Dark Desires

by SonataDusk97

First published

Sonata's got a lover and some new problems.

This story is about Sonata Dusk meeting a strange new girl. This new girl is sweet and nice but has a dark past that tortures her with all content. She doesn't want to talk about the nightmares she has seen and caused. Meldoy's sister Dragon Blood is now seeking revenge and is going to turn the Dazzlings against not only Melody but her friend Capella. But Sunset Shimmer is here to help them, but will the Dazzlings be lost forever in the dark spell that is placed on them or will the remember who they really are?

Prologue: The Arrival

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Shortly after the Dazzlings were defeated a cloaked figure sneaked around the stage. The figure saw the broken fragments to what she believed are the ruby pendents that belonged to Sirens. The figure studied the pendents and lowers her hood, she smiles an evil grin her raven black hair with blood red streaks cascaded down the petite woman's back. Her eyes glowed red smiling seeing a hint of magic in these pendents still. Her gnarled talons trapped the pendents like a yellow dismantled cage. She giggled with evil and malice.

"Seems like these pendents are my way out of this infernal place," the woman said happily and began to walk off the stage with a happy smile upon her face feeling content with her new finding. She returns to the sewers and was greeted of the awful smell and rodents that ran around her feet. She didn't care though she just wanted to get revenge on her sister Melody Dragonmir and her pitiful best friend Capella Sparkle. She hissed and snarled at the thought of those two who banished her here, but now she had found sirens that could possibly deal with Capella while she deals with Melody! Now this delightful character is Dragon Blood. She was banished for trying to enslave the sirens and turn the dragons against the ponies, but she was stopped by Capella the Siren Princess and Melody the Dragon Pony Princess. Dragon Blood was sent her for her crimes against pony kind, and now she hates them wanting to do anything she can to get rid of them.

"No matter I will rule over Equestira and finish what I had started," she said to one in particular but hey she has no one but herself to talk to these days. She looks for a spell book her yellow talons tracing across the binding's of the books until she found a black black with silvery lettering and a picture of a siren.

"Ah ha!" she exclaimed opening the book and found a way to fix the pendents. The dragon girl smiles as she uses her magic, a red ominous glow wrapped around her hands as she began to chant the spell her eyes became slits and glowed red as she continued to chant and the spirits of the sirens that were trapped in the pendents swirled around them and put themselves back together. The black skinned sorceress collapsed on the cold stone hard ground. She was weak from this task and instantly passed out from the lack of strength the pendents still laying there glowing red from her dreadful dark magic.

~ * ~

The former sirens return home, Adagio the leader of the group is angry about the situation they were humiliated by the whole school and now they have no power. No control. No way to get home. Aria sulked to the couch that is in front of a tiny TV and Sonata sits next to Aria while Adagio began to pace back and forth. Sonata grew worried about Adagio and went over to her to see if she could comfort her.

"Dagi? Is there anything I can do?" Sonata asks and the orange haired girl looks at Sonata with not anger but sadness.

"I'm afraid not Sonata," Adagio replied in a grim sad tone before she headed upstairs. The blue haired siren returned to the couch sitting next to Aria.

"I can't believe this," Aria said to one in particular, but had seemed to be upset with the fact that her power was gone. And Sonata made a realization the bond that they shared was from their voices and music and now they have nothing. Sonata tried not to cry but couldn't help it, she let a few tears lose. Aria noticed this, she wiped Sonata's tears and gave her a hug trying to comfort her, but the blue haired siren started to sob and scream afraid of losing the only things she had left. Aria held Sonata tightly comforting the blue haired girl kissing her cheek trying to ease her.

"It's okay Sonata it's going to be okay," Aria lied to her sister, not out of spite like she would have but out of comfort. Sonata's cries started to slow and turned into sniffling as she fell asleep in Aria's embrace. Aria smiles at her sister and holds her closer to her, but the dreadful feeling of fear crept back into Aria's soul. She sighed before looking at Sonata, so many years she had tormented her. She never meant to hurt her, or cause her pain. She simply did it because she was angry. Angry at Adagio. Angry at being banished. Never at Sonata, but it was easier for her to take her anger out on Sonata.

