Locker Room Diaries

by Pinkamena666

First published

Sunset Shimmer is bullied in the locker room for all the things she's done to the student body. Her only friend is Rainbow Dash, who does what she can to cheer up her new friend... by doing whatever necessary...

[Popular Stories List: 12/17/14]

Sunset Shimmer is bullied in the locker room before Gym for all the things she's done to the student body, especially her attempt at taking over the school as a raging she-demon. After seeing her in trouble, Dash comes to her aid, creating a spark between them which ultimately leads to a long-lasting, and loving, relationship.

[We need a Drama tag...]

"Dear diary..."

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Dear diary,

Today's gonna be awful. I have Gym class for last period and I know I'm gonna be picked on for what I did. I probably deserve it after everything I did; taking over the school, trying to rule Equestria... I just wish that I could take it all back. After seeing what friendship really means... I just wish I knew that sooner... Maybe I could've avoided all of this... Oh, well... Time to go to school...

"Today started off horrible..."

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15 minutes before class

Sunset Shimmer walked into the locker room and stopped when everyone looked at her. There were about seven other girls in the room, including Trixie. they were all at their lockers, either undressing to change or stuffing their school clothes into their locker. Sunset rubbed her arm nervously and walked over to an empty locker, trying not to make eye contact with the others.

Once there, she opened it and set her backpack down. Unzipping the larger section, she pulled out her gym clothes and stood up, placing them in her locker before taking her leather jacket off. After setting it in her locker, she gripped the bottom of her shirt. A small blush formed on her face as she became nervous. Sure, she had done this plenty of times before but that was when everyone was afraid of her. Now, they all hated her.

Before she could think anymore, a hand slammed against the locker beside her, making her jump and gasp.

"What's the matter?" asked Trixie's voice. Shimmer eyed her without turning her head. "Don't tell me you're shy..."

"N-No, it's not that. I-I..." Sunset stammered. She was shy but was too shy to admit it.

"Well, you've done it before," Trixie said, smiling as a cyan girl entered the room. "Come on. Trixie'll help you..."

Rainbow Dash went over to her locker, putting the combination into her padlock as she watched the two girls.

"First, take off your shirt..." Trixie continued.

Sunset blushed heavily. "It sounds... wrong when you say it like that..." she said softly.

"Take it... off..." Trixie stated sternly.

Sunset looked around at the other girls, all smirking or grinning... except for Rainbow. Shimmer's eyes fell on her, almost wondering if she would help when Trixie's voice pulled her from her thoughts.


Sunset whimpered and slowly pulled off her shirt, revealing her black bra which covered her nicely rounded breasts.

"Heh... Nice..." said Trixie, sounding like she was raping her in her mind, which made Shimmer feel extremely uncomfortable. "Now, your skirt..."

"Please..." said Sunset, almost whimpering. "Let me just... do this myself..."

"But, you were taking forever before. Trixie is only helping you change faster... Now, the skirt... Off," she said.

Shimmer sniffled and gripped her skirt, hesitating before slowly pulling it down. After stepping out of it she set it in her locker. However, before she could grab her gym shirt, Trixie placed a hand on the base of ehr neck and gently pushed her from her locker, then stood in front of her.

"Not yet," the blue girl said, smirking.

"Wh-What?" asked Shimmer, trying to keep herself from crying. "B-But, I took my clothes off already..."

"Heh... Not... all your clothes..."

Sunset gasped. "Y-You don't mean..."

"I do, yes. Now, take it all off..." Trixie demanded. "Come on... It's not like we haven't seen each other naked before..."

Shimmer knew she was right, but what was happening now felt like rape. She then looked around, seeing all the girls watching and smiling. Dash was pulling on her own gym shirt as she kept her focus on her locker. It seemed as though she was trying her best to ignore the situation. Shimmer then looked at Trixie and sniffled, shakily reaching behind her back and felt for the bra clip. But, before she could undo it, she heard something that filled her with relief.

"Stop it, Trixie," came Dash's voice, followed by a locker door closing.

The blue girl looked over to see Dash approaching them. "Why should I? You saw what she did. She deserves this..."

"No, she doesn't..." Dash argued, stepping up to Trixie. "Now, leave her alone!"

"Don't tell me she's your friend."

"So, what if she is? What are you gonna do about it?"

Trixie glared at Dash, both girls staring each other down. Soon enough, Trixie sighed angrily.

