Chrystal Gamble

by Garfield23

First published

Two months have passed since Chrysalis's plans met with defeat. However the cost was high, Twilight Sparkle has fallen into the grip of Hades. Now her friends meet a new threat without Twilight is victory out of reach?

This is a sequel to Chrysalis always wins

Warning this story has a lot of clop elements.

Two months have passed since Chrysalis's plans met with defeat, however the price was high and with Twilight sparkle in the grip of Hades. Can her friends rise to fight a new evil? There are twists ahead along with New friends and enemies ahead.

Chapter 1- Aftermath

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“Spike? Come on ya can’t board up the door of the library forever…you’ll need to come out sooner or later” said a voice on the other side of the door as Spike sat in amongst the books that once seemed so inviting “Please…we haven’t seen ya in months…open the door or I’ll break it down!”

Spike rose from his spot on the floor as he walked towards the door and unlocked it. As the door opened a single pony stood waiting for him, Applejack and her face fell upon him with a look of deepest sympathy. As he stood to one side to grant her access, she stepped forward and embraced the young dragon in a hug.

“You can’t shut us out, Spike and we’re all worried sick” she said as she pulled away “I know Twilight’s loss hit ya hard but we’ll get her back!”

Spike pulled himself away from her as he walked back into the library; he tried to keep the tears from rolling down his face again “How am I supposed to know what to do? I still can’t get out of my mind the last thing I said to her. She thought I hated her and I now might never see her again” He screamed as the tears fell anyway “I hate this! I’m supposed to be a dragon and I couldn’t do anything to save the only family I’ve ever known!”

Applejack took a step back before sighing “I think the first step is to get ya and Owlowisious out of this here library. Then we get ya something to eat and possibly get ya some new clothes” she said trying to dodge round the tougher questions “Then ya’re moving in with us, being alone only makes things worse, we have a room ready and we’ll move some ya’re stuff in”

Spike reaction was predictable “No! I need to be here and keep this place ready for Twilight!” he screamed running deeper into the structure. Running up the stairs for Twilight’s old room and pushed a wardrobe against the door “I won’t leave till Twilight’s back!”

“Big Mac! Rainbow!” Shouted Applejack as she turned her head as her brother and friend stepped out from the sides of the door “I want that door open! We’ll drag him out!”

As Spike crumbled into a corner of the room, he felt tears continue to roll down his face and splash onto a picture of Twilight “Twilight, I miss you…why did…I want to say sorry…I didn’t mean it!” he cried as the photo became more smudged with his tears “I…I….it’s all my fault!”

“I can’t tell you how many souls I have heard blame themselves for shit that wasn’t their fault” said a voice from the window, as Spike turned his head he saw the form of Apollo approach and was filled with awe as the god picked up a book from Twilight’s bedside “That kind of talk is never good”

Spike stood on shaking claws as he looked the god in the face “Then what am I supposed to do!?” Spike screamed as the god opened the book “For all we know, we’ll never see Twilight again and your standing there telling me to…”

“Get over yourself” Apollo finished for the dragon and as he turned the god frowned “What do tears, blame and regret have in common?”

Spike paused before answering “They hurt” he said simply.

“Yes, that certainly true but it’s not the correct answer. They all are meaningless if you don’t act upon them” the god said as he threw a small orb at the dragon “You must keep on living dragon, isn’t that what she would want?”

Spike looked at the picture of his friend and family, Twilight before saying “I can’t stay here anymore” and with that he got up, unlocked the door before turning to Apollo “I must have seemed like such a fool?”

Apollo laughed “Your friends have missed you but yeah a fool might be a bit generous” he said as he turned to leave.

“Wait how’d you get in?” Spike asked looking around for a broken window.

“Oh, I got in through this crack of light, good day” Apollo said as he disappeared into the crack of light coming in through the window.

Spike sighed before opening the door and saw Big Mac waiting on the other side “You alright?” asked the tall stallion.

Spike nodded as he turned his head towards the picture of Twilight that he had left on the bedside “I wish I knew what I could do. Let’s get out of here”


Much had changed within Ponyville since the battles with Chrysalis had ended. For one thing the ponies went around with weapons, this had at first been because Celestia had ordered the remaining Changelings to be hunted down and captured but as time had worn on the habit became just part of life. Another change was the increased presence of the Equestrian army that now had a base on the outskirts of the Everfree forest.

“Halt, Dragon!” declared a female guard pony patrolling near Carcelle Boutique “State your business within Ponyville!”

Applejack was hardly in the mood for the foolish Guard’s ignorance “Do ya not recognise him? This is Spike, Twilight Sparkle’s number one assistant and one of the saviours of Equestria!” She snapped as she walked up close to the guard “Now name and rank!”

“Private Bru!” the guard said saluting Applejack, even though it had been two months since the battle of Sweet Apple Acre, Applejack was recognised as a pony with a rank equal to a commander and she was generally respected “I…I’m sorry mam, I only arrived from Edinhoof a few days ago!”

Applejack groaned “It’s okay, I’m sorry, we only got Spike here out of the library a few minutes ago and I’m just feeling a bit tired” she explained as she patted the guard on the back “It’s not your fault”

Private Bru walked back to her station “Have a good day!” she said when she got back.

Rainbow Dash shook her head “I swear since all that shit happened, every pony’s been on edge and it’s not helped that the survivors of Chrysalis’s army sacked Glasflank in the north” She told Spike “It’s as if Chrysalis managed to break the spirit of Equestria”

Spike was stunned “How bad was Glasflank hit?” he asked as he felt his fist clench tight.

Big Mac shook his head “Many of their causalities were mostly mares and foals since their defenders were down here fighting in the battle of Sweet Apple Acre” he explained “By the time they got back half the population was dead”

Applejack sighed “And that doesn’t count the loses they took trying to repel the changelings” she said as they walked into Sugar Cube Corner “Once it was all done, the flames of Glasflank burned for days unchecked and only stopped when the material to burn ran out”

“Does that mean Glasflank is no more?” Spike asked in a small voice.

A voice spoke up from behind the counter “Glasflank has been wiped from the surface of Equestria” A pink pony with a straight mane said “It’s so sad”

“Pinkie?” Spike asked confused at the sight of the pink pony who looked as if her usual excitement had died “What happened to her?” looking at Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow shook her head “She hasn’t been the same since that meeting with Apollo” she said as she placed a hand on Spike’s shoulder “We’ve tried everything, get used to it Spike very few of us are the same as we were before that trip to Canterlot, now if you don’t mind I got to…uh…go…check on Tank!” with that she bolted out the door.

“So much energy” Pinkie said dully as she rested her head on the counter and stayed unmoving “I use to be like that”

All was silent till there was a small cough from the bottom of the stairs, as everypony turned there stood Mr Cake, his mane was the worst mess and he had clearly been drinking “Hey, company! Anypony want a drink?” asked the drunken Mr cake “No? Then I just have one me self”

Big Mac walked forward and knocked the bottle from the older stallion’s grip “Nope!” he said firmly “Why can’t you stop?”

“It sooths the pain” Mr Cake said simply as he looked longingly at the puddle of light brown liquid that how formed from the broken bottle “How do you cope with all that blood on your conscience?”

Big Mac put a reassuring arm around the now shaking Mr Cake “I won’t deny my dreams have been dark of late but I know that allowing ourselves to give into darkness, doesn’t do anypony any good and drinking certainly doesn’t” he said as he guided the shaking Mr Cake to a chair “How about we get ya cleaned up?”

Mr Cake sniffed deeply as he wiped his eyes “I…I’m sorry, Mac but I don’t know how to be strong. You always seem so calm and capable. In the battle I found myself wishing for death” he said as he ran his hand through his mane “After all that shit, we’re supposed to return things to normal as if nothing’s wrong, I mean we’re just supposed to ignore the fact that Twil..” he stopped short as he turned his head towards Spike “Sorry”

Spike shook his head and stepped up to the shell of a stallion that had been Mr Cake “It’s okay, I know how wallowing in despair feels and I can tell you it doesn’t do any good” he said as he looked into the eyes of his senior “All we can do, is our bit to make those who sacrificed their lives worth their sacrifice and to pay them the respect they deserve!”

Mr Cake smiled numbly as he got onto his knees, reaching forward and embracing the drake in a hug as he cried into
Spike’s shoulder “I…I…d…don’t how!” he cried as looked back at the puddle of cider “It’d be easier if I died!”

Spike pushed the stallion away “I’m sorry about this” he said as he slapped Mr Cake “Now! Look here! You dying won’t achieve shit! You want to make the dead’s sacrifice mean anything! Live your life, celebrate every day you draw breath and live to a ripe old age! It’s what Twilight and your friends would want!”

Applejack and Big Mac looked on as the dragon they thought was nothing but a jokester put the wisest old ponies to shame.

Pinkie Pie suddenly stepped between them and said “Mr Cake you have friends who can help, if you ask and I’ll always be here” suddenly her mane morphed back to its curly form and with returned energy “Spikey’s right we have to carry on living!”

Mr Cake nodded “Your right I think I’ve drank enough” he said as he rose to his hooves “I’m going to bake the biggest cake!” He then left for the kitchen.

Pinkie suddenly said “Spikey you’re out of the treehouse!”


Rainbow was walking towards the outline of Carcelle Boutique looking for a certain pony, she turned down towards the alley behind the boutique and as she pushed past the boxes she could see no sign of her quarry? Where was she? Suddenly Rainbow felt a hand reach around her neck and take a flimsy grip.

“Ah, Fluttershy, you know the idea of this game is that you take a firm hold and I thought we agreed you would leave a sign so I knew you were here?” Rainbow fumed as she turned her head in the direction of Fluttershy’s head “Well?!”

Fluttershy blushed a bit as she began to murmur “I left a set of handcuffs on one of the boxes and I’m holding on as tight as I can” she shrugged her shoulders “Your just so strong”

Rainbow growled with frustration, why’d she have to be so cute and for that matter why’d Shy have to pull that cute shit “Here let me show you how it’s done” she said as she took a hold of Fluttershy’s arm and with a sudden twist she had switched roles “How let’s get started”

“Oh Dash please be gentler then last time…if it’s not too much trouble” Fluttershy said as Rainbow took the chance to admire the dark green jumper she was wearing with a short pink skirt.

Rainbow was wearing her usual red tank top and blue jeans “I’ll be as gentle as I can be but you better be as quiet as you can” she teased as she pulled the jumper up and off to reveal Fluttershy’s pink bra that was barely containing her large breasts “Now I have a secret for you”

Fluttershy smiled as she felt one of Rainbow’s hands work its way under her bra “W….What?” she asked as she felt her arousal begin to build “Click” went the sound of a set of Handcuffs.

“I found the handcuffs” Rainbow said as she pulled Fluttershy towards a pipe connected to the boutique, looping the loose cuff around the pipe and cuffed Fluttershy’s free hand “How let’s see what else you brought in your bag of tricks?”

Fluttershy stood motionless as Rainbow pulled out her saddle pack from behind a box and began to shuffle through it. “Um…Rainbow could you possibly loosen the cuff on my right hand?” she asked timidly “It’s a touch too tight”

Rainbow Dash however had found what she had been looking for, she pulled out a pink twelve inch dildo and smiled “Now what should we do with this? We could shove it up your pretty flank or we could have you suck it?” she taunted as she stared at the blushing yellow mare “No! I have a better idea!”

Fluttershy felt her marehood begin to moisten as Rainbow drew closer but suddenly she pulled out another item from her back pocket, a ring gag “Th…That wasn’t in my bag!” she said stunned as Rainbow traced a hand down her face “Where?”

“Oh, I brought it myself” Rainbow said as she attached the gag to Fluttershy. Walking away Rainbow pulled her jeans down revealing her flank to her lover and then she sat on a box facing Fluttershy “I’m going to fuck myself with this magnificent toy and the best part is you get to watch!” as she said this Rainbow pushed the head of the toy passed her marehood’s lips with a slight “ahhh! So big!”

“UUUU!” Fluttershy groaned as she felt her pussy getting wet from seeing her friend masturbating in front of her. She tried her best to hold her arousal back as she heard the moans of her lover, Celestia damn it, Rainbow looked so sexy with her favourite toy within her slick entrance and doing what she should have being doing.

“You…look..ahh…sooooo…sexy…in your bra” Rainbow panted as she continued to masturbate with the big toy. Suddenly standing up Rainbow walked slowly over and wrapped an arm around Fluttershy’s back “But…I’d rather you without…the…bra!” and with that Fluttershy’s bra fell away “I wish…I had tits half as….big as these!” she took a teasing squeeze before turning around and walking towards the box.

Fluttershy watched as Rainbow went back to the box, feeling the cold air of the day waft around her chest made her feel even more turned on and as Rainbow commenced with the show Fluttershy felt her arousal become unbearable “MMMMM!” she moaned as Rainbow kept pushing the toy into herself.

