A Princess Without her Knight

by Final fantasy forever

First published

Shining Armor and Princess Cadence have been growing more sepreate by the day. To the point they can hardly go out into public and look like a couple. Shining has reason for this but he couldn't tell Cadence. But Every Princess needs a Knight.

Though On the surface they seem like a loving couple. In reality the romance in Princess Cadence and Shining Armor's relationship has died. They keep up appearances to keep the populace comfortable but they don't spend much time together other than that. Cadence can't figure out why Shining became so distant. He of course still cares but the love he had for Cadence left when he figured something out about himself he never knew.

Hearts and hooves day approaches and a shy Alicorn travels to the Crystal Empire hoping to find a new life to start over and forget his dark past.

A Princess Without her Knight.

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It was an early February in Equestria. Stallion’s and mares even some colts and fillies with schoolpony crushes had picnics and wrote each other letters in heart shaped paper celebrating Hearts and Hooves day. It was the time for emptying your wallet or begging your mother for some money in exchange for some future servitude in order to buy some overpriced chocolate for whoever it is that you hold dear in life just to hear that same line I love you again. Even though it was a simple set of words to those lovers it meant everything and was worth everything. The upper crust of Canterlot or anypony with prestige gathered to attend ball’s, or to dance, or to use this beautiful day of all days to write to those who they really loved…more often than not it wasn’t those whom they were with on the surface. Yet still for even more it was a time to find love or to confess love for those whom they have long admired. Still some used the day as they would normally doing their jobs or going to school or just relaxing without a care in the world. Still some scorned this day with a contemptuous hate as they watched others rub their muzzles and laugh in a love struck tone when they themselves had no love.

Twilight and friends sat in a train car bound for the Crystal Empire. “Twi remind me again why are we going to the Crystal Empire for Hearts and Hooves day.” Rainbow Dash complained.

“Cadence invited us to the Crystal Palace for a diner party. Besides Rainbow what else have you got to do?”

“Fly, read Daring Do, rest, NOT attend a lovey dovey diner party.”

“Come now dear this day is suppose to be romantic.” Rarity said.

“Ugh. All the more reason to spend the day locked in my room.”

“Well just because you don’t have a love life doesn’t mean you can’t spend the day with friends.”

“I SO DO have a love life RARITY.”

“Really dear. This is news to me.”

“Yeah Rainbow who’s your special somepony.” Pinkie Pie persisted.

“I… uh…well. WHY DO YOU HAVE TO KNOW EVERTHING? Can’t I have some privacy?”

“It’s ok. You don’t have to lie or make excuses Rainbow.” Applejack mocked.”

“AJ. For Celestia’s sake shut up.”

Rainbow knew she had a love life but she felt somewhat embarrassed to talk about it. She wasn’t sure how her friends would react except for Rarity whom she knew EXACTLY how she would react and that only gave her more reason to keep it down under. “Well Rainbow regardless of whether or not you do have a special somepony Rarity’s right. If your not going to spend your time with a lover you might as well spend it with us.” Twilight said.

“Oh please. You just want to use this opportunity to see that colt you have a crush on. What’s his name Flash Sentry?”

“Rainbow Dash!” Twilight shouted blushing.

“Hah. You are in love. That blush says it all.”

“I think Twilight and Flash look cute together.” Fluttershy said.

“We’re not dating” Twilight snapped.

“Why. Every Princess needs a knight.” Rarity said.

“Princess Celestia and Luna don’t have lovers.” Twilight protested.

“They both have very serious responsibilities. They both rule Equestria and control the moon and sun. If they got lovers then it would affect all of Equestria. Plus they don’t have the time to please a stallion or start a family.” Rarity replied.

“Yeah Twi. Cadence got married to your brother and she has to watch over the Crystal Empire. I’m sure Flash would like to see your palace in Ponyvill someday.”

“Excuse me for a moment dear; those awful peanuts they served were terribly over salted. I need to ask them for some beverage.”

“Hold on Rarity let me go with you. I’ve been meaning to use the facilities.” Fluttershy said.

“Let’s get going then”

The two of them walked from train car to train car until the reached the caboose. Rarity talked with the train service while Fluttershy took care of her own business. “Thanks for the juice Rarity said.”

“Uh huh yeah.” The Train attendant replied paying no real attention to the white Unicorn.

“Hey. If your going to talk you should at least pay me some heed.”

“Sorry. My mind has been a whirlwind of thoughts today. I’ve been working up the courage to ask the train conductor out to watch the fireworks tonight.”

“Don’t worry dear. Rarity said patting the gray mare on the back. Go in with some confidence and it’ll be easy.”

“Thanks you. The gray mare said with a smile as she left with a food cart to give service to other passengers. I hope you find your special somepony as well.”

“Yes dear. We all could use some love in our lives.” Rarity replied.

“I hear that.” A white pony mumbled.

Rarity turned her head to the white Pegasus sitting in the corner of the room in a slouched position. He had grayish brown fur and a black and blue mane and tail. He was quite tall from how he looked sitting down he could have been taller than Princess Celestia. He wore a set of gray horseshoes with sapphires and a gray chest plate with a sapphire star in the center. He wore a small shroud covering most of his head. Rarity looked down at the stallion’s cutie mark. It was a sword with wings. “Excuse me.”

“Sorry. Pay me no heed. Really I just…” He was cut off by Rarity.

“It’s ok. You don’t have to say anything. I can see you have somepony that you hold dear in your heart. All I have to say is let them know how you feel.”

“It won’t matter. She’s already happily married. Not that I could have worked up the courage to confess this to…to a mare like her.”

“You should still let whoever it is know that you have these feelings. It will make you feel better in the end.”

“Forgive me for saying this; and please don’t take it the wrong way but. There’s a reason I stay back here and it’s not so I can socialize. If you don’t mind might I have some privacy?”

“Oh of course.”

As if on cue Fluttershy walked out of the mare’s facilities. “Ready Rarity. Oh do you make a friend.”

“Friend!” The white Pegasus said in a slight angered and shocked tone.

“N…no dear just somepony I decided to talk to. Come now.” Rarity said hurrying her and Fluttershy out of the room.

“Are you alright Rarity?”

“I’m fine dear. That stallion just asked for privacy and something tells me he wasn’t to keen on making a friend.”

“Oh. Well let’s leave him be then.”


“Attention all passengers. We will be arriving at our destination in five minutes.”

“We’d best get back to our seats.” Rarity said.

The two hurried back to their seats. They sat down just as the train arrived at its destination. “Well girls were here.” Twilight said with a hint of enthusiasm.

The six of them wasted no time unloading their luggage. They planned to stay for the bulk of a week. Some of the Crystal guards had come to take their luggage to the palace. They decided to head straight for the palace and get settled before touring the empire. This marked their fourth time visiting the empire. Of those four times this would be the only one that they could take the time to enjoy. After defeating King Sombra, assuring that the Empire would host the Equestria games; attending the Equestria games they felt that this time they could take the time to enjoy it like any other town. When they reached the palace they were promptly greeted by Cadence. She bowed to Twilight in a proper royal greeting. “Highness”

Twilight was a bit surprised at this but responded appropriately. “Highness”

“I’m just kidding around Twilight. Cadence said in a playful tone. The two then synced their little secret handshake sort of thing. “Sunshine, sunshine ladybugs awake. Clap your hooves and do a little shake.”

“I hope this Hearts and hooves day finds you well.” Cadence said.

“It’s been a good day. We wanted to see the town before the diner party.”

“There’s a small opera being hosted at the Crystal cathedral. The chorus has put in a lot of work for this so I think we should fit it into our plans. The show begins at six today.”

“That sounds divine.” Rarity replied.

“For now though who’s up for a spa treatment?”

All six of the mares agreed. “Your highness I just came to inform you that all is set for the diner party.”

“Thank you Flash.”

“The pleasure is mine highness and…”

He stopped mid sentence he noticed Twilight. “Forgive me for not giving proper greeting esteemed guest.” He said bowing to Twilight.

Twilight blushed slightly. “It’s good to see you to Flash.”
“We’ll catch up later. I still have some things to do here. See you after the party.”
“See you then Flash.
Twilight watched the guard walk away with a slight bit of blush still left on her face. Rainbow laughed. “Twi. Your such a sap.”
“Shut up Rainbow.” Twilight yelled.”
“Girls. Let’s not argue. Cadence pleaded. This day is supposed to about love not detest and hate.”
Rainbow sighed. “Yeah she’s right.” Twilight and Rainbow shook hooves and made up.

“You must really enjoy this holiday dear with you being the spirit of love and all.” Rarity said.

“It’s nice to see my citizens happy and in love. Neither of which could be possible without the efforts of you all.”

“You give us to much credit dear. After all it was you and spiky wiky that stopped King Sombra not us.

“Maybe so but your roles that day were certainly not minuscule. Enough of this though let’s go get those spa treatments.

After settling down and resting for a half hour the seven mares made their way to the spa. Seven full spa treatments” Cadence said paying the mare at the front.

“Of course right this way please.”

The seven of them followed the mare into the back room where another spa staff member was polishing the shoes of a stallion. “These shoes really look nice with a shine.” The pink mare said.

“Yeah.” The white stallion said in an indifferent tone.

“You’ll look like a proper knight with that chest plate. Is this real sapphire?”

“What do I look like a pauper!? Yes it’s real sapphire.

“Sorry I didn’t mean anything by it.”

“It’s fine just hurry up. Are you almost done?”

“Yes. Do you like it? The white Pegasus looked at the sole’s of the polished shoes. He looked at his reflection with an almost angry intent. I…is something wrong”

“Yes. But not with the shoes you did a superb job and have my thanks.”

“Thank you and good day.”

“What’s so good about it.” The stallion snapped. He got to his hooves and walked to the door. As he did he noticed Twilight and cadence and bowed. He then noticed Rarity. He pretended to be oblivious to her presence and head for the door.

