Rage isn't always bad.

by DireRage

First published

When Dire Rage begins to turn bad can Rainbow and the other Mane Six stop him?

Dire Rage has been a runaway from the Changelings for years, as he enters Ponyville and becomes found of a special some pony will here able to keep out so the changeling don't find him? With the Changelings on Dire's tail will he be able to keep away from the killer they want him to be?


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As Dire trotted down the back road path, he looked up and was greeted by the town of Ponyville. "I've heard of this place before," He said in his usual deep voice, "wonder if they have scoured this town yet."

"Hi," exclaimed an unknown pony as he entered the town. Dire jumped a literal three feet away and turned, ready to fight, only to see a beautiful cyan pony with magenta eyes. Dire relaxed realizing it was just a innocent pony. "Um, you okay," asked Rainbow as Dire slowly moved back towards her.

"Um yeah, sorry, just so used to expecting the worst." He smiled.

"Um, okay? Well I'm Rainbow Dash. It's nice to meet you." Said Rainbow Dash, unconvinced.

"I'm Dire Rage. The pleasure is all mine," said Dire as he lightly bowed. Rainbow Dash blushed lightly at the comment. Man, she's a cute Pegasus.

"Um..." stumbled Rainbow, looking for a way to reply to the comment from Dire. Wouldyoulikemetoshowyouaroundtown," asked Rainbow. She said it so quick, it sounded like one word. A horrible save.

"If it's not to much trouble to you ma'am."

"Oh, uh, you don't have to call me ma'am," said Rainbow Dash as she began to blush harder. Damn, he's such a gentle-corn!

"Ok. And if it's okay with you I would love that," said Dire as he smiled warmly. I want to kiss her so bad!

"Ok." Rainbow turned around and began to walk to the main street of Ponyville.

Dire was looking at every building, in awe at the colors of them all.

"Um, Rainbow, who is this you're showing around," asked a very mannered voice.

Dire turned to see a white pony with a purple mane talking to Rainbow. "This is Dire Rage," said Rainbow Dash, slightly irritated at the interruption of her friend.

Rainbow leaned over to Rarity and whispered "He's a gentle-corn. I do believe he has a crush on me!" Rarity was staring at the gray unicorn as she heard the word gentle-corn.
"My, my, Rainbow Dash," Rarity exclaimed as she mumbled under her breath "She always gets the polite ones."

"Um, hello, I'm Dire Rage. Nice to meet you," said Dire as he smiled warmly and bowed politely.

Rarity noticed the scar running down his hoof making it harder for him to bow but still smiled back. "Hello Mr.Rage, I am Rarity."

"Rarity, we still have a lot of town to view, so if you could let us make our way..," said Rainbow, irritated. Rainbow suddenly grabbed Dire and dragged him on past Rarity so they could continue to go. Maybe I should ask him if he likes me? No that's just to early and stupid! Why do I even like him?!?

"Um, hi? I'm Dire." Rainbow turned to see PinkiePie standing right on top of him.

"I'm Pinkie Pie!" She said in her usual tone.

"Pinkie, get off of him!" As Rainbow shoved Pinkie off of Dire she slipped and landed straight on Dire. Through gasped breath Dire lightly laughed as Rainbow Dash got up. "Sorry."

All three ponies were laughing already. "it's...O....K" Dire slowly stranded up and thanked Pinkie once again for a cookie she gave him.

"Pinkie, we have to go now. Dire still hasn't seen a few places."

As Rainbow was talking, Dire was already moving ahead "Thanks Pinkie Pie! Come on Rainbow!"

"Now I have to show you Sweet Apple Acres."

"Okay, sounds fun. I've worked at a farm before." Dire gasped as he saw the massive farm ahead of him.

"Who's there!?" Said a hidden pony.

"It's just me, Applejack," Rainbow called out as a orange pony stepped out and looked at Dire curiously.

"Um, hello there stranger. Ah'm Applejack. nice to meet ya!"

