No Heart For An Assassin

by Venom93

First published

A changeling assassin must make a choice.

All his life, Myrmox the changeling has served Chrysalis with loyalty as one of her assassins. He always followed his orders to the letter regardless of his own thoughts. No matter what, he did.

When he is sent into Ponyville however, things change. He meets a certain hero and begins to fall in love with her. All id well until his old life that he hoped to leave behind begins to catch up with him...

Original idea was made by Rated Ponystar, so please give some credit to him.
Feedback is both welcome and encouraged.

Well, the revisions, for now, are done. I have to be honest though in that I'm still fairly unsatisfied with it. I still feel that there are ways to make it better. Nevertheless, I figured it was time to post it, but I will still probably continue to revise things here and there.


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Aside from a well lit bonfire fire, no real light source was anywhere to be seen in the darkness. No stars to be seen, distant town lights or even the fabled “Mare in the moon” showed her face tonight. Of course there were glowing eyes of all colors watching the scene intently, but that was hardly a welcome sight for any other race but the owners of said eyes.


Several of them. Not quite fully grown adults yet, but not yet far from that time. Many were tired, exhausted from either the intensive training or the simple fact that none of them have gotten any sleep yet, but none of them were showing it, either out discipline or fear.

Each one was well disciplined indeed. All handpicked for to be part of something new, something greater than themselves. All were training to be a whole new caste of warriors, or rather ‘Silencers’ as they have been referred to. Most if not all were immensely proud to have this honor.

One in particular surveyed his comrades Most of his comrades were of the typical blue, but his carapace was red, as was his eyes, one of the more uncommon colors among his kind. Now he was the only red remaining. There were once a few others, back when their number was over twice the size it was now. Since his first day with them, he had seen some die from the training, from punishment and from accidents. Some even just “disappeared”, usually after making some snarky little comment about the the new queen, their commander or just whining in general.

Those who were still alive had learned well, so far. They kept their mouths shut and did what they were told to. Not that he had anything bad to say about it at all. The fact that he was still alive gave him great pride, but he knew there was the chance that many here, even him, could still meet their end before they prove themselves ready. Today was yet another one of those lessons.

In front of the group were two changelings in front of the bonfire. One was not unlike the trainees. young and still with going to do, but unlike them, he was looking the worst of his life. Both of his wings had been torn off, with his chitin shell cracked and bleeding out in several places. He was chained upright to a post, hanging to from helpless in a daze from all he had just endured.

The other changeling stood out among the rest. A full grown male with eyes white a snow as was his carapace. His face held a subtle, but powerful stare into the group before him. A simple, but deadly sharp knife was held from his hoof on the ground. He looked to the broken and chained youngster and then to the group before him. They all knew him as Vesp, an advisor to the new Queen and their commander.

“All of you, every single one of you, has been given a great honor.” Vesp spoke not to just one, but the entire group.”I personally chose each of you not because I cared or liked any of you, but because of your potential. You all have the ability to do great things for your queen one day. But first, you must prove you have what it takes first. That you have the strength, skill, intelligence, and most importantly, the inalienable loyalty to do so.”

He pointed to the chained one. ”This one here saw fit to speak against our queen. Calling her “usurper” or “Tyrant”. To think I was once thought something of him. He makes me sick”

The chained one lifted his broken face up to try to look at his former comrades. Many either made silents snarls to him or turned their heads in disgust, but the red one kept his gaze. He did what he could to keep his expression, but he was almost screaming on the inside. He knew this changeling. Him and Gaunt had always been by each others’ side since day one. It broke his heart to see him like this. This was the last thing he had hoped he would have to see in his life.

Vesp walked his way slowly over to the prisoner before turning to the others. “All of you best remember this day. Let it be a reminder to you to all that the price for treason and disloyalty,” Vesp reached around to his side and drew a dagger. The black outline of the blade was highlighted by the flames, giving it a pitch black appearance. “Is death.”

Chapter 1

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Myrmox opened his eyes abruptly from the memory. His eyes adjusting to the low light and constantly on the move, looking for any sort of intrusion, only to find that he was all alone. The ground beneath his hooves was grassy and soft the the touch. Plants of various sizes and colors littered the forest ground. Light passed through the tree thicket onto the ground in various places. Few would so willingly traverse even near the Everfree forest, but it was usually fruitful to those brave, or foolish enough to to traverse it.

Scanning the ground, he found more of what he was looking for,any sort of dead wood for the Apple family’s fireplace. Across his back was a large sack of such material, almost completely filled. He figured it was past time he headed back seeing that it was already midday.

Making his way towards the somewhat distant farm, away from the edge of the everfree, he still couldn't help but think about what just happened. Even now, over ten years later, he still flashbacks to that painful day. There were even times when he would waking up panting in the middle of the night. So much had changed, mostly for the worse.

Myrmox himself had had changed so much since then. He was now a full grown adult, his eyes and carapace showing a deep red. Tall, fit and agile, he was in the prime of his life, or he would be if not for the grizzly scar across his neck. A permanent and still occasionally painful reminder of what had transpired. Had he been less fortunate, he would no longer be standing.

It wasn’t long before he found himself at Sweet Apple Acres. Vast rows of apple tree bearing the expansive ran over the hills and beyond. For all that however, it seemed strangely void of any actual workers. As far he knew, the Apples preferred to only hire extra work when absolutely necessary. Infact, this was the first time he anything for the Apple family since his arrival. Or at least the first time they let him help out.

Taking a look around, he spotted a large red Earth pony Stallion in the fields,but Big Mac was not the one he was looking for. Looking over to the farmhouse, he spotted the elder Granny Smith napping on the porch and he assumed the little one, Applebloom, to be back in town somewhere causing mischief. Where is she? He thought to himself.

Finally , looking out to the distance, he spotted whom he was looking for. An orange mare out in the orchard, seemingly inspecting the trees. Watching her rout, he made a small calculation to meet her at a certain point before walking off. Soon enough, Applejack spotted the changeling moving towards her and promptly stopped in her tracks. She changed her direction and made her way towards the new comer. About five feet from one another, both stopped in their tracks.

“Applejack.” He greeted simply. His voice had the usual distorted voice common among changeling, but with his own usual strained tone.

“Mornin, Myrmox” Applejack stated, not taking her eyes off the changeling.

“I have the firewood and kindling you needed.” He motioned a hoof to the sack on his back. “Where would you like them?”

“Just put ‘em by the barn door. Ah’ll find a place for it later. We don’t need anymore.”

“Will you need my help for anything else?” Myrmox asked hoping for a decent answer

Applejack did not give an immediate answer. She simply continued to look straight at him, before moving her around to look at her farm, almost as if something didn’t feel right to her. She suspects me of something, as usual. Finally she spoke again. “Ah think we got it covered, you have done enough.”

Exhaling slightly at disappointment, he turned to drop the wood off before she spoke again.

“Ah’ll uhh,” He stopped to watch her as she looked away. “Ah’ll pay ya next time ah see ya, just too busy now.”

Myrmox kept eye contact with her, as if debating with himself before nodding and walking away. He was hoping she would have more for him to do, but it seemed otherwise. He made his way past the orchards back up to the Apple house, not noticing she was still watching him, before returning to her own work.

Upon ridding himself of the wood, he made his way out of the farm, passing the red stallion on his way out. They merely nodded to one another as they parted ways. He had been hoping that Applejack would have had something more for him to do than just getting firewood, but atleast it was something. She had always been a little apprehensive about him around the farm. He couldn’t exactly blame her to be honest, but it did make things a little tense between them at times.Still, it would have been nice to have found something to do for the rest of the day.

Myrmox instead merely took a walk through town, occasionally nodding a as a greeting to the townsfolk. At the moment he was the only changeling currently in Ponyville. There were others, refugees from the political infighting that happened after the attack on Canterlot, but they were scattered all over Equestria and more often than not preferred isolation and living in their own communities.

However, despite what he told them. He was no refugee.

14 months ago

“You look like hell.”

Myrmox kept his eyes forward on the changeling in front of him. There was very little interior light surrounding them, but enough for him to see. He had been summoned to a small stoned out room, hidden within the Changeling capital. The only light source being a few torches on the wall and a candle on the desk in front of him. It was barren and dimly lit, but Myrmox found it strangely a welcome change in scenery.

For what seemed like a lifetime, he was hospitalized due to his injury. During the riots that occurred after the failed invasion, Myrmox was unlucky enough to have gotten himself caught in the middle of one such engagement on his way back for an...errand. Sheer luck he was able to be recovered and stabilized by the Silencers, but it ended up with him on a hospital bed whilst his country tore itself apart without him being able to do a single thing about it. Still, at least he was now deemed healed enough to be out on his own.And of course, his first stop would just have to be to the commander of the Silencers himself, Vesp.

Contrast to Myrmox, Vesp was weathered and aged. His chtin had become more dull, losing the almost shining black expected of a changeling. His eyes were still white as chalk, but seemed almost grey by now. Nevertheless, the years had not yet stunted Myrmox’s fear of this particular changeling.

“Still, at least you survived.”

“Yes, sir.” Myrmox spoke , one of the few times he had at in the last several months. “ I owe Ozai my life.”

“Well, you did. He’s no longer around.” Vesp ignored Myrmox’s slight cringe and continued. “Nevertheless, they all claim you are fit for duty again and I have a task for you to complete.”
Myrmox nodded,keeping himself stoic. He knew that one day he would have to return to his duties. Regardless of his own growing disdain for the work, he was still under their command.
“I need you to go to Ponyville.”

Myrmox raised an eyebrow at that. Ponyville of Equestria? Home to the Elements of Harmony?
Sensing Myrmox’s confusion, Vesp began again.”I know how this sounds, but we need you to go there for a special job. Once you are ready, head to the town and settle yourself in with the ponies their. If you can, get to know the elements or even get close to them, but go there until we say otherwise. Do you understand?”

Myrmox nodded, though still perplexed. “I do.”

“Good, now the princesses of Equestria have granted passage and refuge to changelings, so whether or not not you use a disguise is up to you. I don’t need to tell you to keep your true profession and loyalties to yourself. Now, you may leave and prepare yourself.”

Myrmox nodded once again and turned around to leave. He didn’t know what to think about all this, but at least it would give him time alone to get away from all of this. For the briefest moment, Myrmox held onto a hope that he may find...them, but didn’t hold onto such hope.
Watching the younger changeling leave and close the door behind, vesp sighed to himself. “Damn shame, Myrmox.” He looked down to his desk and opened up a drawer, revealing his old knife that he had been using since he was younger than Myrmox. A whole series of memories washed over him as he recalled the training of the assassin. He closed the drawer back and looked toward the closed door.

“I suppose you always did care too much.”

After about an hour, he sat down by a tree on the outskirts, near the wilderness. He had already asked around town, nopony had anything for him to do today. He had made a good number of bits the last few days though, it didn't bother him much. He would go to the library, if it was still standing at least. Plus they have yet to begin building a new one.

His thoughts instead turned to what he had doing the past several months for income. Rather than a stable job somewhere, various odd jobs instead filled his time and gave him the bits he needed. Had been staying here on his own accord, without any sort of loyalty to the silencers, he undoubtedly would look into better work.

A rustling noise awoke from his trail of thought. He took a look around to find the disturbance with no luck. He chose to ignore it until it the noise picked up again, this time with what sounded like whispering. Turning his head around in growing irritation, he realized it was from a small bush behind him. The almost inaudible noise ceased the moment he turned his head.

Myrmox walked over to the bush and hovered over it. “You’re not fooling anyone, so come out, before I drag you out.” For a few seconds, nothing happened. Myrmox was alone at the moment, but he was beginning to almost feel like a fool, like he was just imagining things.

At the end of his rope, Myrmox shoved his hoof into the bush, resisting the urge to just light the bush on fire. He immediately felt the twigs and branches brushing against his hoof, but he kept on until he felt something new. Rather than more wood or leaves,he felt what felt like fur.

“Alright, alright! We’re coming out.” A high and very familiar voice rang out .

Pulling away, Myrmox took a few steps back to watch the familiar voice come out. Crawling out came a small pegasus filly. Her coat was a burnt orange with a messy salmon mane. On her flank was no cutie mark, that simple mark in which ponies seemed to allow their entire identities revolve around.

Myrmox knew this filly well, despite her lack of a mark. She had a reputation for mischief alongside friends, all just to find their own special talents.

“Scootaloo? *sigh* What were you doing this time?”

“Applebloom had the bright idea of being spies.” Scootaloo spoke with a noticeable grumble in her voice while pointing to her friend who was coming out behind her.


“Ah didn’t mean we should go hiding in bushes!” Applebloom said.

“So what did you mean?” Scootaloo countered to her friend.

“Ah don’t know, but this isn’t what ah had in mind!”

“You know,” Myrmox interjected. “Ponies might not appreciate you two spying on others.”

The two fillies stopped their argument and looked up at the changeling before Scootaloo spoke up in a defensive tone. “We weren’t trying to hurt anyone. We just wanted to try something new.”

“Not everypony might think that way, especially since that little “Gabby Gums” incident that I’ve been told about.” His voice was firm, but if it kept them out of trouble, it was justified.

“I know that! It’s not like it's your business, anyway!” Scootaloo backfired defensively.

Myrmox’s brow furrowed at the backtalk, but didn’t say anything.
Scootaloo realized how she had just snapped at him in anger, turning her head away in shame. “I’m sorry. It just… we have been trying for so long now, and not one of us has gotten our cutie marks yet!” She stopped her foot in frustration.

Myrmox sighed partly in annoyance, but also in attempt to calm himself. All this just for a mark on the flank. He didn’t quite get why Cutie Marks were so popular, but he knew well enough how it important it was to Scootaloo that she finds her mark, one way or another. “Look at me, Scootaloo.”

Scootaloo slowly looked back up at the changeling, his red eyes baring back down at her. His gaze soften slightly upon making eye contact, but still remained strong.

“I get it Scootaloo, you want your mark. I may not be capable of having one, but I understand enough to know how much it means to you. Just think about some of the things you do before you do them, I really don’t want to see you get in trouble at the orphanage again. Do you understand?”

Scootaloo nodded without saying a word. She didn’t always like it when adults chastised her for whatever she and her friends were doing, but Myrmox did go out of his way more than once for her. He watched over her when he didn’t have to.

“That’s good, now go have fun.” Before letting her run off, Myrmox shook her already messy with his hoof, causing her to groan and scoff away in embarrassment before running with her friend.

“Oh, by the way,” Scootaloo stopped and turned around.”Can I spend at You guys tomorrow night?”

“I wouldn’t mind, but I’ll talk to Dash about it.”

“Ok, cya.” Scootaloo turned back to her friend as they sped off.

With little to do for the rest of the day, Myrmox found himself relaxing in the park. A short walk to clear his head and thoughts. Despite the silence and current lack of company, he found himself enjoying the peace and quiet. Every now and then however, he spotted something that seemed a little off. One particular pony, a red stallion unicorn with a blue mane he had been of rather much of the last two or so weeks. Whenever Myrnox walk over to someplace such as the Castle or Carousel Boutique and back, he would not be too far away. Sometimes Myrmox would get the sneaking feeling that he was being watched and when he turned around. Boom! There was the red stallion looking at something irrelevant, but still able seem Myrmox out of the corner of his eye.

