Fighting against their code

by the ninja king

First published

Spike is trapped in a crazy research facility controlled by even crazier A.I.s. He is also is trying to get out, but with the crazy A.I.s will be impossible

Six A.I.s are in control of Aperture Science. Spike with amnesia wakes up one day. He is part of a crazy research project under the watch of the A.I.s. He finds out more about the A.I.s and him. He finds out that he can escape from the facility but he can't get out with out the A.I.s trying to kill him.

This story is a comshion of Portal, Portal 2, and the upcoming game Aperture Tag (Yes that is the name).

Waking up and First Tests (edit)

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Inside a large white room, there was a glass cell with one concrete wall. A dragon laid in a bed-like chamber with glass over it. The dragon had purple scales and green spikes. He was barefoot and wearing an orange jumpsuit.

The glass over the drake opened. He got up from the bed, and six voices said, "Hello, and welcome!"

"Where the heck am I?" The dragon asked as he rubbed his eyes.

"You are in the Aperture Science Detention Center," a timid voice said.

'How did I get here...and why am I here? the dragon thought. He hit his knuckles on his head and thought. 'Come on, what happened before you got here?' He pondered a bit then he started to worry. 'I can't remember a thing!'

"Hey, are you are okay?" a commanding voice asked.

Spike snapped out of his thoughts and replied, "Yeah, I’m fine." He narrowed his eyes. “Wait, how can you see me? I can’t see how you can.”

"Well... there are cameras in the rooms," the timid voice replied.

"Well, it’s time to get up sleepy head!" an energetic voice said. "Better grab the advanced knee replacements in your room."

"Are these the things you are talking about?" he asked before putting bracelet with longs black curves on his legs.

"Yes, those are them, darling" A sophisticated voice said.

"Okay, I have them on. Now, how in the world to do I get out of here?"

"Open a portal in your room now, Spike," a know-it-all voice said. An orange, swirling vortex appeared on the concrete wall.

“Is that me? Is my name Spike?”

“Yes, your name is Spike. Any other questions?”

"How do you how know my name?" the dragon asked.

"It’s in your records, partner," a girl with a southern accent answered.

"Can you tell me why I am in here, and about my past?"

"Sorry, but we only know your name," the timid voice said.

'Damn'. The dragon cursed in his mind; a blue vortex appeared outside the room. Spike noticed the orange vortex was showing what the blue portal is facing. "Wow," Spike said while putting his hand through the orange portal, and seeing it through the blue ovular portal on the other end. It was then Spike stepped through the orange vortex.. He saw a circular door and started walking towards it.

"So what are your names?" Spike asked as he walked.

The girl with the southern accent was the first to respond. "My name is Apple Jack, but you can call me AJ."

"I’m Rainbow Dash!" the commanding voice announced.

"My name is Pinkie Pie!" the overly happy voice cheered.

"Umm... I’m Fluttershy," the timid voice said.

"My name is Rarity." The sophisticated voice replied.

"And I am Twilight Sparkle." The know-it-all voice said. Just after Twilight stated her name, Spike arrived at a circle door. The door opened automatically, and he walked through. He saw a big red button in a white room and glass cylinder on the ceiling with a gray cube within. Spike walked over to and stood on the the big red button. When he stepped on it, the door opened. Spike started to walk towards the door, but the door closed when he got off the button.

"You must be thinking, 'How can I get out of here?'" Rainbow Dash said.

"The cube in the cylinder will help you," Pinkie Pie said before Spike could answer. "Well, let’s just get it out of its prison." After she spoke, the cylinder's bottom opened, and the cube fell on the floor with a dull thud. Spike walked over to it, and grabbed it. He walked back over to the button, and placed the cube on it. The door opened. As he made his way to the opened door, he saw there was a blueish wall and an elevator. Spike walked through the wall without harm and continued to the elevator.

"What did I just walk through?" Spike asked.

"Oh... that is the particle field," Twilight answered as the elevator doors closed. "It will only harm anything that wasn't made to go through."

The elevator started to rise.

"There are some side effects."Fluttershy said.

"What are they?" Spike asked as he leaned on the elevator wall.

"Loss of bone marrow, loss of teeth, loss of skin, and thirst for blood," Rainbow Dash said. When she finished, the elevator door opened.

Spike walked through the opened door, and turned the corner to see concrete and glass walls. He saw through the glass to see a cube on his left, a button on his right, and in front of him was the door. Spike turned around to see a blue portal.

"This is just like the first test, but with PORTALS! So get the cube, and put it on the button. Don't worry, the portal will change." Pinkie Pie said cheerfully. Spike just shrugged. He saw the cube on the other side of his swirling door. He walked through the portal, grabbed it, and walked out.

He waited for a while until the button was right in front of him.When he reached the button, he placed the cube on it.

"I hope you were paying attention because you won’t be getting much help after this," Twilight said.

"Okay..." Spike said, disappointed, while waiting for the door to appear in front of him.

"Well, we kind of have to. So you just have to deal with it," Rainbow Dash said. The portal showed the opened door as she finished. Spike walked through the portal, the door, and the particle field. Finally, he entered the elevator. The elevator closed its doors. Spike went to the wall and leaned against it. As theelevator started to rise, Rainbow Dash spoke once more,"If you are wondering, no, you can't breathe fire in here because not every room has sprinklers." Spike gave a thumbs up.

The Portal Gun (edit)

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The elevator that carried Spike stopped at a new floor. When he walked into the room, he saw through a glass wall that overlooked a concrete room. Inside the room was a white device on a podium; above the device was a door. It was shooting blue and orange portals in random places.

'Whatever that is, I must need it', Spike thought.

"What is that thing?" Spike asked as he pointed to the white gun.

"That is the Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device," Twilight answered matter-of-factly.

