

Roger asked, “Speaking of Birthdays, Eris, the Royal Twins sent you presents made by their own hooves and horns. General Iron has sent you a present that he chose himself. I brought you something too. Do you want your presents before or after the Mong Test?”

Eris scratched her platinum gray mane between her antler and horn as she reflected. With a slight leer, she suggested, “Dawn, presents, test and celebration!”

Cy happily bounced like a puppy on a lead seeing a rabbit! “Dawn and all kinds of fun!” Only slightly dampened, she added wistfully, “I wish that I knew when my birthday is. I was a foundling left at the orphanage without even a note.”

Eris smiled at her friend and bodyguard. She wrapped Cy in a big cuddly hug and said, “That is why I put MY birthday on every document in your file that needed one. This IS your day, dear. Share it with me.”

We all sat in big soft recliners, watching the window of Eris' office. The sky was beginning to glow. There were low streaky clouds being lit with golden orange. As the light rose in intensity, the clouds paled through peach hues. The first glint of the sun's limb showed above the far mountains, light shot out in rays across the sky for a few moments. The clouds transmuted to shades of glowing silver. In a few moments more, shadows ran across the land, hills and forests picking up the glow of the freshly risen sun.

Cy watched it all with sheer excitement.

Roger asked, “Haven't you seen a dawn before?”

She smiled so sweetly that the conflict of words with tone and expression clearly never crossed her mind. “Of course I have seen the dawn before, Roger, but not often from up here. That makes a difference. Seeing all of those lovely colors while still seeing in memory and able to recall the feel of those bones breaking, organs rupturing and brains splattering was so . . . so perfectly wonderful.

“I guarded my Mistress Eris and got all of this too.” He single gray eye overflowed with tears of joy. Paradoxically, Roger understood what she was feeling and accepted it as a part of the Cy that he loved and respected. He hugged her close.

He whispered into the ear of a mare that could not be lied to, “I am glad for you that your birthday has started out so well for you.”

Cy nestled her muzzle into the corner of Roger's neck and shoulder. She made a little purr of contentment. Eris gently joined the cuddle, wrapping them both in her perfectly mismatched arms. She nuzzled both of them and said softly, “Whatever present you have brought, Roger, none can equal this. You have made my dear friend truly happy. I think that this is the best beginning of a birthday in my thousands of years. Thank you so much.”

Her mood shifting mercurially, she then gave both Cy and Roger a shake. “Presents!! It is time to open presents!”

They all sat up eagerly. Eris inquired eagerly, “Roger, will you give me your present first?”

Roger smiled. “I am a better diplomat than that! I have TWO presents. I took the trouble to look up Cy's birthday in ERIS published documents. Since you made this her birthday too, I have something for EACH of you!”

Roger nodded and reached into a bag. “Here, Eris. Something rare for an under appreciated jewel of a being.”

There was a happy shredding of gaily decorated paper. The box inside was the unique black wood whose only known source was the Rom. It was carefully carved in bas-relief with the ancient Gyptian tongue's unique upright strokes and flowing curves.

“Life is long, share your joys,” Eris read without hesitation.

Inside, in Rom woven velvet lay a set of the finest iridescent shell combs and long, blunt tipped mane pins. They were all carved in delicate abstract arabesques.

Eris looked up, tears in her eyes, a smile on her face. “Roger, do you know why I wanted your present first?”

“I did wonder, since you have Royal presents and one from General Iron, too.”

“Roger, it was your idea to give me a present that led the others to think of it.” She pulled him into a hug and deep kiss. “It might be hard to believe, but in all of my existence, I have never been given a simple present.

“They all stemmed from your notion. I wanted the first present that I ever got to be from you. Thank you, my dear.”

Roger wiped an eye. “Really? I had no idea that was the case. You should be more appreciated.”

Cy said sadly, “If what she does and the reasons that she does it were widely known, that would defeat her purpose. It is not fair but it is needed.”

“Cheer up, Cy! I picked something for you too.” Roger handed her a flattish package of brightly decorated paper.

Cy looked like she was about to cry. Very carefully, she released all the ribbons and set them aside. She checked how the paper was folded and opened it with care not to tear it at all. The box inside was plain looking but perfectly made.

Opened at the catch, it revealed a set of smooth leather straps supporting a scabbard. The knife inside was of the finest Rom Damascus patterned steel. The handle and hilt were carved of a single piece of dark stone that had colored lights flowing across its surface.

Cy's breath caught in her throat. Then she did cry. “A Dark original blade! She is the best weapon smith in Equestria. These are priceless. The handle, I never saw anything like it. What is it?”

It was Eris who answered, “It is Crescent Lake Jewel Stone. I have never seen a piece so large. The one in the Equestrian Crowns Jewels is only a bit more than half that size.

“How did you ever find it, Roger?”

He looked down and shuffled his hooves in the X'ibian carpet before admitting, “You mustn't tell anyone. I took it from the gems part of my hoard.”

Cy had caught his thought and was already breaking down in tears. Eris' breath froze in her throat. “Even a part dragon letting anything go from his hoard? Cy, dear, you have made quite the impression on our Roger!”

Roger said softly, “She is worth it, Eris. You, of all beings, know how much Cy is worth.”

Cy slipped off her ERIS uniform jacket and slid into the straps of the knife's harness, adjusting them with pure professional skill. Sliding back into the jacket, she admired herself in a mirror.

“Look, Eris! It does not show at all!”

Roger smiled and said, “I would be surprised if it did. The harness and scabbard are of Dark make too.”

Dancing happily back to them, Cy made an almost invisibly fast move and the knife was out in her grip. She replaced it reverently. She added a hug of her own to Eris' earlier one. It was a cuddly hug. Her single, centered, lovely gray eye was leaking tears but she smiled in delight.

Roger gave Eris the package from General Iron. She read the tag with a smile. “Here, Cy. Check this out, as the General has suggested.”

Cy took it to a side desk and slid it through a scanner for small objects. She tapped a screen and watched the results.

“Totally clean, Eris. It will only function as described in the enclosed literature. Not telling you what it is! It is YOUR present.”

With a broad grin, she hoofed over the package.

Eris dove into the wrappings eagerly! She looked up in surprise. “A Magic Net Mirror? One of a Lover's Set?”

Cy surprised Roger. She said, “It is trickier than it looks, Mistress. Each can only respond to the other or message Emergency Services. The mirror surface is spell strengthened to withstand a heavy non magical hand gun's bullet.

“I have heard our security services personnel discussing them. So far, nopony has found any way to break into the tuned sets. They are MORE secure than Princess' Royal Messaging Service and that is going some.”

Bemused, Eris picked up the directions and read them through. Grinning mischievously, she opened the line to General Iron. “How sweet of you, General. Lover's Mirrors? I am so sorry to inform you that I am taken.”

She paused to watch the General's flustered expression before going on, “This was a really good idea and a fine present, General. My own security ponies can't crack this Magic Net spell. It will allow us a truly private communication method.

“Thank you.”

