• Member Since 16th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen Jun 5th, 2023

the ninja king

Gamer,Brony, and Creapy Pasta reader (sort of).


Six A.I.s are in control of Aperture Science. Spike with amnesia wakes up one day. He is part of a crazy research project under the watch of the A.I.s. He finds out more about the A.I.s and him. He finds out that he can escape from the facility but he can't get out with out the A.I.s trying to kill him.

This story is a comshion of Portal, Portal 2, and the upcoming game Aperture Tag (Yes that is the name).

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 39 )

why doesn't he just chew through a wall and burrow his way to the sruface?

4551455 first the walls are too thick second they are not trying to kill him yet.

4551511 he can eat stone and necromnomicons dude.

4551521 ok but then he have to eat a crap tun of it.

4551527 fire breath well dude. he could alternatively just claw through it by softening it with his flames first. since he bathed in lava once, it probably could not hurt him.

4551542 still he is deep deep deep under ground. About a mile acutely. And don't say "Spike will just pore through" no he can't when he can't find enough space to tunnel up with finding gapes. If you still doubt me watch any game play from portal's second half or parts of portal 2 you see when I say gaps.

4551584 a mile compared to an extra durable little dragon with claws and teeth that make short work of solid stone and a mil beneath the earth............ not exactly that much especially if we are talking about escaping this crazy place.

4551626 Well Spike can get killed because he might not know were he is diving is strong enough to hold him or a hight that will tun him into paste.

4551626 Well, Spike doesn't know of any ill intentions yet. Once he discovers that they are after his blood, don't see any reason of why not play along for the moment, especially given his confused state. once they try to kill him, yes, he should be able to escape failry easy form them.

I have a spike story where spike goes into a place where he CA. Easily escape (I didn't posture). You just have to Max put apatute so he can't escape if he wanted to. Armor piercing rounds in cannons, twilight sedated and held hostage, a free sex ticket from rarity if he makes it through without cheating, ect.

4553884 The mIan six are not ponies they are machines

4554711 like my little portal on YouTube?

Comment posted by the ninja king deleted Jun 16th, 2014

4554954 ya. But they are the same type of machine.

4561178 manesia does not prevent one from knowing what they are.

4561201 here is the defshion of amnesia
a partial or total loss of memory.

So you might not remember what your species can do

4562491 instincts? noticing your hands have powerful claws at the end of them?

4562505 well when you punch something how do you know what you are punching won't brake his hand? Or what on the other side of the wall won't kill him? How will he know if he punches it goes on the other side won't blow up?

4562524 he wouldn't go around punching stuff. just notice the claws are somehow scrapping metal or steel easily......
then again i kinda compare him to the Gargoyles for some reason so.... shrugsw.

4562554 ok then what happens what he screeches won't go kill him or lead to a room that will kill him? Apture science has is vary deep. In the game portal 2 you see that the only way out of of Aputure is a an escape hatch in Glados' chamber. AND Spike can't tunnel up with out finding holes that he might fall and turn himself into paste from the fall.

Another interesting chapter. I kinda fear the moment when Spike will have to face the neurotoxin

4572026 a Nero what now? What in blazing frost is that

4554954 30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lnxx8lktoz1qk0hyvo1_500.jpg This image simamar to what i am saying. The main six are the same machine while Spike is not.

I love how you changed the cake to party. Keep up with the good work.

liking the idea, love that the mane 6 are Glados and Spike has to listen/follow what they say in a sense. Just a quick question. Are they robots like Glados/Wheatley or cyborgs?

5320682 Robots. Unlike Glados and Wheatley there are anthropomorphic.

Oh I got that part just wondering if full robot or like Raiden from mgs4. Also like the interaction and process of the story.

Run for your life, Spike!

bear foot

Bare foot

Six voices

six voices with s lowercase

Apeture Science Detention center

Center with c capitalized

how do I out of here

how do I get out of here

a know it all voice said


Then a blue portal came in the room on the concrete wall.

A less awkward phrasing could be "Then a blue oval, most likely the portal the know-it-all was talking about, appeared on one of the rooms concrete walls."
You mixed up the colors of the portals.

When he was out of the glass prison he was in. He saw a circler door and started to go towards it.

"When he was out of the glass prison he was in, he saw a circler door and started to go towards it."

This story would benefit from an editor, if you can find one. At the very least, come back to the chapters later to see if you missed something. You barely describe the rooms. Some people may never have played the Portal games so you need to describe the rooms. Is there a layer of dust in the rooms? Are there nicks and scratches on the walls or is the room pristine? Using contractions will help the voice of the story feel more natural instead of not using contractions which makes the voice choppy and emotionless, unless that was what you were going for. All in all, this is a not bad story but it isn't good.

sorry to be nitpiccy but you forgot rainbow dash core you have the other 5's destuction but not hers

great story overall

Oh boy. Spike's gonna have his work cut out for him.

Good chapter and can't wait to see more of Spike's past

5703210 You missed some terrible spelling mistakes, for one its Circular door, Yet alone broke canon by saying Apeture instead of Aperture, as you said at the end the story needs a proofreader AND an editor
Edit: Author gets the name right originally in the description. Gets it wrong later in the story Wtf?

Six A.I.s are in control of Aperture Science. Spike with amnesia wakes up one day. He is part of a crazy research project under the watch of the A.I.s. He finds out more about the A.I.s and him. He finds out that he can escape from the facility but he can't get out with out the A.I.s trying to kill him.

Should be
Six A.I.s are in control of Aperture Science. Spike wakes up one day with amnesia. He is part of a crazy research project which is under the watch of 6 Artificial Intelligences. He finds out more about the A.I.s` and him. He finds out later on that he can escape from the facility but without the chance of the A.I.s trying to kill him.

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