“Aren’t you the Pegasus from the train?” Fluttershy asked.

The Pegasus stopped dead in his tracks. Damn it he though to himself. “Fluttershy dear remember he isn’t very talkative.”

“Oh right sorry”

“Thank you miss”

“My name is Rarity dear.”

“I don’t much care for names but thank you Rarity.”

The white Pegasus reached for the doorknob but was stopped by Pinkie Pie. “Happy Hearts and Hooves day.”

“There’s nothing happy about Hearts and Hooves day!”

“What do you mean there’s nothing happy about Hearts and hooves day. You get to eat chocolate, go to dances, get bubble hearts, hang with friends.”

“I’m not social and I don’t have any friends”

“Well we’ll be your friends. Pinkie pie said throwing her foreleg around the Pegasus’s neck whom reeled back at the gesture. You already know Rarity and Fluttershy, that’s Rainbow dash, this is Applejack, she’s Twilight Sparkle, and I’m Pinkie Pie.”

“T-h-a-n-k-s. He said with an uneasy tone. I need to get going now so if you don’t mind.”

“Wait. Pinkie Pie said pulling the stallion into a tighter grip. You haven’t introduced yourself yet.”
“My name is Triple P now would someone GET THIS PUFFY PINK PONY OFF ME!!
“Sorry Applejack said profusely as she pried Pinkie of Triple P. She can forget about personal space.”
“Thanks. Triple P said dusting off his chest plate. Now baring any further interruptions Farewell, Adios, Aribadershi, Sayonara, Dosvidania. Whichever you prefer.” With that Triple P left the spa.
“Well he sure was an interesting character now wasn’t he” Applejack said.
“I’ll say.” Rainbow chimed in.
“I’m not so sure but there’s more to him than meets the eye.” Twilight said.
“Let’s leave him alone. Rarity said. Besides were up for the spa.”
The seven of them sat and enjoyed the full spa treatment. After an hour and a half the seven of them were done and were admiring the work of the spa. “I can’t remember the last time my mane was this shiny.” Rarity said.

“The Crystal mud really helps to bring out the best in one’s fur and skin.” Fluttershy said in admiration.

“If you all tell anypony back in Ponyvill that I got a spa treatment I’ll deny it.” Rainbow Dash said in a slightly worried tone.

Come on girls we only have about an hour before the opera starts. The seven of them toured the empire’s shops and stores and various monuments. An hour passed quickly and the seven mares found their way to the Crystal cathedral. “Ah Highness. Come we’ll escort you to your box seat.”

The mares followed the usher to a royal box seat. The curtain on the stage was still closed. “Attention. The show will begin in seven minutes. Please finish all you need to do now as to not disturb others or miss a moment of this wonderful performance.”

“Tickets. Please have your tickets ready. Ticket please.”

“I’m actually here to buy a ticket.”

“Son. This is opening night. The price is going to be three times normal. Besides we don’t have any unused seats.”

“What about box seats?”

“Yeah but those are pricey to begin with empty your wallet if you want a seat so badly.”

“Here. I hope these jems will cover the cost.”

“Damn boy. Where’d you come across this kind of money?”

“I have family in high places.”

The Ticket taker chuckled. “I’ll say.”

“Uh huh. Can I have my ticket now.”

“Just need your initials.”


“Alright. Enjoy the show son.”

Triple P walked through the cathedral purchasing some food service to be delivered to him during the show. He wasn’t joking when he said he had family in high places. Celestia might have dropped the hammer but she always cared. Stone had been the cause of my misery for years he though to himself. It was only right that stone paid off for all the pain it had caused me. Sure what I did was rotten and cruel. I may have deserved to be punished for it but now she told me I needed a new start. My life’s reset. Damn you Celestia. I suppose I should be grateful you still care about me but still. I loved the life I had before I didn’t want a clean start I wanted to continue the one I was working on. “Attention all the show is beginning. Please take your seats.” Triple P rushed to his seat. He arrived at his box just as the curtain was drawn back. All sat and listened to the opera. It was a historical act going over the history of the crystal empire. It delved into a tragic tale of the empire under the tyrannical rule of King Sombra and how Celestia and Luna defeated him. The first hour and a half of the two-hour play was dedicated to the glory days and reign of terror of King Sombra. After his defeat they literally spent three minutes in a scene dedicated to the long period of time where the empire disappeared and absolutely NOTHING happened before continuing with the present. The scene then changed to Twilight and friends arriving at the empire. A gray earth pony took the stage with a cello and played the closing song.

Sombra’s shade it did darken the sky.
His raw fury’s crystal and his horn a sharpened scythe
We ran and we coward. We were bound and deprived. We wept and we bleed, as we begged and we cried.

Come again. Come again. Sweet freedom my friend someone come save us from him. We will know we have won when were saved by the sun. With the heart by our side we can win.

We need saviors to free us from Sombra’s rage. Hero’s must arise and take the stage.
If Sombra wins light is gone from this world. Lost in the shadow of darkness unfurled.
But then came the six. On that fateful day steadfast as winter, they entered the fray.
And all saw the glory of Sombra’s doom. That sweet borealis like a sonic rainboom.
And so the six freed us from Sombra’s rage. Gave the gift of friendship. Ushered in our new age. And if Sombra’s eternal then eternity’s done.
For his terror is over and the shadows are gone

And so the six freed us from Sombra’s rage. Gave the gift of friendship. Ushered in our new age. And if Sombra’s eternal then eternity’s done.

For his terror is over. And the shadows are gone.

The crowd cheered in joy. The curtains closed and the conductor took the stage.

“Thank you all for attending this opera. We hope to see you here again soon. But until that time comes have a safe night and hold one another tight.”

Twilight and friends were sought out and swarmed just as much if not more by the audience. After escaping the crowd the made their way back to the Crystal palace. “W…who knew saving an empire could have such disadvantages.” Rarity said short of breath.

“Yeah but at least we won’t be bothered in here.” Rainbow said.

“Come on girls. It’s time for the dinner party.” Twilight replied.

“Alrighty then. I worked up quite the appetite.” Applejack said enthusiastically

“Come on everyone the foods ready” Cadence replied. The seven of them found their way to the dining area and began the dinner party.

Triple P slowly walked down to the lower level of the Crystal cathedral. He had stayed about fifteen minutes after the show to finish his dinner. As he walked down the stairs he noticed the cellist from the end of the program. He walked up to her and told her hello. “Quite the performance you made.”

“Huh. The gray mare said somewhat startled. Oh thank you.”

“No thank you. It’s been a while since I’ve heard such a beautiful voice. You play the cello quite well to I am impressed.”

“Thank you.” The gray mare said with a hint of blush.

“Tell me do you happen to know where I can find a cello of my own?”

“I do have a spare. I suppose I could part with it.”

“How much do you want?”

“Oh… you don’t have to pay me. The one I use is in mid condition.”

“Nonsense my dear.” Triple P handed the gray mare a small pouch of jewels.

“Oh thank you once again.”

“The pleasure is mine miss.

“Please. Call me Octavia.”

“Please to meet you Octavia.” With that the two parted ways.

Triple P carried his new instrument with him holding it tight. He felt that between watching all the lovers and getting cuddled by a Pink mare this was the only real good thing that happened this day. He walked through town trying to find anything of interest. He found nothing but couples out for some late night diner or just some wine. Listening to them made his stomach churn. It tore away at his heart like the dagger of deceit. He needed some way to forget about all that was happening. He found a small liquor store and went inside. “Hello welcome. Feel free to brose my selections. I have a good discount for Hearts and hooves day.” The storeowner said with a French accent.

“Uh…thanks. Triple P looked around the store. He found everything from whiskey to wine. From rum and mead. From, brandy to bourbon. Uh I’ll just take some of this bourbon.”

“Looking for a romantic evening with your special somepony.”

“JUST give me the bourbon!”

“Ok sorry.”

Triple P took the bourbon and left the store. He was waiting; waiting for life to push him over the edge; for some loving propaganda to drive him insane. He uncorked the bottle and drank. The alcohol seemed to pour into his darkened soul and tell him ‘it’s alright’. He felt slight comfort almost enough to put on a smile. He corked the bottle and felt he should find someplace to sleep. He was about to leave the area when the words of a nearby couple rung and echoed in his ears. “I love you. I honestly don’t see how anyone could survive without someone like you.”
As he heard those words something inside Triple P’s head seemed to snap. All this day he felt so alone and had to watch all these couples get lost in each other’s eyes. He’d had it if he couldn’t be happy why should they. He lowered his shroud revealing the horn he kept concealed the feature that marked him an Alicorn. Without a second though he grabbed the stallions hoof with his magic and forced it to knock the chalice of wine onto his lover. “What was that for?” She hollered. “I…I swear that wasn’t me I…” He was cut off as the mare was forced to throw her wine on him. “What was that?” The two argued on; all the love they had for each other was replaced with anger. Triple P watched the couple argue on and on. A part of him felt that he should tell them the truth. But every other part wanted to laugh in joy. He grabbed the cello he bought at the theater and began to play.

Now that Tirek is kinda busy
And death's a bit too much
They call on me by name, you see
For my special touch
To the gentlecolts, I'm Miss Fortune
To the mares, I'm Sir Prize
But call me by any name
Anyway, it's all the same

I'm the Usurps who plan a coup.
I'm the evil within you.
I'm the voice inside your head.
I'm just that bad enough said.
I'm the odor from your mouth.
I'm where your relationship goes south.
I'm the slipup that you make the one you beg ‘it’s a mistake.’

And it's so easy when you're evil.
This is the life; you see
Tirek tips his hat to me.
I do it all because I'm evil.
And I do it all for free.
Your tears are all the pay I'll ever need.

(As he played and sung Triple P took to the rooftops and used his magic to spread chaos among the lovers misfortunate enough to be in his path.)

