Sweet Apple Revenge

by crimsonbrony2507

First published

Revenge has come at last

The Cutie Mark Crusaders have been through a lot involving Big Macintosh. But when an ancient law interferes in their passing to the after life, it appears that the three fillies will get another chance at life. Just as long if they do one tinny tiny thing

also sorry im gonna be adding this in parts. just so you know

Part 1

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So let it be known, if any pony's life has been taken and the victim is without his or her cutie mark. The dead shall arise to deal with the murderer. Only then will justice and vengeance be served.
-Anders the Alicorn of justice and vengeance

Have you ever wondered what happens to ponies whenever it is their time to pass their souls into the afterlife. Well, parents would always tell their young fillies and colts that when they die, their spirits move on to pony heaven. Where the grass is always green, the water is crystal clear, and the light never dies out. It’s also where three fillies were supposed to go, but some pony has decided to give them another chance of life. If they do one simple thing that they thought they would never do.

The three fillies were expecting to wake up in a meadow full of flowers, but instead they wake up in a crater on some asteroid in space. The three fillies one by one slowly got up with whatever is left of their strength. One of the fillies Applebloom took a look at her surrounding area and looked to her friends with confusion “I don’t understand, aren't we supposed to wake up in pony heaven?”

The other filly Sweetie Belle tried to answer her question the best way she could “maybe we are being judged, but I don’t know? That's my guess.”

And finally Scootaloo simply snapped at her friend “The only one who should be judged is that jerk Big Macintosh!”

Then out of nowhere a blue sphere of light came out of nowhere and lowered itself in front of the three fillies. After it landed, the sphere of light started to reveal a tall figure that’s about the same size as Princess Celestia, but a little bit bigger. The tall figure had a 7 ft wingspan, full black body armor, flaming mane with one half blue the other half red, and his cutie mark was a scale. Since he was also an Alicorn, the only thing the three fillies could do was bow down as he gets closer to them with every hoof step. One of the fillies Applebloom looked up to the Stallion and without hesitation, she just started squeezing his right front hoof, and started begging “please don’t send us someplace bad, I know we did some things we weren't supposed to do, but we just went through something bad.”

The Stallion shook her off and tried to calm her down “I am not here to send you to the void, but I am here for one thing, and it requires you three.” The three fillies just looked at him confused and they all said together “what do you need us for?”

The Stallion replied back to them while giving them an introduction “I am Anders, Alicorn of justice and vengeance, you may not know this but Big Macintosh has broken an ancient law that requires my attention. I am here to resurrect you, so that you may kill Big Macintosh.”

Sweetie Belle objected “how do you expect us to kill him if we are fillies?”

Anders gave her an answer “when you are resurrected, I will make sure that you are fully grown mares.”

Scootaloo then interrupted their conversation “at least we finally get to wipe that dirty smirk off of Big Macs face.”

Anders then used his magic to teleport them out of the floating rock in space. Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo started opening their eyes again. But this time they woke up in what looks like their coffins. They tried with all their strength to break out of there. With one final kick the hinges of the coffin came flying into the sky. All three of them started to ascend onto the surface while Anders was digging the dirt back in their graves to make it look like nothing happened. The three fillies looked around and saw that it was midnight in the graveyard. Then they looked at each other and saw that he was right, they are grown up, and the best part about it... Is that they have their cutie marks. Applebloom’s looked like a paintbrush painting an apple multiple colors, Sweetiebelle’s looked like a bell surrounded by musical notes, and Scootaloo’s looked like a scooter wheel with wings.

Before they could ask Anders what they meant, they saw him leaving the graveyard. So they followed him down the road he was going. At first they were a little confused at the direction he was going. But it turns out that he was heading towards a lake in the Everfree Forest. When they stopped at the lake and sat down next to each other Applebloom just couldn't help but ask him something “so, is there a reason why we are here instead of over at Sweet Apple Acres?”

Anders gave her an answer “so I can tell you what happened while you were away.”

Applebloom raised an eyebrow and looked at him “well, we’re listening.”

“While you were away, Granny Smith died of old age thus making Big Macintosh the new head of the Apple Family. He hoarded all the apple seeds that were supposed to go to apple family members all over Equestria, and now the entire family has moved to Sweet Apple Acres in hopes to grow more apples. However selling to other places in Equestria has become harder for them.”

Sweetie Belle stopped the story for a second “hold on, are you about to say that Big Macintosh also got away with killing us.” Anders nodded his head in agreement, then Scootaloo made a little outburst “how is that even possible?”

Anders continued with his story “Big Macintosh was also going to do the same to Applejack as he did to you three. But then something in his subconscious told him not to. When Applejack saw your corpses, Big Macintosh acted like he just saw this for himself, and said he would have gotten her sooner, but after seeing the bodies he was ‘petrified in fear’ to do so.”

Sweetie Belle then stopped his story again “what happened next?”

Anders continued with the story “ Big Macintosh blamed it on a unicorn who once called herself ‘the great and powerful Trixie.’ It wasn’t long until Twilight and the royal guard hunted her down on all four corners of Equestria. They last found her in the Everfree Forest where she... She...”

“She what?” Applebloom said with anticipation.

“She took her own life, they found her body hanged and a note taped to her flank saying ‘I didn’t do it’.”

After hearing all of this Applebloom just simply burst into tears and buried herself around her arms. Her two friends tried to comfort her the best way they could by rapping their hooves around her. Applebloom then looked at Anders with a few tears left in her eyes “how long... How long have we been dead?”

Anders didn’t want to give her an answer but he knew that he couldn’t lie to her “In the mortal world, you have been gone for five years.”

