The Big Top

by Cadences Clop Closet

First published

The circus comes to Ponyville, and in a drunken blur, the town's most belligerent mailmare gets the ride of her life from a rather strange Griffon.

Crosswind had always been rather true to her name. She was stubborn, belligerent, and had a taste for the sauce. However, when the circus comes to Ponyville and she meets the ringmaster during a drunken wander through the streets, she finds something she wants.

Nopony denies Crosswind what she wants.

This started as an RP via skype, and I have taken the time to painstakingly reconstruct it in fanfic form, for everypony's fapping pleasure. Enjoy.


The circus cums to town.

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The bustling little fairgrounds just outside Ponyville lay otherwise dormant. Its workers had retired to bed, its performers preparing for the grand unveiling, and its Ringmaster... Was not to be found amongst its grounds.

He was instead simply walking about, Humming to himself a jaunty tune as he strode down the road. He was dancing in a manner just short of 'singing in the rain' levels of involvement, Snapping and bobbing his hips. Seeming to really enjoy himself over nothing in particular.

Meanwhile, Crosswind wandered through the streets of Ponyville, drunk. Tonight was a special occasion. One that she had already forgotten. The purple pegasus walked aimlessly, trying to find a bar she hadn't been cut off from yet. As mailmare, she didn’t make a lot of money, but a lot of it went into booze.

The Ringmaster saw a cream colored pony wave to him. He returned the wave with a playful little twirl and flourish, his gloved talons spread wide. His bombastic gesture would have made more sense if the crash of cymbals and wail of saxaphone reaching their apex was audible to anyone but himself. The Ringmaster started over in the cream pony's direction when another pony caught his attention, staggering through the street. He hesitated, looking between the both of them.

Crosswind waved at the creature. She’d seen them in books, but fuck if she could remember what they were called. "Heya catbird." She laughed. "Goin' to a fancy dress party?" She continued laughing. For some reason, it was absolutely hilarious. The cream colored pony looked over at Crosswind, seeming to judge her for a moment before heading off in the other direction.

"Hey, Creamy. Where you going?" She yelled. "Don't you fuckin' judge me! Don't you- urgh" She stopped, leaning against a building. She forced herself not to vomit.

The Ringmaster straightened up, looking at the pony walk away. He furrowed his brows, curling his gloved talons into little balls. He placed the knuckled on his wide drumstick like hips. He couldn't stay mad for more than a split second however, his smile returning just moments before he could talk. "Why, no I’m not heading to a fancy dress party.-- But I could be~! Do you know of any~?" He asked, smiling warmly, still standing almost exclusively on his hind legs.

"Hell, why don't you ask Pinkie?" she answered the Griffon's question.

The Griffin took a few slow steps, leaning forward, he tried to get a better look for the pony's face. He looked genuinely worried, his eyes wide, beak slightly ajar. He was finally able to muster his query, asking. "Ooh-- Who is "Pinkie" and where is his or her fancy dress party?"

"Urgh... Hey Catbird, have some free advice. Never accept a drink from Berry Punch." She leaned even heavier against the wall. "Pinkie's the town's party pony. Doesn't believe in booze though, so we don't quite get along."

The Griffin smiled, nodding his head acknowledgingly. "Of course, dear. I don't believe in booze either. I'm what you'd call agboozstic. I don't refute the idea that there is booze, But... I do not participate in its practice." He said, weaving a joke into a description of a trait of his. "Come, dear. Sit. Sitsitsit." He said, Gingerly leading her to the sidewalk, Keeping her upright, He flipped his coattails up, Plopping down on the sidewalk's edge with a smile, patting the spot next to him.

With a smile, she took the offer, leaning against him for support. "Then wow, you are missing out" She joked. "Mmm... for a carnivore, you're pretty nice. Not going to eat me, are you?"

The Ringmaster paused, giving a giddy, childish little bout of laughter, Covering his beak with a glove elegantly, he recoiled a bit to catch his breath. "Hohohoo~! hehe! Ha.. haha~ Oh, Don't be so tawdry, dear~ I'm still thinking if I should or not~!"

"Well, not like I could get away like this." She giggled. "And at least I'd have the last revenge. You'd be hammered before I was even half-swallowed."

