The Yin-Yang Syndrome - Book Two of The Princess and Her Guard Duology

by Moonlit Novel

First published

The war is over, but now the new governments of the NLR and the SE must learn to live together in peace. However what caused the war is still laying in wait...

As peace starts to grow between the Solar Empire and the fledgling New Lunar Republic, so does the tension between them. Peace is not easy for two nations once at war, especially with two differing ideologies, a Monarchy, and a Republic. However even as tensions grow, so does the friendship and rivalry between the two military forces. Underneath the scenes however two figures continue their gambit, intent on ridding the world of Equis of the two Celestial Alicorns. Meanwhile Cadence is still missing and through the admission of the Solar Empire, no longer in it's borders. While all this happens the romance between Luna and Moonlit grew stronger...

Warnings: attempted suicide

Prologue: A Moonlit stroll; A heartfelt confession

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Series: The Princess and Her Guard

Title: The Yin-Yang Syndrome - Book Two of The Princess and Her Guard Duology
Rating: MA-AO
Genre: Romance-Drama/Adventure
Writer: Moonlit Novel
Pairing: Moonlit Novel(OC)/Princess Luna
Fanfic of: MLP
Summary: As peace starts to grow between the Solar Empire and the fledgling New Lunar Republic, so does the tension between them. Peace is not easy for two nations once at war, especially with two differing ideologies, a Monarchy, and a Republic. However even as tensions grow, so does the friendship and rivalry between the two military forces. Underneath the scenes however two figures continue their gambit, intent on ridding the world of Equis of the two Celestial Alicorns. Meanwhile Cadence is still missing and through the admission of the Solar Empire, no longer in it's borders. While all this happens the romance between Luna and Moonlit grew stronger...

Prologue: A Moonlit stroll; A heartfelt confession

Luna and I were walking in the currently being reconstructed gardens of the old castle in the Everfree, it was different, being at peace, and I am glad to say I was wrong at the length of the war between Luna and her sister. I kept her close while we walked, never-the-less, as even though peace had been declared, there were some in the Solar Empire that wished Luna dead. Probably thinking that it would throw the NLR into confusion, what they didn't know however was that while Luna was the Consul she did not make many decisions, mostly she commanded the military as they were hers to command. The republic of Roam was the same way, except they grew too big, we had no such ambitions.

“Moonlit” said Luna interrupting my thoughts.

“Yes, Consul?” I asked as a group of the Evening Armada marched past, new recruits into the legion, I smiled a sad smile knowing that they will always be treated as children, but there was a happiness there, that they did not know the horrors the majority of the Evening Armada knew from that thankfully short war.

“Moonlit, you had said, before all this began, that you loved me... Is that still true?” she asked now taking a position in front of and facing me. I swallowed at her closeness, I know I have been this close before, while we were in combat, but that was different, there were things to distract me from such closeness. “Well? I am waiting for an answer, Moonlit” she said and with a sigh I reached the small distance and cupped her cheek with my hand before leaning and pressing my lips to hers...

- - -

It was weird being in charge of the military for the New Lunar Republic, but nights like this made it worth it, the nights I got to walk in the gardens with Moonlit Novel, the one soldier that had truly been with me throughout the entirety of the conflict. Were it still in my power, I would have him knighted for service to the crown, but there was no crown anymore, not here. All I was the leader of the military, the Consul. The one, who, while had one of the largest voices in the Senate, was still just one voice of many that decided the fate of our fledgling country... Ripping my mind from such topics, as tonight I had only one thing I wanted to think about tonight. So stepping in front of Moonlit, I spoke up.

“Moonlit” I said and it was apparent that I interrupted his train of thought, but at that moment I felt this was much more important.

“Yes, Consul?” he asked and for a second that cut deep until I saw a group of new soldiers march past and I smiled internally, even after all this he still follows an order I gave when I was still a Princess of Equestria.

“Moonlit, you said, before all this began, that you loved me... Is that still true?” I asked taking a step closer to him and he swallowed, probably because of our closeness, or at least that was my hope. However after a moment or two of him remaining silent I started to worry, “Well? I am waiting for an answer, Moonlit” I said a little more snippy than I intended but it snapped him out of whatever it was that had caught his mind as he reach up and cupped my cheek, into which I nuzzled slightly enjoying the feeling of his hand on me. He then lean forwards and pressed his lips to mind, while not a verbal confirmation, it was still more than I expected and I returned it enthusiastically, before he pulled away and smiled.

“Of course I still love you, Luna, forever and always, I promise” he said before giving me a small peck on the lips once more. I stepped away from him grudgingly but I had to do this right, it wasn't often a princess, even a former princess, had to give a confession, however that is what I intended to give.

- - -

She had started to kiss me back as I started to break the kiss, and I was tempted to keep kissing her but I knew she would want an answer so pulling away just enough that she was still close to me, but far enough I would not break my sentence because I kissed her I spoke up.

“Of course I still love you, Luna, Forever and always, I promise” And I meant it and I gave her a small kiss , but then she stepped away from me, and I was worried, 'Did I do anything wrong?' I thought and she took a deep breath, seemingly to calm herself as she let it out again calmly.

“Moonlit, you have proved yourself to be a loyal soldier, and a loyal stallion, I know that many mares have thrown themselves at you, one or two at my suggestion, as I was sure that all you had for me was a crush, a crush I had entertained for sure, but a crush never-the-less.” I moved to speak but she held her hand up asking me to let her continue and I gave a small nod as I backed down, “When we went to Canterlot to try and talk sense into my sister you volunteered without a second thought, and when I heard my sister fighting, even though you were already having troubles of your own with one of the Gritu, one of those creatures of light, you engaged the one I was fighting as to free me to go help my sister even though you knew you could very well die.” she continued and again I moved to interrupt but she pressed on, “What I am trying to say, Moonlit, is that I love you too, I truly love you, when I heard you get hurt, I felt a rage I had not felt in so long, I wanted the Gritu to suffer, I wanted them to suffer for every hurt they caused to everyone, but especially you. I was ready to leap into the deepest darkness to make them pay for hurting you, a darkness I only ever fell into once before, when I became Nightmare Moon. Moonlit, I love you so much and I was ready to kill to protect you. Just as you were ready to die to make me happy.” she finished and I stood there stunned, she had put so much emotion into her small speech, and as such it left me speechless...

- - -

I took a deep breath and let it out, mostly to center myself, and I looked him in the eyes, and I could tell he was worried, but none-the-less I pressed on, I had to say this before I lost the nerve.

“Moonlit, you have proved yourself to be a loyal soldier, and a loyal stallion, I know that many mares have thrown themselves at you, one or two at my suggestion, as I was sure that all you had for me was a crush, a crush I had entertained for sure, but a crush never-the-less.” I said, and he moved to speak, but I didn't let him, “When we went to Canterlot to try and talk sense into my sister you volunteered without a second thought, and when I heard my sister fighting, even though you were already having troubles of your own with one of the Gritu, one of those creatures of light, you engaged the one I was fighting as to free me to go help my sister even though you knew you could very well die.” I continued and once again he moved to interrupt but I pressed on, intending to get to the point, “What I am trying to say, Moonlit, is that I love you too, I truly love you, when I heard you get hurt, I felt a rage I had not felt in so long, I wanted the Gritu to suffer, I wanted them to suffer for every hurt they caused to everyone, but especially you. I was ready to leap into the deepest darkness to make them pay for hurting you, a darkness I only ever fell into once before, when I became Nightmare Moon. Moonlit, I love you so much and I was ready to kill to protect you. Just as you were ready to die to make me happy.” I finished and he stood there mouth open. The next thing I knew he was kissing me...

- - -

I kissed her, I had wanted her for so long, and now, she was mine the thought almost made me pause, but the feeling of her lips against mine prevented much higher thought as my hands started to run over her body before she pushed me away gently.

“Not here, Moonlit, but I am glad that you do return my affections” she said with a smile on her lips before she started to walk away the small sway in her hips, which was always there, captivated me for a moment before she stopped and looked over her shoulder, “You coming? Or did your mind stop working?” she said in a teasing voice...

- - -

His hands were running over my body, I wanted to continue this, but not here, it would not be proper, for anyone. So I pushed him away gently.

“Not here, Moonlit, but I am glad you return my affections” I said and smiled as I felt the love from him wash over me, I may not be a changeling, but any being can feel when someone loves them. With that I walked away, stopping after a bit when I noticed he wasn't with me and looked over my shoulder and saw his eyes locked on my hips which made me feel all the more wanted and attractive, though I will say when some stranger does it, it makes me feel uncomfortable. “You coming? Or did your mind stop working?” I teased and gave a small shake of my hips and his eyes bulged a little before he shook his head and ran up to me and kissed my lips before we started down the trail again. Perhaps it was time to declare my courtship? Or did that happen anymore? I would ask Moonlit later, right now I was perfectly fine with spending time with him.

Chapter One: Grass is always Greener; Small government lessons

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Chapter One: Grass is always Greener; Small government lessons

Border patrols... The most boring job I ever had to run, I mean seriously?

“Rainbow... RAINBOW!” said one of my fellow Shadowbolts, Shadowbolts... Heh... Never thought that in the end I’d end up joining them anyway, “Captain!”

“What is it Shadowflight?” I asked and the pegasus rolled his eyes, before motioning to the ground, there were Solar Empire troops, a small group really, not more than 4 soldiers, trying to get my attention. I narrowed my eyes and then motioned for my squadron to land which we did. My squadron of 9 pegasus landed most of us uncomfortable, I noticed 3 of my pegasus loosening their blades, another 2 partly drawing their new flintlocks, an innovation that came out not 2 weeks after the war.

“Greetings from the Solar Empire” said the obvious leader of the small group, and I nodded.

“May the Shadows watch over you” I replied and then the soldier reached into his mail armor, slow enough not to cause anyone to jump into action, and withdrew a bunch of letters.

“I know you aren't a mail service, and it seems wrong to ask, but many people here in the Solar Empire are having trouble with getting their mail to their families in the New Lunar Republic” said the soldier and I clenched my jaw, not in aggravation towards the Solar Empire soldier, but rather the incompetence of the mail system. Of course, if Luna could hear my thoughts then she would tell me that it was hard to build a new nation, laws had to be written and then services had to be formed and then tied into the government budget, and after all that, taxes had to be divvied up. I sighed

“Of course we'll take them” I replied and the soldier smiled before giving a crisp salute and walking off deeper into Solar Empire territory.

- - -

The room was full of people yelling at one another, each one trying to talk over the other to get their points across. That was what I walked into, and it made me frown as I remembered the orderly conduct that was once required of all politicians and so I spoke up my anger showing on my face.

“QUIET!” I yelled in my Royal Canterlot Voice and the room fell quiet, the majority of the room had the decency to look ashamed, but a few looked at me with contempt as I looked a frown on my face.

“Oh look the former princess” said one of the ponies that looked on me with contempt and my gaze centered on him, and I was about to say something when the next thing anyone in the room knew there was a blade against her neck.

“You would do well to remember, Sordid Glimmer, that Consul Luna willingly stepped down out of royalty, and was not forced out in anyway shape or form” said Regal Star, hers being the blade against the pony's neck.

“Calm yourself, Regal” I said and the Pegasus general glanced down at me before nodded.

“Yes, Consul” she replied before replacing her blade in its scabbard and taking her seat once more.

“Now, what is the current subject on the floor?” I asked and soon everything continued, but now in a much more organized fashion...

- - -

“Empress?” asked Twilight and Celestia smiled at her protégé whom had taken up her old residence ever since the secession of the New Lunar Republic.

“You heard what I said, Twilight, I want you to return to Ponyville as our diplomat, it will allow you to be back around your friends and also help heal the damage caused by our conflict with them” said the sun empress, formally the Sun Princess.

“But what about the mail system? There still hasn't been any word on if it has been repaired, how could they be so incompetent? ” asked the unicorn and Celestia smiled kindly at Twilight.

“Oh, Twilight... You have no idea how hard it is to start a new government... Everything has to build from the ground up, even the mail service” came the reply and then Celestia sighed, “This is the reason I did not like the idea of a republic in the first place, too many people who think they have the right way to do things and rarely every completely agree, and so most of everything is a compromise”

“But... That's so inefficient! How can anyone want to live like that?” asked Twilight and Celestia frowned, oh she knew why, but she did not wish to shatter the illusion that Twilight had in her head about the Solar Empire's form of government...

- - -

“So what happened?” I asked as Luna walked out of the Senate building, and had an unusual smile on her face.

“Simple, we now have an actual set of laws in place as to govern, and we already started debating on how best to supply the services that used to be supplied by the Principality of Equestria” said Luna and I blinked, she was excited over that? Something that should have been taken care of weeks ago?

“I don't really understand, shouldn't that have been taken care of a long time ago?” I asked and Luna sighed the smile slipping from her face.

“In a monarchy, yes it would have, all I would have to do is order it, and it would have been done, but in a republic, I can't do that, everything has to be decided in the senate, with the exception of the military legion under my command, and even then I have to be careful with how I manage it as to not upset too many of the senators” said Luna and I went wide-eyed, she noticed my look of surprise, “Why are you so surprised? This is not a simple system of government. But it does grant more freedom than a monarchy, while monarchy grants more security, the people are more constrained in what changes to the government they can make”

“You seem to know quite a bit about the two systems of government” I said and she smiled and chuckled lightly.

“That is what you get for being in love with a politician” she replied and gave me a small peck on the cheek, however she got a sad look on her face soon after as if a sobering thought had just passed through her head. So I chuckled before pulling her into a small kiss and held her close.

“I am in love with an artist, who's day job is being a politician” I argued lightly and she gave a small giggle, the cheesiness of my comment not being ignored...

- - -

Everything had gone well, surprisingly so, things were actually beginning to shape up into a real formal government and not just a bunch of mess. Oh I knew it was going to take sometime for everything to get together, but I didn't think it would take almost a month after the war to actually get things moving. It seemed that even now, I have to be the voice of reason in a room full of squabbling children, at least that is how it felt, I am ashamed to admit, and when I mentioned it to Moonlit he laughed it off and mentioned that most ponies were not as old, not as bluntly though, and as such did not have the patience nor the experience I did.

