Beneath The Apple Tree

by Cetuximab

First published

Getting yourself a job at Sweet Apple Acres to earn some money, you find yourself something worth more than money.

You are a senior student at the Canterlot High and your parents cut down on paying you pocket money. This means, you need a new income. The last week you went to lots of shops and asked for a job. All of them denied. But today, you bump into a new opportunity.

You get yourself a job at the Sweet Apple Acres. Together with Applejack and Big Macintosh, you work on the fields to harvest the apples. And the job itself is not the best thing to come out of this...

Special thanks to The Story Man for proofreading the second chapter.

1 - The New Job

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Wednesday morning. You are walking through the halls of Canterlot High. Your mind rotates around all the people who denied you a job. Ever since your parents stopped paying you pocket money, there has been a desert in your wallet. You are eager to find a new source of income, but you have yet to manage to get anything going at all.

Arriving at your locker, you put your books away. The upcoming class is art, so you won't need them. Frustrated by all the failed attempts, you slam the door shut and turn to get to your class. When all of a sudden, an apple hits you in the face. Applejack was walking down the hallway with her friend Fluttershy, gesturing wildly with her hands.

The apple she held slipped between her fingers, rocketing towards your face. The sudden impact of the red fruit makes you stumble backwards and crash into the lockers. Applejack and Fluttershy are looking at you, barely able to contain their laughter.

"Ah'm mighty sorry there! Let me help ya'll up," Applejack extends her arm, and pulls you back up.

"Thank you Applejack," you say, brushing of your clothes.

You bow down to pick up the culprit who caused all the drama.

"I think you lost something," you say, handing the apple back to Applejack.

"Again, I'm mighty sorry," she says, still trying to hide her amusement "If there's something Ah can do for you, just tell me,"

"I'm fine. But I have to get to class now," you say, walking off into the opposite direction of the two girls.

While you walk, you think about how this one apple almost ruined your mood for the day. Apple. Suddenly, you remember a small detail. Sometimes your mind works a bit slow. You turn a 180 degrees and run after he two girls.

"Applejack wait!" you call after them.

She stops and turns around.

"What's the matter?" she asks you.

"I thought of something you could do for me," you tell her.

"So what is it?" she asks again.

"Don't you live on a farm?" you return the question.

"Yeah, so?"

"Well, I thought maybe you needed a stable boy or something. I'm currently searching for a job, you know," you explain to her.

"Not really, we only have two horses after all," she says, crushing your hopes.

"Oh, okay. Thanks anyways," you say sorrowful.

Already turning around to leave, Applejack surprises you for the second time of the day.

"But we could need someone to help with the apple harvest this year," she thinks out loud "It's getting cold pretty early this year and Big Mac and I thought about getting help so we can make it in time,"

"That sounds great! When can I start?" you ask with replenished delight.

"Well, Ah have to talk to Big Mac and Granny about this first, but Ah'm sure Ah have an answer for you tomorrow," she dampens your enthusiasm a bit.

Still with a smile on your face, you thank her again and finally make your way to art class.

The next day

When you arrive at the school building in the morning, you see a tall, bold guy standing in front of the entrance. It looks like he is waiting for someone else, since you never saw him before. Walking past him to get to you class, he suddenly grabs your arm.

"You are the guy AJ offered a job, right?" he asks you.

Caught off guard by him, you only manage to stutter out a yes. Finally your mind catches up and remembers Applejack talking about her brother. This must be him.

"You must be Big Mac. That's right I asked Applejack if there was a job available on your farm," you finally answer his question.

"Well, you look a bit slender. Picking apples is hard work, are you sure up to the task?" he asks you straight forward.

His statement is a bit rude and hits your ego a little, but he is right nonetheless. Looking at your arms, they could be easily mistaken for toothpicks. But regardless of that, you need the job.

"How about this, I work the first three days in trial. Wage free," you suggest, "And then you can decide whether you're keeping me,"

He raises an eyebrow, taking another look at you before nodding at you.

"Fine. Tell AJ I said its okay," he closes the conversation with that sentence and leaves.

Watching him walk away, you stand there a bit confused, but happy nonetheless. The bell reminds you that class is waiting for you. Sitting through the physics lesson, you smile from time to time over your luck of finally finding a job.

Well - almost finding a job, you still have to make it through the trial. But being confident about that, you stop thinking about it for now. Going to the locker after class to put your books away, you still haven't seen Applejack jet.

Sitting through two more classes, you enter the cafeteria with a nervous itch, not having seen Applejack the whole day. There probably won't be dinner when you come home anyways.

"Hey Applejack," you greet her.

"Hiya," she greets back with a small smile "Did Big Mac find you?"

"Yeah, he met me before school. He said it’s okay," you reply.

"Well that's mighty fine! Wha' don't ya have a seat with me and we'll talk everything through," she suggests.

After getting your lunch and heading for an empty table to talk, you sit down and take a bite from your tasty burger.

"Okay, first you need to know our schedule," she starts "Ah usually start working as soon as I get home, but I reckon you can't come every day. You gotta do your homework after all."

"I mostly have class until lunch, except for Wednesday. I could get to the farm directly after and work until 7. That should leave me with enough time for homework," you throw in.

"That sounds fine, but Ah think you should only work three to four hours the first day's," says Applejack "Ya know. To get into it,"

First Big Mac, and now her. It stings a bit in your stomach. But still, you agree with her.

