Life In Equestria

by Minecraftzero1

First published

A man lives a new life in Equestria, but what will happen in his new life?

A man lives a new life in Equestria he pretends he knows nothing, but he knows everything. He was a brony in earth, but one day he is suddenly teleported in a new land. He will live his life full of love and friendship, as the Princess finds what to do with him to let him stay or bring back, he lives normal... but with ponies


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I lived my life one day at a time. Having nobody to talk to at home, I only really communicated with my colleagues. I worked as a cashier at a grocery store, making a good pay to keep the house I had. I really didn’t have anything to do but play my videogames and watch My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. I spent most of my day sat on my couch doing the latter of the two, it was a lonely life and the cartoon was the only thing I had to make me happy; every day I would go to work with my Little Pony merchandise on, only to be mocked by the assholes who didn’t like it. Every time I got laughed at I felt like yelling profanities at them, calling them out, but I knew I needed the job and I kept all my retorts to myself. Living alone I was unable to afford a car and therefore resorted to walking home, It wasn’t so bad, taking about 30 minutes each way. As I’m walking I think about is getting to my couch to watch My Little Pony, impatiently awaiting the colorful land and the smiling faces of the ponies, if only my life could be as good as that, as good as the lives the ponies had; happy, carefree and fun. My life was pretty dull… Well, until that life changing event.
Electric shocks flew around my living room; Papers, Furniture and I were all being sucked into what looked like a small black hole. I tried to fight it, to hold on but the force was too strong and I gave up, letting go and giving into whatever fate awaited me. When I woke I opened my stinging, heavy eyes but I couldn’t believe what I saw, a lavender pony with a purple horn and matching eyes. I thought I was dreaming, but I wasn’t. I had awakened in a hospital.
"It’s waking up, quick somepony get some water it seems ill." I heard a voice, which sounded oddly familiar. Despite weak, aching arms, I managed to hold myself up.
"Hello." I heard the voice again; looking at the Purple pony with a purple horn I knew her name, but feigned naivety until I could be certain of the situation
"Are you ok?" She repeated.
"Hi, I’m fine. Where am I though?" I responded.
"Oh good, you’re ok, you’re in Equestria. Let me properly introduce myself, my name is Twilight Sparkle, What is yours?"
"My Name is Jake. How did I get here Twilight Spar..."
"Just call me Twilight" She interrupted with a warming smile.
"Well Twilight, how did I get here?"
"I was trying out a new magic spell and I thought I had marked the correct one but I was late and rushed so obviously managed to mark the wrong one” she explained before quickly continuing on another topic “We need to take you to Princess Celestia”
"Princess Who?" I responded still pretending I didn’t know who anybody was,
"Princess Celestia, she’s the ruler of Equestria, and I’m one of her students researching Magic and the power of friendship. Now we have to hurry."
The purple unicorn took me to the train station and by the time we got there her friends had joined us, all of them asking me what I was, though I never got the chance to tell them because Twilight was quick to interrupt, explaining that we would tell them later. When we were in the train we started discussing what had happened.
"So what is it?" I heard Rainbow Dash say to Twilight, but over hearing her I told her.
"A what?" Pinkie said
"A human" I repeated.
"How did you get here?" Rarity asked
"I’ll explain that when we see Princess Celestia." Twilight said
"Why?" Applejack asked
"Because it’s no point in telling it now, you'll hear it when I tell Princess Celestia."
"That does make sense." I responded.
It had taken 3 hours to get from the train station to Canterlot, paranoid, I whispered to Twilight "Why does every pony keep staring at me."
"No pony has ever seen a Human around these parts, you are the first anypony has seen. I brought you here by accident and I need to talk to Princess Celestia on what we can do to get you back to your world." She had responded
"Well honestly I would rather be here than my other world, my life back there is lonely and depressing whereas your world is colorful and happy, everypony is happy here and it’s something I’ve never seen." I had told her