“AH! Shy you look so cute turned on!” Rainbow said as she pulled her top up to reveal her own perky breasts, pinching her nipple, she moaned and then she pulled the toy out “Good now let’s get this down that throat of yours”

Fluttershy groaned, last time she had to drink Rainbow’s cum, again she would be the one tasting her lover’s pussy juice, what was with Rainbow and her need to feed Fluttershy her cum. She then felt it, the toy being pushed past the ring gag, past her teeth and down her throat “MMM!”

“Oh, I know my cum must taste great!” Rainbow said as rummaged in Fluttershy’s bag again and pulled out a strap-on, slipping it on, Rainbow adjusted the straps for her built and then smiled “I guess there’s no need for lube? Since I can see you’re cum dripping down your leg. Now let’s get those panties off” stepping forward she placed a hand on Fluttershy’s cutie mark and found the strings of Fluttershy’s underwear, pulling them down and off before gently she pushed in “Oh! Your still so tight!”

“MMMM!” moaned Fluttershy as she felt herself being spread by the toy. Rainbow Dash then placed her hands on Fluttershy’s cutie marks, lifting her up and taking the hint she wrapped her legs around Rainbow’s waist.

“Oh! Fluttershy your flank is so soft” Rainbow moaned as she took a little squeeze of Fluttershy’s flank “I bet you wish you could grasp my flank” with that Rainbow removed the dildo and the ring gag “So what do you want?”

“Ah….Dash please let me feel your body and….mmmm!” Fluttershy moaned before Rainbow cut her off with a kiss. Their tongues then began to dance with one another, Fluttershy’s more suable tongue finally pinned Rainbow’s before they pulled away “Please Rainbow free my hands!”

“What will you do if I free you?” Rainbow asked as she gave Fluttershy’s flank a good squeeze.

“I’ll give you a good preening” Fluttershy said before blushing and added “If you want me to”

Rainbow smirked as she gave her wings a little flap “Well you do rock at preening. I hope you can make my wings feel….amazing” she moaned as she undid the cuffs, suddenly Rainbow felt Fluttershy’s hand grasp her sensitive breasts “W…What?!”

“I know your body, Dash” Fluttershy moaned as she gave Dash’s nipple a harsh twist. With that Rainbow’s knees failed her and she collapsed with Fluttershy on top of her “Your boobs are the most sensitive” reaching over for the fallen cuffs, Fluttershy suddenly had switched positions and before Dash could recover the cuffs were attached behind her back “Now I think we don’t need the toy”

“Shy…you cheated…I wasn’t rea…!” Rainbow gasped as Fluttershy pulled herself off and undid the toy. Fluttershy then pushed the toy into Rainbow’s open mouth “MMMM!”

“How do my juices taste?” Fluttershy said as she groped Rainbow’s sensitive breasts “I hope you know…how long I’ve wanted to see you in…ecstasy” she whispered the last word into Rainbow’s ear as she gave her breasts another playful squeeze “You look so content”

As Fluttershy lifted Rainbow’s leg, she pushed her marehood against Rainbow’s mare hood and prepared to scissor “MMM!” Rainbow groaned as she felt her lover begin to pulse her marehood against her own.

Fluttershy then wrapped her arms around Rainbow and took hold of Rainbow’s wings “OOOH! Rainbow your pussy feels…amazing….and these….wings are so…beautiful!” Fluttershy moaned as she traced a finger along Rainbow’s left wing, causing a small shutter to spread through her body and a gagged gasp “Did that feel good?” asked Fluttershy as she licked Rainbow’s cheek “You’re so beautiful with that look in your eyes” as she pulled out the dildo.

“Shy, your such a tease!” Rainbow said as she wrapped her legs around Fluttershy’s waist and then grabbed Fluttershy’s wings “Your wings are sooo sexy” she moaned as she too traced a finger along one “When was the last time some other Pegasus preened them for you?”

Fluttershy gasped as Rainbow gave her cheek a little lick “Oh, Dash, I’m soooo close” she moaned as grabbed Rainbow’s mane.

Rainbow then moaned “I’m going to cum” then with sweet release both mare came. The two lay on the ground with their arms around the other behind the boutique for what felt like a mere blissful moment. Rainbow then looked down at the cute form of her lover sighing she said “Shy, I think we better get out of here?”

“Hmmm” Fluttershy groaned as she reached up to Rainbow’s face “I wish we could lie here forever but yeah, should we go visit Rarity?”

“I suppose since we did buck in her ally” Rainbow laughed as she got up and pulled on her clothing “Here I brought a spare set of panties”

Fluttershy spotted her pair they were kind of done “Thanks Dashy” she mumbled as she pulled on her bra and the new underwear “Did Spike come out of the library?”

“Yeah, little guys a bit worse for wear but without Twil…” Rainbow suddenly remembered how sensitive Fluttershy was about the absence of Twilight “Sorry, you do know we’ll save her and…”

Fluttershy sighed “It’s okay, Dash, I still miss Twilight but it’s getting easier” she said as she pulled her jumper on, followed by her skirt “I just wish, I had said something nicer to Twilight before…”

“Chrysalis” Rainbow said with a slight growl “We all have that regret. We should have listened to her concerns, instead we ignored her concerns and she was the one who paid the price” she then wrapped an arm around Fluttershy as she began to cry “We’ll get her back…we have to”


Within the boutique Rarity and Velvet were sitting having afternoon tea, the day had been unusually quiet but then after all the trauma with Chrysalis, the days had been quiet and Rarity was finding it increasingly hard to do her work. However Velvet had been assisting as much as possible.

“Sweetie bell said she was going to try getting her cutie mark in Skydiving” Velvet mumbled as she took another sip of tea “I managed to stop her”

“I’m sure they weren’t doing anything too dangerous” Rarity said as she felt her stomach “I wonder what it’s going to be?”

Velvet sighed “Don’t worry I’m sure…”

“AHHHH!” they heard a loud moan coming from the ally outside.

Rarity groaned as she took another sip of tea “They’re at it again. Those two need to calm down because it won’t be long before somepony sees them” she said as she used her magic to shut the window.

Velvet giggled as she said “Well they’re in love. I still remember all the crazy stuff Nightlight and I did when we were newlywed” she said as she gave thought back “I remember we once did it at the summer sun festival just metres from Celestia”

“You did?!” Rarity said horrified at the idea “Did you get caught?”

“No, we were in a tower overlooking the festival” Velvet explained as she smiled and went on “But a year later we attended the festival with our foal, Shining”

“I wonder how they’re honeymoon is going?” Rarity said trying to change the subject “I’ll bet wherever they are its beautiful”

Velvet realised a little giggle as she took another sip of her tea “I’m sure we’ll hear from them soon” she sighed as she suddenly had a sad thought “I just hope if they decide to try for a foal they wait for Twilight to be home”

Rarity nodded “I know we’ll get her back” she said as a knock came at the door.

“They’re finished” Velvet said as she walked to the door, pulling it open to reveal a panting Rainbow and Fluttershy “Come in girls, you here for tea?”

Fluttershy nodded “If it’s not too much trouble” she said meekly as she walked over to a free chair by the table. Rainbow took the chair next to her and under the table began to stroke Fluttershy’s leg “Dashy cut it out” Fluttershy whispered.

“So when are you two going to move into together?” Velvet asked suppressing the urge to laugh, of all Twilight’s friends, Dash was the least subtle and it was funny to watch her attempt to be sneaky “It’s clear you two love each other”

Fluttershy groaned “Dash! Um…we’re thinking about it but Dashy is more interested with…fun” she explained as she slapped Rainbow’s hand which had moved under her jumper “So um Rarity, you look good”

Rarity sighed “I wish I could say I feel it, Darling, I was sick last night and I feel like I might be with foal longer than normal” she explained as she pulled up her top “According to the doctor I should be showing but as you can see…I’m not”

“Maybe you should talk to Celestia?” Rainbow asked as she began to play with Fluttershy’s wing in her left hand “I will say you look so tempting”

“DASH!” Velvet, Fluttershy and Rarity snapped together.


“The time has come! Sparkle, come and watch as my new plan begins!” Hades cackled as he pulled the chain that was connected to his slave and forced her to watch the screen “I love this thing, I just wish I got sports but what you going to do?”

Twilight sighed it was the same jokes as always “What are you doing?”

“I thought I would send more trouble your friend’s way” Hades sighed as he grabbed hold of Twilight’s flank “They’ll be so busy dealing with the pony I chose to revive from the dead. Sombra will make them suffer; now I hope you’re ready to pleasure me but then I’m not giving you a choice”

Twilight sighed as she got on her knees in front of her master “Yes Master”


Celestia was sorting through some royal business, as she pulled out a form on Royal expenses from Ponyville; she heard a loud knock on the big doors at the end of the throne room. Then a guard ran in and yelled “Princess, we have received word from our northern units! It has returned!”

Chapter 2- Fear has teeth

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As the sun went to hide behind the horizon, Applejack couldn’t help but feel a chill as the train headed north. She had been called to the Canterlot little over two days ago, to be told an absolute bombshell, they were heading to a lost kingdom that hadn’t been seen in over a thousand years and were expected to defeat the evil that now was believed to be threating the place. Not only were her and her friends heading their but the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Princess Luna were joining them.

“Is thou okay?” a concerned Princess Luna asked as she sat down next to Applejack “You look a bit shaken”

Applejack paused before saying “It’s just, princess, this will be the first enemy we have faced without…”

“Twilight” Luna finished for her as Applejack raised a hand to cover the tears that were overtaking her “Listen I only came along in case things turned for the worse but Celestia seems to believe you’re all capable with or without Twilight”

Applejack however looked over to the others who were sitting and chatting “I don’t know if I can even do a tenth as well as Twilight” she said as her hands grasped the edge of her seat “I suppose I should…I don’t know”

Luna shook her head “In the end you are you and no pony is going to judge you for not being Twilight” she said as she patted Applejack gently on the back “I once use to compare myself to Celestia and you know how that turned out”

Applejack stood up and walked out the back of the coach, she needed her space but there was something else bugging her. As she reached the end carriage she stopped to look out the window, the snow storm outside the train whistled with new found strength and Applejack felt empty as she watched the snow batter against the window.

“You want your friend back don’t you?” said a voice out of the darkness “I can get her back but I demand payment”

“Who are ya?!” snapped Applejack as she turned looking for the source of the voice “What do ya want?!”

“Want? I want to see you reunited with the friend you have lost and see justice return to Equestria” the voice sad as if the question was outrageous “You know I ask one thing in return?”

Applejack paused what if this was all in her head but what if it wasn’t “Who are ya, please?” she asked

“I’m darkness, there does that help?” the voice answered “I’m the darkness that creeps into every ponies mind and soul. I can see your darkest secrets, I can see into all dark places and I can reach places few others can”

“Um…that’s great and all but I was hoping for a name” Applejack said bluntly.

“Oh of course a name but may I ask you what is there in a name? I mean I have one but in all this darkness I must have misplaced it…Oh no I remember my name its Erebus” he said as the figure of a tall pony began to form out of the darkness, he was black from head to foot all except his eyes which were a bright yellow “See I’m just like you”

“Erebus are ya a god?” Applejack asked as the pony drew closer, making her uncomfortable and with good reason. There was an energy emanating from the pony that made the room feel cold “Why would you do ya want to help us?”

Erebus smiled “Yes, I am the god of darkness and I only wish to see her returned to her home. Is that so hard to believe?” he said as he pulled out a small notepad and pen “Tell you what if you’re interested in my offer meet me in a week at the place you call the Golden oak library” handing a small piece of paper to Applejack “one week” with that the pony disappeared and Applejack was left alone with her thoughts.


Outside the borders of the Chrystal empire a deep shadow waited from word from its master “Where is that little pink idiot” the shadow fumed as it stared hungrily at the Chrystal empire “I could have been in there by now! I’m supposed to just sit and wait till I freeze”

As the show storm whipped around the shadow, the shadow’s frustration grew to be unbearable and it was becoming more like a pointless effort to reframe from retaking what was once his. What possible harm could be done attacking early?

Suddenly there was a pop of pinkish smoke and small pink demon appeared “Ah…Sombra I hope you haven’t been waiting too long” Pain asked as he turned towards the empire “Now you remember your orders?”

Sombra groaned “Retake the empire and hand over our master’s newest plaything’s friends but the rest are mine!” he roared as he took on a solid form “DO NOT ASSUME MY MIND IS AS WEAK AS YOURS!!”

“Take it easy” Pain said with a small smile “I was just checking. There is one more thing, Master stated, that you are to hand over the Chrystal heart to him and I’ll be back next week for our master’s prizes!”

“Understood” Sombra snarled as he thought about the best way to defy Hades, keeping not only the Chrystal heart but all his future slaves. As Pain disappeared Sombra licked his lips “Soon all before me will be….mine!”

Sometime later…

The train finally came to a stop, as the ponies disembarked they couldn’t see anything except the constant barrage of snow and then they heard a cough. Behind them stood a tall black male Pegasus with a white mane. He was armed with a heavy looking golden shield, sword and a spear.

“Princess Luna! Guests of Honour it’s a pleasure to see you!” he said as he brought his hooves together and saluted “I’m to take you to the castle!” the pony turned round.