“So what happened?” Moonlit asked me as he met me at the entrance to the Senate building, though by all rights he could have entered with me, as he was first and foremost, in the eyes of the Senate, my bodyguard.

“Simple, we now have an actual set of laws in place as to govern, and we already started debating on how best to supply the services that used to be supplied by the Principality of Equestria” I said happily and he just looked at me, as if he didn't really understand the big deal.

“I don't really understand, shouldn't that have been taken care of a long time ago?” he asked me and I sighed he had been my personal guard before all this happened and the slowness of the new government system probably frustrated him, however he never seemed to let it get to him while he was with me.

“In a monarchy, yes it would have, all I would have to do is order it, and it would have been done, but in a republic, I can't do that, everything has to be decided in the senate, with the exception of the military legion under my command, and even then I have to be careful with how I manage it as to not upset too many of the senators” I explained, and he gave me a surprised look so I decided to continue, “Why are you so surprised? This is not a simple system of government. But it does grant more freedom than a monarchy, while monarchy grants more security, the people are more constrained in what changes to the government they can make”

“You seem to know quite a bit about the two systems of government” I wanted to laugh, and a small chuckle did escape. I knew quite a bit about multiple systems of government, Celestia and I had done quite a bit of research into the different kinds of government when we were trying to rebuild the Principality, or Princedom of Equestria, after Discord's rule. So it was only natural I knew so much about them.

“That is what you get for being in love with a politician” I replied causing him to chuckle and I gave him a small peck on the cheek, so happy that there was someone like him in my life, though I knew in the back of my mind, that eventually he would die and I would be left alone once again. Because someone like him was once in a million lifetimes. The sadness must have shown on my face because he then chuckled and pulled me into a kiss and continued to hold me after.

“I am in love with an artist, who's day job is being a politician” I giggled at the corniness of the joke as I snuggled into his hug thinking about how to broach the topic that had been racing around my head several times.

“Moonlit,” I said and he hummed in response, “how do we go about this? I mean how do I tell everyone we are now courting?” I asked and Moonlit stiffened slightly before pulling me closer...

- - -

“Moonlit,” said Luna and I hummed a response, “how do we go about this? I mean, how do I tell everyone we are now courting?” she asked and I stiffened, I had not thought about it, I honestly had not even thought about it. I pulled her closer and pressed my lips to the top of her head before speaking up.

“We don't hide it, oh we don't flaunt it around like some people would, but we do nothing to hide it, but we should tell my parents...” I said without confidences near the end but I kept a smile on my face...

- - -

Moonlit kissed the top of my head while he held me before he started speaking and I was surprised to hear what he had said.

“We don't hide it, oh we don't flaunt it like some people would, but we do nothing to hide it” he said that with confidence but the next part he seemed to lose quite a bit of said confidence, “but we should tell my parents” I giggled at the change in his voice but soon pulled away.

“Come then, Moonlit, my dear, let us go on for a night on the town, I do believe that we deserve it after all we gave to the NLR” I said and he smiled as I took his hand and walked with/dragged him to into the main town of Ponyville, now the capital of the NLR, and I intended on getting him drunk, he needed it, and I would probably drink the place dry trying to get drunk, so I would not even try. Not to say I would not at least enjoy the alcohol while we were out though, I smiled at the thought as the first bar came into sight...

Chapter Two: Pains and Sorrows; The Enemy Reveals Themselves

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Chapter Two: Pains and Sorrows; The Enemy Reveals Themselves

“Brother, they killed more of our Gritu” said a voice, malice dripping from it, and there was a hum.

“Same with my Sarti, perhaps, my dear brother, it is time we worked harder to bring ruin upon these upstarts, as we should have done years ago” said another voice this one more ominous then the once before it. “My dear brother, it is time we start to wreak havoc upon these ponies the second voice and several creatures made of shadow appeared in the middle of the room, “My Sarti, go kill, steal, torture, do everything that is hidden in the dark, make these ponies suffer for ever thinking they had the right to rule themselves” the Sarti cackled before sinking into the floor and shot out in many directions. Meanwhile several creatures made of light formed in the middle of the room.

“Ah, my Gritu. Go kill, steal, do all that is revealed through the light's persistence, it is time for those ponies to make amends with their gods, for we will end their existence should they fight us” said the first voice before the Gritu shot through the window on the wall and disappeared into the distance...

- - -

“Next stop, Ponyville, Capital of the New Lunar Republic” said the train conductor and Twilight sighed, this would be the first time she had been back since she ran out on Luna's announcement, the first time since she told them that she hoped they died... Much to her surprise though her friends were waiting there for her at the Train station, all of them, except Rainbow Dash, and she grimaced, did she wreck her relationship up that bad? That Rainbow Dash wanted nothing to do with her?

“Howdy, Twilight!” said Applejack with a wave, a big smile on her face. “Fancy seeing you here, all we hear was that we were going to be getting a diplomat from the Solar Empire, but no mention as to who” she said with a southern drawl and Twilight smiled and walked up to her friends.

“I'm sorry” she said and Rarity tittered

“Oh Pish posh, Twilight! Everyone says things they don't mean when they are upset” said Rarity and Pinkie Pie seemed to be brighter than before, her hair was no longer straight at least, as she bounced around Twilight.

“OH!! Welcome back, Twilight! I didn't know that you were going to be the one to represent the Solar Empire! And-” Pinkie Pie continued to ramble but Twilight hugged her tightly. Looking around thought she didn't see any sign of Fluttershy either.

“Where is Fluttershy?” she asked and the group looked depressed after that, Twilight noticed. “What happened?” she asked obviously fearing the worst when a blue blur landed right in front of her.

“You happened, Sparkle, you happened! Fluttershy loved you, and you practically told her you want her dead!” said the blue pegasus, in full dress uniform the purple, black, and yellow complimenting each other perfectly, a testament to Rarity's skill.

“I-I don't understand” she said and the blue pegasus stepped closer into Twilight Sparkle's personal space

“No you don't understand Twilight Sparkle! `Shy loved you! And you ripped her heart out! I should bucking kill you!” said the furious blue pegasus, “I get back from my patrol the other day, I go to visit her, and guess what I found, her laying in the middle of her cabin, the main artery to her wings cut! She was trying to kill herself!” she said before her fist flung out and connected with Twilight's cheek, sending. “I nearly bucking lost my best friend because of you! She probably won't ever be able to fly again!” she screamed tears running down her face.
“I-I-I Didn't-” started Twilight and Rainbow Dash moved to strike her again when she felt something holding her back...

- - -

“I would calm yourself, Captain Dash” I said, my magic holding her hand back from striking the Solar Empire diplomat once more. I understood that she was hurting, but this was unacceptable.

“But Fluttershy... She nearly died...” said Rainbow Dash as she struggled against my magic.

“I understand that, I have lost a great many friends in the same manner, be thankful, however, that she still lives” I said and she jerked away but didn't make a move to swing at my sister's protégé again.

“You ever hurt any of my friends again, diplomat or not, I will kill you” she said harshly to Twilight who flinched, “I think I will be taking a few personal days, Luna, Twilight, don't bother-”

“Ms. Sparkle, I am sure Ms. Fluttershy would love to see you, go to the hospital, spend some time with her” I said and after she was on her way I turned to Rainbow Dash, “While I see no problem with you taking some personal days, you will not prevent any of Fluttershy's friends from seeing her, if she truly says she does not want to see one of them, that is fine, but otherwise you will not bar their way. Is that understood?” asked Luna and Rainbow huffed but nodded

“Yes, Consul” she answered through gritted teeth, I could tell she wasn't happy...

- - -

I had just gotten back to Ponyville, my squadron and I making sure all that mail made it to their correct cities, much to the thanks of the local mail service―which was working, even if it was only at a local level. When I returned however, I learned that we were expecting a diplomat from the Solar Empire at the train station, and I figured being one of the local celebrities, what with being an Element of Harmony and a Shadowbolt, I should go and greet the politician. Lo and behold who should come walking off the train but little miss perfect herself, Twilight Sparkle. Thanks to her I nearly lost my best friend, and I couldn't even trust her to be alone anymore, not even with Angel watching her, and that Rabbit was the one who saved her, rushing through town trying to get someone's attention, Luna help us if he had failed... But no here walks in the traitor herself! Hadn't she caused enough damage already!? Then she had the gall to ask where Fluttershy was! That was the last straw, I zipped in and started yelling at her. She tried to explain away her part in all of it, but I wasn't having it, I continued until I slugged her in the face, I would have punched her again but someone held my fist back. Looking back it was Luna, why was she stopping me? She knew as well as I did what had happened!? I tried to get her to understand but she waved it away saying she had lost many of her friends in the same manner and that I should be grateful she was still alive! I was fuming, I wanted to scream, I wanted to hurt Twilight in the same way she hurt Fluttershy! Soon though I calmed down and jerked away from the magic, and didn't move.

“You ever hurt any of my friends again, diplomat or not, I will kill you” I said she flinched, good! I spoke up again about to tell her to stay away from Fluttershy when Luna told her to go see her, and off she went.

“While I see no problem with you taking some personal days, you will not prevent any of Fluttershy's friends from seeing her, if she truly says she does not want to see one of them, that is fine, but otherwise you will not bar their way. Is that understood?” Luna asked and I gritted my teeth and took a small calming breath so I didn't yell at our Consul.

“Yes, Consul” I said my teeth still clenched and I glared at the retreating backs of my friends as they walked with her everyone except Pinkie Pie who stayed beside me...

- - -

“I'm sorry” said Pinkie to Rainbow Dash and I smiled sadly, I did what was right, not just for the relationship between the Solar Empire and the NLR, but also to start to heal the rift between the six ponies that had saved me from myself, which, while they did have a strong friendship, even if fractured at the moment, they did not have the experience I did. I had seen rifts like the one between Rainbow Dash and Twilight’s before, and I have seen how deep that chasm can be. I also knew that the best way to heal it, was to let it come to a boiling point, overflow, and then while preventing either side from permanently ending the friendship, let the healing process begin. I didn't let her end it, and I knew that it would be a long and difficult road for her and Twilight, one I dare not believe will be a quick process.

“Rainbow Dash” I spoke up and the leader of the Shadowbolts looked up at me and I gave a small sad smile, “I do know how you are feeling, and I know how Twilight is feeling, I have been in both of your places before, and I do not want you to make a mistake you will regret for the rest of your lives. You both had a strong friendship before, don't throw it away over one incident” I said memories of relationships destroyed in my past causing my sadness to bleed into my words.

“But, Luna, what-” she started and I shook my head

“If you won't do it for yourself, than do it for Fluttershy, you and I both know she is going to forgive Twilight, if only because she loves her” I said and Pinkie pie spoke up right after

“You're right! And after you two fix your relationship we can have a happy mending of your relationship party!” she said apparently knowing we needed something to laugh about, and it worked, Rainbow Dash and I started to laugh and the sadness we had been feeling melted away. No wonder she was the Element of Laughter.

- - -

All of this serious talk was making them so sad... I knew I should do something to make them happy again, after all, what're good friends for?

“You're right! And after you two fix your relationship we can have a happy mending of your relationship party!” I said and they both laughed, making me feel so much better, the smile on my face no longer feeling forced...

- - -

As Twilight entered the hospital her friends stopped at the door, noticing they weren't entering with her, she stopped and turned to look at them.

“Wha-” she started and Applejack shook her head

“Ah'm sorry Twilight, but you have ta take care of this on your own sugercube, don't ya worry none though, we'll be right here when you are finished seein` her” said the country filly and Twilight nodded a bit of sadness showing in her eyes not seeing Pinkie Pie there

'Or Rainbow Dash' she thought but shook the thought from her head, knowing that right now was not the time to be worrying about a friendship that may or may not survive, she had to go see a friend of hers that apparently tried to kill herself...

- - -

I stood there by the building, waiting for Luna to get done with Rainbow Dash, no we weren't hiding our relationship, but we had decided that only she should take care of this before it grew ugly. Apparently Luna's definition of things getting ugly and mine were totally different as she didn't stop Rainbow Dash from punching Twilight in the face, though she did stop her from doing it a second time. I sighed as I soon realized what she was doing as Rainbow Dash and her talked. Oh I was too far to hear the words but I knew that she was passing on a life lesson to the young pegasus, something I could tell Rainbow Dash didn't really like, but she stayed put and listened regardless, and my respect for her grew. She knew she wouldn't like it, and still she stayed and took it like an adult, which is more than I can say for many of my fellow soldiers. Closing my eyes I stood there waiting.

“Moonlit,” said a sweet voice, one that I alone in the past millennium had the honor of hearing and upon opening my eyes I saw Luna standing right in front of me.

“Hello, Luna, are you done then?” I asked a smile on my face and she gave me a confused look which quickly vanished but it was too late, I had caught it, “You are not Luna” I said with finality and in a second my blade was out and swung towards the imposter only for it to be deflected by something unknown. My eyes narrowed...

- - -

I heard the sound of blades clashing near where I had left Moonlit and my eyes went wide.

“Moonlit!” I ran towards the noise and saw Moonlit fighting... Me... I hoped this wasn't a bad sign...

“Luna! Is that... Moonlit fighting... You?” asked Rainbow Dash as she landed beside me. I nodded, knowing that there had to be an explanation, especially as to why the look on his face was so furious.

“Go, help him, if I go I may confuse him and get him killed” I said, though it pained me to say that, I knew it was the truth.

“Yes Ma'am!” said Rainbow Dash and she bolted straight into the fray knocking the imposter back and landing in front of Moonlit...

- - -

“You alright, Moonlit?” I asked chancing a glance behind me, towards Moonlit, “Luna heard you fighting” I finished and he seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

“This creature was attempting to pose as Luna, but didn't realize I knew where she was” he wasn't telling me the whole story, but from what I could tell, not because he was hiding it, but because now wasn't the time.

