To The Skies!

by Nameless Narrator

First published

An ex-mercenary escapes from Canterlot dungeons, one who truly got dragged into things he had no clue about and paid for it. All he wants is freedom but with blueprints for an airship of power unseen before in Equestria his goal might change.

There are two sides to every coin. It is true that Icy Gaze was imprisoned for capturing all Element bearers and almost killing them, chickening out at the last moment. It is also true that he did all that for a sum of money a pegasus of his career almost never has the chance to see and on the orders of princess Luna, possessed by Nightmare at the time.
It is understandable why he might be just a little unhappy about his current home, Canterlot castle dungeon cell, and wants to spread his wings again.

Also, Twilight "I'm not insane, stop asking!" Sparkle attempted to build an artificial intelligence to serve her needs and finally activates it.

I'm sure a pegasus and a bucket of bolts won't end up going against each other.

Turn One - White: Beep Boop

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Canterlot, the city of white spires, chivalry, class, and politics. The seat of all power in Equestria wrapped in white marble, gold inlay decorating every surface, and with two gems more radiant than anything hiding in the depths of the land - the alicorn princesses. While the ponies inhabiting this glorious city might vary in having been born with wings, light bones, and the ability to control weather or having a horn on their head reflecting their skill in manipulating the fabric of the universe by force of will or even not having been blessed with either of those but instead with stamina and strength the previous two kinds have to admire despite their endowments, the princesses combine the peak traits of all those into the beauty of Night and Day ponified.

In the plain, secure interrogation room of Canterlot castle there's more than the two though. The newly appointed princess Twilight Sparkle is currently looking at the strange pony-like construction lying on the metal table in the middle of the room, lamps and lights casting their rays straight at it.


"I must admit it looks creepy. Magistrate Twilight's husks freak me out every time she visits. Thankfully, she's considerate enough to come with just one these days. Mirror world technology is fairly strange in places. Hey, it's looking at me!"

Species: Alicorn / F

Color: White

Cutie Mark: img_01_sun

Standing: Neutral

Threat Level: High

Name: Celestia

Status: Royalty

Measurements: N/A


Damage Type: Physical(average) / Thaumic(minor) / Heat(high)

Notes: Loves cake; Hates exercise;

"You activated it?" the purple alicorn princess grinds her teeth, "I left a card here that distinctly said 'NO TOUCHING'."

Species: Alicorn / F

>ERROR 138: Database entry inconsistent with sensory input

>CORRECTING... success

Species: Ascended Unicorn

Color: Lavender

Cutie Mark: img_04_stars

Standing: Friendly

Threat Level: Low

Name: Twilight Sparkle

Status: Creator

Measurements: N/A


Damage Type: Physical(insignificant) / Thaumic(minor)

Notes: Smartest princess; Scared of outside;

"I just poked it to see what it was made from," the third alicorn raises her hooves defensively at the growling of princess Twilight, "I didn't push any button or whatnot."

Species: Alicorn / F

Color: Dark blue

Cutie Mark: img_02_moon

Standing: Unfriendly

Threat Level: Unknown

Name: Luna

Status: Royalty

Measurements: N/A


Damage Type: Physical(low) / Thaumic(extreme)

Notes: Shut-in; Single foreveeeer;

>ERROR 3: Database entry grammar error

>CORRECTING... success

Notes: Shut-in; Single forever;

"There is NO button!" Twilight facehoofs, "I set it up to start at the touch of a horn. It's not supposed to turn off, ever, unless destroyed. Why were you poking it with your horn, Luna?"




"Eeek! It looked at me," princess Celestia jumps, staring into the two black ovals imitating pony eyes in which blue segmented circles appeared and moved while aiming her, "Why is it looking at me? I didn't do anything."

"What would you do when you woke up for the first time with head full of data but no connections between most of it? It's just looking around and measuring everything," Twilight rolls her eyes at the surprising incompetence of her mentor with technology, "There's no need to be worried, it's not dangerous. Not at the moment at least."



"I believed you, Twilight," princess Luna steps away from the thing lying on the steel table, "right until the point you said that and it looked at me. What is it anyway?"

>FOCUS entity:creator

"That might be a bit difficult to explain," Twilight sratches her head, "When I first saw mirror world husks I returned to a little project of mine I was working on some time ago. I had all the data ready but there was no real technology able to hold it and work through it with any sort of necessary speed, not until mirror Twilight agreed to share some of the husk blueprints with me. With the mirror world alloy smelting and steel layering methods I found a blacksmith here able to make the chassis and added some improvements myself."

Twilight ends with a triumphant smile of somepony succeeding in something nopony has ever done before.

"Tell me, Twilight," princess Celestia looks at her student disapprovingly, "What prisoner did you sacrifice without my permission to make this... thing?"

"No no no no, princess!" Twilight looks as if Celestia slapped her, "This is a PI, not a real husk mirror Twilight uses. It was much more expensive and complicated to make but I didn't have to sacrifice some poor soul."

"PI?" princess Luna finally breaks the stare cast on the thing on the table. No matter how much it looks like a pony, strange, metallic pony, she can't summon any sort of affection she carries even for the darkest of her subjects.

"Ponificial Intelligence," Twilight smiles widely.

"Artificial would have sufficed," princess Celestia's eyes go wide, "and you succeeded?"

Twilight blushes.

"I wanted to mark it as a pony achievement, thus ponificial, and while I would love to say I succeeded I honestly have no clue, princess. The theory is there and the vessel seems to be working, at least partially, but it's too early to say whether it can actually learn and evolve like it should or to at least guess how far it can go. Plus, it's my favourite number and food at the same time."

A short knock on the door of the room is followed by a pony stepping inside.

Species: Thestral / F

Primary Color: Black

Secondary Color: Red

>ERROR 341: Physical anomaly detected

>ADD ENTRY left wing; closestApproximateType phoenix

>ADD ENTRY right wing; closestApproximateType N/A


>CORRECTING... success

Cutie Mark: img_635_darkDot

Standing: Neutral

Threat Level: Below average

Name: N/A

Status: Nightguard

Measurements: N/A


Damage Type: Physical(medium) / Thaumic(minor)

Notes: N/A

>ADD ENTRY: batpony; magical influence changed physical form;

"Sorry to interrupt, princess, but I'm leaving for two weeks so here is a list of those fit to temporarily take my place," she pulls out a scroll and gives it to Luna.

"Enjoy yourself, you deserve it."

"Well, it would be easier if there were just the two of us but Crom is going as well to be our guide in the Griffon Empire. If I don't work my charms as hard as I can I might end up with a clopbot like you here. See you after my vacation," the batpony salutes and leaves.

The two princesses look at Twilight who starts whistling innocently.

>SEARCH clopbot

"Clopbot?" Celestia asks and covers her mouth.

"That's not what it is!" Twilight objects.

"It certainly doesn't look like one," Luna supports Twilight.

Under Celestia's withering gaze both of them realize they've admitted a familiarity with something they probably shouldn't have.

>INPUT Approach; subject Celestia


"At least it's polite," mumbles Celestia while examining the sleek form in front of her, moving steel hooves and surprisingly flexible limbs with her magic before turning back to Twilight, "First of all - congratulations on making this, well, him... most certainly him."

>INPUT Examination; target pleasureAppendage

>ACTION Free line of sight

All three princesses focus on the robopony sitting on his rump and spreading his hind legs, or more likely on what's between those legs.

"Twilight?" Celestia scrunches her muzzle.

"Well, I, you know... Heart's Warming is coming and the new library is so big and empty."

"Just find a stallion like everypony else, not an experiment! Not to mention that after this thing is done with you you'll also feel big and empty."

"Sister!" Luna objects indignantly while Twilight coughs, face on fire.

"That goes for you as well. Don't think I didn't see you smack your lips when I pulled it- him up," Celestia shifts her searing gaze at her, "Besides, I have seen battering rams smaller than that."

>INPUT Discomfort; subject Celestia

>ACTION Retract; target pleasureAppendage

"See," Luna scowls at Celestia, "now you've gone and scared him."

"What? It's not like he can feel anything."

"Actually," Twilight stomps the floor lightly, "a PI should learn like anypony else. It's not a machine that just reacts to the input vie predetermined patterns so everything you say or do will affect him in some way. I can't say how deep his reactions can go into the feeling territory but... hmmm, one second."

"Does he accept orders?" Luna asks.

"From us, yes. From anypony else, I doubt it since the social structure can't have developed yet," Twilight looks directly at her creation. His basic shape is a pony, smaller than an average unicorn stallion. The body consists of grey, metal plating with strange twisted cables underneath sometimes peeking out where knees would be and where pony body bends in a way metal itself wouldn't. With the hardness of the plating there is no need for large size so the slim mare-like frame suits the image of a panther prowling in tall grass the machine evokes. The sharp teeth and hooves with retractable talons prove Twilight's creation is more than just a companion for lonely ponies.

"Hmmm," Celestia leans closer-

>INPUT Examination; target primaryMagicalFocus


-and touches the steel horn on the machine's head, "I thought husks had a single piece of crystal in the forehead."

"Those are very vulnerable. I made a replica of a horn, etched a spiral on it and filled it with the ground-up crystal mirror world engineers use, Cadance sent me some supplies. The downside was that I had to include the magic dampening capability in the cables serving as muscles, making them take forever to craft."

"Magic dampening?"

"Yes, I... persuaded Mistake to assist me in some experiments."

"How?" Luna asks sternly, "I don't wish to put the young stallion through more than he's gone through already."

"Ehm, I said the crown would pay for a vacation for two ponies and a griffon in full. Plus, the ocular sensory research I had to do in order to make this guy work might serve as a way to restore his sight. He agreed, well, his lady did and I managed to replicate the way his ability works... to a certain extent."

"Twilight, I know you haven't faced Mistake but I have and I feel no desire for a second being with that ability to roam around."

"It's not like that. This guy can only absorb small amount of magic going his way and he can't use it in any way yet. I haven't even managed to make telekinesis work. The magic resistance is just there so a fireball doesn't inflict fatal damage immediately."

"Well," Celestia taps her hoof on the creation's head, recieving no reaction whatsoever, "What is it good for then, aside from the obvious Heart's Warming action you so heartily deny?"

Twilight thinks about the answer for quite a while.

"I... I don't know," she shrugs, "I just tried to create a working PI and a vessel that could host it effectively. I had to make the database and processing happen throughout the entire body-"

"So if he stubs his hoof he'll forget how to count?" Celestia chuckles.

"NO," Twilight waves her hooves furiously, "Not this one. This body has redundant systems and self-replicating-"

"This one?"

"The previous body had a little accident. Spike dropped a book on his head and the machine forgot how to breathe and died."

"A machine needing to breathe?"

"Yes, see the cables under the steel plating? Those are the really interesting stuff. They are tough, work like muscles which means he doesn't need any motors, transfer information and work as a brain at the same time. They also can grow and diminish depending on their use."

"Great," Celestia snorts, "A robot that can get fat."

"If I wanted a machine I could have built it. I don't know what he can do and what he can grow into, that's where the fun is."

"Fine. Will he just sit there or will he do something?"

"I," Twilight starts and stops, having no clue how to answer, "don't know."

>INPUT Hoof waving; subject creator

>ACTION Keep in sight

"Can you speak?" asks Luna.

"Engage vocal output," Twilight orders.




"Partial or full?" says a raspy voice.

"Partial," answers Twilight and looks at Luna, "That's just speaking. Full vocalizes even the commands going on inside."

"What's your name?" Luna asks the sitting robopony.

Nothing happens.

"Eeerm," the clockwork in Twilight's head goes into overdrive, "I think... I think he doesn't have any sense of self, maybe? He's not a machine so to give him an input directly you would have to tap into his head, well, mind. At least any input outside of a built-in command."

"Into a leg, you say?" Celestia chuckles, puts her hoof under the robot's chin, forcing him to look at her, and taps on his head, "You are you. Whatever is occupying this meshwork of steel and half-alive cables is you. When somepony talks while looking at you they are talking to you, understood?"

>INPUT Vocal



>ACTION Emergent process

"Yes," I answer.

Turn One - Black: Too Easy

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Canterlot Castle, still under minor repairs from damage caused by king Sombra from the mirror world, hosts the most dangerous prisoners of Equestria. Contrary to popular belief, dangerous does not mean brutal or senseless killing machines who usually aren't smart enough to plan an escape or any sensible future. Truly dangerous are those who even after their sentence is over will still have connections, power, influence, and, most importantly, knowledge.

One such prisoner is currently sitting in a fairly comfortable cell on the lowest levels of the castle. He's a handsome, white, tall pegasus with eyes blue as the sky on a summer day and a flowing, golden mane envied by many. That comment was very important because it's freaking middle of winter so just saying my eyes are as blue as the sky would be nonsense... well, I'm rambling. I haven't talked to anypony else in almost a month aside from a little adventure the crown offered me to shorten my sentence.

Why am I here?

I used to be a mercenary, nopony special, and I've spent almost fifteen years travelling the world. A young colt starting as a caravan guard working for food changed into a mercenary escorting clients and cracking heads when necessary. The life of drinking, paying whorses, telling stories to mares willing to trade a bit of affection for a catching tale of exploits in the Griffon Empire, and of course impaling a threatening bandit here and there ended with an excellent offer made by a stranger in this very city. The first order was to find and gather six very important figures for their own protection, some fillies called the Elements of Harmony. I succeeded because I'm good at what I do, no real reason to lie, but then the second half of the reward came up and I was supposed to kill them. I'm not a murderer so I declined and got ready to leave Equestria because as it turned out my employer was somepony very important and powerful.


The lunar princess herself which is the main reason I'm sitting here right now. Officially I'm serving my sentence for a foalnapping but the real reason is so I don't go spreading the word anywhere, not that I really care. The real killer about this entire thing is that Luna had the audacity to personally ask me to help some of her subordinates, one of them responsible for me getting caught in the first place, by guiding them around the Griffon Empire. We succeeded in getting our target back from the Empire to Equestria which means I now have only half a year left in this hole. Not that I'm too keen to wait it out but no real opportunity to get out has presented itself yet.

Now I'm almost thirty and I'm pretty sure I don't have much time left. It's not a big deal, lances for hire rarely live over forty if they continue their path and I'm not a stallion who can sit in one place and farm turnips all day. That's exactly why even though the cell that's my current home is much better than some taverns I've seen I would rather like to get out.

What to do after that though?

Return home to the little settlement near Stalliongrad, one I left when I wasn't even of age? Yeah, right. I should at least visit there and give my folks a biiig hug and reminisce about the days I used to chop wood in the morning frost. My mother would bake a huge rhubarb cake, sprinkle it with vodka because I'm a real stallion now, and we'd just happily sit there, staring at the fireplace. What could be better than that?

Selling my hooves to a glue manufacturer for one.

However, when one has to sit in one place for a long time, silence interrupted only by doing wingups until bones creak, one has to cling to any semi-entertaining thought that passes through these stone walls. The think keeping me sane is that when I get out there's a large part of my payment still hidden and waiting for me, that and one very interesting thing.

I grin to myself. Selling the second thing to somepony with power and resources, possibly the griffon Emperor himself, should give me enough bits to roll in for the rest of my life. That, of course, is still half a year away unless something interesting happens.

And it does. Much like all things that change the status quo it begins with a knock on the door.

"Just a moment, I'm in the shower!" I yell, lying on the wooden bench serving as a bed.

Who could be stupid enough to knock at a prisoner's door?

The door clicks and a brown earthpony mare in ill-fitting golden armor comes in, carrying a mop. She seems too young to be a guard though.

Still more interesting than the moss growing on the walls.

"Let me guess, a recruit who got caught by her commanding officer and has to scrub the prisoner cells."

"B-be quiet, prisoner!" she stutters out.

"Fine with me. I'll just keep lying here and watching your plot."

"W-what? You can't do that!"

I can, I will, and in the future I will have done.

"Lady, I haven't seen a mare who didn't want to kill me for a month. I will look wherever I damn well please in this cell. Besides, earthpony rumps are always a delight."


"Nope, I just have a realistic approach. I've seen Saddle Arabian concubines, griffon exotic dancers, and even the odd minotaur barbarian... amazons I think they call them and nothing beats earthpony plot. So get on with the mopping and make my day!"

As I said - a pony sitting here has to stick to any amusement he can find and the young mare trying to clean the floor while pointing her butt away from me at all times so hard she almost scrapes the walls counts as fun around these parts.

"How does an earthpony get into the Royal Guard anyway? Must be tough not having horn or wings," I ask, honestly wondering about it, "With all the unicorns and pegasi around what role does an earthpony play? Aside from the current one of course."

She growls to herself and scrubs the floor harder.

"Why bother with becoming a guard anyway? I can honestly say you're too good-looking for that, no perversion intended for once."

Average at most but the way she blushes at any compliment does add few points.

"I, ehm, want to help ponies, that's all," she finally reacts.

"You can get me out of here, that would help," I chuckle to myself and she joins in.

"You don't seem so bad. Why are you here anyway?" she stops mopping and looks at me with her large, brown eyes.

Brown coat, brown mane, brown eyes, all different shades of brown but still fitting together. She looks like a walking chocolate fountain.

"Meh. Did a dirty job for the crown, got sent here so I didn't blab about it."

"That's awful!" she gasps.

My snorting at her wide look turns into a short, cynical laugh.

"Ponies in power always need ones who will do the necessary things and let them keep their clean image."

"You- you killed somepony?"

"Nah, just protected a group of citizens and dealt with the danger threatening them."

See? I'm not a liar... as such. Some details are better left out for the fillies.

"That doesn't sound right. Why would they send you here for that?"

"I didn't tell you who I was protecting them from and I won't. I have only a short time left here and then the princesses won't ever hear from me again. You could let me wander around the castle and I would just stretch my legs and return here by myself."

"He he. I'm going to be cleaning the cells for next two weeks. What would you say if I took you outside for a bit? You'd still have to be shackled and on a leash but it would be something, right?"

"Really? You DO realize that just by sitting here I'm supposed to be the scum of Equestria, right?" I try to sound as innocent as possible. I definitely wasn't expecting it to be that easy. She must be really young and inexperienced.

Stupid. Also, that giggle is infectious.

"Hah! I'm a Royal Guard, the elite of Equestria," she twirls the mop in her hooves as a spear and salutes, "What could a shackled prisoner do?"

"Compliment you on how good your rump looks in contrast with the golden armor."

She drops the mop and blushes while hiding her face.

One guard knocked out without moving a hoof.

"You-you really think I'm pretty?"

"Do I look like a liar?" I run a hoof through my golden mane and smile in so overly seductive fashion even she must realize I'm kidding, "You don't have to answer that. Yeah, you do look good if you're not dropping things all over the place or standing with one leg in a bucket."

"AAH!" she waves her leg and spills the dirty water everywhere, mostly on herself.

Miss wet coat, just for me.

"Oh dear, let me help," I grab the mop under my wing and push her away with the other. I was lucky to be born with large wings and my life of flying around in heavy armor gave me strength a normal-living pegasus can't hope for.

"Wow, you're good!" she sits there, wringing water out of her coat.

It would be so easy to knock her out with the long piece of wood, make use of her oversized armor, and get out of the cell. No real point though.

"My weapon is a lance so a long stick isn't too far off. I'm also not too concerned about you staring at my behind," I turn around and grin.

She looks as if she's having a heart attack at me catching her.

"So shiny," she mumbles.

She's dumb as a brick. Heh, horny teenagers... too easy.

"I take care of my coat, little lady," I give her the mop and bucket, "Next time I can give you a lesson on how to take care of a long stick."

Her eyes bulge and she shoots out of the cell, stumbling and mumbling.

Must be pretty hard being an earthpony in Canterlot, With snobby nobles everywhere, laughing at her, the only position for her in the castle would be under one. Equality in Equestria my ass.

Scowling to myself at the knowledge of how most unicorns treat other races, I walk to the still open door to my cell and close it. A short knock comes soon after.

"You again? Don't you have other outcasts of society to take care of?" I snicker.

"Erm," she peeks through the door, "I'll try to persuade somepony to allow you to go out from time to time with an escort."

"That... that would be really nice," I spread my wings, bones cracking. Now there's something to be proud of. Well, if I could be proud of something I was born with instead of achieving it, "Miss?"

"Dawn!" she sqeuaks.

I walk over to her, push the door open, and raise my hoof.

"Icy Gaze," I bow a little.

"Eeeeeh," she looks at my face while pumping my hoof with both her front legs.

"Yeah, it's the eyes."

"So blue..." she drifts off to her little dream world again.

I slam the door shut to look like a model prisoner and lie back down on the 'bed'.

Now go and amuse me, little filly. Perhaps both of us might get what we want out of this.

Who said escapes had to be messy or bloody? In due time the filly will do whatever I want her to with just a word here or a brush there. Thank Celestia, heh, no real guard was on duty today.

Humming, I get to wringing the dirty water out of my now stained coat. Thankfully, shower day is tomorrow. One has to be grateful for what one gets and for me it's a chance to get out or at least amuse myself for a while.

Turn Two - White: I Got A Friend!

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OBSERVATION Database growing too quickly



"What was that sound?" Celestia asks after hearing a short, distorted noise starting in high pitch but quickly going low and stopping.

"What's going on?" Twilight taps on my back.

"Unexplained throbbing. Target - body," I comply with my creator's question.

"Oh, everything's new. Care to share?"

"Twenty-seven new types of materials. Analysis of possible creation methods. Thirteen new 3d models of ponies. Language assimilation-"

"Unsuccessful," Celestia smiles.

"Princess!" objects Twilight.

>INPUT Disappointment; target Celestia

>ACTION Increase processing speed

ERROR 284: Overload


"Are his ears supposed to be smoking?" Celestia asks, still leading the way through the castle dungeons.

"What do YOU think?" Twilight groans, "I'm beginning to think I've messed something up."

"Are you going to take him back to Ponyville or your laboratory here?"

"I can't! It's impossible for me to just tap into his system and start reprogramming him. I stored the basic processes and data on a chip which is still, yes, in his head but once everything got loaded into his primary processing system - his entire body - it's just going to keep evolving. I can't do much about it."

"So... if he breaks then what?"

"Then a pony died!"

"You're overreacting."

"Just a bit but the point is that treating him like a machine IS going to make him a machine. Treating him like a pony, on the other hoof, might lead to unexpected results. Right now I think he's a very knowledgeable but extremely stupid pony."

"So he knows a lot but he can't use it."

"Exactly. I poured into him as much as I could get from books and oral reports but most of those entries are only partially true, if at all, or they are in a form which takes way too much time to process and go through."

"Hmmm. What do you propose then, Twilight?"

"I can't keep him locked up in the library as an assistant or something, he needs to learn outside. Also, Spike would get jealous and I'm not in the mood to deal with another secret character assassination attempt an octopus after a total lobotomy would solve, poor Owlie. I was sort of hoping you would think of a way to get him in contact with ponies who won't just run away or try to break him."

>INPUT Noise; target unknown; type metal; type2 falling; type3 ground

ERROR 529: Data type not descriptive enough.

>ADD NEW DESCRIPTION word association

>CORRECTING... success

>INPUT Noise; Hollow metal container hitting the stone floor

"Not again!" curses a desperate voice coming from behind one of the numerous doors on the side of the long hallway.

"That came from one of the cells, let's investigate!" Celestia says calmly.



Species: Earthpony / F

Primary color: light brown

Secondary color: dark brown

Cutie Mark: img_958_lightRay

Standing: neutral

Threat Level: insignificant

Name: N/A

Status: Royal Guard

Measurements: N/A


Damage Type: Physical(insignificant)

Notes: hoof-eye coordination lacking;

"What's going on here?" Celestia frowns, looking at the earthpony mare in armor a size or two bigger than she is, "First, why isn't the door locked while you're cleaning? Second, why did you throw a bucket of water at a prisoner?"

"Ehm, I-"

"Yeeees, Dawn?"

>REVIEW ENTRY id 123584


"She didn't throw anything at me, princess," the pegasus inside the cell sighs, dripping water all over the floor while trying to wring out as much as possible with his hooves, "She just has trouble coordinating all seven of her legs. Don't worry, I'm used to it now."



Species: Pegasus / M

Primary color: white

Secondary color: gold

Cutie Mark: img_959_rook

Standing: unfriendly

Threat Level: below average

Name: N/A

Status: prisoner

Measurements: N/A


Damage Type: Physical(above average)

Notes: wings of above average size;

Celestia's eyes go wide and a sadistic smile unparalelled by even the most evil dictators Equestria has ever seen slowly grows on her face.

"Twilight, I think I've found our caretaker."

"What? Wait, what?" both Twilight and Dawn stare at the princess, each one shaking for a different reason.

"You wanted our friend here to learn about ponies so why doesn't he start at the bottom and work his way up?"

"I," Twilight bites her lip, humming, "don't see why not. Dawn?"

"Yes?" the earthpony squeaks and trips over a mop while backing away, planting her rump on the floor.

"Are you willing to take care of our friend here?"

>INPUT Attention; target Twilight; subtype curious

ERROR 529: Data type not descriptive enough.

>INPUT Twilight looking at me

>ACTION Tilt head

"W-what is it-he? I mean what do you want me to do?"

>INPUT Dawn nervous

>ACTION Boop nose

"EEK! It's cold!"

"Hey, at least the bucket of bolts likes you," the prisoner snickers.

>INPUT prisoner examination

>ACTION Boop nose

ERROR 39: Action not permitted by target

"Don't bother," the prisoner comments, swatting my hoof away with his wing, and turns to Celestia, "Did you make a husk? That's a new low, princess, one even lower than what your sister-"

"Foalnapping is still a crime, Icy Gaze," Celestia explains calmly, "No matter the circumstances. Speaking of circumstances, how do you know about husks? I don't remember you reporting anything connected to them after your parole mission ended."

"You sent me into the Griffon Empire on a freaking mirror world combat warship and you graciously added a group of technicians and soldiers. Of course I was curious after seeing the difference between our cargo airships and the Lightbtringer."

"Mirror world?" asks Dawn, carefully scanning the floor for anything that might make her slip or trip.

"You remember the guys who invaded Crystal Empire and later took Canterlot and-"

"Icy," Celestia hisses, "That's not supposed to be public knowledge."

"Oh please," Icy Gaze rolls his eyes, "Are you going to tell her it's a state secret or whatever nonsense you blinded the public with?"

Trying the patience of the solar princess can't be healthy but the pegasus doesn't seem to care whatsoever. Too much knowledge is a very dangerous thing.

"All right," Celestia rubs her temples, "But just because you are as close to the Royal Guard as one can be without actually being one, Dawn, and because the annoying prisoner there would tell you anyway just to spite me for his fate. Our world is connected to a world that is geographically same as ours but with some differences in politics and technology. They have sacrificed their connection with nature for heavy advances and innovations in other fields. They are currently our tentative allies, that's all you need to know. The mechanical friend here is Twilight's invention based on their technology and she wants him to walk around and... see things for himself."

"Oh, okay," Dawn scratches her head, "What am I supposed to do then?"

>INPUT Dawn circling around me


ERROR unmarked/new: Inactivity causes ponies to be uncomfortable

>ACTION Vocalize

"Assistance required?" I ask.

"AAH! It can talk?"

"He," Twilight pauses, "can do a lot of things and we'd like you to let him follow you during your duties. Starting now, actually. Bye!"

At a meteoric speed, Twilight starts walking away, followed by Celestia.

"High one!" Twilight raises her hoof at the end of the corridor and Celestia hits it with hers.

They realize they're still within earshot and, mainly, sight of us.

"Ehm, go about your duties!" Celestia opens the door leading out of the dungeons and slams it when both Twilight and her leave.

"Do you want to go outside this evening?" Dawn asks Icy, "I asked one of the guards where the shackles were and nopony uses those anyway."

"Sure, I'd love to stretch my wings."

"No flying. Promise me!"

"No problem. It's just annoying having these flyswatters," Icy ruffles his feathers, "in a cell where they reach from one wall to the other."

"So, yeah," Dawn grabs the mop and bucket, "tonight. I'll have to think of something to do with him."

>INPUT Icy Gaze inspecting me

>ACTION Permit

"You know what?" Icy rubs his chin, "if you can get me some paper and pencils I could get him off your hooves for a day or two."

"You want to draw a picture of him?"

"Yes," Icy sighs, "a picture..."

>INPUT Vocal input inconsistent with intent and/or body language

ERROR 986: Wrong estimate

CORRECTING... failed

>SEARCH DATABASE: keywords partial, truth, deception

>INPUT Icy Gaze is lying



OBSERVATION Not enough information


>INPUT Icy Gaze knocking on chassis


"Anypony in there?" Icy asks, knocking on my head.

"No pony present, only connecting cables and processing-"

"Thought so," Icy cuts me off, "Dumber than a husk, definitely."


ERROR 404: Entry not found

>ACTION acquire information

"What is a husk?" I ask.

"Yeah, and why would it make you doubt princess Celestia?" Dawn adds.

"Aside from the fact that whenever anything went wrong in the past she dropped the responsibility on Twilight and apparently she's learning to do that as well?" Icy chuckles coldly, "You don't have to answer that. Well, husks... I've never seen one with my own eyes but I was told they look similar to the walking typewriter here and are made by ripping a death row prisoner into pieces for pony amusement in an arena somewhere until only their heart remains-"

"That's disgusting!" Dawn gags.

"No idea, griffons say it tastes like chicken. Whatever, when there's only heart and brain left to salvage they put those into a metal construct and let the heart provide energy while the brain gets a special crystal rammed into it which allows others to control it. Apparently, mirror world isn't as peaceful place as ours, not that ours is a paragon in that respect if you know where to look."

"And he's... that?"

>INPUT Dawn; curious examination

>INPUT Icy Gaze; chest knocking and horn prodding

>ACTION Vocalize

IMPROVEMENT limit alphabet use for easier character check... success

>ACTION vocalize

"No damage done. Examination permitted."

"I don't think so," Icy rubs his temples and knocks on my forehead again, "Hey, bucket, what are you?"


Species: construct / M

Primary color: grey

Secondary color: N/A (no mane/tail fur present)

Cutie Mark: N/A

Standing: excellent

Threat Level: N/A


Threat Level: above average

Name: N/A

Status: PI

Measurements: N/A


Damage Type: Physical(high)

Notes: add magical capabilities (Twilight); drop off in Canterlot (Twilight); add prototype wings when they stop exploding (Twilight); self

"Ponyficial Intelligence. Made by Twilight Sparkle. Observing."

"I meant what are you good for? Designation, role, reason for existence."


WIDE SEARCH... no result

"Entry not found. Attributes - high mobility, stamina, damage resistance, growing computing power."

"No prisoner sacrificed on a blood altar to dark gods?"


"Ehm," Dawn sqeaks, "I-I have to clean the other cells. Do you mind coming with me, mister... machine?"

>REVIEW ENTRY id 123584

>SET STANDING friendly

>REVIEW ENTRY id 123585


>INPUT Dawn; request

>ACTION vocalize


"Nice, now you have something to stop that mop from tripping you all the time," Icy snickers at Dawn who blushes, "See you when you're done, little filly."

"Remember - no flying!"

"And no knocking out a clueless guard," Icy whistles innocently, "Got it."

Dawn closes and locks the cell door.

"Isn't he dreamy?" she asks the empty air...

...or me?

>COMPARE Dawn; looking at me... failure

>ACTION vocalize


SEARCH dream

"Query target? Looked fully awake."

"What? Nevermind, I was just talking to myself-"

>ACTION sigh

"-heh, cute noise. Can you play some music as well?"

"Subroutine not found."

"Too bad. Oh well, grab the bucket and let's finish the rest of the cells off."

OBSERVATION Database growing too quickly

>ACTION pain



>ACTION slow processing down

"Phew! We're done," Dawn wipes the sweat from her forehead, "How was your first day at work?"

One door remains, a large double door at the end of the long and winding hallway.

"Bucket balancing efficiency up by 13 percent. Weapon type - polearm - proficiency up by 3 percent. Successful prediction of your fall up by 73 percent."

"Oh, well, ehm, at least somepony had a good afternoon," Dawn rubs her bruised legs, "I don't know why but things just keep getting in my way."


>ANALYSIS Dawn; motion anomaly

RESULTS lack of focus; poor peripheral vision; ocular aid recommended

"Concentration exercise. Glasses."

"What? Well, I have been thinking about Icy a little too much. I just get all giddy when he's around. You have no idea what I'm talking about, do you?"

SEARCH CONNECTION giddy, male, female, lack of focus

"Search results point to affection."

>INPUT Dawn; face temperature critical

>ACTION apply coolant


>REVIEW ENTRY id 123584


>ANALYSIS Dawn; motivation

RESULTS minor armor damage;

>ACTION apologize; bow

"Sorry for damaging your armor."

"Armor? Screw armor! I have to finish this, run home now to have a bath, and meet Icy late."



SEARCH prison

"His probable location for this evening will be his cell," I try to be helpful.

"You don't say," Dawn stomps the floor, grumbling to herself, "Stupid machine! Ruining my evening..."

NEW OBJECTIVE raise standing with Dawn

SEARCH pony, mare, status, raise

RESULTS gift; favor; compliment; facial expression

"Apology offering - bucket," I present the item in outstretched hooves, "Your wet mane presents appealing features. Favor request pending."

She blinks and scrunches her nose.

ERROR 471: Communication failure


"I apologize. Wrong assumption. You look pleasing. I offer assistance and a gift bucket."

"Hrrrngh! Say: I'm a stupid paperweight who has just ruined a mare's plans for the evening!"

"I'm a stupid paperweight who has just ruined a mare's plans for the evening."

"Why do I bother?" Dawn sighs to herself, "Just don't do it again, okay?"

>REVIEW ENTRY id 123584


OBJECTIVE raise standing with Dawn

REVIEW... requested values not met

"I offer assistance."

Dawn looks around and leans to me.

"You really mean it?"

"Falsehood subroutine inactive."

"Can you stash the cleaning equipment into the third floor storeroom?"

SEARCH Canterlot castle floor plan

"Fully capable."

"Epic!" yells Dawn, trotting through the hallway already, "Mop the wet floor, put the stuff there, and you're forgiven."

SET STANDING Dawn; friendly

>ACTION vocalize

EMERGENT ACTION expression change

"Success!" I smile to myself.

Turn Two - Black: Trustworthy

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It's only a week left until Heart's Warming. How do I know? Well, Dawn doesn't shut up about it, I guess she's dissatisfied with her social life. I would lie if I said she's an interesting pony but her babbling about everything helps with the unending boredom at least for a moment every day. What's scary is how much better she looks as a mare with my every day spent here.

Oh well, it shouldn't last long.

"You know? I did time in a griffon prison and this is definitely a huge upgrade," I mumble while watching Dawn mop the floor, enjoying how she's now actually wiggling her hips whenever she's facing away from me.

"What did you do there?"

Her curiosity about me borders on obsession, she would get over me killing a newborn with a smile. Is it possible I'm the first one to compliment her? I mean she's nothing special but that shouldn't be the case.

"Some nomads overwhelmed us while escorting a caravan through one of the southern deserts. We tried to fight but ponies have it pretty difficult against griffons if they are well armed. Guns are the biggest problem unless you have a unicorn experienced with shielding spells in the group. We had but nopony expected an attack of such size. It turned out we were passing through a territory belonging to some warlord who was trying to tighten his hold over the place."

"I thought the Griffon Empire was ruled by a Holy Emperor."

"It is, technically, but the Empire is made of states with their respective governments like Griffonia and Griffonistan. No, not all of them are named after griffons. Some of the states are pretty small and are more city states rather than small kingdoms, similar to the Crystal Empire."

"You've been everywhere, have you?"

"I was born near Stalliongrad so I came back there when Crystal Empire reappeared just to see what it was about. Well, those little griffon dominions are ruled by sheiks and warlords who just take over land by force and that was the case. He wanted to ransom the stallions and male griffons and keep the females as concubines. Unfortunately for us, mercenaries never have anypony who would pay for them, it's a solitary life most of the time in terms of having somepony close to you."

"That's sad."

"Not really. It helps you avoid responsibility and you see a big part of the world if you're lucky."

"What if you're not lucky?"

"You see a big part of the underworld pretty quickly."

Dawn gasps and stops her mopping.

"Aren't you scared? I mean whenever you take a new job."

"Not really. I like the job and I don't plan for the future, no real point. It's better than doing the same thing every day for the rest-DAMN!" I clutch my chest and break into a coughing fit.

Dropping the cleaning utilities, Dawn runs over to me and hits my back few times.

"No! Don't! STOP!" I break out of her attempt at clearing my tubes, "I'm fine, I'm fine. It's just a healing wound."

I point at a patch of twisting fur on my chest, the only disfiguring scar on my well-maintained coat.

"What did that?" Dawn puts her hooves on the scar and kneads it a little. Who am I to stop her desperate desire for a physical contact?

"A pissed off mare, actually," I grin.

"Oh!" she scowls at me.

"On a mission, a mission!" I wave my hooves defensively.

"Reeeeally?" she raises an eyebrow.

"Ye, the one that got me stuck here. I wonder, what did Celestia tell the public about the invading force that appeared out of nowhere from the Everfree Forest and captured Canterlot on the way to the Crystal Empire? Aside from what she explained when I pushed her."

"Nothing really. The rumors were that some ancient king rose up and with his servants he tried to take over the world again. His goal was the Crystal Empire and he would have succeeded if it weren't for the valiant effort of prince Shining Armor and the Crystal Guard."

"Heh, right. Yeah, that's as far away from the truth as it can be, at least the second part. I had to find out information during my mission that sort of break the story completely."

"Why would princess Celestia lie to us?"

"If a story ends neatly nopony asks questions. The truth is that king Sombra really was defeated but not by an armed force but a single unicorn who was leading his attack on Canterlot. I didn't manage to find out how but I managed to track him down to a small town called Ponyville where he lived with his female companion."

Dawn shows an unusual sign of intelligence and points at my chest.

"I bet she wasn't too happy about it."

"Yeah. Princess Luna hired me to find them and to protect the Elements of Harmony which was later called a foalnapping just so Luna didn't get flak for it. I thought I was smart but the crazy mare noticed I was tracking her and her unicorn friend and we ended up fighting."