Taking a gander around,Myrmox was relieved that he saw no sign of the suspected stalker. there were a few times that he felt that he should confront the nameless stallion about it, but he knew he didn’t have enough to go on. It was more suspicion and annoyance than anything else. Besides, he wasn’t operating back within the Changelings lands anymore and so didn’t have the right to to really investigate something that and risk getting into trouble. Not like I use too.

Shortly after, he heard snoring. He took a look around to find to the source, but to no avail. Eventually, he found it, a cyan blue Pegasus with a Rainbow mane, in the tree above, sleeping. Now how in Equestria did I miss that? Her body was being supported a branch with her limbs hanging down. He looked up to at who just so happened to be Rainbow Dash, a celebrated hero, upcoming Wonderbolt, the most important pony in his life... and a professional lollygagger. He thought briefly to go up and get wake her, but the weather was already cleared as forecasted. Besides, she hated being woken from her naps.

He got up to leave, to continue to find something to do, only to be cut short by a gasp.

“Augh… What the?! Oh Shi-“Before he could even turn to look, that word was cut short by Rainbow falling from the branch, directly above him. He didn’t have the time to get out the way before Dash fell directly on top of him, pinning him to the ground. He groaned from the shock, only to hear it from her, finally coming to her senses.

“Geeze, not again. What? Oh! Oops my bad man, sorry for...“Rainbow Dash stopped after those to see who she fell on. It was Myrmox, her boyfriend, or rather changeling boyfriend. She let him up, help the changeling to his hooves. She looked at him with an embarrassed look upon her face. He was taller than her, slightly more so than a regular stallion, but not by much. Normally she would not be so showing of embarrassment, but this was someone who knew her better than that, who knew how she actually felt about moments like these.

“Shoot. I’m ah... “She stopped for a few seconds, looking around.” I’m sorry about that, Myrmox. I was just-“He lifted a hoof to stop her from continuing any further.

“It’s fine Rainbow.” Myrmox said with a sigh and a calm expression. “It was just a mistake. He gave her a small peck on the forehead.

Rainbow Dashed instantly blushed and leaned in towards him. She nuzzled him under his chin, cooing as he returned the gesture, rubbing the side of his face against her mane. They simply kept to embraced each other, not caring if anyone was watching.

Finally she pulled away, her face in a smile. “Were you working or something over here?”

“No, I brought Applejack some firewood earlier, but she didn’t need me for anything else. I have wandering around looking for something to do. No luck”

“Is that what she actually said to you?” She had a skeptical look on her face.

“Yes, and that she’ll pay me next time she sees me.” Myrmox saw her exhale as if she didn’t like the answer. “At least she is starting to let me work on her farm.”

“I know. It’s been a year now and you two still don’t seem to like each other.”

“It’s not about liking or disliking her Dash, because I do actually respect her. She just hasn’t ready to trust me. It’s doesn’t bother me as much you think.”

“It bothers me.” Dash look at him straight in the face.

“I know, but things are getting better finally right? She has never let me work there before.”

“That’s…true, I guess. I mean, I did ask her to let you help out, but I don’t like it.”

“Like I said, things are getting better.”

Dash looked down at the ground, thinking about that answer. Soon after she nodded and looked at him with a smile. She walked past before stopping and looking over her shoulder.

“Wanna join me for a fly around town?” She asked, unfurling her wings.

Myrmox didn’t answer, only unfurled his own insect like wings in response. She took off with him catching up to her side.

“So do you still have work to do, or have you finished up for the day?” Myrmox questioned flying right beside her.

“Naah, the weather patrol and I got it taken care of. Forecast was for mostly clear and it is. Look around.” She motioned around for him to look. “There are less clouds in the sky then there are holes in your leg!”


“Yeah. Wait, what?”

“Nothing, just thinking to myself. Speaking of which, Scootaloo wanted to know if she could spend the night tomorrow. I told her it’d be ok with me, but I wanted to check in with you first.”

“Really? Of course she can!” Rainbow Dash said, a smile growing on her face. “I’ll let her know tomorrow when I see her next.”

They continued flying without any real destination. Simple idle conversation about their day was all they talked about. Usually Dash would have something in mind, whether practicing her routine or visiting her friends, but for now she seemed content with simply having his company.
“Hey, how about we eat out tonight?” Dash finally broke the silence.

Myrmox looked over to here, his expression curious.” Where did you have in mind?”

She spent a moment in thought.”How about that one place, Horte’s. We haven’t eaten there in awhile.”

“Sounds good.”

The landed themselves at the small restaurant. By now the sun was starting to go down.

They didn’t talk as they ate. Myrmox took the occasional look around. The restaurant was nearing its closing time, so there weren’t many other patrons. Some of the waiters were finishing their shift. Nevertheless, he like this little spot, the food was good and the patrons were nice.

The silence and peace of the moment was completely interrupted when something collided with Myrmox’s face. It didn’t hurt, but the sudden force startled him. He immediately rose to his feet, expecting that an attack when upon further inspection, he realized someone threw a plastic cup of milk at him. He simply stopped and looked around for the perpetrator, but still seething with anger.

“What the crap!? Who threw that!?” Dash was yelling at the top of her lungs at anyone who was listening. Many of the patrons and waiters were staring at her with wide eyes. No one was admitting and she wasn’t going to leave until she found out who. Myrmox said nothing and took a napkin tried to wipe the liquid from his face.

“Show yourself, you pansy!” She spotted a family that was watching her with wide eyes. They were in fear, but one of their two children, a brown colt with a hoof ball cutie mark was almost laughing to himself.

“You! What’s so funny?!” When she ran to face him, his face straighten out, his eyes wide and ears back.

“Ummm…nothing?” His said with his eyes darting around.

“Kicker, why is your cup over there?” His mother asked pointing to the cup being tossed by into the garbage by the changeling who then ordered one of the gawking waiters to bring him the check.

“I don-“

“Kicker! Why did you throw that at him?!” His father, a red pony with a black and white hat for a cutie mark. Even through his red coat, one could see the boiling anger in him.

“I-I, I was only joking!” The colt squealed trying to defend his action. “It’s just a bug!”

That brought out a few gasps from the crowd. It also brought Dash to the breaking point until Myrmox walked up behind her, putting a hoof on her shoulder.

“Come on Dash, let’s just go.”

“Buck that! He needs to apologize!”

“Kicker! You apologize to him this instant!” His mother practically screamed at him.

“But mom-”


Kicker walked over to the Myrmox, who went back to pay the bill. He towered over the colt like a shadow which only served to unnerve him further. He was barely able to lift his head enough to look at the changeling.

“I’m uh, sorry”

Myrmox said nothing while he was counting the bits for the bill, as if he didn’t hear the colt.

“I’m sorr-“

“I heard you the first time. Now get lost.”

The colt skittered away to his parents away from the changeling, whom they were giving disapproving looks for his cold tone of voice. He didn't care, the colt ruined a good evening with his lover and needed to be taught a lesson and in his eyes, that meant making the colt live with his mistake, not playing the “forgive and forget” game. He walked back up to Dash, who had calmed down.

“Are you ready to go?”

Dash simply nodded and they took off. The Sun was going down and they just wanted to go home.

For a while, neither of them spoke. Neither Dash nor Myrmox were happy about how that had turned out. He wasn’t really that mad at anyone, not even the colt. He was just a child. But this only reminded Myrmox of what he was, a changeling among ponies. He may have been sent here, but he had grown to like it. Moments like what just happened only reminded him that he was still not one of them and never will be, no matter who he is with.

He enjoyed being a changeling, but it carried a sense of… loneliness. He had some friends among ponies, but Rainbow Dash was the only one who really made him feel truly welcome.
“I’m sorry about that Dash.” He glanced over to her, she still had a look of anger on her face, but it had since soften. “You shouldn’t have had to go through that. “

“No, it’s fine. That brat needed to be taught a lesson”

“True, but I just wanted to give you a good meal to eat. Plus I was a little rude, even though someone had to snap at him.”

“You were fine. You saw what I did, and I would have been the same way.”

“I know, but you are a hero Dash. You helped stop Nightmare moon, Discord, Sombra and others. These ponies owe you so much and they make you put up with so much.”

“I don’t care,” She moved closer to him. “And they can say whatever they want, I love you.”

“I love you too.” He would nuzzle and kiss her, but they were in the middle of flight.

The rest of the flight home was quiet between them. Finally they reached Rainbow Dash’s home. By then night had fallen and the stars were out. She invited him to move in with her a few months ago rather than stay out in the woods like he used too. It was a cloud decorated with pillars, rainbows and a few window. How the Pegasi did this stuff, he’d never know.

When they walked in, they shared a short but sweet kiss before Dash went to check on Tank, finding him napping on the sofa. Myrmox told her he was going to take a shower before joining her for bed to read. She always read something, usually Daring Do before bed and he had since joined her when she did. Luckily she was in the habit of reading aloud, making it easy for them to stay on track.

He entered the bathroom and started the shower up before climbing in. He sat in there for a few minutes before lifting his face to the water and wiping away some of the liquid that still remained from earlier. He didn’t bother reaching for the variety of soaps or shampoos to the side, he had no need or desire to use them. Changeling chitin was quite easy to clean as there was no fur to dirty. A few scrubs here and there and he could be looking good as new even if he rolled into a pit of mud.

He heard the bathroom door open and close quietly. His ears picked up but didn’t react until the shower shutters opened. He turn to look to find a certain cyan Pegasus with a seductive look in her eyes and mischievous smirk staring at him.

“What? I need cleaning my wings.” Rainbow almost whispered. She walked right in front of him, brushing his chin with her mane before taking a seat between him and the stream of water. Her wings unfurled slowly to her sides, displaying themselves to Myrmox. They weren’t that dirty really, even though he knew Dash to actually be very meticulous about caring for her wings.

Or, it could just be an excuse to jump into the shower with him, maybe both. He couldn’t help but start to blush though. He figured he could already tell where this would probably be heading, but still, he would at least humor her.

Myrmox looked over to find the sponge. He picked it up with his green magic whilst looking over for one of Dash’s shampoos. Lavering the wool sponge, he laid it onto Dash's left wing. Slowly he worked his way outward gently, listening to any little noises that Dash was making. No grunts of pain came from her, only the occasional sigh. Cleaning off her her wing, he moved to her right, following the exact same path with the same steady pace. Every now and then she would sigh, but not in aggravation or discomfort, but in relief and her partners gentle touch.

Now came the tricky part. Both her wings were clean of any dirt or sweat, but still had a certain unevenness to them. Myrmox knew what was next, preening. As far as he knew, this was only done by the pegasus itself for the job, unless either by a parent teaching their child, or by somepony very intimate with them, one they would trust beyond all others.

He coughed to himself slightly to get her attention. Dash opened her eyes and looked over to him. He was looking back at her softly, his hoof grazing over her dangling feathers, as if asking for her permission. He didn’t know if she would rather do it herself, or if she wanted him to.

To his surprise, she merely smiled gently at him him and gave him a slight nod before turning her head back to the shower nozzle and closing her eyes again. She was going to trust this to him. Deep down, Myrmox felt touched, even if a little nervous. A learned pegasus would only do this themselves, or allow one they trusted beyond all others to do. And today, that status belonged to him.

Very gently, he placed his fanged maw over the feathers on the tips of her left wings. Almost hesitantly, he slowly clamped down on the tips and began to pull to straighten them out. One by one, he did this down the row as he listened to Dash for any distress. again, he caused her no pain. In fact, she began to sigh more frequently at what felt like a massage to her.

He finished her left wing without a problem. Before moving to her right, he gave a small kiss to to the wing join, causing her to shudder slightly in response. He resisted the urge to continue that, he still had a job to do. He continued onto to her right, undoing any imperfections as he moves along. Dash continued to making little noises he he clean her. It was becoming nothing less than music to his ears.

Finally, he finished the last of her feathers, all perfect and straight. He inspected his work and saw nothing else wrong, all perfect. Nothing less for my sweet Dash. He said slowly returned back to her, planting very light kisses to her wings along the way. Reaching her back, he gave a kiss to her wing joints, causing her to shudder again. He moved from her wings up to her neck. when she moved her head to the side, he nuzzled into her neck as she moaned slightly.

She turned back to him, her body now facing his. Folding her wings back to her side, she leaned into him and locked her lips with his. Dash reached up and wrapped her fore hooves around his neck, sitting on her haunches.Myrmox sat adjacent to her and reached his right hoof around her back below her wings, pulling her close.

They remained locked with one another until they broke apart for breath. Myrmox moved down and planted several on her neck. Dash lifted her head to the ceiling allowing him full access, enjoying it just as much as he was. As he worked on her neck, his hoof traveled from her upper back downward. He pulled her inward as he stood up and leaned into her. Instead of falling down, Dash scooted with him into the tiled shower wall.

Myrmox leaned her into the wall as he stood on his back hooves, pulling her up with him, one hoof still at her lower back and the other bracing against the wall. Dash showed no objections to his advancements, but rather seemed to play along. Her right hoof reached down from his neck to his chest, to his belly and below. There, she began to rub against something personal of his. Myrmox stopped working her neck to groan at her touch down below. She continued to rub there, getting more of a reaction from him as he groaned.

Not wanting to be outdone by his lover, Myrmox began to rework her neck and push his hips against hers. The grinding down there caused Dash to moan and stop her teasing of him. She pulled him into a light kiss and opened her eyes to his, rubbing his cheek with her hoof and whispered lustfully, “Fuck me.”

Myrmox reach down with his hoof and aligned himself up directly with her. Without breaking eye contact with Dash, he thrusted into her, eliciting a sharp inhale from the both of them. Gradually he pulled in and out of her slowly, Each time causing Dash to react with a pleasured sigh.

Soon, he began to put more into his motions, thrusting deeper into her whilst pulling her in. Dash was now moaning loudly in their intercourse. Every now and then she would stutter his name, goading him on further. Her hooves had moved from his neck to his shoulders, holding on tightly to her partner. He would sometimes deliver another kiss to her neck, causing her to pull him in tighter.

Both were beginning to feel pressure building up in their loins. Neither one was about to give up, but there only so much they could do beyond keep at it. Myrmox was giving it everything thing he could to please her while still holding on as best he could. It wasn’t long until Dash reached hers, she lifted her head back and led out a passionate cry as she reach her climax, her whole body shuddering from it. This was the last straw for Myrmox as he felt her convulse around him and make him lose all control. With a groan, he released inside of her, finally letting stopping his motion.

They both stood there for several seconds in ecstasy. Their foreheads touched each other as they panted to catch their breaths.

“That…was awesome.” Dash said in between breathes of air.

“Yeah… It was” He gave her a quick kiss to the cheek before turning the water off.

They exited the shower before drying off and heading the bedroom. Tank was already asleep, so they simply turned off the lights and laid down. Dash didn’t reach for the book on her side of the bed, too tired out to read, simply turned off the lights laid there under the covers as Myrmox crawled up behind her. He could practically smell the love she was directing to him.

Within minutes, she drifted off to sleep. Myrmox was still awake for a time, simply watching his beautiful girlfriend sleep. He laid down behind her, holding close with his fore hooves. It was the greatest thing in the world to him, just laying there, holding her close. He nuzzled into her neck and closed his eyes.

Chapter 2

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As usual, Myrmox was awake before Dash. He felt her soft, and recently washed, fur again his chitin as he breathed in her scent. He almost so tempted to to stay in bed with her, but it was time for him to get up now, not in a few hours. Maybe this weekend he’ll lounge around with her.