“Where’s Shining Armour and who are you?!” Luna asked clearly annoyed that this Pony was the one to greet them “I was told Shining Armour and one guard would greet us”

“I’m sorry your highness, Prince Shining and I were attacked on route here. He ordered me to get you to the Chrystal Castle, while he gets rid of the enemy but don’t fear I intend to go help repel the attacker once you’re at the castle. I’m afraid we don’t have much time” the guard explained as he stood at attention “Please follow me”

Applejack then snapped “How about a name, Bucko!”

“A name of the attacker?” the stallion said somewhat confused as he scratched his head “It’s Sombra but I was told you would know that”

“Your name” all present yelled at once.

“My name? I’m Private Bravesteel” Bravesteel said giggling sheeplessly “Sorry I forgot”

Pinkie giggled as the stallion turned “He’s funny” she whispered to Rarity.

Rarity sighed shaking her head “He’s a bit absent minded”

After a long walk they finally made it to the Chrystal Empire, walking through the barrier all were amazed by the beauty before them. The Empire seemed to glow bright as the stars in the heavens. The castle in the centre stretched up to the heavens above and seemed to show to all the power held within.

“I hope you can get to the castle on your own but I need to go see if my commander needs assistance” Bravesteel said as he turned to leave “Please go straight to the castle”

Princess Luna stepped forward “You know that if Shining Armour hasn’t met with us by this point he’s unlikely to be….” She began but the look from Bravesteel made it clear he wasn’t willing to believe the worse “Be careful”

Rainbow Dash suddenly stepped forward “Let me go with you!” she demanded “You may need my help!”

Bravesteel shook his head “I was given orders to make sure you got to the castle and I won’t go against them” he said sternly as he ran through the barrier and with that he was gone.

“He’ll be alright” Luna said with a small smile.

As the ponies headed towards the castle one thing was clear, Shining Armour being missing was doing little to bolster confidence and the group remained silent. Not helping as well was just how deserted the empire appeared to be, except for Bravesteel they had not run into a single pony and the quiet of the place was creeping everypony out.

“Where is everypony?” Applebloom said finally breaking the silence.

“Hiding?” asked Sweetie Bell turning her head quickly towards a purple house “This can’t be how it is normally right?”

Applejack shook her head “It ain’t right, that’s for darn sure” she said as she hurried her younger sister on “We should find Cadence as quickly as possible”

Rainbow growled “I should have gone with that guard and helped” she said as she put a hand on her sword’s hilt “What if he’s running into a trap?”

Luna sighed “Then there is little you can do for him now” she said with her voice failing to hide the concern she too felt “We have a mission here that we’ll need to complete and Bravesteel seemed clear about the importance of our mission”

“Does that make it right to let him go to certain death?” Fluttershy asked meekly.

After a few minutes they finally reached the base of the castle, all were tired but were hopeful to meet with Princess Cadence. It was then that they spotted a guard pony, a tall white unicorn mare with a long yellow mane, at the moment thou she looked a little less than pleased to see them but she did bow low.

“Honoured guests! It’s a pleasure to see you made it here safely! I’m Captain Lightspeed” she said as she looked around the group “Pardon my rudeness but where are the Prince and Bravesteel?”

Luna shook her head “We were greeted by Private Bravesteel who said they had been attacked on root to the station, he then showed us to the barrier and was very clear who had attacked them but once he saw us beyond the barrier he flew back to reinforce the Prince” she explained to the captain “Please take us to Princess Cadence”

Lightspeed however lost her composure “Damn it! I wish we had more guards but none of the crystal ponies remember what their jobs were so the token guard force we had was far less than what we need!” she yelled in frustration “Bravesteel was my last Private, the rest of my guards fell in an earlier attack to Sombra!”

“Wait! So Sombra is that powerful at this point?” Luna asked clearly concerned “He shouldn’t be strong enough to launch an attack let”

“I’m sorry Princess we started the day with twenty guards but after the first attack we had our numbers cut to just Bravesteel and myself”

Spike finally spoke up “We should go and reinforce Shining and Bravesteel!” he said as the clear desperation entered his voice “If those two fall then our job will be all the harder”

Lightspeed shook her head “It looks like that won’t be necessary” she said with a grim look towards the direction the group had come. As the group turned they saw the weakened forms of Shining Armour carrying the shape of a black Pegasus in his magic “Prince Armour! Bravesteel!”

The group ran towards the two stallions, one thing was clear something terrible had happened, as Shining Armour gently put Bravesteel upon the ground and held his head “Braves…Braves…look at me!” he screamed tears flowing down his face “Please…Open your eyes…Braves!”

There was then a weak whimper from Bravesteel as his eyes weakly opened “My Prince…Are you alright?” he said his voice incredibly quiet. It was then he coughed and spat up a small amount of blood “…funny…I thought…I’d die closer….closer to…home”

“NO…NO!” Shining screamed trying to press down, to stop the blood leaking from injuries on Bravesteel’s stomach “You’re going to…make…it! Remember your promise…you promised me….you’d live to see the Chrystal…empire safe!”

Bravesteel weakly smiled “I’m…sorry” he said as he let out a weak laugh “You’ll have to…save it…without me” with that Bravesteel’s eyes fluttered shut and the stallion was still.

“Braves?” Shining asked as Lightspeed used her magic to levitate the form of Bravesteel away.

“He’ll be alright, sir” Lightspeed said as she walked towards a door and disappeared with the body of her solider.

“Come on, Shining” Spike said helping his friend to his hooves “If I may ask you seem unusually close to that stallion, why is that?”

“He saved my life” Shining said simply “I owe him and he promised he would help as best he could”


Hades watched events unfurling on the screen in front of him “Soon all will be mine” Hades said with a simple look at the orange pony currently walking on the screen “And then you honest Applejack will help me secure my rule” he turned his head towards a door where a tall figure stood “Ah, so you’re ready?”

The figure smiled with a twirl of her hand she flicked her hair “So I capture the orange one?” she asked “Then we’re all square? I can leave the underworld for good and see my love?”

“Indeed but if you fail…you’ll join her” Hades said simply pointing to Twilight was sitting before Hades with a defeated look upon her face.

The women in the door way shook her head “Don’t fear my lord!” she said visibly shaken “I won’t fail!”

Hades released a sinister giggle “Twilight, be a dear and show my servant the reward of failure!” he said as he stood Twilight up “Now servant observe the life of a slave” with a snap of his fingers, Twilight’s revealing clothing disappeared and left Twilight naked. Twilight didn’t even budge as Hades stood in front of her and began to fondle her breasts “Now Twilight, show our guest how to beg for cock”

Twilight sighed and moaned “Please master grace my pussy with your cock” she said as she parted her legs, Hades pushed his member past her vagina’s lips, Twilight wrapped her legs round Hades and began to push her hips against the cock as it filled her “Oh, yes…fuck me!”

“Tell our guest how it feels to have my cock inside!” Hades said as he gave Twilight’s nipple a cruel twist.

Twilight moaned “It feels sooo good”

Hades turned his attention to the female agent in the doorway who was unusually quiet as she watched the show before her “As you can see, when I decide to enslave someone, it isn’t too long before they’re singing for me but let us hope you succeed. Now go!”

“Yes, my lord” the women said as she left.

Hades smiled as he gave Twilight’s breasts a squeeze which caused them to release some milk “Soon you’ll be too delicate to fuck” he said as he licked up the milk “But for now you’re mine to enjoy”

Twilight moaned “Master please keep fucking me!” as she wrapped her arms around Hades and threw her head back as Hades started to play with her citreous “Master that feels amazing!”

Hades pushed forward as he felt Twilight’s moist vaginal walls clamp around his member “So eager to please today aren’t you?” he said as he paused “Your hoping to please me so that I don’t enslave your friends?”

Twilight shook her head “No, Master I just…AHHHH!” she screamed as Hades slammed his cock cruelly into her “Please don’t be so rough!”

“Face it! I own you and soon all your friends will be mine!” Hades snapped as he pulled out of her and sat down “Now suck me off!” Twilight knelt down as she was forced to take Hades member into her mouth “Now know this, you’re my prized slave and your friends will be perfect as my seconds”

“MMMM!” Twilight moaned as Hades forced her to take more of his length down her throat.

Hades smiled down at his beautiful slave “You know what’s funny? I was just going to settle for one slave but after times like these I decided you weren’t enough” he said as gently stroked Twilight’s head “If you helped me, I could give you anything your heart desires and more!”

Twilight raised her head “Never” she snarled before Hades pushed her back down.

“Fine. I’ll get what I want either way” Hades said simply as he suddenly got a cruel idea “You know if you help me then I can return your father to life?”

“MMWHATMM!” Twilight gurgled through the full feeling of Hades member.

“You want your father alive again? I can grant you it and even return you to Equestria as my servant” Hades said simply “Think about it, no more days spend sucking me off and your father back from the dead” he then lifted Twilight’s head up “What do you say?”

Twilight went silent for a moment, all she had to do was do as Hades asked and her father would be alive “What’s the catch?” she asked

“Well you need to do as I say for seven days and without question” Hades said as he pulled out a black scroll “You’ll return to Equestria for these days and get what I desire”

“You want my friends?” Twilight whispered

“Oh well yes, but I’ll accept five replacements” Hades said cupping Twilight’s chin “After the seven days are up, you’ll return here and your father will return to Equestria free as a bird. Think about it your father alive and you free to roam Equestria until your job is finished”

Twilight looked up at her tormentor “Why would you want me to do this for you?” she said through gritted teeth.

Hades smiled “It’s simple really, I don’t trust Sombra but with you I know what drives you and what’s more, your trustworthy” Hades sat back “As you know I can’t free you entirely, your too valuable to me but I know your nightmares have been filled with your father’s death and how much you wish you could have stopped it. So it’s the perfect deal”

Twilight let out a long breath of frustration “There has to be more to it than just that?”

Hades laughed “I knew you were smarter than that. I suppose I should go over the price of failure, if you fail, I’ll capture three more mares from Ponyville and your friends” he said his tone growing darker with every word “However if you succeed I’ll move you to a fabulous quest room, as well as give you free run of my palace and my library. You’ll still need to obey me but you’ll do it in comfort”

Twilight sighed, her father’s death was her fault and if she managed to get to Equestria she could get Celestia to help her to freedom “Well I…”

“Oppsedoopsie, I almost forgot, you cannot talk to any Alicorn while you’re up there and you’ll be in competition with my other servants so if you have to capture five mares. Just so you know Sombra and field agent Plant N are up there. Sombra has to bring me all your friends and N has to capture sweet Applejack”

“Why send three servants?” Twilight asked in a small voice

Hades giggled “It increases the chances for success and reduced the costs to me. You have no idea how much magic it takes to revive a being from the dead and give them a new body” he said as he said this he pulled out from under his throne a collar like device “Anyway what do you say do we have a deal?”


Princess Cadence had just finished explaining all the developments since the advanced guard had arrived earlier that day. The news of Bravesteel’s condition had certainly come as a bitter blow to her. It was clear with all the loses they had taken things couldn’t be much worse.

“We need to call for reinforcements” Spike said as he looked out the window “If things remain the way they are we’ll be overwhelmed”

“Spike is right” Rarity nodded as she sat down “There has to be a way to call for help”

Shining shook his head “The closest town with a garrison is Edinhoof but after the fate of Glasflank. I doubt they’d send any reinforcements” he said as he looked out the same window Spike was “Besides getting word to them is almost impossible”

“What about just sending a letter to Princess Celestia?” Applebloom suggested

“Yeah, with Spike it would be easy!” Scootaloo exclaimed happily

Princess Cadence smiled at the excited foals “I admire your optimism, I’ll write a letter right away and we’ll send it. However you all you tired get to bed”

As everypony was shown to their room by Shining Armour one thing wasn’t right “Anyway Rainbow Dash this is your room” he said as he pointed to a room “And Princess that’s your room”

“Wait can’t I switch with Pinkie?” Dash asked choosing not to point out that her room was the second furthest from Fluttershy’s room.

“Surely thou your room shouldn’t matter?” Luna asked as Shining Armour disappeared “Unless you want to be near gentle Fluttershy?”

“WHAT!?” Rainbow burst out surprised that Luna would know “I didn’t say anything about Flutters”

“Thou does not need to, I have seen you stroking her leg on the train and playing with her mane. However even without those signs your dreams tell much” Luna said as she wrapped an arm around Dash “They show that you love her but you desire others. Three nights ago you had a fantasy about kissing her, while grinding against…me. Of all the dreams I have seen your dreams make me the most….curious”

“Princess, I…I don’t mean any disrespect!” Rainbow stuttered “I should be loyal to my ma…mmm!!”

Luna interrupter with a gentle kiss and as she kissed the struggling Pegasus, she dragged her into Dash’s room but then pulled away “Sweet, Celestia thou has sweet lips but one wonders if thou’s fantasies are as good in practise as in dreams”

Luna whispered into Dash’s ear as she pulled Rainbow’s sports top down “Hmmm, thou’s breasts will serve me well. Tell me should we invite kind Fluttershy?”