The Griffon gave a playful chuckle, Crossing one of his hind legs over the other. "Hoh~! I was alluding to a more saucy act, but... Well, You're smashed right now; wordplay is beyond you, isn't it?" He said, examining the pony's features less as a being and more as a curious creature that'd approached him. Looking the mare up and down.

"Oh really?~" She asked. "Well... I have to admit, you're the first catbird I've met... Gotta say, not too bad looking." She somehow noticed him examining her. "Like what you see?"

He pinched a tuft of hair on her tail, Looking at the tips of the individual hairs, before letting it go, He then took the mare's forehoof, turning it to look at the underside a moment before exhaling with disappointment. He placed her hoof down, smiling back into her eyes. "Well, fortunately for your vital fortitude I'm not!" He said, Leaning back, He rested against a newspaper stand behind him.

She idly played with the poof on the end of his tail. "So... what brings you to my neck of the woods? Looking for some fun? Or are you seriously looking for a fancy dress party?" She decided that the world was being a really huge dick at that moment, and was spinning too fast, so she leaned even more on the strange catbird for stability. "If so, you might want to wait until that bitch in Carousel Boutique opens the doors."

The Ringmaster chuckled softly, patting her head. "Yes, yes. I'm looking for fun, dear. Though it saddens me to say not the base, wanton acts you think I'm here for." He paused a minute, Squinting and thinking. "Though, -- Actually, They are base... Hm." He thought for a moment in silence, hooking his arm around the pony with a smile, scooting closer with the hopes of warming her up.

"Hey, what you do is up to you Catbird." She smiled. "I'm a mailmare, not a cop."

"Well splendid~! Because between you and me, the authorities would be rather steamed if they found out I was cuddling with a drunk pony on the streets~" He said, shaking her a bit by squeezing her rhythmically for a few seconds with his arm.

She giggled, the catbird was funny, or at least she thought so in her addled state. "Hey, two adults sitting on the street corner, what's so wrong about that?" She put a hoof on his thigh, purely by accident, not realizing what she'd done.

The Ringmaster gave a soft chuckle, Patting her on the head. "Come now, dear. You wouldn't want me. I'm far too high maintenance. And I have a nasty temper." He said. "Now. How about we get you home, Hm?"

"I wouldn't mind that..." She shifted unsteadily. "I live in the shitty house just off Trotter. Can't miss it. Crappy little bungalow. Visitors welcome." She added with a wink.

He returned a flurry of winks, both left and right, alternating. "Well, dear! If it's so shitty, Why not stay the night at my grand chez vous? It is tres magnifique, mademoiselle~." He said in a low, and rather convincing prench accent. "Plus!" He added in his usual haughty, upbeat tone. "The bed is to die for! You could fit a dozen ponies on it!"

"Oh reaaaally?" She asked, giggling at the winking. "Counted, have you?"

"Oh~! hehe... No, I haven't... If you'd like, we could see about fitting two on it just for tonight?" He said, pale white face feathers turning a burning crimson.

"I wouldn't mind that either~" she said, running a hoof down his chest.

A very slow, steady trip back to his fairgrounds was made until He'd reached a wide, ornate looking bronze trimmed, wood skycarriage of respectably large size. Its balloon was missing, but it'd have to be quite sizable, with the buggy being about the size of two trailers lined up straight. It had a little staircase that was pulled down so that they could climb up into the hull. The Ringmaster pulled the stairs down, ascending the flight. Little rope handlebars on either side provided a steady to climb.

In awe, Crosswind climbed the stairs, the rope helping to guide her hooves, which were slowly becoming steadier. She followed as he threw open the door to his abode, quickly darting inside. The pegasus looked around. "Wow..." She breathed.
The entire place had a Prench Moolan Rouge look to it, The walls a low, passionate red, An ornate black trim along where the ceiling met the wall. The room was lit by maglectric bulbs put in faux candle holders about the room. The main source of light was a wide, large Vanity table with a mirror, and dozens of bright lights encircling it. Bits and bobbles from all about equestria were strewn about the cabin, A nice simple carpet sat in the middle of the visible room, Yellow, with stripes of black jutting outward circularly. On the opposite side of the room, taking up a great amount of space was a bed that looked like the bottom of a massive birdcage, fit to hold a manticore. By the mounds of supple red satin bed that filled the inside, it looked like it'd hold said Manticore very comfortably. The bars went floor to roof, and required a little two step up to get to the ajar cage door.