As slowly as he could, he squirmed his hoof out from underneath Dash. She was usually a very heavy sleeper and difficult to wake, but he didn't want to risk waking her up. With a bit of luck and patience, he managed to free his hoof and silently climb out of the bed. He did a few stretches to get himself ready for the day before making his way out of the bedroom and downstairs.

He made himself a quick breakfast before flying out. The Sun had yet to rise yet, but it wouldn’t be long till the stalls open and the day really begins for the town. Instead of making for the town square, he headed to his prefered area, the park.

As usual, he figured it was a perfect time to go through his own routine. He spent the next hour or so out in the ponyville park, doing various exercises to keep himself fit. Whenever possible, Myrmox would make an effort to practice some of his skills. Stealth, information gathering, combat, anything he could without drawing any attention to himself. It wasn’t that he ever expected to have to do any such thing whilst here, he simply figured he should at least keep himself sharp just in case. After spending months in recovery and immediately being sent out, he knew he needed the practice.

Luckily, it wasn’t that hard to find work today. Almost right when he landed, a cream colored earth pony with a red mane approached him. Myrmox knew Roseluck only slightly, only that she and her fellow gardeners, Lily and Daisy, were known for being very panicky. He learned first hoof just how much.

“Myrmox, Hello!” She said, with her typical really high voice.

“Morning, Rose. What can I do for you?”

“Well, the girls and I need some help planting a new garden. We want to try some new flower breeds, but don’t have the room.” She motioned over two over mares waving at him.

Myrmox looked at her with an eyebrow raised.” You want me to you help plant flowers? I don’t really have much experience doing that.”

“Oh no need. We just need you to build the garden box for us. We’ll pay you.” She finished with a slight sing-song voice.

“You got a deal.”

For the next few hours, Myrmox built them a secondary garden box. They already had all the supplies for him. It was roughly the same dimensions of their old one. There weren’t many distractions, so he was able to move at a fairly quick pace building it and filling with the dirt they provided. As promised, they paid him for his work and he made a quick trip back to the house to put it away before returning.

By now, the usual bustle of the town was under way. The sun was rising as the ponies opened their stalls. A few friendly waves greeted him as he past a few familiar faces. No sign of Rainbow of course, by now she was probably getting her weather patrol organized for the day. Not that he was planning on interfering with her work though.

“Hey! there ya are.” A heavily accented voice rang out. Following its source, Myrmox came face to face with Applejack. As expected, she was by standing beside a large cart filled with apples to be sold.

“You...called for me, Applejack?” He asked rather bluntly.

“Well ya heard me call yer name right? Ah been meaning to give ya this.” She held out small pouch and handed it to him.

“Thank you, Applejack.”

“No problem. Ah may have some more for ya to do soon. Stay outta trouble now.”

Myrmox waved her off and returned home to stash it away. So far, so good. He made himself a quick trip back home to stash the its away before returning to the park. Coming to a clearing, he simply stopped, recognizing this place. It was right here, thirteen months ago, that he first met Rainbow Dash. The memory came running back to him as he sat down in the shade and closed his eyes in remembrance.

13 Months ago
After a month of research, preparation and travel, Myrmox finally arrived at the pony town. The colors all around alone made him feel as if he didn’t belong. Perhaps he should have picked up some disguise on the way here, but he was told he may not have to. Besides, he actually despised doing so. Pony bodies felt too…Squishy to him. Was it going to still work? Only one way to find out. Besides, as far as he knew Changelings were only allowed to shapeshift with special permission, anything with less was nothing short of criminal.

Immediately upon entering the town, ponies all around were watching him with wide eyes, some were even shutting doors and running away. A trio of mares, earth ponies practically fainted at his sight in dramatic horror.

This wasn’t the case for all of them. Some had even waved at him and greeted him, though not without a degree of restraint. They knew apparently that changelings were leaving for Equestria. So far, he had not yet seen any others.

He looked over to a large red Stallion. He was watching Myrmox as he was standing by a cart load of apples. For a moment, he thought about merely continuing on his way, but if perhaps he should try to talk to others. He could make himself less of an outsider to the ponies and could find out if any other changelings are in the area. Who knows? Maybe this could lead him to one of the elements.

He walked over to the stallion, keeping eye contact until they stand in front of one another. Neither made a move for a while. The Stallion showed little if any emotion, but still held an uneasy gaze upon the changeling.

Myrmox looked at the apples beside him. They were fresh, red and actually making him feel hungry. First however, he needed to ask some questions.


The Stallion didn’t answer, merely nodded in greetings.

“Are there any other like me in town?” He gestured to himself. If there were other changelings in town, it could either prove good in that changelings were not a new sight in town, or really problematic depending who they were, especially if they recognized him.


‘Huh, that explains reaction.” So that was one potential issue averted, though it would have been nice to see a fellow changeling in such a place. “Anyway, thank for your time.”

“You're Welcome, stay outta trouble now.”
He didn’t know if that was a farewell or a warning, but he hoped it was a former. The last thing he would need is a town mob armed with pitchforks running him down.

He made his way through town, trying to find what he was after. As far as he knew, the newest Princess, Twilight Sparkle, made her home in the local library. He spent at least an hour searching around with no success. He had noticed of course the brand new Castle that he recalled studying for, and the crater in the center of town made him suspicious. Deeming it necessary, he looked around, trying to find somepony to flag down. He found a candidate in the form of a alabaster white unicorn with a spiky blue mane, her eyes covered in large glasses and her ears muffled by head phones.

“Excuse me, miss?” He asked the mare for her attention as he walked up to her side, but she didn’t even look over. Either she was ignoring him or didn’t hear him.

“Excuse me? Miss, can you hear me?” A little louder this time, but still no response. He was starting to already lose his patience, but he resisted the urge to just grab and shake her. Instead he just tapped on her shoulder.

Finally the mare stopped. She jumped a little when she felt his hoof on his shoulder. She turned to face and and her head immediately shot back as she saw him. He could even see the surprise through her stylish glasses,

Sighing, he finally spoke again. “Can you tell me where the town library is? I need to see the Princess.”

No answer came to him as the mare looked at him, he could barely see an eyebrow raise above the glasses.

“The town library, where is it?”

The mare continued her silence. Myrmox’s face almost grew in anger when he heard a cough behind him.

“Excuse me, but you are looking for the Library and Princess Twilight?” A cultured female voice behind him. Turning around, he saw another mare, a grey earth pony with well combed mane and stylish bow tie.

Myrmox said nothing, but rather nodded.

“I apologize, but my friend here is mute, she cannot speak.” She gestured to the unicorn, realization finally coming to him.

“Oh,” Myrmox realized.”I’m sorry to hear that. Still, can you direct me to the library?”

“Well, I’m afraid that is all that remains. It was destroyed in an...incident not too long ago.” She gestured to the smoldering ruins that Myrmox had recently passed. “If you wish to see Princess Twilight, you’ll have to go to the Castle.”

“I...see. Anyway thanks for the help, miss uhh…”

“Octavia ,and this is Vinyl Scratch. We hope you enjoy your stay mr…”

“Myrmox, and thank you again.” He left the two mares alone. To say he felt like an idiot was understatement. What are the odds of that, that the library would be destroyed, just when he finally got here. At least he knew where to go now.

On the way to the castle, he came across a small park, a few dirt trails passing through a sparse canopy of trees. There weren't many ponies traversing along it, but they went out of their way to try to steer clear of him. No angry mobs yet, but they were being cautious of him.

Out in the distance he heard a strange whooshing sound. Perking his eyes and ears up Myrmox searched for the disturbance with no luck. Following the sound, he came to a clear of the trees to find the disturbance. Above was a cyan Pegasus, a mare by the looks of it, but something was off. Follow her trail was like that of a rainbow trailing behind her.

He sat down, watching the show from a comfortable seat. The mare was doing a variety of tricks. Twirls, loops and all sorts of things he couldn’t begin to see himself doing. She was both fast and precise. Everything she was doing seemed totally natural as if she was born for this.

“Magnificent.” He whispered quietly to himself.

She made several rolls across the sky until she seemingly stopped. Her head turned over to him as she made eye contact. She had seen him.

The mare made her descent downward in front of him and he finally got a good look at her. The rainbow he saw before came from her mane. It was made of the spectrums of the rainbow. She was slender and fit, the definite mark of an athletic mare. On her flank was a cloud and rainbow colored lightning bolt cutie mark. She was actually quite enjoyable to look at in his eyes.

Her magenta eyes were keeping on him, judging whether or not he was a threat. The tension was thick enough to cut with a knife. In an attempt to break it, he spoke up.

“That was some impressive flying you did there.”

The mare at first didn’t respond, merely stared until she nodded and smirked. “Yeah, and that wasn’t even my best.” Her smile dropped slightly. “What are you doing here?”

“Oh I’m sorry, introductions then. My name is Myrmox, And you are?”

“Rainbow Dash, fastest pony in Equestria.” She unfurled her wings in show.

Rainbow Dash. He knew that name. One of the ponies that helped thwart the invasion, one of the elements of harmony. He was speaking to an element! He was almost speechless for a moment. Not one day down and he had already met with one of the potential targets.

“The Rainbow Dash? Well, I must say that it is quite an honor to meet a hero that I’ve heard so much of.”

“Yeah. I guess I am pretty awesome, but I wouldn’t be anywhere without my friends. Oh! That reminds me! Twilight has been dying to meet one of you things.”


“Yeah, changelings. Anyway, when she meets you, she’ll flip! Come on.” She took him by the hoof to fly off.


“Yeah . And Pinkie Pie is gonna want to throw yow party!”

“Who wants to what?” He got no answer as he was dragged to the castle.

Myrmox opened his eyes again. That was just the beginning of their relationship. After that he met all the other elements at the pink one’s party that Dash had to drag him to. From there, he would watch her practice whenever possible to get on her good side. Soon they talked regularly and became good friends. Things just took off from there.

Myrmox was making his way through the park, heading back into town. It was in the evening, only an hour or so before sunset. I wonder if the princess will have anything for me to do. He sometimes wondered if he should go ahead and go with Rainbow when she went with her friends on some adventure.

“You seem rather happy with yourself.”

Myrmox woke from his trail of thought to see a particular figure leaning against a tree behind him. A pair of not pony, but changeling eyes drilled right into him. Myrmox knew who this was instantly, and what it probably meant.

It was Vesp himself.

Myrmox couldn’t exactly say he was pleased to see him again. He had been wanting to stay with Rainbow, to be forgotten by the others. This only meant that was about to change. He felt a tint of dread in his heart, afraid of what was to come. He took a quick gander around to see if anypony was watching.

“Don’t bother. I want this to be quick and over with. You have done as I ordered?”

“Yes, sir.”

“ And you have become friends with the Elements and have even started to live with one of them. You have a good life with the Pegasus.”

“Yes, sir.”

“I’m not sure if I should approve.” The changeling walked to him. “You look at her too much. Don’t bother trying to deny it, you have fallen in love with a pony. I told you to get close, but I expected you to know better than this.”

Myrmox could hear the disapproval in Vesp’s language. True, at first he barely cared in the beginning, but over time things changed. He began to care about her and in the end, she made him the happiest he had ever been. Still, he said nothing.

“Well… I did tell you to get close to one, and you have been alone. So I can’t blame you for wanting to get some tail.”

Myrmox wanted to growl and snap, but he didn’t. He couldn’t. This was his commander, whom he was to respect and obey whether he liked it or not. He learned the hard way already once.

“In any case, we have a new task for you to complete. Your last one, infact.”

Myrmox looked up. One last job? This wasn’t something he was expecting, to have a hope of being actually let go of. He was actually curious what this could be.

“What am I to do, sir?”

“Kill Rainbow Dash.”

He couldn’t help it. Myrmox’s eyes shot open and jaw hung open, he couldn’t believe it. He was being ordered to kill Rainbow Dash. The first time he has seen another changeling in over a year and this is what must happen?

“K-Kill, her sir?! But why?!” His voice was raised, but he still made an effort to keep it quiet.
“That isn’t your concern, your assignment is.”

“But she’s innocent! She doesn’t mean any ha-“

“It doesn’t matter, you will do as I say.” Vesp stepped forward to glare at the subordinate changeling. “You know the price of failure, so get to it.” Without another word, the changeling melted into shadows and disappeared.

Myrmox just sat in here, in utter disbelief. He could feel his heart beating in his chest, panicking with him, but he didn’t care. He couldn’t believe what he had just heard. In just a few short minutes, everything had taken a turn for the worst.

This couldn’t be happening. Just when he was finally living a good life here, it was being torn away from him. It was as if the whole world had just torn itself apart around him. The one thing he had left to smile for, and now he had to kill her.

He must kill Rainbow Dash.

It must have been a few minutes before Myrmox finally got to move around again. He had been so shocked that he couldn’t leave the chaos in his mind. Even now, he could still feel the effects of what was nothing short of sheer panic upon him.

Why is this happening? He thought to himself. Is this some sort damn test? Or am I being punished? Was this their plan all along? So many questions and yet no answers.

Myrmox simply did not work anymore for the day, he couldn’t bring himself to. He had to think. Should he really bring himself to kill Rainbow Dash, after what he had just heard? Could he even do this? To the mare who chose him? This wasn’t a good life anymore, this was a nightmare, and one there was no waking up from.

Memories of the last time he saw ordered to do such a thing and flushed back to him. At the height of the civil war, he givin the order to bring his remaining siblings in. He smuggled them out, chopping it up to them getting out before he can get to them. But this time, he had no way around it.

Myrmox felt himself begin to breathe rapidly. Not… not again. Realizing he was still out in the open, Myrmox found himself take flight in the opposite direction of the town. He had to get away from everypony desperately. He found himself landing at the edge of the everfree. He dropped himself to the ground as his frantic heartbeat pulse through his body.his vision blurred as he fell on his side against a tree.

He held onto his chest with his hoof, as if it would somehow help him calm down. It did little to stop the panic attack from coming over him. IT was as if the entire world had come crashing down upon him. He didn’t even see the yellow blur fly over him, stopping as it took notice of him or when it began to land.

“Myrmox?” A soft, almost melodic, voice rang out from his side. Myrmox was able to finally register her from the corner of his eye. A bright yellow pegasus with a long flowing pink mane stood to his left, a concerned look on her face.

“What’s wrong?” She questioned as she moved close to him.

“Old...faces.” He managed to choke out between breaths.

Fluttershy gave gave understanding look. She had some awareness of the civil fighting that Myrmox may have seen. She placed her hoof on his red carapace and began to run up and down it slowly, hoping he would calm down.

“Let’s go over to my cottage, get you some tea.”

Myrmox looked over to her, feeling better but still shaken up. “You don’t have to do that, fluttershy. I’ll just-”

“No.” She spoke up, her voice sterner than usual.” You aren’t well, Myrmox. At least come to my home so we can talk.”

Myrmox wanted to argue against it, but she made sense. Begrudgingly , he got up as she led him to her cottage.After a silent ten minutes, they walked into her home. Immediately upon entering, he found himself confronted by a small white rabbit, who was looking rather hostile.

“Angel, be nice. He’s a friend who needs help.” Fluttershy spoke in front of Myrmox.

Angel didn’t back down, only narrowed his eyes at the changeling. Myrmox, not in the mood for this, narrowed his eyes and began to show his fangs in a snarl.

