Fluttershy & The Siren

by NecromancerX69

First published

Fluttershy becomes friend of a strange lonely creature that only wishes to sing.

[Killing Floor : MLP Crossover] My first one shot...
Fluttershy becomes friend of a strange lonely creature that only wishes to sing.
With Fluttershy's help the creature will sing to everypony... that if the creature wont kill them first...

[I am not the owner of Killing Floor, Mlp or any other references in this story. They each belongs to their respective copyright owners.]

One Shot: Fluttershy & The Siren

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Hello there this is my first attempt at making a One Shot story of Mlp hope you ppl like it.
I also want to thank my friend Zephyr for helping me with the pre-read.
I wub you Zephyr!
It begins...

Based on my favorite video game>>> [click me]
And favorite monster of same game>>> [click me]

Fluttershy and the Siren

[Location… Flutteryshy's Cottage] Midnight…

Fluttershy, the kindest pony of all Equestria was seated outside her home with some of her animal friends as they heard somepony singing a beautiful song in the night. The sound was coming from the most dangerous place ever known in all Equestria, The Everfree Forest.

It’s been just a week since the mysterious song started to appear from the Everfree forest at midnight and it’s always a very sad song of loneliness that sounds clearly female.

Fluttershy can relate a bit with the song as she is not a very talkative pony and even if she got friends she does feel the need to find a special somepony for those lonely nights.

During this night Fluttershy will enjoy the music…

“I wonder who is the pony singing such a beautiful song, it's almost like those operas Rarity invites me sometimes.” Said Fluttershy to nopony in particular as she keeps listening.

Once the music was over about half hour later it ended with a *screeeek*.

“That was beautiful...” Said Fluttershy as she place a hoof on her mouth that is smiling.

“…” Fluttershy started to think about the song as she gets up from the ground and heads inside her cottage to sleep. Afterall she needs to tend her animals in the morning as she always does every day, till the day she dies.

Once she is on top of her bed, before covering herself with the comfy sheets of her bed she look at the ceiling still thinking of that song until her curiosity got the best of her…

“As Celestia is my witness I will look for the source of that beautiful voice!” Said Fluttershy determined to know who is the pony who sings such a song. Only to hear a voice on her right.

“Of course Shy, now go to sleep.” Said Molestia next to her with a very pervert grin.


“HAAAAAAAAA!” It was fluttershy screaming as she awoke on the floor… She fell from her bed last night.

Quickly getting up she takes a good look to her room like looking for somepony, just to realize she is all alone.

“Thank goodness that was one hay of a nightmare…” Said Fluttershy now heading downstairs to feed her animal friends.

It took her some time but once she finished feeding her animal friends she decided to start packing some of her things so she can go inside the Everfree Forest and look for the source of the midnight music.

Once she was about to head outside she was stopped by Angel bunny making gestures since he can’t talk. He was trying to tell her that is a bad idea.

“Oh, Angel don’t worry I will bring some tea herbs once I get back. Look for the cottage will ya, bye.” Said Fluttershy exiting her home.

Angel could only facepalm… He doesn’t know why but he believes the source of the voice is dangerous… call it animal instinct.

‘Well at least she can take care of herself’ Thought Angel bunny.

[Location… Everfree Forest] 8 Hours later…

Fluttershy always knew the Everfree Forest is a very scary and dangerous place for a pony such as her. She heard many stories of the forest, from big and scary creatures that lurk inside, ready to devour anypony that dare to venture inside the forest.

But for now she is starting to get really worried because ever since she entered the forest… not a single sound… not a single monster… and even animals… it's completely empty at exception of the big trees and the darkness that covers the forest even during day light.

She keeps walking with the hope to find the source of the voice or at least one monster just to feel safe, for this loneliness is starting to get into her skin. Then… she hear it…

“Waaaahaaahaaaaaa…” Somepony is crying softly nearby… With fear Fluttershy approaches the sound… it's getting closer… closer… closer… then… a light…

She couldn’t believe it… she reach the end of the Everfree Forest.

Exiting the forest she finds a huge empty landscape filled with grass… at exception of very few dead trees surrounding a bigger dead tree that she could see in the distance from the exit of the Everfree Forest.