"Well we can’t just leave you here, you don’t belong here, honestly hearing what your world is like I wish you could stay but I really don’t think we can keep you. Everything will be settled when we talk to the Princess."
"Ok, I do understand, but my world is full of hate. At least to me, all I see is people hating...on me. To be honest I have no friends in my world."
"I’m so sorry, you've made me want to keep you here but I have no control on if you can or not. It’s all up to Princess Celestia."
"I understand after all she is your land's ruler."
Our conversation was cut short when we reached the castle. "What the heck is that Twilight?" One of the guards at the door inquired, peering at me suspiciously before she explained the situation.
"Sure thing Twilight." The guard responded before sharply stepping to the side.
Twilight, and her friends and I entered the castle, walking quietly behind the Unicorn as she led us to the room in which Celestia was sat wherein Twilight, once again, explained the story of how I arrived in this world, her only response being “I've never seen a Human before" before looking at me with wide eyed curiosity.
"Neither had I but one of my spells went awry I accidentally brought him here from his own world, I was testing a new spell that was really interesting but when I had been in a hurry to meet my friends I had marked the wrong page In my haste.”
"I even saw bolts of lightning in my world, papers and furniture along with me started to be sucked into what looked like a black hole, and then all of a sudden I woke up in a hospital." I added.
"Well this is strange, why would he be teleported out of his world?"
"I don’t really know why he was teleported out of his world, but by the sounds of it his world is simply awful."
"What is it like?"
"I’ll tell her Twilight there is more I left out while we were walking here." I interrupted
"Ok then."
"My world is terrible, all day I simply laze around. It’s lonely, I have no friends there and most of the other humans and bitter and hateful, walking in public is grim, very few people are smiling when you see them unlike your world where it’s just full of color and smiling ponies. I do wish I could stay here with you but I understand you must probably bring me back to my world. It’s all your choice on what’s best for me, you are the ruler of this land I won’t have any hard feelings if you send me back."
She sat, pondering the situation for a minute before replying; "Well I don’t know what to do about this, it seems, from what you have said, quite awful where you live. I think though in the mean time you can stay at Twilight's while I think of how this will work. We don’t know what’s different in your body than everypony else but we do however have many ways to care for all sorts of living things. There is one thing you must understand, I want my faithful student Twilight to guide you and I would like you to do what she says. Do you understand?"
"Yes I understand" I replied
"Now Twilight do you think you can handle helping him?"
"Sure thing Princess." Twilight replied
"And one more thing, what is your name?"
"My name is Jake."
"Ok Jake, I hope you enjoy your time in Ponyville while I figure everything out." She said with a faint but warming smile “But before I send you back to Ponyville I first I must tell you how things work in Here."
I nodded in enthusiastic agreement.
“How does weather work in your world? Do clouds move by themself? Or are they controlled by an aerial team?"
"They move by themselves, why?
"Our weather must be exceptionally different from yours; we have a team of pegasi ponies controlling our clouds along with weather."
"Well yours is way different from my weather, clouds move by themselves and any kind of weather can happen. We do have weathermen to predict the weather for the day."
"Weather here in Equestria is controlled by the pegasi ponies, they are what makes it rain and snow. Like Twilights friend Rainbow Dash, she helps guide the ponies in Ponyville with the weather along with clearing the clouds."
"That’s pretty interesting." I replied with feigned shock, again acting like I don’t know anything about Equestria.
"The unicorn ponies as you can already tell can have strong power of their magic, in which you've already witnessed due to Twilight accidentally bringing you here."
"Yes very strong magic indeed."
"But as you can see since I am a princess I have the wings of a Pegasus and horn of a unicorn." She said, stretching her wings as though to demonstrate. "That is all you need to know about Equestria for now, any other questions I’m sure Twilight and her friends would be more than willing to help." She relaxed her wings once more, giving me a welcoming smile as she dismissed the group.
"Bye Princess Celestia" We said in unison as we left the room.