"Well a better name is the portal gun!" Pinkie Pie said. "A lot less wordy." Spike just shrugged his shoulders, and he turned the corner to see a blue portal. When Spike walked in front of the portal, he saw that it was underneath the gun. Spike walked through the portal.
He landed directly in front of the portal gun. The podium spun around so that Spike was able to grab the device. On the back of the portal gun, there was an opening. The opening was large enough for a hand, or claw, to fit inside.

As Spike went to don his newest acquisition, Apple Jack shouted, “ Whoa! Careful there, Spike. You best be careful not to look into the other end of that there portal gun. Don’t touch it either.”

Spike froze. “Why? What will happen if I do?”

"It’s better if you don’t know. If we told you, it would just distract you from the tests," Fluttershy said.

"Spike, darling, don’t worry about it. As long as you do as we say, nothing bad will happen." Rarity said. "Now, I will open the door in the room, so you can continue with the tests." She said as the door in room opened. After he shot an orange portal in the opened room, Spike shot a blue portal underneath himself. Spike fell through, and when he landed, saw a door. Metal surrounded the floor around it. There was a little island of metal that had concrete walls. A platform that was hovering over a blue line, and a green liquid surrounding the platforms.

"Don't touch the water here, squirt," Rainbow Dash said.

"Except, it’s not water, it’s acid! And it will disintegrate your body!" Pinkie Pie yelled out. "Oh, and you can't shoot a portal on bumpy surfaces."

"Great," Spike said with a complete lack of enthusiasm

He shot an orange portal at the wall behind the island. He shot a blue portal at the wall behind him, and went through it. When he came out the other side, he saw that the side with the platform had a concrete wall. So, he shot a blue portal on the other end of the water for the platform to be in front of the portal. When it did, Spike walked through the portal, and rode it all the way to the door. Spike walked through the particle field. When he did, the portal gun shook a bit. Spike when into the elevator.

"Why did the gun shake? Do I get anything out of this? And what do the advanced knee replacements even do?" Spike asked while leaning on the wall.

"The gun shook because it evaporated the portals you made." Twilight answered.

"If you complete your tests, you get a PARTY!" Pinkie Pie shrieked. The elevator closed by the time her voice subsided.

"The knee replacements are in case you fall. Some falls are more dangerous than others, and they will protect you from the more deadly ones." Apple Jack said.

"What is going to be at the party, Pinkie?" The elevator fared to go up.

"Well.. cake, presents, and confetti," Pinkie Pie replied. The elevator stopped, and Spike walked out into the test chamber. The room had a particle field in the center with a metal wall. Above the field there was a small square opening showing the other side. Both sides had concrete walls. Spike saw on the side he was there was a platform with a cube on top of it. On the other side was a big red button.

"Sorry, Spike, but this test is impossible." Fluttershy said. Spike just rolled his eyes, and shot a blue portal behind the cube and an orange one underneath him. As Spike stood behind the cube, he tilted his head in confusion. How was he supposed to lift the cube with only one claw? Spike pointed the gun at the cube, and it started to float.

Spike's eye widened in as the gun lifted the cube. Spike dropped the cube, and shot an orange portal through the hole in the metal wall. Next, he grabbed the cube with the gun, and carried it with him through the portal. Upon exiting the portal, he dropped the cube on the button.

"Sorry if Fluttershy mislead you, but we wanted to see if you would be able to do it. This was to test your ability to solve problems when provided false information." Apple Jack said as Spike made his way towards the elevator.

"It’s ok. I pass didn't I?"

"That is true." Rarity said. "Congratulations, darling, you are that much closer to your party."

'Maybe they are still lying about not having my records. They did just lie to me about the last test. But I can't ask them, they might lie again',

Spike thought as he went through the particle field. Spike leaned on the elevator wall while waiting for it to stop. When it did, Spike walked out of the elevator to the sound of clangs. Getting closer, he saw an orb that was floating up and down from the concrete floor and and some sort of device. Over on the concrete wall, there was something producing a red light.

"Spike," Rainbow Dash said, "You need to put that energy ball into the light source over there--it is called an entry catcher.

"Don’t let that ball of energy touch you, it--just don’t touch it, and nothing bad will happen," Twilight added.

"Got it." He shot a blue portal were the red light stopped. His next shot landed on the spot where the ball had been bouncing off the floor.

The ball passed through the portal, and then hit the catcher; it made the door open. Spike walked through the door, particle field, and leaned on the elevator walls once more.

Physics, Turrets, the Counsel, and scribblings (edit)

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Spike walked out of the elevator, and turned the corner to see a platform high up. There were metal walls all around. Something else that caught his attention was a hole in the floor. "It is time for some real fun!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. "You need to shoot a portal at the bottom of the wall, and another directly above you."

When she finished, the panels above Spike started to move closer to the platform above him, which was angled up. Spike walked towards the hole. What he saw was a concrete floor. He shot a blue portal in the hole, then turned around to shoot an orange portal at the wall above him. Spike jumped into the hole and went through the blue portal. Spike was blasted out of the orange portal and landed on the platform. He saw a cylinder with a cube in it, and a patch of concrete on the wall.
"Forward momentum between portals is determined by the speed of the object." Twilight said as the patch of concrete was being pushed out, and raised slightly up.
"Or in layman's terms, 'Speedy thing goes in, speedy thing goes out'," Pinkie Pie quickly added. Spike shot an orange portal at the concrete wall. Spike looked down to look at the blue portal and saw it was a long way down.

"And if, by chance, I happen to miss my intended target?" Spike asked.
"The advance knee replacement will absorb the brunt of the impact," Rainbow Dash explained.
"Good to know." Spike jumped off the platform, towards the blue portal below. Tears blurred his vision as he rocketed out of the orange portal. He hit the was with such force that the only thing that prevented him from falling was his free claw. After he slid slightly down the wall, Spike looked in terror at the claw marks that he had left.

