Pinkamena And The Two Love Birds

by Pinkamena666

First published

A Mini Role-Play Story

A colt and a mare go to Sugarcube Corner and are captured by Pinkamena.
UPDATE: This will be re-written into The Pinkamena Series and will be titled "Pinkamena: Lovebirds"

Pinkamena - Pinkamena666
Star Scribe - Annonymous
Thunder - The Royal Caribbean


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Two ponies, a colt and a mare, entered Sugarcube Corner and sat down at a table.

"What's up?" asked Pinkamena, walking over to greet them.

"N-nothing much." stammered Star.

"Something wrong?" asked Pinkamena

"What?" asked Star Scribe.


Pinkamena looked at the two ponies and smiled.

"How about a doughnut?" she asked.

"Sure." said Thunder

"I-uh..." hesitated Scribe. "Sure."

Pinkamena headed into the back room of Sugarcube Corner and returned with two doughnuts. She placed them on the table.

"Enjoy." the pink mare said with a smile.

"Th-thanks." said Star.

Thunder nodded. "Thank you."

The two bite into their doughnut. Suddenly the two black out,

Star Scribe wakes up in a basement.

"What the--"

"You're awake!" said Pinkamena, standing in front of Scribe

"Pinkie, where am I? Where's Thunder?!"

"Over there." said the pink mare, pointing

Star Scribe looks and sees Thunder strapped to a chair, just like he is.

"Why is she tied up?!"

Looks at own ropes and gulps.

"Why not?" asked Pinkamena, letting out a giggle.

"Why am I tied up?!!" Star Scribe asked, looking around room. "Oh, dear princess!"

"Because..." said Pinkamena, holding up a knife. "You wouldn't let me do this if you weren't restrained."

"P-P-Pinkie. Put that down!"

"Put it down? But, why?"

"P-please... don't hurt us!"

Pinkamena circles around behind Scribe.

"Don't hurt you? Where's the fun in that?"

"Pinkie, s-stop playing! It's not funny!"

"Play?" She held the knife at Scribe's throat. "Who's playing?"

Star Scribe gulped in fear."P-please.."

He began to cry as Pinkamena dragged the knife across his neck. It wasn't enough to cut the skin, though.

"But I do like to play." said Pinkamena.

Star Scribe pants in fear.

"Is that fear I hear?" she asked, letting out a blood-curdling laugh.

"Pinkie, you're not like this! Please, stop!"

She quickly circled around in front of Star.

"STOP CALLING ME PINKIE! It's Pinkamena now!"

"Okay! Okay! Pinkamena!"

"That weak mare died long ago."

Pinkamena smiled cheerfully.

"P-please.... Pinkamena. Just... Just don't hurt her. Do what you want with me... but not her."

"Who?" asked Pinkamena, trotting over to Thunder. "Her?"

Star Scribe gulped. "Yes."

Pinkamena stood next to Thunder. "Wakey wakey."

"H-huh?" asked Thunder.

"Thunder!" Star called out.

"What... Where..." Thunder stammered.

"Now that the two of you are awake," said Pinkamena. "we can begin."

"Oh, please, no..." pleaded Star.

Pinkamena let out a laugh. "Don't wanna play? I spent a long time on this game."

"Please, just let her go! Leave me here, but let her GO!"

"Do you love her?"

"I-I-uh--" stammered Star.

"Well? Do you?"

Star Scribe looked into Thunder's eyes and Thunder looks back.

"Yes." Star finally said.

Pinkamena grinned. "Let's test that love, shall we?"

"NO!" yelled Star. "Pinkie, PLEASE!"

Pinkamena Ignored him and stood behind Thunder.

"What's going on?" asked Thunder.


"CELESTIA CAN'T HELP YOU!!!" yelled Pinkamena. "DOWN HERE... I'M GOD!!!!"

"No, stop!" yelled Star.

Pinkamena leaned forward so that her head was next to Thunder's. "Are you saying you don't want to play?"


"So, what's it gonna be, Star?" asked Pinkamena. "Gonna play?"


Pinkamena licked Thunder's ear. "You game, Star?"

"i'll do anything! Just... please, stop! I'll play your game! Just dont do this!!!"