Applebloom’s heart just skipped a beat, she couldn’t believe it, she was gone for five whole years. She looked at her reflection in the lake and just asked herself silently “how could it have been five years.”She took a minute to look at her reflection while having to take all of this in. If she and her friends were gone for five years, then what happened to every pony else she knew? Anders stood next to her and put his hoof around her shoulder “Do not worry child, once this is over, no more blood will be on your brother's hooves.”

Applebloom got up and looked at him with a determined look and a grin. “Alright, so when are we gonna get our hooves on that mother bucker?”

“Patience young one” Anders said in response “before you can face him physically, you must first develop the courage to fight him.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean that I know deep down, all of you still fear him, I know a method that is developed to swallow your fear. But some ponies rarely make it out alive.”

Scootaloo quickly got up to her hooves “what are you talking about?”

Anders turned his head to Scootaloo after hearing her question. “I speak of the Amnesia Realm, some call it the dark world, but the truth is more simple than apple pie, and scary as ponies made out of cupcakes. The Amnesia realm is the fear world, every known fear treats that world like their own safe haven. When you arrive, the only way out is to conquer all your fears, and I mean ALL of them.”

The Cutie Mark Crusaders took a moment to let it all in, SweetieBelle on the other hand asked him a question out of curiosity “how long will it be in there if we go to that world?”

“That's a good, but yet easy question” Anders said to Sweetie Belle “When you are in there, what would feel like a minute in there is a second in this world.”

“So... Time runs slower in that world, while in pony heaven it's a lot faster.”

“Indeed, I will give you a minute to prepare, while I call someone who will send you to the Amnesia realm.”

“Who is he?”

“I cannot tell a lie, he is not pony, dragon, diamond dog, buffalo, nor Draconequus. But something much more powerful and older than Celestia, even older than me.”

The Cutie Mark Crusaders took a few sips from the lake so they can feel hydrated and ready to go. While they were waiting, Anders was looking at his reflection in the lake and started separating his hooves far apart from each other as he started taking slow deep breaths. They didn’t know it yet but Anders was opening a portal to the one who will bring them to the Amnesia realm by doing some chant in the Alicorn Language. Here's how it went.

“Kalo tin paratiritis apo ti sfaira Amnisia. Treis thnitoi epithymoun na ypernikisoun tous fovous tous, oste na boroun na min echoun katholou fovo gia ti machi brosta tous. Sas kalo Miedo, na anoixei to dromo.”

After that little chant, a dark cloud covered the lake. Out of the cloud came a hooded figure in black robes, looked like he was standing on two legs, boned wings (that doesn't mean its a wing boner, it's the bones of a pair of wings) and the only part of its face that's showing is the glowing orange eyes. The hooded figure took a minute to look at Anders silently, and then started talking in a cold, dark tone in his voice “So, you finally call me at last Anders, I always thought you didn’t like me.”

“That was of Different times Miedo” Anders said in frustration “you know our kind was at war back then.”

“Sorry, I'm just in a teasing mood right now.” The hooded figure known as Miedo then turned to look at the the cutie mark crusaders “so, these are the mortals you suggest their fear is to be conquered.”

The three fillies nodded their heads as they looked at Miedo with a blank expression in their eyes. Miedo then started talking again “Before we go I must tell you that before you can face your primal fear, you must face your personal fear.”

The three of them looked at him confused as he continued speaking “when you arrive, the three of you will be separated. For you must face your personal fear alone, only when you are together is when you will face your prime fear... Big Macintosh.”

Scootaloo then started bluffing “pfff please, since when did I have a personal fear? I never had one, cause I’m as badass as Rainbow Dash.”

“Really?” Miedo said with a bit of sarcasm “then tell me, how did that work out for you in Cloudsdale?”

“What are you talking about?” Scootaloo said in defense “I don’t know what you mean.”

“You mean you forgot the time you knew you can never fly and you got kicked out of flight camp.”

Applebloom shouted at Miedo in defense of Scootaloo “hey, don’t start tripping her, our trial hasn’t started yet.”

“True, but didn’t Scootaloo ever tell you why she could never fly, why she never made friends in flight camp because they all made fun of her.”

SweetieBelle then walked in front of Miedo “Ok, you're starting to take things a little too far.”

“I’m just only telling you the truth, Scootaloo lied to you two and Rainbow Dash, cause if she ever told you the truth, she thought you would make fun of her.”

Scootaloo grinded her teeth as tears started pouring out of her eyes. Then she started Screaming in rage “DON’T YOU TELL THEM, IF YOU DO I..... I..”

“You will what?” Miedo said to Scootaloo “what will you do when I tell them that you are a.” He stopped his sentence for a minute as he quickly dashed to Scootaloo’s right side and whispered the last two words in her ear “flightless Pegasis.”

Scootaloo just stood there silent for a moment as Miedo was walking a few paces backwards away from her. Right there, more tears rolled down from Scootaloo’s eyes. After hearing what Miedo just said, she felt like her heart has just been broken into thousands of pieces and she can’t pick them all up. AppleBloom and Sweetie Belle stood in front of her friend and both looked at Miedo in frustration, wondering what he said to her. Miedo then opened up a black portal under them and one by one, they all got sucked up. They tried their best to fight back but the darkness just keeping pulling them in. Once they all got sucked up, Miedo looked at the portal and stepped around the black void around him. Before he went through, he looked down the portal seeing the cutie mark crusaders and said these words to them “Welcome to the realm of Amnesia, my little ponies.”

To Be Continued

Part 2

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Come, and see for yourself, because you have entered in my domain. It is here in the realm of Amnesia, where all types of fears are born. Those who enter this world seek to conquer their fear permanently, and those who come out are forged anew from their dark trial. It is in this place where I keep check of all fears, and it is here where I know the fears of everyone, including yours.”