"Sounds fine to me. I agreed with Big Mac on working on trial first days anyways,"

"Ah think it’s time to speak about money,"

You anticipated and feared this moment likewise. On one hand, you need and want the money. But on the other hand, moneytalk always makes you feel uncomfortable.

"We thought about paying you 400$, plus you can take some of the apples home for your family," Applejack offers.

That is a lot more than you expected and you unconsciously smile.

"But don't think we pay for nothin'! You gotta do your part as well," she reminds you.

"Got it! So is it alright if I come tomorrow after lunch?" you ask, accepting her offer.

"How about I pick you up after school? Ah have one more lesson after lunch then I can work you in," Applejack suggests.

You finish lunch together, talking about school and classes. Afterwards, she goes off to her next class, and you home. The next day will be rather exhausting, so you choose to go to bed early.

*** The next day after Lunch ***

Classes have just ended, and you wait for Applejack at the entrance of the cafeteria. You didn't tell her your address yesterday, to pick you up after school. Soon, she approaches you.

"Hiya, what's the matter?" she asks you.

"Hey Applejack, I forgot to give you my address yesterday," you say, handing her a small piece of paper with your address scribbled on it.

"Alright, see you later then Ah guess," Applejack says, leaving for lunch.

You head home and go to your room, searching your drawers for something to wear on a farm. Since you can't find anything better, you decide to go with a pair of, rather tight, jeans and a plain brown t-shirt. You really should get yourself something more comfortable to wear for work. Maybe a nice shirt and a more loose jeans. Since summer shoes are not suitable for the muddy fields of a farm, you dig out your winter boots.

Already changing clothes, you see that there is more time left before Applejack comes along and decide to do some homework before she arrives. Taking out the chemistry books and working for about an hour on the formulas, the bell finally rings. Going downstairs, you open the door and Applejack greets you smiling as you open.

"Are you ready to go?" she asks, and looks down before starting to laugh.

"I think you might need more than that," she says.

Looking down yourself, blood rushes to your cheeks. Standing there in underwear with a mad blush, you're jumping backwards, excusing yourself to hurtle the stairs and put pants on. Fully dressed, you return to the door, hopping on one foot while putting the second boot on.

"Is this better?" you ask, trying to cover the embarrassment with humor.

"You bet, now follow me," she says, leading the way.

Locking the door, you follow her down the road. It takes only 25 minutes and you stand on the edge of a not only big, but humongous farm.

"Welcome to Sweet Apple Acres!" she says, swinging her arm over the horizon.

The trees seem endless in any other direction than the one you just came from. Applejack, taking the lead again, walks down the dirt road towards a red barn. Though it already looked big from the distance, it takes you 2 minutes to get there. As you come closer, Big Mac steps out of the door of the house next to the barn and looks into your direction.

"Just let me put mah stuff away, and we can start right away big brother,"

He nods in your direction and Applejack goes inside. She returns shortly after without her bag, but with her hair done in a ponytail. Opposed to the open way she wears it at school.

"So Big Mac, let's show him around," Applejack claps her hands, eager to start working.


"First, we'll show you the barn and the cellar where we store our apples," she begins.

They lead the way around the house and towards the barn. Each one taking a handle, they pull open the doors. In front of you appears a tower of crates. A small path between them leads to the back of the barn which is hard to make out in the dim light. From what you can see, they are all empty.

"This is where we store most of our harvest, but we can't fit all in here," she explains before walking over to a wooden cover on the ground, "That's why we have our own cellar. That's also where we ferment our cider,"

You know the hard cider they make. It's sweet taste is truly memorable, but they rarely have enough for more than 500 people. That's why it's sold out within minutes usually and you only got lucky to get some once. Maybe as their employe, you have a higher chance.

"Okay, now you know where to put em'. It's time to learn how to pick em',"

They lead you to an apple tree close to the barn and Applejack nods her head toward it, prompting you to show her what you can already. Stepping under the tree, you crane your neck, finding them hang way above you. You have to jump to pick them one by one.

After getting the third one, you can clearly hear Applejack and Big Mac giggling behind you back. Turning around, you see them trying to hide their amusement at your attempts. Big Mac steps forward and up to the tree. He gets in position and kicks the tree like a guy from a Kung Fu movie. It would look ridiculous, wasn't it for the result. The tree shakes madly and apples start raining down. One of them lands on your head and Applejack snickers at your baffled expression.

"Looks like you have to learn a lot until you can pick apples like we do," she manages to get out wit a semi-serious voice.

Trying to save some of your honor and impress the Apples, you go over to another tree and try like Big Mac did. It stings in your foot as it hits the bark. Despite your lack of training, about a fifth of the apples actually come down.

"Not bad for the first time," Applejack sounds somewhat impressed with your second try "work on it, and you might be able to compete with us,"

With those words, she kicks the tree you just harassed yourself and makes the rest come down. The 'thump' of the fruits hitting the ground rings in your ear. She wasn't exactly a slim girl, but you never would've expected such a strength out of her.

"Ah' think for the first day it's going to be enough if you pick up the apples we drop," she decides.

In lack of a better idea, you nod your head. Big Mac and Applejack are starting to buck the trees. One by one, they lose their apples. Picking up the apples at the speed that they get dropped at is quite challenging. Soon, the two are way ahead of you and in your panic you call at them to stop. They turn around to you in surprise.

"What's the matter sugarcube?" Applejack asks you, slightly confused.

"I can't keep up with you two," you explain yourself.