Thunder let out a scream.

"Perfect." said Pinkamena with a smile. "Ready for the rules?"

Star hesitated. "S-sure."

The Game

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"You do exactly what I say and how I say it... or I cut your girl." said Pinkamena. "Still game?"

Thunder's eyes widen

"I'll do whatever y-you ask." said Star.

Pinkamena smiles evilly and stands up** *Fantastic. Now, wait here while I get the tools.*

"T-t-tools?! asked Star.

"What did you think we were gonna play with?" asked Pinkamena.

She headed to a corner of the room that Star couldn't see. Star Scribe gulped.

"Th-thunder..." stammered Star. "It's gonna be okay. I-I promise."

Pinkamena whistled as she wheeled a cart in between them. Star Scribe stared into cart with wide eyes. Pinkamena pulled the cover off, revealing sharp instruments.

"Ready, everypony?" asked Pinkamena. Star gulped and started to shake. The pink mare walked over to Star and cut the ropes that bound his forelegs down. "So... are you ready?"

"I-I-um..." stammered Star.

"I could always just go over to your little mare friend and slit her throat."

"NO!" screamed Star.

"No?" asked Pinkamena.

"I-I'm ready!" stammered Star.

"Are you?"

Star gulped. "Yes."

Pinkamena wheeled the cart in front of Star and headed over to Thunder, still keeping her knife.

"Now do as I say." ordered Pinkamena, standing behind Thunder. "You two ready?"

"U-uh... Ok..." stammered Star.

"How 'bout you, girl?" asked Pinkamena.

"U-uh... yes?" replied Thunder.

"Great!" yelled Pinkamena, holding the knife at Thunder's throat. "Pick up the scalpel."

"O-okay" said Star, picking it up.

"Now stab your leg."


Pinkamena presses the knife harder on Thunder's neck. "What was that?"

Star gulped as his hoof began to shake. He looked into Thunder's eyes and brought the scalpel down hard on his hind leg, letting out a scream.


Pinkamena smiled. "Good."

"Scribe!" yelled Thunder. "No!"

"Celestia, damn it all!" yelled Star.

"Now leave it in and pick up the little hammer."

"No! Don't Scribe!!" yelled Thunder.

Star shifted to pick up the hammer. "I-I have to!"

"No, you don't." said Thunder.

"Oh, yes he does." Pinkamena corrected.

"I can't let you die!!!" said Star taking the hammer in his hoof.

Pinkamena giggled. "Love. Such a powerful and stupid thing."

"NO!!" screamed Thunder.

"Now whack the scalpel's handle tip... three times."

"Oh, buck." said Star

He looked back into Thunder's tear-filled eyes.

"Need inspiration?" asked Pinkamena.

"Please, don't do this." pleaded Thunder.

Star raised the hammer above his head.

"Do it." said Pinkamena.

Star squints his eyes shut.

"Do it, now." ordered the pink mare

"No!" screamed Thunder.

Star brought the hammer down hard, right next to scalpel.

Star gasped in pain and fear.

"Still need some inspiration?" asked Pinkamena, waving the knife in front of Thunder.

Star raised the hammer again.

Thunder let out a whimper. "Don't!"

"Yes. Don't." said Pinkamena with a grin. "Suffer the consequences."

Star brought the hammer down on the handle, causing him to scream in agony.

"NO!!" screamed Thunder.

"Two more."

Tears began to fall from Star's eyes but he lifted the hammer again.

"Waiting for an invitation?" asked Pinkamena.

Star Scribe brought the hammer down hard on the handle tip, making Pinkamena smile.


"NO!" screamed Thunder.

"One more." said Pinkamena. "You can do it."

"No, don't." "Please..."

"I-I think I've hit bone!!! It won't go any deeper!"

"Refusal!" yelled Pinkamena.

She cut Thunder's shoulder with the scalpel. Thunder let out a cry of pain.

"THUNDER!" yelled Star. "Please! I-I'll do it!"

"ONE MORE!!! DO IT!!!"

"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!" yelled Thunder.

Star lifted the hammer.