While there's deeds to do that’re bad
while there's lovers to make mad.
While there's ponies left to trick
While there's locks of hearts to pick everywhere
I'll be there, Just know life is never fair
It's a game, of love and care
'And there’s hearts to twist and tare.’

And it's so easy when you're evil
this is the life; you see
Tirek tips his hat to me
I do it all because I'm evil.
And I do it all for free
your tears are all the pay I'll ever need

(By this time most of the couples in the Empire were fighting one another in misunderstanding)

I pledge my allegiance, to all things dark
And I promise on my heartless soul
To do as I am told, Lord Tirek
Has never seen a pony quite like me
Not only spreads pain, but does it happily

I'm the monster that you make
I come in every size and shape.
I'm the pain that keeps you wake
I'm the love that was fake.
I’m your heart about to break
I'm a dagger in your back
An extra turn on the rack
I'm the words that sting like a hooftack

And it's so easy when you're evil
This is the life, you see
Tirek tips his hat to me
I do it all because I'm evil
And I do it all for free
Your tears are all the pay I'll ever need
And I do it all for free
Your tears are all the pay I'll ever need
And I do it all for free
Your tears are all the pay I'll ever need

It gets so lonely being evil
What I'd do to see a smile
Even for a little while
And no one loves you when you're evil
Life just isn’t fair. It’s not my fault that I’m so evil.
I need to fill this hole. That I’ve had since I was a foal.
It’s just not fair. When I see a stallion and mare.
If love is like a dove…then it has flown. Leaving me here to grieve and moan.

Triple P sighed. It wasn’t fair he thought to himself. “Luna got her happy ending. Discord got a happy ending, ‘in some ways’. I did my time. I paid the price why must I suffer still?” He pushed the though out of his head. Filly luck doesn’t need reason to make me miserable. He looked up and was surprised to see he was in front of the Crystal palace. He continued to stare at the palace. He didn’t know why but it felt as though some unknown force was calling him. Telling him to go into the palace. He knew it would be guarded and even though he was an Alicorn it would make things no less difficult. He thought to himself until an idea hit him. Yes he said in his mind; one last couple to break apart this night. Triple P threw his shroud on and put his cello in its case before spreading his wings and flying towards the palace.

Twilight and friends and Cadence had finished the dinner party and were contemplating what to do now. The night was still young and nopony wanted to go back outside after narrowly escaping all the citizens after the opera. Rainbow Dash sighed “any ideas come on; please.” She begged.

“We’re just as board as you Rainbow. Quit your griping.” Applejack replied.

“Perhaps we should just retire for the night. It’s been a long day.” Fluttershy said.

“She’s right I do need my beauty sleep.” Rarity added.

“It is getting late.” Cadence replied.

“I’ll get you luggage up to your rooms.” Flash Sentry said.

“Let me give you a hoof.” Twilight said in a somewhat eager tone.

“I can get Flash all the help he needs.” Shining Armor replied in a semi strict tone.

Twilight knew her brother wasn’t to keen on the idea of her and Flash. She suspected it had less to do with Flash and more the idea of her dating a stallion. She didn’t want to make a big scene of this of all things so she let Shining Armor win this round. “Come on girls let’s go.” Twilight said.

“Wait. Would you mind helping me clear the table Twilight? Cadence asked. I let most of the guards and servants leave early to be with their special somepony.”

“Oh sure Cadence.” Twilight couldn’t tell why but Cadence had a concerned look on her face.

“We’re willing to help if you need it highness.” Applejack said.

“It’s ok Applejack. Twilight replied. There’s not much work you head up and I’ll help Cadence.”

“Alright sugar cube.”

Twilight’s friends left leaving Twilight and Cadence alone. After three minutes of cleaning Cadence spoke. “Twilight. I needed to talk to you about something.”

“What is it?”

“I…I don’t really know how to explain it but. Well. I don’t really know how much longer my relationship can last.”

“W…what. Twilight wailed. WHY?

“Please be quite. It’s not that I don’t want it to last. It’s just… we’ve been growing more and more separate by the day.”

Twilight could see tears beginning to form in Cadence’s eyes. “W…what do you mean?”

“Things were good at first. We were happy and compassionate to one another. Things slowly drifted apart from there. We became less ‘romantic’ It’s been three months since we…well you know.” Cadence said rather sheepishly.

“Oh. D…do you know why Shining Armor’s been like this?”

“I was hoping you knew. I invited you all here because I knew he wasn’t going to be spending this day with me. Hearts and hooves day alone I…I don’t know how much longer I can keep this up. If…if we break up how will the empire react. After all we’ve been through how can this be happening?”

Twilight wrapped her foreleg around her sister-in-law’s shoulder blade. “I’ll talk to Shining Armor about this.”

“We should do this together. I want Shining to know that this is how I feel.”

“Alright. Twilight said giving Cadence a look of confidence. Let’s go”

The two left the cleaning for later and went to Twilight’s friend’s rooms to find Shining Armor. When they got there the rest of the mane six had everything unpacked and were settling down in bed. “Applejack do you know where Shining Armor went?” Twilight asked.

“I haven’t seen your brother since he and Flash helped us unpack. Just look around for them. I’m sure they didn’t go far.”

“Thanks AJ.” Twilight and Cadence then set off once more.

“Alright that’s everything.”

“Thank you Flash that was mighty kind of ya.” Applejack said in her southern accent.

“It was my pleasure. Oh tell Twilight I said goodnight.”

“Will do lover colt.”

Flash gave the orange mare a sheepish smile before leaving the room; as he left he turned to head back to the dining area of the palace. As he began to turn the corner a voice called his name. “Flash Sentry correct.”

Flash turned to the source of the voice. “Uh yes sir Shining Armor sir.”

“Come. Let’s have a little chat.”

“Uh. I… maybe later sir.”

“I’m sorry. Maybe I sounded like I was making a request. I wasn’t this is an order.”

Flash gulped. “Y…yes sir”

The two walked down the corridor leading to the trophy wing of the palace. Various Suits of armor and weapons decorated the walls and halls. There was silence for the first three minutes of their walk. Flash could tell Shining Armor didn’t like him very much. He could understand; Twilight was his after all and he could tell by the way she talked about Shining Armor the two were close siblings. He could understand that it was like a father watching his daughter walk hoof in hoof with some roguish young stallion. He respected Shining Armor and Twilight but Shining didn’t know that. Shining Armor wrapped his foreleg around Flash’s neck pulling him close. He whispered in his ear. “Listen buddy. Twilight’s my sister and the most important thing in the world to me. All I really need to tell you is watch it. And I’ll be watching you.”

Flash tried to hide his fear and talked in a calm voice. “You won’t have any problems from me Captain.”

“Your already in over your head. I was never happy with the idea of Twilight dating at this age but now that you are already somewhat in a relationship you had better not break her heart. GOT IT!”

Flash shuttered at this and his voice slightly cracked. “Y…yes sir”

“Wow, I sure don’t know what Twily sees in you.”

At hearing this the grip of fear on Flash left and he felt furious. “At least I know how to treat a mare ‘CAPTAIN’.

“What did you say you little runt!”

“You heard me. I wouldn’t say that if I didn’t think it. Don’t believe me? Ask your wife. I heard her saying you haven’t been giving her enough attention. You weren’t even there for her on Hearts and Hooves day. I don’t see how you can call yourself a prince if you can’t please your princess. Every Princess needs a knight. I guess names can be deceiving huh SHINING ARMOR.”

“Why you little crap. Get over here so I can put you in your place.” The two then locked horns.

Triple P slowly descended to the Crystal gardens. He hid in a shrubbery looking to see if there were any patrols. After five minutes he left the bush and crept along the walls of the palace. He reached a window and looked inside to see if anypony was present. He used his magic to unhinge the window from the inside and crept in. He wandered the halls clueless and lost. The place was so big and he didn’t even know what floor he needed to look on or how many floors they were. He wandered the halls and climbed a few flights of stairs for about five minutes. He was amazed at the incredibly lax security around the palace. They’re lucky I’m not here to kill the princess. He thought to himself. “Great now I’m completely lost.” He looked around and fell back in fear at the pony figures around him. When nothing happened he worked up the courage to get up and upon further examination he found they were just empty suits of armor. Great he. Thought to himself, I’m glad nopony saw that. As he breathed a sigh of relief the fur on his neck stood up when he heard voices. He looked around desperately for someplace to hide. As the voices drew closer he began to panic. He quickly wormed his way into the empty suit of armor near him. He got himself into a position where her could see out the eyeholes and waited for whoever was coming to pass. He watched as two stallions came by arguing. He immediately recognized one as Prince Shining Armor (One of the ponies he was here for) he didn’t know whom the other orange stallion was but he watched and listened. The argument continued for some time until the two locked horns. He watched on. It seemed as though his job was going to do itself. If Shining Armor was slain then the love was broken. If he slays a guard then he’d spend the rest of his life in a cell.

“You don’t even love Cadence do you?”

“I do love her I’m just not in love with her; not anymore.”

“Why she’s much better than you deserve.”

“I know she is. But I can’t love her.”

“Why? What reason could you possibly have?”

“You want to know. Fine with me I suppose this is something I can’t keep to myself forever. I didn’t know as much about myself as I had thought. You know I’ve always appreciated a stallion who was willing to stand up to his superiors.” Shining Armor then closed the five-inch gap between him and Flash. Triple P watched while his emotions tried to decide on shock or appall. He watched the two share a kiss unable to look away due to the suit of armor being rather tight. Flash Sentry’s eyes were bulbous and wide. He had no idea how to respond to this. A part of him told him this was just wrong and it had to stop. Yet it didn’t feel wrong. It didn’t feel like a sin or something bad. I a mix of conflicted emotions Flash found himself unable to do anything. It was weird but he felt just as comfortable with Twilight’s brother as he did Twilight. Triple P watched as the two continued to kiss. He had nothing against two stallions in a relationship but the mere fact that this was happening in front of him was proving too much. He wanted to scream or do something to respond to this because sitting and watching wasn’t cutting it. He muffled his mouth with his foreleg trying to hold in any noise. Mother Celestia in the name of all the love you still have for me come in my desperate hour please. He begged in his mind. Triple P felt he was going to break this up when he failed to hold in the scream stuck in his throat but to his relief somepony beat him to the punch.