"All right. Big Mac, how bout' you get your wagon and start bucking apples at the southern field?" she suggests.


With these 'words' he walks off and Applejack starts bucking the trees again. As told, you pick up all the dropped apples. But sometimes, there are not so many apples to fall, and you can examine the work of Applejack. She leans over and short before the kick, her ass flexes. Even though her figure might appear slim and powerless, her legs are able to shake down all the apples of one tree. You knew that she does not participate in any of the sports groups. That is more of Rainbow Dash's thing.

She continues to buck the trees and you collect the apples, bowing down repeatedly. At some points Applejack grants you time to catch up with her, or stack the full crates on the wagon. This time, she is leaning against the next tree, drinking some cold water while you collect the last apples from the ground.

"Are you already done?" you ask joking.

What was meant as a joke, turns out as a ton of work for you. Applejack bucks a record amount of trees in the next hours. You can hardly keep up with collecting them, but somehow manage to do so anyways. Two more hours pass, and Applejack finally turns around and speaks the golden words.

"That's enough for today,"

She helps you collecting the rest. And as you got all of them, you heave the crates towards the wagon. Only stretching and wit Applejacks help, you manage to get it on top of the high stack. While you take a short break from work, Big Mac approaches you from the barn.

"You two did a good job," he says, looking at the wagon.

Not waiting for an answer, he walks around the wagon and pulls it towards the barn.

"Wait," you call after him "let me help you with that,"

Grabbing one of the handles, you pull it together with him and the weight of the cart seems to disappear by the combined effort. Soon, you get to the barn and store the crates inside.

"Do you need more help?" you ask Big Mac, hoping for a no after the hard day.

"Nope," he says, shaking his head.

Your day is finally over, and the sun is already settling over the horizon. Walking towards the dirt road with heavy legs, gravel crunching with every step, your back feels sore. Before you cross the house, Applejack cuts in your way.

"That was an impressive first day! We harvested as many apples as Big Mac and I would," she tells you.


"Yeah," she replies, sounding really content with your performance.

"So Monday the same time again?" you ask.

"Well, I thought since you can't work on Wednesday, why don't you come in tomorrow?" she suggests.

You think about it for a second. Saturday is usually the day you go to parties and clubbing. But since you don't have any money at the moment that falls short anyways.

"That sounds good," you reply, actually looking forward to it a bit "When do you start working tomorrow?"

"We usually start working at six in the morning," she tells you "But Ah reckon eight would be good enough for you to show up,"

"Alright, see you tomorrow at eight Applejack," you say goodbye and turn to leave.

"Just one more thing," she stops you once more "Please call me AJ, you know since we work together and all,"

Smiling at her, you nod your head. On your way home, your mind wanders around apples, picking, crates and all the other impressions you got today. Twenty minutes later, you arrive at home. Entering your room with heavy eyes, you fall out of your shoes and into your bed. Sleep takes a hold of you in mere seconds. When your eyes open again, it is already Saturday. You didn't set yourself an alarm, but luckily you wake up at six.

Having quite a lot time left until your presence is required at Sweet Apple Acres, you step under the hot shower. Letting the water run over your body, you relax your muscles and soul. After toweling, you eat a substantial breakfast before leaving early. After the short walk to the farm, you arrive at the barn, look around and spot Applejack and Big Mac. They are on the fields already. You get another wagon form the stable, fill it with empty crates and pull it towards the siblings.

"Good morning you two," you greet them as soon as you are in hearing range.

They greet you back, seeming surprised and impressed with your early appearance.

"How are you?" asks Applejack.

"Surprisingly well," you reply "I thought I'd get aching muscles, but no sign of it so far,"

"So, are you ready for the next round?" she throws you a crate from their wagon.

"You bet," you catch it, and start picking up the apples they just dropped.

"Do you want to go to the southern field again Big Mac?" Applejack asks her brother.

He nods and 'eejups' before taking their half-filled wagon and pulling south. Applejack doesn't waste any time and start bucking right away. Starting off a bit slow, you soon get back into it and manage to increase your speed to the prior day. Either that, or she was working slower today. Working for over half an hour, Applejack reaches a tree with only few apples in it. You collect them quickly while she gets in position to buck the next one. Her leg darts towards the trunk, delivering a powerful kick. The impact not only shakes the tree, but her butt jiggles too. Looking at it, you want to look away before she catches you staring at her inappropriately.

"What are you waiting for?" Applejack asks you, as you stand there motionless.

Snapping back to reality, it doesn't seem like she caught you peeping. She already moved to the next tree. Hurrying to not let her run ahead too much, you return to work. The rest of the morning goes by fast. Occasionally, you take a glance at her. With the sun already risen high, you both start sweating from the hard work. You clothes stick to your bodies. And when you watch her kicking another tree, you can feel your pants get a bit tighter. A bell rings over the orchard, making both of you turn towards the direction it came from.

"That’s Granny Smith, dinner must be ready," Applejack says behind you "Would you like to eat with us or do you have other plans?"

Turning around to her, you say that you'd love to. She stretches her arms to relax her shoulder and her shirt moves a bit.

"I think you might want to button that back up," you say, pointing at her shirt.

The top buttons opened and reveal a good bit her cleavage. She wears a green bra and realizing that you were just staring at it, you look away a bit ashamed. But it is Applejack who blushes and hastily reaches down to button her shirt back up.

"I - we better get a movin'," she says rushing past you.

You start following her and catch up with her as she enters the house. The dinner goes quietly and it takes for the dessert until Applejack speaks again.