"BECAUSE IT'S FUN!!!" yelled Pinkamena. She looked back at Star. "NOW DO IT!!"

Star brought the hammer down hard. He let out a scream and then vomited.

"NO!" yelled Thunder

"Aw. Somepony made a mess."

Star wiped his face with a hoof and then threw the hammer on the floor.

The mare left Thunder and trotted over to Star.

"You done good" she said, yanking out the scalpel.

"AAAGHH!" yelled Star.

She placed the scalpel on the table.

"You passed the first round." She then knelt and licked the wound. "Blood tastes so good."

"Eww" said Thunder, grossed out.

"Aaaggghh!!!" yelled Star. "Sto... AAAHH!!"

Pinkamena stuck her tongue into the wound and licked the bone.


The pink mare stood up and licked the blood from her lips. "Now it's time to test Thunder's love for you."

Thunder gulped.

"N-no. Please don't hurt her!!!*

"Oh, I won't." said Pinkamena. "i will."

"Don't do it, Thunder!"

Pinkamena wheeled the cart over to Thunder. She turned her face away,

"Thunder, look at me!" yelled Star. "Don't!"

"Okay..." replied Thunder.

Pinkamena cut the straps holding down her forelegs. She then headed over to Star and stood behind him. "Ready?"

Thunderstriker: **stays in the chair**

"Don't do it, Thunder!"

"If she doesn't... you'll pay the penalty."

"I'll take it any day." said Star through clenched teeth.

"W-what do i have to do?" asked Thunder, scared.

Pinkamena looked over at Thunder.

Star Scribe shook his head. "No..."

Pinkamena looked back at Star. "You're willing to recieve the abuse?"

"End this RIGHT NOW!" yelled Star. "ME! HERE! RIGHT NOW!*

Pinkamena stabbed him in the shoulder and twisted the blade.


Pinkamena continued twisting it. "Had enough?"

"STOP!" screamed Thunder.

"OH, GOD!" yelled Star. "PLEASE! AHAA! AAAAH!!!!"

Pinkamena got in his face. "Ready to cooperate?"

Star tried to speak through choking sobs.

"Speak up... Or Thunder gets it."

Pinkamena Snaps

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"D-d-didn't you ever-- AAH! -- love somepony?"

Pinkamena's evil grin faded and she spoke softly. "What?"

"Y-you know? Weren't you ever in lo--"

"In love?" A tear fell from her eye as she took a step back.


Pinkamena fell to her knees. "May..."

"M-May?" asked Star.

Pinkamena looked at the knife as tears fell from her eyes. "What have I done?"

"You can still ch-change Pinkie!" said Star. "J-just let us go!"

She looked up at Star with tear-filled eyes. "Who am I?"

"Y-you're Pinkie."

"NO, I'M NOT!" she cried. "I'M PINKAMENA!!" She then stood up.

"Oh, NO!" yelled Star in fright.

She stabbed him in the other leg. Tears falling from her eyes. "I DON'T NEED ANYPONY!!!"

"AAAAAAHHHHH!!!!" screamed Star in pain.

"No! Stop it, Pinkie!" yelled Thunder.

Pinkamena cut the remaining straps and threw Star to the floor. She then knelt down on top of him, holding the knife above his face. Star closed his eyes tightly.

"NO!" yelled Thunder. "STOP!*



"I LOVE YOU, TOO!" yelled Star.

He attempted to punch Pinkamena but she dodged it and stabbed him in the shoulder again, driving it deeper. Star yelled in despair.

"NO!" pleaded Thunder. "PLEASE, STOP IT! DON'T HURT HIM!"

"Know something?" asked Pinkamena. She punched Star hard in the face and then stood up. *I'm starting to get sick of you."

Thunder gulped as Pinkamena began moving towards her. Star began to cough a little blood.

"I'm gonna enjoy killing you, girl." said Pinkamena with a scowl.

"N-no..." croaked Star. "Please, don't."

Pinkamena stood in front of Thunder, who was shivering in fear. "I-I'm s-sorry."

"Nnnooo!" moaned Star,

Pinkamena pressed a hoof against Thunder's neck. "I'd hate to ruin such a nice toy... without playing with it first."