The walls of his home were lousy with event posters, All his own image, plastered smiling on the center, or posing for cameras, with details about the showing and price of his extravagant show.

"Mmmm." The pegasus said, sauntering in (or at least trying to saunter) and looking around. "You have quite a flair for the dramatic, Catbird."

"Oh, this? This is nothing, Dear~! You should see my flair when I perform! It's second to none." He said, pridefully remembering his past performances.

She walked up and rubbed her head against his feathery chest. "I bet you're quite the... performer." She said, ending it with another giggle.

He rolled his eyes, smiling to himself. "Oh-- I sure walked into that one..." He commented,walking over to the counter of dark marble and wood that lined the entire wall they'd entered on, He wafted a hand back to the mare. "Go make yourself at home~! Use my bed, the couch, the lavatories, if you must... Pardon the mess. My business is bringing joy, so-- Well, My work is never done." He said, rummaging about the counter, He picked up an exotic looking blade from the counter.

Curious, the mare climbed into the cage, relishing the feel of the satin on her fur. "Oooh my Celestia..." She moaned, lying on her back. "This bed... It's glorious..."

The ringmaster turned with the knife, trotting over to the bed, he stood. Turning his head to the side, he posed; one talon on his drumstick hip, The other hand rolling the small, if uniquely shaped blade over his single talon. After a second, he twisted his hips, throwing the knife with a silent rending of air into a cork circle on the end of the spacious cabin. He stood there, looking at the board for a minute, hoping that the mare had seen the cool thing he'd done and would be impressed with his hyper-manliness, yet keeping an air of ironic apathy.

Crosswind stared at him. "Whoah..." She clapped her hooves. "Way to go catbird. You hunt all your meals like this?" She cooed, her drunken mind oblivious to the fact that, yeah, a Griffon probably could eat her if it wanted.

He smiled a bit, Striding over towards the bed, he Climbed inside the cage, pulling its doors shut. "Actually, Yes!" He said, smiling a bit as he yanked some of the copious quilting over himself. "Usually they have some unique feature or something." He looked over, Exhaling a great sigh, He splayed his talons out onto the bed. And after fidgeting and hesitating, Grabbed the open lapels of his coat, and buttoned them to the top.

"Oh really...?" Crosswind asked. "Well... I have to say that I'm very... impressed." She learned closer, almost beak to snout with the Ringmaster.

The Ringmaster smiled, returning her hard to miss gaze. "You know, You really do not want me, dear." He said simply, Resigned and soft, like a friendly reminder.

"Then you really don't know me." She said. "The more you tell me I can't have something, the more I want it." she put a hoof on his chest and it started slowly moving down. "Are you sure? A handsome catbird like you, not wanting a mare all over him?"

He exhaled a bit, rolling his eyes, he gave a bit of a giggle, Hoisting himself up to a seated position. "alright, alright. I see that I can’t dissuade you... But, before you have me for all of your primal, tawdry needs, might I share something with you?"

"Go for it, catbird."

He Lifted his sleeve, His talons movments slow and deliberate. He Held up a talon, his other talon wafting under it as if to present it. "Here, Ladies and gentlemen, We have a simple, ordanairy glove..."

"Uh huh..." She said, still not following beyond the buzzing in her head and the heat... elsewhere.

He showed her the front and backside of his hand, showing no strings, he moved his hand over the other, Before he grasped the sleeve of his coat. He pushed it upwards, and again, And again, Until it was visible that his his talon wasn't in his sleeve anymore. He giggled softly to himself, Wiggling the talons of the glove not connected to anything. "However... Its operator has stepped outside for the moment, it seems!"

With a gasp, Crosswind applauded. There had to be an explanation, but her mind just couldn't connect the neurons. "H-how did you do that? Are you a wizard?" She slurred

He smiled a bit, rolling the sleeve back up, He wiggled his fingers again, SMirking softly. "Weeell...~" He said slyly. "A Wizard never reveals his secrets, but... Since we're so intimately engaged now..." He reached up with his gloved talons, Plucking the buttons of his jacket out of their holes, Parting it down the middle.