"Ah think you did a good job. You can come back Monday, and then we'll see if we keep you,"

"But I haven't brought the apples in the barn yet," you reply.

"Big Mac and I will do that later. You only wanted to work half time the first days, remember?"

"I do, but let me just finish this. It feels wrong to leave mid work," you try to convince her.

You want to leave a good impression after what happened earlier. It is a trial after all, and you need to convince them to keep you. After a short thinking, Applejack nods her head, agreeing to your statement. But her face tells a different story. Almost as if she wants you to leave. After finishing your dessert, you go back to the orchard and bring the cart to the barn. It is quite heavy, especially without Big Mac helping you like yesterday. But you don't want to ask Applejack for help right now. Storing the crates inside, you return the wagon to Applejack.

"So, Monday after school, right?" you assure yourself "I have another lesson after lunch, because Miss Cheerilee was ill last Thursday. So I would come here directly after school,"

"Alright, see you then," Applejack doesn't even look towards you.

On your way back to the main gate, you say goodbye to Big Mac and head home. For the remainder of the day, you do your homework and watch some TV. As the sun slowly settles and it gets dark outside, you go to bed. Not feeling that sleepy, you decide to masturbate. Browsing for some images on your phone, a recurring image flashes before your inner eye. It is Applejacks butt, how it jiggled when she kicked the trees. Her clothes, sticking to her body in the heat of the sun. And finally her cleavage. Giving up trying to focus on the images on your screen, you put the phone away and yank to the mental images. Shortly after relieving yourself, the sleep takes a hold of you.

Monday at lunchtime

You're standing in line to get your food, when someone taps on your shoulder.

"Hey there Sugarcube,"

Turning around, you find Applejack standing behind yourself. She has usual smile on her face, nothing like last Saturday.

"Hi, are you here for lunch too?" it is after the words left your mouth that you realize how stupid they sound.

"Why don't you sit with us?" she asks.

You're wondering who she means with 'us'. Looking behind her, you see 5 girls who you quickly recognize as the ones she usually sits together with.

"Sure, why not," you say, following them to an empty table after you all got your lunch.

"Tell us, how fabulous is working on the farm?" the girl, who you remember as Rarity, asks you "I heard you do a great job,"

"I do my best. And it's fun to work in nature. You know what you've done when you go to bed after the day," you answer her question.

"Eww," Rarity shrugs.

Besides you, you can hear Applejack snickering. Her southern accent adds something cute to it.

"Ah have only one more lesson after this. Do you want to go with me?" Applejack asks you "To the farm Ah mean,"

"Sounds good to me. I'll have to make a stop at my locker though, so I'll meet you at the entrance,"

"All righty then," she says with her smile.

The rest of the lunch goes quiet for you. The girls are chit-chatting about their classes. Sometime you catch them glance at you, like you have something on your face. With the end of lunch, you separate from them and go to your respective classes. The time flies. Soon, you find yourself at the entrance, where Applejack already awaits you.

"Are you ready?"

"Yup, can't wait to get started," you say with enthusiasm.

"That's the spirit,"

You both get moving, and during the walk you chat a bit about classes. It turns out that she is much smarter than you would expect from a farm girl. Arriving on the farm, you get the cart and crates. The day goes along as the previous ones, and before you know it the sun is already starting to settle. You're putting the last crates onto the wagon. As you reach for the handles to pull it back to the barn, Applejack stops you.

"Ah've seen that you can pick them apples up. But it would be much better if you could buck em' too," she says "Come over here and I'll teach you,"

You take position next to the tree she pointed at. Getting into the pose you saw her take so many times now, you wait for further instructions.

"Ya'll just gotta raise your leg and kick it. Use your whole body to get as much energy into it as possible. But bend your knee a bit, or else you'll sprain it," she calmly explains, making the movements in slow motion.

You memorize her movements and try to mimic them. She does them slowly one more time for you, before following up with a sharp motion. She hits the tree, like you've seen her do so many times before. Making the apples rain.

"Why don't cha' try it?" she encourages you.

Gulping, you make the movements one more time slowly, trying to aim at a good point. Taking a deep breath, you pull your leg back before kicking the tree. Putting all your strength into it, you feel the vibration of the impact run through your whole body. But unlike last time, your foot doesn't hurt. And you even manage to get some more apples down too. About three fifth are lying around you on the ground.

"Well, would you look at that," Applejack says, sounding impressed "A natural,"

"Thanks," you respond, blushing a bit at her exaggeration.

"Why don't you try it another one?" she encourages you.

You go in position and kick once more. This time, your motion is much smoother. And it feels like you had more success than before, though about the same amount of apples hit's the ground.

"Well, you gotta work a bit on it. But Ah'm sure you can get it going for you in no time," she comments on you "We should get a movin' before the sun is gone,"

You agree with her, and together you pull the cart back to the barn. Arriving there, you see that Big Mac already finished with his work. As you start unloading the crates, he waves for Applejack from the house. You continue alone while you can see them talk in the distance. As you finish, Applejack comes back, smiling at you.

"Congratulations! You got the job," she says, enthusiastically.

"Really? That's great!" you say happily.

"So Ah guess we'll see you tomorrow? Ah'll have classes until six, so you'll be helping Big Mac tomorrow,"

"That's fine with me," you respond "Is there anything else you need help with today? Otherwise I would go home and do some of my homework,"

"Ah don't see why not. The apples are stored and it's getting dark anyways,"

"Alright, see you tomorrow then," you say before heading home.