"Spike, can you not destroy the wall, please?" Rarity scolded. "It can’t be of use if it is ruined”

"Okay." Spike pulled his left claw out of the wall. When he turned around, he noticed two buttons. One of them was large while the other one was much smaller; the smaller one, however, was on a pedestal. Out of curiosity, Spike walked towards the button on the pedestal, and pressed it. There was a slight rumble as the cylinder opened, releasing its captive. He backed up to get a running start.

When he got to the wall, he sprinted, pushed off hard, and landed on the platform across from him. It took only a moment for Spike to regain his footing; once on his feet, he picked up the cube, and leapt from the platform. He fell through the blue portal, once more rocketing out of the orange portal. In a last second decision, Spike used the cube to keep from directly impacting the wall.
At least he had the cube to slightly cushion the blow. Spike placed the the cube on its new home.

"You are going to get to the party in no time!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

"Spike,darling, don't listen to Pinkie," Rarity said. "The test are only going to get longer. But don’t worry, you can do it. " Spike made it to the elevator as Rarity stopped talking. He took his usual spot against the wall, and up he went, off to the next trial.

Meanwhile, in a dark room, Twilight, Apple Jack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity; and Rainbow Dash were all hanging in a circle, with the help of the wires on their backs. They all had two spheres on their backs, and one on the back of their heads. Wires protruded from their head, giving them the appearance of having hair.

Twilight and Rarity both had metallic horns. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy had extensions to what resembled wings coming out of their backs. The only two without anything extra were Apple Jack and Pinkie Pie.

Rainbow Dash had blue skin and a rainbow mess of wires which combed her eyes. Fluttershy had yellow skin and pink "hair". Apple Jack had a orange skin, a yellow pony tail, and a metallic cowboy hat. Pinkie Pie was pink, even her puffy, cotton candy “hair”. Twilight had purple skin; her pink and purple wires were fashioned to resemble bangs. Rarity’s skin was white as snow; it was complemented by her styled purple wired.

"He is very good with the portal gun. He might ruin the party!" Pinkie Pie said, more worried than excited.

"Calm down, Pinkie. He won't ruin it," Rainbow Dash said.

"Pinkie is right. He is doing very well. There is a chance," Fluttershy countered.

"Fluttershy has a point, darling."

"He trusts us, Rarity. What makes you so sure that he will ruin the surprise?" Apple Jack asked.

"You may be right. But the tests don’t seem to be giving him any problems. How can we be sure?"

"Girls, calm down!" Twilight ordered. "I made the plan, and it can’t fail."

"Uh... Twilight. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but your plans aren't the best. Your plans have a record of having...consequences."

"AJ, only one of my plans failed! Well, let's see how Spike is doing." At her words, monitors rose out of the floor; on the monitors, Spike was in his usual spot as the elevator was making its ascent.

When Spike walked out of the elevator, he saw the platform was made of the bumpy metal. He saw that his floor had a concrete floor, and the wall behind him was also concert. Maybe I can increase my speed when I fall into the two portals more than once. Spike shot a blue portal at the top of the wall and an orange one beneath him. He shot between the two portals, gaining speed at an incredible rate.

As he left the blue portal above, he turned, and shot another blue portal at the wall across from the platform. With the speed he accumulated, he shot into the orange portal below. He was catapulted out of the blue portal and landed on the top platform. He was barely able to not overshoot the platform. From the platform he could see the elevator.

"Too easy." Spike made his way to the elevator.

"Don't get cocky, Spike," Twilight said. "Getting overconfident will set you up for a fall."

"Then give me harder tests," Spike replied as he leaned on the elevator wall. He got no reply. The elevator doors closed, and started to move. The elevator when up, and stopped at the next test test chamber.

"Spike, the next test chamber is under repairs," Fluttershy said. "So you will be at testing grounds for military grade turrets. Sorry." Spike just rolled his eyes.

Spike walked forward to see metal walls with the floor and ceiling being concrete within a long hallway. He saw some glass on his right, and behind it he saw a white spherical object that had three black legs; it had a red eye with a laser coming out of it. The laser was locked on Spike, and the sides of the object were opening.

"Target acquired," it said in a robotic, feminine voice. Spike jumped when it fired, but laser didn't go through the glass. Spike gave a sigh of relief when the shot missed. Spike continued to walk forward into a new room. That must be the turret Fluttershy talked about.

When he turned the corner, he heard the familiar female voice say, “Dispensing product”.
Spike quickly went back to the corner; he popped his head from behind the wall. He saw that the walls were that bumpy metal, but the floor and the ceiling were concrete with a turret standing in the middle of the hallway. Next, he noticed the turret close up. It asked, "Are you still there?"
'Maybe I can make it look it at the floor so I don't get shot.' He shot an orange portal underneath the turret, and a blue on the ceiling, several feet away from the orange one. The turret fell through and hit the floor, landing on its face. It closed saying, "I don't blame you."

Relieved, Spike started to walked down the hallway. When he turned the corner he saw the back side of a turret and a long hallway with a pane and cubes at the end. Spike quickly turned the corner to see the back side of a turret.

When he was close enough, he grabbed it with the portal gun. "Put me down," the turret demanded. Spike threw the turret as far as he could, and it landed it on it's side. It fired randomly like the other one.

"Whyyyy?" it asked as it closed. Spike went down the hallway to the panel and the cubes. He noticed that the cubes were stopping the panel from going into the wall. His curiosity getting the better of him, Spike started removing the cubes that were preventing the panel from going into the wall. Spike stopped when he had enough space to crawl though.

He notice something strange as he crawled through the tunnel There were cans of open food and empty water jugs scattered along the tunnel. Spike turned to the right to see 'The Party is A Lie' painted on the wall in black paint.