-Miedo, the Avatar of fear

Applebloom started waking up and she tried opening her eyes as quick as she could. When she fully opened them she thought it might have been a little dark. But as unusual as it is, she was waking up in total darkness. She got up to her hooves and examined the area around her, and it was definitely nothing but darkness. She couldn’t really see anything except she knew something or some pony is behind her. She jumped forward to get a far distance from what it is and turned around, only to see that it was Miedo. She scoffed and gave him an angry look “Let me guess, this is the Amnesia Realm? well I gotta tell you partner, it doesn't look like what I was expecting.”

Miedo was silent for a minute and gave the mare a reply “it is because you are in the heart of the Amnesia Realm, which is my domain.”

“Well then how come I'm not facing my personal fear?”

“Just to ask you a simple question”

“I’m listening.”

“What did you think of your brother before the incident?”

Applebloom stood there for a moment, how can he ask her something like that. After all she was going through and hearing she has been dead for five years. She stood there silently and didn’t know what else to say. Applebloom wanted to say something but she couldn’t let it out. Miedo then got closer to Applebloom and knelled down to his left knee “we will get to that part later, but now your trial begins.” Miedo's eyes then started glowing as an orange light started to surround Applebloom. She didn’t know where it was taking her but she was making some good guesses on what it could be. When she opened her eyes she noticed that she was in Sweet Apple Acres, but its a little... dead.

The Apple trees are all dead, the barn is in ruins, the clouds are dark, and the soil is hard. She didn’t know what all of this could mean. She looked to her right only to see Miedo staring at the ruins of the apple family farm. Applebloom was about to ask him if this was her personal fear but Miedo started speaking before she did. “Do you see what is before you? You have always feared what would happen if you left the apple family for good. you are looking at this now.”

Applebloom looked at Miedo with anticipation and confusion in her voice “what happened? please tell me, I’m begging you.”

“When you left, rather you're still alive or not, what would happen is this. Granny Smith dies, Macintosh becomes the new head of the family and hordes due to his hidden lack of leadership. The entire family goes broke and started to rebel against Big Mac. And I can tell you that it was one bloody battle, they did have guns after all.”

“I need to know” Applebloom said to Miedo “I need to know what happened.”

“It would be best if I show you.” Miedo walked to the center of the Apple tree’s that doth the Apple Family farm. Applebloom followed him and as they got there, it wasn’t what Applebloom wanted to see. It was her entire family in their skeletal form, with one skeleton at the center wearing a straw hat. It could only mean one thing for Applebloom, that skeleton is Applejack’s. At that moment Applebloom started to tear up, Miedo turned to look at the sad mare “This is not only your personal fear, but if you don’t fight Big Macintosh, I fear this may be the fate of the apple family.”

Applebloom wiped a few tears from her eyes and started seeing something come out of the skeletons. At first it looked like a bunch of orange energy come out, then that energy took the form of the entire apple family but with black bodies glowing orange, and their eyes and cutie marks are orange. Applebloom started shivering at the site of this, but she knew that if she kept getting scared, it will only make the problem worse. She looked at the ghost like figures and stepped towards them. Then she grew a serious look in her eyes and started shouting at them “do you honestly think I’m gonna let this happen to all of you? I’m wont let that happen, so sit back cause when I get my hooves on that backstabber of a brother. Believe me, you do not wanna be there when it happens.”

After giving that little speech she blinked and then noticed she was back in the heart of the Amnesia Realm. Behind her was Miedo possibly looking at her with approval, but she didn’t really know due to the fact that she can only see his eyes. He then started speaking “I am impressed, you were able to handle that well. I don’t think Scootaloo will be able to get that done fast as you did.”

Applebloom turned to Miedo and shot an angry glare at him “Ya know, it wouldn’t be that much of a problem because of what you said to her!”

“I just thought I make hers more challenging, by saying the two words that drives her personal fear.”

“And what exactly would those two words be?”

“I hate to break it to you, but only Scootaloo can tell you. But anyways you take a little time to yourself, while I go check on SweetieBelle.”

SweetieBelle started waking up, at first things were starting to be a major blur. But then she realized that she woke up in her bed. She wanted to make sure that she wasn’t dreaming, so she did a few reality checks back when her friends tried getting their cutie marks in lucid dreaming. She was well awake all right, but then she heard hoof steps coming from her door. When the door opened Rarity came out, and she noticed right away that something was different about her. She was a little bit taller, her mane was down, and most importantly... she has wings. SweetieBelle looked at Rarity and was both excited to see her sister again, and a little confused about why she is an Alicorn. Rarity looked at her sister with a smile on her face “ah darling it’s good you're awake, for a minute there I thought my little SweetieBelle was still asleep.”

“I don’t understand?” SweetieBelle exclaimed “How come I’m not in the realm of Amnesia?”

“The realm of what now? Did you have a bad dream SweetieBelle?”

“Um no, It’s just that... well, why are you an Alicorn?”

Rarity raised an eyebrow “don’t you remember how we became Alicorn’s dear sister?”

Sweetie Belle looked at her sister confused and turned to her sides. And it just so happens that she does have wings. She turned to her sister and was going to ask her about this but Rarity stopped her for a moment “Now before you get anywhere darling let me remind you why we are Alicorn’s. You told me how much you didn’t want me to leave you so much, that Celestia made us both Alicorn’s so that we can live together forever as loving sisters.”

“That didn’t happen” SweetieBelle said in disbelief “I’m still in the Amnesia Realm, and YOUR not my sister.”

Rarity looked at her silently for a minute and then started laughing. Soon that laugh was starting to change from Rarity’s normal laugh to a cold, dark, masculine tone. The body that is Rarity was then surrounded by a dark vortex that lasted a few seconds. After being cleared up SweetieBelle was no longer looking at her sister, but Miedo instead. The hooded figure then started speaking “you certainly are a clever girl.”