"I'm Dire. It's nice to meet you too!" Said a grinning Dire as Applejack stared at Rainbow looking for an explanation.

"This is a new pony. I have just been showing him around." Rainbow winked at Applejack, indicating that Rainbow thought something was up with this pony.

"Uh, ma'am do you possibly have a bathroom I can use?"

"Oh, y'all just go up there and turn right." Dire gave a quick thanks and scuttled off to the bathroom.

"I think he likes me, and I like him! He's such a gentle-corn and I think he's adventurous! Did you noticed his scar on his leg?" Said a deeply blushing Rainbow.

"Maybe you should ask him? You never know," Applejack said to her friend, seeing how much she liked this pony. "Um how long have you been hangin' out with this here pony?"

"About 6 hours," said Rainbow Dash. Dire slowly trotted back down to the two mares and caught a sentence from Rainbow Dash "I really like him Applejack. I don't know why though."

He trotted back down pretending he didn't even hear that sentence. "Thank you Applejack. I think Rainbow has one more place to show me before I try to find a place to settle." Dire smiled warmly. Applejack saw the wince of pain when he moved his leg wrong.
She didn't question it, just nodded. "Have fun, be seeing you 'round!"

As Rainbow and Dire trotted up to some kind of tree, Dire asked, "Why are we going to a tree again?"

"This is the public library. It's also the home of Twilight," Rainbow said as she knocked on the door.

"Come in!" Rainbow opened the door and was greeted by a purple alicorn.

"Rainbow, this is a public library. You don't have to knock," said Twilight playfully. Twilight noticed the gray unicorn standing behind Rainbow.

Dire bowed his lowest bow possible, realizing he was in the presence of a princess. "I am Dire, your highness. It is a huge pleasure to meet you."

"You don't have to do that, but thank you. I am Twilight Sparkle. It's very nice to meet you," said Twilight.

"Twilight, this is a new pony in town and I was just showing him around." Rainbow Dash was balking at the floor, ready to leave.

"If you don't mind, I'm going to go find a place to stay now." Dire smiled at Twilight as she nicely nodded, gesturing for him to go on.

"Um, Dire, if you would rather, maybe you could come and stay the night at my place and find somewhere tomorrow?"

"Rainbow, are you sure? I don't want to cause you any inconvenience," said Dire, flabbergasted at such a nice offer.
"Yeah, I'm sure. It would be awesome! Maybe we can even become better friends."

As Dire walked to a cloud floating in the sky his horn began to glow. He started to use a flying spell to raise toward Rainbow's house. As they both walked into Rainbow's house, Rainbow stopped Dire and looked at him with two nervous eyes. Man those magenta eyes are beautiful.

"Um Dire, can I ask you something" asked a nervous-sounding Rainbow Dash.

"Sure, you can ask me anything you want," said a curious Dire.

"Um, well, uh, Do you what to go on a date with me later?" Rainbow nervously blasted out.

Dire was at a loss of words. "Uh, y-yes!"

Rainbow Dash almost jumped with joy as his response registered. She moved over and kissed him straight on the lips. "I've liked you since you first walk-" Rainbow was cut short as Dire pressed his lips against the cyan pony's.

They continuously did this occasionally stopping to catch their breaths. They finally fell asleep at 2 a.m. in the morning, and Dire woke up and was greeted by a horrible scene.

The Reunion

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"Why hello Dire." A mysterious figure moved from the shadows with a unconscious pony.

"Where is Rainbow?" Dire angrily yelled.

"If you submit yourself she is released and unhurt."

"You...you ba-" Dire was cut short as he was struck by a knife.

"Next is your heart then your both ours."

Dire slowly began to move toward the changeling queen as two servants stayed behind him and another two walked by his flank. Dire walked right up to the queen holding RainbowDash. Dire almost cried realizing what they had done to her. He fell onto his knees "Please just stop please you can do what ever you want to me just leave her alone! Please'" Dire began to cry as she slowly put RainbowDash down and healed her.