'Weird, Spike thought. The party is a lie? What are they lying to me about...the party? Maybe. Well, I am not going to get any more information staying here. Maybe there are more clues like this in the other test chambers'. Spike crawled out of the chamber and saw a turret behind a pane of glass. He also saw an opening in the glass. The concrete was on the roof, and a red 'x' was above the turret. Spike shot an orange portal above the turret, and a blue portal underneath a cube.

The cube fell through, and when it hit the turret, it made the turret fly across the room. He heard the shots of the turret and it say, "Critical error." Spike walked towards the opening. When he was in front of the opening, he saw the elevator and the particle field.
Inside the elevator, he leaned against the wall as the elevator took him to his next challenge.

A fragment of Spike's shattered past and a companion (edit)

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Spike walked out of the elevator to see a long room with a ball of energy bouncing against the walls and ceiling. He turned to his left to see a cube with a gem shaped object in the center of it. Then a clinker opened, and the cube dropped from it.

"Spike," Fluttershy said. "The gem cube will help you throughout this test." Spike grabbed the cube, using it as a shield as he walked down the hall. Luckily, the energy ball wasn't able to pass through the cube he was using as a shield. When he got to the end of the hall, he saw a second room that had a drop for its entrance. Spike dropped down into the room, and saw three doors with orange dots next to each door.

"The three rooms will contain tests that you will need to pass for the door to open," Rainbow Dash explained.

Spike didn’t know what each room had in store for him, which was only a little bit worrisome. So Spike grabbed the gem cube and went to the room to his left. When Spike turned the corner he saw that was an energy ball bouncing off the wall and a door in the middle of the room. Spike also saw a button elevated up on a platform.

Spike walked over and placed the cube on the platform. When the door opened, the energy ball bounded back and hit the wall again. Spike groaned when he saw a second door with another button. He walked over to the button and the door opened to reveal an energy catcher. The ball went in and Spike stepped off the button .

Spike grabbed the cube. Once he had the cube, Spike exited room and passed through the doorway in front of him. When he turned the corner, he saw a cannon aimed at a closed door. Next to the cannon was one of the big buttons. Spike also noted that on the other end was another button with platforms, forming a path to the final button.

"Sugar cube, you need to shoot a ball into the empty room," Applejack said. "The cannon is the only way to shoot a ball into the room." When Spike put the cube on the button next the cannon, he heard the ticking of a clock counting down. Spike jumped on each platform while hearing the ticking getting progressively faster. Spike climbed onto the final platform when the ticking was fast enough that Spike wondered why the cannon had not fired yet. Spike quickly pressed the button, and luckily the door opened just as the timer stopped. The cannon fired, and the ball entered the room through the door.

Unfortunately, the door had the same ticking sound, but it was much faster than the cannon's. It closed just as Spike had started to jump back to the cannon. Spike grabbed the gem cube and went into the third room.
But when he was walking down the third hallway, he saw that there was a little hole in the wall. When Spike looked through it, he saw that there was some concrete on the other side. So he shot an orange portal into the room, but he didn't see a concrete in his room. He only saw white walls that made up the wall. But, on a whim, Spike shot a blue portal on the white wall. Spike smiled when he saw through the blue portal.

Once inside the room, he saw more scribblings of the phrase 'The party is a... ' line. But he saw more scribblings that were much smaller around pictures of ponies and dragons with their faces replaced with the same cube that he is using. As he walked through the room, he saw a doodle of a camera and the words 'They're watching.'

'Holy crap! Whoever wrote this is crazy,' Spike thought.

Spike walked out of the room and back into the hallway. Spike grabbed the cube before he entered last test chamber. He saw the chamber was completely white and had a big red button in the center of the room. Spike put the gem cube on the button, and watched as one of the walls tilted up. He shot a blue portal at the now angled wall, and an orange beneath him. Spike went through the blue portal and plummeted towards ground. Before he could hit the ground, he shot a blue portal, so he could be propelled out of the orange portal. But there wasn't a platform to land on, instead there was a second angled wall.

Quickly Spike shot a blue portal at the new wall, and an orange one at the ground as he fell. When he fell through the orange portal he slingshotted out of the blue portal fast. Luckily, there was a platform for Spike to land on.
When he landed on the platform, he saw that it was another white room, but it was much smaller; and he could see there was a small platform with a small button on the wall. Spike shot an orange portal on the ceiling above the platform and a blue one right in front of him. Spike stepped into the blue portal, and landed on the platform. Spike walked over the button, pressing it quickly .The ding was so loud that it echoed throughout the chamber. Spike jumped from the platform to the bottom floor.

He walked to the main chamber with the gem cube. The door that had previously been closed was now open. Spike went into the newly opened room. Inside the room was a closed door, a closed cylinder, and a button behind a piece of glass.
"Spike, the gem cube can't come with you," Twilight said. "You need to put the cube into the furnace." Spike put the cube on the closed cylinder, walked over to the button and pressed it. When he pressed it the cylinder opened and the gem cube fell down into the furnace. "Wow, the was surprisingly fast. Most others took longer to come to a decision." The closed door opened, inviting Spike to enter.

"Spike, when you become a scientist, bring your kid to 'Bring Your Kid to Work Day'!" Pinkie Pie exalted. Spike started to ponder a bit on what Pinkie had said because it sounded so familiar. Then, as a part of his memory returned, he gained a sense of weightlessness, and he sailed into space.

A younger Spike in a blue tank top and red shorts was in a car. Next to him was a food battery. A woman with bubble gum pink hair with a white lab coat was driving the car.

"Mom, when are we going to get to Aperture Science?" he whined.

"Soon, Spike. Soon," she said.

"Mom, is this going to be like when I went to Black Mesa?"

"No, son, it’s not going to be like that at all."

"Good, because I didn't like lying to aunty Luna."
When the flashback ended, the elevator doors opened, and Spike was faced with his next challenge.