Chapter 1 "Starting My New Life"

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Twilight, her friends and I all got back to the train station and climbed aboard, sitting in a comfortable silence. It was quiet for about 5 minutes before Rainbow Dash approached me to ask about what I had said, asking about the truth in it.
"Every word I said is true, I see no one smile and everybody hating me...its... terrible." I said in response to the questioning.
"Well, I’m glad you’re here” she said before formally introducing herself, having missed the opportunity on the train there amongst the questions and explanations.
"Nice to meet you too Rainbow Dash" I replied, still acting like I hadn’t known her name.
"Everypony hopes you have a better life here in Equestria, we know your life must have been simply awful and we hope you have a way better life than what you had." She said with a kindness in her tone, I thanked her before a timid voice joined the conversation
"Jake we know this life will be better for you, everypony is caring for one another and you are no different. We will treat you the same as every other pony." The yellow Pegasus said.
"Thanks." I mumbled, a layer of water welling in my eyes, this kind of respect was what I had craved for years.
"I’m Fluttershy, it’s nice to meet you Jake." She added.
"And it’s nice to meet you too Fluttershy." I had replied still teary eyed. She had noticed.
"What’s wrong Jake?" Fluttershy asked.
"It’s this world of yours, everybody is respected. This is the first place I’ve been to where I’m actually treated with kindness. It’s what I’ve wanted for years."
"We are glad you’re happy, we respect everypony." Applejack had said.
"I can see... it’s the best thing to see in my life." I replied
We talked the whole 3 hours it took to get back to Ponyville and everypony had introduced themselves to me, I stuck to me feigned naivety, pretending I didn’t know them. When we got back to Ponyville we went to Twilight's home where she taught me all about Equestria to answer any questions I may have possibly come up with. Our first day had ended and Twilight had gotten a bed for me to sleep on. When I woke in the morning Twilight was reading,
"Morning Twilight. How was your sleep?" I mumbled through my early morning tiredness, she returned the question asking also how I had slept.
"I had a great sleep, best sleep I’ve had in years."
"That’s great to hear."
"What are you reading?"
"The book full of the magic spells, I got to find the spell that I wanted to try earlier."
"Oh, well what can I do?"
"I do have something I want you to read."
"What is it?"
"Another book about life in Equestria, it should be very helpful."
"Sure I’ll read it."
"This should also be the last one you will need to read."
"Ok Twilight, Thank you."
It had taken about an hour to read the whole book, it consisted of information I need to know about Equestria, such as weather and major detail about how Equestria was founded. When I had finished the book I handed it back to Twilight. She looked up from the tome she was reading for long enough to mumble and enthusiastic "Great." Before lowering her gaze once more
"Did you ever find your spell?"
"Sadly I wasn’t able to find it, but its ok ill find it at some point."
There had been about a 5 minute silence as Twilight continued looking for the spell, until I broke the atmosphere, "I hope the Princess lets me stay here in Equestria, I’m already having a better life here. The reason I had a good sleep is because I knew I wouldn’t have to deal with the same thing the next day."
"I hope she does too but things happen and we can’t get our hopes up, I am glad though because you are having a better time here and I’m glad you were able to sleep in peace”.
"Yeah every day I woke up wishing I didn’t have to go to work because of the people who just make fun of me, waking up knowing your day is going to be bad just makes it worse for you to sleep."
"I know how you feel sometimes when something big is coming up I get worried and can’t sleep well because I want it to be perfect."
"Yeah it sucks, but imagine having that anxiety every day."
"I do wish you had it better in your world, maybe then it would be easier to send you back." I nodded softly in agreement, what she had said was true, though I would still be reluctant to leave this idealistic life, she continued "Well at least you’re here Jake and you will have a better time, even if it’s just for now."
"True, I’m away from the torture I was stuck in."
"Oh come on Jake it couldn’t of been all bad."
"Well it was awful, being made fun of each day… Heck I’ve even gotten beaten for no reason, so it was all bad."
"You know we would never do that, so you’re fine here. No matter what happens we will always treat you like we would expect to be treated."
"Yeah its way better here. But, Twilight..." I started hesitantly.
"This is off topic but what do you usually do here in Ponyville?"
"Well as you can see I am one of Princess Celestias Students and I research the magic of friendship, I send the Princess a letter each week on what I may have learned about the said topic, I have my assistant Spike send the letter every week."
"Where is Spike?"
"He is up stairs sleeping." I nodded, the conversation about her personal life continued for a while as we sat in her immaculate library.

