Master of Shadows

by Peace Bolt

First published

How can somepony act after being pulled out of his own time and into the future and then find out it was just a story on top of that. I'll tell you not fun at all.

Twilight has found an old spell from one of her books and thinks it to be a Telepotring spell. Little did she know it was a summoning spell for one of the characters from the book. Now that he is there he want to go back but there is one little problem the spell is just one way. Now he must try and fit it and not kill anypony. Whats a guy to do?


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Back years and years ago before ponyville was even founded it was just a forest of what some called 'The Forest of Truth'. This was the time of old and horner. A time of clans of ponies of light and shadow. But with wars of years past. The ponies of this time where coming together and helping one another out. But there was some that stayed in the old ways and trained in these ways too. This is where our story begins.

The night was pitch black as a metal hit together and sparks flashed in the forest. Ponies stopped going to this place long ago. This was sacred place for those whom trained in the dark and was never know. This was the final test for one of the youngest member of the clan and he might be the last to ever under take this test.

"Master Tie Ch, I think with those cuts this would be time to stop." The young colt said looking at his old master with cuts all over the old colt. He only had a cut from under his eye.

"What you think this is enough to stop me they're just little cuts, besides your test isn't over yet. You still have an hour to go before your pass." The old gray colt said as he raised his sword. "Now come make your Father and me proud to leave the clan in your care or do I need to keep it."

"No, Master I'm ready to lead the clan." He inturned copied his grandfather sword. "I will..PASS THIS TEST."

As the swords clashed in the dark night ponies passing by could hear them and stayed as far away as they could.

~~ Ponyville present day

"Spike where is the book of Warriors of Olden times?" Twilight asked as a young dragon came form the back of the room.

"Why do you want--" As he opened he's eyes to see somepony there with them. "I'm sorry who is that with you?"

"Spike this is the pony form Manehatten remember he was coming to get the book for me because it's is a very rare book." She said and turned to her guest. "I'm sorry we wasn't expecting you until noon. Please have a sit and we'll get it for you."

The colt nodded and had a sit to wait as Spike and Twilight left the room to look for the book.

"Now where is it?" Spike said moving books around. "Hey Twilight would you like me to go get some tea or some thing for our guest to drink wail he waits?"

"No, that's okay. Sweetie will get him some thing and don't forget that its not just her and me here today but the rest of the Crusaders too." Twilight said as she moved books with her magic in front of her to read the titles.

"Thats right there helping out for the week after that potion blow up. Man I hate to be them right now." He said with a little laugh recalling the look on her face as it turned colores.

"I founded it. Ok can you put these books back for me please." She levitated the books to a few piles and trotted off to her guessed. As she left the room a piece of paper fall from the book and landed near her deck.

"Here you are sir. I hope that this will help you and your students." She said with a smile.

"Thank you Princess Twilight. I was so happy to hear that somepony had this book here in Ponyville. I think my students will come to understand the old world ponies better now that they can hear some of the old stories from this book." He took it in he's magic grip and smiled.

"May I ask one thing do you not have this book?"

"No not any more. My book was lost with a box of old things last year. I was moving and it was lost. I will have this book back to you as soon as the time permits me."

"Please take your time."

He nodded and trotted off with a wide smile. Twilight returned to the room with Spike and seen that he and the three young filles was putting books up. She started to leave and the scrap of paper caught her eye.

"Spike what's this doing on the ground?" She asked.

"I don't know, did you drop it?" He said confused that here was a piece of paper on the ground.

"Well it might have followin out of one of these books. I know I sometimes leave my bookmark in them form time to time Twilight." Said Sweetie as she walked over to pick it up.

"Ok girls I think you did enough work for to day. You can go now if you want to." Twilight said with a pleasant smile.
Apple Bloom and Scootaloo ran out the door as Sweetie Bell was looking at the paper in her magic.

"Hey Twilight what is this saying, I don't understand it. It kinda looks like chicken scratch." As she held the paper to Twilight with a confused look.

"Its the old way of writing Sweetie and if I'm not to rusty at the reading this I think its a old spell." Twilight then took it in her magic. "Sweetie I think your friends are waiting on you." As she looked over the spell.

"Hang on girls I'm coming! Oo.. Thank you Twilight again for not telling sis about the potion." She bowed and the turned to run after her friends but leaving some of her magic on the paper.

"So Twi are you going to see what that spell does?" The young dragon ask a little too overjoyed at the possible outcome of the spell.

"I want to but I don't know about it. This could be one of these spell that is forbidden. But how it sounds it seems to be a teleportation spell or is it a transport spell? I guess I'll try it out and see what happens." She had a bit of worry as she looked over the spell.

"Alright." Spike jumped down after putting the last book up on the shelf.

Twilight then lit her horn and read the spell to herself and cast it. A Flash of light came forth making Twilight fly back then smoke filled the room. Spike ran to see Twilight on the ground with a colt standing over her with a sword.

Chapter I

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As the smoke cleared and the colt come into view, Spike was between him and Twilight. The colt was in shock to say the least. As he look around the room. He lowered his sword and the sheth it.

"What are you doing? Who are you? Why do you have a sword?" The young dragon ask quickly with his eyes closed.

The colt looked like he was in a daze just looking around the room as he moving away from the two. He sit back on to his haunches and was dumbfounded.

"Th-that's what I'd like to know. I know you to be a dragon and the one behind you is a princess. I beg of the where am I?" He's hooves began to move around and then he passed out there and then.

"Sp-Sp-Spike is he... dead?" Twilight said still shocked over the whole thing with the sword.

"I don't think so he just passed out." Spike walked over to the colt and poked him in the side. "Twilight he's still breathing what should we do with him?"

"I don't know but is that sword real or is it fake?" As Twilight got up on her hooves.

"Trust me it's real and really sharp to boot." One of his spikes was cut and on the floor next to the dragon.

~~~ Few hours later

"Umm... My heads killing me." The colt rolled over to find himself in a room with odd things around him. The only thing he seen that he know what it was where a few books around him. Then heard somepony up to the door. 'I'm getting out of here.' He said to himself. Before the door open up he hide and waited for the right time to get out.

"TWILIGHT!!!!!" The dragon looked all around the room for the colt that was just there but now was gone.

Twilight ran to see what had happen. She turned the corner to the room and a black shadow flew passed her she looked around to see nopony there and Spike running up to her in a panic.

"He's gone! I when to see if he was doing okay, but there was nopony there!"

"We need to find him Spike. You go get the girls and I'll see if I can find him."

With a quick nodded the pair ran out the caslt. Twilight into town and Spike to get the others to help out. The purple aliron took to the sky a little shakily but well enough to take off and stay airborne.

~~Some roof-top in town.

The colt was sitting there and scouting the town out. This is a fine mess you got in to. He thought to himself. Well Shadow Blade what's the next move now? As he thought of what to do he seen a strike of rainbow colors fly by. A pegasi. What are they doing here? Am I in the Cloud Clan's domain? He watch as the winged mare flew around and did tricks in the sky. She is good. I bet she would give Master Tie Ch a run for his money with that speed. But I think I could out run her with the shadow walk. He jumped up and off the roof. He hit the ground on all four hooves and darted off in a shadow like streak to the outskirts of town using the shadow walk technique.

~~~Back to Twilight

Twilight had just got to town hall after flying around Ponyville two times when she seen her friends and her assent standing there as Rainbow Dash flew around and landed next to them.
"Thank you everypony for coming. We have a bit of a problem." Twilight said as she landed oddly. "As Spike told you what's going on and what happen?"

"He has Twi, so what do ya need us to do?" Said the country pony.

"Okay, lets split up and meet back here in an hour and see if we can find him."

"Darling what does the colt look like so we know who it is we'er looking for." Said Rarity.

"Right.... He has crimson eyes a sword on his back and a black mane." Twilight said calling back to what he look like. "Also he's wearing some weird clothes."