We could not hear or see the General's response. That was part of what was making the Lover's Mirrors so popular. They were private.

Putting away the Net mirror, she turned eagerly to the Royal Dispatch Case. “More presents!”

Cy was watching her employer and dearest friend with an expression of true joy. She put a hoof companionably over Roger's shoulder and gave him a gentle hug. Shaking her head, she offered, “Eris never got a real present before this. I never did either. Now both of us have, thanks to you.”

Eris used her own seal to break the Royal ones. The case opened. She gasped in admiration. She lifted out, not one, but two, tubular restraints of richly dyed and tooled leather. Each end had a nice comfortably sized hole that allowed the arm into it. The opposite ends were closed off so that a right hoof, at the left end, was fully gloved. The same was true of the left side access to glove. It was secured by simple buckled straps at each end. The straps, going about the arm above the elbow, did not even need to be tight totally immobilize both arms.

Paradoxically, for a bondage restraint, it was excellently designed for the physical comfort of the wearer at the same time that it totally restricted her arms from moving.

Smiling almost diabolically now, Eris lifted out two sets of simple loops, padded with soft fur, each one could be buckled around a shoulder. Each set had a connecting strap with simple buckle to assure that once placed about shoulders, they could not be removed by the wearer. They were fitted with rings to fasten ropes or chains.

There were cuffs in plenty, both smaller, for wrists and ankles along with larger ones for binding legs or arms. They all had rings for chain and rope.

Almost at the bottom of the case were two wide cincher corsets that were also fur lined and buckled into place.

There were coils of longer and shorter richly decorated chains, assorted clips, latches and rings.

At the very bottom were many small wooden cases. Each contained a self playing music crystal. Every one was made by Princess Celestia, playing Rom music of the sort rarely heard by fair goers. It was the sweeter, softer, romantic music that the Rom used in courting.

Cy, eye alight with sheer joy, was carefully examining the brilliant use of tooling, stamps and dyes on the perfectly finished leather. She spotted the small can of finishing and conditioning oil left in the case.

She felt the softness of the fur linings in solid leathers that could not be escaped from.

Cy looked up with sheer admiration and asked, “How could they possibly have known?”

Eris smiled with the joy of one who has got the perfect present, “My fault. I will not say that it was my bad.

“After Roger left me that first time, I had roiled dreams. I kept dreaming that he was there, then waking and he was not. Luna sensed my distress and came to soothe my dreams. It happened again, after Roger left us the other day.

“I have known and trusted Luna for over 1500 years, so I did not mind sharing the dreams.”

Cy stared at Eris in wonder. “Is Luna a dark blue horse with a long straight horn and wings? I mean, like everypony, I have seen pictures but never the real pony. She came to me too. She helped me to dream and turn my unrest to happy things.”

Diplomatically not asking what happy dreams were for Cy, but knowing that Luna ruled all of dreams including nightmares, Roger confirmed, “That was Princess Luna. Now you know why so many love her so.”

Cy nodded eagerly. “I can't wait to try out these lovely toys!!”

Glancing at a clock in Eris' big desk, she stopped that line of thought cold. “Eris, we have only ten minutes to prepare for the test!”

Turning to Roger, Cy said with authority, “Roger, you watch from this chair. Do not worry about screens. It will be put up on the big window. Eris and I are going to be very busy for a while. It will be worth it, I assure you.”

Eris was in her command chair in the center of the U shape. Cy was in a different chair, to Eris' left. They both had Magic net headsets on and were both checking screens, hitting keys and double checking many circuits both natural, magical and M/T.

After a few minutes, the big window turned opaque. A scene grew on it. It was a sere desert valley, surrounded by modest hills. There was a tall gangly tower apparently built of iron in the center of the valley's bowl. A few technicians doing last minute adjustments in a tin shed at the tower's base rushed to an armored personnel carrier and it raced away.

The scene pulled back, showing the near side of the closest range of hills. There was a campus of blocky buildings sheltered from the test valley. Some effort had been spent to make it nice to live and work in. Even in desert Mong, they had an outdoor fountain and a play pool.

There was only one road in but there were many limousines and military command cars overflowing the parking area. Aircraft crowded the small airfield. It was so full that planes had been taxied off of solid tarmac to graded and leveled dirt.

Even as they watched, a large jet settled down to the runway. The combination of pomp and security, showed that they were seeing Kang himself descending the landing steps. A waiting limo whisked him off.

The view backed off. Way off. There was a very stout bunker at the top of the hills between the Institute and the test site, barely visible beyond the hills. The hills themselves shielded the Institute where the entire process of development, from mathematical possibility to finished device had taken place.

Kang's limo arrived at the observation bunker. The APC with technicians rounded the hill and raced for the Institute.

Though the sound was weak, the warning sirens could be heard wailing their screams of doom to come.

A loudspeaker somewhere was chanting a countdown in Mong.

The spark was near instantaneous. It roared like a thousand enraged dragons as it grew, first to ball of light shot through with billows of paler, darker flame. Hurling a huge obscuring ring shaped cloud of debris before it, it continued to expand, filling the whole valley. Even the debris ring cloud, rising thousands of feet, was lit from within by the released inferno. Its growth slowed but did not stop at the cradling hills. It took less than seconds for the hills and land about to vanish under the dark cloud that was trying to out race the expanding waves of heat and shock.

Cradled within the roiling curtain of debris picked up from all that it touched, the monster of flame inside it hurled a huge fan of glowing vapor high above the original point of detonation. The enormous reaction raised a dome shaped incandescent cloud, with a ring of points hurled above it like a diabolical crown.

The interior fire, brighter than any sun, winked out. The raging heat and shock waves did not die so easily. Their rising fan of death continued upward, dimming a good bit at the last.

Debris in the form of molten drops of all sizes had been hurled skyward and now were falling back. All around the huge debris ring cloud, a patter of craters formed.

As the camera in the observation plane zoomed in on one, Roger realized with shock that this small crater, seeming tiny next to its monstrous mother, was over a quarter of a mile across and lined in the bottom with a glass of molten material.

Winds tattered the raging clouds of mixed vapors, fused and finely shattered unidentifiable things. After a while, the main cloud was pushed away. Heat from the glazed test zone continued to cause a rising jet of clouds to form like a geyser of death.

There was nothing left of the valley, the hills about it or the Institute that had created the monstrous device. All of those who had come to see the test, their vehicles, everything, were a slightly dished crater of still molten, glowing glass-like material just over thirty kilometers across.

They received an emergency call from one of Eris' planes. They were reporting that one of EDB's RX-287's had taken a debris hit and was going down. Eris was on it in less than seconds, “Break silence! Tell them to bail out. Inform them that if their aircraft cannot destruct, we will take care of it. Go to vertijet mode and pick up EDB's survivors. Treat as friendlies.”

The screen shifted to show a falling delta shaped plane, a huge hole in one wing, tumbling out of control. Four capsules ejected forcefully away from the wreckage under the power of small rockets. In seconds it was apparent why the ejections were so forceful. The aircraft detonated, blowing itself to fragments. Parachutes deployed from the capsules. As quickly as the capsules reached the ground, the shadow of Eris' plane covered them and ponies in Eris' uniform assisted the EDB crew members to get free and into the safety of the aircraft.