All turned their heads to Cadence. W…WHAT. H…I… YOU BASTARD.”

“Cadence I…” Shining was at a loss for words.

“I don’t want to hear it. If you were that tired of me then you could have just said something. You didn’t have to break me heart like this.”

“I wasn’t tired of you I just…I just couldn’t love you. Not like I use to. It’s not you its me. Please try and understand.

As Cadence and Shining Armor argued Twilight gave Flash Sentry a piece of her mind. “What the hell was this?”

“Twilight your brother came on to me.”

“Really then you sure don’t know how to resist this do you.”


“Cadence and I watched for fifteen seconds at you two. During that time you sure didn’t do anything to stop it.”

“Twilight I didn’t do anything because I was in shock.”

“Oh really. For fifteen whole seconds.”

“Twilight please just listen.”

“What I don’t understand is that you seemed to like me. Cadence said Shining Armor had been avoiding her for quite some time.”

“Twilight I do enjoy being with you. I love you. I don’t know why I didn’t resist. It…it wasn’t right but it didn’t feel wrong. But with you it feels right. Please just…” Flash was then cut off by Twilight.

“I thought Hearts and Hooves day was the day we could be together. I never knew life could be so cruel. As Twilight and Flash continued their argument Triple P used the opportunity to release three muffled screams that went unnoticed to the two arguing couples. After two more minutes of arguing Cadence ran off followed by Twilight and both followed their ex-lovers. Triple P sat in the suit of armor unable to move. His brain has still trying to process what had happened. He felt both a rush and extreme lack of energy. He slumped down trying to let himself catch his breath that he had held in for so long. His eyes began to blur until he lost conciseness.

Triple P awoke in an unfamiliar place. He put his back to the wall feeling around the dark cold small metallic surroundings. His mind raced until he remembered he had hid inside a suit of armor. He took in three deep breaths before worming his way out of the suit. He figured it was best he left the palace. He slowly walked down the path he remembered taking trying to find a way back outside. He had come here to ruin Cadence and Shining Armor’s relationship but he felt sad seeing it break apart. It wasn’t the idea of ruining their love it was Cadence herself being heartbroken. He didn’t like to see her cry. He wanted to see if he could comfort her in some way but he knew that would only make him seem the stalker. He sighed and continued to walk. He could see the window he had come in through down the hall lit by moonlight. He closed his eyes as he walked allowing his mind to create fantasies of him and Cadence. She was everything he wanted in a mare. He imagined sitting next to her on a hill as the sunset. He wanted to speak but she pressed her hoof to his lips. He stared deep into her perfect purple eyes. The two leaned in close for a kiss to end the day. As they drew close the fantasy was cut short as Triple P was knocked to the ground.

“Ow. He said picking himself off the floor. He felt understandably irritated until he saw what or more appropriately whom he bumped into. Twilight slowly picked herself off the floor and stared deep into Triple P’s aqua blue eyes. Triple P was frozen in place. He was worried how she would react. He though about hitting her over the head with his shoes but decided against it. He never did liked violence. Uh… hello. He chuckled slightly. T…this looks bad doesn’t it. I should go.

“Y…your and Alicorn.” Twilight said completely ignoring the fact that Triple P was trespassing.

“W…what.” Triple P felt along his head only now realizing that his shroud had fallen off.

“Sweet Celestia I didn’t even know any male Alicorns existed. I thought only the Princesses and mares like me could have become an Alicorn.”

“Males can only be born naturally and yes I am the last male.”

“Hold on. Aren’t you the pony from the spa?”

“Yes. I prefer to keep my identity down under in public.”

“And so you came here in the cover of night to let us know who you were!”

“W…what. Oh yes exactly. Glad we got that straightened out.” Wow I should hire you to cook up my excuses and explanations. Triple P thought to himself.

“We need to tell Princess Celestia. Oh she’ll be so happy to here that there’s another Alicorn.

“NO. Triple P said in a bit of fear. I well lets just say Celestia and I had a bit of fallout. I don’t think she’d want to see me.”

“I think she’d be ok with you after all this time.”

“Kid you obviously don’t know what time is to us Alicorns.”

“Twilight are you alright we heard you scream.” Applejack said. She looked at Twilight and then at Triple P. Who in tarnation is this?”

“This is Triple P remember”

“You mean that odd pony from the spa. What’s he doing here and… she stopped when she noticed his horn. More importantly is he a…”

She was cut off by Twilight. “Yeah he’s an Alicorn.”

“Well I’ll be. I thought they’re were only mares.”

“What are you all sexist? Triple P complained. A species can’t exist without intercourse. The reason that Alicorns haven’t gone extinct was because of how long we live but there hasn’t been a new natural born Alicorn in centuries maybe even longer.”

“What’s going on down here?” Cadence said rubbing sleep and dried tears from her eyes.

“Cadence. He’s an Alicorn.” Twilight said with enthusiasm.

“W…what who.” Cadence strained her eyes trying to focus. She hadn’t felt this tired since she had to keep the barrier up to keep King Sombra out. As she walked forward she lost her balance and tripped down a flight of stairs. As she began her descent Triple P spread his wings and zipped up the stairs and caught her around the waist and neck.

“Are you alright?” Cadence looked deep into the eyes of the White Alicorn. His gentle smile seemed to melt straight into her heart. She hadn’t felt this way about a pony since she first met Shining Armor.

“W…who are you?” She managed to say overwhelmed.

“We’ve already met highness.”

She looked closely at Triple P. “Y…you’re the pony from the spa. T…Triple P right.”

“Indeed. I mean this in no offense at all but you look like you could use some relaxation and another spa treatment. You look as though you’ve been hit by a train.”

“Well you’d be right. Not about the train but tonight hasn’t been the kindest to me.”

Cadence stopped talking and stared into Triple P’s eyes once more. She had just meet him but someone close to her once told her ‘if you care for a pony, or if a pony cares for you. Look into their eyes. The body can be taught to lie with a smile but the eyes can hold no secrets.’ I haven’t seen compassion like this since I first fell in love. She thought to herself. It was those same eyes that made me fall for Shining Armor. He cared for me then and this pony cares for me now. She knew he liked her. Even though she had just broken up with Shining Armor she liked this pony. She slowly placed her hoof on his cheek and glided it across the right side of his face. “Ahem. Uh are you alright.” Applejack said reminding the two they weren’t alone.

Triple P felt a bit sheepish at this remark. “Sorry. She’s fine. He gave Cadence on last look before descending to the lower floor. He set Cadence down helping her onto her hooves.

“Thank you Triple P” Cadence said steadying her hooves as to not collapse once more.

“Today has been a long day for all of us it would seem. Perhaps we should retire for the night.” Triple P suggested.

“Wait shouldn’t we introduce you to everyone.” Twilight replied.

“Twilight there’s a reason I keep my horn concealed in public and it’s not so I can stand out.”

“Still if your going to be staying here then you should let everypony know to avoid further complications.”

“Very well let’s go.” The four of them made their way up the flight of stairs and down the hall to where Twilight’s friends were sleeping. Most of them were still awake after hearing news of what had happened with Shining Armor and Flash.

“Applejack your back oh and Twilight to Cadence dear are you feeling alright you still look a mess and… Rarity paused. W…who is…” She was then cut of by Triple P.

“I believe we’ve already met miss Rarity.”

“Y…you’re the pony from the train what are you doing… She paused when she noticed his horn. Never mind that are you an Alicorn.”

At hearing this, the rest of Twilight’s friends hurried out of bed. “Wow this is awesome” Rainbow Dash said.

“Who could have guessed he was a prince.” Fluttershy added.

“I knew there was a reason I wanted to be friends.” Pinkie Pie said trapping Triple P in another embrace.

“We aren’t friends. Triple P said. A…are we?”

“Of course dear. You said you didn’t have any real friends and since you’re an Alicorn it only seems right they you stay with us.” Rarity replied.

“And since you are it’s only right we make you our friend.” Pinkie said tightening her grip on him.

Triple P forced a small smile. T…thanks you girls. Uh Pinkie do you mind letting go now.”

“Oh sorry.” Pinkie pie said

“It’s getting late. Find yourself a bed and we’ll talk in the morning.” Rarity said.

“Hold on. Cadence protested. I know for a fact that male Alicorns haven’t been around since ancient times. Do you remember anything from those times?”


“I’d like you to come look at some of the archives. There are a lot of holes in the manuscripts. Perhaps you can clear some of it up.”

“Uh… I’ll do my best.”

“Good. Come on now.”

“We’ll have to get to know each other better tomorrow.” Triple P said.

“Until then.” Twilight replied.

Triple P followed Cadence through the darkened halls to wherever they were going. After two minutes Triple P put a few questions to Cadence. “Alright what is it that you wanted. I know I’ve been around a long time but there’s precious little I can tell you that Celestia couldn’t.”

“This was one of the reasons I requested you come with me. We’ll get to it eventually. Tell me Triple P do you know who I am.”

“Y…your Princess Mi amore Cadenza.”

“Yes I am. I’m the spirit of love. And today Hearts and hooves day of all day’s I had my heart broken.”

“I…I’m sorry Cadence.”

“Tell me Triple P do you have a significant ‘other’ in your life?”

“Well I…not one that I’m in a relationship with.”

“Interesting. Just who is the lucky mare?”

“I… I would rather keep that to myself.”

“Come now I am the spirit of love. I could help you out. You deserve to be happy.”

“I…thank you for the offer but I’ll manage. Honest I will.”

“I have faith in you.” Cadence said opening a door to her left.

