If I Needed Someone

by Plumas Railblazer

First published

Adam has arrived in Canterlot Town and has advertised his drumming. One day he receives a call from the Rainboom's lead guitarist Rainbow Dash

Upon arrival in Canterlot town Adam puts up advertisements for his drumming and one day receives a call from Rainbow Dash the lead guitarist for the Rainboom's. From their Adam becomes the reserve drummer (Pinkie has to hold a job) for some upcoming shows. Along the line Adam begins to fall in love with Rainbow Dash and vice verse. Human cuddling ensues. Link to Soundtrack

Chapter 1

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"Next stop Canterlot Station" the PA blurted as Adam packed up his roomette on the train he had taken from his home. Adam was returning to Canterlot from his uncle's house in a small orchard town out west. He was a graduate from Canterlot High School and had been recently accepted into West Manehatten University for further education. It was the midst of July and things were pretty warm outside, despite the heat he wore a pair of sweatpants plus a shirt wearing the logo of the Western Pacific Railroad. He was just about ready to leave the roomette when he met a conductor in the hall who offered to take his bag for him which he accepted. Upon arrival at Canterlot he stepped off the train with the conductor handing him his bag. With a simple "Thanks" from Adam with "My pleasure" as a response from the conductor Adam stepped off the stainless steel sleeper car and made his way to the front of the train. Ever since he was a kid he had always had a small passion for trains. Once he reached the engines he took a look, admiring their sleek streamlined appearance and listening to the whir of their engines at a standstill. Then, with the wave of the conductor's hand, and two blasts on the horn, the train began to gain speed. Adam stood aside waving his hand at any conductor leaning out the side with usually a friendly response. Once the train had left the platform he made his way to the stations car park. After retrieving the keys from the attendant he made his way to his car. It was a simple Sudan, nothing too interesting, but it was enough to get just about any job done. He put his suitcase in the truck and made his way out of the car park. He flipped on the radio as the first few bars if a familiar song played. He drove through the gentrified east side before moving north through the working class neighborhoods until reaching his house in middle Canterlot Heights. The house was nothing too interesting, a single story two bedroom two bathroom with a kitchen and living room plus a garage even though Adam never bothered to use it. He made his way inside and set his suitcase in his bedroom intending to do laundry after some rest. He sat down at his computer and did what he pleased. At about 7:00 in the evening he got up from his desktop and decided it was time for dinner. Adam was never one to cook too fancy and so he simply made up some spaghetti with Marinara sauce plus a market Caesar salad for the side with a glass of milk. After dinner, he washed the dishes and took his clothes to the laundry. He started the wash and picked up his Fender Stratocaster. Hooking it up to Rocksmith on his computer, he played for about an hour before staring at his wall clock, realizing the time he decided to call it a night. He took a shower, brushed his teeth, stripped down to his underwear and climbed on to his queen size bed. Feeling good that he was home again made sleep find him easily.

Chapter 2

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The next day Adam awoke to see that his bedside clock read 8:00. The time was early for him, especially still being in later adolescence. He blamed the wake up on his time on the orchard where he woke at dawn every day. Nevertheless he got up and feeling his stomach decided to make breakfast. He put a couple of potato fritters in the toaster and promptly took a shower and changed into a new pair of shorts and a Beatles shirt. After his small breakfast he went on his computer and, noticing a file on his desktop, remembered what he had to do that day. Ever since the fifth grade Adam had been a rock drummer. Beginning with Beatles songs he eventually made his way up to various styles of music with classic rock being his central. He was in a band through late middle school and high school. They played all original songs and gained local notoriety. After senior year however, the four went their separate ways promising to meet
again, but Adam had his doubts. Opening up the file on his desktop he pursued the flyer reading,

"Adam Palmer, Skilled drummer, looking for musicians for jamming and possible performances. Specializes in rock and jazz" The poster then listed his phone number, and email.

Adam printed out 25 copy's of his poster and left the house. He pasted up the posters on various public notice boards around town, particularly around bars, coffee shops, music stores and venues. Upon arrival back at his house, he bided his time minding his own business playing his Train Simulator and Rocksmith with the occasional First Person Shooter to mix things up a bit. Upon realizing the time, 2:00 he made up a simple bowl of Orzo Pasta and set his table next to the tv. While Adam ate he watched part of a documentary on the British musical Invasion of the 1960's. Once lunch was finished, Adam flipped off the tv and put his bowl in the sink. He went back to his computer and pulled up Train Simulator. He had pulled up a scenario on the recently released SF Bay Area route when the phone rang.