Big Mac already went back inside, and you walk down the dark path. At home, you feel exhausted and only do math homework. The other ones aren't due tomorrow. Undressing yourself, you splash some water in your face and go to bed as you are. You couldn't have wished for this day to go any better. But for now, you drift away into the dream world.

2 - Stories From the Apple Cellar

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It’s about two weeks later on Sweet Apple Acres. On a warm Friday afternoon, you're bucking apples on your own. It’s been like this ever since you got a hold of it. Having your own field assigned to you makes you feel very proud like the first time you got an A in a test. It's been a long time since someone put that much trust in you. And you have to admit, it feels great.

Looking at the sky, you see the sun already moving towards the horizon. You could work for another half an hour or so before it gets dark, but the crates you brought are completely filled. Putting the last ones on the wagon, you bring them all back to the barn.

Arriving there, you see the cart that Applejack took with her next to the cellar door. Since the two of you and Big Mac got lots of work done in the past weeks, the barn is already filled to burst. The moment you start taking crates off of the cart, Applejack comes up the stairs.

"How you're doin'? Is all goin' right?" she asks with a lovely smile.

"Yeah, thanks AJ."

There are only few more crates on her cart as you go down to store yours. She come after you with five crates in her arms, going to the back to store them. Going back to your cart, you get another stack and bring them down. On her way back, Applejack wants to make room for you to pass. But she accidentally steps on an apple that lies on the ground.

Slipping, and practically flying towards you, she knocks you over. The crates in your hands are sent flying, crash loudly and spilling their content. Applejack, landing on top of you, unwillingly pins you to the ground. Her face is next to yours, and you can feel her breath on your ear as the air gets pressed out of their lungs from the impact.

"Ah'm mighty sorry sugarcube!" she apologizes after catching her breath again. Applejack starts to get back up again as she suddenly stops in her motion "Ya know, ah’m not that sorry~"

You give her a confused look

"Aw shucks!" her head goes down again.

But this time is does not go beside yours, but straight. Her lips connect with yours, and as quick as it came it is gone.

"What was that?" you ask, baffled.

"Ah'm sorry, Ah shouldn't have done that," she says, looking away and hastily getting up.

"Please don't go, I-I was just surprised. I would've never thought you felt that way--" you say, grabbing her arm.

Gently pulling her back, you let go of her arm and reach for her cheek. A stroke of your thumb brings a smile to her face. Leaning in for a kiss, she leans down to meet you halfway. Her lips lock with yours. They’re incredibly soft and smooth for someone working in the sun that much.

They taste of apples, hay and a hint of soil. Something warm and wet presses against your lips. It's her tongue, trying to enter your mouth. Letting her pass, she explores it whilst you do the same. A fight for dominance between your tongues ensues, as they wrestle lustfully in your cavities.

One of her hands wanders to your chest. You can feel the heat coming from it through the fabric of your shirt. Her eyes are closed, and a lewd moan moves through your kiss. As your heads separate, a string of saliva spans and ultimately snaps. She giggles with her cute accent and traces her lips with a finger.

In a playful roll-over, you end up on top of her. Your eyes are met with a lustful glance of her’s. Pressing your lips on hers, your tongues once more pull and push each other in a sinful game. As you pull back, she gently bites your tongue and presses you against her again. Her eyes are closed while she savors every second of it.

When she ultimately lets you go, a cheeky grin appears on her face. She rolls you over again, now she is back on top. While doing do, you come closer to some of the spilled apples. Applejack reaches out and picks one of them and takes a small bite. She offers you one too. But as you reach for it, she tosses it away. Locking lips with you, she passes you her piece.

Taking it from her, you chew and swallow it. She watches you, biting her lower lip in excitement. Applejack grinds her hips over your pants.In your pants, space is getting rare. You almost choke on the apple from the feeling. She rubs her body against yours, bringing her mouth to your ear.

"I want ya’ sugarcube~," she whispers, before licking over and nibbling on your earlobe.

Her warm breath tingles as it brushes over your neck.

"Now," she adds to her previous statement.

"But what about Big Mac?" you ask, still present with your mind.

"Don't cha worry bout' him," she says, not taking her eyes of you. "He just went back to his field."

Your hands wander over her arms, down her sides and to her butt. Giving it a squeeze, you can feel a perfect balance of firmness and softness. It's not flat, but forms a nice bowl that you can cup with your hands. Feeling lucky, you give it a little smack. Her eyes widen with surprise as she jolts a little from it. She looks at you with a faked angry glance.

"Do it again, see what happens."

Raising your hand again, you let it race down towards her butt. Harder than before it hits her jeans, a smack echoing through the cellar. Applejack gasps, and closes her eyes for a second before leaning forward and pinning you to the ground with her strong arms.

She looks at you with squinty eyes. When you raise your eyebrows wondering if you've gone too far with it, she starts to giggle and kisses you again. She seems to enjoy this game of powers. Realizing this, you get a bit ballsier.

Your hands wander down her shirt. Applejack sits up to give you easier access. Reaching the bottom, you grab the shirttail and pull it over her body. Stopping while it covers her head, you give small pecks on her throat. Slowly wandering down to her breasts. You can hear her panting through the shirt.

Moving over her breasts and back between them, licking upwards to her chin. The taste of apples and hay is now mixed with the salt of her sweat. Removing her shirt completely, Applejack is free again and pins you down to the ground again. With her arms strengthened by the hard work, you have no chance of escaping her grip.