Triple P followed Cadence inside the room. He gazed around a bit confused. The room was obviously a bedchamber of some kind. But it couldn’t be a guest room. He was more than familiar with castle layouts. A room of this caliber had to be the bedroom of the Prince and Princess but… He ended his train of though when Cadence began to speak. “You know. You look rather cute with that sheepish look you wear.” Cadence said giving Triple P the most adorable smile he had ever seen.

“Uh Cadence.”

“Tell me. Are you happy.”

“N…no. I’ve never ‘really’ been happy before.”

“It’s one minute till midnight. It isn’t right that Hearts and Hooves day ends like this for us. Come on we deserve happy ending wouldn’t you agree. Triple P tried to speak but Cadence pressed her hoof to his mouth. Don’t speak.” The two leaned in close to each other leaving only mere inches apart from their faces. They stared into each other’s eyes each showing the sadness they had endured. This lasted for ten seconds but felt like an eternity. The two embraced each other as they kissed. As they kissed the clock chimed to signal midnight and the beginning of the next day. The kiss lasted for the bulk of a minute but to them once again felt like an eternity. The two stared at them with smiles across their faces panting as they caught their breath.

“W…wow I…I thought these things took time.” Triple P said.

“One should only take time if one is unsure. Your eyes told me everything I needed to know. You liked me and I liked you there was no reason for it to wait.”

The two kissed once more before staring into each other’s eyes. Cadence hadn’t felt this way since she first fell in love with Shining Armor. Triple P had never felt this good in his entire life. For the first time he felt complete. This single moment had done what years of evil had failed to accomplish. The hole in his heart was finally filled. He didn’t know how he had survived without this feeling all his long life. “Should I put a tie on the door?” Triple P asked.

“I think most of them are asleep by now.” Triple P removed his chest plate and shoes as well as Cadence’s. He then carried her on his back to the large king sized bed and lay her down. He slowly crawled on top of the pink mare staring into her rather seductive eyes. He gave a gentle bite on her left ear. Cadence twitched a bit at the presence of the foreign tongue and fluid. Triple P kissed a trail down Cadence’s neck before asking her. “Ready for the main event.”

Without waiting for a real response He slowly penetrated her savoring every last thrust. Cadence moaned in joy at the pleasure. She hadn’t been treated like a proper mare in months. She shut her eyes as the situation intensified. After about three minutes she reached her climax. She panted heavily savoring the afterglow. Triple P quickened the rate of his thrusts waiting to reach a climax of his own. This heightened the experience for the both of them. Before long Triple P came to his climax as well. The two lay down in the bed both panting and both looking like a proper mess. “Well now…t…that sure was…fun wasn’t it?” Triple P said.

“Y…yeah. Cadence replied. And… and I thought the heartbreak was physically draining.” The two embraced each other before falling asleep.

Triple P awoke in the mid morning. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes as he looked around the room trying to remember how he got there. He began piecing together the bits of the previous night when he noticed the pink Alicorn next to him. He remembered he had the most amazing night of his life. He smiled before wrapping his front legs around Cadence. He could hear her breathe ever so softly. She began to shift slightly so he shut his eyes pretending to sleep. Cadence awoke and looked at the white Alicorn sleeping next to her. She recollected the events of last night and smiled. She tried to squirm out of his grip but he only tightened his embrace. She eventually gave up and decided to wake him. “Triple P. There was no response. Triple P wake up”

“H…huh. Triple P said pretending to have just awakened. Oh Cadence. Good morning sleep well?”

“Yes thank you. And you?”

“Good as well.”

“Mind helping me change these sheets.”

“Sure. Triple P undid the top sheets while Cadence removed the comforter and base sheet. The two carried the sheets in a bundle held by magic down to get cleaned; after a few flights of stairs they reached their destination and put the load in the wash. Any ideas on breakfast love.”

“Well I would usually serve up some kind of pancakes on Hearts and hooves day but since I couldn’t have a romantic breakfast then now’s a good a time as ever. Care for some pancakes.” Cadence said with a smile.

“The perfect mare indeed.” Triple P replied getting lost in her eyes. They made their way to the kitchen and prepared breakfast.

“How do you like your pancakes?”

“I’ve never met a pancake I didn’t like.”

“I guess that means we can cook with variety.”

“Let’s see what we’ve got and what we can make with it. One never knows what will work until one tries and sees for himself.” The two of them cooked up different combinations of pancakes using every last fruit and flavor of chocolate chip the palace had. By the time they were done they had depleted the batter supply, used up about a banana tree’s worth of banana, and cooked a candy stores stock of chocolate. The unmistakable smell of pancake batter had woken Pinkie Pie.

“Oh are you making breakfast. It smells so sweet. Is it done? What syrups do you have? Is this a royal breakfast.”

“No Pinkie. But now that you’re up would you go tell Twilight and the others that breakfast is ready.” Cadence said.

“Will do.” Pinkie replied bouncing away.

“Quite the free spirit that one is.” Triple P said.

“That’s Pinkie Pie for you. She can be a bit much at times but it’s what makes her a good friend.”

Triple P and Cadence took the pancakes they made to the table. They set plates and silverware for all who would be eating (eight total). As they finished setting the table Applejack came into the dining area. “This sure does smell good. You all make this yourselves?”

“Yes. Hope you enjoy it.” Triple P replied.

The rest of the mane six followed soon after the orange mare. “This looks absolutely divine.” Rarity said.

“Wow this is quite a spread. Twilight said eyeing the chocolate pancakes.

“Man I’m starved.” Rainbow added.

“This smells delicious.” Fluttershy chimed in.

“I’m glad you all think so.” Triple P said a bit enthusiastically.

“What are we waiting for then; let’s eat.” Pinkie Pie said rapidly shoveling a stack of pancakes onto her plate and loading it with various syrups, whipped cream, and fruit. The rest of Twilight’s friends as well as Cadence and Triple P followed soon after. They served their breakfast each enjoying the selection of pancakes. Triple P was worried what to do with the surplus but Pinkie Pie made quick work of what was left.

“Where does all that food go? Triple P asked Pinkie. Regardless I’m glad you enjoyed them.”

“You sure know how to cook.” Applejack said.

“Indeed dear. You really have a knack for this.” Rarity added.

“Well I suppose I owe this to mother Cel…” Triple P caught his tongue.”

“Who?” Fluttershy asked.

“Uh…nopony you need worry about. Anyway she always made this comfort food for me. She taught me how to cook as well.

“She sounds like a loving mother.” Fluttershy replied.

“She was. Loving, kind, heartwarming. It wasn’t enough though. I had a nasty little habit of causing…’trouble’. I knew it was wrong but it was part of who I was and nothing would ever change that.”

“Trouble? I thought the Alicorns were suppose to be beings of peace and order.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Perhaps the ones you know today. But every rose has its thorns and the Alicorns are no acceptation. There were those with a veil of darkness around their hearts. There’s also reason that there are so few today. Disagreements can turn to violence rather fast. Leaves Families torn apart…so many mangled apart by magic.”

“A…are ok.” Twilight said rather concerned.”

“I’m fine. Triple P assured. I suppose one has to talk about this kind of things eventually. I…if you don’t mind that is; I know this isn’t the happiest of things to talk about at breakfast.”

“It’s fine dear.” Rarity reassured.

“Thank you girls. Anyhow, after the worst of it was over it didn’t take long to realize that most of what I held dear was destroyed. My life was less than desirable for a good while until my adoptive mother found me. She might not have been my biological mother but she was everything I could have asked for. She knew I was far from a ‘perfect little angel’ but she loved me nonetheless. She taught me how to use my magic properly. She didn’t hide any truth from be but she softened it; after all the truth makes one ache and in my case was rather hard to take. She wanted me to use magic for a good cause. Triple P chuckled. We sure had different ideas on ‘a good cause’. Like a proper mother she rarely spared the rod but she always cared. The rest of this story I’ll keep to myself…for now.”

“Didn’t your mother whoever she was know how important you were?” Rainbow Dash said.

“She did. And I did let the Princess know of my existence.”

“If that’s true then why haven’t we heard of you till now?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“Remember when I said we Alicorns had disagreements. Well long story short we had a ‘disagreement’ Things didn’t exactly end well. Not terrible either no violence of course; but we had a bit of…fallout. Anyway I went away for a while.”

“Did it have to do with your heritage?” Rarity asked.

“Yes. Not directly but that did contribute to it. Regardless that’s in the past. Dwelling on the past invites it to haunt you. You all accepted me and that’s something I’m grateful for.”

“Please dear we’re happy to have met you. You look and seem like a proper knight. Were happy to have you.” Rarity said with a smile.

“Thank you girls. Here let me take your plates.” Triple P gathered the dishes and silverware with his magic and brought them to the kitchen.

“I should probably go help. Cadence said. I’ll catch you girls later.” Cadence left the mane six and headed to the kitchen to help Triple P.

“Hmm. I had a feeling you’d come here.” Triple P said with a smile.

“I guess you know me well.” Cadence said returning the smile.

“Feel like lending me a hoof.”

“Why’d you think I came here?”

“Don’t you have servants?”

“Yes but this give me excuse to have some time alone with you.”

“So does the night.”

“You expect me to wait until then.”

“I suppose not; but Cadence if we’re going to be together then your going to need to tell them…no the world that were dating. I know that’s a tall order but we can’t keep this secret forever and if we don’t come forward and somepony finds out it will make this whole thing that much more difficult.”

“I know I know; it’s just…I don’t know how I’m going to tell this to my kingdom.”

“It’s ok. Triple P said placing his foreleg on Cadence’s shoulder blade. I didn’t mean to make such a big deal of it. I’m sorry.”

Cadence smiled slightly. “Come on. Let’s get these dishes clean.” The two washed the dishes and silverware clean. It was a relatively boring job but they had each other and that was more than enough for them. After about a half hour the dishes were clean.