They all knew their mission and took off to look for the strange colt.

~~~ At the Lake outside of Ponyville

"Do y'all think this is a little too overboard?" Said Apple Bloom who was looking at there new attempt to get there cutie marks. "Boat rowing might be ok if we had somepony watching us. Just in case we lose one of the ores."

"I'd expect that from Sweetie but you A.B., you know this is the last think we are going to try before saying no more water." Scootaloo snapped and throw the live jackets to the others.

"I'm with Apple Bloom on this one, Scoot. But it is the last thing on the list for the today, so let's just get it over with." Sweetie hung her head as she put on her jacket.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders had jump in the boat and had started rowing out into the lake as Shadow Blade arrived near a tree. He sit down and looked around and seen the three fillies rowing a boat in the lake. He watch as they played and splashed one another as they did the colt thought back to the days where he and his friend came out to the lake and played.

~~Warning sad past coming~~
Him and his two friends played in the boat his father give him this day nopony was with them as they rowed out, one of his friends fall out of the boat and so did he. A few days later he woke up at home and was still alive but his other friend that had jumped in after the two wasn't so lucky. He had gotten cut and it was infected. He was really sick for a long time and passed away soon after that. After that day Shadow was sent to is grandfather's to train. His father had also give him something to remind him of that day. A cut in his ear, it wasn't on purpose mind you. It happen when his dad throw a vase and then him out of the house. His father didn't mean for it to happen but it did. From then on Shadow Blade told himself if any of his friends passed away because of something that he had done then some part of him would to, and that cut was prof of his belief.
~~End of past~~

He snapped back as he heard the fillies crying for help one of them had gone overboard into the water. The life-jacket she was wearing wasn't new it was old and unsafe. It was no longer safe to wear and was taking on water. The little white filly was going under as he came to his hooves. "I'M COMING!!" He shouted as the ran to the water and then over it to the little filly. Picking her up in his magic and taking her to shore. The little filly was passed out but breathing as he looked her over and then turned to pull the boat in with his magic.

After a little bit the young white filly was up and okay. Her friends there by her side and a strange colt looking out at the lake. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom hugged and nuzzled her.

"Sweetie your ok? This guy came out of no where and safed you. I'm sorry that happen I didn't know the life-jacket was that bad." Scootaloo said with her head low and ear flatten down on her head.

"Are you the one that saved me Mister?" She held a hoof up to him.

"Yes little one I was. You know that was very dangers to go out on the lake without somepony here watching you, but just be thankful I was passing by." He then started to leave. "Fillies next time, have somepony here watching you."

"Wait!!!!" Sweetie Bell said grabbing his tail. "Please let me thank you with something. I bet my sister would really be happy to make you something anything to eat or wear for saving me. Just name it."

He turned to look at her. His crimson eyes meeting her emerald eyes. He could see that it was no point in saying no to her and then nodded. "Okay little one but first what's your's and your friends' names. I am Shadow Blade leader of the Shadow Clan."

"I'm Sweetie Bell and this is Scootaloo and Apple Bloom." She tilted her head. "What is a Shadow Clan? I've never heard of that be for."

"I bet he's some kind of ninja that has lost everything and is trying to find his clan that's lost to the winds." Scootaloo said laughing her head off.

"I would not laugh at something like that. For any ninja to lose their clan is like having no family or friends anymore." Shadow was cold and a bit to dark at the last bit.

"I'm sorry..... I didn't think of it like that." Scoot pawed at the ground.

"It's all right, you didn't know. Now little ones shall we go?" He put on a fake smile and bowed to the three.
Sweetie smiled and with her friends and started to her sister's house with Shadow falling them.

Chapter II

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Twilight and the gang had just meet back up at Town Hall nopony had found a trace of the colt. It was like he just vanished into thin air. As they thought about what to do next, Rarity remembered that she hadn't seen her sister or her little friends.

"Has anypony seen Sweetie Bell, Apple Bloom, or Scootaloo? I'm don't know why darlings, but I just had a bad feeling that something has happen to them." Said Rarity looking around.

"I've got the same feeling but ah know them girls there just having fun is all. You know them, can't hold still longer than a Junebug in spring." Said Apple Jack tilting her hat.

"I know what you mean AJ, Scoot's scooter is at my house in two pieces. She crashed it a little bit ago. So I let her put it up in my house. I told her I'd help her fix it later and make it look awesome. She said that they were going to the lake. I could fly over there and check up on them." Said Rainbow Dash

"Ok Rainbow, Rarity, Apple Jack, you three go see about the girls. Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and me will look around town some more. If anypony see's that colt don't make contact with him. He still has his sword and might be dangerous. Does everypony understand what to do?" Said Twilight.

"Yes." Said her friends in unison.

~~~ On the road from the Lake to Ponyville

The little fillies with Shadow Blade was going to Carlisle Boteace. As the four walk along the Crusader stared asking Blade Questions about his clothes and why he know so much about ninjas. As he answered these questions he jumped back into the shadow of a tree as a rainbow mane mare flew over head.

"Why are you hiding? Its just Rainbow Dash, she's cool and the fastest flyer of all times." Said Scootaloo with stars in her eyes.

"Is she part of the Cloud Clan?" Said Shadow Blade with his sword in his magic grip but not out of its sheath.

"What's tha... Nevermind no she's not. She's like my big sister so there's no need to hind."

As Rainbow pasted over she seen the fillies and doubled back as she did she seen the colt and dive between them. Not knowing if he would hurt a filly or her she didn't want to find out.

"That's far enough, if you don't mind there pal. You better not have laid one hoof on these girls if you know what's good for you." Rainbow hissed.

"Why would I? The young know little of the world and are just happier not knowing, but before you go and think evil of me ask them why I'm with them." Shadow taking a few steps out of the shadows of the trees. "And why one is still with breathing."

Rainbow turned just so she could keep one eye on him and looked back at the girls. "What the hay is he talking about?"

"I fell in the lake and almost drowned and he saved me." Said Sweetie as she looked down at the ground at her hooves. "We were in a boat rowing out in the lake and my life-jacket wasn't as good as it should have been. So it was taking on water and pulling me down under the water."

"Ya and he just ran over the water and grabbed her and pulled her to shore. Then scold us for not having anypony there to watch over us when we were out on the lake." Add Scootaloo.

"There you go. The young one there was just wanting to repay me for saving her in her time of need. She told me that her sister would gladly make me something for saving her. I can't refuse it. " He walked up to Dash and whispered in her ear. 'I think if I did she would talk me into it until she was blue in the muzzle.'

Rainbow turned and laugh at this. For all she knew he was right. That little filly could talk Rarity in to anything she want to do and almost always get her way. "Okay then you three go to Rarity's. She is was worried about you, as for you..."

"Please call me Shadow." Asked Shadow Blade.

Rainbow gave him a blank stare. "Shadow.... Kind of a funny name you got there but ok. You need to come with me. Twilight wants to talk with you.''

"Twilight? She is the leader of your clan?" He asked as the fillies pasted him.

"In some way. She's a princess and she's one of the nicest ponies y'all meet other then Fluttershy." Said Apple Bloom then turned and head off with the her other two friends.

Shadow Blade smiled at her and turned to Rainbow Dash. "Okay then I'll go with you to see your princess, but can you tell me where we're going."

"Its the crystal castle in town can't miss it." Said Dash abit confused. "Why do you ask?"

"I want to race you. I seen you flying and your pretty fast up in the air but are you faster than me running down here on the ground? I just want to know is all."

"A race? How do I know you're not going to just run off?" Snapped Rainbow.

"Here I'll give you this." He pulled out an amulet with a green dragon eye gem in it. "This is very precious to me. It was my father's and my grandfather's before that. Its been passed down for years in my family. I'll give it to you just to show I'll not run away but to where ever you going."

Rainbow look at the amulet and put it on. "Okay you got a race. But you better go straight there or I'll track you down and shove this down your muzzle got it."