"Hello?" Said Adam.

"Yeah hi." Said a scratchy voice.
Recognizing the voice from her music he jumped back in his chair slightly. It was the lead guitarist of the Rainboom's, Rainbow Dash.

Chapter 3

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"I saw your poster, it's nice." She said.

"Thanks." Replied Adam. "So I can probably guess why you called." Adam stated.

"Of course" said Rainbow Dash, having recognized the voice from his performance at the Battle of the Bands during his senior year at Canterlot High. "Pinkies gotta hold a job and the band's got three local shows in a row. Were gonna need a replacement drummer for that time." Said Dash.

Adam, knowing their skill in rock music, and their notoriety around town gratefully obliged with "You got yourself a drummer." "Awesome, I'll arrange for the rest of the band to meet at the Circumnavigator Club." She then Gave the address and the time the band intended to meet for an introductory dinner.

Chapter 4

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The Circumnavigator Club was once an old parlor car for the Western Pacific Railroad. Now a popular restaurant, it served your average diner fare as well as having mediocre service at best due to the small kitchen. But that gave more time for conversation. As Adam entered the restaurant, he noticed that five out of the six Rainboom's were at one of the back tables. As he made his way over to the table, Fluttershy waved her hand and gestured him to the empty seat in between Dash and Applejack. He sat down and pursued the menu. After the waiter took his order he introduced himself, or more like Dash introduced him to the rest of the band.

"Well everybody, meet our drummer for the next few shows. His name is Adam and if you can remember, Trixie beat his group at the battle of the bands last year." Dash stated.

"Pleasure to meet you all." Said Adam. "So who does what here?" Adam asked.

"Well in case you didn't know," said Dash, "I'm lead guitar, and have I got skill." Stated Dash.

"I'm bass." Said Applejack with her distinctive southern accent.

"And I'm on keys." Stated Rarity.

"I play percussion." Said Fluttershy just barely audible.

"And I'm on rhythm guitar and vocals, although Dash sings some too as well as Rarity." Stated Twilight. "Well, Sunset Shimmer is normally in my place, but I often "commute" between Equestria and here for what you call 'weekends and holidays'" She added.

Soon their meals came and the six ate quickly. Once the plates were cleared and conversation between the members started up again, Adam asked "So what are you all playing, like what brand of instruments?"

"Gibson Firebird." Said Rainbow.

"Rickenbacker 325." Twilight said with some pride in owning the guitar used by John Lennon.

"Ah also play a Rick, 4003 bass." Applejack joined in.

"Just a simple tambourine." Put Fluttershy.

"I use a Korg rock organ plus a Yamaha synth and piano set up." Rarity lastly stated.
"We've also got you a Gretch Catalina Club 4 piece set." Added Dash.

"Sounds great, can't wait to play them." Replied Adam.

The conversation continued until the check arrived. Rarity promptly pulled out a credit card saying "I've got this one tonight girls." Whilst the check was being processed the band thanked Rarity for paying.

Just as the band was getting up and saying their goodbyes, Dash suddenly said "Oh, I almost forgot." Pulling a piece of folded paper out of her pocket she stated. "This is our set list for the shows coming up. Listen to the songs tonight, I think you'll like them, oh, and practice is tomorrow at my house at 11:00. See you there." Said Rainbow.

"Thanks for letting me know, see you then." Adam replied. Once Adam got hone he looked at the list and it read,

"Setlist: 1. Welcome to the show (victory song), 2. Bob Segar, Old time rock n roll (Twilight vocals) 3. Blondie, One way or another (Dash vocals) 4. Golden Earring, Twilight Zone (Dash, Twilight vocals), Something heavy going down (Twilight vocals), Clear night moonlight (Applejack vocals) 5. Muse Knights of Cydonia (Twilight vocals w/5 way harmony) 6. Minus the Bear Cold company (Twilight vocal, Dash guitar number) 7. Steve Miller Abracadabra (Trixie's song, Applejack vocals) 8. Versus Them Impossible Dreams (Rarity vocals) 9. The
Animals House of the Rising Sun (Twilight Vocals, Rarity Keys number) 10. Question Mark and the Mysterians 96 Tears (Dash vocals, Rarity Keys) 11. The Scorpions Rock you like a Hurricane (Twilight vocal) 12. Ratt Round and Round (finale). As Adam began to listen to the songs he began to feel the rhythm and drum parts, and was sure that his new fellow band mates would have them memorized. "This is going to be good." Adam thought to himself as he drifted off to sleep.

