Scoot's Struggles (need to find better name)

by JellyDrivex64

First published

Applebloom and Sweetie Belle finds out a secret of there friend Scootaloo

When Applebloom and Sweetie Belle finds out there is something weird going on with Scootaloo and when they find out what it is it will change the way they think about Scootaloo forever.

Ps. First Fanfic

Chapter 1:The House

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WARNING: I have bad grammar and typing and also some english even though its my only language I know :3 and i'm not having applebloom or applejack say Yall alot they talk normal because I am bad at that.

"Scootaloo why are you sleeping here?" asked a yellow coated pony when she realized it was Applebloom

"Well uh... I wanted to meet you guys at the treehouse but uhh.... I fell alsleep" Scootaloo said as she was saying that she tried hiding something under her covers.

"Hey what are you tring to hide?" said Swettie Belle, as she leaned forward to see and pull out the covers she saw a Teddy Bear "Scootaloo is that a... Teddy bear? Why would you have a Teddy bear?." said Sweetie, Scootaloo just give up on hiding the bear "Wow she really does have a teddy bear, hey that looks like it is for a much younger pony even for a foal." said Applebloom, Scootaloo was starting to get worried and relived at the same time she was happy they weren't asking about the real reason why she was here she knew that they could've tell she fibbed she was a terrible lyer and scared cause now they know that she sleeps with a teddy bear!

"Okay Scoots why were you REALLY sleeping here?" asked Applebloom with raising a eyebrow

"" a great idea came into her mind and wanted to say 'UREKA' but didn't "My dad got mad at me and i stormed off and slept her last night." she fibbed again but this one she knew could been belived. The though of her father in her mind wanted Scootaloo to throw up what he done won't get forgiveness form Scootaloo ever even when he died from his actions he deserved worse! While Scootaloo didn't realized it but she had a angry face while thinking about her father when she snapped back into reality she though 'CRAP! even after years of his death he's fucking me over!' little filles shoud'nt be cursing but she lived on the street for years.

"UGH... we don't have time for this scoot we need to get to school" said Applebloom, Scootaloo was relived that she dosent have to explain herself "But Scoots we WILL continue this later." Applebloom said Scootaloo was worried again but this time she dosent show it.


"Hey Swettie Belle i think we should follow scoots" said Applebloom

"I don't know Applebloom how will we follow her" said sweetie Belle but insantly she though out a idea "APPLEBLOOM!" she screamed "Whoops sorry , how about i say i have to go do somethings with Rarity and you say you need to help Applejack help bucking!" said sweetie bell she had a sure face on her face.

"Sweetie Belle do you think all we do is buck apples at the farm?" said Applebloom and with sweetie bell now looking sad but then Applebloom said quietly "we do." all Sweetie Belle was snickered "Ugh, do you really think this will work?" said Applebloom "Oh trust me whatever scootaloo is tring to hide must be big and as her best friends we must know and if it's bad we need to confurt or even get off our lazy blank flanks and get up to help!" said sweetie bell


"HEY GIRLS!" the orange pegasus said "Hey Scootaloo" said Applebloom Sweetie Belle looked worry but it seeems that only Applebloom could notice. "So are we going to do any crusading today" said Scootaloo with a exited face and even have her wings up from the excited (Not a wingboner SHE'S A MARE!)". " Well you see..." said Applebloom tring to think her words as belivable to. "I have to help Applejack with the farm, sorry Scootaloo" while she was saying her sentence her giant smile became a frown. "Well... me and Sweetie bell could-" when Sweetie Belle heard 'Sweetie bell' she started to shook her head "could do something." while scoot was finishing her sentence it started to get lower and about 3 seconds later Sweetie Belle said "I'm sorry Scootaloo but i have to help my sister today, sometimes i hate that my sister is into fashion and IT'S SO HARD! So she drags me into it!" she said without anything that Applebloom could tell was a lie even if Applebloom just talked about lying to her to see whats going she still belived her but Applebloom is a bad lier it dosen't help your sister is the most honest pony around.

"Well okay... b-bye." said Scootaloo with almost having her head down when she left the schoolyard Applebloom and Sweetie bell started to follow sneakily, there were very stealthy and there was alot of hedges and large vegetation in Ponyville so they could hide. The first wierd thing was when they got to Ponyville Marketplace. "Hey Applebloom look! Scootaloo is sneaking herslef do you think she spot us?" said Sweetie Belle "No our hiding spot is engenious nopony can see us!" said Applebloom. What they didn't know there whole backside was exposed and everypony that was passing by just looked a them.

"Look she is near that bannana cart! Do you think..." while she said 'think' scootaloo swiped a few bannana's into her backpack both Sweetie bell and Appleboom gasped. the first who spoke was Sweetie bell "Scootaloo is a THIEF!". "SHHHHH Sweetie Belle she will find us if you don't stay queit, but the real reason why is she stealing bannana's? (Molestia?) HEY LOOK! There she is near the Apple stand that my sister holds. NO SHE ISN'T!"| "Applebloom SHHHHHH!" Said Sweetie Bell "Fine let's keep following her." they watch forr about 10 minutes of her stealing food then she left the market. "LOOK! She's on the move!" said Sweetie Belle. They followed Scootaloo all the way to Sweet Apple Acres and she went deep in the farm before they knew it they were at there clubhouse. Scootaloo sighed and Applebloom and Swweetie bell still followed and stayed about a 10 yard distance away when Scootaloo went inside the other crusaders stayed at the door for some reason Scootaloo didn't notice them and then soon afterwards scootaloo brought up a floorboard and it had inside it was some food(not enough for a meal) a neckalace that was beautiful it would be a good sell, a blanket, a pillow and a towel.

"Oh my god Applebloom we need to tell somepony about this!" said Sweetie Belle

"Hmmmm. how about Cherrilie?" said Applebloom

"Good idea!" said Sweetie bell "Let's go before she notice us!"

So the 2 fillies went to cheerilie house and knocked on the door. When the door opened there was the purple coated earth pony.

"Oh hi Sweetie-" said cheerilie but stoped to see there worried faces "Whats wrong girls?"

"Well we founnd out shocking news!" said Sweetie belle

Cherrilie sighed and said "Girls this is the 5th time i said this you were kicked out of the paper!"

"NO! Not that. We think Scootaloo is homeless!" Said Applebloom

Cherrilie sighed and said "Why in Equestria would you think that?"

Applebloom started with "well we never see her home or family!" then sweetie bell said "We found her sleeping in our Clubhouse this morning!" and then applebloom said "And she stole some food! and whe-" then she was interupted by cheerilie

"SHE STOLE!" said cheerilie with surprise and anger "Ill be right back girls!" she slammed the door shut and a few minutes later she opened the door and she had a piece of paper.

"What's that?" Asked Sweetie belle

"It's information of scootaloo of where she lives!" she said with still anger from her tone "Let's see this." she reads the paper "Hah! it's 6rd House of Golden Apple lane! Hey that sounds familiar. And now i just relize that is where the rich ponies live!" said Cheerilie

"Let's GO!" said poth of the fillies

When they reached Golden Apple Lane they saw amazing houses and apperently every 3rd (like 3,6,9,12,15) House was a big mansion that was at least twice the size of other mansions!

"Here we are Golden Apple Lane! let's see there's 1 there's the 2nd and 3rd?" said Cheerilie in suprise as she saw the 3rd house was ashes burnt wood and whatever is in a fire "AH! That is what I remembered the house occupied 4 ponies 2 were KIA and the other 2 were... MIA! One of the 2 MIA's must've been... SCOOTALOO!"