"Fine," she said, walking away. "And, just when it was getting good, too..."

The other girls all seemed bummed out that it was over and began talking among themselves.

Sunset started crying softly, moving her palms to her eyes before feeling a gentle hand on her back. She removed her hands and looked to see Dash with a light smile.

"I'm sorry I let that go on for so long..." she apologized, sounding like she really felt bad for not stepping up earlier. Sunset only sniffled and rubbed her eyes. "Come on..." she said, reaching into Sunset's locker and grabbing her gym clothes. "Let's go over here..." she said, returning to Shimmer and putting a hand on her back.

The half-naked girl hesitated before letting Dash lead her to the bench at the other end of the room. Once there, they sat down and Dash handed her the clothes. The macaroni-colored girl did nothing for a few seconds before she started to cry a little again. Rainbow let out a silent gasp and put her hand around her waist. Sunset gasped and looked down to see Dash's hand, before looking at the girl.

"I'm sorry that happened to you..." Dash apologized again. "I won't let that happen again, okay? You have my word..."

Sunset smiled weakly. "Thanks, Dash..."

Rainbow nodded. "You bet..."

"It's nice to know that... at least there's one I can count on..."

"Well, I'm sure the other girls would help you out, but... I got your back in here..."

Sunset smiled and then both girls realized that Dash still had her hand around her. Shimmer looked down at the hand before looking back up at the girl.

"Sorry..." said Dash, starting to pull away when she felt Shimmer's hand over hers.

"No... It feels nice..." Sunset replied with a light blush.

Dash smiled and kept her hand there, finding that she liked the feel of the girl's skin on her fingertips and palm. Dash began to gently rub her thumb against the girl's skin as Sunset looked down and smiled. She then looked back up at Dash.

"Uh... Rainbow?" she asked.


"I... I'm still in my underwear..."

"Oh!" said Dash, remembering gym class was about to start. "Right..." she said, pulling her hand away. "Sorry..."

Sunset smiled more and blushed as she took her shirt and pulled it on.


During gym class, the group went to the weight room to lift some weights. After the teacher gave them their record sheets, the class went off to various machines or weight racks. Sunset followed Dash over to the bench press area and Dash laid down on the table part.

"You can spot me, okay?" she asked, gripping the weighted bar.

Sunset nodded and got her hands ready, holding them palms up near the bar. Dash smiled up at her and began to bench press. Sunset looked down at her and watched her grunting and sweating as she lifted the weights. The macaroni-colored girl looked over Dash's slightly muscular arms and started to sweat herself. After a few more light grunts, Dash pushed up as high as she could and Sunset helped her set the bar back in place.

"Alright... Your turn," said Dash, sitting up and getting off the table.

Sunset nodded and laid down, getting into position. Dash got into the spotter position and Shimmer began to bench press herself. She let out light grunts of her own as she started to sweat even more. Rainbow found herself sweat as well as she looked over the girl, not knowing that Sunset had done the same thing to her. After a few more pushes, Dash helped her set the bar in its holder.


The two girls entered the locker room after class ended and headed to the showers at the back. They stopped when they saw the rest of the girls had already entered the showers.

Dash looked at Sunset, seeming a bit concerned. "Wanna wait?"

Shimmer looked at her before shaking her head. "No... I'll be fine... You're here..." she added with a smile.

Dash smiled back and nodded before heading to her locker. Sunset looked over at her and watched as she took off her top before setting it in her locker. Even though she had seen Dash nude before, she, for some reason, found the cyan girl more attractive now. Dash then slipped out of her shorts and set them inside as well. Once she was nude, she looked over her shoulder to see Shimmer watching.

"Um... Are you gonna..." she started to ask.

Sunset gasped. "Oh! S-Sorry..." she said, before moving to her locker before pulling off her shirt. She then slipped out of her shorts and stood in her underwear. A large blush appeared on her face, not wanting to show off her body after what happened earlier.

Dash eyed her and sighed, walking over to her. "You sure you don't wanna wait?"

Shimmer looked at her and shook her head. "I-I just wanna... get this over with and... g-go home..."

Rainbow nodded and put her hand on her shoulder, rubbing lightly. "Then... would you like help?"

Shimmer looked down to avoid eye contact but found herself staring at Dash's breasts. Letting out a light gasp, she looked back up and bit her lip. "Um... M-Maybe I could use... s-some help..."