“You are going to tell me all about it after we're done, `Lit, right now let's take care of this fraud” I said and then I saw Twilight walking up and something told me this would be the perfect time to work out my anger, if it proved to be a Changeling or another enemy. Oh it would pay if it were an enemy, and then maybe I could begin to heal...

- - -

I knew that wasn't Twilight Sparkle, there was no way she would have left Fluttershy so soon. So that meant... My eyes flashed white and my wings flared in anger, I would not have Changlings invade my home!

I flew at the creature, and slammed it away with my magic, but something was wrong... It felt different from a Changeling... 'No...' I shrank back fear gripping my heart... 'It couldn't be...'

Chapter Three: Lovestruck Fools; First Attempts at Infiltration

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Chapter Three: Love-struck Fools; First Attempts at Infiltration

Twilight was standing in the doorway to Fluttershy's hospital room as she watched the injured pegasus sleep. She bit her lip as she watched her, and a tear rolled down her cheek.

'How could I have been so stupid?' she thought as the pegasus rolled over and the cuts on the base of her wings became predominant.

“Twilight...” Fluttershy half moaned, half whispered in her sleep and unbidden a blush rose to Twilight's face which only grew when Fluttershy rolled over once again and the look on the pegasus's face was one of bliss. Twilight stood there unable to move as she watched her friend start to pleasure herself while she was asleep. Thankfully it did not last long as Fluttershy's eyes fluttered open and a blush grew on her own face as she realized she had been caught pleasuring herself, which only deepened when she realized it was the object of her desires that caught her.

“Eep” Fluttershy squeaked and tried to sink into the bed but was unable to.

“Well... That was... Informative” said Twilight unsure on how to react to that small show Fluttershy had unknowingly given her, she knew from the moans that it was her she was fantasizing about, but that was not why she was here. Shaking her head as to clear it Twilight walked over to the pegasus whom blushed hard.

“H-h-hello Twilight” said Fluttershy as she tried to make herself disappear and Twilight looked at her with sorrow, before wrapping the pegasus in a tight hug.

“I'm so, so sorry...” she said and Fluttershy hugged her back not believing this was real, “Why?” came the dreaded question, why didn't you die popped into Fluttershy's head, “Why did you try to kill yourself?” Fluttershy was shocked, was this actually real?

“Twilight? This is really you?” she asked the purple unicorn and feeling her nod Fluttershy blushed again, this time unable to keep consciousness, Fluttershy passed out...

- - -

“Hello, Princess” said the creature and Luna regained some of her courage.

“You are behind of the times, I am no princess, I am Consul, of the New Lunar Republic!” she spat defiantly at the creature.

“Ah, but you will always be a princess, even when we gave you the power to overthrow your sister, and become Queen, you failed then too, always the princess, never the queen” said the creature and Luna grew furious, however before she could act, tendrils of shadow grasped the creature...

- - -

“Ah, but you will always be a princess, even when we gave you the power to overthrow your sister, and become Queen, you failed then too, always the princess, never the queen” said the creature and Luna grew furious, however before she could act, however I sent tendrils of shadow at the creature and wrapped it in them.

“I don't know who, or what, you are, but no one threatens Luna and lives, not while I am alive” I said and I leaped at the creature and swung my sword catching it before it could escape, but failed to kill it before the same.

“Ah, the love-struck fool, don't think we have forgotten you. You seem to forget about whose magic you use, I am shadow, do you really think any amount of shadow magic will stop me?” said the creature and Luna growled...

- - -

“Ah, the love-struck fool, don't think we have forgotten you. You seem to forget about who's magic you use, I am shadow, do you really think any amount of shadow magic will stop me?” said the creature, I could now identify as a Sarti, and I growled.

“Maybe he can't, but I can!” I said as I attacked it with light magic, causing it to scream in pain before it burst apart. 'Why couldn't I do that the first time? Oh yes... If I had used the wrong magic, considering how powerful I am, it would have only made it that much stronger' I thought morbidly as I remembered when my sister and I fought them in the past, whenever our magicks hit the wrong one it became almost impossible to beat.

“Luna, Rainbow Dash... I am sorry that I couldn't affect that creature much” said Moonlit and I chuckled, shaking my head.

“It was a Sarti, not a Gritu, they are affected by light magic, not the shadow magic you have been trained in” I said before sighing sadly, “They are also strengthened by any shadow magic used on them, while Gritu are strengthened by light magic” I added.

“So that means...” he started as his brilliant mind started working...

- - -

“So that means...” I said as I thought about it, she was scared because she didn't know what magic to use against them. Isn't that just cheating though? I mean I would understand elementals as they are literally made from the very thing that strengthens them, but these... Sarti? Gritu? They can't be made of the light and shadow, could they? I mean I know they look like it, but it is impossible!

“They are literally the elementals of light and shadow, they are made from the very essence that they use to strengthen themselves.” said Luna, I swear she can read minds or something, because I am sure my thoughts aren't being shown on my face.

“Well this is all well and good, Luna, Moonlit, but what are we going to do? The Evening Armada is trained in shadow magic, not light” said Rainbow Dash, which surprised me, for all intents and purposes I thought she was not really interested in what the Evening Armada mages learned, but apparently I was wrong...

- - -

“Well this is all well and good, Luna, Moonlit, but what are we going to do? The Evening Armada is trained in shadow magic not light” I said and Moonlit looked at me in surprise and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. 'What is with the stallions? Do they really think I don't use my head for anything else except flying and combat?' I thought and Luna hummed in thought as I leaned against the wall.

“Perhaps we have something to share with the Dawn Legion” Luna said thoughtfully and I looked at her strangely, before it clicked, a sharing of skills, how much better it would be to defend ourselves if we knew both kinds of magic! But how would we actually get that to work...

- - -

“Perhaps we have something to share with the Dawn Legion” I said and the look of surprise on Rainbow Dash's face brought a smile to mine, if we have something to share of course, they would also, as I could tell Moonlit and Rainbow had realized with the fact dawning on their faces. Soon though the question of how also crossed their features, and I realized I had no idea myself...

- - -

Fluttershy's eyes fluttered open and she realized she was on someone's lap, someone's soft lap to be precise.

“I am so sorry Fluttershy, had I known you... Look at me, I can't even talk to you about this if you were awake” said the person who's lap she was on, the voice was Twilight's though and that brought a bright blush to her cheeks. “Oh Fluttershy... I love you too, I should have told you so long ago... Perhaps then this wouldn't have happened...” she said as tears fell from her face and hit Fluttershy's cheek making the yellow pegasus flinch at the sudden feeling.

“Do you mean that, Twilight?” asked Fluttershy her voice as soft as ever and Twilight froze at her voice.

“F-Fluttershy?” Twilight stuttered in surprise and the yellow pegasus nodded from where she was on Twilight's lap before pushing off the bed and sitting up, and before her bravery vanished she pressed her lips to Twilight's...

- - -

“I wonder what is taking Twilight so long?” said Rarity and Applejack shrugged as she leaned against the wall and pulled out an apple and started to eat it.

“ Ah dunno, Rares, but Ah haven't heard anything that would make me think anything bad is going on so Ah say we just sit here and wait a lil`bit” said the Apple Farmer earning a nod from Rarity who looked at her friend and sighed shaking her head.

'Why is it she makes more sense than usual when it comes to things like this?' thought Rarity...

- - -

I continued to think after Luna's comment and realized this was something that would affect more than just the military aspect and it dawned on me that this would have to be passed in the Senate. As I moved to say so Luna walked over to Moonlit and started to talk to him in a hushed voice, and whatever she said brought a blush to his face. Oh this I had to know.

“So, what's going on between you two?” I asked and Moonlit's blush grew but never-the-less he snaked an arm around Luna and held her close, which caused the former princess to blush herself, making my eyes shoot wide, as the answer became clear. “No. Really? You two are together? Seriously?” I asked in surprise, I yeah I am not usually one for gossip, that's Rarity's thing, but this was too good to pass up, even if that meant one less good stallion on the market, so to speak. Still if any mare deserved a good stallion, it was Luna. Maybe... Nah, I'll still try and get with Big Mac, after all he still does owe me for that time... Yeah... Maybe I should start talking, after all they are giving me weird looks. “I am happy for the both of you!” I said honestly and Luna seemed to breathe a sigh of relief and Moonlit... Well he still kept a critical eye on me for a little bit before smiling and telling me thanks...

- - -

Luna walked up to me and started whispering about what she wanted to do tonight, mostly involving me and her going out on a proper date, I blushed mostly due to her proximity.

“So, what's going on between you two?” asked Rainbow and my blush grew, but I decided I was going to stick to the plan and not hide anything and I pulled Luna closer which made Rainbow's eyes shoot wide. “No. Really? You two are together? Seriously?” she asked, obviously surprised and she went quiet, too quiet and after a while of her silence we started getting nervous, and it must have shown for she spoke up. “I am happy for the both of you!” she said and Luna breathed a sigh of relief but I stayed skeptical for a little be longer but when nothing happened I smiled and thanked her for her support in this...

- - -

I had decided I was going to talk to Moonlit quietly, but apparently I had been too obvious about it, because Rainbow decided to speak up.

“So, what's going on between you two?” she asked and Moonlit pulled me closer and I blushed at his open display of affection and pretty much claiming me, not that I was complaining, I may not be a prize to be won, but to be 'claimed' by someone isn't like that, just as if he had said I was his, wouldn't be the same as stating I am an object to be owned, he is mine as much as I am his, as such I saw nothing wrong with it. “Really? You two are together? Seriously?” she asked and went very quiet, which soon grew into an uncomfortable silence which must have shown because she then spoke up once more this time with enthusiasm, “I am happy for the both of you!” I breathed a sigh of relief and after a bit Moonlit offered his thanks for her acceptance which made me smile...

Chapter Four: Love is Fickle, But Bloody Alicorns are Worse

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Chapter Four: Love is Fickle, but Bloody Alicorns are Worse

'Fluttershy is kissing me! Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no! What am I going to do! Her lips are very soft... NO! Bad Twilight! I am supposed to be a visiting diplomat, and eventual Ambassador but... Am I allowed to be with someone from the NLR?' thought Twilight as she sat there, Fluttershy's lips against hers, soon though, she gave in and started to kiss the pegasus back, with growing enthusiasm...

- - -

'Oh, Twilight's lips are so soft... Wait... Why isn't she kissing me back? Did I-? OH!' thought Fluttershy as she kissed the unresponsive Twilight until that suddenly changed, soon she was the one being kissed, and she was slowly being pushed back against the mattress of her hospital bed as the kiss grew more and more desperate...

- - -

“Damn these ponies to the depths of Tartarus” said one of the voices the anger almost palatable.

“Calm yourself, brother, a single Sarti is not worth unraveling our plan, no just try again, but with more subtlety this time” said the brother and the first voice snarled.

“Easy for you to say, brother, yours do not have to hide in plain sight” the second voice chuckled.

“True, but those in the light cannot hide themselves, so we must leave that to those that thrive in the dark” came the reply and the first voice grumbled agitated at the whole of the situation, several of his Sarti had succeeded, but unknown to his brother, he had lost several more to the loved ones that the Sarti were trying to replace, this was something that Changelings were much better at than his Sarti...

- - -

“Why was it trying to take your place?” I asked Luna who looked away, and refused to meet my eyes for fear of my reaction, or so I guessed. I was not going to like this.

“Because, if they replaced me, you might kill the real me without even realizing it and they use you and the NLR to carve endless war and strife between us and the Solar Empire” she said not meeting my eyes, and I did not blame her, if I had been any less diligent I would have fallen for its tricks.

“Why did they not attempt to replace me?” I asked and she looked me in the eye with determination and when she spoke it was with absolute resolve.

“Because I would know in an instant that it was not you, Moonlit, and I would make them pay for the attempt, far worse than they just did for trying to mimic me” she said harshly...

- - -

Why was it trying to take your place?” asked Moonlit and I looked away, I knew my next answer will hurt him, and I don't think I could live with seeing the pain in his eyes if I see it.

“Because, if they replaced me, you might kill the real me without realizing it, and they would use you and the NLR to carve endless war and strife between us and the Solar Empire” I said still unable to meet his eyes, Rainbow Dash swallowed at that though.

“Why did they not attempt to replace me?” he asked me and right then I looked him in the eyes, anger making me resolute in my reply.

“Because I would know in an instant that it was not you, Moonlit, and I would make them pay for the attempt, far worse than they just did for trying to mimic me” I said harshly my hand gripping the handle of my Flintlock, a recent invention from the scientific branch of the Evening Armada...

- - -

Fluttershy was whimpering as Twilight pulled away her thoughts clearing as a stray thought reminded as to why she was there in the first place and a growl escaped her lips.

“WHY!? WHY WOULD YOU TRY TO KILL YOURSELF!?” she yelled tears starting to run down her face almost at a drop of a hat, something which surprised Fluttershy, as that old stereotype danced across her mind for a second before Twilight's lips pressed themselves against hers which brought her back to the current situation.

“I-I thought-” started Fluttershy and Twilight actually snarled.

“NO! Fluttershy! You did not think, why would I ever want you or any of my friends to kill yourselves?! I love all of you! You most of all!” she shouted at the shaking pegasus before pulling her into a tight hug and started to cry into her shoulder. “Please, Fluttershy... Please don't ever do that again... I don't think I could bear to lose you, I-I love you far too much” she mumbled into the yellow pegaus's pink hair and Fluttershy hugged Twilight back before saying she would never do that again...

- - -

Celestia sat in her throne room looking towards what used to be the small town of Ponyville, now the capital of the New Lunar Republic and a tear rolled down her face before a look of rage replaced the once calm visage. She had effectively lost her little sister, all because of some interloper that was playing with magic that they did not know the price for. As the anger grew, the room grew hotter and the stain glass windows started to glow red, but the enchantments held true and they did not melt. The same could not be said for the golden fixtures on her throne, of which the wood caught fire, and the metal fixtures melted, unbeknown to the controller of the sun whom had already stood up long before that point.