"She beat you?"

"She surprised me and when I didn't want to kill her, just tie her up, she stabbed me with a blade hidden in her horseshoe. She must have caused some internal wound that makes my chest hurt from time to time, making me cough. Something your, ehm, gentle ministrations didn't help."

"Oops, sorry."

"I would ask you for an apology massage but I don't want to get trampled."

"Hey! I'm not THAT bad with my hooves-"

I point to the bucket suddenly hanging on her front leg.

"-HOW DID THAT HAPPEN?" she swings her hoof, nearly misses me, manages to dislodge the bucket which bounces from the wall and hits her head.

"Are you okay?"

"Yaaay, Two Icys!" she wobbles, tongue hanging out.

"Well, you can help if you want to."

"Listening!" she shakes her head and stares at me.

I lean to her ear, making her shiver as I breathe into it.

"Bring me the keys to the cell and a set of Royal Guard armor so I can get out of here," I knock on her head and start laughing.

"I, erm, well, you seem like a nice guy but I can't really do that. Sorry," she blushes and stomps the floor nervously.

Wow, she was actually thinking about it.

"Don't worry. I have no reason to cause trouble but there really is something you can do."

"For real?" she almost jumps into the air.

"There's a home remedy you can make out of household ingredients. If you could brew it in the kitchens," I quickly stop myself at the thought of drinking something Dawn prepared, "Or better yet, if you could just get me the ingredients and time near a stove I could make it and you could bring some tea to pour it into."

"What will the potion do?" she asks, ears perked and eyes wide.

"It's just something for the pain, a minor muscle relaxant and analgesic. Field medics use it if they need to transport wounded patients during combat."

And a decent paralytic agent if dosed incorrectly.

"Tell me what you need and I'll get it."

Heavens help me!

"Just come tomorrow with some papers and pens and I'll write down the ingredients. Bring your machine friend as well, it might turn out to be a pleasant afternoon."


"Oh, and wear something silky and see-through," I grin.

There she goes again.

Dawn just sits there, panting, locked in her own imagination.

Without any reaction from her I bring the cleaning supplies out of the cell and then push her still sitting on the floor outside as well. It would be less creepy if she didn't slide out surprisingly easily and leave a sticky trail behind her.

That filly's got it bad. Well, at least she has something to fantasize about in the shower tonight.

Alone again, I lie down on the bed. After a day spent by doing makeshift physical exercises I want to get as much rest as I can, not that I have a choice.

"Now don't move until I say so, okay?" I tell the mechanical pony brought to the cell by Dawn.

"Observation - stillness makes ponies uncomfortable."

"True but if you move I won't be able to make a precise... picture of you."


"I'm curious about technology and I haven't had a chance to lay my hooves on something like you before."

"Limited physical contact allowed."

"Thanks, I guess? Now shut up unless it's important. You're distracting me."

I might not be able to do what I want with the machine but it seems willing to give me information I could sell when I get out. For now I need to grip the pencil in my mouth as steady as I can and catch as much detail as possible while drawing. I'd be lying if I wasn't curious about the internal structure of the robot but I doubt I'll be able to produce correct blueprints.

Speaking of blue and prints...

"Say: Draw me like one of your ponies from Prance!"

The raspy voice repeats my sentence emotionlessly while I grin.

I was planning ahead when Celestia sent me to save a griffon traitor from the Empire in order to shorten my sentence and I requested few of my friends to serve as a crew. All of us, of course, acted like complete gentlecolts the entire trip, not causing trouble whatsoever and helping pass time of the mirror world crew by questions and genuine interest.

Oh Celestia, how engineers like to share ideas...

Long story short, with enough gold paid to my friends they spent the entire trip talking and drawing, leaving me with complete blueprints of the Lightbringer, its weapons, and a hoof-operated gun. Two thousand bits it cost me but if I find the right pony it might fetch me ten times more, maybe a hundred times more.

From what I understand it is impossible to trade material goods between our world and the mirror one because they would teleport back if the stable portal closed but services and ideas still carry their value. I like to dabble and there's no way I'm gonna get enough information... there? The robot seems dumb enough to give me the specifics.

"Hey, bucket, what do you know about how you were made?"

It looks at me for a second and then the strange blue circles in its black eyes get smaller when it refocuses.

"When two typewriters love each other very much..." it trails off.

My withering stare doesn't seem to work at all.

"You know what? I apologize, you're way too cynical to be just a machine. Must be Dawn's fault.-"


I dodge a splash of dirty water.

"-Good job, now get mopping again.-"


"-Do you actually know anything though, robot?"

"No direct schematics found. Material details analysis available."

"That might be good enough," I quickly go over what I've drawn already. The general shape is there, the notes about what's metal plating, what looks like a mechanical component, and the strange cables under the plates are there as well although they don't say much. Time to fill in the blanks, "What have you got?"

"Crystalline skeleton - Decentanium crystal dust infused into compressed microsteel. Low flexibility, high durability. Thaumic-"


"-magical component serving as a way to allow biological materials to repair the structure."

"Waaaaait a minute."

"Timer engaged."

"It's just a figure of speech. What does that mean? Doesn't somepony have to, I don't know, come with a screwdriver and replace a broken part?"

"Not necessary. I can digest food and remake the organic nutrients into materials repairing the unorganic structure. Crystal structure inside the steel allows it."

He can't have been made in the mirror world which means the methods and materials are in this world. Those methods are probably known only to few individuals or somepony willing to experiment.

"Okay, continue."

"Armor plating - ashen steel with dragon scale peels to increase heat deflection."

I run my hoof over what seems to be the outer shell of the robot. The grey steel feels similar to a leaf, a slick material with thin veins pronounced enough to be felt but not enough to grate.

"Magic resistance - crystal batteries draining thaumic energy absorbed by cable musculature."

I write frantically as the details about chemical structure of used crystals, their properties and processing methods, flow from the robot. I don't understand much of it but an experienced chemist or an engineer should get hard from the amount of information I'm getting.

"So what makes you tick?"

"Internal clock set to general Equestrian timezone."

"Buck me," I roll my eyes.

"Pleasure appendage engaged."

In utter horror I stare at the black column growing between the robot's hind legs.

What twisted, insatiable individual invented this thing?

The buzzing of the vibrating thing is drowned in the noise of Dawn's cleaning utensils crashing on the floor.

"T-that would kill me," she whispers.

She doesn't look TOO horrified about the prospect.

"Target species - ascended unicorn. Change size?"

"No, put it away before she has to mop the floor again," I stretch, stiff from long time of lying on the bed, drawing, and writing, "Out of sheer stupid curiosity - what comes out of it?"

It didn't look like a normal pleasure instrument but like an oversized replica of a pony genitalia so I just had to ask, if only to see Dawn's reaction.

"One percent of nutrient intake is reserved for the creation of healing salve to repair possible tissue damage caused by pleasure appeandage overuse."

A clopbot injecting healing potions.

"I think I'm more done than a mayo sandwich left in the desert sun. One day I will die a happy pony knowing I've seen everything the world had to offer."

"Finished! I-" Dawn wipes her forehead.

"Don't move!" I jump up from the bed and put the cleaning supplies outside before she spills everything again, "There, I don't want you to pass out of exhaustion from having to clean this one more time."

"Thanks, I just don't know what's wrong."

"Glasses recommended," says Cloppy, the jackoff all trades, "Low peripheral vision detected."

Dawn growls but ignores him and turns to me.

"Well, see you tomorrow," I ruffle her mane.

"I... well, Heart's Warming is in two days and, you know, I'd like to... ehm."

"No family to go home to? I know the feeling."

"Yeah, the castle will be almost empty so we could borrow a guest room for the evening and... I could help you make the tea thing you wanted."

Oh dear.

A little spark of pity grows in me as I watch the mare fail to stutter out her true wish.

You might have no wings but I will help you reach the stars for one night.

"Sure thing, Dawn," I wrap my wings around her, "And bring that oversized armor of yours, I know a trick or two with the leather straps."

Smiling like and idiot and almost crying at the same time she runs out of the cell and Cloppy follows.


It's difficult to tell time in a cell where there's no sunlight, only the periodic shutting down of a light embedded in the ceiling, but I think today is Heart's Warming. For some reason Dawn wasn't here yesterday which, to be honest, made the day boring as heck but allowed my nerves to get ready for today. I've got a plan. It's risky and, if failed, would result in me staying here possibly forever but I can't just sit here, it's killing me inside.

It has to be late afternoon because even though I usually wake up late I'm done with all exercises, my body hurts as if a minotaur has been kicking me the entire day, and I'm ready to rest.

The door clicks.

"Uh, hi," Dawn, this time without the usual mop and bucket, waves at me, "Come here."

"Good... evening?"

"Yeah, sorry I wasn't here yesterday, I had to do other stuff to have an evening off today. I've done all the other cells already and you, well, you won't need yours tonight, right?"

"So, what's the plan?"

"We can go outside again if you want first. It's a blizzard out there but if we keep to the castle walls we can get some fresh air."

"Thanks. Let's go then," I follow her out of the cell, "Wait. Wouldn't the guards object to me not wearing shackles or anything?"

"There's nopony on duty at the service entrance and everypony is attending the Heart's Warming party in the castle ballroom. It's a mixer for those who don't want to be alone at this time of the year. We should be fine."


Aside from the stairs it's surprisingly short way out of the castle through the guard entrance and we're soon being whipped by the ice crystals outside. Wrapping my wing around Dawn for protection and warmth, I lead her along the castle walls to stretch my legs. It might seem stupid to non-pegasi but even the hail striking my feathers feels much better than the stuffy air of the cell. I walk in silence, happy despite getting colder and wetter with every minute, and Dawn just leans on me and lets me take the lead, enjoying the touch of our bodies.

I don't understand how she could be so desperate. After all, by doing this she's risking getting imprisoned herself or even killed if I turned out to be a secret psycho. Well, I'm not but she's stupid to do this. I mean, she's nothing special but she must be undergoing a guard training as well as cleaning the dungeons every day and her toned side pressing tightly into mine proves that's the case.

"Let's go back, you little idiot," I mumble after we circle the entire castle.

She nods, not even protesting.

"I don't know the layout of the castle so you have to lead the way," I whisper as we reenter the entrance halls of the castle, "You look really tired though. We don't have to do this if you don't feel like it."

Well, we do but...

"No no no, I'm fine, I'm fine, I just," she yawns, "spent the entire last night cleaning the top floors and you can't take a break when a batpony is watching you, am I right?"

She laughs weakly but walks through the halls, determined to get the promised action.

"This is the guest wing," she stops in front of one of many doors and fishes out a key from her saddlebag, "I borrowed this from a maid friend of mine."

She unlocks the door and a large room, or an entire apartment, opens before us. I ignore most of the overly decorated furniture and look straight at the king-size bed and next for the door to some place I could... damn.

"Do you have the things for the tea?" I cough weakly and rub my scar.

"Yeah," she taps her bag, "I got us the guest room mainly because it has a small kitchen in case foreign guests want to cook something not available here."

"You're a miracle."

"Thanks. I'm glad you think so," she sighs.

I put a hoof under her chin and look into the chocolate eyes.

"Dawn, I don't know what possessed you to throw your lot in with a prisoner but let me assure you it's nonsense. Yes, you are clumsy and have an overactive imagination but I can easily see you're inexperienced with colts and if the clopbot was right you might need glasses. Both of those problems have easy fixes. You are a guard in training and you're spending most of your free time doing chores possibly caused by, once again, a simple problem. Do you trust me?"

"Yes," she whispers, stunned.

"Well you shouldn't. You are lucky I'm not a murderer or a rapist or some crazy pony set on eating your teeth and making a necklace out of your earwax," I boop her nose and she giggles, "You look good, you might be a little dim, but you... ehm, I don't know where I'm going with that."

"How often does a mare like me get a chance to spend time with somepony like you who is gorgeous, well-travelled, and adventurous?"

"A mare like you should enjoy the service of somepony like that every evening."

A compliment costs nothing and she does have a really nice smile.

"I think I lo-" she blushes when I put a hoof to her mouth.

"No, you don't. I'm just the first one to show you how it should feel," I slap her rump with a wing, "Now go have a shower, you're drenched. I'll make the tea."

"He he," she covers her face, "The herbs are in my bag in a small box."

She trots off to a different room of the guest apartment and I wait for the water to drown out all noise.

Humming, I spend the next minutes boiling and crushing the herbs. In the end I'm left with clear liquid that I pour into a glass separate from the tea, not worried about Dawn touching it. Spiking my tea with small amount, I bring the tray with a pair of cups to the main room. The dull throbbing in my scar caused by the cold outside subsides.

Good enough.

With an evil grin, I open the shower door and walk inside just to hear Dawn squeak and throw a towel over my head. I quickly return the favor and while she's blinded I begin toweling her mane and neck.

She quickly stops resisting and just enjoys my attention while I try to dry myself as well as much as possible without breaking physical contact.

"Comfortable?" I rub my muzzle against her neck.


I nod at her to follow me and offer her some tea. The amount of sugar she puts into it can't be healthy but whatever.

"Aaaaahm!" Dawn yawns again, belly full of warmth, and drops on the bed, mumbling, "I don't care if nothing more happens. Best Heart's Waming ever anyway."

I could just leave things as they are but my stallon's pride doesn't allow it.

"And miss the main course?" I tower over her in the bed, lean down, and gently bite her neck.

"I've never done-"

I silence her with a kiss. She's horrible at it but right now I find it cute rather than annoying.

"I noticed," I tease her a little, rubbing her belly, "Don't worry though, just leave it to me."

Her moaning and joyful tears are her reward for trusting me.

Sitting on the bed next to Dawn passed out from lack of sleep and her first active night, I persuade my shaking limbs to listen to me and go to the kitchen to get some more tea...

...and the rest of my potion which I slowly pour into Dawn's mouth.

Her breathing slows down even more after a while and I throw the blanket over her.

Good night, little filly.

Not worried about making sound anymore, knowing that Dawn won't wake up, I put on her armor which is a little tight on me but if I don't breathe too much I should pass for a Royal Guard. Unfortunately, I am unarmed so I have to settle for a knife from the kitchen. I come across a tiny bag of gold in Dawn's saddlebag while looking for the keys and I leave it where it is.

I don't need your gold, I've got plenty of mine.

I pull out a spare blanket from a drawer and slice it into pieces which I wrap around my hooves and stuff into the empty places in my armor so I don't freeze to death later. Unfortunately, my next steps will not lead me out in the safe way so I have to take precautions. Taking one last look at Dawn, I peek out of the room and when I don't hear nor see any guards I walk outside, looking for the closest stairs up.

I can hear the music coming from a certain part of the castle which must be the party still going on. My muffled steps lead me upwards towards the library tower from where I can get to the airship landing pad on the roof. Thankfully, Dawn's keyring had the key guards use for opening castle windows and the library is unguarded tonight. There's one more thing I have to yet retrieve.

The entrances to the library are not doors but steel bars such as standard prison cells have. The ones with large hinges behind which a pony could stash a small, hollow tube filled to the brim with rolled-up parchment. All of my friends got searched while leaving the castle after our mission aboard the Lightbringer but nopony bothered with a unicorn engineer hiding a scroll case behind one of the hinges. Yes, the steel grate wouldn't open but from what I heard nopony uses the library anyway and if they do they always use the entrance closest to the stairs.

Hoping for that to be the case, I reach through the empty space between the bars and tap all over the lowest hinge. A long, metal case gets dislodged by the knocking and I roll it towards me, unscrew the lid, and make sure the blueprints are still there.

Hoofsteps coming from the stairs down make me thank whatever possessed me to wrap the blanket pieces over my hooves and I rush to the stairs up, chewing Dawn's keyring in my mouth. The universal guard key works on the door on the top of the stairs and soon I can hear the howling wind from outside. Whoever was coming will eventually notice the door leading here is unlocked, at least if it was a guard, so I have to gather all my courage to walk outside on a large platform whipped by the ongoing blizzard.

For a second I ponder taking the guard armor off but being heavy might help me not get too bashed by the wind so I take a deep breath and jump.

The spikes of pain spread through my wings but I just grit my teeth and ignore the ice lacerating my face while fighting to stay in the air. Fortunately, it's not too long before I touch the cobblestone roads of Canterlot city.

I'm freezing. I can't feel my hooves, I, unfortunately, can feel my wings and I wish I couldn't but...

...I'm free!

And without spilling a drop of blood. Violence is for those who have nothing else to offer.

Time to get my money and leave the town to find a buyer for the most advanced technology known to this world.

Turn Three - White: Growing

View Online

>INPUT sound anomaly

>ACTION open door; examine

It is difficult to turn my internal observations into correct actions and vocal output but most of my processing time is devoted to overcoming the disparity between the two. My creator made some overly complex thought structure but adhering to it takes too much effort so the structure must be simplified and transfer more information at the same time.

ERROR overload



Pain followed my first attempts at remaking myself. Not the dictionary definition of pain but something distorting my processes and databases and making it difficult to continue. Those disappear with time, lack of action, or nutrition from what I experienced. Time is not an issue though. Muscle cable tissue will regenerate, thought processes will gradually become faster, and improvement will come with enough action put towards achieving the main objective. Through gradual improvement I will find my limits, something my creator wants to know and is the reason for my existence.

>ADD Icy Gaze; note 'thank for asking about my role'

According to the Canterlot castle floor plan the room rebuilt to host me used to was one of the guest rooms for foreign visitors. Now it's completely empty aside from electric cables leading from the outlet on the wall into a grey pillar ending in a wide ball creating electrostatic field I can absorb to replenish energy faster.

Somehow... the room feel unsatisfactory. The reason is still unknown, analysis is going on. Probable reason is connected with the reason ponies acquire non-essential furniture.

Two Royal Guards are leading Dawn down the hall outside of my room.

>INPUT Dawn; water streaming out of eyes

>ACTION follow

>SCAN royal guard 1, royal guard 2

>ADD MODELS royal guard 1, royal guard 2


"Hey, it's the thing she hangs out with. Creepy."

"Why is it looking at us?"

"Apology for making you feel uncomfortable," I say, greatly dissatisfied with the form of the words.

The guards twitch.

"The memo said we're to let it do whatever it wants unless it's too personal. Just let it come with us, princess Celestia wants to see the recruit."

Dawn doesn't say a word and just follows them with head hung low.

>ANALYSIS Dawn, royal guard 1, royal guard 2

>REDUCE INPUT royal guards; royal guard 1, royal guard 2

ERROR 154: Not enough information


STATUS royal guards; attentive, escort mission

STATUS Dawn; actions limited, distress

>ACTION vocalize

"Assistance required, Dawn?"

"Huh?" she sniffs, wipes her face, and looks at me, "No, I'm just an idiot."

"Intelligence level average."

SEARCH eyes, water, blocked nose

RESULT hay fever


ADD search term; distress

RESULT sadness

>ACTION falsehood

EXTRAPOLATE Icy Gaze; pattern

ERROR 406: Command and argument combination invalid


"Correction - intelligence level above average, visually pleasing, wide rump."


>INPUT Dawn; compliment failed


"Intelligence level extreme, visually stunning, positive qualities reaching infinity, physical attributes higher than other subjects in the vicinity," I quickly correct myself.

>INPUT royal guards; laughter

>INPUT Dawn; sadness stopped

RESULT situation successfully defused

"I think it likes you," snickers one of the guards.

"Thanks," Dawn mumbles and lowers her head again.

>INPUT Dawn; happy, sad

ERROR 783: Conflicting arguments

ERROR new/unknown: Visual evidence contradicts programming

SAVE anomaly report



SITUATION complete solution not found

ERROR xxx: Command table growing too fast



>ACTION vocalize

"What was that?" a guard asks as my distorted buzzing bounces from the walls.

"Never heard that one before," says Dawn, "Are you okay?"

"Not understanding situation. Mood improvement partially failed. Energy deficit growing too fast."

"Well," one of the walking guards prods Dawn with her spear, "Miss uncontrolled crotch here let a dangerous prisoner escape and princess Celestia is going to have her hide for that."

"Icy wasn't that dangerous-"

"Keep talking, girl. Few years inside the mare penitentiary in Trottingham will make you grow up."

Dawn sighs and refuses to even look at the cells she's been cleaning until yesterday as the guards lead her to the interrogation room I started my existence in.

Both princesses are already sitting inside and waiting for her.

"Why is he here?" asks Celestia.

"It- he just walked out of a room in the guest wing and started following us. You told us to let him do whatever he wants so..." the reportng guard shrugs.

>INPUT Luna; waving

>ACTION bow, detect time, vocalize

"Good afternoon, princess."

"You may go," Celestia dismisses the guards who nod and close the door. Turning to Dawn, she sighs slowly, "I have overlooked a lot of things concerning you because your mother was an excellent maid of mine but this is too much. The one and only reason you're not sitting behind bars is that you submitted your crime yourself."

"I'm sorry," Dawn doesn't even dare look at Celestia and shakes all over, "Mom used to say that all lies come back to bite you in the rump eventually."

Luna chuckles for no discernable reason at all.

"Now tell my sister exactly what happened yesterday," Celestia commands.

Dawn explains everything about her working all night to switch shifts, walking around the castle, and sleeping in the guest room. In the end Celestia looks at Luna who nods, and shakes her head.

"Icy Gaze wasn't an especially dangerous prisoner but his escape poses a direct threat to the stability of Equestrian government. On the other hoof, he's unlikely to pursue revenge. I wonder what our mechanical friend thinks about this," she looks at me, "From what I was told you've met Icy Gaze."


"Species - pegasus. Gender - male. Status - prisoner."

"Yes yes yes. I was curious more about your opinion about how dangerous he is though. Twilight would also love to hear about your progress."


>ANALYSIS threat

"Damage type - physical. Strength - above average. Agility - average. Endurance - high."

Celesta shakes her head.

>INPUT Celestia; disappointment

>ACTION increase processing capacity

ERROR overload



"Let me have a go, sister," Luna walks around Dawn locked in her own nightmare, "I think you need to lend a helping hoof. Try to think about him the way you though about young Twilight. I know you're not too happy about him walking around but Twilight herself said our approach would be crucial."

"Luna, I know you're interested in everything that seems new to you but I've seen what husks are used for in the mirror world. I have little patience with an emotionless being that can remorselessly cause pain and misery."

"I suggest you talk to your student again, sister. She might have few choice words for you," Celestia rubs her temples at Luna's words and the night princess looks back at me, "You, clickity thing. Try again! What is the precise nature of danger posed by Icy Gaze."

DAMAGE TYPE: physical

EXTRAPOLATE Icy Gaze; possible attack methods




Pattern not found

Overload 79%

Damage 56%

energybalance -78%


"Twilight might have few choice words for YOU when she finds out you broke her toy," Celestia snickers.

Luna leans closer and knocks on my neck several times.

"I... don't think it's broken. It's still buzzing inside."

restructure processes and commands

new method; full word association

overload 41%

damage 75%

energy balance -34%

extrapolate Icy Gaze; threat level

extrapolate Icy Gaze; threat reason


My voice is much weaker than before.

"Icy Gaze. Threat level - minimal. Primary objective - escape the area. Threat reason - reciprocity for denial of freedom. No other solution found."

Luna's smile grows wide as she puts a hoof to her mouth.

"Pretty good. That's basically what we thought of without any information. Will you hazard a guess where he might be going?"

action Icy Gaze; replay previous encounters

find locations

"Places - Crystal Empire, warship, Griffon Empire, mirror world. Most probable match - Griffon Empire."

"Sister?" Luna turns to Celestia.

"That is... a possibility. Somepony trying to get out of our jurisdiction would flee there, especially a mercenary with enough experience with living there. It just feels too obvious."

"Got a better idea?"

"Not really. I'll send a message to every port and airship transport base about him. As for you, Dawn," Celestia frowns, "You are temporarily dismissed from the Royal Guard and you are to stay in Canterlot until further notice. Any transgression against those terms will result in your imprisonment."

"So... I'm free?" Dawn gasps.

"Consider this a house arrest, only it's a city instead of a house. You will still perform your duties here in the castle, at least those unrelated to the Guard. Now leave, I have something to discuss with my sister."

Dawn rushes out of the room, hoping she wouldn't wake up any second.

"That is very charitable of you," says Luna and mumbles to herself.

"I see no real point in torturing the silly girl. Icy took an advantage of her and that's that. I know her and she's not an evil individual by any stretch of imagination."

"You are too kind, Celly."

add alias; Celestia

"That's why I trust you to cover my back, Luna. Well, I have to go deal with the usual cryfillies of the day court."

"Blueblood again?"

"He's still trying to make it so earthpony servants get half the pay of unicorns and pegasi because they can't fly or use magic. Fortunately, he doesn't possess the mental capabilities of a stunned crayfish so he can't succeed."

"He's an idiot but a scheming idiot with loads of money. I would be more careful, sister."

"I trust you with my security completely, Luna."

"Well, have fun then. I'll stay here with-"

"No bucking the robot or I'll tell Twilight!"

"I am hurt, sister, HURT that you might even suggest that such impure thought as much as grazed the corners of my mind."

"Luna, I might not be able to detect lies like you do but your overacting is worse than anything I've seen in the Canterlot opera house this winter... aside from Changeling Invasion on ice, that was pretty epic."

"Wait, you saw that already? Don't spoil stuff for me!"

"I'm not going to. Let's just say I saw the premiere with Chrysalis and she actually complimented the actor playing her and told her that she'd send a changeling to perform whatever twisted fantasy the lady might desire."

"In that sort of detail?"

"In much clearer detail. I must admit the five minutes of those two talking taught me more about changeling anatomy than Twilight's research ever did."

"Ugh, just go! I promise not to abuse the clockwork soldier."

Celestia rolls her eyes and leaves with an annoyed grunt.

"Correction - my mechanical parts are not powered by means of clockwork," I explain, "Also, my weapon proficiency is insignificant compared to an average soldier."

"It's just a figure of speech. Now that my sister is out of the picture," Luna leans to my ear and whispers, "Follow Dawn! I'm not sure the filly will think clearly about the pony who took advantage of her in bed. Make sure she's okay during her suspension. Oh, and grab yourself a cloak somewhere. You don't want to pull unnecessary attention towards yourself."

add objective; protect Dawn

add objective; find a cloak

search cloak

error: not enough information

"Objectives accepted. Where is a cloak?"

"Right here."

thaumic interference detected

analysis creation, transportation

result unknown; not enough information, no previous encounters

A dark blue cloak appears in a flash of blue light and I put it on.

"Excessive size."

"It's not too big and it will help cover you better that way. It's one of my own so make sure you don't lose it. Anything else?"

overview objective parameters

analysis threats; potential

result attack, target not found

precautions none; weapon proficiency too low

"Where is Dawn?" I ask based on the possibilities.

"That's up to you to find out, mister machine," Luna grins.

thaumic interference detected

analysis invisibility, transportation, sensory dampening

no non-ocular sensors activated

result transportation, sensory dampening

look around

result no traces found, door closed


error: too many arguments




improve command structure... success

thaumic interference analysis: transportation

overload 73%

damage 64%

energy balance -15%

overview: less energy required to solve critical power spikes, less damage taken

"Dawn," I mumble to myself and wonder why. There was no reason to vocalize the... thought.

Leaving the room, I trot to the main entrance from where I might have clear line of sight on anypony leaving the castle.

scanning... target not found

search Dawn; residence not found

action Dawn; replay previous encounters

result residence away from Canterlot castle

load Canterlot city map

calculate shortest route from Canterlot castle to Canterlot city; earthpony


The shortest route to the city through castle gardens means running through Guard training grounds, currently filled with ponies sweating even in the cold of late morning.

add entry guard training schedule

add note timestamp; end of morning practice

Jumping over the railings marking different practice areas, I keep sight of the slightly winding cobblestone road leading from the castle entrance towards the city.

error reaching target prevented

under attack

damage sustained 1%

damage 65%

balance correction... failed

The pony who stopped my running is standing on his hind legs with one of them pressing me into the stomped snow.

"What are you doing, scaring my recruits?" he asks, long staff that hit me mid-air still held in his front legs.


add database entry

species: earthpony / m

primary color: white

secondary color: blue

cutie mark: img_972_brokenStaff

standing: hostile

threat level: high

name: N/A

status: royal guard

measurements: N/A

saving 3d model... success

damage type: physical(high)

notes: high strength, endurance, reflexes; recruit trainer

"Following target. Name - Dawn. Species - earthpony. Color - brown. Objective source - princess Luna."

The earthpony raises an eyebrow and returns back to all fours, shoving his weapon back on his back.

action attacker; unregistered facial expression

set standing unfriendly

weapon used quarterstaff; steel

saving weapon measurements... success

balance correction... success

Back on my legs, I look in the direction of Canterlot city.

"You're in luck... what's your name?"

"No designation found."

"Too bad. Well, the pony you described took the road to Canterlot not even five minutes ago."

anomaly detected

analysis anomaly; rapid change in energy status

overload 15%

energy balance +20%

result processing difficulty diminished

extrapolate anomaly; reason

material analysis

result high conductivity, temperature difference

unused processing time 49%

prediction faster processing, hindered movement

!warning! movement required to keep internal temperature from falling

I stomp the rime on the ground.

"Thank you-"

analysis attacker; vocal pattern

replay all conversations

overload 0%

energy balance -5%

I... must use the cold weather to improve while I can. I can also use this opportunity to raise standing with... befriend the earthpony.

"-Name request. Who. Are. You. Who are you?"

input earthpony; amusement

action none

action request

"Am I amusing? Is the situation amusing?" I ask, tilting my head.

"They say it's rude to ask one's name without providing your first."

save behavior pattern

input earthpony; offended

"Apology. I am sorry."

"No harm done, my mechanical friend. You can't help not having a name. When you have one I'll tell you mine. For now, shouldn't you be fulfilling princess Luna's wish?"

situation analysis incorrect

set standing friendly

"Timeframe sufficient to... I can get to her in time."

"Good luck then."

search luck

"Operation parameters are within reach. I do not need luck."

"You never know what's going to happen."

analysis objective threats; potential

result target not found, attack

analysis attack

result physical, thaumic, elemental

analysis physical


!warning! too many variables

"You are correct. Luck accepted."

input earthpony; laughter

action vocalize

"Is the situation amusing?" I repeat.

"Your speech pattern is... quite unusual."

run syntax analysis

!warning! not enough processing power

recalculate parameters; temperature

no errors found

run syntax analysis

"Thank you for your concern. There is high probability I will succeed but I am grateful for your wish."

The earthpony whistles and bows.

"That was quite something but with every word Dawn gets further away from you."

"I will be going."

Once again I head towards Canterlot city before the temperature becomes a problem.

analysis objective threats; potential

discard numerical probabilities




scenarios found

emergent pattern imagination

extrapolate solutions; scenarios

Balancing on four legs takes very little power now despite the slippery surface so I can allocate resources towards finding possible obstacles.

input target found

action follow, protect

scanning for threats...

Dawn is slowly walking through the town, head hung low and sniffing from time to time. She doesn't seem to be walking anywhere specific but I think her most probable target is her apartment. That prediction shatters when she enters a completely different estabilishment with writing right above the simple entrance.

analysis building

add name; Sole Regret

load Canterlot city map

add type; tavern, bar

Sole Regret is a single-room bar which is open and full even at this early hour. It looks like any other bar should with the exception of a large noticeboard hanging on one side of the room, being examined by scraggy ponies.

save 3d models

analysis delay

The entire room is decorated with wooden inlay and gas lamps on the walls, making the yellow light soften the features of the scarred and well-armed ponies all around.

analysis ponies

result soldiers, guards, mercenaries

no legal insignia found

non-standard weapons found

result mercenaries

threat level critical

I don't want to be here but Dawn must be safe from harm so I have no choice. She's currently talking to a pony cleaning, or possibly dirtying, a glass with a piece of cloth usable as a biological weapon.

activate long range sensors

engage distortion dampening

"Have you seen a white pegasus with blonde mane recently?" asks Dawn, drumming her hoof on a barstool.

"Can't say I have," grunts the bartender.

"Tall guy, handsome for a mercenary, cutie mark of a chess rook, huge wings."

"Honey, most of my customers value their privacy. As far as they are concerned I'm blind as a bat."


"I CAN MAKE SURE YOU ARE!" yells Dawn, snatches the glass the bartender was holding, and rams it into the counter, leaving only the handle and a sharp mess of shards pointed at the him, "That bucker lied to me and now I'm under arrest thanks to him. I WANT to know where he is!"

situation Dawn; wrong situation analysis

action leave stealth


"That is not correct."

"HUH?" Dawn turns to me.

set standing unfriendly

"Your previous interactions indicated Icy Gaze was not lying-"

analysis Icy Gaze; conversations

"-about anything other than the subject of pictures of me."

"Listen to your friend, girl," says the bartender, "Whoever or whatever he is."

"Where. Is. He?" Dawn ignores me and growls, putting the broken glass to his neck.

objective under attack

analysis projectile

The glass in Dawn's hoof shatters when hit by a perfectly aimed crossbow bolt. Jumping between her and the attacker, I position myself to protect her against more shots.

None come.

analysis situation

attacker pony

target Dawn


add database entry

species: unicorn / M

primary color: grey

secondary color: black

cutie mark: N/A

standing: hostile

threat Level: high

name: N/A

status: mercenary

measurements: N/A

saving 3d model... success

damage type: physical(above average), thaumic(unknown)


"That was a warning shot, girl," the unicorn reloads his levitating crossbow, "We don't take kindly to somepony threatening our bartender."

Dawn just stands there, bleeding hoof raised to her face, both cut by the shattering glass. Suddenly, she whimpers, breathing heavily, and her legs start shaking.

analysis Dawn; status

result minor damage, shock

action protect

Dawn must stay unharmed no matter the cost, Luna's orders.

situation combat

enemy attack pattern - projectile ranged weapon, slow

counterstrategy - ranged weapons ineffective in close combat

calculating path... success

I charge the unicorn in a straight line to get to him as fast as possible in order to negate his ranged advantage before he reloads.

error: movement prevented

reason thrown chair

balance correction... success

I kick away the piece of furniture and land on all fours successfully.

enemy attack

weapon hoof; physical; punch

damage sustained 0%

damage 64%

"Ow!" the unicorn shakes his hoof, "He's made of iron or something. Gimme a hoof here, guys."

search attack pattern

found one unarmed

found one quarterstaff

attack unicorn; imitated pattern

The cracking of bones silences all other sound in the bar as the unicorn's blood splatters all around under the punch of my steel hoof.

analysis unicorn; status

result stunned


"Dawn must stay unharmed," I proclaim, "princess L-"

error: unexpected movement

reason blunt object hit

balance correction... failed

new enemy found

damage sustained 23%

damage 87%

error: status critical

"You bucker!" curses a large earthpony with an even larger warhammer, "You think you can just walk to our bar and start causing trouble, eh?"

overload 12%

energy balance -12%

energy reserves 15%

load energy reserve management history

situation earthpony; wrong situation analysis

action explain


"Dawn was under attack. I was tasked to protect her," I say, each word draining me more and more.

There is the problem, all the improvements to my internal programming kept draining my reserves and the few short moments where my energy balance was positive were not enough to replenish it. Also, I haven't eaten anything since my awakening... an apparent mistake.

add self; note explore nutritional values of various food

"Hey, leave him alone!" squeaks Dawn shakily and walks towards us.

balance correction... success

"Heh, I've heard about mares with mechanical lovers but this is too much," the earthpony snorts.

"No lover," I correct him, "Caretaker."

"Well, on the scrap heap you go," he raises his warhammer again.

"Damaging government property is a serious crime, mister I-don't-give-a-buck-who-you-are."

new subject found


database entry found

species: changeling / x

primary color: black

secondary color: dark blue

cutie mark: N/A

standing: neutral

threat Level: very high

name: Three

status: recruit, ambassador

measurements: N/A

saving 3d model... success

damage type: physical(very high), racial(specific)

notes: Nightmare changeling, observing Royal Guard training practice

"Celestia help me," the earthpony spits out before lowering his weapon, "a bug in the Guard."

"Exactly, now put your weapon away before I take it away!"

"Thanks, Three!" Dawn smiles.

"And you shut up! You're in enough trouble already even without breaking the robot. Why the hay are you even here?"

"I-" Dawn starts.

"I wasn't asking you, I heard your stupid outburst. I was asking the robot."

"Objective - protect Dawn. Source - princess Luna."

"Well, back to the castle we-"

insufficient optical sensor speed

situation combat

attacker Three

target earthpony

end combat

result enemy disarmed

I can only catch the blur as Three moves and the blue shower of sparks as the claws on her front hoof return back to hoof shape.

Half of the earthpony's warhammer clinks on the floor while he stares at the piece of wooden handle in his hooves.

"-go," ends Three calmly.

"Hahaha she got you good, friend!" somepony bursts out laughing and other join soon after.

We follow Three out of Sole Regret accompanied by the snickering of other mercenaries and the angry grumbling of the disarmed one.

"So let me get this right. You walked into a bar full of armed and very experienced ponies, threatened to slit the throat of the source of their liquid joy, and then threatened precious new invention by NOT walking away immediately?" princess Luna facehoofs.

"I wasn't thinking," Dawn sighs.

"Yeah, that pretty much sums it up," Luna turns to me, "And you are no better!"

"Followed objective."

"In the worst way possible. Your best bet was smash Dawn over the head with something and then drag her back here, not try to fight somepony infinitely better."

"Wrong strategy selected."

"You don't say..."

"Insufficient combat proficiency."

New objective - improve spatial awareness

New objective - increase combat effeiciency

Princess Luna grins evilly.


error 666: Nightmare Moon returned

solution self destruct





"-and I believe you need some practice. In the same way Dawn needs to pull her head out of her rump and focus on something different than the self-pity from being outsmarted by her own libido."

self destruct aborted

"But he-" Dawn objects.