"W-wait." pleaded Thunder. "I'm sorry."

"N-no." said Star, watching. "What are you doing?"

Rape Time [SEX]

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Pinkamena sat on Thunder's lap and smiled sensually.

"Wh-What are you doing?" asked Thunder.

"Kiss me." said the mare.


"No? Am I not attractive?"


"I'll change your mind." she said, before licking Thunder's neck.

"Eww..." groaned the mare.

"No, stop!" yelled Star.

Pinkamena began kissing Thunder's cheek.

"S-Stop th-that!" Thunder protested.

Pinkamena then began kissing the spot next to Thunder's mouth. "Like what you see, Star?"

Thunder groaned in disgust. Star Scribe was too disturbed, and a little aroused, for speech."

Pinkamena stuck her tongue in Thunder's mouth and began kissing her.

Thunder couldn't hold the feeling anymore and kissed her back. She tried to pull away from the sick, demented mare."

Pinkamean ran a hoof through Thunder's mane as she kept her grip. Thunder screamed through the kiss.

"P-Pinkie... Stop!" said Star, watching.

"You like it and you know it." said Pinkamena, placing a hoof on Thunder's chest and began moving it downwards.

"P-Pinkie..." Star repeated.

Thunder kept watching Pinkamena's hoof, scared as it moved towards her sweet spot.

"Mmmm... Yes?" Pinkamena asked Star.

"D-Don't... Please."

"Don't do what?" asked Pinkamena. She moved her hoof between Thunder's legs. "This?"

Thunder screamed. "Don't... Please."

Star Scribe's jaw dropped.

Pinkamena moved her hoof around. "You know you like it. Stop holding back."

Thunder moansed.

"That's right" said Pinkamena.

Star Scribe couldn't even think. Pinkamena began licking Thunder's neck again as she moaned. The pink mare moves back to her mouth and began french kissing while rubbing between her legs. Thunder moaned into the kiss. Pinkamena removed her hoof as Thunder panted. The pink mare unfastened the remaining straps and drags Thunder to the floor.

"Thunder!" yelled Star. "Are you okay?"

Pinkamena sat on Thunder, legs spread apart.

"Do it." she demanded.

"W-What?" asked the frightened mare.

"You know what."

"No, I won't!"

Pinkamena's eyes narrow. She grabbed Thunder's head and forced it between her legs. "NOW DO IT!"

"Thunder!!" yelled Star.

Muffled screams are heard.

Pinkamena moaned. "That's it. Don't make me do all the work."

Thunder cried and started working.

"You sick bitch!" yelled Star.

"Oh, YEAH!" yelled Pinkamena. Thunder kept licking. "I think I'm... feeling something..." she said, looking over at Star.

Star glared at her. Pinkamena shot him a sensual smile. Pinkamena let out a moan. Thunder began to lick faster. Star Scribe began to get a noticeably large erection. Pinkamena's moaning intensifies as she smiled at Star.

"That's what I'm talking about." she moaned.

Star's face turned red. Pinkamena let out a yell as she climaxed.

"Now for you, Star." said the pink mare, grinning.

Star turned his head away.

"Don't come near me, you devil mare!" yelled Star.

Pinkamena got off Thunder and trotted over to Star. "Your mouth says no..." Pinkamena pokes his erection. "But, your body says yes."

Star blushed beet red. The pink mare leaned in and began licking.

Star Scribe began to moan. "S-Stop!!!" he protested.

Pinkamena pressed her cheek up against it and giggled. "You know you want it. Just say it."

"N-No! Just stop it!" Pinkamena began licking the tip... the most sensitive part. "AAAH!"

The pink mare giggled and began sucking.

"St-St-STOP!-- OOOH!!!"

Pinkamena continued sucking, using her tongue as well.

"AaaahhAha!!!!" moaned Star.

The pink mare continued sucking as she looked up at him. The colt was moaning as the mare began deep-throat. Thunder watched in both awe and disgust. Pinkamena began to gag and choke. She soon pulled away.

"Damn." said the mare.

Star moaned some more.

"What's wrong, BF raper?" asked Thunder.

Pinkamena began stroking Star's erection with her hooves. "Nothing's wrong. Ya jealous?"

