Alone With Applejack

by Brony_Headbanger

First published

You helped out Applejack around the barn lately. You've been a hard worker, and you and her have been really close friends since you moved to Sweet Apple Acres.

You've been staying with Applejack and her family at Sweet Apple Acres, and you've been a really hard worker, and a really good helper when your hands come in handy. You and her have been the closest of friends since you arrived and she has a special gift for you. But it's not in her bedroom, it's somewhere else.

{2nd Person} {You x Applejack}

{Sixth Story from "Alone With..." series.}

Alone With Applejack

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You and Applejack are at the kitchen table. Playing a friendly game of chess that she borrowed from her little sister "Apple Bloom."You're almost at the end, just one more step till check-mate, this is your chance. But unfortionetly it's Applejacks turn. She's thinking on what to pick. Finally, she picks her soldier, and the bad part is... it's just a step away from your little soldier. Oh no, is she about to knock it down? She begins to move it to your left.


Knocked it straight down. "Nooooo!" You cried out as Applejack just laughed a little that your little soldier was killed in battle. She's also about to reach check-mate. But hey, at least it's your turn. You start to make a move. You knocked down one of Applejack's larger soldiers. You have five of her little guys, and Applejack has about what. Seven? Eight? Oh well. Now its her turn. She knocks down your king, she has check-mate.

"YEE-HOOW!!" Ah win again."

"That was a good game." You said as you gave her a smile.

"Thanks Sugarcube. Maybe one day you'll beat me at this." She said as you and her packed up the game. "Here ya go Apple Bloom." Said Applejack handing Apple Bloom back her chess game.

"Well... who won?"

"Ah did." Applejack said as she looked back at you. Her and Apple Bloom just giggled that you lost in another game of chess. Ugh!

"But hey," You said getting both their attention. "It was a good game though." You said as Applejack just smiled.

"Well. Now that Ya'll are done playin' chess. Ah can finally play with Scootaloo. She said she's always good at it when she plays with Rainbow Dash."

"Oh really." Said Applejack as if she doesn't believer her.

"Yep. Ah like to see that for myself when she plays me." Said Apple Bloom as she went up the stairs with her favorite game.

* * * * * *

The Next Day.

You're out in the Apple field with Applejack and Big MacIntosh as they both buck tree after tree. Luckily your hands are always come and handy. Putting the remaining apples in the basket as they fall out, and you would help them carry the baskets to the farm. It's a hot summer day, you decide to take off your shirt and put it in your back pocket. You didn't notice that a pair of green orbs just saw you take your top off. Until you looked at the corner of your eye, you can see Applejack blush as she immediately turned away. Your half naked body just gleaming in the sunlight as sweat drips down from you and you would swing your hair around as you get the sweat off of you.

"What. You like what you see?" You said teasing Applejack revealing your muscles.

"Uh..." Was all Applejack could say. She just blushed and turned away, still blushing. Your new diet has helped you out a lot. You've gotten stronger, healthier, but you miss eating meat. But living in a world that's filled with vegetarian ponies isn't a bad thing. You got use to it finally.

About a few hours had passed and it's almost lunch time. You sat on the table inside the house with your shirt back on. You helped Applejack with lunch as she's still blushing as you keep looking at her.

"You okay?"

"Huh? Oh yeah. Sorry sugar." The way she just said "Sugar." just made you feel like something's up. Does she... like you? Eh, you can't think about that right now. But it feels like she does.

An hour has passed. After your lunch is done. You and your two friends went back to apple bucking. Once again, loosing the shirt under the princesses hot sun, putting it on the back of your shirt.

Applejack had to go to the bathroom real quick, which leaves you and Big Mac into apple bucking.

"Hey Big Mac." You said getting his attention. "Do you notice anything weird about AJ lately?"

"Nope." He said as he bucked an apple tree.

One apple hits you on the head. "Oof." You said as you didn't notice that you were under an apple tree. Big MacIntosh just laughed a little.

"Aight. I see how it is." You said as you start picking up the apples from the ground and threw them into the baskets.

"Hey cheer up." Big Mac said smiling at you. "Ah'm just messin' with ya." He said as he patted you a little bit on the back. Your mind still wonders about Applejack. How she's been acting around you lately, how she wont stop looking at you every time you take your shirt off? It's weird.

"You sure that there's nothing wrong with her?" You said as if you can't et your mind off of it. Which you really can't.