Ture Colors (edit)

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Spike walked out of the elevator and saw an energy ball bouncing on an angled wall. Next to it was another angled wall, and the energy catcher was above it in a white room; with a silver door to the right.

"This is your last test Spike," Pinkie Pie said. "When you finish this last test, we can have your party!" Spike thought about how he was going to complete the test.

Spike shot a blue portal at the wall with the energy catcher, and an orange portal near the energy ball. When the energy ball went through the orange portal, it was going straight. In response, Spike shot a blue portal in a different place in the room so the energy ball could get into the energy catcher.

The door opened, revealing a hovering glass panel. Spike was amazed at the sight of the glass panel.Never before had he seen anything like it..not that he could remember anyway.

"Spike, the platform will take you to your party!" Pinkie Pie said happily.

He walked onto the footing platform. The platform jolted to life, bringing its passenger to their destination. Spike glanced off of the platform, only to see a massive pit below him. He saw an energy ball bouncing between two white walls. Spike shot an orange portal on one of the sides and went through. Quickly, Spike shot an orange portal on the roof of the hallway when the energy ball went through the blue portal.

Continuing down hallway, there was white wall that was blocking Spike's path. Luckily, there was enough room for Spike to shoot an orange portal at the wall. Next, Spike shot a blue portal at the wall that was blocking his path. When the platform got to the wall, Spike went through the portal. Fortunately, he was able to stand on the edge of the orange portal.

Spike waited a little while before the glass platform came into view. When it arrived, he jumped on it. He looked down to see that the huge pit was gone. But in its place was the acid a few test chambers ago. Spike just shrugged it off as part of the test; and looked up to see a birthday hat and streamers on a bumpy metal wall. The platform turned and started to descend to a room with a big pool of the green liquid.

"Spike, the test is over," Fluttershy said. "Don't worry, the acid will only dissolve organic materials. The portal gun isn't organic,so it can survive being submerged."

"Good-bye!" all of the AIs shouted in unison.

Spike was shocked by what they said. Spike was starting to freak out as the platform got closer to his imminent demise. All was not lost, however. Spike saw a glimmer of hope in a form of a concrete platform above the pool of acid. When Spike got to the room with the pool of acid, he saw the part of room that was made of concrete.

With no time to waste, Spike shot an orange portal at the platform. Then, Spike jumped towards the wall, but before he hit the wall, he shot a blue portal at the wall. Sweating and breathing heavily, Spike drew a sigh of relief once on the platform.

"What are you doing!?" the AIs demanded angrily.

"Just what you told me! You said not to touch the acid, and that if I listened to you, then nothing bad would happen. I am merely doing as I was told. After all, you never told me to touch the acid." Spike retorted.

Spike noticed a metal platform with a door above him.

"Spike this was part of the test!" Rarity said unconvincingly.

"Yeah! Just wait for someone to bring you to the party," Pinkie Pie added.

"Just put the gun down, partner. Stay where you are, and someone will come get you." Apple Jack said.

Spike rolled his eyes. He shot an orange portal at the top of the concrete wall, and a blue one right beneath him. He fell through the blue portal, and went through the orange portal. Before he hit the ground, he shot the blue portal under him. When he went through the blue portal he was catapulted out of the orange portal. He landed on the metal platform and went to the door. Spike entered the door and saw the room had metal and concrete wall and the top had a metal catwalk. Spike grinned while he walked over to the metal wall. Spike crashed his claw on the metal wall. He was shocked to see that his scratch didn't do anything to the metal wall.

"Spike, we can't see you, but somehow we can feel you running behind," Twilight’s voice echoed.

"Got to go," Spike said under his breath.

He shot an orange portal at one of the bottom concrete walls, and then he shot a blue portal at one at one of the concrete walls near the catwalk. After he shot the portals, he walked through the orange, and onto the catwalk. When he got on the catwalk, Spike could see a hallway with a drop at the end.

Spike walked through the hallway and looked down from the drop off. He saw a glass tube above a pool of acid. Spike jumped down, barely managing to land on the glass tube. Spike continued to walk down until it went straight up. He looked to his right and saw a platform that turned into a hallway. On his left was a small platform with a concrete wall. Spike quickly shot a blue portal at the wall. Just in case, he turned to see if there was any chance that he missed.

Luckily the drop off was completely made out of concrete. Spike jumped towards the wall.

He fired an orange portal at the wall before he hit it. Spike exited the blue portal and started to run. When he got to the edge of the ledge, he jumped. He landed on the catwalk, took a few seconds to regain his composure, then made his way down the catwalk.

"Spike you shouldn't be here." Fluttershy said. "You're not being very nice."

Spike managed a chuckle. Like you were nice to me by lying to me; followed by trying to give me an acid bath?
When Spike got to the end of the hallway, he saw it had a small drop off. He looked down and saw that it didn't have any acid, but there were closed doors on each side of the room; and a metal circle on each side of the roof. Taking his chances, Spike jumped down, landing in the white room. When he got a better look, he noticed the circles were actually pistons, and they closed above him.

As he was examining the room, he saw, out of the corner if his eye, black smoke coming from the door to his right. The smoke was followed by a ‘beep!’ Spike turned his attention to the door, watching it as it slowly opened.. Behind the door was a turret.

Acting on pure reflex, he jump out of the was as the turret fired. Spike shot an orange portal next to the turret and a blue one right in front of him.

"Hey put me down!" the turret said as Spike grabbed it through the portal. It's sides opened. He threw the turret; when it landed on its back, it started firing.

When the turret finished firing, it's sides closed, and it said, "Nap time." When the turret finally quieted, a door at the north end beeped and black smoke poured out.

Spike went into the room to take cover as the door opened to reveal another turret. Spike quickly shot a blue portal behind the turret. Spike walked through the portal, and kicked the turret over to its side. When it's sides closed, it said, "Resting."

