The Life of Amp Putie

by Mr Cerulean

First published

Short stories from the life of Amp Putie, a young mare who lost all of her legs, but not her spirit.

Short stories from the life of Amp Putie, a young mare who lost all of her legs, but not her spirit. A small series of very short stories of her exploits as she goes through life without her legs. Started originally as a back story for the lovely story picture currently shown.

A little date

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"This is so much fun!" Amp said, a grin plastered to her face. "I've never been on a date before!"

Amp Putie was having a date with a coworker of hers from another department, J.P. Coulomb. Both ponies worked at the nearby power plant in Ponyville, which had just been constructed. Coulomb was always nice to Amp whenever he saw her, and was more than happy to help with any problems. Given her condition, Amp needed help fairly often.

A couple months ago, Amp went on a sudden leave of absence. Nobody heard a peep from her, and many began to worried despite reassurances from management. After a month, she cam back to work, happy and chipper as ever. Much to the shock of everyone, she returned without her legs, only four small stumps remained. Still able to do much of her technical work with just her mouth and stumps, she stayed on the job, and brightens up the power plant every day with her smile and personality.

"Well, I thought it might be fun, since we're good friends and all..." J.P. said, rubbing his hooves together nervously.

"Don't be so modest! You can call me your girlfriend if you want," she said with a smile, making her new boyfriend red as a beet.

"That sounds... nice," he said, lightening up a bit and smiling. "Does that mean you'll call me your boyfriend now?"

"Oh silly," she said with a laugh. "I already do!"

"Wait, WHAT?"

She loved messing with him.


"I know you wanna ask."

J.P. looked up from his sandwich at Amp. She held an even bigger grin, a knowing one.

"Um... I don't understand what you mean, A-Amp. Ask you what?"

"You know what," she said, wiggling the stumps of her forelegs at her. "About these."

J.P. reminded himself that this was dangerous territory, and he had to tread lightly. Who knew what traumatic memories he might fig up, what damage he might-

"What if I told you a dragon ate them all?"

J.P. nearly choked and died on the spot.


"Hmm... no, too outlandish," she said, contemplating and tapping a stump to her chin. "They're in the shop right now?"

"Amp! What are-"

"At the dry cleaners?"

"What are you talking about, isn't this impor-"

"Airport lost my luggage?"

"Are you being serious Amp, because I-"

"Lost a fight with a lawnmower?"

"Please, I don't really want to-"

"WON a fight with a lawnmower? Pyrrhic victory."

"Ok, now you're just being-"

"Parasprites? Frostbite? I chewed them off to get out of a trap? Traumatic stapler accident?"

"Amp, please!" He cried, throwing his hands up in the air, just wanting to get a word in edgewise.

"Or maybe I got them all removed on purpose," she said, flashing J.P. a seductive smile and a wink.

"W-what..." he mumbled, dumbfounded.

"Ha! Just kidding. I only cut one of them off on purpose."

J.P. stared at seemingly nothing for a moment before his face landed in his meal.

A little fun

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"...and after the disease spread, they had no choice. I would have died if they didn't take them off."

J.P. nodded his head, holding Amp a little tighter to his side. Back at Amp's house, the nervous and kind stallion sat next to the electric and legless mare on the couch, the two cuddling.

"And after they let me out, I just really wanted to get back to work, to living," she said, her smile solemn but still ear to ear. "And then since I don't have any muscles to work out much, I got a little fat."

"You're not fat!" J.P. chimed, near automatically, not wanting his girlfriend to feel bad. "You've got... curves."

"More like curve," Amp joked. That got both of them to chuckle.

J.P. had to admit, she did have a little more meat on her than other mares, but it just made her more beautiful in his eye.

"Besides, don't think I haven't noticed you checking out my butt."

"What?!" He knew he was being messed with again, but couldn't do anything but roll with it. "I have not!"

He was only lying a little.

"Aww, do you not like my butt?" She said with mock pain in her voice.

"Well, I didn't mean- er, what I meant to say was-"

"It's okay, admit it. You like your Putie patootie's booty!" she teased, rocking back and forth on her haunches.

"Well, it is... nice, I guess..." he mumbled, growing redder the closer Amp leaned towards him.

Amp, using abilities beyond J.P.'s comprehension, wiggled herself onto his lap and gave his ear a nip.

"Just say it," she whispered. "You want my fat flank... all for yourself..."

The stallion shuddered and moaned softly at her words, and if Amp still had a hoof, he'd be wrapped around it. Amp started to peck and kiss his cheek and neck, occasionally giving him a little bite.

"Y-yeah..." he squeaked out. "I want it."

"All yours."

J.P. was tackled to the ground, and before he could wonder how that was even possible, he found himself staring up at Amp's smiling face, her eyes half lidded and her grin more mischievous than ever.

A lot of fun

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Both ponies hit the bed hard, with Amp on top of J.P. their mouths smashed together and their tongues nearly intertwined. After a moment, Amp pulled her muzzle away, sitting up and straddling her boyfriend's lap. J.P. was effectively pinned and at her mercy, and by the look on her face, she knew it well.