“Angel!” Fluttershy yelled, startling both of them. “You will be nice to a guest, now gpo in the other room!” She gestured to a doorway on the other side of the room. Angel nodded with a slight tremble and walked his way out of the room, but gave the changeling one last glare before disappearing from view.

Fluttershy gave out a sigh as she turned to face Myrmox, a frown on her face. “I’m sorry about that, he doesn’t like others that much. Anyway, how about you have a seat and I’ll get some tea made.” She gestured to her couch. As he nodded and took a seat, she flew her way into her kitchen.

As Myrmox sat down, his mind was still in turmoil. He rested his chin on his front hooves, staring blankly at the table in front of him. He didn’t want to admit it, but he was terrified right now. Not for himself, but for Rainbow Dash. For who knows what reason, he has been ordered to kill her. Rainbow Dash, the most important pony in his life. This wasn’t the first time he had been ordered to work against those he held dear, but now his felt as though his hooves were actually tied.

He knew full well what could happen if he did nothing or refused, but how could he really live with himself if he killed her? How would he be able to even look at himself if he did such a thing? Ever since they started dating, it had been the best time of his life. She never treated him unfairly or ever went behind his back. She lived up to her title of Element of Loyalty to the letter, and he admired her to no end for it.

He almost didn’t register it when Fluttershy returned with two cup of tea. She set the first in front of him, bringing him back from his thoughts, and taking a seat right next to him. Myrmox had to make something of an effort, but he managed to grab and take a drink from the beverage.
“It’s good, Fluttershy. Thank you.”

“Of course.” After a few moments of sipping her tea, she looked back over to him.’Now how about we talk about what was bothering you?” It didn’t escape her notice that he was still shaking slightly.

Myrmox looked over to her, trying to keep his expression neutral. He knew he wasn’t going to get out of here without giving her some sport of answer. What was he going to tell her? That he was a secret assassin that was sent here to kill Rainbow Dash? For a moment, he just sat there, debating on what to say.

“I want to help you, Myrmox. I really do, but I can’t if you don’t say anything.”

“...I know, and I’m thankful for that,” He turned his head to look at her.”But these things...aren’t exactly easy to talk about.” He shook his head for a moment, looking back at his now half-empty tea cup. “Back in the Changeling lands, I saw and...did things that weren’t exactly good. I rarely if ever had an actual choice, but I still did things I wished I didn’t.”

“I know, we all heard about the fighting that happened, and Rainbow Dash mentioned that injured.”

Myrmox rubbed his neck, the scar still hurting from time to time. “What else has she told you?”
“That you sometimes have trouble sleeping at night, that you get nightmares, and that you have two sisters.”

Myrmox started at her. He wasn’t surprised that Fluttershy knew about this stuff. After all he knew that Dash and her have been friends since they were went to flight school. That idea that she would mention this stuff to her best friend did not surprise him. Whether or not he was entirely comfortable with it was a different matter.

“Whatever somepony says about you Myrmox, you are a good stallion.”

“Fluttershy…” He looked back at her with a more serious expression, but showing signs of sorrow.”Changelings are dead because of me. I saw countless of them die or disappear. Strangers, coworker, friends, even my own family.” His voice cracked at the last one, remembering his eldest sister, Chittri, who disappeared. “How can I live with the knowledge that I’ve destroyed lives better than mine?”

Fluttershy cringed , her eyes widen for a moment, but soften when she realized the sorrow behind his eyes and in his voice. “That’s not true, Myrmox.”

He began a retort, but she cut him off.

“I understand you had to do things you now wished you didn’t, but you aren’t the only one who has. Do you know of Nightmare Moon and Luna?”

He nodded, having researched the old legend as well as having heard of her return. See him nod, she continued her story. “She was suffering terribly from the memories of her past deeds, but she pushed past it all and helped make amends by helping others in their dreams. We weren’t able to help her though until she opened up to us all. You… probably know about Discord too, right?”

Myrmox recalled the accounts of the Spirit’s reign long ago, as well as his return and betrayal during Tirek’s rampage. The fact that Fluttershy, Dash and all the other ponies were so willing to forgive him astonished him. Had Discord been tried in Changeling Lands, there would have been hell to pay.

“He is... difficult at times i know, but he makes a difference now. He helps others, even if it's in his own way. He regretted what he did, and makes an effort to make amends.And by the looks of it, you have to.”

Myrmox’s ears shot back up, curious to what she was getting at.

“Ever since you got here, you’ve actually gone out of your way to help others other. Me with a new chicken coop,Twilight with her research, Spike with his errands to name a few. Most importantly though, you’ve made Rainbow Dash so happy.” Fluttershy began to smile at him. “I haven’t ever seen Dash so happy with somepony. You treat her with more respect than any other stallion ever has. Even if you don’t think good of yourself, you mean so much to her.”

Myrmox looked away, thinking about her words. He truly did care about Dash, she did for him as well. He may have gotten close to her as ordered, but he found himself, out of all things, truly smitten with her.She was the very reason he even had thoughts about wanting to live in Ponyville at all. He wondered though, what she would do in his position. There only way he figured he would get an answer would be to ask her, somehow. He looked back at the pegasus. “Thank you, Fluttershy. I appreciate your help, but I should probably go now. I should go see Dash about something.” He got up from the seat and made his way to the door.

“Of course. Please stop by whenever you want to or need somepony to talk to. Oh, and Myrmox?”

He stopped as he opened the door, looking back at her.

“Rainbow Dash isn’t the only one Scootaloo looks up to.” She spoke.

Myrmox stood there, genuinely surprised at that before nodding to her and walking his way out.
For the next few hours, Myrmox put his usual business of various odd jobs on hold. He simply wasn’t able to bring himself to focus on anything else. Although the conversation with Fluttershy had helped him out, he was still concerned, frightened even. The fact that Rainbow Dash was in danger, from him or anypony else, was enough to make his blood run cold. He wanted her to be safe from anything, and he would go ot the ends of Equis is he had to, but this… was something he didn’t know if he could.

A whoosh of air above Myrmox gave him pause. Looking above, he spotted Rainbow Dash, going about her usual work. From below though, he could see her to be in something of a hurry though, directing the other pegasi all over the place, for reason he didn’t understand or really care about. He spotted a nearby bench and took a seat , keeping his eyes locked on her. He half wanted to just walk away and go home, but at the same time, he knew he should stay. Somehow, he had to figure out, what would she, the most loyal ponu imaginable, do in his place, but he didn’t even know how he was going to ask her.

He figured one way or another, he should at least remain here. He continued to simply watch her work. This continued for a few minutes before she finally noticed him. Waving him down, she flew down to meet him. Myrmox willed himself out of his seat to meet her.

“Hey, Myr.” She walked up to him and gave him nuzzled him, this time not caring about them being seen.

“Hey Dash.” Myrox returned the nuzzle. At the very least he was still able to enjoy her embrace. Pulling away from the embrace, Myrmox looked at her with a smile.”How is your day?”

She gave out a sigh.”Not bad today, but the next few are going to be ridiculous. We have a bunch of storm clouds to deal with in the next couple days, So I may be coming home late.”

“I see,” Myrmox realized now that he had an opportunity that he couldn’t let go. “Listen, can I ask you something?”

Rainbow Dash frowned slightly.”I’m sorry but, I’m kind of in a rut right now. I have to get everyone ready for the heavy work tomorrow. Speaking of which, can you pick up Scootaloo later today for me.” When he nodded to her, she gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. “Thanks, I’ll see you later today.”

Myrmox simply waved goodbye as he watched her fly off. In a way he was happy to have not had to tell her, but it still kept him in a bad place. His range of choices was looking very bad. As cold as it was, he still was no closer to an answer.

His ears flattened as he began his trek away.He held onto the hope that a long walk would help clear his mind. Even now, a whole 2 hours later, nothing had changed. The regular shining Sun was already beginning to fade hide itself away behind the coming rain clouds. No longer bright, blue, and full of vibrant life, the sky was grey lifeless and void of the warmth felt barely even half a day ago.

He soon found himself walking aimlessly through town, not othering to wave to anyone, at least until he spotted something out of the corner of his eyes. That same red stallion that has been all over. Not in the mood in the slightest to deal with him now, Myrmox took off immediately in a different direction than he was heading, wanting no more aggravation than he already had.

Before, Myrmox only had a sneaking suspicion that this stallion had been stalking about him for awhile. Now though, he was absolutely sure of it. Every turn he made, the stalker was right there behind him, pretending to not be there. His demeanor was now beginning to change from one of fear and sadness to one of anger. This was the last thing he needed now. I am so sick of this guy!

Turning to his left, spotted a vacant alley between some of the larger buildings. It was heavily shade because of the fading light, so it one would have to squint quite hard to peer inside. If he wants to play this game, I’ll play along then.

Myrmox trotted his way into the vacant alley. Reaching the end of it, he hid himself beside a few black backs of garbage with his back against the garbage. His magic lit up slightly before completely fading his body into the darkness. Being one of the elite Assassins, Myrmox had access to a some spells that weren’t available to the average changeling.

Several minutes passed by without anything happening. Myrmx began to wonder is this was all coincidence, in his head, or if the stallion gave up. The answer was quickly answered as the red stallion was seen walking into his vision. however he was, he began to look around in confusion, in and around the garbage. Just a little closer.

Suddenly though, the stallion began to use his magic to begin to lift the garbage around him. it would not have shocked Myrmox so much if the color of the magic didn’t give it away. Green? Upon a split-second, a realisation dawned on Myrmox.

Whoever this stalker was, he was no pony.

Whatever was going on, it stayed Myrmox’s original thought of jumping this stallion and his plans turned into simply watching and waiting to see what was up. After a few minutes, the changeling in disguise turned away and walked off. Myrmox knew he couldn't just let this being go just like that, he had to do something about it somehow.

When he saw nopony looking back in his direction, he pulled himself from the shadows and donned a disguise of his own, a grey coated Pegasus stallion with short white mane and red eyes. He flew himself out of the alley and into the street. He spotted the stallion making his way off the opposite direction they came from. With a much more respectable distance than the stalker had been giving him, Myrmox trailed behind him, sticking to the crowds and keep the stallion in the corner of his eye. A pony with that color wasn't terribly difficult to keep track of.

Myrmox followed him for a good 20 minutes or so. It wouldn’t be long until Myrmox figured he would have to break off the chase and go pick up Scootaloo. He hoped it wouldn’t come to that. While he wouldn’t want to disappoint or leave the filly hanging, he knew he wouldn’t sleep well knowing that he wasn't the only changeling in town and not knowing who or where the stalker was going.

Fortunately it didn’t take long to end. Myrmox had trailed the stallion to a familiar building, the local Traveler's Inn. He remembered living here for a few short months prior to him dating Rainbow Dash. He saw the stallion enter and disappear. Myrmox thought about going in after him, but realized it was about time for him to begin to go get Scootaloo. By now she was probably getting ready.

He sighed to himself before turning around, only to be met by a certain Pink pony.

“Hiya there mister! The name’s Pinkie Pie! What’s your’s, new pony?” Pinkie extended her hoof in greetings as her huge smile continued to widen.

“Pinkie, it’s me.” Myrmox said with a sigh at her usual antics.

“Me? Cool name! I’ve never known somepony with me as a name! Wait, does that mean your name is me, meaning Pinkie Pie? If so, that’s so-”

“No Pinkie,” He erupted into green flames, showing his true form. “It’s me.”

“Oh, hi there Myrmox! I didn’t recognize you there. Unless you are somepony who is disguised as Myrmox and was inturn disguised as somepony else. Wait, isn’t against the -”

“I know Pinkie, and I am sorry about that.” Myrmox managed to get her to stop talking for a moment, lest his head exploded from the madness. “Something just got me nervous for a few moments. Can you keep this between us? Just this once?”

“Sure! As long you behave yourself!” Pinkie spoke, nodding rapidly.

“Thank you Pinkie. I appreciate it.” Myrmox realized he had been wasting time. “Anyway, I have to go pick up Scootaloo for the night. I’ll see you around.” Myrmox walked around her, waving a goodbye as he passed her.

“Ok, bye!”

With that, the two of them parted ways. He took one more glance at the Inn, knowing that tomorrow, he was going to have himself a little chat with one of its occupants.

Chapter 3

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Myrmox was almost home by the time the sun had begun to set, flying through the air. By now, the cloudhome was beginning to come into view. More so than usual though, he had to be sure to be extra careful on his flight, considering he was flying currently for two.

Scootaloo had her hooves wrapped around his neck, holding on tightly as his wings buzzed to her sides. On her back was a small pack of things she would need for a sleepover. Just as Rainbow Dash had asked him, he opted to carry her to their home whilst she was still at work. As the flight neared its end, he found himself somewhat strained. As a changeling, he was never very strong as a flier, but he was managing.

As he reached the entrance,he let her down on the surface gently. As she climbed off, he opened the door and closed it as the pair walked in. He saw her as she went into the living room and set her small pack down on the couch, getting settled in. This wasn’t the first time she had spent the night over, so he was aware of the routine. He did sometimes wonder though about at one point talking to Dash about a guest room or something, that way Scootaloo wouldn’t have to sleep on the couch.

“So where is Rainbow Dash?” Scootaloo asked.

“Still out working.” Myrmox spoke, coming into the living room. “She should be coming home soon. Are you hungry at all? I can cook something up if you want.”

“A little, but I can wait is you want to.”

“Wait for Dash?” She nodded.”We shouldn’t have too wait long for her, and she’s working hard these last few days. I’d her to come home to something to eat. I’ll go and make something for the lot of us.”

“Oh, ok then. Thank you by the way.”

“Your welcome.” He walked his way to the kitchen before stopping and turning his head to face her.”How does Tomato soup and grilled cheese sound?”

Scootaloo grinned and nodded at his suggestion.

“I’ll take that as a yes.” Myrmox walked his way into the kitchen and began to sort out the various ingredients and cooking implements. He didn’t considered himself a great cook by any means, but he tried to at least make something decent when he did. Though he believed Dash to be a better cook simply because of her Equestrian upbringing, he often opted to try and make dinner. Back in the Changeling lands, food for most changelings was rarely on par with that found in Equestria. He was lucky that his Silencer training and membership gave him some access to better eating than average, but he still felt it fell short compared to what ponied get.

As he began to cook, he heard and found Scootaloo meander into the kitchen, either out of boredom or curiosity. “Say Myrmox, can I ask you something?” She broke the silence.

“Go ahead.” he kept his attention to the his cooking, but listened in.

“What do changeling’s usually eat? I mean, i see you eating pony food all the time, but do you eat anything else?”

Myrmox thought for a moment about how he would answer that. “While we can eat most of the same things that ponies do, we are more carnivorous by nature. Every now and then I have to have some, so I usually eat at a restaurant with some sort of meat menu.”

“Oh. You don’t just...go out and hunt or something?” her tone was hesitant, but remained curious.

Myrmox glanced at her in the corner of his eye. This wasn’t something he thought was appropriate for dinner or something he would expect her to ask, but then again she was just a curious little filly. Overly cautious though sometimes. “ Not since i came to Equestria for a number of reasons. Mostly because of how difficult it is get a proper hunting license.”

“How so?”

“Well for one it cost more than I can really spend at the moment. Also you need to go to and make a case for why you are seeking one, whether its for a job or otherwise, and the closest place is Canterlot and I have no intention of heading up there.” Realizing the grilled cheese sandwiches were finished, he placed them onto a large plate to let them cool, before getting some smaller plates to set out. “I might be able to squeeze in a fishing license, but I have never been good at that.”