"What have I done?" the purple siren wailed fearing she had ruined her sister and made her feel unloved. "I'm sorry Sonata. I promise . . . things will be different." With that Aria carried Sonata to her room and laid her in the purple bed sheets, and Aria went up next to her and snuggled against her, she noticed a faint smile on her lips. Aria also smiled, until she heard the cries of her older sister coming from the room beside her. Aria knew it was not the best idea to go in there right now, but she felt horrible and prayed to Celestia that they can be a family again closer than they ever have been. Aria nuzzled Sonata wanting to sleep but couldn't. She couldn't deal with her mistakes, her faults, nor her possibly ruining Sonata. Aria had tears welling up in her eyes but didn't allow them to fall, instead she buried her face in Sonata's hair, the sweet scent blue berries filled her nostrils and was able to get some rest. The sadness that Aria had once had is now gone. She felt at peace and happy as she dreamed of the good old days when they were kids.

Chapter One: Love Found

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Dragon Blood wakes up. Her ears ringing and head pounding she struggles to get up her legs feeling like jelly. She looks at the pendents and smiles. She smiles evilly, grabs them and heads to her room. She looks at herself her eyes have bags underneath them from many nights of unrest, her hair messy tangled and a rat on top of her head, her clothes ripped torn and color fading, and her smokey black skin bruised and cut from fights. She sighs taking the rodent out of hair genitally and looks into her eyes seeing power and darkness, but also hate. Hatred for her sister. Dragon Blood growls and clenches up her fists, her anger fading and she relaxes her fists.

"I'll get my revenge on Melody, but first I should return these pendents to their rightful owners," Dragon Blood laughed evilly and was about to leave when she noticed she would not be accepted into the school looking like a homeless person, even though she was she needed at least decent clothing. Dragon Blood sighs when a small gray bat flew in and landed on Dragon Blood's shoulder.

"Morning your evilness," the bat said and bowed on her shoulder.

"Golem you fool where were you?" she asked with a bit of annoyance with the gray creature. The bat coward hearing the sour tone in her voice. The bat then relaxed and stood straight up on her shoulder.

"I was simply doing what you asked," he stated, "I found the sirens." Dragon Blood rolled her eyes and looked at the Golem with a venomous look her eyes turn into slits and she growled at him.

"I already knew where they were you idiot!" Anger and malice could be heard in her voice and poor Golem just looked at his master with fear. Dragon Blood calmed herself before she dragoned out and busted out of the sewers, letting everyone know of her existence. A thick black cloud of smoke blew out of her nose as she calmed down.

"Golem please make yourself useful and check on my dear sister while I visit the sirens," she demanded and the bat gave a look of confusion.

"Um boss? How do I get there?" he asks, Dragon Blood only face palmed and rubbed her eyes in frustration before turning around looking at her useless companion.

"Oh I don't know maybe through the mirror that the pony princess came through?!" she growled her teeth grew knife sharp and her hair burst into flames, black and red fire danced where her hair was and Golem didn't say anything but flew out. Dragon Blood settled down and went back to her wardrobe. She found a pair of leather black pants and a blood red shirt with a dragon symbol on it. She put her hair in a long pony tail with a silver dragon arrow at the end of it. She puts on a black choker with silver spikes coming out of it. For the final touch she put on black high heel boots to go with it.

"There we go, finally some decent clothes," she said, "maybe I should go out shopping get some better ones." Dragon Blood leaves the sewers and heads over to her new school.


Sonata, Aria, and Adagio walk through the hallways while the other students glare at them. Adagio sighs wishing she had her magic to make them adore her again, but she couldn't because of the Rainbooms. Adagio continued to sulk when she ran into Sunset Shimmer, the fire haired girl looks at her in worry.

"Oh my goodness! Are you-" Sunset stopped in mid sentence looking at the orange girl who was staring directly in Sunset's eyes. Sunset grew uncomfortable and held out her hand, Adagio reluctantly grabbed it as the fiery haired girl pulled her up.