Dash nodded and hesitated before reaching behind the girl and undoing her bra. She then pulled the straps off Sunset's shoulders. Shimmer reached her hands out so Dash could pull it off. A blush appeared on both girls' cheeks as Dash gripped Sunset's panties. The cyan mare then pulled them down and let them fall to the floor. Shimmer then knelt down and picked them up before putting them in her locker.

"Well... Time to head into the shower..." she said, sounding nervous.

Rainbow hesitated before taking her hand. "Together..."

Sunset looked at her and nodded, smiling as Dash began to lead her to the showers. When the entered the fairly big room they felt all eyes on them, especially Trixie's. Dash eyed her as she and Sunset headed to two adjacent shower stations and turned the water on. As they showered, both girls occasionally glancing at each other's wet body.

As the time went on, more and more girls left the room until the only ones in the showers were Dash, Sunset, and a certain blue girl.

"Seems like you finally took all your clothes off..." said Trixie, turning to face them.

Sunset looked away as Dash looked over at her. "You're still on about that?"

"As should you..." Trixie spat. "You're the only one who is actually putting up with her after what she did."

"She made a mistake, Trixie. Granted, it was a very, very, very... very big mistake, but... a mistake nonetheless!"

"And you can just forgive her for that?!"

"Of course I can! And you better leave her alone!"

"Yeah?" asked Trixie. "Or what?"

"Or what?" Dash asked, walking towards Trixie as Sunset just watched. Once Dash was close enough she held the blue girl against the wall by pressing her hand to her chest.

"Wh-What are you doing?" asked Trixie, sounding shocked.

"Well, you seem to like rape..." said Dash, pinching Trixie's left nipple with her right hand.

The blue girl gasped sharply. "S-Stop this right now, Dashie... Or else Trixie'll--"

"Trixie'll what?" Dash interrupted, giving the nipple a pull. "Tell on me? Maybe Trixie wants me to explain to Principle Celestia about how you humiliated and attempted to rape Sunset Shimmer?" She then let go and the nipple snapped back, causing the breast to jiggle a little and getting a light squeak from the girl.

"Are you going to leave her alone?" asked Dash, grabbing the breast and squeezing it.

Trixie let out a light gasp and bit her lip. "F... Fine..." she finally said. "You win... Now, let me go..."

Dash smiled and released her grip on the breast and the blue girl made her way out of the shower.

"And, remember..." Dash called out. "we'll keep your secret if you keep ours!" Trixie looked over her shoulder as she headed to her locker to get dressed. Dash watched her until she left before turning and heading back to Sunset. "I don't think she'll bother you anymore..."

Shimmer smiled. "Thanks..." she said, reaching out and taking Dash's hand. "It means a lot... you know... sticking up for me..."

Dash smiled back, rubbing the top of Shimmer's hand with her thumb. "Any time..."

After the girls finished their shower, they got dressed and walked out together. They then said good-bye to each other as they headed home.

Dear Diary,

Today started off horrible but soon turned amazing when Dash stood up for me in Gym class. I think she started to like me towards the end. I sure like her. And, for some reason I found her body incredibly attractive this time, despite seeing her naked before. I wonder if I like her way more than I think... Maybe I should ask her out... Tomorrow's Saturday which means no school. And, I know she likes to hang out at the school's soccer field to practice.

"Dash and I made love today..."

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Sunset Shimmer left her home Saturday morning and headed down the sidewalk, heading for the school grounds. She was wearing her typical outfit; magenta shirt with her black leather jacket and orange skirt. Her heart was racing a little as she approached the school and headed towards the soccer field. Once she rounded the corner of the school she spotted Dash kicking a soccer ball into a goal and hesitated. She stopped when she saw Sunset approaching and smiled, waving her over. Shimmer smiled and continued her approach.

"Whatcha doin' here?" asked Dash.

"I, uh... I just..." Sunset stammered. "Well..."

"Is this about yesterday?" Dash asked, sounding a bit more serious than her usual behavior.

Shimmer looked her in the eyes. "Yes... It is, actually..."

Dash nodded. "Good..." she said, heading over to a nearby bench and sitting down. "I actually wanted to talk to you about that..."

Shimmer blushed a little and went over to sit beside her. "You do?"

Rainbow nodded. "You got bullied pretty badly... Are you okay?" she asked, sounding concerned.

