Classical Love

by Mathew_The_Raridash_Fan

First published

Krystal is afraid of confessing her love to Octavia.

When Krystal Vaportrail misses the train back to Ponyville, Octavia invites her to stay in a hotel. Krystal falls in love with Octavia and wants to tell her, but she can't bring herself to confess her feelings.

Written for Krystal Williams.

Chapter 1

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Krystal stared out the window of the Friendship Express as it made its way to Canterlot. She won a ticket to the Canterlot Classical Concert, and she didn’t want to waste the opportunity. The concert was going to feature the most famous classical musicians, and Princess Celestia herself was going to be the host. After the concert finished, ponies were going to head to the shop for souvenirs. Krystal made sure to bring enough money to shop.

Krystal saw parts of Canterlot and was excited. She wore a green satin dress which matched her bow. It was simple yet elegant. She wore silver treble clef earrings which she got not too long ago. She made sure she looked perfect for the concert.

The train entered Canterlot, and Krystal made sure she had everything before the train came to a stop. When it did, most of the passengers got up and exited the train. Krystal was pushed back multiple times. It was hard for her to find a space in the crowd, but when she did, she took the opportunity and finally got off the train. Then she followed the other ponies to the Canterlot Castle, where the concert was going to take place.

She showed her ticket, went through a body scanner, and searched for a char to sit in. The crowd made it hard for her to find one. She continued to look until for a good chair. Finally, she found one near the mid center. She had a good view of the stage. The seats were filled, so some ponies had to stand. Krystal was grateful that she got a good seat.

She waited excitedly for the concert to begin. After five minutes, Princess Celestia walked onto the stage. Her wings were out, and her mane flowed like usual. She announced, “FIllies and gentlecolts, it is my pleasure to welcome all of you to the Canterlot Classical Concert. The musicians you will hear today are the best classical musicians in Equestria. We will start the concert with Octavia Melody.”

The crowed clapped as the curtain opened to reveal Octavia with her cello. Princess Celestia exited the stage, and Octavia started playing. Krystal loved Octavia ever since she heard her music. She was watching her live. She wanted to cheer, but she knew it was respectful to keep quiet during a classical concert except when the piece was finished.

When Octavia finished, the ponies, along with Krystal, applauded in approval. When the applause died down, Octavia played another piece. Each musician was to play their three best songs.

When the concert was over, Krystal made her way to the shop. She saw shirts, banners, fake instruments, and even real ones. The real instruments were too expensive for her, though. She looked around for stuff to buy. She bought an Octavia shirt, a fake cello, a poster of Octavia, and a purple pen with Octavia’s picture on it. She looked for Octavia and got her autograph, then she went to the train station to return home.

To her surprise, the train station was empty except for a few ponies. She asked where the train to Ponyville was only to find that she missed it. The train wasn’t going to return until tomorrow. Her ears lowered in disappointment, and she walked around Canterlot. She had nowhere to stay. She sat on a curb and cried. The mascara mixed with the tears and got all over her cheeks and stained her dress.

She heard a mare ask if she was alright. She shook her head and continued looking down. The mare helped her up. She looked up and gasped. Octavia herself was talking to her! Maybe missing the train wasn’t such a bad thing after all.

“You’re from Ponyville if I’m not mistaken,” Octavia said. “I have enough room in my hotel room for another pony. Do you wish to stay with me for the night?”

Krystal instantly nodded. She was given the chance to stay with Octavia Melody herself. She felt like the luckiest mare in Equestria. There was nothing that could make her day better. Both of them walked to the hotel.

Krystal looked at the room in awe. She stayed at several hotels, but none of them were as elegant as that one. The beds were neatly made with indigo sheets. The lavender curtains were opened to let the sunlight in. The walls where a lighter lavender.

"I requested a purple room," Octavia explained. Krystal nodded in response, but she continued staring at the room.

Purple, along with pink, was Krystal's favorite color. She looked at the many shades that filled the room. Even Octavia's eyes were purple. She needed to relax, so she sat on the bed. Octavia sat beside her.

"How was the concert?" Octavia asked.

Krystal replied happily, "It was amazing! I especially loved your second piece. "

Octavia thanked Krystal then explained, "that particular piece tells a story of a stallion who goes on a quest to search for a staff that has been gone for many years. "

"That is amazing!" Krystal exclaimed. she was amazed that Octavia told a story through music. She wondered if other songs Octavia wrote told any stories, but she didn't bother to ask.

Octavia got up and went to the kitchen to prepare tea. That gave Krystal enough time to think. There was something about Octavia that felt different. She loved being around her, but it wasn't because she was a fan. It was something deeper. It was something like love.

Octavia returned with two cups of tea and gave one to Krystal. Both mares sipped their tea in silence. Krystal couldn't help but stare at Octavia. She knew it was rude to stare, but her eyes were glued. She wanted to tell Octavia how she felt, but she decided it wasn't the right time.

"I heard you are into cryptozoology," Octavia stated. She took a sip of her tea as she waited for Krystal's response.

Krystal was surprised that Octavia knew anything about her. Ponyville was a small town, but most ponies still didn't know who she was. It was surprising enough to know a famous pony knew who she was. It was something else for that pony to be her role model. She managed to snap out of shock long enough to nod.

"Have you ever seen a cryptid?" Octavia asked.