"I think I can feel your battery charging up..." she said with a smirk.

"Wait, my what?"

"Sorry, electricity joke," she said with a laugh. "Oh J.P., alternate my current..."

"Amp, I don't think that's how it works..." he said, unable to help himself smile at her humor.

"Oh please, discharge into me..." she said as seductively as possible.

"Come on that's just..."

"You better fuck me with every joule you got!"

This was so stupid J.P. couldn't help but laugh.

"But... you need to help me out first..."

J.P. collected himself from the terrible jokes before looking up at the beautiful mare in his lap, who was sporting an unusual look of embarrassment on her face.

"Amp? How can I help?"

"I can do a lot, but I..." she mumbled, wiggling her stumps around and idly humping her hips. "I need you to lift me up first. Okay?"

"Of course," J.P. said, smiling reassuringly.

He wrapped his hooves around her wide hips and lifted her surprisingly light body up a little. Amp let out a little gasp of sexual frustration, sweat dripping down her face. She writhed around in his grasp, and for the first time in his life, J.P. saw Amp look helpless. And it was the sexiest thing he ever saw.

"Please... put me on your cock... I don't think I can take much more of this!" She cried. "Wear me like your own little cock sock, fuck me like your toy, impale me, please!"

J.P.'s heart was racing from what he was hearing, and it only furthered his arousal, his stallion member now fully engorged and ready. With a gentle but swift motion, he brought her limbless body down onto his cock, impaling her to the hilt. A rush of pleasure hit both of them as Amp let out a gasp and started wiggling on top of him, almost involuntarily.

"Ohhh, that feels so good," she moaned, panting. "Oh yeah..."

Before J.P. could recover from the euphoric rush, he was hit with another wave of pleasure. Amp had started to use every muscle she could to pump her hips, gyrating them back and forth, using her little thigh stumps to barely lift herself up and down, her foreleg stumps wiggling around and grasping at nothing.

"My goodness, Amp..." J.P. gasped, hardly able to contain his pleasure. "You feel so good."

The limbless pony continued her assault on his helpless cock, lost in pleasure as she wiggled and writhed around it, riding him in any way she could think of. It took little time for pressure to start to build in J.P.'s loins, and his cries of pleasure started to hasten.

"Amp... I'm gonna cum!" He cried, clenching his teeth.

She responded by pressing her hips against his as hard as she could, holding his cock tight and not wanting to spill a drop. Both ponies let out a cry of pleasure as J.P. bucked his hips, firing his seed deep into the lovely mare on top of him. Amp sighed with pleasure and fell onto her lover's chest, panting, before both fell fast asleep.

All's fair

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"I'm so glad we decided to come to the fair Joules!"

J.P. Coulomb mumbled something unintelligibly, the handle for Amp's cart occupying his mouth.

"What did you say, honey?"

"I said, don't call me Joules, call me J.P., my mom calls me Joules," he said. "And can you remind me again why you aren't using your magic cart?"

"Because it broke down last week, remember? We we're trying some... stuff on it and it was too much weight?"

J.P.'s face turned red upon remembering their little escapade, and the lone casualty that resulted from it.

"Oh, right..."

"I'm glad that the mare from the library agreed to take a look at it. But that's not why were here, we're here to enjoy the fair!"

Yes, the fair that showed up now and then on the outskirts of town played host to all sorts of fun for ponies of all age. Rides ranging from roller coasters to Ferris wheels to the always cheesy tunnel of love. One could test their skill knocking over milk bottles, or their strength hitting something with a hammer, or challenge themselves any other number of ways to win a large stuffed prize.

"We're here! Alright Amp, whaddya want to do first?" J.P. asked, smiling with anticipation.

Amp Putie looked up and around at all the attractions that surrounded the both of them. A world of possibilities in front of them, and what better way to spend them than sharing it with her boyfriend?



"What do you mean too short?!"


"I didn't really want to ride the tilt-o-hurl anyway, but it's the thought, you know?" She said, a hint of sadness in her voice. "Hey can we get ice cream or something? Ice cream always cheers me up."

J.P. picked his haunches up off the ground, ready to get pushing again.

"Of course! I could go for some ice cream too."

After a little pushing, the couple found themselves a table. Pulling out the two chocolate ice cream cones, J.P. started licking one and handed the other to Amp. After a moment, he found himself left hanging, with Amp staring at him with red cheeks and an embarrassed look on her face.

"I'm sorry, is something... I've seen you eat ice cream cones before, love."

"I know, but I thought it would be kinda nice or romantic or... something, if..." she said, looking down at the table sheepishly. "You maybe fed it to me?"

J.P. nodded and smiled, happy to do anything for his girlfriend. Bringing the cone slowly up to her muzzle, he watched carefully as she began to lick the lice cream, but for some reason she was staring right at him, instead of her food.

"Mmm..." she moaned softly, doing her best to be sexy and seductive. "This ice cream is so... tasty..."

J.P. stared right back at her, one eye twitching a little.

"Amp... are you seriously doing this?" He asked, deadpan. "I mean, we're at the fair!"