Sunset smiled. "I'm fine, yes... It was bad, yeah... but, not so bad that I'm... like... traumatized, or whatever..."

"Good... Because that was bothering me all night. If you had been traumatized, it would've sorta been my fault... for not stepping up sooner..."

"Hey..." said Shimmer, placing her hand on top of Dash's. "You were second-guessing helping me after what I did to you and your friends... It's understandable... And, you did get Trixie to stop picking on me."

Dash smiled and looked down at their hands. "And, then there was that... moment on the bench..."

Sunset smiled a little wider. "You were thinking about that, too?" she asked.

"Of course..." the cyan girl replied.

"I was actually thinking about... how your arm felt... around me..." Sunset admitted, blushing hard. "Being that close to someone... after what I did... It felt good..."

Dash smiled and put her arm around her, gently pulling her closer. "How's this?"

Shimmer smiled and rested her cheek on Dash's shoulder. "It feels nice..."

Rainbow smiled and leaned her head against Shimmer's and the two girls just sat there for what felt like forever.


After their embrace at the soccer field, the two girls left and headed towards the park.

"You know, Dash..." Shimmer said, looking at the cyan girl. "I never thought I'd be doing this sort of thing... with you..."

Dash chuckled as they neared the park. "I know what you mean... I always saw you as, no offense, a bitch..." she said, making Shimmer frown lightly. "I mean, you were bad... But, you seem genuinely guilty and now I'm starting to see the real you... The good side of you."

Sunset smiled. "Thanks, Dash... Means a lot to me..." She then smirked. "Though, I could've totally handled myself yesterday..." she said jokingly.

Dash eyed her and chuckled. "Oh, you think so, do you?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'm tough... Tougher than you maybe..."

"Oh, you think so?" asked Dash as they began to enter the park. "Think your tougher? Why don't you show me your leg muscles and run?"

"Huh?" asked Sunset, a little confused. "Run?"

"Yeah..." the cyan girl confirmed. "Don't let me catch you..." she said, stopping. Shimmer turned to face her before when Dash reached out and briefly tickled her sides.

Shimmer let out a giggle before turning and running, looking over her shoulder. Rainbow smiled back and started running after her.

"I'm gonna get you!" Dash called out, making Shimmer let out a startled giggle.

"Gimme a chance, Dash!"

"Come on, I thought you were tough!" Dash called out with a chuckle. "Show me some stamina!"

Sunset ran around a tree and around a bench, Dash getting closer and closer when Shimmer suddenly tripped over a rock and started falling, trying to turn and reach out to Dash for support. Rainbow let out a grunt as she ran into her, causing her to land on top of Shimmer. The cyan girl propped herself up on her hands and looked down at the girl beneath her. Sunset's heart started to beat faster as she stared up at Dash, a small smile creeping onto her face. Rainbow's own heart began to beat faster as she smiled back, both girls just staring into each other's eyes.

After a few more seconds, Dash snapped out of it. "Uh..." she said, standing up and reaching out a hand. "Here..."

Sunset took it and stood up before stumbling into Dash, putting her hands on the cyan girl's shoulders for support when she realized she was inches away from Rainbow's face. Dash had grabbed her by the waist to keep her up and began to blush heavily as she looked back into Shimmer's eyes. Both girls just stared before Dash slowly leaned in, planting a kiss on Sunset's lips before pulling back a centimeter or two to see what reaction she would get. To her relief, and enjoyment, she felt Sunset return the kiss before they leaned in further, pressing their lips together and letting out a moan. However, once they realized where they were, they stopped.

"Oh, uh... Probably not here..." said Dash.

Shimmer chuckled and kept her hands on Dash's shoulders. "Yeah... You're right..."

"Wanna... um... come back to my place?" Dash asked, blushing a little more.

Sunset smiled and nodded and backed up a little. "Sure... I'd like that a lot..."

The rainbow-haired girl smiled back and took her hand before leading her out of the park


Dash opened the door to her home and entered, stepping aside to let Sunset inside. Once she was, Dash closed the door and locked it before turning to Shimmer. The two girls stepped up to each other before Dash placed her hands on the other girl's hips and kissed her. Shimmer kissed back and let out a soft moan before Dash backed her into the wall and deepened the kiss. Sunset's heart raced wildly as she experienced the greatest thing in her life, completely succumbing to the feeling and began rubbing Dash's back.