“Waaaaahaaaaaahaaaaa…” That sound… is coming from behind the bigger tree… Fluttershy with determination takes a deep breath and approaches the dead trees…

Once she reaches the place, she look behind the tree to find a strange bipedal creature standed on two legs sobbing… The creature was giving its back on Fluttershy and from what she could see; the creature was very thin and taller than her, it’s bleeding with cuts and patches in every part of its body, her hair was short and messy, also strapped with what look like multiple belts.

Fluttershy taking pity of the strange thing and worry for its health she approaches it…

“Waaaahaaaahaaa…” It’s still sobbing…

“Um… Excuse me? Are you hurt?” Asked Fluttershy to the strange creature.

“It’s someone there?” Said the creature… it sounded female with an echo in her tone of voice. The creature turns around to find the source of the voice…

“Dear Celestia…” Said Fluttershy once she saw the face of the creature…

Scared for her life she hides behind the big tree…

“It’s someone there? Please I won’t hurt you… I am so lonely…” Said the creature with her face looking to no were in particular since it has no eyes to begin with.

Fluttershy takes a pick from behind the tree…

“I am so lonely…” Said again the creature.

Fluttershy get even sadder by just looking at the poor thing, activating her maternal instinct she approaches the creature without fear…

“It’s ok now, you are not alone any more…” Said Fluttershy with the voice of a mother to her children.

“Thank you dear… it’s been quite some time since I talked with someone.” Said The Creature with its face facing Fluttershy.

“Are you hurt?” Said Fluttershy to the creature while one of her hoofs touches the skin of the thing leg.

“Oh, don’t you worry about me… I am fine now that I have found someone to talk.” Said the thing to Fluttershy.

“Mm-my name is Fluttershy…” Said Fluttershy with one of her hooves touching her own mouth.

“Siren… it’s the name given to me by my father, brothers and sisters.” Said the now Siren.

“Where’s your family?” Asked Fluttershy.

“They are gone… I am the only one left.” Said the Siren with sadness in her voice.

“I am sorry... I-I didn’t mean to.” Said Fluttershy.

“It’s ok Fluttershy… but I do miss my brothers and my sisters… specially my father… what about you any family?” Asked the Siren.

“They are also gone…” Said Fluttershy releasing a single tear.

“What are you, I have never seen a creature like you before?” Said Fluttershy as she removes the tear with one of her hoofs.

“I am one of my father’s children… what the humans call us monsters or super soldiers.” Said the Siren to Fluttershy.

“What are you doing here all alone in this empty landscape?” Said Fluttershy taking seat on the ground.

“It’s a long story…” Said the Siren.

[Flashback… The last human stronghold/ Planet Earth] Over nine-thousand years ago…

Me along with my brothers and sisters marched against the last human base as our father ordered us to share our friendship.

Some of my brothers and sisters had the ability to share hugs and unique gifts for the humans while me and some of my sisters sang in chorus to bring harmony to the humans… and how did they paid us?

They killed every single one of our brothers and sisters… They made our father really angry he tried to defend us and killed the last humans living in that base…

I still remember his last words for he was gravely wounded from the fight…

“Go my daughter… share your music with every one you meet… make… us… proud…” Said the Patriarch(Click me) before dying under the feet of the last Siren…

“Father… FATHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Said the Siren crying for her father, destroying all her surroundings with her voice.

That moment it broke my heart… Ever since that day I share my music with many different animals and aliens I meet during my endless travel…

[Flashback… The last human stronghold/ Planet Earth] Over nine-thousand years ago… What really happen…

The last human stronghold was defended by the heroes of the Horzine Outbreak, they defeated countless mutants and countless Patriach clones… Today it’s their last stand…

Every single one of the humans died except for one and every single one of the monster waves by exception of the Siren who got stuck in a random place for some time.

The last human known as Doctor Dave(Click Me) fought Kevin Clamely the original Patriach with a Claymore and defeated him…

He was about to finish the source of all evil with one final blow only for his face to end up blown up by the sound of the last Siren…

Clamely with the last of his strength, injected the Siren with one special medicine syringe and activated a button hidden under his rocket launcher machine gun…

“Go my daughter… share your music with every one you meet… make… us… proud…” Said the Patriarch before dying under the feet of the last Siren…

“Father… FATHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Screamed the last Siren…

Far away in a hidden secret lab…

A very old computer who wasn’t used in many years was brought back to life thanks to the button Clamely pressed… on the screen could be clearly seen three words…
[Project Equestria Activated…]

[Flashback end…]

“And that’s what happen… I traveled the world with the wish to share my songs to everyone.” Said the Siren to Fluttershy.