Chapter 2 "The Change"

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It had been roughly a week since I had arrived in the, strange, cartoon world. I had grown accustomed to their ways and diet but I was in no way prepared for what happened that day.
It was a usual morning, I woke to the feel of the soft bed beneath me, eyes cautiously opening to the sun which radiated throughout the room, the only sounds which penetrated the air were the birds whistling and… Twilights’ screaming.
I sat up with a jolt, looking around for any signs of immediate danger before asking her what had alarmed her so.
"You might want to look at your back." She mumbled hesitantly.
"What are you ta...” I stopped mid-sentence as I turned to look over my shoulder “…WOW!"
Somehow during the course of the night my body had somehow sprouted two feather lined, glistening white wings. I turned to Twilight in the futile chance she knew what had happened, but unsurprisingly she hadn’t a clue, and then came the words I knew were coming. "We are going to need to see Princess Celestia."
I nodded in agreement, it was the only thing I could think of doing, the only pony that had a chance of offering an explanation. The two of us gathered the rest of the ponies before once more heading for the train station in shocked silence. Rainbow Dash was the only one who broke the tension, asking how the wings had grown, but as I explained that neither Twilight or I knew Apple Jack joined the conversation.
"But that doesnt make sense." She said, looking just as confused as I felt.
“I know it doesn’t” I replied “But that’s why we’re going to see Celestia, she may have some answers”.
"So we’re hopefully going to get some answers on what the heck is going on." Twilight said.
"It’s definitely unexpected, but it’s actually pretty cool" Rainbow Dash said
"If you say so, I’m still too freaked out to consider whether or not it’s cool" I responded with a slight chuckle.
"Well does anypony have any logical reason for him growing wings?" Rainbow Dash said.
"Not right now but i am thinking of one." Twilight said, a confused look written in her expression.
After the tedious 3 hours of questions and stared we made it to the city, and made our way to the castle. When we got there Twilight once again led us to the room wherein the Princess was sat.
"Oh my” she said, obviously startled “what happened to Jake." Princess Celestia said seeing me with wings
"I don’t know he just woke up with them I don’t really have a logical way he cou... Wait! Could it be my magic affecting him rather than just teleporting him here, could this spell have two effects instead of just the one." Twilight said.
"Hmm, this is certainly strange, though, your theory might be right or at least in the right direction" Celestia said, entertaining the theory. "If this other effect is true then we have got to find a way to reverse it, if not he will probably be a like this forever once he is fully transformed."
"Well I’m going to teleport you guys home we can try to find a spell to reverse this." I had barely enough time to process what she had said before I felt her magic envelop us and we found ourselves in the Ponyville library once more.
"Ok now I got to find something that can fix this problem." Twilight said
"Are you going to have Spike help you?"
"Yes… SPIKE!!!"
"What Twilight? Wow, what happened him… he, uh, has wings."
"I’ll tell you later."
"Hey Jake wanna race to my house" Rainbow craftily whispered in my ear,
I smirked before yelling "BEAT YA TO THE FINISH LINE!" And bolted off to Rainbow's house, I caught her off guard when I bolted to her house because she hadn’t expected me to accept. An indignant cry of "Oh horse apples" could be heard from my position in the sky when I bolted off. She tried to catch up but despite my unfamiliarity with flying, that head start had given me the boost needed to win.
"Race you back?" I said, offering her a chance for redemption which she accepted. "Ready...Set... GO!" having grown accustomed to my wings I flew faster than last time but this time Rainbow Dash caught up to me and beat me. When we got back Twilight was stood with a stern look in her face, staring us down. "Jake and Rainbow Dash stop fooling around this is serious." She scalded.
"Calm down Twilight” Rainbow chastised “it’s just all in good fun, you really need to lighten up."
"Yeah totally lighten up when somebody is being turned to something they’re not!" was her uncharacteristically sarcastic reply.
"Man Twilight wouldn’t it be cool to have another pony to hang with?"
"Yeah but Jake as he is, is good enough!"
"Meh" Rainbow casually replied, despite the fact that she really looked like she wanted another Pegasus pony to hang with.
"Do I have to be turned back human I mean seriously, I’m already living a new life here so what’s the difference."
"Yeah Twilight what’s the difference? I mean… he's living in a world different from his own and he is the only human here, to be honest I just don’t get it."
"Why not just let him go with it?"
"Well I..."
"I mean come on Twilight it would only just make sense I mean seriously." Rainbow Interrupted,
"You know what, I guess you two are right I should just let him go with it if that’s what you want” Twilight mumbled hesitantly “Spike take a letter."
"I’m on it." Said the eager assistant, appearing beside the unicorn moments later, parchment and quill in claw.

"Dear Princess Celestia,
I Would like to report that I would rather have our friend Jake go through with his transformation after all he is living in our planet and is the only human here, It would only make sense to let him go with it
Your Faithful Student,
Twilight Sparkle."

