My Little Zombie: Friendship is Infected

by Ninjajoe

First published

Can the mane 6 ponies and the power and determination of my friends repel a zombie outbreak?

In the human world, a zombie outbreak has spread faster than a wildfire in a dry forest and it's up to me, my close friends, and by a random fortunate chance, the mane six ponies. As the story progresses, we will learn more about the details on the infection and if the world can ever be saved.

The outside world

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I constructed a makeshift shelter for the night as I couldn't find a more suitable place to set up after the zombie horde almost took my life. My health isn't well and I just want to be able to sleep comfortably, but it seems that may have to wait one more night. My family is gone and i never realized how much i cared for them until i was put in this situation. If only the mane six ponies were here again. I miss them all so much and hope I can regroup with them to save this damned world. They could help me out of this mess. In fact, I can almost hear Pinkie's laughter as i write this. Maybe they're close by but i can't go looking for them just yet.

Let me explain. My name is Joseph and when this shitstorm happened, I was doing what I always do, watching MLP videos on the internet, checking EQD, all that nice stuff. Then, i got a call from my friend Jordan saying to check the news stations. some kind of pandemic was causing people to go crazy out of nowhere and no one knew just what the fuck was going on. I think it's safe to say that NOW we know what has happened. I ran to his house since I was alone with parents at work and my sister at the college. On the way, I saw the extent of what happened so far. I also thought I saw a purple pony that looked just like Twilight Sparkle in a ball hiding from whatever caused all of the disorder and chaos. I figured it was due to my constant web surfing and such and brushed it off as that. The obligatory car crashes and broken in houses were everywhere. There was a foul smell in the air like when meat is rotting away and maggots have been feasting on the putrid flesh. When I got to my friend's house, I was relieved to see that he was fine and that I was off the streets. He told me that all of the news stations have been telling everyone to stay inside and wait for “further instruction”. I knew what that meant. We were screwed.

Just then, there was a loud banging at the door that grew more aggressive with each passing second. With such a short reaction time before whatever was on the other side broke in, I grabbed a knife from the kitchen and tied it firmly to a broom next to the pale white wall. We were waiting for the intruder to bust in so that we could take care of it but my heart was pounding. I've never seen combat in real life and I was about to attempt to fight off some crazed enemy breaking into my friend's house. Of course my friend was armed as well but that did little to calm my beating heart as the seconds drew on and the door started to splinter from the repeated abuse. It seemed that whoever was breaking in had a weapon of some sort but that was not the case at all, unless you counted muscles that looked like boulders on arms to be weapons. This person was an insane, powerhouse. With a tattered, bloody white undershirt and ripped boxers being all that was on him. His eyes were blood red with no pupil and his teeth dripped with the blood of his last killed prey. We were next and all we had was a flimsy steak knife on a small wooden broom. By this time, Jordan had fainted from the shock of such a sight and I felt like I needed to protect him since he was my only companion at the time. I jumped up and yelled at the enraged mass of muscle and bone that was this man. Could you even call it a man anymore? What was this monster with a lust for blood and guts and human meat? It charged towards me and the best I could to was hold my weapon like a spear and hope it stopped him. It worked surprisingly well however, with the end result being the bloody corpse lying face down with a hole through it's fragile, deteriorated skull from where I run him through.

Jordan woke up soon after and we both knew it wasn't safe to just stay home and hope everything gets better. This was a real life zombie outbreak and we just barely survived our first encounter. We needed answers and safety so we packed up any food and weapons we could use and headed off on foot to find more survivors. There were none, Though I saw the purple pony I had seen on the way to Jordan's house and realized it really was her! I had really seen Twilight Sparkle in real life and it was clear that i was not hallucinating! I approached it but it got scared and ran off away from us thinking we were zombies. I wanted to chase her but knew she could just end up hurting us in a fit of self defense. We kept walking down the littered road. The nauseating smell came from all of the other residents of the neighborhood after they had been gutted and eaten by the other Zombies. I tried to contact my family but the call never went through to my parents and when my sister picked up her phone, she told me that the same thing was happening at her university over the screams of her friends, teachers, and eventually her. I stayed on the phone as I heard my own sister be eaten by a pack of bloodthirsty zombies and I couldn't take it. I dropped to my knees and wept. I was all alone with the exception of my one friend by my side, picking me up off the ground with words of encouragement and I swallowed my emotions to push on. Maybe I'll find Twilight again and possibly the other ponies on the way to wherever we had to go. That was my motivation to keep going on.