“Then… You are the one who sings at midnight?” asked Fluttershy.

“Yes… but I will never sing again…” Said the Siren really sad.

“Why not?” Said Fluttershy surprised.

“Because every time I sing… animals attack me or get scared of me…” Said the Siren.

“But your voice is beautiful and I listen to your song every night…” Said Fluttershy closer to the Siren.

“I am pretty sure there is somepony else who also thinks the same as me.” Said Fluttershy giving a smile to the Siren.

“You really think that…” Said the Siren.

“Of course. In fact I will invite you to Ponyville to share your song with everypony I know.” Said Fluttershy giving a hug to the Siren… only regretting it a bit for the smell of blood and the dirty red that got on her body.

“I thank you so much Fluttershy… You are my best friend.” Said the Siren also wishing she could hug back Fluttershy.

[Location… Ponyville] The next morning…

Fluttershy was heading to Ponyville library to find Twilight but surprisingly she found her and the rest of their friends on the way.

“Fluttershy, we were just about to get you. You see Princess Celestia send me a letter this morning in relation with the beautiful song that comes from the Everfree Forest that reaches Canterlot. So she ask us to find the source.” Said Twilight to Fluttershy.

“That won’t be necessary…” Said Fluttershy.

“Why not darling?” Said Rarity to her friend.

“Because I found her yesterday.” Said Fluttershy only to now end up bombarded by questions from her friends really eager to know who is the mysterious singer.

“Darlings! Please Silence! Allow Fluttershy to talk.” Said Rarity to the rescue her best friend making the rest of the mane six to shut their tramps.

“Thank you Rarity…” Said Fluttershy before telling her best friends all the things that happened yesterday.

“So you promise her that you will allow her to share her song with everypony?” Said Twilight with a hint of sadness for the poor Siren.

“Yes… And she is still there, waiting for it…” Said Fluttershy.

“Very well. We will do everything for the Siren.” Said Twilight smiling to Fluttershy.

“Yeah it will be awesome!” Said Rainbow Dash.

“This call for a Party!” Said Pinkie Pie.

“Well, what are we waiting for let’s move everypony!” Said Applejack to her friends.

They each headed to do their task which is to build a stage in Ponyville for the Siren… She will love it…

[Location… Outside Ponyville/ New Stage] One week later…

It took the mane six a full week to build a huge stage for everypony since many ponies from diferent parts of Equestria wished to hear the Siren's song, for it also reached them… From Applelosa, Manehattan, Las Pegas , Canterlot and many others. This will be the biggest event ever played in a small town.

Right now everypony was seated on the stalls waiting for the mysterious Siren they all heard about to make her appearance on stage. Even the princesses were there in their special stall waiting for the event to start.


The mane six were with the Siren, having a last minute talk before the big event starts… At first they found her scary but later they warm up to her.

“Is there any way I can thank you for doing this for me?” Said the Siren really happy about she will perform to many who wish to listen to her beautiful singing voice.

“Just sing with your entire hearth, that’s the only thing we ask.” Said Twilight to the Siren.

“Wait before you go, I have something for you.” Said Rarity giving the Siren a beautiful blue dress full of diamonds and also a very exotic hat.

“Thank you Rarity, I like it.” Said the Siren even if she couldn’t see the dress, she knows it’s made with a kind hearth.

“Don’t mention it.” Said Rarity.

“It’s time… Good luck Siren.” Said Fluttershy to the Siren giving her a hug before she entered the stage.

“Fluttershy… You have no idea how grateful I am for have a friend such as yourself… Thank you…” Said the Siren to Fluttershy.

“You are more than welcome.” Said Fluttershy.

Stage… Minutes later…

The mane six except Fluttershy took their seats along with the princesses waiting for the show to begin.

“I say this is going to be fabulous.” Said Rarity to Applejack.

“It sure will sugarcube… but now that I think of it… did she ever sang to us in private first?” Said Applejack.

“No…” Said Rarity.

“Dear Twilight you still haven’t told us who is the mysterious Siren who will perform today.” Said Luna to Twilight.

“It’s a surprise silly, wait for it.” Said Pinkie Pie to Luna.

Fluttershy made an appearance on stage…

Even if she is one shy pony she will do this for her new best friend.

“Hello… everypony… um… before we start I wish to tell you something…” Said Fluttershy with a microphone in her hooves.

