A Pony Political Thriller that Slowly Deteriorates Because It's Late and I'm Just Getting More and More tired

by Protopony350

First published

Princess Celestia is faced with an unparalleled crises! What can she hope to do when faced with the greatest threat to ever face her nation? What will she do when the author gets really tired and the narrative falls apart? Why am I still awake?

Equestria is faced with an unparalleled threat! The Dragons have awoken, and they need a new nesting ground!

Join Celestia as she is faced with an impossible choice. Leave her nation and uproot all of her people, or fight a war she has no chance of winning! And if that was not enough, I was like really really tired when I wrote this, so it kinda falls apart as it unfolds.

Oh Man I Was So Tired

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CHAPTER 1: Falling from the sky

Complacency. This is the word that best describes the sheltered and privileged inhabitants of Canterlot. They go to and fro spending outlandish amounts of money on gems and entertainment. These ponies haven't the smallest bit of insight on the trials and hardships that befall those who keep them rich and happy. They have no idea the amount of poor and starving ponies just beneath this glorious city.
They have no idea how easily everything can be taken from them.

Atop the tallest tower in the royal castle Princess Celestia reads over the report for the 87th time. "3 skirmishes with encroaching hordes of dragons have left 45 dead. Immediate action required". She placed her hooves on her temples, trying in vain to alleviate the throbbing headache she had been suffering for the past week. The dragons have become more bold. They have expanded far into Equestrian territory. The ponies had them outclassed in pure numbers, but a single dragon could destroy an entire platoon. 12 cups of coffee into the day and she had made no progress in solving this crises.

Princess Luna had set her skillful hooves to the task of training the Royal Guard in a long forgotten art. Dragon Slaying. She had fought many dragons in her previous life 1000 years ago, and still had fresh memories of her last kill. She truly hoped that these skills would never have to be put to use, but they must be prepared for the possibility of war.


In a large meeting room Celestia had called upon the leaders of every city in Equestria. The purpose of this meeting meeting was to discuss the impending war and the preparedness off the towns militias. In the event of full scales war each town was responsible for it's owwn security andd protection.

Celestia was not happy with the she heard. Most of the towns had absolutely no plan for protecting themselves. Some didn't even have militias. The mayor of Ponyville simply stated "Twilight will take care of it"". This was turning into a fiasco.

What hope did Equestria have??


The Dragons gathered on a volcano to talk about the war!

"I am the commander and I say we invade now!" Said the commander I guess. "No we must Invade now!" Retorted the other dragon. It went on like this for a while until one dragon spoke up. "What if we invade now?" he said. The fighting stopped and they prepared for war.

The dragons began fly to the ponies and planned to fire them all. One big dragon was preparing to fire them all. The dragons had prepared a plan for the war. They would fire them all.


Twilight Sparkle was called to Canterlot. "Twilight Sparlke the dragons are coming and we need you to help fight them" Princess said. "But my friend is a dragon what do I do? Twilight askeed. "You must choose you're friend or Your friends" replied the Princess. Twilight was at a complete loss so she went to talk to her friends.

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Twi asked her friends what she should do but they had already shipped out to fight in the vietnam war with the dragons so she didn't know what to do now. She flew to Canterlot and Asked celestion "I told you to pick your friens or your friend" she told her again. She flew back to talk to her friends but they had already shipped out to fight in the vietnam war with the dragons.

Twilight went to help her friens.


Princess Celestia flew to the border and had words with the dragons. "You shall stop your invading of our lands or I will start war" But they replied with fire.

CHARGE" SHE SCREAMED AND the ponies attacked at the dragons.

One pony stabbed a dragon but it lit him on fires. The other pony did the same thing but was lit on fire. A third pony had this also happen. Princess Celestia fired back but dragons have hard skin she it didn't work.

Above my butts the Pegasus dropped the secret weapon **

The dragons scattered and a lot died. They retaliated with fire. Rainbow Dash was on fire and she died.

Fluttershy tried to talk to the dragons but they replied with fire. She was on fire now.

The others all fought bravely but the dragons are so strong.

She was nearly out of energy but the fight was going well. Zecora blasted at the dragons with her new horn ***

The dragons began to fall from the sky and crush Manehatten. The was was causing casualties all over the place now. Applejack was on fire.

Twilight unleashed all of her power and obliterated the king dragon. The other dragons died also because he was the power source.

Twilight ran to spike. It’s ok Twilight. You did what you needed to do. Goodbye” Spike was dead.


The remaining days spent fighting off the remaining Diamond Dogs WHO HAD JOINed the dragons in the war.

Canterlot was in ruins so I guess the upper Class ponies now understand how upperclass they are.

Princess Celestia was buried below the tree of harmony and was remembered as the princess who started a war that killed thousands of ponies and all of the dragons. She was mourned for weeks.

Princess Luna left Equestria and found a new home among the Breezies. She became best friens with the breezies.

In the final act of war Twilight burned the libraries of the dragons so none would remember them. The age of dragons was at an ending. She flew high and dropped herself onto the burning building. Twilight was on fire.

The exploits recorded herein serve the purpose of preventing the horrors of these dark times from being repeated. Please keep close to mind the mistakes and atrocities recorded. You have just read the recorded history of the period of time historians have come to call “The Month of Fire” ****