Crosswind watched intently. Partially because he was taking his shirt off, and partially because she wondered what he was going to do next. It was truly amazing how basic ponies could get with just a little fermented fruit in their systems.

He reached the bottom button, Slowly dragging his talons up the lapels of his coat until he'd reached the top. he slowly, teasingly tightened his grip on the fabric, But... rapidly, his expression turned soft. sullen, Like he was regretting the decision. He'd looked like he was bursting at the seams to open a massive present before, but now…

He pulled the jacket back halfheartedly until it fell behind his back like a sash. "Nothing up my sleeve..." He rattled out nervously. And he wasn't joking for once. Where his Talons should be there was a rough, definite lack of any limb at all.

Crosswind should have screamed. She should have, and probably would have, had she been sober. But at the moment, all she could focus on was the catbird's strange... phantom... limb... thing. She reached out to touch the space where his arm should have been, but stopped, looking at him as if to ask permission

He tilted his head to the side a bit, pursing his beak as if to say "I don't mind". He rolled his shoulders a bit, The marred stubs on the sides of his chest lighting up with a bright purple swirl, strange little runes and markings drawn around the small sigil. It didn't look like a tattoo, Rather it hung slightly above the surface of the skin. It was the same for both sides. As the runes glowed dimly, His gloves picked themselves up from underneath his coat, Held at arm's length from his body. He wasn't showing any signs of wings, either, despite being a griffin.

She pushed her hoof forward, through the smoke. The cold sent shivers up her limb. "Wh- what are you..." She asked, the sight sobering her up a little. Not much, but a little

"A Griffon." He said with a weird sense of macabre humor. He tried holding back a chortle, instead making it seem like he was choking up.

Crosswind clumsily tackled him, wrapping her arms around him, trying to knocking him over. "You're weird... I like weird..." she purred, grinding her crotch against him slightly.

He scowled a bit, His lack of arms making for a weak defence, He could only pap her back with his hollow glove and frown. "By the egg, pony!" He said, Starting to laugh a bit between his words. "Aren't you freaked out?! You're supposed to run away screaming and stuff now!"

"Hmm... and waste this oppurtunity? Plus, we're kinda locked in a cage." her face was directly over his, and there was no way he couldn't smell the alcohol on her breath. "If anything, you just made me harder to get rid of."

He grumbled under his breath a bit, Looking off to the side, flustered. "Fine... I suppose you did earn it... You're the first pony that didn't IMMEDIATELY scream and run away, so..-- Ah, help yourself~" He said, Throwing his jacket back over his shoulders, the runic smog stuffing through his sleeves. He smirked, and plopped back onto the bed, Looking up at the mare expectantly.

Crosswind pressed her lips to the Ringmaster's beak, trying to figure out how to kiss a beak. "Your main event's still there, right?" she whispered.

He sputtered out a bit of a chuckle, Lifting his head, He placed his Gloved Talons back behind his head, Smiling up at the mare. He lifted his head a tad, Showing her just how one with a beak would lock lips,And while new and a bit clunky... The concept was still roughly the same.
"Of course, dear! What sort of Ringmaster would I be without a big top?" He mused playfully.

"We'll see~" She said with a wink, grinding her pelvis against his. "Let's see if I can erect the tent, shall we?"

The Ringmaster's rod quickly began pushing its way out, The thing more closely resembled what his Lion's side would have, than his avian side. Sleek, fleshy and tall. Oddly shapen, Or how The Ringmaster would explain it at a later time, 'Rather like a strange, exotic main vase`, sitting atop a big zen stone'. It was no pony poker, but it didn't shy away from the challenge.

Crosswind made a noise of intrigue and slowly slid her way down the Ringmaster's body, planting kisses down his torso until she finally reached his dick. "My my..." She said. "How... exotic..."

She ran her tongue up the cat-like rod, leaving a kiss upon the head before taking it into her mouth. She looked up at the griffon as she began bobbing up and down. The Griffon tried desperately not to laugh at how it tickled and sent shivers through his body. He sputtered out a giggle that he desperately tried to disguise as a erotic moan. His talons gripped into the sheets beside him. The thick knot hidden still in his sheath began to force its way out, signalling his full arousal. "Hahh-hahnn... Gah... You-- Really are quite good at that, aren't you?"