"Eeyup." He said in his famous quote.

"Okay then." You said as you pick up the remaining apples from the ground to the baskets.

"Ah'm back!" Applejack said as she grabbed your attention and Big Macs. Finally you and the other two went back to work.

* * * * * *

The day goes on. You've been awfully quiet the whole time. Not since AJ came back from her little bathroom break. You put the last cider barrel in the cart as you helped Big Mac with them.

Big Mac speaks out your name to get you attention. "You alright? You've been awfully quiet the whole day."

"Eh, it's just me sometimes." You shrugged. "I don't know why I'm always quiet. It's probably... when I have no one to talk to, and I don;t know what to talk about."

"Is that why you're always so quiet sometimes?"

"I guess so yeah." Why, do you feel the same?"

"Not exactly. I just talk when ever I need to." He said as he put down the last cider barrel. "Alright. Nice work." He said as you punched his hoof with your knuckles. You and Big Mac walked inside of the barn to see Granny Smith cooking dinner.

"Hm. I wonder what we're having."

"Were havin' apple pie." Said Applejack getting your attention. Apple pie huh? You never get tired of that. Why? Because Sweet Apple Acres apples are amazingly good. Better than the ones back on Earth.

As you all prepared for dinner. You notice that Applejack's sitting right beside you. She's definitely on to something alright. But what. As you saw her face to you, you notice that she immediately looked away from you to her food.

* * * * * *

The Next Morning.

You've been invited to the crusaders club house for some reason. You don't know what because they haven't told you yet. Oh well.

You're sitting in the middle with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle as Scootaloo gives out a small plan on getting their cutie marks.

"Okay. Why am I here?" You asked the fillies as if their trying to hide something. Their not gonna get you killed, are they?

"Well," Scootaloo said as she's thinking. "We're gonna see if we can get our cutie marks."

"For what."

"For playing chess." She said as she hold up Apple Blooms game. Oh it's that silly game that you played with Applejack like two times and you lost two times. Good times right?

"This is why you brung me here? Seriously?"

"Yeah he's right." Sweetie Belle said getting into the conversation. "Who wants a chess piece on their flank anyway?"

"Yeah you got a point." Scootaloo said as she tossed out the game of chess. "How about..." Scootaloo think for a minute. Then an idea pops into her head. "Art?"

"Yeah, art ain't a bad idea." Said Apple Bloom as she pulled out a notbook. A sketch notebook that is. She faces to you. "You think you can help us?"

"Eh, why not?" You said smiling. "I can draw. But I'm not the greatest." You chuckled.

The morning goes on as you helped the three fillies with their drawing. They looked at their flanks. Nope, no cutie mark yet.

"Well this sucks." Said Scootaloo as she pulled out a flame thrower and lite the sketch book on fire. Why in the wide wide world would she do that?

"Well drawing's not our style."

"Hey. At least he helped us right?" Said Apple Bloom as she looked at you.

"Yeah. At least I tried." You said giving a fillies a smile as you put out the fire before it spreads quickly. "And Scootaloo? Where did you get that flame thrower?"

"Oh this awesome thing?" She said as she's holding it in her hooves. "I borrowed it from Rainbow Dash. I'm hoping to get my cutie mark when I save the ponies when their trapped under ice blocks and stuff."

Oh boy. Maybe giving Scootaloo a flame thrower was a bad idea. Should Rainbow Dash take it away from her or something before she kills anyone with it?

"Okay then?" You said as if you're now scared at what she might do next. "So Apple Bloom. You ready to head back to the farm?"


* * * * * *

You and Apple Bloom walked back to the farm. Applejack and Big Mac are already into apple bucking.

"Well I'll be. S'bout time you two got back." Said Applejack as she saw you two.

"Yeah. Me too." You said as you looked at your watch. It's almost 11:00 AM. Man how long have you been gone? Oh well. That doesn't matter. You just need to help with the farm, and little Apple Bloom heads to her room. Since it being a Saturday, she's trying her best to find something to do as she heads to her room. Maybe a coloring book or something.


Applejack bucks an apple tree as the apples start to fall off. You picked up the remaining apples off the ground, and you hear Applejack giggle a bit. You look up and she immediately turned away. Seriously, what is this pony up to? If she wants to date you she can just ask. You wouldn't mind dating her, just for the heck of it. But you just don't know what she's planning.