Thunder growled. "No. No, I'm not."

"You want to join?"


"Haven't you ever wanted a threesome?" asked the pink mare with a grin.

"No." Thunder repeated.

Pinkamena continued stroking. "Something wrong?"

"NO!" yelled Thunder. "NOTHING'S WRONG!"

Pinkamena grinned. She moved all the way on top of Star and positioned his hard-on between her legs.

"Ready?" she asked.

"What?!" the colt asked.

Pinkamena lowered herself, causing the colt's erection to enter her. "YEAH! THAT'S THE SPOT!"

Star Scribe let out a groan.

Thunder watched. When I get my hooves on her..., she thought.

Pinkamena moved up and down repeatedly. "So damn big."

Star Scribe continued to moan. Thunder turned away.

"N-No. STO-- AAAH!" moaned the colt.

Pinkamena moved faster and faster, her moans increasing.

"Ungh." moaned Star. "UNGH. OOAAHAOOO!!!"

"Come on, baby." said the pink mare. "Where is it?"

"I, unh... stop! Ahh!"

"Let it all out." said Pinkamena. "Come on."

She moaned loudly.

"GAAAAAHHHH!!!!!" yelled Star, releasing his load.

Pinkamena was breathing heavily as she collapsed on top of Star.

Envy Sex [SEX]

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Star Scribe tried to get up. "Ugh."

"Thunder?" asked Star.


"Thunder... I-I'm so SORRY!" Star sobbed.

"It's... okay." she said, still weak.

"I had n-no Idea!"

"I-It's okay, I said."

"We need to leave now..." said Star. "Please get her off me."

Pinkamena weakly ran a hoof through Star's mane.

"So soft." said the pink mare softly.

"Er..." said Star, a little confused.

Thunder pushed Pinkamena off. The pink mare looked up at them.

"Where ya going?" she asked.

"Thanks." Star said to Tunder, ignoring Pinkamena. "We need to find the exit."

"Leaving..." Pinkamena started. She paused to yawn. "So soon?"

"Y-Yeah..." said Star. "Sorry."

"Why?" asked the pink mare. "Is it because I almost killed you?" Star glared at her. "Or the rape?" She yawned again.

"YES!" yelled Thunder.

Star Scribe nodded.

"Those minor details?" said Pinkamena, still tired,

Star looked at Thunder. "C'mon. Let's go before she recovers."


"I still think about her..."

"Who?" asked Star.

"May." said the mare, standing up slowly.

"Run!" yelled Star.

"Wait!" yelled Pinkamena. "Please?"

Star Scribe slowed to a stop. "What?"

Pinkamena sighed. "I know I may seem bad... That I hurt others..." A tear fell from her eye. "But it's really 'cause I'm... lonely."

"Star, we got to go!" Thunder urged.

"Wait a second." said the colt. "You get to the door!"

"FINE! GO!" yelled Pinkamena, turning and walking away. "See if I care."

Thunder made it to the door.

"Lonely, huh?" asked Star.

Pinkamena stopped walking. "Extremely."

"And that gives you the right to do THIS?!" yelled Star, getting angry.

Pinkamena hung her head slightly. "You don't understand what I've been through."

"NO!" yelled Star, stamping his hoof hard. "You don't understand! You maimed and raped us!"

"I... I..." stammered Pinkamena.

She began sobbing and fell to her knees.

"You WHAT?!" yelled Star.

Pinkamena holds up a scalpel and cries. "I don't deserve to live anymore. Not after what I did."

Star knocked the scalpel out of her hoof "No! You don't deserve such a quick death!" His eyes flashed over with malice.

Thunder could hear everything that was going on and felt kinda bad. The pink mare began to crawl backwards, away from Star... but then stopped and sighed. Star trotted towards her.

"Fine." she said. "Do what you want with me. I don't care anymore."

"I am going to torture you in the worst way imaginable!" He looked over his shoulder. "Thunder! Come back down!"

Pinkamena began crying. "What are you waiting for? Do it... If you have what it takes."

Thunder came back down. "Yes?"

*Help me tie her up."

"O-Okay." she said, helping Star tie her up.