Rainbow then pulled Shimmer's jacket off, its owner removing her arms from her so she could take it off. Dash then gripped the bottom of Sunset's shirt, who raised her arms up and allowed Rainbow to remove it. Once her shirt was off, she gripped Dash's jacket and the cyan girl held her arms behind her, letting the jacket slid off and hit the floor. She then gripped her own shirt and pulled it off, throwing it aside.

Dash then moved lower and began kissing the base of Sunset's neck, and then her upper chest. Shimmer let out moans before holding Dash's head and pushing her face between her breasts. Rainbow looked up at her before reaching around and undoing her bra. Shimmer pulled it off and Dash began licking the left mound while gripping the right.

"Oh, Dash..." Sunset moaned. "This feels great..."

Dash smiled and wrapped her lips around the nipple and sucked briefly before switching breasts. The rainbow-haired girl buried her face in the boob before pulling away and pulling her own bra off. "Come on... Your turn..."

Sunset Shimmer smiled and tackled Dash to the floor before licking the left tit. Rainbow let out a yell of surprise and giggled, moaning when she felt her lover's tongue against her skin.

"Know what... we should do... next class?" Dash asked between gasps.

Sunset pulled away and began kneading the breasts. "What?"

"We should totally get Trixie back..."

"But, you already got her back," said Sunset, sounding shocked and surprised. "You're even now."

"Maybe..." said Dash. "But, what she did was way worse than what I did..."

Shimmer tilted her head, confused. "So... what do you have in mind?"

"We both come on to her once the other girls leave..." Dash started. "And we get her to like it..."

Shimmer hesitated before smiling. "And, if she likes it... we can tease her..."

Dash chuckled. "That's it... She could be our little plaything..."

Sunset smiled and bit her lip. "But, right now... I just wanna enjoy you..." she said, before trailing kisses down Dash's belly.

Rainbow smiled and pulled her skirt down before Sunset pulled them off. The macaroni-colored girl then gripped the panties and pulled them off as well before smiling. She had never seen Dash's slit this close before and she could already feel her own begin to leak with arousal. She then leaned in and began licking, drawing moans from its owner, who arched her back and panted.

"Oh, S-Sunset..." Dash moaned, clawing at the floor as if trying to grip it.

Shimmer smiled and pushed her tongue inside, licking around and making lewd sucking and slurping noises before Dash moaned loudly and squirted a little juice into Sunset's mouth.

Rainbow panted and chuckled. "Wow... You're amazing at that..."

Sunset pulled out and licked her lips, her nose dripping with juices. "Really?" she asked, sounding proud and excited.

Dash nodded before pulling Sunset closer and rolling them over. "My turn..." she said, sliding down and licking down the girl's chest, gripping her skirt and pulling it off. She then gripped the panties and pulled them off, too. After the girl was bottomless, Dash leaned in and began licking. Shimmer moaned out and closed her eyes.

"Holy shit!" she moaned out, panting heavily as she experienced the single greatest thing she's ever felt. "This is sooooo much better than magic..."

Dash's tongue danced over the slit before pushing its way inside, giving Dash a huge blast of flavor as she tasted how aroused the girl was. This made her smile as she kept licking and sucking. It wasn't long before Shimmer squirted Dash's face with a little juices before her panting settled down.

"That... was... amazing..." Shimmer panted.

Dash chuckled and crawled back up to look her in the eyes. "You're amazing..." she corrected, leaning in for a kiss.

Sunset Shimmer kissed back and held Rainbow's body against hers, not wanting this moment to end.

Dear Diary,

Dash and I made love today and it felt amazing. The best thing i ever felt, in fact. At first, I thought we may have been moving a bit too fast but after it started... It just felt right... Once it was over, we made out once more on the floor. Afterwards we just sort of talked in the living room and watched TV together all day. I think I really love her. Also, we plan on seducing Trixie after Gym next class which should be fun, especially after humiliating me. At first, I thought I deserved it, but after hearing Dash's opinion... I don't know anymore. One thing for sure is having a cute little blue sex pet could be pretty fun...

"The plan worked. Trixie's ours."

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Sunset Shimmer burst into Dash's room around 9am Sunday morning and jumped on her bed.

"Dash!" she cheered excitedly.

The cyan girl's eyes shot open. "THE HELL IS..." she started to yell, sitting up and coming face-to-face with her girlfriend. "Oh... Hey... How'd you get in?"