Shadow smiled and dug his hooves in the ground. "Deal. Lets race."

Dash counted down from three and off they went. Dash in the air and Shadow on hoof.

Chapter III

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The race was under way as both ponies flew and ran as fast as they could. Rainbow was up in front as Shadow trailed behind. After a bit Rainbow speed up and didn't look back. Shadow took it as she know she would win by a landslide but then started to use the Shadow walk and jumped in to Rainbow's shadow and shoot off like well like Rainbow Dash. All Dash saw was a thin shadow of something striking up to the castle and it wasn't her she hit the gas and made it to the castle.

"What keep you a bad head wind? I thought as much you could out fly my grandfather but not me." Said Shadow at the door of the castle. "I would like my amulet back now please." He held out his hoof.

"There's no way you could have beaten me here. You was like way back there and now your here... Are you pulling a fast one on me buddy?" She held the amulet and didn't want to let it go until he told her the truth. "I know you was way back there and this is just a magic trick."

"Really? I don't think so. But it is true I did pull a fast one. I was faster and I would like my amulet back, please." Said Shadow as he took a step torres Rainbow. "Or do I have to take it from you?"

Dash was taken back by what he said, and took off the amulet. "Here, I hate losing. At lest I'm not a poor sport about it."

Shadow took his amulet, as the two stared each other down. They didn't move one hair, it was if they was talking without saying a word. Dash finally cracked a smile and so did Shadow. Dash held out her hoof, Shadow then bumped it with his. Looking at the two it seemed as if two old friends was have a good time catching up with one another.

"So, you have to tell me how you did that. I didn't even see you run passed me. How the hay did you do it?" She said as she poked him with a hoof.

"I used a family technique called the Shadow Walk. Its use to move over the ground as a shadow and not be seen by any pony. My great great great grandfather was the first to use it and was passed down." He smiled as he looked on at the thin mare. "But I think you could use it without magic. You were so fast! It was the only thing I could do to even have a chance of beat you here. What do you say, want to learn it?"

"Heck ya. If it will let me go faster I'm in."

The two sat there and talked about how to did the Shadow Walk as they did another pony soon joined them. It was the shyest piggies Shadow Blade had ever laid his eye on. She hid behind Dash and didn't say to much to him but did talk to Dash. He could hear her very clearly but he didn't want to scare the poor thing off. He sat there letting Dash talk for her and smiled as warmly as he could to let her know he would not harm her. As they talk Dash told them that she would go get Twilight and for Fluttershy to say with him. He nodded and so did Fluttershy but sheepishly. Shadow look the mare in front of him up and down and seen to just enjoy the fact that she was just watching the animals around them go on about their day.

"Do you have any seeds we could give to the birds?" He asked gently.

Fluttershy jumped and hid under her hair and nodded slowly as she pulled her saddle bags off and showed him some of the bird seen she had with her.

"Would you mind if I feed the birds? We don't have to talk, just feed the birds is that ok?" He was wanting to just see how shy she was with him around her.

"That will be ok." She finally said.

He smile at how cute the tiny voice was. "Good."

Fluttershy was shaken that he heard her, he was looking at her and being so nice there was no way he could have been a meanly or hurt anypony. She slowly warmed up to him and seen him as Rainbow did a friend and one that wouldn't tease her of being so shy around him. They sat there feeding the birds and she was starting to talk with him and he keep the same tone with her. A warm and gentle voice, as time passed Dash with Twilight behind her showed up and when they all walked in-side to talk. Twilight sent the other two to tell the others that he was found and that they could stop looking for him. That they would get together tomorrow and talk about what to do. The two leaved, leaving Twilight and Shadow alone.

"So let me see. I'm not in my time and it seems as if I was pulled in to the future. Did you summon me here for some thing?" Shadow ask bluntly.

"I summoned you? How did I do that?" She asked walking in to the library.

"Well that I don't know how, but my grandfather did tell me that. Though I don't know how it works myself." He looked around the room to see old books all over the place. "I'm guessing its always like this?"

"Sometimes when I can't find what I'm looking for or I need to do some research on." Twilight said. She then picked up the peace of paper that summoned him and looked it over. "So this is a summoning spell... This looks more like bring to live spell now but it also looks like a teleport spell."

"Can I see that?"


Twilight floated the piece of paper to Shadow. He took it in his magic and tried to read it, as he read the spell to himself there was some part of the spell that was hard to read and was to hard to make out. It seemed to be a spell to bring him for his time to any time the spell was cast to serve the one whom laid eyes on the paper not the one who cast it. The part of the spell that look like it was to send him home was the part that was missing. 'There must be another part or a page for this spell this isn't the full spell. ' Shadow thought to himself. After a bit he put the spell on the table and looked over at Twilight.

"So, was you the first to see this or did somepony show you this and if so who was it?" Shadow asked. "Also this is not a bring to live spell."

Twilight thought back to when she first seen the spell and cast it. "Well I wasn't the the first to see it but I did cast the spell. The first pony to see this was Sweetie Bell. What does that matter?"

Shadow start to laugh as he remembered the little filly he pulled out of the lake. "So, that little one is my master it seems. This spell is one that whom so ever laid eyes on it first is the master of the one that is summon from it. So that's why I was draw to the lake." He about fall over in a laughing fit.

"Why is that so funny?" Twilight asked.

"Because if Lady Bell is hurt I would die on the spot." Shadow said calming down for the laughter.

"What? So what you're saying is your link to Sweetie Bell until we send you back and if anything happens to her you'll die!?" Twilight looked at the colt as he stood up and walked around her.

"With knowing this I'll have to leave and head to my Master's. Would you mind taking me there? If I have to explain myself it would help if I had you and that spell with me. I'm going to let you know this before you answer. I'm being nice right now, but if I didn't think I would be able to trust you I would have just toke you with me with this sword and would have not asked." Shadow narrowed his eyes as he said the last bit darkly.

Twilight was scared and to say it like that was an understatement. She could feel her leg under her all most give out and wide eyed. A feather could have knocked her over. She took a breath and tried to calm down. But before she could say anything Shadow spoke up in a kinder voice.

"But, I can see I don't have to act like that around you. Your heart has no darkness in it and it has the brightest of light. So with that said lets see if maybe we can talk Lady Bell to make you my master. What do you say Lady Twilight?" Shadow bowed with his sword out to her.

Twilight didn't know how to think of this one second he was like a bloodthirsty killer the nexted he was like a hole other pony. Twilight looked him over and started to think back to some of the books she read about the old ways and how ponies acted back then. She saw that his sword had a charm hanging off of it. The only ponies she remember ever having something like that was ninjas in olden times and that they would only take down other ponies that had a dark heart. But not just a little darkness but the type of darkness you could see in killers and evil evil ponies. She was at ease at this. He would not harm anypony that wasn't like that.

"Okay, but only if you think its the right call and it helps you get home ok. I don't want you to do anything without my ok first got it?"

"As you wish Mem Lady."

~~ Later at the Boutique

Rarity was scolding Sweetie for not having somepony there with her and her friends as they was at the lake rowing the boat around in the lake. But she could stay mad for long. She was only mad at herself for almost losing her sister. Rarity did let her off easy and Sweetie know it, as Rarity told Sweetie what she was going to have to clean the waiting room and show room there was a knock at the door.

"One min darling." Rarity yelled as kindly as she could to the door. "Sweetie you can go a head and start cleaning and after that we'll talk about what you'll be doing next ok." Rarity said as she trotted over to the door.

"Twilight Darling!" Rarity said as she opened the door. " And whom is this striking colt your with. Is this the one that saved my little sister and also the one you wanted us to find?" Rarity looked Shadow up and down then smiled. "He does look nice."

"Rarity this is Shadow Blade and yes he is. Is Sweetie Bell here?" Twilight said as she and Shadow walked in.