“Empress!” shouted one of the Dawn Legion as he hid behind his slowly melting shield, the shout did it and snapped the angry Alicorn out of her rage.

“I am sorry, my little pony” she said a small sad smile on her face as she looked at the half-melted shield in the hoof of her legionnaire...

- - -

“Brother” said a the one that controlled the Gritu as the one that controlled the Sarti grunted, “I think we pissed them off” at that both brothers started to laugh as two ponies walked by the building suddenly dropped dead as two Sarti killed them and assumed their shapes and memories from the act of killing them...

- - -

Man these two... So much... Man... Why can't I ever find that? I mean sure, I could get Big Mac to help me take care of my itch, and given enough time I am sure something would grow between us, but those two... No... It doesn't matter, I should be happy for these two, and if Fluttershy forgives Twilight, I guess I could forgive her too...

“... Dash... Rainbow Dash!” I blinked and suddenly realized that they had been talking to me.

“Hey, sorry, I was thinking about some things” I said looking away from the obviously happy couple, it was odd to be sure, normally it was herds but couples were not unheard of, even if they were rare, hell even Derpy was part of a herd, and was very much loved, even if her depth perception was severely screwed up. Seriously, if someone like her could get someone to love her, why can't someone as awesome... As... Me...

Tears had started to well up in my eyes as those thoughts ran through my mind and I tried to bite back a sob, and failed, and I looked at them in embarrassment as they as looks of sorrow on their faces even though they had no idea why I was choking up...

- - -

Rainbow Dash had a very distant look in her eyes as we tried to get her attention, but soon it paid off, sorta because not long after she started to tear up before we could even tell her why we were trying to get her attention. Luna and I looked at her in sorrow, something was obviously getting to this usually strong pegasus, and right now tears were running down her face as she tried to keep acting tough...

From what I can gather though it definitely has something with the fact me and Luna are together, or something similar...

- - -

'Oh, Rainbow Dash...' I thought as I looked at the head Shadowbolt a sad look in my eyes I knew what was wrong, I had that look myself all those years ago, but if I had to guess she is hungering for a different kind of love than I was at that time, she wants someone to love her like-. A thought clicked in my mind, and it was not a thought that Moonlit would like, but by my sister he would listen to me, or he was sleeping on the couch!

- - -

“Yeah” I managed to choke out as I started to move away from the couple, “I think I'll head home, you two lovebirds have a good-HEY!” I shouted as I was grabbed in a dark blue sheen covered me and dragged me in front of Moonlit.

“OK, I've decided, you two are going out for a date, and Moonlit you are to treat her as if she was me” said Luna and I blushed, this was not going to end well, Moonlit looked gob-smacked but bit his lip while closing his eyes. He took a deep breath and nodded

“If that is your wish, Luna” he said and Luna smiled before a frown appeared on her face.

“That means a good night kiss if she wants one” she added and I turned to Moonlit and swallowed, was I that easy to read?

“You don't have-” I started to say hoping to get out of this before it got any more out of hand.

“CAPTAIN DASH!” shouted Luna her voice absolutely firm and brooked no argument, “Do you, or do you not want someone that loves you?” she asked and I swallowed, there was no getting out of this...

- - -

“OK, I've decided, you two are going out for a date, and Moonlit you are to treat her as if she was me” said Luna and I was gob-smacked, and Rainbow Dash wasn't doing much better herself a blush lighting up under her cyan fur, but I did tell Luna I would still obey her orders.

“If that is your wish, Luna” I said thinking that it was just a date, it was not like I had to kiss her at the end. Luna, who had been smiling, frowned.

“That means a good night kiss if she wants one” she added and I swallowed, I had to know how she always knew what was on my mind.

“You don't have-” Rainbow started and I had begun to let out a sigh of relief until Luna spoke up again this time with authority.

“CAPTAIN DASH!” shouted Luna her voice absolutely firm and brooked no argument, “Do you, or do you not want someone that loves you?” she asked and I froze mid-breath.

“Yes, but-” Rainbow answered and Luna gave a quick shape nod

“Then you will be going on a date with Moonlit, and you will make every effort to enjoy it, that goes for you too Moonlit, my love” she said and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, here she was setting me up for a date and she still decides to call me her love? I was now confused as well as frustrated. “Go home, Rainbow Dash, you can meet Moonlit at the castle later tonight, now go, that is an order” she said and with a weak salute Rainbow Dash flew off towards her Cloudsdale style home. As soon as she was out of earshot I rounded on Luna.

“What the Tartarus!? I thought we were together!? Why are you trying to set me up with another pony!? I all but screamed at her and she all but giggled...

Chapter Five: A brief Respite; Differences in Thought

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Chapter Five: A brief Respite; Differences in Thought

“What the Tartarus!? I thought we were together!? Why are you trying to set me up with another pony!?” he all but screamed at me and it took all everything I could muster to not outright giggled at him. Did he really think I would make him be with me alone? Tartarus! I don't even want that, I want herd-mates dammit!

“And we are” I said with a smile before pressing my lips to his, although he did not return the kiss, which I did not expect anyway with him being as upset as he was. “But I want herd mates, and I can't give you foals, I have long since lost that ability when I became an Alicorn, but I want to hear little ones running around in the halls of the castle from now until the end of our line”

“But it won't be our line even if I get together with Rainbow Dash, as you are apparently trying to achieve, they will be hers and mine!” he said desperately and at that I am ashamed to say I laughed, it was a quick one, but from the look on his face I could tell it cut him deeply so I cleared my throat.

“In a herd, it is all of the member's lines, if there was any way for me to get pregnant the foal would not only be yours and mine, but the entire herd's” I explained, the look on his face said it all, he had been part of a couple family, not a herd family and for that I pitied him, to not know the amount of love that comes from a herd? It that was wrong of anyone to force upon a foal.

- - -

“And we are” she said with a smile before pressing her lips to mine, I did not return the kiss. “But I want herd mates, and I can't give you foals, I have long since lost that ability when I became an Alicorn, but I want to hear little ones running around in the halls of the castle from now until the end of our line” that confused me, surely she knew that it wouldn't be hers? Right?

“But it won't be our line even if I get together with Rainbow Dash, as you are apparently trying to achieve, they will be hers and mine!” I said desperately hoping to get her to understand, she laughed at me, it hurt me so badly to hear the love of my life find humor at my expense, she cleared her throat.

“In a herd, it is all of the member's lines, if there was any way for me to get pregnant the foal would not only be yours and mine, but the entire herd's” she explained, I just looked at her confused, and pity crossed her face, not the painful one, but rather the one someone gets when they truly don't understand, but how could I? I was a child of a monogamous union, there were no herd mates.

“Luna, please...” I said and she gave me a sad smile and shook her head.

“No, Moonlit. Besides you might actually like going out with her, and it is not as if we are going to stop seeing each other. As I said though, I can't give you any foals, and I want you to have the joys of fatherhood” she said and I looked away. She was so resolute in this. Why did she have to be like this? I am more than happy to never have any foals of my own if that meant I could be with her. 'But she did say she is still going to be mine...' I thought and I shook my head, I did not need those thoughts filling my head...

- - -

“Luna, please...” Moonlit said and I smiled sadly at him, he still didn't understand, for all his strategic genius, he was still a fool in matters like this, even if he taught me a thing or two about love.

“No, Moonlit. Besides you might actually like going out with her, and it is not as if we are going to stop seeing each other. As I said though, I can't give you any foals, and I want you to know the joys of fatherhood” I said and he looked away. Still I stayed strong, oh he may say soon that he could live without ever fathering foals of his own, but I knew better, I have seen his dreams. He wants a big family, and that is something that despite all my power, I could not give him on my own...

- - -

I landed on the front steps of my home, and took a breath, here I thought Luna and Moonlit were deeply in love, and then she goes and tries to push him on me. Something just doesn't add up. Still all I can do right now is get some rest and maybe talk Rarity into helping me get ready, I mean if I have to do this I'm going to do this right. I sighed once more before looking longingly towards my bedroom door before taking off and flying to Rarity's...

- - -

As Rarity was home, after seeing Twilight home. She was surprised to see a blush on the purple unicorn's face when she had finally gotten out of the hospital. She heard a knock on her door, which surprised her, normally ponies would just walk in, it was not as if she had already closed shop. Still she gave her usual enthusiastic welcome and in walked Rainbow Dash looking sheepish.

“Why Rainbow Dash! What is on your mind, and don't try to tell me nothing because I can see it on your face, something is bothering you!” said Rarity and Rainbow flinched but sighed never-the-less, she knew she was going to regret this.

“Hi, Rarity, I... Um... I have a date tonight” she said and for the first few seconds there was no reaction other than Rarity saying,

“That's nice dear” then it clicked, and Rarity's eyes shot wide before a smile started to grow on her face. “Why Rainbow! I didn't know you had it in you! Who is the lucky pony? Oh tell me it is not Lickity-Split!” she started to ramble and start listing off names, until Rainbow snapped.

“It's Moonlit!” she said and Rarity smiled even brighter making Rainbow cringe, oh this was not good.

“Oh I can see it now! The dashing general and the commander of the Shadowbolts!” said Rarity suddenly fanning herself and Rainbow just cringed harder, oh Moonlit was not going to like this, but if things were going to have a chance at working out she had to come clean with Rarity, at least partly.

“Moonlit is only doing this cause his marefriend is making him” Rainbow said and Rarity narrowed her eyes not understanding.

“Rainbow! Are you helping some colt cheat on-” started Rarity and Rainbow snarled at the accusation, she was many things but helping anyone be disloyal is not something she would ever do!

“I am not! His marefriend is the one who literally told him to take me out!” said Rainbow and Rarity still not believing it continued.

“Are you sure she told him? 'cause he could have lied to-”

“I WAS THERE! LUNA OUT RIGHT ORDERED HIM TO TAKE ME OUT ON A DATE!!” Rainbow yelled and Rarity went from suspicious to a gossiping mood.

“OH! Moonlit is dating our Consul? I didn't realized she was interested in dating anypony!” said Rarity and she tittered on, but thankfully she seemed more interested in getting Rainbow ready for her date...

- - -

Twilight laid there in her bed thinking about what had transpired at the hospital, a blush reddening her cheeks once more as she remembered how Fluttershy's lips felt against hers.

'How could I have ever made her think that I wanted her dead!' a tear rolled down her cheek before she broke down sobbing as the realization that how she acted nearly cost her and her friends one of their closest friends...

- - -

Spike looked up towards Twilight's room as he heard sobbing, but the dragon only gave a sad look upstairs before he got back to writing the report for Luna, he had become the official record keeper for the New Lunar Republic's army, and he barely had time to help Rarity these days anymore, as more ponies joined the Evening Armada daily...

- - -

Celestia looked out the window once more, a tear rolling down her cheek as she realized that this would be the first time in a year that the Summer Sun celebration would be held without Luna there to take a part of since her return this time however she did not go into a rage as she knew it would be of no use for anyone, least of all herself...

- - -

Applejack sat at the table in her house her face in her hands, she still could not figure out why Fluttershy would try to kill herself, sure Twi had been upset, but everypony knew that when a somepony is upset they sometimes say things they don't mean. Still saying that Flutters loves Twilight as something more than a friend was a bit much. After all a mares are supposed to love stallions and not other mares with the exception of the ones inside their herds. It just ain't natural. These were the thoughts running through the southern mare's head but she also knew that no matter what she would be with her friends regardless of anything that may or may not have happened.

Chapter Six: The Date

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Chapter Six: The Date

I saw Moonlit waiting outside the castle and I swallowed, 'Last chance' I thought as I glanced behind me to what could be known as freedom, though I probably would piss off Luna that way. So with a sigh I flew gently over and touched down in front of him. He didn't even react to my landing, but as soon as he caught sight of my dress―which was a vivid yellow with a blue sash, the dress hugged my body from the chest down to my hips before flowing into a skirt with a slit going from my hip to the hem―his mouth was open in surprise, which I hoped was a good thing.

“Um... Hi” I said a blush rising to my cheeks unbidden and I tried to squash the butterflies that were starting to fly around in my stomach...

- - -

I stood outside waiting for Rainbow Dash, hoping to get this date done and over with so I could tell Luna I didn't want her to try this again when Rainbow landed right in front of me, I had known someone was near, but it didn't surprise me that it was Rainbow, but as soon as I caught sight of what she was wearing my jaw dropped, she was drop dead gorgeous, her mane had been done up in a way that accented the natural flow of the rainbow in her hair, and her dress was perfect, a product of Ms. Rarity's no doubt, I was beginning to doubt that Rainbow was only doing this because Luna told her to.

“Um... Hi” she said a blush starting to rise of her cheeks as I stared, but I then shook my head clear of any of the treacherous thoughts as my own eyes betrayed me and started to take in every aspect of the pegasus mare in front of me.

“Oh um... Hi” I said after he realized she had been talking to me...

- - -

After that point they had some small talk, as they walked out of the Everfree―which had by that point become very tame, what with Consul Luna and with the Evening Armada constantly patrolling the forest―and they began to head directly for Ponyville and for a fancy restaurant that neither could pronounce the name of, more of Rainbow led Moonlit there as Rarity had suggested the restaurant. Soon though they arrived and were seated, Moonlit frowning at the express service, which he attributed their small amount of fame, until Rainbow admitted to calling a head and reserving them a table...

- - -

I had just sent my coltfriend on a date with another mare, some would say that I was looking too far forwards, that he hadn't even married me yet, but if somepony could hold a love for as long as he did, then I have nothing to worry about. Besides if he does run away with her, then I will have been proven right, regardless of how little that will lessen the blow. All these thoughts ran through my head as I watched Rainbow and Moonlit walk down the path out of the Everfree and I smiled as I saw what Rainbow was wearing. I do hope that this date goes off without a hitch...

- - -

Sitting at the table, and eating... That was what I was doing. I wasn't staring at the beauti-at the mare across the table. Though seriously if she would clean herself up more often she'd have suitors coming out of woodworks.

