The Black Pearl

by Bass Canon

First published

A strange artifact comes into the hand of one Twilight Sparkle. It's devious nature is being revealed in front of her very eyes, and it seems she is the only hope Ponyville has. Her struggle is shown in her letters to her mentor.

A strange artifact comes into the hand of one Twilight Sparkle. It's devious nature is being revealed in front of her very eyes, and it seems she is the only hope Ponyville has. Her struggle is shown in her letters to her mentor, who for some reason sent her this odd Pearl.

Contains: TF,M/C,Corruption

Letter No 1

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Dear Princess Celestia,

I am writing both out of concern and curiosity. I know it's not my place to question your methods, but you haven’t returned my letters for 2 months now, ever since you said a mysterious package arrived for your eyes only from Saddle Arabia. Just as I was getting worried and deciding to leave Ponyville to see if you are alright, a package arrives, with your name on it. I opened it, only to find a large black pearl, whose dark shimmer danced when hit by sunlight. The weird part of it all was the note you sent that read; „ Study it, and learn from it.“ I appreciate the gesture, and I always love when I get the chance to learn and study about foreign cultures and their artifacts, but a little more guidance would be greatly appreciated. But if this is some sort of test, I will not fail you!

Your faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle

Letter No 2

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Dear Princess Celestia,

Sadly, after many hours of research I was only able to find the name of the artifact, The Black Pearl. Its origins are still a mystery to me, but I am sure I can decipher its meaning and purpose so that we may use it to the good of all ponies. Also, Rainbow Dash dropped by the library today, hoping to rent the newest Daring Doo novel I got from the Canterlot Printing Division two days ago. I know I’ve written how I have this little crush on my friend, but this morning, I hardly could contain myself. It was really weird, but thrilling at the same time. The thought of just ramming my tongue into her mouth and play inside of her was so inviting. Also, I know writing this things to you is unprofessional and kind of inappropriate, but today I just can’t help myself, and I have some feeling you will like reading this as well. I could also feel there was some attraction from the other side. Dash is usually very good at hiding her insecurities, but she was blushing as I scolded her forgetting to bring the old book back (again) on time. A strange intoxicating feeling came over me as I saw her apologizing to me, almost begging to redeem herself. But as I closed in to her mouth, Pinkie Pie busted through the door, screaming that something was inside her head, and that Ponyville as we know it would soon be gone. If anyone had told me that other than Pinkie Pie, I would think they were completely out of their mind. But I with Pinkie’s knack for the bizarre, I knew that she wasn’t just imagining things. I promised her that I would examine her tomorrow. If it turns out to be true, I will report to you immediately.

Your faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle

Letter No 3

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Dear Princess Celestia,

After examining Pinkie Pie, I can come to the conclusion that there is some alien magic involved as I managed to exclude certain forms of magic that I have never seen. It’s ways are more subtle, and its effects on a pony’s mind are in fulfilling some urges rather than attacking it head on. Also, Pinkie Pie seemed rather calmer then yesterday. She came in, wearing latex stockings of all things, which I must admit, looked really good on her. She laughed when I said the word examine, and even turned her, well plot into my direction. She was acting very naughty, and I really wanted to spank her. Seconds were like hours in that moment, and my mouth was drying up faster than a river bed in a drought. After Pinkie Pie lowered her succulent behind, she even told me that she was leaving sugar cube corner to open a new shop right next to it. I asked if it will be a candy shop, and she just winked and said it will be, in a way.

After she left, I decided to form a magical barrier around my mind, just in case. Sadly, I have not mastered the technique enough to protect everyone in town, so mine and Spikes will have to do for now.

I must also confess that I have been having strange dreams of late. I was hoping if you could inquire Princess Luna if she could help me, but if she has more urgent cases, I understand.

Your faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle

Letter No 4

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Dear Princess Celestia,

The situation is getting worse, and I feel Pinkie Pie’s warning was genuine, as the name of her new shop “Pinkie Pie’s Kink Emporium” implies. The store front alone was enough to make any mare or stallion weak in their knees, not that I was. I was completely professional, honestly! The reason I stood there in front of it for half an hour was purely for examination, and not because of that latex catsuit.

At first, there were boos and scolding coming from the public in front of the shop. But rather than closing her devilish store, Pinkie Pie laughed with gusto, saying something about how we the public have not been blessed yet. It was very bizarre, and the scene only got more peculiar when the booing stopped. Right before it, I sensed a series of shockwaves hitting the invisible mind barrier on me and Spike, and I suspect it had something to do with the change of reaction. I hoped at the time it was nothing, but that hope was destroyed as the folk began to cheer for Pinkie. Soon enough, a stampede of ponies went into the shop, relieving it of all it’s products, in exchange for a generous amount of bits.