“I know you didn’t get a proper romantic Hearts and Hooves day; so, this day is yours. This day is going to be perfect, the kind of day of which I’ve dreamed since I was small. Just tell me what you wish; after all you’re a proper dish. Just say the word and I promise you’ll have it all.” Triple P said bowing to Cadence.

Cadence chuckled. “You really are a proper knight aren’t you?” Cadence said slightly covering her muzzle with her hoof. She smiled and looked at Triple P with half shut eyes that were absolutely adorable.

“That’s how I like to view myself, love. Come now the day is still young and before it’s dark I want to make you feel like a proper princess.”

“Alright. How about a little stroll? With that armor you could pose as a lifeguard member.”

“Sounds lovely.” Triple P found one of the guard helmets and a badge of office. The two then galloped side by side out the door.

The two walked through the Empire sampling various foods and perfumes. The palace had the finest of just about everything but Cadence hadn’t seen all of the empire and it made her feel like she was touring a foreign land. Many of the shop owners refused to accept money from her but she insisted on paying; Triple P then insisted on paying in her place. By the stroke of noon the two of them had seen just about all the Empire had to offer. “Feel like a picnic lunch love?” Triple P asked.

“That sounds wonderful.” Cadence said with a smile.

The two of them galloped of to the Crystal fields and plains. After about a half mile away from the Empire Triple P unpacked a red and white-checkered blanket and a basket of food they had bought from the market. There were two dandelion sandwiches, a pitcher of fresh passion fruit with wine glasses; a large peach pie with a large dollop of whip cream, a small dish of potato salad, and a side of fresh chips. “Where do you want to begin?” Triple P asked.

“I can’t decide. It all looks so wonderful. Almost a shame we have to eat it.”

“Not nearly as wonderful as you.”

Cadence chuckled and the two began eating. The food disappeared rather fast. Both of them finished their sandwiches at the same time. The dish of potato salad and chips was finished before that. By the time they each had a slice of the pie they had almost drained the pitcher of passion fruit. “This was delicious Triple P” Cadence said giving him that smile that he’d grown to love oh so much.

“Cadence, love you have a bit of whip cream left on your muzzle.”

“Oh. Cadence said rubbing her muzzle blindly trying to clean it. Did I get it?”

“Here let me help you.” Triple P said wiping the cream from Cadence’s face.


“Hold on. I think I missed some.”


“Same cheek. Cadence turned her cheek to Triple P who gave it a gentle kiss. There all gone” He said with a smile.”

Cadence laughed with a simply joyously happy tone. The two packed up the blanket, food, and dishes and kept the garbage separate and headed back to the palace. It was around two thirty when they arrived at the palace. As they walked in they were greeted by Rarity with Twilight by her side. “There you two are. You left without telling anyone we got a tad bit worried.”

“We’re fine. We felt that a little air would do us some good.” Cadence replied.

“You seem to be doing fine dear. I thought you would still be a bit saddened by what happened yesterday.”

“Do you have to bring that up?” Twilight said somewhat defensive.

“I…I’m sorry. Your right.”

“It’s ok Twilight. It’s a perfectly valid thing to put to question. I should be asking how your fairing with what happened between you and Flash.”

“T…things are ok I guess. It hurt but…I know he didn’t want to hurt me. I just want him to explain himself.”

“I would recommend that you at the very least do that. After that Do what feels right to you. Triple P said. You’re still young there’s a whole life you have to find somepony that you’ll grow to call love. I should know I had to wait about a thousand years.”

“You never really told us who your love was.” Rarity said.

“Do you need to know everything about me? There are things I like to keep to myself.”

“Sorry dear. I didn’t mean to be pushy.”

“Don’t worry about it. Curiosity is simply curiosity. It has rarely killed any who don’t go looking for trouble as well.”


“Cadence and I talked about this on our way back. How’s a fireworks event sound tonight? There was going to be one for Hearts and Hooves day but due to events that I don’t need to remind us of; it was canceled.”

“That sounds fantastic.” Twilight said a bit perked up.

“Wonderful. Cadence said with a smile. It’ll be around eight tonight. We’ll be eating on the balcony of the Crystal Heart’s chamber. We’ll see you then, for now though Triple P and I have planning to do.”

“We’ll see you then.” Twilight replied.

With that Triple P and Cadence parted ways with Twilight and Rarity. “I’m glad Cadence seems to be doing better. I thought it would have taken a long time to get over a heartbreak.”

“Twilight dear. Do…I…I think that Cadence and our new friend are dating!”

“WHAT. Rarity, are you crazy they just met why would they date!”

“Look at them Twilight. Did you see how they came in and left? They walked off close as two peas in a pot. Triple P was almost wrapping his foreleg around her. The signs are clear. How they walk, how they look at each other. They had a picnic basket with them. Cadence wouldn’t go out for a picnic with a stallion Alicorn just after her breakup if she weren’t in love. It might be like that with other mares but not her; I know the mare she is. They’re perfect for each other, both Alicorns, both lonely, both miserable until they met. How do you think Cadence felt so happy.”

Twilight thought about it and everything seemed to fit. “Your right Rarity. I suppose I should be happy for her I’m just shocked. We should ask them about this. If they are in love then we might be planning another wedding.”

“Another Canterlot wedding!!! Rarity squealed. Oh this will be simply divine. The first Royal Alicorn exclusive wedding in the era and we get to be part of it.”

“Hold on. We don’t even know if that’s going to happen yet Rarity. I mean it would be nice but we don’t even know for certain that they’re dating.”

“Well I for one think that they really should be happily wed. If they’re going to be in this relationship I’ll put the question out there tonight at the fireworks event.”

“Rarity don’t you think you should let them tell us when they feel its right.”

“When do you think that will be dear. When would you feel is a good time to tell all that your dating an Alicorn right after you broke up with somepony.”

“Good point.” Twilight said with a sheepish smile.

“Trust me dear the sooner they have support the sooner they’ll feel comfortable about being public about this.”

“I suppose your right.”

“Come dear. Let’s get some lunch.”

“Can’t argue with that. Let’s eat.” Twilight said somewhat enthusiastic.

Time passed quickly that day. Before they knew it eight o’clock was just around the corner. The eight of them gathered at the balcony outside the Crystal Heart’s chamber where several tables were set up. Two servants had made a proper banquet. There was an assortment of fruit and bread with five choices of spread. There was a well-heated mash, and a large salad bowl. “You really went all out on this.” Twilight said.

“Uh…ok…which one of these was the salad fork?” Applejack said trying her best to have proper etiquette.

“Use whatever you deem proper. Were all friends here Applejack you don’t need to be fancy.” Cadence said reassuringly

“Quiet down now, the fireworks event is about to start.” Triple P said somewhat anxious.

True to his word the first firework went off signaling the beginning of the event. The eight watched in awe as the colorful bursts illuminated the sky and then grew dim as an ember. The event lasted around fifteen minutes. Many of the shapes made were love related due to them being intended for Hearts and Hooves day. The finale was a true work of the craft. The fireworks depicted a happy couple with hearts hovering over their heads. “That was beautiful.” Fluttershy said awestruck.

“They put in a whole lot of effort in this.” Rainbow said impressed.

“I perfect event for a perfect night.” Triple P said.

“Rather romantic wouldn’t you say Triple P. Rarity said.

“Indeed.” Triple P said turning to Cadence with love struck eyes.

“This is just the perfect mood for a couple.” Rarity continued.

“I absolutely agree”. Triple P said wrapping his foreleg around Cadence.

“Princess Luna really outdid herself making this night. It’s simply beautiful wouldn’t you agree Triple P.” Rarity said going in for the coup de grace

At this point Triple P had stopped listening to all what Rarity was saying and was focused primarily on Cadence. Triple P sighed “Indeed you are.”

At hearing this the resto of the mares turned their head to Triple P and Cadence. “Uh. What?” Rainbow Dash said with a dazed look.

“Peg your pardon but, can you repeat that.” Applejack said curious.

“W…who were you talking about?” Fluttershy chimed in.

“Awe come on girls isn’t it obvious. Triple P and Cadence are in love.” Pinkie Pie said bouncing up and down.

“W…what. H…how would you know that.” Triple P said rather shocked.

“Well duh. You’re the only Alicorn plus you can see it in the eyes. Plus you were practically drooling over her before when you were baking those pancakes.” Pinkie said still bouncing.

“R…B…was it that obvious.” Triple P said blushing.

“Wait; so it’s true!” Applejack said shocked.

“I…No…I…Well yes…YES every word.” Triple P stuttered.

“Oh my gosh! Oh you two are going to make such a good couple. When’s the marriage.” Pinkie continued still hoping in place.

“W…Wha…Marriage!” Triple P said caught off guard.

“Well yeah silly. Aren’t you all getting married? Pinkie Pie said as though it was obvious. I mean you’re a match made by faith.”

“Wait. Pinkie when did you figure all this out.” Rarity asked.

“Wasn’t it clear they were meant for each other? Don’t tell me ‘m the only one who saw this.”

“N…no I…Just…how did you. Never mind. The answer is yes they deserve to live happily.”

“See you guys. I’m not alone when I saw you should go ahead and elope.” Pinkie said with a smile.

“T…thanks Pinkie but…It’s not that easy.” Triple P said.

“He’s right. Equestria doesn’t even know that a male Alicorn exists let alone that we’re dating. How do you think the Empire will react?”

“We were worried about the breakup. Applejack said. But perhaps now you all can cook up something to tell the public. But if you want my opinion you should tell them the truth. Maybe leave some of the more personal details out but tell them that he love between you and Shining Armor died and you found somepony else who loves you. I think the Empire might be a bit unhappy. I had a little stroll around one o’clock today and a lot of couple were rather bitter to each other. Maybe knowing that even the princess of love has love problems would let them feel that they should be more understanding.”