Then, the door on the other side opened with black smoke and a loud beep, just like the others. Spike wasted no time turning, he shot a portal behind the turret and shot one right next to him. "I see you," the turret said before its sides opened. Spike jumped into the portal just before the turret started to fire. When the turret didn't have Spike in it's sights, it said, "Can you come over here?" When Spike was behind the turret he kicked it, tipping it over. It fired randomly like the others, its last words were, "Hibernating."

"I hope the last door has the last turret that I have to see to day." A loud beep and black smoke came from the last door.
Only one turret was in the room, but with a white hand with two fingers instead of five. Inside the room was an open roof. Spike shot an orange portal next to the turret and walked through the blue portal. When he got behind the turret he grabbed it. Its sides opened and it said, "Illegal operation." Spike tossed it forward, it fired randomly as it land it on its side.

"No hard feelings," it said as its side closed.

Spike looked up to see if there was any concrete that he could shoot his portal gun at. By his luck, there was concrete, so he shot a blue portal at it.

Spike walked through the orange portal and into the new room. He saw the room had a metal floor. To the right of him was a pool of the green acid with leagues of metal with concrete. He shot a blue portal behind the metal platform. When Spike walked through the orange portal, he saw a second metal platform that was leading to a long hallway. Spike shot a orange portal behind the new metal wall. He walked through the blue portal, and started to walk down the hallway. When Spike got to the end of the hallway, he saw a closed door.

Spike opened it and walked though a parcel field, and his portal gun shook after he passed through. When he got through the field he saw the room was a small office with a small button. The next room was completely empty except for a small white circle on the ground; and in the farthest room was another small office with a door at one side blocked by lances of glass. Spike pressed the button, causing a white ball with a green eye and small cylinder with a green laser pointer just like the turret appear. When the turret-like machine pointed its laser at Spike, it beeped as it fired a rocket.

Spike sighed in relief when the rocket didn't hit him, but the glass. Spike gather himself and ran over to the other side of the empty room. He had a plan. He stopped in front of the pane of the glass that, somehow, was still in intact. He waited for the turret to target him, and when it did, he ran towards the door. He managed to close the door before the turret’s next rocket could catch up to him; causing it to impact on the door.
When he arrived inside, he saw the room was completely made out of concrete with a glass tube with part of it shattered, air was being sucked in. Spike walked over to it, and not knowing that it could suck him up,go too close. He was instantly swept off his feet as the air sucked him in.
Spike spent a few minutes in the tube until he crashed into a test chamber "Hey your back!" Pinkie cheered. "Stay there so the party associate can take you to your party."

Spike looked around the room, not paying Pinkie Pie any attention. The room that he crashed into was like the 'impossible' test chamber, but with a much bigger opening at the top and one button. Spike grinned when shot a blue portal into the room with the door ,and an orange one into the room that he was in. Spike walked through the portal, onto the button.

The door opened to reveal an empty room with a hole. He shot an orange portal in it. Spike walked through the orange portal,continuing down the empty hallway. When he got to the end, Spike looked down into the pit. The pit was tiled blue with machinery scattered around. Without any other options, Spike jumped into the pit.

Confronting the Six (edit)

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When Spike landed and the hole above him closed, he noticed that the assorted machinery was part of a larger computer. As Spike looked around, he found a pile of papers next to a monitor that said ‘Uber’. He walked around the room and found a metal door underneath a sign that said 'test active,' but when he tried to open he found out that it was locked.

Spike tried to use his own weight to break down the door, but it didn't budge. His weight failed him, so Spike tried to scratch it with his claws;but unfortunately the scratching didn't do anything. Who the heck made this! Groaning, Spike walked back to the desk and grabbed the papers next to the computer. With the mass of papers in hand, he began to read through them.

After he read the papers, he discovered what the six AIs looked like. He also learned that they were part of a project called 'Metal Revival'. Something else that caught his eyes was at the end of each profile were the same bold, red letters: PROJECT STATUS:FAILURE. SUBJECT STATUS:INSANE. When Spike put down the papers, he turned on the computer.

The computer jumped to life, and instantly he saw a list. The list was an extensive list of names, but the only name that he was interested in was his own. But when he tried to open his file, the screen displayed, ‘Name Only.’

"Dang it!" Spike shouted. He was about to close the terminal when he saw the name 'Celesta' right below his. When Spike clicked it, her profile popped to show that she was a white unicorn with pink bubble gum hair. "M-m-mom?" Spike asked as tears filled his eyes. All of these emotions were causing him to feel light headed. Spike started to feel weaker, everything was failing him, from his strength to his sight. Finally, his consciousness faded to black

The younger Spike was with his mother setting up his project. "Mom, can I see the robots?" Spike asked excitedly as he finished setting up his project.

She chuckled a bit before replying, "Sure Spike." Spike jumped up and down in joy ,and followed his mother. It took them about ten minutes to get to the robots' chamber. When the two got into the chamber, they saw Pinkie Pie, Apple Jack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Twilight, and Rarity with two spheres in their backs.

"Hello, Celestia," Twilight said warmly. "This must be your son, Spike."

"Yes, this is my son. Spike, this is Twilight, Apple Jack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash."

Spike groaned as he got up from the ground. Spike looked around the room and saw that the sign above the metal door said, 'no test active'.

Spike took this as his chance to escape. He ran towards the door to escape the computer room. Spike threw opened the door, he was greeted with a broken catwalk. At the end of it was an open air vent.

Spike jumped down from the catwalk onto the ground because he knew that he couldn't make the jump. When Spike landed, he saw the six robots that were searching for something above him. At the other end of the hall was a metal trap door next to a button.

"Hey Spike, what are you doing here?" Twilight asked worriedly, but still not fully convincing.