Roger shook his head. “You just made a massive security breach to save them.”

Eris nodded, pausing to whisper something into her headset. “They are Allies, Roger. It is the only ethical thing to do. I hope that their data got home safely.”

Eris's plane stayed long enough to destroy the rescue capsules and launched for home, half way around the planet. Eris kept the screen showing what the aircraft was seeing as it boosted, M/T engines screaming at full power until they ran out of air to breathe. The daylight sky went dark and the brighter stars came out. The glowing crater faded over the horizon. The aircraft was in a suborbital leap, heading for home.

Roger was watching the whole flight unfolding before his eyes on the huge window/screen. “I never even heard of something like this being possible! It was as if I was there!”

Eris said nothing. She was still extremely busy isolating images, examining them, saving some and discarding others. There were many documents, diagrams, maps, and incredibly complex mathematics coming and going on a complex of lesser screens.

Cy took time from her own work, clearly in conjunction with what Eris was doing, to say wistfully, “That was absolutely lovely. I wish that I had done it, instead of Pinkie Pie.”

Roger looked up like he had just been apple bucked in the gut. “Pinkie Pie did that!?! How?”

Speaking over her shoulder, Eris said, “ERIS Supreme security briefing when I get free here. Tell you how it happened as soon as I can.” She went back to her post event analysis.

Roger continued to watch in fascination. This was a side of things that, as a diplomat, he almost never got to see. He worked from prepared information, reports, intelligence briefings, abstracts and annotated images.

He heard Cy's matter of fact report, as he was sure that he was supposed to, “All of our birds are home safe, Eris. EDB's are in route and experiencing no present problems.

“EDB has been notified of their aircraft loss and our recovery of their crew. We will deliver them to EDB Headquarters without debriefing, per orders. They will carry our raw intel of their aircraft loss and our recovery of their crew.”

Eris replied, “Method of delivery?”

Cy reported, “Arfur is delivering them by limousine.”

“Very good. Authorize him a short sleeve uniform so that his Scars of Honor can be shown. He deserves that.”

Eris did not pause in her processing of the Mong blast data. It was nearly two hours before she pushed back from her huge command desk with a satisfied sigh. “We did it, Cy. I have verified that not even subbasements of the Institute survive. Every being with any clue of how to make an M/T device like that one was destroyed in the blast.”

Cy caught Roger's thought and suggested delicately, “Perhaps it is time for that briefing. Roger is very upset at the idea that Pinkie Pie might have somehow caused this little amusement.”

Eris smiled. “Right, Cy. Roger, this info is totally under ERIS Supreme classification.”

Roger nodded but also agreed, “I understand that, Eris. Please go on.”

She smiled, nodded and began, “First, while Pinkie Pie did, in fact cause that test to go so very wrong, she is a total innocent. She has no idea that she did anything and would be horrified at the very idea.

“We set it up. Leiu Halt, the primary theoretical and practical design mathematician of the Mong's entire M/T weapon program had a birthday coming up. Pinkie Pie's parties are famous throughout the whole Equestrian world. We got Kang to set up a party for Leiu and get Pinkie Pie to throw it for him.

“Left out of her briefings was a small fact about Leiu's health. He was a mild diabetic.”

Roger snorted, he was giggling so hard! “I have been to Pinkie Pie parties! Diabetic? Dear Celestia and Luna! How did he ever survive?”

Cy replied, “Leiu mostly sat in a corner and worked on design math for that bomb. Pinkie is not the total airhead that she sometimes appears to be and when she saw that he was losing it from sugar intake, she figured that he should not have any more. However, he was, like any pre-coma diabetic, acting more than a bit like he was drunk.

“As she was helping him to settle down, she saw his pages of 'arithmetic.' She helped him by 'adding up a few things.'”

Roger winced.

Eris nodded. “Right. We'd already primed her by covert means. In the design specifications, she 'fixed' an exponent related to total actual yield. In the expected final yield calculations, she fixed a different exponent.

“When the whole calculation was done with those fixes, the resulting final figures were exactly what was expected. The real yield, without that final fix concealing it, was a full order of magnitude greater than what they were expecting.

“The laboratory tests that they did run were not big enough to show the error, which grows asymptotically with detonation size.”

Eris smiled sadly, “We had the test foxed even before the bomb was built. I do wish that there was another way to do it that did not kill so many. That knowledge HAD to be destroyed.

“This ends the ERIS Supreme classification.

“You may, and I wish that you would, tell the General that EDB's M/T weapons stockpiles are safe from us. They work on a different principle from the Mong device. Further, EDB is dedicated to preserving and restoring peace, not world domination.”

Cy, her single gray eye shining, added, “Play time! We even verified that the herders survived safely! We deserve some fun!”

Roger brightened enormously.

Getting out of her command chair, Cy said archly, “Don't need to read your mind to know what that expression means!”

Breaking into a grin, she added, “And I adore it!”

Eris snickered as she advanced on Roger. “Want to have a solo tie up, this time, Cy?”

Cy got to Roger first and sat in his lap, putting arms about him and closing her lovely cyclopsian eye as she kissed him. She serenely replied, “No, I don't think so, Eris. Maybe not ever. There is a level of unique delight and experience in sharing your heart and feelings while knowing that we are inseparable physically and emotionally.”

Eris just started massaging Cy's shoulders an neck, holding her close. “I hoped that you would say something like that, Cy, dear. I feel so very much the same way.

“I have had Roger alone and I have shared him with you, my dearest friend. As good as the first was, sharing with you was better.”

Cy looked up from Roger's lap and arched her back away from him while he was holding her waist. “Please massage my breasts, Eris. It feels so good. Gentle and caring touches have been so rare in my life. Ahhh . . . that's it. Thank you, Eris.”

Roger took advantage of her position to nuzzle Cy's neck and kiss/nibble from chin down to collar bones.

Eris said softly, pulling both Cy and Roger into a close cuddle, “I think that it is time to try out our presents, Cy.”

Purring from the multiple and very welcome assault, Cy murmured, “I could not agree more.”

As she was getting up from Roger's lap, he asked, “Cy, would you please remove the whole knife rig? It will interfere with our play.”

Cy removed her company uniform jacket and regretfully took off her concealed dagger rig. She folded the straps carefully and put it away in its box. She smiled fondly at it.

Gazing at Roger with her eye alight, Cy said, “That is such a perfect choice for the first gift that I ever got, Roger. Thank you again.”

Roger smiled and stood to hug both of his wonderful mares. Well, to be precise, his lovely dragonequis and mare.

Cy caught the correction in his mind and giggled.

Eris smiled gently and asked, “How shall we begin today, Roger?”

Roger started to sort the lovely goodies that Luna and Celestia had sent. Giving his lovelies a fine set of “bedroom eyes” Roger replied, “We will need the bed and brush again. You two deserve a reward and I am just the pony to give it to you!”