Chapter 5

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Rainbow Dash's house was quite nonchalant. A two-story three bed two bath with the upstairs belonging to her landlord. Over the past few months he had gotten used to the Rainboom's practicing there. Due to the downstairs lacking a bedroom Dash slept on a couch in a
rather messy tv room. The practice area was the basement. Rainbow had been so courteous to set up the drums for Adam. Having arrived ten minutes early for that purpose, Adam was pleasantly surprised and thanked Dash. The rest of the band soon arrived. They took their instruments out of their cases and bags, plugged in, and tuned up. The rest of the band was wearing mostly sweatpants labeled for collages such as Manehatten, University of Las Pegasus, and even Canterlot City accompanied by a t-shirt of usually a music group with the exception of Dash who wore a pair of skinny jeans with a shirt of the RAF symbol from the Second World War. Adam had decided to wear his fedora. With everyone ready, the music was queued for practice. Because of the bands new member the rehearsal was mostly practice for Adam. Most of the songs went by quickly and efficiently with Dash occasionally missing a note in a solo usually followed by a

"gahhh!" from her.
Adam having heard most of the material was reasonably well equipped with the exception of Welcome to the Show which he needed to be taken through note for note due to Adam having not heard the song earlier. By 1:00 the band decided to call it a day until that evening. Adam asked

"Should I take the drums home?"

With Rainbow responding "Yeah, I think it would be best."

Chapter 6

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The venue for the show that night was the Mare Mountain Bar and Grill. Situated in the east side of Canterlot, it was a known institution for rising stars in the area. It wasn't the largest of restaurants it had a main room with a bar plus outdoor seating in the rear. Because it was known for music a small stage was set up facing the front room and was plenty audible from outside. The Rainbooms had signed up for an open mic night and had to wait for other groups along with singer/songwriters to do their acts. All listened attentively and all the acts were phenomenal. When it came time for the Rainboom's, the preceding group quickly struck the stage and the Rainboom's set up. Once all was in order, the show began. The title song was a rock version of Welcome to the Show, the song that gave the Rainboom's victory over the Dazzling's during senior year, and in Adams opinion was a better version than the original. The second song played was a cover of Bob Segar's Old time Rock n Roll. To Adam, this was considered his theme song. And with that feeling he kept a tight beat up whilst the rest of the band was perfectly coordinated by Twilight's vocals queuing the various guitar licks and solos. They enjoyed themselves greatly. Next up was another cover of Blondie's One way or Another. This time Dash took the vocals, her voice being more cut out for that of Debbie Harry. Drums went swimmingly along with Applejack keeping up flawlessly on bass as well as Dash nailing
the solo. Twilight also preformed greatly with her Rickenbacker giving an interesting accent to the songs tone.