Spike replied sarcastically, "I was playing hide and seek, but I guess I just lost." Pinkie let out a loud laugh.

“Very amusing, Spike. I’ll ask you again, what are you doing here?"

“I was looking around until I ran into you, Twilight.” Spike realized his mistake too late.

"This is not the testing area, how di--Wait, how do you know what I look like." Twilight asked.

"For starters, your voice. Even if I didn't know what you looked like, I could still tell it was you because of your voice."

"So you had help with her?" Apple Jack moved next to Twilight.

"Look, I have no idea who you are talking about." Spike said sternly. "and if I did, I won't betray 'her'!"

Then all of a sudden the six cores that were on the six robots fell off. Spike tensed up at the sight.

"Spike, don't worry were fine. Those fall off all the time. We don't what they do, but we don't want to get rid of them so can you just help us jam them back in?" Rainbow Dash asked in a sincere tone.

"Sure... I am totally going to 'help' the six crazy robots that tried to kill me." Spike said. Then an idea popped in his head. He went over to the button and pressed it. The button broke and the hole opened to reveal a furnace.

"What the hell are you doing opening the emergency furnace, Spike!?" Twilight screamed. Spike ignored her and walked over the cores. He grabbed the first one which had one emerald eye.

"Hey, go make a paper volcano with real lava!" it spat as Spike picked it up. "Put a cat in space then cook it, go into lava and try to swim, drink lighting and shoot it at targets then record the results," it said as Spike walked it over to the furnace. "And see how fast I can fall," it said right before Spike dropped it in the furnace. All the robots could do was watch helplessly. There was an explosion as Apple Jack screamed in pain.

Spike grew a maniacal smile and walked over to the rest of the cores.

Spike grabbed a core with a pink eye, and when he grabbed it said, "Every living being uses 100% of their brain." Spike ignored it and walked it over to the furnace with it. "You can see your nose, but a wizard cast a spell so you don't see it all the time. Tasers are made by zombies that wanted to get everyone’s brains faster, and if you are in darkness for three days you become blind." When Spike threw it down the pit, it said, "I am going to go boom." When it exploited, Twilight screamed like she got stabbed. Spike walked over to the cores to repeat the process.

"Spike, stop!" Fluttershy ordered. Looked at her and she was giving him a death glare.

"Is that supposed to scare me?" Spike asked. Fluttershy was taken aback. How could it have not affected him? she thought. Spike grabbed the next core that had one yellow eye.

"Ha! Ha! A dragon walked into, Ha! Ha! Ha! Ok...Ok...Ok do you know why..." the core began. The core never finished the joke. It just laughed all the way to the furnace to a joke only it knew the punchline to. When Spike dropped the core into the furnace, it said "This is going to be hot!"

When it exploded, Pinkie screamed louder than her friends before her.

Spike walked over the the remaining two cores and was about to grab the core with a blue eye, but Rarity stopped him. "Spike we will call an elevator for you so you can escape," she offered.

"What makes you think that I am going to forget what you did to me, let alone trust you." Spike spat, his words filled with loathing. "Besides, how can I repay your ‘kindness’ if I leave. You did so much for me, and what kind of dragon would I be if I didn't pay my debt." spike said as he grabbed the core with a blue eye.

"This place is so boring. Your clothes are hideous, I can give you some fashion tips if you would like. Theses tips will definitely will make you look handsome, make the six robots gorgeous, and make this entire room to die for," it said before Spike threw it down the hole. It exploded, and

Rarity howled like a wounded wolf.

When Spike picked up the last core, which had a light blue eye, it said, "I am sorry for being in your way. I am sorry I am weighing you down." It said over and over again before Spike got to the furnace. "I am sorry I am not falling fast enough." It said as it was falling down the hole. When it exploded, Fluttershy made a horrifying scream of pain. When she finished screening, the six started to laugh ominously.It sent a shiver down Spike’s spine.

"Spike, we remember what the cores were used for." Rainbow Dash said with a creepy chime to it.

"Darling, they were put in after we filled the rooms with a neurotoxin. They were to prevent us from doing it again, to prevent us from doing similarly terrible actions," Rarity explained. All of a sudden a turret that fired rockets came out of the ground right beneath the six robots.

"That wasn't supposed happen." Pinkie said. Spike quickly thought up of an idea to redirect the rockets to the robots and destroy them before they could activate the toxin. Or before they could deactivate the turret. As fast as he could, he shot an orange portal behind him, and a blue one beneath the six. When the rocket was fired, the six proclaimed, 'got it,' and the room started to fill with a green mist. When the rocket hit the robots, a core from each of the six robots detached as they screened in pain. Spike ran in a zig-zag pattern, so the rocket turret didn't lock on to him as he went for the cores.

"You’re lucky, Spike. That rocket destroyed our control of the weapons in this room," Rainbow Dash said before she and Apple Jack screeched in pain. Spike did two more runs of grabbing two cores and putting them into the furnace and hearing whom they belong to scream in pain.

"Spike, that won't stop the neurotoxin from killing you," Twilight said. Spike chuckled, and went back to where the orange portal was. He prepared to jump out of the out of the way. When it fired, he dodged and started to run towards the six. When the rocket hit, he grabbed three cores, so he could beat them faster.

"Just accept it, Spike. You have lost, either the neurotoxin kills you slowly, or a rocket kills you quickly. Take the quick and painless route, " Fluttershy suggested.

When he threw the three cores down the, hole Apple Jack, Pinkie Pie, and Twilight screamed. After their screams died down, the six said in unison, "Self destruct in five minutes." Hoping that destroying the rest of the cores would stop the countdown and neurotoxin, Spike ran over to gather the last three cores. When this happened, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Fluttershy screamed in pain as room began to shake and fall apart around them.