“What! No!” Dash said horrified as the princess took a firm hold of her breasts and gave them a gentle squeeze “P…P…Please stop”

“Dashy looks good being submissive, Princess” a voice said from behind them, as they turned they saw Fluttershy standing naked and she was masturbating with her fingers deep inside her marehood “I’ll just watch you two”

“Flutters?!” Rainbow said horrified “You planed this!”

“I saw into her dreams, she wants more than just sex and until you commit” Luna explained as she pulled Rainbow’s shorts down to reveal her damp marehood. Placing a hand onto Rainbow’s marehood and began to pump a finger in and out “She says your mine to do with as I see fit”

“Shy, didn’t you enjoy our fun time together?” Rainbow moaned as she felt the princess gently lick her neck “I thought we had som…ahhh!” it was then Dash felt the cold touch of a dildo push into her flank “P…Pl…Please don’t!”

“Dash, for the last two months, it’s just been sex and I want more” Fluttershy said walking forward and cupping Rainbow’s chin “I love you but it feels like, you’re just going for a ride and using me for a quick pleasure rush. I need more than that”

“Shy! I swear I love you!” Rainbow moaned as she felt Luna thrust the dildo into her “What will it take to convince that I love you?”

Luna grabbed hold of Rainbow’s wings “It’s not about the love, it’s the next step thou needs to think about” she said as she began to play with Rainbow’s feathers.

“Well, Flutters, come here so I can tell you” Rainbow moaned as Fluttershy bend down so her ear was next to Rainbow’s lips.

“Well, what do you have to say?” Fluttershy asked as she continued to feel her marehood and Rainbow whispered in her ear “I…oh” she couldn’t stop herself as she took the moment to kiss Rainbow and then pulled away “Yes”

Dash smiled as Luna pulled out and she wrapped her arms around Fluttershy “I’m glad you’re happy” she said as she saw Luna smile at her “Thank you, Princess”

“As long as the two of you are happy, I’m pleased to help” Luna said as she took the strap-on off “Plus it’s something to look forward to, in your dreams” as she walked out of the room.

Rainbow smiled as sleep overtook her and her love as they lay on the bed.

Chapter 3- The Rise and fall of Valour

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As Applejack awoke from her slumber she blinked slowly as she rolled onto her side and thought about all the thoughts that were at this moment rushing through her mind. She was aware it was still dark outside but she had such a rough sleep it didn’t seem to matter.

“Why does this shit keep happening to us?” she thought as she gave her pillow an aggressive punch “We’ve already lost Twilight, now we’re supposed to take on an evil power and get the crystal ponies up ta speed!” Applejack then stared out the window as she sighed before saying aloud “It’s impossible!”

There then came a loud knock at the door as a voice on the other side said aloud “Applejack, darling are you awake? It’s Rarity”

“Y…Yeah!” Applejack yelled as she got up from her bed pulling on a dressing gown as she walked over to the door and pulling it open saw Rarity looking very concerned “What’s a matter, Sugercube?”

Rarity pushed her way inside and sat upon the bed “I had a nightmare” she said in a small voice “Would it be okay if we could chat?”

Applejack turned to look at the clock in her room which read 4am before sitting down on the bed next to her friend “Rarity, I don’t think…” she began before turning to see Rarity’s face covered in tears “…I mean sure”

Rarity sniffed but seemed happier as she whipped her nose on her own dressing gown, which for the fashion concerned mare was defiantly unusual and then she placed a hand on her stomach “I was in that awful place again” Rarity wept as she stared up at Applejack with her eyes full of hurt “I was in Chrysalis’s bed!”

“Aw, Sugarcube we all know how horrible that was” Applejack said trying to sound as supportive as possible “I know you’re strong and all but after what you were put through it be only natural that you’d still have nightmares”

Rarity sniffed before turning her head slowly towards a mirror “It was more than that…she was there and she…was…oh Applejack!” Rarity wailed as she buried her head into Applejack’s shoulder “She…She….”

“Now, now Chrysalis can’t hurt you no more” Applejack said as patted Rarity’s head.

“It wasn’t Chrysalis!!” Rarity screamed as the tears leaked out her eyes all the more “It…it…was….Twilight, she was dead and she was blaming me!!”

Applejack was stunned and horrified “Now, Rarity, Apollo said she was still alive and you know Twilight would never blame you. Besides we’ll get her back and when we do, we’ll show that Hades fella the why ya don’t mess with friendship” Applejack hoped she wasn’t lying again about this.

Rarity smiled as she suddenly went very green “Applejack do you have a bucket!?” she screamed as her head darted around looking for a bucket.

“OH right!” Applejack said as she spotted a bucket by the door to the on suit bathroom “Over there!”

Rarity hardly needed the signal, she ran over to the bucket barely making it as she was sick into the bucket and as she finished she raised her head “That was most certainly not enjoyable” she said weakly.

“It’s also none too lady like” Applejack joked

“Applejack! That isn’t funny!” Rarity snapped as she rose to her feet “That felt horrible”

“I’m sorry, Rarity, you’re always getting on at me about being ladylike and it was too good an opportunity to miss” she said trying to explain her crass joke.

“You know, Applejack, it isn’t a joke if you have to explain it” Rarity said smiling as she rubbed her belly gently “Besides I suppose it was slightly funny”

Both mares stared at each other before they began to laugh “Do ya want to sleep here till it’s time to get up? That bed’s a bit big for my taste” Applejack said as she helped Rarity into the bed “You’ll need your rest”

“Where will you sleep?” Rarity said as Applejack gently tucked her in.

“I’ll just go sleep in your bed” Applejack said but a thought then occurred to her “Were you sick in your room?”

Rarity blushed “When I woke up I did” she admitted “Maybe you should just sleep here”

Applejack sighed “Sure” she said as she got in next to Rarity.

Half an hour later later….

Bravesteel’s breaths were heavy but they sounded like with everyone he took he drew closer to death’s door. As Lightspeed watched the still slowly dying Pegasus on the bed her mind only felt deep despair.

As she got up from her chair and walked over to the bed “Braves, please don’t leave us, you’re a damn irresponsible jerk but you’re our irresponsible jerk. I still remember the day you joined us, please don’t leave us now, your loved, please just hang on…you can be saved!” she said as she ran a hand through the stallion’s mane “I didn’t give you permission to die!”

A weak chuckle rose from the weakened stallion’s chest “I wasn’t…aware…I needed permission” he said his voice still weak but something within the stallion kept him alive “I remembered I have a reason to live and I won’t die till I have done it!” It was then the last of the stallion’s strength failed him and he fell back asleep.

“That’s the stubborn fool I know!” Lightspeed said as a tear trickled down her face.

A voice suddenly sounded from behind Lightspeed “I take it he’s feeling better?” Shining Armour asked as he approached the two “You best get some rest, I’ll watch him for a while”

Lightspeed nodded “Yes, sir!” she yawned as she left the room.

“She’s right, you’re not dying on us just yet” Shining Armour joked as he chocked out a weak smile “Hades won’t take any pony else on my watch!”


Hades was watching the events taking place in Bravesteel’s bedroom “Oh, is that a fact?!” Hades smiled cruelly as he rose from his throne “Soon you’ll lose that and so match more!”

Pain stepped from behind the door “Um…your highness we did as you asked she has left for the Chrystal empire” he said as he closed the door “Also you have a guest”

“OH! Who?” Hades asked taken aback “We weren’t expecting anyone were we?”

Pain shook his head “He’s just outside” he said as he opened the door and a tall figure walked in.

“OH, it’s you my brother” Hades said as he walked back to his throne and sat down “May I ask what it is you desire of me?”

Poseidon was a few feet taller than Hades, he had light brown hair, with a scar just above his left eye, he had the look of a man you hardly wished to piss off, he was wearing dark blue combat trousers with a light blue shirt and carrying a standard trident. “You think I’m here for desires, a desire is something a god wishes for but I’m here for what is mine!” Poseidon snapped his anger causing a tremor to go out from under his feet “Return to me that which you stole!”

“Ah, you mean you know about the Unicorn but brother you are in my realm and you think threating me here is wise!” Hades said as he rose from his throne and walked over to a table where he poured himself a glass of wine “What some?”

“Do not toy with my anger! May I remind you I’m the god of sea!” Poseidon roared as the room shuttered threating to collapse “Unless you want me to flood your realm! You will return my property! Know this is no threat but a promise!”

Hades smiled taking a sip from his glass “You are aware that if you do that, Zeus will side with me and you dare not stand against the two of us!” Hades voice growing with his own threat with every passing word “You have precious little evidence I have this unicorn and what evidence you have is so biased that it’s practically worthless! You need evidence that can’t be denied or challenged! Now I believe our business is concluded!”

Poseidon turned to leave “Know this, Brother, when I discover where that unicorn is, no pit of Tartarus will be deep enough for you to hide from my wrath and that is a promise!” he said as the door slammed shut.

“What a big blowhard!” Hades snickered as he drained his glass “He would be a threat if his brain wasn’t so waterlogged!”


As Sombra continued to travel around his former kingdom, waiting for his ally to arrive and he smiled cruelly as he heard the sound of snow crushing under hoof “So Hades send you to assist me?” Sombra said as he turned and was shocked by what he saw “Wait, your N, you’re no pony….!”

However before the dark Unicorn never finished as he was vaporized by the object the figure was holding “No indeed I’m no pony but now you’ll never enslave any innocent creatures again!” N said as she approached the shield “I haven’t your failings!” as she reached forward, her hand passed through the shield and she followed it.

As N arrived inside the shield, she looked around and as a tear trickled down her face “I’m so sorry, Twilight” she said as she headed towards the castle she could see in the distance “If only the others could see this place and its beauty” suddenly the figure was consumed with a horrible pain that spread through her body as she heard a strange sound coming from one of the houses that lined the route she had chosen to take “It…can’t be!”

As she peered inside the house, her eyes fell upon a pony gently drawing a bow across a violin’s strings. As the pony continued to play the sound echoed around but the song was so sad that the figure watching outside felt a memory rise up from deep inside her mind and it made her sadness all the deeper.

“I wish, I could remember her…” N fumed as she walked towards the castle “Her face, her smile....stop it! All I have to do is capture this pony, I’ll see Earth again, my friends and her! Besides do I owe this world anything? No!” suddenly a horrible thought entered her mind as she thought back to that day she arrived in the underworld. That day she first met her only friend had since this hell had begun.

Flashback one month earlier…

It was another horrible day in her cell with her hands bound above her head and her clothes in tatters. Suddenly she could hear the sound of voices outside her cell, they were a few cells away but they were getting a closer. Then the sound of jangling keys, the click of the lock and then the door swung open revealing the lord of the underworld himself.

“So you’ve been here…un….how long panic?” Hades asked as he turned to his blue demon helper.

“My lord she has been here three months” Panic said as he looked a small grey date book “Captured outside the capitol of…” but before he could finish Hades silenced him with a wave of his hand.

“Anyway, as of now, your former life is unimportant…” Hades began before noticing the look of defiance upon his captive’s face “So this one has a spirit of defiance still?”

“You…won’t…get away with this!” she screamed as she struggled against her bonds.

“Hmmmm, yes, yes like I haven’t heard that a thousand times” Hades said as he yawned and picked his nose “You know every single captive I’ve ever had always shouts that. For over four thousand years I’ve taken captives from many places and they always yell defiance at me. The difference with you is they usually accept defeat after a couple of days!”

Panic coughed “That’s not quite true my lord, the unicorn from Equestria is still defiant and she bit me yesterday!” he complained as he rubbed his claw.

Hades suddenly snapped as fire erupted around him “WHAT!? She should have broken ages ago! You cannot be serious, how could any withstand the magic the cells have and she’s nothing but a weak pony!”

Panic quickly backed away from the enraged god “I….I….I’m sorry…master…she…she…she won’t stop resisting! We’ve tried…everything!” he said as he cowered before the god who had steam coming out his ears “The only thing…we…we…haven’t tried is….hurting her physically!”

Hades face then took on a look of alarm “NO! Don’t! That’ll hurt my investment and she is too important!” he fumed as he stared at the wall ignoring both his helper and prisoner “AH! I have a glorious idea, tell me prisoner what’s it worth to you to return to Earth?”

As the prisoner raised her head weakly she growled “Everything! Why?!”

Hades smiled as he tapped his chin “Well…I have this prisoner that could make or break my dealings with other gods. However as you could probably tell she isn’t complying with my demands of her! I remember hearing she wasn’t eating is that right, Panic?” turning to the cowering demon.

Panic nodded “I got bitten when I tried to force her to eat!”

Hades sighed, shaking his head “She’s also pregnant. I can’t have the considerable investment within her die because she won’t eat! If you help her become more obedient, then after you carry out a few other tasks for me, I could see to it that you return to Earth and to your friends” Hades explained as he pulled out a black scroll from his back pocket “Just sign this and you’ll be free after I get what I want from you”

“If I should fail or if I should refuse?” she asked as she looked at her possible ticket to freedom.