Once the song was compleated Rainbow Dash then introduced the band to the audience. "How's everyone doing tonight!" She asked with a great cheer from the audience in response. "Alright! I knew you would" she retorted "Were the Rainboom's and we got Twilight Sparkle on Rhythm guitar and vocals." Another roar came from the audience. "Applejack on bass." The audience cheered as Applejack waved. "Rarity on keys." Accompanied with another burst of cheering. "Adam Palmer on Drums, Fluttershy on percussion and me Rainbow Dash on lead Guitar and vocals." The crowd let out one more great cheer before the next some began. It was a cover of Golden Earring's Twilight Zone. This time both Dash and Twilight handling vocal parts. Sometimes even joining in harmonies. Applejack had switched to using a pick for the bass as opposed to the finger technique she had used. This came in handy when the long instrumental break came along, having to keep up with the songs bass line whilst Dash took the drawn out solo. Twilight's part during the time was basically to follow the base line. Twilight Zone was one of Adams favorite songs of all time and he kept the drumming up as best he could, which was amazing. The next song was another one by Golden Earring, Something Heavy Going Down. This time Twilight took the vocals, her voice being more cut out for the job. Afterwards came Clear Night Moonlight. Also by Golden Earring, this one was sang by Applejack with her notable accent giving the song some flavor. Next came Muse Knights of Cydonia with the bands noted five-part harmony. Afterwards came Minus the Bear's Cold Company. Twilight sang for this one due to Dash having a challenging tapping lead to keep up. Next came Steve Miller Abracadabra, nicknamed Trixie's song because it was used by the infamous magician who came in directly behind them during the battle of the bands. It was followed by Versus Them Impossible Dreams which was Rarity's big vocal number which she
preformed with the same level of perfectionism that gave her character. The Animals, House of the Rising Sun, and Question Mark and the Mysterian's 96 tears followed, both being Rarity's keyboard numbers. The night closed with The Scorpions Rock you Like a Hurricane with the grand finale being the band tuning down to E flat to play Ratt's Round and Round. Reception was phenomenal even Rainbow Dash was surprised how well they did. As they were packing up for the night many of the members exchanged compliments and pats on the back for their effort. Once Adam finally got home for some sleep he thought to himself that Dash looked pretty good on stage but that thought was shoved to the back of his mind. Practice was at 11:00 at Applejacks.

Chapter 7

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Applejacks house was more like Adams than any other one of the band. A single story two bed two bath, with a garage. This time Adam had to set up the drums having leaving them in his car from last night. Applejack resided in a quiet cul-de-sac in Millfield, a suburb of Canterlot. It was a weekday and the scene was even quieter than usual. As Adam pulled up to the house he noticed Applejack pointing him to set up his drums in the driveway. Sensing the possibility of a more interesting practice area he obliged. The rest of the band soon arrived with Dash and Twilight looking rather perplexed at where they were practicing. Applejack explained to them that the garage has horrible acoustics and that the outdoors works better. As they went through their songs Adam couldn't help but notice that there were a few people watching them practice out on the driveway. Mostly consisting of joggers and neighborhood kids. Nevertheless Adam enjoyed practice that day. The fresh air, the echo, the spectators, he thought it amazing. When practice was completed and the band was packing up in preparation for that night.

Dash said to Adam as she was putting her guitar away, "You know, you play pretty well."

"Thanks, you're not too bad yourself." Adam responded. It was at that moment that both Dash and Adam looked up from their work and into each others eyes. It was as if some spark had been ignited as the two stared at each other. They both realized that there is some chemistry between them.

The moment was cut short by Twilight, "Hey Dash get in I don't have all day."

"Coming." Said Dash. As she walked to the car she turned back and said "I'll see you tonight." This resulting in a simple hand wave from Adam.

Chapter 8

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That night the Rainboom's were scheduled to play at Club4, an ultra modern nightclub that in a sense, contradicted the music the Rainboom's played. In fact, if anybody were to go there they would expect somebody more on the lines of DJ Pon-3 or some other electronic music artists to be performing there, as opposed to a rock n roll band. But nevertheless the crowd was overjoyed at the Rainboom's performance. Maybe it was the change of musical atmosphere. Once the band was set up and the sound check complete, the band had some time to kill so they decided to go to the bar for a couple of drinks. The legal age for drinking and consent being 18. Rarity ordered a glass of local wine, Applejack a hard cider, Fluttershy wasn't in the mood for alcoholic beverages so she stuck with sparkling water, Rainbow took shots of Jack Daniels and Twilight got a cocktail, Adam ordered a micro-brew. With their thirst quenched, they got on stage. The night went exceedingly well, beginning with Welcome to the Show with much if the audience being CHS graduates themselves joining in song. The Setlist then continued on as planned. But this time Adam kept noticing just how graceful Rainbow Dash looked on stage. He couldn't decide if it was her cyan face, her long rainbow hair, her outfit she had picked for that evening, her toned athletic body, or just her guitar moves. When Round and Round was played, concluding the Setlist, the aftermath was well received. Even a few autographs were signed mostly being Rainbow Dash and Twilight. Although Adam did sign a few. Once the drum set was packed away

Adam noticed that Dash was the only one left of the band besides him. "Anything I can help you with?" Adam asked.