As you looked at the front porch you notice that Apple Bloom came out with a little coloring book. Thought so. She picks random colors from her crayon box and she colored away in the shade of the front porch. You focused back into the whole apple bucking thing and consentrated on other then... what's going on with Applejack.

* * * * * *

The day went by. As You, Applejack, and Big MacIntosh are ready to call it a night. You all walked to the barn as you see little lightning bugs light up the night. You remember when you was a little kid that you use to catch lightning bugs with your sister, and you cousin. You had a tone of fun with that. Still remember the good times. Why do they have to come to an end?

You all walked inside, as you see Granny Smith cooking. I bet you're thinking what you're having tonight. Probably another-

"Apple pizza?" Applejack said getting your attention. You still can't believe on how the apple family comes up with ridiculous recipes made of apples. You shrugged and took a bite out of it. Wow, taste just like pizza. But you put the thought about the apple recipes to the side since that it's probably rude to ask what this is and what that is. You don't wanna cross the line.

Dinner has passed and it's about time to hit the hay. Since that you've been sleeping in the guest bedroom for about two weeks now. You wonder what your gonna do tomorrow.

"Psst." Huh? What? What was that? Was that someone trying to get your attention?

"Pssst." It get's louder. You turn around. It's Applejack standing at your bedroom door.

"Hey AJ. What's up?"

"Howdy sugarcube." She said as she walked in and shut the door behind her. She takes a few deep breaths to calm herself. She looks like she's completely nervous out of her mind.

"You okay?"

'Yeah. Just uh..." She pauses. Then takes another deep breath, and she takes off her hat. Ears folded behind her.

"AJ, what's wrong. You can tell me anything." You said as you place an arm around your friend. You can help her with whatever she needs. You're there for her.

"Okay. A-Ah was wondering if... uh..." She can't get the words out of her mouth. So she gulped. "Ah'v been wantin' to say this ever since I saw you arrive here."

"Huh? What are you saying?"

She tackles you on the floor like a football player seeking it's prey, trying to grab the football. But this football player is wanting to tell you something. But can't spit it out.

"Ah'm sayin'... Ah love ya." She said as she pressed her lips to yous. You jumped back a little as you feel her soft, warm lips pressed against yours. It feels so... so... oh my. It's hard to describe.

She breaks the kiss and you two look deep into each others eyes. "Y-You do? AJ." You said as you pressed your hand to her cheek. "i like you too. I never thought that you thought of me that way." Your words make Applejack blush like mad.

"Hehe, yeah."

"So, you want me to move into your room?"

"Well." She starts to smirk. "Ah was thinkin' that I could take a little shower."

"Oh okay." You said smiling at her.

"You don't wanna come with me?" She said in that tone of hers. Wait a minute. What did she just say? She's not inviting you to take a shower with her is she?

"Uh... Wh-What will the others say?" You asked worried and not thinking about it. You're pretty scared of what's gonna happen to you. This is bad.

"Oh, ah already told the others about it." Huh? Wow, you're surprised that their not gonna kill you for being in the shower with Applejack.

"Uh... okay then." You said smiling and petted her mane. She gets off of you to let you up. You two head to the bathroom, and you're starting to feel pretty nervous cause you probably don't believe a word Applejack said about telling the others that you're gonna be in the shower with her. She's an honest pony. How can she lie like that? She never lies. She wont even lie for the whole world.

You enter the bathroom with AJ as she shuts the door behind you two. She grabs a couple of towels from the bathroom closet and lays them on the toilet lid. She turns on the water, you just watch her as she took of her hair bands and her mane flows freely. Whoa, she's a goddess.

"What do ya think?"

"Uh..." You can't stop blushing at what you're seeing. You're speechless. Completely. "Amazing."

"Now you." She said as she approached you. She starts to unbutton your pants, pulls down the zipper with her teeth. She then brings her hooves around your waist and she begins to pull down your pants, along with your underwear. Now leaving your manhood standing up proudly.

"My my. Someone's excited now is he." Applejack said as she lifts up your shirt with a hoof. You take off your shirt and she just looks at you. Your body now completely naked. Nothing to hide.

You watch Applejack get in the shower first. She wiggles her flanks at you.

"C'mon sexy. You gettin' in?" Good lord that tone. That... really sexy tone of hers. You cannot get out of that. You just walked behind her, letting the warm water hit your skin and Applejacks fur. Man, she looks extremely sexy. You can't take you eyes off of her.