"Sweetie Bell, we have guests here that would like to see you." Rarity called over her shoulder and then landing her eyes back on the colt. "So, Shadow Blade dear. Tell me what can I do to repay you for saving my sister? Anything at all just let me know."

Sweetie came trotting back with a bucket and some old rags to clean. She then seen Shadow with Twilight. "Mister Shadow!" She ran over to him and hugged his leg. "I'm glad you came over. Rarity this is him. His the one that saved me." Sweetie's smiled as wide as she could. "So what can we do for you, Mister Shadow?"

"Lady Bell you don't have to call me mister, but we do need to talk to you and your sister about this." Shadow pulled the paper from his side. "Do you remember seeing this spell?"

"Is that the paper form the library early today and why are you calling me Lady Bell?" Sweetie tilted her head.

Twilight stepped in and told the two about what was going on and what had happened earlier. After finishing she looked over at Sweetie and then to Rarity. Sweetie was wide eyed and almost to the point of cheering and jumping about the room. Rarity's look was that of disbelief and shock.

"So Twilight.... What your telling me is, that my sister is, his m-m-master and that he is not from this time....."

"Ya, are you okay Rarity?"

"Rarity can we keep him please Rarity? Think of it if I'm his master then that means your his master too. Because we're sister." Sweetie said as she bounced around her sister.

"She is right on that point Lady Rarity." Said the sword caring colt.

"Shadow. I thought we was going to ask them to make me you master." Twilight whispered to the colt.

"I did but look at Lady Bell. I couldn't stand to break her little heart. She reminds me of the little ones back in my time. I hope my clan is ok.." Shadow whispered back with a bit of sadness in the statement.

"Okay then. If this is what you want."

Rarity was thinking about all of what was said. She would like to have the colt stay close to Sweetie and keep her safe, but she did feel uneasy about his sword. "Tell me, that sword of your's will you never use unless appleutly neenessey?"

"You have my word that this sword will not leave my side unless its the only way to keep you and Lady Bell save." With that said he pulled the sword with the sheath out. He then pulled a ribbon from the floor and tide it to the sword to it's sheath. "With this the pack is made."

Rarity fixed the ribbon a bit better, well fixed it to how is liked it anyways. "Good. Is this good with you Twilight? I know you would like to keep him so you can--" Rarity was cut off by Sweetie.

"Don't worry he can come with me when I go to see Twilight for 'Twilight Time'." Sweetie said as she hugged Rarity.

"That will work for me. I do want to do some reading on where I seen his cham from. I know I seen it some where before." Twilight pointed to the cham on the sword.

"This? Its the Shadow Clan leader cham to keep us save in anything we do. Its older then I am." Shadow focused on the cham. "I can let you hold on to it but you have to give it back. It's one of the last things I have from my grandfather." He removed it and flooded it over to Twilight.

Twilight took it with her magic and nodded. "I will not send you back without this. I understand how you feel about this." Twilight turned and trotted out of the little shop and flew back to her home leaving Shadow with the two sister.

"Lady Rarity?" Shadow asked.

"Yes, dear Shadow."

"Can I ask you for some new clothes to fit in to this time... It seems that this look will not work." Shadow looked a bit nervous asking this of her.

"You want a new onsible? I would be more than happy to make you one my dear." Rarity almost jumped out of her mind at this. She wanted to get his measurements anyways and now he's asking her to make him something. "Well first you'll have to take that robe off so I can get your measurements."

Shadow froze at the request. "Lady Rarity, would you mind if I ask that Lady Bell not be in the room..."

"Of cores not. Sweetie would you go and start the cleaning in the other room please." Rarity didn't like this but, he could just be shy.

"Okay sis, hey can we have that special dish tonight?" Sweetie asked, she know some ponies didn't like taking off there close if they ware them all the time. She started trotting to the room she was to clean.

"Ok, just because he's here. Shadow your good now." Rarity turned to get her glasses, note pad, and measuring tape.

Shadow slowly undressed himself. He finished and looked at himself in the mirror. Rarity came back with her tools of her trade.

"Okay, Shall we be.........Oh my Celestia!!!!" Rarity looked upon the colt. She couldn't believe what she was looking at.

Chapter IV

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Rarity looked on at the colt now without his closes on, other then being a strong and lean pony. He had several scars over his body. Rarity now understood why he was wearing the things he did, she felt bad for what ever happen to make those horrid scars. The only place she seen without a scar near it was his cutie-mark. The mark itself was a black sword with a shadow following it as if it was being swang. The scars seemed also to be more to the front of his body with a few on his back legs.

"I-I...h-how....." Rarity tried to was trying to find the right words to ask about all the scars and how to ask how he got them.

"I know... A little hard to see, right." Shadow never look at the dressmaker just to the murres around him. "These are all the friends and family I lost. Everypony that saved me, and they did it with the ultimate price. These are to remind me of how many lives have been last because of me and for who I am. I'm the Leader of the Shadow Clan. None of them should be forgotten. When ever I need to get this point across to ponies I show them this but I don't like little fillies to see me like this. Lady Rarity I'm sorry for how this looks and sounds. Please don't let anypony know about this."

Rarity try to fight back tears. She shook her head to compose herself then coaft."Sir Shadow, what was said here will not leave this room. Now lets get to work making you a new suit."

Rarity took his measurements and started her work. Shadow sat down with his long shirt thrown over himself so if Rarity need to check something he would be right there and if Sweetie came in. Rarity had a design made-out but for some reason it had something missing. She looked over him and seen that the color she was going to use wasn't clicking. His light gray coat with his crimson eyes would clashed awfully with the color she picked out. All of a sudden it came to her when Shadow moved over to the window. He had passed by rolls of fabric and it was the crimson roll that just popped when he stopped and looked over at her.

"What? Did I do something wrong?" Shadow said as he seen her look studying him.

"That's it!" She said jumping up and grabbing the roll with her magic. She floated it to her work area. "This is what we need to make it you darling."

Shadow smiled and then sat down looking out the window. "I trust you Lady Rarity. You have my full trust in this mater."

"Sir Shadow, This is going to make you look like a new pony. Ooo- I can even put your cutie mark on the coaler. This will be a masterpiece, if I do say so myself."

Rarity worked on the suit changing only one thing about a quarter of the way done. Shadow asked if she could let it have free range of motion for him to move freely in it. She had keep this in mind as she put the last stitch in. The last touch was the cutie mark, it had taken Rarity about six hours to finish the suite and it was now dark out. Shadow had left some time ago (fully dressed) to let her work. Rarity had just put the suite on one of the standing form to stand back and take it all in. The door open as Shadow with a plate of tea and a few rice ball walked in with Sweetie Bell.

"Wow sis. That looks really great."

"Thank you Sweetie, I still need Shadow to try it on and look it over one last time and its fully done. I do hope it has the free movement you want."

Shadow sat the plate down on the table. He then looked over at the suit. The suit had a crimson jacket with a light blue shirt under it. The paints where black and a little baggy, but it was the jacket that pulled your eye to focus on it. It had his cutie mark on the collar just as Rarity said but it was in the same color as his real one had and then on the back had it again with red stitching darker then the jacket it's self. As Shadow walked around it he had to admit she was good. It wasn't what he like to ware but he did want to wear it and not show off his scars to everypony.

"I think we can wait to see what it needs later, for now how about some some tea and a bite to eat Lady Rarity." Shadow said walking over to the two sisters.

"I do feel a bit peckish. What kind of tea is it and did you make it Sweetie?" Rarity remember the last time her sister made her tea. The tea was just ash because Sweetie didn't put water in it first.

"No, but I did help with the rice balls. Shadow showed me how to make them. I didn't think you would mind it if he used the stove to help me make you something nice." Sweetie was smiling as she waved her sister to the plate.