The wings on Sweetie belle started to fade away and thus she was a unicorn. She started speaking back to him “I bet you're probably smiling after I found out about your little trick.”

“Why? I don’t have a smile, in fact I don’t have a face at all.”

“What are you talking about?”

SweetieBelle uses the magic from her horn to reveal Miedo's face from his hood, and when she did... all she saw was nothing but his glowing orange eyes. Her mouth dropped to the ground as her magic raised his hood covering his face again. Sweetie belle just shuddered a little bit and asked him “What are you?”

Miedo gave her another question “racial wise or name wise?”

“Duh, Racial.”

“Alright then, I am an Avatar.”

SweetieBelle raised an eyebrow “What’s an Avatar?”

“The Avatars are one of the elder races that once ruled over Equestria. While the Alicorn’s gave the world it’s magic, we gave it feeling and emotion. We are literally the embodiment of an emotion itself. We do have a body but it works like an emotion, you cannot physically see it, but you can feel it. So if you were to lay a hoof on my body, what would you think you would feel?”

“Um, fear?”

“Exactly, and like Anders mentioned before there was a time when the Avatars and the Alicorn’s went to war. But in the end, it was us that stood victorious.”

“How did it all happen?”

“The Alicorn’s back in the days before Celestia and Luna came were full of tyranny and no emotion. They declared war on us due to the fact that they thought our way of spreading feelings is a cancer. So we gave them emotions to feel, In fact after we gave them emotions, they regretted ever bad thing they did. So they made up for their past sins.”

“Wow” those were the only words that SweetieBelle could slip out of her mouth after hearing all of this. Miedo then continued “they say magic is the strongest source of Equestria, that is when they are wrong. No matter what the spell that is cast upon thy enemy, emotions will always remain the strongest. Using Happiness, Sadness, or Fear as power can make you, in my language ‘silen kako na Bog’.”

“Ugh, translation please?”

“As strong as a god.”

“Yeah well um, can we get back to my personal fear now?”

Miedo took a minute to clear his throat “tell me Sweetie belle, how does it feel when you lose your sister?”

SweetieBelle’s heart just skipped a beat, did he say what she thought he said? she stuttered a little bit “wh.. why do you wanna know?”

“If there's any blood relative that you hold on to the most, it is your sister.”

“Well, it all started when I was like two years old, Rarity and I got lost and separated from each other when we were at the pony ville market district. I didn’t know where else to go, so I hid in a small box in a corner of the market district. I felt so scared and alone I thought I lost Rarity forever. I spend two hours in that boxing crying silently and praying that Rarity would find me. But then Rarity found me in that small box. She took me back home and I held onto her tightly so I wouldn’t get lost again. She gave me a bath, read me a little bedtime story, and she stayed with me in my room so I wouldn’t need to feel so scared.”

Miedo then asked her “did you remember those words she said to you on that night?”

“Yeah, I never forgot those words the moment she said ‘I will never leave you by yourself, cause no matter what, I am always with you, in your heart’. OK, we both know that I am scared of losing her, but as long as I keep those words with me, then I don’t have a reason to be scared.”

The room then started becoming dark, then in the blink of an eye everything was gone. The whole area that looked like SweetieBelle’s room was now nothing more but total darkness. Sweetie belle examined her surroundings wondering where she is, while examining she sees Applebloom in a short distance from her. Sweetie belle ran to where Applebloom was and started hugging the mare. Sweetie belle released the hug for a few seconds and started talking in a relieving tone in her voice. “Applebloom it’s good to see you passed your trial.”

Applebloom turned to her friend and smiled a little bit “pffft, it wasn’t much of a trial really, and I don’t think yours was either.”

Miedo interrupted the two mares “both of yours wasn’t, but I fear it’s much of a real trial for Scootaloo.”

Sweetie belle stopped him for a minute “well if you didn’t whisper what you said into her ear, it wouldn’t be much of a problem.”

“I was only trying to make it more challenging for her overconfidence, but I think I might have went a little overboard.”

“You don’t say.”

“What matters is that I’m sure she can be able to conquer her fear, If you want to know what I told her I will tell you.

“Then start talking buddy, what did you say to her?”

“Flightless Pegasis.”

Applebloom and Sweetie belle stood there with their mouths and eyes agape. Did he just say that Scootaloo was a flightless Pegasus? Things got silent for a few seconds until Applebloom broke that silence “how come she is a flightless Pegasus?”

Miedo gave her an answer “because she has a rare medical disorder with her wings, when she gets to a young age like the one she was currently after the incident with Big Mac. Once a Pegasus reaches that age, the wings stop growing and she is unable to fly.”

“And I bet she didn’t like it, every pony made fun of her and it scarred her for life and you have to go open your mouth.”

“ I was only trying to...”

“Trying to what? make her problem even worse. I thought you was gonna help us, but after hearing what YOU said to her. Lets face it you're nothing more but a SICK, CRUEL, BASTARD.” After hearing what Applebloom just said, Miedo grew silent for a few seconds and then started walking away from the two mares. Applebloom then started yelling “HEY, WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU GOING?” without giving her an answer Miedo surrounded himself in a black vortex and in the blink of an eye, he just disappeared.”