"Alright Spike Send It!"
Spikes breath blew the letter into the air to go to Princess Celestia, only moments later we got a response

"Dear Twilight Sparkle,

If Jake is comfortable with this we can let him go through this change if he really wants to he can we don’t know if anything else will happen so we must hope for the best, ultimately it is Jake's choice and I will not stop you from doing this.

Princess Celestia" Spike said once the letter came in,

Twilight approached me and, with a concerned expression, said "Are you sure you want to go though with this?"
"You know I’m sure after all I’m much happier here than I’ve ever been in my world." I replied

"Ok, In that case it’s settled, you will proceed with this change and once you are a pony there’s no going back." I nodded in agreement and she continued "Ok then."
Rainbow walked back up to me with a sly grin, challenging me to another race.
"To where?" I asked cautiously
"Sugercube Corner sound good?"
"Ready? Set. GO!" Rainbow Yelled as we both bolted to the pink pony’s home.
We were neck and neck
"You’re not gonna win Jake!" She cried with a mocking laugh
"I wouldn’t be too sure about that." I replied bursting more speed out as I gained more confidence with my wings.
It was close but I beat her to out predetermined checkpoint. It was then she challenged me to yet another race, her ego having taken a hit
"Ok what about to that cloud and back to my house and back to Twlights?"
"Anytime, anywhere!" I retorted cockily.
"Don’t get too confident" She said, her confidence back in her voice as she stretched her wings,
"Ready? Set. GO!" She said as we both bolted once again
I could feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins when Rainbow suddenly managed to get in front of me. I pushed out an enormous amount of speed, wings forcing down the air and my hair whipping my face. The air started to form around my hands in front of me; I cautiously looked behind me to see Rainbow Dash floating there dumbfounded. I knew what this air forming was but I couldn’t believe it, Rainbow was the only one who had been able to perform a Sonic Rainboom, but then I reached maximum speed and then I had done the one thing only the one pony had accomplished, I looked back to see her face full of bewilderment. I felt the wind on my body and as I was flying by Rainbow's house I saw the other five mouths wide open. I just thought to myself "Nice Holyshit Faces" When I looked at them I just smiled, and then I finished the race despite Rainbow being left behind. I landed outside Twilight's house, greeted by Twilight, Pinkie, Rarity, Fluttershy, And Applejack as Rainbow Dash was flying towards us.
"Was that you who just did that Sonic Rainboom?!" Twilight said, her voice betraying emotions of shock but you could tell she was impressed.
"Heck yeah it was!" I replied smiling smugly
"Man… Jake you’re a pretty awesome flier!" Rainbow Dash said
"Thanks” I said, “I didnt even expect that Sonic Rainboom to happen, I just tried to go faster and I guess I over did it."
"Over did it? That was awesome!" Pinkie Pie said, hopping in her usual fashion.
"Yeah it was” I sighed, “I’m tired.”
"Yeah after a Sonic Rainboom I get tired out but then I just nap," Rainbow replied with a reassuring laugh.
"Well I guess that’s what I should do right now" I mumbled, but it never happened. The six ponies and I talked for about three hours before night fell and we headed our separate ways to bed.
"Goodnight Jake!" Twilight said in her optimistic tone and I returned the gesture before covering myself with the blanket, the events of the day burning into my mind. I smiled as I fell into sleep.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Another strange day greeted with along with the sun. To compliment my wings I had woken as a pony, a ponies body, hooves, wings, horn… "Y-y-you’re an alicorn!" Twilight yelled

Chapter 3 "Hanging With Rainbow"