Whatever this is, it’s getting stronger with each pony it manipulates.I hope Luna stops by, the dream with Dash and Pinkie keeps repeating.

Your very faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle

Letter No 5

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Dear Princess Celestia,

I felt the need to investigate what happened to my other friends, as I felt that I can’t save Pinkie Pie on my own, as she has gone far too deep into this darkness that is consuming us. I also feel I am running out of time and that I set up the barrier too late to prevent complete isolation from the magic that resides in the Pearl. I tried destroying it, but the accursed artifact seems to be made from some unknown material. Rest assured, I will find a way to vanquish this evil, before I become one of them… I hope. For this reason, I have asked Spike, who has grown a bit, which in itself is worrying, to write down everything I say during mail recital, so the evil does not manipulate my statements… got all that Spike? Good!

I started my inquiry with Rarity, as I hoped her strong and eloquent psyche would make her more immune to the magic. Sadly, I was mistaken. The boutique sing was taken down, and Sweetie Belle, or at least a very sexy adult version of her, complete with a maid costume awaited me on my way in. Her voice was still like that of an angel, but her talk was tempting as that of a succubus. It took me all my composure to say no to her plea to take my barrier down, and how letting the voice made her an adult, and every other filly in town, as she confessed, was the best thing that ever happened to her. Eventually, she pouted and said my object of desire… well of inquiry was inside, serving a client. Then it hit me, and I rammed the door open. It was not what expected… but in a sense I should have known Rarity’s ego survives any form of indoctrination. The image of her spanking Big Mac, who was strapped in gear, gagged and bend over, while she was posing like a true dominatrix was really getting to me. On this note I should inform you that regardless of this curse that has befallen our town, I might be knowledgeable in some types of fetishistic activities, for scientific purposes only, of course. I stood there, helpless as she grabbed me with her magic, bend me over her desk, and began to do the same to my plot as well. It hurt so much, and I cried a little… but for a minute there I was… pleasure… Oh curses! Spike, can you get me some tissues, we need to clean the carpet.

Luckily, I regained my senses and used my superior magic abilities the turned the tables on her. Oddly enough she did not protest, and only said that she always found me as the best dom in Ponyville, which I took as a compliment… wait what? Calm down Twilight, calm down… That statement indicated that her memories were being manipulated, as I never was nor will I ever be… a picture of a powerful mare, destined for greatness and all around carnal pleasure. With a whip and attractive clothing, twisting other ponies psyche until only she is the real Goddess they bow down to…
Spike, more tissues!

I can also report that Luna was in my dream, but this one was surly my doing, as her horn was much smaller. Don’t ask how I know.

Your best student,

Twilight Sparkle

Letter No 6

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Dear Celestia,

Another day has passed, and this time I tried to contact Fluttershy... Damn Spike, you are ripped! This magic really is powerful, even on your resistant species... A ample fruit right for the picking... Ahem, anyway, where were we? Oh yes, Flutters!
Both me and Spike ran to her cottage as early as we could, only to find Fluttershy, well as her usual self. No belts, ropes, no vibrators, not even a bigger bed. She greeted us kindly as usual, bowing to me extensively. Showing me the respect I deserve... Focus Twi, focus! But the fact she said that for me she would cancel her usual morning client made me quiver, well sadly both anticipation and fear. Mostly fear, I assure you. Then I noticed a potion held in her wing, but I was to late to stop her from drinking it. She let out a primal roar, unlike I have ever seen her do. I was afraid, but as her fur began to melt into one shiny surface, I began to realize what was happening. My dear friend, with a wanton expression on her face, was willingly becoming a sex doll. Well at first I thought it was just some lube, but as her hind quaters, which she proudly lifted in my direction became two rubberized holes, ample to play with, I knew it was the case. She giggled her way to doll perfection, as her mane and tail became nothing more than aired holding points so you could ram her, ever stronger, empowering your position... Towel Spike... Stop calling me Mistress Twilight! Miss will do, my dragon.