“What? Do I have something stuck in my teeth?” asked Rainbow and I sighed shaking my head, while I was glad she didn't actually know why I was staring at her, it was embarrassing that she was this clueless. Maybe it was a facade? Perhaps...

“No, you don't, Rainbow, though you are very beautiful tonight, why don't you get dressed up more often I am sure you would have suitors fighting to have a chance to be with you then” I asked and I heard her scoff.

“Sure I would, maybe, but not the kind I want, I don't like getting all dolled up, it takes away from time training. I mean, even if I am the head of the Shadowbolts, I still have to keep up my training!” she said with enthusiasm, “I mean you still keep up your training even though you are a general AND Consul Luna's personal guard, right?” she shot back and I bit my lip to bite back a retort but still I felt as if she was taking a personal jab at me.

“I do, of course, I would not be an effective guard if I slacked off, but I did not mean it like that” I said and she chuckled lightly...

- - -

“No, you don't, Rainbow, though you are very beautiful tonight, why don't you get dressed up more often I am sure you would have suitors fighting to have a chance to be with you then” Moonlit asked I scoffed at him.

“Sure I would, maybe, but not the kind I want, I don't like getting all dolled up, it takes away from time training. I mean, even if I am the head of the Shadowbolts, I still have to keep up my training!” I said enthusiastically, “I mean you still keep up your training even though you are a general AND Consul Luna's personal guard, right?” I shot back and I saw him bite his lip, I hope I didn't insulted him too much. I mean I had heard that kind of thing so many times before, but if I actually got a suitor, a potential mate, I want them to be alright with my training schedule.

“I do, of course, I would not be an effective guard if I slacked off, but I did not mean it like that” he said and I chuckled lightly.

“So I didn't hurt your pride too much with my comment” I teased lightly and the playful glare he gave me actually made me blush again. This was ridiculous, I am Rainbow Dash! I don't blush at every little thing! Still though... Maybe Luna had a point... And I should be honored that she would want to invite me into her herd...

- - -

“So I didn't hurt your pride too much with my comment” she teased and I glared at her, though most of the intensity was lost as I saw the blush on her face. 'Tartarus! That blush is making her more attractive!' I thought and she seemed to gather more confidence. “So... What did you do to land the princess?” asked and then cringed at the wording of the question, “I mean...”

“I know what you meant” I said bitingly and she seemed surprised at my response but I didn't care, I almost got up and left when I remembered that Luna had asked me to make Rainbow happy. I gritted my teeth and took a deep breath. “No, you didn't hurt my pride, Rainbow” I managed to say calmly, and the small apologetic smile from Rainbow was enough for me to realize that she really didn't mean to insult me. I just sighed...

- - -

“No, you didn't hurt my pride, Rainbow” Moonlit managed to say and I shot him an apologetic smile, I really didn't intend to insult him, sometimes I just speak before I think...

The dinner was quiet after that, or at least until I decided to try and start up a conversation again...

- - -

“I am sorry” she said and I looked at her a little confused at first until it clicked she was talking about earlier.

“No, I am sorry that I let it get to me, I did learn that you are one that reacts first, something I admire in my fellow soldiers and fellow guardsponies” I managed to say. Whilst not lying I did not like admitting that there were things I admired about her, easier for me to just pretend that this was only a date of forced circumstance rather than admit that maybe Luna had a point that there was something I could gain from having more than one marefriend. Of course she picked up on that.

“You really don't want to be here, do you?” Rainbow asked and I sighed and shook my head.

“No, not really” I replied and she laughed slightly.

“You know, maybe you should trust your mare, she may actually be looking out for you” I was about to give a retort when I realized Rainbow was only trying to give some advice; while not in a way she was used to, what with the dress and the atmosphere, but what was said next was pure Rainbow Dash, “Besides, if I had to be honest, who else would Luna pick but someone as awesome as me” I rolled my eyes and chuckled before returning to my food.

- - -

I smiled at Moonlit, so there was something he liked about me and while it was something he liked about a lot of his fellow soldiers it was still something, so I continued to eat and when the bill came I was about to speak up when Moonlit paid the bill in full right there.

“Y-you didn't have to do that” I said and Moonlit just gave me a cocky grin and my eyes narrowed. Oh, it is on! “Excuse me sir, can you recommend a good year for the Sweet Apple Acres Sweet Cider?” I asked and Moonlit glared at me and I just gave a flirty smile as the waiter managed to answer the question and I bought a bottle to take with us before he could say a word...

- - -

'Damned mare! I cursed as she bought the cider, no use in me trying to fight it this time she was intent, but I do have to admit her smile was pretty sexy and my eyes seemed to tell her that 'cause she winked at me before getting up and started out of the restaurant. So with a roll of my eyes I followed her out. Once we were out Rainbow gave me a sly smirk before grabbing my hand and taking off, I didn't even have a chance to scream as she flew at her full speed and we soon landed in a clearing far from the town and I glared at her about to say something when she landed beside me and handed me the sweet cider and I sighed before removing my jacket and placed it on the grass for her to sit on...

- - -

I smiled at his action, I mean I was going to just sit down on the grass in my dress, but Moonlit actually gave me some place to sit that I didn't have to worry about my dress.

“So... Where are we?” he asked and I chuckled lightly before pointed towards Ponyville not too far away, but kept quiet other than that as he opened the sweet cider...

- - -

I watched out the window as Moonlit came staggering down the path towards the Castle and I let out a giggle when he tripped but stopped himself from falling with a telekinetic field. I knew from how he was acting that he had been drinking so I met him at the entrance and attempted to keep a straight face as he tripped and stumbled up to the gate.

“So... Been drinking have you?” I asked and he only gave me a grin before grabbing me and pulling me into a sloppy kiss, while it reeked of alcohol it also was very sweet in taste, and he chuckled throatily as he pulled away.

“You know, Luna, my love, I think you may be right about Rainbow, she's fun to be with” he said and I laughed with him as he started to break down into laughter, he seemed to be in a good mood...

Chapter Seven: Weapons of Old

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Chapter Seven: Weapons of Old

The next morning I woke up, my head pounding, but in a good mood never-the-less as I crawled out of bed quietly intending on not waking Luna whom had me in a bear hug.

“Mmm... Moonlit? It's too early to get up” she said and I cringed, it was too early for her, but I needed to be up I had to supervise the training of several new unicorn recruits.

“Shh... Go back to sleep Luna, I have to go” Luna gave me a sleepy smile before she drifted back off. I looked towards the rising sun and sighed, this was not good, I had a fantastic date with Rainbow Dash, but... No... I can't... But then... BAH! I'll deal with the repercussions of the date later. Right now I have recruits to torment...

- - -

As per usual I wake up falling out of my bed. One of these days I am going to make my bed bigger so this doesn't happen... Though to be honest that probably won't happen...

“Um... Rainbow?” came a quiet voice down stairs, odd... I wasn't expecting any-OH! Fluttershy said she was going to visit me after she got out of the hospital today! How did I forget about that? “Rainbow? Are you awake?” Fluttershy called again and I sighed.

“Yes, Fluttershy, I am, I'll be down in a minute” I had to get dressed, after her visit I had to go on patrol again...

- - -

I paced around Rainbow's living room, it wasn't like her to not be waiting for me when I come over to visit, something must be wrong... Or so I thought as I heard her start to come down her stairs and I looked back at her and saw the biggest smile I had ever seen on her face and she wrapped me in a tight hug.

“I'm glad you are out of the hospital Flutters, it wasn't right with you locked up in there” she said and I blushed lightly.

“I'm glad I am out too. I have something to tell you” I managed to say, this was going to be hard I knew Rainbow had a crush on me for the longest time.

“Oh? What is it?” Rainbow asked as she smiled...

- - -

“I'm glad you are out of the hospital Flutters, it wasn't right with you locked up in there” I said and she blushed.

“I'm glad I'm out too. I have something to tell you” she said, oh Celestia, please don't tell me she is attracted to me! I don't like mares! Never-the-less I smiled.

“Oh? What is it?” I asked

“I'm in a relationship with Twilight” said Fluttershy and I gaped at her. I mean seriously it has hardly been a two days since Twilight had gotten back into Ponyville and Fluttershy was getting together with that... No I will be happy for her. I smiled a bit forcefully. “I'm so sorry, Rainbow, I know that you have a crush on-”

“Whoa whoa whoa! Who said I have a crush on a mare?” I asked a little angrily and Fluttershy flinched.

- - -

These recruits are the worst I have ever seen, they would never make it out of boot, and that was if they were lucky enough to even get that far. Seriously, who let them pass through the mental exam, several of them wanted to get in just so they can, in their words, “Kill the Solar scum” I rolled my eyes at that but scowled...

- - -

“So let me get this straight, we've been friends most of our lives and not once did you think to ask me whether or not I liked fillies or colts?” I asked incensed and my friend flinched one more, and for once I didn't care, I thought she knew me! “I'll have you know I had a date last night with General Moonlit” I said my words biting into her, which I noticed and took a deep breath. “I-I'm sorry Flutters, I just thought you knew that I was straight” Fluttershy shook her head while cringing back still...

- - -

Rainbow hates me, how can she not? I should have known that she was straight. I have been a bad friend again...

“I'm sorry Rainbow...”

- - -

I screwed up big time. I really need to fix this... Maybe... I dunno...

“No, I am sorry Flutters” I managed to say, and the room fell into an uncomfortable silence until I spoke up again. “So... You and Twilight?” I asked and Fluttershy blushed and nodded but the silence grew more comfortable as her and I started to talk about our respective relationships, even if it was a little premature to call mine a relationship...

- - -

I took a breath, and was about to raise the sun when I noticed that the moon had yet to set, worried I attempted to move it on my own and to my relief it obeyed me, which meant that Luna had probably just overslept, something I do not begrudge her for doing once and a while, even I had overslept before and she had to raise the sun.

“Empress, there are some ponies here to see you” came a voice outside my chambers and I frowned, the only ponies allowed to disturb me while I was in my bed chambers weren't even in Canterlot at the moment.

“Inform them that they will wait for me in the royal court, or they will be in court for violating the law” I said harshly, I may try to be benevolent for the most part, but nopony invades my personal space.

“Empress! They-ARGH!” the door burst in and two Sarti followed by several Gritu one of them covered in the blood of the two Solar guard that had been stationed outside her room.

“They had wives and children at home!” I snarled before I summoned my battle ax which was heavily enchanted in the past to do damage to these creatures and their masters. “I will make you and yours pay for this grievous mistake”

- - -

I suddenly shot up out of bed, my instincts saving me from a spear of light vibrating where I was not a moment before and I glared towards the source only to gasp as I saw two Gritu and several Sarti with two of my Lunar Guard hanging by their neck, the Gritu's hands having pierce through the middle of their necks, hopefu-

“-cough-We're sorry-cough-Consul, we-cough-failed you” gasped one of them before her eyes rolled up and tears rolled down my face, my subjects were tortured before they past, and I WILL NOT LET THIS SLIGHT PASS with a jerk of my hand my sword, long forgotten in the shadows―enchanted to cause as much damage as it could to these creatures and their masters―appeared in my hand.

“You will pay for this, you and your masters.” I said my teeth bared. I knew exactly what I was about to do, I was about to fall into the old fighting style which led me to becoming Nightmare Moon all those years ago, relying so heavily on my magic skills as my physical strength was negligible in comparison to my sister's whom I was sure was facing her own issues at the moment...

- - -

Meanwhile both Rainbow Dash and Moonlit felt a ping in their minds as if someone whom they were bonded to needed their help.

- - -

“I'm sorry Flutters but I have to go, if you run into any Armada members send them to the Consul's castle ASAP” I said my gut telling me I had to go NOW

“Al-alright Rainbow” with that I shot out, no through my front door, if my gut was right, that was the least of my worries...

- - -

“All of you-LUNA!” I shouted as I turned toward the castle before turning and glaring at the recruits who had started whispering. “All of you get back to the barracks, NOW, and tell your commanders to send some forces to the castle ASAP, that is an order recruits!” I said before I started running down the path only for the ground to suddenly end up several feet below me and I noticed Rainbow Dash dressed for war even though this was her day off, me I was fully armored and armed already, but apparently she got the same feeling I did too.

- - -

My battle ax tore through the Gritu like a hot knife through butter, however when I turned the blade on the Sarti it was as if I was fighting them with minor light spells, sure it hurt them, and, if I hit them enough, eventually kill them, but as it was I was being pushed back. More guard had attempted to help only to be cut down by the Sarti mercilessly. Soon I was nearing my balcony, this wasn't good, as strong as I was, and in the air to boot, if the Sarti made it outside, they may decide that I was too much trouble and would go and kill my subjects...

- - -

Landing gracefully Moonlit ran inside, as I followed closely behind soon though we saw a sight that was awesome, in the true sense of the word, to behold, Luna was fighting these creatures on almost equal footing teleporting or summoning more blades to hold off the multitudes of creatures but as soon as they noticed us they attacked...

- - -

I drew my blade, and readied myself for combat while Rainbow did the same. However just as the first two were about to reach us, Luna appeared in front of us and knocked the creatures back.

“What are you two doing here!?” she asked franticly bringing her sword up to block another Gritu's strike

“Something told me that you were in trouble” Rainbow managed to say as she flew over Luna and slashed another of the Gritu. Wait... Did that mean she felt Luna's distress? No Moonlit, here and now, worry about the rest later...

- - -

My blade was having no effect on these creatures, but I'd be damned before I let someone hurt my Consul, or Moonlit. With that I took off and started flying around in circles and a small tornado started to form which pulled the creatures closer to me. Luna also flew into it and started to slash at the creatures with greater effect than my blows did...

- - -

While Rainbow and Luna had several of the Gritu occupied I turned to the few that had escaped the tornado and charged a shadow spell. It seemed that I was using more combat magic ever since the war than I ever had before it. Shaking my head clear of useless thought I charged at the creatures not giving them a chance to ready themselves my blade, shield, and shadow magic catching them off guard long enough for me to managed to kill one, but killing that one left me exhausted, these ones were different from the other Gritu...