Pinkamena didn't even try to resist.

"You know what the most festering emotion is?" Star asked the pink mare.



Star looked towards Thunder and smiled maliciously. She blinked, staring back.

"So, what are you gonna do?" asked Pinkamena.

"I say we give little Pinkamena here a demonstration." said Star.

"Uh... Kay..." said Thunder.

Pinkamena let out a sigh. Star pressed his face close to Thunder's. Pinkamena watches, not really caring.

"I love you." said Star, just loud enough for Pinkamena to hear.

"Huh?" asked the pink mare, hearing the word 'love'.

"I-I love you, too?" said Thunder questioningly.

Pinkamena's eyes filled with tears. Star Scribe gently began kissing Thunder. She kissed back. Pinkamena continues to watch, being reminded of May. Star moaned slightly, leaning further in. The mare kissed deeply.

"Oh, May." whimpered Pinkamena. She began to break down and cry.

Star gently nudged Thunder onto her back while continuing the kiss. The mare kept kissing, a little confused.

"May!" cried Pinkamena. "I'm so sorry!* She cried louder. "JUST KILL ME ALREADY!"

Star Scribe broke the kiss. "I love you."

"I love you, too!"

Pinkamena was now crying immensely. Star smiled and began kissing Thunder's chest.

Pinkamena reached the maximum amount of crying possible. "MAY!"

Star slowly worked his way down to Thunder's stomach. Thunder moaned and looked over at Pinkie, feeling a little sorry for her. Star looked up, waiting for Thunder's nod. She did. Star licked slowly from the bottom of Thunder's slit to the top. Pinkamena suddenly stopped crying and sat there motionless. Thunder let out a moan. Star slid his tongue up and down more, probing Thunder's marehood. Thunder moaned louder.

"I give up." whimpered Pinkamena.

Star Scribe looked directly into Thunder's eyes and thrusted his tongue inside her. Thunder moaned louder, feeling heat. Star began flicking his tongue up and down inside the young mare's folds.
Pinkamena sighed and closed her eyes. "May..."

Thunder screamed and came. Tears were streaming down Pinkamena's face. Star Scribe licked the juices off his face and moved back above Thunder.

"I love you." said Star

"I love you, too."

Star Scribe brought his member into position and looked back at Thunder. "I'll be gentle. I promise."

"Okay." said Thunder, blushing.

Star slowly entered Thunder, pushing his way through her already slick folds. He let out a moan, as did Thunder.

"The only one I've ever loved..." said Star.

Star Scribe pushed deeper in, feeling the young mare's hymen suddenly give way.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" yelled Thunder.

"Shh, shh... It's alright." he said as he began pushing in slightly deeper.

Thunder moaned softly. Star Scribe can no longer resist the feeling inside Thunder and goes all in. Thunder moaned louder. Star loitered for a while before slowly pulling out.

"Oooooh." Thunder moaned.

Star thrusted back in with added force. Thunder let out a scream. Pinkamena was staring down at the floor, thinking about the past. The colt pulled all the way out and rubbed the tip on her folds before thrusting back in. Thunder felt heat rising. Star began thrusting slightly faster, moaning as he did so. He started jamming his erection into her, feeling her contractions with each thrust. Thunder kept moaning,.getting louder and louder. Star kicked it into overdrive, thrusting his full length into her several times every second, his member burning from the heat. Thunder couldn't hold back any longer. Star gave a final, gigantic ram into her, causing her to scream and climax. Pinkamena let out a sigh. Star is sent over the edge by Thunder's final contractions during her climax. The mares moans became softer and softer until they turned to light panting. Thunder blacked out. Pinkamena stayed silent the entire time. Star Scribe looked over at Thunder, a goofy smile on his face.

"I love you, Thunder." he said.

Thunder kept moaning as she continued rubbing. "I love you, too, Star."


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"Can you kill me now?" asked Pinkamena.

Star Scribe slowly got to his hooves. Thunder stayed on the floor. The colt walked over to Pinkie, barely managing to keep his balance. He looked her directly in the eyes. Pinkamena looked back.

"What?" she asked softly.

"How long since you had a real kiss, Pinkie?" asked Star.