Then, I must admit, even I had a moment of weakness. As Fluttershy’s brain was molded into rubber, so did she begin to address us as Dolly. And Dolly wanted to play, as in “pound me silly” style of games. She asked if either the Grand Dom would do the honers, or her First Enforcer, looking over to Spike. I hesitated, but managed to say no. Sadly, Spike’s willpower does not match mine. Not really a shocker there, heh... He looked at me like a lost puppy, begging me to lift the barrier for him. I refused violently, but after her began to kiss my hoof, and Dolly rubbed her body onto mine, I gave in. A sigh later, and he was free. It was fascinating to see how the magic was accelerating into him, so that he could fit into this version of Ponyville. He grew in stature, gained muscles, and all in all looked like my First Enforcer. His power was on full display later, as her gave Dolly what she craved. He was relentless, furious in his assault on her hind quaters, yet seemingly capable of maintaining a sense of rhythm, always keeping Dolly on the edge, and honestly, me too. After what seemed an hour, and given the endurance of dragons, probably is, he gave her the climax she craved. Dolly only managed to moan, point to a note on the counter and fall asleep. Spike was eager to retrieve it, bowing before me gracefully as I read it’s content. It read that both Fluttershy and Dolly would like to become one, rather than two ponies, and only a being of ultimate power could do such a deed. I wonder why she gave it to me then... Heh.
Alas, I have nothing new to report on finding a cure for this madness, and now with Spike under it’s spell, I am the only one left to stop it. Unless Apple Family Acers is not under it’s spell. I can only hope. We shall see in the morning.

You should also talk to Luna, that princess has some issues, I don't care if it's the Dreamscape, some things are just too big.

The best student,
    Twilight Sparkle

Letter No 7

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    To Celestia,

Damn it this rope is begging to itch! Focus Twi, focus. Okay, let’s try this again. I am writing to you from my library. With all of my friends with me, waiting to see what will ensue. But I guess one more letter of revelation should be a nice thing to do. My hope to save Ponyville was now resting on the fact that AJ was someone not affected by the artifact. That trip did not go as planned, and I think it only made things bleaker in that regard.

But at least I got to see something positively intoxicating. There she was, in all of her toned glory, with cowgirl boots, some nice chaps, without the jeans, of course, and a lasso. Our dear friend Applejack. Sweat was dripping around her curves as she pulled her strings, making her brother, who was spread eagled on a table quiver with moans and yells for help.

Ah, dammit Spike! I know Applejack was sexy and tempting is hell back there, but if hit me with your sperm, I swear I will end you. Now stop rubbing, dragon. The Lady commands it.

Serves you right. Don’t you look at me like that, I know you enjoyed that hoof stomp. I know I did.

Now where was I, oh yes, sweating Applejack. She turned around and smiled nervously. She asked what was I doing here, and shouldn’t I be in Canterlot for my annual visit to my family. I was confused, as she did not show me the level of respect I had with the rest of my friends. Annoying, I know. I asked her if anything unusual had happened in the last few days. She replied with a soft shake of her head, signaling that nothing really was out of the norm, apart from a rather ad hoc plea coming from Apple Bloom to stay for the night at Sweetie Belle so that they can “try some science stuff”.That could only mean one thing. The power of The Pearl never made it to here. Applejack and Big Mac were just doing what the usually do on some evenings!
I asked her, after she pulled Big Mac again, just so the restraints don’t loosen up to much, as how long had the two been playing like this. She smiled nervously and said a year, admitting she rather enjoys the empowerment buzz, so that she can be focused on her work the rest of the time, and that Big Mac like to be the soft vulnerable pony every once in a while. She also asked if I could ask Pinkie Pie for some lube that she sells under the desk at Sugar Cube Corner.

Then came the realization. The Black Pearl never changed our thoughts, it just destroys our inhibitions, and gives our alter egos power so that we can fulfill our desires. So, that means, Mistress Sparkle was always me! But before I could comprehend that my walls of restraint were crumbling, she gave me the rope, so that I could pull. I loved it; the control, the wanton look on Big Mac’s face. I pulled once more, but this time making sure to rub myself while doing so. Applejack kissed me on the cheek in a nurturing way. The session itself lasted an hour or so, with me, Applejack, Big Mac and even Spike taking turns in the ropes or as the puppet master.

It was lovely visit indeed, and I wanted to return in kind, inviting the both to my cottage, with wicked desire to see the magic of The Pearl in real time. One approving nod and teleport later, we were there.
It did not take long for the magic to enter them, and I had the popcorn ready. Well Spike got me some, the lovable stud.

No Spike, I said oaf, not stud! Do you want me to stomp you again? Do you want me to never stomp you again? Thought so. Now continue to write as I say it, or no more hoofsies, ever.