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So now I was completely transformed. I was now a pony, my mane was like Rainbows, messy and spikey but my tail resembled twilights, straight and orderly, the two conflicting styles somehow complimented each other. The hair was a dark blue but had lighter streaks, the majority of which matched the colour of my coat, an electric cyan. I was assessing these points as I heard a knocking a the door, it was Rainbow and she wanted to speak to me.
"Hey whats up Ja.. um.... what happened?" She stuttered, obviously staring at my horn and wings
"I guess my transformation is complete." I replied
"But you have a horn and wings… you’re an alicorn??"
"And?" I said dismissively, acting as though it wasn’t a big deal hoping she would follow my example.
"Ah nevermind, anyway wanna hang out?"
"Sure." I said, lifting myself into the air to hover by her side "So what are we going to do?"
"Hmmm... Well.....” She mumbled, musing the possibilities “Wanna go prank?"
"Go get that storm cloud over there"
I nodded quickly before flying over to the cloud and giving it to her,
"So you’re using this for…?" I queried, the puzzlement written over my face as I considered the implications of giving a renowned prankster a storm cloud.
"You'll see, now follow me” was her only reply before flying in the opposite direction. We flew for a minute before we reached our destination, Sugar Cube Corner.
"Ok watch this Jake” Rainbow said, not looking up from her target “I’m going to call for Pinkie Pie and then when she’s outside I’m gonna hit the cloud and causing it to strike lighting and scare her." She looked proud of herself, and I was impressed, laughing quietly as I complimented her.
"PINKIE PIE!" Rainbow yelled
The pink party mare took only seconds to bounce outside, looking for the source of the sound. As Rainbow spotted her target she bucked the cloud hard, inciting a shock or electricity to strike the ground and a growl of thunder to roll through the air. The mare on the ground screamed as the two of us rolled in the air, laughing at the successful prank. It was only seconds before Pinkie assessed the situation and joined in with the laughter.
"Who you with?" Pinkie asked
"Im with Jake." Rainbow Answered
"Wait Jakes a alicorn!?!?!" she squeaked, almost hopping with excitement
"Yup." I said, my smug grin evident in my tone.
"Wow you’re so lucky!" Pinkie said
That word, ‘lucky’. Something I never knew on earth, I never had the good fortune.
"Hey Pinkie Me and Jake are gonna go." Rainbow said, already moving in the other direction.
"Bye Rainbow, Bye Jake." Pinkie Pie said, bouncing back into the cake shop as we flew off, unable to race each other to the cyan mares’ house.
"Wow…” I said “nice house”, her reply being a brief "Thanks"
"Who are these." I pointed at a Wonderbolts poster, genuinely forgetting who they were.
"Only the greatest fliers of Equestria, I got the poster signed by all of the Wonderbolts when I was a filly”, her tone betraying her obvious excitement.
"Wow they seem pretty awesome."
"Pretty awesome? Talk about AMAZING!"
"Well I wouldn’t know I’ve never seen them."
"I am going to have to take you to one of their performances next time."
"Ok then that actually sounds pretty amazing to see them."
"It is they do all sorts of tricks, I’ve been trying to get into their group for like ever."
"What kind of tricks?"
"All sorts of tricks, I’ve tried to show my tricks to them but haven’t had the chance." She said quietly, the emotions caused by this sad revelation written on her face.
"Well I think you could get in to that group if you try and just don’t give up, I believe you are a good flier too. And does it matter if a few famous ponies know how good you are, it matters to you."
"Yeah you are right on that one."
"But don’t give up you'll get into their group someday, just takes time and motivation."
"Wow Jake you taught me a valuable lesson."
"And that is?"
"If you want something don’t give up you can accomplish anything with time and motivation"
"That is a great lesson to be learned."
"Not only time and motivation though is what I learned, I also learned it isn’t how other people think of what I do it all matters to me is how I think I do, if I want a few famous ponies seeing how good I am and to let me in a group that doesn’t matter it all matters how I think of myself."
"I guess you learned two valuable lessons in one day."
"Thanks to you Jake you’re really cool."
It was at the moment that I realised how much I liked Rainbow, not because of how or what we talked about, because we had been able to spend time alone, the solitude seemed awkward at first but it wasn’t long before we because accustomed to each other’s company. I refused to acknowledge these feelings however, but no matter how hard I tried to suppress it I couldn’t stop thinking about her for more than a matter of moments.
"So Jake what you wanna do now” she said, disturbing my train of thought “I gave you the tour of my house what else do you wanna do… I honestly don’t have anything else interesting to do."
"Hmmm let me see maybe we can go do a couple of races?"
"Nah something else, but what?"
"Wait you still haven’t showed me around Cloudsdale, how about doing that?"
"Sure, Follow me." She said, flying into the blue expanse of the sky towards the floating city, me following close behind.
We arrived at the first stop,
"Here take a lab coat." She said, motioning towards a wall covered in the scientific attire.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The tour lasted about two hours, along which I learnt about the production of clouds, rainbows snowflakes and many other weather functions. “This is all so cool” I said to Rainbow afterwards.
"Yeah it is real cool on how things go around Cloudsdale."
"I know I love how everything works in Equestria, took some time to get used to but it’s awesome."
The cyan mare nodded, yawning. “Jeez, I’m tired, I’m gonna go sleep, I’ll see ya later Jake."
"Yeah me too” I replied, noticing how tired I had become during the course of the day “see you tomorrow Rainbow."
I took to the sky once more, my heavy wings pushing the air as I flew back to the tree which housed the town library. The purple pony within was asleep on the floor, a half read book laying by her side. I peered over her, curious as to what she had been reading. It was a heavy tome about magic. She was probably trying to find that page again I concluded, lifting the book to look through it myself, turning to pages regarding basic magic, and after reading a spell and practicing it, I levitated the librarian to her bed.