"A real one? About a couple years ago. Why?"

Star smiled, leaning close to Pinkie's face.

"What are you doing?" asked the pink mare.

Star put his mouth directly to her ear. "I love you."

He then quickly kissed Pinkie, gently tugging at her lips. Thunder watched unable to say anything. Pinkamena let it happen, due to being surprised. Star Scribe began gently caressing Pinkie's lips with his own. The pink mare closed her eyes. Thunder cried slightly. Star put a hoof around Pinkie's head, darting his tounge delicately into her mouth. Pinkamena did the same. Star slowly broke the kiss.

"What was that for?" asked the pink mare.

"You've forgotten what it feels like to be loved, pinkie. Somepony needed to remind you."

"But you don't love me. You love Thunder. The only one that ever love me, despite me being a killer, was May."

"You're right. I do love Thunder." He glanced back at her. "But I gave you her kiss." He looked back at Pinkamena, "You have to find your own love, Pinkie."

Pinkamena's eyes fill with tears again. "How?"

"Let your heart guide you. Like it guided you to May."

"It wasn't as simple as that." said Pinkamena. "She found me. A lost soul... trapped... in the darkness... She showed me the light. I miss her so fucking much."

She began crying harder.

"She's still here, Pinkie." said Star.

"No, she's not."

Star Scribe pointed to her heart. "in here."

"But I'll never be able to feel her warnth again." She cried a little more. "So... what're you two gonna do now?"

Star looked at Thunder. "I don't know."

"At least you have each other."

"We do." he said with a smile.

Thunder smiled back. Pinkamena looked away. Star turned back to Pinkie. "You'll find somepony, too. I'm sure May would never want you to lose faith in yourself."

Pinkamena let out a sigh. "I guess so... Can you get me outta this chair now?"

"Hmm... I suppose so... But I better get these rings off us first... No offense."

"None taken."

Star lowered his head to Pinkamena's hoof. The pink mare touched the ring and Star slid his horn out. Thunder got up slowly and came over. Pinkamena removed her ring as well. Star Scribe then broke Pinkie's ropes. The pink mare got out of the chair and stood in front of him.

"I know you can't forgive me for what I did so I won't ask." I just want you to know that... I am sorry."

"You did almost kill us..." said Star. Pinkamena looked away. "and you did in fact... rape us." The pink mare closed her eyes. "And for that, we owe you."

"Yep." said Thunder with a smile.

Pinkamena looked back at Star. "You would've gotten together anyway... With or without me. I just... sped it up."

Star Scribe looked at Thunder. She smiled back at him. "Maybe... But, then again... maybe not."

"You two make a good couple." said Pinkamena.

"I became the luckiest and, simultaneously, the most misfortunate colt in Equestria today."

Pinkamena turned to walk away. "I hope you two live a long and happy life together."

"You know..." said Star. Pinkamena stopped and turned to face him again. "...given what just happened, we might be needing a foalsitter sometime soon."

"You want me to foalsit?" asked the pink mare, shocked.

"Well, we'd obviously ask that you keep most of your toys at home," said Star with a laugh.

Thunder laughed, too.

Pinkamena smiled slightly. "What if my... darker side surfaces again?"

"It won't," said Star. "Because every time you feel lonely, you're going to remember that you are loved."

Pinkamena started to move in for a hug but stopped. "Thank you."

Star hugged her tightly. "No, Pinkie. Thank yourself."

He then looked over at Thunder. The mare looked away. Star walked up to her and nuzzled her. Thunder nuzzled back.

"Umm... Could we get out of here?" asked the mare.

"I suppose we should go to the hospital."

"Wh-What will you tell them?" asked Pinkamena worridly.

"The truth," answered the colt. Pinkamena hung her head in sadness. "There was a deranged psychopath on the loose, but now she's gone... She looked kinda like you but with lighter skin." He then gave her a wink.

The mare smiled happily, for the first time in years.

Thunder suddenly smacked Scribe on the flank. "That's for kissing her."

Star Scribe reached his hoof around Thunder and kissed her. "Even?" he asked.

Thunder kissed back. "Even."

-- THE END --