The effects on Applejack were subtle but efficient. The boots got a slightly bigger heel, the hat became black, and a pair of black latex gloves slowly materialized onto her hands that gave her a commanding presence. Oddly enough, no rope. The voice was stole the show really though. I did not expect her to go with the Manehatten one, I’ll be honest. Rope Magician Applejack, she introduced herself with a chuckle and a bow. But when she pointed to her brother as her lovely assistant, well my mouth dropped. Ugh, and
Spikes. Happy now? Jeez, you are such a self-insert Spike.

Anyway, back to the good stuff. Big Mac’s imposing muscles were slowly getting smaller, until curves began to form. His rather impressive member slowly receded into one very inviting female treasure. The new mare moaned in a silky voice, and I gotta say, it’s one hell of a soprano. A black dress formed around her, and some very nice shoes as well. One gorgeous mane cut and immaculate makeup later, and she was ready. And she bowed towards me and introduced herself to me as Honeycrisp, I realized that old Big Mac had a transgender fetish. Who knew? The rope mystery was quickly resolved, as it seemed my friend Applejack gained rope magic. Pretty cool and scary at the same time. She could materialized as much rope as she needs, and knot anything she can think off. The formation that spread Honeycrip’s thighs was a masterpiece. It provided ample space to work in, it did not hurt her playtoy, but still left her in a helpless state. The Rope Magician insisted we sample the fruit, and well, I kind of lost the will to hide my desire at this point. I digged in, making the new mare quiver. She was at the mercy of my tongue, and I was at the mercy of the power such position gave me. I licked in my own rhythm, with the occasional nibble of her most sensitive area, making sure to keep her on the edge, but never over it. Her body was making her brain into mush, and I was the culprit. I don’t know how I have a knack for perfect denial, but I do. After a few intense minutes, I let Spike, with his longer, exotic tongue finish her off. It was quick, as the boy dragon was too insensitive and direct. But then again, they bow to me for reason, right?

All in all, the whole scene was very intoxicating, and my desire to fight the artifact is at an all time low. Will I drop my futile defence tomorrow? I don’t know,honestly.

Lady Twilighhh...

Letter No 8

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Dear Mother,

I don’t know what has gotten into you, but I am glad it did. I bet it was Dad, he was always the more chaotic one. Yes, I tore down my defenses, and I am whole once again.
Mistress Twilight Sparkle, Daughter of Chaos is officially back. No Spike, I am not going to explain to you how Discord can have kids. Read a book, dammit!

Anyway, let me fill you in on what transpired last night. There I was, still under the bubble of protection against the Pearl, writing your letter, when Dash just decided to do a blitzkrieg on my lips. She was fast, decisive but with the deepest respect for my stature. As she was dancing in my mouth with her juicy tongue, I came to realize what she was doing was no attack. It was a rescue mission, and she was the first commando going in. The rest of my soon-to-be minions joined in, everyone using their best persuasion tactic.

Rarity gave me a whip, and ever so gracefully invited me to spank her white bum until it was red as that of Honeycrips, and who was I to deny it? Grabbing the paddle, I smacked that snobby little minx, and enjoyed the fruits of my labor, one moan at a time.

Dolly was also ready and waiting, and using my superior resource management, I let Spike warm her up with the same resolute thrusting she received not two days ago. Ever the welcoming pony, she obliged the dragon’s needs, one hole at a time.

Applejack roped herself this time, in the most beautiful formation of knots I had ever seen. That gal is a true craftsman of the kinkiest trade. Never breaking the kiss I had with Dashie, I used my other free hand to pull AJ’s strings, literally!

Stop with that eyebrow AJ, or so help me I will turn you into a pear! Better.

Last, but certainly not least, was Pinkie. I think it was her, at least. The hood and latex in three layers made it hard to see any fur. Even the mane and tail were covered in it! The only thing that gave her away was the bounciness she displayed once I pressed the button of her toys with my hoof to go to eleven.

So there I was, inducing pleasure to all in one multitasking sexual onslaught, trying my best to keep up. Sadly, I knew I could not keep everybody on the edge, on that wonderful razor tip. Someone is going to get an orgasm before me, and honestly, that would be a disaster. But a thought came from inside. One fueled by lust, joy and a sense of total freedom.

Maybe the Pearl holds the key? Maybe I was never meant to stop this, maybe I need it as much as it needs me? And the most important question of them all, do I really give a damn?