“Ah. Well what about that stuff on changelings feeding on love?”

“Love provides some nourishment, but not enough to sustain oneself on. It’s more for fueling our magic really. I’d still be able to use spells that are specific to changelings, but I wouldn’t be able to do much beyond that, or nearly as good as I could if I had love energy.”


Myrmox began to set out a series of bowls,utensils, and plates around the dinner table for the both of them as well as Dash when she came home. “Can I ask you something, Scootaloo?”


“Have you seen any… strange ponies around?”

Scootaloo raised an eyebrow.”Strange how?”

“Anypony who is new or acting odd? Maybe both?”

Scootaloo looked up in though, silent for a moment before returning to him. “Well, there was that one red stallion who been walking around for about a week.. I swear I saw him staring at me and my friends, the weirdo. I even heard that when Pinkie Pink approached him for a party, he told her off! What kind of pony does that?”

“I don’t know Scootaloo,” Mymox half lied.” But let’s hope he minds his own business from now on.” It was only earlier today that Myrmox found out that he not only was he being ordered to end Dash’s life, but also that he was being shadowed by an unfamiliar changeling.

Myrmox, having tailed him to his hideout earlier, knew what he was going to do. One way or another, he was going to get some answers from the changeling. He would likely end up breaking a few rules, but one way or another, he was going to get an answer.

He heard the front door open up and close. Immediately, scootaloo shot up and got out of her seat to greet the newcomer. Myrmox followed along taking his time. He followed her into the main room as he spotted a familiar cyan blue pegasus walk in.

“Hey Rainbow Dash!” Scootaloo yelled enthusiastically she her idol came into view. The filly ran up to meet her, almost jumping in the air.

“Hey squirt, how you doin?” Dash ruffled the filly’s mane as Scootaloo came up to meet her.

“Great! Myrmox made grilled cheese for us!” She gestured to the awaiting changeling.

“Did he? Well that’s nice of him.” Rainbow walked up to Myrmox and gave him a quick embrace.
The embrace held between them for only a few seconds, too short in Myrmox’s opinion, but it was always something he would never tire of.

“Why don’t you go in and get some food, squirt. I’d like to talk to Myr here for a moment.”

As Scootaloo walked back into the kitchen, Rainbow lead Myrmox away for a moment before facing him. She began to have a look of concern on her face. “I spoke with Fluttershy today.”

Myrmox’s eyes widened for a moment, but soften as realization that dash was aware of his incident earlier began to sink in. “I see. So she mentioned how she found me ?”

Dash nodded. “How many times has this happened to you?”

“That was the first time.”

Dash sighed.” I’m sorry for leaving you behind earlier, but you should have told me.”

“It’s not your fault Dash.”

“I don’t want to see you having problems anymore Myrmox. I know you have trouble sleeping at night.” She rubbed his cheek with her hoof. “ I love you Myrmox. YOu mean the world to me, but I don’t want to sit around and see you in pain. Eventually I want you see some sort of help or something. Ok?”

Myrmox hesitated for a moment. While he knew that his moment earlier wasn’t because of some repressed memory, but he didn’t know if he could let her into the truth of the matter. He didn't want to risk being taken away from her from the Royal Guard or something,so reluctantly, he nodded to her. “Alright Dash, I will.”

Dash brightened and threw her hooves around him in another embrace. He wrapped his hooves around her and pulled her in close.

“It’ll be alright Dash.” He whispered.

“You guys ok it here?” Scootaloo’s voice rang out.

The pair pulled away from each other and looked to the kitchen before to each other.

“Now how about we get some food?” Dash spoek.


By the time the trio had finished eating, night had already fallen. Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash were spending talking various things, from Dash’s newest move to who their favorite Wonderbolt was. Myrmox had spent the time merely meandering around. He spent much of that time thinking about how tomorrow might occur. He would get up as early as he could and try to get to the stallion whilst he was sleeping, or more likely he would have to take Scootaloo home and try to lead the changeling off somewhere. Then things would just take off from there. Myrmox knew next to nothing about this changeling, but already had some doubts about his skill. Whoever he was, he only used a single disguise, was often blatant in his observation and didn’t even bother to check to see if he was in the clear.

Myrmox didn’t see his job to be too difficult for tomorrow beyond keeping quiet, but he knew was paying a dangerous game. If he failed, he could ended up locked and charged with crimes that could keep him from ever seeing Dash again or worse. Not to mention that he was betting on the fact that after all this, the surviving Silencers would simply leave him alone after this. He held onto the hope that it would go that way, finally giving him a chance a peaceful life. Still, only time will tell if he succeeds or not.

After a while, he made his way back to the girls. Mostly out of boredom, he lounged himself on the nearest chair, the couch being occupied by the pegasi as their discussion began to move to the newest Daring Do novel. Personally Myrmox had no love for said novel series, even though Rainbow dash insisted endlessly that they were real.

The discussion between Dash and Scootaloo went on for a good few hours, with Myrmox jumping in every now and then. Soon enough, Scootaloo began to look fairly tired as she yawned frequently.

“You tired there, squirt?” Dash asked said filly.

Scootaloo nodded with another yawn. Seeing this, Myrmox went upstairs, only to return with a pillow and blanket for the filly. Dash got up from her seat Myrmox laid out a small makeshift bed for her on the couch.

“You have everything you need?” He asked scootaloo.

“Yep! Thanks.” Scootaloo spoke.

“Well, goodnight squirt. Come get us if you need something. Otherwise, we’ll see you in the morning.” Dash spoke before turning and heading up to their room.

Myrmox dimmed the lights as Dash left. He turned back to the filly. “Goodnight Scootaloo, have a good night.”

“Thanks, you too.”

With that, the filly laid her head down as Myrmox turned around and followed Dash up. He gave one last peek at her, seeing that Scootaloo had closed her eyes already for bed. He made his way up the stairs and into the bedroom. Closing it behind him, his eyes were met Dash’s. She was lying on her belly on the mattress facing him. Her head was resting on the crossed hooves in front of her. A loving smile was plastered on her face.

“What?” Myrmox asked, beginning to smirk at the sight in front of him.

“Nothing.” Dash spoke out.

“What’s up with that smile?” Myrmox began to walk himself over to the bed. He sat down and leaned down so his head was resting the edge of the bed, right in front of dash’s.

“I just think it’s how you treat her.”

“Scootaloo? She’s a good filly.”

“I know. I’ve been looking out for her for a while now.” She looked down for a moment.”I can only do so much on my own though. I mean, she has her friends and all and they’re great to her,but I wonder if she actually views anypony as family.”

Myrmox looked at her as her eyes began to sadden. He knew what she was talking about and almost sympathise. During his training, any contact he had with his family, he treasured above all. Some of his training “comrades” had no real family beyond each other. He had no idea how they managed to get by as he doubted he ever could.

Scootaloo and Myrmox were always bond to cross paths eventually, but he was surprised and actually pleased that the two of them got along actually well. Partially it was admiration for the filly,despite her age, but it was actual concern for her. She was just little filly in a very nasty world. No child should have to deal with that.

“I think she has one, Dash.” Myrmox, finally spoke.

Dash looked back at him, an eyebrow raised at what he spoke. When she caught on to his meaning, she began to soften her gaze and smile at him him again. She reached behind his hoof and pulled him into her lips. The two locked lips for a moment before breaking away. As they did, Dash crawled forward and nuzzled his cheek. As Myrmox returned the gesture, he began to crawl up into bed with her until the pair ended with facing each other on their sides. Dash made herself comfortable with her head half buried in his sternum. He kept his hooves wrapped around her tightly as she fell to sleep.

Myrmox stayed awake a little while longer. He couldn’t hear a thing beyond Rainbow Dash’s breathing. Looking down at her figure and knowing there was filly downstairs whom he could look after and help keep safe made him feel..right in his life. If he could pull it off tomorrow and keep the silencers away, it would set him free. He would have a life of his own now. All he had to do was not fail.

For now, all he had to do was rest, for tomorrow the work begins.


Myrmox awoke with a sharp inhale of air. Immediately as he opened his eyes, he saw that it was still night out. He saw that Rainbow Dash was still at his side, sleeping soundly whilst he found himself wide awake. The clock nearby read as 2 in the morning sharp. He begrudgingly pulled himself out of Dash’s hold gently so to not wake her up and into a seating position. He wiped his face with his hooves as he groaned to himself.

Another damn nightmare. He thought to himself. He was hoping that these would begin to end, but it didn’t seem to be the case. He had held onto the hope the fabled Princess Luna would give him the time, but it didn’t seem to be the case. Either she was busy with others or she just didn’t bother to give any attention to non-ponies. He didn't know or really care at the moment.

This one was...concerning to him. He had dreamed he was in his home, with Rainbow Dash at his side. Scootaloo was with them, as if one happy family. As he went to kiss her however, he found Dash Cold to the touch. He looked down, only to find her bleeding profusely. A stab wound in her chest.

And he was the one holding the bloodied blade.

In his dreamed panic to stop the bleeding, he turned to see scootaloo to have disappeared. The light began to disappear as he began hear the words “Murderer” and “Monster” all around, growing more and more loudly until the darkness consumed him. It was then that he woke up, gasping for air.

Just reliving the dream was enough to frighten Myrmox as he tried to shake it from his head. He pulled himself out of the bed and tiptoed his way out and downstairs. He wasn’t ready to try to sleep again,he had to get a drink.He brought himself into the kitchen and poured himself a glass of water. The changeling found himself sitting down, drinking bouts of water in the darkness alone. He thought about turning on light somewhere, but didn't want anypony to awaken because of him.

He didn’t want it to come true, his dream. The fact that Dash and scootaloo met such a fate was bad enough to him, but the idea that he was the cause of it only made him want to sit in a corner and cry. He didn’t have any belief that dreams were anything more than one’s imagination, but they could hurt. That much had proven itself to him over the years.

The silence was broken though as he began to hear hoofsteps. Myrmox groaned to himself, thinking for a moment he may have woken somepony up, but he found that thought casted away when Scootaloo came, oblivious to his presence.

The pegasus filly didn’t look over to him, only tired carried herself to the fridge. She opened it, causing light to pour out and illuminate the room. Myrmox found himself temporarily blinded to the light, but adjusted to it before speaking.

“Having trouble sleeping?” He half whispered.

Scootaloo whipped around with a gasp. Her eyes went wide as she grabbed her pulsing chest, breathing heavily. Myrmox would have giggled to himself at having so easily startled her if his mood was better.

“What the hay?! You scared me, Myrmox!” Scootaloo remembered to keep her voice quiet, but still had shock in her voice.

“You ponies make it so easy sometimes. Anyway, did you need something?”

“I was just a little thirsty and wanted some milk. I didn’t think you or Dash would mind.” By now she had relaxed and went back down on all fours.

“Oh don’t worry,Scootaloo. Go ahead and get some.” Myrmox pulled himself up and grabbed a small glass for her. He went and poured a small drink before putting the milk away and taking his seat with Scootaloo at his side.

“So why are you still up? Changelings do sleep...right?” scootaloo asked him, raising an eyebrow.

“What? Of course we do. I just,” He hesitated for a moment.”Had a bad dream.”

“About what?”

That was the last thing he wanted her to ask him. What would tell her? That her and Dash were murdered by him? What kind of thing is that to tell a filly? He sighed to himself as he tried to push such thoughts out of his head. “I saw some very important ponies to me get really hurt and couldn’t help them.” He finally answered, trying to keep it vague.

“...Oh. well it was just a dream right? I mean a dream can’t only hurt you if you let it.”

Myrmox looked at her with some skepticism. “How would you know that?”

Scootaloo let out a sigh and looked down.”I use to have nightmares myself. I would get scared really easily.”

“There is always something that can scare somepony easily, Scootaloo. Even for adults.”

“It wasn’t the same for me though. It was nothing more than a campfire story , but I couldn’t help but get nightmares about it.”

Strangely enough to Myrmox, she didn't show any signs of fear to him. It was as if she was either over it completely or just good at not showing it. If anything, it was more like embarrassment in his eyes.

“Thankfully though, Princess Luna came and helped me. She told to confront my fears by dealing with them in real life. And I did, eventually.”

“It helped?”

Scootaloo nodded. “That was the time that Rainbow Dash took me under her wing. She’s been there for me ever since then.”

Myrmox smiled slightly upon hearing that. It was always good to him to hear of one of Dash’s loyal deeds. He gave words some thought. “I makes sense I suppose.”

“Yeah.” She looked back at the changeling.” Maybe that’s what you should do? Confront whatever is giving you nightmares?”

Myrmox knew what he was about to say. Oddly enough, her advice did make some sense to him. Although she in turn got got from another source, it did give him hope about what to do. If he could succeed in driving away spies out of Ponyville and away from anypony, perhaps he could finally see some improvement. He looked back at her, a sense of purpose in his red eyes.”That’s the plan.”

Scootaloo nodded with a grin. “Awesome.” She drank the last of her milk and yawned. “Well,I’m off to bed. Thanks for the talk and drink.”

“Your welcome, Scootaloo, have a good night.” He spoke as she left him alone.

He looked down at his own drink, seeing it emptied before looking back upstairs. The talk with the filly made him feel much better. He already knew his intentions tomorrow, but it seemed that he just needed some reassurance about it.

Placing his emptied glass away, he tiptoed his way back upstairs. He came into the room to find Dash still fast asleep. He crawled his way back under the covers and into her hooves pulling her close. With better hopes on his mind, he found himself falling back to sleep.

As he hoped, Myrmox awoke this time with the sun. Seeing as it was now 6:30,he found himself relieved to have at least gotten to sleep without to much trouble. Whilst it was later than he would have preferred, it was still decent enough. Looked down to find Rainbow Dash already stirring in his hooves.

“Morning, gorgeous.” He whispered as her eyes fluttered opened.

When her eyes, landed on him, she began to smile. “Morning to you too.” SHe yawned.”What's the time?”


She sighed to herself. “Well, gotta get up. Scootaloo has school and I have cleanup to do. Busy day today.” SHe pulled herself free and out of the bed, stretching herself out as she went.

“Me too.” Myrmox added silently as he got up and joined her.

The rest of the morning went in a flash. By the time they got downstairs, Scootaloo was stirring awake. Then it was a quick eating of some breakfast before they finished.

“So who’s taking me back to the orphanage? I gotta drop my stuff off before heading to the school?” Scootaloo asked.

Dash and Myrmox looked at each before he spoke up.

“I can take her back.” He checked the time, realizing they had to leave now. “Go get your stuff ready.”

“You don’t have to if you don’t want to.” Dash spoke a Scootaloo exited the kitchen.

“I know, but it won’t be a problem.” He got up from his seat , walked over over to her and embraced her tightly. He held her close, in hopes that his last night dream was nothing but a figment of his imagination and not reality. Whatever happened today or in the future, he wanted to always be able to return to this. He pulled back, looking in her eyes.” I’ll see you later,alright?” He spoke again.

“Of course.” SHe gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. “Now, go on. She has to get to school.”

Myrmox exited the kitchen and into the living room, seeing that Scootaloo was ready and waiting for him. He led her out the front door and into the outdoors. Before leaving, he made sure to grab a small bag that he had prepared the night prior. The orange gleam of Celestia’s sun was beginning to show itself. He gestured her to hop onto his back and to hold on, which she did. WIthout another word, he flew his way down and towards her destination.