Crosswind's tongue danced along his length as she went up and down, but she was surprised to see the knot. She came up off his dick with a wet pop, and gasped. "There's more?"

She started rubbing up and down his member with a hoof, her mouth's ministrations focusing on drawing out the knot, licking and sucking as if it were the last ice pop at the summer sun celebration. She could feel the heat growing in her nethers. She needed this. The Ringmaster let a lusting, wet coo of pleasure escape past his beak. He smiled a wide, silly grin, His facefeathers stained a hard crimson blush. He hoisted himself up to a seated position, admiringly watching her poke about his loins. "Heh.. mmhn.. Well it's not called 'The Biggest Show in Equestria' For nothing!" He proclaimed confidently.

He placed his glove over her forehead, Running his talons back through her hair, Leaving her face exposed to the warm, excited gaze of The Ringmaster. " Thank you, My lovely assistant~.." He said playfully. "But I believe that we're ready for --" He couldn't help but snicker a bit as he cooly rattled out his next line. "The main event!"

The drunk mare giggled as she got his meaning, standing up and turning around, her tail brushing against his penis as she bent over, presenting her sopping marevag for his approval. "Ready when you are... Ringmaster." She said.

He grinned at the sight of the thing, His 'main attraction' standing stiff as a diamond. He lifted himself to his hindpaws with a bounce and grabbed her tail at the base Turning it upward, he pulled her back into his groin, His free talon reached down, pushing at her shoulders, actually rather roughly forcing her top-down-bottom-up against him.

He wedged his cock snugly between the mare's buns, Smiling down at the sight, menacingly taking position over her. His glove keeping her breast pushed tightly into the bed whether she was trying to move or not. His cock hot-dogged between the mare's supple cheeks, he hummed a bit to himself, Rocking his hips back and forth, Grinding his unmentionables against the mare's puffy pony pucker, Letting her feel the entire girth of his turgid, throbbing rocket. "Eenie... Meanie...Miney..." He said quietly, just audible enough for the mare to hear.

Cross gasped at the sensation, enjoying being pushed down and used like this. The feeling of the exotic cockmeat rubbing across her nethers. The bulbous knot she could feel brush her on occasion, and imagining what it would feel like inside her made her even wetter. She tried to push her rump closer to him, willing him to pick a hole, any hole, so long as she could feel that monster inside.

The Griffin voraciously made his decision, Quickly pulling back, he rammed his hips forward, Plunging his oblong poker into the pony's plot. It slid in surprisingly well, Lubricated by the copious amounts of drool the mare generously donated before, Letting the thing slide in with relative ease. Though by its girth, It shouldn't have; A sharp pain would have been felt by the thick, throbbing cock slipping into her tailhole at such a rapid pace, stretching her ring like rubber... or her inebriated mind would have ignored or misinterpreted the signal of pain. Regardless, The ringmaster still swooned a low, rumbling purr, Even still forcing more of his curvaceous cock into the mare, The lower portion growing wider still until she felt the daunting thud of The Ringmaster's knot mush into her newly hallwayed hole. Despite what it actually sized up to, The thing felt massive.
The mare gasped at the penetration, letting out a moan of mixed pleasure and pain as the penis penetrated her plot. She'd done butt stuff before, but this... it was unreal. The shape, the size, the feeling of his knot pressing against her ring before pulling back… "Don't stop!" She gasped. "Keep going, oh Celestia, keep going!"

The ringmaster immediately obliged, Starting to rock his hips into the mare, Plunging his rocket into her, pulling backward in a steady rhythm, The unique rod he had tugging painfully on her rubbery rim as it slid to and fro inside of her. He eventually got himself into a rather rapid pace, Ravenously stabbing his griffon cock into her tailend, making sporadic and slow alternations where he bucked forward, Plunging it in to the hilt, Letting her feel the lot of it, Every pulsing inch snugly spreading her hole, Mashing the knot against her still resistant rim, Swaying his hips, letting it spread her this way and that. To the mare, she was in heaven. She started bucking her hips backwards, trying to take in more of the Griffon's tool. Her juices dripped from between her legs, her unused hole winking as she desperately tried to just get more in. She could feel everything, every beat of his heart through the veins of every blissful inch of the cock that was ramming her purple ponut. "More! More!" She cried. "Stuff me like a clown car!"