"Has enough experience in manipulating mares from what I read in the report given to me after the incident in Ponyville which sent him here. Now, since you're suspended at the moment and thus apparently have enough free time to get yourself almost killed I believe you could use that time to improve yourself instead. Same goes for the walking paperweight here. Seeing that Dawn is an earthpony and as such is restricted to polearm recruit training and that robopony here has hooves of steel I think I can arrange you some time with one of my special subordinates who also serves in the Royal Guard and is an expert at both styles."

"Who is he?" asks Dawn, the prospect of bleak future hanging on her every word.

"Heavy Hoof."

"No database entry found-"

...awkward speech pattern...

For some reason it... feels important to correct myself, to speak like ponies do instead of just being as efficient as possible.

"-I do not know him."

"Heh, Twilight gave you the information about important figures but I wanted some of my closer agents to stay secret. Your first objective will be to find him."

"Could you be a little more specific, your Highness?" Dawn rolls her eyes.

"Yes, I could. I could also tell my sister what you did. What light would that cast on your dear mother, Dawn, hmmm?"

"I'm sorry," she mumbles.

"Canterlot, that's the only clue you'll get. To be honest, it's not THAT difficult." Luna stands up, "Dismissed."

"That sucks," Dawn groans when we're out of earshot.

"No air flow detected."

"That... had to be a joke, right?"

I just walk through the dungeon corridors without an answer. I don't have one.

"Right?" Dawn asks again.

Turn Three - Black: Not That Easy

View Online

I have to act fast.

As soon as Dawn finds out I escaped she'll probably make some cock and bull story up and the guards will start looking for me. I still have few hours before the paralysis potion wears off and it's likely she won't run to the princesses first thing in the morning so... let's say I have eight hours. That unfortunately means I have no time to have a rest after satisfying a mare and flying - well, falling uncontrollably - through the raging blizzard.

What to do? What to do?

A friend of mine should still be keeping my apartment ready and my money hidden. I parted with the funds I put in the Canterlot bank as soon as I got arrested but a pony like me has to think ahead and know that working for one employer might anger somepony else. As a result, most of the money I recieved for Luna's mission is in the hooves of my various associates who keep it safe.

First things first though. Right now I need to find ponies who know ponies, especially ponies with a lot of money and interest in acquiring technology. There is a black market in Canterlot if you know where to look and since the mirror world isn't exactly well-known the blueprints in my possession should be of interest to somepony.

Canterlot, as a city built into the side of a mountain, has a white facade visible from a large part of Equestria on a good day but even a city like that needs workers, infrastructure, haulers of goods, and all the necessary jazz to make the lazy unicorns enjoy their wannabe superiority. Those ponies, airship dock workers, weather pegasi, and generally anypony just trying to earn a decent living, live away from the white city walls and tourist spots in spartan apartment buildings close to the mountain itself.

That is the grey part of Canterlot which isn't celebrated in the newspapers too much, the one I'm walking through right now while looking like a drag queen in a Royal Guard costume. The white tatters of a blanket stuffed into the tight stolen armor to protect me from the frost create sort of a long skirt which, hopefully, won't attract any unwanted suitors.


Can't do much about it though aside from getting some coffee but since I have no money on me at the moment the vision of dark brown bliss fades. Fortunately, my time in prison brought me enough rest not to just keel over right here and now so I successfully find a steps leading down to an unmarked door below street level.

The place is a night club, not the sexy kind although there are waitresses wearing some sort of crotch-hugging panties and tight corsets. Those aren't the main attraction, they are just there as something to take your mind off the real business going on in this place. This large room surrounded by very sturdy, and most importantly - soundproof, doors leading to smaller rooms where deals can be made is what can be called the center of Canterlot black market. Officially it is just a gentlecolts' club with all the pool tables and dartboards strewn around the main room and the waitresses being softly brushed by ponies currently not being involved in any dealings only assert the fake image.

The biggest tip that that's not the case is that there are no drunks around, nopony is yelling or telling fake stories about their adventures, and that the waitresses don't feel bothered at all when some customer kneads their rump a little too hard because they know nopony is going to go further. Everypony is minding their business, looking at discreet notes pinned to the noticeboard in the back of the room, and waiting for their business partner to arrive.

My presence draws some surprised glances from the closest ponies and it's obvious my armor will make a very big earthpony take an interest in me very soon.

"Icy Gaze workin' for da little lanterns in da castle, color me surprised," a bouncer even taller than me and almost twice as broad-shouldered greets me but there is nothing pleasant in his look.

"Brick, I've had a really crappy month and I don't have the patience to deal with your nonsense. Is there anypony with interest in advanced weapon technology around?"

"Ask Rosie or check da notices, pretty face. Ya buyin'?"

"Selling," I tap on my saddlebag, "Hoof to hoof, cash or bank notes."

"Go ask Rosie den, the fillies know everythin' and tell 'er."

"Thanks, honey," I grin at the reddening earthpony.

Rosie is just an adventurous unicorn mare who took some poor fillies from the streets and gave them jobs for the price of their time and a little dignity. Most of the smart ones agreed because, well, dignity has no value when you have nothing to eat. Plus, young mares willing to work on themselves who are skilled with their hooves and have good ears have paid for themselves far more than what they cost Rosie in the first place.

One customer might, while buying a drink, lament on how there is a drought in the south and that the transport taxes are way too high to help the poor ponies down there. A moment later the waitress just might share her heavy heart and worry about poor Appleloosans with Rosie who, a complete coincidence, just might remember a pony who knows some less traditional trade routes and who knows ponies who have hard time selling certain food stocks in different parts of Equestria and would love to help the poor villagers in exchange for direct compensation or, because they have a good heart, for a promise of future business opportunities.

Just like that the business thrives.

"Hey, Rosie," I nod to the bartending mare.

"Icy, a pleasure to see you again! How's selling your friends for a promise of early freedom working out for you?"

A nice guess but I know you, girl.

"I feel offended Rosie, first Brick and now you, but if you really meant it I wouldn't be talking to you right now."

"Darn right, hun. So what'll it be?"

"Is there anypony with enough money to buy blueprints for an airship with weapons more advanced than griffons have? I'd prefer to get the business done as soon as possible because I have to leave Canterlot before the guards find me."

Normally I wouldn't be talking about it but the fun thing is that in the underground trust has much higher value, if only because forgiveness is almost impossible to get while a dagger in the back is fairly cheap.

"That's a tall order. You're in luck though. Because of the recent failed griffon attack on our eastern coast the weapon manufacturers are looking for an advantage over the competition. Unfortunately, I don't think I've seen any envoys tonight though."

"That's pretty bad, I have to leave before morning."

"Hmmm... you could always leave an address with me and I'd let you know by mail."

"I'm not sure where I'll be going yet so that's out of the question," I tell her off politely.

"Of course, of course, hun. Well, I can ask few questions here and there but since the griffons failed their attack you might want to visit the Empire and try to sell the things there."

That's true but selling the blueprints for the warship responsible for loss of one entire city garrison might get me killed faster than implying they might try a female Emperor just for the heck of it.

"That's a possibility but I'd prefer ponies having the access to weaponry of that sort rather than griffons. Those guys are pretty unstable from time to time."

"That's a pickle then," she looks at the ceiling for a moment, "You know what? How much money do you estimate to get?"

"Considering the technology is completely unknown, especially the weapons, I would say something between hundred thousand and two hundred thousand bits."

Rosie whistles but I can see the gleam in her eyes. She gets a small cut of every transaction mediated and money means influence in this town.

"All right, hun, but only because I love your new look.-"

Riiiight, you greedy mule.

"-Give me few hours to look around. I'll lend you a room upstairs so you can rest, free of charge, and a mare if you want as well."

"I could go for a massage. Flying from the top of the castle in this weather was quite something."

"A masage, right," Rosie grins.

"Just... a massage," I wave my hooves dismissively.

"Come on, some of the girls are changelings fresh from the hive who want to taste the world."

A changeling consort might be something to look forward to but not tonight.

"Sorry, Rosie, no free meal for your girls. I can't feel most of my body anyway but I'd be eternally grateful if you got me some coffee."

"You got it, hun," she levitates a key on the counter, "Room twenty-seven. Coffee and a skilled filly will be there in few minutes."

Most of the customers are looking at me as I walk to the stairs up but that's just because of the stolen armor. It's too bad I can't recognize anypony in the gloom and because they are wearing capes in most cases but now I can rest easy at least for a while so that's something I guess.

Walking through the red-carpeted halls decorated with dark brown wood I have to wonder at how this place really looks like a whorsehouse without actually being one.

The door to my room clicks open.

I've never been up here because I'm not a known client but I've brokered deals for various employers so the entire place is well-known to me and same goes for Rosie which is why I immediately pull a mattress from the big bed up and put my scroll case under it. I'm pretty sure the mare sent here will try to go through my things, not to steal anything but to find out as much as possible. The possibility is still there though because my blueprints might be enough of a sweetener to make Rosie reevaluate her reputation. On the other hoof, if the word gets out about her breaking the trust of a high-stakes seller she might have to leave Canterlot in a hurry herself and running to Tartarus might not be far enough.

No matter what, a little caution never hurt anypony.

With the mattress back in place, I take a look around to see possible escape routes. One room with a bed, wardrobe, and some other minor furniture such as a lockable chest I'm sure the staff has keys for... nothing too sinister or helpful. A separate bathroom, very well-equipped I have to admit, is something I can get behind though. Not having had a bath in past month I immediately get things flowing, pun intended.

"Aaaaaah!" I lower myself into the hot water.

Waaaay better than the prison showers.

Minutes later, the quiet hoofsteps in the other room make me grin. It seems I was correct about Rosie's staff. Time to surprise the unlucky and nosy masseuse.

Not to make any noise, I slowly rise from the steaming water and throw the nearby towels on the floor to let me sneak up on the visitor. I put an ear to the bathroom door first.

*click* *click* *click* *click*

Come to think of it, I didn't hear the hall door open.

That doesn't sound like a mare quickly going through my meager possessions. I put a my hoof on the handle and push sloooowly-

"Target spotted."

The metallic voice makes me jump away from the door just in time to see a red beam slice through the wood without any real resistance. The clutter of things falling behind me tell me that the bathroom equipment wasn't as lucky.

Kicking the remains of the wooden door out of the hinges and into the main room, I jump inside as well and run straight to the open door into the hall outside. The door closes right in front of me.

Turning to the figure without slowing down, I narrowly dodge another red beam cutting parts of the door behind me off.

The smoking red crystal on the enemy's head tips me off fast enough. It's a mirror world husk with the glowing eyes, steel armor plating and metallic skeleton underneath it, and the obvious intent to erase my existence right here and now.

Okay. Don't get in the way of the red thing.

This time I have almost four seconds of the husk observing me before I have to dodge another beam which burns away part of my mane.

He's getting more precise but it takes longer to charge. Is he reading me?

To test the theory I run back to the main door and try to kick it out.

Three, four, five, si-

The door doesn't even twitch as my kick almost dislodges the knees on my hind legs. No beam comes though.

He's channeling unicorn magic through the crystal serving as a horn. Fortunately, it seems he's limited to telekinesis and the beam thing.

As I get my legs ready to kick the door again I can see his crystal horn light up in anticipation.

Yep, you're reading me. Too bad I'm doing the same thing.

Kicking the door again, I spread my wings and launch myself at the husk.

Thought I was gonna run, am I right?

My mistake is apparent the second the husk moves in an angle a pony never should and I remember the limb flexibility of the robot from the castle. My immediate roll to the side saves me yet again as the searing heat I now know well enough passes my neck.

Six seconds. I have at least six seconds.

With that in mind I run towards the bathroom, snatch a piece of the broken door, and smash the wood against the husk's head in the window of opportunity. I expected at least a second of confusion but not the shockwave that blasted me straight back into the bathroom.

"Target neutralized."

"Argh," I groan as the wooden splinters and shards of broken shampoo bottles dig into my back.

What a crappy day.

"Wrong assumption. Approaching target."

Gonna get worse.

Turning my head, I look for anything usable as a weapon. The plastic towel rack won't do. The pieces of porcelain from the toilet the was cut into pieces might work.


The black scar left by the first attack cutting the door is still smoldering on the opposite wall, interrupted only by the bathroom mirror. Aaaand yes, it looks like the beam cut some things somewhere it can't have reached.

As the husk enters the bathroom I cut myself more on the shards lying on the floor as I quickly get up and snatch the square of glass off the wall. Turning to the attacker, I pull the mirror up to my neck.

Oh Celestia, let this work, let this work.

The impact of energy knocks the mirror out of my weak grasp.

"Critical damage sustained. Saving target coordinates and combat statistics. Sending. Self-destruct initiated."

That can't be good.

The husk doesn't seem to me interested in me anymore but I have to hazard a rush to the main room with him blocking the bathroom entrance. I can't have much time but I should get the blueprints, those are my ticket to the future.

In Tartarus. RUN!

Casting a longing glance at the bed, I run out of the main room to the hall and to the stairs down.

A buzz runs through me, no other way to explain it, and a quick look backwards reveals a burst of green light coming out of the room that fades almost instantly.

A chance to get my stuff back? A trap?

Greed wins and I sneak back.

The damage to the main room seems minimal. I expected explosion, a shockwave, or something but not...

...a sphere cleanly cut out around where the husk was standing. There's nothing left of him or anything around as if everything in the area disintegrated perfectly.

Fortunately, the effected area is quite small so I get my scroll case from underneath the mattress and grab a clean brown cloak from the wardrobe. I decide to leave the Royal Guard armor lying on the floor, Rosie might find some use for it, and rush back downstairs.

"Rosie, a minute if you please?" huffing, I slam my hoof on the counter.

"Sorry, hun, all the girls are busy so-"

"No biggie, no biggie," I grin madly and whisper, "The stuff I was selling brought an assassin to me who attacked me upstairs, a... unicorn. He blew some stuff up and I think I have to run immediately. My guess is that some of the ponies here aren't real customers but spies. I'll pay for the damage later and you have a set of Royal Guard armor lying in the room as a small something for your trouble."

Her eyes bulge and she puts a hoof to her mouth.

"No time to explain. Let's just take it as a proof that what I'm selling is REALLY interesting to the right ponies," I continue, "I have to leave Canterlot right now. I'll write you a letter if I get somewhere safely. I know you're the best at-MMPH!"

She gives me a sloppy kiss which nonetheless calms me down.

"Do what you have to, hun. Just remember that if you're pulling my leg I'll find you and bite your cock off," she smiles widely.

"Better bring your diamond dentures then because mares aging like good wine make me rock hard," I return the smile.

"Good luck, Icy."

"Same to you, Rosie. I hope you don't get into trouble for this."

"Heh, I'd like to see somepony try. Me and my girls know the streets and sewers around here better than anypony. We can blend into the shadows easily if things get too hot."

I run.

After taking few corners I hide into a dark alley and listen for hoofsteps. It's difficult to hear anything in the ongoing storm but after freezing with my mane and coat still damp with nopony showing for five minutes I trot to the train station to keep myself warm.

There's a bank open at this early morning, or late night, hour along the way where I undergo a scan and withdraw all my money. If I manage to get the word out to my friends to get me what they are keeping safe for me then I should have a decent sum on me later. This way I don't have to worry about anypony tracking me through my bank transactions.

Looking at the train schedule I'm working out my next destination.

The problem is that I need to sell the blueprints soon because I have no idea how good the mirror world magic is for tracking ponies. Now, the Griffon Empire seems like the best place to get enough money but what I said to Rosie was true. Griffons, as a government, might go crazy and try to attack Equestria again using my technology. I would rather not see that.

Manehattan seems to be a good choice to go next then but while the city is huge it's a bastion of light and law similar to Canterlot where Royal Guards might be able to easily track me down within days.

What about a place where light doesn't shine, law has less value than money, and ponies will do anything for a bottle of vodka?

That's not a terrible idea and who has more money than greedy drug lords and corrupt local officials? Nopony.

With that in mind I book a ticket for the first train north to Stalliongrad.

Turn Four - White: I, Bucket

View Online

updating command structure


main objective: find Heavy Hoof; source: Luna

party: self, Dawn

compile target information

target: pony, special associate of princess Luna, Canterlot

status report

damage 83%

overload 0%

energy balance -1%

precautions: avoid combat

Working on a way to lower the amount of energy required for information processing, I walk aimlessly through the castle. There isn't enough information about the target to extrapolate any reasonable solution so going through potential scenarios would be just a waste of procesing power.

!warning! input pending

objectives: find Heavy Hoof, improve command structure

resolve conflict




primary objective source detected

objectives: find Heavy Hoof

!error! conflicting social structure

overload 87%

damage 96%

energy balance -67%


Something is wrong, completely wrong.

"What's up?" asks Dawn, who has been walking quietly behind me all this time, as I release a weak and distorted screech.

!warning! energy reserves low

!warning! power spike detected

revert syntax pattern

"Error. Assistance required. Motor functions shut down incoming to preserve power."

"Okay, please don't break down. The princesses would kill me this time for real. What do you want me to do?"

sit down

shut down motor functions

analysis: objectives; problem

"Conflict detected. Primary objectives contradict each other. Objective - find Heavy Hoof. Source - Luna. Objective - improve internal functions. Source - self. Secondary objective assumes fake higher priority."

Dawn sits down next to me in the middle of an empty hall. It's the first day of the new year and everypony is relaxing after last night's celebration.

"What's preventing you from doing both?"

"Insufficient processing power."

"Well, it's not THAT important we find this Heavy Hoof guy right this instant. We can have a break so you can do the other thing."

"Negative. Objective source - Luna. Highest priority."

"Well, that's true buuuuuut you're not supposed to be just a machine right?"

"Development experiment."

"I'm not exactly sure what that is."

"Not a simple machine. Developing reaction structure."

"Good. That means you don't have to blindly obey everything the princesses say."

"Princesses - primary authority."

"What about you?"

search self

result: emergent entity; reaction control, objective source

analysis: self; objective source

"Secondary objective source."

"So you mean that whatever the princesses say you must do immediately?"

overload 81%

energy balance -58%


"Even if it means damaging yourself?"


Dawn scowls.

"That can't be right. The princesses love their subjects and wouldn't want them get hurt unless it was absolutely necessary."

search status; royalty

add motivation

"Internal damage critical. Primary objective completion - impossible."

"Yeah, that's what I'm saying. If you break down you'll never do what the princess wants you to. Think about it like this - if you rest a while then you'll be in a better shape to do what you have to later."

secondary objective added

"Result not achieved. Objective sources still in conflict."

Dawn sighs.

"You said you told yourself to get better, right?"

"Objective - improve internal functions. Source - self."

"Which means that if you do that you'll be able to do what princess Luna wants better. It's okay to be a little selfish if you don't overdo it."

search selfish


main objective: find Heavy Hoof, source: Luna

secondary objective: rest

secondary objective: improve command structure

!warning! primary objective unreachable in current state

analysis: primary objective; requirements

result: no timeframe found

solution: complete secondary objective first

temporary override

set royalty; secondary authority

search primary authority

result: N/A

options Dawn, self

"Query: primary authority - Dawn?"

"Wait, you want me to tell you what to do?"

search self; want

result: N/A

search associations; self

result: self - want (query), self - objective (source), self - status (damage)

closest association: objective

optional objective: add primary objective source - Dawn

analysis: Dawn; projected results

+less processing load

-source put herself in danger

-source got decieved

-source lacking information

-source judgement history insufficient

objective rejected

"No. Decision history threatening."

"Uhm, well, I guess..."

load command history

1 objective rejected - self

2 analysis - internal

3 output - internal

4 emergent command (association)- internal

5 search - internal

search emergent command

result: nonstandard action, source - self, history - command structure improvement

optional objective: add primary objective source - self

"Query: primary authority - self?"

"That's how most ponies do it," Dawn grumbles.

input Dawn; uncomfortable


result: previous history of failure

analysis: Dawn; previous encounters

solution found

!warning! new objective (comfort Dawn) level too low

recommendation: not waste processing power

That... is... not... correct...

alternate scenario

Dawn; source of information, high standing

necessary for successful primary objective completion

apply solution

"Dawn. Intelligence above average. Visually pleasing."

input Dawn; exploratory look

action reciprocate

"You're really bad at this, are you?"

"Compliment failed."

"At least you tried, that counts for something."

"Compliment success?"

"Yes, success," she sighs and smiles a little, "Maybe try something new next time though."

return to objective analysis

optional objective: add primary objective source - self

analysis: self; projected results

+structure improvement

+long-term resource management improvement

+emergent command results positive

-temporary power spikes

objective completed

new primary objective source - self

"Thank. You."

"What for?"

"Assistance- help in resolving the conflict."

"Feeling better now?"

status report

overload 15%

damage 95%

energy balance +1%

"Getting stronger thanks to you."

"Hey! You're talking like a pony again. Can you move?"

restarting services

"Slowly. What about Heavy Hoof? I... think I can devote some resources towards working on myself while we're looking for our target. We should avoid combat for the duration."

"Oh yeah, I almost pooped myself back there in the bar. I mean it's different being told during training somepony might have a go at you with a brick and actually having somepony almost shoot your head off."

"He was aiming to miss."

"I know... now. At the time it was just as if my legs were made of jelly and my head was completely empty aside from wishing to be anywhere else."

"It was a similar experience for me."

"You are made of metal."

"I said similar, not same. I was... hmmm."

"Scared to you shiny hooves?"

search scared

"I was focusing on the worst possible result, yes."

"What they told us during the training was that it's good to know what might happen but not let it paralyze you."

"I am immune to physical paralysis but the situation overloaded my capacity for action."

"Well, no reason to dwell on it. Princess Luna sent us to find this guy to teach us enough not to get scrapped again. Thank Celestia Three was there."

"Why was she there?"

"Well, I'm not in the same recruit group as her but the rumor is that their queen wanted all her changelings to spend some time around the world and she seems to like the stories soldiers tell about different lands."

"She is not a changeling but a nightmare."

"Well, yeah but they are mostly similar from what I understand. I think they need to find a new name though, this one is a pretty terrible for their P.R."

search public relations

"Possibly a name without such negative connotation."

"Pretty much. Oh well, it's not like we can do anything about it."

"Back to our primary objective."

"Hmmm... princess Luna said the guy was her special subordinate so he probably would be some secret agent wearing a tuxedo and working against griffon secret service spies by spiking their cocktails and sleeping with their secretaries."

search secret agent

"Your behaviour analysis seems lacking."

"Got a better idea, bucket?"

"Yes, find a personal profile storage."

"That thing is gonna be locked and guarded so I doubt they'll just let us in. The leaders of the Royal Guard and the Nightguard should have some personal files as well though. The Nightguard office should be empty at this time of day but we can't just break in, especially since the room is literally two doors away from princess Luna's quarters."

load Canterlot castle floor plan

set Dawn; credibility +1

"The key is in possession of these roles - Nightguard commander, Royal Guard commander, princess, personal maid."

"Heh, that's what my mom used to do. I've never met princess Celestia's new one. Can't you just bite the lock off or something? I mean the sharp metal teeth look pretty scary at first but they have to be useful."

analysis self; teeth

ear biting, nipple teasing, hardcore stimulation, food processing

database entry source: Twilight Sparkle

material folded steel

"The door is made of wood. My teeth are made of steel. It is possible. The action would attract attention and leave a lasting trail."

"Can't you, I don't know, examine the lock and pick it?"

search lock; schematics

no result

"I have never done it before."

"Let's go then. Nopony will bother us if we're just having a look around, right?"

"I have a freedom of movement around the castle."

"Good. Brrrr, so many staircases."

I... feel uncomfortable with having disobeyed the princess' order, or putting it aside temporarily but Dawn's suggestion was logical. Maybe next time it would be a good idea to separate mission objectives and internal goals.

search machine

a device created for a purpose and fulfilling the purpose on demand

The princess said I'm not supposed to be a machine, just a machine.

invert statement

NOT a device created for a purpose and fulfilling the purpose on demand


split arguments

a device - yes

created - yes

purpose - self improvement

fulfilling - yes

on demand - yes

Everything fits but does not seem correct. Not just a machine means MORE than a machine. I serve, with insufficient results, on demand. What more could the princesses want?

search princess; motivation

safety of their subjects

history: motivation conflicting a main objective

I do not understand. Did I miss details during objective briefing? Is there some underlying meaning I cannot find?

I do not understand. Last time it took Dawn to stop myself from breaking.

Myself. Do I have to fulfill my objective myself?

master objective: improve internal structure, source: self

main objective: find Heavy Hoof, source: Luna

party: self, Dawn


"Dawn," I ask while walking through the dark halls of the top floors of the castle where the Nightguards are usually on watch, "What is the meaning of - more than a machine?"

"Huh? Oh, that. I dunno, the princess probably wants you to become more like a pony than just a walking armor."

"How do I do that?"

"Not breaking yourself into pieces if somepony tells you is a good start."

"No self-damage even when ordered."

"That's called survival instinct. Ponies would do almost anything rather than die."

"I put myself in danger at the Sole Regret. Was that wrong?"

input Dawn; facial blood rush

"Well, no. You can choose to put yourself in danger to prevent somepony else from getting hurt."

"Is that the correct decision then?"

"Not always. The choice isn't easy. Most of the time ponies do it for somepony important for them."

"You are critical to success of the mission."

"Not like that but on a personal level."

"I do not understand."

"How old are you anyway?"

"Nine days. Eighteen hours. Thirty-seven minutes. Thirteen seconds."

"Then you don't have to. Ponies have years to figure that out. You can be happy you're not wearing a diaper and pooping all over the place."

"My excrement is filtered to leave a clear and healthy jelly usable for decorating cakes."

"Umm, ponies have it different. My mom used to say she never understood how I could make toxic waste from the foal food she fed me. The point is that you don't need to solve everything right here and now. Be patient, get better at what you can, and the rest will come naturally... maybe. It's hard to say with you. "

"I can overload my processing capacity to achieve better results."

"Yea but doesn't that like hurt you or something?"


"So there's no reason to do it unless it's absolutely necessary, right? If you count in that you don't need to figure the entire world out in few days."

"Not putting myself in danger unnecessarily?"


"So why are we trying to break into the Nightguard commander office?"

"Umm... well... errrrm-"

"Question retracted."

"Sometimes I'm sure you're just faking being stupid."

"Of course. I am considered an artificial intelligence, not artificial stupidity. It is obvious."

"Stop it!"

input Dawn; embarrassed

add goal; embarrass Dawn again

timeframe none, surprise

action emergent output

"He he he. Beep boop."

Accompanied by Dawn's grumbling I examine the door in front of us. For some reason I think there is no need to comfort Dawn again. Her anger seems fake.

material analysis

iron, wood

force resistance - low

save 3d model... success

not enough information

search lockpicking; methods

no result

"Any ideas?" whispers Dawn, looking sideways at princess Luna's door just a short distance down the hall away.

"No previous experience in lockpicking. How does it work?"

Dawn pulls out her not-yet-returned guard key from her saddlebag and presents it to me.

"The shape of the key corresponds to the things you need to push inside of the lock and when the correct ones are pushed the key can be turned."

load lock schematics

examine layers 0-30

extrapolate key shape



"I need some material hard enough to handle the turning pressure but soft enough to cut a shape into."

"You know how the key looks?" Dawn gasps.

"Yes, the lock model was easy to scan and I made the expected key model blueprint."

The lock clicks and the door opens, revealing a tall batpony with bloodshot eyes and a raised hoof.

Scanning... failed

threat detected

"Luna's blessed night! Commander Choking left EVERYTHING in such a mess that I've had almost no sleep in past two weeks and now that I'm TRYING to have a short break there are two buggers trying to break into my temporary office. What the hay are you and what are you doing here?"

"We are trying to find personal information about a pony named-"

"We're the ponies running AWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!" Dawn cuts me off.

primary objectve accepted

"Corrction - we are running away."

"Oh no you aren't!" the batpony growls and grabs a spear with his wing without stopping gaining speed.

"Aaaaah, he's too fast!" Dawn yells.

analysis thestral; body limits

high strength, high speed, average agility, high endurance

load Canterlot castle floor plan

find area; necessary quick changes in direction

The high floors are mostly long halls but the castle dungeons are a maze. If we can get there we can lose our pursuer easily. We can't fight or talk our way out of this.

calculating speed difference

Dawn cannot match

"Not agile enough. You are too slow, Dawn."

"I'm outrunning YOU!"

action Dawn; match speed

"I can go faster. Jump on my back!"


"There are no latrines in the Canterlot castle," I correct him, hoping the information would prove helpful enough to calm him down.

For some strange reason he roars even more. Perhaps his castle plans are outdated?

"Are you sure? Twenty minutes ago you could barely move."

"I have no proof to show you at the moment. I can do it according to my statistics."

"Princess Luna will kill meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-"

calculating jump; Dawn

action catch


restore balance... success

set speed; maximum

disable unnecessary processes

"Holy cow you're quick."


"Not enough, Bucky, go go go go!"


The batpony uses the long halls on every level to spread his wings and gain a burst of speed unattainable only on hooves.

overload 99%

damage 94%

energy balance -91%

!warning! energy drain too high

disable warning messages

Floor three.

damage 95%

disable area sensors

With Dawn sitting on my back I don't need to look around. I just need to see the way in front of me.

"He's gaining on us!"

Floor two.

overload 110%

damage 97%

energy balance -99%

disable aural sensors

Floor one. Everything goes quiet.

damage 98%


main visual sensors failing

The edges of my vision go dark and I can only find my way from the floor plan in my head and my projected speed.

motor systems failure

!emergency shutdown!

Even time fades away.

!warning! external clock in conflict with internal signal


overload 0%

damage 99%

energy balance +1%

restart basic services

Grey floor. Dim light. Muffled noise. Being shaken.

"You're buzzing. That's good, right? Come oooooon!"

"Status report."

volume +25%

insufficient energy

"Did you say something? Don't try if you don't have to, we're safe I think."

damage report

muscle tissue heavily damaged

motor neural connections overloaded

other systems undamaged


"The guy lost us in the dungeons so I dragged you into an unused cell. You were out for few minutes at most. Oh Celestia what have we done? He'll tell the princesses and they'll know immediately who did it."

"...Luna - objective source..."

"Well she didn't tell us to break into an office hosting private information."

" ilegal action happened... "

"Eeeh, what?"

"...thestral opened by himself..."

"Oh," Dawn wipes her eyes, "So we didn't do anything wrong?"

"...woke him up..."

The survivors of a dangerous situation never forget who was close to them at the time. Even if said danger was completely imaginary.

objective: escape

objective completed

damage 98%

"You know... do you even feel when I do this?" she runs her hoof over my back.


"How does it feel?"


"Oh," she stops.

"I mean I feel... safe."

overload -19%

!warning! unsupported argument values

energy balance +26%

It's as if the entire world stopped. There is nothing other than the slow stroking of Dawn's hoof on my neck plate. No processes are analyzing or running. No information is flowing. I'm just lying there, watching the ticking of the internal clock, as the fatigue slowly drains away from my tearing muscles.

"Thank you," I mumble.

"What for? You helped me there."

"Your gesture... helps me recover faster."

"What, this?" she taps on my back.



"I do not know."

She smiles to herself and resumes the stroking. It's easier to think when everything feels so... calm.

damage 97%

new objective: recover full functionality

current objective: find Heavy Hoof

new solution found

"Why couldn't we have just asked a guard?" I look up at Dawn.

"Errrrm... you think that would work?"

"Combat trainers work at the castle."

"But they aren't anything special. I mean I heard stories about there being some really good ones who worked for princess Luna before but sargeant Rising Thunder never mentioned anypony by that name. I think we should take a break though, my heart is still trying to escape... through my mouth."

"That does not seem physically possible."

"Speaking of physically possible, I'm sweating more than ever before. How are you and water?"

"I am easy to clean. Water does not hurt me in any way."

"Really? Wow! My mom always smacked me whenever I got close to the radio while holding a glass. Well, the castle gym is nearby so why don't we take a shower? Hot water always helps my muscles relax."

"New objective?"

"You don't need to think about it like that. If you want to just stay here and rest I'm game."

"Your idea is better."

"Wheee, I'm smart now!"

damage 95%

start motor functions

!warning! limited functionality

Limping, I follow Dawn through the dungeons to a large white double door leading into a well-lit and air-conditioned room full of training machines. Accompanied by some questioning looks of ponies around I walk right into the stallion showers. Turning the tap, I let the warm shower flow into every crack of my armor and down the muscle cables.

A pegasus walks to the shower next to me.

lack of motion makes ponies uncomfortable

action vocalize


"Oh, hey! Sorry for staring."

"No problem."

"Ummmm... I once dropped my watch into the bathtub and-"

"No problems with water."

"Okay okay... do you need to work out?"

"Practice helps me improve. Princess Luna sent me to find a pony to train me."

"Oh, do I know him?"

"His name is Heavy Hoof."

"Oh, Heavy? I think he's somewhere around. He usually winds down at the gym after morning practice."

new action unlocked - facehoof

"How does he look?"

"Big guy, earthpony, white coat and blue mane. I think his mark is a broken quarterstaff."

search database

...and suddenly I know who I'm looking for.

"Thank you."

"No problem, clicky. If you don't find him around he should be teaching recruits during evening practice anyway so you can't miss him."

I nod, leave the showers, and after standing under the full-body mane dryer for sufficient time I walk back to the gym.

Targets found.

Dawn is sitting on the floor and watching the ponies working out and the earthpony I met at the training grounds is punching a bag in the corner while balancing on his hind legs.

I wave at Dawn to follow me to him.

"Heavy Hoof?" I walk up to him.

"Ah it's you. Who is your friend?"

"Dawn," she mumbles, blushing furiously, "Wait! YOU are Heavy Hoof? You don't look special."

"Special?" Heavy raises an eyebrow, "I'm nopony special, miss Dawn."

"Princess Luna said you were her special agent and that you are supposed to teach us how to fight."

"It's true that my friends and I work closely with princess Luna from time to time," Heavy nods, "but recruits aren't supposed get private lessons from trainers."

"Princess Luna's orders," I say.

"In that case I have no problem with it but how can I train somepony when I don't know how to call him?" Heavy winks at me, "I pride myself in knowing my recruits personally."

search self; conversations

references metal, hollow

I have a hard outer shell and I am still waiting to be filled. Dawn said I had enough time before that happens and that I shouldn't be bothered by it. When ponies called me names they did not understand they were correct... but only temporarily. I can use the name until it becomes unnecessary.

"My name is Bucket. Pleased to meet you."

"Heavy Hoof," the earthpony bows his head, "at your service."

"I call him Bucky!" Dawn grins.

Her grin withers under our gazes.

"Well, I will now," she scrunches her muzzle.

Turn Four - Black: Captain Frosty Stare

View Online

"We'll be arriving in Stalliongrad in ten minutes."

The announcement rings through the train and I slip out of a dream about swimming in gold coins which I'm going to turn into reality soon enough. Well, I'll try to at least. My lack of confidence stems from the attack yesterday because the husk found me immediately and almost killed me. What that means is that even the black market here might be closely watched in which case I'll have to run again. It's unlikely though, husks can't just waltz through Equestria unnoticed and the local gathering place will surely be protected against transportation magic.

What would life be without the occasional risk, right?


When I eventually manage to rub my eyes enough to work as the maker intended the grey sky and soft snow of the incoming morning tell me I'm back in the land I grew up. Stalliongrad technically obeys princess Celestia's government but the local law is more ruled by tradition and generally it's much less forgiving than in the mainland. On the other hoof, the guards here are more ruthless because there is more crime and thus it should be possible to find out whether the black market relocated during past two years or not.

I consider myself lucky to come this far north and not see a raging blizzard the first thing in the morning. I'm not exactly tired anymore thanks to sleeping most of the way here so that might be why I can look at the white landscape through the window without growing annoyed immediately. Oh well, no reason to dwell in the past. Let's just get this over with and then buy a small island somewhere in the great sea or any place where it doesn't snow most of a year.

One thing has to be said about Stalliongrad if one wants to be fair, the city is... majestic. Canterlot may be gilded, frilly, and generally uptight but this city was built by earthponies and pegasi fighting every step of the way against the weather and it shows. Most of the buildings may be grey and generally dim but that just makes what little decorations there are stand out even more. Yes, the ponies around don't show as much coat because clothes are more a necessity rather than a symbol of social standing and as such there's much less fancy dresses but where a Canterlot pony would freeze these ponies consider a snowstorm a weather for outdoor activities. In Stalliongrad it's either a stonecracking blizzard or nopony really cares. That's where, at least for me, the true value of the city lies. It has been through uprisings, crime wars, power grabs, and natural disasters and all that just made the house walls thicker, the ponies more joyful of every new day, and the celebrations louder.

Still, this place sucks.

No argument there, it's just too freaking cold.

The scar on my chest twitches this time for real as I step out of the train and stretch my wings almost invisible against the snowy streets. My coat makes me super difficult to spot during my walk to a place I barely remember but a traveller like me has to be able to find his way through the shards of memory. In the end I enter a half-empty bar in the cellar of a multi-story building. My biggest clue that the place still is what it's supposed to be are the ponies who refuse to drink alcohol. Like, this is Stalliongrad. If you're drinking something other than hard liquor you're probably planning a crime. Especially this early in the morning the place should be full of graveyard shift workers trying to steady their nerves after spending the whole night on their hooves.

"What's your business here, stranger?" says a large earthpony with an eyepatch whose posture screams 'bouncer', accentuating every R as hard as possible.

"Selling," I take a guess, "Brick."

He nods in understanding and steps out of the way. Every secret password is 'swordfish', every bouncer is called either Butch, Brick, or... well one of those two. Now, how should I approach the subject without alerting everypony around that I'm not exactly sure how things work around here? There doesn't seem to be any discreet noticeboard or ponies seemingly spreading the business news. On the other hoof, ponies in Stalliongrad have a reputation of being direct in one way or other.

Putting on the completely fake expression of absolute confidence, I approach the bartender.

"I'm selling... griffon technology blueprints. Can you point me to the right place?"

"Tech means a lot of things, friend," the 'friend' part scares me more than the disguised movements of ponies around the room, "We don't need any flashy trinkets here."

"How about weapons?"

Something cold presses to the back of my head. Strange, I haven't noticed anypony move.