"Self Destruct in 10, 9, 8..." the six robots said as the room started to shake harder, and more of the ceiling fell around him. When they said five, a thrust of air catapulted Spike out the chamber. Spike landed outside the hole of the room he was just in as it exploded right in front of him.
"Time to go back," a robot said as it grabbed Spike. He tried to fight it, but he was too weak, and started to lose consciousness. Just as the robot took Spike back inside, a mysterious figure watched the two from the shadows.

The Aftermath

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Spike, without his portal gun and unconscious, found himself a in small hotel-like room..The room had railing on the ceiling. Spike woke up with a slight groan. He stretched a bit and found that there was something wet going down his arm. Almost on instinct, Spike pulled the collar of his jumpsuit to investigate what the wetness was. He discovered two things upon looking down his jumpsuit: first, he noticed that he was wearing a cotton tank top. Second, the wetness that he was feeling was blood coming from his arm.

"Welcome to the Aperture Science relation/hibernation area!" a male voice chimed over the speakers.

"Dang it!" Spike shouted, knowing that he was back inside the facility. 'At least I don't have to listen to those six nut jobs'. He thought.

"You have been out for one day," it said.

"Hey, can you let me out? And do you know where I can find some bandages?" Spike waited for a while, but there wasn't any response.

He put his arm on his shoulder to slow the bleeding. Spike sighed and gave up. He then walked around the room a bit; on the walk around, he felt something was off. Spike looked down. The advanced leg replacements were destroyed, with only the ankle holders left.

Spike made his way over to the desk, there he found a medkit. Spike opened the kit and grabbed a bandage. As he was wrapping his wound, he spotted a nearby garbage can.After he had finished addressing his wound, he went over to the garbage can to deposit his ruined advanced knee replacement.

Spike walked over to the far end of the room. He stared at the wall for a moment, then scratched it with his claws. He grinned when it showed a visible mark.

"Don't do that, test subject 'Spike.' If you destroy the wall and jump down the hole, you will die." Spike rolled his eyes at the comment, and continued scratching the wall. When the wall lowered to reveal bullet proof glass, he flinched.

He had assumed the voice was lying, but it spoke truth. Behind the wall was a large pit, the bottom of which couldn’t be seen. The wall came back up as Spike turned around and went to the door. He opened the door to reveal a deep hole, and a railing that connected to the ceiling.

"Damn it!" Spike yelled as he stomped on the ground. He slammed the door shut and walked back into the main room.

"Test subject 'Spike,' you need to get back to bed for sleep. The power is almost out." Really? it’s only been a few minutes', Spike thought.
He sighed and walked over to the bed because he had nothing else to do. When Spike crawled into bed, he saw the room had started filed with a white gas that made his eyes grow heavy and his vision fade. Before too long, Spike allowed his eyes to close fully and his body to relax.

Spike woke up to a knocking at the door, and a voice that said, "Hey! Can you open this door?" He got up to see his room was in a state of disarray. The lights were out, and the only source of light was the television. Mold was growing on the desk, and when he looked at his bed, he saw his form crafted into the mattress.

"Test subject 'Spike,' you been out for over nine thousand days," the male voice reported.

"Let me in please," the voice behind the door persisted.

"I will get to you in a second." He stretched out a bit. When Spike was ready, he went to the door, and opened it to reveal a core with a gray eye on the rail.

"Hello!" the core greeted as it moved inside the room.

"Who are you, and what are you doing here?" he asked, following the core.

"My name is Derpy!" it said as it went above Spike's bed. "I am going to get us out of here, just hang on." Derpy went into the ceiling.

"What? Can you help me to get out here!?" Spike asked excitedly.

"Yeah, that was my plan." A few seconds later, Spike felt his room shake a bit as the core took control of the room. Tiles from the ceiling came loose. "You might want to hold onto something that is bolted down."

He felt the room move forward and crashed into something, and the wall in front of him started to crumble. "Sorry, are you okay down there?"

"I'm okay down here," Spike replied. He felt the room turn around so that the broken wall is in the front of him like a car’s front window. It went forward until it hit something and more of the wall was destroyed.

"Sorry... again," Derpy said as she turned the room again. She started to make the room go faster than before. It hit again, and the wall broke through. "Did we dock?"

"If you mean crash through the wall, then, yes," Spike said as he looked through the wall that Derpy just destroyed.

"Damn it!" she shouted while she came out out of the wall. Spike walked forward and stopped when he heard a beeping sound.

"Is that you making that sound?"

"No." He walked around the room to find the source of the beeping. He stopped at a slightly opened panel, next to the bed that had a dim glow seeping out of the crack. Spike pulled the panel open, the beeping stopped and revealed a little drawer. When he looked inside, two white boots that had an opening for the foot with long black curves, just like ones on the advanced meek replacements, and a small video screen with a single button next to it. Spike pressed the button, and the screen sparked to life to reveal a single line.

"Hello, I'm Apple Bloom!" a younger, country voice exclaimed.

"I'm Scootaloo," a second, more boyish voice said.

"And my name is Sweetie Bell," a sophisticated voice said.

"You just found the 'Long Fall Boots'!" they cheered in unison.

"You can jump from space and live! Well, if you don't die from oxygen deprivation, or the heat of reentry, or from space radiation or...."

"What Apple Bloom is trying to say is, when you wear them, height can't kill you or harm you at all!" Scootaloo chimed.

"Hey, Derpy, do these protect me from heights?" Spike asked while showing her the boots.

"Yep. They do," she replied. Spike put them on, and started to walk towards what remained of the wall.

"Wait!" she said, stopping Spike.

"What is it?" Spike asked.

"I can't go on with you. I need to go another way."

"Okay, don't you have a map of this place?" Spike asked.

"I do, but I don't know how long we are going to be separated."

"I can handle myself, don't worry." When he finished, Derpy went into the ceiling. Spike walked out of his room and into the ruined test chambers.