They both mobbed him happily, exclaiming, “Brushies!”

“Right! Now, this time, Cy, if you are up to it, I would like to restrain you first. Then we will secure you to Eris and strip the both of you sort of like last time.”

Cy delightedly said, “I would love it.” She sighed deeply and added, “I doubt that anyone can quite grasp what it means to me to be, not just willing to be bound, but looking forward to it. Secure enough with anypony to trust them so far.” She leaned against Roger and nestled her head into the corner of his shoulder and neck.

She reached out and pulled the very willing Eris into the cuddle.

Eris snuggled serenely in their arms and whispered softly, “This is a very big change from the Cy of a few days ago.”

Cy purred, “It sure is. For the first 19 years of my life, I could not trust anypony at all. Even my talents could not enable me to escape them all. I was raped but never loved. I was glad to be turned out of the orphanage at 18.

“It was an absolute revelation to be discovered by you, Eris. There was someone in the world who did care about me. Really cared. From the moment that you caught the homeless me breaking into your limousine and, instead of rage, you asked me why I would do it. You listened, Eris, and took me in. Fed me housed me. Trained me. Above all, trusted me and with the trust, cared about me. I have been yours ever since.”

She turned to Roger. The first time that you saw me, you had neither fear nor pity. You felt respect for both me having a responsible position and greater respect for Eris, for giving me that position. As soon as you saw me clear you with the guards at the elevator, you knew that I was more than I seemed. And respected me more.

“No other pony has ever figured that out before you did.”

Eris, luxuriating in the cuddles, said smugly, “Can I pick them, or not?”

Cy retorted, “NOT unless you bring back that bed!”

Roger added, “And the brush! Don't forget the brush!”

As usual for Eris' magic, things just quietly appeared. Roger added two grooming items from a pocket. A curry comb and a coat brush.

Eris thoughtfully picked through Celestia's music and set a number of crystals into a player. The amusing and raunchy Red Roan's Lullaby played on soft drums and lyre started off the set.

Cy was eying the new brushes and the items that Roger was laying out and grinned hugely. “Look, Eris! We have been VERY good! This will be reward of epic proportions.”

Roger quietly took Cy's right wrist and cuffed it. He cuffed her left and latched the cuffs together. He did the same for Eris. Then he took two more cuffs and latched them together at the elbows. He took other cuffs and secured both of his lovelies together, right ankle of Cy to left ankle of Eris.

He looped a long light chain between their wrists, guiding it through the loop of the catch binding Eris to Cy. He undid Cy's catch between her wrists and brought her left arm around in front, attaching one end of the long chain to her left wrist cuff.

Eris watched in fascination and asked Cy, “What is our dear lover up to?”

Cy chortled, “No idea at all, Eris. I learned the value of surprise and trust from you last time. I am giving Roger his privacy so that I can enjoy what happens.”

As Roger repeated his change with Eris, she observed, “You are wise, Cy. It is intriguing, though, isn't it?”

Roger, done with his changes, hugged both of them to his chest, taking a moment to enjoy the delight of feeling their breasts pressing against him. The chain allowed them to return the hug, even though they were securely bound.

Roger stepped back and picked up the mane brush. “Now, my dears, it will work like so. You each have a degree of freedom. I am going to choose by lot, which of you I start with.

“The 'winner' gets her mane brushed first. While I am doing that, she is to strip the 'loser.' When I do the loser's mane, she strips the winner.”

He flipped a silver bit. Eris snickered, “Oh, the temptation!”

Cy grinned as she saw the fall of the coin, “But you did not. And I get to strip you!”

Eris faked horror. “Oh, vile villainess! Do your worst!” Pausing for effect, she grinned, “And I will adore it!”

Roger began to brush Cy's lovely midnight blue mane. Cy reached out with her nearly free chained hoof and tentatively stroked Eris, along the line of her blouse buttons, from her neck down onto her belly. Eris smiled encouragement and purred.

Cy returned to the upper buttons of Eris' blouse, the ones between her breasts, already under some strain. They popped open. Cy, encouraged, loosened them from just below the collar button to Eris's lower ribs. The blouse gaped wide.

Cy pushed it wider, to totally expose Eris's tits, encased in a sheer red bra. She paused, enjoying Roger's brushing of her mane and admiring Eris's breasts.

“You're wearing a bra? Why? You, of all creatures, do not need one!”

Eris grinned and gave a sigh of pleasure as Cy fondled her and, reaching behind her, under the opened blouse, popped open Eris' bra catches, one by teasing one.

“This is why I wore the bra, Cy. So that it could be taken off so delightfully. Ahh . . . that's it, feel me up under it, now that it is loose.”

Cy pushed the bra up, exposing Eris' magnificent rack. With lots of fondling while she did it. She opened up the rest of Eris' blouse, and pulled her willing form into a snug hug.

Eris felt Cy's touch from collar bone out to past her shoulder. Cy undid the strap from the top of Eris' left cup, so that both the bra and Blouse could fall to their shared arm restraints on one side and down onto the chain from Eris's wrist cuff on the other.

Eris was left bare from neck to waist, except for Cy, eagerly plastered to her with neck and ear nibbles, back stroking and quiet hugs. Somehow, Cy's exploring hoof found Eris's waist band buttons. The skirt zipper dropped and, with a lot of 'help' from an ass and thigh fondling hoof so did Eris's skirt. All the way down to her ankles.

Cy was holding Eris too closely to see the silky feeling panties that she was slowly working past Eris' ass. Slowly, because, the panties Eris was wearing unaccountably, appeared to be so slick that Cy had to do a lot feeling and stroking, both back, sides and front to get them to move at all.

Especially the front. Cy continued to hold Eris as she fondled her clit. Eris came in her arms, free wrist held tight to the other cuff by Cy pulling all slack out of the longer chain.

As Eris came back, eyes shining, she said softly, “That was lovely, Cy. Our Roger is a cleverer diplomat than we thought, isn't he?”

At Cy's single eye brow raised in question, Eris snuggled closer as she explained, “This is no accident. Roger is opening a new dimension in our relationship. Clever boy.”

Cy smiled lazily and murmured, “My turn. I think that we ought to put my wrists together behind my back. I know that I love you both. I really do not want to hurt either of you.”

Without pausing to question her decision, Roger brought Cy's almost free wrist around behind her and secured it to her other wrist.

Roger started by giving them both another group hug. He slipped behind and started to work on the platinum length of Eris's amazing mane.

Eris started too. She cuddled close to Cy and ran a hoof softly down the center of her back. That also got her closer, so she gave Cy kissy nibbles on her neck. Her hoof danced down Cy's blouse front and all the buttons fell open. Cy smiled and wriggled some, while pressing her breasts to Eris. The move pulled the blouse wide, giving Eris full access to Cy's bra, which was fairly plain one of opaque green satin.

Eris delicately reached into Cy's bra cups and pried her breasts out, so that they were framed by green fabric. Eris did kissy nibbles on Cy's bosom, licking and sucking at her nipples. Cy gave her a dreamy smile.