The extra weight on his back made his descent to the orphanage somewhat more difficult, but he was able to manage. As he made his way to the ground, he slowed his descent down to come to complete stop on the ground.

Scootaloo hopped off him immediately walked a few steps forward and turned to face him. “Thanks for the trip and letting me stay over.”

“Of course, it was good to have you there. Now go on, got to get to school.”

“Ugh, I know, but at least my friends will be there. Anyway, see ya!” With that, she turned headed into the orphanage

Myrmox waved the filly goodbye as he saw her disappear behind the front doors. Now free to follow his own accord, he remembered his self-appointed task. Without another thought, he began to make his way through town towards the Inn.

Although he feared that by now he would be too late to catch the Changeling early, but Myrmox figured that it was at least worth the attempt to find out what he could, even if that meant tearing the place the apart for any sort of journal or documents. Whoever this changeling was, he was deliberately breaking the law by using a disguise without any consent, which he almost certainly would not have. Either he was in hiding from some organisation or was running recon on somepony, but it mattered not. Either one could mean trouble for not just dash, but the whole town as well, and he had to deal with it. He thought about inform the princess about it, but if this changeling knew whom Myrmox was and he had done, it could expose Myrmox to the world and ruin his new life very easily. He had to see this through himself.

It wasn’t long before Inn came into sight. Ponies all around were beginning their daily routines, opening up their stalls and unlocking their stores. A few here and there greeted him as he passed by, which he greeted back. Some only glanced or even outright glared at him. He paid no mind to them, their opinions didn’t concern him. He had bigger fish to fry. All the while though he kept his eyes open for the unknown changeling, or at least his disguised form. Not a single sighting to date.

Myrmox made his way through the door of the Traveler’s Inn. He was greeted by the familiar air within it, remembering his temporary stay here before moving in with Dash. The same receptionist, a Blue Earth Pony mare, sat in the front office, minding her own business. She didn’t even noticed the changeling until he spoke.

“Excuse me?”

The mare looked up, noticed him and then proceeded to sit up straight with with a smile. “Hello there, what can we do for you?”

“I’m looking for somepony, a red stallion with a blue mane.” Myrmox answered , walking forward.

The blue mare looked alittle confused for a moment before speaking again. “May I ask why you are asking for this pony?”

“Business.” Marmox answered bluntly. His face was stoic, but had the expression of somepony who didn’t want his time wasted.

“We uh…” She hesitated, understanding his seriousness. ”Normally do not give out their room numbers to strangers, but we can make an exception for you I suppose.He is in room 13, just up the stairs to the right.” SHe made the appropriate gestures with her hoof.

“I see, thank you.” Myrmox left without another word. He followed the directions up until he found the correct room. Luckily there were ponies around to watch him at all, so he used the privacy while he still could.

He put his ear right up against the door, listening in to anything going on. Closing his eyes, to better focus his hearing, Myrmox could barely begin to hear some form of movement. Perhaps he wasn’t too late after all?
Myrmox pulled himself away from the door and gave a few knocks on it. Nothing. He tried a again and heard a voice call out.

“Go away.” A male sounding voice called to him from inside the room.

Myrmox knocked again, more loudly this time time. He heard a grunt of irritation and some mumbling as somepony approached from the other side. He heard the door unlocked and watched as the door swung open, revealing the pony inside.

The pony inside was the exact same one from before. A dull red coat with a blue mane. His immediate expression was one of anger but slowly changed to one of shock as he realized who his visitor.

Myrmox narrowed his eyes and gave the pony no time to shut the door as he barged his way into the room and shut the door behind him him, locking it before facing down the stallion.

“You and me are going to have ourselves a nice long chat with one another.” Myrmox spoke through gritted teeth.

“What, What are you talking about!?” THe stallion spoke out.

“Don’t play dumb with me. Now drop the disguise”

“What? What are you talking about?”

“I said don’t play dumb with me, whelp. I know what you are, now shut up and do it.” Myrmox all the while kept backing the stallion up into the wall.

“I don’t know what you are talking about-” He was cut off as Myrmox pushed him up against the wall, his hoof against the stallion.

“I know you have been spying on me and you what your are. Now drop the disguise or I will tear it from you.”

The stallion continued to flinch at myrmox, but relented as his magic engulfed him, leaving behind a regular blue changeling. He was smaller and seemingly less grown than Myrmox, barely out of his teens.

Seeing that he’d gotten the first thing he wanted Myrmox pulled the youngster from the wall and threw him to the ground on his belly. Myrmox used his magic and pulled out a rope from his bag.. He wasted no time in tying the youngster's limbs together as well as his wings to his body. Securing the knots, he picked up the changeling and threw him onto the bed, facing him.

“What’s your name?” Myrmox questioned.

“Aten, sir.” Aten spoke.

“Do you know who I am? What I use to do?”

“Ye-yes sir. You’re Myrmox of the Silencers. A royal Assassin of Queen Chrysalis.” Aten seemed to relax a bit. “Can I get up sir?”

“No, and if I see your horn glow, you’ll regret it.” As Aten stayed down, Myrmox began his questions again. “Now tell, why have you been following me? Don’t bother denying it, I have been noticing you for a while now.”

Aten gulped. “That were my orders. I was told to shadow you and report any information.”

“By who?”

“Master Vesp. He was the one who-”

“Wait, Master Vesp?” Myrmox raised an eyebrow at the title. First this changeling had been shadowing for the sake of gather intel and now he was referring his old commander as Master? It initially made little sense to Myrmox. Unless…

“You’re training for the Silencers, aren’t you.” Myrmos spoke, more as a statement than a question. “How long have you been training?”

“This is my first year.”

That made Myrmox’s eye widen a bit. A first year? They send a first year to spy on me without any experiance. Either they're testing him or things are getting more desperate.

His trail of thought was interrupted as another knock on the door was heard.

“Room service!” A mare’s voice, a different one from the one below, rang out.

Myrmox and Aten made eye contact. Myrmox shook his head as an order to aten, hoping the youngster would get his meaning. Fortunately he as Aten turned to the door.

“N-No, thank you!” Aten yelled out.

“Alright then.” No more was heard from the door.

“Alright, now I want nothing but the truth from you right now.” Myrmox got up and walked himself closer. “Are you the only one here?”

“Yes.” Aten nodded with his answer.

“Then how are you giving them info?”

“They usually come to me for info, but I’m due to return home soon.Today is my last day here.”

Lucky me I guess. Myrmox counted himself lucky to have done this this today, but berated himself for not doing so earlier. He looked done for a moment, silent. He knew now that this changeling may be the one responsible for telling the Silencers anything there was about him. He may even be indirectly responsible for why he was wondered Dash’s murder.

Nevertheless, there remained an important question still in Myrmox’s mind. What to do with Aten? Leaving him here tied up wasn't any use. Somepony would just come in eventually and release him and in turn get him in trouble with the law. Besides, he could just escape eventually. Perhaps sending him away with a warning not to return could suffice, but Myrmox had his doubts. He did not believe Vesp would be so easily intimidated into backing away regardless of the apparent lack of manpower. It was possible, but not likely.

Once again Myrmox thought about turning him into the princess, but that once again that had its own difficulties. First, Aten would certainly speak out everything he knew of Myrmox, from his former profession to his deeds before and during the war. Then assuming Myrmox was still in Ponyville, he was certain that the imprisonment of one of their agents would definitely get a reaction out of the Silencers. That could range from a rescue of Aten, a raid to cripple Ponyville or worse, a an attempt on Twilight Sparkle. So many things could happen and he had no idea to where to even begin. Even he never fully understood how the Silencers were truly meant to operate.

The last choice unnerved him, to simply kill Aten. If he could pull it off and dispose of any evidence, it might work in keeping them away. Aten’s disappearance could be chopped up to desertion and maybe leave them none the wiser, but if he failed, then he knew everything would fall apart around. He could be locked up, banished or even executed for murder and of course such information would certainly reach the Silencers on such an act. Regardless if he was imprisoned or not, he feared for their certain retaliation. They would undoubtedly attack those Myrmox cared about without him being able to protect them.

Besides, what would Rainbow think of him if he did such an act? Aten is just a pawn being used. Myrmox could tell just by looking at him that Aten was still scared out of his wits. Eh actually doubted himself even capable of such an act. Aten was not even an adult yet, barely more than a child his Myrmox’s eyes. He had decided long ago that growing up in the Silencers was no way for one to grow up. He had already seen one die, his old friend. Could he really not only watch another die, but do the act himself?

Myrmox sighed loudly to himself. He didn’t like any of them one bit, but he made his choice. He begrudgingly made his way over to the bed and rolled Aten onto his belly.

“What? What are you doing?!” Aten begin to yell out.

Without another word, Aten felt the knot around hind hind and fore hooves freed. He felt his wings also be released from the painful rope being so uncomfortably tied to his back. He managed to sit up and look at Myrmox, whom began to put away the rope .

“Listen kid,” Myrmox began. “I want you to just go home. Just go home and don’t come back. If they ask you what what happened, tell them that I’m done. I want nothing more to do with them. This is my life and I will li9ve it as i see fit. Now go.”

Aten look confused for a moment, but pulled himself up as Myrmox gestured out the door with his hoof.

“And while you’re at it kid,” Aten stopped as Myrmox began again.”Think about if this is really what you want. Trust me, there is nothing in this life but pain and a lot of regret.” Aten re donned his disguise and left without a word, leaving Myrmox alone.

From then on, Myrmox was left alone in the now deserted room. He felt himself almost breathless. Though relieved to be sure, he felt his chest almost tighten, whether out of fear or receding adrenaline, he couldn’t tell. All he knew though, was that there was no turning back for him now.

Chapter 4

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Back in the comfort of his home, Myrmox sat down alone with his thoughts. Rainbow Dash was upstairs, showering herself after finishing up her work for the day. Just out the window, one could see the incoming clouds on their way to Ponyville. She said it would continue to rain for the next few days, but most of the hard work was done. He personally knew next to nothing about the process pegasi took to control the weather, nor did he feel it necessary to do so, but he never saw to bother Rainbow dash about his opinions about it. It was her job and she took it seriously, usually.

All this did not even begin to bother or distract Myrmox, his own demons were hovering over him. It had been almost a week now since he found Aten and chased him out of Ponyville. Myrmox had since been keeping his eyes out for any other signs, not single one.

Despite this though, Myrmox couldn’t help but wonder at times. Did he do the right thing? He was certain that he could have gotten away with making Aten disappear, but he doubted his resolve in such an act.Even then, he figured that there was already too much blood on his hooves to add to it.

In all honesty though, Myrmox had figured that his time in the Silencers couldn’t last forever. Since his friend, Gaunt, was executed, Myrmox had for a long time had his doubts that he was able to keep to himself. He never had anything against the queen prior to the invasion. Infact he sometimes heard good things about her. He even wondered if the Silencers were truly under her command or if she even knew. It didn’t change though that he still did terrible things in her name, and when the invasion happened and failed, things only got worse from there.

Three years ago
Myrmox was exhausted. He had barely slept the last two days, but he finally was able to get some time to himself. It had only been a few months since Chrysalis's failed coup against Equestria and already , the Silencers were beginning to hear whispers of dissent. Just this was enough to swamp them with work to find those spreading such talk, but it was spreading faster than they could find the sources. At this rate, it may lead from simple dissent to civil strife or worse.

He paced himself through his passage of the small village. It had been far too long since he had passed through this area. Not that he hated this place,it was once his home, but he was only able to visit so often. Still, it was good to try to see some old faces. Some of the older changelings, resting outside their homes, seemed to recognize him from their extended glances. A few nymphs came in close before being called away by their parents. Seemed that they knew who and what he was. Nevertheless, he had to do this.

The house he was approaching was nothing spectacular, but was well kept. In fact to call it a house would be something of a stretch. By pony standards, it was almost a large shed with only a few separate rooms.Hanging from the entrance was an assortments of religious charms. Barely audible was a few voices coming from within.

Taking a deep breath, walked himself in, pushing aside the covering of the entrance. He barely had enough time to register the interior before being approached by a changeling mare.

“Hey Hey! Who the hell are y-” The mare stopped her hostile advance toward him. He finally got a good look at her. She was only slightly shorter than him with a more slender build. Her eyes and carapace were similar to Myrmox’s, but a were a lighter shade of red, almost as if pink. She looked at him were an initially angry expression which began to fade into surprise. Behind her, Myrmox spotted two other changeling mares. Twins, to be exact. Both had the same shade of navy blue blues and carapace as well as the same height, build, features, everything.

“Some welcoming committee you still give, Chittri .” Myrmox spoke with sarcastic tone.

Chittri continued with her look of surprise. .”Myrmox? What are y-” She didn’t get time to finish as the mair behind barged past her. The first one threw her hooves around Myrmox in a happy embrace.

“Myr! You came to visit.!”

Myrmox returned the embrace with a smile. “It’s good to see you too, Ceymi.”

The other twin came up behind the pair and pushed her out of the way embracing Myrmox herself. ” I’m Ceymi, she’s Cocoon.”

Myrmox threw up his hooves in a mock defense. “Well excuse me, but I’ve been away for awhile and I've never been able to tell you apart.”

“That you have.” Chittri spoke softly with a stoic gaze. “What are you doing here?”

Myrmox noticed how Chittri wasn’t exactly bouncing with joy with his visit, but let it slide. “I came to see all of you.”

“Is that so? Then in that case, can you girls leave him alone for a few minutes. I want to speak with him alone.” She gestured him to follow her to the far end of their home.

Cocoon and Ceymi reluctantly let him pass through to follow her. Away from the twins, Myrmox and Chittri sat aside from one another.

“So I heard that you fought in canterlot?” Myrmox asked.

Chittri groaned and rolled her eyes at that. “Don’t remind me. I still can’t figure what was going through her head to make her do that. I’m not a soldier, most of us weren’t.”

Myrmox nodded. Most changelings who fought in canterlot weren’t soldiers, but conscripts. Though very professional and well trained, the queen’s army lacked the size and resources to match Equestria’s. All changelings were required by law to fight incase of an emergency, but the actual army was only a fraction of the population. “You came close though.”

“Close isn’t good enough. Besides, I shouldn’t have gone either way. What would have happened to them if I had died?” She gestured to the twins.

“I’m not responsible for you having to go Chittri, or anyone else. If I had the choice, you or anypony else would never have gone.”

Chittri closed her eyes and calmed down .”I know,” She opened her eyes.”But you still stayed behind.”

“A Lot of us did, Chittri. I didn’t have any say in the matter. If I did, you wouldn’t have gone.”

“Still, what are you doing here?”

“I came to see all of you.”

“Oh, so now they let you off the leash now?” Her voice was laced with sarcasm.

Myrmox narrowed his eyes and leaned toward her. “ I took a big risk coming here Chittri, I have every single time.”

“I know.” Chittri sigh, in full knowledge that he was only allowed so much contact with his family via letters, and even that was kept on close watch. The few times they did see one another weren’t entirely allowed for him. “But still, why are you really here?”

Myrmox sighed to himself. Now was the time to tell her.” Ever since the invasion, things have been getting...hectic. Changelings are starting to speak against Chrysalis, more so than ever. I’m sure you know what that means for me.”