Hades shrugged “Well, you won’t be free and I might do worse things to your friends after I capture them!” he said as he pulled out a whip from his other back pocket “If you fail, well let’s just say you don’t want to find out!”

“Okay. I’ll do whatever you demand, just leave my friends out of this!” she said as her hands were freed and she signed the contract “So what do you want to do with me first?”

“Well first we need to give you a codename, how does Soaring Eagle sound?” Hades joked as he rubbed his chin “What was they called you on Earth? Oh….it’s on the tip of my tongue…was it….no…stuff it…let’s just call you, N”

“Yes, sir” the newly named N said as she stood up “What do you want me to do first?”

Hades smiled “Well we’re going to lock you in with the troublesome Unicorn; while you’re in there you’re going to ensure she eats and she is milked properly!” he said as he wrapped an arm around N “You should be aware that as of now Pain and Panic are at your disposal. If you need anything they’ll take you out of the cell under the guise of punishment for whatever reason. There are only three things they won’t grant you money, weapons or a means of escape”

N nodded as she was cuffed “Are these really necessary?” she asked.

“Well, we want the unicorn to believe that you’re not working for me and that the sharing of cells is by chance” Hades explained as he led N down the hall “The milking thing we’ll put down as a punishment”

After a few minutes of walking they arrived at a cell separate from the others and Panic unlocked the door. N was pushed in, after which the cuffs were magically removed and she stared out the bars at Hades.

“Now, Twilight, this is your new milker, N and she is being punished with this job. So make friends” Hades yelled through the bars “Hahaha!” he laughed evilly.

N waited till the sound of footsteps faded away, before she turned and her eyes fell upon Twilight. N realised that Twilight was a little more human than she expected, she had hands, breasts and a face that was more human than could have been expected but everything else was distinctly unicorn. N also found it slightly odd she was bright purple.

Twilight smiled weakly “He…Hello” she weakly stated as she tried to raise her head “I…It’s nice to meet you”

N was overcome by tears as she observed more closely that Twilight was so weak that she could barely keep her eyes open “Oh god!” she whispered in shock as she lugged forward to embrace Twilight in a hug “What have they done to you?!” N may have been a lot of things but she was a kind person at heart.

Twilight coughed weakly “If I die, I won’t have to suffer anymore and…what does it matter, my friends must think I’m already dead” she said as began to laugh “I’m no god’s puppet!”

N couldn’t stop the tears “NOOO! You can’t think like that! You’re no puppet and if you think your friends will give up on you…!” she screamed as she buried her face into Twilight’s mane “Besides he’s the god of the underworld and even if you die what’s to stop him bringing you back to repeat this horrid process!”

Twilight suddenly shook weakly as she too began to cry “I…I…do…don’t want….to be…used again!” she cried as she tried to pull away from N “Please…let…me die! I don’t have any friends left anyway”

N couldn’t stand it “That’s not true…I want to be your friend” N said as she cupped Twilight’s chin “Please just eat something. I can see a strong wom…mare in your eyes. Please don’t give up! Tell me about your friends!” desperate to make Twilight happy.

Twilight weakly laughed “What does it matter? I’m never going to see them again!”

N snapped “Don’t you say that! If they mean that much to you, they’ll raise the underworld to save you and don’t you dare say otherwise!” she finished with a firm slap across Twilight’s muzzle “I’m sorry but I know someone just like you and they’ve never give up!”

Twilight sniffed as she looked into N’s eyes “I…I don’t know!”

“Well I do!” N yelled as she grabbed a bread roll from a plate nearby “Now please…eat!”

Twilight took the bread from N’s hand as she ate N gently stroked her mane “It’s good” she mumbled as she finished the last crumb “I’m sorry you had to see that”

“It’s okay, now why don’t you eat some more and tell me more about your friends?” N said as gently encouraged Twilight to eat more “What were they like?”

N quickly discovered that what limited memories of her friends on Earth she had, Twilight’s talk of her friends reminded her so much of them and it filled her with hope. They all sounded amazing, funny, kind, compassionate and loyal, they obviously meant the world to Twilight but the way Twilight spoke it was as if she was mourning their passing. N tried her best to be as supportive as possible but with the sounds that surrounded them, it was proving difficult and Twilight seemed to be avoiding something.

“Then Applejack said she needed help and we all helped as best we could” Twilight said as she smiled “Applejack may have been stubborn but she was so dependable”

N suddenly realised Twilight was looking at her in a funny way “What’s wrong?” she asked nervously.

“I’m just curious what were your friends like?” Twilight asked as she tried to move into a different position “Were they nice?”

N sighed trying to keep the tears from her eyes “I…I don’t really remember them. After my second week here, the memory of them faded and now all I remember is a blurry outline” she explained as she passed another bit of bread to Twilight’s mouth “I remember one of them was a complete cry baby but was so kind that she was able to face challenges beyond anything I could ever imagine”

“Was she really that brave?” Twilight asked “She sounds a lot like Fluttershy to me”

N smiled and realised a small laugh “I guess but she was…ah my head hurts” N said as the memory of….whoever it was, was blocked by something and after she stopped trying to remember her, she could remember even less about them “I…I don’t know”

End of the Flashback….

N suddenly remembered she had little time to remember the past “I must keep moving” she said as she walked towards the castle.


As the sun gently rose in the west, Fluttershy eyes snapped opened before she smiled and peered at the sleeping form of Rainbow Dash “Typical” she sighed as she rose from the bed and walked over to the on-suite bathroom to brush her mane. As she reached the mirror she looked at her reflection “Could be worse” she said to herself noting her bedhead.

Suddenly the light above her began to flicker; Fluttershy stared at the offending light and shook her head. Before returning her gaze to the mirror and screamed, there in the mirror was the image of Twilight but an image that made Fluttershy want to run in fear. Her hooves however refused to move as she stared at the Twilight in the mirror, her face was gaunt, her eyes were replaced by deep holes that leaked blood and her mane was covered in blood and something white that Fluttershy chose not to identify as anything. Fluttershy couldn’t stop staring at the image before her and her mind froze in fear.

“YOU TRAITOR!!” Twilight yelled her voice sounded as if it was echoing up from deep within the underworld “I WARNED YOU AND YOU INGORED ME! I SAVED YOU!”

Fluttershy jaw locked as she tried to respond but all she could do was shake in place. Suddenly she thought she could hear Rainbow stir, as she turned however she saw a figure hidden in shadow with their hands around Dash’s windpipe who was struggling to get up and with a sickening snap, Rainbow died.

Finding her voice Fluttershy screamed “Rainbow!” suddenly a pair of hands wrapped themselves around her and began to grope her breasts. Turning her head she saw the face of Chrysalis “NOOOO! Your dead!” she yelled as she tried to get her hands up to stop the attack on her breasts “THIS ISN’T REAL!”

“OH but this is very real!” said a male voice coming from the corner of the room. As Fluttershy turned she saw the outline of a creature she knew was never going to be free “It’s been so long my dear!”

“DISCORD!” Fluttershy screamed as she felt something enter her flank “NO! NO! I’m no Pony’s toy!”

“OH But you are!” Chrysalis taunted as she shoved a thick member in deeper.


“Fluttershy! Fluttershy!” a voice was screaming as Fluttershy’s eyes snapped open, she was lying on the floor of the bathroom. Above her was Rainbow Dash “OH MY CELESTIA!” Rainbow screamed as she buried her head into Fluttershy’s mane “WHEN I WOKE UP YOU WERE SCREAMING!”

“What happened?” Fluttershy weakly said as she rubbed the tiredness out of her eyes.

“You were lying on the floor screaming!” a voice from behind Rainbow stated as Rainbow moved Lightspeed was standing there with a concerned look on her face “We thought you were under attack!”

“It was just a nightmare?” Fluttershy asked as she wiped her brow but it had seemed so real.

“I fear it may be more than that” a voice from the door stated and all turned to behold Luna “It was a vision from a god. Weather it was threat or a warning remains to be seen!”

“WHAT KIND OF GOD ALLOWS THIS KIND OF FUCKED UP SHIT!?” Rainbow snapped as her rage at what the responsible god had put her lover through “THAT WAS CRUEL!!”

“No one ever said the gods were kind or merciful” Luna said sadly “I saw the nightmare I think I know which god it was and what they’re after”

“It was Hades right?” Lightspeed asked sounding as if it were obvious.

“No. It was a god who desires to increase their power and the fact Discord was there was a clue. They want you, Fluttershy” Luna explained as her face darkened in appearance “It was the goddess of strife, Eris!”

“Ah Luna, I see your still the biggest party pooper ever” a voice said from the mirror “I was hoping to take her before any of you could stop me!”

“ERIS!” all screamed as they turned to see the imagine of Discord from Fluttershy’s nightmare as it stepped out of the mirror.

“Guilty as charged!” Eris said as she morphed into a short plumb women dressed in black but there were smears of blood dripping down her dress “It’s so good to see such a welcoming committee waiting for me. Since of course I am a goddess”

“Enough stalling what are ya doing here!?” a voice snapped from the doorway, turning they saw Applejack with Pinkie and Rarity “We won’t allow ya to take another one of our friends!”

Eris began to quietly giggle before saying “You don’t get it do you if a god desires something he can take it!” her voice sounding very dangerous.

“Wait! Your female!” Lightspeed said “What’s all this about he?”

Eris smile became even more cruel “I was send here to retrieve what the God, Zeus desires!” she said as she turned to Fluttershy “You are the lords, Prize, I will take you weather you like it or not!”

Fluttershy meekly shook her head as the ponies formed a barrier between her and the god “I’ll never come with you” Fluttershy meekly stated.

“Don’t kid yourself, pony! You belong to Zeus!” Eris growled as she drew a long black sword and pointed it downward “Or I could go and kill the weak Pegasus below!”

“YA COWARD!” Applejack declared “Bravesteel has done nothing wrong!”

“Yeah except maybe cracking bad jokes” Pinkie Pie chipped in.

Luna’s horn began to surge with magic and she fired a single shot of energy “TAKE THIS!”

Before the shot could hit its mark Eris disappeared into a puff of smoke and reappeared next to Luna before she rammed her sword forward “DIE SLUT!” Eris bellowed there was a sickening sound as the sword was thrust through flesh and bone “WHAT! NO!”

The sword had found its mark in the wrong target! “I won’t let you hurt our princess!” Bravesteel said as he held the sword in his hand but the point of the blade was rammed right through his chest “I…I’m…I…m a…a…a….guardian of….Equestria! That…pledge….won’t….be…broken for the likes of…you!”

“Braves!” Shining armour yelled in horror from the doorway “NOOOO!”

Eris tried to pull the sword out but Bravesteel held the blade “LET GO!” she screamed enraged.

“Not…on…your life!” he weakly stated as he turned his head to the others in the room “Forgive my foolishness, Princess!”

Luna frowned “I owe thou much” she said as her horn glowed with magic “This will do it!”

“NOOOO!” Eris screamed as the smell hit her and she vanished in a puff of smoke.

“Did…did you kill her?” Rarity asked in shock.

Luna sadly shook her head “That was a spell of banishment. It can only be used on certain gods” she said as she slumped to the ground “Apollo taught me it”

Bravesteel fell forward before he rolled onto his side with the sword still imbedded within his chest “At…At…lea…least…your…all safe!” he said as he kept his hands on the sword “I…I…I’m happy”

Shining placed a hand on Bravesteel’s head “You…you….bucking idiot!” he cried as tears began to roll down his cheeks into Bravesteel’s mane “Why’d you have to be…the hero…you…foolish…!”

Luna moved closer to the fallen Pegasus “You saved my life” she said numb “Is there anything I can do to make your sacrifice worthy?”

Bravesteel smiled weakly “Re…Restore this…place…it’s so beautiful” he said as he looked down at the sword “And…send this…to my father and…tell him I died….saving lives…like…him!”

Lightspeed knelt down next to Bravesteel “Your….such a…bucking idiot!” she said as placed her hand in his “But you were my…bucking idiot!”

“Lighty…I need…you to…do me a favour” Bravesteel said as he raised himself up a bit “Please end…it! I….can’t…stand…the pain!”

Lightspeed took a dagger from the pouch on her belt “Are you sure?” she asked numbly as the Pegasus nodded “Prince hold his hand”

“Yes of course” Shining said as he took the Pegasus’s hand in his but all the other ponies in the room did the same “Thanks everyone”

“Ready, Sergeant Bravesteel?” asked Luna as she placed a hand on the sword while her other hand joined the cluster of hands around Bravesteel’s hand.

“Just…picking…my last words” Bravesteel joked as he smiled and said “My sin is…Valour…forgive me never” before he nodded to Lightspeed.


Just outside the window was N she watched the mass of ponies within and what she had seen had stunned her. She had seen when the stallion had flown in and got between the Princess and the blade of the sword.

“These ponies are brave fools” N admitted to herself “Hmmm, Twilight was right”

As she opened the window to the room she slipped in “Who are you!?” Rainbow challenged the new comer “Are you an enemy?”

N raised her hands “No! I…I’m a friend…Twilight asked me to trick Hades!”