"Um..." the mischievous pony mumbled, at a slight loss for words. "Yesh?"

J.P. pushed a little ice cream onto her nose, smearing it.

"Hey!" She cried, trying to lick her own nose, much to the delight of her surprisingly mischievous boyfriend.

"Eat your darn ice cream, love."


"Hey, I heard there was gonna be a fireworks show later tonight, can we stick around for it Joules? Huh, huh?"

"Yes, we can stick around, and for goodness sake, I'm not your mother. We can do whatever we want."

"I know," she said, wiggling in her cart and making herself comfortable while they rolled around the fair. "I just don't wanna impose or anything!"

J.P. rolled up next to a few small attractions designed to make you spend too many bits to win a silly stuffed animal. Walking to the front of the cart, he looked Amp right in the eye.

"Love, you know I would do anything for you. Now quit being silly," he said, changing the subject. "I have a couple bits left, and if you're nice, I might win a prize for you."

Amp Putie lighened up, giving her boyfriend that trademark smile.

"Go for it! You better win me the biggest one!"

J.P. looked at all the challenges, and decided to test himself with the classic milk bottle stand. Slapping a bit down and flashing Amp a cocky smile, he picked up a ball and stared down the milk bottles.

"Tonight, milk bottles, you're mine."

Rearing back, ball in hoof, he gathered all the energy in his body, lifting a hind leg up like a pitcher. Striding forward and slamming his hind hoof down, he hurled the ball with a grunt towards his enemy.

The ball made a soft, slapping noise when it hit the back of the tent. He had missed by three feet.

"Uh, heh. G-guess I'm rusty," he joked, rubbing the back of his neck.

A few bits and no better results later, he sighed and turned back to Amp.

"Sorry hun, I guess I just-"

He shut his mouth when he saw Amp smiling back at him, a large bag of bits jingling in front of her. Nervously, he took the bits and gave her a confused look.

"Try again!" She piped, grinning almost maliciously. "I believe in you!"

While J.P. had every reason to believe what she said was true, he also had every reason to believe he was being exploited for the gain of a stuffed animal. It was going to be a long night.

"Keep trying Joules! I still got, like, a hundred bits!"

A single tear rolled down J.P.'s face.


"Thanks for winning me this big timberwolf Joules, I love it so much!"

Amp was now resting on top of a stuffed timberwolf larger than her, on the way to the Ferris wheel where the couple hoped to get a good look at he fireworks. Well, at least Amp Putie hoped. J.P. just wanted to survive the journey. He stopped pushing the cart and collapsed next to Amp, panting and holding his right foreleg.

"Are we there yet?" he gasped out between breaths. "I'm really sore, and I can't feel my leg..."

"Oh quit being so melodramatic Joules. Besides, we're here! Look!"

Looking up in front of him, the couple found themselves at their destination, the Ferris wheel. Dauntingly tall and lit up like a holiday tree, it was a beautiful sight to the both of them.

J.P. managed to suck it up long enough for them to get tickets and help Amp on, where they were both able to relax and cuddle up a little. Sunset was almost over, and as the wheel slowly rotated seat by seat, they were treated to a perfect view of where the fireworks would be.

With a little spare time on their hooves, the couple traded kisses and pecks, eliciting giggles and squeals from each of them. After a little fun, J.P. wrapped an arm around Amp and kept her close, opting to enjoy the sights and sounds before the show started.

"Joules... do you remember what you said earlier? About doing anything for me?"

J.P. turned to look at his girlfriend, ready to field this silly question again, but Amp wasn't looking back. She kept her eyes on the sky, and she had lost her smile.

"Of course I remember," he said, giving her a little nudge. "You know I would do anything, no matter what."

"Do you mean that, from the bottom of your heart?" She said, her voice cracking once or twice.

"Of course I mean it! Amp, love, tell me what's going-"

"Joules," she said, turning to face him, her expression deadly serious. "Would you trade places with me?"

J.P.'s thoughts came to a crashing halt. What was she talking about? Did she mean-

"You mean... your legs?"

Amp nodded, wiggling herself to face him before gently rubbing him with her stumps. J.P. said nothing, instead taking a hoof and running it down her sides gently, running it over her stumps with extra care. He wanted her to know he didn't care less about her because of her legs. If anything, they made her who she was, and he loved her legs just as much as he loved any other part of her.

"Amp Putie. If I could take my legs off and give them to you, I would in a heartbeat. I don't care if I was like you, because I don't care that you're like you. Because you showed me it doesn't make you any less of a pony. You're legs are part of you just like your eternal smile, or your electric personality, or your unbreakable spirit. I love each and every part of you all the same. And if I did give my legs up, I know you would take care of me, and love me, and I couldn't think of anything better in the world."

Amp buried her head into his chest, crying tears of joy.

"I love you Joules... I love you so much.

Doing her best to embrace her lover with his stumps, she pushed her muzzle up to his and kissed him. She kissed him harder and more passionately than she had ever before, and J.P. returned her love just as much. In their haze of love and kisses, one of them swore they could hear fireworks somewhere.