Chapter 4 "Learning Magic"

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I had awaken again like any other day Twilight was still asleep, it was 10:00 AM so I woke her up

"Hey Twilight wake up." I said shaking her a bit

"Huh wha?" She said

"Wake up its 10:00 AM I think you should get up."

"Oh it is? Ill be up in a second."

"By the way I saw the book you were reading, I looked at the basic magic skills and saw levitation I used it to bring you in bed since you fell asleep on the floor haha."

"I really fell asleep on the floor? Well thats a little embarrassing haha." Twilight giggled a bit

"Its not that embarrassing, ive done that a lot in my world."

"Yeah I guess its not that embarrassing."

"Hey um Twilight I was wondering, would you teach me more about magic?"

Twilight was caught off guard by my question because she was not expecting me actualy being interested in being taught more about magic,

"Well what do you want to know?" She asked

"Anything that you can teach me." I replied

"Oh so um lets see, uh... How about teleportation."

"How difficult is it?"

"Lets see, its Intermediate which is a level above basic."

"Ok let me see."

I levitated the book infront of me and read how to do it,

"Ok how about I try to teleport upstairs, and just incase I screw up and not teleport there ill just teleport you with me."

"Ok Then."

Then I concentrated on the one spell my horn glowed and then I teleported, I teleported upstairs I was glad,

"Yay I did it!"

"Great job for a first try that is awesome Jake."

"What else can I learn?"

"Hmmmmm..... I think we should actualy practice more of teleporting, or I should say teleporting farther distances."

"Like where?"

"I dont know anywhere you want I guess."

"Ill be right back."

I was going to teleport to Rainbow's house hoping she was still asleep so I could scare her, then my horn glowed and I teleported she was still asleep and then I yelled


"WOAH!" She yelled jumping out of bed scared out of her mind,

"Jake you scared me when I was sleeping."

"Yeah that was the point haha."

"What are you doing here anyway?"

"I was practicing teleportation spells with Twilight I decided to come here and give you a little scare."

"A little, more like big scare if I say so myself."

"Hey atleast I didnt come here and play a tuba real loud or some other silly thing."

"Yeah that probably would be a little worse."

"Anyway I got to go back to Twilight's house."

I teleported back to Twilight,

"What did you do?" She asked me

"Rainbow Dash was asleep in her house and I scared her."

"Really Jake, gonna turn out a prankster like Rainbow?"

"I would really say she is a prankster she just likes a good laugh like me."

"Well I would say shes a prankster but hey its just me."

"Where else should I try to teleport?"

"Well what about Sugarcube Corner?"

"I guess you can try."

Once again my horn glowed and I teleported, I actualy teleported behind Pinkie Pie as she was helping Mr and Mrs. Cakes bake a few things, she turned around and bumped in to me,

"Woah! When did you get there Jake?" Pinkie Said

"Oh I teleported here I ment to goto the front door but I accidentally teleported behind you, Sorry about that." I replied

"Oh its ok Jake afterall it was all an accident, I can never hold a grudge with a good friend."

"Ok Pinkie sorry to go so quickly im just practicing teleportation and I need to get back to Twilight's, bye."

"Bye Jake."

I teleported back to Twilight's but more tired than usual

"*breathing a bit fast* Well that certainly takes the breath out of you, maybe I should take a break."

"I actualy think thats enough for now after all it does take alot of concentration and energy to preform intermediate spells."


I just went to my bed and lied down.