“Tricking Hades! Are you crazy?!” Shining Armour snapped as he stood up and drew his sword.

“No, please, I’m from Earth and Twilight said you were friendly!” N said trying to explain quickly “I have proof!”

“What proof?” Luna asked clearly not impressed.

“Twilight dressed as Starswirled the bearded for Nightmare night the unicorn credited for inventing over 200 spells!” N said quickly as she remembered everything Twilight had told her. Then she pointed to the ponies gathered and pointed to the mares she assumed were the elements of Harmony “Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Rainbow Crash”

Everypony stared at one another before bursting into laughter. “Um…It’s Rainbow Dash” Rainbow corrected.

“I think we can all trust her” Applejack laughed trying to contain her laughter “You clearly know, Twilight but you may have heard one too many of her stories. What’s ya name?”

“My codename was N” N said before smiling “But I suppose it’s okay to use my proper name now, it’s Michelle”

Chapter 4- How munch time is left?

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“That treasonous bitch!” Hades screamed, the news had just come in about Michelle’s betrayal and he was taking it well “How could this have happened?!”

Pain and Panic both ran from the room in fear of their master’s wrath, the fires around Hades kept burning and his fury seemed endless. How could this have happened his scheme was flawless surly but then how did he lose one of his trump cards?

Suddenly a new idea entered Hades’s twisted mind “This could be fun. I gave those ponies a friendly helping hand. Besides I have a trump card or should I say five trump cards!” he said aloud as he clicked his fingers, as a five gulfs of flame surged from behind him and five warriors appeared “You will head to the Crystal empire and retrieve the princesses and the bearers of the elements of harmony”

The middle warrior said in a cruel voice “And what of the others?”

“Destroy all who dare oppose you, just get me what I want and you can have your revenge!” Hades said as he licked his fingers “Go fourth and capture what I desire!”

Pain and Panic were listening by the door “Well that was fun” Pain said as he walked away from the door “But that’s checkmate”

Suddenly a figure appeared from around the corner “What do you mean?” Twilight asked her tone full of despair.

Panic groaned “I'm sorry to say that our master has just pulled out his weapons that once nearly destroyed one of the greatest hero teams on Earth!” he explained “They know no compassion and they know nothing of mercy! It was entertaining for a time to wonder how long your friends would last but they won’t withstand their power”

Pain nodded “They’re power knows few equals”

Twilight shook her head “I kinda got that, anyway thanks for the information. I better get in there” she said as she entered the room “Lord Hades master of the underworld you have a guest”

Hades smiled as he observed his beautiful slave “Yes whatever, come and sit on my lap. Pain, Panic see our guest in and get them a drink!” he said as Twilight did as she was told. As the doors opened Hades swore to himself “Ah, Dionysus long time no see. Panic forget the drink, he’ll drink us out of house and hell”

Dionysus smiled as his big round face formed into the smile “Don’t worry I got it” he said as he approached pouring himself a drink “So that’s the unicorn this whole mess has been about. Is it true?”

“Dear nephew, I'm not aware of what you mean” Hades jested as he ran a hand through Twilight’s mane “This is simply what is owned to me”

Dionysus frowned “I meant is it true she will bear the child of an alicorn?” he said with an air of dismissal.

Hades smiled placing a hand on Twilight’s stomach and giving it a small rub as he said “Indeed, she will give birth to a male Alicorn, I have poured magic into her and according to my will it shall happen”

Dionysus smiled as he said “Good, a toast to your good health, dear uncle!” raising his glass.

Hades raised a glass and took a sip “Hm, so other than checking the gossip of Olympus, why else are you here?” Hades said as he continued to gently rub Twilight’s belly.

Dionysus drained his glass before saying “I wanted to see what the big fuss was about. As it happens I won’t aid you but nor will I attempt to stop you” he then took a couple of steps towards the door “Tell me what’s so important about a male Alicorn?”

Hades frowned before calmly saying “Nothing, I just want one” lying was a skill Hades had mastered for centuries “Isn't it worth pushing the envelope when it comes to potential?”

Dionysus smiled “Indeed it is. Have a lovely day uncle” as he walked out

“Pain, Panic, get the milking machine” Hades ordered as the two demons walked in “Sorry, dear but I can tell it’s time to milk you” as he removed Twilight’s bra and allowed Twilight’s swollen breasts to flop out “As time goes on you’ll need to have this done more often” as the two cup like devices were attached to Twilight.

As Hades began to gently squeeze, Twilight moaned and tried to pull away “Please Master stop!” she moaned as her sensitive breasts began to release milk “It…feels….sooo…mmm!”


“…And that’s how I got here” Michelle said finishing her explanation “Twilight sends her best wishes but she also send this for the one called Cadence” holding up a blank a folded piece of paper.

Applejack stepped forward taking the paper “We’ll make sure she gets it. But there’s one thing I don’t get if your nae from Equestria, where are you from?” she asked giving Michelle a stern look over “There’s something your nae telling us”

Michelle sighed as she said “Hades will know that I betrayed him and getting to Twilight will therefore be more difficult” as she ran a hand through her hair “As for your question, my memory of my home is hazy…but I know I'm from…Earth”

Princess Luna suddenly leapt forward and grabbed Michelle “YOU FOOL! Have you any idea how seriously you have threatened our dimension?!”

Michelle tried in vain to pull away from the larger female “I'm sorry, Twilight thought it best if I come here and help! She said if Hades was going to take action of revenge it would be against her!” she explained as Luna face palmed “Why? What else could Hades do?”

Rarity spoke up “Darling, Hades wouldn't hurt Twilight as she’s an important investment but with you here he’d use as it as an excuse to attack!”

Fluttershy suddenly said “And without the elements of Harmony, we’re in no position to…stop the attack” as she shook in fear.

“What if we could call upon allies from Earth?” Michelle suggested as she looked at the shivering Pegasus “I have friends there and if they knew I was here they’d be willing to help!”

“Well then I say it’s time to call Earth for help!” a voice said from the doorway, as all turned they beheld Apollo flanked by two other ponies and with a big smile upon his face “We have just managed to contact Michelle’s friends and they’re willing to assist!”

Sometime Later…

Fluttershy stood looking out the window that overlooked the Crystal Empire’s sunrise, comprehending what had just happened earlier that morning and with a smile she said “Twilight, you’re still as defiant as ever”

Michelle suddenly walked up next to her before saying “Yeah, She’s still resisting Hades by helping other heroes from other dimesons escape Hades’s grip. When I first met her I could tell she was defiant and brave” as she remembered her friend “Hades will never break her will!”

Fluttershy smiled “I know” she said “It’s just…we miss her”

Suddenly there was an enormous clatter of hooves as the two turned they saw Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie bell running towards them. They came to a screeching stop and looked at Michelle with a mixture of curiosity and wonder.

“HEY! HEY! ARE YOU THE ALIEN?!” Scootaloo yelled clearly excited.

“Is it true that ya rose from the underworld?!” Applebloom asked excitedly “Does that make ya a Zombie?!”

Sweetie bell nudged her friend with her elbow “Do you have any super powers?” she asked a great deal calmer than her friends.

Michelle turned to Fluttershy trying to beg for help but Fluttershy simply smiled and shook her head “I'm a human, no I'm not a zombie and I'm not sure if I have super powers” Michelle said trying to sound as reasonable as possible “Let me guess, you three are the cutie mark crusaders, Applebloom, Sweetie bell and Scootaloo?”

Applebloom nodded stunned before saying “Wow, can ya read our minds?”

Scootaloo shook her head “NO WAY! That’s sooo cool!” she yelled excitedly

“Do Humans have cutie marks?” Sweetie Bell asked

“No, Twilight told me about your misadventures and no humans don’t have cutie marks” Michelle explained as she tried to end the conversation “Now please I have something I need to ask Fluttershy”

“OH! Okay!” the three fillies said as they ran off.

“Um…What did you want to ask?” Fluttershy asked nervously as she noticed Michelle was nervously fiddling with her hands “Are you okay?”

“Yeah….Twilight wanted me to ask you, why do you blame yourself?” Michelle asked as stared at the pegasus.

“I…I…how?” Fluttershy stuttered as she turned away from Michelle.

“Hades has a weird magical viewing mirror which he uses to spy on his victims” Michelle explained “Twilight and I used it without his knowing to check on you lot. While I was watching to make sure Hades didn't catch us, I heard her cry out in despair and when I looked into the mirror there you were”

“I…She…saw…me” Fluttershy stuttered

“She told me, you had been crying about how her capture was all your fault and it tore Twilight to pieces” Michelle continued “Twilight wanted me to tell you. Don’t you blame yourself, she will return and Hades will be made to pay”

Fluttershy sniffed as tears trickled down her face “Th…Thank you”


Cadence was reading the note with Applejack and Rarity watching her “It’s certainly worded in Twilight’s style” she said to Applejack “It explains what Hades is trying to do to her. A full explanation of who Michelle is and how Twilight believes she can help. This is interesting, the way she describes Michelle is less like a technical analysis and more like….”

Applejack took the letter and smiled “It’s more like a love letter” she said “But are ya really surprised? They were in a place more horrid than any we could imagine. I would be natural that they developed a close bound”

Cadence smiled “Yeah”

Rarity however seemed less sure “Maybe but Michelle’s friends might be less trustworthy” she said as she gave her belly a gentle rub as she felt a fresh surge of sickness “So far we haven’t had much luck with new friends”

“Rarity, we have to trust Twilight’s judgement” Cadence said as she stood up from her thrown “Apollo seemed pretty sure that Michelle’s friends could be counted on”


Twilight sat exhausted upon Hades’s lap as Hades pulled her panties down “Did you really think I didn't know that getting Michelle to betray me was your idea?” he asked as he pulled off the milking devices and snapped his fingers.

Twilight turned to see a figure appear from a column of smoke, she was a fairly short woman with short blue hair and she was wearing the same slave outfit that Twilight wore. “What?!” Twilight asked as Hades spread her legs to reveal her marehood to the new comer “Who?”

“Amy, come here and pleasure this slut!” Hades snapped as he pushed Twilight to the floor “Now Twilight you’ll be forced to entertain me!”

Twilight tried to respond but Amy had placed a hand over her muzzle and whispered into her ear “I'm...sorry I can’t control myself” Amy explained as her other hand moved to Twilight’s marehood and began to push two fingers into her “I'm sooo sorry”

Hades sat back and made a glass of whiskey appear in his right hand as he said “Amy is also from Earth but unlike N she is wearing a slave collar!” as he took a sip “Now Amy fuck her!”

“Yes, Master”

Twilight was spun round and as she looked down she could see Amy was shoving a sixteen inch double ended dildo into herself “P…Please don’t” Twilight moaned as Amy wrapped her arms around Twilight’s neck and with a single trust they were joined “AHHHH, oh Celestia no!”

Hades laughed as he heard Twilight’s outburst “This is the second model of Slave collar” he taunted as drained his glass “It does so much more than the last model. So Amy kiss the slut”

Amy nodded as she forced her lips onto Twilight’s and began to force her tongue into Twilight’s mouth. Suddenly the thrusts became more erratic “MMMM!” Twilight moaned in protest as she tried to pull away.

Hades smiled as he snapped his fingers and another women with long black hair clad in a red slave outfit appeared “Raye, be a dear and give me a blowjob!” he ordered

“Yes, Master” Raye said as she cupped Hades’s balls in her left hand and took the god’s member into her mouth.

“Oh yeah!” Hades groaned as the pleasure of Raye’s mouth “Oh by the way Twilight what your little friend doesn't know is I have already captured four of her friends” he explained as he watched the look of horror appeared on Twilight’s face “N put up the bravest show of resistance but the other four stay in my bed chambers, Raye here is best at sucking cock!”

Twilight squirmed against Amy and managed to push her off “You bastard!” she managed before Amy’s lips pressed against her own “MMMM!”

“Slow down Raye dear! Go suck the ponies horn!” Hades ordered as he snapped his fingers again and a tall women with long brown hair appeared next to him “Lita come here and get on my cock!”

Lita didn’t speak as she pulled her slave garments off and positioned herself so that Hades’ penis was poking at her exposed sex before she murmured “Please be gentle…,Master” before lowering herself onto Hades.

Raye began to gently suck Twilight’s horn slowly as she began to play with Twilight’s breasts which caused Hades to laugh evilly “Looks like Raye will need some pleasure, Mina!” he said as he snapped his fingers and a women with long blonde hair but she was wearing a massive strap on that looked as if it was twitching “Mina fuck Raye’s pussy with your toy!”

Mina nodded saying “Yes, Master” as she stepped behind Raye and guided the toy into Raye’s damp folds “I'm sorry Raye”

“MMMMM!” Raye moaned as she kept felt the toy push deeper into her.

Hades smiled cruelly as he cupped Lita’s breasts “Tell me, slave, do you enjoy watching your friends pleasuring each other while I fuck you?” he said as he thrust his member deeper “Or would you prefer having your pussy pounded by a strap on?”

Lita moaned as she said “Whatever pleases you my master!”