"Like what'cha see sugarcube?" You just nod your head slowly as your face just turns red at what you're witnessing. It feels like that something has taken over your mind, and you can't control it. And that something is Applejack hypnotizing you with her... really sexy wet coat and... and her mane. You're starting to drool over her.

She stands up on her hindlegs.

"Uh... Applejack?"


"What are you doing?"

"What. You don't like what yer seein' down here?" She asked as she's pointing at her marehood. You hate to admit it, but you absolutly love seeing it. It's about to hit your mind. You walk to Applejack. She just smirks as you put your arms around her, she does the same. "Ah knew you would get into it." She said as she starts to bring you in for a kiss. After a minute of kissing, she breaks the kiss leaving a trail of saliva connecting your tongues. Now she's getting you pinned to the wall.

"Uhhh..." You don't know what she's up to.

"Just relax sugar, let me do all the work." Applejack whispers in your ear. She then get's on all fours, and she looks at your manhood still standing up and pulsing. You look down at her. What's she about to do?

She places her mouth on the tip of you head as her eyes aren't leaving yours. You jumped at the pleasure now building up.

"Applejack... I... I... Oh god." Your now lost into pleasure that Applejacks preparing for you. Your face flushes. She takes it in deep. You tilt your head back and you winced out. Trying your very best not to cry out. "Oh god. It feels amazing!" You said as she starts to bob her head up and down on your stiff member. She knows you're enjoying every bit of this. You can't help but moan and hold Applejacks head. She knows that's a sign of "Keep going."

She starts to pick up the pace on her bobbing. Moving a bit faster. Your moaning gets louder and long. AJ returns it as her vocal cords vibrate your member in her mouth.

"Mmmm... AJ." You can't let the words out over the pleasure that you're in right now. You're mind completely lost. She picks up the pace even more, now she's going a bit to fast.

Your heavy breathing tells it all. You can feel something in your thigh start to build up. You're getting close. "Applejack..." You said through clench teeth. "I'm gonna..."

With that you release your seed into her mouth. She swallows every bit of it as it burst out of you. She takes you out of her mouth and looks at you.

"You liked that?"

"Yes." You hate to admit it. But it felt amazing. Now she knows that you enjoyed it so much. She stands on her haunches and she locks lips with you. Tasting your own semen in her mouth, it taste like... apples? After a few minutes of making out in the shower with Applejack. You're ready to go again. She feels it poking her stomach.

"Well then. You wanna get to it?" You just nod, and this time, you pin her on the wall. She made no move to stop you. She brings you in for another passionate kiss. You feel her hoof around your waist as she pulls you in. You hard member now touching her clit. You let out a moan as you felt the touch, the AJ puts a hoof to it as she's rearranging it to her marehood. You slide into her tight labia. You both break the kiss and you both start to cry out in the bliss of pleasure.

"Oh god. So tight." You moaned.

"Move it..." AJ demands. You did as you was told, moving in and out og Applejack. It feels amazing on how her tight inner walls strokes your manhood. You two can't help but moan out through the pleasure.

"Y-Yer likin' this aren't ya sugarcube?" Said Applejack with that sexy tone. "You like feelin' my tight pussy with your hard cock?" You nod slowly as you keep moving in and out of her. Who never knew that Applejack could talk dirty to you. But oh well. You just kept pounding her, her rump slamming into the wall of the shower as you keep slamming into her.

"Ah... ah... oh... you gonna cum honey?"

"Y-Yeah." You said as you can't get out of this whole thing. You don't want to.

"Yeah. Come on sugar! Let it all out! I want all of it inside me!" She finishes as now you're pounding into her as hard as you can. You can feel it get closer and closer as Applejacks moaning drives you over the edge.

Finally, you release inside her. You and her cried out in pleasure as you eject load after load into her, and you feel a warm wet sensation washing over you. She came too.

Finally, both of you calmed down. You pull out of her, and you two made out in the shower the rest of the time.

* * * * * *

You two got out of the shower after it felt like forever. Drying each other off and what not. After your love making in the shower. You two just lay in Applejacks bed the rest of the night, just laying there snuggling and cuddling.

"Ah love you." Said Applejack as she stroke your hair.

"I love you too." You said as you kissed her lips, and you two drifted off to sleep as you're in each others arms.