Your ear is met by her teeth again. She nibbles, almost chews, on it again. Her tongue traces along the outer lines, before her lips wander to your mouth. She engages in a deep kiss. Exploring her half naked body, your hands slide down her back. Getting a feel of her skin, you notice that it has a soft roughness to it. It induces a tingling feeling in your fingertips.

Slowly going upwards again, you reach her the clamp of her bra. You fumble a bit before you finally manage to open it. Applejack ends the kiss by biting your lower lip and slowly pulling back. Not breaking the contact with her green eyes, she removes her bra completely. Her breasts wiggle a little. You reach for them timidly, but she slightly leans forward, signalling you to go for it. Softly, you start to massage her C-cups. She closes her eyes, and coos softly.

Raising yourself, you continue to massage her breasts, while simultaneously kissing her neck. Making your way downwards, your lips quickly make contact with her breasts. Going for the left one first, you suckle on the nipple and flick your tongue over it.

Her panting shows you that you're doing something right. Letting one hand slide down over her belly and to her wait, you struggle to make it past. Her jeans are still too tight for you to enter.

"Let me help you with that," Applejack breaks the embrace with you.

She stands up in a swift motion and turns her back to you. The clicking sound of the buckle, shortly followed by the zipping sound of her opening pants. She slides her hands over to her butt, with the thumbs inside the waistband,bends over, and pulls them down.

Her orange cheeks are staring at you, only covered in green panties. They sit tight enough to allow you a full view on her curves. As her pants hit the floor, a dark spot peaks through her legs. The damp fabric spans over her vagina, creating a clear imprint of her lips.

Eager to touch her there, you get up and embrace her. She gasps as your hands land on her chest. One moving upwards to her breasts, massaging them again. The other goes downward, meeting her wet panties. Gently stroking over the fabric a lewd moan escapes her lips. What was only a little damp, becomes wet in moments.

Feeling the time has come, you slide your fingers under the fabric. A shiver travels down her spine through both of your bodies as you glide over her womanhood. Your fingers are moistened by her juices. Her face turns to you and a pleading look lies in her eyes.

"Please," she whimpers.

You seal her mouth with your lips and drag your index finger over her slit. Applying a bit pressure, it slides in without resistance. Applejacks moans are dulled, but intense as you start to finger her. She pulls her head back from you and breathes shallow. You nibble her ear, flicking the lobe with your tongue occasionally.

The heat of her body burns through your shirt as you add another finger. Lewd moans hall through the cellar as it slides in. Her back arches when you move your fingers in a certain direction. Trying to hit that spot again, you thrust faster into her warm love tunnel. Applejacks walls start contracting around your fingers, as if she tried to pull you in.

Her flat breathing turns into panting. Feeling that she is close to the edge, you rub her clitoris with your thumb. Only seconds later, she twitches through waves of pleasure. Her legs get limp, and her weight leans against you as Applejack tries to recover her breath.

"That was amazing!" Applejack exclaims, "Ah've done it myself, but this... this felt... Ah can't even tell,"

Standing on her own legs again, she is still a bit shaky as she turns around to you.

"Thanks for that sugarcube," she smiles at you, "Let me repay ya,"

Her hands wander over your chest and down to your crotch, where your boner greets them. She grabs and strokes it through the fabric of your jeans, making you inhale sharply. Applejack goes to kneel before you, but you hold her back.

"Stop!" you exclaim.

"What is it?" Applejack asks, clearly confused.

"Do you hear that?"

She listens, and hears the same crunching noise of gravel that you noticed.

"Darn' it!" she jumps in panic, looking for her clothes.

She grabs her pants from the floor. Hopping on one leg, she hastily puts them on. Almost stumbling, she rushes over to her shirt that lies a few feet away. Reaching into your pants, you try to tuck your boner away.

Her bouncing body doesn’t really make it easier for you. She closes the last buttons as footsteps start coming down the stairs. Big Mac enters the cellar and sees you two picking up the crates and apples you dropped when Applejack knocked you over.

"O hey there big brother," she says casually.

He just nods in her direction before dropping off his crates in a corner. After you cleaned up your mess and put it away, you go outside to get the remainder of your cart as Applejack follows you.

"Let me at least help you with these," she says with a cheeky grin.

She leads the way to the stairs, when she suddenly turns, almost making you two crash again.

"Ah have an idea!" with these words, she turns again, storming down the stairs."Hey big brother, can I have a quick word with you?"

"Anon and I talked about tomorrow. If he comes like last Saturday, he won't get much done till' lunch," she explains to him "So ah thought, maybe he could stay the night and start working with us in the morning."

Though you are pretty sure that you won't get much sleep if you stay here, you nod your head in agreement as if you knew about this plan. Big Mac thinks about it for a few moments before finally saying something.

"Why not, but tell Granny Smith, so she can make the bed," he tells her before returning to work.

"Sure can do," Applejack responds.

You three continue to unload the rest of your carts. After you're done, Applejack goes to the house while you start pulling your cart towards the fields again.

"Where are you going?" Big Mac asks behind you, noticing your way.

"Back to picking apples, I guess?" you say, stopping in your path.

"In the dark? Good luck with that," he chuckles lightly before pulling his cart to the stable.

For a second, you thought he heard you and Applejack in the cellar. Taking a look at the sun, you find it hanging deep in the sky. Only now, you register the red-orange shimmer of the sunset.