“Good answer my slave!” Hades mocked as he continued to thrust “Truly I am blessed with such a beautiful collection of slaves. Alas the jewel of my eye is Twilight”

Twilight turned her head as Amy kept kissing her with her eyes burning with determination that one day she would be free.


“If we can survive the attack from Hades’ forces, we may be able to last long enough for you two to go into the portal and find Michelle’s friends?” Princess Luna asked Applejack “You are aware the mirror’s portal will only be open for a few days and after that the portal won’t open for thirty moons?”

“I am aware but Michelle will go through with Fluttershy” Applejack explained as she looked at the mirror “We have ta assume that Hades will send his strongest fighters so we need our strongest to stay and fight. If Bravesteel had survived I could have gone but now we’re already in a bad position”

Princess Luna nodded “Point taken” as she turned towards the mirror “With Apollo already out looking for reinforcements, we should keep our strongest fighters here”

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and as they turned Michelle entered with a slightly confused looking Fluttershy. As Michelle entered she looked at the mirror with a concerned look but she shook her head and turned to Applejack.

“So that’s the portal?” Michelle asked as she looked uncertainly at the mirror.

“Indeed, my sister and I have known about this portal for since it first appeared” Princess Luna explained “I was just telling Applejack that you’ll only have a matter of a few days”

Fluttershy asked nervously “What will happen if we don’t get back in time?”

Applejack shook her head “Then Equestria might nae be here when you get back” she said with a sombre look out a window “Remember we aren't at our full strength here”

Michelle raised her voice “What about my friends?” she asked as she had a horrible thought “Will they be far from the portal?”

Princess Luna smiled “The good news is that, your friends are more than willing to help and they should be able to reach you with a day” she said “However Distance is a factor”

Michelle frowned “How do you know that?”

“Apollo” Applejack simply said


There was a loud bang as five figures appeared at the edge of the shield, the bang marked the shield’s total collapse and in one shot the five warriors had changed the battle. As Shining Armour and Rainbow Dash charged towards the enemy, both ponies were under no delusions that after the amazing show of force, their chances were somewhere between small and none.

“What in Equestria was that?!” Rainbow yelled in surprise as she flew just above Shining Armour.

“I have a bet. Nothing good” Shining said as they rounded the corner and beheld their enemies “Who are you?!”

“Clad in the darkness of hell!” The first warrior who was wearing red and black stated as he drew an evil looking black sword.

“Left to wonder the endless expanses” The second warrior stated wearing a pure black costume as he drew a long black axe.

“Punished for our evil” The warrior in blue stated as he too drew an evil looking blue and black double headed axe.

“But finally freed to reap vengeance upon those who serve good!” the warrior clad in yellow said as she pulled out her weapon a black sling.

“We are your doom!” The warrior in pink screamed as she pulled back a black and pink bow.

“Answer the damned question!” Rainbow Dash screamed as she landed next to Shining.

“What does it matter who we are? All you two need to know is that by the time we’re finished, one of you will be chains and the other will be dead!” The first warrior cackled as he stepped forward “Lord Hades will grand us our chance at revenge if we do as he asks!”

“Besides our names aren't worth much to those who will soon reside in Hades, one way or the other!” the warrior in Pink stated as she fired a single shot at Shining.

“Shining watch out!” Dash yelled as she pushed him out the way. The arrow exploded behind them and as the two ponies beheld the destruction they were left horrified “We don’t stand a chance”

The five deadly enemies began to cackle evilly as they looked at the two ponies before them. What had Hades unleashed, whatever it was, was terrifying beyond description and left Rainbow and Shining rooted to the spot in fear.


High above all the collected worlds, sitting in a collection of clouds, was a large golden city that seemed unrivalled in his scale. Within a chamber deep within the highest building, sat in a high golden throne staring into a mirror that showed the figure everything he wanted to see. The figure was dressed in a pearl white suit and in his left hand he swirled a glass of blood red wine. He then rose from the throne and walked to the edge of his domain staring out a window to behold his kingdom but far from being pleased the figure released a low growl.

“I'm sorry, my lord” a voice said from the shadows of the large chambers, Eris knelt shaking as she looked up at her lord and master “I couldn't capture the one you desired”

The large figure turned revealing a tall man with a long brown beard and a scar running across his left cheek “My brothers continue to squabble and I tell you to do one thing. You fail, yet you have the nerve to come crawling back to my chamber and you ruin the taste of the finest French wine! I do not forgive failure!” with that a lightning bolt shot out from the figure’s right hand and send the whimpering Eris through a solid glass double doors.

“All this stress getting to you?” asked a figure walking through the newly created hole in the doors. This figure wasn't as tall as the other one but she was tall “I want to ask about your intentions, father?”

“Athena, don’t test my patience” the taller figure said with an air of anger in his voice “It is unwise to annoy the almighty, Zeus”

Chapter 5- Here comes the Power!

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As Fluttershy opened her eyes, she felt strange, the last thing she remembered was going through the strange mirror than Cadence showed them and then that weird feeling as she went through the gap between the dimensions.

“Fluttershy? Are you okay?” Sailor Neptune’s voice enquired, Fluttershy nodded before getting to her hooves but something didn’t feel right “Your body has changed? You look like a human”

As those words suck in Fluttershy looked down, she tried to move her wings but they weren’t responding “My wings aren’t working?” she said slowly looking at her new ally.

Sailor Neptune bit her lip “You…don’t…have them” she said slowly trying to soften the blow. Suddenly the sounds of sirens filled the air. Sailor Neptune knew she had to help Fluttershy slowly adjust to the her new body but their time was defiantly short “Come on we need to get out of here”

As they hid down a dark ally, they saw a black jeep pull up in front of the spot they had appeared at and two men climbed out “That magical burst went off here” one in a red beret said to the other “Usagi is getting more desperate for us to find clues”

The other one in a cap said “Relax we’re doing our best, they can’t have gotten too far and remember what Serena said, they’re memories may have been damaged” as they walked around the large area, Sailor Neptune hid herself and Fluttershy behind a large green van. As they walked around the one in the red beret came close to Sailor Neptune and Fluttershy’s hiding spot “Come on, they might be heading for the centre”

As the two men got in their jeep Flutttershy asked “Who were those guys?”

Sailor Neptune shook her head “I don’t know”

As the two girls moved through the town they found it hard to avoid the two in the car. Then disaster struck, as crossing a road Fluttershy fell over and Sailor Neptune didn’t notice till she got to the other side. One of the black jeeps pulled over to a stop and the guy in the red cap got out. Sailor Neptune hid as soon as the jeep appeared.

“Oh are you okay?” he asked helping Fluttershy to her feet but then there was beeping noise came from his pocket before either of them could react “So you’re the source of the magical burst? Sorry” and with that he had Fluttershy’s wrists in handcuffs “You’re under arrest for the disappearance of, Michiru Kaiou, Ami Mizuno, Rei Hino, Makoto Kino and Minako Aino!”

“ please” Fluttershy gasped in horror “I haven’t done anything”

The guy turned to his colleague “Eric get her back to Headquaters and call Usagi” he said as he passed Fluttershy to him “I’m going to see if…ow!” suddenly a rock hit the guy in the back of the head.

“Leave Fluttershy alone!” shouted a voice as all turned they saw a girl with rainbow coloured hair “You have no right”

“Mam, this is none of your business, please move along” Eric said as he put Fluttershy in the back of their jeep “This is a matter for the Power rangers and Sailor Scouts” holding up a badge “This girl has given off a magical pulse which we believe is tied with some disappearances”

“What a load!” the girl snapped “I’ve known her for years, she’s harmless!”

The man in the red hat suddenly looked surprised and said “Hang on, years?”


“Eric, we may have made a mistake” as he gently pulled Fluttershy out of the car “Mam, would it be okay if I asked you a few questions?”

Fluttershy nodded “Yes”

“How long have you lived here?” Eric asked coldly.

“I…I…just arrived” Fluttershy said “I came from Equestria to get help” Both men and the girl looked surprised “I came through with a friend, she’s over there” she pointed to Sailor Neptune’s hiding spot.

“Come out!” the man in the red hat yelled still looking shocked.

Sailor Neptune stepped out with her hands up and said “Please let my friend go” she said in a calm tone.

Eric looked shocked at Sailor Neptune “It can’t be” he said with a sudden smile “Wes, Usagi will be thrilled but what do these girls have to do with this”

Wes groaned “I wish I knew but we better get back to base. We’ll take them with us” he said as he uncuffed Fluttershy “Please you two come with us”

The girl with the Rainbow hair nodded and Sailor Neptune got in. As they drove out of the town, the atmosphere in the van became more tense and Wes was looking at Fluttershy with a concerned expression. Suddenly Eric stopped the car.

“What’s up Eric?” Wes asked as he looked ahead of the car was a group of men “What do they want?”

“Nothing good!” Eric said as the men began to fuse together and a massive monster appeared “What the hell is that thing?!”

“A hydra” Fluttershy said numbly “..but it’s so much bigger than anything I’ve ever seen!”

The girl with the Rainbow hair said “What the hell are you talking about!?”

Wes however said “It doesn’t matter! We need to call the others to send the Zords” he jumped out of the car and using his morpher contacted someone “Billy are you there?! We need help! Send the zords!”

If there was an answer Wes didn’t get the chance as the Hydra lunged for him and he morphed. Jumping back he pulled out his time sabres and hit the creature on the nose. If the creature felt pain it didn’t get a chance to fully register it as a zord arrived.

“Q-Rex!” Eric yelled in glee as the huge zord’s jaws closed around one of the necks of the creature “That’s it crush it!”

The Q-rex raised its head high holding the hydra but something was very wrong, the Q-rex’s jaws finally severed the neck and the Hydra fell to the ground but the Hydra suddenly wrapped it’s body around the zord. In a swift movement of the Hydra’s body the Zord fell to the ground and another piece landed next to the car.

“Q-Rex!” Eric cried out in despair “Wes, everyone get out of here!”

There wasn’t much room for argument as Wes pulled the girls out of the car and they made a run for it. As the group ran, they heard the explosions of battle and then a deep silence. Wes turned but Sailor Neptune pulled him on. They finally reached a tall building with fortifications that looked at the height of scientific advancement. Suddenly the doors opened to reveal three people wearing Red, yellow and blue.

“Hello, Wes, are these the people you reported in about” asked the man in red “Usagi has been informed about your discovery”
“Yes, Casey” Wes said in a flat defeated tone “Eric needs help!”

“RJ has already gone out to help” the women wearing yellow said “Hello I’m Lily” she suddenly addressed Fluttershy “Come on you look shaken, why don’t we get you all something to drink”

Fluttershy nodded numbly “Y….Yes…please”

Sailor Neptune however hung close to Fluttershy determined not to fail Twilight’s wishes “Where are we going after this?” she asked Wes
Wes powered down and said in a deadpan tone “I suspect straight to Japan” he looked down as they heard the sound of massive robotic footsteps as they turned they saw “The Wolf pride megazord!” the zord placed the figure of a man on the ground next to them “Eric!”

A women wearing white walked up and checked Eric over “I’m sorry Wes he’s very weak”

“You have to save him, Dana!” Wes cried out in despair “Please”

Dana nodded and said “I’ll do what I can” as she walked away Wes followed and they went into a large building marked with a red cross.

“The…others need us…” Fluttershy said in a nervous tone “We don’t know what…enemy is attacking” but a man placed a hand on her shoulder.

“The Phycho rangers, they’re the worse enemy we power rangers have ever fought because they are our direct opposite. Oh sorry I forgot introduce myself, my name is Andros” he said as he popped a yellow folder into Fluttershy’s arms “Our alarm, told me of their return and your arrival in our world it’s all too convenient”

Sailor Neptune stood eyes wide “Does that mean you’ll help us?” she asked with joy these people had proven they were powerful but could they truly help “Fluttershy’s people have lost so much including a dear friend to Hades”

Andros and Lily exchanged a glance but sadly they shook their heads “The fact is, Hades has been stealing many of our best heroes and tension has formed between the three factions that defend the Earth” Andros said with a sad look “We can only spare a team of seven and their weapons to reinforce your friends. So choose carefully”

Fluttershy was horrified the truth was the Phycho rangers file included five pictures of what Fluttershy assumed were the very monsters Andros spoke of. “Who…who would you choose?”

Lily suddenly had a thought “What about the powers Billy just developed?” she asked a look of happiness spreading across her face.

“They still need people to use them” Andros said in small voice but suddenly his face brightened “You, your human right?” he spoke to Rainbow, receiving a nod, he smiled “Well why not recruit her and her friends?”

Lily looked at him like he was mad “What teenagers with attitude? That’ll never work!” she said but then her face formed a smile too “But hey the original team were teenagers when they started…why not?!”

Billy suddenly appeared and said “Sounds good. The new powers are ready to roll out!” he handed Rainbow two pieces of the morpher “You’ll have the powers of the Blue ranger!”

Rainbow smiled “I know just the girls for the job!”