“I’ have a few ideas.” This time, her voice sounded of disdain.

Myrmox ignored her tone and continued. “But we can only do so much, it seems as if with every one we silence, another two take his or her place. If it keeps up though...We may start seeing riots or worse. In that case, I came to warn you about what may happen.”

Chittri did the unexpected she nodded.” I hope so.”

Myrmox found himself honestly shocked to hear that. Chittri had just said that? “Are you serious?”

“I am completely, I am sick of that green haired bitch running things around here. First she takes my brother away,” She pointed a hoof straight at him. “Then she kills off anyone who disagrees with her and then she throws us into Canterlot. I swear Myrmox, open your eyes! She is going to lead us all straight into hell! She needs to be off that throne!”

Myrmox was was dumbfounded. He knew that Chittri had always seemed, rebellious at times, but this was something else entirely. If she spilled this out to anyone…

“Chittri, please tell me that I am the first for you to speak about this.”

“You are, for now atleast.”

“Then please, you have to keep it that way.”

“And what would I do that?”

“Have you been listening!? If you start spewing this out in public, then I won’t be able to protect you!.”

“Have I been listening? Have you been listening?! I can’t just sit around anymore and watch her ruin all our lives!”

“Chittri please, you’d be putting your life at risk.”

“Well, what else do you expect me to do? Sit around and grumble to myself? Run to Equestria? I can't do either of those. We both know that I would be spitting on everything mother taught us if I did that!”

He looked over to the other side, to Ceymi and Cocoon. They were seemingly minding their own business just outside. He gestured in their direction “What about them? Where are they in this?”

Chittri scolded him.”Don’t bring them into this.”

He turned back to her. “What would happen to them if something happens to you? They wouldn’t be able to-”

“I am going to do this so that they would have adamn future! Ever since mother and father died, I have been taking care of them alone, while you were off doing our ancestors know what! I will not sit around and see them them come of age and then be sent off to die for some queen who doesn’t even care!”

Myrmox opened his mouth to retort, but found himself wordless. The look in her eye was enough to tell him how serious she was about this . He lowered his head and sighed to himself. “You really are going to keep this up aren’t you?”

“Yeah.” Myrmox lifted his head to see Chittri’s expression soften. “I know what you are trying to do Myrmox, but I can’t keep up this charade anymore.”

Myrmox could barely stand to look her in the eye. He felt his heart sink in his sense that he had failed what he had sought out to do. As if nothing would keep this course from happening. Sooner or later, they may end up on two different sides.

“Listen Myrmox,” She walked straight in front of him, looking into his red eyes.”You are my brother,and I will always love you like that, but something is going to change for all of us. I don’t know what or how, but we are going to need to pick a side, and I want a better life for all of us. And that includes you. “ She threw her hooves around him in a tight embrace. One that he slowed returned.

They said no words between each other for awhile. Myrmox himself had no more desire to argue with her. She was his sister and he still deemed it his duty to try to keep her safe even though he was actually the younger of the two, but he couldn’t choose her path for her. “Just promise me this.” He managed to choke out.

“And what’s that?”

He pulled back from the embrace and looked her dead in the eye. ”That you’ll doing everything you can to be careful about this whatever you do, and if it truly goes south you will take them,” He gestured to the twins.” and run. I don’t know where, but somewhere. Equestria even, if you can. Hell, I will come and physically help you out if I can if possible.”

Chittri didn’t argue, but nodded instead. At least he was able to reach a consensus with her. With some reluctance, he let her her and stood on all fours. “I have to go it seems.”

“I understand….Good luck.”

“You too. I hope to see you again.”

With that, Myrmox took his leave. Giving Cocoon and Ceymi a farewell as well, He took his leave of his family and home. His real home, with the hopes to one day see them again.

He never say Chittri again after that. He never found out exactly what happened, but he had his suspicions of who was responsible. It took so little for that to begin to spiral into full scale rebellion. What exactly caused it all was unknown to him, but he wondered at times if it he had something to do with it. He found himself fighting against his own kind, those he tried so often to convince himself that he was trying to protect. Many of changeling he knew since childhood were killing each other on two different sides. He was only barely able to smuggle Ceymi and Cocoon out when the fighting started, but only just.

He still remembered their faces. Those that he killed, those he couldn’t save, and those he just stood and watched die. He wasn’t a hero or martyr, he was a murderer. A mad dog at the hooves of a power hungry tyrant.

He looked over to the nearby bookshelf, spotting himself a nearby picture. He levitated it over to himself, grabbing hold of it when it got within distance. It was of his family, his two proud parents, each holding one of the newly hatched twins, with Chittri between them. Behind them was the house that they were born and raised in. He wasn’t there when the picture was taken, off being trained for the Silencers. Before he left for Ponyville, he found the house to have been demolished. The picture being the only thing he was able to recover. It was all he had left of his family.

Myrmox didn’t realize it initially, but he found a strange wetness fall from his eyes. Wiping his face, he realized he had been crying. Setting the picture down on the table in front of him, he laid his muzzle in his hooves. For what seemed the longest time, he sat there alone with his pain. He left such a sense of failure, not being able to be there for his family when they needed him most. He didn’t even know where his little sisters were. They could be struggling to get by, in trouble or...

He felt a wing wrap around his midsection and pull him in close. He instantly knew who it was when her hooves wrapped around his neck. Rainbow dash rested her head on his shoulder and as he began to calm down.

“It’s alright.” She whispered to him .

Myrmox didn’t say anything as he began to melt into her embrace. He buried his muzzle into her mane. Wrapping his hooves around her midsection, he felt his tears begin to subside. No matter how bad he was feeling, just her embrace was enough to make the pain go away.

“Do you want to talk about it?”

Myrmox looked down at her maroon eyes as she stared into his. He looked over to the picture and picked it up .” I miss them, Dash.”

“Your family?” She looked into the picture.

“Yeah. but not just them Dash, everything… My country is in ruins, all those I grew up with are either dead or disappeared, and my family is just...broken.”

“You still have them out there, somewhere.” She pointed a hood to Ceymi and Cocoon. “ You told me about how you helped them escape.”

Myrmox shook his head. ”I don’t know where they are. I’m all they have left and I don’t know where to begin to find them.” He set the picture down, sighing to himself. “ I just… don’t know Dash. Maybe if I had left with them, at least I’d know where they are and would be able to watch over them. Some brother I ended up being.”

“Hey now,” Rainbow Dash looked back up at him sternly. “That’s not true. If it wasn’t for you, they might not have made it out at all. You may not have gone with them, but you did something at least.”

Myrmox looked back down at her, meeting her gaze.

“Not only that, but you have actually gone out of your way to be there for others. SHe doesn’t show it much, but you also mean also mean a lot to scootaloo as well.” Dash began to smile. “She talks about you sometimes of the things you have taught her and the times you stood up for her. I think she sometimes looks up to you.”

Myrmox began to recall what she was talking about, the time scootaloo was being talked down to as a “flightless brat” by some outside dignitary. He recalled overhearing it before walking over and giving that pompous bastard the vocal thrashing of a lifetime. Myrmox chuckled at the memory.

“And, I think you are the coolest stallion I have ever met. More than that, you never treated me like crap once. Ever since we started dating, I don’t think I have have ever been happier with anypony. I don’t care if you’re a changeling, I’d never pick any stallion over you.” With that, Rainbow Dash leaned up and gave him a light peck on the lips.

Myrmox pulled her in close to him. He genuinely began to smile for her words. It was times like this, when he saw how she really was, that reminded him why he loved her the way he did. He looked back down at the picture, no longer in sorrow. As he levitated the picture back to its original place, he began to speak again. “One day though Rainbow, I’ll have to try to find them though. It’s the least I can do.”

“I know, and I’ll be there for you if you ever need me.”

“Yeah, I’d think they'd love you.” He looked back down to his lover.” Not as much as I do.” with that he leaned down and kissed her on the lips.

The pair embraced each other for several minutes, neither wanting to separate from the other. It was times like this, just him and Dash, that he found his troubles to just melt away. With her at his side, he felt both happy as well as wanted to be there. Rainbow dash, of all ponies, had accepted him into her life not just as a friend, but as a lover, and he couldn’t be anymore thankful for that. Most of those he grew up around would revile him for being in such a relationship with a pony, but it didn't matter anymore. This was his life now.

Pulling away from the embrace, dash hopped herself off the couch and passed by Myrmox on her way back towards their room, but not before brushing her tail across Myrmox’s chin. She passed a not so subtle come hither look his way she made her way out. Taking the hint, Myrmox gave in and followed her up.

Reaching their room, Dash turned to face him at the edge of the bed, her face beginning to show a tint of red to it. Myrmox waited no time in joining his lips with hers as he crawled with his until he laid atop of her. She wrapped her hooves around his neck, pulling him into their little game as his hooves laid on either side of her head.

When they withdrew for breath, Myrmox reconnected with her, this time biting slightly on the trip of her ear before moving to the side of her neck, gaining a sigh of pleasure from his mate.

“Somepony’s feeling romantic.” She chuckled.

Myrmox gave no answer, only continued his massage of Dash’s body. Daring to move forward, Myrmox began to move his body downward, to her chest, her belly and below. He stopped at her teats, giving a delicate kiss to one. He heard Rainbow intake air sharply as he peaked up a her to see dash biting her bottom lip as they made eye contact. She gently pushed down on his head with her hoof, gesturing him to go further down.

He found himself above her mound. He took the time to the top off it before diving his muzzle in. He heard Dash gasp as he made contact. He took in her scent as it overflowed him. As he continued his assault, Dash began to push her hips upwards, driving his licking motions further into her. Sparing a glance up, Myrmox saw Dash’s eye’s were closed, her breath was speeding up. Her front hooves were bearing down the back of his head, pushing him down into her as her hind legs splayed to the sides, twitching every now and then.

Without warning, Dash’s muscles convulsed. Her climax shot her fluids to Myrmox’s maw as she let out a cry of pleasure. Looking back up, he saw her breathing heavily, but already beginning to recover from her climax.

As he climbed his way back up to her, they made eye contact. She quickly shot her hooves down and pulled him back up to her. Another make out session began between the two. Myrmox began to push his hips against hers, again and again. Dash’s back hooves placed themselves behind Myrmox’s legs, locking her into place but still giving him enough room to move.

Myrmox climbed himself up onto his front hooves, keeping his lower body adjacent to Dash’s. Dash leaned her head up just enough to keep her lips entwined with his. He took one of his hooves, leaning on the other for support, and moved it down to his heated memer. He guided it to Rainbow Dash's entrance. Now as he pushed his hips against hers, he felt himself slowly push his way inside of Rainbow. That caused Rainbow and him to break the kiss as they both let out a pleasured moan. Dash leaned her body back down as Myrmox began to his motion. Myrmox kept his eyes on his lover as he thrusted inside of her. Her hooves were folded against her chest and her eyes were barely lid open, looking upwards. Her back legs synchronized with his thrusting, pulling him into her.

His motions began to pick up in speed and force as the sense of pleasure grew between his legs. Rainbow Dash had began to moan louder and more frequently. She reached up with her front hooves and pulled his upper body in close to hers. Myrmox remained solely focused on pushing deeper inside her, but managed to give Dash a quick peck on the lips or neck as she pulled him in. With everything happening , it wasn’t long before Dash climaxed for a second time beneath him. Her back arched up sharply and her body convulsed as she led out a cry of ecstasy. The conclusions around his member gave Myrmox all he needed to finish. With one last push, he felt himself climax inside of Dash, his seed filling up inside her.

Myrmox opened his eyes to meet with Rainbow’s own magenta eyes. The amount of love in her eyes was enough to melt his heart, to say nothing of the love he felt coming off of her, all directed to him. He leaned down and gave her one last kiss on the lips, one she eagerly accepted.

The lust between them spent for the night, Myrmox pulled himself out of her and laid by her side. Dash countered by climbing her upper body onto his, causing him to lie on his back. She rested her head atop his chest, keeping eye contact with him. He wrapped his hooved underneath her, pulling her midsection close to him as she rested atop him.

“I love you.” He whispered into her ear.

“I love you too Myrmox, and thank you.” She let out a yawn as she began to slip into slumber. Myrmox remained awake a little while longer, watching her breathing become steady, rhythmic.

‘No, thank you, my dear Dash, for everything.”


Myrmox found himself strangely awoken suddenly. Immediately he saw nothing but darkness before his eyes began to adjust. Dash was still asleep, lying her head atop his chest. He realized that it was still night out. He couldn’t say he was exactly pleased to be up so early, tonight was the first time that he had himself a good sleep for awhile. For the first time in his life, he felt actually free to do what he wanted.Looking over, he saw the exact time.

2:30? What woke me up just now? Myrmox thought about sitting up, but that would mean getting out of the current position he was currently in. He looked at Dash, she was still sleeping like a foal. Not surprising, seeing that she was able to sleep through almost anything. Myrmox passed up his strange awakening as a fluke and nothing more. Setting as side, he laid his head back on the pillow , closing his eyes for sleep a second time.

That was his plan at least when he heard a strange knocking sound, coming from downstairs. He realized that somepony must be at the door. He groaned to himself as he slowly pulled himself out of bed, careful not to awaken Dash.

Myrmox tiptoed his his way down the stairs and to the front door. Grumbling to himself he slid the door open and took a look outside. He was immediately met with a familiar yellow pegasus.

“Fluttershy?” He whispered. “What are you doing here?”

“I’m sorry, but I need your help with something.”

“At 2 in the morning? Can it wait until later? I just want to-” FLuttershy cut him off before he could finish.

“Please Myrmox, it’s important and you are the only one who can help, and we have to go now.” Fluttershy insisted with some rise in the vice.

Myrmox was confused and beginning to become agitated as to why he had to get up so early. Nevertheless though, he opted to follow her regardless. Had he not, he knew that he would be hearing about it in the morning. Besides, he figured he owed her this. He nodded to her.

“Follow me.” Without another word, she turned around flew off with him in tow.

Fluttershy and him flew in silent for a few moments before nearing her home. What came to Myrmox as strange was the the direction she was taking him was more towards the everfree and away from her cottage. Somewhere though, myrmox had the sneaking feeling that they weren’t alone. He took a quick look behind him, nothing was there.

“Fluttershy.” SHe turned to face him, still flying forward. ”What is going on?’

“You’ll see.”
“That doesn’t tell me what I need to know.”

“Don’t worry, we’re almost there.” Fluttershy actually sounded a little agitated there.

Myrmox couldn’t help but narrow his eyes a bit. By now they were beginning to descend towards the everfree. HEr cottage was no longer visible when Myrmox had had enough of this.

“That's far enough, Fluttershy.” He stopped in midflight.

“What? What are you talking about?”

“You are leading off in the middle of the night for some vague errand without giving me information. You’re being rather rude, and now I know you’re taking me for a fool.”

“What!?” Sweat began to pour down her face.

“ Now how about you tell who you a-” Myrmox was cut off as he felt a shape bolt into his side, sending him tumbling into the forest below.

Myrmox could do nothing to halt his fall into the thick canopy below. He felt branches break under him before landing painfully on his side. He grunted in pain as he smacked the ground hard.

He began to pull himself up as he took a look around. He recognized the attacker. An adult changeling, blue eyes and carapace, but unfamiliar to him. Myrmox spared a quick look above him. By now his too late suspicions were proven true. Where fluttershy had once flown was another changeling. In that instant, Myrmox knew. THey weren’t done with him yet, and he was going to have to fight his way out of this.