"Whew, I guess time flies when you're having fun," you mutter to yourself.

You follow Big Mac to the stable, putting all your equipment away. After that, you lock it and hear Applejack calling for you two from the porch.

"Hey you two, Granny says dinner is ready,"

You're almost starving when you enter the house. Though you've been working here for two weeks now, you've only been inside twice the whole time. Once to meet Granny Smith, and once to use the restroom. You've never been in the living room before, but now you're standing in front of a generously laid table.

They are sitting down, so you take the remaining seat. The meal goes with usual family small talk. Everyone is exhausted from the day's work and thankful for the food. Later, after you all finished eating, Applejack signals you to follow her upstairs. There, she points out a door on the end of the corridor.

"That's your room. This one’s Big Mac's," she points to a door to your left, "And that one over there is mine. If you want to take a shower, it's that door across mine,"

Convenient that those two are in the middle of the corridor.

"Thanks, I'd love to get that sweat of my body," you say to Applejack.

"Go ahead. I'll help Granny Smith and Big Mac with the dishes," she gives you a wink before going back downstairs.

You enter the bathroom, lock the door, take off your dirty clothes and step under the shower. Letting the warm water rinse over your body, you take some soap, scrub your skin and make sure that your private parts are especially clean tonight. Grabbing a fresh towel from the stack, you dry yourself and pick up your clothes.

Unlocking the door with the towel around your waist, you find a stack of clothes lying in front of it. Thankful, you pick them up and take them to the room Applejack pointed out earlier. Your worn clothes land on a chair in the corner. Unfolding the clothes you found on the floor, you find that they must belong to Big Mac. Boxers and a shirt for the night. Putting them on, someone knocks on the door.

"Can I come in?" you hear Applejack asking.

"Sure," you say, and she enters swiftly.

"Did Big Mac give you those?" she asks.

"I suppose so, they look like his," you reply before Applejack suddenly pulls you in close.

"Don't cha' dare fall asleep," she whispers in your ear before leaving as quickly as she came again.

You can hear the rest of the house getting ready for bed as well. The shower is running and people are stepping through the halls. You're sitting on the bed, nervous about what this night will bring to you. You already got intimate with Applejack, but it was in the heat of the moment. It feels strange to sit there and wait for her to come over.

While you're at it, you try to assess the whole situation. Mainly your feelings for Applejack are going through your mind. Her affection towards you kinda came out of the blue. And you're not sure how you feel towards her. The times when you worked together with her come back to your mind. You can't deny that you admired her body few times and rarely missed a chance to get a glance at her.

The thought never really made it through, but you’ve fancied her for a long time now. You're not sure why you never realized this or made a move. Slowly, the house gets quieter and quieter. You're sitting on the edge of your bed for a few minutes, but when Applejack doesn't come, you decide to get under the cover. It is getting a bit cold in underwear after all.

The light in the room was out to begin with, so no one would get suspicious. Lying there quietly, you listen carefully for footsteps or any other sign of Applejack. A chill runs down your spine as a hand suddenly covers your mouth.

"Shhh," Applejack says next to you.

Turning your head, you see her with a finger on her lips. You can only wonder how she managed to sneak up on you like that. But then again, you don't really care about the how. She takes her hand of your mouth and lifts the blanket. Swiftly, she lies down next to you. Her skin touches yours. Judging by the feeling, she can't be wearing much. A faint, but piercing smell reaches your nose.

"Did you put perfume on?" you ask her randomly.

"It's a little something Rarity gave me," she replies "She said Ah should use it when 'Ah finally decide to grow up'. Do you like it?" she Applejack asks back.

"It smells off. Not like yourself," you reply honestly.

"Rarity said it works for her every time,"

"Maybe you're just much more natural. You shouldn't feel the need to use any," you charm her.

"Thanks sugarcube, that's so sweet of you," Applejack prods you in the side.

She rubs her body against yours and whispers into your ear.

"Should we continue where we left of?" Applejack asks with a lewd voice.

She slides her warm body over on top of yours, pressing her lips on yours. A warm feeling expands in your body as your tongues dance with each other, linking, pushing and pulling. Applejack retreats and you can feel her sitting up over your body. With a click, she turns on the bedside lamp. You can finally see what she is wearing. It's nothing.

"Ah think it’s time we get rid of these," Applejack says, sliding her hands under your shirt.

She pushes it up and you help her remove it completely before throwing it on the ground. Her hands slide over your chest, exploring it inch by inch.

"You're still hiding something from me sugarcube," Applejack says, smirking at the boxers you're wearing.

Your penis already forms a clear bulge in it. Like in the cellar earlier, she grabs it through the fabric and strokes it softly.

"Ya'll like that?"

You nod your head with a smile. You worry that that it will be hard to not make any noise. She shuffles her body down the bed a bit, before suddenly lowering her head. Through the fabric, she plants a kiss on your penis, followed by a lick over the boxer. The warm wetness soaks through and feels amazing enough to make your dick grow even harder.

With a sleek motion, Applejack pulls down your boxers, making your length stand up. Her hand grabs it and she begins to jerk it slowly. It tingles your balls as she proceeds to pick up the pace a bit. Her eyes are fixed on your member. A lusty smile is on Applejacks face while she pleases you. Licking her lips, her head lowers and her wet mouth makes contact with the tip.