Chapter Eight: Defense Pact; Celestia's Lover

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Chapter Eight: Defense Pact; Celestia's Lover

I laid in bed looking at the ceiling... Why did I accept Fluttershy's advances? I was in a relationship already with Celestia... This wasn't right, but how could something that feels so right be wrong? I was pulled from my thoughts when there was a knock on my door and I walked down and opened the door barely missing being slashed by a Sarti and Gritu. I shot the Sarti with light and it stumbled back gripping where I had hit it and instinctively ducked as the Gritu attempted to grab a hold of me and I rammed my horn into its chest, and it fell to the ground gripping where I had stabbed it...

- - -

Our blades weren't causing all that much damage to these creatures, something that didn't really surprise me all that much as I had fought them before and my melee weapons were useless, but then that begs the question, why was Luna's working on them? I didn't have long to ponder as I barely deflected one of the Sarti's attacks while the Gritu circled me. Just then I heard the telltale sound of armored ponies running into the building and the creatures attacked harder as if to defeat us before the reinforcements got to us.

- - -

I had managed to cut down one of the Sarti, but they continued to circle me, two of them disappearing into the city, I groaned in frustration before I suddenly summoned the entire strength of the sun on one of the Sarti. Surprisingly it burst into flames instead of disappearing, but never-the-less it fell down dead...

- - -

I was not tired, how could I be? I was mostly letting the twister that Rainbow Dash had made propel me around as I attacked the creatures left and right. I already have destroyed three of them, but Rainbow was starting to tire and I could not blame her, these Gritu were relentless...

- - -

I gotta keep this up, Luna's counting on me, so is Moonlit, buck! I am tired, I haven't had to keep a twister going for so long. Just as I was about to crash out of exhaustion my Shadowbolts took over the twister without me saying a word and they motioned for me to let them be and I glided away as best I could before I fell behind the line of Evening Armada that had shown up...

- - -

Again and again I slashed at the Gritu, I could do nothing else, if I let up for even a second they would kill me, even if all my attacks did was keep them from killing me, I would keep doing it. Soon though I was about to collapse the creatures I was fighting suddenly were pulling into the twister where the dark blue beauty I call my mare was cutting them down faster now that the twister spun tighter...

- - -

I managed to kill the rest of the Sarti that remained before I started looking for the two that disappeared into the city my ax still in my magic's grasp as I turned the corner and saw them, their claws in the throats of two of my little ponies and I gave a cry as I slashed one of the creatures in half, the anger lending more strength to the magic infused weapon. As the pony fell to the ground I cast a healing spell on him, I would save my little ponies from these creatures, and then I would contact my sister, it was time we put our defense pact into effect. The remaining Sarti attempted to steal the pony's, who was in its grasp, features only for it to lose its head and again my rage lent it's strength to my weapon causing it to die. This time though I was too late to save the other pony and I wept, I wept for the lives lost today and the fillies and colts who would never know the embrace of their fathers or mothers again. I wept as my troops found me holding the body of the dead pony close cursing the fates for stealing her away from her family before her time...

- - -

The last of the creatures fell down dead, my cold rage at them spent. I wept openly, Moonlit walking over to stand beside me, his presence easing my pain, the knowledge that they did not take him away from me a great relief...

- - -

The creatures were severely underestimating me as I blocked their attacks with a conjured shield before flooding the area with enough energy to inform Celestia of the attack, even if my goal was only to inform Luna...

- - -

There was a sudden spike in magic coming from Ponyville and for a second I couldn't figure out why before the familiarity of the signature hit me, IT WAS TWILIGHT'S! With a sudden jerk I flew off towards Ponyville, Rainbow Dash and Moonlit following me, along with 2 Shadowbolts. I was glad for the reinforcements...

- - -

I was about to send the letter when I felt the magic pulse from Twilight, I knew it was her immediately. No one else would have her signature and no one else, besides my sister, and Cadence, had the magical strength and ability to send a pulse that strong. Foregoing the letter I focused my magic and teleported straight into the Ponyville Library and only my instinct prevented me from being stabbed by a Gritu and I saw Luna flying here at full speed reaching us in seconds and engaged the Sarti not even batting an eye at my presence in Republic borders...

- - -

My sword managed to decapitate the Sarti after a short battle and my sister slashed the Gritu in half with a downward stroke. Never before had I been happy that a neighboring ruler had violated my borders, but I had to tell her to leave.

- - -

I wasn't surprised when Luna ordered me to leave the Republic but I refused saying that the Empire had been attacked and if her injuries were anything to go by than so had the Republic, as such I was invoking the Defense pact. Luna nodded as if she suspected as much...

- - -

Watching Luna deal with her sister as nothing more than a foreign diplomat was painful to watch, looking beside me at Moonlit, I saw his eyes harden, but not in hatred or any other emotion, more of to hide his emotions. But what happened next broke it, and to be honest it floored me as well as Twilight pulled Celestia into a kiss, a quick one, but a kiss never-the-less...

- - -

I was so relieved to be alive I forgot that others were there and I kissed my teacher turned lover. Though I had a lot to tell her... I was worried that she would be upset at me for falling for another mare, but at the moment there was only her and I. Luna clearing her throat broke me out of my trance and I pulled away, looking sheepish...

- - -

“Am I to assume that you are in a relationship with my sister, Twilight?” I asked the Ambassador and the young unicorn flinched at my question. “I am glad she found someone to love, finally” I managed to say with a straight face, but I was upset, I was upset that my sister had condemned my relationship and then went and-no I will not be mad at her, she learned from her mistake, and I would be happy for her...

- - -

I was worried when Twilight kissed me in front of my sister, I was worried that she would call me a hypocrite, and I was worried that she would not understand. However when she gave me her blessing I was elated. I had not expected her to do that, to be honest I had almost expected her to act like a foal...

- - -

I stood there—keeping my mouth shut—like a good soldier, while Luna treated her sister like a visiting dignitary instead of her sister, but let loose a breath I didn’t know I was holding when she confronted ambassador Twilight about kissing the Empress of the Solar Empire. ‘At least she does still care about her sister’ I thought and I glanced at the ambassador only to see her look a little sheepish…

- - -

“So… Now what?” Rainbow asked as she started to relax and I glanced at the mare I was trying to set Moonlit up with and sighed.

“Now we figure out how best to work this out. Consul I may be, but I cannot order my entire country to go to war, I can only order those under my command but if I go against the will of the Senate too much there will be issues. Issues that should be avoided at all costs.” I managed to say with a sigh.

“But doesn’t the senate feel a sense of debt to you dear sister?” asked my sister Celestia I nodded gritting my teeth.

“They even said I could call in that debt any time I so choose, and no matter the sitting delegates I would have my motion passed, but even for this… This important of an issue…” I said sighing.

“Why is that?” asked Rainbow Dash and I shook my head…

- - -

“Why is that?” I asked and Luna shook her head and sighed.

“If I do, I will not have that when I truly need it, as it is, I have far more political experience than the majority of the senate and I will be able to maneuver them into helping the cause without much trouble. However, in a few centuries, there is the possibility that I will not be able to do such a thing as they learn more and more about the politics of a senate, it will become harder and harder to maneuver them into a decision that is favorable for myself. Or rather for the country as a whole.” Luna said and my head was spinning at all the words, granted they weren’t big words like Twilight would use but never the less they were a lot of words.

“Luna, are you actually planning on being an active part for that long?” Moonlit asked and I also grumbled at that thought, it would severely hamper any relationship building between the three of us, not good…

- - -

“Luna, are you actually planning on being an active part for that long?” I asked and I heard Rainbow grumble after I voiced my thoughts, I don’t know why but it comforted me to know that Rainbow was upset about that. Perhaps she was truly growing on me.

“I plan on being active for my entire life. Whether I like it or not. I will always be brought into the politics of our nation and I would rather I have a voice in the senate even if I don’t always get my way.” Answered Luna and I sighed at her.

“I do not think your lover” I blushed “likes that answer Lulu” which in turned made Luna blush…

- - -

Watching them as I snuggled against my lover and empress, Celestia, it seemed that Luna… Consul Luna would be in a tight spot in her senate. Again I still do not understand her fascination with this type of government, a sentiment I am sure her sister; my lover; shares…

Chapter Nine: Coping With Death, in Each Their Own Way

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Chapter Nine: Coping With Death, in Each Their Own Way

Yesterday morning The NLR and the SE were at peace, and while we were still at peace with each other… I sighed it seemed life would never be kind to me, the Element of Kindness, ever again… I watched as Celestia walked up the path to my small hut listening to Twilight talk and seemingly beg something of her. The closer they got the more I heard and understood, and tears started to well in my eyes, Twilight was already in a relationship with Celestia… How could I ever compete with her? Choking back a sob I heard Twilight yell at Celestia.

“I am very disappointed in you Twilight, you could have told me in a letter that you were falling for another mare.” Said Celestia and Twilight yelled back at her in response.

“How am I supposed to tell you then? Dragon fire? Mail? No matter how I told you would have told me you were upset at me! The only time I come out on top is in the bedroom!”


- - -

“I am very disappointed in you Twilight, you could have told me in a letter that you were falling for another mare.” Said Celestia and I gritted my teeth

“How am I supposed to tell you then? Dragon fire? Mail? No matter how I told you would have told me you were upset at me! The only time I come out on top is in the bedroom!” I yelled not even thinking and Celestia looked at me in shock and hearing an “Eep” behind the door of Fluttershy’s door, I could tell Fluttershy was in surprised at my response…

- - -

“How am I supposed to tell you then? Dragon fire? Mail? No matter how I told you would have told me you were upset at me! The only time I come out on top is in the bedroom!” Twilight yelled and I looked at her in shock, surprised that she would say that aloud. The “Eep” from behind the door telling me that she had not said that in front of Fluttershy either. Still my shocked looked shifted into an embarrassed one as the yellow pegasus opened the door slightly to look out, at least I thought it was her until I did not see her at the door but rather he small white rabbit who was actually glaring at me, thumping his foot angrily causing Twilight and I to blush bashfully.

“I am sorry, Twilight, I did not mean to make you feel like you could never come to me about something like this. I should have known that no matter how you feel about me, you would still fall for someone closer to your own age. I will understand if-” I never got to finish as I felt Twilight’s lips against mine for a brief moment before she sashayed into young Fluttershy’s home with a small wink at me…

- - -

I watched as Twilight walked into the house with a sway of her flank. Celestia seemingly hypnotized by the sight which made me smile slightly even if it made my chest clench at the sight.

“Hello Princ—I mean Empress…” I managed say towards Celestia, in a polite voice, even if I wanted her to just disappear as I wanted Twilight as my mare, but then again, I also wanted her happy so I would be willing to not be with her, or even share her in a herd if that was what she wanted…

- - -

“Hello Princ—I mean Empress…” Said Fluttershy catching herself, at least that was how it looked to me and I shrugged.

“Hey Fluttershy, I wanted to tell you two something…” I managed to squeeze out as I bit my lip. I knew this was not going to be easy, technically I cheated on Celestia since Fluttershy wasn't part of our herd, but I wasn't going to lose either of them if I could help it.

“Greetings Fluttershy… Twilight told me about what happened at the hospital.” Said Celestia making me flinch slightly…

- - -

I stood there watching Luna—who was sitting on her bed and me on a chair on the other side of her room, likely the one Moonlit sat on while watched over her—as Moonlit walked outside to take care of some rounds as per usual for his duty as the head of her guard.

“Rainbow Dash, tell me, what do you think about Moonlit?” Luna spoke up surprising me and at first all I could do is sputter that I thought he was a fine stallion and Luna smiled lightly and moved over beside me bringing the chair from the desk in her room over. “You know, you don’t have to worry about how I will respond if you don’t like him, or even if you do, Rainbow. After all I am the one who was trying to get you two to hit it off.” She said and I blushed remembering that fact.

“I know, Luna, I just am not used to this, I have never been in a relationship before, at least not like this. I am not used to the hype. I mean apparently I am a celebrity and so are you two. I mean have you seen the tabloids? They started talking about you two, calling the two of you an item and started calling me a jealous mare trying to break you apart. It’s so weird…” I rambled and Luna laughed at what I said.

“Do not worry about what these tabloids say, after all I am obviously in the know about your relationship and more than approve. So anything these tabloids say, it obviously is not true. Well the fact Moonlit and I are in a relationship is, but other than that…” Luna trailed off not upset just growing lost in thought.

- - -

I looked at Rainbow Dash who sat there watching me and I decided to speak up to see how far hers and Moonlit’s relationship has developed.

“Rainbow Dash, tell me, what do you think about Moonlit?” Rainbow looked at me surprised before she started stuttering and fumbling her words, I just smiled at her and moved over to where she was sitting bringing a chair over from my desk over. “You know, you don’t have to worry about how I will respond if you don’t like him, or even if you do, Rainbow. After all I am the one who was trying to get you two to hit it off.” I said and I saw Rainbow blush and I was about to laugh when she spoke up.

“I know, Luna, I just am not used to this, I have never been in a relationship before, at least not like this. I am not used to the hype. I mean apparently I am a celebrity, and so are you two. I mean have you seen the tabloids? They are starting to talk about you two, calling the two of you an item and calling me a jealous mare trying to break you apart. It’s so weird…” Rainbow rambled and I laughed lightly.

“Do not worry about whatever these ‘tabloids’ say, after all I am obviously in the know about your relationship and more than approve. So anything these tabloids say, it is obviously not true. Well the fact Moonlit and I are in a relationship is, but other than that…” I trailed off as I thought about how quickly these ‘tabloids’ picked up on mine and Moonlit’s relationship, granted we were no longer hiding it, but they seem to have pounced on it faster than a Chimera on its prey…

- - -

“I want you both” I spat out suddenly and both Fluttershy and Celestia turned to me with a slightly shocked expression and I blushed heavily at my outburst. Celestia was the first to get over her shock and gave me a small knowing smile, Fluttershy calming down soon after and just gave me a loving smile at my comment.

“I don’t mind sharing you, Twilight” Fluttershy said as she looked all cute and such. Her reply however was a little shocking coming from the shy pegasus.