"You left your door unlocked," Shimmer said with a smile.

Dash chuckled. "Guess I was out of it after... last night..." Shimmer simply smiled. "So, why are you here?"

"Well, I went to go check out the school... 'cause I was bored... and I saw Trixie enter the Gym!"

Rainbow tilted her head. "Trixie's at the Gym?" she asked. "Huh... She's probably trying to toughen up..."

"Let's go!" Sunset said cheerfully. "Now's our chance!"

The cyan girl chuckled. "Oh, alright... Let's go. We can shower there..."


Both girls peeked into the Gym, finding it empty. They then headed over to the weight room and peeked through the window. Inside, Trixie was lifting weights, muttering to herself.

"She means business..." Dash said, chuckling to herself.

Shimmer smiled. "Oh, this is gonna be too good..."


After her workout, Trixie made her way to the locker room and undressed before heading into the showers. Dash and Shimmer followed, keeping their distance. Once they saw Trixie head into the showers, they started undressing. Hardly anyone came to the Gym on the weekends so they weren't too worried about someone walking in.

"You get her front..." Dash whispered to Sunset. "I got her back..."

Shimmer nodded as they quickly and quietly walked across the floor. Once inside the showers Dash crept up behind Trixie and wrapped her arms around her, getting a gasp from the girl.

"Wh-Who's that?" Trixie asked, struggling.

"Shhh... Just me..." said Dash, resting her chin on the blue girl's shoulder.

"Wha..?! Rainbow Dash?! Unhand Trixie this instant!"

"Mmm... not gonna happen..." Dash muttered as Shimmer stepped in front of Trixie.

"Wh... You, too?!" Trixie gasped.

Rainbow moved her hands up to Trixie's breasts and gripped them. "Nice tits ya got, Trixie..."

"H-Hey!" the blue girl yelled. "Let go!"

"Hey, Sunset..." said Dash, sliding her hand to Trixie's slit. "How about a little taste of our friend here?"

Sunset licked her lips and got to her knees. "Oh, I can't wait..." she said, before leaning in and giving the girl's pussy a slow and long lick.

Trixie let out a shuddered gasp and tilted her head back. "Wh-What is that... f-feeling?" she asked. "I-It's so... s-so..."

"So good?" asked Dash, licking her neck.

Trixie shuddered and looked at her. "D-Don't be ridiculous!"

"Oh?" Rainbow asked with a smirk, pinching the girl's nipples and pulling them. The blue girl gasped and placed her hands over Dash's, a little juice leaking out onto Shimmer's face. "Looks like you do like this..."

Shimmer chuckled and spread the lips with her thumbs and licked the exposed flesh. Trixie gasped and moaned out before Dash kissed her on the lips and kneaded her breasts. She went wide-eyed and was about to try and fight back but she found the feeling to be to amazing. Dash smiled and deepened the kiss as Shimmer licked a little deeper. It wasn't long before Trixie orgasmed and squirted juices onto Sunset's face.

Dash then broke the kiss and smiled. "You have a cute moan, you know that?" she asked as Sunset pulled away. Dash then started to rub the girl's dripping slit, getting moans from her. "Yeah... You like this, don't you?"

"T-Trixie, doesn't--" the blue girl started to argue, before Dash slipped her fingers inside. She let out a gasp and went wide-eyed slightly.

"Trixie does, doesn't she?" Rainbow asked, getting a hesitant nod from the girl. "I knew it," she said, chuckling.

"Stop teasing Trixie..." the blue girl muttered. "She just... hasn't had sex in a while, is all..."

"Oh?" asked Dash, raising an eyebrow as she smirked, realizing they could actually pull this off. "Then, I have a proposition for you..."

"Proposition?" asked Trixie. "What could you possibly offer Trixie that she doesn't already--"

"Sex," Dash said plainly.

The blue girl stopped. "Oh... Why would Trixie let you have sex with her?"

"Because she likes it..." said Dash, jerking her fingers a little, getting a moan from the girl. "and she wants more..."

Trixie bit her lip as she panted, looking down at Dash's fingers inside her. "I... I..."

"Yes?" asked Dash, leaning in.

"I-I... w-want it..."

Dash chuckled and pulled her hand out. "I bet you do..."

"Wh... Wh-Why'd you stop?!" Trixie gasped, feeling the pleasurable feeling fade away.