Eris continued to play mouth games with Cy's tits while she brushed Cy's blouse off her shoulders. She encouraged the blouse to go down as far as the cuffs and latches would allow.

Then she released Cy's right bra cup from her shoulder strap. Reaching behind her friend and bodyguard, Eris toyed the bra chest strap open and only then did she work the garment down to the arm restraints that bound them together.

Eris held Cy's willing form close and kissed, nibbled and stroked all of her torso, naked to the waist, that Eris could reach. Cy's return purr was more like the commanding growl of a lioness.

Eris, luxuriating in both mane brushing and the eager body of her both excited and exciting friend, held Cy close while undoing her skirt. Cy's zipper slid smoothly down and so did her skirt. Eris' exploring hoof found no panties at all. Cy had a garter belt, sometimes called a suspender belt, holding up plain smooth silk stockings.

Really smooth. Really slick. A joy to play with, especially between her legs. She felt up the very nearly totally nude Cy in a return of Cy's orgasmic gift.

Secured together, leaning into even more contact, Eris could feel Cy's tension building. So could Roger. And especially so could Cy!

Her orgasm was typically violent. While Cy screamed her pleasure, she struggled and strained against Luna's solidly made restraints. Even Eris was impressed.

Cy came back to herself, being held and cuddled by both Roger and Eris. Smiling lazily but panting from the exertion, Cy said, “That was wonderful, Eris. It was even better than this morning, or watching the Mong blast. I . . .”

Eris laid a kindly hoof to Cy's lips. “We understand, dear. It is beyond words.”

Eris cast a mischievous glance at the case and its remaining contents. “I wonder what else is in store for us? There are more toys and I am sure that Roger has something in mind for them!”

Roger grinned and gave them both a hug. With some back rubs for each of them at the same time. It had the “unfortunate” necessity of pressing their boobs to his chest.

He sat them on the bed, sitting backs to him. Assorted garments remained hung up in the cuffs. First, he secured them wrist to wrist with no chain loop left. Then he opened the cuffs above their elbows and pushed assorted blouses and bras down to their wrists. A small loop of chain, from Eris' wrist cuff to Cy's wrist cuff passed over the bundle of fabrics. Clicking their wrist cuffs free of each other except for the chain, let the garments be taken off entirely.

He went to their legs, sitting over the edge of the bed and cuffed them just below their knees. Then he added a short hobble chain passing above their skirts and Eris' underwear from the ring of Cy's ankle cuff to the ring of Eris' Releasing the catches that held the cuffs below the hobble, he removed those garments too.

Both Eris and Cy smiled when Roger picked up the coat brush. First, he went over their backs and arms in detail, brushing their fur to perfection.

Their smiles turned to purrs of delight as he began brushing their necks, shoulders and down onto their breasts. The brushing continued down smoothing belly fur and hips. Roger slid the brush between Cy's legs first.

She spread her legs to make it easier. Roger brushed down the outsides and insides of her thighs.

He paused at the tops of her stockings. The bound Cy looked down with a mock imperious glare. “Brushie, Slave! Make more brushies!”

They all giggled while Roger did brush on down Cy's magnificently muscled legs.

Apparently Cy was peeking a little because she smiled lazily and said softly, “Thank you, Roger.”

Finished with Cy, Roger turned his attention to Eris, who lit up like the flash of the Mong test. She arched and wriggled in an effort to get the very most out of the intimate brushing.

And she purred like a pride of lionesses as she did!

All their fur now perfectly smooth, Roger went to the case and brought out both of the corset like bondage restraints.

Roger started with Eris, slipping the garment under her bound arms and up to fit snugly under her bosom. He buckled it at her ribs first and then at her hips, drawing the buckled straps snug. Then he buckled her central tummy strap snugly, while Eris exhaled. The two above and below the central strap were next. When he pulled them snug, he was able to tighten the center one another notch.

Cy looked at Eris in a full length mirror that had unaccountably showed up. It was placed where Eris could admire herself, adorned in Luna's brilliantly done leather work.

Cy drew a breath of admiration and said, “Eris, you are past lovely. I thought that nothing could be as beautiful as you were. I was wrong.”

Eris smiled and replied, “Your turn next, Dear. I think that you will be as astounded by yourself as you are by me.”

Nodding, Roger slipped Luna's leather-working around Cy's trim and muscular figure. She lifted her arms as much as she could to make it easier to get the corset about her waist.

He buckled it top and bottom the same way that he'd done for Eris. When it came to her tummy, Cy tried to suck in her belly. He got it and then did both lower and upper buckles. It was a small struggle to get that last tightening of the tummy buckle.

As Roger stepped back to admire his handiwork and the lovelies ensnared in it, Cy caught herself in the mirror and gasped. Turning to Eris, she simply asked, “How? How did this corset around my middle make my boobs bigger?”

Eris smiled eagerly as she pointed out, “These are Luna's work. I do not detect any dream or other magical working so that leaves only one thing. The corset design is more cunning than it seems.”

Roger, returning with the tubular arm restraints agreed, “It is clever craft alone. Besides shaping your mid-sections, they force your spine and shoulders to a better set for lifting your tits. That is what makes them look bigger.”

Both Roger and Eris could see Cy, a thoughtful expression on her face, exploring the new set of her powerful body with small isometric movements.

While she was at it, Roger let one of her wrists loose from the other and slipped it into one end of the restraint. As he buckled the holding strap above her elbow, she murred, “Soft, so soft.” Roger released her other wrist from Eris' and guided her arm into the opposite end of the restraint. He buckled that end strap around Cy's arm above the elbow.

She made several attempts to get free, smiling more each time that she failed. Her smile like an angel, Cy said, “I have never met her but in that one dream, however, I like Princess Luna a LOT! This does not even feel tight and it is so soft and comfortable but I cannot get free of it at all. It is perfect for loving and being loved.”

Eris gave a silly smile and said, “My turn! I want to try it too!”

Roger managed a very creditable leer as he retorted, “It shall be as you wish it, my Mistress!”

Eyes sparkling with mischief, she snorted, “Which one of us? We are both your Mistresses!”

As he buckled her snugly into the restraint, Roger chuckled, “One? Only one? I have to limit myself?”

Roger pulled out a silver bit and gave it a flip. “We already did heads, so this time it is tails! Tails Brushies!”

Eris snickered as the coin in Roger's hoof flipped over.

Roger picked up his coat brush and the end of Eris's tail. She was just saying, “I appreciate the attention, Roger but . . . Ohh . . . my! It never felt like this before!”

Roger was carefully working the coat brush through the fascinating mix of frills, fur and scales that made up the skin of Eris's tail. Roger turned his amused stare up to Eris's face as she began to pant.

Cy snickered and informed Roger, “She always used a mane brush on it before. With you getting down into the works, as it were, she has just discovered that her tail is an erogenous zone. Her WHOLE tail. Watching her emotions develop is so much fun that I forgive you for taking her first!”