"You okay?" Sunset asks and Adagio just nodded. Sunset put a hand on Adagio's shoulder and looked into her magenta eyes and gave a warm smile. Adagio smiles back while Aria and Sonata are stunned, their leader becoming friends with one that ruined their power. What is wrong with her?!Aria thought to herself as she continued to watch. Sonata on the other hand just smiled seeing that they were not really bad people. It wasn't long until the front doors of the school flew open to a girl. She eyed the dazzlings and Sunset grew worried.

"Who are you?" Sunset asked the mysterious girl. The girls crimson red eyes fell upon Sunset that made chills run up and down her spine.

"The name is Dragon Blood, and what's yours peasant?" she asks with venom in her voice. Adagio glared at this girl. On one hand she didn't like how she treated Sunset Shimmer, and on the other hand she liked this girl for her complete cruel attitude. Adagio didn't do or say anything she just couldn't. She was trapped in her own mind not able to move her limbs nor find her voice. She was snapped out of her thoughts when Sunset fought back.

"I'm no peasant! If you think you can walk in here and just act like you can own the place you're wrong!" Sunset yelled and Dragon Blood just chuckled her voice filled with cruel and harsh tones.

"So my dear you want to learn the hard way?" Dragon Blood raises her hand preparing to scratch Sunset. Adagio's eye twitched until she snapped under the heat of the moment. She dashed towards Dragon Blood tackled her down and pinned her to the marble floor.

"No one harms Sunset! No body!" Adagio growled having the new girl by the throat. Sunset looks at her savior and is surprised but she wasn't the only one. Aria and Sonata seeing the ordeal were shocked. Their oldest sister protecting the one that caused their powers to be destroyed. She loves her. Sonata thought to herself. They were brought back to what was happening when they heard they sputtering and coughing from the new girl.

"Adagio, let her go," Sunset said. Adagio looks at her and sighs releasing her grip from her throat and Dragon Blood is coughing and gasping for air.

"Never harm my lov- er I mean friend again!" Adagio hissed before going to Sunset's side. Sunset looks at Adagio and knew what she had meant to say, but never thought about it.

"Are you okay?" Adagio asks and Sunset nodded and held Adagio's hand letting her know she felt the same.

Chapter Two: A Choice

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"Drat," Dragon Blood hissed putting ice against her eye. After her confrontation with Adagio she got hit in the eye with the restroom door. Her eye black and swollen throbbing in pain. She still growled she couldn't believe that the lead siren has became friends with a lower being, she walks out of the restroom and goes to her class. She walks in and she is greeted with angry magenta eyes, of course she would have happened to be in a class with the pissed off Adagio Dazzle.

"Of course," Dragon Blood mumbled the teacher looks at her schedule and looks around all the seats filled but the one next to the angry orange haired siren.

"I'm afraid the only seat open is the one next to Ms. Dazzle," the teacher said and Adagio only clenched her teeth more. Dragon Blood sighed and goes to sit next to her. The orange haired siren sneaked in between glares when she wasn't taking notes, while Dragon Blood only sat there and took them. She wrote a note to Adagio trying to commence peace be tween them.

Um I'm sorry for causing a lot of trouble Ms. Dazzle but I have something for you and your sisters. Adagio looks at the words, purple ink scanned across the paper and Adagio only gave an irritated sigh. She wrote angrily on the paper with orange ink and it made Dragon Blood quiver in fear.

Look Queenie I'm quiet pissed at you and I rather not deal with your inconsiderate behavior!

Please Ms. Dazzle I have the ruby pendents. This grabbed Adagio's attention, but it also made her think. I don't need it! She told herself. I could throw that old life behind me, have a girlfriend and start over. She tried her hardest to lie to herself but it only lead her to wanting her pendent back. She sighed giving up and writing back to the girl.

Very well meet me at lunch! Dragon Blood smiles evilly. The bell rings and Dragon blood gathers her things and Adagio grabs her shoulder to get the girls attention."You better not cross me Queenie! If you do you'll be in a world of hurt," Adagio growled and left the room and made Dragon Blood gulp in fear. No one has put ice in her veins before, but Adagio knows how to make those fear her. Even the toughest of girls. She shook herself out of it and then walked to her next class, hoping it would be with a former Dazzling.


