Under the influence

by The Drifting Bard

First published

Sometimes the most strongest drink in the world is love.

Sometimes the most strongest drink in the world is love.
other times, it involves cherries

In my case.

it was both.

her name was Cherrilee.
(the Idea stemmed from watching the eurovision, and drinking cherry coke and vodka all night, so for all purposes, enjoy)

this is basically a side story

Prologue: confessing to a drink

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Spawned from watching the eurovision song contest and a whole nights worth of drinking

warning, contains references to alcohol,. swearing, sex...and many other things considered tooo risque for younger audienc...adin.... fuck... been drinking since 8pm on the 26th and haven't stopped

you know how it says that a litre o' vodka is like..what... 20 measures of..um...stuff... well...I'm way over the limmit, inn love with a school teacher... and sheee'd probably kill me if she knew my grammage was this bad.... mind you, shee'd probably punish me by...slappin my ass with a ruller....feckin kinkny shit if yoyu ask me...

jeez, anypony else wuud tink i'd be shaggin er sister... feckin ell...pays ta be from trottingham...

me little brothers gonna kill me....

the sounds of a mediocre band was heard, the kids were screaming down the microphones, shitty power chords were being over used. each song sounded moderatly the same. two ponies were found at the bar.

"37.5 percent alcohol," I read, popping the cap off. I took a sniff. "Berry, are you sure your up to the challenge?"
"of course I'm sure, if not, i'd eat my own hoof" My drinking buddy said with a light chuckle.
she poured out a shot for each of us, but was soon distracted by a white unicorn with a blue mane. trotting next to said unicorn was a young stallion, looked famous, can't recall his name though. but alas, that was an hour ago.

alcohol has a way of catching up to you, and soon your confessing to just about anything... or walking into doors like a certain author we all know and love. (A/N : yeah right, like anyone would love this alcoholic ¬_¬). Berry watched as i downed shot after shot of Vodka. "slow down, buddy" She shot me a worried look. "so whats bothering you?"
after the fifth shot, i took a deep breath, ordered a vodka and coke and slumped into a seat.
"i really don't know what to do Berry," she raised an eyebrow. "its..." i trailed off.
"if its about your deep seated attraction to me, i'll just ignore it" she giggled.
I chuckled before I sighed. "you wish, berry, everypony knows i'd be the attractive half" I chuckled again.
ponies would always say that i was funnier drunk..

"but in all fairness, ... i think i might actually... have fallen for somepony" i sighed.
I took a sip of the drink and simply stared into it. "who?"
I took a second sip, trying to think of a way to put it lightly.
"its...well, don't...don't be angry okay?"
"why would i be angry?" Berry raised an eyebrow.

"its... your sister, Cherrilee" I'm doomed
"oh" Berry's face contorted to a mixture of joy and anger.
i waited for pain, but it never came. instead she just smiled, and shed a tear. "you prick"
"what? what did i do now?" i asked.

she sighed, i could smell the alcohol on her breath, mind you.. it was just as strong on mine.
"Yo, Pinball Wizard! another!" i shouted after downing the rest of my drink.
placing ahoof on her shoulder as she silently wept, under the influence.
"this is the point where any other guy would tell you that i'd been secretly pining over you for years" she gave a light hearted laugh. "but nopony knows me like you do, and the only guy i let in my life like that fucked off and left me with a child who was the best thing to happen to me" she let a tear roll down her cheek.

"i'm" she interrupted me
"dont you fuckin dare say your sorry, I love you, dude... more than you know," she sighed. "i just want to see you happy,"
I raised a very drunk eyebrow at the mare, "so i'm gonna help you"

she was smiling, "just look at those two over there, don't they look happy to you?"
of course, she was watching the musician and candy maker. "oh yeah, they got married last week didnt they?"
i asked. the drunken mare nodded.

"well, i'll see if i can put in a good word for you" Berry chuckled. but then watched as i knocked back a shot and fell off my seat. "well, that hurt like a motherfucker," i groaned "thanks for the offer Berry"
I pulled myself back onto the stool, but slipped off.

"fuck" i grumbled while picking myself of the ground. "methinks i had too much ta drink" my words slurred with both the concussion and the alcohol. i left shortly afterwards.
"damn it, Cherrilee... why are you always in me head" you could tell by my trot i was drunk, swaying from side to side.
well Rover, thats another fine mess you've gotten yourself into i grumbled to myself.

being drunk and somewhat self indulgent, i took a piss up the police station wall, escaping detection.
I then proceeded to drop my keys , picking them up and promptly knocking myself out on the doorknob.

fuck my life.