The Ringmaster clacked his beak tightly shut, Panting heartilly, beads of sweat forming about his feathery body. His voluptuous, muscular thighs rippled with power as he angled himself further over the mare, Ramming his cock down into her at what was almost a downward angle. Her face stuffed into the satin nirvana of his satin sheets and pillows. He vigorously thrashed his hips down into the mare, One powerful pump after another until he finally pulled back to about peak of his plump poker, Forcing the entirety of his weight into one powerful thrust, His swollen, thumping knot painfully pierced its way into her plot hole, The Griffon practically roaring with wet, feral delight! he Gritted his teeth, His glove tightening their grip into her tail, his other glove finding purchase in the bottom of her mane, Gripping tightly onto a thick tuft of her hair, He animalistically plowed into the mare's hole, Stuffing the knot in further than it should, Pulling back, he found he was locked inside, Jackhammering down into the mare.

The mare screamed in pain and pleasure as he knotted her, finally getting what she wanted as her ponut locked clenched around it, trying to milk it for all it was worth. Her legs buckling, she came, ladyspunk cascading from between her legs. She felt him pull on her mane and tail, sending shivers down her spine.

"K-keep going." She pleaded. "F-fill me up, you ferocious predator." She ground into his pelvis, every sensation causing her to feel the large organ in her plothole shifting and throbbing inside her. The Ringmaster wasn't too far behind. He Bucked and thrusted as hard as he could until the hugging of her walls and the heat of her loins sent him over the edge. He panted and let out a needy cry of pleasure as he finished, His cock spewing out shot after shot of thick griffin goop into her plot hole. He buried his rod deep into the mare, shoving himself as far in as he physically could, His pelvis mushed into her supple hindquarters. His cock jumped and throbbed heartilly with every shot, untill he'd emptied himself into her, The thing spewing out a steady stream of his seed. The Griffon's thunderous thighs wobbled uneasily as he panted, still gripping her tail and mane tightly before he collapsed, almost fainting. He fell to the side, taking the mare's rump with him, The aura holding his gloves where they were fizzled out with a sparkling spurt, His talon accessories falling limp and lifeless to the bed. Crosswind felt his seed fill up her rump, and it caused her to orgasm a second time, crying out in ecstasy as he pulled her down with him, panting as she felt the copious amount of Griffon jism coating her insides. She noted that the knot was still inside her, but dismissed it, instead trying to regain the ability to breathe.

"W-wow..." She gasped. "You really are a master of ceremonies." She tried to pull off the knot, only for it to pull her back as it plugged her plothole. "W-what happens now? Do I wait for it to... go down?"

The Ringmaster cuddled up to the pony he was firmly locked into, panting, His heated breath brushing the back of her mane. "I suppose so... Though, it's going to be a little hard..."
He said, Giving a bit of a giggle through his labored breathing.

The pony giggled as well, leaning into him, shuddering once more at the feeling of his breath on her neck. "Well, I got nothing but time, Catbird." she said

The next morning, the sun creeped along the floor through the windows that shortsightedly didn't have blinds on them. It had reached a point where it met the slumbering visage of the mare, undoubtedly severely ass-hurt.

The Ringmaster's cock had long since lost its fervor, Retreating back into its rightful place in his sheath. Leaving the mare's plot hole gaping in what would most likely be a long-skirt day. The bed beneath her tailhole caked with stains of the copious coagulated cocktail concocted the night previous. The Ringmaster was still soundly asleep, eyes lightly shut, resting as peacefully as an egg, the two things still locked tightly in a massive cage, lying atop a mound of satin goodness.

Crosswind woke up with three things. A pounding hangover headache, a really sore ass, and many questions regarding why she was sleeping in a cage with a griffon. Luckily, before long, her memories of the previous night flooded back to her. She smiled as she remembered the feeling of his exotic cockmeat in her ponut. 'I should go after Griffons more often.' She thought to herself, snuggling closer to the Ringmaster, closing her eyes against the offending sunlight.