"We had our fun. Now we're leaving," said Dash, turning and walking back towards her locker, Shimmer following closely. "See ya in class tomorrow!" Dash called.

"Dash?" asked Trixie. "Dash!"

Rainbow slipped her pants on and pulled her shirt on. Shimmer got dressed as well before they left the blue girl naked and horny in the shower.

"Rainbow Dash!" she yelled. "Get back here!"


Dash lay on her bed with Sunset sitting at the foot.

"That was amazing..." Shimmer said, smiling widely. "We really got her, didn't we?"

"Oh, yeah..." said Dash, chuckling. "We sure did... And the plan seemed to work..." Just then the phone rang. Dash reached over to the bedside table and picked it up. "Hello?" she asked.

"Rainbow Dash..." said Trixie's voice.

"Trixie? How'd you get my number?" Dash asked, reaching out and pressing the speaker button before setting the phone down, speaker side up.

"The Great and Powerful Trixie does not reveal her secrets."

"Trixie..." Dash said a little sternly.

"...I asked a boy at school..."

Dash chuckled. "What do you want?"

"You and Shimmer left me really horny at the showers today..."

"Yeah, and?" asked Dash, Shimmer snickering softly.

"And I demand you relieve me!"

"Relieve you? Sure... on our terms, not yours."

"What?!" gasped Trixie.

"Goodbye, Trixie," Dash called, reaching out to the phone.


Dash hung up before she and Shimmer burst out laughing.

Dear Diary,

The plan worked. Trixie's ours. Now, we could probably do whatever to her whenever we wanted. This day was amazing. And, not just because we made Trixie our horny little pet, but that Dash and I did that to her together. I really like Dash and we, apparently, work well together and have a similar mindset. I can not wait to see what class is gonna be like tomorrow...

"We gave it to Trixie good..."

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Rainbow Dash sat down at her desk in the back of her science class, humming to herself as she got out her things. Just as she was finished Trixie sat down in the seat next to her.

"Trixie is not happy, Rainbow Dash," she said through her teeth to try and keep their conversation private while still conveying anger.

Dash smirked and looked at her. "Oh? And, whatever could've caused you so much... irritation?" She asked, knowing full well the reason.

"Don't act stupid... You know perfectly well..." the blue girl growled.

Rainbow chuckled. "Yeah, I think I know..." she said, before slipping a hand between the girl's legs.

Trixie went wide-eyed and squeezed her legs together. "R-Rainbow Dash..." she said as she felt the cyan girl begin rubbing. "H-Here? A-Are you crazy?"

"Oh, yeah, I'm crazy," she said with a smile as the teacher stood at the front of the class and began talking. "Now, try not to draw attention..." she cooed, sliding her fingers into the girl's panties and rubbing her slit directly.

Trixie gasped and bit her lip, blushing heavily. She seemed to afraid too talk with the risk of letting out a loud moan. Rainbow kept rubbing as the teacher read off the names on her class roster. When she got to Trixie's name, she looked around.

"Trixie?" She repeated, before spotting the blue girl with her head on her desk.

The girl raised her hand before letting it drop on her desk, covering her face. Dash eyed her before looking at the teacher.

"She's had a rough night..." she lied, slowing her rubbing.

The teacher nodded before continuing.

Trixie burst into a bathroom stall and closed the door, locking it. She then sat on the toilet and spread her legs.

"Damn, that Rainbow Dash..." she panted, face red and sweating as she slid her hand in her panties.

Letting out a soft moan, she began rubbing and tilting her head back, eyes closed.

Sunset was leaning against the wall beside the bathroom as Dash came running over.

"She in there?" Asked the cyan girl.

Sunset smirked and nodded. "She looks pretty worked up. What'd you do?"

"Oh, I... only rubbed her during class..."

Shimmer chuckled and raised an eyebrow. "Oh, really?"

Rainbow ran her hand under Sunset's nose. "You tell me..."

The light orange girl smiled and moved Rainbow's hand out of the way. "Let's go see the real thing..." With that, she slowly pushed the door open and entered, Dash right behind her.

The cyan girl scooted closer to the only closed stall door in the bathroom. Reaching into her pocket, Dash pulled out a gift card and used it to unlock the stall door. Sunset then quickly opened it and stepped in, making Trixie gasp loudly.

