Just Jump...

by L1ghtning Rider

First published

Lightning Rider is sick. Of everything. She just wants to end it...

Lightning Rider is sick. she just wants to end it. she ties up her wings and puts a cloud up as high as she can. Then she jumps... But will something save her?

The fall 1

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All I have to do is jump. Jump and don't let my wings unfold. I'm so sick of living out of a box. Why don't i remember anything? Am i just so pathetic that Faust can't even bother to give me a name? I can't fight back. Theres no one to fight for me. I'm useless. I don't even have a cutie mark. Just jump. Thats all i need to do. Then I'll never feel pain again. No ones gonna miss me. I have no friends. No parents. At least thats what i know. For some reason I just can't remember. All i've ever known is pain and suffering. Why was born? Was it by mistake? Probably. So I just need to jump. I'm shaking but i know that I need to do this. My wings are tied up so I can't stop. Once I've jumped, theres no going back. I do it. I jump...

There are tears blinding my eyes so I can't see where I'm going. I feel something. I can't explain it but it felt like my body was on fire. It felt good. I felt faint electric shocks all over my body. "I-Is this what death feels like? I ask myself. I feel an overwhelming amount of weight pushing me sidways. At first i thought it was my wings but it felt soft, like fur. "No No NO! PUT ME DOWN! JUST LET ME DIE! WHY DO I HAVE TO KEEP SUFFERING! WHY CAN'T I JUST FEEL PEACE?!?!" I kept crying and screaming for hey to put me down. When she finally did, it was at her cloud-house. She looked angry with surprise and happiness.

"WHAT THE BU-. Kid what were you thinking? Trying to kill yourself? I get that life sucks sometimes but it can't be that bad." Now that I wasn't blind with tears, i got good look at her. She was beautiful. She didn't seem to care much about her mane but it looked well awesome. It seemed to have every colour of the rainbow. She had the bluest coat you've ever seen. Her eyes where like rubies and her cutie mark lookd epic. It was a lightning cloud with a bolt being red,yellow and blue.

"Y-you don't know. I have no home, no family and I don't even know my own name." She looked taken aback by what i just said. She was pretty angry again but it quickly turned to sympathey. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. She wanted to take me in. Be like a big sister. Feed me, train me, give me a home. I cried. But this time it was tears of happiness. I ninja hugged her. She wasn't expecting it but quickly accepted it. I told her that I still didnt know her name.

" Rainbow Dash. Its Rainbow Dash."

She decided to call me Lightning Rider. It was because of my cutie mark. Ironically, I got it while I was commiting suicide. The thing that was supposed to end my life gave me a fresh start. My cutie mark is a lightning strike on fire. I got due to something that Dash had named a 'Sonic Flameboom'. Since I was so high up, I managed to break the sound barrier and set the sky ablaze...

From Rainbow Dash's POV 2

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I was going to Twilight's house. The new Daring Do book had come out. When I finally got there, Twilight reminded me that I owed her some bits from the last time we went to sugarcube corner. To my dismay, I ran into Pinkie Pie. We are friends its just that she seems extra wierd lately. She keeps talking about bronies, whatever they are. Last week she told me to check out anthropology. I later found out that its a study of humans. That must mean Lyra sung it. That was wierd since she doesn't sing. Sure she can play a lyre like its no ones business but shes a terrible singer. "Hey Rainbow Dash!" It was Pinkie. I knew that I couldn't run so I said hi. She told me to grab some extra bits. I asked why. "Because the script says so duh..."

I flew quickly back to my house. Its more of a mansion but it feels good to call it a home. I grabbed a bag with about 14 bits in it. I only needed 10 but Pinkie said I needed extra. I went to Twilights place and gave her the bits. I was on my way but I felt thirsty. I had the money for a drink (thanks to pinkie) so I went to buy one. On my way there, I saw a filly. She was up pretty high and I went to see what she was doing. She was crying. And her wings. No she couldn't. She was gonna jump! I just coudn't believe what I was seeing. She looked really familar. It couldn't be though...

While I was lost in my own thoughts,she'd jumped. I was about to fly and get her but something amazing happened. She her body was on fire! And it was there was lightning bolts all over her body. The strange thing was, she wasnt burning. Was this like my Sonic Rainboom? This filly, was amazing. It was almost like she and I had the same blood running through us. But that woud be impossible. She couldn't be. My Lightning Rider.
She was almost at the ground. Lost in my thoughts again, I hadn't noticed. I was almost too late. Almost.
I flew faster then I've ever done. Anyone who was below was in for a treat.

Berry Punch was drinking again. She liked to look up when she was drunk. There was the biggest explosion of rainbows and fire. She proceeded to spill her bottle. "Gosh Colgate was right..."

I thought she would be grateful but she was screaming. Telling me to put her down. Let her die. No freaking way on Equestria would I put her down. At least until she was safe. Her voice. It just made me happy. Like I'd heard it before. I held onto the hope that it was her.

I finally got a good look at her. She just looked lost. Her cyan eyes were innocent and screamed "Help me". I assumed her coat was yellow since it was covered in dirt. The only hint of yellow was were she had been crying. Her mane was only 2 colours. Light blue and red. It looked like my mane. Her tail was mostly red with blue tips.I was about to swear and scream at her. Then I remembered that she was a kid and she might be her...

I just calmly asked her why. What she said had shocked me. She was homeless. She had no family. "D-Do you at least recognise me?" She slowly shook her head and asked why. I allowed one tear to fall.She doesn't know who I am. I don't even know if it is her but nevertheless I would protect her. "So I'm guessing you need a home huh? Well your in luck! I just happen to have some spare rooms and I guess I could spare a couple. You also have alot of talent. With the right training, you could be amazing. bet living on the streets did you some good though. I'll bet your an awesome fighter. I just happen to be the best flier in Equestria. That thing you did, its alot like something that I did a long time ago.Granted I wasn't trying to die but, looks like the results are the same." I motioned to her flank and she saw her cutie mark. Overwhelmed by the happiness I'd given her and getting her cutie mark, she ninja hugged me. I was a little surprised but I welcomed it. "Wait, you don't have a name do you?" She shook her head. "Well I've got the perfect one, Lightning Rider..."