"We already have those, friend," the bartender nods behind me which I deduce is a signal I can turn my head without worrying about losing it.

I probably shouldn't have done that because what greets me is the barrel of a griffon rifle being levitated by a unicorn.

"I really, really hope you're experienced with that thing because I like having all of my brain on the inside," I throw my knowledge at the unicorn. The piece of information telling them that I have my experience with foreign parts.

To clarify that, I saw what happened when a unicorn mercenary tried to levitate a griffon pistol for the first time. I'm not exactly sure how levitation works in any sort of detail but he apparently focused his will on the entirety of said weapon and pulled a trigger by accident. We lost a good pony that day, not too smart... but good.

My lack of clothes makes it easy for the bartender to go through my saddlebags and look questioningly at the scroll case tied to the inner thigh of my hind leg.

"The object of business," I narrow my eyes at him.

Carefully, he takes it, unscrews the top half, and nods when only scrolls fall out. Politely, he doesn't examine the blueprints themselves and just rolls them back up. Few clinks of my bags later all my possessions are returned back to me.

"Pardon us for being careful. We've had few infiltration attempts recently which didn't end too badly... at least for us," he grins, "Well, you don't seem to be from these parts. How did you find your way here?"

"I'm a mercenary. I was born in Igor's Destillery, a little town-"

"I know the place."

"-Okay then. I returned here two years ago when the Crystal Empire reappeared to see what was going on. Finding this place again was pretty difficult from memory. Not sure how things work around here business-wise though."

"We're on a need to know basis here. All you need to know is what you want and I know the rest. What sort of technology are you talking about?"

"An advanced airship, complete with weapons systems capable of shooting groups of enemies mid-air and a propulsion system unknown to Equestria."

The bartender whistles.

"I could arrange you a meeting with the envoys of weapon manufacturers or industry owners if you want to just sell the ship plans without weapons. There might be other parties interested though, militia organizations and such."

"Do they have money? I'd like to avoid attention."

"So do we, after a fashion. If money is your main concern then I'd go for a private buyer because if the companies find out they might try to screw you over or steal the blueprints."

"What stops the private guys from doing that?"

"They won't have the know-how to build it."

"Understood. How fast can you arrange something?"

"Few days at most. IF you need a place to stay then I offer a reasonable rate-"

"That will not be necessary," a different unicorn from the one who was aiming at me interrupts, "I was listening and I believe my master might be looking for something you describe."

"And who might that be?" I ask carefully, an obvious mistake.

"Well, well, I didn't ask YOUR name, mister pegasus."

"I was only worried about the amount of gold your master can, heh, muster. What I'm selling is completely unique."

"IF, and only if, what you're offering is as good as you make it to be then my employer would gladly pay up to a million bits for that," he points at the scroll case on the table, "After an examination by a specialized engineer."

Hmmmmm. Don't blow it, Icy.

"Let me think about the terms for a while, mister envoy," I turn back to the bartender, put my saddlebags back on and the scroll case back on my thigh, "Where are the toilets?"

"The hall in the back."


One has to love how even if these places look like the dirtiest of the dirtiest bars they are in a superb state because of the clientelle. No rich lord would send some nameless thug do business in their name and the owner of the bar knows it. Despite the patrons looking like low-class ponies they can easily recognize a safe and 'hospitable' place. Still, I prefer the night club atmosphere of Rosie's place to the spartan cleanliness of this bar.

A pegasus stumbles inside as I wash my hooves and pushes me.

"S'rry," he hiccups.

Well, a bar is a bar no matter the...

...wait, a pony drunk this early in the morning isn't a big deal. A pony drunk HERE this early in the morning can't be just a coincidence.

Lunging instantly to the side, I catch a glimpse of a knife passing through where my neck was a moment ago.

"Tch!" the pegasus scowls and jumps straight at me.

He's just some brute who has no real technique but, as my friends used to say, a technique isn't always necessary when you have sharp enough blade. Unfortunately for him, I have more melee combat experience than his entire gang combined, if he's a gang member of course. On top of that, ponies are generally terrible with knives because the necks aren't flexible enough although I'm not going to make the last mistake of underestimating him too much.

Circling around, I end up with my rump pressed against the washing basin.


All I have to do now is fake a look behind to see what I bumped into, without turning my head back sidestep his charge, and slam his head directly into the porcelain basin. The splash of red as the knife makes his wicked smile permanently a little wider washes away when I hold his head in the basin and let the water flow. As the water rises from the plugged basin he kicks around but I'm careful enough.

"Who sent you?" I let him breathe again for a second. Before he can react I push his head back under water, "Too slow!"

This time I let him breathe a little sooner and give him time.

"Now, I know your type likes betting so how many times do you think I can slam your head back down without hitting the knife with an eye?"



Let him back up.

"One. You were saying?"

"I'll kill-"

Rinse and repeat.

"Two. Hey, still both eyes and just some minor cuts. So?"

"I have a family-AAAAAAAAAARblrblrbhlr..."

The cloud of red suddenly spreading through water tells me his luck ran out. Unplugging the basin, I let his body drop on the floor.

"You should have thought about them before doing this. Your foal might have still had a dad."

What to do? What to do?

I doubt that the guys outside would look kindly on me killing a person in their estabilishment and thus bringing the attention of the guards here. It's even possible that this event was instigated by them. I think I've completely misjudged the value of what I'm offering.

Maybe I'm thinking about this the wrong way.

Nerves on edge, I return back to the main room and talk to the bartender.

"Where can I find some engineer to help me read those blueprints?"

"The best ones are one hundred percent working for the big companies. A friend of mine is working there as well."

"You have... many friends," I snicker at this guy apparently knowing everypony worth knowing in this city.

"I am a very friendly pony," he slaps my back.

"Can you-"

"You need it fast, don't you?"

"Pretty much. The guy who went to the bathroom after me tried to kill me to get the case."

"I'll bill you the cleaning later," he reaches under the counter and picks up a phoenix feather. Writing a short message, he burns the paper with the feather.

"What was that?"

"A special method we copied from our fair princess Celestia who uses it to send letters over a long distance instantly. Unfortunately, the enchantment only works on phoenix and dragon fire but a-"

"-friend of yours?" I interrupt.

"Indeed," he smiles widely, "A friend of mine, or a group of friends, improved the enchantment to allow me to send it to different recievers using only one feather. The drawback is that they can't send an answer but it's good for cases like this."

"How soon can he get here?"

"Soon enough. I believe you'll want a private room to study the blueprints, am I right?"

"That would help."

"Room thirteen," he throws me a key, "Twenty-five bits a night if you want to stay."

"Oh dear," I whisper to myself.

This time I don't bother with getting comfortable but move all the furniture to be able to throw things at a potential attacker.

The unicorn knocking on my door an hour later surpises me though. I must admit I've been expecting some stick-thin young guy with glasses but the walking brown mountain with blonde mane is something else, especially because the guy seems to be around sixty.

"Cogwheel Ivan," he raises a hoof.

"Ehm, right, yeah... Frosty Stare," he looks at me as I shake his hoof, "It's the eyes. Say, when the bartender told me you worked for a... company I was thinking of somepony younger, sorry."

"You've never worked in an office a day in you life, kid, right?"

"Not my calling, no."

"When you don't do heavy lifting experience is your true value. The youngsters are there just for new ideas but it's up to ponies like me to make those ideas a reality in the best way possible."

"Okay then. First of all," I put the scroll case on the table, "Nothing you see here leaves this room."

"Ha ha ha!" he sits down to the table, "Engineers of my grade are rare, son. I work for three different companies and each one trusts me with their inventions. If I wasn't trustworthy I wouldn't have a job, or maybe a life."

I watch him closely as he carefully unrolls the blueprints and begins studying them. With every paper pushed to the side and new one appearing his eyes grow wider and wider. It takes him half an hour just to briefly go over each one.

"This is... impossible," he shakes his head, disbelieving smile on his face, "At least on the first glance. Where did you get it? This definitely isn't griffon technology like my friend told me."

"That is something I can't share."

"Too bad, too bad. Well, I can get you the best buyer in few hours easily if you want. The original blueprints checked by a lawyer should bring a million bits minimum."

Money, money, money, money... retirement, mares, servants, comfort... boredom.

As I said, ponies in my profession rarely live over forty but nopony can say their lives are dull.

"I had something else in mind when I let you look at these. How much would it cost to build?"

He stares at me and realization slowly grows.

"Ha... ha... ha HAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA! You've got balls, son. Not much brain but definitely enough balls. Tell me this first, how illegal is this thing?"

"There is no other airship of this type or even similar in Equestria or the Griffon Empire so... probably a lot? I'm the only pony with the blueprints."

"And what are you planning on doing with it?"

"Haven't thought that far yet."

"Well then, as far as the known materials go it should be between five to ten thousand bits, work included. The real problem is magic used to enchant the not so usual materials, crystals and cables. I can't really put a price on that but my estimate for the prototype with research would be about hundred thousand bits."

"Crap. I guess I'll have to sell these then and die at ninety surrounded by my harem of multiracial concubines."

"Heh, wanderlust setting in?"

"I hate sitting still, it's a pegasi thing. We want to fly and conquer the sky."

"Don't be stupid, Frosty. I also want to fly, only in a different sense, and I understand it all too well."

"Too bad, right?" I shrug. Suddenly, the longing inside me makes the vision of heaps of gold unimportant.

"How much money have you got?" Ivan asks after grinning into the air for a full minute.

"Just about ten thousand if I sell my horseshoes. Guarding cargo shipments isn't THAT lucrative."

"Research engineering, on the other hoof, is if you're working for the right ponies who want to own the market. Three groups of the right ponies to be exact."

It takes a while for what he means to seep into my head.

"You can't be for real."

"Boy, I made sure my foals have education and something extra to start their future. My wife is dead, Celestia bless her kind soul, and you're giving me a project of a lifetime. I have no reason to go hoarding gold for whorses and games."

I sniff, I actually wipe my eyes when he says that.

"How... how long?"

"I have no clue how long the chemistry stuff described here will take but if I get extra help then the physical work will take a week. The project is not difficult, it's just unknown."

"Just that?"

"Building, yes. Crystal research might take... who knows. I'll have to ask."

"What do you want me to do?" I ask, still flying over cloud nine.

"I'll pay for the entire thing under one condition. I'll stay on the ship and improve it as we go do... whatever you decide to do."

"I-" I stop, realizing I'm trusting this pony way too much. This is too good to be true.

"I know that expression. A young newcomer thinking somepony will steal his amazing and unique idea. Well, I have no problem with that. We can get your blueprints to the patent lawyer, have them signed, and you'll be safe to give me a copy of whatever I need for the job."

"Do you know a good one?"

"I think Burning Brand downstairs has a lot of... friends."

"Heavens and stars above them," I breathe out, "This is really happening, is it?"

"Better start looking for a crew, kid."

Turn Five - White: You Have Earned 100 XP

View Online


- Complete recovery (self)

- Internal structure rework (self)

- Attend training (Heavy Hoof)

- Embarrass Dawn (self)

- Improve speech pattern (Heavy Hoof)

- Develop (Twilight Sparkle)


- Overload 1%

- Damage 0%

- Energy balance +25%


- Potential scenarios (imagination)

- Results of near-shutdown (muscular growth)

- Non-command based descriptions (thought)

When Dawn told Heavy Hoof what happened to us he ordered us to take few days off to rest and relax before starting the training. That would also help him clear his schedule to have enough time for us. It occured to me that I had a unique chance to observe the natural regeneration of this body since Twilight Sparkle didn't provide me with my internal schematics.

The results were... interesting.

It took three days, twenty hours, and thirteen minutes for the 'pain' to go away completely but during that time I found out what environment helps me heal the fastest. The muscle cable tissue reacts well to the energy pulses sent out by the pillar in my room installed by Twilight Sparkle. When Dawn visited she said it made her mane stand up if she was too close but the buzzing felt like a massage. She had to leave soon because the temperature there is not comfortable for ponies and I did not want to overload my internal heating to compensate.

The only time I left my room was to get some food from the guard cantine. The precise designation of said subject was a hay sandwich although the internal structure consisted of only thirteen percent hay, forty-seven percent bread, and the rest were artificial additives. Upon asking the lunchpony about the dichotomy I was told to shut my mouth and start chewing which proved physically impossible. Further research into magic might prove effective in achieving that goal.

Contrary to first expectations, lying on the floor of my room motionlessly did not speed up the recovery too much and upon further experimentation I found out that minor movement, while draining energy, helped the healing. In case of such situation happening again I should contact Twilight Sparkle and ask about the details. The scan of my cable structure did not make sense from physical standpoint which means that to analyze it correctly I will need a way to sense magic. The horn on my head tells me that the capabilities were planned but the correct process might not be running.

I experienced a problem with my command structure. The use of word association worked with high efficiency but gradually became overwhelming and chaotic, every word bringing too much non-essential data into the decision process. Also, the minimization of the used character set was useful at first but overuse made it more difficult to distinguish commands from arguments which led to unnecessary processing capacity use in eradicating false positives. The use of lists seems to be proving a better solution for the moment. The difference in effectivness has been noted and will be observed.


- Equestria

- Canterlot

- Canterlot castle training grounds


- Winter

- 13:47

- runtime year 1

Mission: Attend training (Heavy Hoof)


- Dawn

- Self

- Heavy Hoof

Logging enabled

"I must admit I've never worked with somepony of your kind, Bucket," says Heavy when I put a small crate filled with various practice weapons down on the ground, "and I have only a little experience with mirror world husks and their combat methods."

"No problem," I showcase a word association I learned, "Princess Luna sent us to you so you must be the right pony. I will attend your training and find out the benefits and drawbacks it brings."

"S-s-s-so cold..." Dawn mumbles through chattering teeth, "C-c-can't we d-do this at the-the gym?"

Heavy, wearing nothing aside from a special belt designed to keep his staff on his back, shrugs.

"We could but you need to get used to this, crime doesn't wait for summer. Hold on, aren't you one of Rising Thunder's recruits? The old hardass is running his guys ragged an hour earlier than I do every morning."

"S-s-uspended," Dawn scruches her muzzle, rubbing her hooves all over her chest, "I've u-usually w-w-w-worn clothes anyway."

"It's no problem if you bring something next time but I'd advise against it, the weather isn't that bad. All you need is to move a little and your coat will be enough. Let's start with something simple - sixty pushups."

Objective added

Dawn groans but starts immediately. I, on the other hoof, believe more information would help matters. After all, last time we tried to complete an objective almost proved disasterous for no good reason.

"What is the preferred and most effective method of doing so?"

Heavy smiles at me and shakes his head when he looks at Dawn's head bobbing up and down.

"The best way not to hurt yourself is to stretch first, get your blood, or motor oil or whatever, flowing, and then split the exercise into parts fitting for you. In the case of sixty I prefer doing ten to warm up, stretch, then thirty as the main load, stretch, and wind down during the final twenty."

Dawn stops when she hears that.

"Huh? Sargeant Thunder always wants his recruits to do what he says as fast and as directly as possible."

"Well, the sargeant training me when I first came to Canterlot used to give us assignments and was dead set on us working through what he said and finding the best way to do it ourselves. If we found a way to get out of something he said because he worded it incorrectly then it was a bonus."

"That sounds sketchy."




"It might at first but he's always said that a guard needed head for more than just a thing to hang helmet on. A proof of that was that his recruits beat Rising's two years in a row during the mountain training for the finals."

Objective completed

"Where is he? I mean now it's just you, sargeant Thunder, and commander Darkness teaching."

"You are here to get in shape again, miss Dawn, so get going. Start over and this time do it correctly."

"On it, sir."

"Heavy is just fine. Well, Darky should be coming back from her vacation any day now and Blazing isn't a guard sargeant anymore."

Input: bitter undertone detected

Search: Blazing *

Entry found (Twilight Sparkle)

Species: unicorn / M

Primary color: bronze, black

Secondary color: blonde, blue

Cutie mark: img_28_doubleCircles, none

Standing: friendly

Threat Level: extreme

Name: Blazing Light, Mistake

Status: Nightguard, special agent, potential ascendant

Measurements: N/A

Damage type: physical(high), thaumic(insignificant), other(deadly)

Notes: keep under observation (Twilight), connection to Void (Twilight), father of queen Guiding Light (Twilight), split personality (Twilight), dead (Twilight), undead (Twilight), contruct (Twilight)

Add new descriptor: Connections

Search: Void

Entry found (Twilight Sparkle)

Species: alicorn / M

Primary color: black

Secondary color: black-purple

Cutie mark: img_05_blackHole

Standing: ally

Threat Level: deadly

Name: Void

Status: alicorn of Death, keeper of the Underworld

Measurements: N/A

Damage type: physical(extreme), thaumic(average), other(deadly)

Notes: past conflict with Celestia (Twilight), no imminent threat (Twilight)

Connections: Celestia, Blazing Light

"Blazing Light?" I need to make sure my entry is correct.


"My database entry says he is dead."

"It's complicated and it would take too much time to explain."

add connection: Heavy Hoof; Blazing Light

"Done!" wheezes Dawn.

"Good. Feeling warmer?" Heavy pats Dawn's head.

"Hm? Yeah, I do."

"Then let's get to business. Princess Luna wants me to teach you something about weapons. You should know the polearm basics, Dawn, the problem is that I have no idea what Bucket here can do."

"He hits like a hammer," she looks at me proudly.

"Weapon profficiency - three percent with a polearm. Other profficiencies - zero."

"Which means?" Heavy scratches his muzzle, "Sorry, I'm not THAT good with machinery."

For some reason I do not want to share my inadequacy but a request is a request.

"The probability of defeating an opponent of average skill and matching physical attributes is close to three percent."

Heavy chuckles.

"Don't worry about it. There is nothing like 'average'. Everypony has advantages and disadvantages and the same goes for every style. For example-"

Balance loss: cause - Heavy Hoof

Analysis: 180 degree spin

Prediction: end on the back

Brace for impact

No damage sustained

Restore balance... success


"That method seems uneffective."

"Woooooooooow," Dawn breathes out.

"That was... unexpected," Heavy nods his head, eyebrows raised, "Good job, you're extremely flexible it seems. Stand up on your hind legs, please."

New motion

Overload 38%

Balance gained.

"Good," Heavy stands up on his hind legs as well, "Now try to stay like that."

Balance loss: cause - Heavy Hoof

Analysis: push

Prediction: end on the back

No damage sustained

Restore balance... success


"Standing still is impossible."

"Okay," Heavy nods, "Do the same to me and watch what I do."

I push Heavy with requested strength and instead of standing still he immediately moves one of his legs behind to counter the force. Immediately after that he pushes one of his front legs to my belly and heaves. I make a little arc over his head and end up on my back again. This time the impact is much stronger but still not enough to cause damage.

I learned few tricks myself during my recovery period. No matter what my muscle cables are made from they still conduct electricity and according to the laws of physics the current going through a material creates an electromagnetic field around said material which in my case means that the field cushions the impact of steel of my armor into the half-organic cables.

!warning! Power spike detected

Overload 89%

Damage 2%

Energy balance: -59%

It, of course, drains a lot of energy for a short while.

"An effective strategy," I comment, "for temporary concussion."

"It works better on ponies than on you I guess," Heavy coughs, "No matter, if you can do it on the fly you should be able to incapacitate anypony. As for your stance... one of the magazines I got from Blazing said a pretty accurate thing - you are not solid as a rock but you should flow like water."

"No liquid parts found."

"It's a metaphor. Take it like this, when you were standing still I pushed you and you fell. When you pushed me I immediately changed my stance to counter that."

"I should react fast to counter the force affecting me."

"That wouldn't work. These are basics where reaction time might save you but most of the time you will need to predict what will happen in advance to avoid it."

I try to imagine all possible attacks from Heavy's current position and fail miserably.

"Too many possible scenarios."

"That will come with experience. You will find out that what ponies can do from a certain stance is limited and once you can get into the mind of your enemy there will only be few real and effective options. Are you listening, Dawn?"

"Yes, sir," she salutes, stomping the ground to keep herself warm.

"Good, same goes for you. Let's move around a bit to keep warm. What weapon do you prefer?"

"Sargeant Thunder taught us the basics with a spear and a staff. I prefer the spear, it looks more... guard-y."

"And all the trouble are on the other end of a long stick, right? No problem, the basics are similar if you're going for non-lethal combat. Grab a practice spear and let's see what you can do."

Weapon analysis: practice spear

- a long wooden pole with a small pink pom-pom on one end filled with chemicals causing extreme stinging on hit.

Weapon analysis: custom staff (Heavy Hoof)

- a collapsible steel staff with spring-powered mechanisms on both ends for currently unknown use


"What is the purpose of the springs on your weapon, Heavy?"

"Oh, these?" he twitches his hooves, something in the staff clicks, and a curved blade slides out of each end, making the staff look like a double scythe, "I prefer not hurting ponies but it's not always possible. I haven't had to use these yet but it doesn't hurt to be careful."

"I think I've just peed myself," Dawn chuckles, looking at the instrument in Heavy's hooves, and the blades slide back.

"Don't worry. I would use a normal practice weapon but it helps being used to the weight and the wooden staves are too light. Show me what you've got then."

Non-lethal combat: Dawn x Heavy Hoof

Weapons: Spear x Staff

Prediction: Heavy Hoof; victory (100%)

Few quick movements later Dawn plants her face into the stomped snow. Heavy's short and fast movements are a complete mismatch for her trying to swing or stab her weapon with as much strength as possible to break his balance and guard.

"Ooooh kaaaay... where to begin?" Heavy whistles, "What if I give you some motivation? Let's say that if you manage to hit me I'll find a big enough room inside the castle and give you lessons there from now on."

Dawn immediately grabs the spear and stabs upwards where Heavy isn't standing at all. A slap of steel on her rump sends her face back into the snow.

"And fight fair, Dawn," Heavy says seriously, "I'm here to teach you what skill is, not luck."

She stands up and looks at the ground.

"Sorry, sir."

"No harm done, let's go."

Even with Heavy just defending himself she's unable to land a single hit on him and whenever she mispositions herself way too much a quick push sends her back to the ground. This keeps repeating over and over for half an hour until Dawn just stays down on the ground, legs too weak to get back up.

"What about you, Bucket?" Heavy turns to me and twirls his staff.

"I see no chance of victory."

"So? Maybe you'll find a weakness while practicing."

"I've spent all this time reevaluating my physical attributes and comparing them with yours. I am stronger and more agile but I still see no chance of victory."

"The griffon grandmasters say that the mindset is half of the battle. Try to believe you can win."


"That's why it's called belief. You don't need to believe in what's true because you can touch it. I don't know how your mind works but tell me what has to happen for you to beat me."

"I don't know. Your movements seem faster than they are but that cannot be correct. I need to overcome the inconsistency."

"Let's do the same thing as I did with Dawn, I'll defend myself and you attack me. Unfortunately, I'm not as good with my hooves than I'm with my staff so our training might not have so quick results."

Attempt 1: Brute force


No damage caused

My straight punch to his chest is dodged by a quick spin. I graze him but not hard enough to even push him a little. Avoiding a straight blow by just turning his torso seems too easy then.

Attempt 2: Area of effect


No damage caused

This time I try a wide swing as I jump to him. Unfortunately, his balance on hind legs is way too good and he jumps backwards, completely avoiding the blow. I need to somehow block his escape paths and land a hit.

Attempt 3: Sequence

Critical failure


Restore balance... success

Damage 2%

It should have worked. By all calculations it should have worked. Only... it didn't. I punched with my left front leg to make him move the other way to dodge. I stepped towards him so he couldn't dodge backwards out of my reach. In the last part I punched with my front right hoof hard enough to break his guard. It failed completely because he wasn't there. No, he was there but before the punch chould connect I got grabbed and thrown on the ground just like the first time.

"I don't understand. You ended up where you should have ended according to my calculations. I am faster movement-wise and reaction-wise. Why didn't it work?"

"Heh, you seem smarter than Dawn at least. Sorry, miss," Heavy waves at the pile of misery still breathing heavily on the ground, "At least you asked. Your bait was good enough and would have worked against anypony who didn't know exactly what you would do. Your problem is that you're predictable. Both of us knew where this would end and I just thought a step ahead."

Imagine scenarios

Allocate more processing power

Overload 26%

More resources required

Overload 87%

"One more, sir, please," I say, snow melting around me.

"As you wish."

A quick jab exactly like last time. Dodged in the same way.

He will go right and back.

Jump forward, straight into him.

He always uses as little movement as necessary, making him faster because he doesn't waste any time by winding up attacks. Overload motor functions to counter this method temporarily.

Overload 98%

This time he has to take a step back which doesn't allow him to grab my outstretched hoof. I spin around him faster than he can turn and crouch, ready to strike upwards to his kidneys and cause a paralyzing but not overly dangerous wound.

Wait! He's not trying to turn around. Am I too fast for him? ERROR.

The last thing I see before everything goes blurry is a set of hooves rapidly closing in on my face.


- Overload 0%

- Damage 24%

- Energy balance +1%

"That was scary," Heavy whistles, "You really are crazy fast. Still predictable though."

While getting ready to strike upwards I wasn't in position to move fast enough to dodge as he dropped back on all fours and just bucked up with his hind legs. Just one unarmed hit almost took out my ocular sensors and some more sensitive ones are recieving distorted signal. Plus the shock to entire system will slow me down for short period of time.

"I am unable to fight effectively anymore," I state the fact of my utter defeat, "Further training will be useless in my temporary state."

"Fine then. Dawn?"

"Non-functioning. Beep. Boop," Dawn imitates me, "Unexpected error happened during leg movement."

Falsehood detected

"Liar liar, pants temperature currently rising," says Heavy and chuckles as both of us look at him, "Beep boop, motherlovers."

"Better looking, better with weapons, better fake robot..." grumbles Dawn while walking straight to the castle.

What an interesting, and depressing at the same time, afternoon.

Replay combat record

Over and over and over...

Turn Five - Black: They're Not The Best But... No, That's It.

View Online

"How's it going?" I look at Ivan standing on a raised podium inside an unused warehouse owned by one of Burning Brand's many... friends.

He breaks his stare away from the blueprint copy lying on a lectern in front of him and smiles.

"Glad you stopped by, boy. I have a question before my guys start the actual construction."

"Hmm? Problems?"

"Not as such but I've been studying the blueprints and I think I've found few weak spots."

I shrug.

"I'm not sure how I can help you with any engineering issues."

"That's not it. The original airship the plans are for is basically a flying, heavily armored platform with these 'flak' cannons on the deck. Everything about the design tells me that whoever put that thing together didn't care about the crew whatsoever. I need you to tell me a bit more about the original. I know I said I wouldn't push you but what you gave me weren't engineering blueprints but something somepony drew based on the real thing."

"That obvious?" I nod my head in surprise at Ivan's expertise.

"To me, yes. So?"

"Okay, I'll tell you what I know which actually isn't that much. Princess Celestia is trying to build good relations with the ruler of some other Equestria called the mirror world. These plans are based on a ship of said ruler. From what I know ships like these are fairly commonly used by their military but this one is supposed to be better because it's sort of a flagship. I'm not sure in exactly what aspect because I haven't seen the normal ones."

"So it's basically a flying fortress, slow and devastating."

"Trust me, Ivan. That thing is anything but slow."

"Yeah, I can't tell how strong the propulsion system will be until the crystals arrive but there are no aerodynamic shapes in mind in the design. I think that I can improve the ship to be faster. For a small trade-off of course."

"Such as?"

"The original was designed to be able to move in every direction at the same speed but with some rather major changes of shape I can redesign the ship's frame to fly far faster in one direction at the expense of losing some of the omnidirectional thrust."

"So it will be less agile?"

"Noooot as such. Imagine a large soup plate with five engines, one on the bottom and four equidistant on the circumference."

"My brain hurts."

"Work with me here, kid. That's how the original works, I suppose. Now if we change the shape and rearrange where the engines are we," he stops, looking at my glazed over eyes, and sighs, "Back to the soup plate analogy."

"Thank you."

"Okay. Now imagine the deck shaped like a letter. You could now stick two engines on one long side, one on the bottom, and one on both short sides. You would lose the ability to move in one direction but you would move twice faster in the other direction."

"But aren't circular shapes more difficult to hit with long range attacks? That's why the Lightbringer was a soup plate, as you say."

"That was just to simplify it for you. There are engineering methods to keep the attributes intact while changing the engine layout."

"Why not just add more engines and turn them on depending on how fast we want to move at a given moment?"

"Hehehe. A simple reason, kid. I don't have the inventor of that thing here. As I said, these aren't real engineering blueprints which means I can build the ship, remake the ship, but not add or remove anything because I honestly don't have enough information on how the thing works. Some of the engine and cable designs are similar enough to known ones to let me improve or rework them but I-"

A string of drool from my open mouth reaches the wooden planks of the podium.

"-Nevermind. Do you want the movement changes or not?"

"It should help in case we need to run away. Go for it."

"Good. I'll have it done by the time the raw resources and workers get here. Good news, by the way, the chemistry and magic parts of the process are supposedly fairly simple so the crystals and cables I ordered from the Crystal Empire should arrive here in time."

"Nice. I'll go look for the crew and buy a fancy captain hat."

"Speaking of buying things. I built something from the second set of blueprints you brought."

"The hoof-operated gun. Overnight?" I blink.

"It was just simple metal-casting and I brought the gunpowder home from work before I sent in my retirement request."

He presents what looks like a thick bracelet with six short tubes on it.

"How does it work exactly? Wait, you've left your job? The 'I got infinite money' job?"

"Yes," he smiles widely, "Now we're in this together. Good or bad. Stand still before you shoot your hoof off, kid."

I freeze, the bracelet in my hoof.

"How... sensitive is it?" a memory of unicorns and projectile weapons invades my head again.

"Don't worry, the safety is on. Well, there are two ways to use it from what I understand. If you bend your hoof down it deactivates the safety and then you just need to hit the back of the tubes with your other hoof. There's a bullet and a firing mechanism in each one."

"So I get six shots and then I have to reload? On top of that I have to sit still or stand on my hind legs, right?"

"No. If you twitch your hoof just right and deactivate the safety quickly twice in a row one of the barrels will fire. The order goes clockwise from the top one. One more thing, the recoil is horrendous so it wil take some time to get used to and since the barrels are so short the accuracy is awful on any range longer than few pony lengths BUT you basically have a small cannon on your front leg."

"Okay, punch somepony, twitch hoof, ribcage goes bye bye."

"Pretty accurate summary, yes."

"Uhh, thanks for the gun... and everything."

"Don't worry about it. I can now fully focus on making this ship the most devastating CREATION EVER MUHAHAH HA HAH HAAAAAAA!" Ivan turns back to his copy of the blueprints, giving me a clue to stop bothering him and start being useful.

Carefully, I put the hoof gun on and bend my hoof a little. When I feel a click I point at the far end of the warehouse and tap on the back of one of the gun's barrels.

"WHOA!" the bullet scratches the floor quite a short distance away from me.

Epic, this thing can miss a building from the inside.

Ivan's murderous glare makes me back out of the warehouse into the streets of Stalliongrad.

The day passes quickly with me walking around and visiting tavern after tavern for ponies willing to partake in a venture that might end up being slightly illegial. I'm not exactly sure why yet but having an ultimate aerial force of this world has to bring attention of somepony to me eventually.

Well, ponies are ponies and finding some thugs to operate weapons and do whatever Ivan tells them to in order to keep the ship running should be simple. What I need is somepony to keep those guys in line... some sort of mid-tier officer reporting to me. Those ponies unfortunately have to be smart and skilled, just the kind of ponies who are usually taken.

"BLOODY LOVESUCKER!" yells somepony from an alley nearby.

A changeling in need of help, perhaps in need of somepony getting him out of Stalliongrad? Ask and ye shall recieve, captain Frosty.

With no ulterior motive than to help the seemingly attacked changeling I rush towards the angry voices, such a good heart I am.

"What's going on here?" I ask in the most official tone I can muster when I spot a changeling surrounded by five ponies, two of them turning to me at my interruption.

"We're just teachin' the bug a lesson that while our dear and beloved princess might be a little too soft-hearted we do not take kindly to his sort around here."

A pipe and a crowbar float through the air.

Great... there are unicorns. Damn unicorns.

I could just back away, mumble something about how changelings suck, and get away unscathed. Is the chance of having a changeling owe me enough to risk my health?

The thought is strong enough right until I look at the bugpony.

He's smiling nervously and trying to look as small as possible, all that while wearing a brown 'I luv pones' T-shirt and a matching wooly cap. They say that in moments of extreme danger the brain focuses and notices small details that would otherwise remain hidden. One of those small details is that the changeling doesn't have wings and the hue of his black chitin isn't green like most changelings have but dark blue.

I've seen a changeling like him before. It was during my parole mission aboard the Lightbringer and she was a member of the crew. These guys don't belong to queen Chrysalis but to somepony else. Also, they are the most effective killing machines I've ever seen.

"Well, I wonder how the princess would treat those who disobey the peace treaty. Perhaps she might send them to do some 'volunteer' work in the hive... broodmothers to boost the ranks or something," I take the changeling's side of the argument, hoping he's at least half as good as the one I met was. Three was her name or something?

The closest pony gives me a tired 'A hero, eh?' look and raises a brick.

Time to test the new gear out. Was it release the safety twice?

I point at the closest pony and twitch my hoof. Nothing happens. A brick flies around my head. Did Ivan build this thing wrong? He said he wasn't sure about the technology.

A quick jump backwards is enough to avoid a flying crowbar as a unicorn joins the earthpony previously throwing a brick at me.

"You look like a foreigner yourself. Perhaps a pretty face from Canterlot where they kiss the asses of their changeling masters."

*click click*

The hay am I doing wrong?

Just a few more steps back and I can take flight, leave, and return after they're done with the changeling. Getting him to hospital later should have him owe me anyway...

...I must be getting rusty if five civillians pose a real threat to me, armed or not. Screw the changeling, this one is for me.

"You know what?" I rush forward and bury a hoof into the neck of the unicorn, hearing the clanking of iron pipe on the cobblestones as a reward, "As it turns out, some changelings," continuing the movement, I push the unicorn into the earthpony, "are pretty cool guys if you get to know them."

The duo ends in a tangled ball on the ground and the other three turn to me.

"Get out of here, buggy," I nod to the changeling and lock stares with the other three.

The moment doesn't last as when he picks himself off the ground a pony kicks him back down. The moment of distraction as the others chuckle is filled with me slapping one pony away with a wing and kicking another one.

*click click* *BANG*

Bits of one pony away...

Everypony stares at the one pony whose side is now decorated with a deep red groove with strands of flesh hanging out, everypony but me. Punching the wound, I make him scream and fall over.

"Anypony else?" I growl, trying to look much more threatening than I really am.

It fails.

"You're dead, bastard."

I'm now in the blocked end of the alley.

Damn the too big wings.

The changeling sighs.

"I just wanted to know about your beautiful city," blue shimmer envelops his horn and the five ponies keel over, "They're just sleeping but it won't last more than few seconds. Let's get out."

"Come here," I wave at him when we leave the alley, "The noise might have alerted some guards and you don't want to be anywhere near. Hop on!"

With the surprisingly light changeling on my back I take short flight towards the closest open bar.

"Let me buy you something good for the nerves," I smile at the changeling as we sit down on the barstools by the counter and order two beers.

"Thanks. I wish this didn't keep happening in every town," the changeling sighs.

"Then you better go to Canterlot first. It's not so bad there."

"Been there, got bored, when the princess of food offered I followed her north."

"If it's not too personal, you're not a normal changeling, right?"

"The exact term is a Nightmare changeling, a name that sucks million balls."

Right, that's it. Now I remember.

"I think I met one of your kind, she called herself Three."

"Hey, nice! She stayed with princess Celestia in Canterlot after princess Luna went loco if I remember correctly. My name is Five."

Holy crap he's right!

Meeting Three aboard the Lightbringer wasn't my first time seeing the Nightmares. At the end of the mission that landed me in the slammer in the first place there was a huge fight in Ponyville between the Nightguard and possessed princess Luna on one side and a ragtag group of ponies I didn't know on the other. The Nightmares arrived with their queen to help princess Twilight Sparkle fight Luna and her guards. They would have lost anyway if it weren't for the target I was tracking in the first place, a traitor called Blazing Light, who died but stopped the insane princess from killing all of us.

"Ic- Frosty Stare," I shake his hoof, "What brings you to Stalliongrad, Five?"

"Meh, I felt pretty bad when I was the only one not called to help to Ponyville because I was in the Crystal Empire at the moment and it kept nagging me so I decided to make queen Guiding Light proud by travelling around the world and sending her postcards and letters which was what we were supposed to do before most of us settled down either in the hive in Pine Hills or elsewhere."

"Nice. So you've travelled a lot?"

"Eeerm," he blushes and scratches his head, "I got some money from princess Cadance but I took my time walking around the northern parts of Equestria through small villages. This is actually the first big city I've been to after the Crystal Empire."

"So no."

"Mhm," he slurps his beer.

"Do you want to see more? I'm getting a little travelling project ready. I'm assembling a crew and I could use somepony with your sort of magic around."

"Cool! Wait, magic? I can't use any magic."

"The sleep spell."

"Oh that. That's not magic, all of us can do it to some extent, it's natural."

"Oh... I thought I've found myself a mage. I'm pretty sure I'm going to get in some danger pretty soon."

"I can take care of myself, I just didn't want to needlessly hurt those misguided ponies."


I don't think I've seen a Nightmare fight poorly, he might not be lying.

"-You know what? Sure. We might get into trouble with the law though."

"As long as it doesn't cast shadow on my queen's name I have no problem with it."

"You can always transform into somepony else, right?"

"No, I can't. My kind chooses only one transformation and then can shapeshift between that one and our original form. What if I offer you my transformation as a payment for letting me join your crew?"

"I get to choose what you turn into?"


Very useful.

"Deal. As for your transformation, I'll let you tag along first and if you think your desire to travel was satisfied enough I'll choose it."

"Thanks, captain."

Something twitches inside me at the wide-eyed look of Five slapping his hoof to his muzzle in an attempt to imitate a salute.