Triple P folded his ears back and chuckled with a wave of uneasiness. “Uh; perhaps she’s right love. Maybe we should let the world know.”

“Well now that we know that we have some support I suppose we should let the world know.”

“Let’s wait till tomorrow love.” The two rubbed muzzles together; listening to the other mares awe’s. With the fireworks over the eight of them decided to retire for the night. They all had a lot to think about.

Triple P walked through the hall after saying goodnight to Twilight and friends. He had quite a bit on his mind and felt that he would wander until he got his mind on a leash. As he turned the corner he heard two familiar voices. He recognized them as Shining Armor and Flash’s voices. He felt he should just turn around and head back to the master bedroom but his curiosity got the best of him. He listened closely as the two talked on. “Damn it why, why did you have to go and ruin my relationship. Flash shouted. As if it wasn’t enough you did that but know I have to share a room with you because you’re a spineless jellyfish.”

“Do you think I wanted to break both my beloved and my sister’s hearts at the same time?”

“Beloved. HA. You didn’t love Cadence. Maybe for a time you did but you weren’t treating her like she deserves. You’re ‘love’ for each other had become so minuscule that she already found somepony to be in a relationship with.”

“WHAT. W…who is it? How would you know this?”

“I’ve never seem the guy but he’s an Alicorn from what I’ve heard. As for how I know this just because Twilight can’t even speak to me doesn’t mean that I’m shot the stink eye when I’m walking around the palace. Cadence has been understanding about my predicament and still asks me for help. She tells me this guys a real looker to.”

Triple P listened to the two as they talked about him. He was ready to leave and began backing. As he did he stopped cold in his tracks when he heard the clanking of armor behind him. He turned to see the collapsed suit of armor he bumped into. This caught the attention of Shining Armor and Flash. “H…hello. Who’s there?” Flash said a bit skittish.
Triple P turned the corner to greet the two stallions. “Salutations gentlecolts. Triple P said.

“You must be the one Cadence talked about. It’s a pleasure to meet you Triple P.” Flash said extending his hoof to the snowy white Alicorn.

Triple P slowly shook Flash’s hoof. “Thanks. I heard quite a bit about you to. Though it wasn’t that positive.”

“Go figure.” Flash replied.

“So you’re dating my wife now are you?”

“I don’t think she’s your wife anymore.”

“No…no she isn’t.”

“Look buddy I know all too well what happened you had your chance and you blew it.”

“I’m not angry with you. Your right after all; plus you make her happy so I just want you to know. Make her happy and we’ll have no problems.”

Triple P nodded to Shining Armor before turning to leave. “Wait. Can you tell Twilight that I didn’t…well… you know.” Flash said with a somewhat desperate tone.

“Look boy. I’ve until yesterday took real sport into laughing at relationships going south. You can call that wrong or rude, or sadistic if you want. So believe me I’m not the pony you want when it comes to fixing a relationship.”

“Oh…sorry for bothering you.”

“Your trying to make things right. Even though I doubt this will end in you two walking away hoof in hoof. You should still make sure she’s alright. I doubt it was any easier for her.”

“T…thank you Mr. P”

“That’s Triple P. Don’t forget it boy.”

“Y…yes sir; thank you Triple P.”

With that the three parted ways. Triple P walked up the flight of stairs and down the hall until he reached the master bedroom. Cadence was waiting for him and unlike last night they had quite a bit to talk about. “Well love. I want your input; we do of course have quite a bit on our hooves.”

“I think the first thing we should worry about is telling the Empire about us.”

“I’m going to make an announcement tomorrow. I want you by my side when I do.”

“I would have it no other way my love.”

“Wonderful. Next is the wedding. We should make the plans now and with luck it will be in a few months. By tradition royal weddings take place in Canterlot. This is of course the first royal Alicorn wedding in centuries.”

Triple P’s eyes widened at this; Cadence noticed this and asked if he was alright. “I’m fine but…I really don’t want to go to Canterlot for this, especially if Celestia is hosting the marriage.”


“Let’s just say we have a… complicated past. While she forgives me what I did back then I doubt that she’d be understanding on me getting married.”

“You’re going to have to clear whatever it is up with her eventually.”

“I already did; but some things…change how one views you. I just don’t think she’d be convinced I’m sincere.”

“Alright. Eventually we’ll have to tell her though I mean she is of course going to find out one way or another.”

“Of course love; but let’s delay it for a while, at best to the point where she couldn’t bring herself to object to this.”

“Sounds fine to me.” Cadence said with a smile.

“Wonderful my love. I think we’ve both a bit tired today. Shall we retire this night and leave the ‘fun’ for tomorrow’s eve.”

“That sounds fine.” The two got in bed, closed their eyes and drifted.

Triple P woke a little before day’s first light. He had had trouble sleeping last night and still felt tired. He dreamed of Celestia. In this dream he tried to convince her that she could trust him not to make mischief and that he was marrying Cadence out of love and not intended heartbreak, all to no avail. She forbade him from seeing her and even though he felt he had his own life he had to respect what she said. She was after all the pony that accepted him after all he had done and when he had nopony. He slowly got up out of bed slowly and carefully as to not wake Cadence. He felt a little stroll would help clear his mind. He walked throughout the palace. It seemed so quiet with everyone asleep. It was beautiful yes but all the life slept; or so he thought. As Triple P turned into a long hallway he caught a glimpse of a lavender tale moving around the opposite end. Curiosity took control of him. Was that Twilight? If so what’s her reason for being up this late. He slowly quickened his pace and pursued the mare. Triple P soon found himself in a familiar hallway with large suits of armor. This place seemed to dog him at every chance. He thought about turning around and returning to bed but he pushed the thought aside and continued on. Twilight stood still in the hallway facing a door with a shield and twin swords on top of it. Triple P knew this was the guard’s barracks and wondered what business Twilight had here. Twilight continued to stare at the door with a mix of emotions. This continued for two minutes before Triple P put the question to her. “It’s rather early wouldn’t you agree Twilight.”

Twilight turned to face the white Alicorn. “Oh, good morning Triple P what are you doing up so early.”

“I could ask the same thing of you. But forgive my rudeness. My nerves were rather tense this morning; I thought that a little walk would do me good. I had no particular reason to be roaming these halls but it would seem you had a destination.”

“I…I wanted to talk to Flash about…well you know.”

“Oh…I see. Don’t you feel it’s a little early for something like this?” Triple P said rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

“Yes but…I need to… I don’t know.” Twilight said burying her face in her foreleg.

Triple P placed his hoof on her shoulder blade. “Come now Twilight. You’re conflicted; what’s confusing to you.”

“What do you think about this whole situation?”

“Well do you want me to tell you what I think or what you wan to hear.”

“Technically both. Twilight said with a small smile. But I do want to hear what you think regardless.”

“Well then I’d say you should find a way to put this hate behind you. The both of you need to at least be able to see one another without reflecting on the events of that night. Now I want this to be clear. I’m telling you to try and forgive the lad. I’m not telling you to be in a relationship.”

Triple P was about to leave when Twilight put the question to him. “What do you think about me and Flash.”

Triple P sighed. “Well Twilight by tradition it was considered ‘wrong’ and a ‘serious insult’ for a non Alicorn to even ask to be in a relationship or be open about his or her feelings with one. I know you’re not a natural Alicorn but in my eyes the same would still apply to you. I know that I’m the last male Alicorn so that effectively says you shouldn’t find love. It might be sad but it’s how I see things. But that’s exactly the point. It’s how ‘I’ see things. In the end you make those decisions and regardless whether or not I like those decisions I will support you.”

“Thank you.” Twilight said with a smile. With that the two parted ways. Twilight took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

Triple P walked through the halls to the master bedroom. He felt at ease now and reflected on what he had just told Twilight; it would seem as though more of Mother Celestia had rubbed off on him than he thought. She never agreed on the mischief he caused and had to punish him when it got worse but she always had the best at heart for him. He sighed. “I had such a hard past. I must have asked these questions who knows how many times. You must have dealt with this all the time huh mother.” Triple P said to himself. He opened the door and quietly walked to the bed as to not disturb Cadence. He doubted he would be able to sleep again but he could get some rest now that he was at ease. He lie down and shut his eyes.

Cadence woke him two or so hours later. “You awake my love.” She said lightly nudging the white Alicorn.

“Awake enough.” Triple P said yawning slightly.

“Sleep well?”

“Yeah; and you?”

“Decent enough to be ready for the day.”

“The announcement is at twelve o’clock today so let’s get some breakfast before it gets late on us.”

“Sounds like a plan.” Triple P said getting out of bed. The two then made their way down to the kitchen. When they arrived Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie were already finishing the last of a grain and oat breakfast.

“Ah, your all awake, you came at a good time.”

“You three didn’t have to cook; you’re our guests after all.” Cadence said.

“Nonsense dear. You invited us hear and we should do something to show that appreciation.” Rarity insisted.

“Yeah besides you two made some of the best pancakes I ever had.” Pinkie Pie added.

“Well then do you need us to get anypony out of bed?” Triple P asked.

“No, Twilight, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash are already at the table. Find yourselves a seat and we’ll bring the food out to you in a few short minutes.” Applejack said

The two of them did as was asked of them and made their way to the dining area. True to her word the food was brought out in less than two minutes. The eight of them ate up. It was a relatively large meal but between eight hungry equines it was rather light. Once Breakfast was done they went their separate ways. Time passed quickly; before long it was time for Triple P and Cadence to give their announcement. “Are you ready love?” Triple P asked.”

“When you are.” Cadence said placing her hoof on his. He smiled and the two walked out onto the balcony.