Scootaloo was lying behind a dumpster in the back alley of the pony ville market district on a rainy day. She has her head buried between her arms trying to cover up the tears she failed to hold back. Was she a little too overconfident? Or did Miedo say that on purpose? All she could think about is why Miedo mentioned those two words that she hated the most. “Why did I have to open my big mouth?” Scootaloo asked herself in disappointment trying to wipe the tears from her eyes. “I was so caught up on getting my hooves on Big Macintosh, I let my own overconfidence get the best of me.”

coming from behind her was a mare that was following her ever since Scootaloo got here 6 minutes ago (which of course is six seconds in Equestria.) She had a rainbow colored mane, and her coat has a cyan color. Of course it was none other than Rainbow Dash herself. The cyan mare sat next to her and laid her hoof around her shoulder “is there something wrong Scoots?”

Scootaloo sniffed a little “nothing, I’m fine.”

“Are you sure? you didn’t look fine when all of those fillies started laughing at you.”

“Just shut up, I know its you Miedo.”
The figure known as Rainbow Dash was then surrounded by a black vortex and within a second from clearing, it revealed Miedo. The hooded figure sat down and laid his back to the wall while still trying to keep eye contact with Scootaloo. The orange mare looked at Miedo with a nasty glare “let me guess, you're here to make my trial worse.”

“No Scootaloo” Miedo said lowering his head a little bit “I came here......... to apologies.”

“Wait..... what?”

“I came to apologies Scootaloo, I shouldn't have said what i said before we entered the Amnesia Realm.”

“So, you're saying this just now... what's the reason?”

“It’s not cause your friends told me to, Its just that.... after seeing what would happen to Applebloom’s family if she didn’t fight Big Macintosh, hearing the part about SweetieBelle getting lost and thinking that she won’t see her sister again, and remembering what I called you. I felt something that I never felt in my immortal life.”

Scootaloo’s tone was starting to get a little soft now and less angry “What did you feel?”

“Grief..... I felt grief, I shouldn’t be feeling like this but yet this.... grief is weighing heavy on me.”

“So what are you going to do about it?”

Miedo got up while still keeping eye contact with Scootaloo “I’m going to tell you that I’m sorry, and if you don’t believe me, then let me give you something that will show you that I truly am.... sorry.”

Scootaloo got up to her hooves “what are you gonna do?”

“Just to warn you, this will only hurt just a bit.” An orange light started to surround Scootaloo and worked it way only paying attention to the wings. Scootaloo at first was feeling warmth from the light, but then started feeling something from the bone part of her wings. It was strange but it was getting... bigger, and it was the same thing for the muscles and the skin part of her wings. They kept it up until the wings were as big enough as Rainbow Dash's. Scootaloo shut her eyes and flapped her wings a little bit, at first she thought that she was feeling a little lighter, but when she opened her eyes. She just couldn’t believe it... she was actually flying. Scootaloo’s expression quickly turned to a smile and just didn’t know what to say. Miedo then started speaking when Scootaloo couldn’t “know the time has come for all of you to return to Equestria.”

Anders waited by the river looking at his own reflection while awaiting for the arrival of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Anders turned his head to see a black portal and coming out of that portal was the Cutie Mark Crusaders themselves. The Alicorn looked only to see the three come out and not Miedo with them. As the portal closed Anders asked them a question “where is Miedo?”

SweetieBelle gave him an answer “well after he gave Scootaloo flyable wings, he disappeared out of thin air.”

“I see, well then the three of you should get some rest, because tomorrow........... it begins.”

To Be Continued

Authors note:This is a message to anyone who is reading this on deviant art, due to the amount of violence part 3 will have, the third part will not be posted on the bronies deviant art group. Instead it will be posted on the Sweet Apple Revenge group, it should be where it says ‘groups’ on deviant art. Also if any of you care to join the group then the group could use a few artist. I would do the fan art myself but I really need to think about part 3. If you don’t want to post any art, or just watch the group instead of being a member then that's fine too. I’m just letting you guys know.

Part 2.5

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“And so brings forth the end of The Elders Wars, and the end of The Elder Era. The elements now carry the weight of the world on their shoulders. The legions of chaos have been reduced to the chosen heir, the bringers of true life left the world. And thus, bringing forth The Reformation Era, where the last two alicorns and their daughter of the sun, are left to repair the damage that has been done.”

-The Genesis Of Equestria, chapter 13:27-29

The morning sun finally rises from the mountain tops of the equestrian border as its rays of sunlight slowly spread their warmth to all sorts of life in the country. Somewhere in the everfree forest near a river is where three mares, who have been resurrected, spent the night in that area, by Ander’s orders, they are not yet ready to go out into the public just yet. Two of them, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, are still sleeping near each other. While one of them, Applebloom, woke up from a terrible nightmare and decided to look in her reflection in the river until her friends wake up. As she looks at her reflection, she always wondered, what would happen after they are done with Big Macintosh? She let the thought of that seep into her mind, while trying to forget about all she has been through during the incident with Big Mac. She hears a couple of hoofsteps and quickly turns to see who it was, only to reveal that it was Anders getting down on his knees and sits next to her. Anders turns his gaze to the red haired mare “you didn’t have a good nights sleep?”

Applebloom turns her head to look at the armored Alicorn “I did, it was just a little nightmare, thats all.”

“Sometimes they come and they go.”

“One thing that I just don’t get is how come Miedo was feeling grief? I mean, isn't he supposed to be the Avatar of fear?”

“Even an Avatar would feel a different emotion, they were given secondary emotions. Which will only kick in at the right moment.”

The young mare then wants to ask him something, but she wasn’t sure how to say it. So she says it anyways “I don’t mean to ask something personal but........ have you ever felt grief over something before?”

Anders grew silent for a minute and begins taking in a deep breath, then slowly exhales from his lungs.“ I have before, but it was over something of a family matter.”

Applebloom raised an eyebrow “what was it?”

“I killed my own brother.”

“Wait................. WHAT?!”

“Now before you get any ideas, let me tell you what happened. It all started 3000 years ago when I used to be called the Alicorn of justice. My brother, Rache, was the Alicorn of vengeance, and one of the best Alicorn generals during the Elder Wars.”