"What the he--" she began, before Sunset covered her mouth.

Shimmer smirked and leaned in, moving her hand away and kissing her on the lips. Trixie reluctantly let her, as if she really wanted it but hated that she did. The orange-ish girl slid her hand into Trixie's panties and fingered her as she moved her other hand to the girl's right breast.

Dash watched and smiled, happy to see Sunset taking charge instead of being the one getting picked on. She then reached out and closed the stall door. "Enjoy, you two.."

Sunset chuckled and stood up, pulling her shirt off and hanging it on the hook on the stall door. "Oh, we will..." she cooed, sitting on Trixie's lap. She then lifted her left tit with her hand. "Go on... Suck it..."

Trixie bit her lips as she eyed the girl's breast, hesitating with a huge blush before leaning in and wrapping her lips around it. Sunset moaned and bit her lip, sliding her hands down Trixie's body and gripped her shirt. She then pulled away and pulled Trixie's shirt off.

"Mmm... No bra?" Asked Shimmer as she gripped both of Trixie's breasts and squeezed them. "Naughty girl...

The blue girl gritted her teeth as Sunset groped her breasts. "Nnn... Trixie finds them... uncomfortable..."

"Uncomfortable?" Asked Sunset with a smirk, leaning in and kissing her shoulder. "Sure you weren't hoping I'd be doing something like this to you and you wore no bra on purpose?"

Trixie let out a gasp. "Why would Trixie do something like that?"

The yellow girl chuckled and ran her hand down Trixie's belly and to her crotch, rubbing her dripping pussy. "Because you like it when we tease you, right?" She asked as she leaned in close to Trixie's face. "You enjoy it..."

The blue girl blushed heavily before she felt the lips of the other girl against hers. Letting out a soft moan, Trixie closed her eyes, spreading her legs as she felt Sunset's fingers inside her. Her moaning increased in volume and intensity as she rocked her hips.

Shimmer smirked and deepened the kiss, slipping her tongue inside her mouth and fingering faster. "I won't let you off until you admit you like this..." she cooed, before pulling her fingers out.

The blue girl squirmed under Shimmer and let out a groan. "Come on... L-Let me... Let me..." she said, her mind too clouded with lust to complete her request.

"Admit it..." Sunset cooed. "Say you're our pet..."

Trixie spread her legs widely as she dripped into the toilet. "I-I... Mmm..." She bit her lip as she tensed up, her face getting redder and redder. "O... O-Okay..." she groaned, letting out cute squeak.

"Okay, what?"

"I-I'll be y-your..." Trixie started, taking a few deep breaths. "Your p-p... p-p-pet..." she finally managed to say.

Sunset smirked and shoved her fingers back inside, fingering the girl roughly and quickly. At this rate, is wasn't long before Trixie started to let out a loud moan. With her free hand, Sunset covered her mouth to muffle her moan. A few trickles could be heard in the toilet as the girl finally came.

Shimmer smiled and watched Trixie's face as she came, slowly pulling her hand away when the trickling stopped. She then pulled her fingers out and moved them to the girl's mouth. "Go on... Clean it."

Trixie's blush was about as red as it could get as she slowly opened her mouth a little. Smirking, Sunset slid her fingers inside before feeling the girl's lips wrap around her fingers. Her tongue soon followed as she slowly and hesitantly cleaned her "master's" fingers.

"Good girl..." Shimmer cooed, soon pulling her fingers out. "We should do this again sometime," she said before sliding off Trixie's lap and stood, smiling down at her "pet".

Trixie was panting heavily, legs still spread and tongue hanging out as she eyed Shimmer. She couldn't find the strength to say anything so she just sat there. Sunset grabbed her shirt and pulled it on before reaching a hand out, rubbing Trixie's cheek.

"Such a cute one, too..." she said before opening the stall door. "Oh, and... don't be late to class..." she said with a wink before closing the door.

When she left, Dash used her card to re-lock the door. "Have fun?" She asked as they headed for the exit.

Sunset nodded with a smile. "Oh, yeah... She's so ours," she said triumphantly, the two giving each other a high-five.

They then left the bathroom and made their way to their next class.

Dear Diary,

We gave it to Trixie good today. First, Dash told me how she rubbed her pu crotch during class. Then, I had the privilege of playing with her in the bathroom stall. Such a wonderful day. Though, however amazing the day was, nothing was compared to how that night went...