Thinking quickly, Myrmox shot a bolt of magic at the changeling who blocked it with a magical shield. Immediately following that, Myrmox charged himself at the attacker. It didn’t have the desired effect as the changeling was ready to to meet him head on.

The two met head on as their horns locked with one another. A pushing match ensued as Myrmox and the other changeling snarled at each other, their faces just inches away from each other.

The other changeluign began to charge a spell, but was cut off as Myrmox risked being pushed over by quickly lifting his hoof and punching the changeling in the face. It worked, stunning the attacker as Myrmox retook the offensive and tackled the changeling.

A flurry of blows ensued between the two as they attempted to gain the advantage over the other. This new one was skilled to be sure, but Myrmox found himself finally gaining the advantage.

Just then, another changeling toppled Myrmox, who now found himself on the defensive. He protected himself from both the changeling now to the best of his ability, keeping both in front of him so to not be outflanked. Myrmox realized that if he could get away, they would risk awakening the whole town should they continue this, but first he had to get that chance first.

He charged up his magic, only for it all to end when he felt a sharp pain in his shoulder. Stunned he found himself at their mercy as he was knocked to the ground and held down. Myrmox was able to look over to see what had happened. A large dart had pierced his chitin.

That was not shocked him, it was effet he was now feeling. Myrmox felt his magic began to slip away from him. He was trying his damndest to activate a spell, any spell, but realized the futility in it as he recognized the effect. The dart must have been coated with a special poison . Nonlethal, but very useful against magic users. Myrmox himself had both used and had it used on him during his training to recognize it, but this was a much stronger concoction than he had ever experienced.

Myrmox was kept held down as more changeling began to come out. He counted about 4 of them so far. One of them he recognized at Aten, looking rather smug with himself. Out of the shadows, another one came into view. A much older changeling, white eyes and carapace. Upon recognizing this changeling, Myrmox’s blood ran cold.

Vesp. the commander of the Silencers himself.

“It’s been a long time, Myrmox.” Vesp walked himself over and sat down. “I’m pleased to see you better, but I’ve heard some troubling things about you. A little birdie told me you don’t won’t obey your orders.”

Myrmox glanced over at Aten, knowing full well who was responsible. The youngster seemed to falter under his gaze.”

“I don’t like these rumors one bit. Care to explain yourself?”

Myrmox returned his murderous thoughts away from aten back to Vesp, who gestured the changelings holding Myrmox down to pull him up, but still keeping him restrained.


Myrmox finally spoke.”I’m not doing this anymore.”

“You are not done with anything until I say you are done. You are a silencer and so have a duty to your queen and country.”

Myrmox spat at the ground. “A duty to murder in her name?”

“A duty to do what necessary to keep order, regardless of what you want.”

“I’m not committing another murder in the name of a green haired bitch.”

Myrmox had no choice but to take the hit.

“She is still your queen and you show respect,and not to these damned pony princesses!”

Myrmox recovered from the hit.” They don’t rule through fear and murder at least.”

“They aren’t changelings surrounded by danger or threatened with hunger and poverty.” Vesp pulled the knife out of Myrmox’s shoulder, ignoring the latter’s slight grimace in pain. “Once again, I am ordering you to execute rainbow dash.”

“Go to hell.”

Another hit, this time right in his injury. He cried out in pain. After a few moments, he look up back Vesp, his eyes full of malice.

“You think we can’t make you break?” Vesp leaned down closely to Myrmox.” And you know what, I believe you. You love that mare, and would die to protect her. You think you would do anything to protect her, but you are wrong. I know you better than she ever will. I know how to make you break.”

“I doubt that.” Myrmox choked out.

“I know that you care too much about children.”

Myrmox paused at that, unnerved at what the potential meaning of that was. “What are you saying?”

“I’m saying that I didn't send Aten,” He gestured to said changeling to his right.” for you to simply hunt down. If your death doesn't scare you, then those filly’s will.”

Myrmox’s heart stopped right there. He found himself speechless.

“If you won’t do as I say. Then It will be more than just Dash who will pay the price.”

“They’re innocent!” He managed to finally find his voice. “They haven’t done anything wrong!”

“No...they haven’t, but you have.” Vesp narrowed his eyes at Myrmox. “DOn’t think for a second I don’t know what you did after the invasion. You helped rebels out of our borders. Not just your sisters, but dozens of those who would have wished our queen harm. I may not be able to find them, but at least I have the one responsible.”

Myrmox remained speechless. He was truly frightened of this revelation. He had for so long had hoped that nopony would find out, but it turned out they knew the whole time. Things were just starting to head in the right direction for him, and now it was all falling apart.

“Why?” Why does it have to be like this.”

Vesp let out out a sigh and gestured for the other changelings to leave, leaving the pair alone. Myrmox entertained the idea of trying to kill Vesp, but shoved the idea off. THey were still surrounded. Even if he succeeded, Myrmox had no doubt what they would do next.

“You wish to know why? Why we do things the way we do?”

Myrmox remained silent.

“Because alternative for us is chaos. Kill one, terrify a thousand. THat had always been the philosophy of the silencers. It is a cruel philosophy, but the world has never been anything but cruel to us as well.” Vesp began to pace around. “I’ve been doing this type of work since even before the queen was born. I never enjoyed it, but I always killed the one. The one that would turn a trickle into a flood so that the terrified thousand would be safe.” He turned back to Myrmox. “I order the deaths of others to keep society, our society from killing itself or to keep outside threat from taking vengeance.”

Vesp looked down, a rare look of uncertainty and sorrow began to show. “I told her not to invade, almost pleaded with her, but she wouldn’t hear of it, and she failed. Our country tore itself apart in her mad desire for conquest, and I have to be able to keep it together and also keep others from causing it harm. Even if the means are horrifying.” He looked back up. “Now this is your last chance. If you do this, then you may pursue your own course, as long you don’t take action against the Silencers. Stay here, run away or take your life, it matters not, but you will do this task.”

Tears began to form in Myrmox’s eyes. For several moments, he couldn’t or wouldn’t move, coming to terms with was going to happen. He had to right now, make a choice, to either follow his command or watch those he cared about suffer the consequences. Every second that passed only crushed him further.

HE doubted his resolve to end Dash’s life, but to see aj innocent child die like that was… inconceivable. A sin that shouldn’t ever cross one’s mind. He already blamed himself for Gaunt’s death, as well as Chittri’s and he doubted he could handle another. If even he was able to keep Dash alive, how would he ever be able to look at her in the eye, knowing he put the lives of children at risk.

For what seemed like hours, Myrmox couldn’t speak any words. The only thing he could do was lower in his head, full of shame and grief.

“So, you have finally broken.” Vesp made a waving signal to the changeling surrounding them still. They all dispersed into the dark with the exception of a select few. The two changelings that held Myrmox down stayed by his side as another one step forward leaning down to Myrmox as who he now assumed to be a healer of sorts began to work his magic . Myrmox barely paid attention as he felt his wound began to be healed into yet another scar. As the Vesp pulled out a small vial and syringe and tossed them front of Myrmox.

“We will be watching. You have until the sun rises.” Vesp muttered before backing away into the darkness.

Myrmox said nothing. Even as the changelings let him go and disappeared into the night, he kept silent. Not as he picked up the vial, aware of what was inside and as he began to cry to himself in defeat.

The flight back was slow. Painfully slow until Myrmox returned home. Even now, as he entered the front door walked in silently, he knew he was being surrounded. He looked upwards to the stairs, knowing what was ahead of him. With as a little emotion as he could have in his head, he began to silent ascent into the bedroom, where Dash still laid.

He tried everything he could to not feel anything. He wanted so badly that if he was to commit this terrible act, that he could feel nothing one more time. He couldn’t. In the back of his mind, he knew that he failed. Failed to protect Dash, failed his sister, his old friend Gaunt. All of them, and now he was going to pay the price.

Finally he found himself back upstairs in the room, looking inward. He saw her, still asleep in the bed. Just her sight was enough to make his blood freeze in hi veins. If it meant selling his soul to not have to do this, he would, but he knew there was no help from anything for him.

Myrmox tip toed his over until he saw her, right in front of him. She’s so beautiful. He wished he he was still in bed, sleeping beside. All he wanted was to simply have her at his side, but he knew that it was all about to end. He glanced upwards at the window. He was barely able to see a black shape in a nearby cloud. He saw no need to go out and investigate, he knew who and what it was.

He sat himself down on the edge of the bed, facing his body towards her. He began to find himself strained to even look at her, but he managed to gently rub the back of his hoof across her cheek. She didn’t move an inch despite her shallow breathing.

He wished for nothing more than to be back in bed with her, to wake up from this as if it was nothing more than a terrible dream. He’d give anything for that to happen, but he knew better. Even as his heart began to pound, he knew he was trapped.

“I love you, Dash.” He whispered as he leaned down to her, giving her a light kiss on the cheek. She moved only slightly before settling down. He felt a tear began to trickle down his eye. “ I always will.” He looked back towards that vile syringe he was holding, and back to her, his face beginning to crack in grief.

“And I am so sorry.”


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They were never able to pinpoint the exact reasons for her death, only that she had died in her sleep. They had no suspicion that Myrmox had done the deed. The morning after he did the deed, he called the hospital, said she wasn’t breathing, all as if he was innocent and knew nothing about her death. He disposed of the poison and syringe the first chance he got.

That was just a few days ago. Her funeral was now getting wrapped up. Ponies from all over Equestria attended her passing. Her friends here in Ponyville, her family from Cloudsdale. Members of the Wonderbolts had taken time out of their schedules to attend. Her old friend, Gilda, attended, but her and Myrmox only spoke in passing. Even the princesses, all four of them were here.

The worst though, was the Pegasus filly, Scootaloo. He was right there, when she arrived at the hospital and heard the news. It broke his heart to see the poor filly like this. Despite his efforts to be there for her as much as he could, she hadn’t stopped crying. Neither had Myrmox.

After the eulogy, all the ponies had passed by and said their final goodbyes. For some, it was quick, for others, it was long and heartbreaking. Though Myrmox was one of the first, he asked to have a few moments with her afterwards before they closed the casket. He just sat there, peering down at her. Even in death, she was so beautiful to him. She was wearing the same dress that she wore to the gala. Her usually rough mane was comb to the point that not a single strand of hair was out of place. Across her neck was her most cherished possession, a large red gem in the shape of her cutie mark.

Loyalty. He muttered internally. In my place she would never have done this. She would have fought till the end.

Myrmox felt a new series of tears fall from his face. He had lost everything. He could never return home, his career was over and Dash was gone. Even worse, he knew it was all because of him. He had robbed ponies of their friend and hero. Wiping them away as best he could,he put something in her crossed hooves, a bouquet of red and white flowers, as if she was holding on to them.

He didn’t know if he would ever see her in some afterlife. Even if such a thing existed, would he gave gain the right to go there at his death to see her again. Would he ever be able to look her in the eye and tell her that he killed her. Would even consider forgiving him? He didn’t know. As far as Myrmox was concerned, the only thing waiting for him was the deepest darkest pit in Hell itself waiting for him.

He heard sniffling beside him. Turning his head, he saw Scootaloo looking up at the casket, her face wet with tears. Seeing her in pain like this, and knowing why, broke his heart.

“I’m sorry, Scootaloo. I really am. ”

“Myrmox?” She looked to him. “Did she have to die?”

Myrmox hesitated. He couldn’t just say yes, that was both cruel and a lie. She didn’t have to.
“…No. She didn’t, but she did. There wasn’t anything you or anyone could do.”

Scootaloo began to break down again, but she felt something on her shoulder. Looking up, she saw his hoof there, in a comforting manner.
“You meant a lot to her, Scootaloo. She was always so proud of of you whenever she mentioned you to me… Just as I am”
As he expression grew curious, he continued.

“You’re the strongest filly I’ve ever known, Scootaloo. I may not be your father, but I am proud of how you’ve grown since i’ve met you, and I know I always will be.” He almost began to talk again, but silenced himself. There was so much he thought she deserved to know, about what he wanted one day for Dash and Scootaloo, but couldn’t. He had caused enough heartache.

“Will I ever see you again?” Scootaloo asked.

Myrmox looked away for moment. Not long after Dash had died, he made the decision to leave Ponyville. Partially to give himself time and room to himself, and also to begin a task he felt was long overdue. He didn’t want to leave Scootaloo here alone, but this was something he felt that had to be done. He looked back to the filly. Slowly, he began to nod. “I think so, Scootaloo.”

Her eyes were still bloodshot and teary, but she slowly cracked a small smile. Without warning, she threw her hooves around Myrmox’s midsection .

Whilst surprised at the sudden embrace, Myrmox nevertheless return the embrace to the filly. The pair were left alone as For the brief amount of time it lasted, the embrace made Myrmox feel as though that he may have lost Dash, but maybe he still perhaps would have something to come back to. Perhap one day.

After a short minute, the pair of them pulled apart. Scootaloo began to walk away, giving one last wave as she went to join her friends. As she left though, myrmox noticed another walking towards him, Princess Twilight Sparkle herself. She looked just as bad as he did.

“You’re leaving?” She trotted up beside him.

“Yes. I can’t stay here anymore. I just can’t. Will someone be able to care for tank?”

Twilight looked over to the tortoise in question. He was being held by a weeping Fluttershy, them both sharing their sorrow together.
“Yes. I think Fluttershy will be happy to watch over him. She would never abandon an animal in need. I’ll see about Rainbow’s home, since you aren’t staying.”

Myrmox nodded and looked back at the casket. This was the last he would ever see her and so wanted to keep a good memory.
“You should have heard her talk about you sometimes.” Twilight spoke, looking down at the casket with him. “When I found out you two were together, I almost flipped, but she never had a bad thing to ever say about you.”

“I still wonder sometimes as to why she wanted to be with somepony like me.” Myrmox spoke.

“What do you mean?” Twilight looked over to him.

“She could have been with anypony, but she chose to be with me.”

“She loved you Myrmox, that’s why. Did you love her? Truly, did you love her?”

He looked over to her, a frown on his face beginning to show.”More than anything in this world.”

Twilight, knowing just how much Myrmox was hurting, leaned in and comforted the changeling. There had never been much between the two, but now the pair welcomed the comfort of the other as they grieved.

“Where will you go?” Twilight asked, pulling away.

“...I’m going to find my sisters, and I’m going to tell them how sorry I am.”

“Well, just know that if you ever come back, you will be welcome, you and your sisters. I promise.”

“Thank you. I suppose it is time for me to go.”

‘I understand. Take care of yourself, Myrmox.”

“You too.” With that, Myrmox turned around, taking one last look at Dash, and left the funeral. Despite what he had done and lost, he still had family out there somewhere, and he was going to find them somehow.

Twilight watched the changeling as he departed. She was sad to watch him leave, but she understood. Still, if he were to ever return, he would always be welcome, no matter what.

Turning back to the casket, Twilight looked at her now gone best friend. “Goodbye, Rainbow Dash.” Using her magic, she began to pull the casket down when she saw something off.

The flowers that Myrmox had given her, they were both red and white. Love, but also forgiveness. That’s odd. She thought to herself. She took a moment to glance back at Myrmox, whom was already beginning to disappear out of sight and back to Dash. Though she found it odd, Twilight shrugged it off. With one last look at Dash, she closed the casket.