Some of the rice balls where small and look like they would fall apart a just a touch and the rest where a nice size and nicely marked. Rarity picked on of the smaller ones, they looked like Sweetie made them and with her looking at her. Lets say she wanted to be a good sister and try her's first. Rarity's eye shoot open as she ate the lovely tasting treat. It didn't look as good as it tasted but she was happily surprised it was.

"Did you make this your self Sweetie? These are really good."

"I just followed what Shadow told me to do. They didn't come out like his though." She was happy but a little down because she wanted them to look like Shadow's.

"Now, now. What did I tell you." Shadow bumped her hoof with his.

"It doesn't matter what they look like but what they taste like and if it comes from ones heart it will always be the tastiest of all." Sweetie said as she put on a brave face.

"Well I can tell you this Sweetie." Rarity pulled her little sister to her in a big hug. "These are the tastiest because you made them and you did it for me. Thank you both for this."

"Is Camomile tea ok? I kinda helped myself in making some." Shadow picked up one of the cups with his magic and moved it over to Rarity. "Sweetie said you like this after you got done with you work. Its still a bit warm."

"With you two around I think the world of fashion is in trouble now." Rarity said jokingly. "Thank you Shadow and you too Sweetie, this was very nice. How about we go and get something more then these to eat... I kinda want to save these for tomorrow when I have everypony over to see Shadow." Rarity kinda wanted to eat all the rice balls right then and their. But she know that if she did she would be in trouble tomorrow or so she thought anyways. "Would going out to eat be okay with you two?"

Shadow smiled and looked over at Sweetie. "Its up to you Lady Sweetie Bell."

Sweetie put a hoof to her chin. "Can we go to the new restaurant in town? I heard that it was really good."

"Do you mean the Piazza Paladin?" Rarity asked.

"That's it. Can we go pleeease?" Sweetie looked at Rarity with her cutest face she could make.

Rarity smiled and nodded. "Okay we can go. Shadow you know the deal no sword if we are going out to eat."

Shadow rolled his eyes but he did say he would if they did go out to eat he would leave his sword at the house. He put his sword down next to the suit. After Rarity was happy to see the sword was going to stay there, they all leaved to go eat.


Twilight was going throw her books that had been out and about that day. She was trying to find the book that she heard Shadow Blade's name before. She had just finished the last book that was on the floor. "Spike, can you get me the manifest of book that are checked out to other ponies please?"

The little dragon walked over to Twilight. "I could but, There was only two books today that was checked out. One was to Rainbow Dash and you know which book she got. The other was to that teacher. You don't think that's the book Shadow came from do you?"

Twilight was a bit scared to think he was for that one fact was most of the ponies from that book would kill anypony that they thought would do them harm and not think twice about it. 'But then why was Shadow Blade so calm? Why did he save Sweetie then? What was his gola? Has he been planning something?' Twilight thought to herself. "I don't know yet Spike. But Let's keep this to ourselves for now. Until we know more about him, I don't want anypony to know but us got it."

"Okay but Twi, his staying with Rarity and Sweetie don't we have to tell them at least?" Spike felt unsure of what was going on but he know he didn't want to have Rarity in danger for something he could stop, but he didn't want Twilight doing this alone ether.