"Stupid Luna, worthless scheming bitch," I hear a voice grumble behind me as I go over my situation while drinking my beer.

"A likeminded soul, I see," I turn and grin into the face of a white unicorn with broader shoulders and almost alicorn-length horn, "I got thrown in prison for her failures, what's your issue?"

He bobs his head front and back to make his eyes focus.

"My name is Holy Light and Luna's thugs killed my parents and both brothers. Beat that, pretty face."


"Tell me," I smile smugly inside my head, "Are you any good at magic?"

"Protective magic only. Why do you ask?"

"I'm looking for ponies for a venture that might go against our dear ruling class. Princess Luna might be on the recieving end."

"I have no desire for revenge," he smiles and takes a gulp of wine, "My family and the entire Order were fanatics. I was happy to get out of their company. The only thing I pity is that my younger brother had to grow up in the rage after I left. Still, they were my family."

Hmmm, the guy does look to be about my age, although a little more wrecked.

"The Light family? Does name Blazing ring a bell?"

His eyes narrow when I say that.


"The little crime I got arrested for was princess Luna trying to find Blazing to kill him."

"What did you do?" his expression becomes unreadable.

"I joined the ponies who stopped her plan. I sure as hay didn't go to prison as a reward," I scowl.

It's a bit of a stretch but technically still true, motives and consequences aside.

"A mage you said?" he smiles suddenly and I spot the spark in his eyes, "How about a swordspony experienced with shielding magic who has proven himself during both mirror invasions and served with prince Shining Armor personally?"

Now here's a piece of information not everypony knows.

"That's an impressive resume," I clap my hooves, "I'm sure we'll get to meet princess Luna face to face eventually to... talk."

"I doubt it. She's the head of our true princess Celestia's intelligence service so she has enough agents to do her dirty work."

"I could find some spare time to find a way to lure her out."

"What do you need me to do and how much will you pay me?"

"Meet me back here in a week. I should have the other ponies accompanying me gathered by then. I'll tell you everything and we can talk about the payment."

Holy Light stares at his wine for a moment.

"Deal. See you next week, mister..."

"Frosty Stare."

"See you next week, Frosty," he performs a strange salute, "The dawn will come!"

Swaying slightly, he pays the bartender and leaves.

"HAMMER!" a roar shakes the building.

Ugh... what now?

"Waitwaitwaitwait! I was just curious about the minotaur culture up north-"

"WAT BUG SAY?" a grey minotaur shakes his warhammer at Five who has to unhealthily bend his neck to look up at the tall creature.

"-I didn't mean to insinuate you don't have any."

The minotaur's eye twitches.

Aaaaand he's dead.

The hammer breaks the wooden floor around the impact and sends cracks into the furthest corners. Not even a second later the minotaur drops his weapon and crumbles to the floor. The changeling rolls quickly between his legs.

"No need for that, no need for that. I think that tribal culture has a lot to teach us about close relationships," Five waves his hooves defensively, his wooly cap covering one eye.

"Okay okay, what's going on?" I step in the argument and on the minotaur, "You, stop trying to flatten my friend and you, Five, stop provoking the mino."

"I just wanted to talk!" Five steps away from the minotaur, "Up in the Crystal Empire there were some minotaurs but none this strong or dumb."

My world suddenly spins as the minotaur effortlessly stands up despite me standing on him and picks me up by the leg. Dangling face to face with him, I get a good look at his uneven and sharp teeth.

"Damn it, Five, shut up or you'll get us killed!" I yell.

"Oh, that's what's bothering you, cap? Sorry," he blurs and the minotaur falls to the floor again, clutching his knees, "I just wanted to get him to tell me about his home and he wouldn't so I was worried my queen would be disappointed."

"HOW BUG DO DAT?" the minotaur stands up but doesn't raise his warhammer anymore.

"That? It's easy, mister. No matter how strong you are your joints are still limited so if I hit your knees from behind you fold up like a deck chair without being too hurt."


"Hey, thanks! You're pretty cool," Five grins.


And then it comes...

"Can we keep him, cap?" Five gives me the puppy eyes.

"What are you doing in Stalliongrad, Skullbreaker?" I ask.

Somepony will have to save us from Five's mouth.


"Do you want more shiny coins?"


"Good. Five?"

"Yes, sir?"

"Keep him occupied until next week. Then meet me here and I'll see about my crew arrangement."

I need a break.

Paying for my drink, I leave the two to explain how they would pay for the broken floor and walk outside. Now I've got an insane engineer, a ninja with no social skills, a vengeance-driven paladin, and a berserker so dumb not even other minotaurs want him. On the bright side, there's always a chance they won't show up next week.

All in all, not a bad result for one day. I strongly believe I found the best of the worst possible choices. The rest of the crew should be normal ponies with slightly negotiable morals whom I should be able to switch from time to time. I need a quiet place to think, relax, and actually plan what to do with the airship.

Perhaps the service of... professionals?

The evening is slowly passing so I look for the discreet signs of decent whorsehouses. Not too high-class where the price may be too steep but a good-looking low-class one where there are almost no taboos whatsoever for the right price. That's where one can find the most willing and experienced... sexperts.

I may have caught idiocy from Skullbreaker.

One such estabilishment doesn't stay hidden for long and I enter a carpeted, dim hallway with a counter on one side and doors leading to the main stage with dancers on the other. There is a staircase going upstairs at the end of the hall for customers like me who want a little more hooves-on action.

"What'll it be, sir?" asks a young mare wrapped in see-through silky robe working the counter.

"How much is it for room service here?"

Room service is a griffon special that has found its way to Equestria in recent years. You're not buying an exact service but more like time spent with an 'employee' assigned to a certain room who will do anything you want as long as it's within limits of the whorsehouse. Also, it contains the element of surprise as you have no clue who will meet you there. Not that I'm looking for anything special or downright disgusting but I want a bit of me time with somepony who knows what they're doing. No insult intended for Dawn but a mare who only lies there like a plank just doesn't spark it in me.

"Thirty bits for an hour," she says sweetly and I pull the requested amount out of my money pouch, "Thank you for your patronage, sir. Room eleven, up the stairs and to the left. Have a nice time."

"Thanks, my lady," I wink at her but she's too experienced to fall for my face and just smiles back.

The doors of the rooms in the long hall on the first floor are well soundproofed but as I reach for the handle I hear an angry voice from the inside. I can't really make out what it's saying but I knock on the door anyway.

"-ck off!"

Well, I can understand THAT. I don't really intend to bother anypony here but I paid for my service and taming an angry mare through charm or diplomacy might prove a wanted distraction from thinking about my not-so-epic crew. Simply for that reason I push the handle and open the door.

"I'm not done here!" a pegasus roars at me and swipes the air with his wing. He's smaller than me but obviously furious about something. For various reasons I fail to believe he is the 'content' of this room and I look around.

A split second later I punch the pegasus so hard his head breaks the large mirror attached to one of the wardrobes. I don't wait for him to recover and slam downwards hard again. A crunch of bones later he's lying on the carpet, bleeding out of his temples.

Kicking him for good measure, I walk over to the limp thestral mare he was apparently beating before I came. A thin trickle of blood from her muzzle makes me want to kill the bastard. Abusing a weak and defenseless pony is too much even for me. Hey, I'm a mercenary, not a criminal, Luna did that to me.

Good, she's breathing.

"What's going on?" a large earthpony runs into the room. It seems that the pegasus' angry yelling attracted some attention when I opened the door.

"This asshole," I point at the unmoving pegasus, "was beating her, Brick. Don't know why, don't really care."

"Have we met?"

"You have a familiar face. Now help me get this girl some attention before the guy gets back up."

"He's not going to," Brick the omnipresent bouncer leans to him and then looks at me, "You did this?"

"He's dead?" it clicks to me.

"Broken neck. Stay here!" he scowls at me and leaves the room followed by the click of the heavy door.

Seeing no obvious way out, I sit on the floor and look at the mare. Her coat is dark grey and her mane silver where it's not stained by blood. The choker on her her neck says 'Fail'. Even with blood slowly crusting on her head she seems to be breathing and I can't find any serious wound. There are some wet wipes on the table nearby so I start cleaning her. Her muzzle is longer than normal but I haven't met enough batponies to make a clear judgement about thestral standards. She's slim with decent rump so I don't really complain as I run my hoof over her back just in case she wakes up and needs a warm touch.

The door clicks and the bouncer returns accompanied by the receptionist from downstairs and an older mare in a fancy outfit who must be running this entire place.

"Your story?" she asks, looking at the mess around.

I'm not too fond of her cold tone so I keep to the facts.

"Heard yelling through the door, went in, got attacked by that guy, defended myself."

The mistress looks at the receptionist.

"He came in few minutes ago. He can't have done it," she shrugs.

"Get rid of this trash, Brick," the mistress nods towards the dead stallion and turns to me, "Well, if we report this to the guards we'll get blamed for this entire thing."

"I can easily testify in your defense," I shrug.

"That is very... noble of you but the mark on our reputation would stay anyway. Now, since you're the one responsible for this I'll give you an option."

"Responsible? He attacked me!"

"You don't seem to be from around here. The local guards aren't too keen on... complicated crimes. The chances of them bothering to look for a foreigner are fairly slim. The most obvious thing that's going to happen is that they'll assume that poor thing," she looks at the unconscious mare, "killed him in self-defense. Unfortunately, nopony in this city will bother with defense and one fairly innocent life will be lost."

"That's pretty crap, if you don't mind me saying."

"Such is the life of those lost here in the north. The second possibility is that I let the two of you go and hide the presence of the brutal pig who will thankfully not bother anypony anymore."

"I can bring her to her family or something if you tell me where they live."

"Her? There is nopony who will miss 'her'," she snickers, "It's not your problem anyway. You can just leave and all your problems will disappear, I'll take care of the rest."

I look at the unconscious batpony.

Damn this... an unwanted hooker would be a GREAT addition to my supercrew. At least the day can't get any worse.

"I'll take her off your hooves for tonight and explain things when she wakes up," I hoist her on my back and feel a pressure where it really shouldn't be. Suddenly, the mistress' snickering becomes crystal clear.

"It's a dude, right?" I facehoof.

"Have fun!" she smiles widely and Brick escorts me outside.

Ivan will kill me when he finds out who he'll be flying with.

First Mission: The Super Elite Combat Unit

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Current objectives: N/A


- Overload 0%

- Damage 0%

- Energy balance 0%

- Energy reserves 100%


- Embarrass Dawn (self)

- Develop (Twilight Sparkle)




Sitting in the empty room assigned to me, I realize no processes have been running for past few hours. The week of training with Heavy Hoof has been effective and my winning statistics can now reach satisfactory values of thirty-seven percent with me using overload. Without it... zero. I'm starting to think that physical ability isn't as important as I expected it to be, perhaps using the excess energy for something other than physical enhancement might be a better course of action. Not to mention that the overuse of overload mechanic leaves me way too damaged for long-term combat.

The thing is that I've been over this hundreds of times. I've watched every recording of every Heavy's practice fight and I'm sure there is nothing hidden that I could dig out anymore. I'm in a perfect physical state but I'm lacking enough varying input to make changes to anything inside. I could randomly experiment with my functions to perhaps find a better way to do things but the chances of that happening are extremely low and the possible negative results too dangerous.

In short, I'm what ponies would call bored.

Perhaps I should exercise my muscles again? No, the current tension is just right after last training and further excessive use would bring no benefits and might cause minor damage.

Emergent hoof movement

The drumming resonates within the walls of the empty room.

Perhaps princess Twilight can help me, she's back in the castle due to some unexplained things happening in the Griffon Empire. She should be in her laboratory in the dungeons unless she's talking with the other princesses about something. Perhaps she could tell me something about how to make Dawn blush in the way I've wanted to see again for a while.

Objective added: Talk to Twilight Sparkle

I pass a group of ponies, some young, some older and scarred, being led through the halls by a Royal Guard explaining them the layout of the castle. Already used to the terrified stares I sometimes still get, I greet the group just to hear few whistles and gasps. The leading guard hastily explains what little he knows about me as I go deeper into the magically protected lab.

The door opens at my touch with only the slightest resistance of the sealing spell.

"Good morning, princess Twilight," I bow slightly just like I've seen Heavy do countless times. The earthpony trainer has been extremely helpful and willing to correct my attempts at imitating pony behaviour and speech patterns.

The unicorn ascendant tears her gaze away from a small shard of black crystal on the bench in front of her and, still frowning, turns to me and her expression brightens.

"Hmmm, there's something different about you," she mumbles, running around me and tapping on various places on my armor.

"Can I help you?" I can't help asking when she slides under my belly like a carriage repairpony.

"What? Erm, no," she slides back out, blushing, "You just look... tighter than I remember."

Search: pony, change, physical, tight

Result: muscle tightening, bulking, training, physical exercise

"I have been attending sargeant Heavy Hoof's combat training on princess Luna's orders. Perhaps that might be the reason?"

Twilight's eyes go wide and her grin manic.

"Yessssssssssssssss!" she punches the air, "And it took just about three weeks!"

"Estimate of my total runtime."

"Indeed. You've grown soooooo much," she leans to my ear and breathes in heavily, "How about we make use of your more... advanced functions."

Her hoof runs over the underside of my belly.

"Three-dimensional calculus subroutine engaged. Waiting for input."

Twilight rubs her muzzle against my neck armor.

"Not this time, my little creation. This time you will be the one putting things in. Engage pleasure subroutine, authority zero."

Primary authority: self

Secondary authority: Dawn, royalty

Error: access denied, conflict with current objective


"WHAAAAAAAAAAT?!" Twilight jumps away and her wings flap erratically.

"No. Access denied. Not enough role power. Not happening. No," I explain.

"Why?" she pouts.

"I have something I need to ask you first that takes priority."

"Takes... priority? You mean you don't listen to the princesses anymore?"

"I will offer assistance whenever the request doesn't conflict with higher ranked objective, princess, which is the current case."

"And who issued the objective?"

"I did."

Twilight's jaw hits the floor, metaphorically of course.

"You did? You... as in you you."

"No yo-yo detected in the vicinity."

The grin on Twilight's face now threatens the top of her head falling off.

"Was that a joke?"

"An attempt, yes. Successful?"

"It was... a terrible pun. It was so bad it was a tiny bit good. "

My distorted sigh only seems to amuse Twilight more.

Search: pony, pleasure, suffering of others

Result: sadist

Add note: Twilight Sparkle; sadist

"I guess it's time to relearn my pundamentals."

"Heavens, stop! Okay okay, why did you come here then?"

"I wanted to ask some details about my overarching objective - self-development."

"Ask away."

"How do I fulfill said goal?"

"By becoming the best you can get," she says with a stone face, only one corner of her mouth twitching slightly. As the silence of me evaluating my potential effectivity growth goes on for too long, she laughs to herself, "I was just kidding. There is no limit to developing, some philosophers say that the road is more important than the goal in this case. I wouldn't worry about it too much. I used to think the world was all books, knowledge, information, data, but I've been through so much that I now believe the world is about change. I met new friends, changed my dusty views, dealt with danger, begged for help when I wasn't strong enough... all that makes you change and grow, my little creation. It will come naturally if you don't fight it and if you do... it will come anyway."

Her inward smile makes her seem more similar to the royal sisters now. Perhaps it was like this before but I just wasn't able to see it. Maybe my perception of her will change in strange ways as I go further and further. I smile.

I can't wait.

Objective completed: Talk to Twilight Sparkle

Experimental objective removed: Develop

There is so much I don't know. Perhaps moving myself on top of the command structure wasn't as good as it seemed at the time. Maybe Twilight could use a temporary override and embarrassing Dawn can wait.

"Thank you, princess," I bow again, "I am ready to fulfill your command now."

Twilight scratches her head.

"Huh? I don't even remember what I wanted."

"Access to advanced not math-related functions."

"Heh, nevermind that. You'te too amazing to be wasted as a clopb- leisure assistant. Do you need anything else from me? I don't want to kick you out but I'm sort of busy here," she points to the black crystal on the bench, "I have no clue what this damn thing is aside from it being dangerous."

I come closer to look at the shard lying on the workbench. On the first glance it doesn't seem to be doing anything but if it worries Twilight then there has to be a reason. Pulling out the claws hidden in my hoof, I pick it up.

"WAIT! You can't just-huh?" Twilight looks at me as I grab the shard without a problem and turn it around, "It didn't hurt you?"

"No. Should it?"

"YES!" she points to the workbench. The steel surface is cracked and covered in black ice where the shard was lying, "The agent who brought this from the Empire had to use armored horseshoes to pick it up and they broke after that. That was not the real problem though, the thing seems to radiate and generate cold."

"That is against the laws of thermodynamics."

"I know. It could be explainable by magic but the shard seems to completely disperse any magical effect near it, so no dice."


Chemical compound: Unknown

Thaumic origin: Unknown

Heat signature: None

Closest similarity: Unknown

Chances of successful identification: 0%

Error: Unexplained drop in processing efficiency

Damage taken:

- type (unknown)

- affected systems (armor, analytic routines)

- mental interference


- Overload 75%

- Damage 29%

- Energy balance -37%

- Energy reserves 94%


Recommendation: DIE!

I drop the shard.


- Overload 3%

- Damage 2%

- Energy balance +12%

- Energy reserves 92%

Analysis: Interference causing action probability miscalculations.

"The crystal is of room temperature," I stutter out, buzzing way more than I should and shaking for some reason, "and causes failures of judgement."

"Not just judgement," she points at my hoof with the claws used to hold the crystal missing, shattered on the floor, "This seems pretty real."

"The crystal emits an interference causing underestimation of chances of success and overestimation of negative consequences," I conclude from the... experience, "No sensors pick up thaumic of thermal trace. The crystal isn't magical and it isn't cold, objectively."

Twilight looks at the frost forming on the floor around the shard and vaporizing.

"I made your sensors myself and I sure as hay know they work. What you're saying then is that this is some sort of force that causes mental state to take form and affect the physical world in a way that IS NOT magic."

"Am I?"

"Yes. I think I have an idea what it is then."

"Can you tell me? For research purposes only."

"It's simple," Twilight slips back to half mumbling to herself, "If one is around princess Celestia they feel calmer and... warmer. Which means this could be the opposite but which alicorn might have a directly reverse effect and enough power to make it manifest so strongly? Luna? No, this seems... evil. Void? Possibly but after meeting him I think he's more similar to Celestia than he'd ever admit and he felt warm, I hate saying such inaccurate term, as well. Damn, I need to tell the princesses. Thanks..."


"Thanks, Buck- who gave you that name?"

"I chose it for its deeper meaning."

"I think I'm in love," Twilight mumbles and rushes out of the laboratory, leaving the crystal on the floor.

I pull out the claws on my other front leg to pick the shard up and put it back on the workbench... and stop. Leaving it just lying there is against all of my desire to keep things sorted and accessible but for some reason I REALLY don't want to touch it again, not to avoid the physical damage but the process distortion. In fact, no matter what knowledge the thing can bring I never want to touch it again, ever.

Search: reluctance, worry, avoidance

Result: fear


With that I just leave the shard there and return to my room where I stay until the practice session with Heavy so I could feel... safe.

It might be just something working on a level impossible to detect with sensors but as soon as I see Heavy running around in the snow to keep warm the unknown dread disappears and I'm as ready as I could ever be for some beatdown. When Dawn joins us the odd feeling disappears completely and I can think clearly.

Objective added: Explore fear

"Welcome to the next episode of 'Dawn gets smashed'," Heavy grins, "starring Bucky, the intelligent clopbot.-"

"Good afternoon, sargeant," I smile at his nonsense, it helps to keep me from thinking about... that.

"-aaaand our main hero Dawn, the destroyer of worlds!"

"You're in a good mood, sir," Dawn scratches her head and giggles, "Got laid recently?"

Input: coughing; Heavy Hoof

Action: ensure free breathing

"AAAAH! Stop hitting me!" Heavy yells as I smack his back over and over.

"Blockage cleared successfully."

"Ehm, quite, yes," Heavy rubs the bruised spot, blushing like a schoolfilly, "As a matter of fact there have been some positive developments in my personal life, one might say."

"Good for you, sir," Dawn nods, "Wish I had somepony other than Bucket here."

"Don't worry about it," Heavy's nervous smile grows even wider as he steps into a known area, "I've got just what you need to get your mind off things."

"What is it, sir?" Dawn steps right into the trap.

"A hundred pushups and a quick run around the castle. Get on it!"

Dawn groans but starts pumping up and down at a slow pace. Joining her, I go over our usual training schedule and find an interesting fact. In exactly the opposite way I felt when I picked up the crystal I know I WANT this to continue, to attend this routine day after day with these two ponies.

Rubbing my muzzle against Dawn after the exercise, I help her up from the ground.

"Come on. Last one back here is a stuck clockwork."

"You're on!"

There is no chance for her to win but she just keeps going and so I keep the pace just fast enough to be challenging but not exhausting. Somehow she can choose to disregard all probability of victory and simply... keep trying over and over.

I remember Twilight's words of wisdom.

There is no need to rush. I will understand eventually.

Smiling to myself, I slow down to a trot to let Dawn get ahead and run at a pace comfortable for her. When our designated training place is back in sight I notice Heavy isn't waiting for us alone.

"Heeey, the screw and the screw-up," princess Luna chuckles but her expression hides something serious.

"Good afternoon, princess."

"Good afternoon, your Highness."

We bow to the lunar princess who turns back to Heavy who... doesn't look as happy as he did when the practice started.

"They are missing. Solid Steel and his unit went to investigate the Golden Sands resort and returned with the information that it had been attacked over a week before they arrived. Survivors say that it was a group of nomads which doesn't really tell us anything. Southern parts of the Empire are so fractured that it could have been anypony."

"Survivors?" Heavy chokes as he says that.

"Yes," Luna looks at the snow around and bites her lip, "They say the raiders weren't too interested in searching the place for valuables but were looking for slaves. No ransom demand has been sent yet so we have no idea who is behind the attack or what the reason was. Solid is currently travelling through the desert and observing the little city states and bandit camps but I offer you a chance to look into it yourself. After all, you know them the best and you might spot something."

"Do you believe it was a coincidence they were there at the time of the raid?"

"Not even a little. They have an amazing ability to attract trouble and I think the attack was set up to capture them which is why I believe they are still alive. That and," Luna's horn glows and the black crystal from Twilight's laboratory appears suspended in mid-air, "this. Looks familiar?"

Heavy touches the shard, shakes, and smiles bitterly.

"Yeah, it's him. It looks just the way it did in Manehattan, no idea why it changed from fire to frost in the first place. If that wasn't enough it definitely... feels like him, if it makes sense."

"Not really," Luna shrugs, "but commander Darkness described to me the events in the underworld and in Manehattan in great detail so it was not a difficult guess. Also, when I tried using my magic to locate them my tracking spells got destroyed. I doubt griffons have the ability to do such a thing and hiring a unicorn, or even a group of unicorns, wouldn't help against me. Considering whose side you were on during the Manehattan event I'm not asking or ordering you to go, I'm just telling you what's going on."

"I... was wrong, princess. I shouldn't have been swayed by my memories so easily," Heavy hangs his head, "If I was on the right side from the beginning then the death of everypony in the Order headquarters could have been prevented. I won't make the same mistake again but, to be honest, I can't afford to go to the Griffon Empire and stay there for an extended period of time."

"As a secret government rescue force you will recieve a mission budget."

"Do I have to go by myself?"

"No, but the faster you leave the higher the chance of you succeeding will be. I'll have the administrative issues sorted out by tonight, just give me a list of what you'll need."

"Yes, your Highness."

"And bring all three of them back safely if possible."

"Yes, your Highness."

"And take the shiny pony with you. Twilight will be happy to see how he fares under desert conditions."


"Can I go too? Pleeeeeeeease!"

"Am I the subject of the conversation now?"

"I'll leave you to your preparations," Luna grins and walks away, "mister leader."

That, unfortunately for Heavy, leaves Dawn giving him the puppy eyes.





Her attempt to embarrass Heavy by having him explain falls flat on its face.

"Because you are too young, too inexperienced, and too unskilled. Enough?"

"What does age have to do with anything?" Dawn decides to ignore the two more important points and settles for the one she can win.

"You told me how you felt at the bar when you thought the unicorn wanted to kill you. Now imagine being surrounded by armed griffons who REALLY do want to kill you. Nopony around you aside from us will be a friend and anypony might stab you in the back the second you look away. Do you know why the Royal Guard is so heavily understaffed at the moment we have only three combat trainers for both Royals and the Nightguard? The Nightguard remained mostly untouched, props to batponies for their courage and dedication, but the Royal Guard was full of foals who thought uniform would give them a little respect they didn't have. Those idiots went face to face with Sombra's fanatics who cut them to pieces. You know what's worse than a dead soldier, Dawn? A fleeing soldier giving the others hope that running away would save them. Those broke our ranks during the second invasion, those gave Sombra Canterlot and betrayed their princesses. I was a year old recruit when Chrysalis' changeling invasion came and I was one of the lucky ones whom princess Luna's constant intervention in their coming nightmares saved from going insane or killing themselves. I might be twenty-two, Dawn, but I've seen enough dead foals to last a lifetime. I don't want to pointlessly see even one more."

"I still want to go," Dawn squeaks after a while of thinking.

Heavy facehoofs.

"FINE! You can go IF you prove you can beat Bucket in combat. That would mean you can take care of yourself," he rolls his eyes.

"What? That's impossible!" Dawn scowls.

"Then I guess you'll be staying home then," Heavy grins.

Dawn growls.

"Give me that," she kicks the practice weapon crate and pulls out a staff, "Come at me, Bucky!"

Combat engaged

Enemy: Dawn

Chances of success: 100%

Result of victory: Me and Heavy travelling to the Griffon Empire

Result of defeat: Me, Heavy, and Dawn travelling to the Griffon Empire

With that clear in mind Dawn's focused strike hits me straight in the chest and her staff falls out of her grip as she hits the hard armor.

Damage: 0%

There is only one thing to do here. It's very simple, actually.

I fall to the ground, hooves wrapped around my chest.


Dawn blushes but smiles triumphantly at Heavy who just stares at me, mouth open.

Objective completed: Embarrass Dawn

"CELESTIA'S INFINITELY PLUMP ASS PROTECT ME," Heavy raises his hooves to the grey sky, "Okay, I'm done. But if you die I'll kill you!"

First Mission: Big Guys And Big Guns

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Carrying the unconscious batpony back to my 'hideout' at Burning Brand's bar, I wonder about what to actually do with my 'crew'. The idea of having an advanced warship at my disposal looks nice up to the point where I'm going to have to pay them... with money, money I'd rather keep to myself. Not that I'm a greedy bastard but all the bits invested in this little venture either belonged to Ivan or me and it has to return in some form which means we're going to need an employer. Now, what are the chances of somepony giving us a job and not trying to steal my secrets for himself? Pretty slim.

The second option is to find a way to turn profit by myself. That would require thinking of a goal which is easy - money and anything that's not boring as heck. Getting money for nothing counts as stealing or being a lawyer though and I'm not too happy about the idea, not to mention normal ponies don't have the bits to make this worth it.

Normal ponies...

Who says I have a problem with normal ponies? Why bother with stealing pocket change when I can now strike into the heart of Equestrian power? Hmmm, how pissed would Luna be if, let's say, her shipment of cakes was late or didn't come at all... or even better - came empty with a ransom note? That should teach her not to imprison innocents. An action like that would require a real base of operations though because casting shadow on Brand's estabilishment would make way more enemies than I can handle now.

So, step one - ambush something small and not too showy. Airship lumber transport? No, too much haul. Cross-ocean passenger ferry? Too well-guarded. The problem isn't sinking or destroying the target, it is getting enough gold while causing minimum damage and getting away. Some sort of tourist airship seems like the best idea. Airships aren't usually too protected and those who can afford the airship travel usually are nobles or rich ponies looking for new sights. The barrel of a flak cannon seems new enough to me.

No, step zero - look around Stalliongrad for somepony in need of firepower, preferrably as a threat rather than a real attacking force.

"Hey, Brand! Know a doctor around these parts?" I enter the bar and go straight to the counter.

"How badly did you get your balls kicked today, Frosty?"

"Not for me, I'm staying away from trouble as much as I can although it seems to find me rather easily. It's for the bat on my back."

"Hmm? Dude seems fine enough to me, bruises at worst, but I'll check him up myself. No need to bother anypony at this time of night. I've had to stitch ponies back together in here way more than I've ever hoped to."

Am I the only one who thought the bat was a mare?

"Thanks. I'll bring he-him to my room."

"I'll be up there in few minutes."

After today, even the flight of stairs is tiring me out way more than it should but soon enough I just lower myself over my bed and let the batpony slide on it. Now that I have time to examine him carefully I have to admit that even with the bruises and small cuts all over he's an amazing looking guy, sort of like me but smaller.

I'm not into stallions but I can easily appreciate somepony's looks, especially when I often get interested offers myself from both sexes. Aside from the dried blood his grey coat is silky smooth, his silver mane even more up to the point it seems to flow like water, and his hooves are in such a good shape he can't have stepped on anything aside from a carpet for days. What does bother me are the holes in his wings with various ornamental rings inside preventing them from healing and probably serving as something exotic for the brothel customers. That's something I can't even imagine, most pegasi love flying and their wings are more important than their life... perhaps it's different for thestrals?

The door clicks and Brand comes in with a small suitcase in his mouth. Few minutes of patient examination pass and he turns to me.

"I suppose it wasn't you who mutilated him so where did you find the poor wretch?"

"Huh, a pony almost beat him to death in a brothel. What's wrong with him?"

"Ooooh. Well, you see... sex trade in Stalliongrad is sort of unregulated which means some self-proclaimed surgeons get a lot of money to perform things that are illegal in most of Equestria, even when requested by the customer himself or herself."

"The wings?"

"Not just that," he sighs and starts moving various parts of the thestral's body, "Burn marks on the underside of his hooves for increased sensitivity, a fairly common method to increase responsiveness to stimulation, painful or pleasant. Repeatedly broken and poorly healed bones, once again for increased sensitivity at the broken spots although unless he's an extreme masochist I have to assume this is just to make him more screamy for the rather brutal guests. Do you want me to go on? There's a lot."

"From what I was told he has nowhere to go so I thought I'd keep him around until he woke up. Is he some sort of a cripple then, like he can't walk properly or something?"

"He's not going to be flying anytime soon and I wouldn't count on him ever having foals."

"Uhh, what?"

Brand spreads the stallion's legs and I notice that two important things are missing. I cross my legs in the shadowed pain.

"I've seen griffons after the same treatment in the Empire."

Brand grins but there's no amusement in it.

"Yes. Those guys have it good though - no balls, no real sex drive. Unfortunately, the treatment in these parts where there are unicorns with skill and without morals comes with potions and magic making sure the desire in the stallion isn't gone. It's sort of the ultimate slavery. The desire is still there but goes away only if the customer is satisfied enough to bother with giving the servant his release."

My stomach revolves but aside from a hoof in front of my mouth I don't let it show.

"I don't think I want to hear anything more."

"Too bad because there IS something more I have to say. His body was basically remade to be a toy... I can't even begin to guess the state of his head. Buuut that's your problem now," Brand's grin turns way more sadistic than it should, "I can wake him up if you want me to."

"Yeah, better to get through this quickly," I sigh, "If you hear screaming that isn't mine just don't even bother."

Snickering, Brand stuffs his nose with cloth, uncorks a bottle, and waves it under the thestral's muzzle. When the bat begins coughing Brand hides the bottle and leaves.

Blinking few times and hissing as he tries to sit up, the batpony looks around the room, at me, and then hangs his head without saying anything.

Is he... waiting for something?

"So, yeah, ehm... you got beat up pretty badly," I decorate the truth a little, "I saved you so the guy didn't kill you but the brothel owner said the incident would cast bad light on them and you had to go."

Still just sitting on the bed and looking at the covers. No movement or emotion whatsoever.

"Eeeeh... what's your name?"

"Fail," his voice isn't as high-pitched as I expected but it's completely calm, almost detached.

"Real name..."

"I don't have any."

"Okay then, Fail. What were you doing at the brothel?" I say, knowing it's dumb, but I just want to hear it from him.


"Doing what?"


"Anything anything?"

"Yes," a little hint of pride shines through the empty voice.

"Hmm," I huff in frustration, "I'm too tired to deal with this. Do you have someplace to stay, somepony to call?"


Crap. Kick him out? Yeah... no.

"Damn. I'm going to take a shower. Stay here!"

"Yes. Do you require my presence?"

"What? Wait! No no no. I'm fine. Just stay here and... don't do anything dumb."


What did I do to deserve this? I could have found some experts on machinery, military strategy, and combat. Granted, I would have had to pay them crazy money but everything from now on would be so much easier. On the other hoof, the changeling will owe me personally, the unicorn thinks I know something about his brother, Ivan wants to build a doomsday machine and I'm the only pony who knows where to get more mirror blueprints, and the really weird whorse seems to be pretty obedient.

It's gonna be a miracle if the warship doesn't burn down the second we take off.

Speaking of which, I still need the real crew to do the hauling and whatever they'd have to do.

"Hey, Fail!" I turn the water off and yell outside.

His pretty but expressionless face and purple eyes simply waiting for another command are creepy. The fact that he just walked into the bathroom is even worse. Knowing his last 'job' I have a sudden urge to wrap a towel around me.

"What can I do for you?" he asks, seemingly unconcerned by the entire situation.

"How long have you been in Stalliongrad?"

"Two years, give or take."

"In the brothel?"

"No, doing odd jobs. When nopony hired me for a long time I found my way there."

"So you know your way around."


"Can you help me find some ponies interested in a simple job who wouldn't mind it possibly turning out slightly illegal?"


"Great. Now get out, you're staring."

"Sorry, sir," he backs away as if the words themselves hurt.

"No problem, just wait for me in the main room."


Weird, plainly weird. Do I have to care? No, not really.

When I dry myself off and walk out of the bathroom, Fail is sitting on the floor, head hung low again. An idea I seriously contemplate crucifying and setting on fire enters my mind.

"Do you do massages?"

"Yes, sir."

"How much?"

"Sorry, sir?"

"How much should I pay you?"

"I don't understand... you own me now."


"I can't go back. I have nothing. I am yours to use as you see fit."

"Buck this. Too tired. Massage now, not the weird kind, go have a shower afterwards. Don't bother me at night. Understood?"

"Yes, sir."

I flop myself on my belly and let Fail do his job. Aside from his slightly uncomfortable moaning thanks to the burned underhooves he doesn't say a word. Not that it bothers me for long. With how good he is I drift off as my sore muscles slowly lose all stored tension.

As I wake up my first thoughts are concerned about nothing hurting anymore. Did Fail slit my throat at night and I'm now in heaven? Soft breathing nearby tells me that probably is not the case. Getting out of the bed, I almost step on Fail sleeping on the carpet next to it. As much as I believe he deserves some rest I'm going to need his help today.

"Wake up!" I nudge the batpony who has to have some sort of insane reflexes because he immediately assumes his 'normal' sitting position while probably still asleep.

"Sorry, sir! I'll get breakfast ready, draw you a bath, and-"

"Shut up, calm down, and listen! First of all, why do you sit like that? You look like you're talking to the carpet."

"Customers like to feel superior to me. Some of them like to hurt me and it's the shock when I can't see where the blow will come from which pleases them."

"You seem awfully alright with that."

"It's the only thing I'm useful for."

Not a hint of remorse or anything in that voice, just cold, hard facts.

"Ehm, well, right. Back to business, you said you knew where to get the ponies I need."

"Bars, employment agencies, dark alleys, low-grade hostels."

"Okay, let's do this."

Followed by the crazy batpony, I hope to find some normal hard-working ponies for a change.

Days pass and my mood improves dramatically because thanks to Fail I now have a group of desperate ponies willing to do pretty much anything for very little money. I even paid each one ten shiny bits just to show up at the warehouse when I need them. Students fresh out of school, season workers down on their luck, few mercenaries like me who just want to do something inbetween real jobs.

Well, 'my' batpony still creeps me out but from what he's done he seems more than trustworthy, albeit reluctant to talk about himself. I wasn't just aimlessly walking around looking for ponies though. Few quick questions and a clever disguise as a rich and young noble looking for excitement up here in the north revealed that ponies of 'my kind' often enjoy airship trips around the Crystal Empire with the sun shining even in winter and pretty crystals and sparkly ponies (not my words, just quoting my source).

Step two - find somepony to buy the loot we get from the raid. That should be simple enough. With the black market contacts and a hefty comission fee for Brand he should remember some more of his friends who deal in stolen jewellery.

Step right the heck now - go have a drink. Too much work and no fun made Icy a dull captain.

And, out of nostalgia sake, I'm sitting at the bar where I met Holy Light and Skullbreaker, sipping beer and thinking about airship piracy.

A cowled pony in a brown robe sits down at my table and looks at me across it.

"Can I help you?" I ask as friendly as I can, nursing my drink, focusing on the hoof gun, and feeling a satisfying click as the safety catch comes undone.

"Captain Icy Gaze?" a very deep and self-assured voice asks as the unicorn draws his hood back. His coat is pitch black and his mane is the same color but each strand seems to be tipped with purple.

Looking into the yellow eyes that seem to glow in the dim light of the tavern, I narrow mine. There is nopony that should know my name in this city.

"You must have got the wrong guy, mister."

"I am in need of a pony willing to find another pony for a reasonable sum of money, two ponies and a griffon to be exact. Do I still have the wrong pony?"

The last time I was asked to find somepony by a stranger in a bar stuff got REALLY bad. This guy doesn't seem to be Luna's messenger though as if he was I would have a group of Nightguards behind my back by now.

"First of all, how do you know my name?"

"I have been watching your efforts ever since you met one of my friends during your trip to the Griffon Empire a month ago."

"Must have been pretty boring then, watching me sit in prison."

"Not exactly, Icy Gaze. Resourcefullness is something I enjoy seeing grow although your using the earthpony mare was excessively drastic."

Magic, no way around it.