Roger was less than half way up Eris's tail when she began to pant furiously and tried to say, “Oh my goodness! Please, Roger, don't . . .” She took a shuddering breath and finished, “stop! Please, it feels so . . .” and lost all thought as she erupted into a writhing, bucking, twisting, whining in delight, orgasm.

Cy chortled, “That feels REALLY good! It isn't fair, though. She is going to get at least two orgasms ahead of me before you are done with her tail!”

Roger, trying to keep hold of Eris' wiggling, twisting, tail and keep on brushing, grinned and pointed a hoof at Cy, saying, “We can do something about that!”

Cy grinned back in pure delight. Lifting her tail up into sight, she wagged it like a midnight blue flag, and said, “That will be fun!”

Eris moaned happily in agreement. She was letting go of herself in another orgasm following the last by mere minutes.

Roger had a better grasp of the situation and Eris's tail. Being prepared, he managed to keep brushies going right through the wild ride that Eris became as she came. And came again.

Cy, watching and sharing her mistress's emotions and feelings, had a field day! She was experiencing each of Eris's orgasms pretty near totally.

Roger finished with Eris' tail and playfully seized Cy's. Brushing began at the end to keep the long, fine, dark blue hairs from getting any tangle. As he reached Cy's true, muscular tail that her amazing hairs grew from, something fun happened.

Cy began to show the same sort of sexual tension that Eris had. As she began to pant, she said, “I learned something from Eris! Ahh . . . That is so gooood!!” Her orgasm was as violent as always. The new restraints held her firmly but without biting into her flesh. As she came back to herself, she checked that out, a smile of joy on her face.

“No bruises! Oh, Bless Luna! These things are terrific! Roger, if you stop now, you will be in no danger at all . . . until I get loose! I . . . Ahh . . . Oh, yes! Yes!”

Roger, still brushing, grinned. He reached around Cy and began to brush her mound, leaning her lovely strong body back against him.

When she came, she screamed, arching her back and flailing as much as she could. The power of spasm was so great that it pushed Roger over!

He crawled out from under while she was still struggling in the throes of ecstasy. He got between her muscular legs and drove himself as hard and deeply into her as he could, knowing that she enjoyed the harder, swifter thrusting.

She came back to herself with a panting smile. “That was entirely lovely, Roger. Don't stop just yet. I seem to have another,” she paused to inhale deeply to steady herself and went on, “Orgasm hiding in there for you to “root out.” Or should that be RUT out?”

Roger, holding Cy with one arm and fondling Eris with the other could feel Cy's tension rising. Eyes rolling, her screams mounting she exploded into sexual bliss again. Her legs nearly crushed him while her ferocious bucking almost threw him off of her.

He rode her for three more before the mellow notes of a French horn joined Celestia's Earthy music. Both Roger and Cy stared at Eris and began to chuckle. Cy, seeing the French horn entangled in Eris's antler snorted, “SOMEPONY is subtly letting us know that she is horny!”

Roger faked innocence as he gave them both a cuddly hug. Shifting from one eager lover to the other, Roger's hard stallionhood entered Eris' eager cunt, thrusting deeply, swiftly, and with barely restrained power. She was so eager and ready that her first orgasm hit in mere moments!

Her thighs clamped tight on Roger's body as she bucked and heaved. He could tell that Eris was coming back to herself when her thigh grip loosened some!

Cy, who was sharing her Mistress' mind and feelings, was coming down too. A bit faster than Eris, but grinning with sheer delight. “Oh, Roger! This is so perfect! I have the best of both worlds! I got two barehoof kills this morning and I am able to share Eris' joys too!”

Without missing a stroke, Roger reached over and hugged Cy, appreciating her unique view of pleasure.

Cy and Eris both purred their pleasure at his touch. He continued to thrust deeply into Eris' tight vagina, feeling the tension building in himself as well. Soon the tingle in the end of his cock, the slick, exciting stroking down the length of it became more than that. He and Eris both came at the same moment.

When they both came down, Roger freed the outside arm of each of his lovelies. He pulled them up into a group cuddle and kissing fest. After a bit Cy surfaced enough to say with a mischievous grin, “Oh dear! My mane is a total mess! Whatever can we do about it?”

Eris, turned her eyes up from where she was busy kissie-nibbleing the corner of Roger's neck and shoulder and agreed with a snicker, “It certainly is a mess. Shall I give you a pass to the Spa Ponies Spa?”

Cy promptly and with precision started after Eris' ticklish spots with her free hoof. Roger let them tickle battle for a few minutes.

He held up the large mane brush and said sternly, “Only GOOD lovers get brushies! Will you two settle down or do I have to put this away?”

They both stopped at once, stricken looks on their faces. Then Cy grinned and said, “You can't put it away! If only Good Lovers get brushies, you have to brush us, no matter how we misbehave! We are the BEST LOVERS ever!”

As Roger got behind them and started to brush, some on one and then on the other, he said sternly, but with a smile, “A bit boastfully put but reasonably accurate!”

Soon, he was carefully and very erotically re dressing them both. He released them both and meticulously re packed the assorted restraints and finally, the last of Celestia's erotic music.

Eris returned to actual business. She sorted through her data, images, and analysis. She was putting together two somewhat different sets.

Cy sat herself at her operational seat and did her own sifting, shunting some of what she found to Eris for her consideration.

Eris did look it over. “Arfur had no trouble delivering the EDB flight crew back to Command HQ?”

Cy grinned. “Not a speck. You need to read General Iron's note to the HQ guards!”

Eris did scan a short screen. “Privates needed to clean Fort Everfree latrines?” Chuckling, she returned to data sorting. Soon she had her cases ready and sealed them.

“I have two for you, Roger. First, EDB Command HQ, for General Iron's eyes only. The second is for both Celestia and Luna. Both cases are alarm trapped against unauthorized intrusion.

“I suggest having General Iron along when you give the Twins their case and briefing.”

Roger took his leave, Cy came with him as far as her post at the reception desk. Arfur brought his car around. Roger made a point of admiring his Scars of Honor, which caused the Diamond Dog to brighten up a great deal.

At EDB Command HQ, Roger had the usual check point inspection by the guards.

General Iron took the case sent to him and applied his seal key to open it. “Do stay a bit, Roger. I know that you got to watch the test on Eris' monitors.”

Shaking his head, the General mused, “How could they have made such an error?”

Roger thought carefully. “I do know the actual mechanism that they used, Sir. It was given to me under Eris Supreme security so I cannot reveal it. What I can tell you is how they missed it in their early testing.

“The error followed an asymptotic curve based on energy release amount. All lab and small scale tests were on the nearly flat part of the curve and were inside experimental error limits. When they built the big one, it was on the steep part of the curve, an entire order of magnitude bigger than planned.”

Iron winced. “I would love to hear how they pulled that off . . . I wonder . . .” He pulled out his side of the Lover's Mirror set.

The famous muting spell did not allow Roger to overhear the conversation. When the General put down the mirror he was grinning some. “So, they found a weakness in Mong security that let them make a “few little fixes” in Leiu Halt's design math. They had it foxed before the bomb was built!”