"Spike you worry to much you know that." Twilight wrapped a foreleg around the little dragon. "I just want to get the facts first. I fell like we can trust him but, If he is from that book..." Twilight stopped their and thought to herself ' We might have a bigger problem on our hooves. Lets hope if that what I'm thinking he is, he is and not the darkness he might be...' "It will be ok as long as we keep our cool ok, Spike." Twilight tried not to let her true feelings on the matter show. It was a grim way of thinking but she had to know who Shadow was and is.

~~~/~~~/~~~/~~~/~~~/~~~>>>>>{ The Next day }<<<<<~~~/~~~/~~~/~~~/~~~/~~~

"Lady Sweetie Bell it's time to get up mistress."

Sweetie rolled over to see how was calling her. She rubbed her eyes as the room came in to focus. She saw that Shadow was there wearing his new suit and was holding something in his magic. "Good morning Shadow. \ Yany / What do you have there?"

"A little bit to eat Mem Lady. I thought you would like it before you had to go to school today." Shadow move the little tray of food to her.

"Thank you Shadow." She was a bit out of it just waking up and all but when she seen what he had brought her to eat she about jumped out of bed. It was pancakes with blueberries, a small bowl of fruit, and a glass of apple juice. "Is this really for me?"

"Yes, Mem Lady. A good day starts with a good breakfast." Shadow then left the room to wake Rarity. Although last night's food fight had lifted him on thin ice and he know it.

'Knock Knock Knock' "Lady Rarity? Are you up Lady Rarity?" Shadow called for behind the door. He waited for a minant but no answer. "Please excuse me Lady Rarity but I'm coming in." Shadow slowly open the door to enter. Once he was in he trotted up to Rarity's bed. "Lady Rarity its time to get up now." He said as he gently shook her.

Rarity was still fast asleep. Shadow then stomped the floor and yelled "Wake up Mem Lady!" On hearing this she jump up out of the bed only to fall on the floor. Rarity picked herself up and pulled off her sleeping mask.

"I don't remember asking for a wake up call Sir Shadow..." She was still mad at him for throwing a pizza at her after he was hit with ice-cream. The only good part was that it wasn't hot out of the oven, but the grease did stain her dress.

"I'm sorry again Mem Lady, but I do believe you have guests coming this morning to see their dresses, I'm I right." He had looked over her day book and seen what she had to do for the day and planned on helping her while Sweetie was at school. "And Lady Rarity, your dress has been cleaned for you its on your dresser here. I shall take my leave now." He then trotted out the door and shut it behind him.

Rarity went to the window and pulled the curtains open. 'It is a nice day and all, and did he say he cleaned my dress?' She turned to the dresser where she seen her dress laying on top. She took it in her magic and moved it to see where the stain was to see it gone. He had taken the stain out for her.'He did do a good job I'll give him that, but the next time this happens I might not be so forgiving. Maybe.'

Shadow and Sweetie trotted to Sweetie's school so that Rarity could have some time to tidy up a little. As the two saw the school and Sweetie's friends they heard someone talking to Scootaloo and Apple Bloom.

"Well if it isn't the Blank Crusaders. I see you don't have your cutie makes yet." Said a little filly with a silver tiara as her cutie make. She was with another filly with a spoon as her's.

"Well at lest we don't have rocks for brains." Scootaloo snapped back at her.

"What's going on with that Mem Lady? Would you like me to step in and help?" Shadow asked. "I wouldn't hurt them, if that is what you would like that is."

"No no no you can't do that you might go to jail. Just stay here until I call you over ok."

"Yes, Mem Lady."

Sweetie trotted over to her friends as Diamond harassed them more because they was all there now. As the mean filly keep throwing everything she had at Sweetie, Sweetie didn't move or back down form her. "Are you done now Diamond? I don't care what you have to say to me, if you want to keep this up you can talk to Sir Shadow until your blue as the muzzle."

"Sir Shadow do you mean your shadow. hahah That's funny why would I....." Diamond was cut off by a colt that came from nowhere and was there behind Sweetie Bell.

"Mem Lady you called?"

"Yes, Sir Shadow this is Diamond Tiara. She is the one filly that gives us three a hard time at school or out of school for not having a cutie mark."

"She is is she. What would you like me to do Lady Sweetie? Just name it and I'll do what you will of me."

His crimson eye burned like wild fire scaring the little thing. Diamond could see this was nopony to mess with and know she had to run now but couldn't.

"No Shadow you can't hurt her. Even though she is mean and all. I don't think anypony wants to see your bad side." Sweetie give a sly look to Diamond that said 'I do want him to do it and make it hurt too.' "Diamond this is the last you will get away with calling us names. Sir Shadow will be close enough to hear my call if I need him at all times, also he is really go with a knife." With that the four of them trotted to the school leaving Diamond . with her mouth open and a fear she did thing at somepony could feel.

Twilight was with Miss Cheerly talking as the group came up to the school. "Good morning girls." They both said.

The girls said their greats and when off in to the school. Shadow was about to start back to see if Rarity need any help when he was stopped by Twilight.

"Shadow Blade, I need to talk with you."

"Yes, Twilight what is it you want to talk about?"

"I have to ask you about the darkness in the book you came from. what is it and what can you tell me about it?" Twilight asked.

Twilight seemed a bit out of it. She had stayed up all night reading about the warriors of old. She had sent a letter for the book she lent out to be brought back A.S.A.P. she had then found one story of a pony that was sealed in the book with another but the pony's name was never given. Even then it was just an old ghost story that never happen. Or so ponies thought.

"Not here Twilight." Shadow stomped his hoof and a shadow formed around them. "Sorry I didn't think you would find out so fast about me. But now that you have. I have to make sure you and me are the only ponies that will know....."

Chapter V

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"Damn that Shadow Blade!" Twilight shouted in her bedroom. "Why would anypony do this.. Make a spell that would just release evil like that this makes no sense whatsoever."

The room was in disarray and nopony other than herself there well that is except Spike in a full plate armor and a helmet.

"Twi, what happen? And why are you so upset with Shadow Blade?" The little dragon asked with a step back.

"Shadow is that pony from this story." Twilight flowed an old book to Spike. "This is the real him."


Warrior's of Legion

This is the tell of one who slayed the great Shadow of evil that tried to take over the world. It had only one target it was our king. The king and the kingdom know not of the trouble of the shadow but only the clans of this time did they tried and keep the rest of the kingdom and the king from this there was three clans. The Shadow Clan, The Cloud Clan, and The Light Clan. Each clan worked as one but had had some different way of how to take the Shadow out. The Shadow Clan was the only clan to find the way, but at a great cost. The Shadow had to be in the shadow of the Leader of the clan and sealed within a summoning spell. The Cloud Clan thought the prices to great but helped the Shadow Clan....... The Light Clan was to keep the peace in the kingdom and keep all ponies from the fight until it was over or needed to step in..... With the battle going on the few ponies that was not in the kingdom was coming back from a long trek. They watch as the clans fought the shadow some write of the battle and drew the battle. The Shadow had came to just a tree as Shadow Blade Leader of the Shadow Clan pulled it into his shadow. Then Four unicorns came and sealed him and the shadow into a piece of paper. The clans welp for the Leader of the Shadow Clan, but nun as much as the Cloud Clan Leader. She was to wed the fallen Leader to form a greater tie.......


"So why is this ba.... Wait did the Shadow get out too!?"

"Spike this is just a story. The kingdom of this book was a fairytale for foals. But it seems to have really happened." Twilight looked to the ground. "The only truth was there was a great battle and the Leader die. He fall to a sword and peace was restored over the land. But you need to read the last page."
As Spike read the last page. 'This is a small part of the truth of the past few days not all name are here. To my love Shadow Blade.' "Is this his betrothed writing this?"

"I believe so Spike her name is Cloud Skipper ring a bell?" Twilight pulls out a letter from the one she knows. "I talked to her the other day after talking to Shadow she got her name for her ancestor sister. She was also sealed in a paper spell to be with her lover."

Spike jaw hits the floor. "So you have her's too and can unseal it?"

"No, Spike thinks about it they where both sealed for so long one is hard to keep up with now you want two of them?" Twilight rubs her head with a hoof. "Call all the girls here I need to talk to them."

------------ At Sweet Apple Acres ------------

The Cutie Mack Crusaders were in their clubhouse think of new ways to get their cutie macks. Shadow was outside in the shade of the tree laying down keeping an eye on the three as they played.

"I've done told ya that I don't know if'in this would work." Apple Bloom said

"Come on A B you said you would at least try it before." Scootaloo spat.

"I don't know. What if Shadow doesn't help or says no?" Sweetie Bell asked.

"Well we wouldn't know until we ask right?" Scootaloo poked her head out the window to see Shadow looking up at her. "Hey, Shadow mind helping us out with some things?"

Shadow smiled as he rose to his hooves. "What is it I can help you little ones with?"

"Well we was wanting to see if you could teach us some of those ninja tricks you know to see if that's our special talent." Scootaloo rested a hoof to her mane. "If that's okay with you that is."

"Okay, but you have to do what I tell you to do and it will take time just to do one of the tricks I'll show you to get it right. I didn't even get it right the first time. Come down and I'll teach you all one and one only."


"Wait Is this going to be save?" Sweetie Bell asked.

"It will be I'll just teach you the Shadow Walk." Shadow looked at Scootaloo with a wide smile. "I did Beat Rainbow Dash with it." The three fillies looked at him in a gasp and jaw drops. "And don't think only unicorns can use it. All the clans could, but it was called something different for them. Shadow Walk is all speed for earth ponies and pegasi, but it takes 20% of magic and speed for unicorns do use it."