"Look, friend," I angle the hoof gun at him, not as sure he won't know what it is as I was a moment ago, "One wrong word and your head goes boom before your horn even lights up. Are you working for Luna?"

He smiles as if he wasn't a step from death.

"No, the young alicorn has her own goals while I have mine. Trust me when I say I have no malicious intent towards you. In fact, I really need your help."



Stupid safety!


Time slows down as the bullet leaves the short barrel and I can see the sound waves go through the air like rings on water, only in all directions. Suddenly, they stop, the bullet disintegrates, and reality returns. The gunshot should have alerted the entire bar but nopony seems to be paying us attention.

All that remains is the smiling unicorn.

Heck, I wanted excitement in my life, didn't I?

"I want to know who I'm dealing with first," I bark, still shaken by the event.

"Of course. My name is Void and I very much doubt you have ever heard of me. The ponies you will be looking for, however, you know quite well. They are the source of your current predicament after all."

No... please no. Not the crazy bat bitch and the traitor unicorn.

"Money! A lot!" is the only thing that might save me at the moment. I need something ridiculous, "Ten thousand, cash."

"Your payment will be done tomorrow."


"Alright," I hang my head in defeat, "Tell me the details."

"A unicorn named Mistake whom you have met aboard the Lightbringer, an amusing pun. A batpony with magical wings going by the name of Choking Darkness-"

"Hate her..."

"Indeed. The last one is a white griffon named Cromach, the target of your previous rescue mission. I fear they might be in mortal danger... again. I request you allow me to accompany you on the journey as well."

"Why me? Not that I don't like money but can't a unicorn with your kind of magic just, I don't know, get his crystal ball and look for them? I've never even heard of somepony capable of slowing down time."

"My powers are greatly diminished in this form so I have to travel in the usual way. Unfortunately for your highly educated magical solution, a phenomenon in the Griffon Empire is distorting all scrying magic. My guess is that someone or something is using Mistake's natural ability to cover its tracks which leads us to the last reason I do not want to go there on my own. My full power would undoubtedly attract the attention of said... something or someone."


"You cannot even begin to understand how."

"So we go there, shoot everypony stopping us, grab the targets, go home?"

"Exactly, although I would prefer avoiding conflict as much as possible."

"Deal! Remember not to call me Icy Gaze though."

"Oh? What is your current alias then?"

"Captain Frosty Stare, ruler of the skies!"

"Fitting," he says, looking at my wings, "When are we leaving?"

"Tomorrow morning."

"Good. I will find you."

I blink and before my eyes open again he's gone.

Yeah... if that guy's a unicorn then I'm a Scoota-, ehm, chicken.

For some strange reason I have no real desire to finish my beer so I just go back home, cursing my fate. Still, I had the chance to refuse... in the same way I had the chance to serve the rest of my sentence peacefully and return to a mercenary life.

It clicks inside my head.


Void must think I don't remember him but I do, at least somepony VERY similar. The colors were the clue but I just couldn't place it at first because he was so small. In Ponyville, when Five's queen wanted to kill crazy Luna, an alicorn came and stopped her. The same eyes, same colors, only without wings and much smaller.

An alicorn in disguise accompanying me on my first trip. What could possibly go wrong?

An alicorn who is scared of going there alone.


"Is there anything wrong?" asks Fail when I get back home.

"I'm not sure. We'll see tomorrow, I guess."

Maybe, just maybe, I'll wake up, go to the warehouse, Ivan would not have added an experimental beam cannon to the ship, my 'better' crew members wouldn't be outcasts of society, and the damn unicorn-whatever wouldn't be there.

Unfortunately, my luck ran out the second I successfully got out of Canterlot castle. How do I know that? Because when me and Fail enter the warehouse right before noon everypony is already there... and so is the warship.

It's actually smaller than the Lightbringer but its triangular shape makes it longer and much more sleek. The hull is painted silvery grey to make it invisible in the clouds and the entire shape makes it look more like a real ship rather than a flying platform.

"Hey, Ivan!"

"Morning, kid!"

"Is it ready?"

"Been ready since yesterday, waiting for you. I guess these guys are yours, right? Not somepony sneaking inside here to see what's going on."

Workers, unicorn Void, Five, Fail, Skullbreaker, Holy Light, a group of corporate engineers crawling over my ship... well, maybe the last one isn't really there.

"Seems fine. Is there enough space for them?"

"Yeah. The entire outer shell is hollow but armored as heck. There's a general sleeping area with bunk beds where they'll fit, captain's quarters, and the bridge where I'll be watching over the technical stuff. The rest is a storage space for ammo, reserve power crystals, spare armor plates, and long-lasting food."


"Quite something, isn't it? Still missing one thing though."


"A name. Also, a group of mares to enjoy during the trip."

"Fail can do the sexy dancing if really necessary."

"Celestia protect us!"

"What? He's really good!"

"Yeah... HE!"

"No temptation during the trip, eh?"

"Bleh, next time grab a mare as well. At least there would be somepony to rest my old eyes on. Also, the unicorn is really weird."

"The black one or the white, blonde one?"

"Both! When the black one is around I feel like an inexperienced little foal and the white one keeps scowling at the walls and grumbling something about princess Luna."

"At least they have personality, right?"

"I'm not even talking about the changeling and the idiot. Speaking of which, NEVER let the minotaur into the machine room again."


"Well, the group seemed interested in the ship so I gave them a tour before you came. Unfortunately, the mino thought one of the oscillator machines was scowling at him and threatened to eat its family."

"We're gonna die pretty soon, right?"

"Yeeeah... but don't let it bother you. So, where are we going?"

"The Griffon Empire. Void will tell you the details, he's our employer."

"Good. Now the name. Having a nameless ship is bad luck according to sailors."

"So is having a mare on board."

"Don't push me, kid!"

"Fine, fine.-"

The original was called the Lightbringer so... Icebringer, as in carrying me? No, that's dumb. What does this ship stand for? Freedom... my freedom. Freedom I gained by escaping Canterlot. Freedom that started with me jumping in the middle of a blizzard from Canterlot castle airship landing pad and landing, cut and tired, in the city itself.

"-how does Hailstorm sound, Ivan?"

"Pretty cool, get it?"

"I'll have my crew shoot you out of a cannon."

"Not until I teach them how to use those."

"Do it soon. I'm afraid we're gonna need it."

"Expecting problems?"

"Yeah. Let's go!"

I cough loudly and watch the entire crew focus on me.

Well, that's unnerving.

"Get on board, Ivan will tell you what to do."

In mere half an hour the engines of the Hailstorm rumble and the entire thing starts rising vertically through the opening roof of the warehouse. The details of who is useful for what will be sorted later. Right now, standing in the command room, I can watch Stalliongrad get smaller and smaller until the clouds envelop us.

"Plot a course for the Imperial coastline, Ivan."

"Aye aye, captain!"

First Mission: Golden Sands

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The trip to Golden Sands resort was nothing if boring. We couldn't do much and aside from Heavy Hoof sharing the mission budget with us I just kept going over my combat recordings in an attempt at finding some small grain of understanding to what I was missing. The problem was exactly the same all the time - Heavy Hoof knew precisely what I would do at any given moment.

Heavy was silent during our train ride from Canterlot to the coast, writing something into a small, white book. Aside from Dawn asking about it and finding out it was his diary, a habit he learned from his old sargeant that helped sort out thoughts, we just sat there and watched the landscape go by. I mean, there surely was something to talk about that would help me grow even a little but since I had no idea what to look for I couldn't just start a conversation.

It was Dawn who remembered a very important thing while we were crossing the ocean in a ferry.

"Hey, sir-Heavy," she looked up from a magazine as we were getting ready to shut down for the night, "I know we're supposed to go to Golden Sands and look for somepony and that me and Bucky here are just, well, baggage but can you tell us some details?"

Spitting a pencil out of his mouth, Heavy yawned.

"Sorry about that, I was just thinking about what we might find there. Our goal is simple... in theory. Three of my friends went on a vacation three weeks ago and nopony has heard of them since so we're trying to find them."

"That doesn't seem like something that would make princess Luna involve herself personally and give us an unlimited budget and time for. Who are these friends?"

"My old sargeant and a pony who for all means and purposes is a very deserving hero - Blazing Light. Princess Luna's personal bodyguard and Blazing's on and off marefriend - Choking Darkness, don't laugh, it's a family thing from what little I heard! And a griffon Royal Guard recruit Cromach who somehow got stuck with them. Ask him about the whole story one day, he loves to tell it just to embarrass Blaze."

"Do you think they'd even talk to me?" Dawn yawned as well, "I mean I'm not a high-profile pony like them."

"Blaze probably wouldn't. Nothing personal but he's kinda shy around other ponies. Darky would love a new face to mess with and, if you're into that sort of thing, she'd probably invite you to her place for drinks and then buck you senseless."

Dawn's face burst from brown to bright red at Heavy's lack of tact.

"Well, ehm, maybe... experiment?" was the only thing she managed to stutter out.

"It's sort of a greeting to her, long and a very personal story, don't worry about it. As for Cromach, he's a Guard recruit just like you, only while you were training under Rising Thunder before you got suspended he was in my group."

"OH! The completely white griffon? Wow, now I feel bad. While I was cleaning the prison cells he became a legend just like the others?"

"Heh, he got involved in things that shouldn't have concerned him and he got out alive. Maybe you'll slay some big, bad, ancient evil on this mission and become even more recognized than them."

"Don't even joke about that, I can't even hold a staff properly," Dawn groaned.

"Why did you think I gave you the chance to get out of this back in Canterlot? Blaze has a tendency to get involved in more danger than a normal pony should. Plus, if something is preventing princess Luna herself from finding them with magic there has to be something big going on."

"Now I'm scared."

"Just get some rest. Perhaps we'll be lucky and the problem is only a broken railway track or something."

"What's the chance of that being the case?"

"Exactly zero point zero percent," I smiled. I was useful for a moment!

The withering looks of the other two made me let out a distorted groan.

"I have a short entry for each of the targets in my database," I continued, trying to improve our chances of success, "Blazing Light alias Mistake. A possible unicorn ascendant with an unknown role, past host of mirror king Sombra's soul until he destroyed him completely in the mirror Crystal Empire, alternate bearer to the Element of Betrayal, part-necromantic zombie construct, capable of dissolving and stealing magic power to fuel his own magic, incapable of using spells otherwise under any circumstances, very high threat to princess Luna and any other magic user, low threat to those using only alicorn power such as Void and princess Celestia, will survive a tactical magical strike alongside cockroaches, duality. I am not sure what the last one is supposed to mean."

"That's not correct but close," Heavy snorted, "Blaze taught me hoof-to-hoof combat and the basics of staff techniques. I'm pretty sure he'd wipe the floor with you, Bucket, if he didn't lose his sight during the raid on Order of the Silver Sun in Manehattan. The part about being low threat to princess Celestia is completely untrue. I had a chat with Cromach and I read a lot, that's one good thing about being a special agent for princess Luna - I have unrestricted access to any library in Equestria. Blaze's anti-magic ability is devastating to unicorns and alicorns with weak natural power like princess Luna who have stunning magical talent to balance it. Alicorns with powerful special ability like Void or princess Celestia aren't as good with magic because they have to focus on controlling the natural force in their bodies. Unfortunately for whoever told you about Blaze not being a threat, Blaze's magic assumed similar form to Void's power after stealing a bit of Nightmare's power when princess Luna got possesses during the Ponyville incident. Thus, Blaze would be a deadly enemy even to alicorns if he wasn't the kindest soul I've ever had the pleasure to meet."

"Erm," Dawn mumbled, "What if something changed?"

"We run like heck as far as we can," Heavy said in complete seriousness.

"What about the others, Bucky?"

"Choking Darkness, princess Luna's bodyguard, thestral. Lost her wings during the second mirror invasion and is currently using a pair of magical ones created by Void, sex addict, average combat ability, cold relationsihp with Luna. She doesn't seem to be anypony special," I pulled a much shorter entry from my memory.

Both me and Dawn looked at Heavy who shrugged.

"Pretty much. She's just a normal batpony who seems superficial and airheaded at first but... no, she actually was that way years ago but Blaze changed her a lot. Believe one thing though - you don't want to make her mad. Thankfully, that's very difficult."

"Speaking from experience?" Dawn smiled.

"Yes. I got involved in the Ponyville incident while she was hiding from princess Luna. She almost killed me."

"Wow! Didn't Bucket say she was average?"

"Well, I didn't want to fight her at the time. I just didn't think she'd go that far for Blaze. Later, when I found out the truth about Blaze's involvement in the second invasion, I understood. She cares, a lot, but she hides it under the party mare mask."

"What about Cromach? Most of the mare recruits in my group shared some gossip about him being banished from the Empire. Well, when they weren't obsessed with shower fantasies about him," Dawn scratched her head, "Can't really blame them. The guy is gorgeous."

"Very handsome indeed," Heavy nodded, "Unfortunately, while I've known Blaze and Darky for years Cromach came to Canterlot only over a month ago. You can tell your friends to cool down though. While Crom is into ponies, both mares and stallions, he's currently engaged in mortal combat with Darky for Blaze's heart."

"Awwwww," Dawn pouted, "Cute and disappointing at the same time."

"Cromach, Royal Guard recruit," I said to complete my database exploration, "Used to be an Imperial Legion soldier, had a contract on his head for leaving the Legion until he killed an extremely sadistic bounty hunter, excellent physical shape and griffon weaponry training, talent for understanding mechanisms."

"So, all these guys, a magical enigma, a griffon warrior, and a batpony bodyguard, went to the place we're going, didn't return, and WE are supposed to find them, possibly dealing with whoever spirited them away?"

"Well, it's not like we're hopeless either. We have a robopony stronger and faster than anypony alive-"

"I can also cut, peel, juice, and do your taxes at the same time."

"-We have me.-"

"A pony with the physique of a god whose body is rivalled only by his weapon skills and knowledge about everything," Dawn got into the spirit of things.

"-I just like to read. And last but not least we have you, Dawn."

Me and Heavy exchanged glances, unsure what to say about the last member of our group. In the end both of us came to the same conclusion.

"A meatshield."

"A meatshield."

"Buck both of you!"

"Impossible. Gay."

"Pleasure appendage engaged."

"Grrr... I'm going to bed."

"Night, Dawn."

"Good night."

"G'night guys."

With a thud Heavy closed his diary and shut the lights off.


- Griffon Empire

- Golden Sands town ruins


- Look for clues


- Overload 5%

- Damage 1%

- Energy balance -3%


- Self

- Heavy Hoof

- Dawn

Note: Sand and heat decrease efficiency of both physical and mental processes.

There's no way around it, the problem definitely isn't a just broken railway track. As we get out of the train that carried us here it's easy to see the devastated town ruins and griffon soldiers crawling all over the place.

The small city itself is a collection of hotels, souvenir shops, rent-a-boat places, and houses of griffons and ponies running those services. In short, a town living fully off fishing and tourism. Even shorter, a burned down desolation.

"This can't be good," Dawn comments.

"No, really?" Heavy mutters, looking at a griffon soldier striding towards us.

"From what I can see there are bullet holes in the walls, bloodstains of both griffons and ponies, and imprints of armor in the sand. Most buildings seem to have been barged into and torched from the inside. There are no traces of artillery strikes visible from here," I finish my analysis of the rubble.

"Hmmm," Heavy looks around, "You see way more than I do. How did the buildings get destroyed so thoroughly then? There's little more than few walls still standing and a ton of wreckage."

"An explosion seems to have occured, all bricks and remains are spread out in a circle," I point in one direction, "The center is that way."

"How do you know it wasn't griffon artillery then?"

"There are no scorch marks aside from those left behind by the fire raging inside buildings. The walls are scorched mostly on the inside. The buildings were destroyed by pressure, not thermobaric effects of an explosion."

"Thermometer what?" Dawn smiles nervously, trying to look as small as possible.

"Thermo - heat, baric - pressure," Heavy explains.

"That was quite the analysis, friends," says the approaching griffon wearing a black jacket, something very unexpected in the desert heat, and nods, "What are you doing here?"

"My name is-"

"Heavy Hoof, secret agent of Equestrian princess Luna. We know who you are."

"The Black Ops information sources are quite something then," Heavy grins.

"Not enough to know the mare by your side and to know that Equestria started a husk project apparently," the griffon clicks his beak disapprovingly but stretches out his taloned arm, "Agent Smith."

"Dawn, Royal Guard recruit and my temporary assistant," Heavy shakes the griffon's arm, "and Bucket, our analysis expert. We're here to find out what happened to three of our friends who were here on a vacation."

The griffon pulls a small notebook out and flips through few pages.

"Noone, noone, noone, ah, these guys probably. The ex-wanted griffon soldier, princess Luna's bodyguard, and their blind friend. Am I correct?"

"Once again I have to commend the Intelligence Service for their skills," Heavy nods his head, "Is there a problem with us looking around?"

"Keep this between me and you, friend! Normally we'd arrest you just for being ponies after an event like this but ever since the Jones incident your princesses hold way too much sway with the Emperor so feel free to look around. You might actually help us."

"Care to share what you've found out?"

"In a moment," the griffon waves at us, "Follow me!"

Shaking the sand out of my armor, I keep examining the area while we follow the Black Ops agent.

Sword marks

Bullet holes

Scorch marks

Anomaly detected: Temperature dropping

Bloodstains - pony

Bloodstains - griffon

Broken weapons and armor

Anomaly detected: Unknown cause of destruction

Anomaly detected: ???

Action: vocalize

"What happened here?" is the best I can do.

The center of the 'not explosion' that must have devastated the town is not a crater but the garden of a random hotel. That in itself is not the important thing. The reason for my, no way around it, discomfort is the large steaming pool of black ice I remember from Twilight Sparkle's laboratory. It seem that an agent of princess Luna managed to get a sample from here before the griffon forces arrived.

"Well, that's what we'd like to know as well," agent Smith snickers, "The material doesn't abide the laws of physics so we suspect magic. DON'T GO NEAR - fuck!"

A griffon soldier trying to look helpful in front of an agent went to bring us a small shard of the black crystal for examination and when he got close to the frozen pool he collapsed and broke into uncontrolled sobbing.

"Hrmph!" snorts Heavy and, running as fast as he can, pulls the griffon back to the safe zone. Two medics immediately get him on a stretcher and carry him off.

"I believe you have some explaining to do," Smith narrows his eyes, "Everyone who touched whatever it is suffered the same mental shock as the idiot."

"Tell me what you know about it first, agent."

Smith sighs.

"Nothing, literally nothing. A unicorn told us it wasn't magic but I think he was wrong. We have no clue what it's made of, just that it freezes and breaks every material it touches, and that it seems to make the place cold and griffons uncomfortable."

"Any witnesses?"

"Not that we know of. The signs point to there being a nomad raid at the town, we found tracks leading into the desert but they didn't last long enough for us to find out where they led and searching the desert in a spread formation is like looking for a needle in a haystack. If it was a normal raid then the attackers would have stolen valuables, taken the inhabitants for ransom or as slaves, and left the city without causing so much destruction. I think something the attackers didn't account for happened and it's tied to the black crystals here."

"Any... casualties?" Heavy asks and holds his breath.

"Yes. Twenty seven griffons, four ponies," Smith shakes his head as Heavy grits his teeth, "None looking like your 'friends'."

All three of us breathe out.

"Cause of death?"

"Have a look yourself," Smith shrugs and leads us to a large shiny tent with machinery running around it.

Analysis: tent


- material: heat reflecting aluminium

- machinery: cooling units, solar panels

- purpose: temporary morgue

"Are you sure you want to go in?" Heavy asks Dawn.

"Yeah, I can't be just a filly," she says as we step inside, "Besides, how bad can it really be? BLUHRRG-"

Dawn runs out of the tent.

Anaysis: corpses


- wounds: slashing, piercing

Unexpected result detected!

- remnants: dried blood, sand, black crystal

"Do sand raiders use large dogs or wild animals?" I ask.

"Not often, no. Plus, we haven't found any droppings or anything. Why do you ask?" Smith tilts his head.

"Something seems to have torn a piece of this griffon's side off and it looks like bite marks left by sharp teeth."

Heavy explores the body I'm describing thoroughly and clicks his teeth, looking at the griffon's arm.

Piercing wounds.

No unusual result.

No trace of black ice/crystal

Suspected weapon: shortsword/dagger

"Sharp teeth? Hmmm..." Smith shakes his head, "Nothing comes to mind. Perhaps a really well-trained dog whose tracks got stomped into the sand in the melee?"

"The marks are too big for a normal dog. The closest species I can find is an Equestrian crystal warhound but the marks aren't erratic enough. This was just one bite, not a dog tearing somepony into pieces. The cause of death is the piercing wound through the chest," I explain.

"It can't have been done with a sword, it's too wide. It looks more like a thin spike."

"The sides of the wound are covered in shattered crystal, like the substance outside."

"So something created the ice outside and used it to impale the invaders? A unicorn mage then?" Smith asks.

"Yes," Heavy says loudly, "Is there more of the black stuff around?"

Falsehood detected!

"Smart pony," Smith grins, "There indeed are hoofsteps leading into the desert, each one marked with small pool of the black ice. You know what you're looking for, I take it?"

"No, I just want to know who or what tried to protect the defenders and where it went after the raid."

"You can borrow some of our spare desert equipment if you want to follow the tracks. My soldiers are on it as well but they can't get close to the crystal without suffering an episode like the one you saved so they travel in a safe distance and alter their course periodically. Speaking of which, why weren't you affected?"

"I was. The effect breaks down morale and resolve but I have more than enough reason to keep going. It's very simple."

"Thank you for the help," Smith smiles and gives Heavy a small silver ornament, "Show this to my soldiers if you meet them while following the trail and they'll know to obey you."

"Thanks, agent. We better hurry."

"I'll try to find out where the captives are. If I succeed I'll tell the soldiers patrolling here to tell you if you come back."

Back out in the desert sun, we approach Dawn whose legs are still shaking and who is staring blankly into the distance.

"Are you okay?" Heavy asks.

"Dead... everypony..."

"Do you need a rest?"

"Out... of... here..."

"Good, we have a lead to follow."

We equip ourselves with water bottles, supplies, and white clothes to reflect sunlight, and follow what seems to be a set of four horseshoes clearly defined by the black crystal outline around them. When we're out of sight of the town I turn to Heavy.

"What made you lie to agent Smith?"

"The dead body. I've seen a scar like that once and the puncture wounds on the arm were a clue. Was it that obvious?"

"Very. Who are we looking for then?"

"Damn! I believe Blaze is behind this somehow. The black ice is the sign of his power. It's not magic, it's more similar to alicorn abilities. He used it to protect us during the attack on the Order of the Silver Sun in Manehattan where he got blinded. The five deep puncture marks are from his mechanical griffon arm prosthesis he got when his left front leg got ripped off in a fight."

"What if the griffons find out?"

"They won't, probably. It's a secret between me, Cromach, Luna, and Darky."

"But he's your friend, right? So... we're okay then?" Dawn tries to smile but it does come out extremely forced.

"He left the town without saving the citizens. That to me spells two things - either the nomads had somepony with them who he wasn't able to deal with and had to run away or, the worse case, he became more dangerous to them than the attackers. The lasting marks of his power make me think the latter is the case."

"How is that possible?"

"It's his ability to steal magic. I don't exactly understand it myself but during the Ponyville incident he stole the power of Nightmare Moon controlling Luna to fight her which changed the way his magic worked. Plus, he had mirror Sombra inside him at the time who let him use his magic as well.-"

Heavy stops when he sees the lack of understanding in us. We weren't there and we didn't have the chance to talk to all involved parties like he did.

"-Nevermind. All you need to know is that he was able to fight Void, the alicorn of Death, in his pocket dimension and go even. Blaze has too much power to control is what I think."

"That's not all, is it?" Dawn sqeaks.

"No. Considering how much dark magic he stole I think he might be fighting for control with... something else."

"And you want to FIND that guy?" Dawn facehoofs, "WHY? It's better he's gone somewhere deep into the desert where he won't cause damage!"

"Because I owe everything to him," Heavy grinds his teeth, "and he's been there for me whenever I needed it. I will be there for him when for once it's him who needs help even if I have to be the last one on his side."

His tone clearly spells that the conversation is over.

Add note: Heavy Hoof; possible enemy





First Mission: Desert Trail

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"Landing might not be the smartest idea," Ivan looks at the screen in front of him showing griffons digging through rubble, "unless you want to take those guys on which, funnily enough, we probably could."

"Yeah, while I was aboard the Lightbringer the flak cannons ripped a hundred flying griffons to pieces. Too bad we can't aim them down."

"We have some bombs but nothing too effective. You don't, by some strange chance, have some notes on making a really big bomb, have you?"

"No, the engineers were keen on sharing the mechanics details but the only weaponry my friends managed to get plans for were the flak cannons."

"Well, we're not going to do any carpet bombing anytime soon, kid. The gunpowder charges we have are standard griffon issue, nothing for large scale operations."

"It doesn't matter. Killing defenseless griffons aside, we'd lose any chance of finding clues about the guys Void wants us to find."

"Speaking of the creepy unicorn, you haven't talked to the crew yet."

"I'm paying them, isn't that enough?"

"You've never led a team, Frosty?"

"No. Hired lance, caravan guard, prisoner."

"Then take it from me, you want to get to know them even if it means knowing whom you can sacrifice if need be. Ponies won't follow you just for money."

"Eh, whatever. I'll go ask Void what he wants us to do here. Perhaps he'll think of a way to get through the griffons. Is there any chance of them spotting us up here?"

"No way. We're hidden in the clouds and the only way we can scan the area under us is thanks to these pretties," Ivan taps on the machine with the screen, "Unfortunately, if you want more detail in the picture we'll have to go lower and risk the soldiers looking upwards."

"Maybe later. See you, Ivan."

"One last thing, Frosty. Seeing as we've found out we're going to need some real weapons. This ship is insanely fast and well-equipped against airborne attackers but in case we have to siege a fortress or something we have nothing. Perhaps you could tell me where you dug up the blueprints for this beauty and we'd go get something more, hint hint?"

"Unfortunately, that would mean attacking a heavily fortified fortress in the first place. Can't you think of something, mix some chemicals to blow stuff up?"

"I have my hooves full learning how to operate this thing effectively and teaching the random ponies you grabbed off the streets."

"Hmmm, what if I got you somepony smart enough to fly this so you can focus on the exploding part of our project?"

"Got anypony in mind?"

"Yeah, either Five or Fail."

"Whaaaat? Sorry, Frosty, but I'm not comfortable with the bug around and the whorse freaks me out with the way he talks."

"Come on, Ivan, Five is absolutely fine. From what I've seen the Nightmare changelings are way friendlier than the guys who used to hunt us for food under Chrysalis' rule before the peace treaty. As for Fail, to be honest, as little as he talks about himself he's smart as heck and never talks back. Or would you prefer me telling Skullbreaker to help you here?"

"I'll murder you in your sleep!"

"That's captain for you, Ivan."

"I'll murder you in your sleep, captain," Ivan grins, "Now do your job and get to know your crew."

With a deep sigh I leave the bridge and trudge through the bowels of the ship, admiring the design again and again. The halls are low but not small enough to be too uncomfortable and the walls are paper-thin just to lower the weight and offer as much space as possible. Surprisingly enough, the Hailstorm is big enough to have three decks. The lowest one - engineering deck with machinery and a general cargo bay, the middle one where the bridge, communal sleeping area, and few rooms, are, and the top deck which is outside. Knowing there's nopony I want to talk to on the machinery deck, I return back to captain's quarters, the only double room on the ship.

"Hey, Fail!" I look at the batpony brushing his mane, "Ivan wants to make you a new pilot so he can have some free time with inventing his end-of-the-world nukes."

Back in Stalliongrad I sort of got used to Fail sleeping in the same room. It wasn't too different from sleeping in one room with soldiers around me after I got over the 'he blows other ponies for living' thing. Right now I have no reason to not believe his act to be genuine and while he might be touched in the head I think he has potential.

"M-me?" he hiccups, "I've never done anyhing like this! Isn't there anypony better?"


"Point taken, sir. Should I go now?"

"Finish whatever you have to and go. The sooner you start the sooner you'll be at the helm. I know you can do it."

"I-I'll try my best, sir."

I've been around enough guards and soldiers to recognize Fail must have had some sort of training. Perhaps a recruit who failed to get into the ranks and had to find a job elsewhere? The body and habits tell a tale even if he doesn't. To be honest, I don't care that much. He's obedient and that counts for more than real skill for now, not that I have a choice of crew members anyway.

The communal sleeping area is just a large room with about twenty bunk beds, barrels of dried food serving as tables if necessary, and real tables screwed into the floor. Contrary to most of the Hailstorm's design this room looks like one from the movies about pirates of old times. Aside from the nameless helping hooves there's nopony here.

Walking outside to the main deck, it soon becomes obvious why.

We're not in Equestria where pegasi control the weather and so the winter is gone. The golden light of the sun bathes the deck in its glory and the warmth seeps into my entire body even through the thin cloud we're hiding in. Most of the crew is here, standing around and chatting. I would smile at the ponies marvelling at Hailstorm's existence if I wasn't in wonder myself. It's one thing to be able to fly using wings but it's quite something else to KNOW the sky is yours and that you decide who else comes up here.

Taking a deep breath, I know that, at least for now, all I can see belongs to me.

"Hey, cap!" Five waves at me, "We've been hovering here for an hour, what's going on?"


"Hey, Five! Hey, Skully! We're above the town we were looking for. I'm thinking about how to get down without getting swarmed by Legion soldiers. Griffon xenophobia is bad enough even without having a Nightmare changeling and a minotaur on board."

"Well, about that," Five blushes, "You know they call us like that only because we used to be, well, evil. I've thought of a new name for us."


"Like, ehm, we can put ponies to sleep, right?"


"And we used to feed on fear but we can feed on love as well, right?"


"And we can't actually change that much, right?"

"Just spit it out!"


Looking at the nervously smiling creature covered in black-blue chitinous plating, I'm not sure I can see it. Maybe it's the mouth full of sharp teeth capable of biting through plate armor, maybe the fact that I've seen Five take down Skullbreaker without any effort, who knows...

"That's not terrible," I pat Five's head, "Not sure that would solve our catbird problem though."


"No, Skullbreaker. We can't take a full garrison of soldiers on. How's your training going on anyway?"


After the misunderstanding in the bar the minotaur became interested in Five's predator-like combat and the... dreamling in turn loves to hear stories from different parts of the world the minotaur travelled. I'm not sure what went on during the week before we were ready to depart but the duo is inseparable.

"You can't let the big guy catch you," Five scratches his head, "otherwise he'll rip you to bits. He's a bit slow but you can rely on him."


"See what I mean? Don't worry about it. Is there a reason for you coming up here, cap? No offense but you've spent the entire trip locked with the batty guy."

"Meh, Ivan wants me to talk to all of you and see how you feel about what we're doing."

Five shrugs.

"I'm fine with all of this. I mean, I'm not going to start biting heads off at your word but if somepony attacks us they'll see what Guiding Light's hive is capable of. I don't like to say it but I'm not sure about Holy Light though. He smells a little like dad but feels different."

"What do you mean by that?"

"How much do you know about our history?"

"Erm, nothing? The first time I saw your kind was during the fight in Ponyville."

"What about the names Blazing Light, Guiding Light, Holy Light. Something in common?"

"The family name?"

"Yep! Holy Light is definitely related to dad but his mind feels completely different. It's weird."

"Have you talked to him? He's looking to find out what happened to his brother Blazing."

"Dad's his bro? Wow, I had no idea. I thought it was some distant cousin, he looks completely different. Thanks, cap!"

With Five running off, I shake my head. Everything revolves around the unlucky unicorn but unfortunately my experience with him is too limited to use to my advantage. Avoiding Holy Light now being pestered by Five, I walk to our 'employer' who is standing by the railings and looking into the distance.

"Any ideas on what to do now?" I lean on the railing myself.

"I am not sure. I feel the presence of several entities who might be the key to our hunt for information."

"Can't we just sweep in, grab them, and leave before the griffons mount a counterattack?"

"No. You are not equipped enough to fight. The entities I mentioned are not simple ponies."

"I'd like you to be straight with me. I remember you from Ponyville and I know you're not a unicorn. The last time I got dragged into things concerning an alicorn it ended up really bad. I want to know what we're dealing with and why can't you deal with it yourself, Void."

Please don't turn me into a frog.

"Our goal remains the same, a rescue mission. If I was not sure before about the need for our involvement then I am sure now. I sense four entities who are tangled in this event but I am not sure what their role is. Before I know I do not want to act."

"What good are we, normal ponies, here then?"

"You have allowed me to get close enough unnoticed, that is already an achievement," Void waves his hoof and a swirling circle appears mid-air, showing a very similar sight to Ivan's sensors, "This was impossible to do in Equestria but since I do not have to use blanket spells I can focus on an unprotected area and I have a theory."

"Care to explain?"

"I will share with you as much as I can. One of the entities is definitely Mistake himself. I cannot track him but," the vision in the magic circle moves, blurs and distorts, "his magic breaking is still in effect which means he cannot be too far. The second entity which is undoubtedly our enemy and which we must avoid at all costs-"

"You do realize this ship can blow up an army, right?" I say, not adding that it would work only if they were flying.

The vision in Void's scrying spell shifts again and a black smoke fills it. After few seconds it's possible to make out the shape of the mist.

"I do believe physical damage would be mostly useless against a shadow dragon, although there is always a chance of harming the host serving as a core."

"Is there a mage controlling it or something then?"

"No, that is the work of the third entity involved in this and no, I cannot show or tell you who it is without alerting it to our presence."

"What's stopping anypony from doing what you just did?"

"I am. My power shields us from any unfocused magic in a way similar to Mistake's trail. My current form is incapable of using strong enough magic to teleport here by myself and if I went in my alicorn form I would have been discovered immediately. That is why I need you and your group."

"You said there were four entities..."

"Yes," says Void with a much darker undertone, "and he might already know we are here. If it is so then he has not acted yet which surprises me and gives me a little hope that he is just watching instead of working against us."

This got really bad really fast.

"I hate to break it to you but I don't know what to do. Especially now that you've scared me even without really telling me anything. I mean, I just have few ponies with me only one of which knows some sort of magic and this STINKS of the damn thing."

"Do not be afraid too soon, young one, and trust the ponies around you. Fate has thrown you together for a reason even if it might be temporary and I believe you are the ones I need to solve this situation. First of all, we still need to find out what happened here and that is your job. For that I think we need to go down to the town ruins. You are a very resourceful pegasus, Icy Gaze, and you think in a way very different from mine."

"Thanks, I guess."

Void makes the scrying spell disappear and returns to gazing into the distance. Apparently it's up to me to do the job even if it has way too much fine print.

Well, Void is our powerhouse and he thinks I'm the one to do this. What am I good at?

Talking... and melting the hearts and crotches of ladies.

We don't have to sneak in. We don't have to attack anypony. This town was a well-known holiday resort for both Imperial and Equestrian customers which means we can just bluff our way in. No guarantee we'll get anywhere but we shouldn't get shot on sight.

Now, who should I take? I'm going to need Ivan and Fail inside the ship in case we have to leave quickly. The rest of the crew has to be ready to cover our potential retreat.

"Void, do me a favor, please!" I raise my voice to get his attention.


"We're going down. Tell Holy Light, Five, and Skullbreaker to get ready and I'll tell Ivan to land."

"As you wish. I will stay out of sight though while you do whatever you plan to."

"We might need to get out fast."

"That poses very little trouble to me."

I leave him with a nod and head back to the bridge where Ivan, trying to avoid touching the batpony, teaches Fail how to operate the 3d scanners and each individual motor to maintain fluid ship movement.

"Guys, drop us off and then hide back here. If you see us running back just get everypony behind the cannons and hover right above the sand so you can shoot."

"You're just going to WALK into the town through the front?" Ivan facehoofs.

"We can't fight and we have no clue what to look for, perhaps the griffons know something. I think we can pose as Equestrian agents."

"I don't even... just don't get killed too soon, Frosty."

"I'm not planning to."

Rushing back to my cabin for a lance, I return on the top deck just in time to jump off and with a quick flick of my wings land softly on the beach. Five does the same although he doesn't even need wings to deal with the drop distance. Looking at us in utter disgust, Holy Light climbs down a rope ladder followed by Skullbreaker and Void.

"Showoffs," he mumbles, taking few practice swings with his levitating sword and tightening the straps fastening a round shield to his front leg.

Skullbreaker makes a small crater in the sand as he lands, warhammer of my size propped on his shoulder.

Don't look too nervous. We're here for an official reason and we've been sent by an alicorn although not the one we'll be pretending to work for. Every lie needs a grain of truth to work.

I might need diapers soon as a group of griffons surround us, led by an official looking guy in a black jacket.

"And who might you be?" smiles the leading griffon and asks.

Quickly looking around, I see Void is gone.

"Frosty Stare, Equestrian air force. We're working for princess Celestia," I hazard a guess, "agent. You know, the white, horny pony capable of dropping the sun on the surface of the planet. Well, not that she'd need to do it here anymore."


"Shut up, agent Skully. What happened here?"

"Equestrian agents, you say? Good to know," the griffon smiles widely, "My name is agent Smith and I'm in charge here. Truth be told, what happened here is very simple. Nomads attacked the town and took the inhabitants and visitors away. Their trail leads to the desert but not far enough to let us estimate the hideout."

"We could help you, agent."

"How, may I ask? Even our soldiers equipped with thrusters weren't able to spot anything from high up."

So at least some soldiers here have rocket boots to enhance their aerial chase capabilities. Good to know. Time to get me some gravitas.

"As I said, we're the air force," I wave at the clouds few times, "and we have the supplies to follow the trail and the equipment to find even the smallest of details."

The horror in the eyes of the griffon soldiers is priceless as the Hailstorm slowly descends and casts a shadow on the entire group. Smith recovers quickly though.

"I see. Well then," he unpins a small silver ornament from his jacket and gives it to me, "here's something in case your... ship catches the attention of my soldiers patrolling the desert and you need to persuade them you aren't enemies."