Chapter 1: everything is louder

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Why do stars
suddenly appear
every time
I drink beer


thats one word to describe how i feel right now.
the other words could be mentioned as a stream of non-sequential swearwords and the occaisional "by celestia's beard why the fuck did i drink so much"

to be perfectly honest, i wasnt really expecting that kind of answer from Berry. I felt like shit after replaying the memory.. or what was pieced together from it. it was a kind of ignored confession. Berry loved me, but i didn't feel the same.
my dad would have said "ye be a fookin idjiot ta be turnin down a mare like that, ah canea think how ye can get land a drinkin buddy like that without rammin her" yeah... my dad's a filthy scottish bastard.
I clumsily picked myself up off the floor. picking up the keys once more.
the jangle of the keys sounded more like a set of church bells going off near my ear.
i hastily opened the door and darted in, slamming the door behind me.

very stupid if you ask me.

once again, i found my head pounding from the loud noise and the headache. i picked up the sunglasses i left on the table and put them on, hiding the bloodshot eyes i had from the world. Placing my black stetson on, i simply sighed.
i took two painkillers and promptly tidied the shit-hole up. after placing a guitar back in its case, i sighed.
"what the hell happened man," i glanced at a photo. "why didn't you say anything" it was me and my bandmate.
"well, least nothin can harm you now"

two years ago

"For Celestia's sake man, just give it up already" was the shout given by a roadie. i was currently downing a bottle of Jack.
i then threw the bottle, landing a straight shot into a trashcan. "Score," i sat down on the sofa. "dude, where's Rocky?"
i watched as a body bag was wheeled through from one of the toilets. a coroner walked out and placed a hoof on my shoulder.

"Rock is dead"

"you stupid..." I took a deep breath as a knock was heard on the door.
"hey! you in there Rover?" it was my mum... "remember you've got to look after Pipsqueak today"
"yeah, i'll pick him up after school" i sighed.

I left the house shortly after, following the smell of fresh coffee. "Mornin Pinkie!"
i shouted with glee, no hangover is good, coffee is better.
"Mornin Rover!" she placed a coffee down on the table for me.
"ahhh you always do make the best coffee" she smiled at me for a moment.
i took another sip of the coffee. "so Pinks, hows life?"
"its pretty good, Dashie's taking me to a gig just down the clambermane"
"the clambermane? must be new" i chuckled.

Me and Berry had a history of going to a newly open bar and seeing if we can drink them dry... or get thrown out.
"so when is it?" i asked.
"Bucked if i know" she chuckled.

after leaving Sugarcube Corner, i simply took in my surroundings. moving back to ponyville after....
it was a good move, the ponies were great... the atmosphere was great... but something was missing.
i shook off the feeling of dread and simply laid near a tree opposite the school.
within a few minutes i heard the shout of "Rover!!!"
i scrambled to my hooves but was soon pounced on by a small colt. "hey Pip"
"um excuse me sir? could i have a word with you?" i heard a voice.
"sure what's this about?"
"your son, Pipsqueak?" Pipsqueak facehoofed.
"Miss Cherrilee, he's my little brother" i chuckled.
her mauve coat suddenly became a darker shade. "oh...t-terribly sorry"
"mind you, i can see why," i sighed as i placed the hat on Pip's head.
"so? whats wrong with pip?" i watched as Cherrilee sighed. "he's a hard worker," she lowered her voice a little bit
"but he's been having trouble fitting in with the others"
I sighed. "because of the accent am i right?" i chuckled, then deliberatly stopped speaking in what was percived as a common accent. "ya see, me dear, I'm about as Trottingham as they come, just learnt to control me mannerisms"
she gave a slight giggle. "so, you're the one my sister always talks....i mean...telling me about" nice save...jackass
"tell you what, how about we go out sometime...just... you and me?"

"i'm sorry but...oh what the hay, it wouldn't hurt" she smiled.
inwardly i jumped for joy, but on the outside i simply smiled back. "pick you up at 7pm friday? i can have you back by eleven" she giggled.
"you always play it safe?"
my face fell. "Miss... that was, without a doubt... the most dumbest thing anypony could say to my brother"
"and why is that?"

"he never plays it safe"


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should i continue this current strain of alcohol fueled thought? or should i sober up and try again?