"Yeah, can you take me home?" Replied Dash.

Adam, being a compassionate guy would have accepted anyways, but because this was somebody which he had feelings for, lovingly accepted. As Adam drove Dash to her house he couldn't help but notice her eyeballing him with a sort of dreamy expression on her face. This warmed Adams heart because he knew that somebody outside of his family loved him and he loved her too. When the two reached Dashes house Adam walked her up to the front door. In the process he put an arm around her. And Dash accepted his move because she trusted him with that sort of trust that only comes with love. When they reached the door Adam took his arm off Dash sliding it down her side. Dash not wanting him to leave so soon threw her arms around him. Adam soon did the same. They looked up at each other gazing into their eyes. They soon leaned in until their lips met. They both closed their eyes both enjoying the peace and serenity of the moment. The clear calm night, the crickets chirping, the sound of the occasional distant car, and Adam Palmer and Rainbow Dash in a strong embrace that nothing and nobody could break but themselves. After what seemed like an eternity the two finally broke the kiss.

Dash then rested her head against Adam's heart and whispered in a sincere voice, "I love you Adam."

"I love you too Dashie." Replied Adam in a muffled voice.

They remained embraced for about another minute or so until Adam remembered that he had to get home.

He said reluctantly "I have to go, see you tomorrow at rehearsal."

"Ugh. I don't want you to go." Said Dash sadly. "If you want, we can spend the night together." Dash suggested.

"That would be great, but where would I sleep?" Adam answered.

"Yeah I guess that's an issue." Said Dash. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow then." Said Dash.

"You too, I love you." Replied Adam as we walked out to his car.

As Adam drove home he turned on the radio as Eric Clapton's Let it Rain came on. The song reminded him of Dash and her flowing rainbow hair and how she looked in his arms. As the two of them slept that night their dreams were filled with the two of them frolicking in the meadows of the surrounding mountains. They'd ouch each other down and playfully wrestle before breaking into kiss after passionate kiss.

Chapter 9

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The next morning at practice at Applejacks driveway again. The drums were soon set up and Dash arrived with Twilight. Adam wanted to drop what he was doing and embrace her like he did last night. But he realized that he was with company so he greeted her with a simple hug. Dash was also restricted in her affection due to the two being the presence of others. Practice went by without a hitch and the band soon parted for the afternoon. Adam then went over to

Dash and whispered to her "Want to come over to my place for the afternoon?"

"Yeah sure." Dash said back.

When Twilight said that she was taking Dash home Adam quickly interjected

"Oh, don't mind that, I've got her." He said cryptically.

"Alright see you tonight." Twilight replied.

Dash soon got into Adams car and they were off.

"Would it be too sappy to say that I've missed you?" Asked Dash.

"No not at all." Answered Adam. "If anything I have too." Stated Adam. "God I love you." Adam soon added.

"I do too." Answered Dash.

When the two reached Adams house they promptly went to the large sofa in the living room. From there they just sat down enjoying the company of one another. Soon Adam put his arm around Dash. What seemed like hours later Dash finally said something. "For Gods sake Adam what are you waiting for kiss me already." Dashes lips soon met Adams. At first the shock hade him resist a bit but he soon gave into the ecstatic feeling of affection towards the Rainboom's lead guitarist. There that lay for hours Adam laying on the couch with Dash on top, both in an everlasting kiss that was only broken occasionally for snuggling. Eventually the couch just wasn't comfortable or large enough for the two so they joined hands and moved to the master bedroom. The two held each other for hours. For Adam this was pure heaven. The sound of the birds outside, the afternoon sun rays naturally illuminating the room, and the rainbow haired girl in his arms with her rose eyes reminding him of the many oddly beautiful sunrises and sunsets he had experienced out west working on the orchard. Her skin reminded Adam of a pleasant clear summer sky, one you just want so lay down in the grass and look at it. And her hair reminded him of the planets diversity of living things from human to plant and how beautiful it all was. The sun rays warmed Dashes back as she embraced the one she loved. The state remained until the two were sound asleep. Adam awoke with Dash still in his arms and checked the bedside alarm clock. It was almost 5:30. This made Adam jump back in shock as they were set to play at 7:00 but would have to get there an hour early to set up. Adam quickly woke Dash by gently shaking her.
"Dashie, we've gotta go." Adam stated pointing to the clock.