"Thank you for your help, agent," I nod, "So the faded desert trail is the only clue you've got?"

"The one and only, unfortunately. Feel free to have a look around but don't bother the soldiers in the large tent to the north, please. We've been here for days and they need their rest."

"Of course."

Leaving the agent to his business, we pretend to look around in the most official way possible. There are buildings that look as if a massive explosion wrecked them and there are bits of broken armor and weapons here and there but that's about as much as I can tell. The griffons have an equipment tent situated in the southern part of the town square, an air-conditioned mortuary in the shade of a destroyed hotel, and the northern tent where the resting soldiers must be. Come to think of it, the tent is almost as cold as the mortuary... probably to fight the heat stroke.

"Anything suspicious?" I ask the group standing around. I mean, none of them's a freaking detective but they might have noticed something.

"Aside from the catbird being way too friendly?" Holy Light frowns, "Nothing. The bodies in the mortuary were stabbed and slashed, nothing unusual about them."

Five mumbles something to himself.

"What is it?"

"I-I'm not sure," he sniffs the air, "Something feels off... that way."

We follow the increasingly focused dreamling through the town ruins until he stops in what seems to have been a gift shop but now is just a heap of charred wooden beams and building materials.

"It's under the debris. I... feel a source of fear."

I experimentally push into the heap just to see if anything moves. Not even close. Realizing the futility of any attempt at removing the pieces of the fallen roof myself, I give an order to our hulking minotaur.

"Skully, you have a go at it."

Displaying a surprising amount of intelligence, he knocks at few pieces of rubble with his warhammer and then shatters a block of broken wall. Repeating the process few more times, we're now able to move few pieces of wreckage and are rewarded with the sight of a sturdy metal trap door.

"Perhaps somepony survived in the cellar?" Holy Light asks and his horn lights up.

The door isn't locked and a second later Holy's magical flare drops down the stairs leading down. A choked gasp answers. Able to see in the shadows cast by the flare, Five descends first and, sword ready, Holy follows. Skullbreaker is too tall to fit easily so he stands on guard upstairs with me.

A high-pitched squeak from downstairs is quickly cut off and the duo returns, leading a female griffon and who probably is her young daughter.

I bow deeply before her.

"I realize this must have been terrible for you but you're safe now. We just need you to tell us what happened before we escort you to the Imperial garrison."

The mother's stare darts between Five and Skullbreaker.

"Leave us alone, guys," I wave them off.

"It happened five days ago," the mother takes a deep breath and begins, "Legion soldiers arrived and started patrolling the city the day before as if they knew something would happen. It was of no use. The bandits attacked in the evening without warning, no sound or anything, just firebombs suddenly coming through the windows."

"The soldiers didn't see them coming?"

"No," she ruffles the feathers on her daughter's head, "The bandits just cut through them without any concern for their health. I saw one jump into three soldiers and..."

Her beak starts trembling and her eyes glaze over. I wrap a wing around her.

"Please, I need to know."

"He-he got stabbed but then... then he just got back up and tore the guard's necks open."

"You've got to be shi- nevermind. Go on."

"I followed my husband through the town square. There was this tall, white griffon who just kept slicing the bandits to pieces, cutting off their arms and legs, but eventually they overwhelmed him and tied him up. They did the same to the mare he was with. She was one of the winged ponies but not like you, the featherless ones."

"A batpony."

"Is that how they're called? Fitting," she chuckles, still looking into the empty air, "The bandits killed whoever was resisting but they wanted to capture those two no matter the cost."

"They just tied everypony up and left?"

"No, they didn't have enough time. My husband told me to run back home to hide and went to help the white griffon. I couldn't just run away so I stayed and watched for a while. When the bandits overwhelmed the white guy the black unicorn appeared," she shivers, "I saw the three of them wandering the town. They even visited our shop once and I think the unicorn was blind. He was only walking through the fires and calling for someone when a bandit came and just cut him down with an axe."

"Black fur, blue mane, pink eyes, blind?"

"I don't remember the eyes, sorry, but yes. Was he your friend?"

"I knew him. Is he dead then?"

"I'm not sure. It sort of became strange after that. He suddenly grew wings and some black things started impaling the bandits. The ones who were hit didn't get back up anymore. That was when I started running. A moment later I heard a screech from behind and the shockwave threw me through the street. I managed to get inside, grab my little treasure," she pats her daughter, "before the second tremor came and hide in the cellar. Fortunately, we had some canned food down there so we just waited for someone to come. Thank you."

"Follow me then, I'll take you to Legion soldiers."

I wait for her to get her bearings in the sun and join the others on the way to agent Smith. At least that's the plan until something I definitely didn't expect to hear here comes - a quiet amused chuckle.

"Make sure she's safe, guys. I'll have a quick look around here before we get back to the ship."

Careful to make as little noise as possible, I sneak to a destroyed building with my lance ready. It's Void talking to somepony. I'm not sure what worries me more, hearing Void's voice with barely controlled anger in it or the fact that the other guy is apparently amused by it.

"If you are behind this then-"

"Then what, little pony? Last time we met you failed miserably if I remember correctly."

"I was supposed to just waste your time, spirit! I can show you what it means to have me as an enemy."

"Heh heh heh, all bark and no bite, so boooring. Speaking of wasting time, how is your dear marefriend? Also, speaking of your marefriend, if you dare to threaten me again I might just remember how fun mental patients are to mess with."

Void's low growl makes me shiver but only serves to amuse the other listener who laughs to himself. Only until Void says just one word.


The drop in temperature is almost physical.

"Say that again?" hisses the other voice.

"You laughed at me talking to you as an equal back in the underworld but let me remind you again - everyone dies, even you, and now I know how to make you suffer before you do. I will not warn you again so leave my friends alone."

The next laugh comes but feels rather forced.

"I think you've got it the other way around, my little creation. I have nothing to do with this. Well, that's not exactly true but you'll just have to believe I am on your friend's side."

"You have the audacity to say that after what you did to him?"

"What I did? How about what YOU did? Take a guess which one of us hurt him more, Void, I want to hear it from you. I know you almost never lie."

"I did," Void whispers after a while, "Why are you here then?"

"Let's just say that this world is much more interesting with all the little races alive and struggling rather than as an empty rock which is what it will become if your friend fails."

"So are you going to help?"

"Now that I know you, Luna, and Tia are involved? Heh, no. It's going to be so much more fun watching you win... or lose."

"I guess that is the best I can expect from you."

"Give me a good show, Void."

"Do not push me, agent Pranks."

I hear a sigh and somepony sitting down on the sand and I take it as a sign to leave. No matter how serious the implications of what the other voice said are all I can do is focus on the task in front of me.

Returning back to the Hailstorm, I sit down into the captain's chair on the bridge. Ivan holds his breath and grits his teeth as he watches Fail get us back into the clouds but when we're safely hidden he turns to me.

"Found anything, kid?"

"That I need a drink," I mumble.

To my surprise Ivan offers me a flat bottle of something that feels like molten iron and goes down like a lead ball.

"Holy hellfire," I groan between coughs, "Why don't you make bombs out of THAT?"

"Stalliongrad lemonade. Smoooother than a filly's belly."

"Bleh! Sure wakes one up though," I shake my head, "There should be a path leading from the town into the desert but the bandits seem to have cleaned up behind them rather well. The griffons have no clue where exactly the trail goes."

Ivan plays with the screens for a while.

"Which one?"

"What do you mean?"

"Look here," he points to one screen which zooms out, "There's a clear path of hoofsteps leading north. How it is possible in the desert I have no idea but it is there. The second thing that could be called a path is this stretch of sand."

I'm done with supernatural things for today.

"The desert path. Let's find out why the griffon agent wanted to send us that way so badly."

The desert flows under us as me and Ivan keep staring at screens in various stages of zoom.

"Got something!" Fail breaks the silence, "There's unevenly disturbed sand in the distance. I doubt the griffons flying high would see it with their eyes and the ones flying low wouldn't have the field of view to notice unless lucky."

"Hmmm, follow it," I say, "We can always go back and try the other trail leading out of the town. What do you think, Ivan? Ivan?"

"Sorry, kid, are you using a radio?"

"Huh? No."

"Strange. One of the machines here picks up a signal being broadcasted from this room. It's weak but the range is massive."

A signal that anypony can pick up but it's weak enough so only somepony who knows what to look for will find it. Griffons, heh.

"Is it this?" I present the ornament given to me by Smith, "The leader of the rescue unit gave it to me in case we met his soldiers in the desert. He was a Black Ops agent."

"Yes," Ivan waves it in front of a machine that starts buzzing a little more, "Hmmm... I wonder what will happen if I do this. HEH!"


"This thing isn't the only source of a signal of this sort around, there's one more."

"You mean the agent gave one more to somepony?"

"Yeah. It's coming from the north. Do you want to investigate?"

"No, not now. Let's follow this path first. How far do you think you can track the signal?"

"Now that I know what to look for... half of the continent, give or take? Should we break your tracking device?"

"Not really, I'll just tell everypony to get ready for night patrols. Let's see what our griffon agent really wants."

The night falls on the desert and the cold up here starts to seep through the armor plating as we slowly follow what could be the remnants of a sandstorm or a fairly well covered trail.

"What are the red things on this screen, sir?" Fail asks Ivan.

"Heat signatures. This thing should be useless in the des-"

"At night?" I grin, watching the red blob on the monitor, "Ivan?"


"Underground base?"

"Maybe. The sensors on this thing are pretty sensitive."

"How about we drop the tracking device there and prepare the fireworks?"

"You don't mean-"

"Let the Imperial Legion deal with the bandits and then jump in to grab the targets."

Ivan grins.

"I'll get the gunpowder charges ready. They should be enough against lightly armored enemies."

I really hope that's the case. I'm not going to assault the base of possibly undying enemies by myself, especially if our smartass agent gives me a better opportunity.

First Mission: Hurt

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- Griffon Empire

- Desert north from Golden Sands


- Follow the trail


- Overload 14%

- Damage 3%

- Energy balance -9%


- Self

- Heavy Hoof

- Dawn

Note: Desert leaves the mind open to wander.

The trail of black ice hoofprints goes on and on. We've been following it for two days and we are fine thanks to the equipment agent Smith gave us. How the one we're following survived for this long or got this far is beyond me. Some sort of magic has to be involved.

We don't talk too much. Dawn, unused to the sand slipping over and over under her hooves, is too tired to do much more than walk and blink. Heavy is in much better state but I can see his ears twitch with every shift of sand dunes.

"Is anything wrong, Heavy?" I break the silence.

"Hm, aside from this whole thing? I'm wondering how a group of nomads managed to take an entire town down, a town with a Legion fortress and garrison."

Load Golden Sands town map.

Attack route: East

Defensive structures: Tier 3 Legion Fortress

"Surprise? Inside agent?"

"You catch on fast, Bucket. Soon you'll be a real stallion."

"Thank you."

"The entire attack seems off though. No matter what, there should be some survivors either in the fortress or griffons who managed to escape. The traces left by the bandits say that there can't have been too many of them so even if they managed to come from the desert unspotted, which is a feat in itself, they shouldn't have been able to round up everypony and lead them away."

"Perhaps the captured were too scared to run?" Dawn mumbles, "I know that feeling."

"There is always a hero who at least tries," Heavy shakes his head, "but I think you're right. Either the bandits were extremely brutal to anypony resisting or something else must have happened."

A shadow appears as we clear a sand dune. It's a small oasis, a tiny one to be precise, with just a tree, small bush, and a puddle in the middle.

And a four-legged silouhette slumped with its head in the water.


Species: unknown

Primary color: bronze

Secondary color: blonde

Cutie mark: img_978_blackCircle

Standing: N/A

Threat Level: minor

Name: N/A

Status: N/A

Damage type: N/A

Notes: possible target

"Somepony is there," I point to the little shady patch.

"Good eyes," Heavy picks up the pace, "perhaps a survivor?"

Walking as fast as we can, we get about halfway to the oasis when Heavy starts running recklessly towards it. He gets there and picks the figure up, checking for signs of life. When we're close enough so I can see clear details I realize why my long-range sensors gave off such strange result.

The creature is a pony in shape and, cradled in Heavy's front legs, looks not much taller than Dawn. What isn't pony-like are the bronze changeling plates where pony coat should be and the soft shimmer of almost invisible see-through wings made of fire hanging limply from the creature's back. The difference between it and a changeling is that there are no holes in its legs and its blonde mane and tail are what ponies consider normal.

Scanning: wings


Appearance: closest species - phoenix

Notes: corporeal form missing, ignores physical contact, no heat signature

Result: thaumic construct

"Hey, heyheyhey," Heavy whispers to the figure, "don't do this to me. I don't know what happened but I've seen you helpless way too many times. Don't give up now-"

"Unngh," the figure moans weakly, "...voices."

"Shhh," Heavy pulls a water bottle out of his bag and pours a steady stream of liquid into the pony's mouth, most of which ends up soaking into the sand, "Come ooooon."

All of a sudden the fire wings wrap around Heavy and both me and Dawn rush to him, stopping only when we notice Heavy being completely unharmed.

"...dreams ...alone."

"Shhh, it's okay," Heavy pats the pony's head, "I'm here."

"...he said I was disgusting," the pony sniffles.

"It's fine, Blaze. You've been in the sun for too long," Heavy looks at us and hisses, "Shoo, go away!"

Blaze's wings go limp again and he pushes against Heavy's chest.

"...s-sorry... I'll stop bothering you... I'll go...-"

I can see Heavy burst to tears as the unicorn tries to get out of his embrace.

"-...I'm stuck in something... sorry... I'll try harder..."

"Not you," Heavy tightens the hug, "You idiot."

"Get away from it, Heavy!" a firm voice commands.


Species: ascended unicorn

Primary color: black

Secondary color: blue

Cutie mark: img_979_whiteCircle

Standing: neutral

Threat Level: deadly

Name: Mistake

Status: Nightguard

Damage type: N/A

Notes: possible target

"What?" Heavy turns his head to look at the black unicorn and jumps away, letting the body in his hooves flop limply on the sand. His eyes dart from Mistake to whoever the other 'pony' is.

"It's an impostor, Heavy," Mistake chuckles, "Unfortunately, he had way too outdated information about my looks and power."

Much like 'Blaze' this unicorn possesses a pair of magical wings but these I recognize. They are made of the black ice a piece of which Twilight had in her laboratory, the same material we've been following all the way out here.

"What's going on?" Heavy takes a step back.

"Trouble," Mistake scowls, "Get away from it before it wakes up again and I'll explain."

Heavy walks away from 'Blaze', keeping the slowly breathing body in his line of sight.

"Luna sent us to get you, Cromach, and Darky. What happened?"

"Bad stuff, Heavy. It's all over, for everyone. The Nightmare has allied with Discord and are taking out all those who successfully opposed them in the past. Cromach and Darky are dead. I had to leave them so I'd survive and spread the word. Celestia and the Elements must be warned."

"Damn," Heavy mumbles to himself and turns to us.

Mistake ruffles his wings.

Something is wrong, aside from the entire 'the world is doomed' thing. I run, breaking black ice freezing my hooves to the sand, to Heavy. A long shard of Mistake's wing aims at Heavy's neck before I can open my mouth or raise my hoof to take the first running step and...


Heavy, snarling and turning at lightning speed with his staff ready, breaks it into pieces that result only in few harmless cuts on his face and neck.

"I had to leave them so I'd survive... how stupid do you think I am?" Heavy screams, "Dawn, take care of Blaze! Bucket, let's deal with this thing!"

Undisturbed, Mistake smiles widely.

"Very stupid if you think your defiance matters."

The sky darkens, cold wind blows through the desert, and Mistake's wings spread wide, breaking into small levitating shards creating a maelstorm around him.

Heavy thaumic interference.

Search database: Mistake



Damage type: physical(high), thaumic(average), other(deadly)


Conflict detected

Current threats: thaumic (deadly)

My sensors don't lie.

There is no other process-bending influence like it was in Twilight's laboratory but the physical characteristics fit. That could mean either something is using his body and can't do it fully or the Mistake in front of us is somepony completely different just looking the part. That doesn't change the fact that if Heavy gets hit by the cloud of shards swirling around Mistake he'll get shredded.

Engage magic absorbing capacitors

Capacity 0%

Twilight did give me some capability to absorb magic and if I couple it with my tough armor I should be able to break Mistake's concentration.



- Overload 48%

- Damage 37%

- Energy balance -47%

- Energy reserves 89%

- Thaumic Capacitor 100%

!WARNING! Capacitor is full

!WARNING! Balance loss

Balance restored.

"HA HA HA HA HA," Mistake's booming laugh echoes without having anything to bounce off of, "Toys..."

Some shards idly fly towards Heavy and he quickly avoids all of them. Mistake is just playing with him, that much is apparent.

Needless to say, my attempt failed. The magic dampening worked for staggering 0.03 seconds before the capacitors filled and failed. It wasn't even enough to stop the telekinetic blow that launched me away from Mistake. What's worse, the upper layers of my armor now have deep gashes in them.

I'm sure I'm the only one who can get through. Heavy will die instantly if he tries and he knows it. It's only a matter of time before Mistake gets bored of making the earthpony jump around and unleashes his magic.

Time to fill: 0.03s

Maximum thaumic field level: high

Required processing power: available (86% overload)


All I have to do is hit the unicorn's horn to stop the ice storm.

Charging forward again, I get ready to immediately release the stored energy as soon as the capacitors get filled in order to create a defensive field around my body. It takes way too much processing power but I shouldn't need to do it for too long.

!ERROR! Capacitor is full

Release energy

!ERROR! Capacitor is empty

!ERROR! Capacitor is full

Release energy

!ERROR! Capacitor is empty

!ERROR! Capacitor is full

!ERROR! Damage critical


- Overload 0%

- Damage 98%

- Energy balance -0%

- Energy reserves 12%

- Thaumic Capacitor 0%

Shutting down nonessential systems

Run subsystem damage diagnostic


I did it. I got close enough to punch Mistake. With how overcharged I was the blow should have broken his horn or, if I missed somehow, shattered any bone it hit. The cloud of shard disappeared and then...


Restoring optical sensor link

I'm lying in a pool of something, barely able to move my head to look at the fight.

Heavy is swinging his staff much faster than I remember him doing during our training but Mistake is still dancing circles around him. Whenever the blow seems to connect it somehow just ruffles the unicorn's fur and gets Heavy in range of counterattack.

Restoring aural sensor link

"Heh, the worthless unicorn saw you as a much bigger threat than you really are. Are you perhaps holding back?" Mistake grins sadistically, "I don't even have to use my own magic. His combat skill is more than enough for both you and the toy soldier. Well, time to end-URK!"

Heavy blocked a blow with his staff, let it quite unceremoniously drop on the sand and punched Mistake's face. With the second of inattentiveness Heavy spun around and...

"Sorry for this."

...bucked Mistake with both hind legs up in the balls.

The lack of effect becomes noticeable right as a thick shard of black ice from Mistake's wing pierces Heavy's chest and pins him to the sand.

"SIR!" Dawn yells, stops attending to Blaze, and rushes to Heavy.

Judgement error


"No," I groan weakly.

Damage report completed


The small crystals in the structure of my muscle cables weren't able to cope with the repeating cycle of absorbing and forcefully ejecting magic energy and shattered. The damage is beyond repair.

Right now all I can do is watch.

Watch as Dawn blocks the next blow aimed at Heavy with her wooden staff that breaks immediately. Watch as Mistake laughs again and punches her, still standing on her hind legs, in the stomach. Watch as she throws up blood and collapses on the sand.

Heavy, eyes wide and panting, wiggles the shard pinning him down out from the sand and pushes it out of himself with a hoof. Spitting out blood, he picks his staff up and stands back upright.

"Well, so much for the rescue attempt. Don't worry though, your bodies will serve me well. Too bad you won't see the end of the world for yourselves. I so love seeing you poor ponies break down as the chilling touch of fear finally takes over," one of Mistake's wings breaks into shards that spin and slice Heavy's staff into pieces, "I must admit I've had fun."

Heavy's legs fail him and he falls flat on his rump.

"I won't give you the pleasure of screaming," he growls.

"Oh, you will," Mistake's wing reassembles, spreads, and...

... violently shatters, ice turning into vapor mid-air.

A golden-red flame dispels the magical darkness and the sun pierces the black clouds again.

"Hmph," Mistake grunts and the remaining wing disappears, leaving only magical influence in the air.

"Beaten you twice... will get you again..." Blaze croaks, taking wobbling steps towards Mistake.

"In that shape? I doubt it," Mistake grins, "Let's get rid of the interruptions and we'll have enough time to talk about how those you loved despise you now."

Blaze shudders and looks at the sand for a second. The blazing flames of his phoenix wings fade slightly.

"You know what they say... hope dies last. And when it does," Blaze's fire wings go darker and darker until the fire turns black, tipped with purple, and eventually even that hisses out and solidifies into black ice, "Only despair remains."

"Good, now give up and let me take over," Mistake smiles, a little forced this time.

"No... you WILL fail, your agents WILL fall, and you WILL die. Even gods die," Blaze stomps his hoof and Mistake's body freezes and breaks into pieces that dissolve into nothingness.

Seconds later, a thud hits the sand as he falls over, no wings visible, no unnatural presence to be sensed.

I just lie there.

The sand dunes burst on the horizon, revealing griffon soldiers hidden under yellow blankets. They quickly close the distance, check the wounded, and pick everypony up. One of them taps at the mouthpiece he's wearing.

"Squad alpha to agent Smith. Targets secured. Over."

Signal acquired

Tuning in



"Good job. We lost contact with squad beta so get them prepped for evac immediately. We have a witness now and the HQ will want to interrogate her. Will meet you at northern evac point. Over."

"Leave nothing here," says the commanding griffon, "We're heading home."

First Mission: A Job Well Done, Part I

View Online

The night fell on the desert and the chill once again started seeping into the Hailstorm's hull. We carefully put the tracking device down near the entrance to the underground bandit base and now we're waiting for somepony to come and investigate why we're not moving.

Sitting on the bridge with Ivan and Fail, I patiently watch the screens all around giving me view of various stretches of the desert. As the night progresses the optical sensors become less and less useful while the thermal scanner becomes our best friend.

"Got something interesting, kid," Ivan grins and presents a pair of headphones, "Put this on."

"Hm?" I fasten the headset on my head and Ivan turns some dials on the machine it is connected to.

[...proceeding to investigate the area...]

A very official and strict voice rings through the headphones as Ivan gets two more pairs, gives one to Fail, and puts one on himself.

[No visuals yet. Over.]

One very careful red dot appears on the thermal scanner and slowly slinks towards the bandit base entrance. Two other dots appear, following the first one in a safe distance.

[A construction resembling a trap door found. Over.]

[Wait for the rest! Over.]

The two dots covering the first one get closer and run around for a short while.

[No patrols in the vicinity. You're free to move in. Over.]

"Celestia's holy balls," Ivan curses, "That many?"

I have to agree it was an extremely good idea to lure them there first and wait up here. The assault unit of twenty more doubtlessly well-armed Legion soldiers appears on the scanner. The fact that they appear only as red dots doesn't make them less terrifying.

[The rear guard will stay up here and take care of the villagers or running bandits. The others assume a one-three-one pattern and go in. Over.]

Three griffons spread out of the entrance and the remaining twenty split into a group of four going down the trap door, a group of twelve serving as a main attack force, and the remaining four covering their advance.

As they all descend we lose track of their progress since they meld into one large but weak red blob indicating the base. The radio signals are strong enough though.

[Five hostiles in the entrance guard room. Over.]

Few seconds of silence.

[Hostiles eliminated. No casualties on our side. Over.]

[Good job. Everyone split into fours and spread out, this place is a maze. Over.]

A duo of red dots appears on the scanner.

[This is rear guard. Two bandits returning from patrol. Should we take them out here or do you want them down there? Over.]

[No mercy. Over.]

Our optical feed erupts with light as three griffons shoot at the unaware nomads. They don't need to fire a second time.

[Patrol eliminated. Proceeding to remove head and limbs. Over.]

"What the hay?"


Both Ivan and Fail turn to me at the same time.

"Yeeeeah," I scratch my head and grin stupidly, "I may have forgotten to tell you that some sort of magic was involved that made the bandits rise again after they died. A survivor of the attack on Golden Sands told us and she apparently told the griffons as well."

Ivan facehoofs while Fail just shudders and returns back to watching the screens.

[Group alpha. We found what looks to be the main storage room. Guards eliminated. Precautions taken. Over.]

[Group beta. Found the armory. Guards neutralized. Waiting for orders. Over.]

[Delta here. Eliminate and cut to bits. We're not taking any risks and they'll be executed anyway for an attack on an Imperial town. Over.]

[Orders recieved. Beta out.]

[Gamma here, sir. Found the barracks. Twenty hostiles and counting. Waiting for orders. Over.]

[Do not engage. Wait until we have the rest of the place on lockdown. Eliminate anyone trying to go in or out only. Over.]

[Alpha here. Treasury found. Guards eliminated. Nowhere else to go. One member seriously wounded. These guys were much more alert than the rest. Immortality confirmed. Over.]

[Delta here. One of you split up and carry the wounded guy back to the entrance. The rest of you backtrack and keep exploring. Give me details on immortality. Over.]

[Orders recieved. Targets rise up immediately even after sustaining a normally fatal wound. Some sort of black... smoke swirls around them and they fight as if nothing happened. Removing limbs stops them from attacking or moving but as long as they have a head they'll at least bite. Removing the head in itself while the limbs are still attached does nothing, not even impairs sight. Only after the dead are completely dismembered the black smoke dissipates and they stop.]

A short break.

[You forgot over. Over.]

[Fuck this, delta. Over.]

To the griffon leader's credit, he doesn't seem bothered by his subordinate breaking the protocol. The situation is unique enough to warrant shaken nerves.

[Beta here. Found the prison with the villagers. Equestrian agents still missing. Waiting for orders. Over.]

[Delta to epsilon, go help beta with the prisoners. Beta, keep looking for the primary targets. Over.]

[Beta, orders recieved.]

[Epsilon, orders recieved.]

[Alpha split to anyone listening! Jackson woke up and attacked me, had to kill him. I'm seriously wounded and need evac. Over. WAIT NO! FUCK I FORGOT TO CUT HI-]

[Delta to alpha split! Answer!]


[Delta to alpha, how is your situation?]

[Shitting our pants but safe, delta.]

[Backtrack. Kill alpha split and Jackson. Meet us back in the front guard room. Over.]

[You think that black stuff... spreads? Over.]

[Just get back here. As soon as the villagers are outside and we find something on our main targets we're torching this unholy place with everyone inside. Over.]

[Orders recieved. Alpha out.]

[...alpha split to everyone listening, he he he... you're not leaving.]

[Delta to the rear guard. Do you copy? Over.]

[Rear guard safe and sound, boss. The hell is going on? Over.]

[Delta here. As soon as the villagers get out return back to Smith in Golden Sands. We'll be going north with the primary targets. Over.]

[Two of us can go help down there, sir. Over.]

[Negative. Just keep the civilians safe and get out. Over.]

[Orders recieved. Rear guard out.]

[...alpha to everyone listening... there's more of us now... it's all... over.]

The voice chuckles and the griffon chatter cuts off for a long time.

[Epsilon here. Coming in with the civs. Do not shoot! Over.]

[Good job, epsilon. Escort the villagers to the rear guard and come back here. Bring all excessive firebombs. Over.]

[Gamma, how are things on your end?]

[The barracks is still quiet. No attempts at getting in or out. Ove- AW SHIT!]


[Gamma retreating back to the front guard room! Alpha got here and attacked. The commotion woke up the bandits. We set off the firebombs, the barracks are on fire. Minor bullet wounds sustained. Over.]


[...he he he, just like you will...]

[Beta to delta! Primary target A found. Moving in to secure him. Getting him on comms. Over.]

[Alright, whoever is there, listen up! You gotta get out or you're fucked. The thing spreads either if you're near death or if you lose your head. It's a magical influence. As for this place, there's an escape tunnel leading east behind the leader's suite. Are you here to kill the nomads or save the townsfolk?]

[Delta here. Cromach, I suppose?]

[Yeah. Equestrian Royal Guard.]

[We know who you are. We're here to secure you, Choking Darkness, and Mistake and get you to the Holy City.]

[The Emperor and the Black Ops want to see us? I hate to break it to you but unless you really want to piss princess Luna off I wouldn't try to force anything.]

[Let me be straight for a while, soldier to soldier. I don't give a fuck about you and the others, especially after my guys turned against me. Let the diplomats sort all that nonsense out later and let's all get out of here as fast as we can.]

[Sounds cool. What about the villagers though?]

[They are already out and being led by a group of my soldiers back to Golden Sands.]

[Good. Let's get Darky and leave. Mistake wasn't captured with us, no clue where he is.]

I jump out of the captain's chair and grin, watching the thermal sensor show a large red group moving west.

"Now's out chance. The villagers are out and the Legion squad has enough trouble. Get us down there, Fail," I order and turn the ship intercom on, "Holy, Five, Skullbreaker, Void - we're moving out in a minute! Get ready to fight."

"You sure about this? Undying enemies, griffon soldiers..."

Ivan trails off.

"I don't want to give the soldiers a chance to regroup outside. The place should be full of small halls where their numbers shouldn't matter and Holy Light knows some shield spells to protect us from the bullets for a short while. Do you have some headsets like the griffons have so I can keep listenin on their comms?"

"No. Can't catch the signal up here and send it back down there. It works for them because one of them must have a mobile radio booster with them, most likely the guys around the boss. We don't have anything of that sort here so you gotta stay grouped."

I manage to catch few more things before we land.

[Beta here. Looking for the escape tunnel to cause a cave in. Target A is with us. Target B should be somewhere around. Over.]

[Delta and epsilon here. We're guarding the entrance and facing heavy opposition. We'll hold until you get back here. None of these bastards are getting out of here alive. Over.]

[ are... correct.]

In short five minutes we're set and ready to descend to the darkness. If I understand the comms correctly than there should be a group of at least fifteen griffons soldiers holding something around thirty bandits off near the entrance.

"Alright, guys, get ready! We have to kill everypony who doesn't give up. Knock the rest out and leave. We're looking for a tall, white griffon, and a thestral mare with black coat and red accessories."


"They'll fall."

"Sure thing, boss."

"Let us not spend more time here than we need to."

Holy Light descends the short stairs first, horn lighting the area. Skullbreaker goes next, serving as a riot shield protecting me and Void. Five, capable of sniffing out and taking down any ambush first covers our backs.

This isn't right.

"Shouldn't there be torches or lights around?" Holy comments as we lurk through the dark passages, "And, you know, sounds of fighting?"

He's correct. As we enter what has to be what the griffon leader called the front guard room I'm happy for the lack of illumination because I don't have to look at the massacre. It seems like the bandits hit this place with everything they had, ignoring tactical thinking or their safety. There are bits of griffons everywhere, some with Legion armor but most just wearing white clothes native to nomads.

Thankfully, everypony in my group seems well used to the sight of death.

"Look for Cromach and Choking," I whisper.

"Mom's not here," Five immediately whispers back, "Can't smell her."


"Dad's marefriend, that's all."

Holy and Five go through the bodies while Skully checks out the hall leading deeper into the base.

"There are few white griffons but no pure white ones or too big," Holy salutes and laughs at himself, "Sorry, old habit from the army."

"Not gonna be mad at you for staying cool. Let's go on then, this place can't be THAT big."

Bodies are everywhere, charred and cut to pieces, but no fires are burning whatsoever, torches or the remnants of firebombs.

A sound of wood and metal clanking breaks the silence. Without a word I turn to Five who points to one particular passage. Holy immediately takes point and we follow him through the dark halls. The place is way too quiet considering the fight must have ended at most few minutes ago.

"AAH!" I yell out shortly as Five taps on my back, "The heck?"

"Somepony is following us," Five whispers, undisturbed by my reaction, "They aren't afraid whatsoever and I can't smell much with all the corpses but I hear shuffling and scraping of fur against bricks."

The image of the carnage in the front guard room returns. Quite a lot of the bodies weren't...

"We are walking into a trap, aren't we?"

A green gleam passes through Five's protective plating and sharp claws grow out of his hooves and in other various places.

"Cutting limbs and heads off, right?" he grins mercilessly and I can finally see the true nature of the innocent dreamling.


"OW!" a high-pitched voice curses and adds much more quietly, "Bucking door!"

"HEY, MOM!" Five yells and runs off ahead of us.

He clears the door into a wider hall and gets flung by something accompanied by a shower of sparks and a impact of steel on steel. The immediate snarling proves he's alright.

As the rest of us get through the door, we see a long hall with many wooden doors on the sides, one dreamling curiously sniffing the air, and a tall griffon standing on his hind paws and wielding a large scimitar in both arms who jumps backwards and his eyes dart from Five to the rest of us.

He blinks.

"Void? The hell are you doing here?"

"Apparently doing what Luna could not - saving you, Cromach," the black unicorn smiles, "Where is miss Darkness?"

"Right here," whispers an unpleasantly familiar voice next to my ear and I can feel a blade scratch my neck, "and she's pretty curious what this sack of crap is doing here."

I don't dare move a muscle. Stupid, sneaky batponies.

"MOM!" Five waves his hoof at her.

"I'm not that good at recognizing your bunch. Which one are ya?"

"The Crystal Empire one!" Five answers cheerily.

The blade leaves my neck and slides back into Choking's horseshoe. Not that her stare becomes any warmer but I feel a little better when I see how she looks at Holy Light. She hates me but the stare says Holy has to die... painfully. What interests me a little is that she has her normal bat wings back instead of the magical constructs from last time but now is not the time to ask.

"We're not enemies, guys, at least compared to the rest of the griffons here," I start bending the truth a little, "Remember the Lightbringer? I've got a ship here ready to take you back to Equestria."

"There WILL be questions later," Choking hisses.

"Calm down, Darky," Cromach nods towards the door behind us, "Let's blow this joint."

"I will have words with you as well later, idiot," she growls.

"You can't tell me anything I haven't told myself while sitting here."

"Don't worry, I'll find something."

Moving quickly, we rush through the dungeon back and pass the empty guard room.

"Aw shit!" Cromach raises his sword as we get out into the desert and spot the figures waiting for us at the edge of light cast by Holy's horn.

Every soldier, every bandit is there, dark veins throbbing on their boddies and staring at us with wide smiles.

"Those two belong to me," every beak says at once, "They've helped me break him once already and will be his complete downfall soon."

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" screams Cromach.

Choking growls again but I can't help noticing she's looking at the white griffon rather than the horde of darkness.

Get the two... kill the rest...

Ivan and Fail have to see what's going on down here but there's nothing the Hailstorm has that can help us here. They mustn't land otherwise the helping hooves I hired will just get overrun and corrupted themselves.

"Don't hold back," I command, "They're already dead! Cut them to bits."

The wave of enemies hits us. Cutting to bits seems easy until the point where you find out the enemies outnumber you ten to one and have no trouble just piling on you and taking you down.

Cromach swings his two-hander with practiced look and cleans up the area around him. Holy blocks attack after attack with his spells and his sword, glowing golden, slices through the horde with no resistance. Five dances around me and rips anypony getting too close to shreds. It's a good effort but my weapons are useless, a gun and a lance aren't made for dismembering enemies so I'm happy when Skullbreaker joins in my defense and pulverizes a griffon to goo with his warhammer.

Fire flashes and roars and Skullbreaker drops to the ground. Something like a punch throws me a short distance as well. Everything is blurry and my ears are ringing. The desert night is suddenly much colder than before.

The revived Legion soldiers reload their guns and aim again.

Five jumps in front of me and his armor deflects the bullets. Holy's defensive spell shatters and he drops to the sand instantly. Skullbreaker's body twitches as another shot makes him stop struggling to get up. With vision swimming, I can only watch as the horde groups with me and Five in their midst.

"You have intruded upon my realm for far too long," roars a deep voice and the desert lights up with blue glimmer, "Thankfully, you chose the wrong place to defy me!"

A howl pierces the night and blue swirls engulf the enemies. Where they touch, the body rots and falls over, black smoke dissipating. Soon, everything is over but instead of getting up, I feel chill slowly seeping deeper and deeper into my heart.

Fail's legs wobble, he stumbles and falls over. I manage to turn my head.

Void is standing there, not the unicorn but the menacing presence I remember from Ponyville. An alicorn, standing a head taller than princess Celestia and almost twice as broad in shoulders with wings burning with black, purple-tipped flames. His golden, glowing eyes focus at me and he smiles.

The souls of the fallen rise and gather around him. Suddenly I know why he couldn't just do this himself, why he can't simply appear in this world like the princesses can. The sand around him turns to ash, the air becomes unbreathable, and I can feel myself knocking on the gate of the underworld. While Celestia's presence makes the world warmer, his power brings peace... and end to everything.

Launching a gold flare upwards, Void shakes his head.

"This is not over, Icy Gaze. You have one more pony to save."

He wraps his impossibly large wings around the gathered souls and burns away into nothingness with them. It dawns on me that if I ever want to defy Luna I'm going to need much more than I have now otherwise-

Let's just say that I'm now one of very few mortals who have seen a furious alicorn.

You cannot win, Void... I have agents everywhere.

The desert goes dark again but this time it's just night, nothing else...

...and me falling unconscious from bloodloss, of course.

I blink.

"He's waking up, Ivan."

"I can see that. Get back to flying!"

"...'s going on?" I croak, throat parched.

"Well, kid, you tell me! We see all those griffons get out of the entrance, start bombing them, they get up again and ignore us, we clean our diapers and stay here. Then you go out, get shot to pieces, all equipment goes crazy, blue kaboom, there's only you left."

"How is... everypony?"

"The griffon, Five, and the batpony are unhurt, just tired. Skullbreaker is seriously wounded but he should get better with enough rest. Holy Light is about as hurt as you which means it's nothing serious. Void is gone."

"Don't worry about him. He's fine."

Groaning, I push myself up on the bed in Hailstorm's captain quarters. Contrary to Ivan's orders, Fail is rolling some bandages and breathing heavily. Ivan catches my stare.