Lunch came and as promised Adagio was waiting not only her but her two lackey's were there too.

"Greeting," Dragon Blood said bowing before the sirens and pulls out the pendents from her pockets. Their jaws dropped at the sight and smile happily at them.

"Our pendents!" Sonata whispered cheerfully and Aria goes up to the mysterious girl.

"How? How did you do it?" Aria asks and Dragon Blood smiles at her.

"It was easy find a spell book fill it with dark magic and walla it's fixed." Adagio stared in wonder and smiles taking hers and then stops herself.

"What do you want in return?" she questioned and Dragon Blood chuckles.

"Oh you are truly smart Adagio," she said, "you see I want revenge on my sister I want her banished here and rule Equestria." Aria scoffs at the idiocy of the black haired girl.

"Like we haven't tried to do that, what you have done isn't what we already tried," Aria said with a glum attitude and Dragon Blood smiles at her.

"That's where you're wrong my dear. I had it so close turning dragons against the ponies and the sirens at my side but those two rulers Melody and Capella stopped me. They banished me here and locked me away to rot," she growled and Aria looks at her and see's her eyes turn into slits.

"You see I can turn into a dragon and destroy everything, but in this state I'm far to weak. Help me feed off of dark magic and you will feast on the negativity and leave the purple pony princess pest to me," Dragon Blood smiles evilly and Sonata looks at her sisters with worry.

"What if you double cross us?" Sonata asks and the black haired girl smiles.

"I won't I've been double crossed before and it's not pleasant, I won't do it to you, promise." Aria glares at her and grabs by the arm and pulls the girl in forcing Dragon Blood to look in her violet eyes.

"You cross us they'll be nothing left of you!" Aria hissed and the other girls nodded in agreement with the purple siren. She only sighed pushing Aria away from her.

"I get it okay I don't need to have it beaten into my head a thousand times," the dragon girl sighed in annoyance and the girls look at the necklaces and put them in their pockets waiting for the right moment.

"We'll see if our lives change for the better and we'll see how well we do without them," Adagio said heading into the cafeteria and goes to Sunset Shimmer smiling at her. The dragon girl watches and see's the two embrace and giggles evilly.

"I know for a fact you won't be able to," she said turning her back and heads in front of the portal waiting for her pet to come out to tell the news of Melody Dragonmir and Princess Capella.

"Now to put my revenge in motion," Dragon blood laughs evilly looking at her reflection not seeing the human her but the monstrous dragon that is waiting to be freed. It was after school and the dragon girl still sat there, but Adagio went to walk Sunset home while Aria and Sonata went up to Dragon Blood.

"You have a choice," she started, "either stay in this world or go back to Equestria." Sonata looks at the girl that was still looking at the portal.

"Aria?" Sonata asks.

"We wait for Adagio I'm not making a decision without her!" Aria growled and the dragon girl just smiles devilishly and looks at her.

"Of course I wouldn't ask that of you," she said before getting up and waiting for Adagio when Aria had a good idea. She smiles and pushes the stupid girl into the portal. The black haired dragon screams as she spins around and around until she is thrown out of the portal her hooves touched the ground and her dragon wings laid there flat. She looks at the world and notices she's back in Equestria she would've been angry for being pushed, but this this was part of her plan. She looks around the castle and see's the egg headed princess sleeping.

This will be a piece of cake.

Chapter Three: Freedom

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Dragon Blood smiles as she goes through the castle. She moves past door ways and creeps in Princess Twilight's chambers she looks at the Alicorn princess with confusion. She expected a little more from the purple pest. She shrugs she wants to wait until she is at full power to deal with Princess Twilight. She flies out of the castle and returns to the darkest parts of Equestria where changelings now thrive and they look at Dragon Blood as food. They were about to tackle her and feast on whatever emotion she had until a loud demanding voice bellowed.

"Stop!" A dark figure loomed out of the shadows and eyes the dragon pony in-front of her.

"Who are you?" the figure asks. Dragon Blood couldn't see her face but only her sickly glowing green eyes. They glared at her and she shivers with fright.