Krystal shook her head. She managed to relax enough to elaborate, "When a cryptid is discovered, it's no longer classified as a cryptid"

Octavia took another sip of her tea. "Has a cryptid ever been discovered?"

Krystal nodded, "ziphius, bondegezou, and kangaroo where former cryptids. There are several others." She wanted to know more about Octavia. She took her first sip of tea and asked, "what got you into classical music?"

Octavia was unfazed by the change of subject. "It all started when I was taking cello lessons. My instructor had me practice with classical music. The music touched me in a way I cannot describe. It was like some kind of magic. I enjoyed it, so I looked forward the lessons every day. I continued listening to classical music. I studied classical music until I was confident that I understood it. Then I took it to the next step and wrote my own pieces." Octavia realized that she was lost in thought and stopped.

Krystal looked at Octavia. The feeling returned again. She didn't understand why she was in love with Octavia. She knew that it didn't matter, though.

Octavia caught Krystal staring, but she didn't say anything. She knew Krystal was in love with her. She wanted to wait for her to admit it. She waited for Krystal to take a drink then did so simultaneously. She wanted to give Krystal small hints that she felt the same way. If Krystal was afraid of rejection, it was best to make her think rejection was unlikely.

Krystal looked out the window. As she watched the ponies pass by, she noticed several couples. She wanted somepony, and she wanted that somepony to be Octavia. She wanted Octavia to know how she felt, but she didn't want to tell her.

Octavia noticed that Krystal was uncomfortable. "What's wrong?"

"I'm just hungry," Krystal replied. She wasn't telling the truth. She was hungry, but that wasn't the problem. She was anxious. She was afraid Octavia didn't like her.

"Do you want to go to a cafe with me?" Octavia asked. A romantic cafe was the perfect place for Krystal to finally admit that she was in love.

Krystal nodded. She knew Octavia wasn’t asking her on a date, but part of her wanted to imagine that it was the case.

“There is a lovely cafe that is open late not too far from here,” Octavia said. She looked out the window. “In fact, you can see it from here. The Lunar Cafe is open late, and it is a truly romantic place."

That caught Krystal by surprise. She loved Octavia's choice of a romantic cafe. She didn’t know why Octavia chose a romantic place to eat, though. "I would love to go with you."

Octavia realized that she forgot about Krystal’s dress. She searched through her clothes until she found an outfit just perfect for her. It was an elegant lilac dress which flowed like waves to the bottom. She gave the dress to Krystal and warned her that it was designed for Earth Ponies rather than Pegasi.

Krystal put on the dress and looked at herself in the mirror. The dress complimented her pink coat nicely. She made sure everything was perfect and showed Octavia how she looked.

Octavia gasped. She was in awe when she looked at Krystal. She looked like an angel. There was something missing, though. Octavia searched around the room before she finally found it. She grabbed a lavender rose and placed it above Krystal’s right ear. She checked herself in the mirror and fixed her mane. At last, they were ready to leave.

Octavia and Krystal walked side by side to the Lunar Cafe. The moon was high in the sky, and the stars decorated the blanket of night. They took their time to appreciate the beauty of it.

They arrived at the cafe and sat and were escorted to a table almost immediately. The table had a candle in the middle which the waiter lit with his magic. He then asked the two mares for drinks.

“I would like red wine, please,” Octavia ordered.

The waiter looked at Krystal who said, “Mineral water, please.”

The waiter left Krystal and Octavia alone. Krystal looked at Octavia’s mulberry eyes. She wanted to confess her feelings, and the setting was perfect. Still, she couldn’t bring herself to do it. Octavia was out of her league.

Octavia finally spoke, “I am considering the foin et d'avoine myself. What about you?”

Krystal realized she didn’t look through the menu. She didn’t want to waste any time, though. “I will have that, too.”

When the waiter arrived to take their order, they told him what they wanted. He left them alone again, but it wasn’t silent that time.

“Thank you for taking me here,” Krystal told Octavia.

“This is perhaps the only place open so late,” Octavia replied.

Krystal sighed. She had to tell Octavia now It was now or never. She took a deep breath and said, “Ireallyloveyou!”

Octavia looked at Krystal with her brows furrowed. “Please slow down. I didn’t catch what you said.”

Krystal took a few more deep breaths. She repeated herself, only slower. “I really love you.” She waited for Octavia to leave and wonder why she wasted her time with her.

To her surprise, Octavia responded, “I love you, too. I was waiting for you to say that.”

“You were?” Krystal asked.

“Yes,” Octavia confirmed. “I noticed that you loved me rather quickly. I wanted you to confess your love yourself, so I tried to make you feel more comfortable. When you said you were hungry, I knew just how to set the mood.”

“That’s the real reason we came here!” Krystal realized.

Octavia nodded. “It is true that every other place is closed, but there was food in the hotel we could have ate.”

Their conversation was interrupted by the waiter who brought them their food. They ate their food in silence. Krystal couldn’t believe Octavia loved her. It wasn’t what she expected at all.

The two ponies finished their food. The waiter returned one last time to give them the check. Octavia wrote a check and placed it in the book. She then stood up and helped Krystal stand. Krystal was about to leave, but she was stopped by a pair of lips on hers.

It was a gentle kiss, and it only lasted a second. Krystal knew she was going to remember it for the rest of her life, though. She was wrong when she thought nothing could make her night better earlier. That night was the best night she has ever had. She wished the night could last forever. Luckily, she and Octavia were going to see each other again as they both lived in Ponyville.