“What's the Elder Wars?”

The Alicorn gave her an answer “it was the great war between the Alicorn’s, Avatars, Titans, and Draconequus. It was also called ‘the battles that ended The Elder Era’. Through half of the war, my brother fell in love with a young mare, she was an earth pony like none he had ever laid eyes on before. He brought her flowers and everything he thought would make her happy. He was going to retire from the war and propose to the young mare, but all of that changed when his heart was broken.”

Apple Bloom starts rolling her eyes in annoyance “Ugh, let me guess, he went through a major breakup?”

Anders shakes his head in response to Applebloom’s question, “the mares life was taken from her by the Draconequus, as well as the village she lived in. We made it back to the floating city of the Alicorn’s along with whatever survivors we rallied up. I knew in my brother's heart that he felt pain, and sorrow.”

Apple Bloom then starts feeling bad for his brother, she knew that the Draconequus were evil, but she didn’t know they were ‘that’ evil. “I... don’t know what to say.” Apple Bloom said as her lips shaped into a frown “but......... did he have anything left of her.”

“He did have one thing that he held onto dearly after the incident.”

“What was it?”

“His newborn colt, he kept hold of his young foal ever since that mare died. I thought he would retire from the war to take care of him.” The Alicorn takes in another deep breath and sighs a little bit. “But sadly I was wrong about him. He let his own sense of Vengeance blind him from the duty of protecting his newborn, to something I never thought he would do in my entire life.”

Apple Bloom raises an eyebrow in confusion “what did he do?”

“One night when I came to check on him and his foal, I only found his son sleeping in his crib, all by himself. Rache was nowhere to be found in his chambers, but then I heard an explosion coming from the far west part of the countryside. I tracked the location of the explosion to one of the Draconequus cities and went to investigate what happened. When I arrived at the city, it was worse than I thought. The city was in flames, Draconequus corpses covered the streets with their own blood, and my brother was standing triumphantly at the center of the pile. He even killed not just the men, but the women and children as well.”

Applebloom squinted her eyes a little bit “Hey, they had it coming to them.”

The armored Alicorn rolls his eyes, “I knew in my heart that justice had to be served, and it was my own act of justice that lead me to kill my own brother. But I was not quite ready to lose him yet, so I absorbed his soul and took it into my own. Since then, our souls and our power became one.”

Applebloom then gets up surprisingly “why on earth did you do that?”

“He was my twin brother, and the only blood relative I had left, I just didn’t want to see his soul pass away in the stars.”

The red mane colored mare raises an eyebrow, “I guess that's legitimate enough, but what ever happened to his newborn colt?”

“He needed a new home, and a new family since his father wasn’t around. And I couldn’t take care of him because of my duty in the war. So I gave him to a group of Earth Pony Nomades to raise him as one of their own. For you see Applebloom, that child and my brother, are ‘YOUR’ ancestors.”

Apple Bloom starts showing an expression that shows she is both surprised and shocked at the same time. She just couldn’t believe it, this whole time, the family she grew up with in Sweet Apple Acres are related to an Alicorn. All she can do at that time is stand there confused. “So let me get this straight” Applebloom said as she was trying to get her thoughts together “Your brother, is one of my great grandfathers.”

Anders nods his head “you could say that, yes. But don’t forget that Applejack & Big Mac are related to him as well in that same way.”

Applebloom gives herself a face hoof “Is there anything else that I don’t know?”

“Indeed there is, if you're looking at it ancestral wise, the bearers of The Elements Of Harmony are descendants of Alicorns.”

“Well, I didn’t see that coming!”

“Each of the bearers of The Elements Of Harmony are related of six different Alicorns. Each Alicorn represents six different attributes. Nature, Wisdom, Thunder, Vengeance, Love, and Mystique. Any pony who is descended from an Alicorn, is given the appropriate name ‘Aliborn’.”

Apple Bloom continues looking at him confused “so do these Aliborn’s have any magic whatsoever?”

Anders nods his head a little bit, “they do indeed, however their powers isn’t like the normal magic you see everyday from a unicorn. The powers of a Aliborn are sealed away inside their hearts, unless they go through the awakening, an Aliborn will never use his or her powers.”

“Listen partner” Applebloom said silencing Anders with her hoof “ I don’t think I need any special powers to beat Big Macintosh. I got my friends to help me.”

“It’s your decision Applebloom not mine, but for now, we need to wake the others for final preparations. You must be ready for the battle ahead of you.”

“What the hell was that for Primus?” Miedo asked the white robed figure in front of him. “That stupid feeling you call ‘grief’ was interfering with my job!”

Here, Miedo stands in the throne room of his superior, the leader of the Avatars. He goes by many names, such as ‘The Father Of Life.’ But to his brothers and sisters, he is known as ‘Avatar Primus,’ for he is the creator of the Avatars. Because of this, he commands not one, not two, but every single emotion and feeling known in the mortal world. As for his throne room, the wall itself is made entirely out of alabaster, the floor itself is made out of indestructible diamonds with a cyan color. And behind his throne, a glass window standing 14ft tall, ten inches wide, and it gives you a view of the blue sky, as well as the clouds. As for the appearance of Primus, like all Avatars, you can not see his body, but you can feel it. Well, except for the eyes. He wears a white robe and has on a hood to prevent anyone seeing his invisible appearance. His eyes are all the colors of the world, not blended together, but one color is perfectly separate from the other. And like all Avatars he has wings, but with his current position in power, one wing is different from the other. His right wing is white, and like that of an angel, while his left wing is black, with a draconic like appearance. “Miedo” Primus said in a wise, god like voice, “you have the feeling of grief for a reason, so what gives you the right to accuse me?”