"My name is Dragon Blood, and who might you be?" she asks. The figure only laughs and purrs in amusement.

"My name is Queen Chrysalis little dragon pest. What do you think you're doing back in Equestria anyway. Well more importantly what do you think you're doing showing your face here again?!" Chrysalis roared and the changelings wings buzzed in agreement. Dragon Blood backs up in fear. She knew Chrysalis quite well and promised her a feast of love, but instead she locked inside a cage alone. While her subjects were left here to starve.

"Oh no I should've know that this was a bad idea," Dragon Blood said since she is weak she cannot fight Chrysalis and her army alone and she knew Chrysalis would not fall for another peace act.

"You're certainly right my dear!" Chrysalis said about to give the word until she thought of something.

"Why are you back in Equestria?"

"I came back to seek the vengeance of my dragons, but now since Melody and Capella banished me. She brain-washed them thinking 'friendship' is a wondrous thing," Dragon blood hissed and Chrysalis grew an understanding.

"These subjects of yours, they are trapped in stone?"

"Yes they were that way and the only way I could free them was to betray you," she said and Chrysalis laughs.

"Do you think I'm a fool?"

"Nope, it's true they feed on anger and betrayal and now since the other dragons are friendly cute piles of fluff there's none of that," Dragon Blood said.

"Hmm very well I will forgive you for now, but you need to do something for me," Chrysalis said coming close to Dragon Blood and with a hoof covered in holes pets Dragon Bloods soft black coat.

"You will help us feed on the love in Canterlot!" Chrysalis said with an evil smile. Dragon blood nods not really wanting to help but in her powerless state the discord from their war could easily make her strong.

Melody Dragonmir walks around the forest garden filled with dragon statues and siren fountains.

"What a wonderful day," Melody said reveling her baby blue wings they had holes in them from countless battles. Her pale cyan eyes looks around the area hearing singing. She jumps into the sunny skies and flaps her wings and looks at Capella singing to newborn sirens. Melody looks at Capella's beautiful pale blue scales with a dark sea blue tail. She wore the ancient shells and pearls of her ancestors and on her chest is a pink crystal that spreads positive energy when she sings.

"Afternoon Melody," Capella said with a smile as she covers the new born sirens with sea weed.

"Afternoon," Melody repeated looking up at her friend with a smile.

"What?" Capella asks.

"Nothing, you just look beautiful, like a true Queen."

"Oh please Melody you're lovely as well," she said and Melody looks in her reflection and see's her dragon like horns short and sharp. Her dragon teeth peering from her muzzle, and her slitted cyan eyes gave her nothing but grief.

"You must be talking about someone else I'm anything but pretty," she said accepting how she looks but Capella frowns.

"You're beautiful in your own unique way," Capella said with a sisterly smile before nuzzling Melody. You're not done growing up yet so don't judge yourself of how you look now," she said before the siren horns blared and Capella smiles at Melody before leaving.

"Yeah right," she said and went of flying in the distance. Melody went to the Dragon peak where she can practice her magic and fighting skills. Even with Dragon Blood gone she wanted to keep fit and able to fight. Sure Melody wasn't the strongest fighter or magic wielder but she is part dragon. And that part will always keep her going no matter how weak she is.

"Practicing again?" a voice asks and Melody turns around to see Princess Luna. She gives Luna a warm smile and bows before her.

"It's great to see you old friend," she said and Luna frowns.

"You've been worrying about how you look again?" Melody sighs and nods.

"I'm just tired of every pony running from me when they see me. They look at me as a monster," Melody said and Luna puts a hoof on her shoulder.

"You're not a monster they just don't understand you. When other ponies don't understand you they will be frightened by your appearance but those that get to know you will look past it," Luna said with a smile.

"I am a monster when I get angry I turn into a dragon that can't control her temper," Melody said and Luna drapes a wing over Melody.

"I think you need to focus on that and not fighting or magic wielding," Luna advised, "you need to learn how to keep your dragon counter part in check and it may be useful in time of battle." Melody nods in agreement and Luna helps Melody relax and clam her dragon counter-part. But she has no idea what threat lies beyond the land.