Shadow walked over to one of the apple trees shadows. "Okay now that I'm in the shadow of this tree I want one of you to try and tag me. If you can I'll buy lunch for all of you." He said with a smile.

Apple Bloom was first to try but didn't even see him move to another shadow. "Not all that easy is it little one?"

"What the hay? How dja just do that? Y'all was just right here?" Apple Bloom waved her hoof around where he was.

"Would you like me to slow down so you can see it better? I'll slow down about half speed so you can see how I did it." Shadow dipped down and was overcome by the shadow and his horn lite up, and was gone. "Over here girls." They all looked to the left and seen that he was standing next to them. "I use the shadows on the ground and go into them then run through them, after that I jump out of another shadow."

"So think you can do it? I'll do some one on one training with all of you so you can get it. It did take me a week of training to get it right, but longer to to do it faster then my master."

"So its something that takes a lot of time and focus to do huu." Said a tomboy voces for up in the tree. "I think these girls will not be able to get it that fast."

"Well I think I hear something but could it be a pegasus that want her flank kick in a race?" Shadow said playfully. "I'm just kidding before you get upset Rainbow Dash. Would you like to show the little ones how to do it?"

Dash came down from where she was napping. " You did say that if one of them tagged you you would buy them lunch right mind if I try for them?"

"Not at all but do you want me to buy your lunch too?"

"You got it." Dash took up a stands that meat she was ready to go.

"Ok then you do know what I said about how the Shadow Walk works so let see if you can do it." Shadow looked at Dash ready to get away before she could tag him. "Girls countdown from 10 and we'll start and keep an eye on how we move. This will help a lot to teach you how to really move.''

The girls counted down and on go Dash flew as fast as she could but Shadow was gone the scent she got to him. "Come on Dash you can move faster than that, or are you holding back as not to hurt me. I've taken a lot more then what you can do that hurt a lot more. Just go full out I will not mind getting scratched up a bit."

Dash turned to see Shadow. "So I can just run right in to you and you wouldn't mind? If that's how you want to play this. I'm game." Dash flew around and at Shadow as they moved around the orchard the three fillies watch them go. It was weird how Shadow moved just in time to Dash coming at him. After ten minutes the girls seem to get the idea of the Shadow walk.

Spike was walking up and seen the three fillies sitting and watching something. "Hey guy what'cha doin?" Sweetie pointed a hoof to the two playing tag. "What's that all about?"

"If Dash tags Shadow he will buy us all lunch. So far Dash as missed him and come really closes once." Sweetie Bell said.

"No way Dash is the fastest flyer I've ever seen." Spike stopped and watched the two. He seen the clay pegasus flying at top speed after the crimson waring unicorn but not even get a hoof on him.

Shadow slipped in a shadow and was gone. "She's getting faster then I can move in the shadows." Shadow was next to Spike. "Oh here she comes I would get down." Rainbow flew in and about hit Spike as Shadow moved to the other side. "Okay Dash lets take a minute.. I'm running on E here."
Rainbow Dash landed with a thud and laid there. "Okay, but... only because... you asked." She painted.

"So what do you little ones think? Can you do it?" The three CMC's looked at one another and nodded. "Okay lets see what you got from this."

Apple Bloom tried first she made it half way but didn't get it. Scootaloo was next she get the shadow to wrap around her but was out before moving. Sweetie Bell got it on her first try Shadow could tell how slow she was at it but she did make it to the other shadow.
"That was great little ones you got that down. Apple Bloom, Scootaloo I see what your doing your getting it but don't force it." He turned to look at Sweetie Bell.

"Lady Sweetie Bell that was really good that you got it the first time out, but your a bit slow running to the other shadow just pick up the speed and you got it." Then to Scootaloo.

"Scootaloo you can use your scooter and move through the shadows and even cut your time down from one spot to the other." And last Apple Bloom

"Apple Bloom you just need speed and a calm mind and you will be able to buck any apple tree here with little to no effort. Now I want you all to train in your own ways to get it." Shadow Smiled at them as he finished saying that.

The girls faces lit up as they heard him say that and he give them pass by just getting a little of it right. They all ran off to train so that he would have to buy lunch for them.

"That will keep them out of trouble for a few days." Shadow said. "So Spike what brings you out here? Did you need something?"

The little dragon looked over to where Rainbow was and smiled. "I just came to talk to Rainbow for a moment."

"Okay but I would give her a minute to get her wind back. Here take this and get her something to eat." Shadow give the dragon six bits and two gems. "The gems are for you I know how you like them. Well I'm going to go see how the little ones are doing with their training. See ya later." Shadow jumped in to a shadow as was gone.

Chapter VI

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All of Twilight's friends had come to the castle and where sitting in there thrones. They look at one another as Twilight walked in.

"Sorry girls I didn't want to just interrupt everything you was doing, but this we need to talk about." said Twilight as she nodded to Spike how was holding a book. "You all know that Shadow Blade is form the past.. It seems that he's not just form the past. He's a hero that was sealed."

"What the hay are ya saying, Twi? Is it a bad thing he's here, or do we need him to go?" Applejack said bluntly. "Y'all know he's with my sis and her friends. I just want to know right now before we get to far into this here."

"Now wait one minute Applejack. He's been nothing but a sweet heart to the girls seance his been here and you know it." spat Rarity. She seemed a bit mad at the fact that she was attacking Shadow. She knew he was trying to fit in and at lest he was watching the girls when nopony else could keep up with them.

Twilight looked over her friends and said loudly. She was trying to think of a way to tell them why he was a problem and how to go about helping him or go with plan B. She took a deep breath.

"I don't know if he is or isn't right now. All I know is that I don't want him to find out about this, but at this time we need him to know what's going on and that this Great Shadow is still sealed or not."

"What about a great now?" Rainbow asked thinking back to what Shadow was teaching the girls.

"Sorry, Its in this book. It tells of a evil shadow that wanted to take over the world and was defended by Shadow Blade and the Three clans of old." She took the book in her magic and slowly flowed it around for the others to see. "Shadow sealed the shadow with in him and was sealed away too. The clans are know as Shadow, Cloud, and Light. I also find another summoning spell. It looks like the one Shadow came form but it has a mark of a cloud on it. I don't know if I should use it or not this is Cloud Skipper. I looked the spell over. The spell can not be undone by just me. I would need the help form all of you to do it and I don't know how anyways."

"Well then I see we are at an in-pass." chimed Rarity.

"Looks like. I want to tell him but only if he's here and we can keep him here."

"I know how to do that." Rainbow jump to the air flew over to Twilight."I know how he does that Shadow Walk thing. All we have to do is have no shadows on the ground he can get to. He can't use his own so we'er luck there."

"What are you talking about Rainbow?" Twilight asked confused.

"Its the way he moves form here to there but only on a shadow. He can use it but only if its not his. He was showing the girls how to do it, Sweetie got it right the first time out and Apple bloom almost did it same with Scoot's." As the clay pony looked around she know all but one was with her in understanding what was going on.

So we just need him to be in a room with no shadows and no way out? Twilight ponder to herself. "Rainbow you go get him and have him come here, Applejack you do have your rope with you right?"

"Sure as surge pie Ah do."

"Uuoo Surge pie?"

"Later Pinkie. Now when he gets here I'll put up a light spell to have no shadows anywhere. If he tries to make a brake for it Applejack you get him and hold him here. Rarity I need you to help me keep the doors and closed." She finished.

"Why not just have me stay put by just asking. If I really want to I could have just knocked you all out before any of you moved."

The six friends looked around the room not seeing who had said that. The shock of the ponies in the room was soon broken by Shadow laughing.

"Come now do you think so little of me to not just hear you out? I have my code that I live by." Shadow said standing a top a bookshelf. "I'll just sit here I would like to know what's been going on and why you all are acting off. The little dragon being the real reason I know something was off."

"So all we had to do was ask?" Twilight asked.

"No. Lady Rarity could have ordered me to stay and I would not move at all. Her or Lady Sweetie Bell."

"Okay them. Shadow Blade I want you to stay and not harm anyone here, hear what we have to say and.. Tell me, how did you get in here?"

The others want to know that too by the looks of their faces. As Shadow looked around the room he saw the other summoning spell.

"I'll tell you if you don't use that spell there. What Lady Dash did tell you about my Shadow walk right I can use it to go to and from as I wish."

"Lady Dash?!" Rainbow yield.

"Yes, I've been here from the start. As such as I over heard. I don't belie you at all. But..." Shadow was now fixed on the spell that had clouds on it.

"But what Shadow?" Twilight asked sadly.

"But I've been looking over your books and your history and haven't found one thing about my past in them. The history here is of not a King but Two priestess. There is no Kings I could find. Am I form the past so long ago that there are no more records of?" He was looking again at the spell.

Twilight caught him this time looking at it. "You know whom is in this don't you."

Shadow about fell off and looked to the ground. "Yes, She is the leader of the Cloud Clan and I was betrothed to.... By my father."

"So you don't want to have her as your ball and chain." Dash said flat out.

Shadow sat down with his back up on the wall as the the others glared at Dash. "Stop she is right....... I didn't want to but that's not it. If you let her out then just kiss all the love ones you have good bye. She was a mare no other mare dared look at wrong or what was hers with want." As he sat there no one said anything. It wasn't until the CMC came running in did anypony say something.