“I suppose that it would be advantageous for you to have a mare here in Ponyville. After all, my dear Twilight, I can’t be coming here every single time you need to deal with the stress of being a diplomat” Celestia said with a serious voice, but when I looked at her she had a small smile on her face. Oh that troll. I narrowed my eyes at her before pouncing on her knocking her over, ending up straddling her waist, Celestia had a superior smirk on her face but I leaned down and kissed her full on the lips and out of the corner of my eye I saw Fluttershy start to become aroused, if the state of her wings, which were slowly extending, were anything to go by…

- - -

“Luna, do I really have your blessing to pursue Moonlit?” I asked and the Consul laughed nodding and pressed her lips to my cheek.

“Rainbow Dash, my dear, dear pony, I would be more than happy if you would pursue him. I want you too, I want you two to hit it off and for you to join our small herd.” Said Luna as she smiled at me and the door to her room opened and Moonlit walked in.

“Sorry if I am interrupting, but Consul, there are some ponies here to see you, the… The family members of the Evening Armada members that died” said the Unicorn and I hung my head as Luna sighed sadly.

“Bring them to the old throne room, Moonlit”

- - -

I sat there slowly becoming aroused at the sight of Twilight kissing Celestia watching them as their kiss deepened and their hands roamed each other’s bodies. I couldn’t believe that they were doing this in front of me, knowingly in fact.

“Feel free to jump in Fluttershy” Twilight said pulling away a strand of saliva still connecting her to Celestia as she turned to wink at me. I was bright red and my wings shot out straight as they locked into place, “I think she’s turned on, Tia” she added and I mumbled something about sexy unicorns and promptly passed out…

- - -

“Hello Mr. and Mrs. Swifthoof…” I managed to choke out, after talking to the previous three families, my façade of calm was slipping, it almost slipped during the entrance of the first family, I had hoped that getting them all done at once would allow me to keep my composure better than I would have taking them separately. However as more and more family members, and the very special someponies, of these fallen soldiers filled the old throne room my composure slipped and by the time the fifth family walked in I had broken down into sobs. How could anyone justify their loss? And yet here I was about to try to do exactly that.

“If you could take your seats Mr. and Mrs. Heartpelt, Ms. Greens…” Moonlit spoke up his ever stoic visage shattered at the sight of me breaking down…

- - -

I watched at several more family members and/or very special someponies walked into the room, and as always I kept an eye on Luna, but at that moment I wish I had not as I saw her break down right in front of the families.

“If you could take your seats Mr. and Mrs. Heartpelt, Ms. Greens…” I managed to say with a steady enough voice, but my calm was gone, replaced by an overwhelming sadness as I watched Luna break down, Rainbow not doing much better as she said greeted the family of the fallen Shadowbolt, whom, like all of the Shadowbolts, were hoof picked by her, worse was the family member she had to greet…

- - -

“Hey, Squirt…” said Rainbow Dash as she looked at Scootaloo sadness reverberating in every letter.

“Why did he die Rainbow Dash? I thought you said he was one of the best! If he was so good why did he die?” asked Scootaloo and tears ran down both Rainbow’s and her face, I looked at them sadly. Everyone knew how much Scootaloo looked up to Rainbow Dash and now she had lost her one living family member, her older brother.

“Scoots, he died trying to protect the Consul, she did her best to try and keep everypony safe but…” Rainbow collapsed down to Scootaloo’s level and wrapped her in a tight hug. “I’m so, so sorry…”

“I-if I could have all of your attentions, presenting, Consul Luna” said a recent recruit into the Lunar Guard, the timing could not be worse for her, even if she was already a shoe in for the position excelling in every test given to her including the psych evaluations.

“Thank you little one” I said as I took my place on the remaining throne, which remained despite my objections. “I know nothing I can ever say will lessen the pain you are all feeling, and not even the promise of revenge will be enough to-” I stumbled, “To help you heal the hole that is now in all of your hearts. What I can tell you is we were attacked-”

“By who?” said one of the ponies

“Is it the Solar Empire?” said another

“I thought we gave them a thorough trouncing already!” interjected yet another

“All of you be quiet the Consul is trying to speak!” snapped Moonlit and I gave him a grateful glance.

“As I was saying we were attacked by an enemy my sister and I thought we had defeated long ago. Creatures known as the Sarti and Gritu, elementals of shadows and light respectfully. The Solar Empire was also attack by the same enemy, and invoked the Defense Pact we made with them, so unless the senate decides to outright invalidate the claim, the NLR is now at war with an enemy that we have no clue where their base of operations is nor whom they can impersonate., the Sarti are the worst as they can take the shape of any creature, not unlike that of a Changeling. These are the creatures that killed your loved ones. They attacked us with the intent to kill not only me and my sister but also the diplomat from the Solar Empire, Twilight Sparkle…” I stopped to take a breath and realized I was giving a briefing not a eulogy and I sighed, “I am sorry, I was never one to speak to the families of the fallen, no matter how much it hurt me to see their deaths. My sister was always better at this than I was and now I know why, I am the warrior, she was the gentle ruler, but I do know this, they fought our enemy with their last breath, and made the enemy pay for every inch lost, and even more for every inch gained. I am proud to have called them my soldiers, and I hope that the day I one day join them, that I can meet their eyes, having lived up to the reputation they gave me.”

- - -

I watched as Luna started strong and then fall before she talked to the families in a way she was more comfortable with.

“I am sorry that they lost their lives, someone is playing with dangerous magicks calling the Gritu and Sarti to our plane once more.” She said and I smiled sadly.

“I worked closely with some of the fallen soldiers, I can say with the utmost confidence that they would not want us to mourn them” I spoke up remembering that, in their off time, the two guards that were flat out killed loved to joke around and I had often been the butt of their jokes. Remembering that brought a small smile to my face…

- - -

“Squirt…” I started but Scootaloo just continued to cry into my shoulder and I looked at Luna and Moonlit for some help when one of the parents of a fallen guard walked up, a sympathetic look on their weathered faces.

“Tell me about…”

“Her brother” I said and their looks grew softer and sadder if possible

“Tell us about your brother?” asked the mare and Scootaloo stopped crying out right…

- - -

“As much as I am enjoying this, Twilight, I have to go back to Canterlot soon.” Said Celestia and I groaned, I had hoped to have Fluttershy join us but after she passed out we took great care to carry her to her bed and sit with each other and comfort each other. Celestia especially needing comfort, after I heard about how the Sarti attacked her and the people of Canterlot I held her close as she started crying recounting how they had mercilessly killed them…

Chapter Ten: Funerals and Searches

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Chapter Ten: Funerals and Searches

I stood in front of my throne in Canterlot Castle as the family members of the ponies that died were shown in, as the Solar Guard and Dawn Legion stood in their formal attire and stood at attention…

- - -

I know I had already said a few words to the family members earlier, but now I had to do this again but this time for the actual service. It was now that I sorely missed my sister, and wished she and I could have taken care of this together, but… No… I would be strong, if not for the fallen ponies than for my sister, to show her I could stand as her true equal.

- - -

“Hello, my little ponies”

- - -

“Greetings, to you all…”

- - -

“We are here to say good bye to the ponies that gave their lives trying to defend the Solar Empire from a cowardly attack”

- - -

“We are here to honor the fallen of the Evening Armada, whom gave their lives in order to defend the New Lunar Republic from enemies that have no honor”

- - -

I stood beside her, silent as I watched tears roll down her face as she started to list the names of the fallen, ‘Luna… I am so sorry…’ I thought as my gaze drifted over to Rainbow who was sitting in the front row, holding the young Scootaloo who was trying to put on a brave face. ‘Stay strong, young Scootaloo’ I thought…

- - -

Soon the service was over, in my opinion however, it was not over soon enough, a few ponies were calling for the NLR’s heads, despite my assurances that the NLR was not behind the attack…

- - -

As I dismissed the ponies, one of the family members walked up to me, looked me in the eye, and asked me a question I have always asked myself when I see a pony killed.

“Why? Why him?” I could do nothing but choke back a sob as I looked away, tears welling in my eyes. “I see” said the family member before they left as well…

- - -

We sat inside Berry Punch’s bar as Luna nursed a mug of strong drink, I don’t even know what it was to be honest, strange, I always preferred cider, but after this morning I wanted what she was having, but I was taking care of Scoots, so I couldn’t. I knew there was a sad look on my face when Scoots asked if I was ok.

“Yeah, kid, just… Just thinking about your brother, he was a great flier, and damned loyal” I managed to say, and with a look towards Moonlit who was standing guard nearby I frowned. “Moonlit get your butt over here!” I said and he glanced at me…

- - -

Listening to the three of them, I wondered how they had the strength to keep going, I knew I couldn’t stop, for once I did I would break down, but them? I had no idea why, other than Luna, who was still a public face for the NLR.

“Moonlit get your butt over here!” said Rainbow and I looked up at her, a sadness in my eyes, I could tell she was hurting, Tartarus, I could tell the lot of them were hurting, but I was on duty, I don’t have the right to-

“Moonlit, sit, you are relieved of duty, my stalwart unicorn, you need to mourn the deaths you have faced” said Luna and I froze at her words, “Would you disobey a direct order, my love?” she asked and at that I sat with them. “Bartender, some drink for my Guard captain, whatever is your strongest brew” she said and I looked at her in shock, as Berry Punch walked over and dropped a mug on the table.

To be fair, Berry Punch didn’t really support the NLR, in fact she would have preferred that we had kept the United Equestria, but since the division, her business had picked up and that was why she tolerated the Evening Armada buying their drinks here.

“Here you go captain” she said, but while there was a bit of sarcasm, she was for the most part polite and I waved off Luna’s rebuke.

“Thanks Ms. Punch” I managed to say before Rainbow spoke up.

“What’s your problem Berry?! Do you think we all wanted to split Equestria into two countries? Luna tried to keep it together until it was proven to be a bad idea!” I groaned, while being in charge of the Shadowbolts did mellow her out for the most part, she still had an extraordinary amount of pride.

“I was a loyal subject of Equestria! Now look at was happened! I have to do business with REBELS!” Berry shot back.

“Rebels? I think not, Ms. Punch, if you do not wish to do business with in the New Lunar Republic, that is your right, but please do not call my Evening Armada, rebels” said Luna calmly and Berry bit back a sneer.

“I am glad you stepped down from being royalty, perhaps now you will see how you ruined our-”

“That’s enough Berry!” said an Earth pony and Berry Punch left us with one final glare.

“I don’t really think we are welcome here, Consul” I said and Luna smiled lightly at me before leaning across the table and placing a kiss upon my lips, I could taste the alcohol on her lips.

“Be that as it may, we are not leaving until you finish your drink. After all it would not do for us to be wasteful” I groaned at her but never-the-less obeyed and started drinking the alcoholic beverage nearly choking on it due to how strong it was…

- - -

As Moonlit stumbled out of Berry Punch’s bar, I laughed at him, I knew what he had been given, it didn’t have a name other than “The Drink” and it could put Big Mac on his ass after having one and a fifth. So I knew for a fact Moonlit was good and drunk.

“Rainbow! That isn’t nice!” admonished Luna but when I looked at her she had a small smile on her face and I grinned at her.

“But Luna, he’s hilarious” I retorted good naturedly.

- - -

After I scolded Rainbow for laughing at our stallion her retort nearly caused me to laugh, but I held myself back as I caught a glimpse of young Scootaloo out of the corner of my eye.

“Hey squirt, isn’t Moonlit acting funny?” Rainbow asked the young one and I was about to scold her for embarrassing Moonlit when it hit me, she wasn’t doing so to be mean, but rather to cheer up the young pegasus who was giggling at Moonlit’s antics…

- - -

I woke up the next morning with my head pounding, and a hope that I hadn’t done anything I should be worried about. A glance at Luna told me that at least last night, nothing had happened. Then she stirred.

“Morning, my love” she said and I smiled at her, even as the constant movement of her mane and tail caused my head to twinge.

“Morning, Luna, how are you doing today?” I managed to slip out and she sat up and pressed her lips to my cheek.

“I feel fine, you however, look as if you are in pain” I winced at being so easy to read.

“I’m fine”

- - -

I stared at him even as he denied being in such obvious pain, it then hit me, he must have a hangover, ah that illusive effect of drinking that I never seem to get.

“You have a hangover don’t you?” I asked him and Moonlit hung his head in defeat.

“Yes” I sighed at his admission.

“You know, you don’t have to try and put on a brave face around me. I could care less whether or not you have a hangover or not, Moonlit. It is not like you went out with the purpose of getting one”

- - -

“Every one of us owe the maker a death, so do not mourn the dead too much Rainbow” said Applejack, speaking philosophical and all I just grimaced. She wasn’t usually like this.

“It isn’t the dead I mourn for, Applejack, but for Scootaloo… The Senate is worried about how to deal with her brother’s death in the line of duty, and whether or not she can receive his benefits” I responded as I let my education through. I may not have been the best student but I did learn in school, and I was no dumb jock, I just learned differently…

- - -

Sitting just inside the Senate building I watched as Rainbow paced in front of me.

“Sit down Rainbow, you are making me tired.” I said just as Shining Armor walked in from the main entrance of the building and I looked up and smiled and with a gesture he made his way towards me

“General?” he said a little forced and I knew why.

“Shining, I wanted to let you know we recently hit a dead end on our last lead on our search for Cadence. However—”


“Hey, shut up and listen!” said Rainbow and I sighed…

- - -

“I think we need to expand our search area. Something tells me that…” said Moonlit and I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. “I think that the Solar Empire is unknowingly hiding something” my eyes shot open at that that wasn’t possible was it?

“What do you mean Moonlit?” I asked and Shining glanced at me.

“I do believe that she is still being looked for by the empire and as such they may have leads for us to explore that we haven’t been able to think of, or pick up yet” said Moonlit

“You’re kidding right? I mean sure there have been very few border skirmishes, but don’t you thing cooperation is a little farfetched at the moment? I mean we only just got finished whooping their flanks!” I said in surprise only for Shining Armor to glare at me.