Shaking his head, Iron got up and said, “Eris wants us both to brief the Princesses on the results of the Mong test and the abatement of their threat to civilized Equestria. We can use your car.

“I did thank her in person for her courtesy in the recovery and treatment of our air crew.”

As they drove out of EDB's HQ, Roger observed, “I am sure that she appreciates that, Sir. I was there in her command center when your aircraft was hit by the debris. She did not even hesitate. She ordered silence broken and the offer of pickup made at once.”

After clearing Palace Security, Roger and General Iron were shown to the Throne Room where Court was in progress. It was Luna, looking up, who saw them standing far back in the line of supplicants.

Mildly, but with hardened steel under it, she inquired of a protocol pony beside her, “Horace, did we not give the order that both Roger and the General were to be brought to us at once?”

Sneering, Horace replied, “They are here, before the Thrones, put far up ahead of more deserving ponies!”

She reached across and tapped Celestia who was hearing some ponies disputing some situation or other about water rights. Celestia looked up and caught sight of Roger and the General at the end of the supplicant's line. Her brow clouded with irritation.

“Why are those ponies at the back of the line? I know that we gave a joint order of Absolute Priority to them!”

Horace tried his “They are here. What more do you want?” line on Celestia. She simply grabbed all of his appointment books and ledgers with her magic.

A horrified Horace heard her order, “Seize him. Take him to a common cell. Give him no means of communication nor allow him any passage of notes. We will attend to his case later.”

Luna ordered, “Clear the room. We have vital matters of State to discuss. See that all of these good ponies are given good rooms and meals until their cases can be heard. Attend to all of their needs, even seemingly trivial ones like the care of pets.”

The Guard Captain offered, “That shall all be done, Your Higness. May I suggest that you not hold any vital meeting here? Seven times this month alone, we have found listening devices, two of them with image capability. We are still attempting to trace their transmissions.

“I gave you a memo on the problem last week . . .” He looked down and stirred the manacled Horace with a hoof. “Actually, according to protocol, I gave the memo to HIM. Did you get it?”

Dryly, Luna replied, “Obviously not. Where, nearby, is a secure room for our meeting?”

The Guard Captain thought for only a moment. “The Sunrise Room, Your Highness. We have never found a problem there.”

Seated about a table in the Sunrise Room, Roger proffered the case from Eris. Both Princesses laid their seals in the proper places, keying it open.

Luna, examining the contents eagerly, exclaimed, “I love how well Eris always organizes her data and analysis! I wish that this was better news. It looks at first glance that the test went off without a hitch.”

Roger intervened, “There was a hitch. It was WAY bigger than planned. Here.” He rummaged briefly and produced a list. “These Mong ponies were all there to observe the test. They were in the bunker at the top of the hills between the Institute and the test site.”

Leafing through the images for one of the last ones, with the jet of superheated air rising from the thirty kilometer crater, condensing to clouds far up in the air, Roger pointed.

“This ripple in the crater glass? That was the hills with the bunker. This spot highlighted by the arrow? The Institute was there. There were no survivors. All of the information, math, notes, plans and production equipment are vapor.

“The entire conquest and war parties of the Mong military and Dictatorial Council are gone. Kang himself was fried with them. The Mong have no present leadership.”

Celestia grinned diabolically and snorted, “You were saying about better news, Luna? How does it get better than this?”

There was a knocking at the door.

It was the Guard Captain. His armor was disarrayed and he was limping on one foreleg.

“I regret to disturb your meeting Your Highnesses. The Senior Diplomat Alfred Rarie and a cohort of guards working for him have seized the Thrones Room. He is disrespectfully demanding your Royal Presence as if he was calling for hounds.”

Luna, seeing the disarray of his armor and his injury, asked, “Was blood shed?”

“According to your standing orders, Your Highness, we did yield before there was any serious bloodshed.”

Luna smiled and laid a hoof on his shoulder. “I know how difficult it must have been to yield. You did your duty perfectly, Captain. We, my sister and I, commend you.”

As they all approached the Thrones Room, they met Eris and Cy. Eris had a grim expression on her face. Cy was skipping happily about like a hound on a lead, spotting a rabbit.

A pair of leather armored guards stood sloppy attention at the shut doors to the Thrones Room. Cy saw them and pretended to stumble on the carpet runner. She fell into one of the guards who, taken by surprise, was starting to push her away when she clumsily grabbed at his neck for balance. There was a cracking noise.

The guard lay in a heap, not even twitching. His buddy stared at Cy, still immaculately dressed, standing astride the corpse and smiling in sheer delight.

Fearfully he pulled a big knife. As he lunged, he saw in disbelief that his target was already out of the knife's path by mere inches. He felt her grip on his wrist and had time to realize that he should have take warning from his target's delight. She rammed his foreleg down at the same time that her knee came up violently.

The shock and ripping snap of his shoulder disjointing was so great that he could not even cry out. His nerveless grip dropped the knife.

He felt a solid grip at the back of his neck, a second, under his jaw. The snapping, ripping sound of his neck spine shattering was the last thing that he heard. He did not even feel hitting the floor.

Cy turned to the Princesses and Iron with a radiant smile. “Mistress Eris told me that you did not want bloodshed here! See? Not a drop spilled!”

Celestia was looking ill. Luna, on the other hoof, was now somewhat darker, more nightmareish as she stepped forward without fear and embraced Cy. Her voice echoing from a cave of horror, Luna said, “That was perfectly done, Dear. I must ask you to withhold further killing until permission is given. We need to know what sort of madness is on the other side of that door.”

Cy brightened even more as she said, “There are four guards like these two. A big, ugly pony who calls himself A. Rarie, Viceroy of Kang, Ruler of the World, is sitting on the high middle throne. Do you need to know more?”

“Will the guards attack us when we go in?”

Almost regretfully, Cy said, “No, not unless they are told to.”

The Nightmare Luna (not the cute little Nightmare Moon) laid a sympathetic hoof on her shoulder saying, “You really can't win them all.” Brightening in her peculiarly dark way, Luna offered, “Perhaps events will give you an opportunity.”

Greatly cheered, Cy stepped to the great doors and pushed them open. There was a grossly overweight green pony sitting on the central throne, The Throne of the Titular Queen of Equestria. He called sneeringly, “Welcome to the Court of Alfred Rarie! Equestrian Viceroy of Kang the Conqueror, Ruler of the Equestrian World!

“I wold have checked my facts a bit more carefully before doing something this stupid,” Eris said mildly, making a mocking bow. Somehow, she ended up facing the doors, her rear lifted to “The Equestrian Viceroy of Kang.” The scent of a powerful fart filled the room.

From the Throne, Rarie demanded, “Destroy the Deformed Ones!” His guards closed in. Cy's overjoyed expression could have been a warning that their move was unwise. They ignored it.

Cy moved toward the nearest. Somehow, she stumbled, one of her hooves tangling in the guard's, dropping them both. Trying to retain her balance, one of Cy's knees landed solidly on his larynx, rupturing it.