“The Siren is not a pony and even if she looks different than us I expect that you will respect her for what she is… Just give her a chance… because I know most of us here have heard her singing at midnight outside of our homes… and she sings beautifull…” Said Fluttershy. Many ponies nodded agreeing with Fluttershy.

“I present you… Siren.” Said Fluttershy with one of her hooves pointed to the curtains of the stage… they started to lift and reveal… Siren…

Many of the ponies were surprised by the sight and some a bit afraid for watching her empty eyes.

Celestia along with Luna as soon they saw her… Their eyes grow big like saucers… they knows who she is… it’s the monster of the empty lands… the demon of screams… they were about to stop the play only to…

[Happy ending…]
(Optional: listen to the full music as you picture the Siren singing to ponies… if you don’t mind that is…)

The Siren could not see the ponies but she could hear the large crowd that gathered to listen to her beautiful voice…

She takes a deep breath…

She starts to sing: Nightwish- Sleeping sun (Click me)

Celestia and Luna couldn’t believe what is happening in front of them… the demon of screams is not screaking as they meet her before when they were little fillies, she is actually singing.

Once the Siren finishes her beautiful song, many ponies clop and cheer...

“They love it Siren.” Said Fluttershy happy to her best friend.

“Then let’s give them more my friend…” Said the Siren to Fluttershy.

Then she sang this songs…

Nightwish – I walk alone (Click me)

Sirenia - My mind’s eye (Click me)

Within Temptation – Memories (Click me)
(in honor to the Patriarch and is also the song she sings every midnight.)

Once she finishes her last song many ponies were crying and clopping for such a beautiful and emotional song, even the mane six along with the alicorns were also crying and clopping.

“You did it my friend.” Said Fluttershy hugging the Siren really happy for her.

“And all thanks to you my friend…” Said the Siren really glad to have meet Fluttershy…

Years pass and the Siren turn into a star giving tours in every mayor opera of all over Equestria… and she accomplished her dream to sing for everypony.
Also really thankful for her best friend… Fluttershy.

[Sad ending…]
(Optional: listen to the full music as you picture the siren singing to ponies… if you don’t mind that is…)

The Siren could not see the ponies but she could hear the large crowd that gather to listen to her beautiful voice…

She takes a deep breath…

She starts to sing: Within Temptation – Memories (Click me)
(in honor to the Patriarch and is also the song she sings every midnight.)

Celestia and Luna couldn’t believe what is happening in front of them… the demon of screams is not screaking as they meet her before when they were little fillies, she is actually singing.

Once the Siren finishes her beautiful song, many ponies clop and cheer...

“They love it Siren.” Said Fluttershy happy to her best friend.

“I know my friend…” Said the Siren to Fluttershy.

But what happen was the most unexpected thing… she falls to the floor…

“Siren!” Said Fluttershy really worried for her friend.

“I am sorry Fluttershy… but… it’s time to say good bye…” Said the Siren to Fluttershy as it starts to spit blood from her mouth…

“Don’t you say that! You are going to be fine!” Said Fluttershy holding closer her friend. Everypony in the stage was gasping of what is happening before their eyes.

“Fluttershy…” Said the Siren…

“No! You are going to be fine! Please a medic!” Said Fluttershy to her friend and the last part angry to the ponies of the stage to move and help.

Many doctors and nurses get up from their stalls and try to hurry to help the Siren.

“Thank you for everything… You are my best… friend…….” Said the Siren her last words to Fluttershy before…

“SIREN!!!” Said Fluttershy to the sky as she cries on top of the Siren.

Years pass… and Fluttershy keeps visiting the grave of the Siren and sings her favorite song in memory of her best friend… till the day… she dies…

[Evil ending…]

The Siren could not see the ponies but she could hear the large crowd that gather to listen to her beautiful voice…

She takes a deep breath…

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” The Siren gives a really powerful scream it make the ponies head literally pop.

Gore and brains filled the stage as everypony dies by the scream of the Siren.

Celestia and Luna killed the siren with their horns but it was too late… all the ponies died. Also Celestia and Luna end up permanently deaf for the rest of their lives.

Years pass… Everypony will remember the massacre that occurred in Ponyville for the rest of their lives. Not to mention their rulers are deaf…

Well hope ya like it and if you love the idea I might make more shots with the rest of the clones of Killing Floor if ya like.
Thanks again Zephyr!