The two soon rushed out of the house and drove off.

Chapter 10

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The night's performance was at a small rock venue in downtown Canterlot.

When Adam and Dash rushed in Twilight noticed , "Where have you been?" She inquired.
Dash quickly made the excuse of Adam having to pick her up and getting caught in traffic on the way.

"Very well. Well set up, were on in an hour." Answered Twilight.

That night's concert was the best one yet. Thanks to the size of the stage Dash was able to move with her guitar and it was not uncommon to see windmills, jumps, and even spasms with the solo sections. Especially on the Golden Earring songs, Cold Company, Rock you likes Hurricane, and Round and Round.

"This is sure to reach the internet." Adam thought to himself during the last song.
When the concert was complete, Applejack gathered the band in their dressing room.

"I've got a surprise everyone. What y'all say to a party at Vinyl Scratch?" This resulted in a cheer from the band.

The Vinyl Scratch was one of the most popular nightclubs in Canterlot. Owned and operated by the infamous DJ Pon-3, the club was known for its late hours, ingenious drinks, and long often all night raves hosted by the DJ herself. Upon arrival at the club Adam noticed Applejack leading the rest of the group to the VIP line. They were soon stopped by the Usher.

Applejack quickly responded. "Were on the guest list, reservation Rainboom's, six of us."
After looking at his clipboard the Usher soon opened the red tape and they were in. The first thing that struck Adam was the sheer noise of the place. At least he knew that DJ Pon-3 was not one to go easy on the bass. The next thing that he noticed was the atmosphere, there were tons of people dancing, many Adam could have sworn they were on some type of drug, and many getting a little intimate with each other on the floor. Rainbow Dash taped Adam on the shoulder and gestured him to the bar. They all downed a single flaming cocktail before they decided they had enough of that. Except for Rarity, she was feeling "up for it" as she so put it that night and ordered another. The other five got their usual. Twilight, a standard cocktail, Dash, Jack Daniels, Applejack, Hard Cider, Adam a micro-brew. Fluttershy had opted out of the event and had gone home feeling a little under the weather. Feeling a little tipsy from his drinks, Adam soon pulled Dash out to the dance floor to spend some energy. But the real reason was Vinyl had decided to do a little retro throwback and was playing The Human Leagues Don't You Want Me, Adam, being a fan of 80's synth pop as well as classic rock. Hours later in a buzzed state Adam and Dash left the Vinyl Scratch and barely drove to Dashes house without being caught. Dash had asked Adam is she could stay over at his house that night and so Adam accepted her request. Their stop was for a change of clothes for the next day. Once complete the two drove to Adams house. Once inside all love ran loose. Adam and Dash became unofficial Siamese twins that summer night, as their lips almost never parted. Only occasionally to hold each other tighter. After what seemed like forever Adam took Dashes hand and led her to his room.

Dash noticing the time stated "I should probably change into something more comfortable."

Adam got into a pair of sweatpants and a baggy shirt whilst Dash changed into her pajamas. Adam admired her body as she did so. Once all were changed the two got into bed for the night. The gap between them was soon closed and the two were soon embraced in that same unbreakable embrace that they knew. There they lay staring into each others eyes, Adam into Dashes rose, and Dash into Adams grey. Dash soon put her head in the crook of Adams neck and Adam put his arms around Dashes middle back drawing her in closer. Dash put her arms around Adam holding him equally. It was then that Adam and Dash finally found the meaning of countless songs, the meaning of nature, the meaning of the universe, the meaning of life. Adam was at peace with the world and the universe and so was Dash as Adam could make out a faint smile on her cyan face. It was more than a beautiful sight, it explained in no words what beauty was. A small breeze blowing through the open window cooling the room, the sound of chirping crickets, the distant car, the moonlight shining in bathing Rainbow Dash in a pale light. This made the both of them feel a deeper connection with nature and the earth as the two soon fell asleep in each other's arms focusing in the breathing and heartbeat of one another.

The End.