The crowd stood and stared in awe. They talked amongst themselves gossiping and questioning one another why Princess Cadence wasn’t with Shining Armor and more importantly who this male Alicorn was. They all ceased to converse and stood at attention when Cadence began to speak. “My fair citizens of the Crystal Empire. I brought you hear this day to reveal a truth I have kept hidden from you. For some time now my love with Shining Armor was fading and we grew apart. We both knew this was something that we had to keep under to keep our royal image alive. Now though I have found a new stallion to trust with my heart. She turned to Triple P. This Alicorn that you see now; the pony named Triple P. Has shown me compassion only a true loving pony could. Both of us feel that we were meant for each other and so I have welcomed him into my life. Almost like a fairytale he came in my desperate hour to be my knight. And so we have gathered you hear today to show you our new relationship.”

The crowd talked amongst themselves once more. Triple P knew he had to give them motive to think good of him so he began to speak. “Citizens of they Crystal Empire. I know you must have some skepticism about my arrival especially due to my heritage as a royal. I also know that many of you have been on edge due to growing tensions between your personal lives. I know from what I witnessed that it must now be hard for you to complete simple daily tasks but know this. Even the spirit of love can have love problems. Anger is just a word. We give it power, under the skin, its simple pain. The choice is you’re if you want to let it control you or take your lives back and live in that fairytale joy you would have just a week ago.”

The crowd stared at Triple P. This lasted for about ten seconds. Many in the crowd had come expecting some kind of guidance or counseling about the growing tension in the local populace and it would seem they got what they wee hoping for. Many embraced each other others simply cheered to the white Alicorn. Triple P breathed a sigh of relief and turned to Cadence. “I think they like you.” Cadence said with a smile.

“I think your right.”

“Disperse all. I feel that this announcement was a success.” With that the crowd left, as did Cadence and Triple P. When they reentered the palace Twilight and friends congratulated them.

“I’d say that went well.” Twilight said.

“You two did a fine job.” Applejack added.

“Fantastic work dear.” Rarity chimed in.

“Thanks girls.” Cadence replied.

“So what now.” Triple P asked.

“Now we begin planning the wedding.” Cadence replied.

Before Triple P could even breathe the six mares were wound up with excitement. “Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh. You two are getting married.” Pinkie Pie said bouncing exceptionally fast.

“Congratulations.” Fluttershy said.

“Come on you two we need to get started now.” Rarity insisted. Triple P followed the white unicorn as she droned on about how big this was going to be.

Two months passed since Triple P and Cadence announced to the Empire that they were in a relationship. Since then the two worked with the mane six to plan their wedding. The six mares were going to once again be bridesmaids. Rarity took over the designs this time determined to take every possible chance to design a true royal wedding. Triple P had given input on how wedding were prepared a thousand or so years back. The eight of them sat and talked in a small room. Rarity talked with the bride and groom; mainly Triple P as to what would be expected of him in a wedding. The other five mares talked about various things or how wonderful this was. As Rarity was explaining where the party afterwards would take place a guard entered the room. “Highness. Well to be clear Princess Cadence. I’ve come to tell you that Princess Celestia has arrived.”

“Oh…thank you.” Cadence replied.

The guard took his leave and Cadence turned her attention back to Rarity. She shrugged the interruption aside but Triple P looked at her with a bit of concern. “Y…you invited Princess Celestia here!”

“No. I didn’t tell her about the wedding.”

“Then why has she chosen to come visit?”

“I don’t know I…” Cadence was then cut off by Twilight.

“I had sent a letter to her just because of all that had happened.”

“You…you mentioned me…didn’t you.”

“Not by name but I did tell her about the fight between me and Flash and Cadence and Shining Armor. I…may have mentioned the wedding.” Twilight said sheepishly.

Triple P began panting heavily. “Oh…oh sweet Equestria. T…that’s not good.”

“Are you alright dear?” Rarity asked.

“I told you before that Celestia and I have a past. While it was forgivable don’t think that I can convince her that I changed enough for something like this.”

“What exactly did you do?” Rainbow asked somewhat skeptical.

“I’d rather not talk about it. History buried what I did with centuries and reconstruction. I want to keep it that way and…”

He was cut off as Celestia entered the room. She looked at the mares but quickly noticed Triple P. Her eyes widened and locked on him. He turned to her with the same wide eyes. “M…Mother Celestia. Uh…I. Triple P sighed. I’m not even going to say it’s not what it looks like; it’s EXACTLY what it looks like.”

The mane six and Cadence stared at Triple P. Cadence was about to speak when Celestia began to. “Prin…” Triple P cut her off.

“I don’t go by that name anymore remember. It’s Triple P now.”

“Ah yes. A new name for you to hide your sins behind.” Celestia said now with a stern look.

“You were the one who told me to find a new name. You wanted me to return to society remember.”

“Yes. Yes I did; but to do good because I was convinced you were no longer evil.”

“There was always a little sliver of good in me; and now there’s more. Please Mother try to understand.”

“I do understand. But I know you. I raised you since you were a colt. And still you did what you did. I suppose it should have been expected… it was an atrocity I should have foreseen.”

“Mother I’ve changed. I won’t do anything like that again; never so long as I live please.”

“I’ve forgiven you and trusted you to keep your freedom but you use to enjoy tragedy whenever we saw a play. How do I know this is not just another game to you; to toy with Cadence?”

Cadence had kept quiet and listened for this conversation but now she had something to say. “Princess Celestia. I know now that you and him must have had some kind of serious… predicament. But I’ve been with him for months now. I know he loves me; and I love him. I don’t care what you think of him. If you’re worried about heartbreak then you’ll let me marry him.”

“Cadence I.”

“Please.” The pink Alicorn begged.

Celestia sighed. “Your sure about this.”


“And you Triple P. You will do anything to make her happy.”

“Through any kind of weather I’ll want us to be together.”

“Very well then. Move this wedding to Canterlot. I should be in attendance for the wedding of my adoptive son.”

“T…thank you Mother Celestia. I promise; this time I’ll make you proud.”

“I want this to be clear. If this is just another one of your games you’ll be spending the next era in stone.”

“That’s what you said last time but I got out with good behavior.” Triple P said with a childish smile.”

“Perhaps maybe you won’t be evil after this.” Celestia replied returning the smile.

“Oh mother. I’ll ALWAYS be evil. Nothing will change that. But I won’t cause anymore trouble.”

“WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!!!” Rainbow dash yelled?

“I suppose I should tell you the story.” Triple P said.

“Don’t worry. I’ll make sure he mentions EVERY detail.” Celestia said in a playful tone.”

“Come on now Mother Celestia. Do we have to say…” Celestia cut him off.

“Yes; everything.”

Triple P told the Cadence and the mane six how he met Celestia (who added all the details he begged her not to tell.) “That’s some story.” Rainbow said.”

“T…t…that was beautiful.” Pinkie said crying a waterfall of tears.”

“You sound so cute as a foal.” Cadence added.

“In the name of all that’s holy can we PLEASE just call it a day?” Triple P said somewhat disgruntled.

“I suppose we should get some rest.” Celestia said. The nine of them all went to bed after that.”

Another five days passed rapidly and the wedding was about to begin. “I…I don’t know about this. I…I. Did you make sure everything was in place.” Triple P said rather skittishly.

“Everything is perfect darling. Don’t get cold hooves now.” Rarity said.

“I’m not.”

“Good. Now go on. She’s waiting.”

Before Triple P could say anything Rarity walked him to the door and opened it. He felt as though all in the crowd were looking at him and most were. He walked down to the gazebo trying not to show fear. Oh sweet Mother being turned to stone wasn’t nearly this painful. Why am I doing this w… As he reached the gazebo he found his answer. Cadence looked at him with that smile he loved oh so much. She was in the wedding gown she wore during the ‘Canterlot wedding incident’. He took his place staring right into her eyes. “Fillies and gentlecolts. We have gathered hear today; this wonderful day to witness the bond of two lovers. It has been a thousand years since two Alicorns have found love. As an Alicorn I’m proud to sermon this marriage. As a mother, I couldn’t be prouder. Princess Cadence. Do you take this Stallion to be your husband?”

“I do.”

“And do you. Triple P my foal. Take this mare to be your wife?”

“I do.”

“Then by my power. I announce you mare and colt.” The two kissed and the crowd cheered.”

Triple P and Cadence Twilight and friends as well as Celestia at the after party. The nine of them partied for about an hour before resting. They talked until Princess Luna came. “Sister. You never told me you released him.”

“I didn’t want to really bring it up in fear you might have disagreed.”

“Of course not. He was always such a playful colt. Oh you would not believe the stories I have about his foalhood.”

“AND that’s my cue to get out of here. Come on Cadence.” Triple P said taking her by the hoof.

“Wait. They party isn’t over.” Pinkie Pie hollered.

“You can have our cake.” Triple P replied stepping into a chariot and helping Cadence in. “You two get us to the Crystal Empire pronto.” Triple P said giving the two stallions at the front a few gems. The two Pegasi stallions galloped and took off.

The two arrived in the Empire around nine in the night. “You think it’s a bit rude to have left them without saying goodbye?” Cadence asked.

“I wanted to get out before Aunt Luna them about the time I…never mind. Anyway this was a special day and I want a real special night, my love. Triple P opened the door to their room and carried Cadence to the bed. I’ve been waiting to be alone with you all day.” Triple P removed his and Cadence’s wedding gear and lay in bed with his wife. They got right to the point as he began to penetrate her. Cadence looked deep into Triple P’s blue eyes at least when the pleasure didn’t force her to close them. Triple P did the same looking into Cadence’s eyes with a bit of blush on her face. He began to make a pause between each thrust but used more strength. The two moaned in pleasure at the presence of each other fully ‘bare’. Once they reached their climax they switched positions. Cadence now plowed into the white Alicorn. She was gentle but gave no less pleasure. Triple P lightly kissed her forehead and began to lick her horn. Cadence laughed in pleasure at this. He then levitated her with his magic and slowly let her go right on his stallion hood. The two breathed heavily savoring the afterglow. “I…I think I’m gonna have a fun time…spending the rest of eternity with you.” Triple P said holding Cadence close to him.

“I wouldn’t want it any other way. My love.”