The funny thing is, I did not just lower the barrier. I freaking obliterated it. But to my surprise, the Pearl did not just give me power, it merged with me. In fact, as my memory came back in a flurry of pure magic, I remembered.

A young filly, thousand of years ago. My father Discord, the Master of Chaos, and my mother Molestia, the Princess of Lust. As soon as I was old enough to be your heir, you taught me the ways of manipulating ponies, gryphons and dragons into sexual submission. Toys, mind control, sexual denial, the whole juicy nine yards. Dad’s magic lessons were also quite fun, and I truly came to appreciate the fine art of utter chaos. But just as about I was to turn 21, and become a true Mistress of Chaos, our enemy, The Crystal Empire attacked. They and their morals, their need for true love, I spit at them!

Spike, you better get a mop. I can wait.

They were weak, but they had a plan. Getting us while Dad was in stone (one hell of a marriage quarrel, by the way!), and sealing our personalities away in our sleep was ingenious, and downright malicious. That Caidance can be backstabbing when she wants to.

Damn, a thousand years as this “too good to be real” Celestia, harsh, I feel your pain mom. At least they knew I was too powerful to bend, and they had to remove my wickedness in a pearl. Well, I think it’s time we go after Caidance, and my so called “brother”.

But first, I think I need to mention how I rewarded my dearest minions!

I made them stand still, so that The Mistress could rock their world...

First of, Pinkie Pie. I looked into that mind of hers, only to realize it was full of convoluted ideas, just like fathers. That man can’t keep his coat zipped up, I swear. But I found one idea that was a true desire, and I went for it. The layers, the lack of sight. She didn’t want to wear latex, she wanted to be latex. A featureless smooth creature made for giving and receiving lust.

So I made her one.

I pressed the layers into her body, into her very soul. The liquid latex entered every pore, both mind and body. Soon her blood was back liquid latex, and her mind shiny. For one fleeting moment her old heart stopped, only to squeak the next, a latex one for my very first drone. I welcomed Drone #0001 to my realm, with one friendly hug. She was now the first of many rubber ponies in this town and beyond. I reminded her to be sure to keep her juices away from those who don’t want to become one of her kind. Or don’t, whatever suits her fancy.

Next was Dolly’s turn. I didn’t really need to see into her mind, as she already wrote me what her desire was. So I decided to go the extra mile. I split the pony into two; Fluttershy and Dolly. One was a normal shy creature, the other a rubber slut. But they loved each other, they needed each other. The sweet embrace of kissing, licking and hoofing was the sexiest proof you could fine. Their session, with us looking with increased heat, lasted for ten or so minutes. And as I anticipated, both mares came at the same time, only for Dolly to melt into Fluttershy, leaving her a doll. She kissed me, and thanked me. She was only afraid that she might pop on some bushes later in life. I reassured her all she had to say was “Dolly Time” to switch her form, and it worked. FlutterDoll gave one more kiss just for that.

Next came Applejack. I was stumped, to be honest. I mean, she already was the best rope player in whole of Equestria, not to mention she had a willing plaything in Honeycrisp. I shrugged, only to hear AJ whisper to me. I had to smile on that one, but hey, it’s her desire. So now AJ can change her hat into any material or color. I know, I don’t get it either. It looks cool, I give her that.

Rarity, Rarity, Rarity. What a conflicting piece of juicy marebutt. One one hand she is the snobby dominatrix, on the other a soft sub. She could never be fully sexually happy. But they could be. So I used my splitting personality trick again, but this time I made it permanent. The new sisters, Inheritance and Compliance did look confused at first, but as I played with their memories, everything clicked. One was a almost cruel but still lovable brat with a soft spot for her loved ones, and the other a mare that wanted to be controlled, but only to those she loved. Good thing one knows how to design and the other how to make dresses, otherwise they be really screwed!

Then came the Prestige, my personal favorite, and frankly sexiest mare I ever had the pleasure to snuggle with. Sorry Mom, she took that title away from you. Rainbow Dash, how would I make her even hotter, and reward her for such bravery and resilience to free her Mistress?