“I don’t have time for this! I’ll see what friends I still have in the Solar Guard, or Dawn Legion, and see what I can dig up while you see if you can go through diplomatic channels and see if you can get any news that way” said Shining as he got up and left almost angrily Moonlit looked after him in despair.

“What’s his problem?” I asked even if I knew the answer.

- - -

“‘What’s his problem?’ He’s torn up about the fact we still haven’t found his lover! That’s his problem!” I nearly shouted and Rainbow just glared at me causing me to lose a little momentum.

“I know we haven’t found her yet but damn it! I have seven different wings searching at all times! That is twenty-one out of my thirty pegasus, Moonlit! That’s not including what forces Regal Star, Golden Sword, and yourself have committed to searching for this lost mare!” Rainbow tore into me only to stop when Luna stepped out into the main hall of the Senate Building…

Chapter Eleven: Senatorial and Relationship Problems

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Chapter Eleven: Senatorial and Relationship Problems

“Why are you two arguing? No forget it, I need both of you in here, now” I said this was important enough that I couldn’t waste time having them explain themselves.

“Luna, I understand me being able to enter there, but can Rainbow? I mean if I remember correctly, the only reason that Regal Star is allowed in there is the fact she was voted to be Skyville’s senator” Moonlit spoke up and I sighed.

“Normally you would be correct, however, this is a military matter and as Shadowflight’s commanding officer the Senate…” I sighed, “They want you to tell them that Scootaloo doesn’t need the funding. They are more worried about setting a president rather that what they should be worried about”

“What!?” to my surprise it was Moonlit that responded sparks flying off his horn.

“Geez, calm down Moonlit, I am not going to let them get away with it. She needs that money so she doesn’t lose her house!” said Rainbow as she stood up and started to head in, “Well you guys coming or not?” she asked and with a sigh I turned to follow her, Moonlit right behind me…

- - -

“The Senate recognizes Shadowbolt Captain, Rainbow Dash to the floor” said the Senate head an elderly Earth pony whom had to yell over several senators that had started arguing once again.

‘How can Luna want this kind of chaos! I mean’ I thought as I walked out into the middle of the floor, the room grew quiet as I did so which threw me for a loop.

“Rainbow Dash, the Element of Loyalty, Captain of the Shadowbolts. You have been called before this senate to help it come to a decision about the sole remaining living family member of Shadowflight. However it has come to our attention that your relationship with the one-”

“Her name…” I said interrupting and I looked up Luna had a smile on her face as the speaker suddenly stopped to regard me for a second.

“Excuse me?” the speaker, one of the senators, the one from Maretopolis if I wasn’t mistaken, sneered and I gritted my teeth angrily.

“That pegasus’s name is Scootaloo, and with how you are acting, she is far more worthy of the funding than you or your coffers”

- - -

“I do believe she gave her answer quite clearly, madam senator” I spoke up for the first time in this chambers my eyes closed

“No one asked you general Novel” snapped the Maretopolis senator and I chuckled.

“When you attack one of us you attack all of us, or didn’t Regal Star tell you? We don’t see species in the military, we see Grey, silver, purple, gold, and black. What you are doing is an attack on the Evening Armada, for the family of one, is the family of all” I finished and Regal Star started to laugh.

“It’s been a while Moonlit! Where have you been hiding all these years? I mean I know someone was posing as you for the last couple months, but seriously!” she said and Luna tsked but there was a smile on her face as well.

“The next comment you make towards my armada better be directed at me Pretty Penny, or you find out just how far I am willing to stick out my neck for them” Luna said as the Maretopolis senator opened her mouth to say something else. “Besides, I believe that is four out of the five leaders of the Evening Armada that believe that young Scootaloo should receive the funding from her brother’s run in the Shadowbolts.”

“You opinion, Consul doesn’t count” she retorted and Luna smiled back at her shaking her head.

“Even if you were to take away my vote that is still three out of four within the Armada which means this case is closed”

“NO! THAT BRAT-” she stopped suddenly as Regal Star smacked her with her hoof.

“That brat has earned her right to receive funding from the Armada funds, she paid her due as a family member, and I will be damned to Tartarus before I let you drag this Senate through the mud in your campaign to remove funding to war orphans” sneered the Pegasus General and Senate of Skyville. As soon as she did the room exploded into angry words and shouts.

“ORDER! I WILL HAVE ORDER!” said the Senate caller and the room slowly calmed down.

“That brat is no war orphan” was the last word out and there was a tense moment as Luna stepped up to the podium…

- - -

“I am sorry to say, but we have been at war since the founding of this senate, the Sarti and Gritu are actively attacking us, as well as the Solar Empire, with whom we have a Mutual Defense Pact I might add” I said and Pretty Penny glowered at me for my comment, obviously not liking it.

“And what proof do you have of this? None I do believe” she said making me grit my teeth in frustration, but soon I smiled.

“Actually, Senator Penny, I have plenty of proof, in the form of the majority of my soldiers and the ambassador from the Solar Empire, who was also attacked”

- - -

“Well that was difficult” I said as I sat next to Moonlit and Rainbow Dash in the dining hall of my home later that evening.

“No more difficult than you could have expected, I mean these ponies know how hard it was being ordinary ponies before! How could they be so heartless” said Regal Star as she sat across the table and I smiled at her reaction.

“My dear Regal, most of them are not being heartless, rather the opposite, they are doing their best to protect the ones who placed them in the Senate. Pretty Penny on the other hoof worries me. She seemed more interested in gaining financial gain than in the enrichment of her people” I said with a worried glint in my eye which caused Moonlit to place his hand on top of mine.

“Don’t worry about it L-Consul” he said stumbling on my name with Regal sitting right there.

“Oh come off it Moonlit, I know you have been calling her by name since before she gave up her royal status, I am not going to be one to judge.” Said Regal and Moonlit blushed slightly at being caught.

“What if I told you he was more to me than just a friend then Regal?” I said and the pegasus looked at me stunned for a bit.

“Wow, damn Moonlit you finally achieved your dream. How does it feel?” she teased my coltfriend and his blush deepened slightly. But he didn’t say a word, she calmed herself though. “Well Consul you have a good stallion there, I hope you know that.” She said and I nodded smiling.

“I know that quite well, if it weren’t for him, I have a feeling all of us would be under a despot’s rule rather than our own rule” I said which made Regal look at Moonlit with a new found respect.

“Be that as it may, Moonlit, my sister will try to steal you away from your marefriend” said Regal in a serious voice which made me pause for a moment.

“Why? Why would your sister attempt to do that?” I asked and Moonlit shifted in his seat…

- - -

I sat there listening to Regal Star talk to Luna, when she addressed me personally and after hearing her warning I shifted uncomfortably that was not something I wished to have heard.

“Because, she has been trying to get Moonlit to notice her since their training days.” Answered Regal Star which made me frown.

“I told her I had no feelings for her, beyond that of a good friend.” I said with a slight groan of exasperation.

“I am of the opinion that Blue doesn’t understand that, I am sure she thinks that if you were to open your eyes you would see her for the mare she is” said Regal, Luna closed her eyes deep in thought.

“If you are thinking what I think you are thinking, than please don’t, I am willing to accept Rainbow Dash because you pushed enough, but that is where I draw the line. I do not believe that Blue wants to share” I spoke up and Regal nodded.

“You are correct she wouldn’t want to share you with Luna, from what I understood, she doesn’t think the mare that, in her words, strung you along all these years deserves a chance with you” she responded which made me turn to her, eyes narrow…

- - -

“Are you telling me that I have a Lunar Guardspony that may not do her job because she is jealous?” Moonlit asked and he made a good point, but still, I have a hard time understanding politics.

“No she wouldn’t dare risk the Consul’s life, even if she doesn’t like Luna on a personal level, she respects her too much to jeopardize her life” answered Regal and Luna looked at the Pegasus general a look I couldn’t identify on her face…

- - -

When Regal said that her sister wouldn’t jeopardize the Consul’s life I looked at her with a calculating gaze…

Chapter Twelve: Letters and Reactions

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Author's Notes:

Thanks to Deadinlight for beta-reading and helping me edit

Sorry about taking so long to update this story... I have been very busy with a lot of things

Chapter Twelve: Letters and Reactions

I stood in the throne room of Canterlot Castle, looking out the stain glass window before sighing.

“Such is the life of an Empress, is it not?” I asked aloud, as per usual no one answered, my Solar Guards standing at the entrance to the throne room, and my Dawn Legion were out patrolling the borders, not just between the newly christened New Lunar Republic, but also between us and the Gryphon kingdom which had grown far more arrogant now that my sister and her followers had split off from what was United Equestria. They encroached on the Solar Empire’s lands while our forces were busy fighting each other…

“Empress, I have a message for you from the Consul of the New Lunar Republic” stated a royal messenger and I sat up straighter and waved for the messenger to continue, but instead of speaking he walked up and handed me a folded letter with my name neatly written on the back in my sister’s hoofwriting.

“Thank you, is there anything else?” I asked and the messenger shook his head before waiting for my dismissal which I gave after I realized that was what he had been waiting for…

- - -

I was sitting in Fluttershy’s cottage as Angel glared at me, apparently he still didn’t like me after my outburst when Ponyville left the United Equestria.

“I’m so sorry Twilight, if I knew you were coming over I would have made more food to eat” said Fluttershy at which I smiled lightly.

“Don’t worry about it Fluttershy, I did come over unannounced, I don’t expect you—” I started but Fluttershy shook her head.

“Oh no Twilight, after all we are seeing each other, I should be prepared for you to come over every now and again” said the shy pegasus and I smiled at her touched by her innocence, even if some of it was just a façade.

- - -

Dear sister,
It does seem strange to address you as a peer
rather than only my sister, but I send this in the hopes
that it finds you well, and that the next message I send
is one to inform you of my victory in the Senate.
I wish to inform you of a development in the search
for Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. All the paths we
have uncovered all lead back to the Solar Empire and as
we have no jurisdiction within your borders I must ask
that you continue the search for our niece and Twilight’s
brother’s fiancé for us. I wish I could say that is the end
of the business for our letter, but I also have to request,
by order of the Senate, that Dawn Legion troops are
kept at a minimum along our borders. It seems that
although the war was ended in our favor—being
that we retained the freedom we claimed at the
beginning of the war—the Senate is nervous about
troops along our borders. I do hope that you do not
see this as an act of aggression and see it rather as
an act of a new player on the field trying to learn
how to play the game.
With love, your sister,

- - -

I sat in the empty throne room thinking about how to respond to my sister, I knew that either she was delayed with her second message, or something had happened that would prevent it from ever being sent. Next thing I knew there was a green flame and a poof of smoke as a new letter appeared in front of me…

- - -

Dear sister,
I write to tell you of good news! The Senate has passed the
motion to send aid to the Solar Empire, and with it, the opportunity
for our two forces to learn from each other. I will admit that
it was difficult for me to get the Senate to see things my way.
However, I am still certain that I wish for this form of government.
Now that I have dealt with the most pressing of the news,
I have added the loyal Rainbow Dash to the herd, and Moonlit
seems to enjoy her company as much as I enjoy theirs. Sister,
I worry that this may fall into another war, one that neither
of us alone will be able to survive. So please, do what you can
to keep your ponies supporting this joint effort. As you and I
both know, without the support of the populace, no ruler will
rule for long. Even one as experienced as you.
With love, your sister,

- - -

Upon reading that my worry grew, but it was manageable. My sister was rambling and not staying focused on any one topic. However I had to reply soon else my dear sister, Luna, would worry, and I did not wish that as she was right, if this search became a war, neither side was ready to fight again, regardless of the fronts we have put on for the world…

- - -

Dearest Sister,
I thank you for the update, and congratulations on your
addition to your small herd, and I think I will inform the
commanders of my military of what to expect, and if nothing
else, to be trading secrets with the former Lunar
Guard… Sister I know that you say you want a
Republic as your government base, but what can a room
full of ponies do that we can not?
With love,

- - -

I read the letter over and over, it seemed my sister didn’t have the same trust in our ponies that I did but at least she was not going to try to force me to change my government to a dictatorship. Something that, while I have the authority, and the forces, to do if necessary, I did not wish to do. turning around in my chair I noticed Moonlit sitting there on the bed a contemplative look on his face.

“A bit for your thoughts?” I asked him and he just gave me a weak smile.

“You do know that, if we go along with this, our forces are not likely to come home all that often, if at all if they are permanently stationed in the Solar Empire.” my young lover stated and I sighed…

- - -

Luna sighed and the look on my face grew sad. I know she had thought about it, but I needed to know about what I should tell my unicorns that were going to be going.

“I—” Luna started before shaking her head. “I know Moonlit, I know quite well. But in order for us to survive if the Gritu, and Sarti attack, we need the fighting skills of both forces…” she said and I swallowed before nodding.

- - -

“Understood, Luna” said Moonlit and I pulled him into a hug before moving to write my reply to my sister…

- - -

Dearest Sister,
I am ashamed of you, do you truly believe that
our ponies can not learn to govern themselves?
What, pray tell shall happen to your subjects
should the worst happen? I fear that they may
be lost without you to hold their hands, whereas the
ponies I have lead will be able to think for themselves.
However, I did not write you to berate your choice of
government anymore than you can of mine. I will be
sending a few of my best battlemages to meet your troops
in a fortnight, please have your ‘Dawn’s Legion’ ready to
meet them.
With love,

- - -

I sighed as I reread the letter before handing it to Moonlit to read over, his own ponies were going to be sent so it made sense for him to know what was going on.

“So I take it I am going to have to choose some ponies to send over then, am I correct Luna?” he asked me and I nodded.

“Yes, love, but we also have to make sure we don’t weaken ourselves while doing so, the Minotaurs have—”

“I know, I read the same reports you do”

- - -

“I know I read the same reports you do” I said as and rolled up the letter and sealed it with wax, Luna using her seal stamp on the wax while it was still hot to mark the letter as official. It was time we made some real progress with our mutual defensive pact...