Miedo scoffs at his creator “you gave it to me in the first place!”

“Only as a part of your punishment my brother, for the crime you committed back in The Elder Wars.”

“The only crime I committed was spreading fear into the hearts of our enemies!”

“Do you honestly think that silly old cover up of yours will work? I know what you did! I know, our brothers and sisters know, even the dead human spirits know what happened!”

“Their deaths were their fault! They wanted to fight by our side, who are we to refuse our creations the privilege of fighting with their gods?”

“How long must you continue to play stupid with me?” Primus gets up from his throne and stares straight into Miedos orange eyes. “I ordered the humans to stay out of the war, as part of the peace treaty we made with The Alicorns during the war. Which clearly stated that once the war was over, we would leave Equestria with the human race, find them a new planet, so they can live in that world with free will. We found the humans during the final battle in that dreaded war, and they died from a cloud of fear and death. Care to explain that?”

“I.... I... don’t think I can.”

Primus slowly shakes his head with disapproval, “You waste my time like a spoiled child wanting attention from the parent who spared the rod! Don’t you remember what happened?”

“I do!”

“Then remind me Miedo, remind me of what you did” Primus ordered as a red smoke began to form where his hands should be seen. As the smoke finally faded away, a pair of black hands with red cracks took form, one for each arm. Primus and Miedo know well of what will happen if either one of those hands make physical contact. If it touches anyone, no matter what race, they will be feeling pain beyond comprehension, beyond description itself. “This will hurt me more than it will hurt you brother” Primus said to the black hooded Avatar. “It would be best for the both of us if we just make this quick and painless.”

Miedo shakes his head “We both know what happened, I’m not wasting my time with you.”

As Miedo turns to make his leave, Primus barreds the door with some kind of barrier only he himself can break. “Miedo” Primus starts in “I grow tired of this. You killed the humans when The Elder Wars ended, as for punishment, I ripped the skin off of your wings to make them thickly boned as they are now. I cursed you to be viewed as the harbinger of death to the mortals, and I gave you grief just so you might learn a lesson. Why Miedo? Why must you always lead yourself astray from my judgment?”

“What did those humans ever do for us? Ever since the ponies became our allies, the humans rejected us, and worshiped The Alicorns when they showed up in areas where we could not assist in. We made the humans so they might be like the ponies, but instead, we developed nothing but a cancer to Equestria!”

“How dare you call them such a thing!?”

“Think about it Primus, while they murdered, raped, and cheated off of their own kind, they did the same thing to the ponies. And while we were at war with the equines, one of the human kings had the balls to rape Queen Navatara in view of the public, and that Alicorn was Celestia’s grandmother! I was only doing you a favor Primus, the human race are monsters!”

“Not all of them Miedo, there were those who walked in the light.”

“Yeah, but did any of their kind heed their advice? NO! Of course they didn’t!

Primus’s anger then begins to burn “If you as much say one more thing about my creations...”

“Is that all it takes?” Miedo said, forming some hands of his own, except they are jet black with orange cracks. Then starts taking out his scythe hidden under the back of his robe. “The humans may live in another earth, in another galaxy. They think what really happens in Equestria is all part of a television show for little girls. But what of those things called ‘bronies?’ Even though they spread love and tolerance, it’s their ‘cloppers’ that made people think they are either gay or pedophiles. Clopper or not, if any brony steps foot into Equestria, I will gladly kill it in front of the very ponies he or she has come to adore.”

Primus’s black hands fade away, and replaces them with a pair of blue hands with white cracks. He then takes out his sheathed weapon from the back of his robe as well. Only this time, the weapon itself is a Greatsword, with a length of twelve feet, three inches tall, and he is strong enough to carry the weapon with one hand. And his strength lets him hold it like a one handed sword. As he grabs the hilt with his right hand, he uses the left to unsheath the covering for his weapon. No one has ever come close to breaking this legendary sword. Despite the fact its made of platinum, with one small swing of his sword, it would destroy the entire living organism it makes contact with. But that ability only happens when he battles mortals, when it comes to immortals, there are other perks. Aether manipulation, great strength, devastating damage, and the power to remove the immortality of another god. The swords reputation gave it the name ‘Khela Samapti,’ in The Avatar language, it means ‘The End Game.’

“For too long Miedo” Primus said as he carries Khela Samapti by the hilt with his right hand. “For far too long, I have tried my best to be easy on you, and I do it cause you are family to me. But it appears I must do what I should have done in the first place.”

“Oh?” Miedo questions “and what exactly is it you should have done?”

“Kick. Your. Ass.”

“You brought this upon yourself Primus, since you refused to remove my grief, I’m going to take your throne!”

“No one can survive Khela Samapti’s power, not even The Titans that gave Equestria its terrestrial elements. Discord himself has a reason to fear this blade, and I gave him that reason when I killed his father. And when that gave him a little fear, I destroyed the ponies that he created, the ones that lived under his rule. The ponies he called ‘generation 3.5’ if I’m correct, and of course I am, because I made it happen!

“Enough talk! Let us end this once and for all!

“Go ahead Miedo, make my day.”

Miedo charges in and gives a swing of his scythe to the one that created him. Sadly, for Miedo, Primus blocks the attack with his Greatsword and punches Miedo’s face with his left hand. The force of the attack pushes Miedo with great force, and his body collides with the barrier blocking the great doors made of gold. The Avatar quickly recuperates and lands on the ground with his feet. Primus and Miedo charge at each other, both with weapon in hand. As the sword and scythe clashed, the energy coming off of both blades wrestle with each other. Both Avatars continue to swing their weapons at each other, but as Miedo keeps a defensive stance, Primus continues to swing his sword at the foe he calls brother. Primus notices Miedo’s defensive stance is starting to give out, so he uses that to his advantage.