There was only one title worthy of such a mare, and that would be my Lover. I kissed her, but this time there was no calculative holding back like the other gals. No, I let my magic full flow. I could sense everything she was, her love, her fears, her desires and her hate. All of it was in me, and I was in her. I pressed my hoof into her exposed female treasure, careful not to give her a chance to get too aroused, just so I could begin the process of total corruption. Every cell of her being I infused with my dark essence. The darkness melted into her, and my Love willingly accepted it, knowing that only trough total acceptance could she be with me forever. Her morals, or that what was left I reduced, leaving only loyalty to her loved ones as a beacon of hope. Her lust, her sadistic nature I nourished, so that she could be not only my Love, but my main weapon as well. I increased my kissing as well as rubbing her off, making her moan in a familiar raspy voice. This now dark apple was ripe for the picking, and as I formed a dildo on my pelvis, I was ready to buck it off the tree, one thrust at the time. Drone, FlutterDoll, AJ and the Rarity sisters looked on in envy, as I shook Dash to her rainbow core. Stronger, harder, faster. I wanted her there, and I wanted her forever. Those minutes were so intoxicating, it makes me wet just remembering them. And the final thrust? Well, I don’t have a library anymore, let’s leave it at that, before Spike has to get a mop again.

Then, as I filled her with my dark essence, did Dash ascend. A black suit with yellow lightning formed around her, as her body pulsated with utter darkness.

She glided onto the wooden floor, or what was left of it anyway, and introduced herself as Rainbow Dash, Captain of the Shadowbolts. She then kissed me, even making me blush. That girl is powerful, and more importantly, mine.

And with my main minions ready, I am traveling to you to Canterlot. Can’t wait to see you and auntie Nightmare Moon. Lucky gal, she kept her identity on the moon. Apologize in my name for traping her a few years back int that Luna prison, will you?

Your daughter,
Mistress Twilight Sparkle, Daughter of Chaos
Rainbow Dash, Captain of The Shadowbolts
Drone #0001
Rope Magician Applejack and Honeycrisp
Inheritance and Compliance

Letter No 9 (Epilogue)

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Dearest Daughter,

I can sense you are arriving, the evil presence in Canterlot grows in stature by the minute. Your aunt wants to congratulate you on your rebirth. She is both glad and humbled to have contributed to your return by poisoning that sugary facade with evil dreams, night in and night out.

  Your father is well, but I had to stone him again. Marriage quarrel, always a fuss. I told him I will probably de-stone him tomorrow. Shame he vexed me at the start of the Lunar Year, and that day will only come in twelve months, and auntie insisted I obey our agreement.

  I know you have many questions, and since that train ride is not getting any longer, allow me to indulge you.

  First of, yes honey, you are really one thousand years old. I know, it sucks to have missed most of it. But looking back, you as mere energy and Discord as a rock had it better in my opinion.Sure, I was awake for most of it, and Nightmare Moon, but we had to endure such a pathetic existence. I mean, imagine you had to be such a prude, self-righteous and celibate mare. Awful! At least Nightmare Moon’s Luna episode lasted less than my “Celestia” one.

  Second, did your childhood happen, with Shining Armor as your “big bro”? I am afraid to say it did, honey. They knew you were to powerful to have your memories overwritten, like, I am ashamed to admit, me and Nightmare Moon, so they actually tried to create a complete new life for you. The nerdy side of you, they did not invent. Blame it on your father, I know I have.

  And thirdly, and I think you might be most interested in this one; why did I not tell you sooner what The Pearl did, where did it come from and why I have not written back? The Pearl was always in Canterlot, right in our garden. It just took a thousand years for the powerful illusion magic to wear off! Damn those crystal ponies. As for my writing, to be honest, it was more fun to see you return to us, one corrupting day after the next.

  I was worried at first, sure, but once you freed Spike, I did not have to worry anymore. Using my old link, I simply spied from his eyes to what you were doing. Oh it was glorious, to voyeur as my kin regains her wicked ways, inducing the dark magic into ponies around her. Makes me giddy just remembering it. And so very flustered. But don’t worry honey, I am taking my medicine already, one delicious flank at a time.

  I also have gained information that you did in fact gain real minions. Bravo! Feels good, doesn’t it? The first ones are always the special ones. Can not wait to try that Drone of yours, I look forward to her the most.

  I realize your desire to take revenge on The Crystal Empire, and I want you to know that we are one hundred percent behind you, my little minx. But before you go head on into taking on those pitiful do-good-ers, consider helping us retake the rest of Equestria first. Now that you are back to your full glory, we need a leader, and frankly auntie is a bit too crazy, I am too busy making up for lost time, and Discord is a rock. That only leaves you, and your wonderful minions, of course. Think about it, and tell me once you are here.

With that in mind, I am trembling of reconciling with you in my chambers.
  Your ever loving mother,

Queen Molestia