
by Friedrich Neightsche

First published

Rainbow Dash enters a sensory deprivation chamber. Whatever comes next... is up to the Caribou

Rainbow Dash enters a sensory deprivation chamber. Whatever comes next... is up to the Caribou

Round one... FIGHT

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Rainbow Dash's "Handler" checked her gear. Mittens, check. Vision-cancelling lenses, check. Earplugs, check. Transparent latex body-suit. Check. Everything as ready to seal her in for the week. If she came out the other side alive, she'd finally be a member of the Wonderbolts. If she didn't...

Well, she'd get what she deserved. A fate worse than death. Wings amputated, exile to the Everfree Forest, and from there, likely a plaything to the demons that dwelt there.

The Handler pressed a button, machines whirred into action, and then there was nothing. She was completely and utterly alone. In solitude. Fucked, in other words.

Right on cue, the pistons got to work, gyrating and twirling, teasing and lubricating her ass and mouth, inflating her penis gag.

"I got this," she whispered to herself, as well as she could, given the giant penis pistoning in and out of her mouth. To the outside world, she supposed it sounded more like an "mmmph," if they even got that much.

"All machines online, Dash. Welcome to your new world." The Handler said, somewhat gently.

That was odd for Him. The Handler was usually so strict and stern; the Caribou made sure of it. Whatever was coming, it must be much worse than she realized. She gulped, focusing on her breathing.

Right on cue, a shock of pain. She steeled herself. A few more small shocks, of decreasing intensity. She was getting used to it, which meant -

Information overload. In a moment that felt like eternity, Rainbow Dash changed. She was really alone now. They could have done anything. Given her a hallucinogen, a benzo, an analgesic. Done nothing. Just given her a slight shock. Whatever happened, her sense of the external world had become completely unreliable, as had her concept of time. How long had she been there? A moment? A week? Did they even tell the truth when they said she'd be there for a week? There was absolutely no way of knowing.

"It's just for eternity," she thought, fighting back tears.

A flash of light. This time it stayed. Soothing music played in the background. She might be hallucinating it, she might not be. At least it calmed her.

"Hello dopamine, my old friend," she giggled, a high melodious one, that spoke of peace and safety. "Are you dopamine? It's been so long!"

The purple intruder laughed, like you do. "You can call me that, if you like," the concept/pony said. You're confused, aren't you? Allow me to take that away. Dopamine leaned down to kiss Dash on the cheek, as one would to a newborn, and she felt instantly safe.

Things became clearer.

1.) Time was weird.
3.) She was actually installed in the foyer of the Wonderbolts HQ... at least she thought that was right.

She tried to picture the scene. An elegant but complicated control panel swam before her vision. A crowd of onlookers, pointing, and jeering, and drinking. Throwing things at her. Her transparent latex body, plastered in degrading words.

The control panel was simple. A dial for pleasure, for pain, for confusion. A switch for hypnotism, and another for rebooting the whole system. One to turn on the intercom, another for hallucinogens.

And The Handler. He was an anthro for now, which as far as Rainbow Dash knew, was a good thing. Though he could be a computer. Or a concept. Or even a hallucination right now.

Her head hurt. She tried to focus on The Handler.



"SURRENDER." The concept was immediately presented to her consciousness. No passing go, no collecting two hundred dollars. "CONFUSION" It was pro- "CONFUSION"



She was all alone now. In the dark that was light.


She was all alone now. She had ti-


She was all alone now. In the dark. Whatever the4y had done...


She saw Dopamine.

"Did they hurt you, sweetie?" The purple blur asked her. Here, let me make it feel better." She got down on her knees, and did what ponies did in that sort of situation. Rainbow Dash tried to relax. Enjoy the feeling of the moist breath on her cock, the rapid heartbeat contained therein, the rhythm of her breath, her slowly building orgasm. She relaxed. Relax. "Relax," said dopamine, in a friendly, matter of fact tone. Finally, Dash decided to look down.

Dopamine was like an uncanny version of her old friend. She was the same, but there was something a little off. Something a little more dangerous. A thrill ran down her spine, and dopamine materialized. She looked like Twilight, just.... She willed herself to concentrate on it. For a moment, dopamine turned into the most brilliant shade of rainbow, before settling back down to purple. She emerged a changed being, a radiant goddess, like Celestia and Discord had had a bastard child. A draconequus, aye, she could not deny it. But 20% cooler than that fuddy duddy Discord. Horse head, lion paw, chicken hand, dragon tail. cloven hooves. Her color was as yet indeterminate, but there was no mistaking its femininity. "She" was a proper pronoun, the being called Rainbow Dash decided.

She looked askance at the creature, afraid of flying too close to the sun. "I think a flight would help calm me. What do you think, Sir?"

She blanked out, and after the least little eternity, she was in the air, Dopamine hot on her tails. She was racing. It was a race she would lose, she knew. She was okay with that. Everything, even surrender, sounded good right now. And she was with Her Goddess. The one she would take with her, no matter where she went. Dopamine.

"Zen is the art of compressing information," her brain shouted at her, and she believed him.



She was all alone now. In the dark. Whatever they had done...

She had no clue what they had done.