Hades watched in horror as the alliance between the Power Rangers and the ponies of Equestria “No we were sooo close!” he roared as fire erupted from his hands and he looked around trying to calm down “If those fools send only a team of rangers …” a cruel smile extended across his face “…and send a bunch of newbies? Ohoh that will be their greatest mistake!”

He turned to Twilight who was tied to the wall and she said “They’ll beat you!” she was very weak her body draining to fuel the growth of the Alicorn in her stomach “Evil never wins!”

Hades smiled “In your world that maybe true but I know of worlds where no matter who wins, evil will always win!” he said as he showed a man wearing entirely red “Behold!”

Twilight’s mind was shown worlds with evil darker than any she had seen “No…no….noooooo!” she screamed “Please make it stop…make it stop!”

Hades snapped his fingers and the images stopped “I have been refiled in every world since recorded history started and evil knows no end!” he laughed as he “So enjoy the knowledge your friends will never win!”

Twilight found the strength to say one last thing “There is a seventh element of Harmony. One all my friends have, courage! The courage to be honest in a world full of lies. The courage to be loyal in the times where temptation strikes. The courage to be kind when kindness itself fails. The courage to be generous when greed consumes others around. The courage to laugh when despair is all the world knows!” she said as she found her last ounce of hope “The courage to believe in the magic of friendship!”

Hades looked on in fear “Silence!” he screamed as he felt the good magic within his presence, it was small but he felt it and it scared him “You are mine forever more!” he laughed as her magic disappeared “See all that talk! What’s it good for?! Nothing foolish girl!” he left his chamber but a small cough made him turn.

“I believe in my friends…it’s a shame you don’t have any!” she said in a weak tone.

Hades rage surged to life “I don’t want or need friends!” he roared as he walked away “I have friends right Pain, Panic”

Pain nodded “Yeah boss!”

Panic nodded as well “Absolutely your grace!”

Hades frowned, surely Twilight couldn’t be right but surely Hades didn’t care. Let he thought about it proving he did care, shit. Then he had a thought, he did have friends and they could go to the human world “Get me my royal guard!”
Pain looked horrified “Them?”

Hades nodded “Those five will be eager to pay the Power Rangers back and will bring me back that traitor, N” he said with a cruel look at Twilight through the door “Once the Power Rangers are destroyed…there won’t be any help heading for the Chrystal empire!”


In a room with comfy chairs, Fluttershy and Sailor Neptune were waiting for Rainbow Dash to return with her friends who could become the Jet Strike Power Rangers. Hopefully they would arrive in time to help their friends fight off the Physco rangers. In truth in this moment of darkness, they felt closer but both were scared they wouldn’t make it in time to save Equestria from the oncoming darkness.

“Are you okay, Fluttershy?” Sailor Neptune asked as she looked at her knees.

Fluttershy nodded “I hope this world’s Rainbow Dash knows what she’s doing” she said in a small voice as she took a sip from the drink Lily had given her “I can’t stand waiting thinking that Applejack and the others are in so much danger!”

Sailor Neptune nodded “The Power rangers will…oaff!” Sailor Naptune as a girl ran in and hugged her “Who the heck are you!?”

“Oh, Michiru! We have been worried sick” the girl said as she cried into Muchiru’s shoulder, she had two long strands of blonde hair and was wearing a white and blue outfit “Where have been?!”

“Take it easy Usagii, let the poor girl breath” A tall women with light ginger hair said as she sat next to Fluttershy “Who are you?” she asked looking at Fluttershy with a cross expression “You don’t look like a Power Ranger?”

“Take it easy, Haruka” a small talking cat said as she sat next to Fluttershy “I’m sure she…ahh!” whatever the cat was going to say was cut off by Fluttershy looking the cat happily in the face.

Usagii said “Luna?”

“A talking kitty cat! Oh my gosh that is just unbelievable!” she said as she looked Luna all over “How did you learn how to talk? Are there more of you? Your so cute!” she said rapid succession “Oh you seem to have a cutie mark on your forehead?”

“Um what is with this girl, Trista?” asked Haruka as she turned to another women standing in the door “She went nuts when Luna spoke”

Trista sighed “She must really like animals. That right?” she asked Fluttershy who was still going asking Luna too many questions for the poor cat to answer “Um excuse me?”

Fluttershy nodded coming out of her rapid fire of questions “Oh yes it’s my special talent after all” she said as it was normal for her but everyone in room gave her a funny look “Don’t you all have your cutie marks?”

Usagii looked at her with a raised eyebrow “Um are you sure that’s a real thing?” she asked looking at Fluttershy a bit concerned “I mean where is your cutie mark supposed to be?”

Fluttershy tilted her head and said “On my flank” she pointed to Usagii where she assumed the cutie mark should be “Right there!”

Michiru however stopped Fluttershy before she did something she would regret “um, Fluttershy humans don’t have cutie marks” she said in sympathetic tone "It's okay sometimes I think it'd be nice if we did"

However before anyone else could say there was a cough from the doorway “Um Usagii, with all due respect could you come and tell Miss Rini to stop playing with my research!” Billy said looking happy and scary both at the same time “Unless you want to be billed for the equipment she breaks. Mrs Rawlings is getting very cross!”

Usagii ran out of the room followed by a very patient looking Billy “Wow, Mrs Rawlings cross now that’s a scary thought” said a man in green shirt “Hello my names Cam”

“Um can we help you?” Michiru asked looking at Cam curiously “Are you here to check that we’re okay or are you a ranger he’s here to volunteer to help Fluttershy?”

“Well actually I wanted to meet an alien who wasn’t trying to take over Earth, I mean I’ve met Andros and other rangers from other planets but they’re all the same species as us” Cam explained, he shook Fluttershy by the hand “We have recently been able to revive my powers so I would love to come with you and fight to save your friend!”

Fluttershy nodded “Um..thank you” she said shyly “I really appreciate your help”

However a man suddenly walked in a scoffed “Hey with all due respect, Cam, a true samurai should be the one to try” he said as he walked in a black suit “I feel ready for a fight”

“Hey Mike I can handle it” Cam said in a calm tone “Your still wet around the ears”

Mike smiled “Well as a samurai at least I haven’t worked with our arch rivals the, Ninjas” he said as he walked up to Cam “I’ve got way more skills”

Cam however looked unfazed by the younger ranger’s boasting “Maybe but it’s not just about skills, it’s about the ability to face the challenges of the other world and Fluttershy still needs to pick a red ranger to help her pick the team”

Fluttershy suddenly coughed and asked “Why does a red ranger matter so much?”

Cam looked at her before smiling “A red ranger is the leader of their respective team, I mean in some cases they take a more laid back approach but generally they’re in charge” he said as he took out a photo of all the red rangers “Here take a look, these are all the red rangers we know of”

“Hey wait wasn’t the original team led by the white ranger?” Mike asked clearly looking for Tommy in the photo “I mean Tommy is a legend!”

Cam shook his head “Yes indeed he was the leader of the mighty morphin team but that was an exception to the rule and not an absolute” he explained as he handed the photo to Fluttershy “In fact he took on the powers of two red rangers after his white ranger powers were destroyed”

Fluttershy suddenly spoke up again “What about Billy? Is he a red ranger?” she asked wanting Billy who reminded her of Twilight “He looks like a leader”

Both Cam and Mike started laughing before another man said “Billy is an awesome ranger, in fact I think I’m right in saying he holds the record for fighting with one power and only one! However he is a blue ranger” the man walked in and sat down “Hello my name is Carter Grayson, I have been selected as one of three red rangers recommended to be part of the task force!”

Fluttershy nodded “Very nice to meet you. What about Wes?”

Carter bit his lip and shook his head “I’m sorry but he refused stating he had to keep an eye on Eric” he said sadly “But I assure you, I will live up to any requirements you have for me and we’ll rescue your friends. It is in my team’s name, I was the leader of the Power Rangers Lightspeed rescue”

“Well if that was all that was involved then the mission would be cake, come on Carter” another man said walking in “I’m the leader of the Power Rangers Lost Galaxy, Leo. Pleased to meet you” he shook her hand.

“Wait shouldn’t you be on Mirinoi?” Carter asked a little confused but happy to see his old friend “I mean it is where you live right?”

“Well Billy called me here as the other possible candidates to lead the mission” Leo explained “The portal as you know only took a little bit to get here”

Fluttershy suddenly interrupted “Wait so who’s the third candidate?” she asked looking between the two imposing men “I mean I’m not rushing you guys”

Michiru nodded “Fluttershy’s right we need to see this third, red warrior” she said in a very uninterested tone “I mean you rangers seem more interested in bloating your own egos than helping us!”

Carter smiled “We may seem to be making light of the situation but you have our word that we’re taking the approaching battle the serious nature it deserves” he said as he looked at Leo who nodded with a smile “The third candidate is a ranger with as much devotion as any, Jason Lee Scott!”

Everyone in the room that wasn’t a ranger said “Who?”

Suddenly a voice said “Me” an older man walked in with a confident smile to those within the room “I’m Jason the original Red Ranger”

Fluttershy smiled and looked between the men before saying in a calm tone “I'm thinking of a number between one and ten” everyone looked at her as if she had lost her mind “Well you three all seem highly capable so I’d be happy with any of you” she picked the number three just because she found in funny.

Jason said slowly “Well since I suppose I got to go for number six!” he felt it was a good choice.

Leo however after thinking about said “Two, I the second red ranger to fight a Psycho ranger” he joked knowing the mission was going to be tough

Carter took the longest but after a full three minutes he said “One, it’s the number on my rail rescue”

Fluttershy nodded looking at her winner “Leo, you were closest” she said in happy look.

Michiru nodded “Well if you’re sure, then which other rangers would recommend for the fight?” she asked the red ranger as the other two left.

Leo smiled as he pulled out a list of his pocket that was written on the back of a napkin “I’d recommend we take anyone willing to fight!” he said looking very pleased with himself.

Cam smacked himself in the face “You and Dustin would get on just fine” he said looking a little shocked by Leo’s outburst “But I’d like to volunteer!”

“Not so fast Ninja boy!” Mike said looking indigent “I’m the younger green samurai ranger”

Leo groaned as he turned to Fluttershy “Well who do you want to pick?”

Usagii suddenly re-entered with Rini "Well we Sailor Scouts are with you all the way!" she said and all the Sailor Scouts in the room nodded.


The fight in the Chrystal Empire was going disastrously according to plan for the Psycho rangers. The ponies having been driven into the castle to try and hold out but it wasn’t without cost. Cadence was trying to hold the shield up but Psycho Black had been defended but had turned into his monster form and was punching the shield.

Applejack swore “AH horse feather, how the hay are we supposed to defeat those monsters?” she looked at Pinkie Pie who was nursing an injured Shining Armour “How’s he doing?”

Pinkie Pie shook her head “That Psycho meanie kicked him through a wall, his back leg is broken and he has some Chrystal that got stuck in some of his cuts, is keeping his injuries open!”

Rainbow Dash flew slowly over “Maybe, Applejack I should fly out to Canterlot to get help?” she asked as she looked out a window looking very scared “I mean we need help!”

Applejack shook her head “I get the impression, Dash that if we open the shields even a little bit those monsters will use it to get in” she said in a sad tone “Our only hope is Fluttershy” but suddenly the sounds of punches stopped and all looked out the window hoping the enemy was gone. Standing on the outskirts of the Chrystal Empire was a giant wearing gold and dark blue.

“What is that thing?” Rarity asked clearly concerned as she held her stomach “Is it friend or enemy?”

Suddenly they heard Psycho Black scream “Who the hell are you?!”

“I’ve spend years in hiding keeping my temple quiet and out of the way!” The blue giant yelled clearly enraged “Now evil the likes of yours just
has to disturb my temples energy!”

Psycho Black charged and the Blue Giant drew a sleek sword from a scabbard on his back. The strike came so quickly the giant form of Psycho Black was cut down without so much an exchange of blows. Falling there was an almighty explosion. Before any Psycho Ranger could react the Blue Giant disappeared only to reappear within the Chrystal Empire’s castle’s throne room.

Applejack, Rainbow Dash and two Chrystal Guard pointed their weapons at the warrior in alarm “Who the hay do ya think you are?!” Applejack said in an alarmed tone “You’re no pony!”

The Blue warrior seemed to be happier as he spoke “I’m Ninjor, I relocated my temple to Equestria many years ago and I couldn’t help but notice you all needed some help!” he said as he walked up to Applejack to shake her hand “And who are you may I ask?”

“I’m Applejack” Applejack said a bit dumbfounded by the warrior’s unusual calm but suddenly noticed Applebloom was tapping Ninjor on the leg “Applebloom!”

Applebloom smiled at the tall Ninjor and asked “Are ya a robot magic Ninja?” she was in awe of the the warrior.

Ninjor merely laughed “I’m Ninjor I suppose I am a magic Ninja but no I’m no robot” he said as he patted Applebloom on the head.

Soon there was a more relaxed atmosphere within the throne room, Ninjor was able to transfer energy to Cadence to support the shield but how long could the shield stay up for? All knew their only chance lay with Fluttershy and the hope that she could find help within the world she had been send to.