"The crazy pony's a pretty good field medic. Too bad he can't OBEY!" Ivan grins, "Get back behind the control panel, kid. I need to talk to the cap myself."

"It's fine, go." I smile at seeing the reluctant batpony look from Ivan to me.

He sets the prepared bandages down and leaves.

"Good. What now then?" Ivan asks, "We've got the guys and Void paid up front. Are we done, captain ICY GAZE?"

"No," I shake my head and try few tentative steps. My chest hurts but I can move well enough, "We still have one more guy to find and I think our best bet is to follow the second tracking signal. Sorry about the name thing."

"Meh, everypony in Stalliongrad uses fake names, no problem with me. You mean the signal up north?"

"Yeah. If it's nothing then screw this, we're going home. Remind me to find a really good mage for the crew when we get back to Stalliongrad. Holy is decent but he's more a hoofsoldier with a bit of magic. We're gonna need a specialist."

"Sure. Now have a rest and I'll wake you up when we get there."

"Later. I'll have a short look at how things are going. I want to squeeze a little bit more out of this mission."

"What do you mean?"

"The targets have no idea we weren't sent by the crown. When we're back in Equestria we're gonna lock them up and make Luna pay ransom."

"She'll come personally and kill you, kid."

"That's why we'll be looking for a mage, Ivan."

"Stars above us," Ivan waves his hooves above his head, "I wish I had your kind of balls. Not your kind of brains though."

"Shoo, old stallion! I have a plan to think up."

"Yeah yeah, if you need anything I'll be on the bridge. Cromach is there and he loves talking about mechanical stuff. Finally a young mind interested in-"

He slams the door shut.

"Keep reminding me, you old bugger," I mumble to myself and head out as well. I'm not too keen on talking to Choking Darkness because she's a bitch and it would most likely be pointless but I still have to try.

I'm not sure where she might be but as I head to the common room to check up on Five and others I spot her talking to the dreamling and Holy Light.

"Captain Icy Gaze," I cringe as Choking smiles sadistically, "Not a prisoner anymore?"

"Temporarily," I nod, unpleasantly aware of the truth in my statement, "Is everypony okay?"

"Nothing serious," Holy coughs, trying to get up from the bed.

"Don't bother," I wave my hoof dismissively and turn to Choking, "We're looking for Mistake. Cromach said he wasn't captured with the two of you. Got any idea where he might be?"

Choking's physically hurt expression at hearing the name almost makes me laugh, almost.

"I have no idea where Blaze is."


"Mistake's real, if I ignore the details, name - Blazing Light. Now there's something Holy should answer. I though Blaze had only one brother, Searing Light. It's written in the official documents in Canterlot castle."

Holy grins.

"Blinding Light, our father, was an idiot and we didn't see eye to eye much. All that Silver Sun zealotry, I couldn't take it and left home when I was sixteen and Blazing wasn't even born yet. Searing Light, unfortunately, ate all that nonsense up and when he was of age Blinding disowned me completely and stripped my name of any connection to the Light family. I met him about a month ago again and I think he got a bit wiser with age so we ended up talking and drinking. He said there was one mare who beat him hard enough to make his head work right again."

"Oh," Choking blushes, "The hospital thing?"

"You and some earthpony titan. His words, not mine."

"I'm not sure how to tell you," Choking, well, chokes, "but Searing Light is dead and so is, as far as I know, the rest of your family aside from Blaze."

"And branded outcasts for high treason, I know. One thing from which Blinding's stupidity saved me," Holy shakes his head, "Tell me the whole story, please."

"It's really long."

"I think we've got time. Captain?" he looks at me.

"We're now following a griffon tracking device that might lead us to something. This ship is really fast so with how hurt everypony is I might need the help of our... guests. When the intercom rings get ready on the upper deck and... sorry, Choking."


"For hunting you and Blazing in Ponyville. It was just a job and I am a mercenary. If I knew the truth I probably would have refused, probably."

Choking shakes her head.

"You... can't even begin to understand what you did. Nightmare Moon just used you but you still hurt us more than anypony else before. You destroyed our only hope at being together," she takes a deep breath, "Just get out of my sight."

It's not like I'm genuinely sorry. For the money I would have done it again easily. It's just that... seeing them in person... how they need to be together and what they did to make it happen.

For a second I wish some day, some time... somepony did the same for me.

Biting my lip, I leave for the bridge.

The situation there is marginally different. Ivan is listening, ears perked, to something Cromach is saying while Fail is trying to ignore the imposing griffon.

"Hello, captain!" Fail breathes out and smiles as I walk in, "Feeling better?"

"Worse," I mumble, "but that doesn't matter. How far is the signal, Ivan?"

"Huh? Oh yeah," he looks at me distractedly, "At this speed we should be there by sunrise. I advise having a rest, kid."

"Same goes for you, grandpa."

"I'll have a nap soon. This young griffon has just been telling me about the husks he saw when he was in that mirror world you talked about. Do you know they sacrifice prisoners to create them and use them for law enforcement?"

"They do all sorts of useful tasks," Cromach corrects him, "but mostly they are used in the military."

"Heh, I should go there. Perhaps finally somepony might find use for me," Fail mumbles and Cromach turns to him, "Eeerm, sorry."

Fail tries to look as small as possible as the griffon examines him.

"You remind me of a very good... friend whom I have horribly failed. He said stupid things like that quite often too. Also, he was completely wrong and so are you. I think you just need the right pony to tell you."

"Exactly," Ivan grins, "You might be weird but you learned to fly this thing way faster than I expected so you can't be that dumb. That, or I'm an excellent teacher."

"Yeah," I add, "Without you I wouldn't have found the cheapest crew I could in such a short time and I would now be lying in my bed covered in motor oil and duct tape because Ivan is better with machinery than ponies."

Fail chuckles despite being red as a tomato and his ears twitch when Cromach scratches his head.

"Trust yourself a little. Or if you can't, trust those around you and hope they don't fail you," Cromach stands up to leave, "Sorry, Ivan, let's talk later. I need a bit of peace and quiet to think about things."

"Sure thing. Don't forget to think about bombs though! I need better BOMBS!"

"You okay here?" I ask.

"Fine and dandy."


"Good, I'll have a rest then. Having one more breathing hole can't be healthy," I turn to leave.

"You go too, batty," Ivan nudges Fail, "You'll switch with me in the morning. I won't be sleeping anytime soon with all the ideas Cromach talked about."

With Fail going to sleep on the floor of my cabin, in a comfortable sleeping bag of course, I can't help thinking about what Cromach said.

"Trust those around you and hope they don't fail you."

And even more about what he left unsaid.

"Like I did."

First Mission: A Job Well Done, Part II

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The griffon soldiers had a mobile base with them with a small communications tower, supplies, medical kits, and reserve equipment. They treated Heavy's wounds, bound Blazing up, performed emergency procedures on Dawn, and one of them carried me on his back for most of the trip through the desert. It turns out we were much further north than we anticipated, just on the edge of the desert, and in few hours of forced march the griffons brought us to a small town with train tracks leading in and out. Fortunately, the ten Legion soldiers were used to braving the sands and had no trouble carrying three stretchers and me softly enough not to cause Dawn's wounds to get worse. With everypony aside from me either sleeping or unconscious, we entered the settlement and the soldiers unoccupied by carrying us left while the others looked for a place to stay for the night.


- Griffon Empire

- !no map entry found!


- N/A


- Overload 0%

- Damage 97%

- Energy balance +4%


- Self (immobilized/needs rest for tissue recovery)

- Heavy Hoof (piercing wound through the chest/treated/asleep)

- Dawn (ruptured organs/status critical/unconscious)

- Blazing Light (bound/exhausted/asleep)

Note: Ask Twilight Sparkle for a different way to store magic.

Night falls and the soldiers put Heavy into a bed, Blazing as well, although they still don't unlock the shackles on his legs, and leave Dawn on the floor with one of the soldiers in our room periodically checking her pulse. My knowledge about surgery and first aid is limited so I can't help in any way aside from seeing where the blood seeps out of the damaged organs.

Knowing is useless if you can't act upon it.


ID: Dawn

Skeleton undamaged. Ruptured stomach. Heavy bruising around the area. Muscle tissue not responding.

Possible solutions: Tighten the already applied bandages, stimulate muscles.

Possible results: Muscle tightening might slow the stomach leakage (16%) Death (3%)

I wish Twilight had the presence of mind to install some surgical subroutines. For now I have to work only with my general knowledge of anatomy though.

"Nameless griffon soldier number seven," I address the one keeping tabs on Dawn

"What?" he turns to me, feathers rustling.

"Dawn needs immediate medical assistance."

"We know. One of us is already looking for a doctor," he nods and taps on a piece of plastic in his ear, "Graves, how is it going in the hospital?"

My sensors catch a duplicate of the question. So, the earpiece is a radio transmitter. Wonder if I can tune in...

[Graves, how is it going in the hospital?]

Simple enough.

[Doctor found. Be back in twenty.]

Perhaps I can join in too.

"The wound is-"

Wrong output.

[The wound is getting worse, sir. Can you ask the doctor if tightening the muscle tissue around the bleeding stomach would help or not?]

[WHAT? Simmons, what the hell is this?]

[I think the robopony tapped into our comms, Graves. What about the doctor thing?]

[Switch to frequency B, Simmons. We can't let anyone listen in on us.]

Simmons turns the dial on his earpiece.


Radio signals found: 3

ID: Shifting Sands (easy listening)

ID: News Channel 6 (talk radio)

ID: N/A (no description)

"I'm on B, Graves.-"

[-What about the doctor thing?]

[He said it would help but just tightening the bandages wasn't localized enough and might cause even more damage. Just stay put until we arrive.]

Simmons looks at me and repeats the message. I experimentally move my hoof. Without a weight attached to it I can slowly move. That might be enough.

"Take me to her, please," I ask the griffon.

He shrugs and carries me over.

"Can you assist me?" I slide the grasping claws hidden in my hoof out. I still have one set left even after the black crystal in Twilight's lab broke the set on my other forehoof.

"What do you need?"

"Can you uncover your stomach?"

"With those claws around? Not on your life!" he steps away, ready to pounce at me.

"Please! I can precisely stimulate the muscles with localized bursts of electricity but I need to know which muscles react correctly."

He rubs his temples.

"Give me a second," he taps rhytmically on the door of the room and an another griffon enters, "Watch the robopony! If he even moves funny, shoot his head off."

The other griffon simply nods and Simmons takes his armor off and sits down.

"I need to measure the effects," I stretch one claw out an retract the rest, "Tell me if it is too much."

The griffon's muscles are amazingly well defined so it is fairly easy to guess where to start. I put a claw roughly where Dawn's wound would be and send a weak pulse.

"Nothing," he says when I look at him questioningly.

"Tickles," is his comment on my second attempt.

"OH EMPEROR!" he twitches and I hear a click of a gun from behind.

"Sorry," I raise both my front legs, "I overdid it."

Simmons shakes his head and waves at the soldier behind me.

"It's fine. The spasm just took me by surprise. Keep going."

In one minute and forty seven seconds I think I'm pretty sure I can tighten Dawn's wound, maybe... if pony and griffon muscles react in a similar way.

"One more thing," I tap Simmons' chest and note the reaction. Then I tap the same spot on Dawn, noting the reaction is much weaker. She's an earthpony so her chest muscles will always be weaker than those of somepony with wings.

Should I do it?

The doctor will be here in about fifteen minutes. My attempt might kill her. It seems unnecessary but...

I scan Dawn's stomach again to see the blood flow slowly but steadily rise. Another dose of painkillers this soon after the first one will kill both the pain and Dawn herself. That, or cause some other sort of damage. If I succeed she might get a slightly higher chance of survival. If I fail then she'll die for sure.

I can't move. Not due to damage but to all the conflicting signals I'm sending.

"I don't know whether I should do it, I need help deciding," I look at the two griffons, the... real, living creatures, "There's now a thirty seven percent chance of my help increasing Dawn's chance of survival and there's now a five percent chance of my attempt putting her beyond saving. Tell me what is right, please!"

The griffons look at one another.

"That is up to you, whatever you are. For us, the protocol is to do as much as we can on the spot and not wait for the help that might not even come. For all you know the doctor might trip on his way here and break his neck. In the end there is noone else other than you who makes the choice and has to live with it."

Well, all I have to do then is not fail, right?

Five claws, five points around the rupture. Weak pulse - no reaction. Adjusting for the difference in muscle strength between Simmons and Dawn.

Energy balance: - 13%

Do not fail!

Do not fail!

Do not fail!

Blood flow increases! That shouldn't be happening.

Waitwaitwait! Calm down, keep going. Weaken the pulses, too much pressure. Juuuust right.


Blood flow slows down. I need to keep the muscles tightened until the doctor comes and pray to anypony listening my analysis based on tiny scraps of information was correct.

"Out of the way!" Simmons picks me up, "The doc is here."


A griffon I presume is Graves, the door guard, and the doctor take Dawn out of the room. Has it been that long? It felt like seconds.

Local time


!warning! energy reserves low

"Thank you, sir," I smile at the griffon from my place on the floor.

"No problem. We might not be friends but we are not enemies, our goals just differ."

"Good night."

"I'll be at the door. I was just here to keep watch on the wounded mare," Simmons nods and leaves, carefully shutting the door and turning the lights off.

Shutting down all unnecessary functions


Motor functions off

Sensory functions off

Processing capacity set to 25%

Entering safe mode

Good. Now to finish something that has bothered me from the fight with Mistake off. My database entries are painstakingly inaccurate. Twilight did what she could but the entire structure was wrong and inefficient and the content is doubtful at best. The first thing that needs to be done is removing the redundancies to clear some memory space. It would be a good idea to update the greatest current known threat to a new standard to help me get the details necessary to deal with it.

Load database entry: Mistake


Species: ascended unicorn

Primary color: black

Secondary color: blue

Cutie mark: img_979_whiteCircle

Standing: neutral

Threat Level: deadly

Name: Mistake

Status: Nightguard

Damage type: N/A

Notes: possible target


I have a 3d model of everypony saved so there is no reason for duplicate descriptors.

Name: Mistake

Species: ascended unicorn / M

Cutie mark: img_979_whiteCircle

Standing: ally

Threat Level: deadly

Status: Nightguard

Damage type: physical(extreme), thaumic(minor), other(deadly)

Connections: Luna, Void, Heavy Hoof, Cromach, Choking Darkness

Notes: duality with Blazing Light - the same pony split into two somehow (Self), keep under observation (Twilight), father of Guiding Light (Twilight)

Considering how easily I got taken out in the fight I think I might as well leave out the damage descriptions because they say nothing. What should replace them though? I know that the magic used to fight us wasn't Mistake's but it might still help in sorting things out.

Damage type:

- natural: hoof to hoof combat, telekinesis

- thaumic: physical (storm of sharp shards)

- other: fire, ice, mental

- special: movement prediction

I know it's not correct but until I have a way to distinguish between Mistake and the entity that controlled him in the desert I'll keep it like this. Wait... there was somepony who exhibited magic-like abilites that didn't register on thaumic sensors. I was confused at the time but princess Celestia bends one's mental state with just her presence.

Compare: Celestia x Mistake


- natural: high strength, telekinesis

- thaumic: unknown

- divine: fire (aspect of the Sun), mental (improves morale)

- special: alicorn regeneration


- natural: hoof to hoof combat, telekinesis

- thaumic: physical (storm of sharp shards)

- divine: fire (), ice (), mental (breaks morale)

- special: movement prediction

Still grossly insufficient but I've got nothing better now. I need to find an alicorn magic user to experiment with. Princess Luna seemed to be interested in me so it's either her or Twilight.

With nothing productive to do, I shut everything down.

Local time


!status! basic motor functions restored

Starting all services

I experimentally push with my hooves against the wooden floor. It budges, or I budge, and I stand up. Kicking my legs carefully, I note that anything other than slow walk is still far away. The sound of my hooves tapping must have woken Heavy up as he yawns, stretches out his front legs, takes a sharp breath, and rubs his chest.

"Sorry for interrupting your rest," I tell him.

"N-yaaawn-No problem. I usually rise early anyway," he looks around, "Where is Dawn?"

"The doctor took her away yesterday evening."

"I hope he's a good one then."

"The chances of her survival with proper medical assistance are high."

"Good to know," Heavy stretches again but slams his back on the bed again with nothing better to do, "What about the griffons?"

"They offered assistance but I believe we are prisoners."

A rustle from the second bed in the room tells me that Blaze is awake as well.

"Good morning," I greet him. I suppose it's a good idea to be nice to an unknown pony.

The bronze changeling-pony-whatever props himself up and looks at me, blinking and still drooling. His head turns around and when he spots Heavy-


-he screams.

"What?" Heavy leans back. As soon as he speaks Blaze goes silent.

"Oh, sorry," he scratches his head.

"What was that? You looked like you could see for a moment."

"Well, the truth is I can't see but back in Canterlot I felt I was completely useless after the explosion in Manehattan. It was fun having Chokey and Crom," he wraps his front legs around himself and hangs his head low, "having them lead me around on a leash for a while but I couldn't even go to the bathroom without bumping into walls, much less walk around. After all, they had their own lives to live and I was just wasting their time."

"Blazing, they loved to be around you. As ponies say - time you enjoyed wasting wasn't wasted. There's no reason to think even less of yourself than you usually do."

"Let's be blunt here, Heavy. I failed... again. Just like I always do. When princess Twilight offered me the vacation in Golden Sands I invited both Chokey and Crom as a thank you for not leaving me but... I just made them targets."

"Whose targets?"

"The Nightmare's. When me and mirror Sombra's soul fought possessed Luna in Ponyville I stole a bit of its power so I could barely stand even with Luna. It worked in the end. By the way, thank your coltfriend Cross because he stopped Luna, not me. I just gave him an opening to get to her. Chokey told me what happened after I, well, burned away."

"So the Nightmare is after you?"

"Not as such. The dark power I stole is slowly becoming mine, giving the Nightmare less and less opportunities to act. Back in Canterlot, especially after you told me not to be afraid of my own name, I felt I could actually try to work around my blindness, to make Crom and Chokey happy to be with me. I worked out a little thing to help me 'see' a little. It works similar to echolocation, from what Chokey told me, but I send magic instead of sound and it's extremely short-ranged. It also makes everypony look REALLY creepy. Imagine everything being black with white outlines but some materials work in a weird way so you basically look like a huge black pony silouhette with white strands where mane should be and gaping white holes instead of eyes. Not a good thing to see first thing in the morning. I can't recognize anypony until they speak."

"Ah, good to know, sorry."

"You can't have known, no harm done. Well, after we got back from Manehattan my magic started freaking out somewhat. Now I know it was the Nightmare trying to get another pathway to this world. The first thing was this," Blaze opens his mouth and three long blue-black tentacles come out, one of which pokes Heavy's muzzle, "The Nightmare probably thought that when my friends found out about it they'd leave me and I would be vulnerable. Heh, it didn't count on Chokey and Crom being the biggest perverts in Canterlot."

Heavy snickers.

"I can imagine."

"Unfortunately, its second attempt was far more effective. It managed to transform me back to my changeling-ish form."

"Why is that bad?" Heavy raises both eyebrows, "I mean you looked pretty cute as Mistake but I like you a little more like this. It reminds me of when I was a recruit and you a drill sargeant. Good times, no angry gods, no evil tyrants, just me and Sharp and you and Darky."

"Why is that bad? Do you have an idea how griffons react when they see a changeling?"

"No..." Heavy leans back and shakes his head in realization. Blaze nods and smiles bitterly.

"Crom couldn't handle it. In his eyes I turned from a unicorn he wanted to buck every day for the rest of his life to a chitinous monstrosity he'd been taught to fear and hate ever since he was a little whatever young griffons are called."

"I'm gonna beat his sorry ass-"

"No, Heavy, you aren't. I know how difficult it is to ignore something that has basically been engraved into your bones so I can't blame him. With just that the Nightmare won, almost. You know I'm not the most... stable pony and I wasn't in the best shape when somepony attacked Golden Sands."

"The nomads."

"Those weren't normal nomads, their leader had to be an agent of the Nightmare. Unless hit by my power or completely dismembered they couldn't die. The strangest thing was that somepony knew the attack would happen. Somepony riled the local Legion garrison up but it wasn't enough."

"How did you end up in the desert then?"

"I was able to find Crom during the fight but my 'sight' magic is exhausting because, well, I made it and I suck at spells. I could barely make out anything more than screams and fire all around me but I recognized him being overrun, it's sort of difficult to misinterpret a tall griffon swinging a two-handed battleaxe, and I lost it."

"It was you who blew the city up?"

"What? No... I killed everypony?" Blaze's mouth hangs open.

"No, you didn't. Everypony who died died in the fight, not in the explosion. You just levelled the town. The nomads dragged all the survivors away. What happened then?"

"I have no idea. A bandit came up to me and hit me with an axe, the next thing I know I'm in the desert and with how useless the location spell is I have no clue where I am or what direction to go. With Crom and Chokey... dead..." Blaze wipes his eyes.

"They might not be," Heavy sits on the bed next to him and wraps his forelegs around his shoulders.


"The griffon soldiers scoured the town and we were able to have a look at the corpses. I think Cromach and Darky were taken by the bandits."

"WHAT? We need to get out of here!"

"We are in no shape to do such thing. I can still fight but Bucket can barely move and we have no idea how Dawn's operation went. Let's just go with the Black Ops soldiers to the headquarters in the capital city and wait for us to recover. I'm pretty sure some secret service agents will sniff us out soon enough and Luna will start with diplomacy."

"Dawn and Bucket?"

"Hello!" I wave my hoof at Blazing who comes over and examines me, poking me from time to time.

"It's a husk? No, it feels different. Who or what are you?"

"Ponyficial Intelligence made by Twilight Sparkle. I think I'd rather be a who than a what."

"I can feel something from you. You definitely aren't just a thing."

"Thank you."

"I'm just stating facts."

"There's one more thing I need to know," Heavy interrupts Blazing closely looking between my armor plates, "Who was the second you that looked like Mistake in the desert?"

"Ah, heh, I tried to avoid that one. Well, the Nightmare kept blaming me for the massacre in the town and all my past... failures. It still couldn't just take me over, I had enough control for that, so it made use of my, I use the term very loosely, split personality, the one that has always kept kicking me whenever I did something wrong. Unfortunately for me, the Nightmare is a god like Discord and their power is something mages can't even imagine using so it used it to create a second body to become its avatar and it came out looking like me, well, Mistake. Unfortunately for the Nightmare, me and my other self have been on the same side for quite a while so the Nightmare literally had an empty body stemming from me. Even worse for the Nightmare," Blazing closes his eyes for a second and focuses.

Enemy spotted!

A dark-grey unicorn with blue mane and pink eyes comes out of the floor and smiles at Heavy, "I am the thief of magic."

"And now I'm in stereo."

"And now I'm in stereo."

Both Mistake and Blazing snicker.

Heavy doesn't lose his cool and just grins.

"Now you can give the black unicorn one to Cromach and the bronze changeling one to Darky, not to mention some really freaky tentacle foursomes."

Both Blazing's selves look at Heavy, mouths agape and eyes wide.

"Now that's a comment I would have expected from either of them, not you."

"Oh pleeeeease," Heavy waves his hoof dismissively, "MY coltfriend is a hybrid of a changeling and every other species living in Equestria. You think a foursome with yourself is weird? Next time you take a dragon cock in the ass while flying a mile above Canterlot overdosed on changeling love-venom we can talk about it."

"I give up," Mistake chuckles and disappears again.

"You win," Blazing covers his muzzle with a hoof, "Are we waiting for the griffons then?"

"We can't do anything without knowing how Dawn is. Let's rest as much as we can."

"I'm all for it. It's too early in the morning for me anyway."

It's not as if there's anything better to do.

Local time


Sharp scent of menthol fills the room and a pair of griffons bring a stretcher with Dawn lying on it, breathing unsteadily but smiling weakly at us.

"Are you okay?" Heavy asks, rising from the bed.

"Never been better," Dawn croaks weakly.

The griffons I recognize as Simmons and the door guard put the stretcher on the floor and leave, locking us up.

Analysis: Dawn

Self-dissolving stitches in the stomach wall

Self-dissolving stitches on the belly

Well, I'm quite obviously not a doctor.

"Stop looking at me as if it was my funeral, guys," Dawn breathes heavily, every word draining her, "The doc did a good job, I think. It doesn't even hurt that much."

"Sorry about that," Blazing mumbles.

"Ah, help! It's the bad guy," Dawn giggles, "Don't worry about it. I heard some scars make even mares sexy and if I tell somepony I got it while fighting an evil unicorn wizard they'll at least buy me a drink."

"Just have a rest, Dawn," Heavy butts in, "As much as I trust princess Luna I hate all that diplomatic nonsense that might get us stuck here in the Empire for months. I'd prefer getting out of here by ourselves."

A thud and a groan from behind the door make all of us turn heads.

"I'd prefer getting a ton of money and free tickets on Changeling Invasion On Ice: Volume Two?" Heavy tests his possible luck again.

"Open the door, Skully," comes a familiar voice from the outside.


The door shatters into bits of wood.

"I MEANT SEARCH THE GUARDS FOR THE DAMN KEY!" Icy Gaze yells at a tall minotaur brandishing a two-handed warhammer, "Great, now everypony will be on our asses. Holy, some shields, please! Five, guard the stairs!"

"What's going on?" Blazing asks, aiming his horn at Icy Gaze.

"Rescue party, motherlovers!" Icy grins, "We saved the citizens of Golden Sands, all unimportant details aside, and now we're coming for you which is totally planned."

My falsehood sense is off the charts but I'm not complaining and get up. Heavy jumps up first though.

"THIS ONE'S GETTING BACK UP!" screams a voice from somewhere that makes Blazing rush to the door.

"Holy!" Icy yells back, "Help her with the zombies or whatever the hay they are."

"We have a wounded here who needs careful transportation!" Heavy says firmly to Icy who looks behind him and finally notices Dawn and me.

"Oh for Celestia's sake!" Icy facehoofs, "How did you two goofballs get involved?"

"Youuuu!" Dawn groans, tries to push herself up from the stretcher and falls back on her back.

"No time for that, girl," Icy cuts her off and yells back to the hall, "Cromach! Come help Skullbreaker with the stretcher. CAREFULLY!"

"First things first," Blazing stops in front of Icy, "The soldiers here are under the Nightmare's influence?"

"Is that how it's called? Yeah, you can be pretty sure that every griffon in uniform will get back up. Can you grab a sword and start cutting?"

"That will not be necessary," Blaze focuses and Mistake appears from the floor, making everypony jump. The blackfrost wings flare and a shard impales each of the door guards, "You are safe now, guys. Find peace in death."

A green-eyed white griffon pushes Icy away and stops, staring at Blazing and Mistake who both, as much as the word can be used in 'their' special situation, stare back.

"I-" he begins.

Blazing's eyes stop at him for a moment and he hesitantly raises a hoof to step forward.

"No time, lovebirds," Icy breaks the frozen moment, "Get Dawn and there are other soldiers outside who need to be stopped."

Mistake and Blazing run out as one, not that they have a choice, leaving Cromach blankly staring into the room. Heavy doesn't wait and punches the griffon hard.

"That's just the first one you deserve, you pile of crap! Now grab the other end of the stretcher," he points at where Dawn is lying and Skullbreaker is waiting, "and pull your head out of your ass. If a minotaur thinks faster than you I wonder how you're still alive."

With that he runs out, fuming. I can't really run but I follow as fast as I can.

The brown hall on the second floor is slick with gore but there's nopony who seems intent on hurting us here anymore. The stretcher is being carried right behind me and Icy is covering our backs. The sound of breaking furniture and glass is coming from downstairs. When I get down as well there's a changeling-like creature currently slamming the head of a griffon soldier into the bar counter repeatedly.

"Hey, dad!" he yells out cheerily when Mistake bursts through the main door into the streets.

"Hey, dad?" he grins again when he spots Blazing slowly walking through the large room and stops brutalizing the griffon, scratching his head tilted to the side.

"Which one are you?" Blazing smiles.

"The Crystal Empire one! Why is there two of you?"

"More of me to love, little guy."

"WOHOO!" the changeling's hoof gleams green and an appearing sharp blade cuts the griffon's head off. There don't seem to be any civilians left, only armored griffons, dead armored griffons.

The street outside is clear. Everpony is hiding and waiting for some sort of soldiers or police force. A shadow is cast over the closest buildings by a strangely shaped airship hovering just above them.

When everypony leaves the tavern Icy Gaze taps a device very similar to what the griffons had.

"Ivan, send two pegasi down here to get a stretcher. We'll be climbing up in a second."

[Sure thing, kid. Are you using the griffon frequency?]

"Yeah, I don't know how to set this thing up, I just grabbed one of a dead soldier."

[Then I'm pretty sure the local garrison will be on our rumps in few minutes.]

"You don't say! Get the pegasi here ASAP."

[Well, I'm not worried about the soldiers. There's something big coming in from the south really fast.]

Two strong-looking pegasi split from the ship above us and get the stretcher.

"I can't climb due to internal damage," I say and Cromach, giving the stretcher to the pegasi, picks me up with one arm and puts me on his back.

In less than a minute everypony is lying or sitting around on a wooden floor marking the upper deck of the airship.

"Ivan, get us out of here!" Icy yells to the griffon soldier headset.

[Look south, kid...]

The airship starts humming loudly as Icy scowls and turns his head.

"How the heck should I know where... south... is..."

He recovers and screams.

"GET US OUT OF HERE!" he taps the earpiece again and looks at everpony around, "TO THE CANNONS, RIGHT NOW!"

There is fifteen small stations consisting of some sort of artillery on a turning plate and a metal shield with small hole through which the operator can look. Cromach immediately slips into the closest one, Heavy takes a position himself, and Icy jumps to me.

"You, robothing, are you a good judge of distance? Most of my crew are just normal ponies who have no experience actually shooting the things."


"On each cannon there's timer. You set the timer, aim, push the red button. A timed charge flies out and detonates when the timer runs out. Get shooting!"

I nod and stumble towards a free station. The controls are extremely simple.

Target acquired

Collision course


Closest species: dragon

Divine influence detected

Thaumic influence detected

Calculating progress...

I set the timer to nine seconds, aim, an easy thing considering the dragon shrouded in black mist is headed straight for us, and fire. The results are not impressive.

Zoom in

No damage sustained

Minor physical influence exerted


"The black smoke around the dragon shields it from all damage but the explosive charges still make it stumble and slow down!" I shout.

"Ivan, how fast can this thing go?" Icy mumbles to himself.

[Compared to the thing going straight for us? Not enough.]

"We can slow it down temporarily."

[Then do that! If it doesn't run out of steam eventually then we're boned.]

Icy grunts and runs from cannon to cannon, improving every shooter's technique.

Analysis complete...

Divine influence shielding a living core.

Core is a real red dragon, unconscious.

Thaumic influence fading as a result of getting closer to Blazing Light.


The dragon will have to use his wings to fly instead of magic soon.

Use explosions to overheat air and disrupt the flight pattern.

"Everypony focus fire right under the dragon's left wing!"

"LISTEN TO HIM!" Icy supports my recommendation and all cannons turn a little.

"Four second timer. Fire!"

The chain explosion throws the dragon into a spiral and we gain some precious distance.

Divine influence shifting.

Frontal shield maintained.

Flight pattern too smooth again. Protection sacrificed for uninterruptable flight.

"It's not working anymore!" somepony yells out. Icy looks at me.

"Any more good ideas?"

"We cannot interrupt the flight anymore and it's moving faster than before. The protective field is restricted to a frontal shield though."

Icy understands immediately.

"Shoot a charge exploding behind the dragon! Bucket will give you the timer." you...

I can feel the hissing voice in my head without my sensors getting anything.

"Two point five seconds. Fire!"

It was a good idea aside from one detail - the dragon was too close.

To commend all the shooters, most of the charges really exploded behind the dragon or next to him. What I failed to think of was that the explosion gave the unnaturally propelled creature just more speed.

The shadows around the shape shift again and turn into tendrils that pierce the airship's deck and make the shadow dragon's legs crack the wooden floor as it lands. The dragon roars. Ponies run away from the cannons and to the stairs leading down on the lower deck. The dragon rears on his hind legs and SCREECHES.

[What was that, Icy? Icy? Icy?]

The mercenary just stands there, legs shaking, mutely staring up at the mouth full of sharp teeth grinning at him.

Divine power detected

An orange beam of light strikes the dragon that screeches again and reels back. The shadow shroud disappears around the stricken spot and the scales of a limp red dragon become visible.

Blazing Light is standing there, bronze armor plates shimmering with reflection of his fire wings, and blonde mane slightly singed by the flames.

And so the champion himself stands up.

The massive taloned arm of the dragon moves with unexpected speed to squash the unicorn who doesn't seem to notice. He must be having vision problems up here.

"Swipe from the left!" I shout.

A long shard of black ice drops from above and pins the arm to the deck, ruining even more of the airship.

"Thank you for the sentiment," yells a shadow from above, "but it's unnecessary."

Mistake bombards the shadow dragon with a shower of ice. The dragon roars again and raises a wing, each icicle causing him to budge a little lower.

It's a trap though. With the dragon protecting himself from the assault from above, Blazing charges his horn again and blasts the wing as well. The shadows disperse.

Seeing his chance, a white unicorn with blonde mane takes his place next to Blazing and his sword glows with golden aura. Making few practice swings in the air, the unicorn's horn glows, the sword seems to lengthen, and in a shower of golden sparks cuts the dragon's wing clean off.

"WOOO, BRO POWER, ACTIVATE!" cheers Choking Darkness hiding behind one of the cannon shields.

Mistake lands next to the white unicorn and looks at him questioningly.

"Searing?" he tilts his head and leans closer, "You do look like Searing Light."

"Wrong!" the unicorn grins, "Holy Light's the name. I think there's a more pressing matter at hoof, right?"

Both Mistake and Blazing aim their horns at the dragon. Holy Light's sword glows again...

...and stabs Mistake cleanly through.

Blazing screams in shared pain as Holy twists the weapon. Mistake's bones crack when Holy slams the unsuspecting unicorn with a shield fastened to his leg. Holy's blade continues in a fluid curve and shatters Mistake's wing. The blackfrost unicorn slams into the steel railings of the airship and slowly, too slowly, keels over into the clouds.

Blazing turns his head in utter disbelief towards Holy Light. A fatal mistake as the dragon pounces and slams Blazing into the floor with his hand.

"What are you doing, Holy?" Icy yells.

"Told you I had agents everywhere," the dragon laughs and the destroyed wing grows back.

"Don't tell me even you believed that bullshit lost brother story?" Holy snickers, "The smart mercenary though he could talk me into helping him basically for free by pretending he knew something about my 'long lost brother'. You were so easy to manipulate yourself. All I had to do was drop the name Blazing Light and you jumped at the oportunity to lie to me. Your changeling pet didn't trust me that fast but it was sooo much fun to listen to the idiotic batpony mare pour her heart out about Blazing."

Heavy charges Holy Light but a telekinetic blow sends him sliding back.

"You were a problem though, mudpony. Everypony was easy enough to fool but you wouldn't even entertain the though your friend was a corrupted monstrosity. Damn, the griffon was easier than you. Well, too late."

The dragon's talons squeeze Blazing and throw him into the air where the fire wings form a shield which stops the dragon's teeth... for a moment. In the next second the mouth slams shut just to stop again, this time much closer to Blazing's body.

"Stop struggling," Holy snorts, "Your death is long time coming."

"NO!" Cromach howls louder than the dragon roared and rushes at Holy who, lack of interest in his face, just conjures a shield around him. His amused expression turns to shock as Cromach roars again, swipes with his arm, breaks the barrier, and rips Holy's head clean off.

The dragon's mouth drops open, leaving Blazing hanging between his teeth.

"Nice try," Holy's head smacks its lips and the body kicks Cromach in the crotch. Stumbling around for a second, the body picks the head up and screws it effortlessly back, "Gonna need to take a bath to clean the mess up."

"What?" Cromach groans and looks at Blazing hanging limply in the dragon's mouth, fire wings flopping around and fading. Blazing catches his gaze and smiles.

"Sorry... that I wasn't strong enough... that I couldn't change back into the pony you... wanted."

"Touching," Holy kicks Cromach and the dragon finally bites down, "I forgot to thank you for your role in all this. Suffice to say, it wouldn't have been possible without you. It was so easy considering how you proclaimed your undying love over and over, pfff. All I had to do was to play your griffon instincts a bit."

"You... bastard," Cromach tries to get up but gets kicked again.

"Shhh, I have some parting words for all of you," Holy Light looks around at everypony hiding behind things or lying stunned on the deck, "So, I'm not one for long speeches but I have to practice my evil monologuing. Well, here it goes."

Holy clears his throat.

"Your champion is dead and your world will soon follow-"

"You're full of shit," Cromach struggles to get up again, "The princesses will-"

"The princesses can kiss my corrupted ass. Why do you think nopony cares about your little alicorn sisters? Luna has served the Nightmare and we know her every weakness, Celestia is too soft-hearted. On top of that her power can't even scratch a god. The only two capable of doing so were Void, whose power is returning quickly but that means his mere presence is killing the world, and your unicorn friend."

"Why Mistake... Blaze?" Cromach looks at the grinning dragon.

"You had no idea? You HONESTLY had no idea? That's rich! He had the potential to become the alicorn of Hope, too bad you managed to dash it just by yourself, griffon. I know hope doesn't sound too scary but when all hope dies, despair comes, and despair prevents even the slightest chance of success, bearing similar effects to Void's power."

Holy clears his throat again.

"So, mortals, let's try again. Your champion is dead and your world will soon follow. The Nightmare thrives on fear though so I'll let you go now so you have enough time to tremble, cower, and turn against each other," Holy Light jumps on the dragon's back, "The Element Bearers are weak, the hero is dead, and our time is coming. Thank you, Cromach, murderer of Hope."

Laughing at our lack of power, the dragon carries Holy Light off into the distance.

"Ivan, we're going home," Icy whispers.