"Chain him up and leave her be." Said the queen as Dire was dragged into shackles.

"Dire... No. What's happening?" Rainbow dash slowly looked up to see Dire being dragged away and beaten.

"Rainbow I'll be back I promise." Dire said as he was dragged out of her house and slowly dragged onto a balloon.

"Hold still. This will hurt a lot worse if you flinch." Laughed the queen as a unknown substance was injected into Dire turning him into a complete black mare with holes in his legs. His ears developed holes and his eyes become a blood red.

"Hello master." Said Dire in a deranged voice.

"Who would have thought that a little romance would help us catch you. Hahaha! Dire you are now one of the most powerful changelings in the entire world. You will bring justice to this land. You will be remembered Thor years to come!" Said the queen as a weapon belt was strapped on to Dire.

"Well, guess if I'm the most powerful we might as well change leadership up a bit." Before the queen uttered a word, Dire had her guts spewed across the balloon and her body plummeting towards the ground. "Now does anyone else want to question authority before I take over?

"Sir no Sir!" Said all the leaders servants.

"Alright let's get to business." Dire said with a sinister grin on his face. Dire dropped down to the ground behind the pony known as Rarity. Before she said a word he already had her stomach contents spewed open and he was back in the balloon. As the medics arrived to help Rarity, Dire dropped in on PinkiePie and he began to slowly move his knife down her back as she helplessly screamed in pain at the unknown pony.

"NO STOP PLEASEEEEE!!" Pinkie screamed helplessly but Dire had already finished and went back to the balloon.

"Master, we have three ponies left by the names of Twilight, AppleJack, and RainbowDash."

Dire suddenly remembered his new Mare-friend and something snapped in his brain. "Take Rainbow off that list." Dire jumped off of the balloon and and landed on a unsuspecting Twilight as she stabbed her through the gut and he was at Sweep Apple Acres in less the a second.

"Only three more tr-" Applejack was cut off as a knife was twisted through her gut as she collapsed on the ground unconscious and

Dire made his way to the balloon "Um sir, where to now?"

"I am ready to head to the bunker. We will start from there. It's time this group becomes more organization. We have some people on a list correct?"

"Um no sir you have taken all current ponies out." Said one of the servants as the balloon slowly drifted into the bunker.

Dire hopped out and walked over to a speaker box and spoke into it "Hello all current servants! This is your new leader speaking, anyone to try and question my authority step up now." Dire grinned wickedly and 5 servants walked up. In a blink of the eye they were all on the ground dead. "So anyone else?" Every pony else slowly backed off. "Now then back to what we will have a new way of running things around here, anyone who thinks they are good enough to beat me can step up and try to take the leadership from me in a death fight. Also we will now have daily hits. We must stay on top of this town. We also need to renovate this place."

"WHAT EXACTLY IS YOUR NAME?!?" Said a servant.

"I am the one and only DireRage. If you have something to say just step up right here and we can settle it." There was a mass gasp as everyone realized DireRage had been caught and killed their queen. "So it's time to take our next move." Dire summoned a 75 pound weight. "Everyone must lift this. If you can't you will be culled. SO STEP UP!" As everybody stepped up Dire began to watch as people attempted to lift the weight. Every time one was unsuccessful they were killed. "Now it's time to take some more ponies out."

Dire noticed a gray pony delivering mail, he abruptly ordered that they stop the balloon. Dire dropped down on to the ground and brought the gray pony to the ground. "Why hello Miss. Hooves." Dire was grinning so big now his jaws began to hurt.

"AHHHH STAWP IT!" Screamed a thrashing Derpy. As Dire began to cut through Derpy's gut he noticed another pony watching and he through the knife and landed it straight between their eyes killing them on the spot.

Dire began to walk away as a pony nailed him straight in then jaw and another 5 came and assaulted him. He jumped up and let out a a ear piercing howl."Whoever you ponies are.... Your all dead." Dire pulled a knife and skilled showing a set of blood red teeth.