A wave of pleasure makes your body shiver from head to toe as Applejack takes your length in her mouth. She only goes down a bit and starts swirling her tongue around the tip. She does incredible work with her mouth. Taking her hands away, she tries to take as much of your length as she can. Short of only half an inch, you can feel the back of her throat rubbing against the tip of your member.

Resting in this position, she makes use of her tongue again. Letting it slob across your penis, up and down, side to side, making you come close to the edge. You've never been too durable, but this was ridiculously quick. Applejack supports herself with her hands on the bed. Bobbing her head now, her lips seal around your shaft to suck it. By combining these actions with her previous motions, your orgasm is imminent.

You want to warn her, but opening your mouth would probably end up in loud moans. And you can't risk drawing any attention from the sleeping Apples. With Applejack not slowing down, you can't manage to hold it back any longer.

Your back arches, driving your member deep into her mouth. She gags as your semen is pumped directly in the throat. Being unprepared, Applejack does her best to gulp it down, but gags. As your body relaxes, your penis withdraws from her mouth.She has to cough a little, but tries to cover it up as good as possible.

"Well that was," Applejack says, interrupting herself by wiping over her mouth.

"Sorry AJ," you say quietly, finally find your voice again "I would've warned you, but I couldn't-,"


"Huh?" you breathe out.

Applejack must be kinkier than she lets on to. Definitely not what you would’ve expected of a farm girl.

"Only sad it's already over," she says with a small pout.

"Who said there can't be a round two?" you ask her.

A smile comes to her face as she sees your member getting hard again. She crawls over your body, her breasts dragging your skin until her head is level with yours. Reaching for her head, you pull her close, lock lips and roll over in a swift motion.

To get more freedom, you remove your boxers completely. Turning back to Applejack, you find her looking at you with a pleading look, biting her lower lip. Both of you are now fully naked, you can feel her vagina rubbing against your member. The warm wetness of it shows you that she is pretty worked up already.

They start to engulf it as you wittingly move your hips in circles. It results in Applejack panting softly and pulling you in for another kiss. Tracing around your tongue with hers, she moans in your mouth.

"Please put it in. I want you inside me," she says after your lips part.

"But what about protection?," you ask, mentally present.

"Don't worry," Applejack answers, rolling her eyes "I’m taking the pill,"

There is no need to ask you twice. After sliding your penis back over her vagina, you stop as the tip is lying over her entrance. Taking a hand to keep it in place, you gently apply pressure. It does not take much, and your dick disappears inside her womanhood.

The feeling is unbelievable. Her blowjob might have been great, but it is still nothing compared to what you're feeling right now. Her warm walls massage your penis whilst it slowly slides in. There is a look on her face that you have never seen before. Best described as an expression of satisfaction and pleasure.

Her mouth is slightly open as she lies there breathless. She must be feeling something similar to you. You rest inside her for a moment, savoring the feeling, before starting to slowly move your hips. The rhythmic movement makes her breasts jiggle. Tempted by the sight, you lean down and suckle at one. You want to pay them attention, but Applejack pulls your head to hers.

Moving your body slightly upwards, you hilt deep inside her. She throws her head back, exhaling sharply from the sensation. Surprisingly, with all your lust, you haven't made any major noise yet. Applejack throws her arms around you, rolling you two over just like you did before. She gives you a cheeky grin as she sits up on your member.

"Let me show you how we do it on the farm," she says to you, pressing your chest down with her strong arms.

She moves her hips up and down, riding your dick. Her breasts bounce with her movement. This position drives your member deep inside her every time. Her warmth is fully engulfing you, creating a feeling beyond your expectations. A certain feeling starts to appear in your balls again. Suddenly the scene from the cellar comes back to your mind.

Taking a hand, you smack her naked butt. The smack is louder than you thought, and Applejack looks scared for a second. She scolds you with a shush and punches you in the shoulder playfully. Applejack stops the up and down movement, only to change it for a swaying of her hips. Your penis is driven against her walls, massaging it on a whole new level.

Even with the little distraction of her punch, you can barely hold it back anymore. Not only the pure sensation of her riding, but also the sight of her bare body over you is just too much to handle.

"AJ, I'm coming soon," you are able to announce this time.

"Me too~," Applejack answers under her breath, picking up the pace a bit before stopping her movement completely.

Her vagina tightens around your member, milking it as her body slightly shakes. Applejack lets her body fall down on yours as she orgasms. You can feel her heart racing in her chest as she pants in your ear.

Being close, but not having come yet, you slowly thrust into her. With her walls still contracting around your member, it is only a matter of seconds before you reach the edge. With a final thrust, you release your load inside her. You both lie there over each other, exhausted and sweaty. Her head rests on your cheek and you stroke through her hair.

"This was wonderful, sugarcube," she says, turning her face to yours.

"I loved it," you reply, looking in her bright green eyes "Guess that makes us a couple?"

"Ah guess so," Applejack says smilingly "Not sure how we tell Big Mac about it,"

"Well, that is nothing we should worry about now. Let's seize the moment."

You both lie there for another couple of minutes. You stroke her hair as Applejack circles her finger on your chest. Wishing this moment could last forever, Applejack bursts that bubble by turning towards you.

"I should get to mah room," she says regretfully. "Can't risk Big Mac finding us like this tomorrow."

She gets up and leaves, swaying her booty for you one last time as she goes. After she closes the door behind her, you put your own shirt and boxer on for the night. That way you can keep the mess a secret. Lying back in the back and turning the light off, you fall asleep almost immediately. The next day surely will get interesting.