"Hey girls right now isn't a good time we need to talk to Shadow and other stuff. Could you wait just a little bit and you can have him back." Rarity said to them.

"Okay." They said as a group and off they when. Twilight shout the door behind them. She looked up to Shadow as he was getting up and jumped down and walked around the room.

"Your not trying to leave are you?" Twilight asked.

"I've already told you, I'm going to hear you out but I'll brake out of here right now if you don't put this where nopony can find it." Shadow had the spell wrapped in his old shirt.

"Okay then." Twilight toke the shirt with her magic to Spike. "Spike take this some where and hide it. Not here in town but out of town where nopony will find it."

Spike gave a solute and took the shirt with the spell and ran off.

"Now what do you wish of me ladies?"

Chapter VII

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{Days later.}
"So how are you little ones coming along with the Shadow walk? If you can do it I'll buy lunch."

"Okay but we want the good stuff." Scootaloo said.

The three fillies toke a spot to do the Shadow Walk. Sweetie Bell in a shadow of a tree, Apple Bloom in the light of the sun, and Scootaloo in a shadow of a cloud. They all move as one and was out of set.

"Very good I guess you all can get what you want to eat today." Shadow said with a smile. "Okay you can all come out now and we can go."

They all had come out and Scootaloo need a little help. She hated that every time she did this she would be in a cloud and not on the ground.

"Why is it I always pop out of a cloud?" She asked as Shadow helped her down. "Its not fair."

"Let me ask you this. Does it feel like your flying?" He asked as he put her down with his magic.

"It does feel like it why?" Scootaloo asked.

"Apple Bloom how does it make you feel?" Shadow asked the little yellow filly.

"Like I'm part of the ground and sun I can feel the plaints around me grow." She told them.

"And you Sweetie Bell?"

"I feel the magic around me of all the ponies and not just the unicorns. Why are you asking?" She ask the older pony.

He laughed and smiled. "You have mastered the Shadow Walk Sweetie Bell, Scootaloo you mastered the Cloud Dash, and Apple Bloom you have mastered the Light Step. You three are now the masters of this and you may use it when ever you want. But Scootaloo you.."

"What your going to tell me not to right?" She said sadly.

"Yes and no......... When your wings grow in you are going to be faster then all of us....... And you can use it on Lady Dash. If you want to you may teach her it." The little filly lit up at the mention of her hero.

"You mean Rainbow can't do this yet?"

"That's right. As it stands only you and you alone can do this. When your wings are bigger you could be.... Dare I say faster then her as well." Shadow said with a joking smile.

The fillies screamed and jumped up and down. As they did Shadow started to walk to town with them following behind him. At that point they didn't even care that they didn't get their cutie marks. Free food will do that.

As they got to town he turned and looked around. "So where do you little ones want to go to eat?"

They took a minute and looked around and talked about it. "The new piazza place." They said in unison.
"Okay then lets go. Order whatever you three want. I think I'll have just enough bits to get by."

The fillies ran off to the store as Shadow followed.. He looked back and around again.

" Shadow!! " It was Pinkie Pie she had jumped and landed on his back. " So you taking the girls out to eat for their good work huu? "

" Yes, I see they have you watching me today right. " He smiled at her.

" How'd you know? "

" Just a guess. Would you like to join us? " He asked her as he looked up at her.

" Can I? " He nodded to her as they when in the shop.

( The days earlier )

" I get what your saying but I can't go until I have the Great Shadow back. " Shadow said loudly.

" I've looked over all the books I have and even some form the old castle it would seem that you was summon here and its just one way. If the Great Shadow is out there we can seal it like you did back in the day. " Twilight told him.

Shadow stomped a hoof. " Therese has to be a way! I do not belong here right and nether does that thing so just put us back. "

" She can't do that darling, Sweetie Bell would have to help return you and with that she would use to much of her magic and become comatose or worse because of it. " Rarity pointed out.

" Ya wouldn't want to hurt that little one would ya? " Applejack asked him.
" No, I wouldn't want that.. What if she was older could she do it then? "

" No she couldn't. In one weeks time it will be to late to send you back. The paper that summoned you is braking down into dust. After you was summon it started to do so, I can stop it up to a point but when she has enough magic it will be to late still. " Twilight said in a sad tone.

" So that's it then, me and that thing are just here now? "

" Yes that's it. I'm sorry but from here on we are going to have to keep an eye on you. Its for everyponies safely. " said Twilight.


With the little ones happy and full and one pink pony just as happy. they left the store and said their good byes.

" I know you have to keep and eye on me, Pinkie so I'm going for a walk outside of town. Just so you know we'll be out for a wail if you have something you need to do you mig- " He was cut off by a hoof put over his mouth.

" I have to so I have all day free to be your shadow, Shadow. " The pink mare told him.

He smiled at her as he started off with her right behind him. As the time pasted by as he walked he keep thing about the fact that this is now and forever will be his home and time for that matter. I guess I should be happy that there is no war and the biggest fights around this town is how many bits this or that is. He started to laugh.

" Peace is all I ever wanted but now to see it. What should I do with myself? " He didn't expect anypony to answer him.

" Well you could be a teacher, or a guard, or even a body guard to a Princess. " Pink chimed in happily. He laugh harder at the thou of all of that.

" Well then I guess my blade will need a finer edge to it. " He look back at her.

" Well you can't put a edge on a blade if its make of rubber. " She laugh at him.

" What is rubber? " He asked confused.

Pinkie started to tell him as they returned to town and back home. He was shocked to hear that all the weapons the guards caries was made of rubber and it was to not harm others as it was but to just stop them. The only time they carrel real ones is when they would go to conference with the Princess to talk with them for peace or to resolve peace talks with others.

" So, if one cares a weapon of rubber its okay but not of steel? But if somepony tries to do harm to another the one has to scare the other to back off and not kill them? " He asked as if trying to understand this way of thinking.

" Well sorta its better to yell for the guards they are all over the place to keep the peace. Even if you can't see them they are there. " She told him. " But nopony as ever tried that here, its more common in Manhattan. "

" Well I never want to go there then. How Lady Rarity talked about it. I think I would more then just a little shocked, a lot more then when I seen this place. " He laugh in a dry tone. " Look at the time its time for me to get back and help with dinner and then tea after that. I think Sir Spike is coming over to help Lady Rarity with a few things tonight. "

" Okay then I'm off to home to then. Now you go straight there I don't wany to look like I didn't keep my eye on you. "

With a smile Shadow raised his foreleg up and " Cross my heart hope to fly stick a cup cake in my eye. " move it with the words. " I pinkie primes. "

" Good and you don't want to brake a pinkie primes you would have me to deal with got it buster. " She laughed as she walked off to home.

" I know that's another mare I would not like to anger. " He told himself as he headed home.

Back at home he had put Sweetie Bell to bed and was brewing tea. Spike and Rarity was off talking and he was left to think as the kettle came to a boll. He made three cups and was bringing them to the room for them to enjoy. As he came in he saw the love struck dragon floating around after Rarity. How he does that with out wings I'll never know. He thou.

" Shadow could you help me with this? " The white unicorn asked. Pointing to a roll of fabric. She was trying to hold in place but need somepony to hold one side as she and Spike pined it down.

" Yes Ma' Lady. " He put a hoof up and held the it in place as she and Spike pined in down.

" Thank you dear that will be all. Spike and I can handle it form here. " She turned to the dragon and smiled.

" Okay but may I ask something? " He look at her and the dragon. Rarity nodded and look at Spike. " Why don't you two just go on a date and quit hiding it form your friends. I know what you two have been doing in here your lip gloss is all over him and his lips. " He said to them as he turned to the door.

" H-how.... W-when.... " the little dragon said in shock.

" How long have you known and why bring it up now? " She asked shocked but still able to speak unlike the little dragon.

" As long as I've been here. Your sent is all over him and every now and then I see purple and green scales in your mane. " He smiled and left the room. " Also I am a ninja. Night Ma' Lady and Sir Spike. "

" YOU DIDN'T TELL ME WHY YOU BROUGHT IT UP FOR!!! " she yelled at him.

Shadow poked his head back in. " Well Lady Dash has Lady Spitfire, Lady Twilight has Sir Flash, Lady AJ is dating Sir Calamari now. Lady Pinkie is on a date with Sir Cheese. "

" Who told you that? " Pinkie said as she just came from nowhere.

" So your not? " He smiled. " Lady Pinkie, you may think yourself to be like a ninja or a spy. But why would you have a picture of him and get all dreamily eyed over it? Then your looking at the time so often on the walk, and isn't it date night? "

" YES! Ooo got to go. " She told them as she ran off. " This isn't over Shadow. "

Shadow laugh and looked back to the two in the room. " So I'll be off to my room for the night. Also Fluttershy even as a colt-friend. I think his name is Butterscotch. Sweet guy about as shy as she is maybe more so. " He left the two in the room with jaws on the floor.

" That should make the next few days fun for a bit and keep them off my back. " Shadow doped the smile he had as he walked. " Time is coming that I get out of here before I hurt somepony. This place is better then I deserve and to have them take me in just like that. Its going to hurt the little ones but its better then really hurting them. " A flash of black came over him and was gone. " The shadow is getting stronger I did get it out of Lady Bell before it could take root in her thinks to the training. " He passed Sweetie's room and looked in.

" Fer well..... Little one. "