She regained her footing, trying to lift the fallen guard, now drowning in his own blood. “Terribly sorry! It must have been an accident!” she exclaimed, deftly moving him into the path of the knife of the second guard.

His knife jammed in the ribs of his counterpart, the second guard reared impressively. Cy rolled over the corpse, a rear hoof driving with force and precision into his exposed private parts!

As he folded around his agony, he gasped, “That wasn't fair!”

Cy responded, “Neither is four on one. Odds are getting better though. Now there is only TWO on one!” A hoof on the side of his neck and one at his muzzle twisted his head forcefully. All of the onlookers, including the other two guards, heard the grisly cracking that preceded the second guard's flop to the floor, not even twitching.

Cy's cyclops like eye alight with sheer joy, she pounced at the third one! Frantically he tried to dodge. Cy bounced sideways and was just behind him. A deft hoof between his sent him sprawling. Cy, an expression of serenity on her face landed on his back with her force concentrated in a single hard driving hoof. The shattering crunch of it was accompanied by his hindquarters lifting to an impossible angle, spasming once and falling limp.

A look of calm meditation on her face, she yanked his belt loose and garroted him.

The last guard did figure out that the one eyed pony was death incarnate and ran for the doors! The assembled Royal Guards of Celestia and Luna had him solidly in their grip before the third guard was fully strangled.

Eris, not raising her voice at all, said, “Well done, Cy. It is over. The Royal Guard has him.”

Cy accepted Eris' statement and bounced over to the group for all the world looking like a filly happily playing hop-scotch. “You got to watch me do it, Eris! It was ever so much fun! Did you see it, Roger? Most of the time I use firearms or knives! This not spilling blood rule let me take my time and do it right!”

She turned to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, bowing properly for the Royalty, and asked plaintively, “Are you sure that I can't have the last one? It would save you ever so much trouble and cost, what with jailing and feeding him!”

Celestia smiled at the turn of events. “Sadly, I am sure. We will do with him as he deserves, never fear that, Cy. That demonstration was truly excellent. We, my sister ruler and I, appreciated it greatly.”

From the Throne, Alfred snarled, “You may have taken a few guards, but you still have to surrender to the Will of Kang the Conqueror! I will show you what you are up against! Here! Original images of a test conducted this very morning! There are more in the building and targets are already chosen! You have lost!”

He held out a sheaf of images.

Roger turned to the others and said, “This is my department. Literally, in this case. Alfie, there, is three grades senior to me in the Diplomatic Corps. He is always this careless with important facts in his negotiations.”

He stepped up and took the proffered images.

He was showing them to General Iron, Eris and the Princesses when Cy, glancing over their shoulders started to laugh. Turning to Alfred Rarie, she snickered, “Bet that you lost contact right after this last one! Oh, this is priceless!”

A. Rarie squirmed on the throne. This was not how it was supposed to happen!

“What is so funny, you freak?”

Cy was settling into the serene expression that she had when she was killing the guards. “You are. That was not some minor loss of Magic Net relay.” With the assurance of one who has the right to do so, she reached into the Royal briefing case and pulled out a sheaf of images. “Here. Look at these.”

She handed them to Roger, who took them to the throne.

Rarie took only a second to pronounce triumphantly, “These are obvious fakes! Where is the range of solid stone that the observation bunker is on?”

Cy batted her eyelid at him and said, “It's there. See that ripple in the glass of the crater floor in image seventeen? That is all that is left of the hills, Kang and his whole party of military and Dictatorial Council observers. The Institute is vapor too. Lieu Halt made a tiny miscalculation.”

Reexamining the images, the diplomat who signed his documents A. Rarie, dropped them from nerveless hooves. Drawing a large dagger, he declared, “You will never take me alive!”

General Iron laughed outright. “Where will you go, Alfie? Leap off the balcony or go out the door? The Balcony is called the Traitor's Drop. It is 1800 feet to rocks from the balcony.

“The door is full of armed guards. I see that they have just finished setting up a machine gun in the hallway. Don't think that you will get far there either.”

Cy, suddenly gone serious, turned to the Princesses and bowed low. “Please, a boon I beg of you. Give to me the life of the Senior Diplomat, A. Rarie, which would otherwise be lost.”

Princess Luna, sensing exactly what Cy intended, said gently, “What will you do with him if we give him to you?”

Assured, Cy replied, “A duel to the first blood. If he prevails against me, he goes free but for the loss of his station and estates. If I draw his blood first, he shall serve me in whatever capacity I see fit but that I may not order him any duty that may cost him life or serious injury.”

Eris glanced about the sumptuous room, taking in the exit door, the Triple Thrones and the balcony. She grinned as she muttered, “Oh Cy, that is so devious! I love it.”

General Iron's gaze took in the same features, including the five corpses. He recalled with accuracy, the ease with which Cy had maneuvered them to their deaths. He grinned and whispered to Eris, “Twenty bits says that she has a third outcome in mind!”

Celestia overheard and whispered, “That is a sucker bet! Don't take it, Eris!”

Luna managed to maintain a straight face as she replied, “Granted.” She called out to the surprised Rarie, “Have you heard the terms? You are offered your life in either outcome. It is a duel to the first blood drawn. If you draw blood, so little as a scratch on Cyrene Yevonne Clopes, you go free with no penalty but the loss of your station and estates.

“If she draws your blood by the same rules, you will serve her as a servant. She may not give you any order that may cost you life or injury.

“Do you agree?”

Rarie could not see any other way out. He knew that the Princesses did not lie. He thought about it and spoke forcefully, “I do agree.”

Sliding into that serene peace where she fought, Cy made a tiny move. Her present from Roger was in her grip that swiftly.

Celestia's eyes widened as she saw the carved hilt of that dagger and unmistakable work of the famous Rom smith, Dark.

Alfred tried to square off in a “classic knife fighting stance.” General Iron, who had a long history of combat before becoming a General, smiled, trying to suppress giggles.

He saw that Princess Luna was chuckling too.

Cy stepped out confidently, almost everything about her stance wrong. Rarie grinned at what he perceived to be incompetence. He thrust.

Cy stumbled from bad stance at that exact moment and his knife went harmlessly past. She was so awkwardly placed, that he had to back up a step to face off with her properly.

She made a clumsy swing but he had to shy back a little to avoid it. Her follow through left him an opening. He stabbed fiercely, going off balance. Cy returned another slash as she stumbled. Rarie was forced to step back blindly.

He saw an opening and made a powerful upward slash! Cy had to lean back so far that she fell, twisting and bunching as she went down! Both forehooves hit the floor at the same moment and her bunched hind legs uncoiled in a powerhouse of a double buck!

Rarie felt a bench behind him catch his knees causing him to lose balance backward. The railing of the balcony caught his legs just below the hips! Flailing frantically he dropped over the edge of the Traitor's Drop balcony!

Cy rushed forward and watched the falling speck of green screaming for over a minute and a half before it was suddenly cut off.

General Iron, beside her looked down too and said with a chuckle, “It's a long way to tip A. Rarie!”

--The End--