Before Primus could strike however, Miedo stares at the part of the ground his creator is standing in. His eyes glow orange and a dark vortex with an orange lining appears below Primus. From the vortex, A giant hand, with the same appearance as Miedo’s hands, grabs him and keeps him in the hand’s tough grip. Primus has seen, and used this before, this technique is made to fill whoever is trapped within the hand full of fear. Usually, when the fear gets to you, terrifying visions blot out your train of thought. And once they have control, you scream out of fear from the terrible hallucinations. It is exactly what Miedo was expecting out of Primus, but instead, the white hooded Avatar is..... laughing? “What the hell is so funny?” Miedo asked him “Do you find humor in all of this?”

“Have you forgotten who you are fighting with already? Let me remind you of something, when you use your power of fear on me, it will only make mine stronger.” Miedo suddenly realises that Primus is still holding Khela Samapti, even though he is still trapped within the giant fist. The Avatar uses his sword and slices off the fingers keeping him in their solitary confinement. He then drives the sword through the vortex under him and closes it. “This is exactly why I don’t bother fighting with you. Ever since I punished you for your crimes, all you have done with your power is hold it back. Did you not say you want to take my throne?”

Miedo breaths in and out heavily and angrily “I did!”

“Then stop holding back your powers and fight!”

“Take away this stupid grief of mine, and I will!”

“I’ll give you something to grief over!” Sparks of energy begin to show coming out of the blade in Primus’s hand. The blade’s aura became visible, bringing out a golden color filled with aetherial energy. Miedo focuses his power of fear and transfers it into his scythe, causing his weapon of death to radiate it’s aura with an orange light. Both Avatars charge toward each other, and with one more clash of their weapons, BOOM. An explosion forms from their weapons. The blast destroyed everything except for the diamond floor, smoke covered the field of battle, making it impossible to see what is happening now. The smoke slowly starts to fade away, revealing both Primus and Miedo are still alive. Only difference is, Miedo is down on his knees, with his scythe broken into pieces. As for Primus, he stands victorious, with the tip of his blade at where Miedo’s throat should be. Primus continues to keep his guard up, in case Miedo does anything. “Why must you do this to me Miedo?” Primus asked the black hooded Avatar “Why must you continue to leave me with no other option? We are supposed to be brothers, the brotherly bond of two Avatars is as strong as the density of the universe’s center. The reason I have not killed you yet is because we are a family, and family does not try to kill each other like we are now. We are supposed to have a strong bond dammit, I'm trying to get you to see that.”

Miedo goes silent for a moment, then works up the nerve to speak. “If we are family, then why didn’t you take away what I wanted you to take away? Why did you give me grief Primus?!”

“Because, I only wanted it to remind you of the past, so that you may learn from your mistakes. And you did with Scootaloo, you don’t know how proud I am of you for doing that Miedo. You made her a flightless pegasis no more, I knew there was some good in you.”

“Don’t say that! I.... Just hurry up and do it already.”

“Don’t continue this with me Miedo, I only want what is best for you. As long as I’m in charge, you have my permission to live.”

“Keep it, I’d rather die.” Miedo gets up and walks to the ledge of the diamond made floor, then turning to see his creator. He opens his arms and says “Do it.”

“Before I do this Miedo” Primus said as he charges his sword “after I do this, the effects will be a little different than you thought.”

“Don’t hesitate Primus, I already found out on my own. I’m making up for my past sins. After all, we both know what will come if Macintosh dies.”

It took awhile for the realization to hit Primus, as it did, he simply nodded with approval. The Avatar’s sword charges with aetherial energy, then he makes one final charge towards the black hooded figure. The sword thrust straight into Miedo’s heart, harvesting the immortal blood it circulates. Miedo slowly breaths as the sword continues dining on everything that makes him an Avatar. As soon as it was done, Primus yanked the sword out of Miedo’s heart as soon as it stopped beating. The Avatar gently pushes Miedo’s lifeless body off the edge, looks below, watches his brother falling, and will simply wait. Wait for any news if Miedo stopped what they foretold would happen to Equestria.

Sweet Apple Acres, everything has changed ever since Macintosh became the head honcho of the family business. There are more apple trees than usual, tents and burnt out campfires covers the front lawn, everything is just different with all of this things. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Anders stand in front of the entryway to the farm that belongs to The Apple Family. This is it, the three mares have been waiting for this moment, now then can settle the score with Big Macintosh. As they begin to cross through that entry gate, Anders stopped them for a minute with his hoof. “This is as far as I can go” Anders said to the three mares “after your battle, I will come to put Macintosh on The Scales Of Justice.”

Apple Bloom starts disagreeing “What are we supposed to do without you? We may need you to watch over our backs.”

“I am not the warrior I was before, but I know somepony who is.” The Alicorn concentrates on the magic in his horn, and surrounds his flaming duet mane. As the blue flame in his mane is unharmed, the red flame looks as if it is splitting apart. With enough force, the red fire finally came apart, thus leaving Anders’s mane to it’s original flaming blue. The red flame on the ground slowly gets bigger, and bigger, and bigger until it is the same size as Anders. Then, out from the fire came forth a different male Alicorn. Even though he has the same wingspan and height as Anders, his entire body armor is black with a red lining, and his cutie mark has the face of some kind of vengeful monster. Sweetie Belle’s mouth becomes a gap for a moment, “who the hay is that stallion?”

The armored Alicorn walks closely to them, then stares directly at Apple Bloom. The mare showed no fear or hesitation, and the one towering over her knows it as well. “So” the armored stallion started off “I finally get to see one of my descendants.”

“Eeyup, howdy grandpa.”